Page 1: The Shot Picks Up on the Other Side of the River With Orpheus Stepping Off the Boat

- The shot picks up on the other side of the River with Orpheus stepping off the boat. Charon rows back across in the background as Orpheus checks the worn peice of paper in his hand. He can see creatures and the inhabitants of the underworld. (If this is animated please remember that in greek mythology the Underworld was not hell. It was a place where the deceased went. Obviously the slightly more "evil" ones went somewhere but it isn't all devils) He journeys on through and is scared at times as he has never seen anything like this before. As he sits to rest and gather his thoughts some spirits gather round him and guide him to Hades

Scene 18 - Our hero has arrived at Hades temple. I see it as a stone area perhaps with columns as seen in traditional greek architecture. The stone is to show the hardness that Orpheus is up against. Hades could be animated  or acted. What do you think Hades looks like? He/She sits on a stone throne and appears to be expecting Orpheus.

Hades(Taking a deep breath and looking Orpheus up and down)

Who are you?Orpheus

(nervously)I am Orpheus. I have travelled far to seek an audience with you Hades.

HadesI can see that. You have done well to find your way here and still be breathing. Nearly all can

only get here in death.Orpheus

I didn't think I would make here.Hades

And yet you did. Perseverance is an honorable trait in a man.Orpheus

I'm glad you think you so.Hades

So have you come all this way to exchange pleasantries with me or is there a purpose for this journey?

OrpheusMy love was taken from me.

HadesI see. Who was your love?


HadesThe most perfect Eurydice.


Hades(pauses and waits for Orpheus to say more. he doesnt)

and what about the most perfect Eurydice?Orpheus

I've come to ask for her back.Hades

(pauses again)Ask? You have come all this way just to ask?


Page 2: The Shot Picks Up on the Other Side of the River With Orpheus Stepping Off the Boat

I will beg. I am begging you please. We had such a perfect love.Hades

You are asking me to return her to you because you love her.Orpheus

Is that not enough?Hades

Orpheus, I only see the living when they ask me to return their dead. I know the pain caused in death to those left behind. In death we have lessons to appreciate life and all that the gods

have given you. If I returned all those who have died to those that request it, this place would be empty. All this for just love? I am the Overseer of the Underworld Orpheus. I

cannot give her back.Orpheus

(In disbelief and drops to his knees sobbing)Please! My life without her is no life at all. Love is thereason the world up there is so

beautiful, everyday had meaning and all because of love. There is nothing up there for me now, not without Eurydice. Please Hades, Please I beg you. Please. (realising from the cold

expression on Hades face the answer is no. He stops talking and weeps)Hades

You must be exhausted and I am sorry I cannot give you better news. Rest here and I will get you some food and water for your journey back.

OrpheusCan I at least see her?

HadesI can't allow it. I will find you some food.

Hades rises from the throne and leaves the stony area. Orpheus is distraught and pulls a picture of her out of his pocket when they were happy. He moves over to a wall to support his exhausted body and pulls his bag and guitar to be by his side. 

OrpheusI am so close to you Eurydice. Perhaps you can come to me.

He starts to play a song which is emotional and moving (and written by a brilliant Hitrecord songwriter) all the creatures and things of the Underworld stop to listen and their expressions can be seen to share the grief of Orpheus. We see Eurydice hear the song and move towards the sound crying and overwhelmed that he has

come. Hades hears the song and we see this cold God touched by the song. Hades returns to the Throne area and Orpheus is still playing.

HadesOrpheus. (Pause and looks at him. We see emotion in Hades eyes) Is that song for Eurydice

OrpheusI just wanted her to know that I came for her. and I'm sorry that I have to leave her.

HadesYou don't need to leave her.

OrpheusIf I kill myself then I will never be with her.

HadesYou do not have to end your life Orpheus.  I will grant hers back.

Orpheus(In shock)

I can take her back?Hades

I will let her return with you but there is a condition.Orpheus

Name it! I will do anything. Thank you.

Page 3: The Shot Picks Up on the Other Side of the River With Orpheus Stepping Off the Boat

HadesI will never allow anyone to be returned just because of love. It needs to be so much more.

You claim to have a love greater than anything in the world and because of this I am making you the only exception to this. You have proven your love for Eurydice by coming here. I can

hear how much you love her in your song. I know that she feels the same. You must prove that your love once more.

OrpheusAnything Hades. Anything.

HadesYou must return the way you came to reach the world of the living. I will send Eurydice to

follow you. She will be behind you. You must not look back.Orpheus

How will I know she is there?Hades

Do you doubt my word? You have to trust me as I need to trust you to do as I have said. If you fall to temptation and look before you reach home then she will be returned to me

forever. You must not look behind you for her.Orpheus

I can do that. Oh Thank you. (overjoyed) Is this really happening?Hades

(beckoning some minions who give him some food for the journey and coins for the toll) Take this and be on your way. DO not look back. Do not call out for her. I am giving you an

opportunity that no one else has had. Do not waste it.Orpheus(nodding)

Of course, I wont let you down. (bows and exits)

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