
The Rise of the Bourbon Dynasty Henry of Navarre Paris is well worth a mass 1598 Edict of Nantes- religious freedom Unifies France-ends religious conflict Assassinated 1610 HENRY OF NAVARRE King of France 1589 to 1610. The Reign of Louis XIV A background of fear- Cardinal Mazarin noble uprisings-due to Mazarins policies Violent repression ). Louis takes power 1661 The Sun King L etat, cest moi Centralization of government control- increase power of Intendants (governors) at expense of nobility Cancelled Edict of Nantes The Gilded Prison of Versailles Gathering of the nobility State support of Nobility Maintenance of social status The person of the king Arts and architecture Nobility dependent on King The Cost? The Crisis-By the mid-1780s, France was on the verge of bankruptcy The Peasants could pay no more taxes and the nobility refused to pay The Old Regime of France had been in power since the Middle Ages The Three Estates: First=clergy Second= nobility Third=Everybody else In May 1789, the Estates General was convened in order to change the system of taxation June 20, 1789-Third Estate locked out The Third Estate delegates were forced to find a new place where they swore the Tennis Court Oath to draw up a new Constitution Delegates of the Third Estate declare themselves to be a new government of France called The National Assembly The Great Fear- Mobs formed all over France. Peasants attack homes of nobility migrsAristocrats (migrs) flee country- raise armies. Some aristocrats renounce titles and privileges. Louis XVI agreed to recognize the National Assembly Troops called to Versailles. Sans-Culottes mob attacks the Bastille on July 14, 1789.

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