
2003 Oxazole derivatives

Oxazole derivativesR 0220 The Synthesis of Some Chiral 2-Aminoalkyloxazole-4-carboxylates from Isox-

azol-5(2H)-ones. — Phthalimidoaminoalkyloxazolecarboxylate esters are prepared by acylation of isoxazolones and subsequent photochemical conversion. Removal of the phthalimido protecting group gives 2-aminoalkyloxazole-4-carboxylate esters in good overall yields and without significant racemization. — (COX, M.; PRAGER*, R. H.; SVENSSON, C. E.; Aust. J. Chem. 56 (2003) 9, 887-896; Sch. Chem., Phys. Earth Sci., Flinders Univ., Adelaide, South Aust. 5001, Australia; Eng.) — Bartels

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