
PowerPoint Presentation

Spirit Of The Alleyway

The StoryThe story begins with two close friends walking back from a long day at school, as the friends part ways, one friend arrives at the bus stop and gets on the bus home.On his way back to his home, he is forced to go down an alleyway which is said to be haunted by a spirit; but this boy is not easily persuaded and he feels it is all a joke and a myth so he continues down this alleyway anyway. Whilst on his way down the alleyway he finds a glowing mask which he has never seen before so he picks it up out of curiosity.Once the boy picks up the mask he begins to hear sudden rustling noises and start seeing a peculiar shaped shadow, out of fear he begins pace walking away. We will utilise over the shoulder shots & POV for this scene to raise suspense and create tension.It turns out that this shadow is coming from the spirit of the alleyway that the boy had been warned so often about, at that moment in time the fear on his face will be very evident and we will make use of close up style shots. Slide by Jonathan

Slide by Jonathan

THE POSTERFor this film we felt that the best way to reveal the theme of the film without exposing too much of the story was to have the dark alleyway in the poster with the glowing mask in the centre of the alleyway. We can also see the spirit in the corner without it being too visible, but instead barely in eyesight.We decided to include a spirit, which is a stereotypical character for horror films. This allowed us to show common aspects of horror films and not sway from the custom seen, despite this we still add our own creative style and ideas through the glowing mask, not commonly seen in horror films. In addition to this, we have included young people, which is crucial as we wanted our film to appeal to mainly a young audience (15-25 yr olds).

Slide by Jonathan

Target audience - AgeWhen looking at our target audience our film the Spirit of the alleyway is similar to Annabelle and Paranormal Activity so we researched their target audienceThe table on the right is an audience profile and after taking a look at the table, I can see that the majority of people that has seen Paranormal Activity is age between 15-24 and the least was 14 and below due to age restrictions as they could be emotionally scarred As our sequence is very similar to Paranormal Activity I believe our film will also have similar age ranges

Slide by Shakeeb

Primary Audience profile John is a 20 year old white British male who works part time in an office but is also a student at university studying Business management. He regularly checks what horror movies are playing in the cinemas or available to buy on I tunes or download off the internet, he enjoys watching thriller movies, also movies which have a lot of action. Some of the movies he likes to watch are Scream, Taken, Evil Dead and Expendables. John tries to go to the cinema every weekend to get away from work life. His favourite TV shows are Supernatural, Prison Break and Arrow. He enjoys listening to hip hop music on his daily commute to university. He likes to shop during his spare time at JD or go out with his friends. Secondary Audience profile Claire is a 29 year old African American female who teaches media studies at college and likes to catch up with the latest movies which are playing in her local cinema with her friends. She also likes to rent horror movies from Netflix and likes watching movies of the genre action, drama and romance some examples of the types of movies she likes are Star trek and Mr and Mrs Smith. She enjoys listening to RnB and hip hop music on her way to work. She likes to shop at Burton and Zara and keep up with latest trends and fashion tastes.

Target audience Age Slide by Shakeeb

Target audience - Gender and socio-economic gradeI can also see that there were slightly more male viewers than female viewers so both genders are equally likely to watch a horror film

I have also found out that social class and the results show that the social class E enjoy watching horror films the most compared to the other social classes. This category consists of the skilled working class who have below average incomes this factor is important when marketing the film.

Slide by Shakeeb


Target audience Geo-demographicsWe decided to use a school in our film as it is easy relatable to our young audience as well as a bus for the boys journey as many young people use a bus for getting around, not only will this be relevant but it will help the film appear more convincing.

Slide by Shakeeb

Genre conventions HorrorThe spirit of the alleyway is following the typical horror genre conventions which are that most horror films have an antagonist and protagonist The antagonist is the spirit in the alleyway that creates the disruption, we see a shadow and in the background would play non-diegetic music Slide by Shakeeb

Cinematography and editingWe will use a variety of shots and camera angles such as over the shoulder shot, POV, close up, tracking and many more shots to ensure our film can flowIn order to further ensure the film flows we would use fades and dissolves, which are commonly used in horror filmsWe would use match cut to allow the sequence to run smoothly

Slide by Shakeeb

A Consideration Of Narrative Theory/Approahces (e.g. equilibrium model, linear/non-linear, restricted/omniscient, open/closed, binary oppositions)The equilibrium model of our piece is as follows:E: The two boys leave school together and walk to a bus stop

D: They separate to go on their separate journeys home

NE: He gets woken up and begins his journey home

Our piece will be non linear as the viewer will be able to choose where they want to watch it from, like a dvd the user is able to pick where they want to watch it from e.g. choosing from a scene selection page and skipping straight to that sceneOur production is fairly restricted. We focus on one character and his journey. If we were to continue longer than 5 minutes then our piece would be omniscient as we would be introduced to more characters and the story would build upWe have a binary opposition of bad vs good because the entity thats latched to the mask latches itself to the innocent main character

Key Representational Issues (positive/negative/stereotypical/hegemonic/pluralistic representations of gender, ethnicity, age, class etc)In our piece theres a teenage boy (aged 18) and his friend (also 18), they dont exactly represent teenage boys very well as they dont concentrate very much in their lesson.They are semi stereotypical urban teenage boys, they like video games and music. This is evident because we hear them discussing the latest video games and they are disinterested in collegeWe could also stereotype them as modern teenagers from working class families because of the type of area and homes they live in.

This stereotype is negative as the boy who falls asleep should be concentrating but we find out he was playing games all night, these characters have these personalities as it is what our target audience would enjoy and could relate to.This representation of working class teenage boys of any ethnicity is not negative but it shows realism and the difference in social class and status, a viewer would be able to tell immediately that the characters were from a working class background from their appearance and their surroundings.

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