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“Easter  is  the  time  in  the  Church’s  year  when  we  contemplate  the  joy  of  moving  from  the  impenetrable  gloom  of  death,  as  Jesus  is  laid  in  the  tomb,  to  witnessing  his  radiance  as  He  is  raised  from  the  dead.  God  shows  us  his  ultimate  gift  of  mercy  by  bringing  forth  life  from  death.  

During  this  Holy  Year  of  Mercy,  Pope  Francis  reminds  us  that  mercy  is  “Jesus’  most  important  message.”  Indeed,  the  Jubilee  Year  is  a  gift  of  grace.  It  is  an  occasion  for  each  of  us  

 Stations  of  the  Cross  performed  as  part  of  the  Lenten  Liturgy    


WEEK  9A  Monday  March  28  –1st  XI  Soccer  trip  to  EREA  Tournament  in  Brisbane    

Tuesday  March  29  –  Easter  Tuesday.  Student  Free  Day  

Thursday  March  31  –  IPSHA  Student  Leadership  Conference    

Saturday  April  2  –  Head  of  the  River,  Lake  Barrington    


WEEK   10B  Wednesday  April  6  –  College  Cross  Country  at  Austins  Ferry  

Friday  April  8  –  Junior  School  Grandparent’s  Day    

End  of  Term  1      


Please  visit  the  College  website  to  download  the  calendar  to  your  PC,  tablet  or  smartphone      

For  more  news  and  events  please  follow  us  on  Twitter  -­‐  @svctas    

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personally  to  rediscover  the  infinite  mercy  of  the  Father  who  welcomes  everyone  and  goes  out  personally  to  encounter  each  of  us.  It  is  he  who  seeks  us!  It  is  he  who  comes  to  encounter  us!  

And  just  as  Jesus  offered  himself  for  all  of  us,  we  are  invited  to  accompany  Him  on  a  journey  of  mercy  that  lasts  a  lifetime.  May  this  Easter  be  a  time  to  celebrate  God’s  gift  of  mercy.    Easter    The  world  appears  to  be  moving  faster  and  faster  and  through  technology  clearly  more  connected.  This  week  we  watched  another   tragedy  unfold   in  our  dysfunctional  world.  As  we  continue   to  move   through  Holy  Week,   I  know   I   take  great  solace   from  my  Christian   upbringing   and   the   faith   that   I   have   in   the   story   that   is   retold   again   this  weekend.  A  man  prepared   to   make   the   ultimate   sacrifice   so   that   his   people   can   experience   life   to   the   full   and   live   a   fulfilling   and  worthwhile  existence.      Over   this   Easter   weekend   I   encourage   you   to   spend   some   time   reflecting   on   the   Easter   message   and   the   wonderful  sacrifice  that  Jesus  makes  for  us  by  attending  mass  or  finding  time  to  reflect  upon  the  true  message  of  Easter,  as  opposed  to  the  hype  of  Easter  buns  and  eggs!    The  Easter  break  comes  at  a  fantastic  time  in  our  hectic  academic  term.  I  pray  that  the  five  days  will  provide  you  with  an  ideal  opportunity  for  reflection  and  some  personal   time  to  renew  your  connections  with  family,   friends,  and  of  course,  our  loving  God.      I  wish  all  members  of  our  College  community  a  safe,  restful  and  fulfilling  Easter  break.    School  Arrival  Times  I  take  this  opportunity  to  remind  all  parents  that  students  should  not  be  on  either  the  Junior  or  Senior  school  sites  before  8.15  am  in  the  morning.  I  understand  that  there  are  some  bus  services  that  necessitate  that  some  students  arrive  earlier  than  8.15  am,  but  I  respectfully  ask  that  no  student  is  dropped  off  to  school  by  car  prior  to  8.15am.      Enrolments  2017  If   you   know   of   anyone   interested   in   enrolling   their   son   to   St   Virgil’s   College,   please   encourage   them   to   lodge   their  enrolment  application.  The  Junior  School  campus  are  holding  an  Open  Day  on  May  25.      The  closing  date  this  year  for  Grade  7  2017  enrolment  applications  is  April  22.    Vale  Bernard  Gillon    The   College   was   deeply   saddened   to   learn   of   the   sudden   passing   of   a   highly   respected   and   regarded   Old   Virgilian  Bernard   Gillon.   Bernard   was   a   loyal   Old   Virgilian,   a   great   man   of   faith   and   a   valued   mentor   to   one   of   our   current  students.  He  was   an   esteemed   educator,   holding   a   variety   of   posts,  most   notably   as   a   past   Principal   of  Mount   Stuart  Primary  School.  He  was  an  active  man  and  was  a  keen  tennis  player  at  the  Moonah  Catholic  Tennis  Club.    Eternal  rest  grant  unto  them,  O  Lord,  and  let  perpetual  light  shine  upon  them.    May  their  souls  and  the  souls  of  all  the  faithful  

departed,  through  the  mercy  of  God,  rest  in  peace.    Amen    In  the  spirit  of  Blessed  Edmund    Damian  Messer    

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DEPUTY  PRINCIPAL    MR  TERRY  BL IZZARD        “From   everyone   who   has   been   given   much,   much   will   be  demanded;   and   from   the   one   who   has   been   entrusted   with   much,  much  more  will  be  asked”.  Luke  12:48.    Caritas  As  the  Caritas  Australia  annual  Lenten  fundraiser  and  awareness-­‐‑raising  appeal,  Project  Compassion,  comes  to  its  conclusion,  I  would  like  to  acknowledge  all  of  the  staff  and  students  who  have  given  of  themselves  to  advocate  on  behalf  of  the  marginalised  and  disadvantaged.  From  regular  Home  Room  donations  into  the  Caritas  boxes,  the  staff  weekly  produce  table,  green  ice-­‐‑creams  in  the  Quad  to  the  Joyce  House  breakfasts,  many  members  of  our  community  have  embraced  the  spirit  of  Lent  to  support  those  in  need.      As  has  been  the  case  in  previous  years  the  Caritas  stories  have  highlighted  the  plight  of  inequality,  and  also  helped  us  all  to  reflect  on  our  relatively  privileged  lives.  I  was  reflecting  on  this  recently  when  I  read  the  following  Bible  reference  from  the  Gospel  of  Luke  and  I  must  say  it  put  our  efforts  into  perspective.  “From  everyone  who  has  been  given  much,  much  will  be  demanded;  and  from  the  one  who  has  been  entrusted  with  much,  much  more  will  be  asked”.  Luke  12:48.    I  wish  is  all  boys  in  our  community  a  very  safe  and  very  holy  Easter  and  if  possible  to  take  a  moment  to  reflect  on  the  privileges  of  life  and  of  things  that  really  matter.      Grade  7  Immunisations  This  week  the  first  round  of  Immunisations  took  place  for  Grade  7  students.  There  were  a  number  of  students  who  did  not  have  the  immunisations  for  a  range  of  reasons,  mainly  because  they  had  it  with  their  doctor.  There  were  a  small  number  of  boys  however  who  had  not  returned  their  form  and  consequently  could  not  be  immunised.  Could  I  please  suggest  that  parents  check  with  the  boys  and  if  necessary  follow  up  with  their  local  council  or  doctor.      Easter  Break  A  reminder  that  school  will  re-­‐‑commence  following  Easter  on  Wednesday  March  30.      Upcoming  Events  for  the  Diary  

-­‐ We  wish  our  rowers  all  the  best  for  the  upcoming  Head  of  the  River  on  Saturday  April  2.    -­‐ The  next  round  of  Outdoor  Education  for  Grade  9  A,B  and  C  will  head  off  on  Monday  April  4.    -­‐ The  final  day  for  Term  One  is  Friday  April  Eight,  finishing  at  the  normal  time.  School  will  recommence  on  

Wednesday  April  27.    -­‐ The  first  Parent/Student/Teacher  Conferences  for  2016  will  take  place  on  Tuesday  April  26.  There  are  no  classes  

on  this  day.  As  the  name  suggests,  students  are  encouraged  to  attend  on  this  day.    


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Morning  Drop-­‐‑Off  and  Afternoon  Pick  Ups    Parents  are  reminded  of  the  need  to  drive  with  extreme  caution  when  entering  the  College  grounds.  Please  take  note  of  entry  and  exit  signs  before  and  after  school.  The  safety  of  boys  is  our  prime  concern  so  please  slow  down  and  be  watchful  as  you  drop  your  son  off  at  school.      A  property  traffic  flow  map  is  available  at­‐‑school-­‐‑grades-­‐‑7-­‐‑10/senior-­‐‑buses-­‐‑transport/    



Inclusive  Community  Our  community  is  accepting  and  welcoming,  fostering  right  relationships  and  committed  to  the  common  good.  

EREA  Touchstone    

At  the  end  of  this  week  the  Christian  community  celebrate  Easter.    It  may  sound  a  bit  weird  that  I  say  celebrate  when  the  events  commemorate  the  death  or  crucifixion  of  Jesus.    Yes,  that  did  occur.  But  we  are  also  celebrating  our  belief   in   Jesus’   triumph  over  death  with   the   resurrection.    Part   of   this   can  also  be  viewed  as   our   feeling  when  we  thought  something  may  have  been  lost  but  is  now  found.        Quite   often   we   need   to   start   again   as   we   make   our   journey   through   life.     We   confront   many   obstacles,  distractions  and  possibly  periods  of  no  hope.    We  believe  that  Jesus  did  the  same  when  he  asked  God  to  consider  the  events  of  Good  Friday  not  occurring  –  BUT  left  it  to  God  saying,  “Your  will  be  done.”    Often,  for  our  boys,  they  confront  speed  bumps  during  their  life  journey.    What  is  important  for  all  our  boys,  no  matter  what  their  religious  belief,  is  to  make  good  the  situation  and  to  start  again.    Turn  the  page  in  the  book  to  a  blank  page  and  start  the  story  from  their  and  attempt  to  leave  the  issue  behind  to  eventually  be  lost  in  time.    Obviously,  sometimes  this  can  be  a  lot  easier  said  than  done.    If  we  can  model  ourselves  on  Jesus,  we  forgive,  make  right  the  relationship  and  continue  on  our  journey.    This  is  our  daily  challenge.    Easter  As  our   community  heads   into   the  Easter  break,   I  would   like   to  wish  everyone  an  enjoyable  and   safe  break.    We  have  certainly  had  a  very  busy  start   to   the  year  so  having  a   long  weekend  break  over  Easter  will  provide  a  great  chance   to  recharge   the   batteries   in   readiness   for   the   last   part   of   Term   1.     Please   remember   that   our   boys   return   to   school   on  Wednesday  March  30.      

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Grandparents  and  Special  Persons  Day  Plans  are  underway  for  this  year’s  celebration  of  Grandparents  and  Special  Persons  Day.    Would  all  families  please  mark  on  their  calendar  Friday  April  8  as  the  date  for  this  celebration.    Further  details  about  times  and  activities  will  come  home  with  the  boys  next  week.    Grade  6  News!    Mr  Peter  Rasmussen  and  Mrs  Fiona  Chambers    As  we  near  the  end  of  Term  1  it  is  pleasing  to  look  back  and  reflect  upon  what  we  have  achieved  in  Grade  6  so  far.  However,  before  mentioning  anything  about  our  programme  in  Grade  6,  it  is  important  to  make  specific  mention  of  the  very  warm  welcome  that  I  have  received  at  the  College  this  year.  As  an  old  boy  of  the  College  it  has  been  somewhat  nostalgic  to  hear  and  see  things  like  the  Edmund  Rice  Anthem  being  sung  as  a  College  in  the  Hall  at  Austins  Ferry,  and  to  again  immerse  myself  in  the  St  Virgil’s  College  community.  I  suppose  you  never  really  ‘leave’  as  a  Virgilian  but  it  is  certainly  nice  to  be  back!  I  would  also  like  thank  the  parents  who  attended  the  parent-­‐‑teacher  interviews  last  week.  It  was  lovely  to  know  that  as  teachers  we  are  well  supported  by  a  caring  and  engaged  parent  body.    In  Grade  6  we  have  commenced  our  Daily  5  reading  and  literacy  programme.  Generally,  the  boys  have  adjusted  to  this  change  extremely  well  and  engaged  with  the  strong  behavioural  structure  and  opportunities  for  choice  and  self-­‐‑directed  learning.  Now  that  we  have  completed  the  establishment  phase  of  Daily  5,  we  are  very  much  looking  forward  to  assisting  the  boys  and  showing  them  how  this  programme  will  support  them  in  multiple  learning  areas  for  the  remainder  of  the  year.  The  boys  have  also  started  the  Daily  3  Mathematics  programme  that  has  a  similar  structure  to  Daily  5.  Although  we  have  a  little  more  work  to  do  in  Mathematics,  we  are  confident  that  this  structure  will  benefit  the  boys  greatly  as  the  year  progresses.      In  Science  the  boys  have  been  working  on  their  major  project  that  looks  at  natural  disasters!  It  has  been  great  to  see  the  boys  so  enthusiastic  about  increasing  their  understanding  and  knowledge  of  natural  Phenomena.  It  has  also  given  them  an  opportunity  to  use  their  iPads  constructively  and  enhance  the  quality  of  their  work  for  assessment.  Thanks  to  Mr  Pinelli  for  helping  the  boys  in  class  every  Tuesday  and  via  email  with  their  Science  work.      After  the  Easter  break  is  shaping  up  to  be  a  hectic  time  in  the  lead  up  to  the  Term  1  break;  but  one  activity  that  we  have  planned  for  the  boys  beforehand  is  our  excursion  to  the  Tasmanian  Cricket  Museum,  which  they  are  very  excited  about!      Finally,  we  would  like  to  wish  all  members  of  the  College  community  a  safe  and  happy  Easter  –  it  will  be  great  to  spend  time  with  family  –  Mr  Rasmussen  is  certainly  looking  forward  to  his  first  Easter  as  a  father  with  his  wife  and  little  boy  William.    Sport    Term  1  sport  is  coming  to  an  end  –  or  has  already  done  so.    Congratulations  to  all  the  boys  on  their  participation  and  to  all  the  parent  helpers  a  big  thanks  for  helping  out.    Commencing  this  week  and  into  next,  details  about  formal  registrations  for  Term  2  sports  are  coming  home.    Please  check  your  son’s  school  bag  or  the  College  website  to  ensure  you  complete  this  process  in  a  timely  fashion.        

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Woodwork    This  week,  Grade  6  C  had  their  last  woodwork  lesson  in  the  workshop  at  the  Senior  School.    It  was  certainly  a  very  busy  time  finishing  off  all  27  bird  houses.    It  has  been  pleasing  to  see  the  boys  develop  their  skills  and  also  the  willingness  to  help   each   other   out   when   someone   needed   a   hand.     Hopefully   the   boys,   maybe   with   a   little   help,   can   install   their  birdhouse  at  home.  

   Mini  Vinnies    The  Mini  Vinnies  boys  have  been  busy  during  break  times  selling  raffle  tickets  and  guesses  for  our  Holy  Week  activities.    The  boys  are   to  be  commended  for  doing   this  without  being  reminded  and  doing  a  superb   job  reminding  everyone   to  have  a  go.    A  big  thank-­‐‑you  to  all  of  our  boys  and  parents  who  have  generously  contributed  enough  eggs  for  us  to  bundle  up  over  20  prizes!    The   raffles  will  be  drawn  at   the  conclusion  of   the  Caritas  Cup  which  will  be  held  after   lunch   time  today.    


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 Holy  Week    This  week  our  boys  have  had  the  opportunity  to  re-­‐‑enact  the  different  events  of  Holy  Week  in  the  lead  up  to  Easter.    Each  of  these  has  had  a  different  emphasis  and  style  but  all  have  been  a  visual  representation  of  the  Bible  story  of  the  week.    Thank  you  to  all  the  teachers  for  their  preparation  of  the  boys  for  this  important  activity.    

     Green  Thumbs    There  has  been  a  fair  bit  of  activity  in  the  vegie  patch  over  the  last  week  with  the  construction  of  some  compost  bins.    The  Green  Thumbs  boys  are  very  keen  to  use  organic  items  that  are  scraps  and  leftovers  from  our  break  times  in  the  compost  bin  so  that  they  can  fertilise  our  very  productive  garden  beds.    A  big  thank-­‐‑you  to  Mrs  Graves  and  Mr  Gerlach  (from  the  Senior  School)  for  their  efforts  in  constructing  the  bins.    


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Junior  School  Notices  We   fully   understand   that   sometimes   your   son  may   not   bring   home   information   in   a   timely   fashion.     Could   I   please  encourage  all  parents   to   check  out   the  “In   the  School  Bag”   link  on   the  College  website   as   it  will   contain  any   current,  relevant  notes  that  you  may  need.    Calendar  Update    Parents  and  guardians  are  reminded  to  subscribe  to  the  College’s  online  calendar.    The  great  advantage  of  this  is  that  if  there   are   necessary   changes   to   dates   these   changes   can   be   made   immediately.     Please   check   the   calendar   at:    Significant,  upcoming  events  are  summarised  below    March  Week  8  B  –  Holy  Week    JSSATIS  Swimming  Carnival   March  24  Caritas  Cup   March  24  Good  Friday   March  25      March  /  April    Week  9  A    Easter  Monday  public  holiday   March  28  Easter  Tuesday  –  staff  &  student  free  day   March  29  IPSHA  Leadership  Day  hosted  by  SVC   March  31  Grade  6  Excursion   April  1  Head  of  the  River   April  2      April    Week  10  B    Feast  of  the  Annunciation   April  4  College  Cross  Country   April  6  St  Vincent  DePaul  Mass  –  7pm  –  Cathedral   April  6  Grandparents  &  Special  Persons  Day   April  8  Last  day  of  Term  1   April  8    

Canteen    Friday  March  25           GOOD  FRIDAY  Wednesday  March  30       K  Lyden  /  Y  Story  Thursday  March  31       M  Gerathy  Friday  April  1         S  Ashby  /  M  Careless    


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Junior  School  Sport    Mrs  Jo  Messer    Some  of  our  Junior  School  Sports  are  wrapping  up  this  week.    Term  One  Sport  Wind  Up  JSSATIS  Grade  3&4  Cricket  concluded  on  Monday  after  a  five  week  roster.    This  roster  was  hugely  popular  with  30  boys  taking  part.    Throughout  the  roster  they  played  Sacred  Heart,  Dominic  and  Hutchins.    All  boys  learnt  many  of  the  basic  skills  of  this  great  game.    Thank  you  to  Michelle  Direen  Ben  Mooney,  Peter  Murray,  Michael  Lyden  and  Ian  Stewart  in  their  roles  as  managers  of  these  teams  as  well  as  all  the  other  parents  who  supported  their  son’s  team.    

   JSSATIS  Grade  5&6  Tennis  finished  this  afternoon  after  a  six  week  roster.    The  four  boys,  Will  Mooney,  Dan  Lucas,  Dan  Tang  and  Charlie  Banks  played  well  throughout  the  roster,  improving  as  they  went  along.  On  some  occasions,  the  team  was  a  player  short  and  it  was  not  too  much  to  ask  any  of  the  boys  to  play  an  extra  set.    Last  week,  they  played  Hutchins.    Daniel,  Lucas  and  Will  lost  to  Hutchins  5-­‐‑6  and  Daniel  T  and  Will  (stepping  up  again  in  the  absence  of  Charlie)  defeated  Hutchins  6-­‐‑3.    A  big  thank  you  to  Mr  Brent  Scanlon  for  looking  after  the  team  each  week.      Today  is  the  JSSATIS  Swimming  Carnival  so  I  look  forward  to  reporting  to  you  next  week  on  how  the  boys  competed.    Results  Grade  3-­‐‑4  Cricket    SVC  GOLD  V  SVC  GREEN  What  a  smashing  game  to  finish  on.    The  boys  played  brilliantly  as  a  team  with  everyone  having  a  go.    A  great  season-­‐‑  well  done  boys!  PLAYER  OF  THE  WEEK:     Connor  Macdonald  for  being  an  awesome  team  player.  FLIPPABALL    SVC  SHARKS  8  defeated  DOMINIC  4  The  boys  played  a  great  team  game  with  good  passing  and  great  positional  play.    Good  goals  to  Patrick,  Oliver,  Sam,  Oscar  and  James.    Pleasing  to  see  the  boys  developing  their  skills  and  enjoyment  of  the  game.    PLAYER  OF  THE  WEEK:     James  Pinelli  a  great  team  player.  

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SVC  STINGRAYS  3  lost  to  SVC  HAMMERHEADS  5    Boys  have  shown  great  development  over  this  short  season.    The  boys  are  passing  the  ball  around  well  and  showing  good  defence  skills.    Well  done!!  PLAYER  OF  THE  WEEK:  Sam  Murray  for  his  excellent  performance  in  goals.    Term  Two  Sport  Registrations  for  all  Term  Two  sports  are  in.    Information  about  these  sports  has  gone  out  this  week.  Once  again  it  is  fantastic  to  see  so  many  boys  signing  up  to  play  sport  for  SVC  next  term.    We  have  enough  players  for  three  Grade  3,  two  Grade  4,  one  Grade  5  and  one  Grade  6  soccer  team.    In  Hockey  we  will  be  able  to  field  a  Grade  5&6  and  a  3&4  team.    The  Grade  3&4  team  could  do  with  a  couple  more  players.    The  Water  Polo  team  has  well  and  truly  enough  players,  with  12  signed  up.      For   any  other   student   still  wanting   to  play   one   of   these   sports,   it   is   not   too   late.     Please   come   and   see  Mrs  Messer   or  contact  her  via  email  at  [email protected]      Lost  Uniform  A  Size  10  SVC  Spray  Jacket  -­‐‑  last  seen  at  the  Junior  School  swimming  carnival  at  Glenorchy.  It  was  named  in  permanent  marker  but  this  could  have  washed  off.  If  found  please  return  to  the  Office.      


Sunday  marked   the   Beginning   of   Holy  Week   and   the   end   of   our   Lenten   season.   Today   (Holy   Thursday   or  Maundy  Thursday)   our   senior   drama   and   music   classes   will   lead   the   Austins   Ferry   campus   in   a   Lenten   reflection   with   an  interpretation  of  the  Stations  on  the  Cross.    During  Holy  Week,  Catholics  commemorate  the  Passion  of  Christ,  who  died  on  Good  Friday  in  reparation  for  the  sins  of  mankind,  and  rose  on  Easter  Sunday  to  give  new  life.    Across  our  Archdiocese  there  are  services  being  held  in  every  parish  across  the  state.  To  find  your  nearest  service  please  visit        10  Years  of  the  ‘Close  the  Gap’  Campaign  Ms  Claire  Graham  Reconciliation  Group        Last  Friday  students  came  along  to  the  Art  Room  for  a  juggling  ball  making  workshop  to  raise  awareness  for  the  CLOSE  the  GAP  campaign.    National  Close  the  Gap  Day  is  an  opportunity  for  all  Australians  to  keep  the  pressure  on  our  government  and  ensure  we  achieve  health  equality  within  a  generation.  Ten  years  into  the  campaign  for  Indigenous  health  equality,  Aboriginal  and  Torres  Strait  Islander  health  outcomes  are  improving.    

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 TARGET:  Halve  the  gap  in  mortality  rates  for  Indigenous  children  under  five  within  a  decade  (by  2018.)  ACHIEVEMENT:  33%  drop  of  ATSI  child  mortality.    TARGET:  95  per  cent  of  all  Indigenous  four-­‐‑year-­‐‑olds  enrolled  in  early  childhood  education  (by  2025).    ACHIEVEMENT:  85  %  attendance  of  ATSI  four-­‐‑year-­‐‑olds  enrolled  in  remote  communities.      TARGET:  Close  the  gap  between  Indigenous  and  non-­‐‑Indigenous  school  attendance  within  five  years  (by  2018).  ACHIEVEMENT:  Attendance  rate  for  ATSI  students  was  83.7  %.    TARGET:  Halve  the  gap  for  Indigenous  children  in  reading,  writing  and  numeracy  achievements  within  a  decade  (by  2018).    ACHIEVEMENT:  Numeracy  and  literacy  gaps  remains,  but  it  is  not  large.    TARGET:  Halve  the  employment  gap  within  a  decade  (by  2018).    ACHIEVEMENT:  This  target  is  not  on  track  but  there  is  a  strong  link  between  education  &  employment.    TARGET:  Close  the  gap  in  life  expectancy  between  Indigenous  and  non-­‐‑Indigenous  Australians  within  a  generation  (by  2031).    ACHIEVEMENT:  ATSI  life  expectancy  gap  of  10.6  years  for  males  and  9.5  years  for  females    Students  made  juggling  balls  in  the  colours  of  the  Aboriginal  flag  for  $1  per  ball  or  $2  for  a  set  of  3.  All  money  goes  to  Caritas.      

     We  still  have  a  long  way  to  go  to  CLOSE  the  GAP  entirely  by  2030.  The  support  of  our  students  is  helping  make  that  difference.    


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Mathematics    Mr  Jason  McDonald  Head  of  Mathematics      DOES  YOUR  SON  NEED  EXTRA  HELP  WITH  HIS  MATHS?  Whether  it  be  homework  or  classwork  that  he  needs  assistance  with,  there  are  extra  chances  for  your  son  to  get  help!    Not  only  does  the  Math’s  Department  make  available  a  minimum  of  one  Math’s  teacher  at  the  schools  Homework  Club  on  a  Thursday  afternoon  from  3.15  to  4.15  in  the  Library,  they  are  also  making  themselves  available  in  the  Library  for  the  second  half  of  EVERY  lunchtime  to  get  some  assistance  with  their  homework  or  that  'ʹcurly'ʹ  question  they  couldn'ʹt  figure  out  in  class!      We  understand  that  afternoons  are  a  very  busy  time  for  families,  so  please  tell  your  son  to  come  to  the  Library  after  they  have  had  some  lunch.    It  often  only  takes  five  minutes  to  re-­‐‑explain  a  concept  in  a  different  way  to  your  son  for  him  to  understand!    Please  contact  me  if  you  would  like  additional  information  –  [email protected]      VET  Food  Technology  and  Hospitality    Mrs  Julia  Denniss    



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Grade  7  Transition  Survey  As  we  come  to  the  end  of  a  busy  term  and  with  a  number  of  the  significant  transition  programmes  concluding,  we  are  keen  to  seek  parent  feedback  about  their  son’s  transition  into  secondary  schooling.    Below  is  a  link  to  a  short  survey  which  we  ask  all  Grade  7  parents  to  complete.    The  data  collected  allows  us  to  review  all  aspects  of  the  transition  process,  from  the  initial  enrolment  interview,  through  to  the  New  Beginnings  programme  and  the  Mother/Son  evening.    Survey  Link:    

Da  Vinci  Decathlon  On  Monday  this  week,  16  Grade  7  boys  represented  the  College  in  two  teams  who  participated  in  the  inaugural  Tasmanian  Da  Vinci  Decathlon.    The  decathlon  involves  teams  of  eight  students  completing  academic  challenges  across  ten  different  disciplines,  from  Maths  and  English,  through  to  Engineering,  Philosophy  and  Cartography.    The  boys  are  to  be  commended  for  their  hard  work  in  preparation  for  the  day,  their  teamwork  throughout  the  challenges  and  the  manner  in  which  they  represented  the  College  on  the  day.  

Complete  Time  and  Space  The  Complete  Time  and  Space  programme  came  to  a  conclusion  this  week  with  seven  Grade  9  and  10  boys  completing  a  weekend  camp  and  two  evenings  at  the  College  along  with  their  male  mentors.    The  final  evening  is  always  an  emotional  time  when  the  ‘young  and  old  fellas’  reflect  on  the  time  they  have  shared  and  the  bonds  that  have  formed.    The  College  is  very  fortunate  to  have  the  services  of  Bill  Jennings  from  Time  and  Space  to  facilitate  the  programme,  however,  the  commitment  of  Mr  Steve  Aitkin,  ably  supported  by  Mr  John  Tulk,  is  instrumental  in  facilitating  the  weekend  expedition  and  is  a  statement  of  the  sacrifice  he  is  willing  to  make  in  support  of  the  boys  in  our  community.    Congratulations  to  all  the  members  of  the  College  community  who  participated  this  year.  We  hope  that  the  memories  of  your  time  together  stay  close  to  your  hearts  and  that  your  relationships  flourish.    Tasmanian  Independent  Schools  Senior  Student  Leaders’  Conference  Lachlan  Gadomski,  College  Captain    On  Wednesday  March  23  Tyler  Morris  (Vice  Captain)  and  I,  accompanied  by  Mr  Alexander,  headed  to  Scotch  Oakburn  College,  Launceston  for  a  leadership  conference.    The  day  began  with  each  of  the  five  schools  present  sharing  a  presentation  of  how  leadership  works  at  their  school.  It  was  interesting  to  see  that  no  schools  had  the  same  leadership  structure  and  roles.  Once  each  school  finished  presenting  we  had  recess  and  headed  across  the  road  to  Scotch  Oakburn'ʹs  middle  school  campus  for  a  few  icebreaker  activities.  A  few  interesting  games  were  thrown  at  us  but  they  all  had  a  reference  back  to  leadership.      

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The  day  was  predominantly  run  by  student  leaders  and  after  having  a  bit  of  fun  getting  to  know  each  other,  we  walked  back  to  the  senior  school  campus.  We  were  all  presented  with  the  quote  "ʺLeaders  become  great,  not  because  of  their  power,  but  because  of  their  ability  to  empower  others”  and  split  up  into  five  separate  groups  to  answer  questions  based  around  the  quote.  Some  great  ideas  were  brought  to  light  that  we  all  took  interest  in.      Along  with  new  ideas,  a  new  concept  was  also  shown  to  us  that  I  remember  as  the  'ʹWhy,  How,  What'ʹ  concept’.    The  concept  talks  about  focusing  more  on  why  you  are  doing  something,  rather  then  purely  and  simply  what  you'ʹre  doing.  This  was  linked  to  how  Apple  promotes  and  sells  its  products  by  telling  people  why  they  do  what  they  do  instead  of  saying  “here'ʹs  our  product,  this  is  what  it  does,  buy  it”!    The  day  was  completed  with  guest  speaker  Green’s  Senator  Peter  Whish-­‐‑Wilson  sharing  his  journey  in  politics  and  ideas  around  leadership.  He,  like  the  quote,  referred  a  lot  to  the  ability  to  empower  others  and  also  gave  us  some  good  insightful  information.      Tyler  and  I  learnt  a  lot  over  the  day  and  can'ʹt  wait  to  share  what  we  learnt  with  our  fellow  leaders.  We  would  like  to  thank  Scotch  Oakburn  for  hosting  the  conference  and  Mr  Alexander  for  driving  us  up  to  Launceston  and  back.    




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For  all  enquires  about  music  @  SVC  -­‐‑  please  contact:    

[email protected]      6249  6555  



SATIS  Swimming    Joseph  McMullen  –  Captain  of  Swimming    The  boys  arrived  bright  and  early  on  Wednesday  March  16  ready  for  the  State  SATIS  swimming  carnival.  We  arrived  at  8:15am,  ready  to  get  in  for  a  bit  of  pre-­‐‑carnival  relay  training  but  were  made  to  wait  until  9am  to  get  in.  After  a  quick  swim,  some  shorter  then  others,  we  got  out  and  waited  as  the  other  school  entered  and  moved  to  their  allocated  seating  areas.  At  9:30am,  the  southern  schools  had  their  warm  up  while  we  waited  for  the  northern  schools  to  arrive.  The  warm  up  for  the  northern  schools  commenced  at  10  o'ʹclock,  meanwhile,  the  southern  schools  had  a  chance  to  get  some  breakfast  from  the  canteen  and  catch  up  with  friends.    

The  first  event  of  the  day  was  the  medley  relay.  Our  Under  14  relay  team  consisting  of  Max  Guiliani,  Jackson  Devine,  Joshua  Wylie  and  Tadhg  Waddington  finished  second  in  their  heat  and  second  overall  with  a  speedy  time  of  2  minutes  and  23  seconds.  Our  Under  16  team  consisting  Riley  Oakley,  Lachlan  Rice,  Liam  Watling  and  Joseph  McMullen  finish  5th  in  our  heat  and  5th  overall  with  a  time  of  2  minutes,  10  seconds.  Some  individual  highlights  of  the  day  were  Max  Guiliani'ʹs  win  in  the  Under  13,  50m  freestyle  with  a  time  of  29.09  seconds  and  Jackson  Devine'ʹs  win  in  the  Under  14,  50m  backstroke  with  a  time  of  33.85  seconds.  

Then  came  the  freestyle  relays.  All  our  boys  had  great  races,  our  Under  13s  playing  second  overall,  the  Under  14s  finishing  5th  overall  ,  the  Under  15s  finished  6th  overall  and  the  Under  16  team  consisting  of  Riley  Oakley,  Lachlan  Rice,  Angus  Reilly  and  Joseph  McMullen  won  our  race  and  finished  first  overall  beating  our  rivals  Hutchins  by  0.03  of  a  second  making  it  our  eighth  win  in  a  row  meaning  our  relay  team  was  undefeated  during  our  four  years  at  St  Virgil'ʹs.    

The  Captains  for  swimming  were  Riley  Oakley  as  Vice-­‐‑Captain  and  Joseph  McMullen  as  Captain.  All  the  boys  put  in  a  tremendous  effort  throughout  the  day  making  it  a  very  enjoyable  and  entertaining  experience.  Thanks  to  Riley  Oakley  for  stepping  up  and  doing  my  races  for  me  after  I  was  taken  ill.  

 Grade  7&8  Cricket  Development  Programme    Mr  Mark  Waddington  The  2016  Grade  7&8  Cricket  Development  Programme  ended  in  fine  style  with  games  against  The  Hutchins  School.  After  heavy  weekend  rains,  the  1st  and  2nds  games  were  transferred  to  Wednesday  night.  The  programme  has  provided  boys  with  a  great  introductory  cricket  experience  and  will  hopefully  encourage  them  to  play  the  game  throughout  their  time  at  

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the   College.   Special   thanks   to  Mark  Divin   and  Adrian   Finch   from  Hutchins  who   have   coordinated   all   aspects   of   the  programme.  Thanks  also   to   the  grounds   staff   at  Hutchins   for  preparing  excellent  wickets   for  our   turf  wicket  matches.  Thank  you   to  our   fantastic   coaches  Mr  Maxwell,  Mr  Holland,  Mark  Kreune,  Kade  Applebee,  Andrew  Bourke   and   Joe  Turmine  for  their  help  with  the  programme.      Results  of  Final  Round  SVC  1  6/98  (Will  Collins  40  no,  Tom  Vallerine  26)  defeated  Hutchins  1  4/95  (Will  Collins  2/12,  Ryan  Borsboom  1/10)  SVC  2  4/178  (Hayden  Nuss  52  ret.,  Toby  Butler  32,  Alec  Spencer  21,  Tadhg  Waddington  20  no)  defeated  Hutchins  2  6/125  (Jack  Lewis  2/5,  Mitchell  Hayers  1/10,  David  Monks  1/7)    SVC   3   10/56   (Lachlan   Greenhill   12,   Dylan   Backhouse   6)   lost   to   Hutchins   5/95   (Tyrone   Fyfe   2/4,   Darcy   Gardner   1/1,  Matthew  Noble  1/5)    SVC  4  7/79  (Alexi  Bancal  23,  Connor  McLeod  10,  Ryan  Fehlberg  13  no)  lost  to  Hutchins  4  6/152  (Kyeden  Booth  1/12,  Jack  Bridgland  1/13)        Little  Athletics  Star!    In  addition  to  last  week’s  article,  Lincoln  Arnold  has  been  injured  for  most  of  this  season  and  unfortunately  missed  out  on  the  Tasmanian  team  but  competed  in  Launceston  and  came  back  with  a  bronze  medal  in  Javelin.  However  he  was  recognised  and  rewarded  as  runner  up  in  the  prestigious  Tasmanian  Sportsmanship  Award.    George  McLeod  also  competed  in  the  State  Championships  and  came  back  with  Gold  in  Triple  Jump  (10:97m)  and  Silver  in  Long  Jump  (5:15m).  Over  the  last  six  weeks  George  has  been  injured  so  has  not  been  running  on  track.  He  has  however  been  recognized  for  excellent  recent  performance  sin  being  named  Captain  of  the  Tasmanian  Under  13  team.  This  is  his  second  time  as  Captain,  having  lead  the  State  Under  12  team  in  Canberra  last  November.  George  and  Lincoln  have  also  been  selected  for  the  team  to  participate  in  the  International  Children'ʹs  Games  in  Taiwan  in  July.  This  is  a  wonderful  opportunity  for  them.    George,  Ryan  Gale  and  Lincoln  train  with  Jack  Hale  under  the  guidance  of  coach  Wayne  Mason.      


Lewis                            George  (centre)    

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Water  Polo    Well  done  to  Sebastian  Brown,  Jackson  Devine,  Harry  Fisher  Hunter  Wright  and  Joshua  Wylie  who  are  this  week  representing  Tasmania  in  the  Under  14  National  Water  Polo  Championships.      



Tuition  Fees    

By  now  parents  should  have  received  their  2016  Tuition  Fee  statement.  A  reminder  that  all  accounts  settled  by  March  25  will  attract  a  $100  discount.  Families  who  elect  not  to  settle  their  fee  account  by  this  date  are  reminded  that  they  must  have  a  payment  plan  in  place  with  the  Finance  Office.    

For  all  fee  enquiries  please  contact  Mrs  Tracy  Moschogianis  –  [email protected]    


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 Parents  and  Friends  Association        

Entertainment  Book    The  2016  Entertainment  Book  can  now  be  ordered  via  the  Online  Order  Page.  Purchase  the  Digital  Version  of  the  book  and  you  have  access  on  two  mobile  devices.      So  much  easier  than  carrying  a  book  around.    Plus  the  mobile  devices  will  be  updated  with  new  offers  immediately  they  are  available.  

Pick  the  campus  you  wish  to  support:    

Junior  School  -­‐‑    

Senior  School  -­‐‑  

As  always  it  contains  hundreds  of  great  offers  and  discounts.    


 For  all  enquiries  please  contact  Jackie  Geale  -­‐‑  [email protected]    


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2016  St  Virgil’s  College  Community  Race  Day      

   Please  round  up  friends  and  family  and  enjoy  a  fantastic  day  of  fun  at  the  annual  St  Virgil’s  College  Community  Race  Day.  Entry  includes  a  sumptuous  two-­‐‑course  meal  in  the  Member’s  Dining  Room,  race  day  

entry  and  a  race  book.                










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College  Uniform  Shop        Caps  are  in!  Please  visit  the  Uniform  Shop  to  pick  up  a  new  cap  for  sport  and  PE.      Also  check  out  our  new  range  of  sporting  apparel  including  SVC  basketball  and  soccer  shorts,  cricket  shirt  and  training  top  (to  be  worn  to  sport  training  sessions  only  in  Term  1).      

Trading Hours Term 2 The Uniform shop will be closed for the School holidays.

From Thursday 7th of April at 4.00pm and re-open on Tuesday 26th April at 9:00am

The Uniform shop will re-open on the following days:

Tuesday 26th April Open 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

The store will return to normal trading times from Thursday 28th of April 8:00am to 4:00pm

Normal trading hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm Tuesday and Thursday

Please contact Manager Caitlin Butterworth on 03 6249 3610 or

Email: [email protected] for all Uniform matters.

         Austins  Ferry  Canteen    Mrs  Carol  Hilyer        A  reminder  that  lunch  orders  can  be  organised  online  via  the  following  mediums:      

1. The  College  Website  -­‐‑­‐‑school-­‐‑grades-­‐‑7-­‐‑10/senior-­‐‑canteen-­‐‑food/    2. QKR  –  a  downloadable  App  for  smartphones  and  tablets.  To  download  the  App  and  order  lunch  please  go  to  the  

following   link   -­‐­‐%20How%20to%20use%20QKR.pdf  


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   Weekly  Roster    Date     Name     Name     Name    Friday  March  25     Good  Friday     Public  Holiday      Monday  March  28   Easter  Monday     Public  Holiday      Tuesday  March  29     Easter  Tuesday     Student  Free  Day      Wednesday  March  30     Shae  Schultz     Meika  Stebbings      Thursday  March  31     Angela  Wiggins     Karl  G  Pepper      Friday  April  1     Tina  Jenkins     Tracey  Noble     Rachel  Fisher        For  all  enquiries  please  contact  Carol  Hilyer,  Canteen  Manager  –  [email protected]              Newsletter  Attachments  –  Available  from  website    -­‐­‐publications/      

-­‐ Fit  Kids  Active  Kids’  Program         -­‐  Clarence  United  Football  (Soccer)  SAP  Program  Information    -­‐ Clarence  Junior  Football  Club  Registration  Information    -­‐ Claremont  Football  Club  Registration  Flyer     -­‐  Zebras  Soccer  Skill  Acquisition  Program  Flyer    -­‐ Hobart  Junior  Football  Club  Season  Information            -­‐  Archery  School  Holiday  Program  Information    -­‐ Richmond  Youth  Choir  –  Information  Flyer    


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