Page 1: THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS Sunday September 14, · PDF fileemployed in Colombo. mithuna lagna, kuja 7, inherits substantial assets, a sociable well built partner academically/ profession-

Printed and published by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. on Sunday September 14, 2014 at No. 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02.

1970 B/G 5' 4" Pretty young looking welleducated and Employed with dowry seekshonest partner. 0113034150. G B54180C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


1985 February born Galle Bodu Govi 4' 10"in height Former University lecturer current-ly pursuing PHd in States owns propertiesdevoted to relgion daughter, mother retiredteacher seeks. suitable partner. Those will-ing to migrate much preferred. G B54212C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


1985 Suthern Bodu Govi height 5' graduateemployed in the administrative division(retired parents seek suitable partner) faircomplexioned daughter owning dowryArtificial eye being planted on one eye. Novisible difference shown. Berana NekethaManushaya ghana. G B54220 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT606194-1

1987 Dec. Buddhist Govi. 5' pretty, fair, withmoral Character software Engineer-UK,Hons in Sri Lanka & Post Graduate,Australia, applied for TR, daughter withassets. Seek a partner Educated,Teetotaller, Virtuous of same caste resid-ing/expect to reside in Australia. [email protected] G B54232 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T606439-1

1987 May born Bodu Govi 5' 2" close toColombo honours graduate employed as ateacher in English & French languages,beautiful daughter parents seek qualifiedsuitable partner. Owns valuable house &car. Copies of horoscopes in compatibility ofKuja 8 should be forwarded. G B52932C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


1989 COLOMBO permanent residence. Upcountry Buddhist Govi J' pura B.Sc man-agement Graduate (2014) daughter. Arespectable, educated, kind with permanentemployment son is Sought, No. differences,presently employed. Kuja 1, Gu. 2 Ke,Cha 5shani 9 Bu.Si 10 Ra; Raahu 11, Mesha GB54237 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T606671-1

31 yrs 8 months 5' 11'' in height Bodu Govisenior university lecturer (Engineering)owns new house in Colombo pleasentdaughter mother seeks educated doctor,engineer or lecturer son. G B51519C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


40 YEAR old 5.3' Educated pleasantEmployed Daughter. Mother seeks educat-ed handsome kind hearted employed per-son as partner. Divorced with children spe-cially considered - 0115681827. G B54185C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


A Widow aged 59 seeks a caring Christaingentleman age 60-65 for marriage Burgherno children no encumbrance living alone.Open to non Srilankan nationals. G B54256C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


A Young looking 49 5' fair Artist seek a part-ner with easthetic values. Age religionimmaterial. Widows divorcees [email protected] G B54265C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


ACADEMICALLY & professionally quali-fied, well mannered son is sought by GoviBuddhist parents in Kandy for their youngerdaughter, 31 years, 5' 3", employed as anAssistant HR manager in a leading compa-ny in Colombo, reading for MHRM. Pleasereply with family details & horoscope. GB53638 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T598489-1

ACADEMICALLY qualified partner issought for Accountant daughter by sinhalabuddist vishva kula parents residing inAustralia with the family. She is born in April1981, 5' 2" fair pretty and very young look-ing. Cast and religion immaterial. Pleasereply with horoscope with naketha, padaya,dasa, sheshaya and place of birth. [email protected] G B54231 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T606430-1

AFFLUENT G/B parents from Colombosuburbs seek for their pleasant daughter(only child) 28 yrs 5' 5" educated at a lead-ing girls college in Colombo with foreigngraduate/post graduate qualificationemployed in Colombo. mithuna lagna, kuja7, inherits substantial assets, a sociablewell built partner academically/ profession-ally qualified from a respectable G.B familyreply with family background, horoscope(only with kuja dosha - shani - kuja combi-nation not compatible) and contact num-bers. G B54249 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T606969-1

AMBALANGODA Bodu Karawa 1983August born 5' 3" in height owns reputedbusiness legally separated from a marriagelimited to only signature daughter parentsseek suitable son for early marriage.Persons Employed overseas preferred.(Kuja Shani 7) G B54213 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


BODU Durawa 1985, 5' 2" Slim Figured fairComplexioned employed as a Govt. Nursein Colombo parents seek qualifiedemployed partner. 041-5632562 [email protected] G B54204 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


BRIDES. Moor lady Colombo, divorcedseeks sociable English educated partner50-60 some religious values as [email protected] G B53035C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


BUDDHIST Govi mother seeks for her 1987year born pretty daughter reading for her PhD in Australia. A suitable partner of similarstanding Tel. 0112773753, G B54189C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


BUDDHIST, Salagama 26 5' 5" pretty ITGraduate daughter. Own a house inColombo a car and lands. Invite anEngineer. G B54236 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


BUDDHIST/K, Engineer brother from downsouth seeks for his 1974 year born 5' 2"pretty slim Higher English Diploma holdersister a suitable handsome partner. Sheowns substantial dowry along with owner-ship of a house and a motor vehicle. Fullparticulars with copy of horoscope expect-ed. G B54188 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX2047 Colombo


CHRISTIAN Professional parents seekkind hearted partner for daughter 46 yearsfair, Pretty, Youthful looking. Music teacher,CIMA MBA Qualified. G B53920C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


CHRISTIAN Sinhala parents seek for their25 year old Doctor Daughter, educated at aleading school in Colombo and thereaftercompleted MBBS degree overseas, andpresently working in Melbourne, Australia;a professionally qualified Christian Partner;MBBS Doctor preferred. Please reply withdetails to [email protected] GB54258 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T607172-1

CLOSE to Colombo 1982 January height 5'beautiful very young looking graduateteacher inheriting assets youngest daugh-ter Salagama/Govi retired parents withrespectable family background seek edu-cated son. No barriers. Thula Anura 1Padaya Kuja Shani 12. 0112714214. After9.00 p.m. G B53346 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


CLOSE to Colombo, Buddhist Govi educat-ed respectable, 45 5' 2" pretty, moralCharactered post graduate, Govt.Employed with dowry daughter. For a quickmarriage a partner is sought, handsome,honest, devoid of all vicesemployed/Basinessman. 011-3174262. GB54234 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


COLOMBO B/K 24 yrs. 5' 3" final year inCIMA strategy degree for beautiful daugh-ter parents seek suitable partner. WithoutMalefic in H.C. G B54181 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


COLOMBO Bodu/Govi 5' 4" 33 very fairpretty religious kind, studied at a leadingschool in Colombo, holding MA degree,teacher doing higher studies as parentslost aunt is seeking a doctor, engineer, topmanagement educationally qualified kindpartner with good personality for valuableproperty owned daughter with good per-sonality. Prefer teacher parents. G B54228C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


COLOMBO area Bodu/Govi 52 yrs height 5lady accountant in government institutionown a house. Brothers seek a suitable hus-band. Call after 6.00 p.m. 0112918617. GB54223 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T606299-1

COLOMBO resident B/G parents seek fortheir 29 year 5' 4" pretty respectable Bankofficer daughter, a suitable, respectableeducated. son. G B54191 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


COLOMBO suburb, Buddhist, Govi retiredparents seek Virtuous son preferablyDoctor, Engineer, Accountant, SLAS officerbank executive for their 29, 5' 4" Cultured,beautiful, Attorney Daughter, owner ofassets. Prefer from Colombo, Gampaha,Galle, Staying at Home is considered. Alldetails from first letter with Horoscope. GB54219 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T606148-1

G/B middle class respectable parents seeksuitable partner from respectable family fortheir daughter pleasant looking 24, 5' 7"SLIM fair working as Software Engineer in aleading group of companies, also musiclover qualified in western music invite soft-ware engineers or IT professionals replywith horoscope melefic required 1, 7, 2, 8melefic planets. To [email protected] B53487 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX2047 Colombo T596908-1

G/Catholic mother in U.S.A. seeks a quali-fied partner 53-63 for daughter divorcedinnocent party with no encumbrancespreferably someone religious & family val-ues leading towards a stable life. At themoment we are in S.L. for a short visit. [email protected]. G B54264C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


GAMPAHA Bodu/Govi 1986 5' 4" Diplomaholding assistant engineer daughter princi-pal father and mother seek suitable hus-band. Influenced by Kalasarpayogaya. Notan evil horoscope. G B54225 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


GOVI Buddhist Colombo surburb parentsseek an academically and professionallyqualified well employed well manneredpartner non smoker teetotaler for theirdaughter only child fair slim 5' 5'' 23 yrs.BSc management (University of London)and CIM (UK) finalist. Marriage to be takenafter 2 yrs partner must be absolutely hand-some with proper personality ideally fromwestern province with english educatedprofessional parental status. Partner mustNOT be the eldest/ only child respond withfull family details horoscope and contactdetails. G B54184 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT604560-1

KALUTARA Bodu Salagama parents seekeducated professional well mannered partnerfor our daughter 1987 January 5' 3" fairkind hearted graduated and stateemployed kuja 4. G B54242 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


KURUNEGALA District close to Kandy upcountry Bodu Govi 1988 born graduateAssistant Lecturer (English medium) atGovt. University height 5ft fair complex-ioned eldest daughter father BankExecutive of a Govt Bank seeks engineeraccountant or lecturer son of same caste.Employed overseas of any above profes-sion also considered. G B54214C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T605999-1

MATARA Bodu Govi 42 yrs. 5' 2" in heightowns dowry qualified daughter parentsseek partner of less than 46 yrs. GB54208 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


MUSLIM parents seek. professionally.qualified partner working in the UK fortheir daughter. 34 years 5' 7" tall man-nered and pretty working as hospital doc-tor in the UK please reply with full detailsto [email protected] G B54253C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


PANADURA Buddhist Karawa parentsseek educated partner with sorber habitfor their beautiful good charactereddaughter 1980 June born 5' 4" graduategovernment school teacher having ahouse & other assets. G B54183C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


PANADURA Salagama Buddihist parentsseek for their charming second daughterwho is 41 years of age and recentlydivorced with no children an educated vir-tuous son. Caste immaterial divorceeswithiout encumberances would be consid-ered. Contact with horoscope details andrelevant true particulars. E [email protected] G B54255 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT607078-1

PARENTS close to Colombo seek for theirdaughter Bodu Govi born in 1974 height 5'3" fair complexioned slim B.Sc graduatecomputer engineer seek a bride groom,also can reside with dowry propertyapproximately worth of 20 million. Writewith horoscope G B53091 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


PARENTS seek a suitable partner for theirdaughter who is from Gampaha, Govi-Buddhist, born in 1985, 5' 6" tall, andQuantity surveyor. Inquire with the horo-scope. It is expected for them to live afterbuilding a house there. [email protected] G B54222 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT606288-1

PARENTS seek a virtrous, kind son in thecapacity of executive grade for theirdaugher who was born in May 1985, 5'. 3"Western province B/K, Private Bank exec-utive MBA/ACMA/AIB fair and pleasantand good conduct. Send all informationwith the horoscope in the first letter. GB54218 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


PARENTS seek professionally compa-tiable gentlemen for daughter 26 5'-3 1/2"fair employed in reputed company inColombo as H/R Executive graduatesalagama Karawa consideredSinha/Dhanu wirte details withHoroscope. G B53539 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT597385-1

PROFFESSIONALLY qualified suitablepartner of similar caste is sought by GoviBuddhist doctor parents for daughter 33yrs 5' 4" with CIMA employed as managerin International bank. Please reply withfamily particulars and horoscope. [email protected] G B53922 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT601523-1

RATMALANA SinhalaGovi Buddhistmother seeks an educated non smokingteetotaller from Colombo suburbs for her27 year old 5' 4" tall slim pretty daughter.Currently employed in a private financecompany as an executive. She is a BBAmanagement degree holder of universityof Colombo and CIMA passed finalist.Owns a house. Reply with family detailsand horescope. G B54247 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT606957-1

RATNAPURA, Buddhist, Durawa 5' 4"Ht. fair, pretty 28 yrs, aries lagna, read-ing for BBM II degree, employmentexpected junior daughter father retireddirector of education seek an educatedwith permanent employment or educatedbusinessman, respectable, virtuous part-ner. Inquire persons with malific planetsin 7, 8 . Ratnapura/Western preferred.Same caste or Govikula preferred.0453458719 G B53012 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


RESPECTABLE Sinhala Catholic par-ents seek a suitable parther for theirdaughter with a pastgraduate degree inenvironmental Science. Born in October1983 height 5' 2'' medium complexionsilm and pleasant employed in a Govtinstitute. G B54246 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT606839-1

RETIRED Parents seek for their secounddaughter close to Colombo 1980 Marchheight 5' fair complexioned younger lookprofessional job doing (PHd) Owns tomodern two storied house and a vehicle.Seek a bridegroom educated, good char-acter with respectable family backgroundBodu Salagama. No barriers. ScorpioAnda 2nd stage Sani Kuja Rahu Guru10. 0112714214 after 9.00p.m. GB53336 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX2047 Colombo


SOUTH Buddhist Karawa 1984 April 5' 4"IT Graduate daughter employed as exec-utive officer in a private bank. parentsretired from Govt. Service seek a son,educated, with permanent employment,devoid of all vices virtuous, Send detailswith horoscope. G B54230 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


SOUTH Buddhist Karawa Employed in aGovt. Financial organization Born 1988,pretty, Slim daughter. parents seek ason, Teetottaler, non smoker, well man-nered, Height above 5' 10" G B54186C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


SOUTH Buddhist, Govi parents seeksuitable partner for their pleasant.Beautiful graduate, employed daughter29.4, 5' 2" G B54254 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


SOUTHERN B/K, 1974, 5' 2" fair, thing,obtain a higher national diploma inEnglish. Inherits house & car. Lookingfor suitable partner by engineering broth-er. Expect horoscope & full details. GB54201 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX2047 Colombo


WE B/K are looking for a sober partnerfor our daughter 29, 5' 6 tall pretty edu-cated smart with a house in residentialarea. Shani Ravi 7th Mesha LagnaPuwaputupa. Caste not considered. Onlyliving in Srilanka please. G B54267C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T608282-1

WESTERN Bodu Deva Aged 21 height 5'5" studied at higher school in Colombo,Fair complaxioned for only daughterseek an educated, highly employed orBusinessman as bridegroom. G B53305C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


WESTERN province Bodu Govi 27 yrsheight 5' 1" pleasant looking Attorney atLaw parents seek decent son. [email protected] G B54203 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT605510-1

1983 July born 5' 6" handsome studied in aleading Colombo boys school. CIM (UK)qualified. Currently reading for the MBA.Employed as a senior manager in a multi-national sinhalese. Buddist salagamaretired parents seek an acadamicaly quali-fied partner. Please inquire with horo-scope. [email protected] GG53727 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T599346-1

A well mannered 40 year old. Govigama,Buddhist businessman, looking for afriendly pleasant and truthful partner withmeans for an early marriage. The heightshould be below 5' 4" please. 033-2297058 G G54240 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT606737-1

ACADEMICALLY Qualified partnerbrought up with Sinhala Buddhist back-ground is sought by SB Australian citizen,academically and professionally qualifiedparents living in Australia, for their fair 5'2", 27+ son graduated with a business andcommerce marketing degree working inAustralia. Prefer a daughter working inAustralia or willing to migrate. Pleasereply with family details and horoscope to:[email protected] G G54243C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


ACADEMICALLY and professionally qual-ified, kind hearted, pretty, well mannereddaughter, willing to migrate is sought byBuddhist/Catholic-Karawa mother for thehandsome son 28 yrs old, 6' havingNewzealand P.R. (preferableDoctor/Engineer) please reply with familydetails and horoscope caste [email protected] GG53017 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


AN educated pretty daughter below 28years with non-melafic horescope issought by academically professionallyqualified son attached to IT drawsrespectable income, owns house and carvirtuous horoscope 5' 11'' B/K hailing forma respectable family 2 siblings are doc-tors. [email protected]. G G54199C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T605200-1

B/G Buddhist parents of Colombo sub-urbs, Directors of leading private firm andgovernment ministry seek for theirColombo educated 1988 Dec born veryfair handsome son of 5' 11". Holding aB.Sc (Hons) degree from SLIIT. Well man-nered brought up with Sinhala Buddhistvalues, NS/ TT and employed as an exec-utive in one of foremost private sector cor-porates in SL. Owns his own vehicle andintend pursing higher studies overseas.Only brother just passed out fromMoratuwa univercity and joined the univer-sity staff. Please write in with all details, acopy of the horoscope and contact details.G G53736 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX2047 Colombo T599428-1

B/G Parents father retired executive moth-er housewife Colombo suburbs seek edu-cated pleasent daiughter with good familybackground for son 28, 5' 7'' N/S, T/T IT(hons) graduate CIMA finals reading forMBA employed in Senior position dhanulangna, rehena nekatha kuja 7 non malefichoroscope. Please reply with familydetails and horoscope. G G54248C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T606960-1

B/G parents seek a suitable partner forson 33 years old, 5' 10", born and graduat-ed in the UK, working as the head ofScience Dept. and Director of Teaching.Please reply with family details and horo-scope. E mail: [email protected] G G53956 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT601780-1

BROTHER of a 37 year old handsomeyouth with a dis-abled right-hand frombirth but owning a very successful busi-ness enterprise earning over Rs. 3 lakhsper month seeks a suitable pretty-educat-ed. Intelligent sister who can assist hisbrother in his business activities.Differences immaterial. G G54206C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


BUDDHISHT, Karawa retired parents ofColombo suburbs, seek, fair, pretty and wellmannered daughter, below 34 yrs, for theironly son, pleasent, handsome, teetotallerand nonsmoker 39 yrs, and 5' 4" height,computer engineer (B.Sc Moratuwa) holdingan executive post, in an international firm,inherits house, car and other assets. Replywith horoscope and family details. GG52885 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T592504-1

COLOMBO - Kotte - Govi Buddhist father ofan ordinary family seeks for his 35 year 5' 3"handsome professionally qualified religiousinclined Son devoid of smoking. with PR inUSA & America, a suitable pretty., educatedwell accomplished. religious-inclined daugh-ter resident here or abroad. His horosocpe isdevoid of malefies ([email protected])G G54192 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX2047 Colombo T604863-1

COLOMBO- I am 42 years. Loving, outgo-ing, nice established person. Widower.Looking kind pretty, funloving lady life part-ner for relationship leads to happy marriagelife from Colombo area. Please live self replyemail. [email protected] G G54257C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


DEHIWELA Sinhala Buddhist retired mother(Teacher) seek qualified educated pleasentgood working fair pretty daughter for theirson 38 5' 7" looks young qualified inMBA/Banking working as an Assistant man-ager in a Bank. Reply with Non-Malefichoroscope below 33 years only fromColombo suburbs. Tel: 2733169- Email: [email protected] G G52921C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


FOR son close to Colombo Bodu Govi bornin 1972 height 5' 4" MBBS, M.D propession-al specialist Doctor in government serviceseeks a bride. Write with horoscope GG53094 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T594242-1

FRIENDS in Canada - British Colombiaseek a suitable partner for their friend who isa Canadian Citizen, born in 1957, Sinhala,Govi-Buddhist, Executive chef, widower,having 13 years son, with good health, 5' "6tall, handsome, caste, race, horosocpesimmaterial. Those who are willing to live inCanada - widows, divorcees and Unmarriedgirls without relationships considered. Sendall details vie Email [email protected] GG54233 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


GALLE Bodu Govi 1982 born 5' 4" in heightfair complexioned persently based overseasassistant manager of a well renownedInternational Organization, owning completehouse vehicles, properties only son, motherRegistrar of marriages seeks employeddaughter between the ages of 24-27 yrs.(Teachers, Bankers preferred) Horoscope.of Kala Sarpa Yoga. G G54215 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT606015-1

GALLE Buddhist, Govi 1985 5' 8" Ht.Australian Citizen Computer engineer son.parents seek a daughter of same Caste,Virtuous, pious, educated, Only brother anEngineering undergraduate. Send horo-scope with all details. (Specially puwasal,puwasala, Rewathie and saturn in 1,2,4) [email protected] G G54224 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT606300-1

GAMPAHA Bodu Govi 1984 born 5' 11"Assistant Manager overseas resident par-ents seek suitable partner. P/s Inquiretogether with copies of horoscope. [email protected] G G54205 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


GAMPAHA Bodu/Govi retired parents seekvery pretty, fair, educated, well brought updaughter for well mannered non drinking,non smoking computer post graduate of aforeign University, Computer graduate ofMratuwa university, software engineer son.G G54227 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX2047 Colombo


GAMPAHA District Bodu Salagama 1985August born 6' feet in height pursued degreeat University of Canterbury in New Zeland,owns assets, handsome son mother seeksqualified beautiful daughter from a decentfamily back ground. send [email protected] G G54207 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T605630-1

GOVERNMENT Executive grade fatherseek for his son close to Colombo BoduRajaka Aged 30 height 5' 7" engaged in gov-ernment service active hand some attractivelook owned to house/property for youngerson in the family seeks a bride employed ingovernment/ corporation or fromrespectable business family and fair com-plexioned. Non malefic no barriers. GG54190 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T604834-1

KURUNEGALA up-country Buddhist Govi1981 May 5' 6" Lawyer son own a housevehicles, property handsome moral char-acter. Retired parents. Invite a daughterof same Caste, educated, employed. Callafter 6 pm. 0372225072. G G54239C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T606705-1

MOTHER seeks a really-beautiful girl fortheir son who is from the southernprovince, Govi-Buddhist, Very handsome37, 5' 11", having University read upperclass Doctorate degree (Hons.) No differ-ences. 041-2229828. Proposal [email protected] G G54229 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


NUGEGODA Bodu/Vishwa 30 yrs 5' 5"graduate and CIMA, Excutive with assets.Immaterial. 0112816875. [email protected] G G52890 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T592600-1

ONLY Son 5' 11" Ht. Age 30 handsomeAustralian graduate businessman, par-ents seek pleasant, kind daughter emailmar2014 [email protected] 081-5657057. G G53507 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT597094-1

PARENTS Retired Bank officers seek fortheir son 1986 September 5' 10" GalleBodu Govi owner of a house in Galle townemployed at executive grade in Colomboprivate firm and for active son, seek a jobcloing moral value pleasant bride onlywith horoscope of Angaharu RahuSenasuru seen 7 or limited in 7 apply withcopy of horoscope. G G54209 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 ColomboT605882-1

PARENTS seek a brids who is capable ofdoing domestic work and cooking proper-ly Govi-Buddhist for their son who is fromMatara, Govi-Buddhist born in 1981 hav-ing 12 acres of tea and an upstair houseand a respectable family Back-ground.Jupiter Saturu 02, Sun/Mercury. and Mars11' 041-2282241. G G54217 C/oSundayTimes, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


SL Moor parents resideng in the UK arelooking for their UK born, brought up andeducated chartered engineer son, work-ing for a well established British company.We are seeking a practicing Muslim, edu-cated and professional girl in age range23-28. Girls living abroad will also be con-sidered. The girl should be willing to livein the UK. Please reply to: [email protected]. 011-5679472. G G54252C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


SRILANKAN father German motherresiding in Australia having 31 year goodlooking son born & brought up in AustraliaBA holder working in reputed firm seekingattractive English speaking girl with pro-fessional back ground from respectablefamily, willing to reside in Australia caste,horoscope religion immaterial. [email protected]/[email protected] G G52953 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


UPCOUNTRY S/B 54 divorced invitesbusiness lady for silent marriage widow/divorced Canadian visa holder. [email protected] G G53757C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


BUDDHIST, Govi, born 1978 March,height 5' 8", residing Colombo, fair, hand-some, sober habits, educated, marketinggreduate and Lecturer, holding managerialpost at reputed advertising institution inColombo, owning valuable land, son,Buddihist, Govi mother seeks educated,pretty, charactered, simple mannered vir-tuous daughter, father (Indian KeralaNational) deceased. 0335715327. GG53677 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T598852-1

BUDDHIST Govi 28 year handsome eld-est son of a respectable family engaged inhis own business concern overseas seekssuitable pretty English-speaking partnerwith reasonable means. Full family partic-ulars with copy of horosocope expected. GG53846 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo


UNMARRIED Colombo Bodu/Govi quali-fied decent charactered pleasant lookinglooks much younger employed height 4' 6"medium built owns dowry 1962 born sistereldest sister seeks suitable partner. [email protected] (0112076657) after 6.00pm G B52860 C/oSunday Times,P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo


UNMARRIED Colombo Bodu /Govi quali-fied decent charactered slim figuredExecutive officer height 4' 8" owns dowry1964 born looks much younger ElderSister seeks partner for sister [email protected] 0113108713 after 6.00 pm.G B52859 C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX2047 Colombo T591211-1

Close to Colombo Buddhist Govi 1987/9 5'6" fair, graduate, Govt. executive daughter(only child) parents seek a partner. Has togo abroad from time to time. Shani 1, Ku10, Shu 6, Aswida, Dewa. Write with horo-scope. Govt. service preferred G B52919C/oSunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047Colombo T593042-1

Sunday September 14, 2014THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS

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