  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - December 2009


    TTTThe Temple of Nimhe Temple of Nimhe Temple of Nimhe Temple of NimMonthly NewsletterMonthly NewsletterMonthly NewsletterMonthly Newsletter


    Vol. 5 Issue No 12

    December, 2009


    UFOs over Oceania.Mayan Colonists on the Hawkesbury.



  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - December 2009


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December 2009.


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month, at the

    Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 2pm onwards.

    We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park in Ficus Street wherethere is safer parking.PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES.


    PLEASE NOTE. Please contact us prior to bringing along any new friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteriesgenerally. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the unexplained are invited to share them with usall.Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [email protected] [or catch our website or]. Please note our new email address.

    A plate of food to share for afternoon tea is appreciated.





    Latest Blue Mountains UFO reports and also any sightings reports from members.

    Discussions on the UFO phenomenon Other surprises. The Club can look back on some exciting Skywatches over the past 12 months so there should be plenty

    to discuss. A good time is assured.

    Weather permitting there will be a Skywatch out on Narrow Neck Plateau. [Dont forget - warm clothing anecessity as the weather can change very quickly!]. Dont forget to bring your torch and binoculars.


    Copyright Rex Gilroy 2004[This is a chapter taken from Australian UFOs Through the Window of Time published by Uru Publications 2004].

    Beyond Australia throughout New Guinea and Island Melanesia southward to New Zealand, UFO sightingsare far from new, and beings that descended from the sky in ages past, bringing enlightenment arecommonplace among the native peoples throughout Melanesia.

    The Ayom pygmies of the Papua New Guinea interior, for example, believe there is a sky worldsimilar to that of Earth. They believe that a great hero named Tumbrenjak once flew down from the sky

    world in a giant beetle, attached to the sky world by a rope. He spent time exploring the land, as well asfishing and hunting. However, when he went to fly home in his giant beetle he found the rope linking themto the sky world had severed.

    The Keraki Papuans of the southwest coast believe there is a sky world resembling this one, and thatit is inhabited by beings called Gainjin. This sky world is held aloft by a great rattan cane that prevents this

    aerial world from falling to earth. They fear that the great rattan cane will one day break so during bad stormswarriors stand ready to defend themselves in case any of the sky beings, the Gainjin, should tumble to earth.

    The reason they fear the Gainjin is because they once descended to earth in giant houses and settledthe Keraki peoples land, pushing the natives out of their tribal territory, stealing their women and pigs, as

    Rex and Hea th e r G i l r oy , Aus t ra l i a s t op UFO

    and Unexp la in ed Mys t e r i e s Re s ea r c h t eam.Pho to c op y r i gh t Rex Gi l r oy 2004 .

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    well as hunting all the animals upon which the natives depended for their livelihood. Eventually however, theGainjin decided to return to their own world and flew back there in their giant houses.

    There are numerous variations to both tales among the Ayom and Keraki people, but the basic threadrunning through all these tales is that these primitive tribespeople firmly believe in another world beyondtheir own which is inhabited by other beings much like themselves.

    The Cargo Cult may partly have sprung from these beliefs, and was strengthened during World WarTwo with the sight of American and Australian bombers arriving with all manner of equipment, which the

    natives of the interior took to be gods from the sky world, bringing gifts meant for them, but which thetroops were using themselves.

    Yet, even before World War Two mystery lights in the sky, also strange airships seen by day, wereclaimed to fly over the Oranje Mountains [then Dutch New Guinea] and Star Mountains, which straddledDutch New Guinea and what was then the Territory of Papua [British New Guinea].

    Unidentified flying objects were still making appearances over New Guinea skies with the onset ofWorld War Two and the Japanese invasion of the island.

    During 1942 an Australian soldier Steve Ross, while stationed at Milne Bay, and while on guard dutylate one night, saw a bright star-like object flying low over inland jungle terrain approaching Milne Bay fromthe west.

    At first I thought it to be one of our aircraft coming in for a landing, but then it suddenly increased speed and shot off

    at a 45 degree angle to the east to be lost from sight. It was far too fast for any of our aircraft, and I doubt if it was a Jap fighter.And I also recall that the craft made no sounds whatever, Steve told me some years ago.

    In another wartime New Guinea incident, another Australian soldier, Stan Keech was in the PortMoresby area during 1943, when one day, while watching a dogfight between a Lightning fighter and

    Japanese fighter plane about 5,000ft up, he happened to spot about a further 10,000ft above them, a silverydisc-shaped craft moving across the sky at a moderate speed, then suddenly shooting across the sky at such aphenomenal speed that it made the Japanese and Australian aircraft stand still by comparison. He later

    wondered if the occupants of the mystery airship had been observing the fighting going on both in the skyand on the ground.

    In the years following the end of the war, mystery craft continued to be seen in both Dutch andBritish New Guinea. For example, on August 23rd 1953, at midday, an Australian Government Official Mr

    T.C. Drury, Deputy Director of the Civil aviation department, observed a silvery object to emerge at nightfrom a cloud high over Port Moresby [there were no other clouds in an otherwise clear sky], and Mr Druryobserved the object to be disc-shaped].

    He was able to film the craft with a motion picture camera, using a telescopic lens flashing brightly inthe sun as it made an abrupt right-angle turn soon after emerging from the cloud, zooming straight up withno reduction in speed.

    Upon reaching a greater altitude, it levelled off again, with another abrupt right-angled turn, resumingits northwest flight it flew out of camera range.

    The flashing turns executed by the craft at very high speed were made with no preliminary pauses,and were far sharper than any Earth-based jet aircraft or rockets were capable of doing at that time.

    Government experts who later examined the footage, and some 94 photographs taken from

    frames, declared the object to be either a bird or a balloon!During February 1993, natives in the Kieta area [east coast] of Bougainville Island, part of the

    Solomons Group, claimed that one night a large, glowing disc-shaped airship hovered low over the oceanoffshore for several minutes, before zooming high into the sky. They told police that the airship just appeared

    from out of nowhere. The same type of craft was again claimed sighed by native fishermen off Rendova Island,which lies off the west coast of New Georgia, one night about 11pm in April that year.

    *****There remains one UFO report from Papua New Guinea which has become quite famous. It

    concerns the close encounter experienced by the Rev. William B. Gill and 38 witnesses, 25 of whom latersigned a report on the incident.

    The date was Saturday 27th June 1959; Rev. Gill was based at Boianai, PNG Church of England

    Mission. He had just had his dinner about 6pm, when he was called by Annie Laurie Borewa, a Papuanmedical assistant, at about 6.02pm to come outside to look at a large UFO, a saucer-type airship, identical toone seen the night before, but a little smaller.

    Several natives were called to watch the craft, which descended to hover over the village. Althoughthe sun had set, it was quite light for the following fifteen minutes. They could see the craft hovering at a

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    height of between 300-400ft. Rev. Gill judged the craft to have a diameter of about 5 inches at arms length.The craft when seen at a distance was glowing a brilliant white light at first, and then it changed to a dullyellow, or perhaps a pale orange when closer to the ground. The craft was metallic.

    All the witnesses agreed later that the craft was circular, with a wide base and a narrower upper deck,and that it had a type of legs beneath it, that it produced at times a shaft of blue light which shone upwardsinto the sky at an angle of about 45 degrees.

    Two eyewitnesses stated that they saw about four portholes of windows in the side, which they

    indicated in drawings. There were panels in the side of the craft which glowed somewhat brighter than therest.

    Rev. Gill later stated: As we watched, men came out from this object, and appeared on the top of it, on what seemedto be a deck on top of the huge disc. There were four men in all, occasionally two, and then one, then three, then four, we noted thevarious times the men appeared. And then later on all those witnesses who were quite sure that our records were right, and thatthey agreed with them, and saw the men at the same time as I did were able to sign their names as witnesses of what we assumeto be human activity or beings of some sort on the object itself.

    Another peculiar thing was the shaft of blue light emanating from the centre of the deck. The menwere illuminated by this, as well as by a glow that surrounded them as well as the craft.

    Reverend Gill could not see if they were wearing any kind of space suits but did notice their skinsappeared to be pale. If they were wearing clothes these were tight-fitting, he said. The figures climbed back

    inside the craft and it soon took off.However, the strange visitors returned the following evening at 6pm. This time, as everyone stood in

    the mission grounds, the same large craft reappeared, this time accompanied by two smaller UFOs, hoveringstationary, one above the hills to the west of the mission, the other craft above it. It appeared to Rev. Gill thatthis larger saucer was a mother ship.

    The human-like figures reappeared. Two of them seemed to be doing something near the centre ofthe deck, bending over and raising their arm as though adjusting or setting up something that could not beseen by the Earthlings below. One figure appeared to be standing, looking down at the people below [a groupof at least a dozen].

    Rev. Gill attempted contact!He stretched his arm above his head and waved. To their surprise the figure did the same. One native

    waved both his arms above his head and all the four beings above waved back at the group. Everyoneemitted audible gasps of surprise and joy at this gesture.

    Rev. Gill, seeing darkness descending, sent one of the natives for a torch, and a series of long flasheswere directed towards the UFO. After a minute or two of this, the UFO acknowledged these signals bymaking several wavering motions back and forth, in a sideways direction, like a pendulum.

    Waving by us was repeated, said Rev. Gill and this was followed by more flashes of the torch, then the UFObegan slowly to become larger [ie as it descended closer to earth], apparently coming in our direction. It ceased after perhaps half aminute and came on no further.

    After a further two or three minutes the figures apparently lost interest in us, for they disappeared below deck.At 6.25pm two figures reappeared to carry on with whatever they were doing before the interruption [?]. The blue

    spotlight came on for a few seconds, twice in succession.

    Rev. Gill attempted to communicate with the saucer crew by shouting, as did the natives around him,making beckoning motions to the beings to descend; but there was no response to their pleas, apart from

    waving down to them and the crafts waving motion as already described. Neither the craft nor its crew madeany sounds whatever.

    The mystery saucers soon departed, having created an incident that has entered UFO folklore.*****

    Further south lies New Zealand, whose two main islands have long been a major centre of UFOactivity. Maori folklore, for example, contains many traditions of great heroes imbued with the power offlight, and visitations by the Whenau-marama, the Shining Ones who flew down from the heavens to visitthe children of Uru, the ancient civilizing colonists from Australia as described in Chapters 2 and 3.

    Perhaps the tale of Roan and the Moon, the woman snatched by the Moon, who flew down from the

    sky to capture her, could be seen, as some suggest, as a saucer-type craft abducting early Polynesianinhabitants of old Aotearoa. These tales are seen by some New Zealand UFOlogists as distant memories ofancient astronaut visitations.

    I am reminded of one old Maori myth of a star in love with a lake that it visited frequently, wheneverI recall the sighting of a large, silvery-glowing object that was seen by onlookers one night on the shore of

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    Lake Omapere in 1942, to suddenly appear in a flash from out of the lakes centre, flying off northwards highinto the sky, emitting a loud roaring sound. This lake lies inland from the Bay of Islands in the North Island.

    That same year farmers in the Fiordland region of the South Island reported on several occasions to policeand other authorities [who took little or no notice of their reports] having seen one or more silvery saucer-type airships cruising high over the mountains hereabouts. In one night time incident, no less that six largesaucer-shaped glowing craft were seen hovering over Mt Cook.

    Twelve years later, on September 9th 1954, at Nelson on the north coast of South Island, Mr K.M.

    Gibbons photographed three circular objects at 2.20am, when he had woken and left his bed to get a glass ofwater.

    Mr Gibbons had no sooner climbed out of bed than he spotted the objects through his bedroomwindow. He grabbed his camera, which was luckily loaded and fitted with a telescopic lens, and quicklyphotographed them through the window.

    He estimated the craft were only half a mile from him at the time. They appeared blue coloured andwere tilted at angles, each showing a dark centre in the middle of which, on the developed photographs, was astubby central projection or mast.

    Earlier, in February 1951, there were a number of sightings of a metallic, cigar-shaped object,reported seen by people over a wide area of the South island. One lengthy sighting report was given by a staffreporter for the Christchurch Star-Sun newspaper:

    It was precisely at 3.46pm on November 21 that my wife and I watched an object over the foothills of the SouthernAlps for seven minutes at least.

    When we first saw it, it was gleaming brightly in the sun, and hanging motionless in the sky probably at a height ofmore than 10,000ft, about four miles west of Coutts Island.

    It was cigar-shaped, and looked as though it might have been chromium-plated, so intense was the light it reflected. Atno stage did we hear any noise in the sky which could possibly have come from it.

    We watched it for about three minutes while it hung motionless. Within a minute it started to move off quicklywestwards, towards the only cloudbank in sight, over the Southern Alps. As it moved, it emitted what appeared to be two puffs of

    pink vapour. During movement its shape did not change, but it became smaller as the distance increased.We watched it from the road running from Coutts Island to the back of Christchurch Airport, and though the

    cloudbank was about 30 miles away and its top was at a height of 6,000ft [checked with the Weather Office, Harewood], the

    object could be seen quite distinctly when it was over the cloudbank.It stopped momentarily over the cloudbank, circled and then headed north into the cloud. I am certain that what we saw

    was not an airplane, a glider or a balloon.The reporter added that although until yesterday he had not believed that such things existed, in

    future he would feel inclined to give a little more credence to reports of strange objects in the sky.Not every reporter in New Zealand [or anywhere else for that matter] is always as open-minded as the

    above journalist, and a great many eyewitnesses have often kept sightings, even close encounters tothemselves for many years, due to the ridicule they see others [who have had the courage to come forward

    with their experiences] endure at the hands of the media. As a result many important details, such as the time,date, year etc., become forgotten over the years.

    Thus, I would gladly love to know the full details of an approximate 100ft width, yellowish-glowing,

    diamond-shaped airshipclaimed seen by a Mr and Mrs Galloway, one cold, clear starry night in the winter of1959, as it suddenlyappeared out of nowhere, like a light had just been switched on, hovering high over the KaikouraMountain range, on the northeast of South Island.

    Their sighting is but one of many hereabouts over the years, sometimes of craft appearing to descendinto the heart of the range.

    In 1980 another informant - a truck driver, sighted a large golden-glowing disc-like object at 2am onesummer morning as it moved from east to west from over the ocean, high above Hapuku [north of Kaikouraat a great speedto hover over Manakau, one of the tall peaks of the Kaikoura range [2609m above sea level].

    This is one of Seaward Kaikoura peaks, the inland Kaikouras include Tapuaenuku, which rises 2885mabove sea level.

    It is hereabouts that other UFOs have been observed to descend into the midst of this deep

    mountainous region. It has led to speculation among NZ UFOlogists that a UFO Base exists somewherethereabouts, along the same lines as already revealed in Chapter 12, in regard to the mysterious goings on inthe Blue Mountains west of Sydney NSW.

    In 1993 around 6am one February morning a small fishing trawler crew off the mouth of the ClarenceRiver and up the coast from Kaikoura, got the shock of their lives, when about a kilometre east of their

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    vessel, the men saw a disc-shaped craft shoot from the water into the air at a terrific speed, emitting azooming sound as it shot off westwards, to disappear over the Kaikoura ranges.

    Some hardy UFOlogists have tramped deep into these ranges in an effort to locate a possible UFOBase, so far without success. Yet New Zealands South Island wildernesses are virtually impenetrable inmany regions and it is just possible that, if such a base exists somewhere within those foreboding wilds, itmay remain hidden for along time to come as far as ordinary ground exploration parties are concerned.


    On October 1st

    , 1976 Mrs N. Thompson sighted a UFO at Kaukapakapa, inland from KaiparaHarbour and northwest of Auckland in North Island.

    It was like a big orange light in the sky at first, before gradually changing to blue, she informed me in 1979.It was very high up in the sky when I first spotted it at 11pm on a clear night. The object was flying south to

    Hellensville.I later learnt that a good many other people also saw the object that night. Someone must have phoned the Air Force,

    because a jet fighter flew over the area not long afterwards. Otherwise the whole matter was hushed up in the media by themilitary.

    There have been a number of UFO sightings in the Hellensville district over the years. In 1978 a huge saucer nest wasdiscovered in a swamp near Hellensville, but once again the authorities hushed it all up.

    Several light aircraft were in the Hellensville area one day in September 1978, when a large silvery disc-shaped craft flew

    high over the area. The pilots all reported seeing it, and there were other reports of the same craft as it shot across the sky overAuckland at terrific speed out to sea. Once again, a big cover-up followed, she said.

    Several saucer nests were discovered at Bell Block, near New Plymouth and off the North TaranakiBight, North Island over a several month period between 1972 and 1973. Air Force personnel and othergovernment investigators are believed to have inspected these sites, after which there descended the usualwipe and a blackout on all media reports.

    My wife Heather and I have carried out many field investigations in New Zealand, since our first visitthere in 1980, in the course of which we have gathered a considerable amount of UFO activity informationfrom the public.

    During our North Island investigation in March 2000, we were staying at the Kerikeri [Bay of Islands]home of Yvonne and Gary Stephens. On the Tuesday night of 7 th March while I was talking to Yvonne in

    their backyard, which opens onto a back paddock, she spotted a silver streak in the sky directly above. Thetime was 9pm.

    I stayed up that night, in the backyard with binoculars scanning the heavens. At 3am I observed fromthe same spot as before, about a kilometre away, looking north, an object of teardrop appearance emitting apale white glow, moving swiftly below what had by now become an overcast, cloudy sky.

    It appeared to be flying just above treetop level from east to west and vanished behind tall trees.Then, immediately afterward I spotted the same type of teardrop [ie rounded at the front, pointed at therear] object flying from the south, northwards across the western horizon above treetop level, to vanishswiftly behind trees. Both craft flew silently.

    Then, once again from behind the Stephens house, on Saturday night at 1am, as I conducted anotherSkywatch, I saw, high in the western sky, a silvery spherical object. It flashed across the clouds that were

    scattered in the moonless sky, moving from the northeast to the southwest in a matter of a few seconds.The Kerikeri-Bay of Islands district has a long history of UFO sightings.On the evening of Wednesday 15th March we were visiting Waihi, north of Tauranga and at the

    southern base of the Coromandel Peninsula, inland from the Bay of Plenty, on the northeast coast. Wehappened to be standing in a street looking west, when suddenly, high in the sky, with the sun having just setbehind the hills west of the town, we observed a silvery-gold object [sunlight reflection], standing stationaryamid the clouds, which were at this time coloured orangey-pink as the sun set.

    As we watched, the object remained stationary for a full 15 minutes. Then, it rose higher and movedtoward the town until it was at a point some 40,000ft above us.

    The object now appeared spherical and had to have been quite large, and there appeared two metalliclegs or telescopic extensions on each side of the object from where we stood. As I observed the craft with

    our binoculars, the two extensions on each side began changing positions, at first pointing downward, thenrising upwards or changing to a level position.

    The mystery object then began rising suddenly until it vanished into the stratosphere.A friend of the author, Mr Steven Straka of Matamata, North Island, informed me that UFOs have

    been seen around Manukau Harbour to Aucklands southwest.

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    I have heard that three saucer-type shining silvery craft were observed shooting over the harbour in April 2000 andover two consecutive nights on 15th-16th of that month, at around 9pm and 11pm consecutively, by many people.

    The craft flew around the harbour in a few minutes after appearing to fly up from the southwest and then fly eastwardsout to sea and vanish from sight. The height was about 6km at all times.

    At Milford Sound, South Island on the night of 21st July 2000, two campers on the Milford Track,Greg Townley and Glen Thomason, at around 8pm spotted, a yellowish-silvery glowing object perhaps 10min length and roundish in shape, moving high over the Sound to their north and approaching from the sea.

    The object rose over the Mariner area to the south [but out of their view] they estimated, then continuedupwards into the clouds and moved off slowly southward over the peaks out of view.

    An orange-glowing saucer was spotted by a group of seven tourists on the evening of 12th February2000, as it flew out to sea [to the east of them] from south to north, and perhaps about 3km above the ocean,from their point of observation, which was at Cape Wanbrow, near Oamaru, South Island.

    The Cape Reinga district has been an isolated area for mystery lights. Maoris have told me years agothat their ancestors knew of stars, or lights from the sky, even fires from the heavenscoming down to driftover the land.

    In modern times reports from farmers and Maori farmers thereabouts, persist in this remote,windswept region. On Saturday 15th September 2001, Heather and I while on yet another New Zealandinvestigation, were driving south from Kerikeri through Whangarie at 8pm, when I noticed a brightshimmering gold-silver light hovering high above the town. It then proceeded to move slowly over theharbour to once again stop and hover. It then began rising heavenward. The time was 8.15pm. The objectrose into overhead clouds as the light faded to nothing.

    The Lake Taupo district of central North Island is another rich source of UFO activity lately. Areddish-glowing, egg-shaped craft was seen to hover silently over Motuoapa at 2.30am on the night of

    Thursday 6th September 2001, by a group of Maori fishermen, who had been seated around a beachfrontbarbeque after some night fishing.

    The object just appearedfrom overhead clouds and descended to within a kilometre over MotutaikoIsland. The night was dark and the glow was brilliant. Amid the red a string of silvery lights or windows

    were visible, and one man grabbed binoculars from his car for the people to have a closer look. The craftstayed hovering for 10 minutes before flying off at a gradually increasing speed toward the Western Bay areato disappear over the horizon.

    Many locals claimed to have seen the object but phone calls to the Police and Radio Station provedfruitless, as the incident was passed off as a mass hallucination!Once again we see the usual cover-upquicklyput in place.

    North of Lake Taupo lies Lake Rotorua, which has had its share of UFO sightings over generations.In January 1990 local Maoris and Europeans were reporting having seen up to three, yellowish-glowingsaucer-type craft up to 15m in diameter, flying high over the lake at night, and there were two sightings indaytime over the nearby Whakarewarewa Forest Park, but those in authority made no investigation of theclaims.

    At Tokoroa to the west of Rotorua, two saucer nests were discovered in forestland in May 1972.These nests measured 33ft in diameter [10.5m] and were remarkably similar to another found on the 52-acreWarragamba NSW property of Mr Ron Sarina earlier that year.

    On June 7th 2001 a bright silver object was seen hovering over Auckland around midday by a greatmany people, particularly one family in the Mt Eden area. They said the object was above cloud level andremained there for half an hour over the city.

    An Air Force spokesman, when later asked by phone callers what the object might have been,informed them that the Moon was very bright at that time!

    Similarly, the good old planet Venus was blamed by R.N.Z.A.F. personnel after isolated farmers inthe Fiordland region of South Island, reported sighting a glowing silver disc flying over mountain peaksthereabouts over a two-day period in April 1988.

    In July 1997 several campers at the Mt Evans area of Tasman National Park, in the northwest cornerof South Island, were surprised at 6am one rainy morning, when a diamond-shapedmetallic craft with severaltripod-like legs appeared coming up a gully high over a creek in their direction. It was, they said, a windowedcraft and a central round light was suddenly shone upon them as the object stopped moving, to hover some80ft above the creek and over the startled group. It then switched offthe lights and rose silently into the airand moved off slowly over trees to be lost from view.

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    That a great cover-up exists for one reason or another concerning the Unidentified Flying Objectsphenomenon goes without saying, and in New Zealand this is particularly so. Some UFOlogists speak of apolice state, with authorities not merely content with the usual phone-tapping, but actually visitingeyewitnesses of particular UFO sightings and close encounters, to intimidate them into forgetting all about

    what they witnessed or encountered.To be sure, such goings-on occur in Australia, and Heather and I have had personal experience with

    the thought policeover the years. There can be no doubt that a massive, world-wide conspiracy of silenceexists,

    and which is concerned with covering up as much as possible, UFO sightings, close encounters with suchcraft and their occupants, and any physical evidence if it exists, that would prove people are not, as theywould have us believe, suffering from hallucinations.


    The Rev. William B Gills famousencounter with a UFO whose crew emergedfrom the hovering craft to wave to him andthe natives of his Boianai, PNG Church

    of England Mission.Sketch courtesy Australasian Post


    The most sacred object possessed by theNamau people of the Purari delta in theGulf of Papua, PNG, are the wickerworkbeetle representations called Kaiaimunu.

    Often 10ft in length. Young boys are placedinside these beetles as part of their initiation,

    representing powerful spirits who oncedescended to earth from the stars. The Ayompygmies of the Papua New Guinea interiorbelieve that a great hero named Tumbrenjakonce flew down from the sky world in such agiant beetle. Could these beetles have been

    flying craft with telescopic legs?Picture courtesy Basel Museum fur


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    The Coromandel Range, North Islandof New Zealand. In April 2000 a hugecigar-shaped object was claimed seen by

    many locals as it hovered in broad

    daylight over the mountains, then coastedover the Thames area before moving off

    eastwards out to sea.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2004.

    The town of Kaikoura, eastcoast of South Island, New

    Zealand, with theKaikoura Mountain Rangerising beyond. This coastaltown is the scene of manyUFO sightings. There is

    evidence that the Kaikoura

    Range houses a deepunderground Americansecret space technology

    research base, like that inthe Burragorang Valley

    NSW!Photo copyright Rex

    Gilro 2004.

    The Fox Glacier. In broad

    daylight on December 15th

    1980, a large silverycylinder-shaped object was seenby many people to move high in

    the sky overthe valley. During the 1990sthere have been a number of

    other reports involvingsaucer, egg, and cigar-shapedUFOs sighted hereabouts. New

    Zealand rivalsAustralia in the number of

    UFOs being sighted yearly.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy2004.

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    The Haast River, Haast Pass,South Island of New Zealand.Here during 1954, there were

    several claims by locals that up tofive flying saucers were seen flying

    up the pass, and hovering over the

    mountains and farms late at night.In one incident, a glowing white

    saucer was claimed to have landedone moonlit night on a paddock

    near the river and four beings wereseen to move about the area for 15minutes, before returning to their

    airship and taking off.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy

    2004.The Te Anau Downs on

    the road to Milford Sound,South Island of New

    Zealand.In February 1993 a

    giant-size saucer-type craftwith projecting rods aroundits centre was claimed seenby a farmer. People in boats

    in nearby Lake Te Anaureported seeing strange goldand silvery Balls of Lightmoving over the lake around

    midnight.Photo copyright Rex

    Gilroy 2004.

    Lake Rotoroa, inland fromWestport [west coast] South

    Island, New Zealand.Rex Gilroy has learnt fromNZ UFOlogists that this

    lake has been frequentlyvisited by UFOs, like the

    1990 sighting by a local, of alarge, greeny-yellow saucerseen hovering low above the

    lake waters one night inNovember that year.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy


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    Copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    Evidence shows that Palaeolithic hunters of Mongolian stock crossed into Alaska from Siberia by 25,000years BP [Before present] to gradually move southwards through the Americas, reaching Tierra del Fuego byabout 5,000 years BP.

    Advanced megalithic cultures, well known from Mexico southwards did not rise in what is nowCanada and the United States of America, and began, it is said with the Olmec of Middle America, whichflourished on the coastal plain along the Gulf of Mexico from about 1200 BC to 400 BC.

    The most enduring Amerindian civilisation however, was the Mayan, which began around 2000 BC insouthern Mexico, Guatemala and areas of Belize. Their golden age began about 250 AD and lasted until 900

    AD.Then came the Teotihuacan culture of the central Mexican plateau from around 300 BC to 750 AD.The Toltecs of northern Mexico date from around 900 to 1200 AD. The Aztecs appeared from

    northern Mexico to establish themselves in what is now Mexico City where they built Tenochtitlan around1200 AD. Their culture was destroyed by Hernan Cortez in 1519-1521.

    South America had produced a number of cultures dating back more than 2000 years by the time ofthe Spanish conquests, the earliest of these being the Chavin, which rose in Peru from around 900 to 200 BC.

    Then followed the mysterious Nazca [southern Peruvian] culture around 2,000 years ago, followed bythe Tiahuanaco culture around 8000 BC near Lake Titicaca in modern Bolivia. It died around 1200 AD, no

    one knows why.Then came the Chibcha of Columbias highlands and the Mochica of northern Peru about 200 to 600

    AD.The Chimu civilisation on Perus north-west coast came around 1000 AD and was conquered by the

    Incas around 1470 AD.The last and greatest pre-Columbian civilisation in South America was the Inca, an empire that lasted

    from 1438 until destroyed by the Spaniards in the 1530s.*****

    All these peoples had long entertained the belief in a lost paradise that lay far across the westernocean, at the centre of which some said, stood a great red rock marking the centre of the world!

    Furthermore, it was believed to be the original homeland of their ancestors, a white-skinned race, the

    Uru, lived there. To the Quiche Maya they were depicted at Kukulkan, the Feathered Serpent. This was themeaning of the name Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs, while he was called Viracocha, the bearded White God ofthe Andean cultures. Feathered Serpent meant sailed vessels and serpent that the people were Sun-

    worshippers. These names were therefore emblematic of a white people.Tales abound in the Americas of far older lost civilisations than those just described. There does

    appear to be a mystical, mist-shrouded past which tells of a mysterious white-skinned race having beenpresent in the Americas, and who in the course of time influenced the art of the primitive Stone-Ageinhabitants to some extent, and led them to the development of culture and civilisation. Thus we can seetoday Uruan features in the otherwise Amerindian giant artworks on the Nazca Plain, and in some of thepottery motif of the Peruvians and Central American cultures. No doubt there was much intermarriagebetween the Uru and Amerindians for certain cultural ideas to become established there. Solar worship and

    other elements of the Uru can be seen today in Central and South America, such as the spread of theBirdman Cult from Australia through New Zealand to Easter Island and the shores of Peru.

    The Australian coastal districts and further inland have lately given up secrets of Amerindian landfallsand long-term occupation. The Uru themselves built the earlier megalithic structures here in Australia. Crudethough they were, their appearance in the Americas would be followed by the local refinements of the

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December 2009.


    subsequent rising Amerindian cultures. Thus today I see Uruan features in certain surviving ancientAmerindian artworks, as well as other aspects of these cultures.

    *****The Cooktown and Atherton, as well as other Queensland Mayan and Peruvian relic and colony sites

    lately uncovered by the Gilroys are being matched by others identified in New South Wales. As early asJanuary 1970 I found apparent Peruvian influences in Campbelltown outside Sydney, where astronomicalsites existed before modern housing swallowed them up! The Hawkesbury River, used by so many maritime

    peoples over the ages, has it appears also had Amerindian visitation and settlement.In Mayan tradition as we have seen, the White God, Kukulkan, came from across the ocean to the west, fromthe lost paradise land of Uru, to introduce civilisation to their ancestors. Kukulkan was emblematic of anentire people. Thus were these White Gods the Uru? This theory could help explain the presence ofMayan-looking images in Uru rock art at a site in Sydneys outer north-western suburbs, a site originallyfound by our colleague Greg Foster.

    The earliest accepted Amerindian culture was the Olmec. What is their origin? Were they children ofUruan cultural migration to the Americas? All the Amerindian cultures believed in White Gods who cameamong their ancestors from the west in the dawn mists of Amerindian civilisation.

    We have seen that there is an Uruan influence in the Amerindian images and local art styles of potterydesigns etc of the Nazca Plain. And among the Aztecs of Mexico the Lost Paradise of Culhuacan possessed

    a great red rock at its centre. They also called this paradise land Atzlan, an island continent surrounded byocean.

    It was such race-memories as these that led the Amerindian cultures at various times down to thecoming of the Spaniards, to follow the drift-currents across the Pacific in search of their land of origin.

    *****On Tuesday 17th November, 2009 my wife Heather and I met our colleague, Jude Fernandez at

    Brooklyn on the Hawkesbury River for a trip by tinnie to an island, in the hope of turning up evidence ofpre-Cook landings there. We were to uncover something we did not expect.

    Leaving Heather [due to her current knee problems] behind at the base of a hill Jude and I thenclimbed, until we reached the heavily wooded summit, where I suspected any ancient visitors would haveclimbed to get their bearings from a high point, perhaps having engraved messages before they left. A search

    of scrub-covered rocks soon resulted in our uncovering a large sandstone altar stone containing images of theSun and a number of stars. There was also a glyph which I soon realised was an old Mayan symbol fortemple. Large stones standing in arrangement amid the scrub certainly presented the appearance of anenclosure. The altar message was thus basically Temple altar of the Sun and stars. It measured 3.5m long by2.1m wide and was 1.32m deep.

    Nearby we uncovered a large sandstone boulder measured by us at 2.6m long by 1.3m tall and 80cmdeep. It bore Amerindian-like images of two heads and a face towards the left of the stone together with aglyph for the sun and to the right a human image wearing a strange head dress and holding a cup. Besidesother glyphs all the images displayed breath escaping from the mouth and the human image also bore a tearcoming from the right eye. These were Mayan-style symbols although the artwork appeared crude comparedto Mexican temple examples of Mayan human figures and symbols.

    Later I was able to translate the accompanying glyphs as follows:Upon the altar the scattered inhabitants [ie Aborigines?] were sacrificedby the priests for the Sun [ie Kinich Ahau] for his fertilising rays upon the

    Land of the West [ie Australia] which pleases our Gods.Our next achievement was to find the tumbled ruins of a temple dedicated to Kinich Ahau, the

    Mayan Sun-God. There was a skull and crossbones inscription upon a flat vertical boulder face [east-facing]and on its north end a fallen head of the God.

    The thing about these finds is that they are not the elaborate Mexican temple art styles and wereobviously carved by average Mayans who had recently arrived in the Hawkesbury River district via cross-ocean raft voyaging. A colony of some size appears likely to be uncovered somewhere along this river.

    The colonists appear to have carried on their old habits of human sacrifices, and also blood-letting

    offerings as indicated by the human figure holding the cup usually meant to receive human blood.The boulder containing the skull and crossed bones measured 4.8m long by 1.5m tall, being separated

    from the large head of Kinich Ahau by a gap of 30cm. The boulder formed the west wall of a templededicated to the Sun-God, Kinich Ahau. The glyphs upon it read:

    Behold the Snake [ie Sun] at his temple here with

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December 2009.


    the Holy of Holies, abode of the universal deity.The Kinich Ahau idol would have been 1.1m tall when standing upright, by 47cm wide and 30cm

    deep. A tear drop is seen at the bottom of the left [square] eye. Kinich Ahau was known as the Master of theWaters.

    The west wall of the temple continued as the longest boulder [and inscription], measuring 4.33m longby 1.8m high. The inscription beginning at the south end, revealed among other glyphs, a square-faced Kinich

    Ahau, a profile skull image of Ah-puch, the Mayan God of Death, beneath which was the image of a human

    blood offering bowl; the Mayan sea monster Tiamat waited in readiness to swallow the Sun when he sankinto the ocean on the western horizon; and a human leg denoting the Mayan God of travellers, Bolonyocte,the name meaningNine paces there.

    The entire inscription took me much time later to translate it.Kinich Ahau watches beneath the stars upon the altar of sacrifice before our lord, Ah-puch.Offer and pour out bowls of blood on the 6th day of the 12thmonth [in honour of] the Sunas he goes to the western horizon. Observe these rites for 12 days before the Sun of Mayac

    to protect him from Tiamat, monster of the deep, who lies in wait to swallow him.All twelve tribes who came here across the great water from Mayac,

    across the great ocean river, give thanks for a safe arrival to Bolonyoncte.The temple is outlined by massive sandstone boulders on all four sides, the entrance being to the

    south end. It measures 16.7m long by 6.4m wide.A final image discovered by Jude and I was that of the Feathered Serpent [meaning a people in

    sailed vessels] who came among the Mayan ancestors long ago to give them their culture. Kukulkan camefrom the great western paradise land.

    The colonists who established themselves on the Hawkesbury River had sailed here in search ofKukulkans homeland.

    Possibly these colonists farmed riverfront areas where they may have grown maize, brought withthem from Mexico. They may even have penetrated inland from the riverfront escarpment [ie along itssouthern side] to establish farms in more extensive pastureland. Possibly further field research will one dayresult in the uncovering of evidence supporting this likelihood.


    The large sandstone altar found to contain images of the Sun and somestars. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December 2009.


    Rex Gilroy examines the large boulder containingAmerindian-like images of two heads and a human image

    wearing a strange head dress and holding a human bloodoffering cup. The fading carvings are believed to have been

    the work of Mayan Indians.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    A closer view. The breath escaping from the mouths and a tear inthe eye of the head dress figure are typical Mayan motifs.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009. The head dress figure holding theblood offering cup.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    The skull and crossed bones inscription found in the

    ruins of the Kinich Ahau temple.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December 2009.


    Jude Fernandez sits beside the fallen image ofKinich Ahau, Sun-God of the Mayans.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    Jude Fernandez contemplates the weathered boulders forming asection of the Kinich Ahau temple.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    The Kinich Ahau image. Time has not been kind to theGod and a deep crack has formed to the right of his mouth.

    Note the tear coming from his left eye.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    A thick coating of dead leaves and bracken covers much ofthe stonework forming the temple. What other inscriptions

    may still lie hidden by leafmould hereabouts.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December 2009.


    A thick coating of dead leaves and bracken covers much ofthe stonework forming the temple. What other inscriptions

    may still lie hidden by leafmould hereabouts? Photocopyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    The square head image of Kinich Ahau.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    The longest boulder making up the west wall of the temple of Kinich

    Ahau. Note the square head image of the God.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    The rockface also contains the skull image of the Mayan God of Death,Ah-puch, beneath which is the image of a human blood offering bowl.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    A close view of this head image with breath escapingfrom the mouth. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    The image top right is that of Tiamat, the Mayansea monster forever lurking in wait to swallow the

    sun as he sinks below the western horizon.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December 2009.


    Two glyphs from the inscription. The top glyph isMa or Mayac and that beneath is the glyph for

    River. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009

    Rex and Jude uncovered this carved headof Kukulkan, the Feathered Serpent ofMayan tradition. Symbolic of a wholepeople, he was said to have sailed to

    Mexico from the great western paradiseland [Australia] to introduce civilisation

    to the ancestors of the Mayans.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

    This image is that of Bolonyocte, theMayan God of travellers.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2009.

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December 2009.

    Our last meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you at our next one in January 2010.There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba weather permitting.

    Meanwhile, there is a lot happening up there at present so -

    Until our next meeting

    Watch the Skies!Keep safe and have a very

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    Rex and HeatherRex and HeatherRex and HeatherRex and Heather




    Lost Pacific Colonies of theLost Pacific Colonies of theLost Pacific Colonies of theLost Pacific Colonies of theBronzeBronzeBronzeBronze----Age GodAge GodAge GodAge God----Kings.Kings.Kings.Kings.

    The latest book byby Rex and Heather Gilroy





    Rex and HeatheRex and HeatheRex and HeatheRex and Heather Gilroyr Gilroyr Gilroyr GilroyURU Publications

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