Page 1: The Sustainable Buildings Series: Retrofits

October 20-22, 2009The Mission Bay Conference Center at USCFSan Francisco, CA

The SuSTainable buildingS SerieS:


With 4 Pre-Conference Workshops on October 20, 2009

Part Of Our Ongoing



is pleased to introduce chapter one of:

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a comprehensive program addressing the costs, savings, finance & investment informational needs of Property managers, Facility managers, institutional investors, developers, Planners, Corporate, Government & nonprofit Professionals

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dear industry Colleague:With a troublesome economy impacting the development and construction of sustainable buildings a huge spotlight is shining on sustainable building retrofits. this market is fast becoming one of the strongest and most dynamic sectors; one where there is reason for optimism and anticipation of continued future growth. the strategic investment opportunities, cost saving ventures, government initiatives and product innovations which are collectively propelling sustainable building retrofits to the forefront of both the national and global economies all represent requisite information for every market participant.

With all of this in mind, gsMi is pleased to present the first chapter of The Sustainable Buildings Series: Retrofits, scheduled for october 20-22, 2009 in san Francisco at the fabulous Mission Bay Conference Center at UFC. today there are 120 million residential homes and 5.1 million commercial buildings across america, every one of which presents an opportunity for green building market participants. this event will bring together industry participants from all segments of this growing market including facilities and property managers, brokers, investors, developers, planners, architects and venture capitalists. among the many highlights we are offering the market are four intensive pre-conference workshops as well as high level briefings and discussions in the following areas: Capitalizing on the economic Recovery stimulus Package; Financing sustainable Retrofits; Creating Value with investment in green Retrofits; Leed Certification update; sustainable Building Valuations and Baseline assessments.

our expert speaker faculty was selected based on their industry knowledge and experience. each and every one of them was selected because they have already made a substantive contribution to the growth, innovation and unlimited potential of this market sector. the knowledge which they will impart will undoubtedly arm each attendee with indispensable information about green retrofits which can, in turn be applied to your critical financial and cost decisions in the green building space.

to register for the premier event, visit us on line at or or call us at 888.409.4418.

i look forward to greeting you in san Francisco.

Best regards;

Cheryl Fallick GSMI

99 definitive reasons Why You Should Make it Your business To attend

This event


•R eap the available rewards which can be secured through green lending programs

• E valuate the type of tax credits which are available for efficiency upgrades

•T ake advantage the cost savings which are available with energy retrofits

•R ealize how you can enhance portfolio returns with investment in green retrofits

•O btain information which will guide you in how to green a property

•F ind the best way to finance green retrofits

• I dentify ways to reduce your carbon footprint while streamlining your business practices

•T urn the environmental and economic crisis into an investment opportunity

•S tand out from your competitors by marketing how you are greening your workspaces

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MoRnInG WoRkShop “A”Intelligent & net Zero Buildings

8:00 Registration, Continental Breakfast

8:30 opening Remarks From the Session Facilitatorintelligent & net zero buildings are evolving concepts that are little more than two decades old. this intensive tutorial will break down the components of both and discuss how they work together. What is currently available and what the future holds in building life cycles:

• Categories of high tech intelligence: Facilities management and information systems

• Affordability and sustainability

• Reducing energy use to the bare minimum without sacrificing occupant comfort

• Computerized systems for overseeing and controlling building operations

• Systems: HVAC, lighting, fire, security, essential communications

• Are we seeing an end to planned obsolescence?

• Technical aspects of intelligent buildings in laymen’s terms

• Building life cycles

• Modeling

• Demolishing & decommissioning

• Materials & resources

• Reducing impact, systems & methodologies

10:30 – 10:50 Refreshment Break

12:30 Morning Workshop Concludes

12:30 – 1:30 Luncheon for Delegates Attending Both a Morning & Afternoon Workshop

MoRnInG WoRkShop “B”Green REITs

8:00 Registration, Continental Breakfast

8:30 opening Remarks From the Session Facilitatorthe subprime debacle of the past two years slashed the value of many real estate investment trusts more than 37% in 2008. Many Reits investments are faced with a new paradigm in this credit-constrained environment. overall the Reit market still has many challenges ahead of it, but amidst all of the doom and gloom, we are seeing one undeniable bright spot: green Reits. in the midst of all of the chaos, green Reits present an undeniable opportunity to the investment community. this workshop focuses on this exciting new market, detailing the latest developments and what investors and other financial professionals can expect to see in the months ahead including:

• Who are the players on both the commercial and residential side?

• Can performance be improved from an energy perspective?

• Can properties with green features accelerate returns and to what extent?

• What is the outlook for this market in the near term? Long term?

10:30 – 10:50 Refreshment Break

12:30 Morning Workshop Concludes

12:30 - 1:30 Luncheon for Delegates Attending Both a Morning & Afternoon Workshop

AFTERnoon WoRkShop “C” Advanced Energy Efficient Retrofits

1:00 Registration, Coffee & Tea Service

1:30 opening Remarks From the Session Facilitatorthis in-depth workshop concentrates on the cornucopia of available energy efficiencies that are applicable to existing building stock. the workshop is intended to familiarize today’s property and facility management professionals, as well as other industry participants, with the best options to achieve energy efficiency through retrofits and what to look for when considering the move to sustainable properties or how to achieve sustainability through retrofitting a current dwelling. included in the tutorial are:

• Ways to minimize primary energy consumption for heating, cooling and hot water, per gross floor area

• Optimizing the integration of solar energy use

3:30 – 3:50 Refreshment Break

5:30 Afternoon Workshop Concludes

AFTERnoon WoRkShop “D”Venture Capital Investment In

Sustainable Retrofits

1:00 Registration, Coffee & Tea Service

1:30 opening Remarks From the Session Facilitatoris it true that the real estate and construction sectors are both the cause and the solution, in large part to today’s economic crisis? Is the venture capital sector acutely in tune with this paradigm? Where are the best opportunities to drive both change and ROI in the building industries?

this tutorial will present and highlight the various options available in the venture capital sector for sustainable building retrofits. discussed in detail will be:

• Sustainable building materials upgrades and replacements

• Automation and smart applications

• Water: Is blue the next green?

• Energy & storage

• Where are the best opportunities and why?

3:30 – 3:50 Refreshment Break

5:30 Afternoon Workshop Concludesc

Tuesday, october 20, 2009cPre-Conference Workshops

PlEaSE NOTE: The workshop agendas are subject to change without notice.

5:30-6:30 – Welcoming Cocktail Reception & Advance Conference Registration

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8:00 Registration, Continental Breakfast

8:30 opening Remarks From the Chair

8:45 Scoping out the Sustainable Building Retrofit Landscape and opportunities in Existing Building Stock - Industry Leaders and pioneers Share perspectivesWith development and construction plans for green buildings grinding to a halt in today’s economic climate, a growing number of companies are implementing green retrofits with surprisingly positive money saving results including: improved productivity, lower absenteeism and health care costs, strengthening of brand equity. additionally, a growing number of real estate investors are seeking out green portfolios as the real estate sector boasting the best Roi. our participants will discuss the reasons behind their choices and decisions to invest in, finance, market and/or manage sustainable building retrofits. they will also discuss the future outlook for this market including topics addressing:

• Retrofitting as an alternative to development

• Investing and/or managing sustainable building retrofits: Is sooner better & why?

• What are the overall costs one can expect when retrofitting properties

• Do the participants really believe sustainability gives them a competitive advantage and, if so, why?

• Where are the best opportunities in existing stock for retrofits?

9:45 Defining Sustainability and how to Achieve it through Retrofitting: Retro CommissioningBeginning with an overview of what is considered sustainability, including the role of Leed certification and discussion of what changes can be made to existing buildings that will meet the criteria of sustainability. this session will clarify what areas industry participants may want to focus on when deciding to invest in, manage or broker building retrofits. discussion points will include:

• What determines what is sustainable: Leed certification? Carbon Neutral?

• What are some of the retrofit protocols?

• Defining green materials and how to increase inefficiencies in waste management, water and electricity

• Which options produce the best utility cost reductions in the shortest period of time?

10:30 Morning Refreshments & networking opportunity

10:45 Sustainable Solutions to Achieve Climate & Economic GoalsCarbon emissions will be the single most important metric for judging the success or failure of our energy policy and industries such as home performance. taking a close look at state and federal energy policy, this session will show how existing public funding and incentives favor costly technologies over cost effective solutions – and how strategic plans are misaligned with how we implement policies. Learn how new policies at both a state and Federal level are being developed to create a level playing field and the foundation for a sustainable industry to emerge. additionally, the session offers insight into creating a sustainable marketplace for energy efficiency retrofitting, while outlining the course of action necessary to scale the industry to meet aggressive carbon reduction and economic stimulus goals.

11:15 Financing Sustainable RetrofitsWith the credit markets still all but frozen, creating higher returns within an exiting real estate portfolio is critical. this session will focus on the underlying essentials of financing building retrofits:

• Structuring, financing & return objectives

• Carbon credit based strategies

• Costs & price: Valuation

• What are the potential portfolio pitfalls to avoid?

• Benchmarking

• Lending programs

• Creating the best environmental and economic returns

12:00 Luncheon for Speakers, Sponsors & Delegates

AFTERnoon ConCuRREnT SESSIonSChoose Track “A” or “B”

- Track a -

1:15 Creating Value with Investment in Green Retrofitsin today’s real estate investment market, preserving and protecting value is key. Unfortunately, with such a bleak picture presenting itself in the real estate investment market it is also essential to capture whatever value currently exists. in what ways does sustainable building retrofit investment offer a path to optimizing portfolio returns? This question and other key questions will be answered in this session such as:

• Investing in green retrofits of existing portfolios

• Creating value for the long term

• Which options afford the quickest investment returns in periods under 2-3 years or less?

• Why is sustainable property investment not quite yet mainstream?

• Leveraging value and mitigating risk

- Track B -

1:15 LEED Certification updateWhat are the benefits of green buildings to interested parties such as building owners, occupants, property and facilities managers? What are the overall economic and environmental impacts, not to mention marketability advantage? And what constitutes LEED in general, the attributes that provide credence to the ‘plaque’ and why some buildings shouldn’t even start with LEED? This session will start with an overview that answers this question and will follow up with an in-depth discussion of Leed Certification criteria including:

• The major showstoppers that discourage buildings from undertaking Leed and the counter arguments

• The major categories of prerequisites and credits and their synergistic and financial role with each other

• A short summary explanation of the LEED certification process

Wednesday, october 21, 2009cday onePlEaSE NOTE:

The agenda is subject to change without notice.

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• Economic specifics, cost, benefits and ROI• Summary of changes in LEED-2009• LEED EB-2009…a huge under utilized program• Future changes and where the market is heading

- Track a -

2:00 unraveling the Challenges of Sustainable Building ValuationFor the purposes of sustainable building valuation, what are the financially tangible attributes on which the capital markets can focus and what exactly is “green” in the real estate industry? This session will highlight the key standards for property valuations and will recognize and address basic valuation approaches including:

• Maximizing efficiency vs. minimizing waste and other best practices factors

• Recognizing and incorporating appropriate industry standards and structure

• What is an environmentally responsible building and how do you value it?

• Investment performance: Benefits vs. risks

- Track B -

2:00 Implementing Green Strategies in Your portfoliogreening your portfolio is an increasingly common goal, but what do you and your staff and colleagues need to do to make it happen? What are the nuts and bolts of operating and maintaining a green building? This session will focus on working with building owners, property managers, and building engineers to highlight the process, tools, costs, and opportunities of green retrofits through case studies and lessons learned.• What do you need to know to green a property?• What resources and tools are available?• What are the costs, benefits and timeline for real-

world projects?• Case studies of LEED certified green buildings

- Track a -

2:45 Venture Capital perspectivesMany venture investors are clearly encouraged by the optimistic reports of the future of green buildings. For

example, the National Association of Home Buildings predicts residential growth to balloon to $38 Billion in 2010. is green building and green tech a bright spot in today’s economy? This session will address these and other key questions such as:• How are both institutional and individual investors

positioning themselves for a competitive advantage?• What is the best route to seeking out companies that

produce sustainable building products?• Is there still a trade-off between green vs. cost?

- Track B -

2:45 Substantially Lowering Energy Costs with Sustainable Retrofits• Best practices for creating energy efficiency with

retrofits and achieving energy efficiency and cutting costs when selecting or acquiring properties

• Where is the biggest payback in green design?

• The role of government tax incentives in reducing energy costs through retrofits

• Legislative initiatives which can be tapped into

• H.R. 1778 –Retro fit for Energy and Environmental Performance (ReeP) Program

3:30 Afternoon Refreshments & networking opportunity

- Track a -

4:00 Reducing the Cost of Sustainable Retrofits: CAp EX programs• Carbon Trading: Cap & Trade Programs• Credits – Bundles

• Grants

- Track B -

4:00 Baseline Assessments for Green Retrofits • Various examples of both extreme and low end assessments

• Defining an overall sustainability strategy

• Where to start and how do you do them

• Building benchmarking & portfolio level planning

- Track a -

4:45 Case Study

- Track B -

4:45 keys to Driving Down operating Costs• Workplace Strategies: Optimizing and adapting space• Cutting system repair and maintenance costs• Enhancing safety and productivity in work spaces

5:30 Day one Concludes

8:45 Chairperson’s Recap & Introduction to Day Two

9:00 Marketing Sustainable BuildingsWhile cost reduction is still a primary motive for many green retrofits and energy efficiency may still top the list, what are the other drivers that you can market to potential clients and investors?

• How about corporate environmental commitment?

• Public relations and publicity

• Building value

• Occupancy rates

• How do you attract tenants?

• Marketing to building owners, tenants and the public

• Making a healthier environment profitable: Physically and socially

• Charting a course for “new ways to thinking”

9:45 Brokers’ speak out on Demand for Green SpaceWhat role do brokers play in the sustainable buildings market? How do the players’ in this arena view their role and how do they feel about it? How do they think the message should be communicated to the market?

• How do they communicate the value of green buildings to the market?

• Understanding and communicating the emerging “green” language to prospective clients

• Views and perspectives on green leases, clients and clauses

Wednesday, october 21, 2009cday one (continues)

cday Two Thursday, october 22, 2009

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10:45 Morning Refreshment & networking opportunity

AFTERnoon ConCuRREnT SESSIonSChoose Track “A” or “B”

- Track a -

11:15 Real Solutions for Real Estate: Achieving Energy Efficiencies & Building ValueWhat measures can investors take here and now to cut energy use in their real estate portfolios and build property value? This session will focus on real efforts underway and successes achieved by institutional investors, asset managers, and others who own or manage properties. included in the discussion are both simple solutions and ambitious programs.

- Track B -

11:15 Smart Decisions in Materials, Waste, Water & Electricitythere is a large variety of “smart” options for sustainability when it comes to green buildings. there are also a variety of strategies that are used when retrofitting the operations of green buildings. this sessions lays out some of green materials being used today. How they impact the environment of the buildings and how they can be evaluated.

• Lighting the way: Retrofitting existing lighting

• Available water conservation options

• Ways to establish resource efficiency

• Evaluating indoor air quality and how it can be enhanced

• Recycling

- Track a -

12:00 Green Insurance & Lending programsa quick review of available green insurance and lending programs demonstrates that they offer favorable rates and industry participants would be smart to take advantage of them.

• What types of environmentally friendly building retrofit projects are lenders active in financing?

• How favorable are the terms compared no non-green


• How is this market shifting in favor of sustainability?

- Track B -

12:00 urban planning in the Sustainability Sphereat the core of sustainable urban planning are both economic and environmental principals. transforming an existing urban landscape into a viable city or neighborhood without loosing site of the history and culture is key. this session addresses the essential components of retrofitting an urban area including:• Green retrofitting and sustainability in commercial,

industrial and residential buildings• Achieving energy efficiency and exploring real world

applications for alternative energy • Green roofs, walls and design applications• Transportation development areas


12:45 Luncheon for Speakers, Sponsors & Delegates

1:45 Green Leases: Landlord Tenant issuesIs there a way to actually define a green lease? And, if so, how? What are the basic components of a lease and how are we rethinking them in the green sphere? • What practices need to be pinpointed and applied to

green leases?• Assignment & subletting issues• Repairs and maintenance clauses• Other details and inclusions

2:15 Redevelopment: An Excellent Sustainability platformover the last decade there has clearly been an up-tick in the incorporation of sustainability and green solutions in redevelopments across the country. sustainable development and redevelopment can enhance a community resulting in improved streets, sidewalks and buildings, not to mention the economic benefits to cities and developers alike. a broad spectrum of sustainable redevelop platforms will be addressed in this session:• Affordable housing, parks and deblighting commercial

and industrial areas

• Natural systems and native ecological restoration

• Integrated design solutions for public and private development

• Storm water practices, management and design solutions

• Traffic, parking regulations and mass transit

3:00 Afternoon Refreshments & networking opportunity

3:15 Case Study

3:45 Retrofitting Government Buildings, Schools & hospitals• How are green characteristics and technologies being

retrofitted into our schools, government buildings and hospitals?

• What trends will we seen in the near term? Long term?

• Different strategies and performance levels of sustainability

• Green classrooms, meeting rooms, hospital rooms

4:30 Conference Concludes

Participating firms include:

Thursday, october 22, 2009cday Two (continues)

BuildingWise LLC

Charles Pankow Builders, LTD

Cushman & Wakefield of California, Inc.

Enovity Inc.

Evolution Partners Real Estate Advisors

FX Fowle

Galley Eco Capital LLC

The Green Link Alliance

Integral PE

Jones Lang LaSalle

New Resource Bank

Pacific Gas and Electric

Serious Materials Inc.

Simon & Associates, Inc. Green Building Consultants

Sustainable Spaces, Inc.

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Networking and Community

Online Networking

after registering, log in and maximize both your learning experience and your opportunity to connect with fellow attendees with our easy to use online format before you arrive at the event.

• Target your networking

• Establish a peer group

• East 2-step sign up

• Join the discussion – read and write a blog

One-on-One Meetings

We understand that networking and creating lasting contacts can be difficult at events. to help facilitate meetings we have introduced an electronic meeting system. it’s simple, during registration you’ll have the opportunity to opt-in. two weeks prior to the event, we’ll send out meeting information and you can start developing your meeting schedule before you arrive.

Start Your Networking As Soon As You Register

Join in on the Discussion People. Ideas. Community.

Meet and network with colleagues facing the same challenges

that you are!

Watch Interactive Videos of Executives Discussing Today’s Management Issues

Join The Management Discussions -

Read & Write a Blog

Easy 2-Step Sign-Up

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The Green Link Alliance

greenLink alliance is a non profit trade association dedicated to promoting energy conservation through building retrofits that utilize innovative automation and control technologies. in addition to our educational efforts, greenLink has an advocacy arm that works to ensure energy legislation includes incentives for residential and commercial building owners to retrofit their structures with energy saving technology. our membership is open to system integrators, building automation and control manufacturers, real estate developers, government lessors, utility companies and more.

endorsing association


cWelcome Reception and Cocktails

Tuesday, October 20th @ 5:30

Please join us to kick-off the conference, meet with your peers, speakers and sponsors immediately following the pre-conference workshops and the evening

before the first chapter of the Sustainable Buildings Series: Retrofits commences.

Cap off the day’s activities with drinks and appetizers and an opportunity to meet new industry peers or reconnect with those you already know.

At GSMI we are more than a conference company. We go out of our way to create environments for learning, networking and ensuring our customers have great experiences. You will go back to the office with new ideas, insights, skills and contacts.We develop executive conferences, exhibitions and leadership trainings for the world’s leading business decision-makers. These dynamic and innovative services initiate and develop business relationships between director and C-level practitioners from the most influential organizations, for a stimulating environment to discuss key industry issues and mutually beneficial solutions. Our areas of focus include:

upcoming green educational forums

Part Of Our Ongoing



Green REITs december 1-2, 2009 new York, nYData Center Green January 2010 new York, nYSustainable Building Finance march 2010 tBdMunicipal Green april 2010 tBd

Corporate Social ResponsibilityCompliance

Health careHuman ResourcesLeadership Training

Marketing/BrandingPerformance ManagementQuality Management

Risk ManagementSustainable Buildings & Real Estate Development

Sustainable Strategiesand more

Page 9: The Sustainable Buildings Series: Retrofits

Registration: The Sustainable Buildings Series: Retrofits pre-conference workshops on october 20, 2009. Conference on october 21-22, 2009 MissionBayConferenceCenteratUFC•SanFrancisco,CA

please fill in the following information and fax back to: (619) 923-3542 please submit one form for each delegate attending.





Mailing Address:

City: State:

Zip/post Code: Country:

Telephone: Fax:


payment Method:

Credit Card: q Amex q Visa q MasterCard q Check

Credit Card number:

name on Card:

Expiration Date:

Do you have any dietary restrictions (e.g. kosher, vegetarian)? q Yes q no

If so, please specify:

Do you require any accommodations that require special attention? q Yes q no

If so, please specify:

(e.g. wheel-chair access)


Conference only q $1595 q $1995

1 workshop n/A q $495

2 workshops n/A q $795

Conference + 1 Workshop q 2090 q $2490

Conference + 2 Workshops q 2390 q $2790

non-profit / Government Conference only q $1295

non-profit Government Conference + 1 Workshop q $1790

non-profit/Government Conference + 2 Workshops q $2090

* Payment must be received by September 10th

Group Discounts available for 3 or more attendees from the same firm:For information about group discounts of 3 or more people and team Learning op-portunities for The Sustainable Buildings Series: Retrofits, please contact Cheryl Fallick at 888.409.4418, ext.5 or email her at [email protected]


Credit vouchers may be applied toward any future gsMi event within one calendar year of the date of the cancellation. if gsMi decides to cancel any part of this event, the Company is not responsible for covering airfare, hotel or any other costs. speakers, agenda, networking and recreational events are subject to change without notice. For more information regarding refunds please contact the customer service department at: 888.409.4418, ex. 1

SuBSTITuTIon poLICY: substitutions may be made up to the day of the event

pAYMEnT poLICY: Payments can be made by american express, Visa, MasterCard, Company Check (Usd checks must be drawn on a Us bank), or by wire transfer.if registering 2 weeks or less prior to the start of the Conference, you must submit your credit card information as a form of payment. if registering more than 2 weeks prior to the start of the Conference and payment is not received at the time of registration, a credit card hold will be required to maintain your registration status. if payment is not received 2 business days prior to the conference date, the respective credit card will be utilized as the form of payment. Please make all checks payable to global strategic Management institute. in the memo area of the check please write the name(s) of the sustainable Buildings series: Retrofits registrants(s) and Code: s100

GSMI oFFERS 6 WAYS To REGISTERTel: 888.409.8819, ex: 1 Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00

p.m. Us Pacific timeFax: 619.923.3524 - 24 Hours a DayMail: 1804 garnet ave #492,

san diego, Ca 92109Scan: Completed registration forms can be

emailed to: [email protected]

Email: [email protected] Please include your name, telephone number and the code: s100

World Wide Web:

VEnuE:The Sustainable Buildings Series: Retrofits will be held at: Mission Bay Conference Center at UCsF1675 owens street san Francisco, Ca 94143 - 3008tel: 866.431.UCsF Fax: 415.514.4675

ACCoMMoDATIonS: a limited number of rooms have been reserved at two different hotels:The Hotel Griffen and The Hotel Palomar at a discount rate of $189/night (contact either hotel by september 21st to receive the discounted rate). also please make sure to ask for the gsMi conference rate when you call for reservations.hotel Griffon155 steuart street, san Francisco, Ca 94105 tel: (415) 495-2100 Fax: (415) 495-3522 toll Free: (800) 321-2201 email: [email protected]

hotel palomar12 Fourth street, san Francisco, Ca 94103tel: (415) 348-1111 Fax: (415) 348-0302toll-free: (866) 373-4941

EXhIBITIon AnD SponSoRShIp InFoRMATIon: to learn more about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities at The Sustainable Buildings Series: Retrofits please contact Cheryl Fallick at 888.409.4418, ext.5 or email her at [email protected]. a limited number of table-top and booth exhibits will be open during the course of the event. sponsors/exhibitors will have the opportunity to promote products and services of special interest to conference attendees.

For cancellations received in writing

Four weeks or more prior to the event: Full refund or Full Credit Voucher

Between two and four weeks prior to the event: $300 cancellation fee applied to refund or Credit Voucher

two weeks or less prior to the event: No Refund; a Credit Voucher minus $300 cancellation fee if you do not cancel your registration by the day of the

event you will be charged your full registration fee

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