
7/31/2019 The Qur'an - English Translation 1/403


The Koran Interpreted  is a translation of the Qur'an (the Islamic religious text) by Arthur 

John Arberry. The translation is from the original Arabic into English. First publishe in

!"##$ it is one of the most prominent %ritten by a non&uslim  scholar. The title

acno%leges the orthoox ie% that the Qur'an cannot be translate$ merely


*haleel ohamme %rites that +the translation is %ithout pre,uice an is probably the

best aroun$+ %hile . A. -. Abel aleem$ himself a translator of the Qur'an$ %rites


 Arberry shows great respect towards the language of the Qur'an, particularly its

musical effects. His careful observation of Arabic sentence structure and

 phraseology maes his translation very close to the Arabic original in

grammatical terms ... !however" this feature, along with the lac of any notes or

comments, can mae the te#t seem difficult to understand and confusingly


0riginally publishe in t%o olumes$ the first containing suras  !&12$ the secon

containing 1!&!!3$ the text continues to be printe to this ay$ normally in one single


This ocument %as prepare %ith borro%e etext for Arthur's 4lassic 5oels.

Etext %as prepare by olunteers. 6T7 marup by Arthur 8enoer. ay !$

1229. (-ee source text for etails.) This is the etext ersion of the boo The

*oran Interprete A Translation by A. J. Arberry$ taen from the original etext


 Arthur's 4lassic 5oels

The Koran Interpreted

 A Translation by A. J. Arberry 

:olume !

;reface for ;art 0ne

The first renering of the *oran into a %estern language %as mae by the

English scholar <obertus <etenensis in the t%elfth century$ at the instance of ;eter the

:enerable$ Abbot of 4luny= it %as complete in !!39$ an en,oye a consierable

circulation in manuscript. Exactly four centuries later this meiaeal 7atin ersion %as

punishe at >asle$ the eitor being Theoor >iblianer (>uchmann) of ?urich. It

abouns in inaccuracies an misunerstanings$ an %as inspire by hostile intention=

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neertheless it sere as the founation of the earliest translations into moem

European iioms.

In !@3 Anre u <yer$ a gentleman of France traing in the 7eant$ publishe a

French translation %hich too matters little farther. T%o years later an English ersion of 

this appeare$ %ith the follo%ing curious title&page

'The Alcoran of ahomet$ Translate out of Arabic into French. >y the -ieur u

<yer$ 7or of aleBair$ an <esient for the French *ing$ at A7E6A5C<IA. An 5e%ly

Englishe$ for the satisfaction of all that esire to loo into the Turish :anities. To %hich

is prefixe$ the 7ife of ahomet$ the ;rophet of the Turs$ an Author of the Alcoran.

8ith a 5eeful 4aeat$ or Amonition$ for them %ho esire to no% %hat Dse may be

mae of$ or if there be anger in <eaing the A740<A5.'

-uch %as the some%hat inglorious beginning of the English interpretation of the

oly >oo of Islam. A uotation or t%o from the translator's aress to the 4hristian

<eaer %ill help to illustrate the spirit in %hich this ersion %as offere/

'There being so many -ects an eresies bane together against the Truth$

fining that of ahomet %anting to the uster$ I thought goo to bring it to their 4olours$

that so ie%ing thine enemies in their full boy$ thou maist the better prepare to

encounter$ an I hope oercome them. It may happily startle thee$ to fin him so to

spea English$ as if he ha mae some 4onuest on the 5ation= but thou %ilt soon

re,ect that fear$ if thou consier that this his Alcoran (the roun&%or of the Turish

<eligion)$ hath been alreay translate into almost all 7anguages in 4hristenom (at

least$ the most general$ as the 7atin$ Italian$ French$ etc.)$ yet neer gaine any

;roselyte$ %here the -%or$ its most forcible$ an strongest argument hath not

preaile. . . Thou shalt fin it of so rue$ an incongruous a composure$ so farce %ith

contraictions$ blasphemies$ obscene speeches$ an riiculous fables$ that some

moest$ an more rational ahometans hae thus excuse it= that their ;rophet %rote

an hunre an t%enty thousan sayings$ %hereof three thousan only are goo$ the

resiue (as the impossibility of the oons falling into his sleee$ the 4onersion an

-alation of the Ceils$ an the lie) are false an riiculous. Get is the %hole esteeme

so sacre$ that upon the 4oer thereof is inscribe && $et none touch it but he who is

clean. 5or are the ulgar permitte to rea it$ but lie an ie in an implicite faith of %hattheir ;riests elier. . . . Therefore (4hristian <eaer) though some$ conscious of their 

o%n instability in <eligion$ an of theirs (too lie Turs in this) %hose prosperity an

opinions they follo%$ %ere un%illing this shoul see the ;ress$ yet am I confient$ if thou

hast been so true a otary to orthoox <eligion$ as to eep thy self untainte of their 

follies$ this shall not hurt thee= An as for those of that >atch$ haing once abanone

the -un of the ospel$ I beliee they %ill %aner as far into utter arness$ by follo%ing

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strange lights$ as by this Ignis %atuus of the Alcoran. -uch as it is$ I present it to thee$

haing taen the pains only to translate it out of French$ not oubting$ though it hath

been a poyson$ that hath infecte a ery great$ but most unsoun part of the Dnierse$ it

may proe an Antiote$ to confirm in thee the health of 4hristianity.'

-uch being the translator's estimate of the merits of the *oran$ it is harly

surprising that his ersion is ery far from perfect. For instance$ this is %hat he mae of 

the passage (-ura 6II$ 19&1") telling of the temptation of Joseph by ;otiphar's %ife/

'is asters 8ife became amorous of his >eauty$ she one ay shut him into her 

4hamber$ an solicite him %ith loe= o efen me (sai he) to betray my aster$

an be unchaste (he %as in the number of the righteous) an fle to the Coor= his

istress ran after him$ an to stay him$ tore his -hirt through the bac/ -he met her 

usban behin the Coor$ to %hom she sai$ %hat other thing oth he merit$ %ho %oul

ishonour thine house$ than to be imprisone$ an seerely chastiseH 7or$ sai

Joseph$ she solicite me$ that Infant %hich is in the 4rale$ an of thy ;arentage shall

be %itness/ Then the Infant in the 4rale sai$ if Joseph's -hirt be torn before$ she hath

spoen truth$ an Joseph is a liar= if the -hirt be rent behin$ Joseph hath eliere the

truth$ an she a liar/ then her usban behel Joseph's -hirt torn behin$ an ne% that

it %as extreme malice$ an sai to Joseph$ tae hee to thy self$ an be%are this act be

not iulge$ o thou$ speaing to his 8ife$ implore paron for thy fault$ thou art truly


 A secon specimen is this renering of the beautiful account of the birth of Jesus

(-ura 6I6$ !@&93)/

'<emember thou %hat is %ritten of ary$ she retire to%ars the East$ into a

place far remote from her *inre$ an too a :ail to coer her$ %e sent her our -pirit in

form of a man= she %as afrai$ an sai$ o %ill presere me from thee$ if thou hae

his fear before thine eyes= he sai$ 0h ary I am the essenger of o thy 7or$ %ho

shall gie thee a -on$ actie$ an pruent/ -he ans%ere$ o% shall I hae a -on

%ithout the touch of manH I esire not to be unchaste= he sai$ The thing shall be as I

hae tol thee$ it is facile to thy 7or= thy -on shall be a toen of the 0mnipotency of 

o$ an of his special grace to%ars such as shall beliee in his Ciine a,esty= she

became %ith 4hil$ an retire some time into a place remote from ;eople$ %here shesustaine the olours of 4hil&birth$ at the foot of a Cate&tree$ an sai$ 8hy am I not

eaH 8herefore am I not in the number of persons forgottenH The Angel sai to her$

 Afflict not thy self= o hath place a broo uner thee$ shae the foot of this ;alm$ an

the Cates shall fall$ gather them up$ eat an rin$ an %ash thine eyes= say unto them

that thou shall meet$ that thou fastest$ an hast mae a :o% not to spea to any one$

until the fast be accomplishe. er ;arents met her %hile she bare the Infant$ an sai

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unto her$ 0h ary behol a strange thing= 0h -ister of Aaron thy Father i not

comman thee to o eil$ neither %as thy other unchaste= she mae signs to her 

Infant to ans%er them= they sai$ o% shall the Infant in the 4rale speaH Then her 

infant spae$ an sai$ I am the -erant of o$ he hath taught me the -cripture$ hath

mae me a ;rophet$ blesse me in all places$ an commane me to pray unto him= he

hath recommene to me purity through the %hole course of my life$ an to honour my

Father an other= he hath not mae me either iolent or malicious$ praise shall be

the ay of my birth$ the ay that I shall ie$ an the ay of my resurrection.'

-uch %as the ersion of the *oran %ith %hich the English public ha to be

content for nearly a century= an it is small %oner that they %ere not impresse.

ean%hile in !@"3 the Arabic text of the *oran %as at last printe an publishe in full

at amburg uner the careful eitorship of Abraham incelmann. This eition %as

aailable to the %orthy la%yer eorge -ale$ %hen he set himself the tas of replacing

 Alexaner <oss's translation of Cu <yer= he also ha at his isposal a ne% 7atin

renering mae by Father aracci$ %hich appeare at ;aua in !@". Though -ale

approache his labour better ualifie an better supplie than his preecessor$ he %as

not trouble by moties of scholarly impartiality. e states his position clearly enough in

the first pages of his ,ustly celebrate ersion$ first publishe in !3 an reprinte

many times since/

'I imagine it almost neeless either to mae an apology for publishing the

follo%ing translation$ or to go about to proe it a %or of use as %ell as curiosity. They

must hae a mean opinion of the 4hristian religion$ or be but ill groune therein$ %ho

can apprehen any anger from so manifest a forgery. . . . I shall not here inuire intothe reasons %hy the la% of ohamme has met %ith so unexample a reception in the

%orl (for they are greatly eceie %ho imagine it to hae been propagate by the

s%or alone)$ or by %hat means it came to be embrace by nations %hich neer felt the

force of the ohammean arms$ an een by those %hich strippe the Arabians of their 

conuests$ an put an en to the soereignty an ery being of their *halifs/ yet it

seems as if there %as something more than %hat is ulgarly imagine in a religion

%hich has mae so surprising a progress. >ut %hateer use an impartial ersion of the

*oran may be of in other respects$ it is absolutely necessary to uneceie those %ho$

from the ignorant or unfair translations %hich hae appeare= hae entertaine too

faourable an opinion of the original$ an also to enable us effectually to expose theimposture. . . . The %riters of the <omish communion= in particular$ are so far from

haing one any serice in their refutations of ohammeanism$ that by eneaouring

to efen their iolatry an other superstitions$ they hae rather contribute to the

increase of that aersion %hich the ohammeans in general hae to the 4hristian

religion$ an gien them great aantages in the ispute. The ;rotestants alone are

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able to attac the *oran %ith success= an for them$ I trust$ ;roience has resere

the glory of its oerthro%.

-ale's translation %as not supplante for some !#2 years. Its influence %as thus

enormous= this %as the *oran for all English reaers almost to the en of the nineteenth

century= many een no% liing hae neer looe into any other ersion. 5o other 

renering %as in the hans of E%ar ibbon %hen he %rote/

'In the spirit of enthusiasm or anity$ the prophet rests the truth of his mission on

the merit of his boo= auaciously challenges both men an angels to imitate the

beauties of a single page= an presumes to assert that o alone coul ictate this

incomparable performance. This argument is most po%erfully aresse to a eout

 Arabian$ %hose min is attune to faith an rapture= %hose ear is elighte by the

music of souns= an %hose ignorance is incapable of comparing the prouctions of 

human genius. The harmony an copiousness of style %ill not reach$ in a ersion$ the

European infiel/ he %ill peruse %ith impatience the enless incoherent rhapsoy of 

fable$ an precept$ an eclamation$ %hich selom excites a sentiment or an iea$

%hich sometimes cra%ls in the ust$ an is sometimes lost in the clous. The iine

attributes exalt the fancy of the Arabian missionary= but his loftiest strains must yiel to

the sublime simplicity of the boo of Job$ compose in a remote age$ in the same

country$ an in the same language. If the composition of the *oran excees the

faculties of a man$ to %hat superior intelligence shoul %e ascribe the Ilia of omer$ or 

the ;hilippics of CemosthenesH' It %as on the basis of -ale's ersion that Thomas

4arlyle commente/ 'It is as toilsome reaing as I eer unertoo$ a %earisome$

confuse ,umble$ crue$ inconite. 5othing but a sense of uty coul carry anyEuropean through the *oran.' An ibbon an 4arlyle %ere in their times remarable

for the liberality of their attitue to%ars Islam.

Get the superiority of -ale to <oss is eient in eery line= not only ha he a goo

grasp of the Arabic language$ %hich his forerunner lace totally$ but his English style is

more elegant an mature. The incient of Joseph an ;otiphar's %ife is renere thus

by -ale/

'An she$ in %hose house he %as$ esire him to lie %ith her= an she shut the

oors an sai$ 4ome hither. e ans%ere$ o forbi erily my lor hath mae my%elling %ith him easy= an the ungrateful shall not prosper. >ut she resole %ithin

herself to en,oy him$ an he %oul hae resole to en,oy her$ ha he not seen the

eient emonstration of his 7or. -o %e turne a%ay eil an filthiness from him$

because he %as one of our sincere serants. An they ran to get one before the other to

the oor= an she rent his inner garment behin. An they met her lor at the oor. -he

sai$ 8hat shall be the re%ar of him %ho seeeth to commit eil in thy family$ but

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imprisonment$ an a painful punishmentH An Joseph sai$ -he ase me to lie %ith

her. An a %itness of her family bore %itness= saying$ If his garment be rent before$ she

speaeth truth$ an he is a liar= but if his garment be rent behin$ she lieth$ an he is a

speaer of truth. An %hen her husban sa% that his garment %as torn behin$ he sai$

This is a cunning contriance of your sex= for surely your cunning is great. 0 Joseph$

tae no farther notice of this affair/ an thou$ 0 %oman$ as paron for thy crime$ for 

thou art a guilty person.

This is ho% -ale translates the story of the 5atiity$ his carefully italiciBe

'supplies' being intentionally reminiscent of the AuthoriBe :ersion of the >ible/

'An remember in the boo of the *oran the story of ary= %hen she retire from

her family to a place to%ars the east$ an too a eil to conceal herself from them= an

%e sent our spirit abriel unto her$ an he appeare unto her in the shape of a perfect

man. -he sai$ I fly for refuge unto the merciful o$ that he may efen me from thee/

if thou fearest him$ thou %ilt not approach me. e ans%ere$ :erily I am the messenger 

of thy 7or$ an am sent to gie thee a holy son. -he sai$ o% shall I hae a son$

seeing a man hath not touche me$ an I am no harlotH abriel replie$ -o shall it be/

thy 7or saith$ This is easy %ith me= an %e %ill perform it$ that %e may orain him a

sign unto men$ an a mercy from us/ for it is a thing %hich is ecree. 8herefore she

conceie him/ an she retire asie %ith him in her %omb to a istant place= an the

pains of chilbirth came upon her near the trun of a palm&tree. -he sai$ 8oul to o

I ha ie before this$ an ha become a thing forgotten$ an lost in obliion An he

%ho %as beneath her calle to her$ saying$ >e not griee/ no% hath o proie a

riulet uner thee= an o thou shae the boy of the palm&tree$ an it shall let fall ripeates upon thee$ reay gathere. An eat$ an rin$ an calm thy min. oreoer if 

thou see any man$ an he uestion thee$ say$ :erily$ I hae o%e a fast unto the

erciful= %herefore I %ill by no means spea to a man this ay. -o she brought the chil

to her people$ carrying him in her arms. An they sai unto her$ 0 ary$ no% hast thou

one a strange thing/ 0 sister of Aaron$ thy father %as not a ba man$ neither %as thy

mother a harlot. >ut she mae signs unto the chil to ans%er them= an they sai$ o%

shall %e spea to him$ %ho is an infant in the craleH 8hereupon the chil sai$ :erily I

am the serant of o= he hath gien me the boo of the gospel$ an hath appointe

me a prophet. An he hath mae me blesse$ %heresoeer I shall be= an hath

commane me to obsere prayer$ an to gie alms$ so long as I shall lie= an he hathmae me utiful to%ars my mother$ an hath not mae me prou$ or unhappy. An

peace be on me the ay %hereon I %as born$ an the ay %hereon I shall ie$ an the

ay %hereon I shall be raise to life.'

-uch %as the oice of the *oran to eighteenth century Englan= a some%hat

monotonous an humrum oice$ it may be thought$ but at least an honest oice. -o

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matters remaine for %ell oer a hunre years. >ut %ith the nineteenth century came

the rise of oriental stuies in the scientific meaning of the term= an the interpretation of 

the *oran ineitably engage the interest of scholars eager to apply the methos of the

higher criticism to this as yet irgin fiel of research. Thus it came to pass that in the

next translation of the *oran to appear$ the %or of the <e J. . <o%ell$ the orer of 

the -uras && the chapters of %hich the *oran is compose && %as completely change$

%ith the ob,ect of reconstituting the historical seuence of its original composition.

<o%ell gies the follo%ing ,ustification of this some%hat arbitrary proceure/

'The arrangement of the -uras in this translation is base partly upon the

traitions of the uhammaans themseles$ %ith reference especially to the ancient

chronological list printe by 8eil in his &ohammed der rophet $ as %ell as upon a

careful consieration of the sub,ect matter of each separate -ura an its probable

connection %ith the seuence of eents in the life of uhamma. reat attention has

been pai to this sub,ect by Cr 8eil in the %or ,ust mentione= by r uir in his $ife of 

&ahomet $ %ho also publishes a chronological list of -uras$ 1! ho%eer of %hich he

amits hae +not yet been carefully fixe+= an especially by 5oelee$ in his

(eschichte des Qorans$ a %or to %hich public honours %ere a%are in !#" by the

;aris Acaemy of Inscriptions. From the arrangement of this author I see no reason to

epart in regar to the later -uras. It is base upon a searching criticism an minute

analysis of the component erses of each$ an may be safely taen as a stanar$

%hich ought not to be eparte from %ithout %eighty reasons.

The result is that in orer to fin a particular -ura in <o%ell's ersion$ first

publishe in !@! an taen up by Eeryman's 7ibrary in !"2"$ it is necessary first toconsult a comparatie table of contents$ a laborious an irritating preliminary. -ince this

translation has en,oye a ery %ie circulation inee$ an has been regare by many

as the stanar English ersion$ it is interesting to consier the spirit that animate its

author. It is a far cry inee from the intolerant hostility of the seenteenth century$ the

urbane superiority of the eighteenth.

4ertainly <o%ell oes not oubt that the *oran %as the prouct of uhamma's

o%n imagination= but his estimate of uhamma's character is not lacing in charity an

een amiration/

'In close connection %ith the aboe remars$ stans the uestion of uhamma's

sincerity an honesty of purpose in coming for%ar as a messenger from o. For if he

%as inee the illiterate person the uslims represent him to hae been$ then it %ill be

har to escape their inference that the *oran is$ as they assert it to be$ a staning

miracle. >ut if= on the other han$ it %as a >oo carefully concocte from arious

sources$ an %ith much extraneous ai$ an publishe as a iine oracle$ then it %oul

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seem that the author is at once open to the charge of the grossest imposture$ an een

of impious blasphemy. The eience rather she%s$ that in all he i an %rote$

uhamme %as actuate by a sincere esire to elier his countrymen from the

grossness of its ebasing iolatries && that he %as urge on by an intense esire to

proclaim that great truth of the Dnity of the ohea %hich ha taen full possession of 

his o%n soul && that the en to be attaine ,ustifie to his min the means he aopte in

the prouction of his -uras && that he %ore himself up into a belief that he ha

receie a iine call && an that he %as carrie on by the force of circumstances$ an

by graually increasing successes$ to beliee himself the accreite messenger of 

eaen. The earnestness of those conictions %hich at ecca sustaine him uner 

persecution$ an %hich perhaps le him$ at any price as it %ere$ an by any means$ not

een excluing eceit an' falsehoo$ to eneaour to rescue his countrymen from

iolatry$ && naturally stiffene at eina into tyranny an unscrupulous iolence. At the

same time$ he %as probably$ more or less$ throughout his %hole career$ the ictim of a

certain amount of self&eception. A cataleptic sub,ect from his early youth$ born &&accoring to the traitions && of a highly nerous an excitable mother$ he %oul be

peculiarly liable to morbi an fantastic hallucinations$ an alternations of excitement

an epression$ %hich %oul %in for him$ in the eyes of his ignorant countrymen$ the

creit of being inspire. . . . -till$ uhamma's career is a %onerful instance of the

force an life that resies in him %ho possesses an intense Faith in o an in the

unseen %orl= an %hateer euctions may be mae && an they are many an serious

&& from the noble an truthful in his character$ he %ill al%ays be regare as one of 

those %ho hae ha that influence oer the faith$ morals$ an %hole earthly life of their 

fello%&men$ %hich none but a really great man eer i$ or can$ exercise= an as one of 

those$ %hose efforts to propagate some great erity %ill prosper$ in spite of manifolpersonal errors an efects$ both of principle an character. The more insight %e obtain$

from unoubte historical sources$ into the actual character of uhamma$ the less

reason o %e fin to ,ustify the strong ituperatie language poure out upon his hea

by 'aracci$ ;rieaux$ an others$ in recent ays$ one of %hom has foun$ in the

>yBantine +aometis+$ the number of the >east It is nearer to the truth to say that he

%as a great though imperfect character$ an earnest though mistaen teacher$ an that

many of his mistaes an imperfections %ere the result of circumstances$ of 

temperament$ an constitution= an that there must be elements both of truth an

gooness in the system of %hich he %as the main author$ to account for the %orl&%ie

phenomenon$ that %hateer may be the intellectual inferiority (if such is$ inee$ thefact) of the uslim races$ the influence of his teaching$ aie$ it is true$ by the ast

impulse gien to it by the ictorious arms of his follo%ers$ has no% laste for nearly

thirteen centuries$ an embraces more than one hunre millions of our race && more

than one&tenth part of the inhabitants of the globe.'

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5early a hunre years hae gone by since <o%ell %rote these %ors. In the

interal the further sprea of Islam has been so consierable$ an the gro%th in the

%orl's population has been so rapi$ that the figures generally accepte no%aays are

bet%een three an four times those he estimate$ an the proportion of uslims is

thought to hae reache one&seenth= though such statistics are surely unreal$ seeing

that they embrace men$ %omen an chilren an assume a hunre per cent allegiance

to Islam in the communities claime for that faith.

8hereas -ale ha ha incelmann an aracci on his %ortable$ <o%ell %as

able to use the 7eipBig !3! text of the *oran eite by usta Fluegel. e criticiBe

-ale for haing follo%e aracci too closely$ 'especially by introucing his paraphrastic

comments into the boy of the text'= he follo%e the gro%ing fashion of his mi&:ictorian

times by eploring 'his constant use of 7atiniBe instea of -axon %ors'. <o%ell %as

concerne && an he %as the first English translator so to be preoccupie &&'%ith

attempting in some egree to imitate the style of the Arabic original. 'The more brief an

poetical erses of the earlier -uras are translate %ith a freeom from %hich I hae

altogether abstaine in the historical an prosaic portions= but I hae eneaoure

no%here to use a greater amount of paraphrase than is necessary to coney the

sense.'. . . I hae no%here attempte to represent the rhymes of the original. The

+;roben+ of . . ;urgstall$ in the %undgruben des )rients$ excellent as they are in

many respects$ she% that this can only be one '%ith a sacrifice of literal translation.'

. argoliouth$ %ho eite <o%ell's translation for *veryman's $ibrary $ %as

much taen by its merits$ %hich are inee consierable. '0ne is happy to be able to

say that <o%ell's renering is one of the best that hae as yet been prouce. Itseems to a great extent to carry %ith it the atmosphere in %hich uhamme lie$ an

its sentences are imbue %ith the flaour of the East. The uasi&erse form$ %ith its

unfettere an irregular rhythmic flo% of the lines$ %hich has in suitable cases been

aopte$ helps to bring out much of the %il charm of the Arabic. 5ot the least among

its recommenations is$ perhaps$ that it is scholarly %ithout being peantic && that is to

say$ that it aims at correctness %ithout sacrificing the right effect of the %hole to oer&

insistence on small etails.' As a specimen of this %ell&esteeme translation$ here is

<o%ell's ersion of the :irgin >irth= as throughout$ he follo%s the iision into erses

establishe in Fluegel's eition/

'An mae mention in the >oo$ of ary$ %hen she %ent apart from her

family$ east%ar$

 An too a eil to shroud herself  from them/ an %e sent our spirit to her$

an he too before her the form of a perfect man.

-he sai/ +I fly for refuge from thee to the o of ercy If thou fearest

im$ begone from me.+

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e sai/ +I am only a messenger of thy 7or$ that I may besto% on thee a

holy son.+

-he sai/ +o% shall I hae a son$ %hen man hath neer touche meH an

I am not unchaste.+

e sai/ +-o shall it be. Thy 7or bath sai/ 'Easy is this %ith me'= an %e

%ill mae him a sign to manin$ an a mercy from us. For it is a thing


 An she conceie him$ an retire %ith him to a far&off place.

 An the throes came upon her by the trun of a palm. -he sai/ +0h$

%oul that I ha ie ere this$ an been a thing forgotten$ forgotten uite+

 An one crie to her from belo% her/ +riee not thou$ thy 7or hath

proie a streamlet at thy feet/ &&

 An shae the trun of the palm&tree to%ar thee/ it %ill rop fresh ripe

ates upon thee.

Eat then an rin$ an be of cheerful eye/ an shoulst thou see a man$-ay$ && :erily$ I hae o%e abstinence to the o of ercy. && To no one

%ill I spea this ay.+

Then came she %ith the babe to her people$ bearing him. They sai$ +0

ary no% hast thou one a strange thing

 A sister of Aaron Thy father %as not a man of %iceness$ nor unchaste

thy mother.+

 An she mae a sign to them, pointing  to%ars the babe. They sai$ +o%

shall %e spea %ith him %ho is in the crale$ ar infantH+

It sai$ +:erily$ I am the serant of o= e bath gien me$ the >oo$ an

e bath mae me a prophet= An e hath mae me blesse %hereer I may be$ an hath en,oine me

prayer an almsgiing so long as I shall lie=

 An to be uteous to her that bare me/ an he hath not mae me prou$


 An the peace of o %as on me the ay I %as born$ an %ill be the/ ay I

shall ie$ an the ay I shall be raise to life.+'

8hen ax ueller %as planning his monumental series of +acred oos

of the *ast  for 0xfor Dniersity ;ress$ he inite the 4ambrige scholar 

E%ar enry ;almer to contribute a ne% ersion of the *oran. ;almer$%ho %as an astonishingly ersatile an rapi %orer$ reaily accepte= his

translation$ in t%o olumes$ %as publishe in !2$ t%o years before its

author %as murere in the Egyptian esert. ;almer$ a poor orphan %ho

%as thought in his teens to be ying of consumption$ ha remarable gifts

as a translator$ especially of poetry into erse= his complete renering of 

the collecte poems of the Egyptian >aha al&Cin ?uhair testifies amply to

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his accomplishments$ an his translation of the *oran is in its %ay eually

remarable.' 8hile <o%ell reache the great public through the enterprise

of J. . Cent K -ons 7t.$ ;almer has en,oye an eually %ie circulation

through being inclue by 0xfor Dniersity ;ress in The -orld's lassics$

eite$ an introuce by <. A. 5icholson. e abanone the

chronological rearrangement attempte by his contemporary$ an iie

the matter into paragraphs of arying length= he also aoie the italics

that teiously interrupt the flo% of the narratie in -ale an <o%ell. This is

;almer's interpretation of the >irth of Jesus/

'An mention$ in the >oo$ ary= %hen she retire from her family into an

eastern place= an she too a eil to screen herself from them= an %e

sent unto her our spirit= an he too for her the semblance of a %ell&mae

man. -ai she$ +:erily$ I tae refuge in the erciful 0ne from thee$ if thou

art pious.+ -ai he$ +I am only a messenger of thy 7or to besto% on thee a

pure boy.+

-ai she$ +o% can I hae a boy %hen no man has touche me$ an %hen

I am no harlotH+ e sai$ +Thus says thy 7or$ It is easy for e' an %e

%ill mae him a sign unto man$ an a mercy from us= for it is a ecie


-o she conceie him$ an she retire %ith him into a remote place. An

the labour pains came upon her at the trun of a palm tree$ an she sai$

+0 that I ha ie before this$ an been forgotten out of min+ an he

calle to her from beneath her$ +riee not$ for thy 7or has place a

stream beneath thy feet= an shae to%ars thee the trun of the palm

tree$ it %ill rop upon thee fresh ates fit to gather= so eat$ an rin$ an

cheer thine eye= an if thou shoulst see any$ mortal say$ ':erily$ I hae

o%e to the erciful 0ne a fast$ an I %ill not spea toay %ith a human


Then she brought it to her people$ carrying it= sai they$ +0 ary thou hast

one an extraorinary thing 0 sister of Aaron thy father %as not a ba

man$ nor %as thy mother a harlot+

 An she pointe to him$ an they sai$ +o% are %e to spea %ith one %ho

is in the crale a chilH+ e sai$ +:erily$ I am a serant of o= e has

brought me the >oo$ an e has mae me a prophet$ an e has mae

me blesse %hereer I be= an e has reuire of me prayer an

almsgiing so long as I lie$ an piety to%ars my mother$ an has not

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mae me a miserable tyrant= an peace upon me the ay I %as born$ an

the ay I ie$ an the ay I shall be raise up alie.+'

The first half of the present century has seen the stuy an interpretation

of the *oran progress more rapily an more intensiely than eer before.

In conseuence a number of ne% English ersions hae appeare$

incluing some by scholars %hose mother&tongue %as other than English.

 All these ersions are interesting an merit stuy= here ho%eer it is

propose to limit consieration to t%o only. The first is sufficiently

note%orthy= if for no other reason than that its author %as a conert to

Islam= he %as also a man of istinct literary gifts$ haing achiee a certain

repute as a noelist. armaue ;icthall lie many years in the East$

an in the course of his career sere the 5iBam of yeraba$ that

learne an enlightene uslim ruler of a -tate %hich has no% been

assimilate into the <epublic of Inia. ;icthall claime special attention

for his %or in %ors that esere respectful stuy/

'The aim of this %or is to present to English reaers %hat uslims the

%orl oer hol to be the meaning of the %ors of the *oran$ an the

nature of that >oo$ in not un%orthy language an concisely$ %ith a ie% to

the reuirements of English uslims. It may be reasonably claime that no

oly -cripture can be fairly presente by one %ho isbeliees its

inspiration an its message= an this is the first English translation of the

*oran by an Englishman %ho is a uslim. -ome of the translations inclue

commentation offensie to uslims$ an almost all employ a style of language %hich uslims at once recogniBe as un%orthy. The *oran cannot

be translate. That is the belief of ol&fashione -heyhs an the ie% of 

the present %riter. The >oo is here renere almost literally an eery

effort has been mae to choose befitting language. >ut the result is not the

lorious *oran$ that inimitable symphony$ the ery souns of %hich moe

men to tears an ecstasy. It is only an attempt to present the meaning of 

the *oran && an peraenture something of the charm && in English. It can

neer tae the place of the *oran in Arabic$ nor is it meant to o so. >efore

publication the %or has been scrutiniBe %or by %or an thoroughly

reise in Egypt %ith the help of one %hose mother&tongue is Arabic$ %hohas stuie the *oran an %ho no%s English= an %hen ifficulties %ere

encountere the translator ha recourse to perhaps the greatest liing

authority on the sub,ect. Eery care has thus been taen to aoi

un%arrantable renerings.'

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The reision %as unertaen by my ol frien$ Cr uhamma Ahma al&

hamra%i$ a istinguishe meical scholar an a ery eout uslim

eeply rea in classical Arabic literature. The beneolent authority to

%hose opinion recourse %as ha %as no other than that reere -haih al&

 ABhar$ is Excellency ustafa al&araghi$ %hom I hae also ha the

priilege of no%ing. 5eertheless ;ictball's ersion is not free of errors.

>eing base upon a text lithographe in Turey$ it follo%s a numeration of 

the erses freuently iffering from that aopte by Fluegel= this gies rise

to not a little confusion. For all that$ ;icthall's renering$ entitle The

&eaning of the (lorious Koran an first publishe at 7onon in !"92$ is an

important milestone in the long course of *oranic interpretation= an the

extract here chosen for illustration an comparison is the same passage

on the 5atiity of 0ur 7or/

'!@. An mae mention of ary in the -cripture$ %hen she ha %ithra%n

from her people to a chamber looing East.

!. An ha chosen seclusion from them. Then 8e sent unto her 0ur spirit

an it assume for her the lieness of a perfect man.

!. -he sai/ 7o I see refuge in the >eneficent 0ne from thee$ if thou are


!". e sai/ I am only a messenger of thy 7or$ that I may besto% on thee

a faultless son.

12. -he sai/ o% can I hae a son %hen no mortal hath touche me$

neither hae I been unchasteH

1!. e sai/ -o (it %ill be). Thy 7or saith/ It is easy for e. An (it %ill be)that 8e may mae of him a reelation for manin an a mercy from Ds$

an it is a thing oraine.

11. An she conceie him$ an she %ithre% %ith him to a far place.

1#. An the pangs of chilbirth roe her unto the trun of the palm&tree.

-he sai/ 0h$ %oul that I ha ie ere this an ha become a thing of

naught$ forgotten

13. Then (one) crie unto her from belo% her$ saying/ riee not Thy 7or

hath place a riulet beneath thee$

1#. An shae the trun of the palm&tree to%ar thee$ thou %ilt cause ripe

ates to fall upon thee.1@. -o eat an rin an be console. An if thou meetest any mortal$ say/

7o I hae o%e a fast unto the >eneficent$ an may not spea this ay to

any mortal.

1. Then she brought him to her o%n fol$ carrying him. They sai/ 0 ary

Thou hast come %ith an amaBing thing.

1.0 sister of Aaron Thy father %as not a %ice man nor %as thy mother

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a harlot.

1". Then she pointe to him. They sai/ o% can %e tal to one %ho is in

the crale$ a young boyH

92. e spae/ 7o I am the slae of Allah. e hath gien me the -cripture

an hath appointe me a ;rophet$

9!. An hath mae me blesse %heresoeer I may be$ an hath en,oine

upon me prayer an alms&giing so long as I remain alie$

91= An (hath mae me) utiful to%ar her %ho bore me$ an hath not

mae me arrogant$ unblest.

99. ;eace on me the ay I %as born$ an the ay I ie$ an the ay I shall

be raise alie'

The other t%entieth&century ersion chosen for particular mention is the

t%o&olume %or of <ichar >ell$ late <eaer of Arabic in the Dniersity of 

Einburgh$ publishe in that famous city !"9&". Cr >ell %as a most

eruite scholar of Arabic$ an ha eote many years to his 'critical re&

arrangement of the -urahs'. Aancing %ell beyon the position taen up

by the critics of last century$ he uite literally too the *oran to pieces an

put it together again$ his meticulous reconstruction extening as far as

iniiual erses an een parts of erses. As he set up his translation in a

in of tabular form to inicate his ie%s of ho% the iscourse originally

ran$ it is irtually unreaable= certainly one nees to hae some etaile

no%lege of the text in orer to benefit by the aruous exercise of 

stuying his har&laboure pages. >ell follo%e Fluegel's text= an the

passage on the >irth of Jesus$ again chosen for comparison$ is fortunatelyeeme by him to be uninterpolate$ though to be true he speculates that

it is 'perhaps foune on an earlier ersion'.

!@. ae mention in the >oo of ary= 8hen she %ithre% from her

people to a place$ east%ar.

!. An too bet%een herself an them a curtain. Then 8e sent to her 0ur 

spirit$ %ho too for her the form of a human being$ shapely.

!. -he sai/ +7o$ I tae refuge %ith the erciful from thee$ if thou art


!". e sai/ +I am the messenger of thy 7or$ that I may gie thee a boy$pure.+

12. -he sai/ +o% shall I hae a boy$ seeing that man hath not touche

me$ nor hae I been a. harlotH+

1!. e sai/ +-o shall it be Thy 7or hath sai/ 'It is easy for e'$ an (it is)

in orer that 8e may mae him a sign to the people$ an a mercy from Ds=

it has become a thing ecie.+

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11. -o she bore him$ an %ithre% %ith him to a place far a%ay.

1#. The birth&pangs roe her to the trun of the palm&tree= she sai/

+8oul that I ha ie before this$ an become a forgetting$ forgotten.+

13. Then he calle to her from beneath her/ +riee not= thy 7or hath

place beneath thee a streamlet=

1#. -hae to%ars thee the trun of the palm&tree$ an it %ill let fall upon

thee ,uicy (fruit)$ ripe.

1@. -o eat an rin an be of goo cheer= an if thou see of manin any


1. -ay/ ':erily I hae o%e to the erciful a fast$ an I shall not spea

toay to one of human in'.+

1. Then she brought him to her people$ carrying him= they sai/ +0 ary$

thou hast committe a thing improper=

1". 0 aughter of Aaron$ thy father %as not a ba man nor %as thy mother

a harlot.+92. Then she referre (them) to him= they sai/ +o% shall %e spea to one

%ho is in the crale$ a chilH+

9!. e sai/ +7o$ I am the serant of Allah= e hath besto%e on me the

>oo$ an hath mae me a prophet=

91. An hath mae me blesse %hereer I am$ an hath charge me %ith

the ;rayer an the Almsgiing as long as I lie=

9#. An utiful to%ars my mother$ nor hath e mae me a tyrant$


93. An peace is upon me the ay of my birth$ an the ay of my eath$

an the ay of my being raise up alie.+

In this rapi reie% of the *oran in English translation a number of other 

ersions hae been left out of account= their examination %oul a ery

little to the iscussion. The iscriminating reaer %ill not hae faile to

remar$ een in the short extracts uote$ a certain uniformity an ull

monotony characteristic of all$ from the seenteenth o%n to the t%entieth

century. A conscientious but slaish faithfulness to the letter && so far as the

letter has been progressiely unerstoo has in general exclue any

corresponing reflection of the spirit$ %here that has at all been


In choosing to call the present %or The Koran Interpreted   I hae

concee the releancy of the orthoox uslim ie%$ of %hich ;icthall$ for 

one$ %as so conscious$ that the *oran is untranslatable. -ome of the

implications of that octrine are setche out in the preface to my The

Holy Koran/ an Introduction with +elections (Allen K Dn%in$ !"##)$ an it is

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not propose to repeat the same argument here. >riefly$ the rhetoric an

rhythm of the Arabic of the *oran are so characteristic$ so po%erful$ so

highly emotie$ that any ersion %hatsoeer is boun in the nature of 

things to be but a poor copy of the glittering splenour of the original.

5eer %as it more true than in this instance that traduttore traditore. y

chief reason for offering this ne% ersion of a boo %hich has been

'translate' many times alreay is that in no preious renering has a

serious attempt been mae to imitate$ ho%eer imperfectly$ those

rhetorical an rhythmical patterns %hich are the glory an the sublimity of 

the *oran. I am breaing ne% groun here= it may therefore be thought

appropriate to explain in short my intentions an my metho.

The *oran$ as is %ell no%n$ is mae up of !!3 -uras of aring length.

This olume contains the first t%enty$ comprising a little oer one&half of 

the %hole. The -uras$ collecte into a olume after the eath of 

uhamma$ are not arrange in any chronological orer= inee$ most of 

those reprouce in this olume %ere reeale to the ;rophet in the later 

years of his mission. >ut as I am trying in this interpretation to inicate

%hat uslims of all ages hae no%n as their sacre boo$ an not ho% a

hanful of European scholars hae latterly essaye to recast it$ I hae

follo%e the traitional arrangement for all its amitte perplexities. The

-uras themseles are in many instances && an this has been recogniBe

by uslim stuents from the earliest times && of a composite character$

holing embee in them fragments receie by uhamma at %iely

iffering ates= but I hae isregare this accepte fact$ %ishing to sho%each -ura as an artistic %hole$ its often incongruous parts constituting a

rich an amirable pattern.

The erses into %hich the iniiual -ura is iie usually$ but not al%ays$

represent rhetorical units$ terminate an connecte together by a rhyming

%or. A fe% bol spirits hae enture on occasion to sho% this feature by

rhyming their translations= the resulting proucts hae not been ery

impressie. For my o%n part I hae preferre to inicate these terminations

an connections by rouning off each succession of loose rhythms %ith a

much shorter line. The function of rhyme in the *oran is uite ifferent fromthe function of the rhyme in poetry= it therefore emans a ifferent

treatment in translation. That has been my metho in interpreting narratie$

argumentatie an legislatie passages. 8here$ ho%eer$ the original$ as

often enough$ interposes bet%een these leisurely perios suen

outbursts of sharp rhetoric or shapely lyric$ I hae calle attention to such

changes of moo an tempo by maing corresponing ariations in my

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o%n rhythmical patterns. In this fashion I hae also strien to isolate an

then to integrate the ierse sections of %hich each -ura is compose.

The reaer may %ish to compare the results of applying this analysis an

metho %ith the traitional %ay of translating the *oran= here then is my

ersion of the >irth of Jesus/

'An mention in the >oo ary%hen she %ithre% from her peopleto an eastern place$

an she too a eil apart from them=then 8e sent unto her 0ur -piritthat presente himself to hera man %ithout fault.

-he sai$ +I tae refuge inthe All&merciful from thee

(The etext ersion oes not attempt to isplay the poetic format because of the excesslabour.)

If thou fearest o . . . e sai$ +I am but a messenger come from thy

7or$ to gie thee a boy most pure. -he sai$ +o% shall I hae a son

%hom no mortal has touche$ neither hae I been unchasteH+ e sai$

+Een so thy 7or has sai/

'Easy is that for e= an that 8e may appoint him a sign unto men an a

mercy from Ds= it is a thing ecree'.+

-o she conceie him$ an %ithre% %ith him to a istant place. An the

birth&pangs surprise her by the trun of the palm&tree. -he sai$ +8oul I

ha ie ere this$ an become a thing forgotten+ >ut the one that %as

belo% her calle to her$ +5ay$ o not sorro%= see= thy 7or has set belo%

thee a riulet.

-hae also to thee the palm&trun$ an there shall come tumbling upon

thee ates fresh an ripe. Eat therefore$ an rin$ an be comforte= an

if thou shoulst see any mortal$ say$ 'I hae o%e to the All&merciful a fast$

an toay I %ill not spea to any man'.+

Then she brought the chil to her fol carrying him= an they sai$ +ary$

thou hast surely committe a monstrous thing -ister of Aaron$ thy father 

%as not a %ice man$ nor %as thy mother a %oman unchaste.+ ary

pointe to the chil then= but they sai$ +o% shall %e spea to one %ho is

still in the crale$ a little chilH+

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e sai$ +7o$ I am o's serant= o has gien me the >oo$ an mae

me a ;rophet. >lesse e has mae me$ %hereer I may be= an e has

en,oine me to pray$ an to gie the alms$ so long as I lie$ an lie%ise to

cherish my mother= e has not mae me arrogant$ unprosperous.

;eace be upon me$ the ay I %as horn$ an the ay I ie$ an the ay I am

raise up alie+

If$ set out lie this$ the *oranic treatment of this most sacre theme seems

to recall$ ho%eer istantly an ho%eer faintly$ some meiaeal 4hristian

carol$ the resemblance is surely not fortuitous= but I mae bol to claim that

the point escapes notice in any other in of translation.

There is a repertory of familiar themes running through the %hole *oran=

each -ura elaborates or aumbrates one or more && often many && of these.

Dsing the language of music$ each -ura is a rhapsoy compose of %hole

or fragmentary leitmotivs= the analogy is reinforce by the subtly arie

rhythmical flo% of the iscourse. If this iagnosis of the literary structure of 

the *oran may be accepte as true && an it accors %ith %hat %e no% of 

the poetical instinct$ inee the %hole aesthetic impulse$ of the Arabs && it

follo%s that those notorious incongruities an irreleancies$ een those

'%earisome repetitions'$ %hich hae proe such stumbling&blocs in the

%ay of our 8estern appreciation %ill anish in the light of a clearer 

unerstaning of the nature of the uslim scriptures. A ne% ista opens

up= follo%ing this hitherto unsuspecte an unexplore path$ the eager 

interpreter hurries for%ar upon an exciting ,ourney of iscoery$ an is

impatient to report his finings to a largely inifferent an increulous


Curing the long months$ the ar an light months$ of labouring at this

interpretation$ eclectic %here the ancient commentators iffer in their 

unerstaning of a %or or a phrase$ unannotate because notes in plenty

are to be foun in other ersions$ an the raiant beauty of the original is

not cloue by such exing interpolations && all through this %elcome tas I

hae been reliing those <amaan nights of long ago$ %hen I %oul sit onthe erana of my eBira house an listen entrance to the ol$ %hite&

beare -heyh %ho chante the *oran for the pious electation of my

neighbour. e ha the misfortune$ my neighbour$ to be a prominent

politician$ an so in the fullness of his estiny$ but not the fullness of his

years$ he fell to an assassin's bullet= I lie to thin that the merit of those

holy recitations may hae ease the %ay for him into a %orl free of the

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tumult an turbulence that attene his earthly career. It %as then that I$

the infiel$ learnt to unerstan an react to the thrilling rhythms of the

*oran$ only to be apprehene %hen listene to at such a time an in such

a place. In humble thanfulness I eicate this all too imperfect essay in

imitation to the memory of those magical Egyptian nights.

I TE 0;E5I5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

! ;raise belongs to o$ the 7or of all >eing$the All&merciful$ the All&compassionate$the aster of the Cay of Coom.

# Thee only %e sere= to Thee alone %e pray for succour.uie us in the straight path$ the path of those%hom Thou hast blesse$ not of those against

%hom Thou art %rathful$ nor of those %ho are astray.

II TE 408

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

 Alif $am &im 

! That is the >oo$ %herein is no oubt$ a guiance to the gofearing %ho beliee

in the Dnseen$ an perform the prayer$ an expen of that 8e hae proie

them= %ho beliee in %hat has been sent o%n to thee an %hat has been sent

o%n before thee$ an hae faith in the ereafter= those are upon guiance from

their 7or$ those are the ones %ho prosper.

# As for the unbelieers$ alie it is to them %hether thou hast %arne them or hast

not %arne them$ they o not beliee. o has set a seal on their hearts an on

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their hearing$ an on their eyes is a coering$ an there a%aits them a mighty


 An some men there are %ho say$ '8e beliee in o an the 7ast Cay'= but they

are not belieers.

They %oul tric o an the belieers$ an only themseles they eceie$ an

they are not a%are. In their hearts is a sicness$ an o has increase their 

sicness$ an there a%aits them a painful chastisement for that they hae crie


!2 8hen it is sai to them$ 'Co not corruption in the lan'$ they say$ '8e are only

ones that put things right.' Truly$ they are the %orers of corruption but they are

not a%are.

8hen it is sai to them$ '>eliee as the people beliee'$ they say$ '-hall %ebeliee$ as fools belieeH'

Truly$ they are the foolish ones$ but they o not no%. 8hen they meet those %ho

beliiee$ they say$ '8e beliee'= but %hen they go priily to their -atans$ they say$

'8e are %ith you= %e %ere only mocing.' o shall moc them$ an shall lea

them on blinly %anering in their insolence.

!# Those are they that hae bought error at the price of guiance$ an their 

commerce has not profite them$ an they are not right&guie. The lieness of 

them is as the lieness of a man %ho inle a fire$ an %hen it lit all about himo too a%ay their light$ an left them in arness unseeing$ eaf$ umb$ blin

&& so they shall not return= or as a clouburst out of heaen in %hich is arness$

an thuner$ an lightning && they put their fingers in their ears against the

thunerclaps$ fearful of eath= an o encompasses the unbelieers= the

lightning %ellnigh snatches a%ay their sight= %hensoeer it gies them light$ they

%al in it$ an %hen the arness is oer them$ they halt= ha o %ille$ e

%oul hae taen a%ay their hearing an their sight. Truly$ o is po%erful oer 


0 you men$ sere your 7or 8ho create you$ an those that %ere before you=

haply so you %ill be gofearing=

12 8ho assigne to you the earth for a couch$ an heaen for an eifice$ an

sent o%n out of heaen %ater$ %here%ith e brought forth fruits for your 

proision= so set not up compeers to o %ittingly. An if you are in oubt

concerning that 8e hae sent o%n on 0ur serant$ then bring a sura lie it$ an

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call your %itnesses$ apart from o$ if you are truthful. An if you o not && an

you %ill not && then fear the Fire$ %hose fuel is men an stones$ prepare for 


ie thou goo tiings to those %ho beliee an o ees of righteousness$ that

for them a%ait garens unerneath %hich riers flo%= %hensoeer they are

proie %ith fruits therefrom they shall say$ 'This is that %here%ithal %e %ere

proie before'= that they shall be gien in perfect semblance= an there for them

shall be spouses purifie= therein they shall %ell foreer.

o is not ashame to strie a similitue een of a gnat$ or aught aboe it. As for 

the belieers$ they no% it is the truth from their 7or= but as for unbelieers$ they

say$ '8hat i o esire by this for a similitueH' Thereby e leas many astray$

an thereby e guies many= an thereby e leas none astray sae the ungoly

1# such as brea the coenant of o after its solemn bining$ an such as cut

%hat o has commane shoul be ,oine$ an such as o corruption in the

lan && they shall be the losers.

o% o you isbeliee in o$ seeing you %ere ea an e gae you life$ then

e shall mae you ea$ then e shall gie you life$ then unto im you shall be


It is e %ho create for you all that is in the earth$ then e lifte imself to

heaen an leelle them seen heaens= an e has no%lege of eerything.

 An %hen thy 7or sai to the angels$ 'I am setting in the earth a iceroy.' They

sai$ '8hat$ %ilt Thou set therein one %ho %ill o corruption there$ an she

bloo$ %hile %e proclaim Thy praise an call Thee olyH' e sai$ 'Assurely I

no% that you no% not.'

 An e taught Aam the names$ all of them= then e presente them unto the

angels an sai$ '5o% tell e the names of these$ if you spea truly.'

92 They sai$ 'lory be to Thee 8e no% not sae %hat Thou hast taught us.

-urely Thou art the All&no%ing$ the All&%ise.'

e sai$ 'Aam$ tell them their names.' An %hen he ha tol them their names

e sai$ 'Ci I not tell you I no% the unseen things of the heaens an earthH

 An I no% %hat things you reeal$ an %hat you %ere hiing.'

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 An %hen 8e sai to the angels$ '>o% yourseles to Aam'= so they bo%e

themseles$ sae Iblis= he refuse$ an %axe prou$ an so he became one of 

the unbelieers.

 An 8e sai$ 'Aam$ %ell thou$ an thy %ife$ in the aren$ an eat thereof 

easefully %here you esire= but ra% not nigh this tree$ lest you be eiloers.'

Then -atan cause them to slip therefrom an brought them out of that they %ere

in= an 8e sai$ 'et you all o%n$ each of you an enemy of each= an in the

earth a so,ourn shall be yours$ an en,oyment for a time.'

9# Thereafter Aam receie certain %ors from his 7or$ an e turne to%ars

him= truly e turns$ an is All&compassionate. 8e sai$ 'et you o%n out of it$ all

together= yet there shall come to you guiance from e$ an %hosoeer follo%s

y guiance$ no fear shall be on them$ neither shall they sorro%. As for the

unbelieers %ho cry lies to 0ur signs$ those shall be the inhabitants of the Fire$

therein %elling foreer.'

4hilren of Israel$ remember y blessing %here%ith I blesse you$ an fulfil y

coenant an I shall fulfil your coenant= an hae a%e of e. An beliee in that

I hae sent o%n$ confirming that %hich is %ith you$ an be not the first to

isbeliee in it. An sell not y signs for a little price= an fear you e. An o not

confoun the truth %ith anity$ an o not conceal the truth %ittingly.

32 An perform the prayer$ an pay the alms$ an bo% %ith those that bo%. 8ill

you bi others to piety$ an forget yourseles %hile you recite the >ooH Co you

not unerstanH -ee you help in patience an prayer$ for grieous it is$ sae to

the humble %ho recon that they shall meet their 7or an that unto im they are


4hilren of Israel$ remember y blessing %here%ith I blesse you$ an that I

hae preferre you aboe all beings= an be%are of a ay %hen no soul for 


3# shall gie satisfaction$ an no intercession shall be accepte from it$ nor any

counterpoise be taen$ neither shall they be helpe.

 An %hen 8e eliere you from the fol of ;haraoh %ho %ere isiting you %ith

eil chastisement$ slaughtering your sons$ an sparing your %omen= an in that

%as a grieous trial from your 7or. An %hen 8e iie for you the sea an

eliere you$ an ro%ne ;haraoh's fol %hile you %ere beholing.

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 An %hen 8e appointe %ith oses forty nights then you too to yourseles the

4alf after him an you %ere eiloers= then 8e parone you after that$ that

haply you shoul be thanful.

#2 An %hen 8e gae to oses the >oo an the -alation$ that haply you

shoul be guie. An %hen oses sai to his people$ 'y people$ you hae

one %rong against yourseles by your taing the 4alf= no% turn to your 4reator 

an slay one another (the transgressors). That %ill be better for you in your 

4reator's sight$ an e %ill turn to you= truly e turns$ an is All&compassionate.'

 An %hen you sai$ 'oses$ %e %ill not beliee thee till %e see o openly'= an

the thunerbolt too you %hile you %ere beholing.

Then 8e raise you up after you %ere ea$ that haply you shoul be thanful.

 An 8e outsprea the clou to oershao% you$ an 8e sent o%n manna an

uails upon you/ 'Eat of the goo things %here%ith 8e hae proie you. An

they %ore no %rong upon Ds$ but themseles they %ronge.

## An %hen 8e sai$ 'Enter this to%nship$ an eat easefully of it %hereer you

%ill$ an enter in at the gate$ prostrating$ an say$ Dnburening= 8e %ill forgie

you your transgressions$ an increase the goo&oers.' Then the eiloers

substitute a saying other than that %hich ha been sai to them= so 8e sent

o%n upon the eiloers %rath out of heaen for their ungoliness. An %hen

oses sought %ater for his people$ so 8e sai$ '-trie %ith thy staff the roc'= an

there gushe forth from it t%ele fountains= all the people ne% no% their rining&

place. 'Eat an rin of o's proiing$ an mischief not in the earth$ oing

corruption.' An %hen you sai$ 'oses$ %e %ill not enure one sort of foo= pray

to thy 7or for us$ that e may bring forth for us of that the earth prouces &&

green herbs$ cucumbers$ corn$ lentils$ onions.'

e sai$ '8oul you hae in exchange %hat is meaner for %hat is betterH et you

o%n to Egypt= you shall hae there that you emane.' An abasement an

poerty %ere pitche upon them$ an they %ere laen %ith the buren of o's

anger= that$ because they ha isbeliee the signs of o an slain the

;rophets unrightfully= that$ because they isobeye$ an %ere transgressors.

-urely they that beliee$ an those of Je%ry$ an the 4hristians$ an those-abaeans$ %hoso beliees in o an the 7ast Cay$ an %ors righteousness &&

their %age a%aits them %ith their 7or$ an no fear shall be on them= neither shall

they sorro%.

@2 An %hen 8e too compact %ith you$ an raise aboe you the ount/ 'Tae

forcefully %hat 8e hae gien you$ an remember %hat is in it= haply you shall be

gofearing.' Then you turne a%ay thereafter$ an but for the bounty an mercy of 

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o to%ars you$ you ha been of the losers. An %ell you no% there %ere

those among you that transgresse the -abbath$ an 8e sai to them$ '>e you

apes$ miserably slining'

 An 8e mae it a punishment exemplary for all the former times an for the

latter$ an an amonition to such as are gofearing. An %hen oses sai to his

people$ 'o commans you to sacrifice a co%.' They sai$ 'Cost thou tae us in

moceryH' e sai$ 'I tae refuge %ith o$ lest I shoul be one of the ignorant.'

They sai$ ';ray to thy 7or for us$ that e may mae clear to us %hat she may

be.' e sai$ 'e says she is a co% neither ol$ nor irgin$ miling bet%een the

t%o= so o that you are bien.'

@# They sai$ ';ray to thy 7or for us$ that e mae clear to us %hat her colour 

may be.' e sai$ 'e says she shall be a golen co%$ bright her colour$

glaening the beholers.' They sai$ ';ray to thy 7or for us$ that e mae clear 

to us %hat she may be= co%s are much alie to us= an$ if o %ill$ %e shall then

be guie.' e sai$ 'e says she shall be a co% not broen to plough the earth or 

to %ater the tillage$ one ept secure$ %ith no blemish on her.'

They sai$ '5o% thou hast brought the truth'= an therefore they sacrifice her$ a

thing they ha scarcely one. An %hen you ille a liing soul$ an ispute

thereon && an o isclose %hat you %ere hiing && so 8e sai$ '-mite him %ith

part of it'= een so o brings to life the ea$ an e sho%s you is signs$ that

haply you may hae unerstaning. Then your hearts became harene

thereafter an are lie stones$ or een yet harer= for there are stones from %hich

riers come gushing$ an others split$ so that %ater issues from them$ an others

crash o%n in the fear of o. An o is not heeless of the things you o.

2 Are you then so eager that they shoul beliee you$ seeing there is a party of 

them that hear o's %or$ an then tampere %ith it$ an that after they ha

comprehene it$ %ittinglyH An %hen they meet those %ho beliee$ they say '8e

beliee'= an %hen they go priily one to another$ they say$ 'Co you spea to them

of %hat o has reeale to you$ that they may thereby ispute %ith you before

your 7orH ae you no unerstaningH'

*no% they not that o no%s %hat they eep secret an %hat they publishH

 An some there are of them that are common fol not no%ing the >oo$ but only

fancies an mere con,ectures. -o %oe to those %ho %rite the >oo %ith their 

hans$ then say$ 'This is from o$' that they may sell it for a little price= so %oe to

them for %hat their hans hae %ritten$ an %oe to them for their earnings.

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 An they say$ 'The Fire shall not touch us sae a number of ays.' -ay/ 'ae you

taen %ith o a coenantH o %ill not fail in is coenant= or say you things

against o of %hich you no% nothingH

# 5ot so= %hoso earns eil$ an is encompasse by his transgression && those

are the inhabitants of the Fire= there they shall %ell foreer. An those that

beliee$ an o ees of righteousness && those are the inhabitants of ;araise=

there they shall %ell foreer.'

 An %hen 8e too compact %ith the 4hilren of Israel/ 'Gou shall not sere any

sae o= an to be goo to parents$ an the near insman$ an to orphans$ an

to the neey= an spea goo to men$ an perform the prayer$ an pay the alms.'

Then you turne a%ay$ all but a fe% of you$ s%ering asie.

 An %hen 8e too compact %ith you/ 'Gou shall not she your o%n bloo$ neither 

expel your o%n from your habitations'= then you confirme it an yourseles bore

%itness. Then there you are illing one another$ an expelling a party of you from

their habitations$ conspiring against them in sin an enmity= an if they come to

you as capties$ you ransom them= yet their expulsion %as forbien you. 8hat$

o you beliee in part of the >oo$ an isbeliee in partH

8hat shall be the recompense of those of you %ho o that$ but egraation in the

present life$ an on the Cay of <esurrection to be returne unto the most terrible

of chastisementH An o is not heeless of the things you o.

2 Those %ho hae purchase the present life at the price of the %orl to come &&

for them the chastisement shall not be lightene$ neither shall they be helpe.

 An 8e gae to oses the >oo$ an after him sent succeeing essengers=

an 8e gae Jesus son of ary the clear signs$ an confirme him %ith the oly

-pirit= an %hensoeer there came to you a essenger %ith that your souls ha

not esire for$ i you become arrogant$ an some cry lies to$ an some slayH

 An they say$ '0ur hearts are uncircumcise.' 5ay$ but o has curse them for 

their unbelief= little %ill they beliee. 8hen there came to them a >oo from o$

confirming %hat %as %ith them && an they aforetimes praye for ictory oer the

unbelieers && %hen there came to them that they recogniBe$ they isbeliee in

it= an the curse of o is on the unbelieers. Eil is the thing they hae sol

themseles for$ isbelieing in that %hich o sent o%n$ gruging that o

shoul sen o%n of is bounty on %homsoeer e %ill of is serants$ an they

%ere laen %ith anger upon anger= an for unbelieers a%aits a humbling


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# An %hen they %ere tol$ '>eliee in that o has sent o%n$' they sai$ '8e

beliee in %hat %as sent o%n on us'= an they isbeliee in %hat is beyon that$

yet it is the truth confirming %hat is %ith them. -ay/ '8hy then %ere you slaying

the ;rophets of o in former time$ if you %ere belieersH'

 An oses came to you %ith the clear signs$ then you too to yourseles the 4alf 

after him an you %ere eiloers. An %hen 8e too compact %ith you$ an

raise oer you the ount/ 'Tae forcefully %hat 8e hae gien you an gie ear.'

They sai$ '8e hear$ an rebel'= an they %ere mae to rin the 4alf in their 

hearts for their unbelief. -ay/ 'Eil is the thing your faith bis you to$ if you are


-ay/ 'If the 7ast Aboe %ith o is yours exclusiely$ an not for other people$

then long for eath && if you spea truly.' >ut they %ill neer long for it$ because of 

that their hans hae for%are= o no%s the eiloers=

"2 an thou shalt fin them the eagerest of men for life. An of the iolaters= there

is one of them %ishes if he might be spare a thousan years$ yet his being

spare alie shall not remoe him from the chastisement. o sees the things

they o.

-ay/ '8hosoeer is an enemy to abriel && he it %as that brought it o%n upon thy

heart by the leae of o$ confirming %hat %as before it$ an for a guiance an

goo tiings to the belieers. 8hosoeer is an enemy to o an is angels an

is essengers$ an abriel$ an ichael && surely o is an enemy to the


 An 8e hae sent o%n unto thee signs$ clear signs$ an none isbeliees in

them except the ungoly. 8hy$ %hensoeer they hae mae a coenant$ oes a

party of them re,ect itH 5ay$ but the most of them are unbelieers.

"# 8hen there has come to them a essenger from o confirming %hat %as

%ith them$ a party of them that %ere gien the >oo re,ect the >oo of o

behin their bacs$ as though they ne% not$ an they follo% %hat the -atans

recite oer -olomon's ingom. -olomon isbeliee not$ but the -atans

isbeliee$ teaching the people sorcery$ an that %hich %as sent o%n upon

>abylon's t%o angels$ arut an arut= they taught not any man$ %ithout they

sai$ '8e are but a temptation= o not isbeliee.'

From them they learne ho% they might iie a man an his %ife$ yet they i

not hurt any man thereby$ sae by the leae of o$ an they learne %hat hurt

them$ an i not profit them$ no%ing %ell that %hoso buys it shall hae no share

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in the %orl to come= eil then %as that they sol themseles for$ if they ha but

no%n. Get ha they beliee$ an been gofearing$ a recompense from o ha

been better$ if they ha but no%n.

0 belieers$ o not say$ '0bsere us$' but say$ '<egar us'= an gie ear= for 

unbelieers a%aits a painful chastisement.

Those unbelieers of the ;eople of the >oo an the iolaters %ish not that any

goo shoul be sent o%n upon you from your 7or= but o singles out for is

mercy %hom e %ill= o is of bounty abouning.

!22 An for %hateer erse 8e abrogate or cast into obliion$ 8e bring a better 

or the lie of it= no%est thou not that o is po%erful oer eerythingH *no%est

thou not that to o belongs the ingom of the heaens an the earth$ an that

you hae none$ apart from o$ neither protector nor helperH 0r o you esire to

uestion your essenger as oses %as uestione in former timeH 8hoso

exchanges belief for unbelief has surely straye from the right %ay.

any of the ;eople of the >oo %ish they might restore you as unbelieers$ after 

you hae beliee$ in the ,ealousy of their souls$ after the truth has become clear 

to them= yet o you paron an be forgiing$ till o brings is comman= truly

o is po%erful oer eerything. An perform the prayer$ an pay the alms=

%hateer goo you shall for%ar to your souls' account$ you shall fin it %ith o=

assurely o sees the things you o.

!2# An they say$ '5one shall enter ;araise except that they be Je%s or 

4hristians.' -uch are their fancies. -ay/ ';rouce your proof$ if you spea truly.'

5ay$ but %hosoeer submits his %ill to o$ being a goo&oer$ his %age is %ith

his 7or$ an no fear shall be on them$ neither shall they sorro%.

The Je%s say$ 'The 4hristians stan not on anything'= the 4hristians say$ 'The

Je%s stan not on anything'= yet they recite the >oo. -o too the ignorant say the

lie of them. o shall ecie bet%een them on the Cay of <esurrection touching

their ifferences. An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho bars o's places of 

%orship$ so that is 5ame be not rehearse in them$ an stries to estroy themH

-uch men might neer enter them$ sae in fear= for them is egraation in the

present %orl$ an in the %orl to come a mighty chastisement.

To o belong the East an the 8est= %hithersoeer you turn$ there is the Face

of o= o is All&embracing$ All&no%ing.

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!!2 An they say$ 'o has taen to im a son. lory be to im 5ay$ to im

belongs all that is in the heaens an the earth= all obey is %ill && the 4reator of 

the heaens an the earth= an %hen e ecrees a thing$ e but says to it '>e$'

an it is.

 An they that no% not say$ '8hy oes o not spea to usH 8hy oes a sign

not come to usH' -o spoe those before them as these men say= their hearts are

much alie. Get 8e hae mae clear the signs unto a people %ho are sure 8e

hae sent thee %ith the truth$ goo tiings to bear$ an %arning. Thou shalt not be

uestione touching the inhabitants of ell. 5eer %ill the Je%s be satisfie %ith

thee$ neither the 4hristians$ not till thou follo%est their religion.

-ay/ 'o's guiance is the true guiance.' If thou follo%est their caprices$ after 

the no%lege that has come to thee$ thou shalt hae against o neither 

protector nor helper.

!!# Those to %hom 8e hae gien the >oo an %ho recite it %ith true recitation$

they beliee in it= an %hoso isbeliees in it$ they shall be the losers.

4hilren of Israel$ remember y blessing %here%ith I blesse you$ an that I

hae preferre you aboe all beings= an be%are a ay %hen no soul for another 

shall gie satisfaction$ an no counterpoise shall be accepte from it$ nor any

intercession shall be profitable to it$ neither shall they be helpe.

 An %hen his 7or teste Abraham %ith certain %ors$ an he fulfille them. e

sai$ '>ehol$ I mae you a leaer for the people.' -ai he$ 'An of my seeH' e

sai 'y coenant shall not reach the eiloers.'

 An %hen 8e appointe the ouse to be a place of isitation for the people$ an

a sanctuary$ an/ 'Tae to yourseles Abraham's station for a place of prayer.' An

8e mae coenant %ith Abraham an Ishmael/ ';urify y ouse for those that

shall go about it an those that cleae to it$ to those %ho bo% an prostrate


!12 An %hen Abraham sai$ 'y 7or$ mae this a lan secure$ an proie its

people %ith fruits$ such of them as beliee in o an the 7ast Cay.'

e sai$ 'An %hoso isbeliees$ to him I shall gie en,oyment a little$ then I shall

compel him to the chastisement of the Fire && ho% eil a homecoming'

 An %hen Abraham$ an Ishmael %ith him$ raise up the founations of the

ouse/ '0ur 7or$ receie this from us= Thou art the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing=

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an$ our 7or$ mae us submissie to Thee$ an of our see a nation submissie

to Thee= an sho% us our holy rites$ an turn to%ars us= surely Thou turnest$

an art All&compassionate= an$ our 7or$ o Thou sen among them a

essenger$ one of them$ %ho shall recite to them Thy signs$ an teach them the

>oo an the 8isom$ an purify them= Thou art the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.'

8ho therefore shrins from the religion of Abraham$ except he be foolish&

mineH Inee$ 8e chose him in the present %orl$ an in the %orl to come he

shall be among the righteous.

!1# 8hen his 7or sai to him$ '-urrener$' he sai$ 'I hae surrenere me to

the 7or of all >eing.' An Abraham charge his sons %ith this an Jacob

lie%ise/ 'y sons$ o has chosen for you the religion= see that you ie not sae

in surrener.'

8hy$ %ere you %itnesses$ %hen eath came to JacobH 8hen he sai to his sons$

'8hat %ill you sere after meH' They sai$ '8e %ill sere thy o an the o of 

thy fathers Abraham$ Ishmael an Isaac$ 0ne o= to im %e surrener.' That is

a nation that has passe a%ay= there a%aits them that they hae earne$ an

there a%aits you that you hae earne= you shall not be uestione concerning

the things they i.

 An they say$ '>e Je%s or 4hristians an you shall be guie.' -ay thou/ '5ay$

rather the cree of Abraham$ a man of pure faith= he %as no iolater.'

!92 -ay you/ '8e beliee in o$ an in that %hich has been sent o%n on us

an sent o%n on Abraham$ Ishmael$ Isaac an Jacob$ an the Tribes$ an that

%hich %as gien to oses an Jesus an the ;rophets$ of their 7or= %e mae no

iision bet%een any of them$ an to im %e surrener.'

 An if they beliee in the lie of that you beliee in$ then they are truly guie= but

if they turn a%ay$ then they are clearly in schism= o %ill suffice you for them= e

is the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing= the baptism of o= an %ho is there that

baptiBes fairer than oH im %e are sering.

-ay/ '8oul you then ispute %ith us concerning o$ %ho is our 7or an your 

7orH 0ur ees belong to us$ an to you belong your ees= im %e sere

sincerely. 0r o you say$ +Abraham$ Ishmael$ Isaac an Jacob$ an the Tribes &&

they %ere Je%s$ or they %ere 4hristians+H' -ay/ 'ae you then greater 

no%lege$ or oH An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho conceals a testimony

receie from oH An o is not heeless of the things you o.'

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!9# That is a nation that has passe a%ay= there a%aits them that they hae

earne$ an there a%aits you that you hae earne= you shall not be uestione

concerning the things they i.

The fools among the people %ill say$ '8hat has turne them from the irection

they %ere facing in their prayers aforetimeH'

-ay/ +To o belong the East an the 8est= e guies %homsoeer e %ill to a

straight path.'

Thus 8e appointe you a mimost nation that you might be %itnesses to the

people$ an that the essenger might be a %itness to you= an 8e i not

appoint the irection thou %ast facing$ except that 8e might no% %ho follo%e

the essenger from him %ho turne on his heels && though it %ere a grae thing

sae for those %hom o has guie= but o %oul neer leae your faith to

%aste && truly$ o is All && gentle %ith the people$ All&compassionate.

8e hae seen thee turning thy face about in the heaen= no% 8e %ill surely turn

thee to a irection that shall satisfy thee. Turn thy face to%ars the oly osue=

an %hereer you are$ turn your faces to%ars it. Those %ho hae been gien the

>oo no% it is the truth from their 7or= o is not heeless of the things they


!32 Get if thou shoulst bring to those that hae been gien the >oo eery sign$

they %ill not follo% thy irection= thou art not a follo%er of their irection$ neither 

are they follo%ers of one another's irection. If thou follo%est their caprices$ after 

the no%lege that has come to thee$ then thou %ilt surely be among the

eiloers %hom 8e hae gien the >oo$ an they recogniBe as they recogniBe

their sons$ een though there is a party of them conceal the truth an that


The truth comes from thy 7or= then be not among the oubters. Eery man has

his irection to %hich he turns= so be you for%ar in goo %ors. 8hereer you

may be$ o %ill bring you all together= surely o is po%erful oer eerything.

From %hatsoeer place thou issuest$ turn thy face to%ars the oly osue= it is

the truth from thy 7or. o is not heeless of the things you o.

!3# From %hatsoeer place thou issuest$ turn thy face to%ars the oly osue=

an %hereer you may be$ turn your faces to%ars it$ that the people may not

hae any argument against you$ excepting the eiloers of them= an fear you

them not$ but fear you e= an that I may perfect y blessing upon you$ an that

haply so you may be guie= as also 8e hae sent among you$ of yourseles$ a

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essenger$ to recite 0ur signs to you an to purify you$ an to teach you the

>oo an the 8isom$ an to teach you that you ne% not.

-o remember e$ an I %ill remember you= an be thanful to e= an be you

not ungrateful to%ars e.

0 all you %ho beliee$ see you help in patience an prayer= surely o is %ith

the patient. An say not of those slain in o's %ay$ 'They are ea'= rather they

are liing$ but you are not a%are.

!#2 -urely 8e %ill try you %ith something of fear an hunger$ an iminution of 

goos an lies an fruits= yet gie thou goo tiings unto the patient %ho$ %hen

they are isite by an affliction$ say$ '-urely %e belong to o$ an to im %e

return'= upon those rest blessings an mercy from their 7or$ an those && they

are the truly guie.

-afa an ar%a are among the %aymars of o= so %hosoeer maes the

;ilgrimage to the ouse$ or the :isitation$ it is no fault in him to circumambulate

them= an %hoso olunteers goo$ o is All&grateful$ All&no%ing

Those %ho conceal the clear signs an the guiance that 8e hae sent o%n$

after 8e hae sho%n them clearly in the >oo && they shall be curse by o an

the cursers$

!## sae such as repent an mae amens$ an sho% clearly && to%ars them I

shall turn= I turn$ All&compassionate. >ut those %ho isbeliee$ an ieisbelieing && upon them shall rest the curse of o an the angels$ an of men

altogether$ therein %elling foreer= the chastisement shall not be lightene for 

them= no respite shall be gien them.

Gour o is 0ne o= there is no go but e$ the All&merciful$ the All&


-urely in the creation of the heaens an the earth an the alternation of night

an ay an the ship that runs in the sea %ith profit to men$ an the %ater o

sens o%n from heaen there%ith reiing the earth after it is ea an isscattering abroa in it all manner of cra%ling thing$ an the turning about of the

%ins an the clous compelle bet%een heaen an earth && surely there are

signs for a people haing unerstaning.

!@2 Get there be men %ho tae to themseles compeers apart from o$ loing

them as o is loe= but those that beliee loe o more arently. 0 if the

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eiloers might see$ %hen they see the chastisement$ that the po%er altogether 

belongs to o$ an that o is terrible in chastisement$ %hen those that %ere

follo%e iso%n their follo%ers$ an they see the chastisement$ an their cors

are cut asuner$ an those that follo%e say$ '0 if only %e might return again an

iso%n them$ as they hae iso%ne us' Een so o shall sho% them their 

%ors. 0 bitter regrets for them 5eer shall they issue from the Fire.

0 men$ eat of %hat is in the earth la%ful an goo= an follo% not the steps of 

-atan= he is a manifest foe to you. e only commans you to eil an inecency$

an that you shoul spea against o such things as you no% not.

!@# An %hen it is sai to them$ 'Follo% %hat o has sent o%n$' they say$ '5o=

but %e %ill follo% such things as %e foun our fathers oing.'

8hatH An if their fathers ha no unerstaning of anything$ an if they %ere not

guieH The lieness of those %ho isbeliee is as the lieness of one %ho

shouts to that %hich hears nothing$ sae a call an a cry= eaf$ umb$ blin && they

o not unerstan.

0 belieers$ eat of the goo things %here%ith 8e hae proie you$ an gie

thans to o$ if it be im that you sere. These things only has e forbien

you/ carrion$ bloo$ the flesh of s%ine$ %hat has been hollo%e to other than o.

Get %ho so is constraine$ not esiring nor transgressing$ no sin shall be on him=

o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

Those %ho conceal %hat of the >oo o has sent o%n on them$ an sell it for a

little price &&they shall eat naught but the Fire in their bellies= o shall not spea

to them on the Cay of <esurrection neither purify them= there a%aits them a

painful chastisement.

!2 Those are they that hae bought error at the price of guiance$ an

chastisement at the price of paron= ho% patiently they shall enure the Fire

That$ because o has sent o%n the >oo %ith the truth= an those that are at

ariance regaring the >oo are in %ie schism.

It is not piety$ that you turn your faces to the East an to the 8est. True piety is

this/ to beliee in o$ an the 7ast Cay$ the angels$ the >oo$ an the ;rophets$

to gie of one's substance$ ho%eer cherishe$ to insmen$ an orphans$ the

neey$ the traeller$ beggars$ an to ransom the slae$ to perform the prayer$ to

pay the alms. An they %ho fulfil their coenant %hen they hae engage in a

coenant$ an enure %ith fortitue misfortune$ harship an peril$ these are they

%ho are true in their faith$ these are the truly gofearing.

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0 belieers$ prescribe for you is retaliation$ touching the slain= freeman for 

freeman$ slae for slae$ female for female. >ut if aught is parone a man by his

brother$ let the pursuing be honourable$ an let the payment be %ith inliness.

That is a lightening grante you by your 7or$ an a mercy= an for him %ho

commits aggression after that && for him there a%aits a painful chastisement.

!# In retaliation there is life for you$ men possesse of mins= haply you %ill be


;rescribe for you$ %hen any of you is isite by eath$ an he leaes behin

some goos$ is to mae testament in faour of his parents an insmen

honourably && an obligation on the gofearing. Then if any man changes it after 

hearing it$ the sin shall rest upon those %ho change it= surely o is All&hearing$

 All&no%ing. >ut if any man fears in,ustice or sin from one maing testament$ an

so maes things right bet%een them$ then sin shall not rest upon him= surely o

is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

0 belieers$ prescribe for you is the Fast$ een as it %as prescribe for those

that %ere before you && haply you %ill be gofearing &&

!2 for ays numbere= an if any of you be sic$ or if he be on a ,ourney$ then a

number of other ays= an for those %ho are able to fast$ a reemption by feeing

a poor man. Get better. it is for him %ho olunteers goo$ an that you shoul fast

is better for you$ if you but no%= the month of <amaan$ %herein the *oran %as

sent o%n to be a guiance to the people$ an as clear signs of the uiance an

the -alation.

-o let those of you$ %ho are present at the month$ fast it= an if any of you be

sic$ or if he be on a ,ourney$ then a number of other ays= o esires ease for 

you$ an esires not harship for you= an that you fulfil the number$ an magnify

o that e has guie you$ an haply you %ill be thanful.

 An %hen y serants uestion thee concerning e && I am near to ans%er the

call of the caller$ %hen he calls to e= so let them respon to e$ an let them

beliee in e= haply so they %ill go aright.

;ermitte to you$ upon the night of the Fast$ is to go in to your %ies= && they are a

estment for you$ an you are a estment for them. o no%s that you hae

been betraying yourseles$ an has turne to you an parone you. -o no% lie

%ith them$ an see %hat o has prescribe for you. An eat an rin$ until the

%hite threa sho%s clearly to you from the blac threa at the a%n= then

complete the Fast unto the night$ an o not lie %ith them %hile you cleae to the

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The ;ilgrimage is in months %ell&no%n= %hoso unertaes the uty of ;ilgrimage

in them shall not go in to his %omenfol nor inulge in ungoliness an isputing

in the ;ilgrimage. 8hateer goo you o$ o no%s it. An tae proision= but

the best proision is gofearing$ so fear you e$ men possesse of mins It is no

fault in you$ that you shoul see bounty from your 7or= but %hen you press on

from Arafat$ then remember o at the oly 8aymar$ an remember im as e

has guie you$ though formerly you %ere gone astray.

!"# Then press on from %here the people press on$ an pray for o's

forgieness= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate. An %hen you hae

performe your holy rites remember o$ as you remember your fathers or yet

more eoutly. 5o% some men there are %ho say$ '0ur 7or$ gie to us in this

%orl'= such men shall hae no part in the %orl to come.

 An others there are %ho say$ '0ur 7or$ gie to us in this %orl goo$ an goo

in the %orl to come$ an guar us against the chastisement of the fire'= those &&

they shall hae a portion from %hat they hae earne= an o is s%ift at the


 An remember o uring certain ays numbere. If any man hastens on in t%o

ays$ that is no sin in him= an if any elays$ it is not a sin in him$ if he be

gofearing. An fear you o$ an no% that unto im you shall be mustere.

122 An some men there are %hose saying upon the present %orl pleases thee$

an such a one calls on o to %itness %hat is in his heart$ yet he is most

stubborn in altercation$ an %hen he turns his bac$ he hastens about the earth$

to o corruption there an to estroy the tillage an the stoc= an o loes not

corruption= an %hen it is sai to him$ 'Fear o'$ ainglory seiBes him in his sin.

-o ehenna shall be enough for him && ho% eil a craling

>ut other men there are that sell themseles esiring o's goo pleasure= an

o is gentle %ith is serants. 0 belieers$ enter the peace$ all of you$ an

follo% not the steps of -atan=

12# he is a manifest foe to you. >ut if you slip$ after the clear signs hae come to

you$ no% then that o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

8hat o they loo for$ but that o shall come to them in the clou && shao%s$

an the angelsH The matter is etermine$ an unto o all matters are returne.

 As the 4hilren of Israel ho% many a clear sign 8e gae them. 8hoso changes

o's blessing after it has come to him$ o is terrible in retribution. Cece out

fair to the unbelieers is the present life$ an they erie the belieers= but those

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%ho %ere gofearing shall be aboe them on the <esurrection Cay= an o

proies %homsoeer e %ill %ithout reconing.

The people %ere one nation= then o sent forth the ;rophets$ goo tiings to

bear an %arning$ an e sent o%n %ith them the >oo %ith the truth$ that e

might ecie bet%een the people touching their ifferences= an only those %ho

ha been gien it %ere at ariance upon it$ after the clear signs ha come to

them$ being insolent one to another= then o guie those %ho beliee to the

truth$ touching %hich they %ere at ariance$ by is leae= an o guies

%homsoeer e %ill to a straight path.

1!2 0r i you suppose you shoul enter ;araise %ithout there ha come upon

you the lie of those %ho passe a%ay before youH They %ere afflicte by misery

an harship an %ere so conulse$ that the essenger an those %ho beliee

%ith him sai$ '8hen comes o's helpH' Ah$ but surely o's help is nigh.

They %ill uestion thee concerning %hat they shoul expen. -ay/ '8hatsoeer 

goo you expen is for parents an insmen$ orphans$ the neey$ an the

traeller= an %hateer goo you may o$ o has no%lege of it.'

;rescribe for you is fighting$ though it be hateful to you. Get it may happen that

you %ill hate a thing %hich is better for you= an it may happen that you %ill loe a

thing %hich is %orse for you= o no%s$ an you no% not.

They %ill uestion thee concerning the holy month$ an fighting in it. -ay/

'Fighting in it is a heinous thing$ but to bar from o's %ay$ an isbelief in im$

an the oly osue$ an to expel its people from it && that is more heinous in

o's sight= an persecution is more heinous than slaying.' They %ill not cease to

fight %ith you$ till they turn you from your religion$ if they are able= an %hosoeer 

of you turns from his religion$ an ies isbelieing && their %ors hae faile in

this %orl an the next= those are the inhabitants of the Fire= therein they shall

%ell foreer.

1!# >ut the belieers$ an those %ho emigrate an struggle in o's %ay && those

hae hope of o's compassion= an o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

They %ill uestion thee concerning %ine$ an arro%&shuffling. -ay/ 'In both is

heinous sin= an uses for men$ but the sin in them is more heinous than the


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They %ill uestion thee concerning %hat they shoul expen. -ay/ 'The

abunance.' -o o maes clear is signs to you= haply you %ill reflect= in this

%orl$ an the %orl to come.

They %ill uestion thee concerning the orphans. -ay/ 'To set their affairs aright is

goo. An if you intermix %ith them$ they are your brothers. o no%s %ell him

%ho %ors corruption from him %ho sets aright= an ha e %ille e %oul hae

harasse you. -urely o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.'

112 Co not marry iolatresses$ until they beliee= a belieing slaegirl is better 

than an iolatress$ though you may amire her. An o not marry iolaters$ until

they beliee. A belieing slae is better than an iolater$ though you may amire


Those call unto the Fire= an o calls unto ;araise$ an paron$ by is leae$

an e maes clear is signs to the people= haply they %ill remember.

They %ill uestion thee concerning the monthly course. -ay/ 'It is hurt= so go

apart from %omen uring the monthly course$ an o not approach them till they

are clean. 8hen they hae cleanse themseles$ then come unto them as o

has commane you.' Truly$ o loes those %ho repent$ an e loes those

%ho cleanse themseles.

Gour %omen are a tillage for you= so come unto your tillage as you %ish$ an

for%ar for your souls= an fear o$ an no% that you shall meet im. ie

thou goo tiings to the belieers.

Co not mae o a hinrance$ through your oaths$ to being pious an

gofearing$ an putting things right bet%een men. -urely o is All&hearing$ All&


11# o %ill not tae you to tas for a slip in your oaths= but e %ill tae you to

tas for %hat your hearts hae earne= an o is All&forgiing$ All&clement.

For those %ho fors%ear their %omen a %ait of four months= if they reert$ o is

 All&forgiing$ All&compassionate= but if they resole on iorce$ surely o is All&hearing$ All&no%ing.

Ciorce %omen shall %ait by themseles for three perios= an it is not la%ful for 

them to hie %hat o has create in their %ombs= if they beliee in o an the

7ast Cay. In such time their mates hae better right to restore them$ if they esire

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to set things right. 8omen hae such honourable rights as obligations$ but their 

men hae a egree aboe them= o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

Ciorce is t%ice= then honourable retention or setting free inly. It is not la%ful for 

you to tae of %hat you hae gien them unless the couple fear they may not

maintain o's bouns= if you fear they may not maintain o's bouns$ it is no

fault in them for her to reeem herself. Those are o's bouns= o not

transgress them. 8hosoeer transgresses the bouns of o && those are the


192 If he iorces her finally$ she shall not be la%ful to him after that$ until she

marries another husban. If he iorces her$ then it is no fault in them to return to

each other$ if they suppose that they %ill maintain o's bouns. Those are o's

bouns= e maes them clear unto a people that hae no%lege.

8hen you iorce %omen$ an they hae reache their term$ then retain them

honourably or set them free honourably= o not retain them by force$ to

transgress= %hoeer oes that has %ronge himself. Tae not o's signs in

mocery$ an remember o's blessing upon you$ an the >oo an the 8isom

e has sent o%n on you$ to amonish you. An fear o$ an no% that o

has no%lege of eerything.

8hen you iorce %omen$ an they hae reache their term$ o not ebar them

from marrying their husbans$ %hen they hae agree together honourably. That

is an amonition for %hoso of you beliees in o an the 7ast Cay= that is

cleaner an purer for you= o no%s$ an you no% not.

others shall sucle their chilren t%o years completely$ for such as esire to

fulfil the sucling. It is for the father to proie them an clothe them honourably.

5o soul is charge sae to its capacity= a mother shall not be presse for her 

chil$ neither a father for his chil.

The heir has a lie uty. >ut if the couple esire by mutual consent an

consultation to %ean$ then it is no fault in them. An if you esire to see nursing

for your chilren$ it is no fault in you proie you han oer %hat you hae gien

honourably= an fear o$ an no% that o sees the things you o.

 An those of you %ho ie$ leaing %ies$ they shall %ait by themseles for four 

months an ten nights= %hen they hae reache their term then it is no fault in

you %hat they may o %ith themseles honourably. o is a%are of the things

you o.

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There is no fault in you touching the proposal to %omen you offer$ or hie in your 

hearts= o no%s that you %ill be minful of them= but o not mae troth %ith

them secretly %ithout you spea honourable %ors. An o not resole on the

not of marriage until the boo has reache its term= an no% that o no%s

%hat is in your hearts$ so be fearful of im= an no% that o is All&forgiing$ All&


19# There is no fault in you$ if you iorce %omen %hile as yet you hae not

touche them nor appointe any marriage&portion for them= yet mae proision

for them$ the affluent man accoring to his means$ an accoring to his means

the neey man$ honourably && an obligation on the goo&oers.

 An if you iorce them before you hae touche them$ an you hae alreay

appointe for them a marriage&portion$ then one&half of %hat you hae appointe$

unless it be they mae remission$ or he maes remission in %hose han is the

not of marriage= yet that you shoul remit is nearer to gofearing. Forget not to

be bountiful one to%ars another. -urely o sees the things you o.

>e you %atchful oer the prayers$ an the mile prayer= an o you stan

obeient to o.

132 An if you are in fear$ then afoot or mounte= but %hen you are secure$ then

remember o$ as e taught you the things that you ne% not.

 An those of you %ho ie$ leaing %ies$ let them mae testament for their %ies$

proision for a year %ithout expulsion= but if they go forth$ there is no fault in you

%hat they may o %ith themseles honourably= o is All&mighty$ All&%ise. There

shall be for iorce %omen proision honourable && an obligation on the


-o o maes clear is signs for you= haply you %ill unerstan.

ast thou not regare those %ho %ent forth from their habitations in their 

thousans fearful of eathH o sai to them$ 'Cie'

Then e gae them life. Truly o is bounteous to the people$ but most of thepeople are not thanful.

13# -o fight in o's %ay$ an no% that o is All&hearing$ All&no%ing. 8ho is

he that %ill len o a goo loan$ an e %ill multiply it for him manifolH o

grasps$ an outspreas= an unto im you shall be returne.

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ast thou not regare the 4ouncil of the 4hilren of Israel$ after oses$ %hen

they sai to a ;rophet of theirs$ '<aise up for us a ing$ an %e %ill fight in o's

%ay.' e sai$ 'ight it be that$ if fighting is prescribe for you$ you %ill not fightH'

They sai$ '8hy shoul %e not fight in o's %ay$ %ho hae been expelle from

our habitations an our chilrenH' Get %hen fighting %as prescribe for them$ they

turne their bacs except a fe% of them= an o has no%lege of the eiloers.

Then their ;rophet sai to them$ ':erily o has raise up -aul for you as ing.'

They sai$ 'o% shoul he be ing oer us %ho hae better right than he to

ingship$ seeing he has not been gien amplitue of %ealthH'

e sai$ 'o has chosen him oer you$ an has increase him broaly in

no%lege an boy. o gies the ingship to %hom e %ill= an o is All&

embracing$ All&no%ing.'

 An their ;rophet sai to them$ 'The sign of his ingship is that the Ar %ill come

to you$ in it a -hechina from your 7or$ an a remnant of %hat the fol of oses

an Aaron's fol left behin$ the angels bearing it. -urely in that shall be a sign for 

you$ if you are belieers.'

1#2 An %hen -aul %ent forth %ith the hosts he sai$ 'o %ill try you %ith a rier=

%hosoeer rins of it is not of me$ an %hoso tastes it not$ he is of me$ saing

him %ho scoops up %ith his han.' >ut they ran of it$ except a fe% of them= an

%hen he crosse it$ an those %ho beliee %ith him$ they sai$ '8e hae no

po%er toay against oliath an his hosts.' -ai those %ho recone they shoul

meet o$ 'o% often a little company has oercome a numerous company$ by

o's leae An o is %ith the patient.'

-o$ %hen they %ent forth against oliath An his hosts$ they sai$ '0ur 7or$ pour 

out upon us patience$ an mae firm our feet$ an gie us ai against the people

of the unbelieers'

 An they route them$ by the leae of o$ an Cai sle% oliath= an o

gae him the ingship$ an 8isom$ an e taught him such as e %ille. a

o not rien bac the people$ some by the means of others$ the earth ha

surely corrupte= but o is bounteous unto all beings.

These are the signs of o 8e recite to thee in truth$ an assurely thou art of 

the number of the Enoys. An those essengers$ some 8e hae preferre

aboe others= some there are to %hom o spoe$ an some e raise in ran.

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 An 8e gae Jesus son of ary the clear signs$ an confirme him %ith the oly

-pirit. An ha o %ille$ those %ho came after him %oul not hae fought one

against the other after the clear signs ha come to them= but they fell into

ariance$ an some of them beliee$ an some isbeliee= an ha o %ille

they %oul not hae fought one against the other= but o oes %hatsoeer e


1## 0 belieers$ expen of that %here%ith 8e hae proie you$ before there

comes a ay %herein shall be neither traffic$ nor frienship$ nor intercession= an

the unbelieers && they are the eiloers.

o there is no go but e$ the 7iing$ the Eerlasting. -lumber seiBes im not$

neither sleep= to im belongs all that is in the heaens an the earth. 8ho is

there that shall intercee %ith im sae by is leaeH e no%s %hat lies before

them an %hat is after them$ an they comprehen not anything of is no%lege

sae such as e %ills.

is Throne comprises the heaens an earth= the presering of them oppresses

im not= e is the All&high$ the All&glorious.

5o compulsion is there in religion. <ectitue has become clear from error. -o

%hosoeer isbeliees in iols an beliees in o$ has lai hol of the most firm

hanle$ unbreaing= o is All&hearing$ All&no%ing.

o is the ;rotector of the belieers= e brings them forth from the shao%s into

the light.

 An the unbelieers && their protectors are iols$ that bring them forth from the

light into the shao%s= those are the inhabitants of the Fire$ therein %elling


1@2 ast thou not regare him %ho ispute %ith Abraham$ concerning his 7or$

that o ha gien him the ingshipH 8hen Abraham sai$ 'y 7or is e %ho

gies life$ an maes to ie$' he sai$ 'I gie life$ an mae to ie.' -ai Abraham$

'o brings the sun from the east= so bring thou it from the %est.' Then the

unbelieer %as confoune. o guies not the people of the eiloers.

0r such as he %ho passe by a city that %as fallen o%n upon its turrets= he sai$

'o% shall o gie life to this no% it is eaH' -o o mae him ie a hunre

years$ then e raise him up$ saying$ 'o% long hast thou tarrieH' e sai$ 'I

hae tarrie a ay$ or part of a ay.' -ai e$ '5ay= thou hast tarrie a hunre

years. 7oo at thy foo an rin && it has not spoile= an loo at thy ass. -o 8e

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%oul mae thee a sign for the people. An loo at the bones= ho% 8e shall set

them up$ an then clothe them %ith flesh.' -o$ %hen it %as mae clear to him$ he

sai$ 'I no% that o is po%erful oer eerything.'

 An %hen Abraham sai$ 'y 7or$ sho% me ho% Thou %ilt gie life to the ea$'

e sai$ '8hy$ ost thou not belieeH' 'Ges$' he sai$ 'but that my heart may be at

rest.' -ai e$ 'Tae four birs$ an t%ist them to thee$ then set a part of them on

eery hill$ then summon them$ an they %ill come to thee running. An o thou

no% that o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.'

The lieness of those %ho expen their %ealth in the %ay of o is as the

lieness of a grain of corn that sprouts seen ears$ in eery ear a hunre grains.

-o o multiplies unto %hom e %ill= o is All&embracing$ All&no%ing.

Those %ho expen their %ealth in the %ay of o then follo% not up %hat they

hae expene %ith reproach an in,ury$ their %age is %ith their 7or$ an no fear 

shall be on them$ neither shall they sorro%.

1@# onourable %ors$ an forgieness$ are better than a free%ill offering

follo%e by in,ury= an o is All&sufficient$ All&clement.

0 belieers$ oi not your free%ill offerings %ith reproach an in,ury$ as one %ho

expens of his substance to sho% off to men an beliees not in o an the

7ast Cay. The lieness of him is as the lieness of a smooth roc on %hich is soil$

an a torrent smites it$ an leaes it barren. They hae no po%er oer anything

that they hae earne. o guies not the people of the unbelieers.

>ut the lieness of those %ho expen their %ealth$ seeing o's goo pleasure$

an to confirm themseles$ is as the lieness of a garen upon a hill= a torrent

smites it an it yiels its prouce t%ofol= if no torrent smites it$ yet e%= an o

sees the things you o.

8oul any of you %ish to hae a garen of palms an ines$ %ith riers flo%ing

beneath it$ an all manner of fruit there for him$ then ol age smites him$ an he

has see$ but %ealings$ then a %hirl%in %ith fire smites it$ an it is consumeH

-o o maes clear the signs to you= haply you %ill reflect.

0 belieers$ expen of the goo things you hae earne$ an of that 8e hae

prouce for you from the earth$ an inten not the corrupt of it for your 


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12 for you %oul neer tae it yourseles$ except you close an eye on it= an

no% that o is All&sufficient$ All&lauable. -atan promises you poerty$ an bis

you unto inecency= but o promises you is paron an is bounty= an o

is All&embracing$ All&no%ing.

e gies the 8isom to %homsoeer e %ill$ an %hoso is gien the 8isom$

has been gien much goo= yet none remembers but men possesse of mins.

 An %hateer expeniture you expen$ an %hateer o% you o%$ surely o

no%s it. 5o helpers hae the eiloers. If you publish your free%ill offerings$ it is

excellent= but if you conceal them$ an gie them to the poor$ that is better for 

you$ an %ill acuit you of your eil ees= o is a%are of the things you o.

Thou art not responsible for guiing them= but o guies %homsoeer e %ill.

 An %hateer goo you expen is for yourseles$ for then you are expening$being esirous only of o's Face= an %hateer goo you expen shall be

repai to you in full$ an you %ill not be %ronge$ it being for the poor %ho are

restraine in the %ay of o$ an are unable to ,ourney in the lan= the ignorant

man supposes them rich because of their abstinence$ but thou shalt no% them

by their mar && they o not beg of men importunately. An %hateer goo you

expen$ surely o has no%lege of it.

1# Those %ho expen their %ealth night an ay$ secretly an in public$ their 

%age a%aits them %ith their 7or$ an no fear shall be on them$ neither shall they


Those %ho eour usury shall not rise again except as he rises$ %hom -atan of 

the touch prostrates= that is because they say$ 'Trafficing (trae) is lie usury.'

o has permitte trafficing$ an forbien usury. 8hosoeer receies an

amonition from his 7or an gies oer$ he shall hae his past gains$ an his

affair is committe to o= but %hosoeer reerts && those are the inhabitants of 

the Fire$ therein %elling foreer. o blots out usury$ but free%ill offerings e

augments %ith interest. o loes not any guilty ingrate.

Those %ho beliee an o ees of righteousness$ an perform the prayer$ an

pay the alms && their %age a%aits them %ith their 7or$ an no fear shall be on

them$ neither shall they sorro%.

0 belieers$ fear you o= an gie up the usury that is outstaning$ if you are

belieers. >ut if you o not$ then tae notice that o shall %ar %ith you$ an is

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essenger= yet if you repent$ you shall hae your principal$ un%ronging an


12 An if any man shoul be in ifficulties$ let him hae respite till things are

easier= but that you shoul gie free%ill offerings is better for you$ i you but


 An fear a ay %herein you shall be returne to o$ an eery soul shall be pai

in full %hat it has earne= an they shall not be %ronge.

0 belieers$ %hen you contract a ebt one upon another for a state term$ %rite it

o%n$ an let a %riter %rite it o%n bet%een you ,ustly$ an let not any %riter 

refuse to %rite it o%n$ as o has taught him= so let him %rite$ an let the ebtor 

ictate$ an let him fear o his 7or an not iminish aught of it. An if the

ebtor be a fool$ or %ea$ or unable to ictate himself$ then let his guarian

ictate ,ustly. An call in to %itness t%o %itnesses$ men= or if the t%o be not men$

then one man an t%o %omen$ such %itnesses as you approe of$ that if one of 

the t%o %omen errs the other %ill remin her= an let the %itnesses not refuse$

%heneer they are summone. An be not loth to %rite it o%n$ %hether it be

small or great$ %ith its term= that is more euitable in o's sight$ more upright for 

testimony$ an lielier that you %ill not be in oubt. Dnless it be merchanise

present that you gie an tae bet%een you= then it shall be no fault in you if you

o not %rite it o%n. An tae %itnesses %hen you are trafficing one %ith

another. An let not either %riter or %itness be presse= or if you o$ that is

ungoliness in you. An fear o= o teaches you$ an o has no%lege of 

eerything. An if you are upon a ,ourney$ an you o not fin a %riter$ then a

plege in han. >ut if one of you trusts another$ let him %ho is truste elier his

trust$ an let him fear o his 7or. An o not conceal the testimony= %hoso

conceals it$ his heart is sinful= an o has no%lege of the things you o.

To o belongs all that is in the heaers an earth. 8hether you publish %hat is

in your hearts or hie it$ o shall mae reconing %ith you for it. e %ill forgie

%hom e %ill$ an chastise %hom e %ill= o is po%erful oer eerything.

1# The essenger beliees in %hat %as sent o%n to him from his 7or$ an the

belieers= each one beliees in o an is angels$ an in is >oos an is

essengers= %e mae no iision bet%een any one of is essengers. They

say$ '8e hear$ an obey.

0ur 7or$ grant us Thy forgieness= unto Thee is the homecoming.'

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o charges no soul sae to its capacity= staning to its account is %hat it has

earne$ an against its account %hat it has merite.

0ur 7or$ tae us not to tas if %e forget$ or mae mistae.

0ur 7or= charge us not %ith a loa such as Thou ist lay upon those before us.

0ur 7or$ o Thou not buren us beyon %hat %e hae the strength to bear.

 An paron us$ an forgie us$ an hae mercy on us= Thou art our ;rotector.

 An help us against the people of the unbelieers.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

9/! Alif $am &im 

o$ there is no go but e$ the 7iing$ the Eerlasting.

e has sent o%n upon thee the >oo %ith the truth$ confirming %hat %as before

it$ an e sent o%n the Torah an the ospel aforetime$ as guiance to the

people$ an e sent o%n the -alation.

 As for those %ho isbeliee in o's signs$ for them a%aits a terrible

chastisement= o is All&mighty$ :engeful.

From o nothing %hateer is hien in heaen an earth. It is e %ho forms

you in the %omb as e %ill. There is no go but e$ the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

9/# It is e %ho sent o%n upon thee the >oo$ %herein are erses clear that are

the Essence of the >oo$ an others ambiguous. As for those in %hose hearts is

s%ering$ they follo% the ambiguous part$ esiring issension$ an esiring its

interpretation= an none no%s its interpretation$ sae only o. An those firmly

roote in no%lege say$ '8e beliee in it= all is from our 7or'= yet none

remembers$ but men possesse of mins.

0ur 7or$ mae not our hearts to s%ere after that Thou hast guie us= an gie

us mercy from Thee= Thou art the ier.

0ur 7or$ it is Thou that shall gather manin for a ay %hereon is no oubt=

erily o %ill not fail the tryst.

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 As for the unbelieers$ their riches %ill not aail them$ neither their chilren$ aught

against o= those && they shall be fuel for the Fire lie ;haraoh's fol$ an the

people before them$ %ho crie lies to 0ur signs= o seiBe them because of 

their sins= o is terrible in retribution.

9/!2 -ay to the unbelieers/ 'Gou shall be oerthro%n$ an mustere into

ehenna && an eil craling'

There has alreay been a sign for you in the t%o companies that encountere$

one company fighting in the %ay of o an another unbelieing= they sa% them

t%ice the lie of them$ as the eye sees$ but o confirms %ith is help %hom e

%ill. -urely in that is a lesson for men possesse of eyes.

Cece out fair to men is the loe of lusts && %omen$ chilren$ heape&up heaps

of gol an siler$ horses of mar$ cattle an tillage. That is the en,oyment of the

present life= but o && %ith im is the fairest resort.

-ay/ '-hall I tell you of a better than thatH' For those that are gofearing$ %ith their 

7or are garens unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein %elling foreer$ an

spouses purifie$ an o's goo pleasure. An o sees is serants %ho say$

'0ur 7or$ %e beliee= forgie us our sins$ an guar us against the chastisement

of the Fire' &&

9/!# men %ho are patient$ truthful$ obeient$ expeners in alms$ imploring o's

paron at the aybrea.

o bears %itness that there is no go but e && an the angels$ an men

possesse of no%lege && upholing ,ustice= there is no go but e$ the All&

mighty$ the All&%ise.

The true religion %ith o is Islam.

Those %ho %ere gien the >oo %ere not at ariance except after the no%lege

came to them$ being insolent one to another. An %hoso isbeliees in o's

signs. o is s%ift at the reconing.

-o if they ispute %ith thee$ say/ 'I hae surrenere my %ill to o$ an

%hosoeer follo%s me. An say to those %ho hae been gien the >oo an to

the common fol/ 'ae you surrenereH' If they hae surrenere$ they are

right guie= but if they turn their bacs$ thine it is only to elier the essage=

an o sees is serants.

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9/12 Those %ho isbeliee in the signs of o an slay the ;rophets %ithout

right$ an slay such men as bi to ,ustice && o thou gie them the goo tiings of 

a painful chastisement= their %ors hae faile in this %orl an the next= they

hae no helpers.

ast thou not regare those %ho %ere gien a portion of the >oo$ being calle

to the >oo of o$ that it might ecie bet%een them$ an then a party of them

turne a%ay$ s%ering asieH

That$ because they sai$ 'The Fire shall not touch us$ except for a number of 

ays'= an the lies they forge has elue them in their religion.

>ut ho% %ill it be$ %hen 8e gather them for a ay %hereon is no oubt$ an eery

soul shall be pai in full %hat it has earne$ an they shall not be %rongeH

9/1# -ay/ '0 o$ aster of the *ingom$ Thou giest the *ingom to %homThou %ilt$ an seiBest the *ingom from %hom Thou %ilt$ Thou exaltest %hom

Thou %ilt$ an Thou abasest %hom Thou %ilt= in Thy han is the goo= Thou art

po%erful oer eerything.

Thou maest the night to enter into the ay an Thou maest the ay to enter into

the night$ Thou bringest forth the liing from the ea an Thou bringest forth the

ea from the liing$ an Thou proiest %homsoeer Thou %ilt %ithout


7et not the belieers tae the unbelieers for friens$ rather than the belieers &&for %hoso oes that belongs not to o in anything && unless you hae a fear of 

them. o %arns you that you be%are of im$ an unto o is the homecoming.

-ay/ '8hether you hie %hat is in your breasts or publish it$ o no%s it. o

no%s %hat is in the heaens an %hat is in the earth= an o is po%erful oer 


The ay eery soul shall fin %hat it has one of goo brought for%ar$ an %hat

it has one of eil= it %ill %ish if there %ere only a far space bet%een it an that

ay. o %arns you that you be%are of im= an o is gentle %ith is serants.

-ay/ 'If you loe o$ follo% me$ an o %ill loe you$ an forgie you your sins=

o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.' -ay/ '0bey o$ an the essenger.' >ut

if they turn their bacs$ o loes not the unbelieers.

9/92 o chose Aam an 5oah an the ouse of Abraham

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 an the ouse of Imran aboe all beings$ the see of one another= o hears$ an no%s.

8hen the %ife of Imran sai$ '7or$ I hae o%e to Thee$ in eication$ %hat is%ithin my %omb. <eceie Thou this from me= Thou hearest$ an no%est.' An

%hen she gae birth to her she sai$ '7or$ I hae gien birth to her$ a female.'

(An o ne% ery %ell %hat she ha gien birth to= the male is not as the

female.) 'An I hae name her ary$ an commen her to Thee %ith her see$

to protect them from the accurse -atan.' er 7or receie the chil %ith

gracious faour$ an by is gooness she gre% up comely$ ?achariah taing

charge of her. 8heneer ?achariah %ent in to her in the -anctuary$ he foun her 

proisione. 'ary$' he sai$ 'ho% comes this to theeH' 'From o$' she sai. Truly

o proisions %homsoeer e %ill %ithout reconing.

Then ?achariah praye to his 7or saying$ '7or$ gie me of Thy gooness a

gooly offspring. Gea$ Thou hearest prayer.' An the angels calle to him$

staning in the -anctuary at %orship$ '7o$ o gies thee goo tiings of John$

%ho shall confirm a 8or of o$ a chief$ an chaste$ a ;rophet$ righteous.'

9/9# '7or$' sai ?achariah$ 'ho% shall I hae a son$ seeing I am an ol man an

my %ife is barrenH'

'Een so$' o sai$ 'o oes %hat e %ill.' '7or$' sai ?achariah$ 'appoint to

me a sign.' 'Thy sign$' o sai$ 'is that thou shalt not spea$ sae by toens$ tomen for three ays. An mention thy 7or oft$ an gie glory at eening an


9/32 An %hen the angels sai$ 'ary$ o has chosen thee$ an purifie thee=

e has chosen thee aboe all %omen. ary= be obeient to thy 7or$ prostrating

an bo%ing before im.' (That is of the tiings of the Dnseen$ that 8e reeal to

thee= for thou %ast not %ith them$ %hen they %ere casting uills %hich of them

shoul hae charge of ary= thou %ast not %ith them$ %hen they %ere isputing.)

8hen the angels sai$ 'ary$ o gies thee goo tiings of a 8or from im

%hose name is essiah$ Jesus$ son of ary= high honoure shall he be in this%orl an the next$ near statione to o. e shall spea to men in the crale$

an of age$ an righteous he shall be.'

'7or$' sai ary$ 'ho% shall I hae a son seeing no mortal has touche meH'

'Een so$' o sai$ o creates %hat e %ill. 8hen e ecrees a thing e oes

but say to it +>e$+ an it is. An e %ill teach him the >oo$ the 8isom$ the

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Torah$ the ospel$ to be a essenger to the 4hilren of Israel saying$ +I hae

come to you %ith a sign from your 7or. I %ill create for you out of clay as the

lieness of a bir= then I %ill breathe into it$ an it %ill be a bir$ by the leae of 

o. I %ill also heal the blin an the leper$ an bring to life the ea$ by the

leae of o. I %ill inform you too of %hat things you eat$ an %hat you treasure

up in your houses. -urely in that is a sign for you$ if you are belieers. 7ie%ise

confirming the truth of the Torah that is before me$ an to mae la%ful to you

certain things that before %ere forbien unto you. I hae come to you %ith a sign

from your 7or= so fear you o$ an obey you me. -urely o is my 7or an

your 7or= so sere im. This is a straight path+.'

9/3# An %hen Jesus perceie their unbelief$ he sai$ '8ho %ill be my helpers

unto oH' The Apostles sai$ '8e %ill be helpers of o= %e beliee in o=

%itness thou our submission. 7or$ %e beliee in that Thou hast sent o%n$ an

%e follo% the essenger. Inscribe us therefore %ith those %ho bear %itness.'

 An they eise$ an o eise$ an o is the best of eisers.

8hen o sai$ 'Jesus$ I %ill tae thee to e an %ill raise thee to e an I %ill

purify thee of those %ho beliee not. I %ill set thy follo%ers aboe the unbelieers

till the <esurrection Cay. Then unto e shall you return$ an I %ill ecie bet%een

you$ as to %hat you %ere at ariance on. As for the unbelieers$ I %ill chastise

them %ith a terrible chastisement in this %orl an the next= they shall hae no


9/#2 >ut as for the belieers$ %ho o ees of righteousness$ e %ill pay them in

full their %ages/ an o loes not the eiloers.

This 8e recite to thee of signs an %ise remembrance. Truly$ the lieness of 

Jesus$ in o's sight$ is as Aam's lieness= e create him of ust$ then sai e

unto him$ '>e$' an he %as. The truth is of o= be not of the oubters. An

%hoso isputes %ith thee concerning him$ after the no%lege that has come to

thee$ say/ '4ome no%$ let us call our sons an your sons$ our %ies an your 

%ies$ our seles an your seles$ then let us humbly pray an so lay o's

curse upon the ones %ho lie.'

9/## This is the true story. There is no go but o$ an assurely o is the All&

mighty$ the All&%ise. An if they turn their bacs$ assurely o no%s the

%orers of corruption.

-ay/ ';eople of the >oo 4ome no% to a %or common bet%een us an you$

that %e sere none but o$ an that %e associate not aught %ith im$ an o

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not some of us tae others as 7ors$ apart from o.' An if they turn their bacs$

say/ '>ear %itness that %e are uslims.'

;eople of the >oo 8hy o you ispute concerning AbrahamH The Torah %as

not sent o%n$ neither the ospel$ but after him. 8hat$ hae you no reasonH

a$ you are the ones %ho ispute on %hat you no%= %hy then ispute you

touching a matter of %hich you no% not anythingH o no%s$ an you no%


9/@2 5o= Abraham in truth %as not a Je%$ neither a 4hristian= but he %as a

uslim an one pure of faith= certainly he %as neer of the iolaters.

-urely the people staning closest to Abraham are those %ho follo%e him$ an

this ;rophet$ an those %ho beliee= an o is the ;rotector of the belieers.

There is a party of the ;eople of the >oo yearn to mae you go astray= yet none

they mae to stray$ except themseles$ but they are not a%are.

;eople of the >oo 8hy o you isbeliee in o's signs$ %hich you yourseles

%itnessH ;eople of the >oo 8hy o you confoun the truth %ith anity$ an

conceal the truth an that %ittinglyH

9/@# There is a party of the ;eople of the >oo say$ '>eliee in %hat has been

sent o%n upon those %ho beliee at the beginning of the ay$ an isbeliee at

the en of it= haply they %ill then return= an beliee not any but him %ho follo%syour religion.'

-ay/ 'The true guiance is o's guiance && that anyone shoul be gien the lie

of %hat you hae been gien$ or ispute %ith you before your 7or.' -ay/ '-urely

bounty is in the han of o= e gies it unto %homsoeer e %ill= an o is All&

embracing$ All&no%ing.

'e singles out for is mercy %hom e %ill= o is of bounty abouning.'

 An of the ;eople of the >oo is he %ho$ if thou trust him %ith a hunre%eight$%ill restore it thee= an of them is he %ho$ if thou trust him %ith one poun$ %ill not

restore it thee$ unless eer thou stanest oer him.

That$ because they say$ 'There is no %ay oer us as to the common people.' They

spea falsehoo against o an that %ittingly.

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9/2 5ay$ but %hoso fulfils his coenant an fears o$ o loes the gofearing.

Those that sell o's coenant$ an their oaths$ for a little price$ there shall be no

share for them in the %orl to come= o shall not spea to them neither loo on

them on the <esurrection Cay$ neither %ill e purify them= an for them a%aits a

painful chastisement.

 An there is a sect of them t%ist their tongues %ith the >oo$ that you may

suppose it part of the >oo$ yet it is not part of the >oo= an they say$ 'It is from

o$' yet it is not from o$ an they spea falsehoo against o$ an that


It belongs not to any mortal that o shoul gie him the >oo$ the Jugment$ the

;rophethoo$ then he shoul say to men$ '>e you serants to me apart from o.'

<ather$ '>e you masters in that you no% the >oo$ an in that you stuy.' e

%oul neer orer you to tae the angels an the ;rophets as 7ors= %hat$ %oul

e orer you to isbeliee$ after you hae surrenereH

9/# An %hen o too compact %ith the ;rophets/ 'That I hae gien you of 

>oo an 8isom= then there shall come to you a essenger confirming %hat is

%ith you && you shall beliee in him an you shall help him= o you agreeH' e

sai. 'An o you tae y loa on you on that conitionH' They sai$ '8e o

agree.' o sai$ '>ear %itness so$ an I shall be %ith you among the %itnesses.'

Then %hosoeer turns his bac after that && they are the ungoly.

8hat$ o they esire another religion than o's$ an to im has surrenere

%hoso is in the heaens an the earth$ %illingly or un%illingly$ an to im they

shall be returneH

-ay/ '8e beliee in o$ an that %hich has been sent o%n on us$ an sent

o%n on Abraham an Ishmael$ Isaac an Jacob$ an the Tribes$ an in that

%hich %as gien to oses an Jesus$ an the ;rophets$ of their 7or= %e mae

no iision bet%een any of them$ an to im %e surrener.'

8hoso esires another religion than Islam$ it shall not be accepte of him= in the

next %orl he shall be among the losers.

9/2 o% shall o guie a people %ho hae isbeliee after they beliee$ an

bore %itness that the essenger is true$ an the clear signs came to themH o

guies not the people of the eiloers. Those && their recompense is that there

shall rest on them the curse of o an of the angels an of men$ altogether$

therein %elling foreer= the chastisement shall not be lightene for them= no

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respite shall be gien them. >ut those %ho repent thereafter$ an mae amens &&

o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

-urely those %ho isbeliee after they hae beliee an then increase in

unbelief && their repentance shall not be accepte= those are the ones %ho stray.

9/# -urely those %ho isbeliee$ an ie isbelieing$ there shall not be

accepte from any one of them the %hole earth full of gol$ if he %oul ransom

himself thereby= for them a%aits a painful chastisement$ an they shall hae no


Gou %ill not attain piety until you expen of %hat you loe= an %hateer thing you

expen$ o no%s of it.

 All foo %as la%ful to the 4hilren of Israel

  sae %hat Israel forbae for himself   before the Torah %as sent o%n. -ay/ '>ring you the Torah no%$ an recite it$

if you are truthful.' 8hoso forges falsehoo against o after that$

those are the eiloers.

-ay/ 'o has spoen the truth= therefore follo% the cree of Abraham$ a man of 

pure faith an no iolater.'

9/"2 The first ouse establishe for the people %as that at >ea$ a place holy$

an a guiance to all beings. Therein are clear signs && the station of Abraham$

an %hosoeer enters it is in security.

It is the uty of all men to%ars o to come to the ouse a pilgrim$ if he is able

to mae his %ay there. As for the unbelieer$ o is All&sufficient nor nees any


-ay/ ';eople of the >oo$ %hy o you isbeliee in the signs of oH -urely o

is %itness of the things you o.'

-ay/ ';eople of the >oo$ %hy o you bar from o's %ay the belieer$ esiring to

mae it crooe$ yourseles being %itnessesH o is not heeless of the things

you o.'

9/"# 0 belieers$ if you obey a sect of those %ho hae been gien the >oo$ they

%ill turn you$ after you hae beliee$ into unbelieers.

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o% can you isbeliee$ seeing you hae o's signs recite to you$ an is

essenger among youH 8hosoeer hols fast to o$ he is guie to a straight


0 belieers$ fear o as e shoul be feare$ an see you o not ie$ sae in

surrener. An hol you fast to o's bon$ together$ an o not scatter=

remember o's blessing upon you %hen you %ere enemies$ an e brought

your hearts together$ so that by is blessing you became brothers.

Gou %ere upon the brin of a pit of Fire$ an e eliere you from it= een so

o maes clear to you is signs= so haply you %ill be guie.

9/!22 7et there be one nation of you$ calling to goo$ an biing to honour$ an

forbiing ishonour= those are the prosperers. >e not as those %ho scattere

an fell into ariance after the clear signs came to them= those there a%aits a

mighty chastisement$ the ay %hen some faces are blacene$ an some faces


 As for those %hose faces are blacene &&'Ci you isbeliee after you ha

belieeH Then taste the chastisement for that you isbeliee' >ut as for those

%hose faces are %hitene$ they shall be in o's mercy$ therein %elling foreer.

These are the signs of o 8e recite to thee in truth$ an o esires not any

in,ustice to liing beings.

9/!2# To o belongs all that is in the heaens an in the earth$ an unto im allmatters are returne.

Gou are the best nation eer brought forth to men$ biing to honour$ an

forbiing ishonour$ an belieing in o. a the ;eople of the >oo beliee$

it %ere better for them= some of them are belieers$ but the most of them are


They %ill not harm you$ except a little hurt= an if they fight %ith you$ they %ill turn

on you their bacs= then they %ill not be helpe.

 Abasement shall be pitche on them$ %hereer they are come upon$ except they

be in a bon of o$ an a bon of the people= they %ill be laen %ith the buren

of o's anger$ an poerty shall be pitche on them= that$ because they

isbeliee in o's signs$ an sle% the ;rophets %ithout right= that$ for that they

acte rebelliously an %ere transgressors.

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Get they are not all alie= some of the ;eople of the >oo are a nation upstaning$

that recite o's signs in the %atches of the night$ bo%ing themseles$

9/!!2 belieing in o an in the 7ast Cay$ biing to honour an forbiing

ishonour$ ying one %ith the other in goo %ors= those are of the righteous.

 An %hatsoeer goo you o$ you shall not be enie the ,ust re%ar of it= an

o no%s the gofearing.

 As for the unbelieers$ their riches shall not aail them$ neither their chilren$

against o= those are the inhabitants of the Fire$ therein %elling foreer.

The lieness of that they expen in this present life is as the lieness of a freeBing

blast that smites the tillage of a people %ho %ronge themseles$ an it

estroye that= o %ronge them not$ but themseles they %ronge.

0 belieers$ tae not for your intimates outsie yourseles such men spare

nothing to ruin you= they yearn for you to suffer. atre has alreay sho%n itself 

of their mouths$ an %hat their breasts conceal is yet greater. 5o% 8e hae

mae clear to you the signs$ if you unerstan.

9/!!# a$ there you are= you loe them$ an they loe you not= you beliee in the

>oo$ all of it$ an %hen they meet you they say$ '8e beliee$' but %hen they go

priily$ they bite at you their fingers$ enrage. -ay/ 'Cie in your rage= o no%s

the thoughts in the breasts.'

If you are isite by goo fortune$ it exes them= but if you are smitten by eil$

they re,oice at it. Get if you are patient an gofearing$ their guile %ill hurt you

nothing= o encompasses the things they o.

8hen thou %entest forth at a%n from thy people to loge the belieers in their 

pitches for the battle && o is All&hearing$ All&no%ing && %hen t%o parties of you

%ere about to lose heart$ though o %as their ;rotector && an in o let the

belieers put all their trust && an o most surely helpe you at >ar$ %hen you

%ere utterly ab,ect. -o fear o$ an haply you %ill be thanful.

9/!12 8hen thou saist to the belieers$ 'Is it not enough for you that your 7or

shoul reinforce you %ith three thousan angels sent o%n upon youH Gea= if you

are patient an gofearing$ an the foe come against you instantly$ your 7or %ill

reinforce you %ith fie thousan s%ooping angels.' o %rought this not$ sae as

goo tiing to you$ an that your hearts might be at rest= help comes only from

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o the All&mighty$ the All&%ise= an that e might cut off a part of the unbelieers

or frustrate them$ so that they turne in their tracs$ isappointe.

5o part of the matter is thine$ %hether e turns to%ars them again$ or chastises

them= for they are eiloers.

To o belongs all that is in the heaens an earth= e forgies %hom e %ill$

an chastises %hom e %ill= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

9/!1# 0 belieers$ eour not usury$ ouble an reouble$ an fear you o=

haply so you %ill prosper.

 An fear the Fire prepare for the unbelieers$ an obey o an the essenger=

haply so you %ill fin mercy.

 An ie %ith one another$ hastening to forgieness from your 7or$ an to agaren %hose breath is as the heaens an earth$ prepare for the gofearing

%ho expen in prosperity an aersity in almsgiing$ an restrain their rage$ an

paron the offences of their fello%men= an o loes the goo&oers= %ho$

%hen they commit an inecency or %rong themseles$ remember o$ an pray

forgieness for their sins && an %ho shall forgie sins but oH && an o not

perseere in the things they i an that %ittingly.

9/!92 Those && their recompense is forgieness from their 7or$ an garens

beneath %hich riers flo%$ therein %elling foreer= an ho% excellent is the %age

of those %ho labour

Ciers institutions hae passe a%ay before you= ,ourney in the lan$ an behol

ho% %as the en of those that crie lies.

This is an exposition for manin$ an a guiance$ an an amonition for such as

are gofearing. Faint not$ neither sorro%= you shall be the upper ones if you are


If a %oun touches you$ a lie %oun alreay has touche the heathen= such

ays 8e eal out in turn among men$ an that o may no% %ho are thebelieers$ an that e may tae %itnesses from among you= an o loes not

the eiloers=

9/!9# an that o may proe the belieers$ an blot out the unbelieers. 0r i

you suppose you shoul enter ;araise %ithout o no% %ho of you hae

struggle an %ho are patientH

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Gou %ere longing for eath before you met it= no% you hae seen it$ %hile you

%ere beholing.

uhamma is naught but a essenger= essengers hae passe a%ay before

him. 8hy$ if he shoul ie or is slain$ %ill you turn about on your heelsH If any

man shoul turn about on his heels$ he %ill not harm o in any %ay= an o

%ill recompense the thanful.

It is not gien to any soul to ie$ sae by the leae of o$ at an appointe time.

8hoso esires the re%ar of this %orl$ 8e %ill gie him of this= an %hoso

esires the re%ar of the other %orl$ 8e %ill gie him of that= an 8e %ill

recompense the thanful.

9/!32 any a ;rophet there has been$ %ith %hom thousans manifol hae

fought$ an they fainte not for %hat smote them in o's %ay$ neither %eaene$

nor i they humble themseles= an o loes the patient.

5othing else they sai but$ '7or$ forgie us our sins$ an that %e exceee in our 

affair$ an mae firm our feet$ an help us against the people of the unbelieers.'

 An o gae them the re%ar of this %orl an the fairest re%ar of the %orl to

come= an o loes the goo&oers.

0 belieers$ if you obey the unbelieers they %ill turn you upon your heels$ an

you %ill turn about$ losers.

5o= but o is your ;rotector$ an e is the best of helpers. 8e %ill cast into thehearts of the unbelieers terror$ for that they hae associate %ith o that for 

%hich e sent o%n neer authority= their loging shall be the Fire= eil is the

loging of the eiloers.

9/!3# o has been true in is promise to%ars you %hen you blaste them by

is leae= until you lost heart$ an uarrelle about the matter$ an %ere

rebellious$ after e ha sho%n you that you longe for.

-ome of you there are that esire this %orl$ an some of you there are esire

the next %orl. Then e turne you from them$ that e might try you= an e hasparone you= an o is bounteous to the belieers.

8hen you %ere going up$ not t%isting about for anyone$ an the essenger %as

calling you in your rear= so e re%are you %ith grief on grief that you might not

sorro% for %hat escape you neither for %hat smote you= an o is a%are of the

things you o.

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Then e sent o%n upon you$ after grief$ security && a slumber oercoming a

party of you= an a party themseles ha griee$ thining of o thoughts that

%ere not true such as the pagans thought$ saying$ 'ae %e any part %hateer in

the affairH'

-ay/ 'The affair belongs to o entirely.' They %ere concealing in their hearts that

they sho% not to thee$ saying$ 'Ah$ if %e ha ha a part in the affair$ neer %oul

%e hae been slain here.' -ay/ 'Een if you ha been in your houses$ those for 

%hom slaying %as appointe %oul hae sallie forth unto their last couches'=

an that o might try %hat %as in your breasts$ an that e might proe %hat

%as in your hearts= an o no%s the thoughts in the breasts.

Those of you %ho turne a%ay the ay the t%o hosts encountere && -atan mae

them slip for some%hat they ha earne= but o has parone them= o is All&

forgiing$ All&clement.

9/!#2 0 belieers$ be not as the unbelieers %ho say to their brothers$ %hen they

 ,ourney in the lan$ or are upon expeitions$ 'If they ha been %ith us$ they %oul

not hae ie an not been slain' && that o may mae that an anguish in their 

hearts. For o gies life$ an e maes to ie= an o sees the things you o.

If you are slain or ie in o's %ay$ forgieness an mercy from o are a better 

thing than that you amass= surely if you ie or are slain$ it is unto o you shall

be mustere.

It %as by some mercy of o that thou %ast gentle to them= hast thou been

harsh an har of heart$ they %oul hae scattere from about thee. -o paron

them$ an pray forgieness for them$ an tae counsel %ith them in the affair= an

%hen thou art resole$ put thy trust in o= surely o loes those %ho put their 


If o helps you$ none can oercome you= but if e forsaes you$ %ho then can

help you after imH Therefore in o let the belieers put all their trust.

9/!## It is not for a ;rophet to be frauulent= %hoso efraus shall bring the fruits

of his frau on the Cay of <esurrection= then eery soul shall be pai in full %hat it

has earne$ an they shall not be %ronge.

8hat$ is he %ho follo%s o's goo pleasure lie him %ho is laen %ith the

buren of o's anger$ %hose refuge is ehennaH An eil homecoming

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They are in rans %ith o= an o sees the things they o. Truly o %as

gracious to the belieers %hen e raise up among them a essenger from

themseles$ to recite to them is signs an to purify them$ an to teach them the

>oo an the 8isom$ though before they %ere in manifest error.

8hy$ %hen an affliction isite you$ an you ha isite t%ice oer the lie of it$

i you say$ 'o% is thisH' -ay/ 'This is from your o%n seles= surely o is

po%erful oer eerything.'

9/!@2 An %hat isite you$ the ay the t%o hosts encountere$ %as by o's

leae$ an that e might no% the belieers= an that e might also no% the

hypocrites %hen it %as sai of them$ '4ome no%$ fight in the %ay of o$ or repel'

They sai$ 'If only %e ne% ho% to fight$ %e %oul follo% you.' They that ay %ere

nearer to unbelief than to belief$ saying %ith their mouths that %hich neer %as in

their hearts= an o no%s ery %ell the things they hie= %ho sai of their 

brothers (an they themseles hel bac)$ 'a they obeye us$ they %oul not

hae been slain.' -ay/ 'Then aert eath from yourseles$ if you spea truly.'

4ount not those %ho %ere slain in o's %ay as ea$ but rather liing %ith their 

7or$ by im proie$ re,oicing in the bounty that o has gien them$ an ,oyful

in those %ho remain behin an hae not ,oine them$ because no fear shall be

on them$ neither shall they sorro%$

9/!@# ,oyful in blessing an bounty from o$ an that o leaes not to %aste

the %age of the belieers. An those %ho ans%ere o an the essenger after 

the %oun ha smitten them && to all those of them %ho i goo an feare o$

shall be a mighty %age= those to %hom the people sai$ 'The people hae

gathere against you$ therefore fear them'$ but it increase them in faith$ an they

sai$ 'o is sufficient for us= an excellent uarian is e.'

-o they returne %ith blessing an bounty from o$ untouche by eil= they

follo%e the goo pleasure of o= an o is of bounty abouning. That is

-atan frightening his friens$ therefore o not fear them= but fear you e$ if you

are belieers.

9/!2 7et them not griee thee that ie %ith one another in unbelief= they %ill

nothing hurt o= o esires not to appoint for them a portion in the %orl to

come$ an there a%aits them a mighty chastisement. Those %ho buy unbelief at

the price of faith$ they %ill nothing hurt o= an there a%aits them a painful


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 An let not the unbelieers suppose that the inulgence 8e grant them is better 

for them= 8e grant them inulgence only that they may increase in sin= an there

a%aits them a humbling chastisement.

o %ill not leae the belieers in the state in %hich you are$ till e shall

istinguish the corrupt from the goo$ an o %ill not inform you of the Dnseen=

but o chooses out of is essengers %hom e %ill. >eliee you then in o

an is essengers= an if you beliee an are gofearing$ there shall be for you

a mighty %age.

9/!# >ut as for those %ho are niggarly %ith the bounty o has gien them$ let

them not suppose it is better for them= nay$ it is %orse for them= that they %ere

niggarly %ith they shall hae hung about their necs on the <esurrection Cay=

an to o belongs the inheritance of the heaens an earth= an o is a%are

of the things you o.

o has hear the saying of those %ho sai$ '-urely o is poor$ an %e are

rich.' 8e shall %rite o%n %hat they hae sai$ an their slaying the ;rophets

%ithout right$ an 8e shall say$ 'Taste the chastisement of the burning && that$ for 

%hat your hans hae for%are$ an for that o is neer un,ust unto is


Those same men sai$ 'o has mae coenant %ith us$ that %e beliee not any

essenger until he brings to us a sacrifice eoure by fire.'

9/!2 -ay/ 'essengers hae come to you before me bearing clear signs$ an

that you spoe of= %hy therefore i you slay them$ if you spea trulyH'

>ut if they cry lies to thee$ lies %ere crie to essengers before thee$ %ho came

bearing clear signs$ an the ;salms$ an the >oo Illuminating.

Eery soul shall taste of eath= you shall surely be pai in full your %ages on the

Cay of <esurrection. 8hosoeer is remoe from the Fire an amitte to

;araise$ shall %in the triumph. The present life is but the ,oy of elusion.

Gou shall surely be trie in your possessions an your seles$ an you shall hear from those %ho %ere gien the >oo before you$ an from those %ho are

iolaters$ much hurt= but if you are patient an gofearing && surely that is true


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 An %hen o too compact %ith those %ho ha been gien the >oo/ 'Gou shall

mae it clear unto the people$ an not conceal it.' >ut they re,ecte it behin their 

bacs an sol it for a small price && ho% eil %as that their selling

9/!# <econ not that those %ho re,oice in %hat they hae brought$ an loe to

be praise for %hat they hae not one && o not recon them secure from

chastisement= for them a%aits a painful chastisement.

To o belongs the *ingom of the heaens an of the earth= an o is

po%erful oer eerything. -urely in the creation of the heaens an earth an in

the alternation of night an ay there are signs for men possesse of mins %ho

remember o$ staning an sitting an on their sies$ an reflect upon the

creation of the heaens an the earth/

'0ur 7or$ Thou hast not create this for anity. lory be to Thee uar us

against the chastisement of the Fire. 0ur 7or$ %homsoeer Thou amittest into

the Fire$ Thou %ilt hae abase= an the eiloers shall hae no helpers.

9/!"2 0ur 7or$ %e hae hear a caller calling us to belief$ saying$ +>eliee you in

your 7or+ An %e beliee. 0ur 7or$ forgie Thou us our sins an acuit us of 

our eil ees$ an tae us to Thee %ith the pious.

0ur 7or$ gie us %hat Thou hast promise us by Thy essengers$ an abase us

not on the Cay of <esurrection= Thou %ilt not fail the tryst.'

 An their 7or ans%ers them/ 'I %aste not the labour of any that labours amongyou$ be you male or female && the one of you is as the other.

 An those %ho emigrate$ an %ere expelle from their habitations$ those %ho

suffere hurt in y %ay$ an fought$ an %ere slain && them I shall surely acuit of 

their eil ees$ an I shall amit them to garens unerneath %hich riers flo%.'

9/!"# A re%ar from o An o %ith im is the fairest re%ar.

7et it not elue thee$ that the unbelieers go to an fro in the lan= a little

en,oyment$ then their refuge is ehenna && an eil craling >ut those %ho fear their 7or && for them shall be garens unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein

%elling foreer && a hospitality o imself offers= an that %hich is %ith o is

better for the pious.

 An some there are of the ;eople of the >oo %ho beliee in o$ an %hat has

been sent o%n unto you$ an %hat has been sent o%n unto them$ men humble

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to o$ not selling the signs of o for a small price= those && their %age is %ith

their 7or= o is s%ift at the reconing.

9/122 0 belieers$ be patient$ an ie you in patience= be steafast= fear o=

haply so you %ill prosper.

I: 80E5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

3/! anin$ fear your 7or$ %ho create you of a single soul$ an from it create

its mate$ an from the pair of them scattere abroa many men an %omen= an

fear o by %hom you eman one of another$ an the %ombs= surely o eer 

%atches oer you.

ie the orphans their property$ an o not exchange the corrupt for the goo=

an eour not their property %ith your property= surely that is a great crime.

If you fear that you %ill not act ,ustly to%ars the orphans$ marry such %omen as

seem goo to you$ t%o$ three$ four= but if you fear you %ill not be euitable$ then

only one$ or %hat your right hans o%n= so it is lielier you %ill not be partial. An

gie the %omen their o%ries as a gift spontaneous= but if they are please to

offer you any of it$ consume it %ith %holesome appetite. >ut o not gie to fools

their property that o has assigne to you to manage= proie for them an

clothe them out of it$ an spea to them honourable %ors.

3/# Test %ell the orphans$ until they reach the age of marrying= then$ if you

perceie in them right ,ugment$ elier to them their property= consume it not

%astefully an hastily ere they are gro%n. If any man is rich$ let him be abstinent=

if poor$ let him consume in reason. An %hen you elier to them their property$

tae %itnesses oer them= o suffices for a reconer.

To the men a share of %hat parents an insmen leae$ an to the %omen a

share of %hat parents an insmen leae$ %hether it be little or much$ a share

apportione= an %hen the iision is attene by insmen an orphans an the

poor$ mae proision for them out of it$ an spea to them honourable %ors.

3/!2 An let those fear %ho$ if they left behin them %ea see$ %oul be afrai

on their account$ an let them fear o$ an spea %ors hitting the mar. Those

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%ho eour the property of orphans un,ustly$ eour Fire in their bellies$ an shall

assurely roast in a >laBe.

o charges you$ concerning your chilren/ to the male the lie of the portion of 

t%o females$ an if they be %omen aboe t%o$ then for them t%o&thirs of %hat he

leaes$ but if she be one then to her a half= an to his parents to each one of the

t%o the sixth of %hat he leaes$ if he has chilren= but if he has no chilren$ an

his heirs are his parents$ a thir to his mother$ or$ if he has brothers$ to his mother 

a sixth$ after any beuest he may beueath$ or any ebt. Gour fathers an your 

sons && you no% not %hich out of them is nearer in profit to you. -o o

apportions= surely o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

 An for you a half of %hat your %ies leae$ if they hae no chilren= but if they

hae chilren$ then for you of %hat they leae a fourth$ after any beuest they

may beueath$ or any ebt. An for them a fourth of %hat you leae$ if you hae

no chilren= but if you hae chilren$ then for them of %hat you leae an eighth$

after any beuest you may beueath$ or any ebt.

!# If a man or a %oman hae no heir irect$ but hae a brother or a sister$ to each

of the t%o a sixth= but if they are more numerous than that$ they share eually a

thir$ after any beuest he may beueath$ or any ebt not pre,uicial= a charge

from o. o is All&no%ing$ All&clement.

Those are o's bouns. 8hoso obeys o an is essenger$ e %ill amit

him to garens unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein %elling foreer= that is the

mighty triumph.

>ut %hoso isobeys o$ an is essenger$ an transgresses is bouns$ him

e %ill amit to a Fire$ therein %elling foreer$ an for him there a%aits a

humbling chastisement.

-uch of your %omen as commit inecency$ call four of you to %itness against

them= an if they %itness$ then etain them in their houses until eath taes them

or o appoints for them a %ay.

12 An %hen t%o of you commit inecency$ punish them both= but if they repent

an mae amens$ then suffer them to be= o turns$ an is All&compassionate.

o shall turn only to%ars those %ho o eil in ignorance$ then shortly repent=

o %ill return to%ars those= o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise. >ut o shall not turn

to%ars those %ho o eil ees until$ %hen one of them is isite by eath$ he

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says$ 'Inee no% I repent$' neither to those %ho ie isbelieing= for them 8e

hae prepare a painful chastisement.

0 belieers$ it is not la%ful for you to inherit %omen against their %ill= neither 

ebar them$ that you may go off %ith part of %hat you hae gien them$ except

%hen they commit a flagrant inecency. 4onsort %ith them honourably= or if you

are aerse to them$ it is possible you may be aerse to a thing$ an o set in it

much goo.

 An if you esire to exchange a %ife in place of another$ an you hae gien to

one a hunre%eight$ tae of it nothing. 8hat$ %ill you tae it by %ay of calumny

an manifest sinH

1# o% shall you tae it$ %hen each of you has been priily %ith the other$ an

they hae taen from you a solemn compactH An o not marry %omen that your 

fathers marrie$ unless it be a thing of the past= surely that is inecent an

hateful= an eil %ay.

Forbien to you are your mothers an aughters$ your sisters$ your aunts

paternal an maternal$ your brother's aughters$ your sister's aughters$ your 

mothers %ho hae gien suc to you$ your sucling sisters$ your %ies' mothers$

your stepaughters %ho are in your care being born of your %ies you hae been

in to && but if you hae not yet been in to them it is no fault in you && an the

spouses of your sons %ho are of your loins$ an that you shoul tae to you t%o

sisters together$ unless it be a thing of the past= o is All&forgiing$ All&

compassionate= an %ee %omen$ sae %hat your right hans o%n. -o o

prescribes for you. 7a%ful for you$ beyon all that$ is that you may see$ using

your %ealth$ in %eloc an not in licence. -uch %ies as you en,oy thereby$ gie

them their %ages apportionate= it is no fault in you in your agreeing together$ after 

the ue apportionate. o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

 Any one of you %ho has not the affluence to be able to marry belieing

free%omen in %eloc$ let him tae belieing hanmais that your right hans

o%n= o no%s ery %ell your faith= the one of you is as the other. -o marry

them$ %ith their people's leae$ an gie them their %ages honourably as %omen

in %eloc$ not as in licence or taing loers.

92 >ut %hen they are in %eloc$ if they commit inecency$ they shall be liable to

half the chastisement of free%omen. That proision is for those of you %ho fear 

fornication= yet it is better for you to be patient. o is All&forgiing$ All&


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o esires to mae clear to you$ an to guie you in the institutions of those

before you$ an to turn to%ars you= o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise= an o

esires to turn to%ars you$ but those %ho follo% their lusts esire you to s%ere

a%ay mightily. o esires to lighten things for you$ for man %as create a


0 belieers$ consume not your goos bet%een you in anity$ except there be

traing$ by your agreeing together. An ill not one another. -urely o is

compassionate to you. >ut %hosoeer oes that in transgression an %rongfully$

him 8e shall certainly roast at a Fire= an that for o is an easy matter.

9# If you aoi the heinous sins that are forbien you$ 8e %ill acuit you of your 

eil ees$ an amit you by the gate of honour.

Co not coet that %hereby o in bounty has preferre one of you aboe another.

To the men a share from %hat they hae earne$ an to the %omen a share from

%hat they hae earne. An as o of is bounty= o no%s eerything.

To eeryone 8e hae appointe heirs of that %hich parents an insmen leae$

an those %ith %hom you hae s%orn compact. -o gie to them their share= o

is %itness oer eerything.

en are the managers of the affairs of %omen for that o has preferre in

bounty one of them oer another$ an for that they hae expene of their 

property. <ighteous %omen are therefore obeient$ guaring the secret for o's

guaring. An those you fear may be rebellious amonish= banish them to their 

couches$ an beat them. If they then obey you$ loo not for any %ay against

them= o is All&high$ All&great.

 An if you fear a breach bet%een the t%o$ bring forth an arbiter from his people

an from her people an arbiter$ if they esire to set things right= o %ill compose

their ifferences= surely o is All&no%ing$ All&a%are.

32 -ere o$ an associate naught %ith im.

>e in to parents$ an the near insman$ an to orphans$ an to the neey$ anto the neighbour %ho is of in$ an to the neighbour %ho is a stranger$ an to the

companion at your sie$ an to the traeller$ an to that your right hans o%n.

-urely o loes not the prou an boastful such as are niggarly$ an bi other 

men to be niggarly$ an themseles conceal the bounty that o has gien

them. 8e hae prepare for the unbelieers a humbling chastisement$ an such

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as expen of their substance to sho% off to men$ an beliee not in o an the

7ast Cay. 8hosoeer has -atan for a comrae$ an eil comrae is he.

8hy$ %hat %oul it harm them$ if they beliee in o an the 7ast Cay$ an

expene of that o has proie themH

o no%s them.

-urely o shall not %rong so much as the %eight of an ant= an if it be a goo

ee e %ill ouble it$ an gie from imself a mighty %age.

3# o% then shall it be$ %hen 8e bring for%ar from eery nation a %itness$ an

bring thee to %itness against thoseH Dpon that ay the unbelieers$ those %ho

hae isobeye the essenger$ %ill %ish that the earth might be leelle %ith

them= an they %ill not conceal from o one tiing.

0 belieers$ ra% not near to prayer %hen you are runen until you no% %hat

you are saying$ or efile && unless you are traersing a %ay && until you hae

%ashe yourseles= but if you are sic$ or on a ,ourney$ or if any of you comes

from the priy$ or you hae touche %omen$ an you can fin no %ater$ then hae

recourse to %holesome ust an %ipe your faces an your hans= o is All&

paroning$ All&forgiing.

ast thou not regare those %ho %ere gien a share of the >oo purchasing

error$ an esiring that you shoul also err from the %ayH o no%s %ell your 

enemies= o suffices as a protector$ o suffices as a helper.

-ome of the Je%s perert %ors from their meanings saying$ '8e hae hear an

%e isobey' an 'ear$ an be thou not gien to hear' an '0bsere us$' t%isting

%ith their tongues an traucing religion.

If they ha sai$ '8e hae hear an obey' an 'ear' an '<egar us$' it %oul

hae been better for them$ an more upright= but o has curse them for their 

unbelief so they beliee not except a fe%.

#2 Gou %ho hae been gien the >oo$ beliee in %hat 8e hae sent o%n$confirming %hat is %ith you$ before 8e obliterate faces$ an turn them upon their 

bacs$ or curse them as 8e curse the -abbath&men$ an o's comman is


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o forgies not that aught shoul be %ith im associate= less than that e

forgies to %homsoeer e %ill. 8hoso associates %ith o anything$ has inee

forge a mighty sin.

ast thou not regare those %ho purify themselesH 5ay= only o purifies

%hom e %ill= an they shall not be %ronge a single ate&threa. 4onsier ho%

they forge falsehoo against o= an that suffices for a manifest sin=

ast thou not regare those %ho %ere gien a share of the >oo belieing in

emons an iols$ an saying to the unbelieers$ 'These are more rightly guie

on the %ay than the belieers'H

## Those are they %hom o has curse= he %hom o has curse$ thou %ilt not

fin for him any helper.

0r hae they a share in the *ingomH If that is so$ they o not gie the people asingle ate&spot. 0r are they ,ealous of the people for the bounty that o has

gien themH Get 8e gae the people of Abraham the >oo an the 8isom$ an

8e gae them a mighty ingom.

 An some of them there are that beliee$ an some of them that bar from it=

ehenna suffices for a >laBe

-urely those %ho isbeliee in 0ur signs && 8e shall certainly roast them at a

Fire= as often as their sins are %holly burne$ 8e shall gie them in exchange

other sins$ that they may taste the chastisement. -urely o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

@2 An those that beliee$ an o ees of righteousness$ them 8e shall amit to

garens unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein %elling foreer an eer= therein

for them shall be spouses purifie$ an 8e shall amit them to a shelter of 

plenteous shae.

o commans you to elier trusts bac to their o%ners= an %hen you ,uge

bet%een the people$ that you ,uge %ith ,ustice. oo is the amonition o

gies you= o is All&hearing$ All&seeing.

0 belieers$ obey o$ an obey the essenger an those in authority among

you. If you shoul uarrel on anything$ refer it to o an the essenger$ if you

beliee in o an the 7ast Cay= that is better$ an fairer in the issue.

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ast thou not regare those %ho assert that they beliee in %hat has been sent

o%n to thee$ an %hat %as sent o%n before thee$ esiring to tae their isputes

to iols$ yet they hae been commane to isbeliee in themH >ut -atan esires

to lea them astray into far error.

 An %hen it is sai to them$ '4ome no% to %hat o has sent o%n$ an the

essenger$' then thou seest the hypocrites barring the %ay to thee.

@# o% shall it be$ %hen they are isite by an affliction for %hat their o%n hans

hae for%are$ then they come to thee s%earing by o$ '8e sought only

inness an conciliation'H Those && o no%s %hat is in their hearts= so turn

a%ay from them$ an amonish them$ an say to them penetrating %ors about


8e sent not eer any essenger$ but that he shoul be obeye$ by the leae of 

o. If= %hen they %ronge themseles$ they ha come to thee$ an praye

forgieness of o$ an the essenger ha praye forgieness for them$ they

%oul hae foun o turns$ All&compassionate.

>ut no$ by thy 7or they %ill not beliee till they mae thee the ,uge regaring

the isagreement bet%een them$ then they shall fin in themseles no

impeiment touching thy erict$ but shall surrener in full submission.

>ut ha 8e prescribe for them$ saying$ '-lay yourseles' or '7eae your 

habitations$' they %oul not hae one it$ sae a fe% of them= yet if they ha one

as they %ere amonishe it %oul hae been better for them$ an stronger 

confirming them$

2 an then 8e surely %oul hae gien them from Ds a mighty %age$ an

guie them on a straight path. 8hosoeer obeys o$ an the essenger &&

they are %ith those %hom o has blesse$ ;rophets$ ,ust men$ martyrs$ the

righteous= goo companions they

That is the bounty from o= o suffices as 0ne %ho no%s.

0 belieers$ tae your precautions= then moe for%ar in companies$ or moefor%ar all together.

-ome of you there are that are ilatory= then$ if an affliction isits you$ he says$

'o has blesse me$ in that I %as not a martyr %ith them.'

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# >ut if a bounty from o isits you$ he %ill surely say$ as if there ha neer 

been any affection bet%een you an him$ '8oul that I ha been %ith them$ to

attain a mighty triumph'

-o let them fight in the %ay of o %ho sell the present life for the %orl to come=

an %hosoeer fights in the %ay of o an is slain$ or conuers$ 8e shall bring

him a mighty %age.

o% is it %ith you$ that you o not fight in the %ay of o$ an for the men$

%omen$ an chilren %ho$ being abase$ say$ '0ur 7or$ bring us forth from this

city %hose people are eiloers$ an appoint to us a protector from Thee$ an

appoint to us from Thee a helper'H

The belieers fight in the %ay of o$ an the unbelieers fight in the iols' %ay.

Fight you therefore against the friens of -atan= surely the guile of -atan is eer 


ast thou not regare those to %hom it %as sai$ '<estrain your hans$ an

perform the prayer$ an pay the alms'H Then$ as soon as fighting is prescribe for 

them$ there is a party of them fearing the people as they %oul fear o$ or %ith a

greater fear$ an they say$ '0ur 7or$ %hy hast thou prescribe fighting for usH

8hy not efer us to a near termH'

-ay/ 'The en,oyment of this %orl is little= the %orl to come is better for him %ho

fears o= you shall not be %ronge a single ate&threa.'

2 8hereer you may be$ eath %ill oertae you$ though you shoul be in

raise&up to%ers. An if a goo thing isits them$ they say$ 'This is from o'= but

if an eil thing isits them$ they say$ 'This is from thee.'

-ay/ 'Eerything is from o.' o% is it %ith this peopleH They scarcely

unerstan any tiing.

8hateer goo isits thee$ it is of o= %hateer eil isits thee is of thyself. An

8e hae sent thee to men a essenger= o suffices for a %itness.

8hosoeer obeys the essenger$ thereby obeys o= an %hosoeer turns his

bac && 8e hae not sent thee to be a %atcher oer them.

They say$ '0beience'= but %hen they sally forth from thee$ a party of them

meitate all night on other than %hat thou sayest. o %rites o%n their 

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meitations= so turn a%ay from them$ an put thy trust in o= o suffices for a


8hat$ o they not poner the *oranH If it ha been from other than o surely

they %oul hae foun in it much inconsistency.

# 8hen there comes to them a matter$ be it of security or fear$ they broacast it=

if they ha referre it to the essenger an to those in authority among them$

those of them %hose tas it is to inestigate %oul hae no%n the matter. An

but for the bounty of o to you$ an is mercy$ you %oul surely hae follo%e

-atan$ except a fe%.

-o o thou fight in the %ay of o= thou art charge only %ith thyself. An urge on

the belieers= haply o %ill restrain the unbelieers' might= o is stronger in

might$ more terrible in punishing.

8hoso intercees %ith a goo intercession shall receie a share of it= %hosoeer 

intercees %ith a ba intercession$ he shall receie the lie of it= o has po%er 

oer eerything.

 An %hen you are greete %ith a greeting greet %ith a fairer than it$ or return it=

surely o eeps a %atchful count oer eerything.

o && there is no go but e. e %ill surely gather you to the <esurrection Cay$

no oubt of it. An %ho is truer in tiings than oH

"2 o% is it %ith you$ that you are t%o parties touching the hypocrites$ an o

has oerthro%n them for %hat they earneH 8hat$ o you esire to guie him

%hom o has le astrayH 8hom o leas astray$ thou %ilt not fin for him a


They %ish that you shoul isbeliee as they isbeliee$ an then you %oul be

eual= therefore tae not to yourseles friens of them$ until they emigrate in the

%ay of o= then$ if they turn their bacs$ tae them$ an slay them %hereer you

fin them= tae not to yourseles any one of them as frien or helper except those

that betae themseles to a people %ho are ,oine %ith you by a compact$ or come to you %ith breasts constricte from fighting %ith you or fighting their 

people. a o %ille$ e %oul hae gien them authority oer you$ an then

certainly they %oul hae fought you. If they %ithra% from you$ an o not fight

you$ an offer you peace$ then o assigns not any %ay to you against them.

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Gou %ill fin others esiring to be secure from you$ an secure from their people$

yet %heneer they are returne to temptation$ they are oerthro%n in it. If they

%ithra% not from you$ an offer you peace$ an restrain their hans$ tae them$

an slay them %hereer you come on them= against them 8e hae gien you a

clear authority.

It belongs not to a belieer to slay a belieer$ except it be by error. If any slays a

belieer by error$ then let him set free a belieing slae$ an bloo%it is to be pai

to his family unless they forgo it as a free%ill offering. If he belong to a people at

enmity %ith you an is a belieer$ let the slayer set free a belieing slae. If he

belong to a people ,oine %ith you by a compact$ then bloo%it is to be pai to his

family an the slayer shall set free a belieing slae. >ut if he fins not the

means$ let him fast t%o successie months && o's turning= o is All&no%ing$


"# An %hoso slays a belieer %ilfully$ his recompense is ehenna$ therein

%elling foreer$ an o %ill be %roth %ith him an %ill curse him$ an prepare

for him a mighty chastisement.

0 belieers$ %hen you are ,ourneying in the path of o$ be iscriminating$ an

o not say to him %ho offers you a greeting$ 'Thou art not a belieer$' seeing the

chance goos of the present life. 8ith o are spoils abunant. -o you %ere

aforetime= but o has been gracious to you.

-o be iscriminating= surely o is a%are of the things you o.

-uch belieers as sit at home && unless they hae an in,ury && are not the euals of 

those %ho struggle in the path of o %ith their possessions an their seles.

o has preferre in ran those %ho struggle %ith their possessions an their 

seles oer the ones %ho sit at home= yet to each o has promise the re%ar

most fair= an o has preferre those %ho struggle oer the ones %ho sit at

home for the bounty of a mighty %age$ in rans staning before im$ forgieness

an mercy= surely o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

 An those the angels tae$ %hile still they are %ronging themseles && the angels

%ill say$ 'In %hat circumstances %ere youH' They %ill say$ '8e %ere abase in the

earth.' The angels %ill say$ '>ut %as not o's earth %ie$ so that you might hae

emigrate in itH' -uch men$ their refuge shall be ehenna && an eil homecoming


!22 except the men$ %omen$ an chilren %ho$ being abase$ can eise nothing

an are not guie to a %ay= haply them o %ill yet paron$ for o is All&

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paroning$ All&forgiing. 8hoso emigrates in the %ay of o %ill fin in the earth

many refuges an plenty= %hoso goes forth from his house an emigrant to o

an is essenger$ an then eath oertaes him$ his %age shall hae fallen on

o= surely o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

 An %hen you are ,ourneying in the lan there is no fault in you that you shorten

the prayer$ if you fear the unbelieers may afflict you= the unbelieers are for you

a manifest foe.

8hen thou art amongst them$ an performest for them the prayer$ let a party of 

them stan %ith thee$ an let them tae their %eapons. 8hen they bo%

themseles$ let them be behin you= an let another party %ho hae not praye

come an pray %ith thee$ taing their precautions an their %eapons. The

unbelieers %ish that you shoul be heeless of your %eapons an your 

baggage$ then they %oul %heel on you all at once. There is no fault in you$ if rain

molests you$ or you are sic$ to lay asie your %eapons= but tae your 

precautions. o has prepare for the unbelieers a humbling chastisement.

8hen you hae performe the prayer$ remember o$ staning an sitting an

on your sies. Then$ %hen you are secure$ perform the prayer= surely the prayer 

is a time prescription for the belieers.

!2# Faint not in seeing the heathen= if you are suffering$ they are also suffering

as you are suffering$ an you are hoping from o for that for %hich they cannot

hope= o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

-urely 8e hae sent o%n to thee the >oo %ith the truth$ so that thou mayest

 ,uge bet%een the people by that o has sho%n thee. -o be not an aocate for 

the traitors= an pray forgieness of o= surely o is All&forgiing$ All&

compassionate. An o not ispute on behalf of those %ho betray themseles=

surely o loes not the guilty traitor.

They hie themseles from men$ but hie not themseles from o= for e is %ith

them %hile they meitate at night iscourse unpleasing to im= o

encompasses the things they o.

a$ there you are= you hae ispute on their behalf in the present life= but %ho

%ill ispute %ith o on their behalf on the <esurrection Cay$ or %ho %ill be a

guarian for themH

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!!2 8hosoeer oes eil$ or %rongs himself= an then prays o's forgieness$

he shall fin o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate. An %hosoeer earns a sin$

earns it against himself only= an o is eer All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

 An %hosoeer earns a fault or a sin an then casts it upon the innocent$ thereby

has lai upon himself calumny an manifest sin.

>ut for o's bounty to thee an is mercy a party of them purpose to lea thee

astray= but they lea only themseles astray= they o not hurt thee in anything.

o has sent o%n on thee the >oo an the 8isom$ an e has taught thee

that thou ne%est not= o's' bounty to thee is eer great.

5o goo is there in much of their conspiring$ except for him %ho bis to free%ill

offering$ or honour$ or setting things right bet%een the people. 8hoso oes that$

seeing o's goo pleasure$ 8e shall surely gie him a mighty %age.

!!# >ut %hoso maes a breach %ith the essenger after the guiance has

become clear to him an follo%s a %ay other than the belieers'$ him 8e shall

turn oer to %hat he has turne to an 8e shall roast him in ehenna && an eil


o forgies not that aught shoul be %ith im associate= less than that e

forgies to %homsoeer e %ill. 8hoso associates %ith o anything$ has gone

astray into far error.

In stea of im$ they pray not except to female beings= they pray not except to arebel -atan accurse by o. e sai$ 'Assurely I %ill tae unto myself a portion

appointe of Thy serants$ an I %ill lea them astray$ an fill them %ith fancies

an I %ill comman them an they %ill cut off the cattle's ears= I %ill comman

them an they %ill alter o's creation.' 8hoso taes -atan to him for a frien$

instea of o$ has surely suffere a manifest loss.

e promises them an fills them %ith fancies$ but there is nothing -atan promises

them except elusion.

!12 -uch men && their refuge shall be ehenna$ an they shall fin no asylumfrom it. >ut those that beliee$ an o ees of righteousness$ them 8e shall

amit to garens unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein %elling for eer an eer=

o's promise in truth= an %ho is truer in speech than oH It is not your 

fancies$ nor the fancies of the ;eople of the >oo. 8hosoeer oes eil shall be

recompense for it$ an %ill not fin for him$ apart from o$ a frien or helper.

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 An %hosoeer oes ees of righteousness$ be it male or female$ belieing &&

they shall enter ;araise$ an not be %ronge a single ate&spot.

 An %ho is there that has a fairer religion than he %ho submits his %ill to o

being a goo&oer$ an %ho follo%s the cree of Abraham$ a man of pure faithH

 An o too Abraham for a frien.

!1# To o belongs all that is in the heaens an in the earth$ an o

encompasses eerything.

They %ill as thee for a pronouncement concerning %omen. -ay/ 'o

pronounces to you concerning them$ an %hat is recite to you in the >oo

concerning the orphan %omen to %hom you gie not %hat is prescribe for them$

an yet esire to marry them$ an the oppresse chilren$ an that you secure

 ,ustice for orphans. 8hateer goo you o$ o no%s of it.'

If a %oman fear rebelliousness or aersion in her husban$ there is no fault in

them if the couple set things right bet%een them= right settlement is better= an

souls are ery prone to aarice. If you o goo an are gofearing$ surely o is

a%are of the things you o. Gou %ill not be able to be euitable bet%een your 

%ies$ be you eer so eager= yet o not be altogether partial so that you leae her 

as it %ere suspene. If you set things right$ an are gofearing$ o is All&

forgiing$ All&compassionate. >ut if they separate$ o %ill enrich each of them of 

is plenty= o is All&embracing$ All&%ise.

!92 To o belongs all that is in the heaens an in the earth. 8e hae charge

those %ho %ere gien the >oo before you$ an you$ 'Fear o.' If you isbeliee$

to o belongs all that is in the heaens an in the earth= o is All&sufficient$ All&


To o belongs all that is in the heaens an in the earth= o suffices for a


If e %ill$ e can put you a%ay$ 0 men$ an bring others= surely o is po%erful

oer that. 8hoso esires the re%ar of this %orl$ %ith o is the re%ar of this

%orl an of the %orl to come= o is All&hearing$ All&seeing.

0 belieers$ be you securers of ,ustice$ %itnesses for o$ een though it be

against yourseles$ or your parents an insmen$ %hether the man be rich or 

poor= o stans closest to either. Then follo% not caprice$ so as to s%ere= for if 

you t%ist or turn$ o is a%are of the things you o.

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!9# 0 belieers$ beliee in o an is essenger an the >oo e has sent

o%n on is essenger an the >oo %hich e sent o%n before. 8hoso

isbeliees in o an is angels an is >oos$ an is essengers$ an the

7ast Cay$ has surely gone astray into far error.

Those %ho beliee$ an then isbeliee$ an then beliee$ an then isbeliee$

an then increase in unbelief && o is not liely to forgie them$ neither to guie

them on any %ay.

ie thou goo tiings to the hypocrites that for them a%aits a painful

chastisement. Those %ho tae unbelieers for their friens instea of belieers &&

o they see glory in themH >ut glory altogether belongs to o.

e has sent o%n upon you in the >oo/ '8hen you hear o's signs being

isbeliee an mae moc of$ o not sit %ith them until they plunge into some

other tal$ or else you %ill surely be lie to them.' o %ill gather the hypocrites

an the unbelieers all in ehenna.

!32 Those %ho %ait upon you an$ if a ictory comes to you from o$ say$ '8ere

%e not %ith youH' but if the unbelieers get a share$ they say$ 'Ci %e not gain the

mastery oer you$ an i %e not efen you from the belieersH' o %ill ,uge

bet%een you on the <esurrection Cay$ an o %ill not grant the unbelieers any

%ay oer the belieers.

The hypocrites see to tric o$ but o is tricing them. 8hen they stan up to

pray they stan up laBily$ sho%ing off to the people an not remembering o

sae a little= %aering all the time && not to these$ not to those= an %hom o

leas astray$ thou %ilt not fin for him a %ay.

0 belieers$ tae not the unbelieers as friens instea of the belieers= or o you

esire to gie o oer you a clear authorityH

-urely the hypocrites %ill be in the lo%est reach of the Fire= thou %ilt not fin for 

them any helper=

!3# sae such as repent$ an mae amens$ an hol fast to o$ an maetheir religion sincerely o's= those are %ith the belieers$ an o %ill certainly

gie the belieers a mighty %age.

8hat %oul o o %ith chastising you if you are thanful$ an belieeH o is

 All&thanful$ All&no%ing.

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o lies not the shouting of eil %ors unless a man has been %ronge= o is

 All&hearing$ All&no%ing.

If you o goo openly or in secret or paron an eil$ surely o is All&paroning$


Those %ho isbeliee in o an is essengers an esire to mae iision

bet%een o an is essengers$ an say$ '8e beliee in part$ an isbeliee in

part$' esiring to tae bet%een this an that a %ay &&

!#2 those in truth are the unbelieers= an 8e hae prepare for the unbelieers

a humbling chastisement.

 An those %ho beliee in o an is essengers an mae no iision

bet%een any of them$ those && 8e shall surely gie them their %ages= o is All&

forgiing$ All&compassionate.

The ;eople of the >oo %ill as thee to bring o%n upon them a >oo from

heaen= an they ase oses for greater than that$ for they sai$ '-ho% us o

openly.' An the thunerbolt too them for their eiloing. Then they too to

themseles the 4alf$ after the clear signs ha come to them= yet 8e parone

them that$ an 8e besto%e upon oses a clear authority.

 An 8e raise aboe them the ount$ taing compact %ith them= an 8e sai to

them$ 'Enter in at the gate$ prostrating'= an 8e sai to them$ 'Transgress not the

-abbath'= an 8e too from them a solemn compact.

-o$ for their breaing the compact$ an isbelieing in the signs of o$ an

slaying the ;rophets %ithout right$ an for their saying$ '0ur hearts are

uncircumcise' && nay$ but o seale them for their unbelief$ so they beliee not$

except a fe% &&

!## an for their unbelief$ an their uttering against ary a mighty calumny$ an

for their saying$ '8e sle% the essiah$ Jesus son of ary$ the essenger of o'

&& yet they i not slay him$ neither crucifie him$ only a lieness of that %as

sho%n to them. Those %ho are at ariance concerning him surely are in oubtregaring him= they hae no no%lege of him$ except the follo%ing of surmise=

an they sle% him not of a certainty && no inee= o raise him up to im= o

is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

There is not one of the ;eople of the >oo but %ill assurely beliee in him before

his eath$ an on the <esurrection Cay he %ill be a %itness against them.

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 An for the eiloing of those of Je%ry$ 8e hae forbien them certain goo

things that %ere permitte to them$ an for their barring from o's %ay many$

an for their taing usury$ that they %ere prohibite$ an consuming the %ealth of 

the people in anity= an 8e hae prepare for the unbelieers among them a

painful chastisement.

!@2 >ut those of them that are firmly roote in no%lege$ an the belieers

belieing in %hat has been sent o%n to thee$ an %hat %as sent o%n before

thee$ that perform the prayer an pay the alms$ an those %ho beliee in o

an the 7ast Cay && them 8e shall surely gie a mighty %age.

8e hae reeale to thee as 8e reeale to 5oah$ an the ;rophets after him$

an 8e reeale to Abraham$ Ishmael$ Isaac$ Jacob$ an the Tribes$ Jesus an

Job$ Jonah an Aaron an -olomon$ an 8e gae to Cai ;salms$ an

essengers 8e hae alreay tol thee of before$ an essengers 8e hae not

tol thee of= an unto oses o spoe irectly && essengers bearing goo

tiings$ an %arning$ so that manin might hae no argument against o$ after 

the essengers= o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

>ut o bears %itness to that e has sent o%n to thee= e has sent it o%n %ith

is no%lege= an the angels also bear %itness= an o suffices for a %itness.

!@# -urely those %ho isbeliee$ an bar from the %ay of o$ hae gone astray

into far error.

-urely the unbelieers$ %ho hae one eil$ o %oul not forgie them$ neither 

guie them on any roa but the roa to ehenna$ therein %elling foreer an

eer= an that for o is an easy matter.

0 men$ the essenger has no% come to you %ith the truth from your 7or= so

beliee= better is it for you. An if you isbeliee$ to o belongs all that is in the

heaens an in the earth= an o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

;eople of the >oo$ go not beyon the bouns in your religion$ an say not as to

o but the truth. The essiah$ Jesus son of ary$ %as only the essenger of 

o$ an is 8or that e committe to ary$ an a -pirit from im. -o beliee

in o an is essengers$ an say not$ 'Three.' <efrain= better is it for you. o

is only 0ne o. lory be to im && That e shoul hae a son

To im belongs all that is in the heaens an in the earth= o suffices for a


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!2 The essiah %ill not isain to be a serant of o$ neither the angels %ho

are near statione to im.

8hosoeer isains to sere im$ an %axes prou$ e %ill assurely muster 

them to im$ all of them.

 As for the belieers$ %ho o ees of righteousness$ e %ill pay them in full their 

%ages$ an e %ill gie them more$ of is bounty= an as for them %ho isain$

an %ax prou$ them e %ill chastise %ith a painful chastisement$ an they shall

not fin for them$ apart from o$ a frien or helper.

0 men$ a proof has no% come to you from your 7or= 8e hae sent o%n to you

a manifest light. As for those %ho beliee in o$ an hol fast to im$ e %ill

surely amit them to mercy from im$ an bounty$ an %ill guie them to im on

a straight path.

!# They %ill as thee for a pronouncement. -ay/ 'o pronounces to you

concerning the inirect heirs. If a man perishes haing no chilren$ but he has a

sister$ she shall receie a half of %hat he leaes$ an he is her heir if she has no


If there be t%o sisters$ they shall receie t%o&thirs of %hat he leaes= if there be

brothers an sisters$ the male shall receie the portion of t%o females. o

maes clear to you$ lest you go astray= o has no%lege of eerything.

: TE TA>7E

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

0 belieers$ fulfil your bons.

;ermitte to you is the beast of the flocs$ except that %hich is no% recite to

you$ so that you eem not game permitte to be hunte %hen you are in pilgrim

sanctity. o ecrees %hatsoeer e esires.

0 belieers$ profane not o's %aymars nor the holy month$ neither the offering$

nor the neclaces$ nor those repairing to the oly ouse seeing from their 7or

bounty an goo pleasure. >ut %hen you hae uit your pilgrim sanctity$ then

hunt for game.

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7et not etestation for a people %ho barre you from the oly osue moe you

to commit aggression. elp one another to piety an gofearing= o not help each

other to sin an enmity. An fear o= surely o is terrible in retribution.

Forbien to you are carrion$ bloo$ the flesh of s%ine$ %hat has been hallo%e

to other than o$ the beast strangle= the beast beaten o%n$ the beast fallen to

eath$ the beast gore$ an that eoure by beasts of prey && excepting that you

hae sacrifice uly && as also things sacrifice to iols$ an partition by the

iining arro%s= that is ungoliness.

Toay the unbelieers hae espaire of your religion= therefore fear them not$

but fear you e.

#/# Toay I hae perfecte your religion for you$ an I hae complete y

blessing upon you$ an I hae approe Islam for your religion.

>ut %hosoeer is constraine in emptiness an not inclining purposely to sin &&

o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

They %ill uestion thee %hat is permitte them. -ay/ 'The goo things are

permitte you= an such hunting creatures as you teach$ training them as houns$

an teaching them as o has taught you && eat %hat they seiBe for you$ an

mention o's 5ame oer it. Fear o= o is s%ift at the reconing.'

Toay the goo things are permitte you$ an the foo of those %ho %ere gien

the >oo is permitte to you$ an permitte to them is your foo= 7ie%isebelieing %omen in %eloc$ an in %eloc %omen of them %ho %ere gien the

>oo before you if you gie them their %ages$ in %eloc an not in licence$ or as

taing loers. 8hoso isbeliees in the faith$ his %or has faile$ an in the %orl

to come he shall be among the losers.

0 belieers$ %hen you stan up to pray %ash your faces$ an your hans up to

the elbo%s$ an %ipe your heas$ an your feet up to the anles. If you are

efile$ purify yourseles= but if you are sic or on a ,ourney$ or if any of you

comes from the priy$ or you hae touche %omen$ an you can fin no %ater$

then hae recourse to %holesome ust an %ipe your faces an your hans %ith

it. o oes not esire to mae any impeiment for you= but e esires to purify

you$ an that e may complete is blessing upon you= haply you %ill be thanful.

#/!2 An remember o's blessing upon you$ an is compact %hich e mae

%ith you %hen you sai$ '8e hae hear an %e obey. An fear you o= surely

o no%s the thoughts in the breasts.

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0 belieers$ be you securers of ,ustice$ %itnesses for o. 7et not etestation for 

a people moe you not to be euitable= be euitable && that is nearer to

gofearing. An fear o= surely o is a%are of the things you o.

o has promise those that beliee$ an o ees of righteousness= they shall

hae= forgieness an a mighty %age.

 An the unbelieers$ %ho crie lies to 0ur signs && they shall be the inhabitants of 


0 belieers$ remember o's blessing upon you$ %hen a certain people purpose

to stretch against you their hans$ an e restraine their hans from you= an

fear o= an in o let the belieers put all their trust.

#/!# o too compact %ith the 4hilren of Israel= an 8e raise up from among

them t%ele chieftains. An o sai$ 'I am %ith you. -urely$ if you perform theprayer$ an pay the alms$ an beliee in y essengers an succour them$ an

len to o a goo loan$ I %ill acuit you of your eil ees$ an I %ill amit you

to garens unerneath %hich riers flo%. -o %hosoeer of you thereafter 

isbeliees$ surely he has gone astray from the right %ay.

-o for their breaing their compact 8e curse them an mae their hearts har$

they pererting %ors from their meanings= an they hae forgotten a portion of 

that they %ere remine of= an thou %ilt neer cease to light upon some act of 

treachery on their part$ except a fe% of them.

Get paron them$ an forgie= surely o loes the goo&oers. An %ith those

%ho say '8e are 4hristians' 8e too compact= an they hae forgotten a portion

of that they %ere remine of. -o 8e hae stirre up among them enmity an

hatre$ till the Cay of <esurrection= an o %ill assurely tell them of the things

they %rought.

;eople of the >oo$ no% there has come to you 0ur essenger$ maing clear to

you many things you hae been concealing of the >oo$ an effacing many

things. There has come to you from o a light$ an a >oo anifest %hereby

o guies %hosoeer follo%s is goo pleasure in the %ays of peace$ an

brings them forth from the shao%s into the light by is leae= an e guies

them to a straight path. They are unbelieers %ho say$ 'o is the essiah$

ary's son.' -ay/ '8ho then shall oerrule o in any %ay if e esires to

estroy the essiah$ ary's son$ an his mother$ an all those %ho are on earthH'

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#=12 For to o belongs the ingom of the heaens an of the earth$ an all that

is bet%een them$ creating %hat e %ill. o is po%erful oer eerything.

-ay the Je%s an 4hristians$ '8e are the sons of o$ an is beloe ones.'

-ay/ '8hy then oes e chastise you for your sinsH 5o= you are mortals$ of iscreating= e forgies %hom e %ill$ an e chastises %hom e %ill.'

For to o belongs the ingom of the heaens an of the earth$ an all that is

bet%een them= to im is the homecoming.

;eople of the >oo$ no% there has come to you 0ur essenger$ maing things

clear to you$ upon an interal bet%een the essengers lest you shoul say$

'There has not come to us any bearer of goo tiings$ neither any %arner. Inee$

there has come to you a bearer of goo tiings an a %arner= o is po%erful

oer eerything.

 An %hen oses sai to his people$ '0 my people$ remember o's blessing

upon you$ %hen e appointe among you ;rophets$ an appointe you ings$

an gae you such as e ha not gien to any being.

0 my people$ enter the oly 7an %hich o has prescribe for you$ an turn not

bac in your traces$ to turn about losers.'

#/1# They sai$ 'oses$ there are people in it ery arrogant= %e %ill not enter it

until they epart from it= if they epart from it then %e %ill enter.'

-ai t%o men of those that feare o %hom o ha blesse$ 'Enter against

them the gate 8hen you enter it$ you %ill be ictors. ;ut you all your trust in o$

if you are belieers.' They sai$ 'oses$ %e %ill neer enter it so long as they are

in it. o forth$ thou an thy 7or$ an o battle= %e %ill be sitting here.'

e sai$ '0 my 7or$ I rule no one except myself an my brother. -o o Thou

iie bet%een us an the people of the ungoly.'

-ai e$ 'Then it shall be forbien them for forty years$ %hile they are %aneringin the earth= so griee not for the people of the ungoly.'

#/92 An recite thou to them the story of the t%o sons of Aam truthfully$ %hen

they offere a sacrifice$ an it %as accepte of one of them$ an not accepte of 

the other. 'I %ill surely slay thee$' sai one. 'o accepts only of the gofearing$'

sai the other.

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'Get if thou stretchest out thy han against me$ to slay me$ I %ill not stretch out my

han against thee$ to slay thee= I fear o$ the 7or of all >eing.

I esire that thou shoulest be laen %ith my sin an thy sin$ an so become an

inhabitant of the Fire= that is the recompense of the eiloers.'

Then his soul prompte him to slay his brother$ an he sle% him$ an became

one of the losers. Then o sent forth a raen$ scratching into the earth$ to sho%

him ho% he might conceal the ile boy of his brother. e sai$ '8oe is me Am I

unable to be as this raen$ an so conceal my brother's ile boyH' An he

became one of the remorseful.

#/9# Therefore 8e prescribe for the 4hilren of Israel that %hoso slays a soul

not to retaliate for a soul slain$ nor for corruption one in the lan$ shall be as if he

ha slain manin altogether= an %hoso gies life to a soul$ shall be as if he ha

gien life to manin altogether. 0ur essengers hae alreay come to them %ith

the clear signs= then many of them thereafter commit excesses in the earth.

This is the recompense of those %ho fight against o an is essenger$ an

hasten about the earth$ to o corruption there/ they shall be slaughtere$ or 

crucifie$ or their hans an feet shall alternately be struc off= or they shall be

banishe from the lan. That is a egraation for them in this %orl= an in the

%orl to come a%aits them a mighty chastisement$ except for such as repent$

before you hae po%er oer them. -o no% you that o is All&forgiing$ All&


0 belieers$ fear o$ an see the means to come to im$ an struggle in is

%ay= haply you %ill prosper.

#/32 The unbelieers$ though they possesse all that is in the earth$ an the lie

of it %ith it$ to ransom themseles from the chastisement of the Cay of 

<esurrection thereby$ it %oul not be accepte of them= for them a%aits a painful


They %ill esire to come forth from the Fire$ but they %ill not come forth from it= for 

them a%aits a lasting chastisement.

 An the thief$ male an female/ cut off the hans of both$ as a recompense for 

%hat they hae earne$ an a punishment exemplary from o= o is All&

mighty$ All&%ise. >ut %hoso repents$ after his eiloing$ an maes amens$ o

%ill turn to%ars him= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate. *no%est thou not

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that to o belongs the ingom of the heaens an the earthH e chastises

%hom e %ill$ an forgies %hom e %ill= an o is po%erful oer eerything.

#/3# 0 essenger$ let them not griee thee that ie %ith one another in unbelief$

such men as say %ith their mouths '8e beliee' but their hearts beliee not= an

the Je%s %ho listen to falsehoo$ listen to other fol$ %ho hae not come to thee$

pererting %ors from their meanings$ saying$ 'If you are gien this$ then tae it= if 

you are not gien it$ be%are'

8homsoeer o esires to try$ thou canst not aail him anything %ith o.

Those are they %hose hearts o esire not to purify= for them is egraation in

this %orl= an in the %orl to come a%aits them a mighty chastisement= %ho

listen to falsehoo$ an consume the unla%ful. If they come to thee$ ,uge thou

bet%een them$ or turn a%ay from them= if thou turnest a%ay from them$ they %ill

hurt thee nothing= an if thou ,ugest$ ,uge ,ustly bet%een them= o loes the


Get ho% %ill they mae thee their ,uge seeing they hae the Torah$ %herein is

o's ,ugment$ then thereafter turn their bacsH They are not belieers.

-urely 8e sent o%n the Torah$ %herein is guiance an light= thereby the

;rophets %ho ha surrenere themseles gae ,ugment for those of Je%ry$ as

i the masters an the rabbis$ follo%ing such portion of o's >oo as they %ere

gien to eep an %ere %itnesses to. -o fear not men$ but fear you e= an sell

not y signs for a little price. 8hoso ,uges not accoring to %hat o has sent

o%n && they are the unbelieers.

 An therein 8e prescribe for them/ 'A life for a life$ an eye for an eye$ a nose for 

a nose$ an ear for an ear$ a tooth for a tooth$ an for %ouns retaliation'= but

%hosoeer forgoes it as a free%ill offering$ that shall be for him an expiation.

8hoso ,uges not accoring to %hat o has sent o%n && they are the eiloers.

#/#2 An 8e sent$ follo%ing in their footsteps$ Jesus son of ary$ confirming the

Torah before him an 8e gae to him the ospel$ %herein is guiance an light$

an confirming the Torah before it$ as a guiance an an amonition unto the


-o let the ;eople of the ospel ,uge accoring to %hat o has sent o%n

therein. 8hosoeer ,uges not accoring to %hat o has sent o%n && they are

the ungoly.

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 An 8e hae sent o%n to thee the >oo %ith the truth$ confirming the >oo that

%as before it$ an assuring it.

-o ,uge bet%een them accoring to %hat o has sent o%n$ an o not follo%

their caprices$ to forsae the truth that has come to thee. To eery one of you 8e

hae appointe a right %ay an an open roa.

If o ha %ille$ e %oul hae mae you one nation= but that e may try you in

%hat has come to you. -o be you for%ar in goo %ors= unto o shall you

return$ all together= an e %ill tell you of that %hereon you %ere at ariance. An

 ,uge bet%een them accoring to %hat o has sent o%n$ an o not follo%

their caprices$ an be%are of them lest they tempt thee a%ay from any of %hat

o has sent o%n to thee. >ut if they turn their bacs$ no% that o esires

only to smite them for some sin they hae committe= surely$ many men are


#/## Is it the ,ugment of paganom then that they are seeingH Get %ho is fairer 

in ,ugment than o$ for a people haing sure faithH

0 belieers$ tae not Je%s an 4hristians as friens= they are friens of each

other. 8hoso of you maes them his friens is one of them. o guies not the

people of the eiloers.

Get thou seest those in %hose hearts is sicness ying %ith one another to come

to them$ saying$ '8e fear lest a turn of fortune shoul smite us.' >ut it may be that

o %ill bring the ictory$ or some commanment from im$ an then they %ill

fin themseles$ for that they ept secret %ithin them$ remorseful$ an the

belieers %ill say$ '8hat$ are these the ones %ho s%ore by o most earnest

oaths that they %ere %ith youH Their %ors hae faile no% they are losers.'

0 belieers$ %hosoeer of you turns from his religion$ o %ill assurely bring a

people e loes$ an %ho loe im$ humble to%ars the belieers$ isainful

to%ars the unbelieers$ men %ho struggle in the path of o$ not fearing the

reproach of any reproacher. That is o's bounty= e gies it unto %hom e %ill=

an o is All&embracing$ All&no%ing.

#/@2 Gour frien is only o$ an is essenger$ an the belieers %ho perform

the prayer an pay the alms$ an bo% them o%n. 8hoso maes o his frien$

an is essenger$ an the belieers && the party of o$ they are the ictors.

0 belieers$ tae not as your friens those of them$ %ho %ere gien the >oo

before you$ an the unbelieers$ %ho tae your religion in mocery an as a sport

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&& an fear o$ if you are belieers && an %hen you call to prayer$ tae it in

mocery an as a sport= that is because they are a people %ho hae no


-ay/ ';eople of the >oo$ o you blame us for any other cause than that %e

beliee in o$ an %hat has been sent o%n to us$ an %hat %as sent o%n

before$ an that most of you are ungolyH'

#/@# -ay/ '-hall I tell you of a recompense %ith o$ %orse than thatH

8homsoeer o has curse$ an %ith %hom e is %roth$ an mae some of 

them apes an s%ine$ an %orshippers of iols && they are %orse situate$ an

hae gone further astray from the right %ay.

8hen they come to you$ they say$ '8e beliee'= but they hae entere in unbelief$

an so they hae eparte in it= o no%s ery %ell %hat they %ere hiing. Thou

seest many of them ying in sin an enmity$ an ho% they consume the unla%ful=

eil is the thing they hae been oing. 8hy o the masters an the rabbis not

forbi them to utter sin$ an consume the unla%fulH Eil is the thing they hae

been %oring.

The Je%s hae sai$ 'o's han is fettere.' Fettere are their hans$ an they

are curse for %hat they hae sai. 5ay$ but is hans are outsprea= e

expens ho% e %ill. An %hat has been sent o%n to thee from thy 7or %ill

surely increase many of them in insolence an unbelief= an 8e hae cast

bet%een them enmity an hatre$ till the Cay of <esurrection. As often as they

light a fire for %ar$ o %ill extinguish it. They hasten about the earth$ to o

corruption there= an o loes not the %orers of corruption.

#/2 >ut ha the ;eople of the >oo beliee an been gofearing$ 8e %oul

hae acuitte them of their eil ees$ an amitte them to arens of >liss.

a they performe the Torah an the ospel$ an %hat %as sent o%n to them

from their 7or$ they %oul hae eaten both %hat %as aboe them$ an %hat %as

beneath their feet. -ome of them are a ,ust nation= but many of them && eil are

the things they o.

0 essenger$ elier that %hich has been sent o%n to thee from thy 7or= for if 

thou ost not$ thou %ilt not hae eliere is essage. o %ill protect thee

from men. o guies not the people of the unbelieers.

-ay/ ';eople of the >oo$ you o not stan on anything$ until you perform the

Torah an the ospel$ an %hat %as sent o%n to you from your 7or.' An %hat

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has been sent o%n to thee from thy 7or %ill surely increase many of them in

insolence an unbelief= so griee not for the people of the unbelieers.

-urely they that beliee$ an those of Je%ry$ an the -abaeans$ an those

4hristians$ %hosoeer beliees in o an the 7ast Cay$ an %ors

righteousness && no fear shall be on them$ neither shall they sorro%.

 An 8e too compact %ith the 4hilren of Israel$ an 8e sent essengers to

them. 8hensoeer there came to them a essenger %ith that their souls ha not

esire for$ some they crie lies to$ an some they sle%.

#/# An they suppose there shoul be no trial= but blin they %ere$ an eaf.

Then o turne to%ars them= then again blin they %ere$ many of them$ an

eaf= an o sees the things they o.

They are unbelieers %ho say$ 'o is the essiah$ ary's son.' For the essiahsai$ '4hilren of Israel$ sere o$ my 7or an your 7or. :erily %hoso

associates %ith o anything$ o shall prohibit him entrance to ;araise$ an

his refuge shall be the Fire= an %rongoers shall hae no helpers.'

They are unbelieers %ho say$ 'o is the Thir of Three. 5o go is there but

0ne o. If they refrain not from %hat they say$ there shall afflict those of them

that isbeliee a painful chastisement.

8ill they not turn to o an pray is forgienessH o is All&forgiing$ All&


The essiah$ son of ary$ %as only a essenger= essengers before him

passe a%ay= his mother %as a ,ust %oman= they both ate foo. >ehol$ ho% 8e

mae clear the signs to them= then behol$ ho% they pererte are

#/2 -ay/ 'Co you sere$ apart from o$ that %hich cannot hurt or profit youH

o is the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing.' -ay/ ';eople of the >oo$ go not beyon

the bouns in your religion$ other than the truth$ an follo% not the caprices of a

people %ho %ent astray before$ an le astray many$ an no% again hae gone

astray from the right %ay.' 4urse %ere the unbelieers of the 4hilren of Israelby the tongue of Cai$ an Jesus$ ary's son= that$ for their rebelling an their 


They forbae not one another any ishonour that they committe= surely eil %ere

the things they i.

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Thou seest many of them maing unbelieers their friens. Eil is that they hae

for%are to their account$ that o is angere against them$ an in the

chastisement they shall %ell foreer.

Get ha they beliee in o an the ;rophet an %hat has been sent o%n to

him$ they %oul not hae taen them as friens= but many of them are ungoly.

#/# Thou %ilt surely fin the most hostile of men to the belieers are the Je%s

an the iolaters= an thou %ilt surely fin the nearest of them in loe to the

belieers are those %ho say '8e are 4hristians'= that$ because some of them are

priests an mons$ an they %ax not prou= an %hen they hear %hat has been

sent o%n to the essenger$ thou seest their eyes oerflo% %ith tears because of 

the truth they recogniBe. They say$ '0ur 7or$ %e beliee= so o Thou %rite us

o%n among the %itnesses.

8hy shoul %e not beliee in o an the truth that has come to us$ an be

eager that our 7or shoul amit us %ith the righteous peopleH'

 An o re%ars them for %hat they say %ith garens unerneath %hich riers

flo%$ therein %elling foreer= that is the recompense of the goo&oers. >ut those

%ho isbeliee$ an cry lies to 0ur signs && they are the inhabitants of ell.

0 belieers$ forbi not such goo things as o has permitte you= an

transgress not= o loes not transgressors.

#/"2 Eat of %hat o has proie you la%ful an goo= an fear o$ in %homyou are belieers.

o %ill not tae you to tas for a slip in your oaths= but e %ill tae you to tas

for such bons as you hae mae by oaths$ %hereof the expiation is to fee ten

poor persons %ith the aerage of the foo you sere to your families$ or to clothe

them$ or to set free a slae= or if any fins not the means$ let him fast for three

ays. That is the expiation of your oaths %hen you hae s%orn= but eep your 

oaths. -o o maes clear to you is signs= haply you %ill be thanful.

0 belieers$ %ine an arro%&shuffling$ iols an iining&arro%s are anabomination$ some of -atan's %or= so aoi it= haply

-o you %ill prosper. -atan only esires to precipitate enmity an hatre bet%een

you in regar to %ine an arro%&shuffling$ an to bar you from the remembrance

of o$ an from prayer. 8ill you then esistH An obey o an obey the

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essenger$ an be%are= but if you turn your bacs$ then no% that it is only for 

0ur essenger to elier the essage anifest.

There is no fault in those %ho beliee an o ees of righteousness %hat they

may eat$ if they are gofearing$ an beliee$ an o ees of righteousness$ an

then are gofearing an beliee$ an then are gofearing an o goo= o loes

the goo&oers.

#/"# 0 belieers$ o %ill surely try you %ith something of the game that your 

hans an lances attain$ that o may no% %ho fears im in the Dnseen.

8hoso thereafter commits transgression$ there a%aits him a painful


0 belieers$ slay not the game %hile you are in pilgrim sanctity= %hosoeer of you

slays it %ilfully$ there shall be recompense && the lie of %hat he has slain$ in

flocs as shall be ,uge by t%o men of euity among you$ an offering to reach

the *aaba= or expiation && foo for poor persons or the euialent of that in

fasting$ so that he may taste the mischief of his action. o has parone %hat is

past= but %hoeer offens again$ o %ill tae engeance on him$ o is All&

mighty$ :engeful. ;ermitte to you is the game of the sea an the foo of it$ as a

proision for you an for the ,ourneyers= but forbien to you is the game of the

lan$ so long as you remain in pilgrim sanctity= an fear o$ unto %hom you

shall be mustere.

o has appointe the *aaba$ the oly ouse$ as an establishment for men$ an

the holy month= the offering$ an the neclaces && that$ that you may no% that

o no%s all that is in the heaens an in the earth= an that o has

no%lege of eerything.

*no% o is terrible in retribution$ an o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

It is only for the essenger to elier the essage= an o no%s %hat you

reeal an %hat you hie.

#/!22 -ay/ 'The corrupt an the goo are not eual$ though the abunance of the

corrupt please thee.' -o fear o$ 0 men possesse of mins= haply so you %ill


0 belieers$ uestion not concerning things %hich$ if they %ere reeale to you$

%oul ex you= yet if you uestion concerning them %hen the *oran is being sent

o%n$ they %ill be reeale to you. o has efface those things= for o is All&

forgiing$ All&clement.

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 A people before you uestione concerning them$ then isbeliee in them.

o has not appointe cattle eicate to iols$ such as >ahira$ -a'iba$ 8asila$

ami= but the unbelieers forge against o falsehoo$ an most of them hae

no unerstaning.

 An %hen it is sai to them$ '4ome no% to %hat o has sent o%n$ an the

essenger$ they say$ 'Enough for us is %hat %e foun our fathers oing.'

8hat$ een if their fathers ha no%lege of naught an %ere not guieH 0

belieers$ loo after your o%n souls. e %ho is astray cannot hurt you$ if you are

rightly guie. Dnto o shall you return$ all together$ an e %ill tell you %hat

you %ere oing.

#/!2# 0 belieers$ the testimony bet%een you %hen any of you is isite by

eath$ at the beueathing$ shall be t%o men of euity among you= or t%o othersfrom another fol$ if you are ,ourneying in the lan an the affliction of eath

befalls you. Them you shall etain after the prayer$ an they shall s%ear by o$

if you are oubtful$ '8e %ill not sell it for a price$ een though it %ere a near 

insman$ nor %ill %e hie the testimony of o$ for then %e %oul surely be

among the sinful'

>ut if it be iscoere that both of them hae merite the accusation of any sin$

then t%o others shall stan in their place$ these being the nearest of those most

concerne$ an they shall s%ear by o$ '0ur testimony is truer than their 

testimony$ an %e hae not transgresse$ for then %e %oul assurely be among

the eiloers.'

-o it is lielier that they %ill bear testimony in proper form$ or else they %ill be

afrai that after their oaths$ oaths may be rebutte. Fear o$ an hearen= o

guies not the people of the ungoly.

The ay %hen o shall gather the essengers$ an say$ '8hat ans%er %ere you

gienH' They shall say$ '8e hae no no%lege= Thou art the *no%er of the things


8hen o sai$ 'Jesus -on of ary$ remember y blessing upon thee an upon

thy mother$ %hen I confirme thee %ith the oly -pirit$ to spea to men in the

crale$ an of age=

#/!!2 an %hen I taught thee the >oo$ the 8isom$ the Torah$ the ospel= an

%hen thou createst out of clay$ by y leae$ as the lieness of a bir$ an thou

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breathest into it$ an it is a bir$ by y leae= an thou healest the blin an the

leper by y leae$ an thou bringest the ea forth by y leae= an %hen

restraine from thee the 4hilren of Israel %hen thou camest unto them %ith the

clear signs$ an the unbelieers among them sai$ +This is nothing but sorcery

manifest.+ An %hen I inspire the Apostles/

+>eliee in e an y essenger+= they sai$ +8e beliee= %itness Thou our 

submission.+' An %hen the Apostles sai$ '0 Jesus son of ary$ is thy 7or able

to sen o%n on us a Table out of heaenH' e sai$ 'Fear you o$ if you are

belieers. They sai$ '8e esire that %e shoul eat of it an our hearts be at rest=

an that %e may no% that thou hast spoen true to us$ an that %e may be

among its %itnesses.' -ai Jesus son of ary$ '0 o$ our 7or$ sen o%n upon

us a Table out of heaen$ that shall be for us a festial$ the first an last of us$ an

a sign from Thee. An proie for us= Thou art the best of proiers.'

#/!!# o sai$ ':erily I o sen it o%n on you= %hoso of you hereafter 

isbeliees$ erily I shall chastise him %ith a chastisement %here%ith I chastise

no other being.' An %hen o sai$ '0 Jesus son of ary$ ist thou say unto

men$ +Tae me an my mother as gos$ apart from o+H' e sai$ 'To Thee be

glory It is not mine to say %hat I hae no right to. If I inee sai it$ Thou no%est

it$ no%ing %hat is %ithin my soul$ an I no% not %hat is %ithin Thy soul= Thou

no%est the things unseen I only sai to them %hat Thou ist comman me/

+-ere o$ my 7or an your 7or.+ An I %as a %itness oer them$ %hile I

remaine among them= but %hen Thou ist tae me to Thyself$ Thou %ast

Thyself the %atcher oer them= Thou Thyself art %itness of eerything. If Thou

chastisest them$ they are Thy serants= if Thou forgiest them$ Thou art the All&

mighty$ the All&%ise.' o sai$ 'This is the ay the truthful shall be profite by

their truthfulness. For them a%ait garens unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein

%elling foreer an eer= o being %ell&please %ith them an they %ell&

please %ith im= that is the mighty triumph.'

To o belongs the ingom of the heaens an of the earth$ an all that is in

them$ an e is po%erful oer eerything.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

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@/! ;raise belongs to o %ho create the heaens an the earth an appointe

the shao%s an light= then the unbelieers ascribe euals to their 7or. It is e

%ho create you of clay$ then etermine a term an a term is state %ith im=

yet thereafter you oubt.

e is o in the heaens an the earth= e no%s your secrets$ an %hat you

publish$ an e no%s %hat you are earning.

5ot a sign of their 7or comes to them$ but they turn a%ay from it.

@/# They crie lies to the truth %hen it came to them$ but there shall come to them

ne%s of that they %ere mocing. ae they not regare ho% 8e estroye

before them many a generation 8e establishe in the earth$ as 8e neer 

establishe you$ an ho% 8e loose heaen upon them in torrents$ an mae

the riers to flo% beneath themH Then 8e estroye them because of their sins$

an raise up after them another generation= a 8e sent o%n on thee a >oo

on parchment an so they touche it %ith their hans$ yet the unbelieers %oul

hae sai$ 'This is naught but manifest sorcery.'

'8hy has an angel not been sent o%n on himH' they say= yet ha 8e sent o%n

an angel$ the matter %oul hae been etermine$ an then no respite %oul be

gien them. An ha 8e mae him an angel$ yet assurely 8e %oul hae mae

him a man$ an confuse for them the thing %hich they themseles are confusing.

@/!2 essengers inee %ere moce at before thee= but those that scoffe at

them %ere encompasse by that they moce at. -ay/ 'Journey in the lan$ then

behol ho% %as the en of them that crie lies.'

-ay/ 'To %hom belongs %hat is in the heaens an in the earthH' -ay/ 'It is o's.

e has prescribe for imself mercy. e %ill surely gather you to the

<esurrection Cay$ of %hich is no oubt. Those %ho hae lost their souls$ they o

not beliee. An to im belongs %hatsoeer inhabits the night an the ay= an

e is the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing.'

-ay/ '-hall I tae to myself as protector other than o$ the 0riginator of the

heaens an of the earth$ e. %ho fees an is not feH' -ay/ 'I hae been

commane to be the first of them that surrener/ +>e not thou of the iolaters.+'

@/!# -ay/ 'Inee I fear$ if I shoul rebel against my 7or$ the chastisement of a

reaful ay.'

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From %homsoeer it is aerte on that ay$ e %ill hae mercy on him= that is the

manifest triumph.

 An if o isits thee %ith affliction none can remoe it but e= an if e isits

thee %ith goo$ e is po%erful oer eerything.

e is 0mnipotent oer is serants$ an e is the All&%ise$ the All&a%are. -ay/

'8hat thing is greatest in testimonyH'

-ay/ 'o is %itness bet%een me an you$ an this *oran has been reeale to

me that I may %arn you thereby$ an %homsoeer it may reach. Co you inee

testify that there are other gos %ith oH' -ay/ 'I o not testify.' -ay/ 'e is only

0ne o$ an I am uit of that you associate.'

@/12 Those to %hom 8e hae gien the >oo recogniBe it as they recogniBe their 

sons. Those %ho hae lost their o%n souls$ they o not beliee.

 An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho forges against o a lie$ or cries lies to

is signsH They shall not prosper$ the eiloers.

 An on the ay %hen 8e shall muster them all together$ then 8e shall say unto

those %ho associate other gos %ith o$ '8here are your associates %hom

you %ere assertingH'

Then they shall hae no proing$ but to say$ '>y o our 7or$ %e neer 

associate other gos %ith Thee.'

>ehol ho% they lie against themseles$ an ho% that %hich they %ere forging

has gone astray from them

@/1# An some of them there are that listen to thee$ an 8e lay eils upon their 

hearts lest they unerstan it$ an in their ears heainess= an if they see any

sign %hateer$ they o not beliee in it$ so that %hen they come to thee they

ispute %ith thee$ the unbelieers saying$ 'This is naught but the fairy&tales of the

ancient ones.' An they forbi it$ an eep afar from it$ an it is only themseles

they estroy$ but they are not a%are.

If thou coulst see %hen they are statione before the Fire$ an they say$ '8oul

that %e might be returne$ an then not cry lies to the signs of our 7or$ but that

%e might be among the belieers'

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5o= that %hich they %ere concealing before has no% appeare to them= an een

if they %ere returne$ they %oul again commit the ery thing they %ere

prohibite= they are truly liars. An they say$ 'There is only our present life= %e

shall not be raise.'

@/92 If thou coulst see %hen they are statione before their 7or e %ill say$ 'Is

not this the truthH' They %ill say$ 'Ges inee$ by our 7or' e %ill say$ 'Then taste

the chastisement for your unbelief. 7ost inee are they that crie lies to the

encounter %ith o$ so that %hen the our comes to them suenly they shall

say$ 'Alas for us$ that %e neglecte it' 0n their bacs they shall be bearing their 

loas= 0 ho% eil the loas they bear The present life is naught but a sport an a

iersion= surely the 7ast Aboe is better for those that are gofearing. 8hat$ o

you not unerstanH

8e no% inee that it griees thee the things they say= yet it is not thee they cry

lies to$ but the eiloers && it is the signs of o that they eny. essengers

inee %ere crie lies to before thee$ yet they enure patiently that they %ere

crie lies to$ an %ere hurt$ until 0ur help came unto them. 5o man can change

the %ors of o= an there has alreay come to thee some tiing of the Enoys.

@/9# An if their turning a%ay is istressful for thee$ %hy$ if thou canst see out a

hole in the earth$ or a laer in heaen$ to bring them some sign but ha o

%ille$ e %oul hae gathere them to the guiance= so be not thou one of the

ignorant. Ans%er only %ill those %ho hear= as for the ea$ o %ill raise them

up$ then unto im they %ill be returne.

They also say$ '8hy has no sign been sent o%n upon him from his 7orH' -ay/

'-urely o is able to sen o%n a sign$ but most of them no% not.'

5o creature is there cra%ling on the earth$ no bir flying %ith its %ings$ but they

are nations lie unto yourseles. 8e hae neglecte nothing in the >oo= then to

their 7or they shall be mustere.

 An those %ho cry lies to 0ur signs are eaf an umb$ %elling in the shao%s.

8homsoeer o %ill$ e leas astray$ an %homsoeer e %ill$ e sets him on

a straight path.

@/32 -ay/ '8hat thin youH If o's chastisement comes upon you$ or the our 

comes upon you$ %ill you call upon any other than o if you spea trulyH' 5o=

upon im you %ill call$ an e %ill remoe that for %hich you call upon im if e

8ill$ an you %ill forget that you associate %ith im.

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Inee 8e sent to nations before thee$ an 8e seiBe them %ith misery an

harship that haply they might be humble= if only$ %hen 0ur might came upon

them$ they ha been humble >ut their hearts %ere har$ an -atan ece out

fair to them %hat they %ere oing.

-o$ %hen they forgot %hat they %ere remine of= 8e opene unto them the

gates of eerything until= %hen they re,oice in %hat they %ere gien$ 8e seiBe

them suenly$ an behol$ they %ere sore confoune.

@/3# -o the last remnant of the people %ho i eil %as cut off. ;raise belongs to

o the 7or of all >eing. -ay/ '8hat thin youH If o seiBes your hearing an

sight$ an sets a seal upon your hearts$ %ho is a go other than o to gie it

bac to youH' >ehol ho% 8e turn about the signs Get thereafter they are turning

a%ay. -ay/ '8hat thin youH If o's chastisement comes upon you$ suenly or 

openly$ shall any be estroye$ except the people of the eiloersH'

8e o not sen the Enoys$ except goo tiings to bear$ an %arning= %hoeer 

beliees an maes amens && no fear shall be on them$ neither shall they

sorro%. >ut those %ho cry lies to 0ur signs$ them the chastisement shall isit$ for 

that they %ere ungoly.

@/#2 -ay/ 'I o not say to you$ +I possess the treasuries of o+= I no% not the

Dnseen. An I say not to you$ +I am an angel+= I only follo% %hat is reeale to

me. -ay/ 'Are the blin an the seeing man eualH 8ill you not reflectH'

 An %arn there%ith those %ho fear they shall be mustere to their 7or= they

hae$ apart from o$ no protector an no intercessor= haply they %ill be

gofearing. An o not rie a%ay those %ho call upon their 7or at morning an

eening esiring is countenance= nothing of their account falls upon thee$ an

nothing of thy account falls upon them$ that thou shoulst rie them a%ay$ an

so become one of the eiloers.

Een so 8e hae trie some of them by others that they may say$ Are these the

ones o has been gracious to among usH' *no%s not o ery %ell the


 An %hen those %ho beliee in 0ur signs come to thee$ say$ ';eace be upon you.

Gour 7or has prescribe for imself mercy. 8hosoeer of you oes eil in

ignorance$ an thereafter repents an maes amens$ e is All&forgiing$ All&


@/## Thus 8e istinguish 0ur signs$ that the sinners' %ay may be manifest.

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-ay/ 'I am forbien to sere those you call on apart from o.' -ay/ 'I o not

follo% your caprices$ or else I ha gone astray$ an %oul not be of the right&

guie.' -ay/ 'I stan upon a clear sign from my 7or$ an you hae crie lies to

it. 5ot %ith me is that you see to hasten= the ,ugment is o's alone. e relates

the truth$ an e is the >est of eciers.' -ay/ 'If %hat you see to hasten %ere

%ith me$ the matter bet%een you an me %oul be ecie= an o no%s ery

%ell the eiloers.'

8ith im are the eys of the Dnseen= none no%s them but e. e no%s %hat

is in lan an sea= not a leaf falls$ but e no%s it. 5ot a grain in the earth's

shao%s$ not a thing$ fresh or %ithere$ but it is in a >oo anifest.

@/@2 It is e %ho recalls you by night$ an e no%s %hat you %or by ay= then

e raises you up therein$ that a state term may be etermine= then unto im

shall you return$ then e %ill tell you of %hat you hae been oing.

e is the 0mnipotent oer is serants. e sens recorers oer you till$ %hen

any one of you is isite by eath$ 0ur messengers tae him an they neglect

not. Then they are restore to o their ;rotector$ the True. -urely is is the

 ,ugment= e is the s%iftest of reconers.

-ay/ '8ho eliers you from the shao%s of lan an seaH Gou call upon im

humbly an secretly$ +Truly$ if Thou elierest from these$ %e shall be among the


-ay/ 'o eliers you from them an from eery istress= then you assign im


@/@# -ay/ 'e is able to sen forth upon you chastisement$ from aboe you or 

from uner your feet$ or to confuse you in sects an to mae you taste the

iolence of one another.' >ehol ho% 8e turn about the signs= haply they %ill

unerstan. Thy people hae crie it lies= yet it is the truth. -ay/ 'I am not a

guarian oer you. Eery tiing has its time appointe= you %ill surely no%.'

8hen thou seest those %ho plunge into 0ur signs$ turn a%ay from them until they

plunge into some other tal= or if -atan shoul mae thee forget$ o not sit$ after 

the remining$ %ith the people of the eiloers.

5othing of their account falls upon those that are gofearing= but a remining=

haply they %ill be gofearing. 7eae alone those %ho tae their religion for a sport

an a iersion$ an %hom the present life has elue. <emin hereby$ lest a

soul shoul be gien up to estruction for %hat it has earne= apart from o$ it

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has no protector an no intercessor= though it offer any euialent$ it shall not be

taen from it. Those are they %ho are gien up to estruction for %hat they hae

earne= for them a%aits a raught of boiling %ater an a painful chastisement$ for 

that they %ere unbelieers.

@/2 -ay/ '-hall %e call$ apart from o$ on that %hich neither profits nor hurts us$

an shall %e be turne bac on our heels after that o has guie usH && 7ie

one lure to be%ilerment in the earth by -atans$ though he has friens %ho call

him to guiance$ +4ome to us+ -ay/ 'o's guiance is the true guiance$ an %e

are commane to surrener to the 7or of all >eing$ an/ +;erform the prayer$

an fear im= it is unto im you shall be mustere.+

It is e %ho create the heaens an the earth in truth= an the ay e says '>e'$

an it is= is saying is true$ an is is the *ingom the ay the Trumpet is blo%n=

e is *no%er of the Dnseen an the isible= e is the All&%ise$ the All&a%are.

 An %hen Abraham sai to his father ABar$ 'Taest thou iols for gosH I see thee$

an thy people$ in manifest error.'

@/# -o 8e %ere sho%ing Abraham the ingom of the heaens an earth$ that

he might be of those haing sure faith. 8hen night outsprea oer him he sa% a

star an sai$ 'This is my 7or.' >ut %hen it set he sai$ 'I loe not the setters.'

8hen he sa% the moon rising$ he sai$ 'This is my 7or.' >ut %hen it set he sai$

'If my 7or oes not guie me I shall surely be of the people gone astray.' 8hen

he sa% the sun rising$ he sai$ 'This is my 7or= this is greater' >ut %hen it set he

sai$ '0 my people$ surely I am uit of that you associate. I hae turne my face

to im %ho originate the heaens an the earth$ a man of pure faith= I am not of 

the iolaters.'

@/2 is people ispute %ith him. e sai$ 'Co you ispute %ith me concerning

o$ an e has guie meH I fear not %hat you associate %ith im$ except my

7or %ill aught. y 7or embraces all things in is no%lege= %ill you not

rememberH o% shoul I fear %hat you hae associate$ seeing you fear not that

you hae associate %ith o that %hereon e has not sent o%n on you any


8hich of the t%o parties has better title to security$ if you hae any no%legeH

Those %ho beliee$ an hae not confoune their belief %ith eiloing && to them

belongs the true security= they are rightly guie. That is 0ur argument$ %hich 8e

besto%e upon Abraham as against his people.

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8e raise up in egrees %hom 8e %ill= surely thy 7or is All&%ise$ All&no%ing.

 An 8e gae to him Isaac an Jacob && each one 8e guie$ An 5oah 8e

guie before= an of his see Cai an -olomon$ Job an Joseph$ oses an

 Aaron && een so 8e recompense the goo&oers &&

@/# ?achariah an John$ Jesus an Elias= each %as of the righteous= Ishmael

an Elisha$ Jonah an 7ot && each one 8e preferre aboe all beings= an of their 

fathers$ an of their see$ an of their brethren= an 8e electe them$ an 8e

guie them to a straight path.

That is o's guiance= e guies by it %hom e %ill of is serants= ha they

been iolaters$ it %oul hae faile them$ the things they i. Those are they to

%hom 8e gae the >oo$ the Jugment$ the ;rophethoo= so if these isbeliee

in it$ 8e hae alreay entruste it to a people %ho o not isbeliee in it.

@/"2 Those are they %hom o has guie= so follo% their guiance. -ay/ 'I as

of you no %age for it= it is but a reminer unto all beings.'

They measure not o %ith is true measure %hen they sai$ 'o has not sent

o%n aught on any mortal.' -ay/ '8ho sent o%n the >oo that oses brought as

a light an a guiance to menH Gou put it into parchments$ reealing them$ an

hiing much= an you %ere taught that you ne% not$ you an your fathers.' -ay/

'o.' Then leae them alone$ playing their game of plunging.

This is a >oo 8e hae sent o%n$ blesse an confirming that %hich %as before

it$ an for thee to %arn the other of 4ities an those about her= an those %ho

beliee in the %orl to come beliee in it$ an %atch oer their prayers.

 An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho forges against o a lie$ or says$ 'To me it

has been reeale'$ %hen naught has been reeale to him$ or he %ho says$ 'I %ill

sen o%n the lie of %hat o has sent o%n'H If thou coulst only see %hen

the eiloers are in the agonies of eath$ an the angels are stretching out their 

hans/ 'ie up your souls Toay you shall be recompense %ith the

chastisement of humiliation for %hat you sai untruly about o$ %axing prou

against is signs.'

'5o% you hae come to Ds one by one$ as 8e create you upon the first time$

an you hae left %hat 8e conferre on you behin your bacs. 8e o not see

%ith you your intercessors$ those you asserte to be associates in you= the bon

bet%een you is no% broen= that %hich you eer asserte has no% gone astray

from you.

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@/"# It is o %ho splits the grain an the ate&stone$ brings forth the liing from

the ea= e brings forth the ea too from the liing. -o that then is o= then

ho% are you pererteH e splits the sy into a%n$ an has mae the night for a

repose$ an the sun an moon for a reconing. That is the oraining of the All&

mighty$ the All&no%ing. It is e %ho has appointe for you the stars$ that by them

you might be guie in the shao%s of lan an sea.

8e hae istinguishe the signs for a people %ho no%. It is e %ho prouce

you from one liing soul$ an then a loging&place$ an then a repository. 8e

hae istinguishe the signs for a people %ho unerstan. It is e %ho sent o%n

out of heaen %ater$ an thereby 8e hae brought forth the shoot of eery plant$

an then 8e hae brought forth the green leaf of it$ bringing forth from it close&

compoune grain$ an out of the palm&tree$ from the spathe of it$ ates thic&

lustere$ reay to the han$ an garens of ines$ olies$ pomegranates$ lie

each to each$ an each unlie to each.

7oo upon their fruits %hen they fructify an ripen -urely$ in all this are signs for 

a people %ho o beliee.

@/!22 Get they ascribe to o$ as associates$ the ,inn$ though e create them=

an they impute to im sons an aughters %ithout any no%lege. lory be to

im igh be e exalte aboe %hat they escribe The 4reator of the heaens

an the earth && ho% shoul e hae a son$ seeing that e has no consort$ an

e create all things$ an e has no%lege of eerythingH

That then is o your 7or= there is no go but e$ the 4reator of eerything. -o

sere im$ for e is uarian oer eerything. The eyes attain im not$ but e

attains the eyes= e is the All&subtle$ the All&a%are.

4lear proofs hae come to you from your 7or. 8hoso sees clearly$ it is to his

o%n gain$ an %hoso is blin$ it is to his o%n loss= I am not a %atcher oer you.

@/!2# -o 8e turn about the signs$ that they may say$ 'Thou hast stuie'= an

that 8e may mae it clear to a people haing no%lege. Follo% thou %hat has

been reeale to thee from thy 7or= there is no go but e= an turn thou a%ay

from the iolaters. a o %ille$ they %ere not iolaters= an 8e hae not

appointe thee a %atcher oer them$ neither art thou their guarian.

 Abuse not those to %hom they pray$ apart from o$ or they %ill abuse o in

reenge %ithout no%lege. -o 8e hae ece out fair to eery nation their 

ees= then to their 7or they shall return$ an e %ill tell them %hat they hae

been oing. They hae s%orn by o the most earnest oaths if a sign comes to

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them they %ill beliee in it. -ay/ '-igns are only %ith o.' 8hat %ill mae you

realiBe that$ %hen it comes$ they %ill not belieeH

@/!!2 8e shall turn about their hearts an their eyes$ een as they beliee not in

it the first time= an 8e shall leae them in their insolence %anering blinly.

Though 8e ha sent o%n the angels to them$ an the ea ha spoen %ith

them$ ha 8e mustere against them eery thing$ face to face$ yet they %oul not

hae been the ones to beliee$ unless o %ille= but most of them are ignorant.

-o 8e hae appointe to eery ;rophet an enemy && -atans of men an ,inn$

reealing ta%ry speech to each other$ all as a elusion= yet$ ha thy 7or %ille$

they %oul neer hae one it. -o leae them to their forging$ an that the hearts

of those %ho beliee not in the %orl to come may incline to it$ an that they may

be %ell&please %ith it$ an that they may gain %hat they are gaining. 8hat$ shall

I see after any ,uge but oH For it is e %ho sent o%n to you the >oo %ell&

istinguishe= an those %hom 8e hae gien the >oo no% it is sent o%n

from thy 7or %ith the truth= so be not thou of the oubters.

@/!!# ;erfect are the %ors of thy 7or in truthfulness an ,ustice= no man can

change is %ors= e is the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing. If thou obeyest the most

part of those on earth they %ill lea thee astray from the path of o= they follo%

only surmise$ merely con,ecturing. Thy 7or no%s ery %ell %ho goes astray

from is path= e no%s ery %ell the right&guie.

Eat of that oer %hich o's 5ame has been mentione$ if you beliee in is

signs. o% is it %ith you$ that you o not eat of that oer %hich o's 5ame has

been mentione$ seeing that e has istinguishe for you that e has forbien

you$ unless you are constraine to itH >ut surely$ many lea astray by their 

caprices$ %ithout any no%lege= thy 7or no%s ery %ell the transgressors.

@/!12 Forsae the out%ar sin$ an the in%ar surely the earners of sin shall be

recompense for %hat they hae earne. An eat not of that oer %hich o's

5ame has not been mentione= it is ungoliness. The -atans inspire their friens

to ispute %ith you= if you obey them$ you are iolaters.

8hy$ is he %ho %as ea$ an 8e gae him life$ an appointe for him a light to

%al by among the people as one %hose lieness is in the shao%s$ an comes

not forth from themH

-o it is ece out fair to the unbelieers the things they hae one.

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 An een so 8e appointe in eery city great ones among its sinners$ to eise

there= but they eise only against themseles$ an they %ere not a%are. An

%hen a sign came to them$ they sai$ '8e %ill not beliee until %e are gien the

lie of %hat o's essengers %ere gien.' o no%s ery %ell %here to place

is essage= an humiliation in o's sight shall befall the sinners$ an a terrible

chastisement$ for %hat they eise.

@/!1# 8homsoeer o esires to guie$ e expans his breast to Islam=

%homsoeer e esires to lea astray$ e maes his breast narro%$ tight$ as if he

%ere climbing to heaen. -o o lays abomination upon those %ho beliee not.

This is the path of thy 7or= straight= 8e hae istinguishe the signs to a people

%ho remember. Theirs is the aboe of peace %ith their 7or$ an e is their 

;rotector for that they %ere oing.

0n the ay %hen e shall muster them all together/ '4ompany of ,inn$ you hae

mae much of manin.' Then their friens among manin %ill say$ '0ur 7or$

%e hae profite each of the other$ an %e hae reache the term etermine by

Thee for us. e %ill say/ 'The Fire is your loging$ therein to %ell foreer' &&

except as o %ill= surely thy 7or is All&%ise$ All&no%ing.

-o 8e mae the eiloers friens of each other for %hat they hae earne.

@/!92 '4ompany of ,inn an manin$ i not essengers come to you from

among you$ relating to you y signs an %arning you of the encounter of this

your ayH' They shall say$ '8e bear %itness against ourseles.' They %ere

elue by the present life$ an they bear %itness against themseles that they

%ere unbelieers.

That is because thy 7or %oul neer estroy the cities un,ustly$ %hile their 

inhabitants %ere heeless. All hae egrees accoring to %hat they hae one=

thy 7or is not heeless of the things they o.

Thy 7or is All&sufficient$ erciful. If e %ill$ e can put you a%ay$ an leae after 

you$ to succee you$ %hat e %ill$ as e prouce you from the see of another 

people. The thing you are promise$ that %ill surely come= you cannot frustrate it.

@/!9# -ay/ '0 my people$ act accoring to your station= I am acting. An

assurely you %ill no% %ho shall possess the Aboe Dltimate. -urely the

eiloers %ill not prosper.' They appoint to o$ of the tillage an cattle that e

multiplie$ a portion$ saying$ 'This is for o' && so they assert && 'an this is for our 

associates.' -o %hat is for their associates reaches not o= an %hat is for o

reaches their associates. Eil is their ,ugment

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Thus those associates of theirs hae ece out fair to many iolaters to slay

their chilren$ to estroy them$ an to confuse their religion for them. a o

%ille$ they %oul not hae one so= so leae them to their forging. They say$

'These are cattle an tillage sacrosanct= none shall eat them$ but %hom %e %ill'&&

so they assert &&'an cattle %hose bacs hae been forbien$ an cattle oer 

%hich they mention not the 5ame of o.'

 All that they say$ forging against o= e %ill assurely recompense them for 

%hat they %ere forging.

@/!32 An they say$ '8hat is %ithin the bellies of these cattle is resere for our 

males an forbien to our spouses= but if it be ea$ then they all shall be

partners in it.' e %ill assurely recompense them for their escribing= surely e

is All&%ise$ All&no%ing.

7osers are they %ho slay their chilren in folly$ %ithout no%lege$ an hae

forbien %hat o has proie them$ forging against o= they hae gone

astray$ an are not right&guie.

It is e %ho prouces garens trellise$ an untrellise$ palm&trees$ an crops

ierse in prouce$ olies$ pomegranates$ lie each to each$ an each unlie to


Eat of their fruits %hen they fructify$ an pay the ue thereof on the ay of its

harest= an be not proigal= o loes not the proigal. An of the cattle$ for 

burthen an for slaughter$ eat of %hat o has proie you= an follo% not the

steps of -atan= he is a manifest foe to you.

Eight couples/ t%o of sheep$ of goats t%o. -ay/ 'Is it the t%o males e has

forbien or the t%o femalesH 0r %hat the %ombs of the t%o females containH

Tell me %ith no%lege$ if you spea truly.'

@/!3# 0f camels t%o$ of oxen t%o. -ay/ 'Is it the t%o males e has forbien or 

the t%o femalesH 0r %hat the %ombs of the t%o females containH 0r %ere you

%itnesses %hen o charge you %ith thisH Then %ho oes greater eil than he

%ho forges against o a lie$ in orer that he may lea manin astray %ithout

any no%legeH -urely o guies not the people of the eiloers.' -ay/ 'I o not

fin$ in %hat is reeale to me$ aught forbien to him %ho eats thereof except it

be carrion$ or bloo outpoure$ or the flesh of s%ine && that is an abomination && or 

an ungoly thing that has been hallo%e to other than o= yet %hoso is

constraine$ not esiring nor transgressing$ surely thy 7or is All&forgiing$ All&


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 An to those of Je%ry 8e hae forbien eery beast %ith cla%s= an of oxen

an sheep 8e hae forbien them the fat of them$ sae %hat their bacs carry$

or their entrails$ or %hat is mingle %ith bone= that 8e recompense them for 

their insolence= surely 8e spea truly.

-o$ if they cry thee lies$ say/ 'Gour 7or is of mercy all&embracing$ an is might

%ill neer be turne bac from the people of the sinners.'

The iolaters %ill say$ 'a o %ille$ %e %oul not hae been iolaters$ neither 

our fathers$ nor %oul %e hae forbien aught.' Een so the people before them

crie lies until they taste 0ur might. -ay/ 'ae you any no%lege$ for you to

bring forth for usH Gou follo% only surmise$ merely con,ecturing.'

@/!#2 -ay/ 'To o belongs the argument conclusie= for ha e %ille$ e %oul

hae guie you all.' -ay/ ';rouce your %itnesses$ those %ho testify o has

forbien this.' Then if they testify$ bear not %itness %ith them= an o not thou

follo% the caprices of those %ho crie lies to 0ur signs$ an %ho beliee not in

the %orl to come$ an ascribe euals to their 7or.

-ay/ '4ome$ I %ill recite %hat your 7or has forbien you/ that you associate not

anything %ith im$ an to be goo to your parents$ an not to slay your chilren

because of poerty= 8e %ill proie you an them an that you approach not any

inecency out%ar or in%ar$ an that you slay not the soul o has forbien$

except by right. That then e has charge you %ith= haply you %ill unerstan.

 An that you approach not the property of the orphan$ sae in the fairer manner$

until he is of age. An fill up the measure an the balance %ith ,ustice. 8e charge

not any soul sae to its capacity. An %hen you spea$ be ,ust$ een if it shoul

be to a near insman. An fulfil o's coenant. That then e has charge you

%ith= haply you %ill remember.

 An that this is y path$ straight= so o you follo% it$ an follo% not iers paths

lest they scatter you from is path. That then e has charge you %ith= haply you

%ill be gofearing.'

@/!## Then 8e gae oses the >oo$ complete for him %ho oes goo$ an

istinguishing eery thing$ an as a guiance an a mercy= haply they %oul

beliee in the encounter %ith their 7or.

This is a >oo 8e hae sent o%n$ blesse= so follo% it$ an be gofearing= haply

so you %ill fin mercy= lest you shoul say$ 'The >oo %as sent o%n only upon

t%o parties before us$ an %e hae inee been heeless of their stuy'= or lest

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you say$ 'If the >oo ha been sent o%n upon us$ %e ha surely been more

rightly guie than they.' Get inee a clear sign has come to you from your 7or$

an a guiance an a mercy= an %ho oes greater eil than he %ho cries lies to

o's signs$ an turns a%ay from themH 8e shall surely recompense those %ho

turn a%ay from 0ur signs %ith an eil chastisement for their turning a%ay. 8hat$

o they loo for the angels to come to them$ nothing less$ or that thy 7or shoul

come$ or that one of thy 7or's signs shoul comeH 0n the ay that one of thy

7or's signs comes it shall not profit a soul to beliee that neer beliee before$

or earne some goo in his belief.

-ay/ '8atch an %ait= 8e too are %aiting.'

@/!@2 Those %ho hae mae iisions in their religion an become sects$ thou art

not of them in anything= their affair is unto o$ then e %ill tell them %hat they

hae been oing. 8hoso brings a goo ee shall hae ten the lie of it= an

%hoso brings an eil ee shall only be recompense the lie of it= they shall not

be %ronge.

-ay/ 'As for me$ my 7or has guie me to a straight path$ a right religion$ the

cree of Abraham$ a man of pure faith= he %as no iolater.'

-ay/ 'y prayer$ my ritual sacrifice$ my liing$ my ying && all belongs to o$ the

7or of all >eing.

5o associate has e. Een so I hae been commane$ an I am the first of 

those that surrener.'

-ay/ '-hall I see after a 7or other than o$ %ho is the 7or of all thingsH'

Eery soul earns only to its o%n account$ no soul laen bears the loa of another.

Then to your 7or shall you return$ an e %ill tell you of that %hereon you %ere

at ariance.

@/!@# It is e %ho has appointe you iceroys in the earth$ an has raise some

of you in ran aboe others$ that e may try you in %hat e has gien you. -urely

thy 7or is s%ift in retribution= an surely e is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

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 Alif $am &im +ad  

/! A >oo sent o%n to thee && so let there be no impeiment in thy breast

because of it && to %arn thereby$ an as a reminer to belieers/ Follo% %hat has

been sent o%n to you from your 7or$ an follo% no friens other than e= little

o you remember.

o% many a city 8e hae estroye 0ur might came upon it at night$ or %hile

they too their ease in the noontie$ an they but crie$ %hen 0ur might came

upon there$ '8e %ere eiloers.'=

/# -o 8e shall uestion those unto %hom a essage %as sent$ an 8e shall

uestion the Enoys$ an 8e shall relate to them %ith no%lege= assurely 8e

%ere not absent. The %eighing that ay is true= he %hose scales are heay && they

are the prosperers$ an he %hose scales are light && they hae lost their soul for 

%ronging 0ur signs.

8e hae establishe you in the earth an there appointe for you lielihoo= little

thans you sho%.

/!2 8e create you$ then 8e shape you$ then 8e sai to the angels/ '>o%

yourseles to Aam'= so they bo%e themseles$ sae Iblis && he %as not of those

that bo%e themseles. -ai e$ '8hat preente thee to bo% thyself$ %hen I

commane theeH' -ai he$ 'I am better than he= Thou createst me of fire$ an

him Thou createst of clay.'

-ai e$ 'et thee o%n out of it= it is not for thee to %ax prou here$ so go thou

forth= surely thou art among the humble.' -ai he$ '<espite me till the ay they

shall be raise.'

-ai e$ 'Thou art among the ones that are respite.'

/!# -ai he$ '5o%$ for Thy pererting me$ I shall surely sit in ambush for them on

Thy straight path= then I shall come on them from before them an from behin

them$ from their right hans an their left hans= Thou %ilt not fin most of them


-ai e$ 'o thou forth from it$ espise an banishe. Those of them that follo%

thee && I shall assurely fill ehenna %ith all of you.'

'0 Aam$ inherit$ thou an thy %ife$ the aren$ an eat of %here you %ill$ but

come not nigh this tree$ lest you be of the eiloers.'

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Then -atan %hispere to them$ to reeal to them that %hich %as hien from

them of their shameful parts. e sai$ 'Gour 7or has only prohibite you from this

tree lest you become angels$ or lest you become immortals.'

12 An he s%ore to them$ 'Truly$ I am for you a sincere aiser.' -o he le them

on by elusion= an %hen they taste the tree$ their shameful parts reeale to

them$ so they too to stitching upon themseles leaes of the aren. An their 

7or calle to them$ 'Ci not I prohibit you from this tree$ an say to you$ +:erily

-atan is for you a manifest foe+H'

They sai$ '7or$ %e hae %ronge ourseles$ an if Thou ost not forgie us$

an hae mercy upon us$ %e shall surely be among the lost.'

-ai e$ 'et you o%n$ each of you an enemy to each. In the earth a so,ourn

shall be yours$ an en,oyment for a time.'

-ai e$ 'Therein you shall lie$ an therein you shall ie$ an from there you

shall be brought forth.'

1# 4hilren of Aam 8e hae sent o%n on you a garment to coer your 

shameful parts$ an feathers= an the garment of gofearing && that is better= that

is one of o's signs= haply they %ill remember. 4hilren of Aam 7et not -atan

tempt you as he brought your parents out of the aren$ stripping them of their 

garments to sho% them their shameful parts. -urely he sees you$ he an his tribe$

from %here you see them not. 8e hae mae the -atans the friens of those %ho

o not beliee.

 An %heneer they commit an inecency they say$ '8e foun our fathers

practising it$ an o has commane us to o it.' -ay/ 'o oes not comman

inecency= %hat$ o you say concerning o such things as you no% notH'

-ay/ 'y 7or has commane ,ustice. -et your faces in eery place of %orship

an call on im$ maing your religion sincerely is. As e originate you so you

%ill return= a part e guie$ an a part ,ustly ispose to error && they hae taen

-atans for friens instea of o$ an thin them guie.' 4hilren of Aam Tae

your aornment at eery place of %orship= an eat an rin$ but be you not

proigal= e loes not the proigal.

92 -ay/ '8ho has forbien the ornament of o %hich e brought forth for is

serants$ an the goo things of is proiingH' -ay/ 'These$ on the Cay of 

<esurrection$ shall be exclusiely for those %ho beliee in this present life. -o

8e istinguish the signs for a people %ho no%.'

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-ay/ 'y 7or has only forbien inecencies$ the in%ar an the out%ar$ an

sin$ an un,ust insolence$ an that you associate %ith o that for %hich e sent

o%n neer authority$ an that you say concerning o such as you no% not.

To eery nation a term= %hen their term comes they shall not put it bac by a

single hour nor put it for%ar. 4hilren of Aam If there shoul come to you

essengers from among you$ relating to you y signs$ then %hosoeer is

gofearing an maes amens && no fear shall be on them$ neither shall they

sorro%. An those that cry lies to 0ur signs$ an %ax prou against them && those

shall be the inhabitants of the Fire$ therein %elling foreer.

9# An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho forges against o a lie$ or cries lies to

is signsH Those && their portion of the >oo shall reach them= till$ %hen 0ur 

messengers come to them$ to tae them a%ay$ they say$ '8here is that you %ere

calling on$ besie oH'

They %ill say$ 'They hae gone astray from us$ an they %ill bear %itness against

themseles that they %ere unbelieers.

e %ill say$ 'Enter among nations that passe a%ay before you$ ,inn an manin$

into the Fire.' 8heneer any nation enters$ it curses its sister&nation= till$ %hen

they hae all successiely come there$ the last of them shall say to the first of 

them$ '0 our 7or$ these le us astray= so gie them a ouble chastisement of the


e %ill say$ 'Dnto each a ouble$ but you no% not. The first of them shall say to

the last of them$ 'Gou hae no superiority oer us$ then= so taste the chastisement

for %hat you hae been earning.'

Those that cry lies to 0ur signs an %ax prou against them the gates of heaen

shall not be opene to them$ nor shall they enter ;araise until the camel passes

through the eye of the neele. Een so 8e recompense the sinners= ehenna

shall be their crale$ aboe them coerings. Een so 8e recompense the


/32 An those %ho beliee$ an o ees of righteousness && 8e charge not any

soul$ sae accoring to its capacity= those are the inhabitants of ;araise$ therein

%elling foreer= 8e shall strip a%ay all rancour that is in their breasts= an

unerneath them riers flo%ing= an they %ill say$ ';raise belongs to o$ %ho

guie us unto this= ha o not guie us$ %e ha surely neer been guie.

Inee$ our 7or's essengers came %ith the truth.'

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 An it %ill be proclaime/ 'This is your ;araise= you hae been gien it as your 

inheritance for %hat you i.'

The inhabitants of ;araise %ill call to the inhabitants of the Fire/ '8e hae foun

that. %hich our 7or promise us true= hae you foun %hat your 7or promise

you trueH'

'Ges$' they %ill say. An then a heral shall proclaim bet%een them/ 'o's curse

is on the eiloers %ho bar from o's %ay$ esiring to mae it crooe$

isbelieing in the %orl to come. An bet%een them is a eil$ an on the

<amparts are men no%ing each by their mar$ %ho shall call to the inhabitants

of ;araise/ ';eace be upon you They hae not entere it$ for all their 


/3# An %hen their eyes are turne to%ars the inhabitants of the Fire they shall

say$ '0ur 7or$ o not Thou assign us %ith the people of the eiloers.' An the

%ellers on the >attlements shall call to certain men they no% by their sign/

'Gour amassing has not aaile you$ neither your %axing prou. Are these the

ones that you s%ore o %oul neer reach %ith mercyH' 'Enter ;araise= no fear 

upon you$ nor shall you sorro%. The inhabitants of the Fire shall call to the

inhabitants of ;araise/

';our on us %ater$ or of that o has proie you'

They %ill say/ 'o has forbien them to the unbelieers %ho hae taen their 

religion as a iersion an a sport$ an %hom the present life has elue.' &&

Therefore toay 8e forget them as they forgot the encounter of this their ay$ an

that they enie 0ur signs.

/#2 An 8e hae brought to them a >oo that 8e hae %ell istinguishe$

resting on no%lege$ a guiance an a mercy unto a people that beliee. Co

they loo for aught else but its interpretationH

The ay its interpretation comes$ those %ho before forgot it shall say$ 'Inee$ our 

7or's essengers came %ith the truth. ae %e then any intercessors to

intercee for us$ or shall %e be returne$ to o other than that %e hae oneH'

They hae inee lost their souls$ an that %hich they %ere forging has gone

astray from them.

-urely your 7or is o$ %ho create the heaens an the earth in six ays &&

then sat imself upon the Throne$ coering the ay %ith the night it pursues

urgently && an the sun$ an the moon$ an the stars subserient$ by is

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comman. :erily$ is are the creation an the comman. >lesse be o$ the

7or of all >eing.

4all on your 7or$ humbly an secretly= e loes not transgressors. Co not

corruption in the lan$ after it has been set$ right= an call on im fearfully$ eagerly

&& surely the mercy of o is nigh to the goo&oers=

/## It is e %ho looses the %ins$ bearing goo tiings before is mercy$ till$

%hen they are charge %ith heay clous$ 8e rie it to a ea lan an

there%ith sen o%n %ater$ an bring forth$ there%ith all the fruits. Een so 8e

shall bring forth the ea= haply you %ill remember.

 An the goo lan && its egetation comes forth by the leae of its 7or$ an the

corrupt && it comes forth but scantily. Een so 8e turn about the signs for a people

that are thanful.

 An 8e sent 5oah to his people= an he sai$ '0 my people$ sere o Gou

hae no go other' than e= truly$ I fear for you the chastisement of a reaful

ay.' -ai the 4ouncil of his people$ '8e see thee in manifest error.'

-ai he$ 'y people$ there is no error in me= but I am a essenger from the 7or

of all >eing.'

/@2 I elier to you the essages of my 7or$ an I aise you sincerely= for I

no% from o that you no% not. 8hat$ o you %oner that a reminer from

your 7or shoul come to you by the lips of a man from among youH That he may%arn you$ an you be gofearing$ haply to fin mercy.'

>ut they crie him lies= so 8e eliere him$ an those %ith him$ in the Ar$ an

8e ro%ne those %ho crie lies to 0ur signs= assurely they %ere a blin


 An to A their brother oo= he sai$ '0 my people$ sere o Gou hae no go

other than e= %ill you not be gofearingH' -ai the 4ouncil of the unbelieers of 

his people$ '8e see thee in folly$ an %e thin that thou art one of the liars.'

/@# -ai he$ 'y people$ there is no folly in me= but I am a essenger from the

7or of all >eing. 'I elier to you the essages of my 7or= I am your aiser 

sincere$ faithful.

8hat$ o you %oner that a reminer from your 7or shoul come to you by the

lips of a man from among youH That he may %arn you= an remember %hen e

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appointe you as successors after the people of 5oah$ an increase you in

stature broaly= remember o's bounties= haply you %ill prosper.'

They sai$ '8hy$ hast thou come to us that %e may sere o alone$ an forsae

that our fathers sereH Then bring us that thou promisest us$ if thou speaest


-ai he$ 'Anger an %rath from your 7or hae fallen upon you. 8hat$ o you

ispute %ith me regaring names you hae name$ you an your fathers$

touching %hich o has sent o%n neer authorityH

Then %atch an %ait= I shall be %ith you %atching an %aiting.'

/2 -o 8e eliere him$ an those %ith him$ by a mercy from Ds= an 8e cut

off the last remnant of those %ho crie lies to 0ur signs an %ere not belieers.

 An to Thamoo their brother -alih= he sai$ '0 my people$ sere o Gou hae

no go other than e= there has no% come to you a clear sign from your 7or &&

this is the -he&camel of o$ to be a sign for you. 7eae her that she may eat in

o's earth$ an o not touch her %ith eil$ lest you be seiBe by a painful


 An remember %hen e appointe you successors after A$ an loge you in

the lan$ taing to yourseles castles of its plains$ an he%ing its mountains into

houses. <emember o's bounties$ an o not mischief in the earth$ %oring


-ai the 4ouncil of those of his people %ho %axe prou to those that %ere

abase$ to those of them %ho beliee$ 'Co you no% that -alih is an Enoy from

his 7orH' They sai$ 'In the essage he has been sent %ith %e are belieers.'

-ai the ones %ho %axe prou$ 'As for us$ %e are unbelieers in the thing in

%hich you beliee.'

/# -o they hamstrung the -he&camel an turne in isain from the

commanment of their 7or$ saying$ '0 -alih$ bring us that thou promisest us$ if thou art an Enoy.'

-o the earthuae seiBe them$ an morning foun them in their habitation fallen


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-o he turne his bac on them$ an sai$ '0 my people$ I hae eliere to you

the essage of my 7or$ an aise you sincerely= but you o not loe sincere


 An 7ot$ %hen he sai to his people$ '8hat$ o you commit such inecency as

neer any being in all the %orl committe before youH -ee$ you approach men

lustfully instea of %omen= no$ you are a people that o excee.'

/2 An the only ans%er of his people %as that they sai$ 'Expel them from your 

city= surely they are fol that eep themseles clean' -o 8e eliere him an

his family$ except his %ife= she %as one of those that tarrie. An 8e raine o%n

upon them a rain= so behol thou$ ho% %as the en of the sinners

 An to iian their brother -huaib= he sai$ '0 my people$ sere o Gou hae

no go other than e= there has no% come to you a clear sign from your 7or. -o

fill up the measure an the balance$ an iminish not the goos of the people=

an o not corruption in the lan$ after it has been set right= that is better for you$

if you are belieers. An o not sit in eery path$ threatening an barring from

o's %ay those %ho beliee in im$ esiring to mae it crooe. An remember 

%hen you %ere fe%$ an e multiplie you= an behol$ ho% %as the en of the

%orers of corruption.

/# An if there is a party of you %ho beliee in the essage I hae been sent

%ith$ an a party %ho beliee not$ be patient till o shall ,uge bet%een us= e is

the best of ,uges.'

-ai the 4ouncil of those of his people %ho %axe prou$ '8e %ill surely expel

thee$ 0 -huaib$ an those %ho beliee %ith thee$ from our city$ unless you return

into our cree.' e sai$ '8hat$ een though %e etest itH 8e shoul hae forge

against o a lie if %e returne into your cree= after o eliere us from it. It

is not for us to return into it$ unless o our 7or so %ill. 0ur 7or embraces all

things in is no%lege. In o %e hae put our trust. 0ur 7or$ gie true

elierance bet%een us an our people= Thou art the best of elierers.' -ai the

4ouncil of those of his people %ho isbeliee$ '5o%$ if you follo% -huaib$

assurely in that case you %ill be losers.'

-o the earthuae seiBe them$ an morning foun them in their habitation fallen


/"2 those %ho crie lies to -huaib$ as if neer they %elt there= those %ho crie

lies to -huaib$ they %ere the losers. -o he turne his bac on them$ an sai$ '0

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my people$ I hae eliere to you the essages of my 7or$ an aise you

sincerely= ho% shoul I griee for a people of unbelieersH'

8e hae sent no ;rophet to any city but that 8e seiBe its people %ith misery

an harship$ that haply they might be humble= then 8e gae them in the place

of eil goo$ till they multiplie$ an sai$ 'arship an happiness isite our 


-o 8e seiBe them suenly$ una%ares. Get ha the peoples of the cities

beliee an been gofearing$ 8e %oul hae opene upon them blessings from

heaen an earth= but they crie lies$ an so 8e seiBe them for %hat they


Co the people of the cities feel secure 0ur might shall not come upon them at

night %hile they are sleepingH

/"# Co the people of the cities feel secure 0ur might shall not come upon them

in aylight %hile they are playingH Co they feel secure against o's eisingH

5one feels secure against o's eising but the people of the lost.

Is it not a guiance to those %ho inherit the earth after those %ho inhabite it that$

i 8e %ill$ 8e %oul smite them because of their sins$ sealing their hearts so

they o not hearH Those cities 8e relate to thee tiings of= their essengers

came to them %ith the clear signs$ but they %ere not the ones to beliee in that

they ha crie lies before= so o seals the hearts of the unbelieers.

/!22 8e foun no coenant in the most part of them= inee$ 8e foun the most

part of them ungoly. Then 8e sent$ after them$ oses %ith 0ur signs to ;haraoh

an his 4ouncil$ but they i them %rong= so behol thou$ ho% %as the en of the

%orers of corruption

oses sai$ ';haraoh$ I am a essenger from the 7or of all >eing$ %orthy to say

nothing regaring o except the truth. I hae brought a clear sign to you from

your 7or= so sen forth %ith me the 4hilren of Israel.'

-ai he$ 'If thou hast brought a sign$ prouce it$ if thou speaest truly.' -o he casthis staff= an behol$ it %as a serpent manifest.

/!2# An he re% forth his han$ an lo$ it %as %hite to the beholers. -ai the

4ouncil of the people of ;haraoh$ '-urely this man is a cunning sorcerer %ho

esires to expel you from your lan= %hat o you commanH'

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They sai$ ';ut him an his brother off a %hile$ an sen among the cities

musterers$ to bring thee eery cunning sorcerer.'

/!!2 An the sorcerers came to ;haraoh$ saying$ '8e shall surely hae a %age$

if %e shoul be the ictorsH' e sai$ 'Ges$ inee= an you shall be among the

near&statione.' They sai$ 'oses$ %ilt thou cast$ or shall %e be the castersH'

e sai$ 'Gou cast.' An %hen they cast they put a -pell upon the people's eyes$

an calle forth fear of them$ an prouce a mighty sorcery. An 8e reeale to

oses/ '4ast thy staff' An lo$ it forth%ith s%allo%e up their lying inention.

/!!# -o the truth came to pass$ an false %as proe %hat they %ere oing. -o

they %ere anuishe there$ an they turne about$ humble. An the sorcerers

%ere cast o%n$ bo%ing themseles. They sai$ '8e beliee in the 7or of all

>eing$ the. 7or of oses an Aaron.

/!12 -ai ;haraoh$ 'Gou hae beliee in im before I gae you leae. -urely

this is a eice you hae eise in the city that you may expel its people from it.

5o% you shall no% I shall assurely cut off alternately your hans an feet$ then

I shall crucify you all together.' They sai$ '-urely unto our 7or %e are turning.

Thou taest engeance upon us only because %e hae beliee in the signs of 

our 7or %hen they came to us. 0ur 7or$ pour out upon us patience$ an gather 

us unto Thee surrenering.'

Then sai the 4ouncil of the people of ;haraoh$ '8ilt thou leae oses an his

people to %or corruption in the lan$ an leae thee an thy gosH' -ai he$ '8e

shall slaughter their sons an spare their %omen= surely %e are triumphant oer 


/!1# -ai oses to his people$ ';ray for succour to o$ an be patient= surely

the earth is o's an e beueaths it to %hom e %ill among is serants. The

issue ultimate is to the gofearing.'

They sai$ '8e hae been hurt before thou camest to us$ an after thou camest to

us.' e sai$ ';erchance your 7or %ill estroy your enemy$ an %ill mae you

successors in the lan$ so that e may behol ho% you shall o.'

Then seiBe 8e ;haraoh's people %ith years of earth$ an scarcity of fruits$ that

haply they might remember. -o$ %hen goo came to them$ they sai$ 'This

belongs to us'= but if any eil smote them$ they %oul augur ill by oses an

those %ith him. 8hy$ surely their ill augury %as %ith o= but the most of them

ne% not.

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 An they sai$ '8hatsoeer sign thou bringest to us$ to cast a spell upon us$ %e

%ill not beliee thee.'

/!92 -o 8e let loose upon them the floo an the locusts$ the lice an the frogs$

the bloo$ istinct signs= but they %axe prou an %ere a sinful people. An

%hen the %rath fell upon them$ they sai$ 'oses$ pray to thy 7or for us by the

coenant e has mae %ith thee. If thou remoest from us the %rath$ surely %e

%ill beliee thee$ an sen forth %ith thee the 4hilren of Israel.'

>ut %hen 8e remoe from them the %rath unto a term that they shoul come to$

lo$ they broe their troth.

-o 8e too engeance on them$ an ro%ne them in the sea$ for that they crie

lies to 0ur signs an heee them not. An 8e beueathe upon the people that

%ere abase all the east an the %est of the lan 8e ha blesse= an perfectly

%as fulfille the most fair %or of thy 7or upon the 4hilren of Israel$ for that

they enure patiently= an 8e estroye utterly the %ors of ;haraoh an his

people$ an %hat they ha been builing.

 An 8e brought the 4hilren of Israel oer the sea$ an they came upon a

people cleaing to iols they ha. They sai$ 'oses$ mae for us a go$ as they

hae gos.' -ai he$ 'Gou are surely a people %ho are ignorant.

/!9# -urely this they are engage upon shall be shattere$ an oi is %hat they

hae been oing.' e sai$ '8hat$ shall I see a go for you other than o$ %ho

has preferre you aboe all beingsH'

 An %hen 8e eliere you from the fol of ;haraoh %ho %ere isiting you %ith

eil chastisement$ slaying your sons$ an sparing your %omen && an in that %as

a grieous trial from your 7or. An 8e appointe %ith oses thirty nights an

8e complete them %ith ten$ so the appointe time of his 7or %as forty nights=

an oses sai to his brother Aaron$ '>e my successor among my people$ an

put things right$ an o not follo% the %ay of the %orers of corruption.'

 An %hen oses came to 0ur appointe time an his 7or spoe %ith him$ he

sai$ '0h my 7or$ sho% me$ that I may behol Thee' -ai e$ 'Thou shalt not

see e= but behol the mountain && if it stays fast in its place$ then thou shalt see

e.' An %hen his 7or reeale im to the mountain e mae it crumble to

ust= an oses fell o%n s%ooning.

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/!32 -o %hen he a%oe$ he sai$ 'lory be to Thee I repent to Thee= I am the

first of the belieers.' -ai e$ 'oses$ I hae chosen thee aboe all men for y

essages an y Dtterance= tae %hat I hae gien thee$ an be of the thanful.'

 An 8e %rote for him on the Tablets of eerything an amonition$ an a

istinguishing of eerything/ '-o tae it forcefully$ an comman thy people to

tae the fairest of it. I shall sho% you the habitation of the ungoly.

I shall turn from y signs those %ho %ax prou in the earth un,ustly= though they

see eery sign$ they %ill not beliee in it$ an though they see the %ay of rectitue

they %ill not tae it for a %ay$ an though they see the %ay of error$ they %ill tae

it for a %ay.

That$ because they hae crie lies to 0ur signs an heee them not.'

/!3# Those %ho cry lies to 0ur signs$ an the encounter in the %orl to come &&their %ors hae faile= shall they be recompense$ except accoring to the

things they hae oneH An the people of oses too to them$ after him$ of their 

ornaments a 4alf && a mere boy that lo%e. Ci they not see it spoe not to

them$ neither guie them upon any %ayH Get they too it to them$ an %ere

eiloers. An %hen they smote their hans$ an sa% that they ha gone astray$

they sai$ 'If our 7or has not mercy on us$ an forgies us not$ surely %e shall be

of the lost.'

 An %hen oses returne to his people$ angry an sorro%ful$ he sai$ 'Eilly

hae you one in my place$ after me= %hat$ hae you outstrippe your 7or's

commanmentH' An he cast o%n the Tablets$ an lai hol of his brother's

hea$ ragging him to him. e sai$ '-on of my mother$ surely the people hae

abase me$ an %ell nigh slain me. ae not my enemies to gloat oer me$ an

put me not among the people of the eiloers.

/!#2 e sai$ '0 my 7or$ forgie me an my brother an enter us into Thy

mercy= Thou art the most merciful of the merciful.' '-urely those %ho too to

themseles the 4alf && anger shall oertae them from their 7or$ an abasement

in this present life= so 8e recompense those %ho are forgers.

 An those %ho o eil ees$ then repent thereafter an beliee$ surely thereafter 

thy 7or is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.' An %hen oses' anger abate in

him$ he too the Tablets an in the inscription of them %as guiance$ an mercy

unto all those %ho hol their 7or in a%e.

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 An oses chose of his people seenty men for 0ur appointe time= an %hen

the earthuae seiBe them$ he sai$ 'y 7or$ hast Thou %ille Thou %oulst

hae estroye them before$ an me. 8ilt Thou estroy us for %hat the foolish

ones of us hae oneH It is only Thy trial$ %hereby Thou leaest astray %hom

Thou %ilt$ an guiest %hom Thou %ilt. Thou art our ;rotector= so forgie us$ an

hae mercy on us$ for Thou art the best of forgiers.

/!## An prescribe for us in this %orl goo$ an in the %orl to come= %e hae

repente unto Thee.' -ai e$ 'y chastisement && I smite %ith it %hom I %ill= an

y mercy embraces all things$ an I shall prescribe it for those %ho are

gofearing an pay the alms$ an those %ho inee beliee in 0ur signs$ those

%ho follo% the essenger$ 'the ;rophet of the common fol$ %hom they fin

%ritten o%n %ith them in the Torah an the ospel$ biing them to honour$ an

forbiing them ishonour$ maing la%ful for them the goo things an maing

unla%ful for them the corrupt things$ an relieing them of their loas$ an the

fetters that %ere upon them.

Those %ho beliee in him an succour him an help him$ an follo% the light that

has been sent o%n %ith him && they are the prosperers.'

-ay/ '0 manin$ I am the essenger of o to you all$ of im to %hom belongs

the ingom of the heaens an of the earth.

There is no go but e. e gies life$ an maes to ie. >eliee then in o$ an

in is essenger$ the ;rophet of the common fol$ %ho beliees in o an is

%ors$ an follo% him= haply so you %ill be guie.'

0f the people of oses there is a nation %ho guie by the truth$ an by it act %ith


/!@2 An 8e cut them up into t%ele tribes$ nations. An 8e reeale to oses$

%hen his people ase him for %ater/ '-trie %ith thy staff the roc'= an there

gushe forth from it t%ele fountains all the people ne% no% their rining&place.

 An 8e outsprea the clou to oershao% them$ an 8e sent o%n manna an

uails upon them/

'Eat of the goo things %here%ith 8e hae supplie you.' An they %ore no

%rong upon Ds$ but themseles they %ronge. An %hen it %as sai to them$

'C%ell in this to%nship an eat of it %hereer you %ill= an say$ Dnburening= an

enter in at the gate$ prostrating= 8e %ill forgie you your transgressions$ an

increase the goo&oers.'

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Then the eiloers of them substitute a saying other than that %hich ha been

sai to them= so 8e sent o%n upon them %rath out of heaen for their eiloing.

 An uestion them concerning the to%nship %hich %as borering the sea$ %hen

they transgresse the -abbath$ %hen their fish came to them on the ay of their 

-abbath$ s%imming shore%ars$ but on the ay they ept not -abbath$ they

came not unto them. Een so 8e %ere trying them for their ungoliness. An

%hen a certain nation of them sai$ '8hy o you amonish a people o is about

to estroy or to chastise %ith a terrible chastisementH' They sai$ 'As an excuse

to your 7or= an haply they %ill be gofearing.'

/!@# -o$ %hen they forgot that they %ere remine of= 8e eliere those %ho

%ere forbiing %iceness$ an 8e seiBe the eiloers %ith eil chastisement

for their ungoliness. An %hen they turne in isain from that forbiing 8e

sai to them$ '>e you apes$ miserably slining' An %hen Thy 7or proclaime

e %oul sen forth against them$ unto the Cay of <esurrection$ those %ho

shoul isit them %ith eil chastisement. -urely thy 7or is s%ift in retribution=

surely e is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate. An 8e cut them up into nations in

the earth$ some of them righteous$ an some of them other%ise= an 8e trie

them %ith goo things an eil$ that haply they shoul return. An there

succeee after them a succession %ho inherite the >oo$ taing the chance

goos of this lo%er %orl$ an saying$ 'It %ill be forgien us'= an if chance goos

the lie of them come to them$ they %ill tae them.

as not the compact of the >oo been taen touching them$ that they shoul say

concerning o nothing but the truthH An they hae stuie %hat is in it= an the7ast Aboe is better for those %ho are gofearing. Co you not unerstanH

 An those %ho hol fast to the >oo$ an perform the prayer && surely 8e leae

not to %aste the %age of those %ho set aright.

/!2 An %hen 8e shoo the mountain aboe them as if it %ere a canopy$ an

they suppose it %as about to fall on them/ 'Tae forcefully %hat 8e hae gien

you$ an remember %hat is in it= haply you %ill be gofearing.'

 An %hen thy 7or too from the 4hilren of Aam$ from their loins$ their see$

an mae them testify touching themseles$ 'Am I not your 7orH' They sai$

'Ges$ %e testify'&& lest you shoul say on the Cay of <esurrection$ 'As for us$ %e

%ere heeless of this$' or lest you say$ '0ur fathers %ere iolaters aforetime$ an

%e %ere see after them. 8hat$ %ilt Thou then estroy us for the ees of the


-o 8e istinguish the signs= an haply they %ill return.

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 An recite to them the tiing of him to %hom 8e gae 0ur signs$ but he cast

them off= an -atan follo%e after him$ an he became one of the pererts.

/!# An ha 8e %ille$ 8e %oul hae raise him up thereby= but he incline

to%ars the earth an follo%e his lust. -o the lieness of him is as the lieness

of a og= if thou attacest it it lolls its tongue out$ or if thou leaest it$ it lolls its

tongue out. That is that people's lieness %ho crie lies to 0ur signs. -o relate

the story= haply they %ill reflect. An eil lieness is the lieness of the people %ho

crie lies to 0ur signs$ an themseles %ere %ronging.

8homsoeer o guies$ he is rightly guie=an %hom e leas astray && they are the losers.8e hae create for ehenna many ,inn an men/they hae hearts$ but unerstan not %ith them=they hae eyes$ but perceie not %ith them=

they hae ears$ but they hear not %ith them.They are lie cattle= nay$ rather they are further astray.Those && they are the heeless.

To o belong the 5ames ost >eautiful= so call im by them$ an leae those

%ho blaspheme is 5ames && they shall assurely be recompense for the things

they i.

/!2 0f those 8e create are a nation %ho guie by the truth$ an by it act %ith

 ,ustice. An those %ho cry lies to 0ur signs 8e %ill ra% them on little by little

%hence they no% not= an I respite them && assurely y guile is sure. ae

they not reflecteH 5o maness is in their comrae= he is naught but a plain

%arner. 0r hae they not consiere the ominion of the heaen an of the earth$

an %hat things o has create$ an that it may be their term is alreay nighH

In %hat manner of iscourse then %ill they after this belieeH

/!# 8homsoeer o leas astray$ no guie he has= e leaes them in their 

insolence blinly %anering.

They %ill uestion thee concerning the our$ %hen it shall berth. -ay/ 'The

no%lege of it is only %ith my 7or= none shall reeal it at its proper time$ but e.

eay is it in the heaens an the earth= it %ill not come on you but && suenly'

They %ill uestion thee$ as though thou art %ell&informe of it. -ay/ 'The

no%lege of it is only %ith o$ but most men no% not.' -ay/ 'I hae no po%er 

to profit for myself= or hurt$ but as o %ill. a I no%lege of the Dnseen I

%oul hae acuire much goo$ an eil %oul not hae touche me. I am only

a %arner$ an a bearer of goo tiings$ to a people belieing.'

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It is e %ho create you out of one liing soul$ an mae of him his spouse that

he might rest in her. Then$ %hen he coere her$ she bore a light buren an

passe by %ith it= but %hen it became heay they crie to o their 7or$ 'If Thou

giest us a righteous son$ %e inee shall be of the thanful.'

/!"2 Thereafter$ %hen e gae them a righteous son$ they assigne im

associates in that e ha gien them= but o is high exalte aboe that they

associate. 8hat$ o they associate that %hich creates nothing an themseles

are create$ an that hae no po%er to help them$ neither they help themselesH

If you call them to guiance they %ill not follo% you= eual it is to you %hether you

call them$ or %hether you are silent. Those on %hom you call apart from o$ are

serants the lies of you= call them an let them ans%er you$ if you spea truly.

8hat$ hae they feet %here%ith they %al$ or hae they hans %here%ith they lay

hol$ or hae they eyes %here%ith they see$ or hae they ears %here%ith they

gie earH -ay/ '4all you then to your associates= then try your guile on me$ an

gie me no respite.

/!"# y ;rotector is o %ho sent o%n the >oo$ an e taes into is

protection the righteous. An those on %hom you call$ apart from o$ hae no

po%er to help you$ neither they help themseles.'

If you call them to the guiance they o not hear=an thou seest them looing at thee$ unperceiing.Tae the abunance$ an bi to %hat is honourable$

an turn a%ay from the ignorant. If a proocationfrom -atan shoul prooe thee$ see refuge in o=e is All&hearing$ All&seeing.

/122 The gofearing$ %hen a isitation of -atan troubles them$ remember$ an

then see clearly= an their brothers they lea on into error$ then they stop not

short. An %hen thou bringest them not a sign$ they say$ '8hy hast thou not

chosen oneH' -ay/ 'I follo% only %hat is reeale to me from my 7or= this is clear 

testimony from your 7or$ guiance$ an mercy for a people of belieers.'

 An %hen the *oran is recite$ gie you ear to it an be silent= haply so you %illfin mercy.

<emember thy 7or in thy soul$ humbly an fearfully$ not lou of oice$ at morn

an eentie. >e not thou among the heeless.

/12# -urely those %ho are %ith thy 7or %ax not too prou to sere im= they

chant is praise$ an to im they bo%.

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:III TE -;0I7-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

/! They %ill uestion thee concerning the spoils. -ay/ 'The spoils belong to o

an the essenger= so fear you o$ an set things right bet%een you$ an obey

you o an is essenger$ if you are belieers.'

Those only are belieers %ho$ %hen o is mentione$ their hearts uae$ an

%hen is signs are recite to them$ it increases them in faith$ an in their 7or

they put their trust$ those %ho perform the prayer$ an expen of %hat 8e hae

proie them$ those in truth are the belieers= they hae egrees %ith their 7or$

an forgieness$ an generous proision.

/# As thy 7or brought thee forth from thy house %ith the truth$ an a part of the

belieers %ere aerse to it$ isputing %ith thee concerning the truth after it ha

become clear$ as though they %ere being rien into eath %ith their eyes %ie


 An %hen o promise you one of the t%o parties shoul be yours$ an you

%ere %ishing that the one not accoutre shoul be yours= but o %as esiring to

erify the truth by is %ors$ an to cut off the unbelieers to the last remnant$

an that e might erify the truth an proe untrue the untrue$ though the sinners

%ere aerse to it.

8hen you %ere calling upon your 7or for succour$ an e ans%ere you$ 'I shall

reinforce you %ith a thousan angels riing behin you.'

/!2 o %rought this not$ sae as goo tiings an that your hearts thereby

might be at rest= help comes only from o= surely o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

8hen e %as causing slumber to oercome you as a security from im$ an

sening o%n on you %ater from heaen$ to purify you thereby$ an to put a%ay

from you the efilement of -atan$ an to strengthen your hearts$ an to confirm

your feet.

8hen thy 7or %as reealing to the angels$ 'I am %ith you= so confirm the

belieers. I shall cast into the unbelieers' hearts terror= so smite aboe the

necs$ an smite eery finger of them'

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That$ because they ha mae a breach %ith o an %ith is essenger= an

%hosoeer maes a breach %ith o an %ith is essenger$ surely o is

terrible in retribution.

That for you= therefore taste it= an that the chastisement of the Fire is for the


/!# 0 belieers$ %hen you encounter the unbelieers marching to battle$ turn not

your bacs to them. 8hoso turns his bac that ay to them$ unless %ithra%ing to

fight again or remoing to ,oin another host$ he is laen %ith the buren of o's

anger$ an his refuge is ehenna && an eil homecoming

Gou i not slay them$ but o sle% them= an %hen thou thre%est$ it %as not

thyself that thre%$ but o thre%$ an that e might confer on the belieers a fair 

benefit= surely o is All&hearing$ All&no%ing.

That for you= an that o %eaens the unbelieers' guile.

If ictory you are seeing$ ictory has alreay come upon you= an if you gie

oer$ it is better for you. >ut if you return$ 8e shall return$ an your host %ill aail

you nothing though it be numerous= an that o is %ith the belieers.

/12 0 belieers$ obey o an is essenger$ an o not turn a%ay from im$

een as you are listening= an be not as those %ho say$ '8e hear$' an they hear 


-urely the %orst of beasts in o's sight are those that are eaf an umb an

o not unerstan.

If o ha no%n of any goo in them e %oul hae mae them hear= an if e

ha mae them hear$ they %oul hae turne a%ay$ s%ering asie.

0 belieers$ respon to o an the essenger %hen e calls you unto that

%hich %ill gie you life= an no% that o stans bet%een a man an his heart$

an that to im you shall be mustere.

/1# An fear a trial %hich shall surely not smite in particular the eiloers among

you= an no% that o is terrible in retribution.

 An remember %hen you %ere fe% an abase in the lan$ an %ere fearful that

the people %oul snatch you a%ay= but e gae you refuge$ an confirme you

%ith is help$ an proie you %ith the goo things$ that haply you might be

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thanful. 0 belieers$ betray not o an the essenger$ an betray not your 

trusts an that %ittingly= an no% that your %ealth an your chilren are a trial$

an that %ith o is a mighty %age.

0 belieers$ if you fear o$ e %ill assign you a salation$ an acuit you of your 

eil ees$ an forgie you= an o is of bounty abouning.

/92 An %hen the unbelieers %ere eising against thee$ to confine thee$ or 

slay thee$ or to expel thee$ an %ere eising$ an o %as eising= an o is

the best of eisers.

 An 8hen 0ur signs %ere being recite to them$ they sai$ '8e hae alreay

hear= if %e %ishe$ %e coul say the lie of this= this is naught but the fairy&tales

of the ancients.'

 An %hen they sai$ '0 o$ if this be inee the truth from Thee$ then rain o%nupon us stones out of heaen$ or bring us a painful chastisement.'

>ut o %oul neer chastise them$ %ith thee among them= o %oul neer 

chastise them as they begge forgieness. >ut %hat hae they no%$ that o

shoul not chastise them$ %hen they are barring from the oly osue$ not being

its protectorsH Its only protectors are the gofearing= but most of them no% not.

 An their prayer at the ouse is nothing but a %histling an a clapping of hans &&

therefore taste you no% the chastisement for your unbelief

/9# The unbelieers expen their %ealth to bar from o's %ay$ an still they %illexpen it$ till it is an anguish for them$ then be oerthro%n$ an the unbelieers

%ill be mustere into ehenna$ that o may istinguish the corrupt from the

goo$ an place the corrupt one upon another$ an so heap them up all together$

an put them in ehenna= those are the losers.

-ay to the unbelieers$ if they gie oer e %ill forgie them %hat is past= but if 

they return$ the %ont of the ancients is alreay gone

/32 Fight them$ till there is no persecution an the religion is o's entirely= then

if they gie oer$ surely o sees the things they o= but if they turn a%ay$ no%that o is your ;rotector && an excellent ;rotector$ an excellent elper

*no% that$ %hateer booty you tae$ the fifth of it is o's$ an the essenger's$

an the near insman's$ an the orphans'$ an for the neey$ an the traeller$ if 

you beliee in o an that 8e sent o%n upon 0ur serant on the ay of 

salation$ the ay the t%o hosts encountere= an o is po%erful oer 

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eerything= %hen you %ere on the nearer ban$ an they %ere on the farther 

ban$ an the caalcae %as belo% you= an ha you mae tryst together$ you

%oul hae surely faile the tryst= but that o might etermine a matter that %as

one$ that %hosoeer perishe might perish by a clear sign$ an by a clear sign

he might lie %ho lie= an surely o is All&hearing$ All&no%ing.

/3# 8hen o sho%e thee them in thy ream as fe%= an ha e sho%n them

as many you %oul hae lost heart$ an uarrelle about the matter= but o

sae= e no%s the thoughts in the breasts.

8hen o sho%e you them in your eyes as fe%$ %hen you encountere$ an

mae you fe% in their eyes$ that o might etermine a matter that %as one=

an unto o all matters are returne.

0 belieers$ %hensoeer you encounter a host$ then stan firm$ an remember 

o freuently= haply so you %ill prosper. An obey o$ an is essenger$

an o not uarrel together$ an so lose heart$ an your po%er epart= an be

patient= surely o is %ith the patient.

>e not as those %ho %ent forth from their habitations s%aggering boastfully to

sho% off to men$ an barring from o's %ay= an o encompasses the things

they o.

/#2 An %hen -atan ece out their ees fair to them$ an sai$ 'Toay no

man shall oercome you$ for I shall be your neighbour.' >ut %hen the t%o hosts

sighte each other$ he %ithre% upon his heels$ saying$ 'I am uit of you= for I see

%hat you o not see.

I fear o= an o is terrible in retribution.'

8hen the hypocrites$ an those in %hose hearts %as sicness$ sai$ 'Their 

religion has elue them'= but %hosoeer puts his trust in o$ surely o is All&

mighty$ All&%ise.

If thou coulst only see %hen the angels tae the unbelieers$ beating their faces

an their bacs/ 'Taste the chastisement of the burning && that$ for %hat your hans hae for%are$ an for that o is neer un,ust unto is serants.'

7ie ;haraoh's fol$ an the people before him$ %ho isbeliee in o's signs=

o seiBe them because of their sins= o is strong$ terrible in retribution.

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/## That is because o %oul neer change is faour that e conferre on a

people until they change %hat %as %ithin themseles= an that o is All&

hearing$ All&no%ing.

7ie ;haraoh's fol$ an the people before him$ %ho crie lies to the signs of their 

7or$ so 8e estroye them because of their sins$ an 8e ro%ne the fol of 

;haraoh= an all %ere eiloers.

-urely the %orst of beasts in o's sight are the unbelieers$ %ho %ill not beliee$

those of them %ith %hom thou hast mae compact then they brea their compact

eery time$ not being gofearing. -o$ if thou comest upon them any%here in the

%ar$ eal %ith them in such %ise as to scatter the ones behin them= haply they

%ill remember.

/@2 An if thou fearest treachery any %ay at the hans of a people$ issole it

%ith them eually= surely o loes not the treacherous.

 An thou art not to suppose that they %ho isbeliee hae outstrippe e= they

cannot frustrate y %ill.

ae reay for them %hateer force an strings of horses you can$ to terrify

thereby the enemy of o an your enemy$ an others besies them that you

no% not= o no%s them. An %hatsoeer you expen in the %ay of o shall

be repai you in full= you %ill not be %ronge. An if they incline to peace$ o thou

incline to it= an put thy trust in o= e is the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing.

 An if they esire to tric thee$ o is sufficient for thee= e has confirme thee

%ith is help$ an %ith the belieers$ an brought their hearts together. ast

thou expene all that is in the earth$ thou coulst not hae brought their hearts

together= but o brought their hearts together= surely e is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

/@# 0 ;rophet$ o suffices thee$ an the belieers %ho follo% thee.

0 ;rophet$ urge on the belieers to fight. If there be t%enty of you$ patient men$

they %ill oercome t%o hunre= if there be a hunre of you$ they %ill oercome

a thousan unbelieers$ for they are a people %ho unerstan not.

5o% o has lightene it for you$ no%ing that there is %eaness in you. If there

be a hunre of you$ patient men$ they %ill oercome t%o hunre= if there be of 

you a thousan$ they %ill oercome t%o thousan by the leae of o= o is

%ith the patient.

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It is not for any ;rophet to hae prisoners until he mae %ie slaughter in the

lan. Gou esire the chance goos of the present %orl$ an o esires the

%orl to come= an o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

a it not been for a prior prescription from o$ there ha afflicte you$ for %hat

you too$ a mighty chastisement.

/2 Eat of %hat you hae taen as booty$ such as is la%ful an goo= an fear 

you o= surely o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

0 ;rophet$ say to the prisoners in your hans/ 'If o no%s of any goo in your 

hearts e %ill gie you better than %hat has been taen from you$ an e %ill

forgie you= surely o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.'

 An if they esire treachery against thee$ they hae trice o before= but e

has gien thee po%er oer them= an o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

Those %ho beliee$ an hae emigrate an struggle %ith their possessions an

their seles in the %ay of o$ an those %ho hae gien refuge an help && those

are friens one of another. An those %ho beliee$ but hae not emigrate && you

hae no uty of frienship to%ars them till they emigrate= yet if they as you for 

help$ for religion's sae$ it is your uty to help them$ except against a people

bet%een %hom an you there is a compact= an o sees the things you o.

 As for the unbelieers$ they are friens one of another. Dnless you o this$ there

%ill be persecution in the lan an great corruption.

/# An those %ho beliee$ an hae emigrate an struggle in the %ay of 

o. Those %ho hae gien refuge an help those in truth are the belieers$ an

theirs shall be forgieness an generous proision. An those %ho hae beliee

after%ars an emigrate$ an struggle %ith you && they belong to you= but those

relate by bloo are nearer to one another in the >oo of o= surely o has

no%lege of eerything.

I6 <E;E5TA54E

"/! An acuittal$ from o an is essenger$ unto the iolaters %ith %hom you

mae coenant/ 'Journey freely in the lan for four months= an no% that you

cannot frustrate the %ill of o$ an that o egraes the unbelieers.'

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 A proclamation$ from o an is essenger$ unto manin on the ay of the

reater ;ilgrimage/ 'o is uit$ an is essenger$ of the iolaters. -o if you

repent$ that %ill be better for you= but if you turn your bacs= no% that you cannot

frustrate the %ill of o.

 An gie thou goo tiings to the unbelieers of a painful chastisement= excepting

those of the iolaters %ith %hom you mae coenant$ then they faile you naught

neither lent support to any man against you. 8ith them fulfil your coenant till

their term= surely o loes the gofearing.

"/# Then$ %hen the sacre months are ra%n a%ay$ slay the iolaters %hereer 

you fin them$ an tae them$ an confine them$ an lie in %ait for them at eery

place of ambush. >ut if they repent$ an perform the prayer$ an pay the alms$

then let them go their %ay= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate. An if any of 

the iolaters sees of thee protection$ grant him protection till he hears the %ors

of o= then o thou coney him to his place of security &&that$ because they are

a people %ho o not no%.

o% shoul the iolaters hae a coenant %ith o an is essengerH &&

excepting those %ith %hom you mae coenant at the oly osue= so long as

they go straight %ith you$ o you go straight %ith them= surely o loes the


o%H If they get the better of you$ they %ill not obsere to%ars you any bon or 

treaty$ giing you satisfaction %ith their mouths but in their hearts refusing= an

the most of them are ungoly.

They hae sol the signs of o for a small price$ an hae barre from is %ay=

truly eil is that they hae been oing$

"/!2 obsering neither bon nor treaty to%ars a belieer= they are the

transgressors. Get if they repent$ an perform the prayer$ an pay the alms$ then

they are your brothers in religion= an 8e istinguish the signs for a people %ho


>ut if they brea their oaths after their coenant an thrust at your religion$ then

fight the leaers of unbelief= they hae no sacre oaths= haply they %ill gie oer.

8ill you not fight a people %ho broe their oaths an purpose to expel the

essenger$ beginning the first time against youH Are you afrai of themH Gou

%oul o better to be afrai of o$ if you are belieers.

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Fight them$ an o %ill chastise them at your hans an egrae them$ an e

%ill help you against them$ an bring healing to the breasts of a people %ho


"/!# an e %ill remoe the rage %ithin their hearts= an o turns to%ars

%homsoeer e %ill= o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise

0r i you suppose you %oul be left in peace$ an o no%s not as yet those

of you %ho hae struggle$ an taen not && apart from o an is essenger 

an the belieers && any intimateH o is a%are of %hat you o.

It is not for the iolaters to inhabit o's places of %orship$ %itnessing against

themseles unbelief= those && their %ors hae faile them$ an in the Fire they

shall %ell foreer. 0nly he shall inhabit o's places of %orship %ho beliees in

o an the 7ast Cay$ an performs the prayer$ an pays the alms$ an fears

none but o alone= it may be that those %ill be among the guie.

Co you recon the giing of %ater to pilgrims an the inhabiting of the oly

osue as the same as one %ho beliees in o an the 7ast Cay an struggles

in the %ay of oH 5ot eual are they in o's sight= an o guies not the

people of the eiloers.

"/12 Those %ho beliee$ an hae emigrate$ an hae struggle in the %ay of 

o %ith their possessions an their seles are mightier in ran %ith o= an

those && they are the triumphant= their 7or gies them goo tiings of mercy from

im an goo pleasure= for them a%ait garens %herein is lasting bliss$ therein to

%ell foreer an eer= surely %ith o is a mighty %age.

0 belieers$ tae not your fathers an brothers to be your friens$ if they prefer 

unbelief to belief= %hosoeer of you taes them for friens$ those && they are the


-ay/ 'If your fathers$ your sons$ your brothers$ your %ies$ your clan$ your 

possessions that you hae gaine$ commerce you fear may slacen$ %ellings

you loe && if these are earer to you than o an is essenger$ an to

struggle in is %ay$ then %ait till o brings is comman= o guies not the

people of the ungoly.'

"/1# o has alreay helpe you on many fiels$ an on the ay of unain$ %hen

your multitue %as pleasing to you$ but it aaile you naught$ an the lan for all

its breath %as strait for you$ an you turne about$ retreating.

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Then o sent o%n upon is essenger is -hechina$ an upon the belieers$

an e sent o%n legions you i not see$ an e chastise the unbelieers= an

that is the recompense of the unbelieers= then o thereafter turns to%ars

%hom e %ill= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

0 belieers$ the iolaters are inee unclean= so let them not come near the oly

osue after this year of theirs. If you fear poerty$ o shall surely enrich you of 

is bounty$ if e %ill= o is All&no%ing= All&%ise.

Fight those %ho beliee not in o an the 7ast Cay an o not forbi %hat o

an is essenger hae forbien && such men as practise not the religion of 

truth$ being of those %ho hae been gien the >oo && until they pay the tribute

out of han an hae been humble.

"/92 The Je%s say$ 'EBra is the -on of o'= the 4hristians say$ 'The essiah is

the -on of o.' That is the utterance of their mouths$ conforming %ith the

unbelieers before them. o assail them o% they are pererte

They hae taen their rabbis an their mons as lors apart from o$ an the

essiah$ ary's son && an they %ere commane to sere but 0ne o= there is

no go but e= glory be to im$ aboe that they associate && esiring to extinguish

%ith their mouths o's light= an o refuses but to perfect is light$ though the

unbelieers be aerse. It is e %ho has sent is essenger %ith the guiance

an the religion of truth$ that e may uplift it aboe eery religion$ though the

unbelieers be aerse.

0 belieers$ many of the rabbis an mons inee consume the goos of the

people in anity an bar from o's %ay. Those %ho treasure up gol an siler$

an o not expen them in the %ay of o && gie them the goo tiings of a

painful chastisement$

"/9# the ay they shall be heate in the fire of ehenna an there%ith their 

foreheas an their sies an their bacs shall be brane/ 'This is the thing you

hae treasure up for yourseles= therefore taste you no% %hat you %ere


The number of the months$ %ith o$ is t%ele in the >oo of o$ the ay that

e create the heaens an the earth= four of them are sacre. That is the right

religion. -o %rong not each other uring them. An fight the unbelieers totally

een as they fight you totally an no% that o is %ith the gofearing.

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The month postpone is an increase of unbelief %hereby the unbelieers go

astray= one year they mae it profane$ an hallo% it another$ to agree %ith the

number that o has hallo%e$ an so profane %hat o has hallo%e. Cece

out fair to them are their eil ees= an o guies not the people of the


0 belieers$ %hat is amiss %ith you$ that %hen it is sai to you$ 'o forth in the

%ay of o$' you sin o%n heaily to the grounH Are you so content %ith this

present life$ rather than the %orl to comeH Get the en,oyment of this present life$

compare %ith the %orl to come$ is a little thing.

If you go not forth$ e %ill chastise you %ith a painful chastisement$ an instea

of you e %ill substitute another people= an you %ill not hurt im anything$ for 

o is po%erful oer eerything.

"/32 If you o not help him$ yet o has helpe him alreay$ %hen the

unbelieers roe him forth the secon of t%o$ %hen the t%o %ere in the 4ae$

%hen he sai to his companion$ '-orro% not= surely o is %ith us.' Then o

sent o%n on him is -hechina$ an confirme him %ith legions you i not see=

an e mae the %or of the unbelieers the lo%est= an o's %or is the

uppermost= o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

o forth$ light an heay -truggle in o's %ay %ith your possessions an your 

seles= that is better for you$ i you no%.

8ere it a gain near at han$ an an easy ,ourney$ they %oul hae follo%e thee=

but the istance %as too far for them. -till they %ill s%ear by o$ 'a %e been

able$ %e %oul hae gone out %ith you$' so estroying their souls= an o

no%s that they are truly liars.

o paron thee 8hy gaest thou them leae$ till it %as clear to thee %hich of 

them spoe the truth$ an thou ne%est the liarsH

Those %ho beliee in o an the 7ast Cay as not leae of thee$ that they may

struggle %ith their possessions an their seles= an o no%s the gofearing.

"/3# They only as leae of thee %ho beliee not in o an the 7ast Cay$ those

%hose hearts are fille %ith oubt$ so that in their oubt they go this %ay an that.

If they ha esire to go forth$ they %oul hae mae some preparation for it= but

o %as aerse that they shoul be arouse$ so e mae them pause$ an it

%as sai to them$ 'Tarry you %ith the tarriers.'

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a they gone forth among you$ they %oul only hae increase you in trouble$

an run to an fro in your mist$ seeing to stir up seition bet%een you= an

some of you %oul listen to them= an o no%s the eiloers. They sought to

stir up seition alreay before$ an turne things upsie o%n for thee$ until the

truth came$ an o's comman appeare$ though they %ere aerse.

-ome of them there are that say$ 'ie me leae an o not tempt me.' ae not

such men fallen into temptationH An surely ehenna encompasses the


"/#2 If goo fortune befalls thee$ it exes them= but if thou art isite by an

affliction$ they say$ '8e too our ispositions before'$ an turn a%ay$ re,oicing.

-ay/ '5aught shall isit us but %hat o has prescribe for us= e is our 

;rotector= in o let the belieers put all their trust.'

-ay/ 'Are you a%aiting for aught to come to us but one of the t%o re%ars most

fairH 8e are a%aiting in your case too$ for o to isit you %ith chastisement from

im$ or at our hans= so a%ait= %e are a%aiting %ith you.'

-ay/ 'Expen %illingly$ or un%illingly$ it shall not be accepte from you= you are

surely a people ungoly.'

 An naught preents that their expenings shoul be accepte from them$ but

that they beliee not in o an is essenger$ an perform not the prayer sae

laBily$ an that they expen not %ithout they are aerse.

"/## -o let not their possessions or their chilren please thee= o only esires

thereby to chastise them in this present life$ an that their souls shoul epart

%hile they are unbelieers. They s%ear by o that they belong %ith you$ but

they are not of you they are a people that are afrai.

If they coul fin a shelter$ or some caerns$ or any place to creep into$ they

%oul turn about an bolt a%ay to it.

-ome of them fin fault %ith thee touching the free%ill offerings= if they are giena share of them they are %ell&please$ but if they are gien none then they are


0 %ere they %ell&please %ith %hat o an is essenger hae brought them$

saying$ 'Enough for us is o= o %ill bring us of is bounty$ an is

essenger= to o %e humbly turn.'

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"/@2 The free%ill offerings are for the poor an neey$ those %ho %or to collect

them$ those %hose hearts are brought together$ the ransoming of slaes$ ebtors$

in o's %ay$ an the traeller= so o orains= o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

 An some of them hurt the ;rophet$ saying$ 'e is an ear' -ay/ 'An ear of goo

for you= he beliees in o$ an beliees the belieers$ an he is a mercy to the

belieers among you. Those %ho hurt o's essenger && for them a%aits a

painful chastisement.'

They s%ear to you by o$ to please you= but o an is essenger && more

right is it they shoul please im$ if they are belieers.

Co they not no% that %hosoeer opposes o an is essenger && for him

a%aits the fire of ehenna$ therein to %ell foreerH That is the mighty


"/@# The hypocrites are afrai$ lest a sura shoul be sent o%n against them$

telling thee %hat is in their hearts. -ay/ 'oc on= o %ill bring forth %hat you


 An if thou uestionest them$ then assurely they %ill say$ '8e %ere only plunging

an playing.' -ay/ '8hat$ then %ere you mocing o$ an is signs$ an is

essengerH ae no excuses. Gou hae isbeliee after your belieing. If 8e

forgie one party of you$ 8e %ill chastise another party for that they %ere


The hypocrites$ the men an the %omen$ are as one another= they bi to

ishonour$ an forbi honour= they eep their hans shut= they hae forgotten

o$ an e has forgotten them. The hypocrites && they are the ungoly.

o has promise the hypocrites$ men an %omen$ an the unbelieers$ the fire

of ehenna$ therein to %ell foreoer. That is enough for them= o has curse

them= an there a%aits them a lasting chastisement.

"/2 7ie those before you$ %ho %ere stronger than you in might$ an more

abunant in %ealth an chilren= they too en,oyment in their share= so o youtae en,oyment in your share$ as those before you too en,oyment in their share.

Gou hae plunge as they plunge. Those && their %ors hae faile in this %orl

an in the %orl to come= those && they are the losers.

as there not come to you the tiings of those %ho %ere before you && the people

of 5oah$ A$ Thamoo$ the people of Abraham$ the men of iian an the

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suberte citiesH Their essengers came to them %ith the clear signs o %oul

not %rong them$ but themseles they %ronge.

 An the belieers$ the men an the %omen$ are friens one of the other= they bi

to honour$ an forbi ishonour= they perform the prayer$ an pay the alms$ an

they obey o an is essenger. Those && upon them o %ill hae mercy=

o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

o has promise the belieers$ men an %omen$ garens unerneath %hich

riers flo%$ foreer therein to %ell$ an gooly %elling&places in the arens of 

Een= an greater$ o's goo pleasure= that is the mighty triumph.

0 ;rophet$ struggle %ith the unbelieers an hypocrites$ an be thou harsh %ith

them= their refuge is ehenna && an eil homecoming

"/# They s%ear by o that they sai nothing$ but they inee sai the %or of unbelief an isbeliee$ after they ha surrenere. They purpose %hat they

neer attaine to$ an they too reenge only that o enriche them$ an is

essenger$ of is bounty. -o if they repent it %ill be better for them= if they turn

a%ay$ o %ill chastise them %ith a painful chastisement in this %orl an the

next= on the earth they hae no protector or helper.

 An some of them hae mae coenant %ith o/ 'If e gies us of is bounty$

%e %ill mae offerings an be of the righteous.' 5eertheless$ %hen e gae

them of is bounty they %ere niggarly of it$ an turne a%ay$ s%ering asie. -o

as a conseuence e put hypocrisy into their hearts$ until the ay they meet im$

for that they faile o in that they promise im an they %ere liars.

Ci they not no% that o no%s their secret an %hat they conspire together$

an that o no%s the things unseenH

"/2 Those %ho fin fault %ith the belieers %ho olunteer their free%ill offerings$

an those %ho fin nothing but their eneaour they erie && o eries them=

for them a%aits a painful chastisement.

 As paron for them$ or as not paron for them= if thou asest paron for themseenty times$ o %ill not paron them= that$ because they isbeliee in o

an is essenger= o guies not the people of the ungoly.

Those %ho %ere left behin re,oice in tarrying behin the essenger of o$

an %ere aerse to struggle %ith their possessions an their seles in the %ay of 

o. They sai$ 'o not forth in the heat.' -ay/ 'ehenna's fire is hotter$ i they

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but unerstan.' Therefore let them laugh little$ an %eep much$ in recompense

for %hat they hae been earning. -o$ if o returns thee to a party of them an

they as leae of thee to go forth$ say/

'Gou shall not go forth %ith me eer$ an you shall not fight %ith me any enemy.

Gou %ere %ell&please to tarry the first time$ so no% tarry %ith those behin.'

"/# An pray thou neer oer any one of them %hen he is ea$ nor stan oer 

his grae= they isbeliee in o an is essenger$ an ie %hile they %ere

ungoly. An let not their possessions an their chilren please thee= o only

esires thereby to chastise them in this present %orl$ an that their souls shoul

epart %hile they are unbelieers.

 An %hen a sura is sent o%n$ saying$ '>eliee in o$ an struggle %ith is

essenger$' the affluent among them as leae of thee$ saying$ '7et us be %ith

the tarriers.'

They are %ell&please to be %ith those behin$ an a seal has been set upon

their hearts$ so the they unerstan not.

>ut essenger$ an the belieers %ith him$ hae struggle %ith their possessions

an their seles$ an those && for them a%ait the goo things= those && they are the


"/"2 o has prepare for them garens unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein to

%ell foreer= that is the mighty triumph.

 An the >eouins came %ith their excuses$ asing for leae= those %ho lie to

o an is essenger tarrie= there shall befall the unbelieers of them a

painful chastisement.

There is no fault in the %ea an the sic an those %ho fin nothing to expen$ if 

they are true to o an to is essenger. There is no %ay against the goo&

oers && o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate && neither against those %ho$

%hen they came to thee$ for thee to mount them$ thou saist to them$ 'I fin not

%hereon to mount you'= they turne a%ay$ their eyes oerflo%ing %ith tears of sorro%$ because they foun nothing to expen.

The %ay is open only against those %ho as leae of thee$ being rich= they are

%ell&please to be %ith those behin= o has set a seal on their hearts$ so they

no% not.

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"/"# They %ill excuse themseles to you$ %hen you return to them. -ay/ 'Co not

excuse yourseles= %e %ill not beliee you. o has alreay tol us tiings of 

you. o %ill surely see your %or$ an is essenger$ then you %ill be returne

to im %ho no%s the unseen an the isible$ an e %ill tell you %hat you %ere


They %ill s%ear to you by o$ %hen you turn bac to them$ that you may turn

asie from them. -o turn asie from them$ for they are an abomination$ an their 

refuge is ehenna && a recompense for %hat they hae been earning.

They %ill s%ear to you$ that you may be %ell&please %ith them= but if you are

%ell&please %ith them$ o %ill surely not be %ell&please %ith the people of the


The >eouins are more stubborn in unbelief an hypocrisy$ an apter not to no%

the bouns of %hat o has sent o%n on is essenger= an o is All&

no%ing$ All&%ise.

-ome of the >eouins tae %hat they expen for a fine$ an a%ait the turns of 

fortune to go against you. Theirs shall be the eil turn= o is All&hearing$ All&


"/!22 An some of the >eouins beliee in o an the 7ast Cay$ an tae %hat

they expen for offerings bringing them near to o$ an the prayers of the

essenger. -urely they are an offering for them$ an o %ill amit them into is

mercy= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

 An the 0utstrippers$ the first of the Emigrants an the elpers$ an those %ho

follo%e them in goo&oing && o %ill be %ell&please %ith them an they are

%ell&please %ith im= an e has prepare for them garens unerneath %hich

riers flo%$ therein to %ell foreer an eer= that is the mighty triumph.

 An some of the >eouins %ho %ell aroun you are hypocrites= an some of the

people of the 4ity are gro%n bol in hypocrisy. Thou no%est them not= but 8e

no% them$ an 8e shall chastise them t%ice$ then they %ill be returne to a

mighty chastisement.

 An other hae confesse their sins= they hae mixe a righteous ee %ith

another eil. It may be that o %ill turn to%ars them= o is All&forgiing$ All&

compassionate. Tae of their %ealth a free%ill offering$ to purify them an to

cleanse them thereby$ an pray for them= thy prayers are a comfort for them= o

is All&hearing$ All&no%ing.

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"/!2# Co they not no% that o is e %ho accepts repentance from is

serants$ an taes the free%ill offerings$ an that o && e turns$ an is All&


-ay/ '8or= an o %ill surely see your %or$ an is essenger$ an the

belieers$ an you %ill be returne to im %ho no%s the unseen an the isible$

an e %ill tell you %hat you %ere oing.' An others are eferre to o's

commanment$ %hether e chastises them$ or turns to%ars them= o is All&

no%ing$ All&%ise.

 An those %ho hae taen a mosue in opposition an unbelief$ an to iie the

belieers$ an as a place of ambush for those %ho fought o an is

essenger aforetime && they %ill s%ear '8e esire nothing but goo'= an o

testifies they are truly liars.

-tan there neer. A mosue that %as foune upon gofearing from the first ay

is %orthier for thee to stan in= therein are men %ho loe to cleanse themseles=

an o loes those %ho cleanse themseles.

"/!!2 8hy$ is he better %ho foune his builing upon the fear of o an is

goo pleasure$ or he %ho foune his builing upon the brin of a crumbling ban

that has tumble %ith him into the fire of ehennaH An o guies not the

people of the eiloers.

The builings they hae built %ill not cease to be a point of oubt %ithin their 

hearts$ unless it be that their hearts are cut into pieces= o is All&no%ing$ All&


o has bought from the belieers their seles an their possessions against the

gift of ;araise= they fight in the %ay of o= they ill$ an are ille= that is a

promise bining upon o in the Torah$ an the ospel$ an the *oran= an %ho

fulfils his coenant truer than oH -o re,oice in the bargain you hae mae %ith

im= that is the mighty triumph.

Those %ho repent$ those %ho sere$ those %ho pray$ those %ho ,ourney$ those

%ho bo%$ those %ho prostrate themseles$ those %ho bi to honour an forbi

ishonour$ those %ho eep o's houns && an gie thou goo tiings to the


It is not for the ;rophet an the belieers to as paron for the iolaters$ een

though they be near insmen$ after that it has become clear to them that they %ill

be the inhabitants of ell.

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"/!!# Abraham ase not paron for his father except because of a promise he

ha mae to him= an %hen it became clear to him that he %as an enemy of o$

he eclare himself uit of him= Abraham %as compassionate$ clement.

o %oul neer lea a people astray after that e has guie them$ until e

maes clear to them as to %hat they shoul be gofearing= surely o no%s


-urely to o belongs the ingom of the heaens an of the earth= e gies life$

an maes to ie= an you hae not$ apart from o$ either protector or helper.

o has turne to%ars the ;rophet an the Emigrants an the elpers %ho

follo%e him in the hour of ifficulty$ after the hearts of a part of them %ell&nigh

s%ere asie= then e turne to%ars them= surely e is entle to them$ an


 An to the three %ho %ere left behin$ until$ %hen the earth became strait for 

them$ for all its breath$ an their souls became strait for them$ an they thought

that there %as no shelter from o except in im$ then e turne to%ars them$

that they might also turn= surely o turns$ an is All&compassionate.

"/!12 0 belieers$ fear o$ an be %ith the truthful ones.

It is not for the people of the 4ity an for the >eouins %ho %ell aroun them to

stay behin o's essenger$ an to prefer their lies to his= that is because they

are smitten neither by thirst$ nor fatigue$ nor emptiness in the %ay of o$ neither trea they any trea enraging the unbelieers$ nor gain any gain from any enemy$

but a righteous ee is thereby %ritten to their account= o leaes not to %aste

the %age of the goo&oers.

5or o they expen any sum$ small or great$ nor o they traerse any alley$ but

it is %ritten to their account$ that o may recompense them the best of %hat they

%ere oing.

It is not for the belieers to go forth totally= but %hy shoul not a party of eery

section of them go forth$ to become learne in religion$ an to %arn their people%hen they return to them$ that haply they may be%areH

"/!1# 0 belieers$ fight the unbelieers %ho are near to you= an let them fin in

you a harshness= an no% that o is %ith the gofearing.

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8heneer a sura is sent o%n to thee$ some of them say$ '8hich of you has this

increase in beliefH' As for the belieers$ them it has increase in belief$ an they

are ,oyful. >ut as for those in %hose heart is sicness$ them it has increase in

abomination ae to their abomination$ an they hae ie %hile they %ere

unbelieers. Co they not see that they are trie eery year once or t%iceH Get still

they o not repent$ nor o they remember.

 An %heneer a sura is sent o%n$ they loo one at another/ 'Coes anyone see

youH' Then they turn a%ay. o has turne a%ay their hearts$ for that they are a

people %ho o not unerstan.

5o% there has come to you a essenger from among yourseles= grieous to

him is your suffering= anxious is he oer you$ gentle to the belieers$


"/!92 -o if they turn their bacs$ say/ 'o is enough for me. There is no go but

e. In im I hae put my trust. e is the 7or of the ighty Throne.'

6 J05A

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!2/! Alif $am 0a Those are the signs of the 8ise >oo.

8as it a %oner to the people that 8e reeale to a man from among them/

'8arn the people$ an gie thou goo tiings to the belieers that they hae a

sure footing %ith their 7or'H The unbelieers say$ 'This is a manifest sorcerer.'

-urely your 7or is o$ %ho create the heaens an the earth in six ays$ then

sat imself upon the Throne$ irecting the affair. Intercessor there is none$ sae

after is leae that then is o$ your 7or= so sere im.

8ill you not rememberH To im shall you return$ all together && o's promise$ in

truth. e originates creation$ then e brings it bac again that e mayrecompense those %ho beliee an o ees of righteousness$ ,ustly. An those

%ho isbeliee && for them a%aits a raught of boiling %ater$ an a painful

chastisement$ for their isbelieing.

!2/# It is e %ho mae the sun a raiance$ an the moon a light$ an etermine

it by stations$ that you might no% the number of the years an the reconing.

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o create that not sae %ith the truth$ istinguishing the signs to a people %ho


In the alternation of night an ay$ an %hat o has create in the heaens an

the earth && surely there are signs for a gofearing people.

-urely those %ho loo not to encounter Ds an are %ell&please %ith the present

life an are at rest in it$ an those %ho are heeless of 0ur signs$ those && their 

refuge is the Fire$ for that they hae been earning. -urely those %ho beliee$ an

o ees of righteousness$ their 7or %ill guie them for their belief= beneath

them riers flo%ing in garens of bliss=

!2/!2 their cry therein$ 'lory to Thee$ 0 o$' their greeting$ ';eace$' an their 

cry ens$ ';raise belongs to o$ the 7or of all >eing.'

If o shoul hasten unto men eil as they %oul hasten goo$ their term %oulbe alreay ecie for them. >ut 8e leae those$ %ho loo not to encounter Ds$

in their insolence %anering blinly.

8hen affliction isits a man$ he calls Ds on his sie$ or sitting$ or staning= but

%hen 8e hae remoe his affliction from him$ he passes on$ as if he neer 

calle Ds to an affliction that isite him. -o ece out fair to the proigal is that

they hae been oing.

8e estroye the generations before you %hen they i eil$ an their 

essengers came to them %ith the clear signs$ but they %oul not beliee= so 8erecompense the people of the sinners.

!2/!# Then 8e appointe you iceroys in the earth after them$ that 8e might

behol ho% you %oul o.

 An %hen 0ur signs are recite to them$ clear signs$ those %ho loo not to

encounter Ds say$ '>ring a *oran other than this$ or alter it.' -ay/ 'It is not for me

to alter it of my o%n accor. I follo% nothing$ except %hat is reeale to me. Truly

I fear$ if I shoul rebel against my 7or$ the chastisement of a reaful ay.'

-ay/ 'a o %ille I %oul not hae recite it to you$ neither %oul e hae

taught you it= I aboe among you a lifetime before it && %ill you not unerstanH'

 An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho forges against o a lie$ or cries lies to

is signsH -urely the sinners o not prosper. They sere$ apart from o$ %hat

hurts them not neither profits them$ an they say$ 'These are our intercessors %ith

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o.' -ay/ '8ill you tell o %hat e no%s not either in the heaens or in the

earthH' lory be to im igh be e exalte aboe that they associate

!2/12 anin %ere only one nation$ then they fell into ariance. >ut for a %or

that precee from thy 7or$ it ha been ecie bet%een them alreay touching

their ifferences.

They say$ '8hy has a sign not been sent o%n upon him from his 7orH' -ay/

'The Dnseen belongs only to o. Then %atch an %ait= I shall be %ith you

%atching an %aiting.' 8hen 8e let the people taste mercy after harship has

isite them$ lo$ they hae a eice concerning 0ur signs. -ay/ 'o is s%ifter at

eising= surely 0ur messengers are %riting o%n %hat you are eising.'

It is e %ho coneys you on the lan an the sea= an %hen you are in the ship &&

an the ships run %ith them %ith a fair breeBe$ an they re,oice in it$ there comes

upon them a strong %in$ an %aes come on them from eery sie$ an they

thin they are encompasse= they call upon o$ maing their religion is

sincerely/ 'If Thou elierest us from these$ surely %e shall be among the


5eertheless %hen e has eliere them behol$ they are insolent in the earth$

%rongfully. 0 men$ your insolence is only against yourseles= the en,oyment of 

this present life$ then unto Ds you shall return$ then 8e shall tell you %hat you

%ere oing.

!2/1# The lieness of this present life is as %ater that 8e sen o%n out of 

heaen$ an the plants of the earth mingle %ith it %hereof men an cattle eat$ till$

%hen the earth has taen on its glitter an has ece itself fair$ an its

inhabitants thin they hae po%er oer it$ 0ur comman comes upon it by night or 

ay$ an 8e mae it stubble$ as though yesteray it flourishe not. Een so 8e

istinguish the signs for a people %ho reflect.

 An o summons to the Aboe of ;eace$ an e guies %homsoeer e %ill to

a straight path= to the goo&oers the re%ar most fair an a surplus= neither ust

nor abasement shall oersprea their faces.

Those are the inhabitants of ;araise$ therein %elling foreer. An for those %ho

hae earne eil ees the recompense of an eil ee shall be the lie of it=

abasement shall oersprea them$ neither hae they any efener from o$ as

if their faces %ere coere %ith strips of night shao%y. Those are the inhabitants

of the Fire$ therein %elling foreer.

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 An the ay 8e shall muster them all$ then 8e shall say to those %ho associate

other gos %ith o/ 'et you to your place$ you an your associates' Then 8e

shall set a space bet%een them$ an their associates

!2/92 %ill say$ '5ot us you %ere sering. o is a sufficient %itness bet%een us

an you= assurely %e %ere heeless of your serice.'

There eery soul shall proe its past ees= an they shall be restore to o$

their ;rotector$ the True$ an there shall go astray from them that they %ere


-ay/ '8ho proies you out of heaen an earth$ or %ho possesses hearing an

sight$ an %ho brings forth the liing from the ea an brings forth the ea from

the liing$ an %ho irects the affairH'

They %ill surely say$ 'o.' Then say/ '8ill you not be gofearingH' That then iso$ your 7or$ the True= %hat is there$ after truth$ but errorH Then ho% are you

turne aboutH Thus the %or of thy 7or is realiBe against the ungoly that they

beliee not.

!2/9# -ay/ 'Is there any of your associates %ho originates creation$ then brings it

bac againH'

-ay/ 'o && e originates creation$ then brings it bac again= so ho% are you


-ay/ 'Is there any of your associates %ho guies to the truthH'

-ay/ 'o && e guies to the truth= an %hich is %orthier to be follo%e && e %ho

guies to the truth$ or he %ho guies not unless he is guieH 8hat then ails you$

ho% you ,ugeH' An the most of them follo% only surmise$ an surmise aails

naught against truth. -urely o no%s the things they o.

This *oran coul not hae been forge apart from o= but it is a confirmation of 

%hat is before it$ an a istinguishing of the >oo$ %herein is no oubt$ from the

7or of all >eing.

0r o they say$ '8hy$ he has forge it'H -ay/ 'Then prouce a sura lie it$ an call

on %hom you can$ apart from o$ if you spea truly.'

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!2/32 5o= but they hae crie lies to that %hereof they comprehene not the

no%lege$ an %hose interpretation has not yet come to them. Een so those

that %ere before them crie lies= then behol ho% %as the en of the eiloers

 An some of them beliee in it$ an some beliee not in it. Thy 7or no%s ery

%ell those %ho o corruption. If they cry lies to thee$ then o thou say/ 'I hae my

%or$ an you hae your %or= you are uit of %hat I o$ an I am uit of %hat

you o.'

 An some of them gie ear to thee= %hat$ %ilt thou mae the eaf to hear$ though

they unerstan notH An some of them loo unto thee= %hat$ %ilt thou then guie

the blin$ though they o not seeH

!2/3# -urely o %rongs not men anything$ but themseles men %rong.

 An the ay e shall muster them$ as if they ha not tarrie but an hour of theay$ mutually recogniBing one another= lost %ill be those %ho crie lies to the

encounter %ith o$ an %ere not guie.

8hether 8e sho% thee a part of that 8e promise them$ or 8e call thee unto Ds$

to Ds they shall return= then o is %itness of the things they o

Eery nation has its essenger= then$ %hen their essenger comes$ ,ustly the

issue is ecie bet%een them$ an they are not %ronge.

They say$ '8hen %ill this promise be$ if you spea trulyH'

!2/#2 -ay/ 'I hae no po%er to profit for myself$ or hurt$ but as o %ill. To eery

nation a term= %hen their term comes they shall not put it bac by a single hour 

nor put it for%ar.'

-ay/ 'ae you consiereH If is chastisement comes upon you by night or ay$

%hat part of it %ill the sinners see to hastenH 8hat$ %hen it has come to pass$

%ill you then beliee in itH 5o%$ %hen alreay you see to hasten it'

Then it %ill be sai to the eiloers/ 'Taste the chastisement of eternity Are yourecompense for aught but that you hae been earningH' They as thee to tell

them$ 'Is it trueH' -ay/ 'Ges$ by my 7or It is true= you cannot frustrate im.'

!2/## If eery soul that has one eil possesse all that is in the earth$ he %oul

offer it for his ransom= an they %ill be secretly remorseful %hen they see the

chastisement$ an ,ustly the issue is ecie bet%een them$ an they are not

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%ronge. 8hy$ surely to o belongs eerything that is in the heaens an earth.

8hy$ surely o's promise is true= but the most of them hae no no%lege e

gies life$ an maes to ie$ an to im you shall be returne.

0 men$ no% there has come to you

an amonition from your 7or$ ana healing for %hat is in the breasts$an a guiance$ an a mercy to the belieers.-ay/ 'In the bounty of o$ an is mercy &&in that let them re,oice= it is better thanthat they amass.

!2/@2 -ay/ 'ae you consiere the proision o has sent o%n for you$ an

you hae mae some of it unla%ful$ an some la%fulH'

-ay/ 'as o gien you leae$ or o you forge against oH'

8hat %ill they thin$ %ho forge falsehoo against o= on the Cay of 

<esurrectionH o is bountiful to men= but most of them are not thanful.

Thou art not upon any occupation$ neither recitest thou any *oran of it$ nor o

you any %or$ %ithout that 8e are %itnesses oer you %hen you press on it= an

not so much as the %eight of an ant in earth or heaen escapes from thy 7or$

neither is aught smaller than that$ or greater$ but in a anifest >oo.

-urely o's friens && no fear shall be on them$ neither shall they sorro%. Those

%ho beliee$ an are gofearing &&

!2/@# for them is goo tiings in the present life an in the %orl to come. There

is no changing the %ors of o= that is the mighty triumph.

 An o not let their saying griee thee= the glory belongs altogether to o= e is

the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing. 8hy$ surely to o belongs eeryone that is in

the heaens an in the earth= they follo%$ %ho call upon associates$ apart from

o && they follo% nothing but surmise$ merely con,ecturing.

It is e %ho mae for you the night to repose in it$ an the ay$ to see= surely in

that are signs for a people %ho hae ears.

They say$ 'o has taen to im a son. lory be to im e is All&sufficient= to

im belongs all that is in the heaens an in the earth= you hae no authority for 

this. 8hat$ o you say concerning o that you no% notH

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!2/2 -ay/ 'Those %ho forge against o falsehoo shall not prosper. -ome

en,oyment in this %orl= then unto Ds they shall return= then 8e shall let them

taste the terrible chastisement$ for that they %ere unbelieers.

 An recite to them the story of 5oah %hen he sai to his people$ 'y people$ if my

staning here is grieous to you an my remining you of the signs of o$ in

o hae I put my trust= so resole on your affair$ %ith your associates$ then let

not your affair be a %orry to you$ but mae ecision unto me$ an respite me not.

Then if you turn your bacs$ I hae not ase you for any %age= my %age falls

only on o$ an I hae been commane to be of those that surrener.'

>ut they crie him lies= so 8e eliere him$ an those %ith him$ in the Ar$ an

8e appointe them as iceroys$ an 8e ro%ne those %ho crie lies to 0ur 

signs= then behol ho% %as the en of them that %ere %arne

!2/# Then 8e sent forth$ after him$ essengers to their people$ an they

brought them the clear signs= but they %ere not men to beliee in that they ha

crie lies to before. -o 8e seal the hearts of the transgressors.

Then 8e sent forth$ after them$ oses an Aaron to ;haraoh an his 4ouncil

%ith 0ur signs$ but they %axe prou$ an %ere a sinful people.

-o$ %hen the truth came to them from Ds$ they sai$ '-urely this is a manifest

sorcery.' oses sai$ '8hat$ o you say this to the truth$ %hen it has come to

youH Is this a sorceryH >ut sorcerers o not prosper.'

They sai$ 'Art thou come to us to turn us from that %e foun our fathers

practising$ an that the omination in the lan might belong to you t%oH 8e o

not beliee you.

!2/2 ;haraoh sai$ '>ring me eery cunning sorcerer.' Then$ %hen the sorcerers

came$ oses sai to them$ '4ast you o%n %hat you %ill cast.'

Then$ %hen they ha cast$ oses sai$ '8hat you hae brought is sorcery= o

%ill assurely bring it to naught. o sets not right the %or of those %ho ocorruption. o erifies the truth by is %ors$ though sinners be aerse.'

-o none beliee in oses$ sae a see of his people$ for fear of ;haraoh an

their 4ouncil$ that they %oul persecute them= an ;haraoh %as high in the lan$

an he %as one of the proigals. oses sai$ '0 my people$ if you beliee in o$

in im put your trust$ if you hae surrenere.'

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!2/# They sai$ 'In o %e hae put our trust. 0ur 7or$ mae us not a

temptation to the people of the eiloers$ an elier us by Thy mercy from the

people of the unbelieers.'

 An 8e reeale to oses an his brother$ 'Tae you$ for your people$ in Egypt

certain houses= an mae your houses a irection for men to pray to= an perform

the prayer= an o thou gie goo tiings to the belieers.'

oses sai$ '0ur 7or$ Thou hast gien to ;haraoh an his 4ouncil aornment

an possessions in this present life. 0ur 7or$ let them go astray from Thy %ay=

0ur 7or$ obliterate their possessions$ an haren their hearts so that they o not

beliee$ till they see the painful chastisement.'

e sai$ 'Gour prayer is ans%ere= so go you straight$ an follo% not the %ay of 

those that no% not.'

!2/"2 An 8e brought the 4hilren of Israel oer the sea= an ;haraoh an his

hosts follo%e them insolently an impetuously till$ %hen the ro%ning oertoo

him$ he sai$ 'I beliee that there is no go but e in %hom the 4hilren of Israel

beliee= I am of those that surrener.'

'5o%H An before thou ist rebel$ being of those that i corruption. -o toay

8e shall elier thee %ith thy boy$ that thou mayest be a sign to those after 

thee. -urely many men are heeless of 0ur signs.'

 An 8e settle the 4hilren of Israel in a sure settlement$ an 8e proie them%ith goo things= so they iffere not until the no%lege came to them. -urely

thy 7or %ill ecie bet%een them on the Cay of <esurrection touching their 


-o$ if thou art in oubt regaring %hat 8e hae sent o%n to thee$ as those %ho

recite the >oo before thee. The truth has come to thee from thy 7or= so be not

of the oubters$ nor be of those %ho cry lies to o's signs so as to be of the


!2/"# Those against %hom thy 7or's %or is realiBe %ill not beliee$ thougheery sign come to them$ till they see the painful chastisement.

8hy %as there neer a city that beliee$ an its belief profite itH && Except the

people of Jonah= %hen they beliee$ 8e remoe from them the chastisement of 

egraation in this present life$ an 8e gae unto them en,oyment for a time.

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!2/!22 An if thy 7or ha %ille$ %hoeer is in the earth %oul hae beliee$ all

of them$ all together. 8oulst thou then constrain the people$ until they are

belieersH It is not for any soul to beliee sae by the leae of o= an e lays

abomination upon those %ho hae no unerstaning. -ay/ '>ehol %hat is in the

heaens an in the earth' >ut neither signs nor %arnings aail a people %ho o

not beliee. -o o they %atch an %ait for aught but the lie of the ays of those

%ho passe a%ay before themH

-ay/ 'Then %atch an %ait= I shall be %ith you %atching an %aiting.'

Then 8e shall elier 0ur essengers an the belieers. Een so$ as is 0ur 

bounen uty$ 8e shall elier the belieers.

-ay/ '0 men$ if you are in oubt regaring my religion$ I sere not those you sere

apart from o$ but I sere o$ %ho %ill gather you to im$ an I am

commane to be of the belieers$ an/

!2/!2# +-et thy face to the religion$ a man of pure faith$ an be thou not of the

iolaters= an o not call$ apart from o$ on that %hich neither profits nor hurts

thee$ for if thou ost$ then thou %ilt surely be of the eiloers. An if o isits

thee %ith affliction$ none can remoe it but e= an if e esires any goo for 

thee$ none can repel is bounty= e causes it to fall upon %homsoeer e %ill of 

is serants.+ e is the All&forgiing$ the All&compassionate.'

-ay/ '0 men$ the truth has come to you from your 7or. 8hosoeer is guie is

guie only to his o%n gain$ an %hosoeer goes astray$ it is only to his o%n loss.

I am not a guarian oer you.

 An follo% thou %hat is reeale to thee= an be thou patient until o shall

 ,uge= an e is the best of ,uges.

6I 00C

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

 Alif $am 0a 

!!/! A >oo %hose erses are set clear$ an then istinguishe$ from 0ne All&

%ise$ All&a%are/ '-ere you none but o' (I am to you a %arner from im an a

bearer of goo tiings) an/ 'As forgieness of your 7or$ then repent to im$

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an e %ill gie you fair en,oyment unto a term state$ an e %ill gie of is

bounty to eery man of grace. >ut if you shoul turn your bacs I fear for you the

chastisement of a mighty ay= to o shall you return= e is po%erful oer 


!!/# >ehol$ they fol their breasts$ to hie them from im= behol$ %hen they

%rap themseles in their garments e no%s %hat they secrete an %hat they

publish= surely e no%s all the thoughts %ithin the breasts.

5o creature is there cra%ling on the earth$ but its proision rests on o= e

no%s its loging&place an its repository. All is in a anifest >oo.

 An it is e %ho create the heaens an the earth in six ays$ an is Throne

%as upon the %aters && that e might try you$ %hich one of you is fairer in %ors.

!!/!2 An if thou sayest$ 'you shall surely be raise up after eath$' theunbelieers %ill say$ 'This is naught but a manifest sorcery.' An if 8e postpone

the chastisement from them till a recone moment they %ill say '8hat is

etaining itH' -urely$ the ay it shall come to them$ it shall not be turne asie

from them$ an they shall be encompasse by that they moce at. An if 8e let

a man taste mercy from Ds$ an then 8e %rest it from him$ he is esperate$

ungrateful. >ut if 8e let him taste prosperity after harship that has isite him$

he %ill say$ 'The eils hae gone from me'= behol$ he is ,oyous$ boastful && sae

such as are patient$ an o ees of righteousness= for them a%aits forgieness

an a mighty %age.

!!/!# ;erchance thou art leaing part of %hat is reeale to thee$ an thy breast

is straitene by it$ because they say$ '8hy has a treasure not been sent o%n

upon him$ or an angel not come %ith himH' Thou art only a %arner= an o is a

uarian oer eerything.

0r o they say$ 'e has forge it'H -ay/ 'Then bring you ten suras the lie of it$

forge= an call upon %hom you are able$ apart from o$ if you spea truly.'

Then$ if they o not ans%er you$ no% that it has been sent o%n %ith o's

no%lege$ an that there is no go but e. -o hae you surrenereH

8hoso esires the present life an its aornment$ 8e %ill pay them in full for their 

%ors therein$ an they shall not be efraue there= those are they for %hom in

the %orl to come there is only the Fire= their ees there %ill hae faile$ an

oi %ill be their %ors.

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!!/12 An %hat of him %ho stans upon a clear sign from his 7or$ an a %itness

from im recites it$ an before him is the >oo of oses for an ensample an a

mercyH Those beliee in it= but %hosoeer isbeliees in it$ being one of the

partisans$ his promise lan is the Fire. -o be thou not in oubt of it= it is the truth

from thy 7or$ but most men o not beliee.

 An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho forges against o a lieH Those shall be

presente before their 7or$ an the %itnesses %ill say$ 'Those are they %ho lie

against their 7or.' -urely the curse of o shall rest upon the eiloers %ho bar 

from o's %ay$ esiring to mae it crooe= they isbeliee in the %orl to come=

they are unable to frustrate im on earth an they hae no protectors$ apart from

o. For them the chastisement shall be ouble= they coul not hear$ neither i

they see. Those are they that hae lost their souls$ an that they forge has gone

astray from them= they %ithout oubt %ill be the greatest losers in the %orl to


!!/1# >ut those %ho beliee$ an o righteous ees$ an hae humble

themseles unto their 7or && they shall be the inhabitants of ;araise$ therein

%elling foreer. The lieness of the t%o parties is as the man blin an eaf$ an

the man %ho sees an hears= are they eual in lienessH 8ill you not rememberH

 An 8e sent 5oah to his people/ 'I am for you a %arner$ an a bearer of goo

tiings/ -ere you none but o. I fear for you the chastisement of a painful ay.'

-ai the 4ouncil of the unbelieers of his people$ '8e see thee not other than a

mortal lie ourseles$ an %e see not any follo%ing thee but the ilest of us$

inconsierately. 8e o not see you hae oer us any superiority= no$ rather %e

thin you are liars.'

!!/92 e sai$ '0 my people$ %hat thin youH If I stan upon a clear sign from my

7or$ an e has gien me mercy from im$ an it has been obscure for you$

shall %e compel you to it %hile you are aerse to itH 0 my people$ I o not as of 

you %ealth for this= my %age falls only upon o. I %ill not rie a%ay those %ho

beliee= they shall surely meet their 7or. >ut I see you are an ignorant people. 0

my people$ %ho %oul help me against o$ if I rie you a%ayH

8ill you not rememberH I o not say to you$ +I possess the treasuries of o+= I

no% not the Dnseen= an I o not say$ +I am an angel.+ 5or o I say to those

your eyes espise$ +o %ill not gie them any goo+= o no%s best %hat is in

their hearts.

'-urely in that case I shoul be among the eiloers.'

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They sai$ '5oah$ thou hast ispute %ith us an mae much isputation %ith us.

Then bring us that thou promisest us$ if thou speaest truly.'

!!/9# e sai$ 'o %ill bring you it if e %ill= you cannot frustrate im. An my

sincere counsel %ill not profit you$ if I esire to counsel you sincerely$ if o

esires to perert you= e is your 7or$ an unto im you shall be returne.' (0r 

o they say$ 'e has forge it'H -ay/ 'If I hae forge it$ upon me falls my sin= an

I am uit of the sins you o.') An it %as reeale to 5oah$ saying$ '5one of thy

people shall beliee but he %ho has alreay beliee= so be thou not istresse

by that they may be oing. ae thou the Ar uner 0ur eyes$ an as 8e reeal=

an aress e not concerning those %ho hae one eil= they shall be


!!/32 -o he %as maing the Ar= an %heneer a council of his people passe by

him they scoffe at him$ e sai$ 'If you scoff at us$ %e shall surely scoff at you$

as you scoff an you shall no% to %hom %ill come a chastisement egraing

him$ an upon %hom there shall alight a lasting chastisement.' Dntil$ %hen 0ur 

comman came$ an the 0en boile$ 8e sai$ 'Embar in it t%o of eery in$

an thy family && except for him against %hom the %or has alreay been spoen

an %hosoeer beliees.'

 An there beliee not %ith him except a fe%. e sai$ 'Embar in it In o's

5ame shall be its course an its berthing. -urely my 7or is All&forgiing$ All&


-o it ran %ith them ami %aes lie mountains= an 5oah calle to his son$ %ho

%as staning apart$ 'Embar %ith us$ my son$ an be thou not %ith the


!!/3# e sai$ 'I %ill tae refuge in a mountain$ that shall efen me from the

%ater.' -ai he$ 'Toay there is no efener from o's comman but for him on

%hom e has mercy.' An the %aes came bet%een them$ an he %as among

the ro%ne.

 An it %as sai$ 'Earth$ s%allo% thy %aters= an$ heaen$ abate' An the %aters

subsie$ the affair %as accomplishe$ an the Ar settle on El&Jui$ an it %as

sai/ 'A%ay %ith the people of the eiloers'

 An 5oah calle unto his 7or$ an sai$ '0 my 7or$ my son is of my family$ an

Thy promise is surely the truth. Thou art the ,ustest of those that ,uge.'

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-ai e$ '5oah$ he is not of thy family= it is a ee not righteous. Co not as of 

e that %hereof thou hast no no%lege. I amonish thee$ lest thou shoulst be

among the ignorant.' e sai$ 'y 7or$ I tae refuge %ith Thee$ lest I shoul as

of Thee that %hereof I hae no no%lege= for if Thou forgiest me not$ an hast

not mercy on me$ I shall be among the losers.'

!!/#2 It %as sai$ '5oah$ get thee o%n in peace from Ds$ an blessings upon

thee an on the nations of those %ith thee= an nations && 8e shall gie them

en,oyment$ then there shall isit them from Ds a painful chastisement.' (That is of 

the tiing's of the Dnseen$ that 8e reeal to thee= thou ist not no% it$ neither 

thy people$ before this. -o be patient= the issue ultimate is to the gofearing.)

 An to A their brother oo= he sai$ '0 my people$ sere o Gou hae no go

other than e= you are but forgers.

0 my people$ I o not as of you a %age for this= my %age falls only upon im

%ho i originate me= %ill you not unerstanH

 An$ 0 my people$ as forgieness of your 7or$ then repent to im$ an e %ill

loose heaen in torrents upon you$

!!/## an e %ill increase you in strength unto your strength= an turn not your 

bacs as sinners.' They sai$ 'oo$ thou hast not brought us a clear sign$ an %e

%ill not leae our gos for %hat thou sayest= %e o not beliee thee. 8e say

nothing$ but that one of our gos has smitten thee %ith some eil.' e sai$ 'I call

o to %itness= an %itness you$ that I am uit of that you associate apart from

im= so try your guile on me$ all together$ then you shall gie me no respite. Truly$

I hae put my trust in o$ my 7or an your 7or= there is no creature that

cra%ls$ but e taes it by the foreloc. -urely my 7or is on a straight path.

!!/@2 >ut if you turn your bacs$ I hae eliere to you that I %as sent %ith unto

you$ an my 7or %ill mae a people other than you successors= you %ill not hurt

im anything. y 7or is uarian oer eerything.'

 An %hen 0ur comman came$ 8e eliere oo an those %ho beliee %ith

him by a mercy from Ds$ an eliere them from a harsh chastisement.

That %as A= they enie the signs of their 7or$ an rebelle against is

essengers$ an follo%e the comman of eery fro%ar tyrant.

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 An there %as sent follo%ing after them in this %orl a curse$ an upon the Cay of 

<esurrection/ '-urely A isbeliee in their 7or/ so a%ay %ith A$ the people of 


 An to Thamoo their brother -alih= he sai$ '0 my people$ sere o Gou hae

no go other than e. It is e %ho prouce you from the earth an has gien

you to lie therein= so as forgieness of im$ then repent to im= surely my 7or

is nigh$ an ans%ers prayer.

!!/@# They sai$ '-alih$ thou hast hitherto been a source of hope among us.

8hat$ ost thou forbi us to sere that our fathers sereH Truly %e are in oubt$

concerning %hat thou callest us to$ isuieting.'

e sai$ '0 my people$ %hat thin youH If I stan upon a clear sign from my 7or$

an e has gien me mercy from im$ %ho shall help me against o if I rebel

against imH Gou %oul o nothing for me$ except increase my loss.

0 my people$ this is the -he&camel of o$ to be a sign for you. 7eae her that

she may eat in o's earth$ an touch her not %ith eil$ lest you be seiBe by a

nigh chastisement.'

>ut they hamstrung her= an he sai$ 'Tae your ,oy in your habitation three ays

&& that is a promise not to be belie.'

 An %hen 0ur comman came$ 8e eliere -alih an those %ho beliee %ith

him by a mercy from Ds$ an from the egraation of that ay= thy 7or is the All&strong$ the All&mighty.

!!/2 An the eiloers %ere seiBe by the 4ry$ an morning foun them in their 

habitations fallen prostrate as if they neer %elt there/ '-urely Thamoo

isbeliee in their 7or$ so a%ay %ith Thamoo'

0ur messengers came to Abraham %ith the goo tiings= they sai$ ';eace'

';eace$' he sai= an presently he brought a roaste calf. An %hen he sa% their 

hans not reaching to%ars it$ he %as suspicious of them an conceie a fear of 

them. They sai$ 'Fear not= %e hae been sent to the people of 7ot.'

 An his %ife %as staning by= she laughe$ therefore 8e gae her the gla

tiings of Isaac$ an$ after Isaac$ of Jacob.

!!/# -he sai$ '8oe is me -hall I bear$ being an ol %oman$ an this my

husban is an ol manH This assurely is a strange thing.'

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They sai$ '8hat$ ost thou marel at o's commanH The mercy of o an

is blessings be upon you$ 0 people of the ouse -urely e is All&lauable$ All&

glorious.' -o$ %hen the a%e eparte from Abraham an the goo tiings came to

him$ he %as isputing %ith Ds concerning the people of 7ot= Abraham %as

clement$ compassionate$ penitent.

'0 Abraham$ turn a%ay from this= thy 7or's comman has surely come$ an there

is coming upon them a chastisement not to be turne bac.'

 An %hen 0ur messengers came to 7ot$ he %as trouble on their account an

istresse for them$ an he sai$ 'This is a fierce ay.'

!!/2 An his people came to him$ running to%ars him= an erst%hile they ha

been oing eil ees. e sai$ '0 my people$ these are my aughters= they are

cleaner for you. -o fear o$ an o not egrae me in my guests. 8hat$ is there

not one man among you of a right minH'

They sai$ 'Thou no%est %e hae no right to thy aughters$ an thou %ell

no%est %hat %e esire.'

e sai$ '0 %oul that I ha po%er against you$ or might tae refuge in a strong

pillar' They sai$ '7ot$ %e are messengers of thy 7or. They shall not reach thee=

so set forth$ thou %ith thy family$ in a %atch of the night$ an let not any one of 

you turn roun$ excepting thy %ife= surely she shall be smitten by that %hich

smites them. Their promise time is the morning= is the morning not nighH'

-o %hen 0ur comman came$ 8e turne it uppermost nethermost$ an raine on

it stones of bae clay$ one on another$ mare %ith thy 7or$ an neer far from

the eiloers.

!!/# An to iian their brother -huaib= he sai$ '0 my people$ sere o Gou

hae no go other than e. An iminish not the measure an the balance. I see

you are prospering= an I fear for you the chastisement of an encompassing ay.

0 my people$ fill up the measure an the balance ,ustly$ an o not iminish the

goos of the people$ an o not mischief in the lan$ %oring corruption. o'sremainer is better for you$ if you are belieers.

 An I am not a guarian oer you. They sai$ '-huaib$ oes thy prayer comman

thee that %e shoul leae that our fathers sere$ or to o as %e %ill %ith our 

goosH Thou art the clement one$ the right&mine.'

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!!/"2 e sai$ '0 my people$ %hat thin youH If I stan upon a clear sign from my

7or$ an e has proie me %ith fair proision from im && an I esire not to

come behin you$ betaing me to that I forbi you= I esire only to set things right$

so far as I am able. y succour is only %ith o= in im I hae put my trust$ an

to im I turn$ penitent.

0 my people$ let not the breach %ith me moe you$ so that there smite you the

lie of %hat smote the people of 5oah$ or the people of oo$ or the people of 

-alih= an the people of 7ot are not far a%ay from you. An as forgieness of 

your 7or$ then repent to im= surely my 7or is All&compassionate$ All&loing.'

They sai$ '-huaib$ %e o not unerstan much of %hat thou sayest. Truly %e see

thee %ea among us= but for thy tribe %e %oul hae stone thee= for thou art not

strong against us. e sai$ '0 my people$ is my tribe stronger against you than

oH An im && hae you taen im as something to be thrust behin youH y

7or encompasses the things you o.

!!/"# 0 my people$ act accoring to your station= I am acting= an certainly you

%ill no% to %hom %ill come the chastisement egraing him$ an %ho is a liar.

 An be upon the %atch= I shall be %ith you$ %atching.' An %hen 0ur comman

came$ 8e eliere -huaib an those %ho beliee %ith him by a mercy from Ds$

an the eiloers %ere seiBe by the 4ry$ an morning foun them in their 

habitations fallen prostrate as if they ha neer %elt there/

'-o a%ay %ith iian$ een as Thamoo %as one a%ay'

 An 8e sent oses %ith 0ur signs$ an a manifest authority$ to ;haraoh an his

4ouncil= but they follo%e ;haraoh's comman$ an ;haraoh's comman %as not


!!/!22 e shall go before his people on the Cay of <esurrection$ an %ill hae

le them o%n to the Fire&eil the %atering&place to be le o%n to

 An there %as sent follo%ing after them in this %orl a curse$ an upon the Cay of 

<esurrection && eil the offering to be offere

That is of the tiings of the cities 8e relate to thee= some of them are staning

an some stubble. An 8e %ronge them not$ but they %ronge themseles=

their gos aaile them not that they calle upon$ apart from o$ anything$ %hen

the comman of thy 7or came= an they increase them not$ sae in estruction.

-uch is the seiBing of thy 7or$ %hen e seiBes the cities that are eiloing=

surely is seiBing is painful$ terrible.

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!!/!2# -urely in that is a sign for him %ho fears the chastisement in the %orl to

come= that is a ay manin are to be gathere to$ a ay to %itness$ an 8e shall

not postpone it$ sae to a term recone= the ay it comes$ no soul shall spea

sae by is leae= some of them shall be %retche an some happy.

 As for the %retche$ they shall be in the Fire$ %herein there shall be for them

moaning an sighing$ therein %elling foreer$ so long as the heaens an earth

abie$ sae as thy 7or %ill= surely thy 7or accomplishes %hat e esires.

!!/!!2 An as for the happy$ they shall be in ;araise$ therein %elling foreer$ so

long as the heaens an earth abie$ sae as thy 7or %ill && for a gift unbroen.

-o be thou not in oubt concerning %hat these men sere= they sere only as

their fathers sere before= an 8e shall surely pay them in full their portion


 An 8e gae oses the >oo= an there %as ifference regaring it$ an but for 

a %or that precee from thy 7or$ it ha been ecie bet%een them= an they

are in oubt of it isuieting. -urely each 0ne of them && thy 7or %ill pay them in

full for their %ors= e is a%are of the things they o. -o go thou straight$ as thou

hast been commane$ an %hoso repents %ith thee= an be you not insolent=

surely e sees the things you o.

!!/!!# An lean not on the eiloers$ so that the Fire touches you && you hae no

protectors apart from o && an then you %ill not be helpe.

 An perform the prayer at the t%o ens of the ay an nigh of the night= surely

the goo ees %ill rie a%ay the eil ees. That is a remembrance unto the

minful. An be thou patient= o %ill not leae to %aste the %age of the goo&

oers. 0r if there ha been$ of the generations before you$ men of a remainer 

forbiing corruption in the earth && except a fe% of those %hom 8e eliere of 

them= but the eiloers follo%e the ease they %ere gien to exult in an became


Get thy 7or %oul neer estroy the cities un,ustly$ %hile as yet their people %ere

putting things right.

!!/!12 a thy 7or %ille$ e %oul hae mae manin one nation= but they

continue in their ifferences excepting those on %hom thy 7or has mercy. To that

en e create them$ an perfectly is fulfille the %or of thy 7or/ 'I shall

assurely fill ehenna %ith ,inn an men all together.'

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 An all that 8e relate to thee of the tiings of the essengers is that %hereby 8e

strengthen thy heart= in these there has come to thee the truth an an amonition$

an a reminer to the belieers.

 An say to the unbelieers/ 'Act you accoring to your station= %e are acting. An

%atch an %ait= %e are also %atching an %aiting.'

To o belongs the Dnseen in the heaens an the earth. To im the %hole

matter shall be returne= so sere im$ an put thy trust in im. Thy 7or is not

heeless of the things you o.

6II J0-E;

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!1/! Alif $am 0a 

Those are the signs of the anifest >oo. 8e hae sent it o%n as an Arabic

*oran= haply you %ill unerstan.

8e %ill relate to thee the fairest of stories in that 8e hae reeale to thee this

*oran$ though before it thou %ast one of the heeless.

8hen Joseph sai to his father$ 'Father$ I sa% eleen stars$ an the sun an themoon= I sa% them bo%ing o%n before me.'

!1/# e sai$ '0 my son$ relate not thy ision to thy brothers$ lest they eise

against thee some guile. -urely -atan is to man a manifest enemy.

-o %ill thy 7or choose thee$ an teach thee the interpretation of tales$ an

perfect is blessing upon thee an upon the ouse of Jacob$ as e perfecte it

formerly on thy fathers Abraham an Isaac= surely thy 7or is All&no%ing$ All&


(In Joseph an his brethren %ere signs for those %ho as uestions.)

8hen they sai$ '-urely Joseph an his brother are earer to our father than %e$

though %e are a ban. -urely our father is in manifest error. *ill you Joseph$ or 

cast him forth into some lan$ that your father's face may be free for you$ an

thereafter you may be a righteous people.'

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!1/!2 0ne of them sai$ '5o$ ill not Joseph$ but cast him into the bottom of the

pit an some traeller %ill pic him out$ if you o aught.'

They sai$ 'Father$ %hat ails thee$ that thou trustest us not %ith JosephH -urely

%e are his sincere %ell&%ishers. -en him forth %ith us tomorro%$ to frolic an

play= surely %e shall be %atching oer him.'

e sai$ 'It griees me that you shoul go %ith him$ an I fear the %olf may eat

him$ %hile you are heeless of him.' They sai$ 'If the %olf eats him$ an %e a

ban$ then are %e losers'

!1/!# -o %hen they %ent %ith him$ an agree to put him in the bottom of the

%ell$ an 8e reeale to him$ 'Thou shalt tell them of this their oing %hen they

are una%are.'

 An they came to their father in the eening$ an they %ere %eeping. They sai$'Father$ %e %ent running races$ an left Joseph behin %ith our things= so the

%olf ate him. >ut thou %oulst neer beliee us$ though %e spoe truly.'

 An they brought his shirt %ith false bloo on it. e sai$ '5o= but your spirits

tempte you to o some%hat. >ut come$ s%eet patience An o's succour is

eer there to see against that you escribe.'

Then came traellers$ an they sent one of them$ a %ater&ra%er$ %ho let o%n

his bucet. 'oo ne%s' he sai. 'ere is a young man.' -o they hi him as

merchanise= but o ne% %hat they %ere oing.

!1/12 Then they sol him for a paltry price$ a hanful of counte irhams= for they

set small store by him. e that bought him$ being of Egypt$ sai to his %ife$ 'ie

him gooly loging$ an it may be that he %ill profit us$ or %e may tae him for our 

o%n son.' -o 8e establishe Joseph in the lan$ an that 8e might teach him the

interpretation of tales. o preails in is purpose$ but most men no% not.

 An %hen he %as fully gro%n$ 8e gae him ,ugment an no%lege. Een so

8e recompense the goo&oers.

5o% the %oman in %hose house he %as solicite him$ an close the oors on

them. '4ome$' she sai$ 'tae me' 'o be my refuge$' he sai. '-urely my lor

has gien me a gooly loging. -urely the eiloers o not prosper.

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For she esire him= an he %oul hae taen her$ but that he sa% the proof of 

his 7or. -o %as it$ that 8e might turn a%ay from him eil an abomination= he

%as one of 0ur eote serants.

!1/1# They race to the oor= an she tore his shirt from behin. They

encountere her master by the oor. -he sai$ '8hat is the recompense of him

%ho purposes eil against thy fol$ but that he shoul be imprisone$ or a painful

chastisementH' -ai he$ 'It %as she that solicite me'= an a %itness of her fol

bore %itness$ 'If his shirt has been torn from before then she has spoen truly$

an he is one of the liars= but if it be that his shirt has been torn from behin$ then

she has lie$ an he is one of the truthful.'

8hen he sa% his shirt %as torn from behin he sai$ 'This is of your %omen's

guile= surely your guile is great.

Joseph$ turn a%ay from this= an thou$ %oman$ as forgieness of thy crime=

surely thou art one of the sinners.'

!1/92 4ertain %omen that %ere in the city sai$ 'The oernor's %ife has been

soliciting her page= he smote her heart %ith loe= %e see her in manifest error.

8hen she hear their sly %hispers$ she sent to them$ an mae reay for them a

repast$ then she gae to each one of them a nife. '4ome forth$ atten to them$'

she sai. An %hen they sa% him$ they so amire him that they cut their hans$

saying$ 'o sae us This is no mortal= he is no other but a noble angel.'

'-o no% you see$ she sai. 'This is he you blame me for. Ges$ I solicite him$ but

he abstaine. Get if he %ill not o %hat I comman him$ he shall be imprisone$

an be one of the humble.'

e sai$ 'y 7or$ prison is earer to me than that they call me to= yet if Thou

turnest not from me their guile$ then I shall yearn to%ars them$ an so become

one of the ignorant.'

-o his 7or ans%ere him$ an e turne a%ay from him their guile= surely e is

the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing.

!1/9# Then it seeme goo to them$ after they ha seen the signs$ that they

shoul imprison him for a %hile. An there entere the prison %ith him t%o youths.

-ai one of them$ 'I reame that I %as pressing grapes. -ai the other$ 'I

reame that I %as carrying on my hea brea$ that birs %ere eating of. Tell us

its interpretation= %e see that thou art of the goo&oers.'

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e sai$ '5o foo shall come to you for your sustenance$ but ere it comes to you I

shall tell you its interpretation. That I shall tell you is of %hat o has taught me. I

hae forsaen the cree of a people %ho beliee not in o an %ho moreoer 

are unbelieers in the %orl to come.

 An I hae follo%e the cree of my fathers$ Abraham$ Isaac an Jacob. 5ot ours

is it to associate aught %ith o. That is of o's bounty to us$ an to men= but

most men are not thanful. -ay$ %hich is better$ my fello%&prisoners && many gos

at ariance$ or o the 0ne$ the 0mnipotentH

!1/32 That %hich you sere$ apart from im$ is nothing but names yourseles

hae name$ you an your fathers= o has sent o%n no authority touching

them. Jugment belongs only to o= e has commane that you shall not

sere any but im. That is the right religion= but most men no% not.

Fello%&prisoners$ as for one of you$ he shall pour %ine for his lor= as for the

other$ he shall be crucifie$ an birs %ill eat of his hea. The matter is ecie

%hereon you enuire.' Then he sai to the one he eeme shoul be sae of 

the t%o$ 'ention me in thy lor's presence.' >ut -atan cause him to forget to

mention him to his master$ so that he continue in the prison for certain years.

 An the ing sai$ 'I sa% in a ream seen fat ine$ an seen lean ones

eouring them= lie%ise seen green ears of corn$ an seen %ithere. y

counsellors$ pronounce to me upon my ream$ if you are expouners of reams.'

'A hotchpotch of nightmares' they sai. '8e no% nothing of the interpretation of 


!1/3# Then sai the one %ho ha been eliere$ remembering after a time$ 'I %ill

myself tell you its interpretation= so sen me forth.'

'Joseph$ thou true man$ pronounce to us regaring seen fat ine$ that seen lean

ones %ere eouring$ seen green ears of corn$ an seen %ithere= haply I shall

return to the men$ haply they %ill no%.' e sai$ 'Gou shall so% seen years after 

your %ont= %hat you hae hareste leae in the ear$ excepting a little %hereof 

you eat.

Then thereafter there shall come upon you seen har years$ that shall eour 

%hat you hae lai up for them$ all but a little you eep in store.

Then thereafter there shall come a year %herein the people %ill be succoure an

press in season.

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!1/#2 The ing sai$ '>ring him to me' An %hen the messenger came to him$ he

sai$ '<eturn unto thy lor$ an as of him$ +8hat of the %omen %ho cut their 

hansH+ -urely my 7or has no%lege of their guile.'

'8hat %as your business$ %omen$' he sai$ '%hen you solicite JosephH' 'o

sae us' they sai. '8e no% no eil against him.' The oernor's %ife sai$ '5o%

the truth is at last iscoere= I solicite him= he is a truthful man.

'That$ so that he may no% I betraye him not secretly$ an that o guies not

the guile of the treacherous. Get I claim not that my soul %as innocent && surely

the soul of man incites to eil && except inasmuch as my 7or ha mercy= truly my

7or is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.'

The ing sai$ '>ring him to me I %oul attach him to my person.' Then$ %hen he

ha spoen %ith him$ he sai$ 'Toay thou art establishe firmly in our faour an

in our trust.'

!1/## e sai$ '-et me oer the lan's storehouses= I am a no%ing guarian.'

-o 8e establishe Joseph in the lan$ to mae his %elling there %hereer he

%oul. 8e isit %ith 0ur mercy %homsoeer 8e %ill$ an 8e leae not to %aste

the %age of the goo&oers. Get is the %age of the %orl to come better for those

%ho beliee$ an are gofearing.

 An the brethren of Joseph came$ an entere unto him$ an he ne% them$ but

they ne% him not. 8hen he ha euippe them %ith their euipment be sai$'>ring me a certain brother of yours from your father. Co you not see that I fill up

the measure$ an am the best of hostsH

!1/@2 >ut if you bring him not to me$ there shall be no measure for you %ith me$

neither shall you come nigh me.'

They sai$ '8e %ill solicit him of our father= that %e %ill o.' e sai to his pages$

';ut their merchanise in their salebags= haply they %ill recogniBe it %hen they

hae turne to their people= haply they %ill return.

-o$ %hen they ha returne to their father$ they sai$ 'Father$ the measure %as

enie to us= so sen %ith us our brother$ that %e may obtain the measure= surely

%e shall be %atching oer him.'

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e sai$ 'An shall I entrust him to you other%ise than as I entruste before his

brother to youH 8hy$ o is the best guarian$ an e is the most merciful of the


!1/@# An %hen they opene their things$ they foun their merchanise$ restore

to them. 'Father$' they sai$ '%hat more shoul %e esireH -ee$ our merchanise

here is restore to us. 8e shall get proision for our family$ an %e shall be

%atching oer our brother= %e shall obtain an extra camel's loa && that is an easy


e sai$ '5eer %ill I sen him %ith you until you bring me a solemn plege by

o that you %ill surely bring him bac to me unless it be that you are

encompasse.' 8hen they ha brought him their solemn plege he sai$ 'o

shall be uarian oer %hat %e say.'

e also sai$ '0 my sons$ enter not by one oor= enter by separate oors. Get I

cannot aail you anything against o= ,ugment belongs not to any but o. In

im I hae put my trust= an in im let all put their trust %ho put their trust.'

 An %hen they entere after the manner their father commane them$ it aaile

them nothing against o= but it %as a nee in Jacob's soul that he so satisfie.

:erily he %as possesse of a no%lege for that 8e ha taught him= but most

men no% not.

 An %hen they entere unto Joseph$ he sai$ taing his brother into his arms$ 'I

am thy brother= so o not espair of that they hae one.'

!1/2 Then$ %hen he ha euippe them %ith their euipment$ he put his

rining&cup into the salebag of his brother. Then a heral proclaime$ 'o$

cameleers$ you are robbers'

They sai$ turning to them$ '8hat is it that you are missingH'

They sai$ '8e are missing the ing's goblet. 8hoeer brings it shall receie a

camel's loa= that I guarantee.'

'>y o$' they sai$ 'you no% %ell that %e came not to %or corruption in the

lan. 8e are not robbers.' They sai$ 'An %hat shall be its recompense if you are


!1/# They sai$ 'This shall be its recompense && in %hoeer's salebag the

goblet is foun$ he shall be its recompense. -o %e recompense the eiloers.'

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-o he mae beginning %ith their sacs$ before his brother's sac$ then he pulle it

out of his brother's sac. -o 8e contrie for Joseph's sae= he coul not hae

taen his brother$ accoring to the ing's oom$ except that o %ille.

8homsoeer 8e %ill$ 8e raise in ran= oer eery man of no%lege is 0ne %ho


They sai$ 'If he is a thief$ a brother of his %as a thief before.' >ut Joseph

secrete it in his soul an isclose it not to them$ saying$ 'Gou are in a %orse

case= o no%s ery %ell %hat you are escribing.' They sai$ 'ighty prince$ he

has a father$ age an great %ith years= so tae one of us in his place= %e see

that thou art one of the goo&oers.'

e sai$ 'o forbi that %e shoul tae any other but him in %hose possession

%e foun the goos= for if %e i so$ %e %oul be eiloers.'

!1/2 8hen they espaire of moing him$ they conferre priily apart. -ai the

elest of them$ 'Co you not no% ho% your father has taen a solemn plege from

you by o$ an aforetime you faile regaring JosephH 5eer %ill I uit this

lan$ until my father gies me leae$ or o ,uges in my faour= e is the best of 


<eturn you all to your father$ an say$ +Father$ thy son stole= %e o not testify

except that %e no%= %e %ere no guarians of the Dnseen. Enuire of the city

%herein %e %ere$ an the caraan in %hich %e approache= surely %e are truthful


'5o' he sai '>ut your spirits tempte you to o some%hat. >ut come$ s%eet

patience aply o %ill bring them all to me= e is the All&no%ing$ the All&%ise.'

 An he turne a%ay from them$ an sai$ 'Ah$ %oe is me for Joseph' An his

eyes turne %hite because of the sorro% that he choe %ithin him.

!1/# '>y o$' they sai$ 'thou %ilt neer cease mentioning Joseph till thou art

consume$ or among the perishing.' e sai$ 'I mae complaint of my anguish

an my sorro% unto o= I no% from o that you no% not.

Cepart$ my sons$ an search out tiings of Joseph an his brother. Co not espair 

of o's comfort= of o's comfort no man espairs$ excepting the people of the


-o$ %hen they entere unto him$ they sai$ '0 mighty prince$ affliction has isite

us an our people. 8e come %ith merchanise of scant %orth. Fill up to us the

measure$ an be charitable to us= surely o recompenses the charitable.'

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e sai$ 'Are you a%are of %hat you i %ith Joseph an his brother$ %hen you

%ere ignorantH'

!1/"2 They sai$ '8hy$ art thou inee JosephH' 'I am Joseph$' he sai. 'This is

my brother. o has inee been gracious unto us. 8hosoeer fears o$ an is

patient && surely o leaes not to %aste the %age of the goo&oers. '>y o$'

they sai$ 'o has inee preferre thee aboe us$ an certainly %e hae been


e sai$ '5o reproach this ay shall be on you= o %ill forgie you= e is the

most merciful of the merciful.

o$ tae this shirt$ an o you cast it on my father's face$ an he shall recoer his

sight= then bring me your family all together.'

-o$ %hen the caraan set forth$ their father sai$ '-urely I perceie Joseph'sscent$ unless you thin me oting.'

!1/"# They sai$ '>y o$ thou art certainly in thy ancient error. >ut %hen the

bearer of goo tiings came to him$ an lai it on his face$ forth%ith he sa% once


e sai$ 'Ci I not tell you I no% from o that you no% notH'

They sai$ '0ur father$ as forgieness of our crimes for us= for certainly %e hae

been sinful.'

e sai$ 'Assurely I %ill as my 7or to forgie you= e is the All&forgiing$ the


!1/!22 -o$ %hen they entere unto Joseph$ he too his father an mother into his

arms saying$ 'Enter you into Egypt$ if o %ill$ in security.'

 An he lifte his father an mother upon the throne= an the others fell o%n

prostrate before him. '-ee$ father$' he sai$ 'this is the interpretation of my ision

of long ago= my 7or has mae it true. e %as goo to me %hen e brought meforth from the prison$ an again %hen e brought you out of the esert$ after that

-atan set at ariance me an my brethren. y 7or is gentle to %hat e %ill= e

is the All&no%ing$ the All&%ise.

0 my 7or$ Thou hast gien me to rule$ an Thou hast taught me the

interpretation of tales. 0 Thou$ the 0riginator of the heaens an earth$ Thou art

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my ;rotector in this %orl an the next. 0 receie me to Thee in true submission$

an ,oin me %ith the righteous.'

That is of the tiings of the Dnseen that 8e reeal to thee= thou %ast not %ith

them %hen they agree upon their plan$ eising. Get$ be thou eer so eager$ the

most part of men beliee not.

Thou asest of them no %age for it= it is nothing but a reminer unto all beings.

!1/!2# o% many a sign there is in the heaens an in the earth that they pass

by$ turning a%ay from it An the most part of them beliee not in o$ but they

associate other gos %ith im. Co they feel secure that there shall come upon

them no eneloping of the chastisement of o$ or that the our shall not come

upon them suenly %hen they are una%areH

-ay/ 'This is my %ay. I call to o %ith sure no%lege$ I an %hoeer follo%safter me. To o be glory An I am not among the iolaters.'

8e sent not forth any before thee$ but men 8e reeale to of the people liing in

the cities. ae they not ,ourneye in the lanH ae they not behel ho% %as

the en of those before themH. -urely the aboe of the %orl to come is better for 

those that are gofearing. 8hat$ o you not unerstanH

!1/!!2 Till$ %hen the essengers espaire$ eeming they %ere counte liars$

0ur help came to them an %hosoeer 8e %ille %as eliere. 0ur might %ill

neer be turne bac from the people of the sinners.

In their stories is surely a lesson to men possesse of mins= it is not a tale

forge$ but a confirmation of %hat is before it$ an a istinguishing of eery thing$

an a guiance$ an a mercy to a people %ho beliee.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!9/! Alif $am &im 0a 

Those are the signs of the >oo= an that %hich has been sent o%n to thee from

thy 7or is the truth$ but most men o not beliee.

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o is e %ho raise up the heaens %ithout pillars you can see$ then e sat

imself upon the Throne. e sub,ecte the sun an the moon$ each one running

to a term state. e irects the affair= e istinguishes the signs= haply you %ill

hae faith in the encounter %ith your 7or.

It is e %ho stretche out the earth an set therein firm mountains an riers$ an

of eery fruit e place there t%o ins$ coering the ay %ith the night.

-urely in that are signs for a people %ho reflect. An on the earth are tracts

neighbouring each to each$ an garens of ines$ an fiels so%n$ an palms in

pairs$ an palms single$ %atere %ith one %ater= an some of them 8e prefer in

prouce aboe others. -urely in that are signs for a people %ho unerstan.

!9/# If thou %oulst %oner$ surely %onerful is their saying$ '8hat$ %hen %e are

ust shall %e inee then be raise up again in ne% creationH' Those are they

that isbeliee in their 7or= those && on their necs are fetters= those shall be the

inhabitants of the Fire$ therein %elling foreer.

They %oul hae thee hasten the eil ere the goo= yet there hae passe a%ay

before them examples. Thy 7or is forgiing to men$ for all their eil&oing$ an

thy 7or is terrible in retribution.

The unbelieers say$ '8hy has a sign not been sent o%n upon him from his

7orH' Thou art only a %arner$ an a guie to eery people.

o no%s %hat eery female bears$ an the %ombs' shrining an s%elling=eerything %ith im has its measure &&

!9/!2 the *no%er of the unseen an the isible$ the All&great$ the All&exalte/

 Alie of you is he %ho conceals his saying$ an he %ho proclaims it$ he %ho hies

himself in the night$ an he %ho sallies by ay= he has attenant angels$ before

him an behin him$ %atching oer him by o's comman.

o changes not %hat is in a people$ until they change %hat is in themseles.

8hensoer o esires eil for a people$ there is no turning it bac= apart from

im$ they hae no protector.

It is e %ho sho%s you the lightning$ for fear an hope$ an prouces the heay

clous= the thuner proclaims is praise$ an the angels$ in a%e of im.

e looses the thunerbolts$ an smites %ith them %homsoeer e %ill= yet they

ispute about o$ %ho is mighty in po%er. To im is the call of truth= an those

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upon %hom they call$ apart from im$ ans%er them nothing$ but it is as a man

%ho stretches out his hans to %ater that it may reach his mouth$ an it reaches it

not. The prayer of the unbelieers goes only astray.

!9/!# To o bo% all %ho are in the heaens an the earth$ %illingly or 

un%illingly$ as o their shao%s also in the mornings an the eenings.

-ay/ '8ho is the 7or of the heaens an of the earthH' -ay/ 'o.'

-ay/ 'Then hae you taen unto you others besie im to be your protectors$

een such as hae no po%er to profit or hurt themselesH'

-ay/ 'Are the blin an the seeing man eual$ or are the shao%s an the light

eualH 0r hae they ascribe to o associates %ho create as e create$ so

that creation is all alie to themH'

-ay/ 'o is the 4reator of eerything$ an e is the 0ne$ the 0mnipotent.'

e sens o%n out of heaen %ater$ an the %ais flo% each in its measure$ an

the torrent carries a s%elling scum= an out of that oer %hich they inle fire$

being esirous of ornament or %are$ out of that rises a scum the lie of it. -o o

stries both the true an the false. As for the scum$ it anishes as ,etsam$ an

%hat profits men abies in the earth. Een so o stries is similitues. For 

those %ho ans%er their 7or$ the re%ar most fair= an those %ho ans%er im

not && if they possesse all that is in the earth an the lie of it %ith it$ they %oul

offer it for their ransom. Those theirs shall be the eil reconing$ an their refugeshall be ehenna && an eil craling

8hat$ is he %ho no%s %hat is sent o%n to thee from thy 7or is the truth$ lie

him %ho is blinH 0nly men possesse of mins remember=

!9/12 %ho fulfil o's coenant$ an brea not the compact$ %ho ,oin %hat o

has commane shall be ,oine$ an fear their 7or$ an rea the eil reconing$

patient men$ esirous of the Face of their 7or$ %ho perform the prayer$ an

expen of that 8e hae proie them$ secretly an in public$ an %ho aert eil

%ith goo && theirs shall be the Dltimate Aboe$ arens of Een %hich they shallenter= an those %ho %ere righteous of their fathers$ an their %ies$ an their 

see$ shall enter them$ an the angels shall enter unto them from eery gate/

';eace be upon you$ for that you %ere patient.' Fair is the Dltimate Aboe.

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!9/1# An those %ho brea the coenant of o after is compact$ an %ho

snap %hat o has commane to be ,oine$ an %ho %or corruption in the

earth && theirs shall be the curse$ an theirs the Eil Aboe.

o outspreas an straitens is proision unto %homsoeer e %ill. They

re,oice in this present life= an this present life$ besie the %orl to come$ is

naught but passing en,oyment.

The unbelieers say$ '8hy has a sign not been sent o%n upon him from his

7orH' -ay/ 'o leas astray %homsoeer e %ill$ an e guies to im all %ho

are penitent.' Those %ho beliee$ their hearts being at rest in o's remembrance

&& in o's remembrance are at rest the hearts of those %ho beliee an o

righteous ees= theirs is blesseness an a fair resort.

Thus 8e hae sent thee among a nation before %hich other nations hae passe

a%ay$ to recite to them that 8e hae reeale to thee= an yet they isbeliee in

the All&merciful.

-ay/ 'e is my 7or && there is no go but e. In im I hae put my trust$ an to

im I turn.'

!9/92 If only a *oran %hereby the mountains %ere set in motion$ or the earth

%ere cleft$ or the ea %ere spoen to && nay$ but o's is the affair altogether.

Ci not the belieers no% that$ if o ha %ille$ e %oul hae guie men all

togetherH An still the unbelieers are smitten by a shattering for %hat they

%rought$ or it alights nigh their habitation$ until o's promise comes= an o

%ill not fail the tryst. essengers inee %ere scoffe at before thee$ an I

respite the unbelieers= then I seiBe them && an ho% %as my retributionH

8hat$ e %ho stans oer eery soul for %hat it has earneH && An yet they

ascribe to o associates. -ay/ '5ame them 0r %ill you tell im %hat e no%s

not in the earthH 0r in apparent %orsH' 5ay= but ece out fair to the

unbelieers is their eising$ an they are barre from the %ay= an %homsoeer 

o leas astray$ no guie has he.

For them is chastisement in the present life= an the chastisement of the %orl to

come is yet more grieous= they hae none to efen them from o.

!9/9# The lieness of ;araise$ that is promise to the gofearing/ beneath it

riers flo%$ its prouce is eternal$ an its shae. That is the reuital of the go&

fearing= an the reuital of the unbelieers is && the Fire

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 An those to %hom 8e hae gien the >oo re,oice in %hat is sent o%n unto

thee= an of the parties some re,ect some of it.

-ay/ 'I hae only been commane to sere o$ an not to associate aught %ith

im. To im I call$ an to im I turn.'

Een so 8e hae sent it o%n as an Arabic ,ugment. An if thou ost follo% their 

caprices$ after the no%lege that has come to thee$ thou shalt hae no protector 

against o$ an no efener.

 An 8e sent essengers before thee$ an 8e assigne to them %ies$ an

see= an it %as not for any essengers to bring a sign$ but by o's leae.

Eery term has a >oo. o blots out$ an e establishes %hatsoeer e %ill=

an %ith im is the Essence of the >oo.

!9/32 8hether 8e sho% thee a part of that 8e promise them$ or 8e call thee toDs$ it is thine only to elier the essage$ an 0urs the reconing.

ae they not seen ho% 8e come to the lan iminishing it in its extremitiesH

o ,uges= none repels is ,ugment= e is s%ift at the reconing.

Those that %ere before them eise= but o's is the eising altogether. e

no%s %hat eery soul earns. The unbelieers shall assurely no% %hose %ill

be the Dltimate Aboe.

The unbelieers say$ 'Thou art not an Enoy.' -ay/ 'o suffices as a %itnessbet%een me an you$ an %hosoeer possesses no%lege of the >oo.'

6I: A><AA

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!3/! Alif $am 0a 

 A >oo 8e hae sent o%n to thee that thou mayest bring forth manin from the

shao%s to the light by the leae of their 7or$ to the path of the All&mighty$ the

 All&lauable$ o$ to %hom belongs all that is in the heaens an all that is in the

earth. An %oe to the unbelieers for a terrible chastisement$ such as prefer the

present life oer the %orl to come$ an bar from o's %ay$ esiring to mae it

crooe && they are in far error. An 8e hae sent no essenger sae %ith the

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tongue of his people$ that he might mae all clear to them= then o leas astray

%homsoeer e %ill$ an e guies %homsoeer e %ill= an e is the All&

mighty$ the All&%ise.

!3/# An 8e sent oses %ith 0ur signs &&'>ring forth thy people from the

shao%s to the light an remin thou them of the Cays of o.' -urely in that are

signs for eery man enuring$ thanful

 An %hen oses sai to his people$ '<emember o's blessing upon you %hen

e eliere you from the fol of ;haraoh$ %ho %ere isiting you %ith eil

chastisement$ slaughtering your sons$ an sparing your %omen && an in that %as

a grieous trial from your 7or. An %hen your 7or proclaime$ +If you are

thanful$ surely I %ill increase you$ but if you are thanless y chastisement is

surely terrible.+' An oses sai$ 'If you are thanless$ you an %hoso is on earth$

all together$ yet assurely o is All&sufficient$ All&lauable.'

as there not come to you the tiings of those %ho %ere before you && the people

of 5oah$

!3/!2 A$ Thamoo$ an of those after them %hom none no%s but oH Their 

essengers came to them %ith the clear signs= but they thrust their hans into

their mouths$ saying$ '8e certainly isbeliee in the essage you hae been sent

%ith$ an %e are in oubt$ concerning that you call us unto$ isuieting.'

Their essengers sai$ 'Is there any oubt regaring o$ the 0riginator of the

heaens an the earth$ %ho calls you so that e may forgie you your sins$ an

efer you to a term stateH' They sai$ 'Gou are nothing but mortals$ lie us= you

esire to bar us from that our fathers sere= then bring us a manifest authority.'

Their essengers sai to them$ '8e are nothing but mortals$ lie you= but o is

gracious unto %homsoeer e %ill of is serants. It is not for us to bring you an

authority sae by the leae of o= an in o let the belieers put all their trust.

!3/!# An %hy shoul %e not put our trust in o$ seeing that e has guie us

in our %aysH 8e %ill surely enure patiently$ %hateer you hurt us= an in o let

all put their trust %ho put their trust.' The unbelieers sai to their essengers$

'8e %ill assurely expel you from our lan$ or you %ill surely return into our 

cree.' Then i their 7or reeal unto them/

'8e %ill surely estroy the eiloers$ an 8e %ill surely mae you to %ell in the

lan after them && that$ for him %ho fears y station an fears y threat.' They

sought a ,ugment= then %as isappointe eery fro%ar tyrant && beyon him

ehenna$ an he is gien to rin of ooBing pus$

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!3/12 the %hich he gulps$ an can scarce s%allo%$ an eath comes upon him

from eery sie$ yet he cannot ie= an still beyon him is a harsh chastisement.

The lieness of those %ho isbeliee in their 7or/ their %ors are as ashes$

%hereon the %in blo%s strong upon a tempestuous ay= they hae no po%er 

oer that they hae earne && that is the far error ast thou not seen that o

create the heaens an the earth in truthH If e %ill$ e can put you a%ay an

bring a ne% creation= that is surely no great matter for o.

They sally forth unto o$ all together= then say the %ea to those %ho %axe

prou$ '8e %ere your follo%ers= %ill you aail us against the chastisement of o


!3/1# They say$ 'If o ha guie us$ %e %oul hae guie you. Alie it is for 

us %hether %e cannot enure$ or %hether %e are patient= %e hae no asylum.'

 An -atan says$ %hen the issue is ecie$

'o surely promise you a true promise= an I promise you$ then I faile you$

for I ha no authority oer you$ but that I calle you$ an you ans%ere me. -o o

not blame me$ but blame yourseles= I cannot ai you$ neither can you ai me. I

isbeliee in your associating me %ith o aforetime.'

 As for the eiloers$ for them a%aits a painful chastisement= but as for those %ho

beliee$ an o ees of righteousness$ they shall be amitte to garens

unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein %elling foreer$ by the leae of their 7or$

their greeting therein/ ';eace'

ast thou not seen ho% o has struc a similitueH A goo %or is as a goo

tree && its roots are firm$ an its branches are in heaen=

!3/92 it gies its prouce eery season by the leae of its 7or. -o o stries

similitues for men= haply they %ill remember. An the lieness of a corrupt %or

is as a corrupt tree && uproote from the earth$ haing no stablishment. o

confirms those %ho beliee %ith the firm %or$ in the present life an in the %orl

to come= an o leas astray the eiloers= an o oes %hat e %ill. ast

thou not seen those %ho exchange the bounty of o %ith unthanfulness$ an

cause their people to %ell in the aboe of ruinH &&

ehenna$ %herein they are roaste= an eil stablishment

!3/9# An they set up compeers to o$ that they might lea astray from is %ay.

-ay/ 'Tae your ,oy Gour homecoming shall be && the Fire' -ay to y serants

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%ho beliee$ that they perform the prayer$ an expen of that 8e hae proie

them$ secretly an in public$ before a ay comes %herein shall be neither 

bargaining nor befriening.

It is o %ho create the heaens an the earth$ an sent o%n out of heaen

%ater %here%ith e brought forth fruits to be your sustenance. An e sub,ecte

to you the ships to run upon the sea at is commanment= an e sub,ecte to

you the riers an e sub,ecte to you the sun an moon constant upon their 

courses$ an e sub,ecte to you the night an ay$ an gae you of all you

ase im. If you count o's blessing$ you %ill neer number it= surely man is

sinful$ unthanful

 An %hen Abraham sai$ 'y 7or$ mae this lan secure$ an turn me an my

sons a%ay from sering iols= my 7or$ they hae le astray many men. Then

%hoso follo%s me belongs to me= an %hoso rebels against me$ surely Thou art

 All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

!3/32 0ur 7or$ I hae mae some of my see to %ell in a alley %here is no

so%n lan by Thy oly ouse= 0ur 7or$ let them perform the prayer$ an mae

hearts of men yearn to%ars them$ an proie them %ith fruits= haply they %ill be

thanful. 0ur 7or$ Thou no%est %hat %e eep secret an %hat %e publish= from

o nothing %hateer is hien in earth an heaen. ;raise be to o$ %ho has

gien me$ though I am ol$ Ishmael an Isaac= surely my 7or hears the petition.

y 7or$ mae me a performer of the prayer$ an of my see. 0ur 7or$ an

receie my petition. 0ur 7or$ forgie Thou me an my parents$ an the

belieers$ upon the ay %hen the reconing shall come to pass.

Ceem not that o is heeless of %hat the eiloers %or= e is only eferring

them to a ay %hen eyes shall stare$ %hen they shall run %ith necs outstretche

an heas erect$ their glances neer returne on themseles$ their hearts oi.

 An %arn manin of the ay %hen the chastisement comes on them$

!3/3# An those %ho i eil shall say$ '0ur 7or$ efer us to a near term$ an %e

%ill ans%er Thy call$ an follo% the essengers.' 'Ah$ but i you not s%ear 

aforetime there shoul be no remoing for youH An you %elt in the %elling&

places of those %ho %ronge themseles$ an it became clear to you ho% 8e i

%ith them$ an ho% 8e struc similitues for you. They eise their eising$

an their eising is no%n to o= though their eising %ere such as to remoe

mountains.' -o o not eem that o %ill fail in is promise to is essengers=

surely o is All&mighty$ :engeful. Dpon the ay the earth shall be change to

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other than the earth$ an the heaens an they sally forth unto o$ the 0ne$ the


!3/#2 An thou shalt see the sinners that ay couple in fetters$ of pitch their 

shirts$ their faces enelope by the Fire$ that o may recompense eery soul for 

its earnings= surely o is s%ift at the reconing.

This is a essage to be eliere to manin that they may be %arne by it$ an

that they may no% that e is 0ne o$ an that all possesse of mins may


6: E7&IJ<

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!#/! Alif $am 0a 

Those are the signs of the >oo an of a manifest *oran.

;erchance the unbelieers %ill %ish that they ha surrenere/ leae them to eat$

an to tae their ,oy$ an to be bemuse by hope= certainly they %ill soon no%

5eer a city hae 8e estroye$ but it ha a no%n ecree$

!#/# an no nation outstrips its term$ nor o they put it bac.

They say/ 'Thou$ upon %hom the <emembrance is sent o%n$ thou art assurely

possesse 8hy ost thou not bring the angels unto us$ if thou speaest trulyH'

8e sen not o%n the angels$ sae %ith truth= then they %oul not be respite. It

is 8e %ho hae sent o%n the <emembrance$ an 8e %atch oer it.

!#/!2 Inee$ 8e sent essengers before thee$ among the factions of the

ancients$ an not a single essenger came to them$ but they moce at him=

een so 8e cause it to enter into the hearts of the sinners && they beliee not in it$though the %ont of the ancients is alreay gone.

Though 8e opene to them a gate in heaen$ an still they mounte through it$

!#/!# yet %oul they say$ '0ur eyes hae been aBBle= nay$ %e are a people


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8e hae set in heaen constellations an ece them out fair to the beholers$

an guare them from eery accurse -atan excepting such as listens by

stealth && an he is pursue by a manifest flame.

 An the earth && 8e stretche it forth$ an cast on it firm mountains$ an 8e

cause to gro% therein of eery thing ,ustly %eighe$ an

!#/12 there appointe for you lielihoo$ an for those you proie not for. 5aught

is there$ but its treasuries are %ith Ds$ an 8e sen it not o%n but in a no%n

measure. An 8e loose the %ins fertilising$ an 8e sen o%n out of heaen

%ater$ then 8e gie it to you to rin$ an you are not its treasurers. It is 8e %ho

gie life$ an mae to ie$ an it is 8e %ho are the inheritors.

8e no% the ones of you %ho press for%ar$ an 8e no% the laggars=

!#/1# an it is thy 7or shall muster them$ an e is All&%ise$ All&no%ing.

-urely 8e create man of a clay of mu moule$ an the ,inn create 8e before

of fire flaming. An %hen thy 7or sai to the angels$ '-ee$ I am creating a mortal

of a clay of mu moule. 8hen I hae shape him$ an breathe y spirit in

him$ fall you o%n$ bo%ing before him'

!#/92 Then the angels bo%e themseles all together$ sae Iblis= he refuse to be

among those bo%ing. -ai e$ '8hat ails thee$ Iblis$ that thou art not among

those bo%ingH' -ai he$ 'I %oul neer bo% myself before a mortal %hom Thou

hast create of a clay of mu moule.' -ai e$ 'Then go thou forth hence= thouart accurse.

!#/9# Dpon thee shall rest the curse$ till the Cay of Coom.' -ai he$ 'y 7or$

respite me till the ay they shall be raise.' -ai e$ 'Thou art among the ones

that are respite unto the ay of a no%n time.'

-ai he$ 'y 7or$ for Thy pererting me I shall ec all fair to them in the earth$

an I shall perert them$ all together$

!#/32 excepting those Thy serants among them that are eote. -ai e$ 'Thisis for e a straight path/ oer y serants thou shalt hae no authority$ except

those that follo% thee$ being pererse= ehenna shall be their promise lan all


-een gates it has$ an unto each gate a set portion of them belongs.'

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!#/3# >ut the gofearing shall be amist garens an fountains/ 'Enter you them$

in peace an security' 8e shall strip a%ay all rancour that is in their breasts= as

brothers they shall be upon couches set face to face= no fatigue there shall smite

them$ neither shall they eer be rien forth from there.

Tell y serants I am the All&forgiing$ the All&compassionate$ an that y

chastisement is the painful chastisement.

!#/#2 An tell them of the guests of Abraham$ %hen they entere unto him$

saying$ ';eace' e sai$ '>ehol$ %e are afrai of you.' They sai$ '>e not afrai=

behol$ %e gie thee goo tiings of a cunning boy.' e sai$ '8hat$ o you gie

me goo tiings$ though ol age has smitten meH 0f %hat o you

!#/## gie me goo tiingsH' They sai$ '8e gie thee goo tiings of truth. >e

not of those that espair.' e sai$ 'An %ho espairs of the mercy of his 7or$

excepting those that are astrayH' e sai$ 'An %hat is your business$ enoysH'

They sai$ '8e hae been sent unto a people of sinners$ excepting the fol of 7ot=

them %e shall elier

!#/@2 all together$ excepting his %ife && %e hae ecree$ she shall surely be of 

those that tarry.' -o$ %hen the enoys came to the fol of 7ot$ he sai$ '-urely you

are a people unno%n to me' They sai$ '5ay$ but %e hae brought thee that

concerning %hich they %ere oubting. 8e hae come to thee %ith the truth$ an

assurely %e spea truly.

!#/@# -o set forth$ thou %ith thy family$ in a %atch of the night$ an follo% after the

bacs of them$ an let not any one of you turn roun= an epart unto the place

you are commane.' An 8e ecree for him that commanment$ that the last

remnant of those shoul be cut off in the morning. An the people of the city

came re,oicing. e sai$ 'These are my guests= put me not to shame$ an fear 

o$ an o not egrae me.'

!#/2 They sai$ 'ae %e not forbien thee all beingsH' e sai$ 'These are my

aughters$ if you %oul be oing.' >y thy life$ they %anere blinly in their 

aBBlement$ an the 4ry seiBe them at the sunrise$ an 8e turne it uppermost

nethermost an raine on it stones of bae clay.

!#/# -urely in that are signs for such as mar= surely it is on a %ay yet

remaining= surely in that is a sign for belieers.

4ertainly the %ellers in the Thicet %ere eiloers$ an 8e too engeance on

them. The t%o of them %ere upon a roa%ay manifest.

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!#/2 The %ellers in El&i,r crie lies to the Enoys. 8e brought them 0ur signs$

an they turne a%ay from them. They %ere he%ing the mountains into houses$

therein %elling securely= an the 4ry seiBe them in the morning= that they

earne i not aail them.

!#/# 8e create not the heaens an the earth$ an all that is bet%een them$

sae in truth. -urely the our is coming= so paron thou$ %ith a gracious

paroning. -urely thy 7or$ e is the All&creator$ the All&no%ing.

8e hae gien thee seen of the oft&repeate$ an the mighty *oran.

-tretch not thine eyes to that 8e hae gien pairs of them to en,oy= an o not

sorro% for them$ an lo%er thy %ing unto the belieers$ an say$ '-urely$ I am the

manifest %arner.'

!#/"2 -o 8e sent it o%n to the partitioners$ %ho hae broen the *oran intofragments.

5o% by thy 7or$ 8e shall surely uestion them all together concerning that they

%ere oing. -o shout that thou art commane an turn thou a%ay from the


!#/"# 8e suffice thee against the mocers$ een against those %ho set up %ith

o another go. 4ertainly they %ill soon no% 8e no% inee thy breast is

straitene by the things they say.

;roclaim thy 7or's praise$an be of those that bo%$an sere thy 7or$ untilthe 4ertain comes to thee.

6:I TE >EE

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!@/! o's comman comes= so see not to hasten it. lory be to im igh be

e exalte aboe that they associate %ith im e sens o%n the angels %ith

the -pirit of is comman upon %homsoeer e %ill among is serants$ saying/

ie you %arning that there is no o but I= so fear you e

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e create the heaens an the earth in truth= high be e exalte aboe that they

associate 8ith im e create man of a sperm&rop= an$ behol$ he is a

manifest aersary. An the cattle &&

!@/# e create them for you= in them is %armth$ an uses arious$ an of them

you eat$ an there is beauty in them for you$ %hen you bring them home to rest

an %hen you rie them forth abroa to pasture= an they bear your loas unto a

lan that you neer %oul reach$ excepting %ith great istress. -urely your 7or

is All&clement$ All&compassionate. An horses$ an mules$ an asses$ for you to

rie$ an as an aornment= an e creates %hat you no% not.

o's it is to sho% the %ay= an some o s%ere from it. If e %ille$ e %oul

hae guie you all together.

!@/!2 It is e %ho sens o%n to you out of heaen %ater of %hich you hae to

rin$ an of %hich trees$ for you to pasture your hers$ an thereby e brings

forth for you crops$ an olies$ an palms$ an ines$ an all manner of fruit.

-urely in that is a sign for a people %ho reflect. An e sub,ecte to you the night

an ay$ an the sun an moon= an the stars are sub,ecte by is comman.

-urely in that are signs for a people %ho unerstan. An that %hich e has

multiplie for you in the earth of ierse hues. -urely in that is a sign for a people

%ho remember. It is e %ho sub,ecte to you the sea$ that you may eat of it fresh

flesh$ an bring forth out of it ornaments for you to %ear= an thou mayest see the

ships cleaing through it= an that you may see of is bounty$ an so haply you

%ill be thanful.

!@/!# An e cast on the earth firm mountains$ lest it shae %ith you$ an riers

an %ays= so haply you %ill be guie= an %aymars= an by the stars they are

guie. Is e %ho creates as he %ho oes not createH 8ill you not rememberH If 

you count o's blessing$ you %ill neer number it= surely o is All&forgiing$ All&


 An o no%s %hat you eep secret an %hat you publish.

!@/12 An those they call upon$ apart from o$ create nothing$ an themseles

are create$ ea$ not alie= an are not a%are %hen they shall be raise.

Gour o is 0ne o. An they %ho beliee not in the %orl to come$ their hearts

eny$ an they hae %axe prou. 8ithout a oubt o no%s %hat they eep

secret an %hat they publish=

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!@/1# e loes not those that %ax prou. An %hen it is sai to them$ '8hat has

your 7or sent o%nH' they say$ 'Fairy&tales of the ancients.'

That they may bear their loas complete on the Cay of <esurrection$ an some of 

the loas of those that they lea astray %ithout any no%lege. 0 eil the loa

they bear

Those that %ere before them contrie= then o came upon their builing from

the founations$ an the roof fell o%n on them from oer them$ an the

chastisement came upon them from %hence they %ere not a%are.

Then on the Cay of <esurrection e %ill egrae them$ saying$ '8here are y

associates concerning %hich you mae a breach togetherH' Those that %ere

gien the no%lege %ill say$

!@/92 'Cegraation toay an eil are on the unbelieers$ %hom the angels tae%hile still they are %ronging themseles.' Then they %ill offer surrener/ '8e %ere

oing nothing eil. '5ay= but surety o has no%lege of the things you i. -o

enter the gates of ehenna$ there to %ell foreer.' Eil is the loging of those

that %ax prou. An it shall be sai to the gofearing$ '8hat has your 7or sent

o%nH' They %ill say$ 'oo For those %ho o goo in this %orl goo= an

surely the aboe of the %orl to come is better= excellent is the aboe of the

gofearing && arens of Een they shall enter$ unerneath %hich riers flo%$

%herein they shall hae all they %ill. -o o recompenses the gofearing$ %hom

the angels tae %hile they are gooly$ saying$ ';eace be on you Enter ;araise

for that you %ere oing.'

!@/9# Co they loo for aught but that the angels shall come to them$ or thy 7or's

comman shall comeH -o i those before them$ an o %ronge them not$ but

themseles they %ronge. -o the eil things that they %rought smote them$ an

they %ere encompasse by that they moce at.

The iolators say$ 'If o ha %ille %e %oul not hae sere= apart from im$

anything$ neither %e nor our fathers$ nor %oul %e hae forbien$ apart from

im$ anything.' -o i those before them= yet is aught for the essengers$ but to

elier the manifest essageH Inee$ 8e sent forth among eery nation a

essenger$= saying/ '-ere you o$ an esche% iols.' Then some of them o

guie$ an some %ere ,ustly ispose to error. -o ,ourney in the lan$ an

behol ho% %as the en of them that crie lies.

Though thou art eer so eager to guie them$ o guies not those %hom e

leas astray= they hae no helpers.

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!@/32 They hae s%orn by o the most earnest oaths o %ill neer raise up

him %ho ies= nay$ it is a promise bining upon im$ but most men no% not$ so

that e may mae clear to them that %hereon they %ere at ariance$ an that the

unbelieers may no% that they %ere truly liars. The only %ors 8e say to a

thing$ %hen 8e esire it$ is that 8e say to it '>e$' an it is.

 An those that emigrate in o's cause after they %ere %ronge && 8e shall

surely loge them in this %orl in a gooly loging$ an the %age of the %orl to

come is greater$ i they but no%= een such men as are patient$ an put their 

trust in their 7or.

!@/3# 8e sent not any before thee$ except men to %hom 8e reeale/ 'Question

the people of the <emembrance$ if it shoul be that you o not no% && %ith the

clear signs$ an the ;salms= an 8e hae sent o%n to thee the <emembrance

that thou mayest mae clear to manin %hat %as sent o%n to them= an so

haply they %ill reflect.

Co they feel secure$ those %ho eise eil things$ that o %ill not cause the

earth to s%allo% them$ or that the chastisement %ill not come upon them$ from

%hence they are not a%areH 0r that e %ill not seiBe them in their going to an

fro$ an they %ill not be able to frustrate imH

0r that e %ill not seiBe them$ little by little estroying themH -urely thy 7or is

 All&clement$ All&compassionate.

!@/#2 ae they not regare all things that o has create casting their 

shao%s to the right an to the left$ bo%ing themseles before o in all

lo%linessH To o bo%s eerything in the heaens$ an eery creature cra%ling

on the earth$ an the angels. They hae not %axe prou= they fear their 7or

aboe them$ an they o %hat they are commane.

o says/ 'Tae not to you t%o gos. e is only 0ne o= so hae a%e of e.'

To im belongs all that is in the heaens an earth= is is the religion for eer.

Then %ill you fear other than oH

!@/## 8hatsoeer blessing you hae$ it comes from o= then %hen affliction

isits you it is unto im that you groan. Then$ %hen e remoes the affliction from

you$ lo$ a party of you assign associates to their 7or$ that they may sho%

unthanfulness for that 8e hae gien them. -o tae your ,oy= certainly you %ill

soon no%

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 An they appoint a share of that 8e hae proie them to %hat they no% not.

>y o$ you shall be uestione as to that you forge. An they assign to o

aughters= glory be to im && an they hae their esire=

!@/@2 an %hen any of them is gien the goo tiings of a girl$ his face is

arene an he choes in%arly$ as he hies him from the people because of 

the eil of the goo tiings that hae been gien unto him$ %hether he shall

presere it in humiliation$ or trample it= into the ust. Ah$ eil is that they ,uge

Those %ho beliee not in the %orl to come$ theirs is the eil lieness= o's is

the loftiest lieness= e is the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

If o shoul tae men to tas for their eiloing$ e %oul not leae on the earth

one creature that cra%ls= but e is eferring them to a term state= an %hen

their term is come they shall not put it bac by a single hour nor put it for%ar.

They assign to o that they themseles islie= an their tongues escribe

falsehoo$ that the re%ar most fair shall be theirs. 8ithout any oubt theirs shall

be the Fire$ an they are hastene in.

!@/@# >y o$ assurely 8e sent essengers to nations before thee$ but -atan

ece out fair to them their ees= he is their protector toay$ an there yet

a%aits them a painful chastisement.

 An 8e hae not sent o%n upon thee the >oo except that thou mayest mae

clear to them that %hereon they %ere at ariance$ an as a guiance an as amercy to a people %ho beliee.

 An it is o %ho sens o%n out of heaen %ater$ an there%ith reies the

earth after it is ea. -urely in that is a sign for a people %ho hae ears. An

surely in the cattle there is a lesson for you= 8e gie you to rin of %hat is in

their bellies$ bet%een filth an bloo$ pure mil$ s%eet to riners. An of the fruits

of the palms an the ines$ you tae therefrom an intoxicant an a proision fair.

-urely in that is a sign for a people %ho unerstan.

!@/2 An thy 7or reeale unto the bees$ saying/ 'Tae unto yourseles$ of themountains$ houses$ an of the trees$ an of %hat they are builing. Then eat of all

manner of fruit$ an follo% the %ays of your 7or easy to go upon.'

Then comes there forth out of their bellies a rin of ierse hues %herein is

healing for men. -urely in that is a sign for a people %ho reflect.

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o create you= then e %ill gather you to im= an some of you %ill be ept

bac unto the ilest state of life$ that after no%ing some%hat$ they may no%

nothing= o is All&no%ing$ All&po%erful.

 An o has preferre some of you oer others in proision=$ but those that %ere

preferre shall not gie oer their proision to that their right hans possess$ so

that they may be eual therein. 8hat$ an o they eny o's blessingH

o has appointe for you of yourseles %ies$ an e has appointe for you of 

your %ies sons an gransons$ an e has proie you of the goo things.

8hat$ o they beliee in anity$ an o they isbeliee in o's blessingH

!@/# An o they sere$ apart from o$ that %hich has no po%er to proie

them anything from the heaens an the earth an can o nothingH -o strie not

any similitues for o= surely o no%s$ an you no% not.

o has struc a similitue/ a serant possesse by his master$ haing no po%er 

oer anything$ an one %hom 8e hae proie of 0urseles %ith a proision

fair$ an he expens of it secretly an openly.

 Are they eualH ;raise belongs to o 5ay$ most of them no% not. o has

struc a similitue/ t%o men$ one of them umb$ haing no po%er oer anything$

an he is a buren upon his master && %hereer he espatches him$ he brings no


Is he eual to him %ho bis to ,ustice$ an is on a straight pathH

To o belongs the Dnseen in the heaens an in the earth. An the matter of 

the our is as a t%inling of the eye$ or nearer. -urely o is po%erful oer 


!@/2 An it is o %ho brought you forth from your mothers' %ombs$ an e

appointe for you hearing$ an sight$ an hearts$ that haply so you %ill be


ae they not regare the birs$ that are sub,ecte in the air of heaenH 5aughthols them but o= surely in that are signs for a people %ho beliee.

 An it is o %ho has appointe a place of rest for you of your houses$ an e

has appointe for you of the sins of the cattle houses you fin light on the ay

that you ,ourney$ an on the ay you abie$ an of their %ool$ an of their fur$ an

of their hair furnishing an an en,oyment for a %hile. An it is o %ho has

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appointe for you coerings of the things e create$ an e has appointe for 

you of the mountains refuges$ an e has appointe for you shirts to protect you

from the heat$ an shirts to protect you from your o%n iolence. Een so e

perfects is blessing upon you$ that haply you %ill surrener. -o$ if they turn their 

bacs$ thine it is only to elier the manifest essage.

!@/# They recogniBe the blessing of o$ then they eny it$ an the most of 

them are the unthanful.

 An the ay 8e shall raise up from eery nation a %itness$ then to the

unbelieers no leae shall be gien$ nor shall they be suffere to mae amens.

 An %hen the eiloers behol the chastisement$ it shall not be lightene for 

them$ an no respite shall be gien them. An %hen the iolaters behol their 

associates$ they shall say$ '0ur 7or$ these are our associates on %hom %e calle

apart from Thee.' They %ill fling bac at them the saying$ '-urely$ you are truly

liars.' An they %ill offer o surrener that ay$ an there shall go

!@/"2 astray from them that they %ere forging. Those that isbeliee an bar from

the %ay of o && them 8e shall gie increase of chastisement upon

chastisement$ for that they %ere oing corruption. An the ay 8e shall raise up

from eery nation a %itness against them from amongst them$ an 8e shall bring

thee as a %itness against those.

 An 8e hae sent o%n on thee the >oo maing clear eerything$ an as a

guiance an a mercy$ an as goo tiings to those %ho surrener.

-urely o bis to ,ustice an goo&oing an giing to insmen= an e forbis

inecency$ ishonour$ an insolence$ amonishing you$ so that haply you %ill


Fulfil o's coenant$ %hen you mae coenant$ an brea not the oaths after 

they hae been confirme$ an you hae mae o your surety= surely o

no%s the things you o.

 An be not as a %oman %ho breas her threa$ after it is firmly spun$ into fibres$

by taing your oaths as mere mutual eceit$ one nation being more numerous

than another nation. o only tries you thereby= an certainly e %ill mae clear 

to you upon the Cay of <esurrection that %hereon you %ere at ariance.

!@/"# If o ha %ille$ e %oul hae mae you one nation= but e leas astray

%hom e %ill$ an guies %hom e %ill= an you %ill surely be uestione about

the things you %rought. Tae not your oaths as mere mutual eceit$ lest any foot

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shoul slip after it has stoo firm$ an you shoul taste eil$ for that you barre

from the %ay of o$ an lest there shoul a%ait you a mighty chastisement. An

o not sell the coenant of o for a small price= surely %hat is %ith o && that is

better for you$ i you but no%.

8hat is %ith you comes to an en$ but %hat is %ith o abies= an surely 8e

shall recompense those %ho %ere patient their %age$ accoring to the best of 

%hat they i.

 An %hosoeer oes a righteous ee$ be it male or female$ belieing$ 8e shall

assurely gie him to lie a gooly life= an 8e shall recompense them their 

%age$ accoring to the best of %hat they i.

!@/!22 8hen thou recitest the *oran$ see refuge in o from the accurse

-atan= he has no authority oer those %ho beliee an trust in their 7or= his

authority is oer those %ho tae him for their frien an ascribe associates to


 An %hen 8e exchange a erse in the place of another erse an o no%s

ery %ell %hat e is sening o%n && they say$ 'Thou art a mere forger' 5ay$ but

the most of them hae no no%lege. -ay/ 'The oly -pirit sent it o%n from thy

7or in truth$ an to confirm those %ho beliee$ an to be a guiance an goo

tiings to those %ho surrener.' An 8e no% ery %ell that they say$ '0nly a

mortal is teaching him.' The speech of him at %hom they hint is barbarous= an

this is speech Arabic$ manifest.

Those that beliee not in the signs of o$ o %ill not guie= there a%aits them

a painful chastisement. They only forge falsehoo$ %ho beliee not in the signs of 

o$ an those && they are the liars.

8hoso isbeliees in o$ after he has beliee && excepting him %ho has been

compelle$ an his heart is still at rest in his belief && but %hosoeer's breast is

expane in unbelief$ upon them shall rest anger from o$ an there a%aits

them a mighty chastisement= that$ because they hae preferre the present life

oer the %orl to come$ an that o guies not the people of the unbelieers.

!@/!!2 Those && o has set a seal on their hearts$ an their hearing$ an their 

eyes$ an those && they are the heeless ones= %ithout a oubt$ in the %orl to

come they %ill be the losers.

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Then$ surely thy 7or && unto those %ho hae emigrate after persecution$ then

struggle an %ere patient && surely thy 7or thereafter is All&forgiing$ All&


The ay that eery soul shall come isputing in its o%n behalf= an eery soul

shall be pai in full for %hat it %rought$ an they shall not be %ronge.

o has struc a similitue/ a city that %as secure$ at rest$ its proision coming to

it easefully from eery place$ then it %as unthanful for the blessings of o= so

o let it taste the garment of hunger an of fear$ for the things that they %ere


There came inee to them a essenger from amongst them$ but they crie him

lies= so they %ere seiBe by the chastisement %hile they %ere eiloers.

!@/!!# -o eat of %hat o has proie you la%ful an goo= an be youthanful for the blessing of o$ if it be im that you sere. These things only e

has forbien you/ carrion$ bloo$ the flesh of s%ine$ %hat has been hallo%e to

other than o. Get %hoso is constraine$ not esiring nor transgressing$ o is

 All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

 An o not say$ as to %hat your tongues falsely escribe$ 'This is la%ful= an this

is forbien$ so that you may forge against o falsehoo= surely those %ho

forge against o falsehoo shall not prosper.

 A little en,oyment$ then for them a%aits a painful chastisement. An those of Je%ry && 8e hae forbien them %hat 8e relate to thee before$ an 8e

%ronge them not$ but they %ronge themseles.

!@/!12 Then$ surely thy 7or && unto those %ho i eil in ignorance$ then

repente after that an put things right && surely thy 7or thereafter is All&forgiing$


-urely$ Abraham %as a nation obeient unto o$ a man of pure faith an no

iolater$ sho%ing thanfulness for is blessings= e chose him$ an e guie

him to a straight path. An 8e gae him in this %orl goo$ an in the %orl tocome he shall be among the righteous. Then 8e reeale to thee/ 'Follo% thou

the cree of Abraham$ a man of pure faith an no iolater.' The -abbath %as only

appointe for those %ho %ere at ariance thereon= surely thy 7or %ill ecie

bet%een them on the Cay of <esurrection$ touching their ifferences.

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4all thou to the %ay of thy 7or %ith %isom an goo amonition$ an ispute

%ith them in the better %ay. -urely thy 7or no%s ery %ell those %ho hae gone

astray from is %ay$ an e no%s ery %ell those %ho are guie. An if you

chastise$ chastise een as you hae been chastise= an yet assurely if you are

patient$ better it is for those patient.

 An be patient= yet is thy patience only %ith the help of o. An o not sorro%

for them$ nor be thou straitene for %hat they eise. -urely o is %ith those

%ho are gofearing$ an those %ho are goo&oers.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!/! lory be to im$ %ho carrie is serant by night from the oly osue to

the Further osue the precincts of %hich 8e hae blesse$ that 8e might sho%

him some of 0ur signs. e is the All&hearing$ the All&seeing.

 An 8e gae oses the >oo$ an mae it a guiance to the 4hilren of Israel/

'Tae not unto yourseles any guarian apart from e.'

The see of those 8e bore %ith 5oah= he %as a thanful serant. An 8e

ecree for the 4hilren of Israel in the >oo/ 'Gou shall o corruption in the earth

t%ice$ an you shall ascen exceeing high.'

!/# -o$ %hen the promise of the first of these came to pass$ 8e sent against

you serants of 0urs$ men of great might$ an they %ent through the habitations$

an it %as a promise performe.

Then 8e gae bac to you the turn to preail oer them$ an 8e succoure you

%ith %ealth an chilren$ an 8e mae you a greater host.

'If you o goo$ it is your o%n souls you o goo to$ an if you o eil it is to them

lie%ise.' Then$ %hen the promise of the secon came to pass$ 8e sent againstyou 0ur serants to iscountenance you$ an to enter the Temple$ as they

entere it the first time$ an to estroy utterly that %hich they ascene to.

;erchance your 7or %ill hae mercy upon you= but if you return$ 8e shall return=

an 8e hae mae ehenna a prison for the unbelieers.

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-urely this *oran guies to the %ay that is straightest an gies goo tiings to

the belieers

!/!2 %ho o ees of righteousness$ that theirs shall be a great %age$ an that

those %ho o not beliee in the %orl to come && %e hae prepare for them a

painful chastisement.

an prays for eil$ as he prays for goo= man is eer hasty. 8e hae appointe

the night an the ay as t%o signs= then 8e hae blotte out the sign of the night$

an mae the sign of the ay to see$ an that you may see bounty from your 

7or$ an that you may no% the number of the years$ an the reconing= an

eerything 8e hae istinguishe ery istinctly.

 An eery man && 8e hae fastene to him his bir of omen upon his nec= an

8e shall bring forth for him$ on the Cay of <esurrection$ a boo he shall fin

sprea %ie open.

!/!# '<ea thy boo Thy soul suffices thee this ay as a reconer against thee.'

8hosoeer is guie$ is only guie to his o%n gain$ an %hosoeer goes astray$

it is only to his o%n loss= no soul laen bears the loa of another. 8e neer 

chastise$ until 8e sen forth a essenger.

 An %hen 8e esire to estroy a city$ 8e comman its men %ho lie at ease$

an they commit ungoliness therein$ then the 8or is realiBe against it$ an 8e

estroy it utterly.

o% many generations 8e hae estroye after 5oah Thy 7or suffices as one

%ho is a%are of an sees the sins of is serants. 8hosoeer esires this hasty

%orl$ 8e hasten for him therein %hat 8e %ill unto %homsoeer 8e esire= then

8e appoint for him ehenna %herein he shall roast$ conemne an re,ecte.

!/12 An %hosoeer esires the %orl to come an stries after it as he shoul$

being a belieer && those$ their striing shall be thane. Each 8e succour$ these

an those$ from thy 7or's gift= an thy 7or's gift is not confine.

>ehol$ ho% 8e prefer some of them oer others An surely the %orl to come isgreater in rans$ greater in preferment.

-et not up %ith o another go$ or thou %ilt sit conemne an forsaen. Thy

7or has ecree you shall not sere any but im$ an to be goo to parents$

%hether one or both of them attains ol age %ith thee= say not to them 'Fie'

neither chie them$ but spea unto them %ors respectful$

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!/1# an lo%er to them the %ing of humbleness out of mercy an say= 'y 7or$

hae mercy upon them$ as they raise me up %hen I %as little.'

Gour 7or no%s ery %ell %hat is in your hearts if you are righteous$ for e is All&

forgiing to those %ho are penitent. An gie the insman his right$ an the

neey$ an the traeller= an neer suaner= the suanerers are brothers of 

-atan$ an -atan is unthanful to his 7or.

!/92 >ut if thou turnest from them$ seeing mercy from thy 7or that thou hopest

for$ then spea unto them gentle %ors. An eep not thy han chaine to thy

nec$ nor outsprea it %iesprea altogether$ or thou %ilt sit reproache an


-urely thy 7or outspreas an straitens is proision unto %hom e %ill= surely

e is a%are of an sees is serants.

 An slay not your chilren for fear of poerty= 8e %ill proie for you an them=

surely the slaying of them is a grieous sin. An approach not fornication= surely it

is an inecency$ an eil as a %ay.

!/9# An slay not the soul o has forbien$ except by right. 8hosoeer is

slain un,ustly$ 8e hae appointe to his next&of&in authority= but let him not

excee in slaying= he shall be helpe.

 An o not approach the property of the orphan sae in the fairest manner$ until

he is of age. An fulfil the coenant= surely the coenant shall be uestione of. An fill up the measure %hen you measure$ an %eigh %ith the straight balance=

that is better an fairer in the issue. An pursue not that thou hast no no%lege

of= the hearing$ the sight$ the heart && all of those shall be uestione of.

 An %al not in the earth exultantly= certainly thou %ilt neer tear the earth open$

nor attain the mountains in height.

!/32 All of that && the %iceness of it is hateful in the sight of thy 7or has

reeale to thee/

That is of the %isom thy 7or set not up %ith o another go$ or thou %ilt be

cast into ehenna$ reproache an re,ecte.

8hat$ has your 7or faoure you %ith sons an taen to imself from the angels

femalesH -urely it is a monstrous thing you are saying 8e hae turne about in

this *oran$ that they may remember= an it increases them only in aersion. -ay/

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'If there ha been other gos %ith im$ as they say$ in that case assurely they

%oul hae sought a %ay unto the 7or of the Throne.' lory be to im

3# igh inee be e exalte aboe that they say The seen heaens an the earth$ an %hosoeer 

 in them is$ extol im= nothing is$ that oes not proclaim is praise$ but you o not unerstan their  extolling. -urely e is All&clement$ All&forgiing.

8hen thou recitest the *oran$ 8e place bet%een thee$ an those %ho o not

beliee in the %orl to come$ a curtain obstructing$ an 8e lay eils upon their 

hearts lest they unerstan it$ an in their ears heainess.

 An %hen thou mentionest thy 7or only in the *oran$ they turn in their traces in


!/#2 8e no% ery %ell ho% they listen %hen they listen to thee$ an %hen they

conspire$ %hen the eiloers say$ 'Gou are only follo%ing a man be%itche'

>ehol$ ho% they strie similitues for thee$ an go astray$ an cannot fin a %ay

They say$ '8hat$ %hen %e are bones an broen bits$ shall %e really be raise up

again in a ne% creationH'

-ay/ '7et you be stones$ or iron$ or some creation yet more monstrous in your 

mins' Then they %ill say$ '8ho %ill bring us bacH' -ay/ 'e %ho originate you

the first time.' Then they %ill shae their heas at thee$ an they %ill say$ '8hen%ill it beH' -ay/ 'It is possible that it may be nigh$ on the ay %hen e %ill call you$

an you %ill ans%er praising im$ an you %ill thin you hae but tarrie a little.'

!/## An say to y serants$ that they say %ors that are inlier. For surely

-atan prooes strife bet%een them$ an -atan is eer a manifest foe to man.

Gour 7or no%s you ery %ell= if e %ill$ e %ill hae mercy on you$ or$ if e %ill$

e %ill chastise you. 8e sent thee not to be a guarian oer them.

 An thy 7or no%s ery %ell all %ho are in the heaens an the earth= an 8e

hae preferre some ;rophets oer others= an 8e gae to Cai ;salms.

-ay/ '4all on those you asserte apart from im= they hae no po%er to remoe

affliction from you$ or to transfer it. Those they call upon are themseles seeing

the means to come to their 7or$ %hich of them shall be nearer= they hope for is

mercy$ an fear is chastisement. -urely thy 7or's chastisement is a thing to

be%are of.

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!/@2 5o city is there$ but 8e shall estroy it before the Cay of <esurrection$ or 

8e shall chastise it %ith a terrible chastisement= that is in the >oo inscribe.

5aught preente Ds from sening the signs but that the ancients crie lies to

them= an 8e brought Thamoo the -he&camel isible$ but they i her %rong.

 An 8e o not sen the signs$ except to frighten. An %hen 8e sai to thee$

'-urely thy 7or encompasses men$' an 8e mae the ision that 8e sho%e

thee an the tree curse in the *oran to be only a trial for men= an 8e frighten

them$ but it only increases them in great insolence.

 An %hen 8e sai to the angels$ '>o% yourseles to Aam'= so they bo%e

themseles$ sae Iblis= he sai$$ '-hall I bo% myself unto one Thou hast create

of clayH'

e sai$ '8hat thinest ThouH This %hom Thou hast honoure aboe me && if 

Thou eferrest me to the Cay of <esurrection I shall assurely master his see$

sae a fe%.'

!/@# -ai e$ 'Cepart Those of them that follo% thee && surely ehenna shall be

your recompense$ an ample recompense An startle %homsoeer of them thou

canst %ith thy oice= an rally against them thy horsemen an thy foot$ an share

%ith them in their %ealth an their chilren$ an promise them' >ut -atan

promises them naught$ except elusion.

'-urely oer y serants thou shalt hae no authority.' Thy 7or suffices as a


Gour 7or it is %ho ries for you the ships on the sea that you may see is

bounty= surely e is All&compassionate to%ars you. An %hen affliction isits you

upon the sea$ then there go astray those on %hom you call except im= an %hen

e eliers you to lan$ you turn a%ay= man is eer unthanful.

!/2 Co you feel secure that e %ill not cause the shore to s%allo% you up$ or 

loose against you a suall of pebbles$ then you %ill fin no guarian for youH 0r 

o you feel secure that e %ill not sen you bac into it a secon time$ an loose

against you a hurricane of %in an ro%n you for your thanlessness$ then you

%ill fin no prosecutor for you against DsH

8e hae honoure the 4hilren of Aam an carrie them on lan an sea$ an

proie them %ith goo things$ an preferre them greatly oer many of those

8e create.

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0n the ay %hen 8e shall call all men %ith their recor$ an %hoso is gien his

boo in his right han && those shall rea their boo$ an they shall not be

%ronge a single ate&threa. An %hosoeer is blin in this %orl shall be blin

in the %orl to come$ an he shall be een further astray from the %ay.

!/# Inee they %ere near to seucing thee from that 8e reeale to thee$ that

thou mightest forge against Ds another$ an then they %oul surely hae taen

thee as a frien= an ha 8e not confirme thee$ surely thou %ert near to

inclining unto them a ery little= then %oul 8e hae let thee taste the ouble of 

life an the ouble of eath= an then thou %oulst hae foun none to help thee

against Ds.

Inee they %ere near to startling thee from the lan$ to expel thee from it$ an

then they %oul hae tarrie after thee only a little && the %ont of those 8e sent

before thee of 0ur essengers= thou %ilt fin no change to 0ur %ont.

!/2 ;erform the prayer at the sining of the sun to the arening of the night

an the recital of a%n= surely the recital of a%n is %itnesse. An as for the

night$ eep igil a part of it$ as a %or of supererogation for thee= it may be that

thy 7or %ill raise thee up to a lauable station. An say/ 'y 7or$ lea me in

%ith a ,ust ingoing$ an lea me out %ith a ,ust outgoing= grant me authority from

Thee$ to help me.' An say/ 'The truth has come$ an falsehoo has anishe

a%ay= surely falsehoo is eer certain to anish.'

 An 8e sen o%n$ of the *oran$ that %hich is a healing an a mercy to the

belieers= an the unbelieers it increases not$ except in loss.

!/# An %hen 8e bless man$ he turns a%ay$ an %ithra%s asie= but %hen

eil isits him$ he is in espair. -ay/ 'Eery man %ors accoring to his o%n

manner= but your 7or no%s ery %ell %hat man is best guie as to the %ay.'

They %ill uestion thee concerning the -pirit. -ay/ 'The -pirit is of the biing of 

my 7or. Gou hae been gien of no%lege nothing except a little.'

If 8e %ille$ 8e coul tae a%ay that 8e hae reeale to thee$ then thou

%oulst fin none thereoer to guar thee against Ds$ excepting by some mercy

of thy 7or= surly is faour to thee is great.

!/"2 -ay/ 'If men an ,inn bane together to prouce the lie of this *oran$ they

%oul neer prouce its lie$ not though they bace one another.' 8e hae

inee turne about for men in this *oran eery manner of similitue= yet most

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men refuse all but unbelief. They say$ '8e %ill not beliee thee till thou maest a

spring to gush forth from the earth for us$

!/"# or till thou possessest a garen of plants an ines$ an thou maest riers

to gush forth abunantly all amongst it$ or till thou maest heaen to fall$ as thou

assertest$ on us in fragments$ or thou bringest o an the angels as a surety$ or 

till thou possessest a house of gol ornament$ or till thou goest up into heaen=

an %e %ill not beliee thy going up till thou bringest o%n on us a boo that %e

may rea. -ay/ 'lory be to my 7or. Am I aught but a mortal$ a essengerH' An

naught preente men from belieing %hen the guiance came to them$ but that

they sai$ 'as o sent forth a mortal as essengerH'

-ay/ 'a there been in the earth angels %aling at peace$ 8e %oul hae sent

o%n upon them out of heaen an angel as essenger.'

-ay/ 'o suffices as a %itness bet%een me an you= surely e is a%are of an

sees is serants.'

8homsoeer o guies$ he is rightly guie= an %hom e leas astray && thou

%ilt not fin for them protectors$ apart from im. An 8e shall muster them on the

<esurrection Cay upon their faces$ blin$ umb$ eaf= their refuge shall be

ehenna$ an %hensoeer it abates 8e shall increase for them the >laBe.

!/!22 That is their recompense because they isbeliee in 0ur signs an sai$

'8hat$ %hen %e are bones an broen bits$ shall %e really be raise up again in a

ne% creationH'

ae they not seen that o$ %ho create the heaens an earth$ is po%erful to

create the lie of themH e has appointe for them a term$ no oubt of it= yet the

unbelieers refuse all but unbelief. -ay/ 'If you possesse the treasuries of my

7or's mercy$ yet %oul you hol bac for fear of expening= an man is eer 


 An 8e gae oses nine signs$ clear signs. As the 4hilren of Israel %hen he

came to them$ an ;haraoh sai to him$ 'oses$ I thin thou art be%itche.'

!/!2# e sai$ 'Inee thou no%est that none sent these o%n$ except the 7or

of the heaens an earth$ as clear proofs= an$ ;haraoh$ I thin thou art

accurse.' e esire to startle them from the lan= an 8e ro%ne him an

those %ith him$ all together. An 8e sai to the 4hilren of Israel after him$ 'C%ell

in the lan= an %hen the promise of the %orl to come comes to pass$ 8e shall

bring you a rabble.'

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8ith the truth 8e hae sent it o%n$ an %ith the truth it has come o%n= an 8e

hae sent thee not$ except goo tiings to bear$ an %arning= an a *oran 8e

hae iie$ for thee to recite it to manin at interals$ an 8e hae sent it

o%n successiely.

-ay/ '>eliee in it$ or beliee not= those %ho %ere gien the no%lege before it

%hen it is recite to them$ fall o%n upon their faces prostrating$ an say$ +lory

be to our 7or 0ur 7or's promise is performe.+ An they fall o%n upon their 

faces %eeping= an it increases them in humility.'

!/!!2 -ay/ '4all upon o$ or call upon the erciful= %hichsoeer you call upon$

to im belong the 5ames ost >eautiful.'

 An be thou not lou in thy prayer$ nor hushe therein$ but see thou for a %ay

bet%een that. An say/ ';raise belongs to o$ %ho has not taen to im a son$

an %ho has not any associate in the *ingom$ nor any protector out of 


 An magnify im %ith repeate magnificats.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!/! ;raise belongs to o %ho has sent o%n upon is serant the >oo an

has not assigne unto it any crooeness= right$ to %arn of great iolence from

im$ an to gie goo tiings unto the belieers$ %ho o righteous ees$ that

theirs shall be a gooly %age therein to abie for eer$ an to %arn those %ho

say$ 'o has taen to imself a son'= they hae no no%lege of it$ they nor their 

fathers= a monstrous %or it is$ issuing out of their mouths= they say nothing but a


!/# Get perchance$ if they beliee not in this tiing$ thou %ilt consume thyself$

follo%ing after them$ of grief. 8e hae appointe all that is on the earth for an

aornment for it$ an that 8e may try %hich of them is fairest in %ors= an 8e

shall surely mae all that is on it barren ust.

0r ost thou thin the en of the 4ae an Er&<aeem %ere among 0ur signs a

%onerH 8hen the youths too refuge in the 4ae saying$ '0ur lor$ gie us

mercy from Thee$ an furnish us %ith rectitue in our affair.'

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!/!2 Then 8e smote their ears many years in the 4ae. After%ars 8e raise

them up again$ that 8e might no% %hich of the t%o parties %oul better 

calculate the %hile they ha tarrie. 8e %ill relate to thee their tiings truly. They

%ere youths %ho beliee in their 7or$ an 8e increase them in guiance.

 An 8e strengthene their hearts$ %hen they stoo up an sai$ '0ur 7or is the

7or of the heaens an earth= %e %ill not call upon any go$ apart from im$ or 

then %e ha spoen outrage.

These our people hae taen to them other gos$ apart from im. Ah$ if only they

%oul bring some clear authority regaring them >ut %ho oes greater eil than

he %ho forges against o a lieH

!/!# -o$ %hen you hae gone apart from them an that they sere$ excepting

o$ tae refuge in the 4ae$ an your 7or %ill unfol to you of is mercy$ an

%ill furnish && you %ith a gentle issue of your affair.'

 An thou mightest hae seen the sun$ %hen it rose$ inclining from their 4ae

to%ars the right$ an$ %hen it set$ passing them by on the left$ %hile they %ere in

a broa fissure of the 4ae. That %as one of o's signs= %homsoeer o

guies$ he is rightly guie$ an %homsoeer e leas astray$ thou %ilt not fin

for him a protector to irect.

Thou %oulst hae thought them a%ae$ as they lay sleeping$ %hile 8e turne

them 'no% to the right$ no% to the left$' an their og 'stretching its pa%s on the

threshol'. ast thou obsere them surely thou %oulst hae turne thy bac

on them in flight$ an been fille %ith terror of them.

 An een so 8e raise them up again that they might uestion one another. 0ne

of them sai$ 'o% long hae you tarrieH' They sai$ '8e hae tarrie a ay$ or 

part of a ay.' They sai$ 'Gour 7or no%s ery %ell ho% long you hae tarrie.

5o% sen one of you forth %ith this siler to the city$ an let him loo for %hich of 

them has purest foo$ an bring you proision thereof= let him be courteous$ an

apprise no man of you.

'If they shoul get no%lege of you they %ill stone you$ or restore you to their 

cree$ then you %ill not prosper eer.'

!/12 An een so 8e mae them stumble upon them$ that they might no% that

o's promise is true$ an that the our && there is no oubt of it. 8hen they %ere

contening among themseles of their affair then they sai$ '>uil oer them a

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builing= their 7or no%s of them ery %ell.' -ai those %ho preaile oer their 

affair$ '8e %ill raise oer them a place of %orship.'

(They %ill say$ 'Three= an their og %as the fourth of them.' They %ill say$ 'Fie=

an their og %as the sixth of them' guessing at the Dnseen. They %ill say$

'-een= an their og %as the eighth of them.' -ay/ 'y 7or no%s ery %ell their 

number$ an none no%s them$ except a fe%.' -o o not ispute %ith them$

except in out%ar isputation$ an as not any of them for a pronouncement on


 An o not say$ regaring anything$ 'I am going to o that tomorro%$' but only$ 'If 

o %ill'= an mention thy 7or$ %hen thou forgettest$ an say$ 'It may be that my

7or %ill guie me unto something nearer to rectitue than this.')

 An they tarrie in the 4ae three hunre years$ an to that they ae nine


!/1# -ay/ 'o no%s ery %ell ho% long they tarrie. To im belongs the

Dnseen in the heaens an in the earth. o% %ell e sees o% %ell e hears

They hae no protector$ apart from im$ an e associates in is goernment no


<ecite %hat has been reeale to thee of the >oo of thy 7or= no man can

change is %ors. Apart from im$ thou %ilt fin no refuge.

 An restrain thyself %ith those %ho call upon their 7or at morning an eening$esiring is countenance$ an let not thine eyes turn a%ay from them$ esiring

the aornment of the present life= an obey not him %hose heart 8e hae mae

neglectful of 0ur remembrance so that he follo%s his o%n lust$ an his affair has

become all excess.

-ay/ 'The truth is from your 7or= so let %hosoeer %ill beliee$ an let %hosoeer 

%ill isbeliee.' -urely 8e hae prepare for the eiloers a fire$ %hose pailion

encompasses them= if they call for succour$ they %ill be succoure %ith %ater lie

molten copper$ that shall scal their faces && ho% eil a potion$ an ho% eil a


-urely those %ho beliee$ an o ees of righteousness && surely 8e leae not

to %aste the %age of him %ho oes goo %ors=

!/92 those && theirs shall be arens of Een$ unerneath %hich riers flo%=

therein they shall be aorne %ith bracelets of gol$ an they shall be robe in

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green garments of sil an brocae$ therein reclining upon couches && 0$ ho%

excellent a re%ar An 0$ ho% fair a resting&place

 An strie for them a similitue/ t%o men.

To one of them 8e assigne t%o garens of ines$ an surroune them %ithpalm&trees$ an bet%een them 8e set a so%n fiel= each of the t%o garens

yiele its prouce an faile naught in any %ise= an 8e cause to gush amist

them a rier. -o he ha fruit= an he sai to his fello%$ as he %as conersing %ith

him$ 'I hae more abunance of %ealth than thou an am mightier in respect of 

men. An he entere his garen$ %ronging himself= he sai$ 'I o not thin that

this %ill eer perish= I o not thin that the our is coming= an if I am inee

returne to my 7or$ I shall surely fin a better resort than this.'

!/9# -ai his fello%$ as he %as conersing %ith him$ '8hat$ isbelieest thou in

im %ho create thee of ust$ then of a sperm&rop$ then shape thee as a manH

>ut lo$ e is o$ my 7or$ an I %ill not associate %ith my 7or any one.

8hy$ %hen thou %entest into thy garen$ ist thou not say$ +As o %ill= there is

no po%er except in o+H If thou seest me$ that I am less than thou in %ealth an

chilren$ yet it may be that my 7or %ill gie me better than thy garen$ an loose

on it a thunerbolt out of heaen$ so that in the morning it %ill be a slope of ust$

or in the morning the %ater of it %ill be sun into the earth$ so that thou %ilt not be

able to see it out.'

!/32 An his fruit %as all encompasse$ an in the morning he %as %ringing his

hans for that he ha expene upon it$ an it %as fallen o%n upon its trellises$

an he %as saying$ '8oul I ha not associate %ith my 7or any one'

>ut there %as no host to help him$ apart from o$ an he %as helpless.

Thereoer protection belongs only to o the True= e is best re%aring$ best in

the issue.

 An strie for them the similitue of the present life/ it is as %ater that 8e sen

o%n out of heaen$ an the plants of the earth mingle %ith it= an in the morning

it is stra% the %ins scatter= an o is omnipotent oer eerything.

8ealth an sons are the aornment of the present %orl= but the abiing things$

the ees of righteousness$ are better %ith o in re%ar$ an better in hope.

!/3# An on the ay 8e shall set the mountains in motion$ an thou seest the

earth coming forth$ an 8e muster them so that 8e leae not so much as one of 

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them behin= an they shall be presente before their 7or in rans &&'Gou hae

come to Ds$ as 8e create you upon the first time= nay$ you asserte 8e shoul

not appoint for you a tryst.' An the >oo shall be set in place= an thou %ilt see

the sinners fearful at %hat is in it$ an saying$ 'Alas for us o% is it %ith this

>oo$ that it leaes nothing behin$ small or great$ but it has numbere itH'

 An they shall fin all they %rought present$ an thy 7or shall not %rong anyone.

 An %hen 8e sai to the angels$ '>o% yourseles to Aam'= so they bo%e

themseles$ sae Iblis= he %as one of the ,inn$ an committe ungoliness

against his 7or's comman. 8hat$ an o you tae him an his see to be your 

friens$ apart from e$ an they an enemy to youH o% eil is that exchange for 

the eiloers I mae them not %itnesses of the creation of the heaens an

earth$ neither of the creation of themseles= I %oul not eer tae those %ho lea

others astray to be y supporters.

!/#2 An on the ay e shall say$ '4all on y associates %hom you asserte'=

an then they shall call on them$ but they %ill not ans%er them$ an 8e shall set

a gulf bet%een them. Then the eiloers %ill see the Fire$ an thin that they are

about to fall into it$ an %ill fin no escape from it.

8e hae inee turne about for men in this *oran eery manner of similitue=

man is the most isputatious of things.

 An naught preente men from belieing %hen the guiance came unto them$

an seeing their 7or's forgieness$ but that the %ont of the ancients shoul

come upon them$ or that the chastisement shoul come upon them face to face.

 An 8e sen not the Enoys$ but goo tiings to bear$ an %arning. Get o the

unbelieers ispute %ith falsehoo$ that they may rebut thereby the truth. They

hae taen y signs$ an %hat they are %arne of$ in mocery.

!/## An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho$ being remine of the signs of his

7or$ turns a%ay from them an forgets %hat his hans hae for%areH -urely

8e hae lai eils on their hearts lest they unerstan it$ an in their ears

heainess= an though thou callest them to the guiance$ yet they %ill not be

guie eer.

>ut thy 7or is the All&forgiing$ full of mercy. If e shoul tae them to tas for 

that they hae earne$ e %oul hasten for them the chastisement= but they hae

a tryst$ from %hich they %ill fin no escape.

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 An those cities$ 8e estroye them %hen they i eil$ an appointe for their 

estruction a tryst.

 An %hen oses sai to his page$ 'I %ill not gie up until I reach the meeting of 

the t%o seas$ though I go on for many years.

!/@2 Then$ %hen they reache their meeting$ they forgot their fish$ an it too its

%ay into the sea$ burro%ing. 8hen they ha passe oer$ he sai to his page$

'>ring us our breafast= inee$ %e hae encountere %eariness from this our 

 ,ourney.' e sai$ '8hat thinest thouH 8hen %e too refuge in the roc$ then I

forgot the fish && an it %as -atan himself that mae me forget it so that I shoul

not remember it && an so it too its %ay into the sea in a manner marellous.'

-ai he$ 'This is %hat %e %ere seeing' An so they returne upon their tracs$

retracing them. Then they foun one of 0ur serants unto %hom 8e ha gien

mercy from Ds$ an 8e ha taught him no%lege proceeing from Ds.

!/@# oses sai to him$ '-hall I follo% thee so that thou teachest me$ of %hat

thou hast been taught$ right ,ugment.' -ai he$ 'Assurely thou %ilt not be able to

bear %ith me patiently. An ho% shoulst thou bear patiently that thou hast neer 

encompasse in thy no%legeH' e sai$ 'Get thou shalt fin me$ if o %ill$

patient= an I shall not rebel against thee in anything.' -ai he$ 'Then if thou

follo%est me$ uestion me not on anything until I myself introuce the mention of 

it to thee.'

!/2 -o they eparte= until$ %hen they embare upon the ship$ he mae a

hole in it. e sai$ '8hat$ hast thou mae a hole in it so as to ro%n its

passengersH Thou hast inee one a grieous thing.' -ai he$ 'Ci I not say that

thou coulst neer bear %ith me patientlyH' e sai$ 'Co not tae me to tas that I

forgot$ neither constrain me to o a thing too ifficult.' -o they eparte= until$

%hen they met a la$ he sle% him. e sai$ '8hat$ hast thou slain a soul innocent$

an that not to retaliate for a soul slainH Thou hast inee one a horrible thing.'

-ai he$ 'Ci I not say that thou coulst neer bear %ith me patientlyH'

!/# e sai$ 'If I uestion thee on anything after this$ then eep me company

no more= thou hast alreay experience excuse sufficient on my part.' -o they

eparte= until$ %hen they reache the people of a city$ they ase the people for 

foo$ but they refuse to receie them hospitably. There they foun a %all about

to tumble o%n$ an so he set it up. e sai$ 'If thou hast %ishe$ thou coulst

hae taen a %age for that.' -ai he$ 'This is the parting bet%een me an thee.

5o% I %ill tell thee the interpretation of that thou coulst not bear patiently. As for 

the ship$ it belonge to certain poor men$ %ho toile upon the sea= an I esire

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to amage it$ for behin them there %as a ing %ho %as seiBing eery ship by

brutal force.

 As for the la$ his parents %ere belieers= an %e %ere afrai he %oul impose

on them insolence

!/2 an unbelief= so %e esire that their 7or shoul gie to them in exchange

one better than he in purity$ an nearer in tenerness. As for the %all$ it belonge

to t%o orphan las in the city$ an uner it %as a treasure belonging to them.

Their father %as a righteous man= an thy 7or esire that they shoul come of 

age an then bring forth their treasure as a mercy from thy 7or. I i it not of my

o%n biing. This is the interpretation of that thou coulst not bear patiently.'

They %ill uestion thee concerning Chool *arnain. -ay/ 'I %ill recite to you a

mention of him. 8e establishe him in the lan$ an 8e gae him a %ay to

eerything= an he follo%e a %ay until$ %hen he reache the setting of the sun$

he foun it setting in a muy spring$ an he foun nearby a people.

!/# 8e sai$ '0 Chool *arnain$ either thou shalt chastise them$ or thou shalt

tae to%ars them a %ay of inness.' e sai$ 'As for the eiloer$ him %e shall

chastise$ then he shall be returne to his 7or an e shall chastise him %ith a

horrible chastisement. >ut as for him %ho beliees$ an oes righteousness$ he

shall receie as recompense the re%ar most fair$ an %e shall spea to him$ of 

our comman$ easiness.'

Then he follo%e a %ay until$ %hen he reache the rising of the sun$ he foun it

rising upon a people for %hom 8e ha not appointe any eil to shae them from


!/"2 -o= an 8e encompasse in no%lege %hat %as %ith him. Then he

follo%e a %ay until$ %hen he reache bet%een the t%o barriers$ he foun this

sie of them a people scarcely able to unerstan speech. They sai$ '0 Chool

*arnain$ behol$ og an agog are oing corruption in the earth= so shall %e

assign to thee a tribute$ against thy setting up a barrier bet%een us an bet%een

themH' e sai$ 'That %herein my 7or has establishe me is better= so ai me

forcefully$ an I %ill set up a rampart bet%een you an bet%een them.

!/"# >ring me ingots of iron' Dntil$ %hen he ha mae all leel bet%een the t%o

cliffs$ he sai$ '>lo%' Dntil$ %hen he ha mae it a fire$ he sai$ '>ring me$ that I

may pour molten brass on it.'

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-o they %ere unable either to scale it or pierce it. e sai$ 'This is a mercy from

my 7or. >ut %hen the promise of my 7or comes to pass$ e %ill mae it into

po%er= an my 7or's promise is eer true.'

Dpon that ay 8e shall leae them surging on one another$ an the Trumpet shall

be blo%n$ an 8e shall gather them together$

!/!22 an upon that ay 8e shall present ehenna to the unbelieers %hose

eyes %ere coere against y remembrance$ an they %ere not able to hear.

8hat$ o the unbelieers recon that they may tae y serants as friens$ apart

from eH 8e hae prepare ehenna for the unbelieers' hospitality.

-ay/ '-hall 8e tell you %ho %ill be the greatest losers in their %orsH Those

%hose striing goes astray in the present life$ %hile they thin that they are

%oring goo ees.

!/!2# Those are they that isbeliee in the signs of their 7or an the encounter 

%ith im= their %ors hae faile$ an on the Cay of <esurrection 8e shall not

assign to them any %eight. That is their recompense && ehenna for that they

%ere unbelieers an too y signs an y messengers in mocery.

>ut those %ho beliee$ an o ees of righteousness && the arens of ;araise

shall be their hospitality$ therein to %ell foreer$ esiring no remoal out of them.'

-ay/. 'If the sea %ere in for the 8ors of my 7or$ the sea %oul be spent before

the 8ors of my 7or are spent$ though 8e brought replenishment the lie of it.'

!/!!2 -ay/ 'I am only a mortal the lie of you= it is reeale to me that your o

is 0ne o. -o let him$ %ho hopes for the encounter %ith his 7or$ %or

righteousness$ an not associate %ith his 7or's serice anyone.

6I6 A<G

In the Name of God; the Merciful, the Compassionate  

!"/! Kaf Ha 1a Ain +ad  

The mention of thy 7or's mercy unto is serant ?achariah= %hen he calle

upon his 7or secretly saying$ '0 my 7or$ behol the bones %ithin me are feeble

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an my hea is all aflame %ith hoariness. An in calling on Thee$ my 7or$ I hae

neer been hitherto unprosperous.

!"/# An no% I fear my insfol after I am gone= an my %ife is barren. -o gie

me$ from Thee$ a insman %ho shall be my inheritor an the inheritor of the

ouse of Jacob= an mae him$ my 7or$ %ell&pleasing.'

'0 ?achariah$ 8e gie thee goo tiings of a boy$ %hose name is John. 5o

namesae hae 8e gien him aforetime.'

e sai$ '0 my 7or$ ho% shall I hae a son$ seeing my %ife is barren$ an I hae

attaine to the eclining of ol ageH' -ai e$ '-o it shall be= thy 7or says$ +Easy

is that for e$ seeing that I create thee aforetime$ %hen thou %ast nothing.+'

e sai$ '7or$ appoint to me some sign.' -ai e$ 'Thy sign is that thou shall not

spea to men$ though being %ithout fault$ three nights.'

!"=!2 -o he came forth unto his people from the -anctuary$ then he mae signal

to them$ 'ie you glory at a%n an eening.'

'0 John$ tae the >oo forcefully'= an 8e gae him ,ugment$ yet a little chil$

an a tenerness from Ds$ an purity= an he %as gofearing$ an cherishing his

parents$ not arrogant$ rebellious.

!"/!# ';eace be upon him$ the ay he %as born$ an the ay he ies$ an the

ay he is raise up alie'

 An mention in the >oo ary %hen she %ithre% from her people to an eastern

place$ an she too a eil apart from them= then 8e sent unto her 0ur -pirit that

presente himself to her a man %ithout fault. -he sai$ 'I tae refuge in the All&

merciful from thee

If thou fearest o. . . e sai$ 'I am but a messenger come from thy 7or$ to gie

thee a boy most pure.

!"/12 -he sai$ 'o% shall I hae a son %hom no mortal has touche$ neither hae I been unchasteH' e sai$ 'Een so thy 7or has sai/ +Easy is that for e=

an that 8e may appoint him a sign unto men an a mercy from Ds= it is a thing


-o she conceie him$ an %ithre% %ith him to a istant place. An the

birthpangs surprise her by the trun of the palm&tree. -he sai$ '8oul I ha

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ie ere this$ an become a thing forgotten' >ut the one that %as belo% her 

calle to her$ '5ay$ o not sorro%= see$ thy 7or has set belo% thee a riulet.

!"/1# -hae also to thee the palm&trun$ an there shall come tumbling upon

thee ates fresh an ripe. Eat therefore$ an rin$ an be comforte= an if thou

shoulst see any mortal$ say$ +I hae o%e to the All&merciful a fast$ an toay I

%ill not spea to any man. Then she brought the chil to her fol carrying him=

an they sai$ 'ary$ thou hast surely committe a monstrous thing -ister of 

 Aaron$ thy father %as not a %ice man$ nor %as thy mother a %oman unchaste.'

!"/92 ary pointe to the chil then= but they sai$ 'o% shall %e spea to one

%ho is still in the crale$ a little chilH' e sai$ '7o$ I am o's serant= o has

gien me the >oo$ an mae me a ;rophet. >lesse e has mae me$

%hereer I may be= an e has en,oine me to pray$ an to gie the alms$ so long

as I lie$ an lie%ise to cherish my mother= e has not mae me arrogant$


;eace be upon me$ the ay I %as born$ an the ay I ie$ an the ay I am raise

up alie'

!"/9# That is Jesus$ son of ary$ in %or of truth$ concerning %hich they are

oubting. It is not for o to tae a son unto im. lory be to im 8hen e

ecrees a thing$ e but says to it '>e$' an it is. -urely o is my 7or$ an your 

7or= -o sere you im. This is a straight path.

>ut the parties hae fallen into ariance among themseles= then %oe to those

%ho isbeliee for the scene of a reaful ay. o% %ell they %ill hear an see on

the ay they come to Ds >ut the eiloers een toay are in error manifest.

!"/32 8arn thou them of the ay of anguish$ %hen the matter shall be

etermine$ an they yet heeless an unbelieing. -urely 8e shall inherit the

earth an all that are upon it$ an unto Ds they shall be returne.

 An mention in the >oo Abraham= surely he %as a true man$ a ;rophet. 8hen

he sai to his father$ 'Father$ %hy %orshippest thou that %hich neither hears nor 

sees$ nor aails thee anythingH Father$ there has come to me no%lege such as

came not to thee= so follo% me$ an I %ill guie thee on a leel path.

!"/3# Father$ sere not -atan= surely -atan is a rebel against the All&merciful.

Father$ I fear that some chastisement from the All&merciful %ill smite thee$ so that

thou becomest a frien to -atan. -ai he$ '8hat$ art thou shrining from my gos$

 AbrahamH -urely$ if thou giest not oer$ I shall stone thee= so forsae me no% for 

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some %hile.' e sai$ ';eace be upon thee I %ill as my 7or to forgie thee=

surely e is eer gracious to me. 5o% I %ill go apart from you an that you call

upon$ apart from o= I %ill call upon my 7or$ an haply I shall not be$ in calling

upon my 7or$ unprosperous.

!"/#2 -o$ %hen he %ent apart from them an that they %ere sering$ apart from

o$ 8e gae him Isaac an Jacob$ an each 8e mae a ;rophet= an 8e gae

them of 0ur mercy$ an 8e appointe unto them a tongue of truthfulness$


 An mention in the >oo oses= he %as eote$ an he %as a essenger$ a

;rophet. 8e calle to him from the right sie of the ount$ an 8e brought him

near in communion. An 8e gae him his brother Aaron$ of 0ur mercy$ a


!"/## An mention in the >oo Ishmael= he %as true to his promise$ an he %as a

essenger$ a ;rophet.

e bae his people to pray an to gie the alms$ an he %as pleasing to his 7or.

 An mention in the >oo Iris= he %as a true man$ a ;rophet. 8e raise him up to

a high place.

These are they %hom o has blesse among the ;rophets of the see of Aam$

an of those 8e bore %ith 5oah$ an of the see of Abraham an Israel$ an of 

those 8e guie an chose. 8hen the signs of the All&merciful %ere recite tothem$ they fell o%n prostrate$ %eeping.

!"/@2 Then there succeee after them a succession %ho %aste the prayer$ an

follo%e lusts= so they shall encounter error sae him %ho repents$ an beliees$

an oes a righteous ee= those && they shall enter ;araise$ an they shall not

be %ronge anything= arens of Een that the All&merciful promise is

serants in the Dnseen= is promise is eer performe. There they shall hear no

ile tal$ but only ';eace.' There they shall hae their proision at a%n an

eening. That is ;araise %hich 8e shall gie as an inheritance to those of 0ur 

serants %ho are gofearing.

!"/@# 8e come not o%n$ sae at the commanment of thy 7or. To im belongs

all that is before us$ an all that is behin us$ an all bet%een that.

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 An thy 7or is neer forgetful$ 7or e of the heaens an earth an all that is

bet%een them. -o sere im$ an be thou patient in is serice= no%est thou

any that can be name %ith is 5ameH

an says$ '8hat$ %hen I am ea shall I then be brought forth alieH' 8ill not

man remember that 8e create him aforetime$ %hen he %as nothingH 5o%$ by

thy 7or$ 8e shall surely muster them$ an the -atans$ then 8e shall parae

them about ehenna hobbling on their nees.

!"/2 Then 8e shall pluc forth from eery party %hicheer of them %as the most

harene in isain of the All&merciful= then 8e shall no% ery %ell those most

esering to burn there.

5ot one of you there is$ but he shall go o%n to it= that for thy 7or is a thing

ecree$ etermine. Then 8e shall elier those that %ere gofearing= an the

eiloers 8e shall leae there$ hobbling on their nees. 8hen 0ur signs are

recite to them as clear signs$ the unbelieers say to the belieers$ '8hich of the

t%o parties is better in station$ fairer in assemblyH'

!"/# An ho% many a generation 8e estroye before them$ %ho %ere fairer in

furnishing an out%ar sho% -ay/ '8hosoeer is in error$ let the All&merciful

prolong his term for him Till$ %hen they see that they %ere threatene$ %hether 

the chastisement$ or the our$ then they shall surely no% %ho is %orse in place$

an %ho is %eaer in hosts.'

 An o shall increase those %ho %ere guie in guiance= an the abiing

things$ the ees of righteousness$ are better %ith thy 7or in re%ar$ an better 

in return.

!"/2 ast thou seen him %ho isbeliees in 0ur signs an says$ 'Assurely I

shall be gien %ealth an chilren'H 8hat$ has he obsere the Dnseen$ or taen

a coenant %ith the All&mercifulH 5o$ inee 8e shall assurely %rite o%n all

that he says$ an 8e shall prolong for him the chastisement= an 8e shall inherit

from him that he says$ an he shall come to Ds alone.

 An they hae taen to them other gos apart from o$ that they might be for 

them a might.

!"/# 5o$ inee They shall eny their serice$ an they shall be against them

pitte. ast thou not seen ho% 8e sent the -atans against the unbelieers$ to

pric themH -o hasten thou not against them= 8e are only numbering for them a


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0n the ay that 8e shall muster the gofearing to the All&merciful %ith pomp an

rie the eiloers into ehenna hering$

!"/"2 haing no po%er of intercession$ sae those %ho hae taen %ith the All&

merciful coenant.

 An they say$ 'The All&merciful has taen unto imself a son.' Gou hae inee

aance something hieous

The heaens are %ellnigh rent of it an the earth split asuner$ an the mountains

%ellnigh fall o%n crashing for that they hae attribute to the All&merciful a son=

an it behoes not the All&merciful to tae a son.

5one is there in the heaens an earth but he comes to the All&merciful as a

serant= e has inee counte them$ an e has numbere them exactly.

!"/"# Eery one of them shall come to im upon the Cay of <esurrection$ all

alone. -urely those %ho beliee an o ees of righteousness && unto them the

 All&merciful shall assign loe.

5o% 8e hae mae it easy by thy tongue that thou mayest bear goo tiings

thereby to the gofearing$ an %arn a people stubborn. An ho% many a

generation 8e estroye before them Cost thou perceie so much as one of 

them$ or hear of them a %hisperH

66 TA A

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

12/! Ta Ha 

8e hae not sent o%n the *oran upon thee for thee to be unprosperous$ but

only as a reminer to him %ho fears$ a reelation from im %ho create the earth

an the high heaens= the All&compassionate sat imself upon the Throne= to imbelongs

12/# all that is in the heaens an the earth an all that is bet%een them$ an all

that is unerneath the soil.

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>e thou lou in thy speech$ yet surely e no%s the secret an that yet more

hien. o && there is no go but e. To im belong the 5ames ost >eautiful.

ast thou receie the story of osesH 8hen he sa% a fire$ an sai to his

family$ 'Tarry you here= I obsere a fire.

12/!2 ;erhaps I shall bring you a bran from it$ or I shall fin at the fire guiance.'

8hen he came to it$ a oice crie$ 'oses$ I am thy 7or= put off thy shoes= thou

art in the holy alley$ To%a. I yself hae chosen thee= therefore gie thou ear to

this reelation.

:erily I am o= there is no go but I= therefore sere e$ an perform the prayer 

of y remembrance.

The our is coming= I %oul conceal it that eery soul may be recompense for 

its labours. 7et none bar thee from it$ that beliees not in it but follo%s after hiso%n caprice$ or thou %ilt perish. 8hat is that$ oses$ thou hast in thy right hanH'

'8hy$ it is my staff$' sai oses. 'I lean upon it$ an %ith it I beat o%n leaes to

fee my sheep= other uses also I fin in it.

12/12 -ai e$ '4ast it o%n$ oses' an he cast it o%n$ an behol it %as a

serpent sliing. -ai e$ 'Tae it$ an fear not= 8e %ill restore it to its first state.

5o% clasp thy han to thy arm&pit= it shall come forth %hite$ %ithout eil. That is a

secon sign. -o 8e %oul sho% thee some of 0ur greatest signs.

12/1# 'o to ;haraoh= he has %axe insolent.' '7or$ open my breast$' saioses$ 'an o Thou ease for me my tas. Dnloose the not upon my tongue$

that they may unerstan my %ors.

12/92 'Appoint for me of my fol a familiar$ Aaron$ my brother= by him confirm my

strength$ an associate him %ith me in my tas. -o shall %e glorify Thee$ an

remember Thee abunantly.

12/9# '-urely Thou seest into us.' -ai e$ 'Thou art grante$ oses$ thy petition.

 Alreay another time 8e faoure thee$ %hen 8e reeale %hat %as reeale

unto thy mother/ +4ast him into the ar$ an cast him into the rier$ an let therier thro% him up on the shore. An enemy of ine an his shall tae him.+

12/32 An I loae on thee loe from e$ an to be forme in y sight$ %hen thy

sister %ent out$ saying$ +-hall I point you to one to hae charge of himH+ -o 8e

returne thee to thy mother that she might re,oice$ an not sorro%. Then thou

sle%est= a liing soul$ an 8e eliere thee out of grief$ an 8e trie thee %ith

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many trials. any years among the people of iian thou ist so,ourn$ then

camest hither$ oses$ accoring to a ecree.

I hae chosen thee for y serice= go therefore$ thou an thy brother= %ith y

signs$ an neglect not

12/3# to remember e. o to ;haraoh$ for he has %axe insolent= yet spea

gently to him$ that haply he may be minful$ or perchance fear.' '0 our 7or$' sai

oses an Aaron$ 'truly %e fear he may excee against us$ or %ax insolent.'

'Fear not$' sai e. '-urely I shall be %ith you$ hearing an seeing. -o go you

both to ;haraoh$ an say$ +8e are the essengers of thy 7or$ so sen forth %ith

us the 4hilren of Israel an chastise them not= %e hae brought thee a sign from

thy 7or= an peace be upon him %ho follo%s the guiance

12/#2 It has been reeale to us that chastisement shall light upon him %ho crieslies an turns his bac.+

;haraoh sai$ '8ho is your 7or$ osesH' e sai$ '0ur 7or is e %ho gae

eerything its creation$ then guie it.' ;haraoh sai$ 'An %hat of the former 

generationsH' -ai oses$ 'The no%lege of them is %ith my 7or$ in a >oo= my

7or goes not astray$ nor forgets &&

12/## e %ho appointe the earth to be a crale for you$ an therein threae

roas for you$ an sent o%n %ater out of heaen$ an there%ith 8e hae

brought forth iers ins of plants. Co you eat$ an pasture your cattle -urely inthat are signs for men possessing reason. 0ut of the earth 8e create you$ an

8e shall restore you into it$ an bring you forth from it a secon time.' -o 8e

sho%e ;haraoh all 0ur signs$ but he crie lies$ an refuse. 'ast thou come$

oses$' he sai$ 'to expel us out of our lan

12/@2 'by thy sorceryH 8e shall assurely bring thee sorcery the lie of it=

therefore appoint a tryst bet%een us an thee$ a place mutually agreeable$ an

%e shall not fail it$ neither thou.' 'Gour tryst shall be upon the Feast Cay.' sai

oses. '7et the people be mustere at the high noon. ;haraoh then %ithre%$

an gathere his guile. Thereafter he came again$ an oses sai to them$ '0

be%are Forge not a lie against o$ lest e estroy you %ith a chastisement.

8hoso forges has eer faile.'

12/@# An they ispute upon their plan bet%een them$ an commune secretly

saying$ 'These t%o men are sorcerers an their purpose is to expel you out of 

your lan by their sorcery$ an to extirpate your ,ustest %ay. -o gather your guile=

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then come in battle&line. 8hoeer toay gains the upper han shall surely


They sai$ 'oses$ either thou %ilt cast$ or %e shall be the first to cast.' '5o$' sai

oses. 'Co you cast' An lo$ it seeme to him$ by their sorcery$ their ropes an

their staffs %ere sliing=

12/2 an oses conceie a fear %ithin him. 8e sai unto him$ 'Fear not= surely

thou art the uppermost. 4ast o%n %hat is in thy right han$ an it shall s%allo%

%hat they hae fashione= for they hae fashione only the guile of a sorcerer$

an the sorcerer prospers not= %hereer he goes.' An the sorcerers cast

themseles o%n prostrating. '8e beliee$' they sai$ 'in the 7or of Aaron an

oses.' ;haraoh sai$ 'ae you beliee him before I gae you leaeH 8hy$ he

is the chief of you$ the same that taught you sorcery= I shall assurely cut off 

alternately your hans an feet$ then I shall crucify you upon the truns of palm&

trees= you shall no% of a certainty %hich of us is more terrible in chastisement$

an more abiing.'

12/# They sai$ '8e %ill not prefer thee oer the clear signs that hae come to

us$ nor oer im %ho originate us. Cecie then %hat thou %ilt ecie= thou canst

only ecie touching this present life. 8e beliee in our 7or$ that e may paron

us our offences$ an the sorcery thou hast constraine us to practise= o is

better$ an more abiing.'

8hosoeer comes unto his 7or a sinner$ for him a%aits ehenna %herein he

shall neither ie nor lie. An %hoso comes unto im a belieer haing one

ees of righteousness$ those && for them a%ait the most sublime egrees=

arens of Een$ unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein %elling foreer= that is

the recompense of the self&purifie.

 Also 8e reeale unto oses$ 'o %ith y serants by night= strie for them a

ry path in the sea$

12/2 fearing not oertaing$ neither afrai.' ;haraoh follo%e them %ith his

hosts$ but they %ere oer%helme by the sea= so ;haraoh ha le his people

astray$ an %as no guie to them.

4hilren of Israel$ 8e eliere you from your enemy= an 8e mae coenant

%ith you upon the right sie of the ount$ an sent o%n on you manna an


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'Eat of the goo things %here%ith 8e hae proie you= but excee not therein$

or y anger shall alight on you= an on %homsoeer y anger alights$ that man

is hurle to ruin. Get I am All&forgiing to him %ho repents an beliees$ an oes

righteousness$ an at last is guie.'

12/# '8hat has spe thee far from thy people$ osesH' 'They are upon my

tracs$' oses sai. 'I hae hastene$ 7or$ only that I may please Thee.'

-ai e$ '8e hae tempte thy people since thou ist leae them. The

-amaritan has misle them into error.' Then oses returne ery angry an

sorro%ful to his people$ saying$ 'y people$ i your 7or not promise a fair 

promise to youH Ci the time of the coenant seem so long to you$ or i you

esire that anger shoul alight on you from your 7or$ so that you faile in your 

tryst %ith meH'

12/"2 '8e hae not faile in our tryst %ith thee$' they sai$ 'of our olition= but %e

%ere loae %ith farels$ een the ornaments of the people$ an %e cast them$

as the -amaritan also thre% them$ into the fire.' (Then he brought out for them a

4alf$ a mere boy that lo%e= an they sai$ 'This is your go$ an the go of 

oses$ %hom he has forgotten.' 8hatH Ci they not see that thing returne no

speech unto them$ neither ha any po%er to hurt or profit themH Get Aaron ha

aforetime sai to them$ 'y people$ you hae been tempte by this thing$ no

more= surety your 7or is the All&merciful= therefore follo% me$ an obey my

commanment' '8e %ill not cease$' they sai$ 'to cleae to it$ until oses returns

to us.')

oses sai$ '8hat preente thee$ Aaron$ %hen thou sa%est them in error$ so

that thou ist not follo% after meH Cist thou then isobey my commanmentH'

12/"# '-on of my mother$' Aaron sai$ 'tae me not by the bear$ or the hea I

%as fearful that thou %oulst say$ +Thou hast iie the 4hilren of Israel$ an

thou hast not obsere my %or.+ oses sai$ 'An thou$ -amaritan$ %hat %as

thy businessH' 'I behel %hat they behel not$' he sai$ 'an I seiBe a hanful of 

ust from the messenger's trac$ an cast it into the thing. -o my soul prompte

me.' 'Cepart' sai oses. 'It shall be thine all this life to cry +Dntouchable+ An

thereafter a tryst a%aits thee thou canst not fail to eep. >ehol thy go$ to %hom

all the ay thou %ast cleaing 8e %ill surely burn it an scatter its ashes into the

sea. Gour o is only the 0ne o= there is no go$ but e alone %ho in is

no%lege embraces eerything.'

12/!22 -o 8e relate to thee stories of %hat has gone before$ an 8e hae gien

thee a remembrance from Ds. 8hosoeer turns a%ay from it$ upon the Cay of 

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<esurrection e shall bear a farel$ therein abiing foreer= ho% eil upon the

Cay of <esurrection that buren for them

0n the ay the Trumpet is blo%n= an 8e shall muster the sinners upon that ay

%ith eyes staring$ %hispering one to another$ 'Gou hae tarrie only ten nights.'

8e no% ery %ell %hat they %ill say$ %hen the ,ustest of them in the %ay %ill say$

'Gou hae tarrie only a ay.'

12/!2# They %ill uestion thee concerning the mountains. -ay/ 'y 7or %ill

scatter them as ashes= then e %ill leae them a leel hollo% %herein thou %ilt

see no crooeness neither any curing.'

0n that ay they %ill follo% the -ummoner in %hom is no crooeness= oices %ill

be hushe to the All&merciful$ so that thou hearest naught but a murmuring. Dpon

that ay the intercession %ill not profit$ sae for him to %hom the All&merciful gies

leae$ an %hose speech e approes. e no%s %hat is before them an

behin them$ an they comprehen im not in no%lege.

12/!!2 An faces shall be humble unto the 7iing$ the Eternal. e %ill hae

faile %hose buren is of eiloing= but %hosoeer oes ees of righteousness$

being a belieer$ shall fear neither %rong nor in,ustice.

Een so 8e hae sent it o%n as an Arabic *oran$ an 8e hae turne about in

it something of threats$ that haply they may be gofearing$ or it may arouse in

them remembrance.

-o high exalte be o$ the true *ing An hasten not %ith the *oran ere its

reelation is accomplishe unto thee= an say$ '0 my 7or$ increase me in


12/!!# An 8e mae coenant %ith Aam before$ but he forgot$ an 8e foun in

him no constancy. An %hen 8e sai to the angels$ '>o% yourseles to Aam'= so

they bo%e themseles$ sae Iblis= he refuse. Then 8e sai$ 'Aam$ surely this

is an enemy to thee an thy %ife. -o let him not expel you both from the aren$

so that thou art unprosperous.

It is assurely gien to thee neither to hunger therein$ nor to go nae$ neither to

thirst therein$ nor to suffer the sun.'

Then -atan %hispere to him saying$ 'Aam$ shall I point thee to the Tree of 

Eternity$ an a *ingom that ecays notH'

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-o the t%o of them ate of it$ an their shameful parts reeale to them$ an they

too to stitching upon themseles leaes of the aren. An Aam isobeye his

7or$ an so he erre.

12/!12 Thereafter his 7or chose him$ an turne again unto him$ an e guie


-ai e$ 'et you o%n$ both of you together$ out of it$ each of you an enemy to

each= but if there comes to you from e guiance$ then %hosoeer follo%s y

guiance shall not go astray$ neither shall he be unprosperous= but %hosoeer 

turns a%ay from y remembrance$ his shall be a life of narro%ness$ an on the

<esurrection Cay 8e shall raise him blin.'

12/!1# e shall say$ '0 my 7or$ %hy hast thou raise me blin$ an I %as %ont

to seeH'

o shall say$ 'Een so it is. 0ur signs came unto thee$ an thou ist forget

them= an so toay thou art forgotten.' -o 8e recompense him %ho is proigal

an beliees not in the signs of his 7or= an the chastisement of the %orl to

come is more terrible an more enuring.

Is it not a guiance to them$ ho% many generations 8e estroye before them in

%hose %elling&places they %alH -urely in that are signs for men possessing

reason. An but for a %or that precee from thy 7or$ an a state term$ it ha

been fastene.

12/!92 -o be thou patient uner %hat they say$ an proclaim thy 7or's praise

before the rising of the sun$ an before its setting$ an proclaim thy 7or's praise

in the %atches of the night$ an at the ens of the ay= haply thou %ilt be %ell&

pleasing. -tretch not thine eyes to that 8e hae gien pairs of them to en,oy &&

the flo%er of the present life$ that 8e may try them therein an thy 7or's

proision is better$ an more enuring. An bi thy family to pray$ an be thou

patient in it= 8e as of thee no proision$ but it is 8e %ho proie thee. An the

issue ultimate is to gofearing.

They say$ '8hy oes he not bring us a sign from his 7orH' as there not come to

them the clear sign of %hat is in the former scrollsH

a 8e estroye them %ith a chastisement aforetime$ they %oul hae sai$

'0ur 7or$ %hy ist Thou not sen us a essenger$ so that %e might hae

follo%e Thy signs before that %e %ere humiliate an egraeH'

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12/!9# -ay/ 'Eeryone is %aiting= so %ait$ an assurely you shall no% %ho are

the traellers on the een path$ an %ho is guie.'

The *oran:olume 1

;<EFA4E (secon)

This olume contains the secon half of a ne% ersion of the *oran= it thus

mars the completion of one phase of a labour %hich is in the nature of 

things unening. 0er a perio of many months the *oran has been my

constant companion$ the ob,ect of my most attentie stuy. Though many

can certainly claim to hae rea the *oran$ inee oer an oer again$

an to no% it 8ell. I thin it may be reasonably asserte that their 

unerstaning an appreciation of the boo %ill al%ays fall short of %hat

may be attaine by one %ho unertaes to translate it in full an %ith all

possible fielity. I ha myself stuie the *oran an peruse it from en to

en oer many years$ before I embare upon maing a ersion of it=

assurely the careful iscipline of trying to fin the best English euialent

for eery meaning an eery rhythm of the original Arabic has profounly

eepene my o%n penetration into the heart of the *oran$ an has at the

same time sharpene my a%areness of its mysterious an compelling

beauty. For this reason$ if for no other$ I thin it is ,ustifiable to aopt theunusual proceure of aing a separate preface to the secon instalment

of a t%o&olume %or. I suppose I shall neer again recapture the

freshness an excitement of the experience ,ust no% complete= the

passing months an years %ill ineitably blur the image= this is the

moment$ or neer$ to attempt to recor the impact %hich a sustaine an

concentrate exploration of the *oran has left on my min an my heart.

First let us loo again at the rhythm= for it is to the rhythm that I constantly

return as I grope for a clue to the arresting$ the hypnotic po%er of the

uslim scriptures. I %as taling about this po%er to an Arab frien= before Icoul say %hat I %oul hae sai he spoe in terms that expresse exactly

%hat %as in my min. '8heneer I hear the *oran chante$ it is as though I

am listening to music= unerneath the flo%ing meloy there is souning all

the time the insistent beat of a rum.' Then he ae$ 'It is lie the beating

of my heart.' A een sense of rhythm is of course one of the most

outstaning characteristics of the Arab genius= it has isplaye itself in a

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great ariety of %ays. 5o other people has eole a prosoy of 

comparable richness an complexity= the metres in %hich Arab poets hae

compose from earliest times exhibit a %ie range of rhythmic patterns$ all

use %ith seemingly effortless ease$ an each eliciting a istinctie

response from the listener. Arab music reeals the same uality. I %ell

recall a %onerful eening$ many years ago$ %hen some%here in the

Egyptian esert I sat in the gathering arness an hear far off && it may

hae been a mile$ it may hae been t%o miles istant && an encampment of 

>eouins singing to the accompaniment of their primitie rums an

strings= the theme %as being repeate enlessly$ each repetition sho%ing

a subtle ariation of meloic line an rhythm. -o it is %ith architectural

ornament= so it is %ith arabesue esign. The %ellnigh impenetrable maBe

of elicate tracery ances to the beat of a strong an urgent rhythm.

<hythm runs insistently through the entire *oran= but it is a changeful$

fluctuating rhythm$ ranging from the gentle$ lulling music of the narratie

an legislatie passages$ through the liely counterpoint of the hymns of 

praise$ to the shattering rum&rolls of the apocalyptic moements. Almost

all 8estern scholars %ho hae eer %ritten about the *oran hae mae

the comment$ %ith a slaish repetitieness$ that the early reelations &&

those receie at ecca before the egira$ mostly escriptie of the

imminent en of the %orl an the coming Cay of Coom && are more

poetical than the later parts. Thus <. A. 5icholson remare$ in his 7iterary

istory of the Arabs/ 'The preposterous arrangement of the *oran is mainly

responsible for the opinion almost unanimously hel by European reaersthat it is obscure$ tiresome$ uninteresting= a farrago of long&%ine

narraties an prosaic exhortations$ uite un%orthy to be name in the

same breath %ith the ;rophetical >oos of the 0l Testament. 0ne may$

inee$ peruse the greater part of the olume$ beginning %ith the first

chapter$ an fin but a fe% passages of genuine enthusiasm to reliee the

preailing ullness. It is in the short -uras place at the en of the *oran

that %e must loo for eience of uhamma's prophetic gift. These are

the earliest of all= in these the flame of inspiration burns purely an its

natural force is not abate.'

This %as the erict of a great scholar ,ustly reno%ne for his

fairmineness= it betrays a eafness$ share by him %ith all too many$ to

that ery rhythmical uality %hich mars the *oran apart from all other 

boos. It is therefore all the more refreshing to rea$ in a ery recent %or

by ;rofessor A. uillaume (Islam/ ;enguin >oos)$ an appreciation so

notably nonconformist. 'The *oran is one of the %orl's classics %hich

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cannot be translate %ithout grae loss. It has a rhythm of peculiar beauty

an a caence that charms the ear. any 4hristian Arabs spea of its style

%ith %arm amiration$ an most Arabists acno%lege its excellence.

8hen it is rea alou or recite it has an almost hypnotic effect that maes

the listener inifferent to its sometimes strange syntax an its sometimes$

to us$ repellent content. It is this uality it possesses of silencing criticism

by the s%eet music of its language that has gien birth to the ogma of its

inimitability= inee it may be affirme that %ithin the literature of the Arabs$

%ie an fecun as it is both in poetry an in eleate prose$ there is

nothing to compare %ith it.' These t%o contrasting statements epitomise

the gulf %hich iies a musically sensitie from a musically insensitie

reaing of one an the same boo. Aesthetically ,uge$ there shoul be

no uestion of the superiority or the inferiority of certain parts of the *oran.

The rhythm changes$ amittely= yet it neer ceases. The cataract

transforms itself into a softly running stream= but the broa later s%eep of the %aters of inspiration is no less beautiful or ma,estic than the

tumultuous thuner of their earlier flo%.

Cisciples of the igher 4riticism$ haing %atche %ith fascinate

amiration ho% their masters playe haoc %ith the traitional

sacrosanctity of the >ible$ thre% themseles %ith bris enthusiasm into the

congenial tas of emolishing the *oran. Taing as their point of eparture

that rough classification of the -uras$ a crue analysis presere from far 

antiuity$ %hich mare some as haing been reeale at ecca before

 A.C. @11 an some thereafter at eina$ an pursuing eagerly the faintclues emerging out of the mists of time that certain erses receie uring

uhamma's later years %ere inserte into contexts of a much earlier 

ate$ these brilliant etecties sought to assign eery -ura$ an eery

section$ almost eery erse or half&erse of each iniiual -ura$ to a

particular incient in the ;rophet's career. uch of their %or %as one on

soun lines$ an the bounaries of no%lege hae been notably enlarge

by their labours= not een the most sensitie uslim belieer nees to tae

offence at the %ell&intentione an %ell&conucte inestigations of pure

scholarship. >ut haing cut to pieces the boy of Allah's reelation$ our 

eruite sleuths hae foun themseles %ith a corpse on their hans$ thespirit mean%hile eluing their preoccupie attention. -o they hae been

apt to resort to the ol eice of explaining a%ay %hat they coul not

explain= crushe bet%een their fumbling fingers$ the gossamer %ings of 

soaring inspiration hae issole into po%er.

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The most extreme representatie of this school of thought$ %hich once

tyrannise oer *oranic stuies in the 8est$ %as no oubt the late Cr 

<ichar >ell. A man of great inliness an the utmost integrity$ he eote

his last years of ripe scholarship to a remarable essay to place eery

erse of the *oran in its historical context (The Qur'an$ 1 ols.).

e %as too scrupulous a scholar to claim anything lie finality= inee he

often felt oblige to mae such ague ,ugments as that %hich he prefixe

to his translation of -ura 4:I/ 'This little surah$ though rhythmic in style$ is

uncertain in rhyme. It must either be ery early or ery late && more

probably early.' e %as generally cautious in expressing his faourite

hypothesis= that %hat he$ %ith most critics$ regare as the incoherency of 

the *oran %as ue in no small measure to the fact (or rather the

presumption$ for there is no shre of proof) that parts of the -uras %ere

originally %ritten o%n$ more or less at ranom$ on the bacs of other 

parts$ an then tace on to follo% them by the later eitors.

0ccasionally ho%eer his satisfaction %ith this ingenious theory tempte

him almost to ogmatiBe$ as on page 3#2/ 'The en of the surah$ . @&$

%hich may not be in itself a unity$ is in a ifferent rhyme an oes not

properly belong to it. Its presence may be ue to . 3"&@@ haing been

%ritten on the bac of it.' 0n page 3@ he is een more positie/ ':. 1$

13$ an . 2$ !$ 1$ # contrast the fates of un&belieers an belieers$

an are probably the latest parts of the surah. They hae been %ritten on

the bac of scraps$ of %hich . 1#&1 form a connecte piece.' Cr >ell'spreliminary comments on -ura 76:I %ell illustrate the bolness$ an

incientally the irreerence$ of his approach/ 'This surah is ery is,ointe$

an seems to consist of a collection of iscare passages of arious

ates. :. ! an 1 go together$ but as they are aresse to the prophet

personally$ they possibly %ere not publicly recite. It is ery unliely that .

an 3 %ere publishe. If recite at all$ they %ere probably aresse to

the t%o %ies. They refer in all probability && as . ! an 1 also to the

episoe of uhamma haing been iscoere %ith ary the 4opt$ by

afsa$ %ho then in spite of haing been plege to secrecy$ tol the story

to Ayesha. >ut the matter is anything but clear$ an . is so ague ansilly that %e might && almost suspect someone && Ayesha.i && of haing

paroie uhamma. :erse # ,oins %ell enough in sense %ith the

preceing erses$ but the rhyme an the ifferent pronoun of aress

sho% that originally at least it belonge to some other context (cf. 666III$

1ff.). The rest of the pieces of %hich the surah is mae up belong to early

einan times. :erse " must be later than Dhu. The fact that the

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examples uote in = !2&!1 are %omen might argue a connection

bet%een them an the beginning of the surah$ but in language they seem

much earlier.'

-uch is the position %hich champions of the igher 4riticism of the *oran

eentually reach. It is against this excess of anatomical mincing that I

argue the unity of the -ura an the *oran= instea of offering the perplexe

reaer dis2ecta membra scattere inifferently oer the issecting table$ I

as him to loo again at the cadaver  before it %as care up$ an to

imagine ho% it might appear %hen the lifebloo of accepte inspiration

flo%e through its eins. I urge the ie% that an eternal composition$ such

as the *oran is$ cannot be %ell unerstoo if it is submitte to the test of 

only temporal criticism. It is simply irreleant to expect that the themes

treate in the iniiual -ura %ill be marshalle after some mathematical

precision to form a rationally orere pattern= the logic of reelation is not

the logic of the$ schoolmen. There is no 'before' or 'after' in the prophetic

message$ %hen that message$ is true= eerlasting truth is not hel %ithin

the confines of time an space$ but eery moment reeals itself %holly an

completely. -uch %as the experience that enry :aughan escribe in

those famous lines/

I sa% Eternity the other night7ie a great <ing of pure an enless light$

 All calm$ as it %as bright$ An roun beneath it$

Time in hours$ ays$ yearsCri'n by the spheres7ie a ast shao% moe$ in %hich the %orl

 An all her train %ere hurl'.

-ublime expression %as gien to the same mystical reality by Thomas


I felt no ross nor matter in my soul$5o brims nor borers$ such as in a bo%l 8e see.y essence %as capacity$

That felt all things= The thought that springsTherefrom's itself.It hath no other %ingsTo sprea abroa$ nor eyes to see$5or hans istinct to feel$5or nees to neel=>ut being simple lie the CeityIn its o%n centre is a sphere

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ine ear became a tongue in my aress$y tongue an ear for silent listening=The smell too ha its rules agreeableTo general analogy as inThe fusion of my attributes$ or by

<eersal of the case. 5o limb in me8as specialiBe as being single outTo the exclusion of the rest for oneCescription$ as to %it a seeing eye/y eery atom$ not%ithstaning its0%n singularity$ itself compriseThe sum of all the organs' faculties$8hispering an attening$ conseuent0n contemplation of one taing charge(>y irtue of a han omnipotent)Cisposing of his %hole totality

In one brief moment. -o it is I reaThe arious no%lege of all learne men-umme in one %or$ an %ith a single glance<eeal to me all beings in the %orl/I hear the oices of all men at prayer$

 An eery language$ in a space of time7ess than an instant's flash/ I summon up>efore me$ %hat coul scarcely be coneye=From its far istance$ ere mine eye can %in/-o in one inhalation I breathe inThe perfumes of all garens$ an the scent

0f eery herb clutching the breeBes' sirts/ An I reie% all regions of the earth>efore me in one thought$ an %ith one bounTraerse the seen layers of the sies.

The mystic's experience$ atteste as it is by a clou of %itnesses$ surely

proies the ey to the mysterious inconseuence of the *oranic rhetoric.

 All truth %as present simultaneously %ithin the ;rophet's enrapture soul=

all truth$ ho%eer fragmente$ reeale itself in his inspire utterance. The

reaer of the uslim scriptures must strie to attain the same all&

embracing apprehension. The suen fluctuations of theme an moo %ill

then no longer present such ifficulties as hae be%ilere critics

ambitious to measure the ocean of prophetic elouence %ith the thimble of 

peestrian analysis. Each -ura %ill no% be seen to be a unity %ithin itself$

an the %hole *oran %ill be recognise as a single reelation$ self&

consistent in the highest egree. Though half a mortal lifetime %as neee

for the message to be receie an communicate$ the message itself$

being of the eternal$ is one message in eternity$ ho%eer heterogeneous

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its temporal expression may appear to be. This$ the mystic's approach$ is

surely the right approach to the stuy of the *oran= it is an approach that

leas$ not to be%ilerment an isgust && that is the prerogatie of the

igher 4ritic && but to an eer eepening unerstaning$ to a %oner an a

 ,oy that hae no en.

66I TE ;<0;ET-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

1!/! 5igh unto men has ra%n their reconing$ %hile they in heelessness are

yet turning a%ay= no <emembrance from their 7or comes to them lately

rene%e$ but they listen to it yet playing$ ierte their hearts. The eiloers

%hisper one to another$ 'Is this aught but a mortal lie to yourselesH 8hat$ %ill

you tae to sorcery %ith your eyes openH'

e says/ 'y 7or no%s %hat is sai in the heaens an the earth$ an e is the

 All&hearing$ the All&no%ing.'

1!/# 5ay$ but they say/ 'A hotchpotch of nightmares 5ay$ he has forge it= nay$

he is a poet 5o% therefore let him bring us a sign$ een as the ancient ones %ere

sent as essengers.'

5ot one city that 8e estroye before them beliee= %hat then$ %ill they not

belieeH An 8e sent none before thee$ but men to %hom 8e mae reelation &&

uestion the ;eople of the <emembrance$ if you o not no% && nor i 8e

fashion them as boies that ate not foo$ neither %ere they immortal= then 8e

mae true the promise 8e gae them an 8e eliere them$ an %homsoeer 

8e %oul= an 8e estroye the proigal.

1!/!2 5o% 8e hae sent o%n to you a >oo %herein is your <emembrance= %ill

you not unerstanH o% many a city that %as eiloing 8e hae shattere$ an

set up after it another people Then$ %hen they perceie 0ur might$ behol$ they

ran healong out of it. '<un not <eturn you unto the luxury that you exulte in$

an your %elling&places= haply you shall be uestione.' They sai$ 'Alas for us

8e hae been eiloers.'

1!/!# -o they cease not to cry$ until 8e mae them stubble$ silent an still.

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8e create not the heaen an the earth$ an %hatsoeer bet%een them is$ as

playing= ha 8e esire to tae to Ds a iersion 8e %oul hae taen it to Ds

from 0urseles$ ha 8e one aught. 5ay$ but 8e hurl the truth against falsehoo

an it preails oer it$ an behol$ falsehoo anishes a%ay. Then %oe to you for 

that you escribe

To im belongs %hosoeer is in the heaens an the earth= an those %ho are

%ith im %ax not too prou to o im serice neither gro% %eary$ glorifying im

by night an in the aytime an neer failing. 0r hae they taen gos out of the

earth %ho raise the eaH

8hy$ %ere there gos in earth an heaen other than o$ they %oul surely go

to ruin= so glory be to o$ the 7or of the Throne$ aboe that they escribe

e shall not be uestione as to %hat e oes$ but they shall be uestione. 0r 

hae they taen gos apart from imH -ay/ '>ring your proof This is the

<emembrance of him %ho is %ith me$ an the <emembrance of those before me.

5ay$ but the most part of them no% not the truth$ so therefore they are turning


1!/1# An 8e sent neer a essenger before thee except that 8e reeale to

him$ saying$ 'There is no go but I= so sere e.'

They say/' 'The All&merciful has taen to im a son.' lory be to im 5ay$ but

they are honoure serants that outstrip im not in speech$ an perform as e

commans. e no%s %hat is before them an behin them$ an they intercee

not sae for him %ith %hom e is %ell&please$ an they tremble in a%e of im.

1!/92 If any of them says$ 'I am a go apart from im'$ such a one 8e

recompense %ith ehenna= een so 8e recompense the eiloers.

ae not the unbelieers then behel that the heaens an the earth %ere a

mass all se%n up$ an then 8e unstitche them an of %ater fashione eery

liing thingH 8ill they not belieeH An 8e set in the earth firm mountains lest it

shoul shae %ith them$ an 8e set in it raines to sere as %ays$ that haply so

they may be guie= an 8e set up the heaen as a roof %ell&protecte= yet still

from 0ur signs they are turning a%ay.

It is e %ho create the night an the ay$ the sun an the moon$ each s%imming

in a sy.

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8e hae not assigne to any mortal before thee to lie foreer= therefore$ if thou

iest$ %ill they lie foreerH Eery soul shall taste of eath= an 8e try you %ith

eil an goo for a testing$ then unto Ds you shall be returne.

8hen the unbelieers behol thee$ they tae thee only for mocery/ 'a$ is this

the one %ho maes mention of your gosH' Get they in the <emembrance of the

 All&merciful are unbelieers. an %as create of haste. Assurely I shall sho%

you y signs= so eman not that I mae haste. They say$ 'An %hen shall the

promise come to pass$ if you spea trulyH'

1!/32 If the unbelieers but ne% %hen that they shall not %ar off the Fire from

their faces nor from their bacs$ neither shall they be helpe 5ay$ but it shall

come upon them suenly$ umbfouning them$ an they shall not be able to

repel it$ nor shall they be respite.

essengers inee %ere moce at before thee$ but those that scoffe at them

%ere encompasse by that they moce at.

-ay/ '8ho shall guar you by night an in the aytime from the All&mercifulH' 5ay$

but from the <emembrance of their 7or they are turning a%ay.

0r hae they gos that shall efen them apart from DsH 8hy$ they are not able

to help themseles$ nor shall they be guare in safety from Ds.

1!/3# 5ay$ but 0urseles gae these an their fathers en,oyment of ays$ until

their life ha laste long %hile upon them. 8hat$ o they not see ho% 8e come tothe lan$ iminishing it in its extremitiesH 0r are they the ictorsH -ay/ 'I %arn you

only by the <eelation'= but they that are eaf o not hear the call %hen they are

%arne. If but a breath of thy 7or's chastisement touche them$ they %oul

surely say$ 'Alas for us 8e %ere eiloers.'

 An 8e shall set up the ,ust balances for the <esurrection Cay$ so that not one

soul shall be %ronge anything= een if it be the %eight of one grain of mustar&

see. 8e shall prouce it$ an sufficient are 8e for reconers.

8e gae oses an Aaron the -alation an a <aiance$ an a <emembrancefor the gofearing

1!/#2 such as fear o in the Dnseen$ trembling because of the our.

 An this is a blesse <emembrance that 8e hae sent o%n= so are you no%

enying itH

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8e gae Abraham aforetime his rectitue && for 8e ne% him && %hen he sai to

his father an his people$ '8hat are these statues unto %hich you are cleaingH'

They sai$ '8e foun our fathers sering them.'

1!/## e sai$ 'Then assurely you an your fathers hae been in manifest error.'

They sai$ '8hat$ hast thou come to us %ith the truth$ or art thou one of those that

playH' e sai$ '5ay$ but your 7or is the 7or of the heaens an the earth %ho

originate them$ an I am one of those that bear %itness thereunto. An$ by o$

I shall assurely out%it your iols$ after you hae gone a%ay turning your bacs.'

-o he broe them into fragments$ all but a great one they ha$ for haply they

%oul return to it.

1!/@2 They sai$ '8ho has one this %ith our gosH -urely he is one of the

eiloers.' They sai$ '8e hear a young man maing mention of them$ an he%as calle Abraham.'

They sai$ '>ring him before the people's eyes= haply they shall bear %itness.'

They sai$ '-o$ art thou the man %ho i this unto our gos$ AbrahamH'

e sai$ '5o= it %as this great one of them that i it. Question them= if they are

able to spea'

1!/@# -o they returne one to another$ an they sai$ '-urely it is you %ho are theeiloers.' Then they %ere utterly put to confusion saying$ ':ery %ell inee thou

no%est these o not spea.' e sai$ '8hat$ an o you sere$ apart from o$

that %hich profits you nothing= neither hurts youH Fie upon you an that you sere

apart from o

Co you not unerstanH' They sai$ '>urn him$ an help your gos$ if you %oul

o aught.' 8e sai$ '0 fire$ be coolness an safety for Abraham'

1!/2 They esire to out%it him= so 8e mae them the %orse losers$ an 8e

eliere him$ an 7ot$ unto the lan that 8e ha blesse for all beings. An 8egae him Isaac an Jacob in superfluity$ an eery one mae 8e righteous an

appointe them to be leaers guiing by 0ur comman$ an 8e reeale to them

the oing of goo ees$ an to perform the prayer$ an to pay the alms$ an Ds

they sere.

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 An 7ot && to him 8e gae ,ugment an no%lege= an %e eliere him from

the city that ha been oing ees of corruption= they %ere an eil people$ truly


1!/# an 8e amitte him into 0ur mercy= he %as of the righteous.

 An 5oah && %hen he calle before$ an 8e ans%ere him$ an eliere him

an his people from the great istress$ an 8e helpe him against the people

%ho crie lies to 0ur signs= surely they %ere an eil people$ so 8e ro%ne them

all together.

 An Cai an -olomon && %hen they gae ,ugment concerning the tillage$ %hen

the sheep of the people straye there$ an 8e bore %itness to their ,ugment=

an 8e mae -olomon to unerstan it$ an unto each gae 8e ,ugment an

no%lege. An %ith Cai 8e sub,ecte the mountains to gie glory$ an the

birs$ an 8e %ere oers.

1!/2 An 8e taught him the fashioning of garments for you$ to fortify you against

your iolence= then are you thanfulH An to -olomon the %in$ strongly blo%ing$

that ran at his comman unto the lan that 8e ha blesse= an 8e ha

no%lege of eerything= an of the -atans some ie for him an i other 

%or besies= an 8e %ere %atching oer them.

 An Job && %hen he calle unto his 7or$ '>ehol$ affliction has isite me$ an

Thou art the most merciful of the merciful.' -o 8e ans%ere him$ an remoe

the affliction that %as upon him$ an 8e gae his people$ an the lie of them

%ith them$ mercy from Ds$ an a <eminer to those %ho sere.

1!/# An Ishmael$ Iris$ Chul *ifl && each %as of the patient$ an 8e amitte

them into 0ur mercy= they %ere of the righteous.

 An Chul 5un && %hen he %ent forth enrage an thought that 8e %oul hae no

po%er oer him= then he calle out in the arness$ 'There is no go but Thou.

lory be to Thee I hae one eil.'

-o 8e ans%ere him$ an eliere him out of grief= een so o$ 8e elier thebelieers.

 An ?achariah && %hen he calle unto his 7or$ '0 my 7or$ leae me not solitary=

though Thou art the best of inheritors.'

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-o 8e ans%ere him$ an besto%e on him John$ an 8e set his %ife right for 

him= truly they ie %ith one another$ hastening to goo %ors$ an calle upon

Ds out of yearning an a%e= an they %ere humble to Ds.

 An she %ho guare her irginity$ so 8e breathe into her of 0ur spirit an

appointe her an her son to be a sign unto all beings. '-urely this community of 

yours is one community$ an I am your 7or= so sere e.' >ut they split up their 

affair bet%een them= all shall return to Ds.

1!/"# An %hosoeer oes ees of righteousness$ being a belieer$ no

unthanfulness shall befall his eneaour= 8e 0urseles %rite it o%n for him.

There is a ban upon any city that 8e hae estroye= they shall not return till$

%hen og an agog are unloose$ an they slie o%n out of eery slope$ an

nigh has ra%n the true promise$ an behol$ the eyes of the unbelieers staring/

'Alas for us 8e %ere heeless of this= 'nay$ %e %ere eiloers.'

'-urely you$ an that you %ere sering apart from o$ are fuel for ehenna= you

shall go o%n to it.'

'If those ha been gos$ they %oul neer hae gone o%n to it= yet eery one of 

them shall therein abie foreer='

1!/!22 there shall be sighing for them therein$ an naught they shall hear.

>ut as for those unto %hom alreay the re%ar most fair has gone forth from Ds$they shall be$ ept far from it neither shall they hear any %hisper of it$ an they

shall %ell foreer in that their souls esire= the greatest terror shall not griee

them$ an the angels shall receie them/ 'This is your ay that you %ere


0n the ay %hen 8e shall roll up heaen as a scroll is rolle for the %ritings= as

8e originate the first creation$ so 8e shall bring it bac again && a promise

bining on Ds= so 8e shall o.

1!/!2# For 8e hae %ritten in the ;salms$ after the <emembrance$ 'The earthshall be the inheritance of y righteous serants.' -urely in this is a essage

eliere unto a people %ho sere.

8e hae not sent thee$ sae as a mercy unto all beings. -ay/ 'It is reeale unto

me only that your o is 0ne o= o you then surrenerH' Then$ if they shoul

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turn their bacs$ say/ 'I hae proclaime to you all eually$ een though I no% not

%hether near or far is that you are promise.'

1!/!!2 -urely e no%s %hat is spoen alou an e no%s %hat you hie. I

no% not= haply it is a trial for you an an en,oyment for a time. e sai/ 'y 7or$

 ,uge Thou %ith truth An our 7or is the All&merciful= is succour is eer to be

sought against that you escribe.'


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

11/! 0 men$ fear your 7or -urely the earthuae of the our is a mighty thing=

on the ay %hen you behol it$ eery sucling %oman shall neglect the chil she

has sucle$ an eery pregnant %oman shall eposit her buren$ an thou shalt

see manin run$ yet they are not run$ but o's chastisement is terrible.

 An among men there is such a one that isputes concerning o %ithout

no%lege an follo%s eery rebel -atan$ against %hom it is %ritten o%n that

%hosoeer taes him for a frien$ him he leas astray$ an he guies him to the

chastisement of the burning.

11/# 0 men$ if you are in oubt as to the Dprising$ surely 8e create you of ust

then of a sperm&rop$ then of a bloo clot$ then of a lump of flesh$ forme an

unforme that 8e may mae clear to you.

 An 8e establish in the %ombs %hat 8e %ill$ till a state term$ then 8e elier 

you as infants$ then that you may come of age= an some of you ie$ an some of 

you are ept bac unto the ilest state of life$ that after no%ing some%hat$ they

may no% nothing. An thou beholest the earth blacene$ then$ %hen 8e sen

o%n %ater upon it$ it uiers$ an s%ells$ an puts forth herbs of eery ,oyous


That is because o && e is the Truth$ an brings the ea to life$ an is

po%erful oer eerything$ an because the our is coming$ no oubt of it$ an

o shall raise up %hosoeer is %ithin the tombs.

11/!2 An among men there is such a one that isputes concerning o %ithout

no%lege or guiance$ or an illuminating >oo$ turning his sie to lea astray

from o's %ay= for him is egraation in this %orl= an on the <esurrection Cay.

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8e shall let him taste the chastisement of the burning/ 'That is for %hat thy hans

hae for%are an for that o is neer un,ust unto is serants.'

 An among men there is such a one as seres o upon the ery ege && if goo

befalls him he is at rest in it$ but if a trial befalls him he turns completely oer= he

loses this %orl an the %orl to come= that is inee the manifest loss.

e calls$ apart from o$ upon that %hich hurts him not$ an %hich neither profits

him anything= that is inee the far error. e calls upon him %ho is lielier to hurt

him$ rather than to profit him && an eil protector inee$ he$ an eil frien

o shall surely amit those %ho beliee an o righteous ees into garens

unerneath %hich riers flo%= surely o oes that e esires.

11/!# 8hosoeer thins o %ill not help him in the present %orl an the %orl

to come= let him stretch up a rope to heaen$ then let him seer it$ an behol%hether his guile oes a%ay %ith %hat enrages him.

Een so 8e hae sent it o%n as signs$ clear signs$ an for that o guies

%hom e esires. -urely they that beliee$ an those of Je%ry$ the -abaeans$

the 4hristians$ the agians an the iolaters && o shall istinguish bet%een

them on the Cay of <esurrection= assurely o is %itness oer eerything.

ast thou not seen ho% to o bo% all %ho are in the an all %ho are in the

earth$ heaens the sun an the moon$ the stars an the mountains$ the trees an

the beasts$ an many of maninH An many merit the chastisement= an %homo abases$ there is none to honour him. o oes %hatsoeer e %ill.

11/12 These are t%o isputants %ho hae ispute concerning their 7or. As for 

the unbelieers$ for them garments of fire shall$ be cut$ an there shall be poure

oer their heas boiling %ater %hereby %hatsoeer is in their bellies an their 

sins shall be melte= for them a%ait hooe iron ros= as often as they esire in

their anguish to come forth from it$ they shall be restore into it$ an/ 'Taste the

chastisement of the burning'

o shall surely amit those %ho beliee an o righteous ees into garensunerneath %hich riers flo%= therein they shall be aorne %ith bracelets of gol

an %ith pearls$ an their apparel there shall be of sil= an they= shall be guie

unto gooly speech$ an they shall be guie unto the path of the All&lauable.

11/1# Those %ho isbeliee$ an bar from o's %ay an the oly osue that

8e hae appointe eual unto men$ alie him %ho cleaes to it an the tent&

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%eller$ an %hosoeer purposes to iolate it %rongly$ 8e shall let him taste a

painful chastisement.

 An %hen 8e settle for Abraham the place of the ouse/ 'Thou shall not

associate %ith e anything. An o thou purify y ouse for those that shall go

about it an those that stan$ for those that bo% an prostrate themseles= an

proclaim among men the ;ilgrimage$ an they shall come unto thee on foot an

upon eery lean beast$ they shall come from eery eep raine that they may

%itness things profitable to them an mention o's 5ame on ays %ell&no%n

oer such beasts of the flocs as e has proie them/ +-o eat thereof$ an

fee the %retche poor.+

11/92 7et them then finish %ith their self&neglect an let them fulfil their o%s$ an

go about the Ancient ouse.'

 All that= an %hosoeer enerates the sacre things of o$ it shall be better for 

him %ith his 7or. An permitte to you are the flocs$ except that %hich is recite

to you. An esche% the abomination of iols$ an esche% the speaing of 

falsehoo$ being men pure of faith unto o$ not associating %ith im anything=

for %hosoeer associates %ith o anything$ it is as though he has fallen from

heaen an the birs snatch him a%ay$ or the %in s%eeps him healong into a

place far a%ay.

 All that= an %hosoeer enerates o's %aymars$ that is of the goliness of the

hearts. There are things therein profitable to you unto a state term= thereafter 

their la%ful place of sacrifice is by the Ancient ouse.

11/9# 8e hae appointe for eery nation a holy rite$ that they may mention

o's 5ame oer such beasts of the flocs as e has proie them. Gour o is

0ne o$ so to im surrener. An gie thou goo tiings unto the humble %ho$

%hen o is mentione$ their hearts uae$ an such as enure patiently

%hateer isits them$ an %ho perform the prayer$ an expen of %hat 8e hae

proie them.

 An the beasts of sacrifice && 8e hae appointe them for you as among o's

%aymars= therein is goo for you. -o mention o's 5ame oer them$ staning

in rans then$ %hen their flans collapse$ eat of them an fee the beggar an the

suppliant. -o 8e hae sub,ecte them to you= haply you %ill be thanful. The

flesh of them shall not reach o$ neither their bloo$ but goliness from you shall

reach im. -o e has sub,ecte them to you$ that you may magnify o for that

e has guie you. An gie thou goo tiings unto the goo&oers.

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 Assurely o %ill efen those %ho beliee= surely o loes not any ungrateful


11/32 7eae is gien to those %ho fight because they %ere %ronge && surely o

is able to help them && %ho %ere expelle from their habitations %ithout right$

except that they say '0ur 7or is o.' a o not rien bac the people$

some by the means of others$ there ha been estroye cloisters an churches$

oratories an mosues$ %herein o's 5ame is much mentione. Assurely o

%ill help him %ho helps im && surely o is All&strong$ All&mighty %ho$ if 8e

establish them in the lan$ perform the prayer$ an pay the alms$ an bi to

honour$ an forbi ishonour= an unto o belongs the issue of all affairs. If they

cry lies to thee$ so too before them the people of 5oah crie lies$ an A an

Thamoo$ an the people of Abraham$ the people of 7ot$ an the men of iian=

to oses also they crie lies. An I respite the unbelieers$ then I seiBe them=

an ho% %as y horror o% many a city 8e hae estroye in its eiloing$ an

no% it is fallen o%n upon its turrets o% many a ruine %ell$ a tall palace

11/3# 8hat$ hae they not ,ourneye in the lan so that they hae hearts to

unerstan %ith or ears to hear %ithH It is not the eyes that are blin$ but blin are

the hearts %ithin the breasts. An they eman of thee to hasten the

chastisement o %ill not fail is promise= an surely a ay %ith thy 7or is as a

thousan years of your counting. o% many a city I hae respite in its eiloing=

then I seiBe it$ an to e %as the homecoming. -ay/ '0 men$ I am only for you a

plain %arner.' Those %ho beliee$ an o ees of righteousness && theirs shall be

forgieness an generous proision.

11/#2 An those %ho strie against 0ur signs to oi them && they shall be the

inhabitants of ell.

8e sent not eer any essenger or ;rophet before thee$ but that -atan cast into

his fancy$ %hen he %as fancying= but o annuls %hat -atan casts$ then o

confirms is signs && surely o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise && that e may mae %hat

-atan casts a trial for those in %hose hearts is sicness$ an those %hose hearts

are har= an surely the eiloers are in %ie schism= an that they %ho hae

been gien no%lege may no% that it is the truth from thy 7or an beliee in it$an so their hearts be humble unto im= an assurely o eer guies those

%ho beliee to a straight path.

 An the unbelieers %ill not cease to be in oubt of it$ until the our comes on

them suenly$ or there shall come upon them the chastisement of a barren ay.

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11/## The *ingom upon that ay shall belong to o$ an e shall ,uge

bet%een them. As for those %ho beliee$ an o ees of righteousness$ they

shall be in arens of >liss. >ut as for the unbelieers$ %ho crie lies to 0ur 

signs= for them a%aits a humbling chastisement. An those %ho emigrate in

o's %ay an %ere slain$ or ie$ o shall proie them %ith a fair proision=

an surely o is the best of proiers.

e shall amit them by a gate that is %ell&pleasing to them= an surely o is All&

no%ing$ All&clement.

 All that= an %hosoeer chastises after the manner that he %as chastise an

then again is oppresse$ assurely o %ill help him= surely o is All&paroning$


11/@2 That is because o maes the night to enter into the ay an maes the

ay to enter into the night= an that o is All&hearing$ All&seeing.

That is because o && e is the Truth$ an that they call upon apart from im &&

that is the false= an for that o is the All&high$ the All&great.

ast thou not seen ho% that o has sent o%n out of heaen %ater$ an in the

morning the earth becomes greenH o is All&subtle$ All&a%are.

To im belongs all that is in the heaens an in the earth= surely o && e is the

 All&sufficient$ the All&lauable. ast thou not seen ho% that o has sub,ecte to

you all that is in the earth an the ships to run upon the sea at iscommanment$ an e hols bac heaen lest it shoul fall upon the earth$ sae

by is leaeH

-urely o is All&gentle to men$ All&compassionate.

11/@# It is e %ho gae you life$ then e shall mae you ea$ then e shall gie

you life. -urely man is ungrateful.

8e hae appointe for eery nation a holy rite that they shall perform. 7et them

not therefore %rangle %ith thee upon the matter$ an o thou summon unto thy7or= surely thou art upon a straight guiance. An if they shoul ispute %ith

thee$ o thou say$ 'o no%s ery %ell %hat you are oing. o shall ,uge

bet%een you on the Cay of <esurrection touching that %hereon you %ere at

ariance.' Cist thou not no% that o no%s all that is in heaen an earthH

-urely that is in a >oo= surely that for o is an easy matter.

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11/2 They sere$ apart from o$ that %hereon e has sent o%n neer 

authority an that %hereof they hae no no%lege= an for the eiloers there

shall be no helper.

 An %hen 0ur signs are recite to them$ clear signs$ thou recognisest in the

faces of the unbelieers enial= %ellnigh they rush upon those %ho recite to them

0ur signs. -ay/ '-hall I tell you of something %orse than thatH The Fire && o has

promise it to the unbelieers && an eil homecoming'

0 men$ a similitue is struc= so gie you ear to it. -urely those upon %hom you

call$ apart from o$ shall neer create a fly$ though they bane together to o it=

an if a fly shoul rob them of aught$ they %oul neer rescue it from him. Feeble

inee alie are the seeer an the sought They measure not o %ith is true

measure= surely o is All&strong$ All&mighty.

11/# o chooses of the angels essengers an of manin= surely o is All&

hearing$ All&seeing. e no%s %hatsoeer is before them an behin them$ an

unto o all matters are returne.'

0 men$ bo% you o%n an prostrate yourseles$ an sere your 7or$ an o

goo= haply so you shall prosper= an struggle for o as is is ue$ for e has

chosen you$ an has lai on you no impeiment in your religion$ being the cree

of your father Abraham= e name you uslims aforetime an in this$ that the

essenger might be a %itness against you$ an that you might be %itnesses

against manin. -o perform the prayer$ an pay the alms$ an hol you fast to

o= e is your ;rotector && an excellent ;rotector$ an excellent elper.

66III TE >E7IE:E<-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

19/! ;rosperous are the belieers %ho in their prayers are humble an from ile

tal turn a%ay an at almsgiing are actie an guar their priate parts

19/# sae from their %ies an %hat their right hans o%n then being not

blame%orthy (but %hosoeer sees after more than that$ those are the

transgressors) an %ho presere their trusts an their coenant an %ho obsere

their prayers.

19/!2 Those are the inheritors %ho shall inherit ;araise therein %elling foreer.

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8e create man of an extraction of clay$ then 8e set him$ a rop$ in a receptacle

secure$ then 8e create of the rop a clot then 8e create of the clot a tissue

then 8e create of the tissue bones then 8e garmente the bones in flesh=

thereafter 8e prouce him as another creature. -o blesse be o$ the fairest

of creators

19/!# Then after that you shall surely ie$ then on the Cay of <esurrection you

shall surely be raise up. An 8e create aboe you seen %ays$ an 8e %ere

not heeless of creation.

 An 8e sent o%n out of heaen %ater in measure an loge it in the earth= an

8e are able to tae it a%ay. Then 8e prouce for you there%ith garens of 

palms an ines %herein are many fruits for you$ an of them you eat$

19/12 an a tree issuing from the ount of -inai that bears oil an seasoning for 

all to eat. An surely in the cattle there is a lesson for you= 8e gie you to rin of 

%hat is in their bellies$ an many uses there are in them for you$ an of them you

eat= an upon them$ an on the ships$ you are borne.

 An 8e sent 5oah to his people= an he$ sai$ '0 my people$ sere o Gou

hae no go other than e. 8ill you not be gofearingH+ -ai the 4ouncil of the

unbelieers of his people$ 'This is naught but a mortal lie yourseles$ %ho

esires to gain superiority oer you. An if o %ille$ e %oul hae sent o%n

angels. 8e neer hear of this among$ our fathers$ the ancients.

19/1# e is naught but a man beeille= so %ait on him for a time. e sai$ '0

my 7or$ help me$ for that they cry me lies.' Then 8e sai to him$ 'ae thou the

 Ar uner 0ur eyes an as 8e reeal$ an then$ %hen 0ur comman comes an

the 0en boils$ insert in it t%o of eery in an thy$ family && except for him

against %hom the %or alreay has been spoen= an aress e not

concerning those %ho hae one eil= they shall be ro%ne.

Then$ %hen thou art seate in the Ar an those %ith thee$ say$ +;raise belongs

to o$ %ho has eliere us from the people of the eiloers.+

19/92 An say$ +'0 my 7or$ o Thou harbour me in a blesse harbour$ for Thou

art the best of harbourers.+ -urely in that are signs$ an surely 8e put to the test.

Thereafter$ after them$ 8e prouce another generation$ an 8e sent amongst

them a essenger of themseles$ saying$ '-ere o Gou hae no go other 

than e. 8ill you not be gofearingH'

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-ai the 4ouncil of the unbelieers of his people$ %ho crie lies to the encounter 

of the %orl to come$ an to %hom 8e ha gien ease in the present life$ 'This is

naught but a mortal lie yourseles$ %ho eats of %hat you eat an rins of %hat

you rin.

19/9# If you obey a mortal lie yourseles$ then you %ill be losers. 8hat$ oes he

promise you that %hen you are ea$ an become ust an bones$ you shall be

brought forthH A%ay$ a%ay %ith that you are promise There is nothing but our 

present life= %e ie$ an %e lie$ an %e shall not be raise up.

19/32 e is naught but a man %ho has forge against o a lie$ an %e %ill not

beliee him.' e sai$ '0 my 7or$ help me$ for that they cry me lies.' e sai$ 'In a

little they %ill be remorseful.'

 An the 4ry seiBe them ,ustly$ an 8e mae them as scum= so a%ay %ith the

people of the eiloers

19/3# Thereafter$ after them$ 8e prouce other generations= no nation outstrips

its term$ nor o they put it bac.

Then sent 8e 0ur essengers successiely= %heneer its essenger came to a

nation they crie him lies$ so 8e cause some of them to follo% others$ an 8e

mae them as but tales= so a%ay %ith a people %ho o not beliee

Then 8e sent oses an his brother Aaron %ith 0ur signs an a manifest

authority unto ;haraoh an his 4ouncil= but they %axe prou$ an they %ere alofty people$ an they sai$ '8hat$ shall %e beliee t%o mortals lie ourseles$

%hose people are our serantsH'

19/#2 -o they crie them lies$ an they %ere among the estroye.

 An 8e gae oses the >oo$ that haply they %oul be guie= an 8e mae

ary's son$ an his mother$ to be a sign$ an gae them refuge upon a height$

%here %as a hollo% an a spring/ '0 essengers$ eat of the goo things an o

righteousness= surely I no% the things you o.

-urely this community of yours is one community$ an I am your 7or= so fear 


19/## >ut they split in their affair bet%een them into sects$ each party re,oicing in

%hat is %ith them. -o leae thou them in their perplexity for a time. 8hat$ o they

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thin that 8e succour them %ith of %ealth an chilren$ 8e ie in goo %ors for 

themH 5ay$ but they are not a%are.

19/@2 -urely those %ho tremble in fear of their 7or an those %ho beliee in the

signs of their 7or an those %ho associate naught %ith their 7or an those %ho

gie %hat they gie$ their hearts uaing that they are returning to their 7or &&

those ie in goo %ors$ outracing to them.

8e charge not any soul sae to its capacity$ an %ith Ds is a >oo speaing truth$

an they shall not be %ronge.

19/@# 5ay$ but their hearts are in perplexity as to this$ an they hae ees

besies that that they are oing. Till$ %hen 8e seiBe %ith the chastisement the

ones of them that lie at ease$ behol$ they groan. 'roan not toay= surely you

shall not be helpe from Ds. y signs %ere recite to you$ but upon your heels

you %ithre%$ %axing prou against it$ taling foolish tal by night.'

19/2 ae they not ponere the saying$ or came there upon them that %hich

came not upon their fathers$ the ancientsH 0r i they not recognise their 

essenger an so enie himH 0r o they say$ 'e is beeille'H 5ay$ he has

brought them the truth$ but most of them are aerse from the truth.

a the truth follo%e their caprices$ the heaens an the earth an %hosoeer 

in them is ha surely corrupte. 5ay$ 8e brought them their <emembrance$ but

from their <emembrance they turne. 0r ost thou as them for tributeH Get the

tribute of thy 7or is better$ an e is the best of proiers.

19/# Assurely thou art calling them to a straight path= an surely they that

beliee not in the %orl to come are eiating from the path. Ci 8e hae mercy

on them$ an remoe the affliction that is upon them$ they %oul persist in their 

insolence %anering blinly.

8e alreay seiBe them %ith the chastisement$ yet they abase not themseles

to their 7or nor %ere they humble= until$ %hen 8e open against them a oor of 

terrible chastisement$ lo$ they are sore confoune at it.

19/2 It is e %ho prouce for you hearing$ an eyes$ an hearts= little thans

you sho%. It is e %ho scattere you in the earth$ an to im you shall be


It is e %ho gies life$ an maes to ie$ an to im belongs the alternation of 

night an ay= %hat$ %ill you not unerstanH

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5ay$ but they sai the lie of %hat the ancients sai. They sai$ '8hat$ %hen %e

are ea an become ust an bones$ shall %e be inee raise upH

19/# 8e an our fathers hae been promise this before= this is naught but the

fairy&tales of the ancients.'

-ay/ '8hose is the earth$ an %hoso is in it$ if you hae no%legeH' They %ill

say$ o's.' -ay/ '8ill you not then rememberH'

-ay/ '8ho is the 7or of the seen heaens an the 7or of the mighty ThroneH'

They %ill say$ 'o's.' -ay/ '8ill you not then be gofearingH'

19/"2 -ay/ 'In %hose han is the ominion of eerything$ protecting an imself 

unprotecte$ if you hae no%legeH' They %ill say$ 'o's.' -ay/ 'o% then are

you be%itcheH 5ay$ but 8e brought them the truth an they are truly liars. ohas not taen to imself any son$ nor is there any go %ith im= for then each

go %oul hae taen off that he create an some of them %oul hae risen up

oer others= glory to be o$ beyon that they escribe$ %ho has no%lege of 

the Dnseen an the :isible= high exalte be e$ aboe that they associate

19/"# -ay/ '0 my 7or$ if Thou shoulst sho% me that they are promise$ 0 my

7or$ put me not among the people of the eiloers.'

 Assurely$ 8e are able to sho% thee that 8e promise them. <epel thou the eil

%ith that %hich is fairer. 8e 0urseles no% ery %ell that they escribe. Ansay/ '0 my 7or$ I tae refuge in Thee from the eil suggestions of the -atans$

19/!22 an I tae refuge in Thee$ 0 my 7or$ lest they atten me.'

Till$ %hen eath comes to one of them$ he says$ 'y 7or$ return me= haply I shall

o righteousness in that I forsoo.' 5ay$ it is but a %or he speas= an there=

behin them$ is a barrier until the ay that they shall be raise up.

For %hen the Trumpet is blo%n$ that ay there shall be no inship any more

bet%een them$ neither %ill they uestion one another.

19/!2# Then he %hose scales are heay && they are the prosperers$ an he

%hose scales are light && they hae lost their souls in ehenna %elling foreer$

the Fire smiting their faces the %hile they glo%er there. '8hat$ %ere y signs not

recite to you$ an you crie them liesH'

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They shall say$ '0ur 7or$ our aersity preaile oer us= %e %ere an erring

people. 0ur 7or$ bring us forth out of it Then$ if %e reert$

19/!!2 %e shall be eiloers inee.' '-lin you into it$' e shall say$ 'an o not

spea to e. There is a party of y serants %ho sai$ +0ur 7or$ %e beliee=

therefore forgie us$ an hae mercy on us$ for Thou art the best of the merciful.+

>ut you too them for a laughing&stoc$ till they mae you forget y

remembrance$ mocing at them. 5o% toay I hae recompense them for their 

patient enurance=

19/!!# 'they are the triumphant.' e shall say$ 'o% long hae you tarrie in the

earth$ by number of yearsH' They shall say$ '8e hae tarrie a ay$ or part of a

ay= as the numberers'

e shall say$ 'Gou hae tarrie but a little$ i you no%. 8hat$ i you thin that

8e create you only for sport$ an that you %oul not be returne to DsH'

Then high exalte be o$ the *ing$ the True There is no go but eH the 7or

of the noble Throne.

 An %hosoeer calls upon another go %ith o$ %hereof he has no proof$ his

reconing is %ith his 7or= surely the unbelieers shall not prosper.

 An say/ 'y 7or$ forgie an hae mercy$ for Thou art the best of the merciful.'

66I: 7IT

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

13/! A sura that 8e hae sent o%n an appointe= an 8e hae sent o%n in it

signs$ clear signs$ that haply you %ill remember.

The fornicatress an the fornicator && scourge each one of them a hunre

stripes$ an in the matter of o's religion let no tenerness for them seiBe you if you beliee in o an the 7ast Cay= an let a party of the belieers %itness their 

chastisement. The fornicator shall marry none but a fornicatress or an iolatress$

an the fornicatress && none shall marry her but a fornicator or an iolator= that is

forbien to the belieers.

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 An those %ho cast it up on %omen in %eloc$ an then bring not four 

%itnesses$ scourge them %ith eighty stripes$ an o not accept any testimony of 

theirs eer=

13/# those && they are the ungoly$ sae such as repent thereafter an mae

amens= surely o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate. An those %ho cast it up

on their %ies haing no %itnesses except themseles$ the testimony of one of 

them shall be to testify by o four times that he is of the truthful$ an a fifth time$

that the curse of o shall be upon him$ if he shoul be of the liars.

It shall aert from her the chastisement if she testify by o four times that he is

of the liars$ an a fifth time$ that the %rath of o shall be upon her$ if he shoul

be of the truthful.

13/!2 >ut for o's bounty to you an is mercy an that o turns$ an is All&

%ise &&

Those %ho came %ith the slaner are a ban of you= o not recon it eil for you=

rather it is goo for you. Eery man of them shall hae the sin that he has earne

charge to him= an %hosoeer of them too upon himself the greater part of it$

him there a%aits a mighty chastisement.

8hy$ %hen you hear it$ i the belieing men an %omen not of their o%n

account thin goo thoughts$ an say$ 'This is a manifest calumny'H 8hy i they

not bring four %itnesses against itH >ut since they i not bring the %itnesses$ in

o's sight they are the liars. >ut for o's bounty to you an is mercy in the

present %orl an the %orl to come there %oul hae isite you for your 

mutterings a mighty chastisement. 8hen you receie it on your tongues$ an

%ere speaing %ith your mouths that %hereof you ha no no%lege$ an

recone it a light thing$ an %ith o it %as a mighty thing &&

13/!# An %hy$ %hen you hear it$ i you not say$ 'It is not for us to spea about

this= glory be to Thee This is a mighty calumny'H

o amonishes you$ that you shall neer repeat the lie of it again= if you are

belieers. o maes clear to you the signs= an o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

Those %ho loe that inecency shoul be sprea abroa concerning them that

beliee && there a%aits them a painful chastisement in the present %orl an the

%orl to come= an o no%s$ an you no% not.

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13/12 >ut for o's bounty to you an is mercy an that o is All&gentle$ All&

compassionate &&

0 belieers$ follo% not the steps of -atan= for %hosoeer follo%s the steps of 

-atan$ assurely he bis to inecency an ishonour. >ut for o's bounty to you

an is mercy not one of you %oul hae been pure eer= but o purifies %hom

e %ill= an o is All&hearing$ All&no%ing.

7et not those of you %ho possess bounty an plenty s%ear off giing insmen an

the poor an those %ho emigrate in the %ay of o= but let them paron an

forgie. Co you not %ish that o shoul forgie youH o is All&forgiing$ All&


-urely those %ho cast it up on %omen in %eloc that are heeless but belieing

shall be accurse in the present %orl an the %orl to come= an there a%aits

them a mighty chastisement on the ay %hen their tongues$ their hans an their 

feet shall testify against them touching that they %ere oing.

13/1# Dpon that ay o %ill pay them in full their ,ust ue$ an they shall no%

that o is the manifest Truth.

4orrupt %omen for corrupt men$ an corrupt men for corrupt %omen= goo

%omen for goo men$ an goo men for goo %omen && these are eclare uit

of %hat they say= theirs shall be forgieness an generous proision.

0 belieers$ o not enter houses other than your houses until you first as leaean$ salute the people thereof= that is better for you= haply you %ill remember. An

if you fin not anyone therein$ enter it not until leae is gien to you. An if you

are tol$ '<eturn$' return= that is purer for you= an o no%s the things you o.

There is no fault in you that you enter houses uninhabite %herein en,oyment is

for you. o no%s %hat you reeal an %hat you hie.

13/92 -ay to the belieers$ that they cast o%n their eyes an guar their priate

parts= that is purer for them. o is a%are of the things they %or.

 An say to the belieing %omen$ that they cast o%n their eyes an guar their 

priate parts$ an reeal not their aornment sae such as is out%ar= an let

them cast their eils oer their bosoms$ an not reeal their aornment sae to

their husbans$ or their fathers$ or their husbans' fathers$ or their sons$ or their 

husbans' sons$ or their brothers$ or their brothers' sons$ or their sisters' sons$ or 

their %omen$ or %hat their right hans o%n$ or such men as atten them$ not

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haing sexual esire$ or chilren %ho hae not yet attaine no%lege of 

%omen's priate parts= nor let them stamp their feet$ so that their hien

ornament may be no%n. An turn all together to o$ 0 you belieers= haply so

you %ill prosper.

arry the spouseless among you$ an your slaes an hanmaiens that are

righteous= if they are poor$ o %ill enrich them of is bounty= o is All&

embracing$ All&no%ing.

 An let those %ho fin not the means to marry be abstinent till o enriches them

of is bounty. Those your right hans o%n %ho see emancipation$ contract %ith

them accoringly$ if you no% some goo in them= an gie them of the %ealth of 

o that e has gien you. An constrain not your slae&girls to prostitution$ if 

they esire to lie in chastity$ that you may see the chance goos of the present

life. 8hosoeer constrains them$ surely o$ after their being constraine$ is All&

forgiing$ All&compassionate.

5o% 8e hae sent o%n to you signs maing all clear$ an an example of those

%ho passe a%ay before you$ an an amonition for the gofearing.

13/9# o is the 7ight of the heaens an the earth= the lieness of is 7ight is

as a niche %herein is a lamp (the lamp in a glass$ the glass as it %ere a glittering

star) inle from a >lesse Tree$ an olie that is neither of the East nor of the

8est %hose oil %ellnigh %oul shine$ een if no fire touche it= 7ight upon 7ight=

(o guies to is 7ight %hom e %ill.)

(An o stries similitues for men$ an o has no%lege of eerything.) in

temples o has allo%e to be raise up$ an is 5ame to be commemorate

therein= therein glorifying im$ in the mornings an the eenings$ are men %hom

neither commerce nor trafficing ierts from the remembrance of o an to

perform the prayer$ an to pay the alms$ fearing a ay %hen hearts an eyes shall

be turne about$ that o may recompense them for their fairest %ors an gie

them increase of is bounty= an o proies %homsoeer e %ill$ %ithout


 An as for the unbelieers$ their %ors are as a mirage in a spacious plain %hich

the man athirst supposes to be %ater$ till$ %hen he comes to it$ he fins it is

nothing= there inee he fins o$ an e pays him his account in full= (an o

is s%ift at the reconing.)

13/32 or they are as shao%s upon a sea obscure coere by a billo% aboe

%hich is a billo% aboe %hich are clous$ shao%s pile one upon another= %hen

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he puts forth his han$ %ellnigh he cannot see it. An to %homsoeer o

assigns no light$ no light has he.

ast thou not seen ho% that %hatsoeer is in the heaens an in the earth extols

o$ an the birs spreaing their %ingsH

Each && e no%s its prayer an its extolling= an o no%s the things they o.

To o belongs the *ingom of the heaens an the earth$ an to im is the

homecoming. ast thou not seen ho% o ries the clous$ then composes

them$ then conerts them into a mass$ then thou seest the rain issuing out of the

mist of themH An e sens o%n out of heaen mountains$ %herein is hail$ so

that e smites %hom e %ill %ith it$ an turns it asie from %hom e %ill= %ellnigh

the gleam of is lightning snatches a%ay the sight. o turns about the ay an

the night= surely in that is a lesson for those %ho hae eyes. o has create

eery beast of %ater$ an some of them go upon their bellies$ an some of them

go upon t%o feet$ an some of them go upon four= o creates %hateer e %ill=

o is po%erful oer eerything.

13/3# 5o% 8e hae sent o%n signs maing all clear= o guies %homsoeer 

e %ill to a straight path. They say$ '8e beliee in o an the essenger$ an

%e obey.' Then after that a party of them turn a%ay= those && they are not


8hen they are calle to o an is essenger that he may ,uge bet%een

them$ lo$ a party of them are s%ering asie= but if they are in the right$ they %ill

come to him submissiely. 8hat$ is there sicness in their hearts$ or are they in

oubt$ or o they fear that o may be un,ust to%ars them an is essengerH

5ay$ but those && they are the eiloers.

13/#2 All that the belieers say$ %hen they are calle to o an is essenger$

that he may ,uge bet%een them$ is that they say$ '8e hear$ an %e obey'= those

&& they are the prosperers. 8hoso obeys o an is essenger$ an fears o

an has a%e of im$ those && they are the triumphant.

They hae s%orn by o the most earnest oaths$ if thou commanest them they

%ill go forth. -ay/ 'Co not s%ear= honourable obeience is sufficient. -urely o is

a%are of the things you o.' -ay/ '0bey o$ an obey the essenger= then$ if 

you turn a%ay$ only upon him rests %hat is lai on him$ an upon you rests %hat

is lai on you. If you obey him$ you %ill be guie. It is only for the essenger to

elier the manifest essage.'

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o has promise those of you %ho beliee an o righteous ees that e %ill

surely mae you successors in the lan$ een as e mae those %ho %ere

before them successors$ an that e %ill surely establish their religion for them

that e has approe. for them$ an %ill gie them in exchange$ after their fear$

security/ 'They shall sere e$ not associating %ith e anything.' 8hoso

isbeliees after that$ those && they are the ungoly.

13/## ;erform the prayer$ an pay the alms$ an obey the essenger && haply so

you %ill fin mercy. Thin not the unbelieers able to frustrate o in the earth=

their refuge is the Fire && an eil homecoming.

0 belieers$ let those your right hans o%n an those of you %ho hae not

reache puberty as leae of you three times && before the prayer of a%n$ an

%hen you put off your garments at the noon$ an after the eening prayer && three

times of naeness for you. There is no fault in you or them$ apart from these$

that you go about one to the other. -o o maes clear to you the signs= an

o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

8hen your chilren reach puberty$ let them as leae$ as those before them

ase leae. -o o maes clear to you is signs= an o is All&no%ing$ All&

%ise. -uch %omen as are past chil& bearing an hae no hope of marriage &&

there is no fault in them that they put off their clothes$ so be it that they flaunt no

ornament= but to abstain is better for them= an o is All&hearing$ All&no%ing.

13/@2 There is no fault in the blin$ an there is no fault in the lame$ an there is

no fault in the sic$ neither in yourseles$ that you eat of your houses$ or your 

fathers' houses$ or your mothers' houses$ or your brothers' houses$ or your 

sisters' houses$ or the houses of your uncles or your aunts paternal$ or the

houses of your uncles or your aunts maternal$ or that %hereof you o%n the eys$

or of your frien= there is no fault in you that you eat all together$ or in groups


>ut %hen you enter houses$ greet one another %ith a greeting from o$ blesse

an goo. -o o maes clear to you the signs= haply you %ill unerstan.

Those only are belieers$ %ho beliee in o an is essenger an %ho$ %hen

they are %ith him upon a common matter$ go not a%ay until they as his leae.

-urely those %ho as thy leae &&those are they that beliee in o an is

essenger= so$ %hen they as thy leae for some affair of their o%n$ gie leae to

%hom thou %ilt of them$ an as o's forgieness for them= surely o is All&

forgiing$ All&compassionate.

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ae not the calling of the essenger among yourseles lie your calling one of 

another. o no%s those of you %ho slip a%ay surreptitiously= so let those %ho

go against is comman be%are$ lest a trial befall them$ or there befall them a

painful chastisement.

8hy$ surely to o belongs %hatsoeer is in the heaens an the earth= e eer 

no%s %hat state you are upon= an the ay %hen they shall be returne to im$

then e %ill tell them of %hat they i= an o no%s eerything.

66: -A7:ATI05

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

1#/! >lesse be e %ho has sent o%n the -alation upon is serant$ that he

may be a %arner to all beings= to %hom belongs the *ingom of the heaens an

the earth= an e has not taen to im a son$ an e has no associate in the

*ingom= an e create eery thing$ then e oraine it ery exactly.

Get they hae taen to them gos$ apart from im$ that create nothing an

themseles are create$ an hae no po%er to hurt or profit themseles$ no

po%er of eath or life or raising up.

1#/# The unbelieers say$ 'This is naught but a calumny he has forge$ an other 

fol hae helpe him to it.' -o they hae committe %rong an falsehoo. They

say$ 'Fairy&tales of the ancients that he has ha %ritten o%n$ so that they are

recite to him at the a%n an in the eening.' -ay/ 'e sent it o%n$ %ho no%s

the secret in the heaens an earth= e is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.'

They also say$ '8hat ails this essenger that he eats foo$ an goes in the


1#/!2 8hy has an angel not been sent o%n to him$ to be a %arner %ith himH 0r 

%hy is not a treasure thro%n to him$ or %hy has he not a aren to eat ofH' The

eiloers say$ 'Gou are only follo%ing a man be%itche' >ehol$ ho% they strie

similitues for thee$ an go astray$ an are unable to fin a %ay

>lesse be e %ho$ if e %ill$ shall assign to them better than that && garens

unerneath %hich riers flo%$ an he shall assign to thee palaces.

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5ay$ but they cry lies to the our= an 8e hae prepare for him %ho cries lies to

the our a >laBe. 8hen it sees them from a far place$ they shall hear its bubbling

an sighing. An %hen they are cast$ couple in fetters$ into a narro% place of 

that Fire$ they %ill call out there for estruction.

1#/!# '4all not out toay for one estruction$ but call for many'

-ay/ 'Is that better$ or the aren of Eternity$ that is promise to the gofearing$

an is their recompense an homecomingH' Therein they shall hae %hat they %ill

%elling foreer= it is a promise bining upon thy 7or$ an of im to be reuire.

Dpon the ay %hen e shall muster them an that they sere$ apart from o$

an e shall say$ '8as it you that le these y serants astray$ or i they

themseles err from the %ayH' They shall 'lory be to Thee It i not behoe us

to tae unto say$ ourseles protectors apart from Thee= but Thou gaest them an

their fathers en,oyment of ays$ until they forgot

1#/12 the <emembrance$ an %ere a people corrupt.' -o they crie lies touching

the things you say$ an you can neither turn it asie$ nor fin any help.

8hosoeer of you oes eil$ 8e shall let him taste a great chastisement.

 An 8e sent not before thee any Enoys$ but that they ate foo$ an %ent in the

marets= an 8e appointe some of you to be a trial for others/ '8ill you enureH'

Thy 7or is eer All&seeing. -ay those %ho loo not to encounter Ds$ '8hy hae

the angels not been sent o%n on us$ or %hy see %e not our 7orH' 8axe prou

they hae %ithin them$ an become greatly isainful.

Dpon the ay that they see the angels$ no goo tiings that ay for the sinners=

they shall say$ 'A ban forbien'

1#/1# 8e shall aance upon %hat %or they hae one$ an mae it a scattere

ust. The inhabitants of ;araise that ay$ better shall be their loging$ fairer their 

resting&place. Dpon the ay that heaen is split asuner %ith the clous an the

angels are sent o%n in ma,esty$ the *ingom that ay$ the true *ingom$ shall

belong to the All&merciful an it shall be a ay harsh for the unbelieers.

Dpon the ay the eiloer shall bite his hans$ saying$ '8oul that I ha taen a

%ay along %ith the essenger

1#/92 Alas$ %oul that I ha not taen -o&an&so for a frien e inee le me

astray from the <emembrance$ after it ha come to me= -atan is eer a forsaer 

of men.'

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The essenger says$ '0 my 7or$ behol$ my people hae taen this *oran as a

thing to be shunne.' Een so 8e hae appointe to eery ;rophet an enemy

among the sinners= but thy 7or suffices as a guie an as a helper.

The unbelieers say$ '8hy has the *oran not been sent o%n upon him all at

onceH' Een so$ that 8e may strengthen thy heart thereby$ an 8e hae chante

it ery istinctly.

1#/9# They bring not to thee any similitue but that 8e bring thee the truth$ an

better in exposition. Those %ho shall be mustere to ehenna upon their faces &&

they shall be %orse in place$ an gone further astray from the %ay.

8e gae oses the >oo$ an appointe %ith him his brother Aaron as minister 

an 8e sai$ 'o to the people %ho hae crie lies to 0ur signs'= then 8e

estroye them utterly. An the people of 5oah$ %hen they crie lies to the

essengers$ 8e ro%ne them$ an mae them to be a sign to manin= an

8e hae prepare for the eiloers a painful chastisement.

19/32 An A$ an Thamoo$ an the men of Er&<ass$ an bet%een that

generations a many$ for each 8e struc similitues$ an each 8e ruine utterly.

-urely they hae come by the city that %as raine on by an eil rain= %hat$ hae

they not seen itH 5ay$ but they loo for no upraising. An %hen they see thee$

they tae thee in mocery only/ '8hat$ is this he %hom o sent forth as a

essengerH 8ellnigh he ha le us astray from our gos$ but that %e ept

steafast to them.' Assurely they shall no%$ %hen they see the chastisement$

%ho is further astray from the %ay.

1#/3# ast thou seen him %ho has taen his caprice to be his goH 8ilt thou be a

guarian oer themH 0r eemest thou that most of them hear or unerstanH

They are but as the cattle= nay$ they are further astray from the %ay.

ast thou not regare thy 7or$ ho% e has stretche out the shao%H a e

%ille$ e %oul hae mae it still. Then 8e appointe the sun$ to be a guie to

it= thereafter 8e seiBe it to 0urseles$ ra%ing it gently. It is e %ho appointe

the night for you to be a garment an sleep for a rest$ an ay e appointe for a


1#/#2 An it is e %ho has loose the %ins$ bearing goo tiings before is

mercy= an 8e sent o%n from heaen pure %ater so that 8e might reie a

ea lan$ an gie to rin of it$ of that 8e create$ cattle an men a many.

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8e hae inee turne it about amongst them$ so that they may remember= yet

most men refuse all but unbelief.

If 8e ha %ille$ 8e %oul hae raise up in eery city a %arner. -o obey not the

unbelieers$ but struggle %ith them thereby mightily.

1#/## An it is e %ho let forth the t%o seas$ this one -%eet$ grateful to taste$

an this salt$ bitter to the tongue$ an e set bet%een them a barrier$ an a ban

forbien. An it is e %ho create of %ater a mortal$ an mae him inre of 

bloo an marriage= thy 7or is All&po%erful.

 An they sere$ apart from o$ %hat neither profits them nor hurts them= an the

unbelieer is eer a partisan against his 7or. 8e hae sent thee not$ except

goo tiings to bear$ an %arning.

-ay/ 'I o not as of you a %age for this$ except for him %ho %ishes to tae to his7or a %ay.'

1#/@2 ;ut thy trust in the 7iing o$ the Dnying$ an proclaim is praise.

-ufficiently is e a%are of is serants sins %ho create the heaens an the

earth$ an %hat bet%een them is$ in six ays$ then sat imself upon the Throne$

the All&compassionate/ as any informe of im

>ut %hen they are tol$ '>o% yourseles to the All&merciful$' they say$ 'An %hat is

the All&mercifulH -hall %e bo% ourseles to %hat thou biest usH' An it

increases them in aersion.

>lesse be e %ho has set in heaen constellations$ an has set among them a

lamp$ an an illuminating moon. An it is e %ho mae the night an ay a

succession for %hom e esires to remember or e esires to be thanful.

The serants of the All&merciful are those %ho %al in the earth moestly an

%ho$ %hen the ignorant aress them$ say$ ';eace'=

1#/@# %ho pass the night prostrate to their 7or an staning= %ho say$ '0ur 7or$

turn Thou from us the chastisement of ehenna= surely its chastisement istorment most terrible= eil it is as a loging&place an an aboe'= %ho$ %hen they

expen$ are neither proigal nor parsimonious$ but bet%een that is a ,ust stan=

%ho call not upon another go %ith o$ nor slay the soul o has forbien

except by right$ neither fornicate$ for %hosoeer oes that shall meet the price of 

sin&ouble shall be the chastisement for him on the <esurrection Cay$ an he

shall %ell therein humble$

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1#/2 sae him %ho repents$ an beliees$ an oes righteous %or && those$

o %ill change their eil ees into goo ees$ for o is eer All&forgiing$ All&

compassionate= an %hosoeer repents$ an oes righteousness$ he truly turns

to o in repentance.

 An those %ho bear not false %itness an$ %hen they pass by ile tal$ pass by

%ith ignity= %ho$ %hen they are remine of the signs of their 7or$ fall not o%n

thereat eaf an blin= %ho say$ '0ur 7or$ gie us refreshment of our %ies an

see$ an mae us a moel to the gofearing.'

1#/# Those shall be recompense %ith the highest heaen$ for that they enure

patiently$ an they shall receie therein a greeting an &&' ;eace'

Therein they shall %ell foreer= fair it is as a loging&place an an aboe.

-ay/ 'y 7or esteems you not at all %ere it not for your prayer$ for you haecrie lies$ an it shall surely be fastene.'

66:I TE ;0ET-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

1@/! Ta +in &im 

Those are the signs of the anifest >oo.

;erchance thou consumest thyself that they are not belieers. If 8e %ill$ 8e shall

sen o%n on them out of heaen a sign$ so their necs %ill stay humble to it.

>ut neer fresh remembrance comes to them from the All&merciful$ except they

turn a%ay from it.

1@/# -o they hae crie lies= therefore assurely tiings %ill come to them of that

they moce at.

8hat$ hae they not regare the earth$ ho% many therein 8e hae cause to

gro% of eery generous inH

-urely in that is a sign$yet most of them are not belieers.-urely thy 7or$ e isthe All&mighty$ the All&compassionate.

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1@/!2 An %hen thy 7or calle to oses$ 'o to the people of the eiloers$ the

people of ;haraoh= %ill they not be gofearingH' e sai$ 'y 7or$ I fear they %ill

cry me lies$ an my breast %ill be straitene$ an my tongue %ill not be loose= so

sen to Aaron. They also hae a sin against me$ an I fear they %ill slay me.' -ai

e$ '5o inee= but go$ both of you$ %ith 0ur signs$ an 8e assurely shall be

%ith you$ listening.

1@/!# -o go you to ;haraoh$ an say$ +:erily$ I am the essenger of the 7or of 

all >eing= so sen forth %ith us the 4hilren of Israel.+ e sai$ 'Ci %e not raise

thee amongst us as a chilH Cist thou not tarry among us years of thy lifeH An

thou ist the ee thou ist$ being one of the ungrateful' -ai he$ 'Inee I i

it then$ being one of those that stray=

1@/12 so I fle from you$ fearing you. >ut my 7or gae me Jugment an mae

me one of the Enoys. That is a blessing thou reproachest me %ith$ haing

enslae the 4hilren of Israel.' ;haraoh sai$ 'An %hat is the 7or of all >eingH'

e sai$ 'The 7or of the heaens an earth$ an %hat bet%een them is$ if you

hae faith.' -ai he to those about him$

1@/1# 'Co you not hearH' e sai$ 'Gour 7or an the 7or of your fathers$ the

ancients.' -ai he$ '-urely your essenger %ho %as sent to you is possesse'

e sai$ 'The 7or of the East an 8est$ an %hat bet%een them is$ if you hae

unerstaning$' -ai he$ 'If thou taest a go other than me$ I shall surely mae

thee one of the imprisone.' e sai$ '8hat$ een though I brought thee

something so manifestH'

1@/92 -ai he$ '>ring it then$ if thou art of the truthful.' -o he cast his staff$ an

behol$ it %as a serpent manifest. An he re% forth his han$ an lo$ it %as %hite

to the beholers. -ai he to the 4ouncil about him$ '-urely this man is a cunning

sorcerer %ho esires to expel you from your lan by his sorcery= %hat o you


1@/9# They sai$ ';ut him an his brother off a %hile$ an sen among the cities

musterers$ to bring thee eery cunning sorcerer. -o the sorcerers %ere

assemble for the appointe time of a fixe ay. The people %ere ase$ '8ill you

assembleH aply %e shall follo% the sorcerers if it shoul be they are the ictors.'

1@/32 Then$ %hen the sorcerers came$ they sai to ;haraoh$ '-hall %e inee

hae a %age$ if %e shoul be the ictorsH' e sai$ 'Ges inee= an you shall

then be among the near&statione.' oses sai to them$ '4ast you o%n %hat you

%ill cast.' -o they cast their ropes an their staffs$ an sai$ '>y the might of 

;haraoh %e shall be the ictors.'

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1@/3# Then oses cast his staff an lo$ it forth%ith s%allo%e up their lying

inention= so the sorcerers %ere cast o%n$ bo%ing themseles. They sai$ '8e

beliee in the 7or of all >eing$ the 7or of oses an Aaron.' -ai ;haraoh$ 'Gou

hae beliee him before I gae you leae. 8hy$ he is the chief of you$ the same

that taught you sorcery= no% you shall no% I shall assurely cut off alternately

your hans an feet$ then I shall crucify you all together.'

1@/#2 They sai$ 'There is no harm= surely unto our 7or %e are turning. 8e are

eager that our 7or shoul forgie us our offences$ for that %e are the first of the

belieers.' Also 8e reeale unto oses$ 'o %ith y serants by night= surely

you %ill be follo%e.' Then ;haraoh sent among the cities musterers/

1@/## '>ehol$ these are a small troop$ an inee they are enraging us= an %e

are a host on our guar.' -o 8e expelle them from garens an fountains$ an

treasures an a noble station= een so$ an 8e beueathe them upon the

4hilren of Israel.

1@/@2 Then they follo%e them at the sunrise= an$ %hen the t%o hosts sighte

each other$ the companions of oses sai$ '8e are oertaen' -ai he$ '5o

inee= surely my 7or is %ith me= e %ill guie me.' Then 8e reeale to

oses$ '-trie %ith thy staff the sea'= an it clae$ an each part %as as a mighty


1@/@# An there 8e brought the others on$ an 8e eliere oses an those

%ith him all together= then 8e ro%ne the others.

-urely in that is a sign$ yet most of them are not belieers. -urely thy 7or$ e is

the All&mighty$ the All&compassionate.

1@/2 An recite to them the tiing of Abraham %hen he sai to his father an his

people$ '8hat o you sereH' They sai$ '8e sere iols$ an continue cleaing to


e sai$ 'Co they hear you %hen you call$ or o they profit you$ or harmH' They

sai$ '5ay$ but %e foun our fathers so oing.'

1@/# e sai$ 'An hae you consiere %hat you hae been sering$ you an

your fathers$ the elersH They are an enemy to me$ except the 7or of all >eing

%ho create me$ an imself guies me$ an imself gies me to eat an rin$

1@/2 an$ %heneer I am sic$ heals me$ %ho maes me to ie$ then gies me

life$ an %ho I am eager shall forgie me my offence on the Cay of Coom. y

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7or$ gie me Jugment$ an ,oin me %ith the righteous$ an appoint me a tongue

of truthfulness among the others.

1@/# ae me one of the inheritors of the aren of >liss an forgie my father$

for he is one of those astray. Cegrae me not upon the ay %hen they are raise

up$ the ay %hen neither %ealth nor sons shall profit except for him %ho comes to

o %ith a pure heart.

1@/"2 An ;araise shall be brought for%ar for the gofearing$ an ell

aance for the pererse. It shall be sai to them$ '8here is that you %ere

sering apart from oH Co they help you or help themselesH' Then they shall

be pitche into it$ they an the pererse

1@/"# an the hosts of Iblis$ all together. They shall say$ as they ispute there one

%ith another$ '>y o$ %e %ere certainly in manifest error %hen %e mae you

eual %ith the 7or of all >eing. It %as naught but the sinners that le us astray=

1@/!22 so no% %e hae no intercessors$ no loyal frien. 0 that %e might return

again$ an be among the belieers'

-urely in that is a sign$ yet most of them are not belieers. -urely thy 7or$ e is

the All&mighty$ the All&compassionate.

1@/!2# The people of 5oah crie lies to the Enoys %hen their brother 5oah sai

to them$ '8ill you not be gofearingH I am for you a faithful essenger$ so sere

you o$ an obey you me. I as of you no %age for this= my %age falls onlyupon the 7or of all >eing=

1@/!!2 so fear you o$ an obey you me.' They sai$ '-hall %e beliee thee$

%hom the ilest follo%H'

e sai$ '8hat no%lege hae I of that they hae been oingH Their account

falls only upon my 7or$ %ere you but a%are. I %oul not rie a%ay the


1@/!!# 'I am naught but a plain %arner.' They sai$ 'If thou giest not oer$ 5oah$thou shalt assurely be one of the stone.' e sai$ 'y 7or$ my people hae

crie me lies$ so gie true elierance bet%een me an them$ an elier me an

the belieers that are %ith me. -o 8e eliere him$ an those %ith him$ in the

laen ship$

1@/!12 then after%ars 8e ro%ne the rest.

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-urely in that is a sign$ yet most of them are not belieers. -urely thy 7or$ e is

the All&mighty$ the All&compassionate.

 A crie lies to the Enoys %hen their brother oo sai to them$ '8ill you not be


1@/!1# I am for you a faithful essenger$ so fear you o$ an obey you me.

I as of you no %age for this= my %age falls only upon the 7or of all >eing. 8hat$

o you buil on eery prominence a sign$ sporting$ an o you tae to you

castles$ haply to %ell foreerH

1@/!92 8hen you assault$ you assault lie tyrants -o fear you o$ an obey

you me= an fear im %ho has succoure you %ith %hat you no%$ succoure

you %ith flocs an sons$ garens an fountains.

1@/!9# 'Inee$ I fear for you the chastisement of a reaful ay.'

They sai$ 'Alie it is to us$ %hether thou amonishest$ or art not one of the

amonishers= this is nothing but the habit of the ancients$ an %e shall not be


-o they crie him lies= then 8e estroye them. -urely in that is a sign$ yet most

of them are not belieers.

1@/!32 -urely thy 7or$ e is the All&mighty$ the All&compassionate.

Thamoo crie lies to the Enoys %hen their brother -alih sai to them$ '8ill you

not be gofearingH I am for you a faithful essenger$ so fear you o$ an obey

you me.'

1@/!3# 'I as of you no %age for this= my %age falls only upon the 7or of all

>eing. 8ill you be left secure in this here$ among garens an fountains$ so%n

fiels$ an palms %ith slener spathesH 8ill you still silfully he% houses out of 

the mountainsH

1@/!#2 -o fear you o$ an obey you me= an obey not the commanment of 

the proigal %ho o corruption in the earth$ an set not things aright.' They sai$

'Thou art merely one of those that are be%itche= thou art naught but a mortal$

lie us= then prouce a sign$ if thou art one of the truthful.'

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1@/!## e sai$ 'This is a she&camel= to her a raught an to you a raught$ on a

ay appointe$ an o not touch her %ith malice so that there seiBe you the

chastisement of a reaful ay.'

>ut they hamstrung her$ an in the morning they %ere remorseful$ an the

chastisement seiBe them.

-urely in that is a sign$ yet most of them are not belieers. -urely thy 7or$ e is

the All&mighty$ the All&compassionate.

1@/!@2 The people of 7ot crie lies to the Enoys %hen their brother 7ot sai to

them$ '8ill you not be gofearingH I am for you a faithful essenger$ so fear you

o$ an obey you me. I as of you no %age for this= my %age falls only upon the

7or of all >eing.

1@/!@# 8hat$ o you come to male beings$ leaing your %ies that your 7orcreate for youH 5ay$ but you are a people of transgressors. They sai$ 'If thou

giest not oer$ 7ot$ thou shalt assurely be one of the expelle.' e sai$ 'Truly I

am a etester of %hat you o. y 7or$ elier me an my people from that they


1@/!2 -o 8e eliere him an his people all together$ sae an ol %oman

among those that tarrie= then 8e estroye the others$ an 8e raine on them

a rain= an eil is the rain of them that are %arne.

1@/!# -urely in that is a sign$  yet most of them are not belieers.  -urely thy 7or$ e is

the All&mighty$ the All&compassionate.

The men of the Thicet crie lies to the Enoys %hen -huaib sai to them$ '8ill

you not be gofearingH I am for you a faithful essenger$ so fear you o$ an

obey you me.

1@/!2 I as of you no %age for this= my %age falls only upon the 7or of all

>eing. Fill up the measure$ an be not cheaters$ an %eigh %ith the straightbalance$ an iminish not the goos of the people$ an o not mischief in the

earth$ %oring corruption. Fear im %ho create you$ an the generations of the


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1@/!# They sai$ 'Thou art merely one of those that are be%itche= thou art

naught but a mortal$ lie us= inee$ %e thin that thou art one of the liars. Then

rop o%n on us lumps from heaen$ if thou art one of the truthful.'

e sai$ 'y 7or no%s ery %ell %hat you are oing.' >ut they crie him lies=

then there seiBe them the chastisement of the Cay of -hao%= assurely it %as

the chastisement of a reaful ay.

1@/!"2 -urely in that is a sign$ yet most of them are not belieers. -urely thy

7or$ e is the All&mighty$ the All&compassionate.

Truly it is the reelation of the 7or of all >eing$ brought o%n by the Faithful

-pirit upon thy heart$ that thou mayest be one of the %arners$

1@/!"# in a clear$ Arabic tongue. Truly it is in the -criptures of the ancients.

8as it not a sign for them$ that it is no%n to the learne of the 4hilren of IsraelH

If 8e ha sent it o%n on a barbarian an he ha recite it to them$ they %oul

not hae beliee in it.

1@/122 Een so 8e hae cause it to enter into the hearts of the sinners$ %ho %ill

not beliee in it$ until they see the painful chastisement so that it %ill come upon

them suenly$ %hile they are not a%are$ an they %ill say$ '-hall %e be respiteH'

8hat$ o they see to hasten 0ur chastisementH

1@/12# 8hat thinest thouH If 8e gie them en,oyment of ays for many years$then there comes on them that they %ere promise$ %hat %ill it then aail them$

the en,oyment of ays they %ere gienH

5eer a city 8e estroye$ but it ha %arners for a reminer= an neer i 8e


1@/1!2 5ot by the -atans has it been brought o%n= it behoes them not$ neither 

are they able. Truly$ they are expelle from hearing. -o call thou not upon another 

go %ith o$ lest thou shoulst be one of those that are chastise. An %arn thy

clan$ thy nearest in.

1@/1!# 7o%er thy %ing to those %ho follo% thee$ being belieers= then$ if they

isobey thee$ say$ 'I am uit of that you o.'

;ut thy trust in the All&mighty$ the All&compassionate %ho sees thee %hen thou

stanest an %hen thou turnest about among those %ho bo%.

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1@/112 -urely e is the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing.

-hall I tell you on %hom the -atans come o%nH They come o%n on eery guilty

impostor. They gie ear$ but most of them are liars. An the poets && the pererse

follo% them=

1@/11# hast thou not seen ho% they %aner in eery alley an ho% they say that

%hich they o notH

-ae those that beliee$ an o righteous ees$ an remember o oft$ an

help themseles after being %ronge= an those %ho o %rong shall surely no%

by %hat oerturning they %ill he oerturne.

66:II TE A5T

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

1/! Ta +in 

Those are the signs of the *oran an a anifest >oo$ a guiance$ an goo

tiings unto the belieers %ho perform the prayer$ an pay the alms$ an hae

sure faith in the ereafter.

Those %ho beliee not in the ereafter$ 8e hae ece out fair for them their %ors$ an they %aner blinly=

1/# those are they %hom an eil chastisement a%aits$ an they %ill be the

greatest losers in the ereafter.

Thou receiest the *oran from 0ne All&%ise$ All&no%ing.

8hen oses sai to his people 'I obsere a fire$ an %ill bring you ne%s of it$ or I

%ill bring you a flaming bran$ that haply you shall %arm yourseles.' -o$ %hen he

came to it$ he %as calle/ '>lesse is he %ho is in the fire$ an he %ho is about it.lory be to o$ the 7or of all >eing oses$ behol$ it is I$ o$ the All&mighty$

the All&%ise.

1/!2 '4ast o%n thy staff.' An %hen he sa% it uiering lie a serpent he turne

about$ retreating$ an turne not bac. 'oses$ fear not= surely the Enoys o not

fear in y presence$ sae him %ho has one eil$ then= after eil$ has change

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into goo= All&forgiing am I$ All&compassionate. Thrust thy han in thy bosom an

it %ill come forth %hite %ithout eil&among nine signs to ;haraoh an his people=

they are an ungoly people.' >ut %hen 0ur signs came to them isibly$ they sai$

'This is a manifest sorcery'= an they enie them$ though their souls

acno%lege them$ %rongfully an out of prie. >ehol$ ho% %as the en of the

%orers of corruption

1/!# An 8e gae Cai an -olomon no%lege an they sai$ ';raise

belongs to o %ho has preferre us oer many of is belieing serants.'

 An -olomon %as Cai's heir$ an he sai$ 'en$ %e hae been taught the

speech of the birs$ an %e hae been gien of eerything= surely this is inee

the manifest bounty.' An his hosts %ere mustere to -olomon$ ,inn$ men an

birs$ uly ispose= till$ %hen they came on the :alley of Ants$ an ant sai$ 'Ants$

enter your %elling&places$ lest -olomon an his hosts crush you$ being

una%are' >ut he smile$ laughing at its %ors$ an he sai$ 'y 7or$ ispose me

that I may be thanful for Thy blessing %here%ith Thou hast blesse me an my

father an mother$ an that I may o righteousness %ell&pleasing to Thee= an o

Thou amit me$ by Thy mercy$ amongst Thy righteous serants.'

1/12 An he reie%e the birs= then he sai$ 'o% is it %ith me$ that I o not

see the hoopoeH 0r is he among the absentH Assurely I %ill chastise him %ith a

terrible chastisement$ or I %ill slaughter him$ or he bring me a clear authority.' >ut

he tarrie not long$ an sai$ 'I hae comprehene that %hich thou hast not

comprehene$ an I hae come from -heba to thee %ith a sure tiing. I foun a

%oman ruling oer them$ an she has been gien of eerything$ an she

possesses a mighty throne. I foun her an her people prostrating to the sun$

apart from o= -atan has ece out fair their ees to them an he has barre

them from the %ay$ an therefore they are not guie$

1/1# so that they prostrate not themseles to o$ %ho brings forth %hat is

hien in the heaens an earth= an e no%s %hat you conceal an %hat you

publish. o/ there is no go but e$ the 7or of the ighty Throne.' -ai he$

'5o% 8e %ill see %hether thou hast spoen truly$ or %hether thou art amongst

those that lie. Tae this letter of mine$ an cast it unto them$ then turn bac fromthem an see %hat they shall return ' -he sai$ '0 4ouncil$ see$ a letter 

honourable has been cast unto me.

1/92 It is from -olomon$ an it is +In the 5ame of o$ the erciful$ the

4ompassionate. <ise not up against me$ but come to me in surrener.+ ' -he

sai$ '0 4ouncil$ pronounce to me concerning my affair= I am not use to ecie

an affair until you bear me %itness.' They sai$ '8e possess force an %e

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possess great might. The affair rests %ith thee= so consier %hat thou %ilt

comman.' -he sai$ '*ings$ %hen they enter a city$ isorer it an mae the

mighty ones of its inhabitants abase. Een so they too %ill o.

1/9# 5o% I %ill sen them a present$ an see %hat the enoys bring bac.' >ut

%hen he came to -olomon he sai$ '8hat$ %oul you succour me %ith %ealth$

an %hat o gae me is better than %hat e has gien youH 5ay$ but instea

you re,oice in your gift <eturn thou to them= %e shall assurely come against

them %ith hosts they hae not po%er to resist$ an %e shall expel them from

there$ abase an utterly humble.' e sai$ '0 4ouncil$ %hich one of you %ill

bring me her throne$ before they come to me in surrenerH' An efreet of the ,inns

sai$ 'I %ill bring it to thee$ before thou risest from thy place= I hae strength for it

1/32 an I am trusty.' -ai he %ho possesse no%lege of the >oo$ 'I %ill

bring it to thee$ before eer thy glance returns to thee.' Then$ %hen he sa% it

settle before him$ he sai$ 'This is of my 7or's bounty that e may try me$

%hether I am thanful or ungrateful. 8hosoeer gies thans gies thans only

for his o%n soul's goo$ an %hosoeer is ungrateful && my 7or is surely All&

sufficient$ All&generous.' e sai$ 'Cisguise her throne for her$ an %e shall behol

%hether she is guie or if she is of those that are not guie.' -o$ %hen she

came$ it %as sai$ 'Is thy throne lie thisH' -he sai$ 'It seems the same.' 'An %e

%ere gien the no%lege before her$ an %e %ere in surrener$ but that she

sere$ apart from o$ barre her$ for she %as of a people of unbelieers.' It %as

sai to her$ 'Enter the pailion.' >ut %hen she sa% it$ she suppose it %as a

spreaing %ater$ an she bare her legs. e sai$ 'It is a pailion smoothe of

1/3# crystal. -he sai$ 'y 7or$ inee I hae %ronge myself$ an I surrener 

%ith -olomon to o$ the 7or of all >eing.'

 An 8e sent to Thamoo their brother -alih/ '-ere you o' An behol$ they

%ere t%o parties$ that %ere isputing one %ith another.

e sai$ '0 my people$ %hy o you see to hasten eil before gooH 8hy o you

not as forgieness of oH aply so you %ill fin mercy.'

They sai$ '8e augur ill of thee an of those that are %ith thee.' e sai$ 'Gour 

augury is %ith o= nay$ but you are a people being proe.'

5o% in the city there %ere nine persons %ho i corruption in the lan$ an put

not things right=

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1/#2 they sai$ '-%ear you$ one to another$ by o$ +8e %ill attac him an his

family by night$ then %e %ill tell his protector$ 8e %ere not %itnesses of the

estruction of his family= an assurely %e are truthful men.+'

 An they eise a eice$ an 8e lie%ise eise a eice$ %hile they %ere

not a%are= an behol$ ho% %as the en of their eice For 8e estroye them

an their people all together. Those are their houses$ all fallen o%n because of 

the eil they committe= surely in that is a sign for a people %ho hae no%lege.

 An 8e eliere those %ho beliee an %ere gofearing.

1/## An 7ot$ %hen he sai to his people$ '8hat$ o you commit inecency %ith

your eyes openH 8hat$ o you approach men lustfully instea of %omenH 5o$

you are a people that are ignorant.' An the only ans%er of his people %as that

they sai$ 'Expel the fol of 7ot from your city= they are men that eep themseles


-o 8e eliere him an his family$ except his %ife= 8e ecree she shoul be of 

those that tarrie. An 8e raine on them a rain= an eil inee is the rain of 

them that are %arne.

1/@2 -ay/ ';raise belongs to o$  an peace be on is serants  %hom e has chosen.'  8hat$ is o better$ or that  they associateH

e %ho create the heaens an earth$ an sent o%n for you out of heaen

%ater= an 8e cause to gro% there%ith garens full of loeliness %hose trees

you coul neer gro%. Is there a go %ith oH 5ay$ but they are a people %ho

assign to im euals

e %ho mae the earth a fixe place an set amist it riers an appointe for it

firm mountains an place a partition bet%een the t%o seas. Is there a go %ith

oH 5ay$ but the most of them hae no no%lege.

e %ho ans%ers the constraine$ %hen he calls unto im$ an remoes the eilan appoints you to be successors in the earth. Is there a go %ith oH 7ittle

inee o you remember.

e %ho guies you in the shao%s of the lan an the sea an looses the %ins$

bearing goo tiings before is mercy. Is there a go %ith oH igh exalte be

o$ aboe that %hich they associate

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1/@# 8ho originates creation$ then brings it bac again$ an proies you out of 

heaen an earth. Is there a go %ith oH

-ay/ ';rouce your proof$ if you spea truly.'

-ay/ '5one no%s the Dnseen in the heaens an earth except o. An theyare not a%are %hen they shall be raise= nay$ but their no%lege fails as to the

ereafter= nay$ they are in oubt of it= nay$ they are blin to it.

The unbelieers say$ '8hat$ %hen %e are ust$ an our fathers$ shall %e inee

be brought forthH

1/2 8e hae been promise this$ an our fathers before= this is naught but the

fairy&tales of the ancients.'

-ay/ 'Journey in the lan$ then behol ho% %as the en of the sinners.'

Co not sorro% for them$ nor be thou straitene for %hat they eise.

They say$ '8hen shall this promise come to pass$ if you spea the truthH' -ay/ 'It

may be that riing behin you alreay is some part of that you see to hasten on.

1/# -urely thy 7or is bountiful to men= but most of them are not thanful.

-urely thy 7or no%s %hat their hearts conceal$ an %hat they publish. An not

a thing is there hien in heaen an earth but it is in a anifest >oo.

-urely this *oran relates to the 4hilren of Israel most of that concerning %hich

they are at ariance= it is a guiance$ an a mercy unto the belieers.

1/2 -urely thy 7or %ill ecie bet%een them by is Jugment= e is the All&

mighty$ the All&no%ing. -o put thy trust in o= thou art upon the manifest truth.

Thou shalt not mae the ea to hear$ neither shalt thou mae the eaf to hear 

the call %hen they turn about$ retreating. Thou shalt not guie the blin out of 

their error neither shalt thou mae any to hear$ sae such as beliee in 0ur signs$

an so surrener.

8hen the 8or falls on them$ 8e shall bring forth for them out of the earth a

beast that shall spea unto them/ 'anin ha no faith in 0ur signs.'

1/# Dpon the ay %hen 8e shall muster out of eery nation a troop of those

that crie lies to 0ur signs$ uly ispose$ till$ %hen they are come$ e shall say$

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'Ci you cry lies to y signs$ not comprehening them in no%lege$ or %hat

hae you been oingH' An the 8or shall fall upon them because of the eil they

committe$ %hile they spea naught.

ae they not seen ho% 8e mae the night for them$ to repose in it$ an the ay$

to seeH -urely in that is a sign for a people %ho are belieers.

0n the ay the Trumpet is blo%n$ an terrifie is %hosoeer is in the heaens an

earth$ excepting %hom o %ills$ an eery one shall come to im$ all utterly


1/"2 an thou shalt see the mountains$ that thou supposest fixe$ passing by

lie clous && o's hani%or$ %ho has create eerything ery %ell. e is a%are

of the things you o. 8hosoeer comes %ith a goo ee$ he shall hae better 

than it= an they shall be secure from terror that ay. An %hosoeer comes %ith

an eil ee$ their faces shall be thrust into the Fire/ 'Are you recompense but

for %hat you iH'

I hae only been commane to sere the 7or of this territory %hich e has

mae sacre= to im belongs eerything. An I hae been commane to be of 

those that surrener$ an to recite the *oran. -o %hosoeer is guie$ is only

guie to his o%n gain= an %hosoeer goes astray$ say/ 'I am naught but a


1/"# An say/ ';raise belongs to o. e shall sho% you is signs an you %ill

recognise them. Thy 7or is not heeless of the things you o.'

66:III TE -T0<G

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

1/! Ta +in &im 

Those are the signs of the anifest >oo.

8e %ill recite to thee something of the tiing of oses an ;haraoh truthfully$ for 

a people %ho beliee.

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5o% ;haraoh ha exalte himself in the lan an ha iie its inhabitants into

sects$ abasing one party of them$ slaughtering their sons$ an sparing their 

%omen= for he %as of the %orers of corruption.

Get 8e esire to be gracious to those that %ere abase in the lan$ an to mae

them leaers$ an to mae them the inheritors$

1/# an to establish them in the lan$ an to sho% ;haraoh an aman$ an

their hosts$ %hat they %ere reaing from them.

-o 8e reeale to oses' mother$ '-ucle him$ then$ %hen thou fearest for him$

cast him into the sea$ an o not fear$ neither sorro%$ for 8e shall return him to

thee$ an shall appoint him one of the Enoys.'

-o then the fol of ;haraoh pice him out to be an enemy an a sorro% to them=

certainly ;haraoh an aman$ an their hosts$ %ere of the sinners.

-ai ;haraoh's %ife$ 'e %ill be a comfort to me an thee. -lay him not=

perchance he %ill profit us$ or %e %ill tae him for a son.' An they %ere not


0n the morro% the heart of oses' mother became empty$ an she %ellnigh

isclose him ha 8e not strengthene her heart$ that she might be among the


1/!2 an she sai to his sister$ 'Follo% him$' an she perceie him from afar$een %hile they %ere not a%are. 5o% 8e ha forbien to him aforetime to be

sucle by any foster&mother= therefore she sai$ '-hall I irect you to the people

of a househol %ho %ill tae charge of him for you an loo after himH'

-o 8e returne him to his mother$ that she might be comforte an not sorro%$

an that she might no% that the promise of o is true= but most of them o not


 An %hen he %as fully gro%n an in the perfection of his strength$ 8e gae him

 ,ugment an no%lege= een so o 8e recompense the goo&oers.

 An he entere the city$ at a time %hen its people %ere unheeing$ an foun

there t%o men fighting= the one %as of his o%n party$ an the other %as of his

enemies. Then the one that %as of his party crie to him to ai him against the

other that %as of his enemies= so oses struc him$ an espatche him$ an

sai$ 'This is of -atan's oing= he is surely an enemy misleaing$ manifest.'

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1/!# e sai$ 'y 7or$ I hae %ronge myself. Forgie me' -o o forgae

him$ for e is the All&forgiing$ the All&compassionate.

e sai$ 'y 7or$ forasmuch as Thou hast blesse me$ I %ill neer be a partisan

of the sinners.'

5o% in the morning he %as in the city$ fearful an igilant= an behol$ the man

%ho ha sought his$ succour on the ay before crie out to him again. oses sai

to him$ '4learly thou art$ a uarreller.'

>ut %hen he %oul hae assaulte the man %ho %as an enemy to them both$ the

man sai$ 'oses$ ost thou esire to slay me$ een as thou sle%est a liing soul

yesterayH Thou only esirest to be a tyrant in the lan= thou esirest not to be of 

them that put things right.'

Then came a man from the furthest part of the city$ running= he sai$ 'oses$ the4ouncil are conspiring to slay thee. Cepart= I am one of thy sincere aisers.'

1/12 -o he eparte therefrom$ fearful an igilant= he sai$ 'y 7or$ elier me

from the people of the eiloers.'

 An %hen he turne his face to%ars iian he sai$ 'It may be that my 7or %ill

guie me on the right %ay. An %hen he came to the %aters of iian he foun a

company of the people there ra%ing %ater$ an he foun$ apart from them$ t%o

%omen holing bac their flocs. e sai$ '8hat is your businessH' They sai$

'8e may not ra% %ater until the shephers rie off= an our father is passingol.'

-o he re% %ater for them= then he turne a%ay to the shae$ an he sai$ '0 my

7or$ surely I hae nee of %hateer goo Thou shalt hae sent o%n upon me.

1/1# Then came one of the t%o %omen to him$ %aling moestly$ an sai$ 'y

father inites thee$ that he may recompense thee %ith the %age of thy ra%ing

%ater for us.' -o %hen he came to him an ha relate to him the story$ he sai$

'>e not afrai= thou hast escape from the people of the eiloers.'

-ai one of the t%o %omen$ 'Father$ hire him= surely the best man thou canst hire

is the one strong an trusty.'

e sai$ 'I esire to marry thee to one of these my t%o aughters$ on conition

that thou hirest thyself to me for eight years. If thou completest ten$ that shall be

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of thy o%n accor= I o not esire to press har upon thee. Thou shalt assurely

fin me$ if o %ills$ one of the righteous.'

-ai he$ '-o let it be bet%een me an thee. 8hicheer of the t%o terms I fulfil$ it

shall be no in,ustice to me= an o is guarian of %hat %e say.

-o %hen oses ha accomplishe the term an eparte %ith his househol$ he

obsere on the sie of the ount a fire. e sai to his househol$ 'Tarry you

here= I obsere a fire. ;erhaps I shall bring you ne%s of it$ or a faggot from the

fire$ that haply you shall %arm yourseles.'

1/92 8hen he came to it$ a oice crie from the right of the %atercourse$ in the

sacre hollo%$ coming from the tree/ 'oses$ I am o$ the 7or of all >eing.'

'4ast o%n thy staff.' An %hen he sa% it uiering lie a serpent$ he turne about

retreating$ an turne not bac. 'oses$ come for%ar$ an fear not= for surelythou art in security.'

Insert thy han into thy bosom$ an it %ill come forth %hite %ithout eil= an press

to thee thy arm$ that thou be not afrai. -o these shall be t%o proofs from thy

7or to ;haraoh an his 4ouncil= for surely they are an ungoly people.'

-ai he$ 'y 7or$ I hae inee slain a liing soul among them$ an I fear that

they %ill slay me.

oreoer my brother Aaron is more elouent than I. -en him %ith me as ahelper an to confirm I spea truly$ for I fear they %ill cry me lies.'

1/9# -ai e$ '8e %ill strengthen thy arm by means of thy brother$ an 8e shall

appoint to you an authority$ so that they shall not reach you because of 0ur signs=

you$ an %hoso follo%s you$ shall be the ictors.'

-o %hen oses came to them %ith 0ur signs$ clear signs$ they sai$ 'This is

nothing but a forge sorcery. 8e neer hear of this among our fathers$ the


>ut oses sai$ 'y 7or no%s ery %ell %ho comes %ith the guiance from

im$ an shall possess the Dltimate Aboe= surely the eiloers %ill not prosper.'

 An ;haraoh sai$ '4ouncil$ I no% not that you hae any go but me. *inle me$

aman$ a fire upon the clay$ an mae me a to%er$ that I may mount up to oses'

go= for I thin that he is one of the liars.'

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 An he %axe prou in the lan$ he an his hosts$ %rongfully= an they thought

they shoul not be returne to Ds.

1/32 Therefore 8e seiBe him an his hosts$ an cast their into the sea= so

behol ho% %as the en of the eiloers

 An 8e appointe them leaers$ calling to the Fire= an on the Cay of 

<esurrection they shall not be helpe= an 8e pursue them in this %orl %ith a

curse$ an on the Cay of <esurrection they shall be among the spurne.

 An 8e gae oses the >oo$ after that 8e ha estroye the former 

generations$ to be examples an a guiance an a mercy$ that haply so they

might remember.

Thou %ast not upon the %estern sie %hen 8e ecree to oses the

commanment$ nor %ast thou of those %itnessing=

1/3# but 8e raise up generations$ an long their lies continue. 5either %ast

thou a %eller among the iianites$ reciting to them 0ur signs= but 8e %ere

sening essengers. Thou %ast not upon the sie of the ount %hen 8e calle=

but for a mercy from thy 7or$ that thou mayest %arn a people to %hom no %arner 

came before thee$ an that haply they may remember. Else$ i an affliction isit

them for that their o%n hans hae for%are then they might say$ '0ur 7or$ %hy

ist Thou not sen a essenger to us that %e might follo% Thy signs an so be

among the belieersH'

Get %hen the truth came to them from 0urseles$ they sai$ '8hy has he not been

gien the lie of that oses %as gienH' >ut they$ i they not isbeliee also in

%hat oses %as gien aforetimeH They sai$ 'A pair of sorceries mutually

supporting each other.' They sai$ '8e isbeliee both.'

1/#2 -ay/ '>ring a >oo from o that gies better guiance than these$ an

follo% it$ if you spea truly.'

Then if they o not ans%er thee$ no% that they are only follo%ing their caprices=

an %ho is further astray than he %ho follo%s his caprice %ithout guiance fromoH -urely o guies not the people of the eiloers.

5o% 8e hae brought them the 8or= haply they may remember. Those to %hom

8e gae the >oo before this beliee in it an$ %hen it is recite to them$ they

say$ '8e beliee in it= surely it is the truth from our 7or. Inee$ een before it %e

ha surrenere.'

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These shall be gien their %age t%ice oer for that they patiently enure$ an

aert eil %ith goo$ an expen of that 8e hae proie them.

1/## 8hen they hear ile tal$ they turn a%ay from it an say$ '8e hae our 

ees$ an you your ees. ;eace be upon you 8e esire not the ignorant.'

Thou guiest not %hom thou liest$ but o guies %hom e %ills$ an no%s

ery %ell those that are guie. They say$ '-houl %e follo% the guiance %ith

thee$ %e shall be snatche from our lan.' ae 8e not establishe for them a

sanctuary secure$ to %hich are collecte the fruits of eerything$ as a proision

from DsH >ut most of them no% not. o% many a city 8e hae estroye that

flourishe in insolent ease

Those are their %elling&places$ un%elt in after them$ except a little= 0urseles

are the inheritors. Get thy 7or neer estroye the cities until e sent in their 

mother&city a essenger$ to recite 0ur signs unto them= an 8e neer estroye

the cities$ sae that their inhabitants %ere eiloers.

1/@2 8hateer thing you hae been gien is the en,oyment of the present life

an its aornment= an %hat is %ith o is better an more enuring.

8ill you not unerstanH 8hat$ is he to %hom 8e hae promise a fair promise$

an he receies it$ lie him to %hom 8e hae gien the en,oyment of the present

life$ then he on the <esurrection Cay shall be of those that are arraigneH

Dpon the ay %hen e shall call to them$ an e shall say$ '8here no% are y

associates %hom you %ere assertingH' Those against %hom the 8or is realiBe

they shall say$ '0ur 7or$ those %hom %e pererte$ %e pererte them een as

%e ourseles erre. 8e eclare our innocence unto Thee= it %as not us that they

%ere sering.'

It shall be sai$ '4all you no% upon your associates' An they %ill call upon them$

but they shall not ans%er them$ an they shall see the chastisement && ah$ if they

ha been guie

1/@# Dpon the ay %hen e shall call to them$ an e shall say$ '8hat ans%er 

gae you to the EnoysH' Dpon that ay the tiings %ill be arene for them$ nor 

%ill they as each other.

>ut as for him %ho repents$ an beliees$ an %ors righteousness$ haply he

shall be among the prosperers. Thy 7or creates %hatsoeer e %ill an e

chooses= they hae not the choice. lory be to o igh be e exalte aboe

that they associate

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 An thy 7or no%s %hat their breasts conceal an %hat they publish.

1/2 An e is o=  there is no go but e.  is is the praise

  in the former as in the latter=  is too is the Jugment$ an unto im you shall be returne.

-ay/ '8hat thin youH If o shoul mae the night unceasing oer you$ until the

Cay of <esurrection$ %hat go other than o shall bring you illuminationH 8ill

you not hearH'

-ay/ '8hat thin youH If o shoul mae the ay unceasing oer you$ until the

Cay of <esurrection$ %hat go other than o shall bring you night to repose inH

8ill you not seeH

0f is mercy e has appointe for you night an ay$ for you to repose in an

see after is bounty$ that haply you %ill be thanful.'

Dpon the ay %hen e shall call to them$ an e shall say$ '8here no% are y

associates %hom you %ere assertingH' An 8e shall ra% out from eery nation a

%itness$ an say$

1/# ';rouce your proof' Then %ill they no% that Truth is o's$ an there

shall go astray from them that they %ere forging.

5o% *orah %as of the people of oses= he became insolent to them$ for 8e ha

gien him treasures such that the ery eys of them %ere too heay a buren for 

a company of men eno%e %ith strength. 8hen his people sai to him$ 'Co not

exult= o loes not those that exult= but see$ amist that %hich o has gien

thee$ the 7ast Aboe$ an forget not thy portion of the present %orl= an o

goo$ as o has been goo to thee.' An see not to %or corruption in the

earth= surely o loes not the %orers of corruption.'

e sai$ '8hat I hae been gien is only because of a no%lege that is in me.'

8hat$ i he not no% that o ha estroye before him generations of men

stronger than he ill might$ an more numerous in multitueH An yet the sinners

shall not be uestione concerning their sins.

-o he %ent forth unto his people in his aornment. Those %ho esire the

present life sai$ '8oul that %e possesse the lie of that *orah has been gien

-urely he is a man of mighty fortune.

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1/2 >ut those to %hom no%lege ha been gien sai$ '8oe upon you The

re%ar of o is better for him %ho beliees$ an %ors righteousness= an none

shall receie it except the steafast.'

-o 8e mae the earth to s%allo% him an his %elling an there %as no host to

help him$ apart from o$ an he %as helpless= an in the morning those %ho

ha longe to be in his place the ay before %ere saying$ 'Ah$ o outspreas

an straitens is proision to %homsoeer e %ill of is serants. a o not

been gracious to us$ e %oul hae mae us to be s%allo%e too. Ah$ the

unbelieers o not prosper$

That is the 7ast Aboe= 8e appoint it for those %ho esire not exorbitance in the

earth$ nor corruption. The issue ultimate is to the gofearing. 8hoso brings a

goo ee shall hae better than it= an %hoso brings an eil ee those %ho

hae one eil ees shall only be recompense for that they %ere oing.

1/# e %ho impose the <ecitation upon thee shall surely restore thee to a

place of homing. -ay/ 'y 7or' no%s ery %ell %ho comes %ith guiance$ an

%ho is in manifest error. Thou ist not hope that the >oo shoul be cast unto

thee$ except it be as a mercy from thy 7or= so be thou not a partisan of the

unbelieers. 7et them not bar thee from the signs of o$ after that they hae

been sent o%n to thee. An call upon thy 7or$ an be thou not of the iolaters.

 An call not upon another go %ith o= there is no go but e. All things perish$

except is Face. is is the Jugment$ an unto im you shall be returne.

66I6 TE -;ICE<

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

1"/! Alif $am &im 

Co the people recon that they %ill be left to say '8e beliee$' an %ill not be

trieH 8e certainly trie those that %ere before them$ an assurely o no%s

those %ho spea truly$ an assurely e no%s the liars.

0r o they recon$ those %ho o eil ees$ that they %ill outstrip DsH Ill they

 ,uge 8hoso loos to encounter o$ o's term is coming= e is the All&

hearing$ the All&no%ing.

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1"/# 8hosoeer struggles$ struggles only to his o%n gain= surely o is All&

sufficient nor nees any being. An those %ho beliee$ an o righteous ees$

8e shall surely acuit them of their eil ees$ an shall recompense them the

best of %hat they %ere oing.

8e hae charge man$ that he be in to his parents= but if they strie %ith thee

to mae thee associate %ith e that %hereof thou hast no no%lege$ then o not

obey them= unto e you shall return$ an I shall tell you %hat you %ere oing.

 An those %ho beliee$ an o righteous ees assurely 8e shall amit them

among the righteous.

-ome men there are %ho say$ '8e beliee in o$' but %hen such a man is hurt

in o's cause$ he maes the persecution of men as it %ere o's chastisement=

then if help comes from thy 7or$ he %ill say '8e %ere %ith you.' 8hat$ oes not

o no% ery %ell %hat is in the breasts of all beingsH

1"/!2 o surely no%s the belieers$ an e no%s the hypocrites.

The unbelieers say to the belieers$ 'Follo% our path$ an let us carry your 

offences'= yet they cannot carry anything$ een of their o%n offences= they are

truly liars.

They shall certainly carry their loas$ an other loas along %ith their loas$ an

upon the Cay of <esurrection they shall surely be uestione concerning that

they %ere forging.

Inee$ 8e sent 5oah to his people$ an he tarrie among them a thousan

years$ all but fifty= so the Floo seiBe them$ %hile they %ere eiloers.

Get 8e eliere him$ an those %ho %ere in the ship$ an appointe it for a sign

unto all beings.

1"/!# An Abraham$ %hen he sai to his people$ '-ere o$ an fear im= that

is better for you$ i you no%. Gou only sere$ apart from o$ iols an you

create a calumny= those you sere$ apart from o$ hae no po%er to proie for you. -o see after your proision %ith o$ an sere im$ an be thanful to

im= unto im you shall be returne.

'>ut if you cry me lies$ nations crie lies before you= an it is only for the

essenger to elier the anifest essage.'

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(ae they not seen ho% o originates creation$ then brings it bac againH

-urely that is an easy matter for o. -ay/ Journey in the lan$ then behol ho%

e originate creation= then o causes the secon gro%th to gro%= o is

po%erful oer eerything$

1"/12 chastising %hom e %ill$ an haing mercy on %homsoeer e %ill$ an

unto im you shall be turne. Gou are not able to frustrate im either in the earth

or in heaen= an you hae not$ apart from o$ either protector or helper.

 An those %ho isbeliee in o's signs an the encounter %ith im && they

espair of y mercy$ an there a%aits them a painful chastisement.)

>ut the only ans%er of his people %as that they sai$ '-lay him$ or burn him'

Then o eliere him from the fire= surely in that are signs for a people %ho


 An he sai$ 'Gou hae only taen to yourseles iols$ apart from o$ as a mar

of mutual loe bet%een you in the present life= then upon the Cay of <esurrection

you %ill eny one another$ an you %ill curse one another$ an your refuge %ill be

the Fire$ an you %ill hae no helpers.'

1"/1# >ut 7ot beliee him= an he sai$ 'I %ill flee to my 7or= e is the All&

mighty$ the All&%ise.'

 An 8e gae him Isaac an Jacob$ an 8e appointe the ;rophecy an the

>oo to be among his see= 8e gae him his %age in this %orl$ an in the %orlto come he shall be among the righteous.

 An 7ot$ %hen he sai to his people '-urely you commit such inecency as neer 

any being in all the %orl committe before you. 8hat$ o you approach men$

an cut the %ay$ an commit in your assembly ishonourH' >ut the only ans%er of 

his people %as that they sai$ 'Then bring us the chastisement of o$ if thou

speaest truly.'

e sai$ 'y 7or$ help me against the people that %or corruption.'

1"/92 An %hen 0ur messengers came to Abraham %ith the goo tiings$ they

sai$ '8e shall estroy the people of this city$ for its people are eiloers.'

e sai$ '7ot is in it.' They sai$ '8e no% ery %ell %ho is in it= assurely 8e

shall elier him an his family$ except his %ife= she has become of those that


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8hen that 0ur messengers came to 7ot he %as trouble on their account an

istresse for them= but they sai$ 'Fear not$ neither sorro%$ for surely %e shall

elier thee an thy family$ except thy %ife= she has become of those that tarry.

8e shall sen o%n upon the people of this city %rath out of heaen for their 

ungoliness.' An inee$ 8e hae left thereof a sign$ a clear signH unto a people

%ho unerstan.

1"/9# An to iian their brother -huaib= he sai$ '0 my people$ sere o$ an

loo you for the 7ast Cay= an o not mischief in the lan$ %oring corruption.' >ut

they crie lies to him= so the earthuae seiBe them$ an morning foun them in

their habitation fallen prostrate.

 An A$ an Thamoo && it has become clear to you from their %elling&places=

an -atan ece out fair to them their %ors$ an barre them from the %ay$

though they sa% clearly.

 An *orah$ an ;haraoh$ an aman= oses came to them %ith the clear signs$

but they %axe prou in the earth$ yet they outstrippe Ds not.

Each 8e seiBe for his sin= an of them against some 8e loose a suall of 

pebbles an some %ere seiBe by the 4ry$ an some 8e mae the earth to

s%allo%$ an some 8e ro%ne= o %oul neer %rong them$ but they %ronge


1"/32 The lieness of those %ho hae taen to them protectors$ apart from o$

is as the lieness of the spier that taes to itself a house= an surely the frailest

of houses is the house of the spier$ i they but no%.

o no%s %hateer thing they call upon apart from im= e is the All&mighty$ the

 All&%ise. An those similitues && 8e strie them for the people$ but none

unerstans them sae those %ho no%.

o create the heaens an the earth %ith the truth= surely in that is a sign to

the belieers.

<ecite %hat has been reeale to thee of the >oo$ an perform the prayer=prayer forbis inecency an ishonour. o's remembrance is greater= an o

no%s the things you %or.

1"/3# Cispute not %ith the ;eople of the >oo sae in the fairer manner$ except

for those of them that o %rong= an say$ '8e beliee in %hat has been sent o%n

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to us$ an %hat has been sent o%n to you= our o an your o is 0ne$ an to

im %e hae surrenere.'

Een so 8e hae sent o%n to thee the >oo. Those to %hom 8e hae gien the

>oo beliee in it= an some of these beliee in it= an none enies 0ur signs but

the unbelieers.

5ot before this ist thou recite any >oo$ or inscribe it %ith thy right han$ for 

then those %ho follo% falsehoo %oul/ hae oubte. 5ay= rather it is signs$

clear signs in the breasts of those %ho hae been gien no%lege= an none

enies 0ur signs but the eiloers.

They say$ '8hy hae signs not been sent o%n upon him from his 7orH' -ay/

'The signs are only %ith o$ an I am only a plain %arner.

1"/#2 8hat$ is it not sufficient for them that 8e hae sent o%n upon thee the>oo that is recite to themH -urely in that is a mercy$ an a reminer to a people

%ho beliee.

-ay/ 'o suffices as a %itness bet%een me an you.' e no%s %hatsoeer is in

the heaens an earth. Those %ho beliee in anity an isbeliee in o &&

those$ they are the losers. An they eman of thee to hasten the chastisement

>ut for a state term the chastisement %oul hae come upon them= but it shall

come upon them suenly$ %hen they are not a%are. They eman of thee to

hasten the chastisement 7o$ ehenna encompasses the unbelieers.

1"/## Dpon the ay the chastisement shall oer%helm them from aboe them

an from uner their feet$ an e shall say$ 'Taste no% %hat you %ere oing'

0 y serants %ho beliee$ surely y earth is %ie= therefore e o you sere

Eery soul shall taste of eath= then unto Ds you shall be returne.

 An those %ho beliee$ an o righteous ees$ 8e shall surely loge them in

lofty chambers of paraise$ unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein %elling foreer=

an excellent is the %age of those %ho labour$ such men as are patient$ an put

their trust in their 7or.

1"/@2 o% many a beast that bears not its o%n proision$ but o proies for it

an you e is the All&hearer$ the All&no%er.

If thou asest them$ '8ho create the heaens an the earth an sub,ecte the

sun an the moonH' they %ill say$ 'o.' o% then are they pererteH o

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outspreas an straitens is proision to %homsoeer e %ill of is serants=

o has no%lege of eerything.

If thou asest them$ '8ho sens o%n out of heaen %ater$ an there%ith reies

the earth after it is eaH' they %ill say$ 'o.'

-ay/ ';raise belongs to o.' 5ay$ but most of them hae no unerstaning.

This present life is naught but a iersion an a sport= surely the 7ast Aboe is

7ife$ i they but no%.

1"/@# 8hen they embar in the ships$ they call on o$ maing their religion

sincerely is= but %hen e has eliere them to the lan$ they associate others

%ith im$ that they may be ungrateful for %hat 8e hae gien them$ an tae

their en,oyment= they %ill soon no% ae they not seen that 8e hae appointe

a sanctuary secure$ %hile all about them the people are snatche a%ayH 8hat$o they beliee in anity$ an o they isbeliee in o's blessingH

 An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho forges against o a lie$ or cries lies to

the truth %hen it comes to himH 8hat$ is there not in ehenna a loging for the


>ut those %ho struggle in 0ur cause$ surely 8e shall guie them in 0ur %ays=

an o is %ith the goo&oers.

666 TE <EE*-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

92/! Alif $am &im 

The rees hae been anuishe in the nearer part of the lan= an$ after their 

anuishing$ they shall be the ictors in a fe% years. To o belongs the

4omman before an after$ an on that ay the belieers shall re,oice in o'shelp= o helps %homsoeer e %ill= an e is the All&mighty$ the All&


92/# The promise of o o fails not is promise$ but most men o not no% it.

They no% an out%ar part of the present life$ but of the ereafter they are

heeless. 8hat$ hae they not consiere %ithin themselesH o create not

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the heaens an the earth$ an %hat bet%een them is$ sae %ith the truth an a

state term= yet most men isbeliee in the encounter %ith their 7or.

8hat$ hae they not ,ourneye in the lan an behel ho% %as the en of those

before themH They %ere stronger than themseles in might$ an they ploughe

up the earth an cultiate it more than they themseles hae cultiate it= an

their essengers came to them %ith the clear signs= an o %oul neer %rong

them$ but themseles they %ronge.

Then the en of those that i eil %as eil$ for that they crie lies to the signs of 

o an moce at them.

92/!2 o originates creation$ then brings it bac again$ then unto im you shall

be returne.

Dpon the ay %hen the our is come$ the sinners shall be confoune nointercessors shall they hae amongst their associates$ an they shall isbeliee in

their associates. Dpon the ay %hen the our is come$ that ay they shall be

iie= as for those %ho beliee$ an i ees of righteousness$ they shall

%al %ith ,oy in a green meao%$

92/!# but as for those %ho isbeliee$ an crie lies to 0ur signs an the

encounter of the ereafter$ they shall be arraigne into the chastisement.

-o glory be to o both in your eening hour an in your morning hour. is is the

praise in the heaens an earth$ alie at the setting sun an in your noontiehour. e brings forth the liing from the ea$ an brings forth the ea from the

liing$ an e reies the earth after it is ea= een so you shall be brought forth.

92/12 An of is signs is that e create you of ust= then lo$ you are mortals$ all

scattere abroa. An of is signs is that e create for you$ of yourseles$

spouses$ that you might repose in them$ an e has set bet%een you loe an


-urely in that are signs for a people %ho consier. An of is signs is the creation

of the heaens an earth an the ariety of your tongues an hues. -urely in thatare signs for all liing beings.

 An of is signs is your slumbering by night an ay$ an your seeing after is

bounty. -urely in that are signs for a people %ho hear. An of is signs e sho%s

you lightning$ for fear an hope$ an that e sens o%n out of heaen %ater an

e reies the earth after it is ea.

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-urely in that are signs for a people %ho unerstan. An of is signs is that the

heaen an earth stan firm by is comman= then$ %hen e calls you once an

suenly$ out of the earth$ lo you shall come forth.

92/1# To im belongs %hosoeer is in the heaens an the earth= all obey is

%ill. An it is e %ho originates creation$ then brings it bac again$ an it is ery

easy for im. is is the loftiest lieness in the heaens an the earth= e is the

 All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

e has struc for you a similitue from yourseles= o you hae$ among that your 

right hans o%n$ associates in %hat 8e hae proie for you so that you are

eual in regar to it$ you fearing them as you fear each otherH -o 8e istinguish

the signs for a people %ho unerstan. 5ay$ but the eiloers follo% their o%n

caprices$ %ithout no%lege= so %ho shall guie those %hom o has le astrayH

They hae no helpers.

-o set thy face to the religion$ a man of pure faith && o's original upon %hich e

originate manin. There is no changing o's creation. That is the right

religion= but most men no% it not && turning to im. An fear you im$ an

perform the prayer$ an be not of the iolaters$ een of those %ho hae iie

up their religion$ an become sects$ each seeral party re,oicing in %hat is theirs.

92/9# 8hen some affliction isits manin$ they call unto their 7or$ turning to

im= then$ %hen e lets them taste mercy from im$ lo$ a party of them assign

associates to their 7or$ that they may be ungrateful for %hat 8e hae gien

them. 'Tae your en,oyment= certainly you %ill soon no%.'

0r hae 8e sent o%n any authority upon them$ such as speas of that they

associate %ith imH An %hen 8e let men taste mercy$ they re,oice in it= but if 

some eil befalls them for that their o%n hans hae for%are$ behol$ they

espair. ae they not seen that o outspreas an straitens is proision to

%hom e %illH -urely in that are signs for a people %ho beliee.

 An gie the insman his right$ an the neey$ an the traeller= that is better for 

those %ho esire o's Face= those they are the prosperers. An %hat you gie

in usury$ that it may increase upon the people's %ealth$ increases not %ith o=

but %hat you gie in alms$ esiring o's Face$ those && they receie recompense


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o is e that create you$ then e proie for you$ then e shall mae you

ea$ then e shall gie you life= is there any of your associates oes aught of 

thatH lory be to im igh be e exalte aboe that they associate

92/32 4orruption has appeare in the lan an sea$ for that men's o%n hans

hae earne$ that e may let them taste some part of that %hich they hae one$

that haply so they may return.

-ay/ 'Journey in the lan$ then behol ho% %as the en of those that %ere before=

most of them %ere iolaters.'

-o set thy face to the true religion before there comes a ay from o that cannot

be turne bac= on that ay they shall be sunere apart. 8hoso isbeliees$ his

unbelief shall be charge against him= an %hosoeer oes righteousness for 

themseles they are maing proision$ that e may recompense those %ho

beliee an o righteous ees of is bounty= e loes not the unbelieers.

92/3# An of is signs is that e looses the %ins$ bearing goo tiings an that

e may let you taste of is mercy$ an that the ships may run at is

commanment$ an that you may see is bounty= haply so you %ill be thanful.

Inee$ 8e sent before thee essengers unto their people$ an they brought

them the clear signs= then 8e too engeance upon those %ho sinne= an it %as

eer a uty incumbent upon Ds$ to help the belieers.

o is e that looses the %ins$ that stir up clous= an e spreas them inheaen ho% e %ill$ an shatters them= then thou seest the rain issuing out of the

mist of them$ an %hen e smites %ith it %homsoeer of is serants e %ill$ lo$

they re,oice$ although before it %as sent o%n on them before that they ha been

in espair.

-o behol the mars of o's mercy$ ho% e uicens the earth after it %as

ea= surely e is the uicener of the ea$ an e is po%erful oer eerything.

92/#2 >ut if 8e loose a %in$ an they see it gro%ing yello%$ they remain after 

that unbelieers.

Thou shalt not mae the ea to hear$ neither shalt thou mae the eaf to hear 

the call %hen they turn about$ retreating. Thou shalt not guie the blin out of 

their error neither shalt thou mae any to hear except for such as beliee in 0ur 

signs$ an so surrener.

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o is e that create you of %eaness$ then e appointe after %eaness

strength$ then after strength e appointe %eaness an grey hairs= e creates

%hat e %ill$ an e is the All&no%ing$ the All&po%erful.

92/## Dpon the ay %hen the our is come$

the sinners shall s%ear they hae not tarrie aboe an hour=so they %ere pererte.>ut those %ho hae been gien no%lege an faith shall say$'Gou hae tarrie in o's >ootill the Cay of the Dpraising$This is the Cay of the Dpraising$but you i not no%.'-o that ay their excuses %ill not profit the eiloers$nor %ill they be suffere to mae amens.

Inee$ 8e hae struc for the people in this *oran eery manner of similitue=

an if thou bringest them a sign$ those %ho are unbelieers %ill certainly say$ 'Gou

o nothing but follo% falsehoo.'

Een so o seals the hearts of those that no% not.

92/@2 -o be thou patient= surely o's promise is true= an let not those %ho

hae not sure faith mae thee unsteay.

666I 70*A5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

9!/! Alif $am &im 

Those are the signs of the 8ise >oo for a guiance an a mercy to the goo&

oers %ho perform the prayer$ an pay the alms$ an hae sure faith in the

ereafter. Those are upon guiance from their 7or= those are the prosperers.

9!/# -ome men there are %ho buy ierting tal to lea astray from the %ay of o %ithout no%lege$ an to tae it in mocery= those && there a%aits them a

humbling chastisement. An %hen 0ur signs are recite to such a man he turns

a%ay$ %axing prou$ as though he hear them not$ an in his ears %ere

heainess= so gie him goo tiings of a painful chastisement. -urely those %ho

beliee$ an o ees of righteousness$ there a%aits them arens of >liss

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therein to %ell foreer && o's promise in truth= an e is the All&mighty$ the All&


e create the heaens %ithout pillars you can see$ an e cast on the earth firm

mountains$ lest it shae %ith you$ an e scattere abroa in it all manner of 

cra%ling thing. An 8e sent o%n out of heaen %ater$ an cause to gro% in it

of eery generous in.

9!/!2 This is o's creation= no% sho% me %hat those hae create that are

apart from im 5ay$ but the eiloers are in manifest error.

Inee$ 8e gae 7oman %isom/ 'ie thans to o. 8hosoeer gies thans

gies thans only for his o%n soul's goo$ an %hosoeer is ungrateful && surely

o is All&sufficient$ All&lauable.'

 An %hen 7oman sai to his son$ amonishing him$ '0 my son$ o not associateothers %ith o= to associate others %ith o is a mighty %rong. (An 8e hae

charge man concerning his parents && his mother bore him in %eaness upon

%eaness$ an his %eaning %as in t%o years && '>e thanful to e$ an to thy

parents= to e is the homecoming. >ut if they strie %ith thee to mae thee

associate %ith e that %hereof thou hast no no%lege$ then o not obey them.

*eep them company honourable in this %orl= but follo% the %ay of him %ho turns

to e. Then unto e you shall return$ an I shall tell you %hat you %ere oing.')

9!/!# '0 my son$ if it shoul be but the %eight of one grain of mustar&see$ an

though it be in a roc$ or in the heaens$ or in the earth$ o shall bring it forth=

surely o is All&subtle$ All&a%are. 0 my son$ perform the prayer$ an bi unto

honour$ an forbi ishonour. An bear patiently %hateer may befall thee= surely

that is true constancy. Turn not thy chee a%ay from men in scorn$ an %al not

in the earth exultantly= o loes not any man prou an boastful. >e moest in

thy %al$ an lo%er thy oice= the most hieous of oices is the ass's.'

ae you not seen ho% that o has sub,ecte to you %hatsoeer is in the

heaens an earth$ an e has laishe on you is blessings$ out%ar an


 An among men there is such a one that isputes concerning o %ithout

no%lege or guiance$ or an illuminating >oo=

9!/12 an %hen it is sai to them$ 'Follo% %hat o has sent o%n$' they say$

'5o= but %e %ill follo% such things as %e foun our fathers oing.' 8hatH Een

though -atan %ere calling them to the chastisement of the burningH

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 An %hosoeer submits his %ill to o$ being a goo&oer$ has lai hol of the

most firm hanle= an unto o is the issue of all affairs. An %hoso isbeliees$

let not his isbelief griee thee= unto Ds they shall return$ an 8e shall tell them

%hat they i. -urely o no%s all the thoughts %ithin the breasts.

To them 8e gie en,oyment a little$ then 8e compel them to a harsh


If thou asest them$ '8ho create the heaens an the earthH' they %ill say$

'o.' -ay/ ';raise belongs to o.' 5ay$ but most of them hae no no%lege.

9!/1# To o belongs all that is in the heaens an the earth= surely o && e is

the All&sufficient$ the All&lauable.

Though all the trees in the earth %ere pens$ an the sea&seen seas after it to

replenish it$ yet %oul the 8ors of o not be spent. o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

Gour creation an your upraising are as but as a single soul. o is All&hearing$


ast thou not seen ho% that o maes the night to enter into the ay an

maes the ay to enter into the night. an e has sub,ecte the sun an the

moon$ each of them running to a state term$ an that o is a%are of %hat you


That is because o && e is the Truth$ an that they call upon apart from im &&that is the false= an for that o is the All&high$ the All&great.

9!/92 ast thou not seen ho% that the ships run upon the sea by the blessing of 

o$ that e may sho% you some of is signsH -urely in that are signs for eery

man enuring$ thanful.

 An %hen the %aes coer them lie shao%s they call upon o$ maing their 

religion sincerely is= but %hen e has eliere them to the lan$ some of them

are lue%arm. An none enies 0ur signs$ except eery ungrateful traitor.

0 men$ fear your 7or$ an rea a ay %hen no father shall gie satisfaction for 

his chil$ an no chil shall gie satisfaction for his father %hateer. -urely o's

promise is true= so let not the present life elue you$ an let not the Celuer 

elue you concerning o.

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-urely o && e has no%lege of the our= e sens o%n the rain= e no%s

%hat is in the %ombs. 5o soul no%s %hat it shall earn tomorro%$ an no soul

no%s in %hat lan it shall ie. -urely o is All&no%ing$ All&a%are.

666II ;<0-T<ATI05

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

91/! Alif $am &im 

The sening o%n of the >oo$ %herein no oubt is$ from the 7or of all >eing.

0r o they say$ 'e has forge it'H -ay/ '5ot so= it is the truth from thy 7or that

thou mayest %arn a people to %hom no %arner came before thee$ that haply sothey may be guie.

o is e that create the heaens an the earth$ an %hat bet%een them is$ in

six ays$ then seate imself upon the Throne. Apart from im$ you hae no

protector neither meiator= %ill you not rememberH e irects the affair from

heaen to earth$ then it goes up to im in one ay$ %hose measure is a thousan

years of your counting.

91/# e is the no%er of the Dnseen an the :isible$ the All&mighty$ the All&

compassionate$ %ho has create all things %ell. An e originate the creation of man out of clay$ then e fashione his progeny of an extraction of mean %ater$

then e shape him$ an breathe is spirit in him. An e appointe for you

hearing$ an sight$ an hearts= little thans you sho%.

They say$ '8hat$ %hen %e hae gone astray in the earth$ shall %e inee be in a

ne% creationH'

91/!2 5ay$ but they isbeliee in the encounter %ith their 7or. -ay/ 'Ceath's

angel$ %ho has been charge %ith you$ shall gather you$ then to your 7or you

shall be returne.'

 Ah$ if thou coulst see the guilty hanging their heas before their 7or '0ur 7or$

%e hae seen an hear= no% return us$ that %e may o righteousness$ for %e

hae sure faith.'

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'If 8e ha so %ille$ 8e coul hae gien eery soul its guiance= but no% y

8or is realiBe && + Assurely I shall fill ehenna %ith ,inn an men all together.+

-o no% taste$ for that you forgot the encounter of this your ay

8e inee hae forgotten you. Taste the chastisement of eternity for that you

%ere oing'

91/!# 0nly those beliee in 0ur signs %ho$ %hen they are remine of them$ fall

o%n prostrate an proclaim the praise of their 7or$ not %axing prou.

Their sies shun their couches as they call on their 7or in fear an hope= an

they expen of that 8e hae proie them. 5o soul no%s %hat comfort is lai

up for them secretly$ as a recompense for that they %ere oing. 8hatH Is he %ho

has been a belieer lie unto him %ho has been ungolyH

They are not eual.

 As for those %ho beliee$ an o ees of righteousness$ there a%ait them the

arens of the <efuge$ in hospitality for that they %ere oing.

91/12 >ut as for the ungoly$ their refuge shall be the Fire= as often as they esire

to come forth from it$ they shall be restore into it$ an it shall be sai to them$

'Taste the chastisement of the Fire$ %hich you crie lies to.'

 An 8e shall surely let them taste the nearer chastisement$ before the greater=

haply so they %ill return.

 An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho is remine of the signs of his 7or$ then

turns a%ay from themH 8e shall tae engeance upon the sinners.

Inee$ 8e gae oses the >oo= so he not in oubt concerning the encounter 

%ith him= an 8e appointe it for a guiance to the 4hilren of Israel.

 An 8e appointe from among them leaers guiing by 0ur comman$ %hen

they enure patiently$ an ha sure faith in 0ur signs.

91/1# -urely thy 7or %ill istinguish bet%een them on the <esurrection Cay$

touching that %hereon they %ere at ariance.

Is it not a guiance to them$ ho% many generations 8e estroye before them in

%hose %elling&places they %alH -urely in that are signs= %hat$ %ill they not


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ae they not seen ho% 8e rie the %ater to the ry lan an bring forth crops

there%ith %hereof their cattle an themseles eatH 8hat$ %ill they not seeH

They also say$ '8hen shall be this :ictory$ if you spea trulyH'

-ay/ '0n the Cay of :ictory their faith shall not profit the unbelieers$ nor shallthey be respite.'

-o turn thou a%ay from them$ an %ait= they too are %aiting.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

99/! 0 ;rophet$ fear o$ an obey not the unbelieers an the hypocrites. o

is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

 An follo% %hat is reeale to thee from thy 7or= surely o is a%are of the

things you o. An put thy trust in o= o suffices as a guarian.

o has not assigne to any man t%o hearts %ithin his breast= nor has e mae

your %ies$ %hen you iorce$ saying$ '>e as my mother's bac$' truly your 

mothers$ neither has e mae your aopte sons your sons in fact. That is your 

o%n saying$ the %ors of your mouths= but o speas the truth$ an guies onthe %ay.

99/# 4all them after their true fathers= that is more euitable in the sight of o. If 

you no% not %ho their fathers %ere$ then they are your brothers in religion$ an

your clients. There is no fault in you if you mae mistaes$ but only in %hat your 

hearts premeitate. o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

The ;rophet is nearer to the belieers than their seles= his %ies are their 

mothers. Those %ho are boun by bloo are nearer to one another in the >oo of 

o than the belieers an the emigrants= neertheless you shoul act to%arsyour friens honourably= that stans inscribe in the >oo.

 An %hen 8e too compact from the ;rophets$ an from thee$ an from 5oah$

an Abraham$ oses$ an Jesus$ ary's son= 8e too from them a solemn

compact$ that e might uestion the truthful concerning their truthfulness= an e

has prepare for the unbelieers a painful chastisement.

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0 belieers$ remember o's blessing upon you %hen hosts came against you$

an 8e loose against them a %in$ an hosts you sa% not= an o sees the

things you o.

99/!2 8hen they came against you from aboe you an from belo% you$ an

%hen your eyes s%ere an your hearts reache your throats$ %hile you thought

thoughts about o= there it %as that the belieers %ere trie$ an shaen most


 An %hen the hypocrites$ an those in %hose hearts is sicness$ sai$ 'o an

is essenger promise us only elusion.'

 An %hen a party of them sai$ '0 people of Gathrib$ there is no abiing here for 

you$ therefore return' An a part of them %ere asing leae of the ;rophet$

saying$ '0ur houses are expose'= yet they %ere not expose= they esire only

to flee.

 An if entrance ha been force against them from those uarters$ an then they

ha been ase to apostatise$ they %oul hae one so$ an but tarrie about it


99/!# Get they ha mae coenant %ith o before that$ that they %oul not turn

their bacs= an coenants %ith o shall be uestione of. -ay/ 'Flight %ill not

profit you$ if you flee from eath or slaying= you %ill be gien en,oyment of ays

then but little.'

-ay/ '8ho is he that shall efen you from o$ if e esires eil for you$ or 

esires mercy for youH'

They shall fin for themseles$ apart from o$ neither protector nor helper. o

%oul surely no% those of you %ho hiner$ an those %ho say to their brothers$

'4ome to us$' an come to battle but little$ being niggarly to%ars you. 8hen fear 

comes upon them$ thou seest them looing at thee$ their eyes rolling lie one %ho

s%oons of eath= but %hen the fear eparts$ they flay you %ith sharp tongues$

being niggarly to possess the goo things. Those hae neer beliee= o has

mae their %ors to fail= an that is easy for o.

99/12 They thin the 4onfeerates hae not eparte= an if the 4onfeerates

come$ they %ill %ish that they %ere esert&%ellers among the >eouins asing

for ne%s of you. If they %ere among you$ they %oul fight but little.

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Gou hae ha a goo example in o's essenger for %hosoeer hopes for o

an the 7ast Cay$ an remembers o oft. 8hen the belieers sa% the

4onfeerates they sai$ 'This is %hat o an is essenger promise us$ an

o an is essenger hae spoen truly.' An it only increase them in faith

an surrener.

 Among the belieers are men %ho %ere true to their coenant %ith o= some of 

them hae fulfille their o% by eath$ an some are still a%aiting$ an they hae

not change in the least= that o may recompense the truthful ones for their 

truthfulness$ an chastise the hypocrites$ if e %ill$ or turn again unto them.

-urely o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

99/1# An o sent bac those that %ere unbelieers in their rage$ an they

attaine no goo= o spare the belieers of fighting. -urely o is All&strong$


 An e brought o%n those of the ;eople of the >oo %ho supporte them from

their fortresses an cast terror in their hearts= some you sle%$ some you mae

captie. An e beueathe upon you their lans$ their habitations$ an their 

possessions$ an a lan you neer tro. o is po%erful oer eerything.

0 ;rophet$ say to thy %ies/ 'If you esire the present life an its aornment$

come no%$ I %ill mae you proision$ an set you free %ith inliness.

>ut if you esire o an is essenger an the 7ast Aboe$ surely o has

prepare for those amongst you such as o goo a mighty %age.

99/92 8ies of the ;rophet$ %hosoeer among you commits a flagrant inecency$

for her the chastisement shall be ouble= that is easy for o.

>ut %hosoeer of you is obeient to o an is essenger$ an oes

righteousness$ 8e shall pay her her %age t%ice oer= 8e hae prepare for her a

generous proision. 8ies of the ;rophet$ you are not as other %omen. If you are

gofearing$ be not ab,ect in your speech$ so that he in %hose heart is sicness

may be lustful= but spea honourable %ors. <emain in your houses= an isplay

not your finery$ as i the pagans of ol. An perform the prayer$ an pay the

alms$ an obey o an is essenger. ;eople of the ouse$ o only esires

to put a%ay from you abomination an to cleanse you.

 An remember that %hich is recite in your houses of the signs of o an the

8isom= o is All&subtle$ All&a%are.

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99/9# en an %omen %ho hae surrenere$ belieing men an belieing

%omen$ obeient men an obeient %omen$ truthful men an truthful %omen$

enuring men an enuring %omen$ humble men an humble %omen$ men an

%omen %ho gie in charity$ men %ho fast an %omen %ho fast$ men an %omen

%ho guar their priate parts$ men an %omen %ho remember o oft && for them

o has prepare forgieness an a mighty %age.

It is not for any belieer$ man or %oman$ %hen o an is essenger hae

ecree a matter$ to hae the choice in the affair. 8hosoeer isobeys o an

is essenger has gone astray into manifest error.

8hen thou saist to him %hom o ha blesse an thou hast faoure$ '*eep

thy %ife to thyself$ an fear o$' an thou %ast concealing %ithin thyself %hat

o shoul reeal$ fearing other men= an o has better right for thee to fear 

im. -o %hen ?ai ha accomplishe %hat he %oul of her$ then 8e gae her in

marriage to thee$ so that there shoul not be any fault in the belieers$ touching

the %ies of their aopte sons$ %hen they hae accomplishe %hat they %oul

of them= an o's commanment must be performe.

There is no fault in the ;rophet$ touching %hat o has oraine for him && o's

%ont %ith those %ho passe a%ay before= an o's commanment is oom

ecree= %ho %ere eliering the essages of o$ an %ere fearing im$ an

fearing not any one except im= an o suffices as a reconer.

99/32 uhamma is not the father of any one of your men$ but the essenger of 

o$ an the -eal of the ;rophets= o has no%lege of eerything.

0 belieers$ remember o oft$ an gie im glory at the a%n an in the

eening. It is e %ho blesses you$ an is angels$ to bring you forth from the

shao%s into the light. e is All&compassionate to the belieers. Their greeting$

on the ay %hen they shall meet im$ %ill be ';eace' An e has prepare for 

them a generous %age.

0 ;rophet$ 8e hae sent thee as a %itness$ an goo tiings to bear an

%arning$ calling unto o by is leae$ an as a light&giing lamp.

99/3# ie goo tiings to the belieers that there a%aits them %ith o great

bounty. An obey not the unbelieers an the hypocrites= hee not their hurt$ but

put thy trust in o= o suffices as a guarian.

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0 belieers$ %hen you marry belieing %omen an then iorce them before you

touch them$ you hae no perio to recon against them= so mae proision for 

them$ an set them free %ith inliness.

0 ;rophet$ 8e hae mae la%ful for thee thy %ies %hom thou hast gien their 

%ages an %hat thy right han o%ns$ spoils of %ar that o has gien thee$ an

the aughters of thy uncles paternal an aunts paternal$ thy uncles maternal an

aunts maternal$ %ho hae emigrate %ith thee$ an any %oman belieer$ if she

gie herself to the ;rophet an if the ;rophet esire to tae her in marriage$ for 

thee exclusiely$ apart from the belieers &&

99/#2 8e no% %hat 8e hae impose upon them touching their %ies an %hat

their right hans o%n && that there may be no fault in thee= o is All&forgiing$ All&

compassionate. Thou mayest put off %hom thou %ilt of them$ an %hom thou %ilt

thou mayest tae to thee= an if thou seeest any thou hast set asie there is no

fault in thee. -o it is lielier they %ill be comforte$ an not sorro%$ an eery one

of them %ill be %ell&please %ith %hat thou giest her. o no%s %hat is in your 

hearts= o is All&no%ing$ All&clement.

Thereafter %omen are not la%ful to thee$ neither for thee to tae other %ies in

exchange for them$ though their beauty please thee$ except %hat thy right han

o%ns= o is %atchful oer eerything.

0 belieers$ enter not the houses of the ;rophet$ except leae is gien you for a

meal$ %ithout %atching for its hour. >ut %hen you are inite$ then enter= an

%hen you hae ha the meal$ isperse$ neither lingering for ile tal= that is hurtful

to the ;rophet$ an he is ashame before you= but o is not ashame before

the truth. An %hen you as his %ies for any ob,ect$ as them from behin a

curtain= that is cleaner for your hearts an theirs. It is not for you to hurt o's

essenger$ neither to marry his %ies after him$ eer= surely that %oul be$ in

o's sight$ a monstrous thing. 8hether you reeal anything$ or %hether you

conceal it$ surely o has no%lege of eerything.

99/## There is no fault in the ;rophet's %ies touching their fathers$ their sons$

their brothers$ their brothers' sons$ their sisters' sons$ their %omen$ an %hat their 

right hans o%n. An fear you o= surely o is %itness of eerything.

o an is angels bless the ;rophet. 0 belieers$ o you also bless him$ an

pray him peace. Those %ho hurt o an is essenger && them o has curse

in the present %orl an the %orl to come$ an has prepare for them a

humbling chastisement. An those %ho hurt belieing men an belieing %omen$

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%ithout that they hae earne it$ hae lai upon themseles calumny an

manifest sin.

0 ;rophet$ say to thy %ies an aughters an the belieing %omen$ that they

ra% their eils close to them= so it is lielier they %ill be no%n$ an not hurt. o

is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

99/@2 5o%= if the hypocrites o not gie oer$ an those in %hose hearts there is

sicness an they that mae commotion in the city$ 8e shall assurely urge thee

against them an then they %ill be thy neighbours there only a little= curse they

shalt be$ an %heresoeer they are come upon they shall be seiBe an

slaughtere all && o's %ont %ith those %ho passe a%ay before= an thou shall

fin no changing the %ont of o.

The people %ill uestion thee concerning the our. -ay/ 'The no%lege of it is

only %ith o= %hat shall mae thee no%H aply the our is nigh.'

o has curse the unbelieers$ an prepare for them a >laBe$

99/@# therein to %ell for eer= they shall fin neither protector nor helper.

Dpon the ay %hen their faces are turne about in the Fire they shall say$ 'Ah$

%oul %e ha obeye o an the essenger

They shall say$ '0ur 7or$ %e obeye our chiefs an great ones$ an they le us

astray from the %ay. 0ur 7or$ gie them chastisement t%ofol$ an curse them%ith a mighty curse'

0 belieers$ be not as those %ho hurt oses$ but o eclare him uit of %hat

they sai$ an he %as high honoure %ith o.

99/2 0 belieers$ fear o$ an spea %ors hitting the mar$ an e %ill set

right your ees for you an %ill forgie you your sins. 8hosoeer obeys o

an is essenger has %on a mighty triumph.

8e offere the trust to the heaens an the earth an the mountains$ but theyrefuse to carry it an %ere afrai of it= an man carrie it. -urely he is sinful$ ery


That o may chastise the hypocrites$ men an %omen alie$ an the iolaters$

men an %omen alie= an that o may turn again unto the belieers$ men an

%omen alie. o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

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666I: -E>A

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

93/! ;raise belongs to o to %hom belongs %hatsoeer is in the heaens an

%hatsoeer is in the earth. To im belongs praise also in the ereafter= e is the

 All&%ise$ the All&a%are.

e no%s %hat penetrates into the earth$ an %hat comes forth from it$ %hat

comes o%n from heaen$ an %hat goes up to it= e is the All&compassionate$

the All&forgiing.

The unbelieers say$ 'The our %ill neer come to us.' -ay/ 'Ges inee$ by my

7or$ it shall come to you$ by im %ho no%s the Dnseen= not so much as the

%eight of an ant in heaen an earth escapes from im$ neither is aught smaller 

than that$ or greater$ but it is in a anifest >oo= that e may recompense those

%ho beliee$ an o righteous ees= theirs shall be forgieness an generous


93/# 'An those %ho strie against 0ur signs to oi them && theirs shall be a

chastisement of painful %rath.'

Those %ho hae been gien the no%lege see that %hat has been sent o%n to

thee from thy 7or is the truth$ an guies to the path of the All&mighty$ the All&


The unbelieers say$ '-hall %e point you to a man %ho %ill tell you$ %hen you

hae been utterly torn to pieces$ then you shall be in a ne% creationH'

8hat$ has he forge against o a lie$ or is he possesseH 5ot so= but those %ho

beliee not in the ereafter are in chastisement an far error.

ae they not regare %hat lies before them an %hat lies behin them of 

heaen an earthH Ci 8e %ill$ 8e %oul mae the earth to s%allo% them$ or 8e%oul rop o%n on them lumps from heaen. -urely in that is a sign to eery

penitent serant.

93/!2 An 8e gae Cai bounty from Ds/ '0 you mountains$ echo o's praises

%ith him$ an you birs' An 8e softene for him iron/ 'Fashion %ie coats of 

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mail$ an measure %ell the lins. ' && An o ye righteousness$ for surely I see the

things you o.

 An to -olomon the %in= its morning course %as a month's ,ourney$ an its

eening course %as a month's ,ourney. An 8e mae the Fount of olten >rass

to flo% for him. An of the ,inn$ some %ore before him by the leae of his 7or=

an such of them as s%ere a%ay from 0ur commanment$ 8e %oul let them

taste the chastisement of the >laBe= fashioning for him %hatsoeer he %oul &&

places of %orship$ statues$ porringers lie %ater&troughs$ an anchore cooing&

pots. '7abour$ 0 ouse of Cai$ in thanfulness= for fe% inee are those that

are thanful among y serants.'

 An %hen 8e ecree that he shoul ie$ naught inicate to them that he %as

ea but the >east of the Earth eouring his staff= an %hen he fell o%n$ the

 ,inn sa% clearly that$ ha they only no%n the Dnseen$ they %oul not hae

continue in the humbling chastisement.

For -heba also there %as a sign in their %elling&place && t%o garens$ one on the

right an one on the left/ 'Eat of your 7or's proision$ an gie thans to im= a

goo lan$ an a 7or All&forgiing.'

93/!# >ut they turne a%ay= so 8e loose on them the Floo of Arim$ an 8e

gae them$ in exchange for their t%o garens$ t%o garens bearing bitter prouce

an tamaris&bushes$ an here an there a fe% lote&trees.

Thus 8e recompense them for their unbelief= an o '8e eer recompense any

but the unbelieerH An 8e set$ bet%een them an the cities that 8e hae

blesse$ cities apparent an %ell 8e measure the ,ourney bet%een them/

'Journey among them by night an ay in security'

>ut they sai$ '0ur 7or$ prolong the stages of our trael'= an they %ronge

themseles$ so 8e mae them as but tales$ an 8e tore them utterly to pieces.

-urely in that are signs for eery man enuring$ thanful.

Iblis proe true his opinion of them$ an they follo%e him$ except a party of the


93/12 Get he ha no authority oer them$ but that 8e might no% him %ho

beliee in the ereafter from him %ho %as in oubt thereof Thy 7or is uarian

oer eerything.

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-ay/ '4all on those you hae asserte apart from o= they possess not so much

as the %eight of an ant in the heaens nor in the earth= they hae no partnership

in either of them$ nor has e in them any supporter.' Intercession %ill not aail

%ith im sae for him to %hom e gies leae= till$ %hen terror is lifte from their 

hearts$ they %ill say$ +8hat sai your 7orH' They %ill say$ 'The truth= an e is

the All&high= the All&great.'

-ay/ '8ho proies for you out of the heaens an the earthH' -ay/ 'o.' -urely$

either %e or you are upon right guiance$ or in manifest error.

-ay/ 'Gou %ill not be uestione concerning our sins$ neither shall %e be

uestione as to %hat you o.'

93/1# -ay/ '0ur 7or %ill bring us together$ then mae elierance bet%een us by

the truth. e is the Celierer$ the All&no%ing.'

-ay/ '-ho% me those you hae ,oine to im as associates. 5o inee= rather e

is o$ the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.'

8e hae sent thee not$ except to manin entire$ goo tiings to bear$ an

%arning= but most men o not no% it. They say$ '8hen shall this promise come

to pass$ if you spea the truthH'

-ay/ 'Gou hae the tryst of a ay that you shall not put bac by a single hour nor 

put it for%ar.'

93/92 The unbelieers say$ '8e %ill not beliee in this *oran$ nor in that before it.'

 Ah$ if thou coulst see %hen the eiloers are statione before their 7or$

banying argument the one against the other Those that %ere abase %ill say to

those that %axe prou$ 'a it not been for you$ %e %oul hae been belieers.

Those that %axe prou %ill say to those that %ere abase$ '8hat$ i %e bar you

from the guiance after it came to youH 5ay$ rather you %ere sinners.' An those

that %ere abase %ill say to those that %axe prou$

'5ay$ but eising night an ay$ %hen you %ere orering us to isbeliee in o$an to set up compeers to im.' They %ill be secretly remorseful %hen they see

the chastisement an 8e put fetters on the necs of the unbelieers= shall they

be recompense except for %hat they %ere oingH

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8e sent no %arner into any city except its men %ho lie at ease sai$ '8e

isbeliee in the essage you hae been sent %ith.' They also sai$ '8e are

more abunant in %ealth an chilren$ an %e shall not be chastise.'

93/9# -ay/ 'y 7or outspreas an straitens is proision to %homsoeer e

%ill$ but most men o not no% it.'

It is not your %ealth nor your chilren that shall bring you nigh in nearness to Ds$

except for him %ho beliees$ an oes righteousness= those && there a%aits them

the ouble recompense for that they i$ an they shall be in the lofty chambers

in security.

 An those %ho strie against 0ur signs to oi them && those shall be arraigne

into the chastisement.

-ay/ 'y 7or outspreas an straitens is proision to %homsoeer e %ill of is serants= an %hateer thing you shall expen$ e %ill replace it. e is the

best of proiers.'

Dpon the ay %hen e shall muster them all together$ then e shall say to the

angels$ '8as it you these %ere seringH'

93/32 They shall say$ 'lory be to Thee Thou art our ;rotector$ apart from them=

nay rather$ they %ere sering the ,inn= most of them beliee in them.' 'Therefore

toay none of you shall hae po%er to profit or hurt another.' An 8e shall say to

the eiloers$ 'Taste the chastisement of the Fire$ %hich you crie lies to'

 An %hen 0ur signs are recite to them$ clear signs$ they say$ 'This is naught but

a man %ho esires to bar you from that your fathers sere'= an they say$ 'This is

nothing but a forge calumny.' An the unbelieers say to the truth$ %hen it has

come to them$ 'This is nothing but manifest sorcery. 8e hae not gien them any

>oos to stuy$ nor hae 8e sent them before thee any %arner. Those that %ere

before them also crie lies$ yet they reache not a tenth of %hat 8e gae them=

they crie lies to y essengers$ an ho% %as y horror

93/3# -ay/ 'I gie you but one amonition$ that you stan unto o$ t%o by t%oan one by one$ an then reflect/ no maness is in your comrae. e is naught

but a %arner unto you$ before a terrible chastisement.' -ay/ 'I hae ase no

%age of you= that shall be yours. y %age falls only upon o= an e is %itness

oer eerything.'

-ay/ 'y 7or hurls the truth && the *no%er of the Dnseen.'

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-ay. 'Truth has come= falsehoo originates not$ nor brings again.'

-ay/ 'If I go astray$ I go astray only to my o%n loss= if I am guie$ it is by %hat my

7or reeals to me. e is All&hearing$ Eer&nigh.'

93/#2 Ah$ if thou coulst see %hen they are terrifie$ an there is no escape$ anthey are seiBe from a place near at han$ an they say$ '8e beliee in it'= but

ho% can they reach from a place far a%ay$ seeing they isbeliee in it before$

guessing at the Dnseen from a place far a%ayH An a barrier is set bet%een them

an that they esire$ as %as one %ith the lies of them aforetime= they %ere in

oubt isuieting.

666: TE A5E7-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

9#/! ;raise belongs to o$ 0riginator of the heaens an earth$ %ho appointe

the angels to be messengers haing %ings t%o$ three an four$ increasing

creation as e %ills. -urely o is po%erful oer eerything. 8hatsoeer mercy

o opens to men$ none can %ithhol an %hatsoeer e %ithhols$ none can

loose after im. e is the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

0 men$ remember o's blessing upon you= is there any creator$ apart from o$

%ho proies for you out of heaen an earthH There is no go but e/ ho% then

are you pererteH

If they cry lies to thee$ essengers before thee %ere crie lies to= an unto o

all matters are returne.

9#/# 0 men$ o's promise is true= so let not the present life elue you$ an let

not the Celuer elue you concerning o. -urely -atan is an enemy to you= so

tae him for an enemy. e calls his party only that they may be among the

inhabitants of the >laBe.

Those %ho isbeliee && there a%aits them a terrible chastisement= but those %ho

beliee$ an o ees of righteousness && theirs shall be forgieness an a great


 An %hat of him$ the eil of %hose ees has been ece out fair to him$ so that

he thins it is gooH o leas astray %homsoeer e %ill$ an %homsoeer e

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%ill e guies= so let not thy soul be %aste in regrets for them= o has

no%lege of the things they %or.

9#/!2 o is e that looses the %ins$ that stir up clou$ then 8e rie it to a

ea lan an there%ith reie the earth$ after it is ea. Een so is the Dprising.

8hosoeer esires glory$ the glory altogether belongs to o. To im goo

%ors go up$ an the righteous ee && e uplifts it= but those %ho eise eil

ees && theirs shall be a terrible chastisement$ an their eising shall come to


o create you of ust then of a sperm&rop$ then e mae you pairs. 5o

female bears or brings forth$ sae %ith is no%lege= an none is gien long life

%ho is gien long life neither is any iminishe in his life$ but it is in a >oo.

-urely that is easy for o.

5ot eual are the t%o seas= this is s%eet$ grateful to taste$ elicious to rin$ an

that is salt$ bitter to the tongue. Get of both you eat fresh flesh$ an bring forth out

of it ornaments for you to %ear= an thou mayest see the ships cleaing through

it$ that you may see of is bounty$ an so haply you %ill be thanful. e maes

the night to enter into the ay an maes the ay to enter into the night$ an e

has sub,ecte the sun an the moon$ each of them running to a state term.

That is o$ your 7or= to im belongs the *ingom= an those you call upon$

apart from im$ possess not so much as the sin of a ate&stone.

9#/!# If you call upon them$ they %ill not hear your prayer$ an if they hear$ they

%oul not ans%er you= an on the Cay of <esurrection they %ill iso%n your 

partnership. 5one can tell thee lie 0ne %ho is a%are.

0 men$ you are the ones that hae nee of o= e is the All&sufficient$ the All&

lauable. If e %ill$ e can put you a%ay an bring a ne% creation= that is surely

no great matter for o.

5o soul laen bears the loa of another= an if one heay&burene calls for its

loa to be carrie$ not a thing of it %ill be carrie$ though he be a near insman.Thou %arnest only those %ho fear their 7or in the Dnseen an perform the

prayer= an %hosoeer purifies himself$ purifies himself only for his o%n soul's

goo. To o is the homecoming.

9#/12 5ot eual are the blin an the seeing man$ the shao%s an the light$ the

shae an the torri heat= not eual are the liing an the ea. o maes to

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hear %homsoeer e %ill= thou canst not mae those in their tombs to hear &&

thou art naught but a %arner.

-urely 8e hae sent thee %ith the truth goo tiings to bear$ an %arning= not a

nation there is$ but there has passe a%ay in it a %arner. If they cry thee lies$

those before them also crie lies= their essengers came to them %ith the clear 

signs$ the ;salms$ the Illuminating >oo= then I seiBe the unbelieers$ an ho%

%as y horror

9#/1# ast thou not seen ho% that o sens o%n out of heaen %ater$ an

there%ith 8e bring forth fruits of ierse huesH An in the mountains are streas

%hite an re$ of ierse hues$ an pitchy blac= men too$ an beasts an cattle

&& ierse are their hues. Een so only those of is serants fear o %ho hae

no%lege= surely o is All&mighty$ All&forgiing.

-urely those %ho recite the >oo of o an perform the prayer$ an expen of 

that 8e hae proie them$ secretly an in public$ loo for a commerce that

comes not to naught$ that e may pay them in full their %ages an enrich them of 

is bounty= surely e is All&forgiing$ All&thanful.

 An that 8e hae reeale to thee of the >oo is the truth$ confirming %hat is

before it= o is a%are of an sees is serants.

Then 8e beueathe the >oo on those of 0ur serants 8e chose= but of them

some %rong themseles$ some of them are lue%arm$ an some are outstrippers

in goo %ors by the leae of o= that is the great bounty.

9#/92 arens of Een they shall enter= therein they shall be aorne %ith

bracelets of gol an %ith pearls$ an their apparel there shall be of sil.

 An they shall say$ ';raise belongs to o %ho has put a%ay all sorro% from us.

-urely our 7or is All&forgiing$ All&thanful$ %ho of is bounty has mae us to

%ell in the aboe of eerlasting life %herein no %eariness assails us neither 


 As for the unbelieers$ theirs shall be the fire of ehenna= they shall neither beone %ith an ie$ nor shall its chastisement be lightene for them. Een so 8e

recompense eery ungrateful one.

Therein they shall shout$ '0ur 7or$ bring us forth$ an %e %ill o righteousness$

other than %hat %e hae one.' '8hat$ i 8e not gie you long life$ enough to

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remember in for him %ho %oul rememberH To you the %arner came= so taste

you no% The eiloers shall hae no helper.'

9#/9# o no%s the Dnseen in the heaens an the earth= e no%s the

thoughts %ithin the breasts. It is e %ho appointe you iceroys in the earth. -o

%hosoeer isbeliees$ his unbelief shall be charge against him= their unbelief 

increases the isbelieers only in hate in o's sight= their unbelief increases the

isbelieers only in loss.

-ay/ 'ae you consiere your associates on %hom you call$ apart from oH

-ho% me %hat they hae create in the earth= or hae they a partnership in the

heaensH' 0r hae 8e gien them a >oo$ so that they are upon a clear sign

from itH 5ay$ but the eiloers promise one another naught but elusion.

o hols the heaens an the earth$ lest they remoe= i they remoe$ none

%oul hol them after im. -urely e is All&clement$ All&forgiing.

9#/32 They hae s%orn by o the most earnest oaths that if a %arner came to

them$ they %oul be more rightly guie than any one of the nations= but %hen a

%arner came to them$ it increase them only in aersion$ %axing prou in the

lan$ an eising eil= but eil eising encompasses only those %ho o it= -o

o they expect anything but the %ont of the ancientsH An thou shalt neer fin

any changing the 8ont of o$ an thou shalt neer fin any altering the %ont of 


8hat$ hae they not ,ourneye in the lan an behel ho% %as the en of those

before themH They %ere stronger than themseles in might= but o && there is

naught in the heaens or the earth that can frustrate im. -urely e is All&

no%ing$ All&po%erful.

If o shoul tae men to tas for %hat they hae earne e %oul not leae

upon the face of the earth one creature that cra%ls= but e is eferring them to a

state term. >ut %hen their term is come && surely o sees is serants.

666:I GA -I5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

9@/! 1a +in 

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>y the 8ise *oran$ thou art truly among the Enoys on a straight path= the

sening o%n of the All&mighty$ the All&%ise$ that thou mayest %arn a people

%hose fathers %ere neer %arne$ so they are heeless. The 8or has been

realise against most of them$ yet they o not beliee.

-urely 8e hae put on their necs fetters up to the chin$ so their heas are

raise= an 8e hae put before them a barrier an behin them a barrier= an 8e

hae coere them$ so they o not see.

 Alie it is to them %hether thou hast %arne them or thou hast not %arne them$

they o not beliee.

9@/!2 Thou only %arnest him %ho follo%s the <emembrance an %ho fears the

 All&merciful in the Dnseen= so gie him the goo tiings of forgieness an a

generous %age. -urely it is 8e %ho bring the ea to life an %rite o%n %hat

they hae for%are an %hat they hae left behin= eerything 8e hae

numbere in a clear register.

-trie for them a similitue && the inhabitants of the city$ %hen the Enoys came to

it= %hen 8e sent unto them t%o men$ but they crie them lies$ so 8e sent a thir

as reinforcement. They sai$ '8e are assurely Enoys unto you. They sai$ 'Gou

are naught but mortals lie us= the All&merciful has not sent o%n anything. Gou

are speaing only lies.'

9@/!# They sai$ '0ur 7or no%s %e are Enoys unto you= an it is only for us to

elier the anifest essage.'

They sai$ '8e augur ill of you. If you gie not oer$ %e %ill stone you an there

shall isit you from us a painful chastisement.'

They sai$ 'Gour augury is %ith you= if you are remineH >ut you are a proigal


Then came a man from the furthest part of the city$ running= he sai$ 'y people$

follo% the Enoys

9@/12 Follo% such as as no %age of you$ that are right&guie. An %hy shoul I

not sere im %ho originate me$ an unto %hom you shall be returneH

8hat$ shall I tae$ apart from im$ gos %hose intercession$ if the All&merciful

esires affliction for me$ shall not aail me anything$ an %ho %ill neer elier 

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meH -urely in that case I shoul be in manifest error. >ehol$ I beliee in your 

7or= therefore hear me'

9@/1# It %as sai$ 'Enter ;araise' e sai$ 'Ah$ %oul that my people ha

no%lege that my 7or has forgien me an that e has place me among the


 An 8e sent not o%n upon his people$ after him$ any host out of heaen= neither 

%oul 8e sen any o%n. It %as only one 4ry an lo$ they %ere silent an still.

 Ah$ %oe for those serants 5eer comes unto them a essenger$ but they moc

at him.

9@/92 8hat$ hae they not seen ho% many generations 8e hae estroye

before them$ an that it is not unto them that they returnH They shall eery one of 

them be arraigne before Ds.

 An a sign for them is the ea lan$ that 8e uicene an brought forth from it

grain$ %hereof they eat= an 8e mae therein garens of palms an ines$ an

therein 8e cause fountains to gush forth$ that they might eat of its fruits an

their hans' labour.

9@/9# 8hat$ %ill they not be thanfulH lory be to im$ %ho create all the pairs

of %hat the earth prouces$ an of themseles$ an of %hat they no% not.

 An a sign for them is the night= 8e strip it of the ay an lo$ they are in

arness. An the sun && it runs to a fixe resting&place= that is the oraining of the All&mighty$ the All&no%ing. An the moon && 8e hae etermine it by

stations$ till it returns lie an age palm&bough.

9@/32 It behoes not the sun to oertae the moon$ neither oes the night outstrip

the ay$ each s%imming in a sy. An a sign for them is that 8e carrie their see

in the laen ship$ an 8e hae create for them the lie of it %hereon they rie=

an if 8e %ill$ 8e ro%n them$ then none hae they to cry to$ neither are they

eliere$ sae as a mercy from Ds$ an en,oyment for a %hile.

9@/3# An %hen it is sai to them$ 'Fear %hat is before you an %hat is behinyou= haply you %ill fin mercy' && yet neer any sign of the signs of their 7or

comes to them$ but they are turning a%ay from it. An %hen it is sai to them$

'Expen of that o has proie you$' the unbelieers say to the belieers$

'8hat$ shall %e fee such a one %hom$ if o %ille$ e %oul feeH Gou are

only in manifest error'

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They also say$ '8hen shall this promise come to pass$ if you spea trulyH' They

are a%aiting only for one 4ry to seiBe them %hile they are yet isputing$

9@/#2 then they %ill not be able to mae any testament$ nor %ill they return to

their people. An the Trumpet shall be blo%n= then behol$ they are sliing o%n

from their tombs unto their 7or. They say$ 'Alas for us 8ho rouse us out of our 

sleeping placeH This is %hat the All&merciful promise$ an the Enoys spoe


'It %as only one 4ry= then behol$ they are all arraigne before Ds. -o toay no

soul shall be %ronge anything$ an you shall not be recompense$ except

accoring to %hat you hae been oing.

9@/## -ee$ the inhabitants of ;araise toay are busy in their re,oicing$ they an

&& their spouses$ reclining upon couches in the shae= therein they hae fruits$

an they hae all that they call for.

';eace' && such is the greeting$ from a 7or All&compassionate. '5o% eep

yourseles apart$ you sinners$ upon this ay

9@/@2 ae I not coenant %ith you$ 4hilren of Aam$ that you shoul not sere

-atan && surely he is a manifest foe to you && an that you shoul sere eH This

is a straight path. e le astray many a throng of you= i you not unerstanH

This is ehenna$ then$ the same that you %ere promise= roast %ell in it toay$ for 

that you %ere unbelieers'

9@/@# Toay 8e set a seal on their mouths$ an their hans spea to Ds$ an

their feet bear %itness as to %hat they hae been earning.

Ci 8e %ill$ 8e %oul hae obliterate their eyes$ then they %oul race to the

path$ but ho% %oul they seeH

Ci 8e %ill$ 8e %oul hae change them %here they %ere$ then they coul not

go on$ nor coul they return.

 An to %homsoeer 8e gie long life$ 8e ben him oer in is constitution= %hat$o they not unerstanH

8e hae not taught him poetry= it is not seemly for him. It is only a <emembrance

an a 4lear *oran$ that he may %arn %hosoeer is liing$ an that the 8or may

be realiBe against the unbelieers.

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9@/2 ae they not seen ho% that 8e hae create for them of that 0ur hans

%rought cattle that they o%nH 8e hae subue them to them$ an some of them

they rie$ an some they eat= other uses also they hae in them$ an beerages.

8hat$ %ill they not be thanfulH Get they hae taen$ apart from o$ gos= haply

they might be helpe.

9@/# They cannot help them$ though they be hosts mae reay for them. -o o

not let their saying griee thee= assurely 8e no% %hat they eep secret an

%hat they publish.

as not man regare ho% that 8e create him of a sperm&ropH Then lo$ he is

a manifest aersary. An he has struc for Ds a similitue an forgotten his

creation= he says$ '8ho shall uicen the bones %hen they are ecayeH'

9@/2 -ay/ 'e shall uicen them$ %ho originate them the first time= e no%sall creation$ %ho has mae for you out of the green tree fire an lo$ from it you

inle.' Is not e$ %ho create the heaens an earth$ able to create the lie of 

themH Ges inee= e is the All&creator$ the All&no%ing.

is comman$ %hen e esires a thing$ is to say to it '>e$' an it is. -o glory be to

im$ in %hose han is the ominion of eerything$ an unto %hom you shall be


666:II TE <A5E<-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

9/! >y the rangers ranging an the scarers scaring an the reciters of a

<emembrance$ surely your o is 0ne$

9/# 7or of the heaens an the earth$ an of %hat bet%een them is 7or of the


8e hae aorne the lo%er heaen %ith the aornment of the stars an to

presere against eery rebel -atan= they listen not to the igh 4ouncil$ for they

are pelte from eery sie$ re,ecte$ an theirs is an eerlasting chastisement$

9/!2 except such as snatches a fragment$ an he is pursue by a piercing


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-o as them for a pronouncement && Are they stronger in constitution$ or those

8e createH 8e create them of clinging clay. 5ay$ thou marellest= an they

scoff an$ %hen remine$ o not remember an$ %hen they see a sign$ %oul


9/!# an they say$ 'This is nothing but manifest sorcery. 8hat$ %hen %e are

ea an become ust an bones$ shall %e inee be raise upH 8hat$ an our 

fathers$ the ancientsH' -ay/ 'Ges$ an in all lo%liness.'

For it is only a single scaring$ then behol$ they are %atching

9/12 an they say$ '8oe$ alas for us This is the Cay of Coom.' 'This is the Cay

of Cecision$ een that you crie lies to. uster those %ho i eil$ their %ies$ an

that they %ere sering$ apart from o$ an guie them unto the path of ell

9/1# An halt them$ to be uestione/ +8hy help you not one anotherH+

5o inee= but toay they resign themseles in submission an aance one

upon another$ asing each other uestions. These say$ '8hy$ you of ol %oul

come to us from the right han.'

Those say$ '5o= on the contrary$ you %ere not belieers= %e ha no authority oer 

you= no$ you %ere an insolent people.

9/92 -o our 7or's 8or is realise against us= %e are tasting it. Therefore %e

pererte you$ an %e ourseles %ere pererts.'

-o all of them on that ay are sharers in the chastisement. Een so 8e o %ith

the sinners= for %hen it %as sai to them$ 'There is no go but o$' they %ere

eer %axing prou$

9/9# saying$ '8hat$ shall %e forsae our gos for a poet possesseH'

'5o inee= but he brought the truth$ an confirme the Enoys. 5o% certainly

you shall be tasting the painful chastisement$ an not be recompense$ except

accoring to %hat you %ere oing.' Except for o's sincere serants=

9/32 for them a%aits a no%n proision$ fruits && an they high&honoure in the

arens of >liss upon couches$ set face to face$ a cup from a spring being

passe roun to them$

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3# %hite$ a elight to the riners$ %herein no sicness is$ neither intoxication=

an %ith them %ie&eye maiens restraining their glances as if they %ere hien


They aance one upon another$ asing each other uestions. 0ne of them says$

'I ha a comrae

9/#2 %ho %oul say$ +Are you a confirmerH 8hat$ %hen %e are ea an

become ust an bones$ shall %e inee be reuiteH+

e says$ 'Are you looing o%nH' Then he loos$ an sees him in the mist of 

ell. e says$ '>y o$ %ellnigh thou ist estroy me=

9/## >ut for my 7or's blessing$ I %ere one of the arraigne. 8hat$ o %e then

not ie except for our first eath$ an are %e not chastiseH This is inee the

mighty triumph$ for the lie of this let the %orers %or.'

9/@2 Is that better as a hospitality$ or the Tree of EB&?aoumH 8e hae

appointe it as a trial for the eiloers. It is a tree that comes forth in the root of 

ell= its spathes are as the heas of -atans$ an they eat of it$ an of it fill their 


9/@# then on top of it they hae a bre% of boiling %ater$ then their return is unto

ell. They foun their fathers erring$ an they run in their footsteps. >efore them

erre most of the ancients$

9/2 an 8e sent among them %arners= an behol$ ho% %as the en of them

that %ere %arne$ except for o's sincere serants.

5oah calle to Ds= an ho% excellent %ere the Ans%erers An 8e eliere him

an his people from the great istress$

9/# an 8e mae his see the suriors$  an left for him among the later fol  ';eace be upon 5oah among all beings'

  Een so 8e recompense the goo&oers=  he %as among 0ur belieing serants.

9/2 Then after%ars 8e ro%ne the rest. 0f his party %as also Abraham=

%hen he came unto his 7or %ith a pure heart$ %hen he sai to his father an his

fol$ '8hat o you sereH Is it a calumny$ gos apart from o$ that you esireH

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9/# 8hat thin you then of the 7or of all >eingH' An he cast a glance at the

stars$ an he sai$ '-urely I am sic.' >ut they %ent a%ay from him$ turning their 

bacs. Then he turne to their gos$ an sai$ '8hat o you eatH

9/"2 '8hat ails you$ that you spea notH' An he turne upon them smiting them

%ith his right han. Then came the others to him hastening. e sai$ 'Co you

sere %hat you he%$ an o create you an %hat you maeH'

9/"# They sai$ '>uil him a builing$ an cast him into the furnace' They

esire to out%it him= so 8e mae them the lo%er ones. e sai$ 'I am going to

my 7or= e %ill guie me. y 7or$ gie me one of the righteous.' Then 8e gae

him the goo tiings of a pruent boy=

9/!22 an %hen he ha reache the age of running %ith him$ he sai$ 'y son$ I

see in a ream that I shall sacrifice thee= consier$ %hat thinest thouH'

e sai$ 'y father$ o as thou art bien= thou shalt fin me$ o %illing$ one of 

the steafast.' 8hen they ha surrenere$ an he flung him upon his bro%$ 8e

calle unto him$ 'Abraham$

9/!2# thou hast confirme the ision= een so 8e recompense the goo&oers.

This is inee the manifest trial.' An 8e ransome him %ith a mighty sacrifice$

an left for him among the later fol ';eace be upon Abraham'

9/!!2 Een so 8e recompense the goo&oers= he %as among 0ur belieing

serants. Then 8e gae him the goo tiings of Isaac$ a ;rophet$ one of therighteous. An 8e blesse him$ an Isaac= an of their see some are goo&

oers$ an some manifest self&%rongers.

9/!!# 8e also faoure oses an Aaron$ an 8e eliere them an their 

people from the great istress. An 8e helpe them$ so that they %ere the

ictors= an 8e gae them the anifesting >oo$ an guie them in the straight

path$ an left for them among the later fol

9/!12 ';eace be upon oses an$ Aaron' Een so 8e recompense the goo&

oers= they %ere among 0ur belieing serants.

Elias too %as one of the Enoys= %hen he sai to his people$ '8ill you not be


9/!1# 'Co you call on >aal$ an abanon the >est of creatorsH o$ your 7or$

an the 7or of your fathers$ the ancientsH' >ut they crie him lies= so they %ill be

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among the arraigne$ except for o's sincere serants= an 8e left for him

among the later fol

9/!92 ';eace be upon Elias' Een so 8e recompense the goo&oers= he %as

among 0ur belieing serants.

7ot too %as one of the Enoys= %hen 8e eliere him an his people all


9/!9# sae an ol %oman among those that tarrie= then 8e estroye the

others$ an you pass by them in the morning an in the night= %ill you not


9/!32 Jonah too %as one of the Enoys= %hen he ran a%ay to the laen ship

an cast lots$ an %as of the rebutte$ then the %hale s%allo%e him o%n$ an

he blame%orthy. 5o% ha he not been of those that glorify o$ he %oul haetarrie in its belly until the ay they shall be raise=

9/!3# but 8e cast him upon the %ilerness$ an he %as sic$ an 8e cause to

gro% oer him a tree of gours. Then 8e sent him unto a hunre thousan$ or 

more$ an they beliee= so 8e gae them en,oyment for a %hile.

-o as them for a pronouncement &&

as thy 7or aughters$ an they sonsH

9/!#2 0r i 8e create the angels females$ %hile they %ere %itnessesH Is it not

of their o%n calumny that they say$ 'o has begottenH' They are truly liars. as

e chosen aughters aboe sonsH 8hat ails you then$ ho% you ,ugeH

9/!## 8hat$ an %ill you not rememberH 0r hae you a clear authorityH >ring

your >oo$ if you spea truly

They hae set up a inship bet%een im an the ,inn= an the ,inn no% that they

shall be arraigne. lory be to o aboe that they escribe$

9/!@2 except for o's sincere serants. >ut as for you$ an that you sere$ you

shall not tempt any against im except him %ho shall roast in ell. 5one of us is

there$ but has a no%n station=

9/!@# %e are the rangers$ %e are they that gie glory.

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8hat though they %oul say$ 'If only %e ha ha a <eminer from the ancients$

then %ere %e o's sincere serants.'

9/!2 >ut they isbeliee in it= soon they shall no% Alreay 0ur 8or has

precee to 0ur serants$ the Enoys= assurely they shall be helpe$ an 0ur 

host && they are the ictors. -o turn thou from them for a %hile$

9/!# an see them= soon they shall see 8hat$ o they see to hasten 0ur 

chastisementH 8hen it lights in their courtyar$ ho% eil %ill be the morning of 

them that are %arne

-o turn thou from them for a %hile$ an see= soon they shall see

9/!2 lory be to thy 7or$ the 7or of lory$ aboe that they escribe An

peace be upon the Enoys= an praise belongs to o$ the 7or of all >eing.

666:III -AC

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

9/! +ad  

>y the *oran$ containing the <emembrance && nay$ but the unbelieers glory in

their schism. o% many a generation 8e estroye before them$ an they calle$but time %as none to escape.

5o% they marel that a %arner has come to them from among them= an the

unbelieers say$ 'This is a lying sorcerer. 8hat$ has he mae the gos 0ne oH

This is inee a marellous thing.'

9/# An the 4ouncil of them epart$ saying 'o >e steafast to your gos= this

is a thing to be esire. 8e hae not hear of this in the last religion= this is surely

an inention. 8hat$ has the <emembrance been sent o%n on him out of us allH'

5ay$ but they are in oubt of y <emembrance= nay$ they hae not yet taste ychastisement.

0r hae they the treasuries of thy 7or's mercy$ the All&mighty$ the All&giingH 0r 

is theirs the ingom of the heaens an earth an of %hat bet%een them isH

8hy$ then let them ascen the cors

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9/!2 A ery host of parties is route there

4rie lies before them the people of 5oah$ an A$ an ;haraoh$ he of the tent&

pegs$ an Thamoo$ an the people of 7ot$ an the men of the Thicet && those

%ere the parties= not one$ that crie not lies to the essengers$ so y retribution

%as ,ust. These are only a%aiting for a single 4ry$ to %hich there is no elay.

9/!# They say$ '0ur 7or$ hasten to us our share before the Cay of <econing.'

>ear patiently %hat they say$ an remember 0ur serant Cai$ the man of might=

he %as a penitent. 8ith him 8e sub,ecte the mountains to gie glory at eening

an sunrise$ an the birs$ uly mustere$ eery one to him reerting= 8e

strengthene his ingom$ an gae him %isom an speech ecisie.

9/12 as the tiing of the ispute come to theeH 8hen they scale the

-anctuary$ %hen they entere upon Cai$ an he too fright at them= an they

sai$ 'Fear not= t%o isputants %e are && one of us has in,ure the other= so ,uge

bet%een us ,ustly$ an transgress not$ an guie us to the right path.'

'>ehol$ this my brother has ninety&nine e%es$ an I hae one e%e. -o he sai$

+ie her into my charge+= an he oercame me in the argument.'

-ai he$ 'Assurely he has %ronge thee in asing for thy e%e in aition to his

sheep= an inee many intermixers o in,ury one against the other$ sae those

%ho beliee$ an o ees of righteousness && an ho% fe% they are' An Cai

thought that 8e ha only trie him= therefore he sought forgieness of his 7or$

an he fell o%n$ bo%ing$ an he repente. Accoringly 8e forgae him that$ an

he has a near place in 0ur presence an a fair resort.

9/1# 'Cai$ behol$ 8e hae appointe thee a iceroy in the earth= therefore

 ,uge bet%een men ,ustly$ an follo% not caprice$ lest it lea thee astray from the

%ay of o. -urely those %ho go astray from the %ay of o && there a%aits them

a terrible chastisement$ for that they hae forgotten the Cay of <econing.'

8e hae not create the heaens an earth$ an %hat bet%een them is$ for 

anity= such is the thought of the unbelieers$ %herefore %oe unto the unbelieers

because of the Fire

0r shall 8e mae those %ho beliee an o righteous ees as the %orers of 

corruption in the earth$ or shall 8e mae the gofearing as the transgressorsH

 A >oo 8e hae sent o%n to thee$ >lesse$ that men possesse of mins may

poner its signs an so remember.

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 An 8e gae unto Cai -olomon= ho% excellent a serant he %as e %as a


9/92 8hen in the eening %ere presente to him the staning stees$ he sai$

'7o$ I hae loe the loe of goo things better than the remembrance of my 7or$

until the sun %as hien behin the eil. <eturn them to me' An he began to

stroe their shans an necs. 4ertainly 8e trie -olomon$ an 8e cast upon his

throne a mere boy= then he repente. e sai$ 'y 7or$ forgie me$ an gie

me a ingom such as may not befall anyone after me= surely Thou art the All&


9/9# -o 8e sub,ecte to him the %in$ that ran at his commanment$ softly$

%hereer he might light on$ an the -atans$ eery builer an ier an others

also$ couple in fetters/ 'This is 0ur gift= besto% or %ithhol %ithout reconing.'

 An he ha a near place in 0ur presence an a fair resort.

9/32 <emember also 0ur serant Job= %hen he calle to his 7or$ '>ehol$

-atan has isite me %ith %eariness an chastisement.' '-tamp thy foot This is a

laing&place cool$ an a rin.' An 8e gae to him his family$ an the lie of 

them %ith them$ as a mercy from us$ an a reminer unto men possesse of 

mins= an$ 'Tae in thy han a bunle of rushes$ an strie there%ith$ an o not

fail in thy oath.' -urely 8e foun him a steafast man. o% excellent a serant he

%as e %as a penitent.

9/3# <emember also 0ur serants Abraham$ Isaac an Jacob && men of might

they an of ision. Assurely 8e purifie them %ith a uality most pure$ the

remembrance of the Aboe$ an in 0ur sight they are of the chosen$ the

excellent. <emember also 0ur serants Ishmael$ Elisha$ an Chul *ifl= each is

among the excellent.

9/#2 This is a <emembrance= an for the gofearing is a fair resort$ arens of 

Een$ %hereof the gates are open to them$ %herein they recline$ an %herein

they call for fruits abunant$ an s%eet potions$ an %ith them maiens

restraining their glances of eual age.

'This is %hat you %ere promise for the Cay of <econing= this is 0ur proision$

unto %hich there is no en.'

9/## All this= but for the insolent a%aits an ill resort$ ehenna$ %herein they are

roaste && an eil craling All this= so let them taste it && boiling %ater an pus$

an other torments of the lie in couple together.

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'This is a troop rushing in %ith you= there is no %elcome for them= they shall roast

in the Fire.'

9/@2 They say$ '5o$ it is you hae no 8elcome= you for%are it for us= ho% eil

a stablishment'

They say$ '0ur 7or$ %hoso for%are this for us$ gie him a ouble

chastisement in the Fire'

  They say$ 'o% is it %ith us$ that %e o not see men here that %e counte

among the %iceH

  8hat$ i %e tae them for a laughing&stocH 0r hae our eyes s%ere a%ay

from themH'

-urely that is true && the isputing of the inhabitants of the Fire.

9/@# -ay/ 'I am only a %arner. There is not any go but o$ the 0ne$ the

0mnipotent$ 7or of the heaens an earth$ an of %hat bet%een them is$ the All&

mighty$ the All&forgiing.'

-ay/ 'It is a mighty tiing from %hich you are turning a%ay. I ha no no%lege of 

the igh 4ouncil %hen they ispute.

9/2 This alone is reeale to me$ that I am only a clear %arner.'

8hen thy 7or sai to the angels$ '-ee$ I am creating a mortal of a clay. 8hen I

hae shape him$ an breathe y spirit in him$ fall you o%n$ bo%ing before

him' Then the angels bo%e themseles all together$ sae Iblis= he %axe prou$an %as one of the unbelieers.

9/# -ai e$ 'Iblis$ %hat preente thee to bo% thyself before that I create %ith

y o%n hansH ast thou %axe prou$ or art thou of the lofty onesH' -ai he$ 'I

am better than he= Thou createst me of fire$ an him Thou createst of clay.'

-ai e$ 'Then go thou forth hence= thou art accurse. Dpon thee shall rest y

curse$ till the Cay of Coom.'

9/2 -ai he$ 'y 7or$ respite me till the ay they shall be raise.'

-ai e$ 'Thou art among the ones that are respite until the ay of the no%n

time.' -ai he$ '5o%$ by Thy glory$ I shall perert them all together$ excepting

those Thy serants among them that are sincere.'

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9/# -ai e$ 'This is the truth$ an the truth I say= I shall assurely fill ehenna

%ith thee$ an %ith %hosoeer of them follo%s thee$ all together.'

-ay/ 'I as of you no %age for it$ neither am I of those %ho tae things upon

themseles. It is nothing but a reminer unto all beings$ an you shall surely no%

its tiing after a %hile.'

666I6 TE 40;A5IE-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

9"/! The sening o%n of the >oo is from o the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

8e hae sent o%n to thee the >oo %ith the truth= so %orship o$ maing thyreligion is sincerely. >elongs not sincere religion to oH An those %ho tae

protectors$ apart from im && '8e only sere them that they may bring us nigh in

nearness to o' && surely o shall ,uge bet%een them touching that %hereon

they are at ariance.

9"/# -urely o guies not him %ho is a liar$ unthanful. a o esire to tae

to im a son$ e %oul hae chosen %hateer e %ille of that e has create.

lory be to im e is o$ the 0ne$ the 0mnipotent.

e create the heaens an the earth in truth$ %rapping night about the ay$ an%rapping the ay about the night= an e has sub,ecte the sun an the moon$

each of them running to a state term. Is not e the All&mighty$ the All&forgiingH

e create you of a single soul$ then from it e appointe its mate= an e sent

o%n to you of the cattle eight couples. e creates you in your mothers' %ombs

creation after creation in threefol shao%s.

That then is o$ your 7or= to im belongs the *ingom= there is no go but e=

so ho% are you turne aboutH

If you are unthanful$ o is inepenent of you$ yet e approes notunthanfulness in is serants= but if you are thanful$ e %ill approe it in you.

 An no soul laen bears the loa of another. Then to your 7or shall you return$

an e %ill tell you %hat you hae been oing.

9"/!2 e no%s the thoughts %ithin the breasts.

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8hen some affliction isits a man$ he calls upon his 7or$ turning to him= then

%hen e confers on him a blessing from im he forgets that he %as calling to

before an sets up compeers to o$ to lea astray from is %ay. -ay/ 'En,oy thy

unbelief a little= thou shalt be among the inhabitants of the Fire.' 0r is he %ho is

obeient in the %atches of the night$ bo%ing himself an staning$ he being afrai

of the %orl to come an hoping for the mercy of his 7or . . H

-ay/ 'Are they eual && those %ho no% an those %ho no% notH' 0nly men

possesse of mins remember.

-ay/ 'y serants %ho beliee$ fear your 7or. For those %ho o goo in this

%orl (reciee e.) goo$ an o's earth is %ie. -urely the patient %ill be pai

their %ages in full %ithout reconing.'

-ay/ 'I hae been commane to sere o maing my religion is sincerely=

an I hae been commane to be the first of those that surrener.'

9"/!# -ay/ 'Truly I fear$ if I shoul rebel against my 7or$ the chastisement of a

reaful ay.' -ay/ 'o I sere$ maing my religion is sincerely= so sere %hat

you %ill apart from im.' -ay/ '-urely the losers are they %ho lose themseles

an their families on the Cay of <esurrection= is not that the manifest lossH Aboe

them they shall hae oershao%ings of the Fire$ an unerneath them

oershao%ings= that it is %here%ith o frightens is serants/ +0 y serants$

so fear you e+'

Those %ho esche% the sering of iols an turn penitent to o$ for them is goo

tiings -o gie thou goo tiings to y serants %ho gie ear to the 8or an

follo% the fairest of it. Those are they %hom o has guie= those && they are

men possesse of mins.

9"/12 e against %hom the %or of chastisement is realiBe && shalt thou elier 

him out of the FireH

>ut those %ho fear their 7or && for them a%ait lofty chambers$ aboe %hich are

built lofty chambers$ unerneath %hich riers flo% && o's promise= o fails not

the tryst.

ast thou not seen ho% that o has sent o%n out of heaen %ater an

threae it as springs in the earth$ then e brings forth there%ith crops of ierse

hues$ then they %ither$ an thou seest them turning yello%$ then e maes them

broen ortsH -urely in that is a reminer for men possesse of mins.

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Is he %hose breast o has expane unto Islam$ so he %als in a light from his

7or . . .H >ut %oe to those %hose hearts are harene against the remembrance

of o Those are in manifest error.

o has sent o%n the fairest iscourse as a >oo$ consimilar in its oft&repeate$

%hereat shier the sins of those %ho fear their 7or= then their sins an their 

hearts soften to the remembrance of o. That is o's guiance$ %hereby. e

guies %homsoeer e %ill= an %homsoeer o leas astray$ no guie has he.

9"/1# Is he %ho guars himself %ith his face against the eil of the chastisement

on the Cay of <esurrection . . .H An it is sai to the eiloers$ 'Taste no% that you

%ere earning'

Those that %ere before them crie lies$ then the chastisement came upon them

from %hence they %ere not a%are= so o let them taste egraation in this

present life= an the chastisement of the %orl to come is assurely greater$ i

they but no%.

Inee 8e hae struc for the people in this *oran eery manner of similitue=

haply they %ill remember= an Arabic *oran$ %herein there is no crooeness=

haply they %ill be gofearing.

o has struc a similitue && a man in %hom partners isagreeing share$ an a

man the property of one man. Are the t%o eual in lienessH ;raise belongs to

o 5ay$ but most of them o not no%.

Thou art mortal$ an they are mortal= then on the Cay of <esurrection before your 

7or you shall ispute.

9"/9# >ut %ho oes greater eil than he %ho lies against o an cries lies to the

ery truth$ %hen it comes to himH Is there not in ehenna a loging for the

unbelieersH An he %ho has come %ith the ery truth an confirms it$ those they

are the gofearing. They shall hae %hatsoeer they %ill %ith their 7or= that is

the recompense of the goo&oers$ that o may acuit them of the %orst of 

%hat they i$ an recompense them %ith the %ages of the fairest of %hat they

%ere oing. -hall not o suffice is serant$ though they frighten thee %ith

those apart from imH An %homsoeer o leas astray$ no guie has he. >ut

%homso o guies$ none shall lea him astray= is not o All&mighty$ All&


9"/32 If thou asest them$ '8ho create the heaens an the earthH' they %ill say$

'o.' -ay/ '8hat thin youH That you call upon apart from o && if o esires

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affliction for me$ shall they remoe is afflictionH 0r if e esires mercy for me$

shall they %ithhol is mercyH' -ay/ 'o is enough for me= in im all those put

their trust %ho put their trust.' -ay/ 'y people$ act accoring to your station= I am

acting= an soon you %ill no% to %hom %ill come a chastisement egraing him$

an upon %hom lights a lasting chastisement.'

-urely 8e hae sent o%n upon thee the >oo for manin %ith the truth.

8hosoeer is guie$ is only guie to his o%n gain$ an %hosoeer goes astray$

it is only to his o%n loss= thou art not a guarian oer them.

o taes the souls at the time of their eath$ an that %hich has not ie$ in its

sleep= e %ithhols that against %hich e has ecree eath$ but looses the

other till a state term. -urely in that are signs for a people %ho reflect. 0r hae

they taen intercessors apart from oH

-ay/ '8hat$ een though they hae no po%er %hateer an no unerstaningH'

9"/3# -ay/ 'To o belongs intercession altogether.

  is is the ingom of the heaens an the earth=

  then unto im you %ill be returne.'

8hen o is mentione alone$ then shuer the hearts of those %ho beliee not

in the ereafter$ but %hen those apart from im are mentione behol$ they

re,oice. -ay/ '0 o$ Thou originator of the heaens an the earth %ho no%est

the Dnseen an the :isible$ Thou shalt ,uge bet%een Thy serants touching that

%hereon they are at ariance.'

If the eiloers possesse all that is in the earth$ an the lie of it %ith it$ they

%oul offer it to ransom themseles from the eil of the chastisement on the Cay

of <esurrection= yet there %oul appear to them from o that they neer 

recone %ith$ an there %oul appear to them the eils of that they hae earne$

an they %oul be encompasse by that they moce at.

9"/#2 8hen some affliction isits a man$ he calls unto Ds= then$ %hen 8e confer 

on him a blessing from Ds$ he says$ 'I %as gien it only because of a no%lege.'

5ay$ it is a trial$ but most of them o not no% it.

-o sai those that %ere before them= but that they earne i not aail them$ in

that the eils of that they earne smote them. The eiloers of these men$ they

too shall be smitten by the eils && of that they earne= they %ill not be able to

frustrate it.

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Co they no% that o outspreas an straitens is proision to %homsoeer e

%illH -urely in that are signs for a people %ho beliee.

-ay/ '0 my people %ho hae been proigal against yourseles$ o not espair of 

o's mercy= surely o forgies sins altogether= surely e is the All&forgiing$

the All&compassionate.

9"/## Turn unto your 7or an surrener to im$ ere the chastisement comes

upon you$ then you %ill not be helpe. An follo% the fairest of %hat has been

sent o%n to you from your 7or$ ere the chastisement comes upon you suenly

%hile you are una%are. 7est any soul shoul say$ 'Alas for me$ in that I neglecte

my uty to o$ an %as a scoffer$' or lest it shoul say$ 'If only o ha guie

me$ I shoul hae been or lest among the gofearing$' it shoul say$ %hen it sees

the chastisement$ '0 that I might return again$ an be among the goo&oers.'

9"/@2 'Ges inee y signs i come to thee$ but thou hast crie them lies$ an

thou hast %axe prou$ an become one of the unbelieers.'

 An upon the Cay of <esurrection thou shalt see those %ho lie against o$

their faces blacene= is there not in ehenna a loging for those that are prouH

>ut o shall elier those that %ere gofearing in their security= eil shall not

isit them$ neither shall they sorro%.

o is the 4reator of eery thing= e is uarian oer eery thing= unto im

belong the eys of the heaens an the earth. An those %ho isbeliee in thesigns of o$ those they are the losers.

9"/@# -ay/ 'Is it other than o you bi me sere$ you ignorant onesH' It has been

reeale to thee$ an to those before thee$ 'If thou associatest other gos %ith

o$ thy %or shall surely fail an thou %ilt be among the losers.'

5ay$ but o o thou sere= an be thou among the thanful.

They measure not o %ith is true measure. The earth altogether shall be is

hanful on the Cay of <esurrection$ an the heaens shall be rolle up in isright han. lory be to im igh be e exalte aboe that they associate

For the Trumpet shall be blo%n$ an %hosoeer is in the heaens an %hosoeer 

is in the earth shall s%oon$ sae %hom o %ills. Then it shall be blo%n again$

an lo$ they shall stan$ beholing.

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 An the earth shall shine %ith the light of its 7or$ an the >oo shall be set in

place$ an the ;rophets an %itnesses shall be brought$ an ,ustly the issue be

ecie bet%een them$ an they not %ronge.

9"/2 Eery soul shall be pai in full for %hat it has %rought= an e no%s ery

%ell %hat they o. Then the unbelieers shall be rien in companies into

ehenna till$ %hen they hae come thither$ then its gates %ill be opene an its

eepers %ill say to them$ 'Ci not essengers come to you from among

yourseles$ reciting to you the signs of your 7or an %arning you against the

encounter of this your ayH' They shall say$ 'Ges inee= but the %or of the

chastisement has been realiBe against the unbelieers.'

It shall be sai$ 'Enter the gates of ehenna$ to %ell therein foreer.' o% eil is

the loging of those that are prou Then those that feare their 7or shall be

rien in companies into ;araise$ till$ %hen they hae come thither$ an its gates

are opene$ an its eepers %ill say to them$ ';eace be upon you 8ell you hae

fare= enter in$ to %ell foreer.' An they shall say$ ';raise belongs to o$ %ho

has been true in is promise to us$ an has beueathe upon us the earth$ for us

to mae our %elling %heresoeer %e %ill in ;araise.' o% excellent is the %age

of those that labour

9"/# An thou shalt see the angels encircling about the Throne proclaiming the

praise of their 7or= an ,ustly the issue shall be ecie bet%een them= an it

shall be sai$ ';raise belongs to o$ the 7or of all >eing.'

67 TE >E7IE:E<-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

32/! Ha &im 

The sening o%n of the >oo is from o the All&mighty$ the All&no%ing$

Forgier of sins$ Accepter of penitence$ Terrible in retribution$ the >ountiful= there

is no go but e$ an unto im is the homecoming.

5one but the unbelieers ispute concerning the signs of o= so let not their 

going to an fro in the lan elue thee. The people of 5oah before them also

crie lies$ an the parties after them= eery nation purpose against their 

essenger to seiBe him$ an ispute %ith falsehoo that they might rebut

thereby the truth.

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Then I seiBe them= an ho% %as y retribution Een so the 8or of thy 7or

%as realise against the unbelieers$ that they are the inhabitants of the Fire.

Those %ho bear the Throne$ an those roun about it proclaim the praise of their 

7or$ an beliee in im$ an they as forgieness for those %ho beliee/ '0ur 

7or$ Thou embracest eery thing in mercy an no%lege= therefore forgie

those %ho hae repente$ an follo% Thy %ay$ an guar them against the

chastisement of ell.

0ur 7or$ an amit them to the arens of Een that Thou hast promise them

an those %ho %ere righteous of their fathers$ an their %ies$ an their see=

surely Thou art the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

 An guar them against eil ees= %homsoeer Thou guarest against eil

ees on that ay$ on him Thou hast ha mercy= an that is inee the mighty


32/!2 It shall be proclaime to the unbelieers$ '-urely o's hatre is greater 

than your hatre one of another$ %hen you %ere calle unto belief$ an

isbeliee.' They shall say$ '0ur 7or$ Thou hast cause us to ie t%o eaths

an Thou hast gien us t%ice to lie= no% %e confess our sins. Is there any %ay

to go forthH'

That is because$ %hen o %as calle to alone$ you isbeliee= but if others are

associate %ith im$ then you beliee. Jugment belongs to o$ the All&high$ the


It is e %ho sho%s you is signs an sens o%n to you out of heaen proision=

yet none remembers but he %ho repents. -o call unto o$ maing your religion

is sincerely$ though the unbelieers be aerse.

32/!# Exalter of rans is e$ ;ossessor of the Throne$ casting the -pirit of is

biing upon %homeer e %ill of is serants$ that he may %arn them of the

Cay of Encounter$ the ay they sally forth$ an naught of theirs is hien from


'8hose is' the *ingom toayH' 'o's$ the 0ne$ the 0mnipotent. Toay each soul

shall be recompense for that it has earne= no %rong toay.

-urely o is s%ift at the reconing.'

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 An %arn them against the Cay of the Imminent %hen$ choing %ith anguish$ the

hearts are in the throats an the eiloers hae not one loyal frien$ no

intercessor to be heee.

32/12 e no%s the treachery of the eyes an %hat the breasts conceal.

o shall ecie ,ustly$ an those they call on$ apart from im$ shall not ecie

by any means. surely o is the All&hearing$ the All&seeing.

8hat$ hae they not ,ourneye in the lan an behel ho% %as the en of those

before themH They %ere stronger than themseles in might an left firmer traces

in the earth= yet o seiBe them in their sins$ an they ha none to efen them

from o.

That %as because their essengers came to them %ith the clear signs= but they

isbeliee$ so o seiBe them. -urely e is All&strong$ terrible in retribution.

32/1# 8e also sent oses %ith 0ur signs an a clear authority$ to ;haraoh$

aman an *orah= they sai$ 'A lying sorcerer'

 An %hen he brought them the truth from Ds$ they sai$ '-lay the sons of those

%ho beliee %ith him$ an spare their %omen.' >ut the guile of the unbelieers is

eer in error.

 An ;haraoh sai$ '7et me slay oses$ an let him call to his 7or. I fear that he

may change$ your religion$ or that he may cause corruption to appear in the lan.'

 An oses sai$ 'I tae refuge in my 7or an your 7or from eery man %ho is

prou$ an beliees not in the Cay of <econing.' Then sai a certain man$ a

belieer 'of ;haraoh's fol that ept hien his belief$ '8hat$ %ill you slay a man

because he says$ +y 7or is o$+ yet he has brought you the clear signs from

your 7orH If he is a liar$ his lying is upon his o%n hea= but if he is truthful$

some%hat of that he promises you %ill smite you. -urely o guies not him %ho

is proigal an a liar.

32/92 0 my people$ toay the ingom is yours$ %ho are masters in the lan. >ut%ho %ill help us$ against the might of o$ if it comes upon usH'

-ai ;haraoh$ 'I only let you see %hat I see= I only guie you in the %ay of 

rectitue.' Then sai he %ho beliee$ 'y people$ truly I fear for you the lie of 

the ay of the parties$ the lie of the case of 5oah's people$ A$ Thamoo$ an

those after them= an o esires not %rong for is serants.' 0 my people$ I

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fear for you the Cay of Inocation$ the ay you turn about$ retreating$ haing none

to efen you from o= an %homsoeer o leas astray$ no guie has he.

Joseph brought you the clear signs before$ yet you continue in oubt concerning

that he brought you until$ %hen he perishe$ you sai$ +o %ill neer sen forth

a essenger after him.+ Een$ so o leas astray the proigal an the oubter.'

(Those %ho ispute concerning the signs of o$ %ithout any authority come to

them$ ery hateful is that in the sight of o an the belieers= 'so o sets a

seal on eery heart prou'$ arrogant.)

;haraoh sai$ 'aman$ buil for me a to%er$ that haply so I may reach the cors$

the cors of the heaens$ an loo upon oses' o= for I thin that he is a liar.'

32/32 -o the eil of his ees %as ece out fair to ;haraoh$ an he %as barre

from the %ay$ an ;haraoh's guile came only to ruin.

Then sai he %ho beliee$ 'y people$ follo% me$ an I %ill guie you in the %ay

of rectitue. 0 my people$ surely this present life is but a passing en,oyment=

surely the %orl to come is the aboe of stability.

8hosoeer oes an eil ee shall be recompense only %ith the lie of it$ but

%hosoeer oes a righteous ee$ be it male or female$ belieing && those shall

enter ;araise$ therein proie %ithout reconing.

0 my people$ ho% is it %ith me$ that I call you to salation$ an you call me to theFireH

32/3# Gou call me to isbeliee in o$ an to associate %ith im that %hereof I

hae no no%lege$ %hile I call you to the All&mighty$ the All&forgiing.

5o oubt that %hat you call me to has no call hear$ in this %orl or in the %orl

to come$ that to o %e return$ an that the proigal are the inhabitants of the

Fire. Gou %ill remember %hat I say to you. I commit my affair to o= surely o

sees is serants.'

-o o guare him against the eil things of their eising$ an there

encompasse the fol of ;haraoh the eil chastisement$ the Fire$ to %hich they

shall be expose morning an eening= an on the ay %hen the our is come/

'Amit the fol of ;haraoh into the most terrible chastisement'

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32/#2 An %hen they argue one %ith the other in the Fire$ an the %ea say unto

those %ho %axe prou$ '8hy$ %e %ere your follo%ers= %ill you aail us no%

against any part of the FireH' Then those %ho %axe prou shall say$ 'Eery one

of us is in it= inee$ o alreay has passe ,ugment bet%een is serants.'

 An those %ho are in the Fire %ill say to the eepers of ehenna$ '4all on your 

7or$ to lighten for us one ay of the chastisement'

They shall say$ 'Ci not your essengers bring you the clear signsH'

They shall say$ 'Ges inee.' They shall say$ 'Then o you call' >ut the calling of 

the unbelieers is only in error.

32/## -urely 8e shall help 0ur essengers an those %ho hae beliee$ in the

present life$ an upon the ay %hen the %itnesses arise$ upon the ay %hen their 

excuses shall not profit the eiloers$ an theirs shall be the curse$ an theirs theeil aboe.

8e also gae oses the guiance$ an 8e beueathe upon the 4hilren of 

Israel the >oo for a guiance an for a reminer to men possesse of mins. -o

be thou patient= surely o's promise is true. An as forgieness for thy sin$ an

proclaim the praise of thy 7or at eening an a%n.

Those %ho ispute concerning the signs of o$ %ithout any authority come to

them$ in their breasts is only prie$ that they shall neer attain. -o see thou

refuge in o= surely e is the All&hearing$ the All&seeing.

4ertainly the creation of the heaens an earth is greater than the creation of 

men= but most men no% it not.

32/@2 5ot eual are the blin an the seeing man$ those %ho beliee an o

ees of righteousness$ an the %rong&oer. 7ittle o you reflect. The our is

coming$ no oubt of it$ but most men o not beliee.

Gour 7or has sai$ '4all upon e an I %ill ans%er you. -urely those %ho %ax

too prou to o e serice shall enter ehenna utterly ab,ect.'

It is o %ho mae for you the night$ to repose in it$ an the ay$ to see. -urely

o is bountiful to men$ but most men are not thanful. That then is o$ your 

7or$ the 4reator of eerything= there is no go but e. o% then are you

pererteH Een so pererte are they %ho eny the signs of o.

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32/@# It is o %ho mae for you the earth a fixe place an heaen for an

eifice= An e shape you$ an shape you %ell$ an proie you %ith the

goo things. That then is o$ your 7or$ so blesse be o$ the 7or of all


e is the 7iing 0ne= there is no go but e. -o call upon im$ maing your 

religion is sincerely. ;raise belongs to o$ the 7or of all >eing.

-ay/ 'I am forbien to sere those you call on apart from o once the clear 

signs came to me from my 7or= an I am commane to surrener to the 7or of 

 All >eing.'

It is e %ho create you of ust then of a sperm&rop$ then of a bloo&clot$ then

e eliers you as infants$ then that you may come of age$ then that you may be

ol men && though some of you there are %ho ie before it && an that you may

reach a state term= haply you %ill unerstan.

32/2 It is e %ho gies life$ an maes to ie= an %hen e ecrees a thing$ e

but says to it '>e$' an it is.

ast thou not regare those %ho ispute concerning the signs of o$ ho% they

are turne aboutH Thost %ho cry lies to the >oo an that %here%ith 8e sent 0ur 

essengers && soon they %ill no%

8hen the fetters an chains are on their necs$ an they are ragge into the

boiling %ater$ then into the Fire they are poure= then it is sai to them$ '8hereare those you associate$ apart from oH' They shall say$ 'They hae gone

astray from us= nay$ but it %as nothing at all that %e calle upon aforetime.'

Een so o leas astray the unbelieers.

32/# 'That is because you re,oice in the earth %ithout right$ an %ere exultant.

Enter the gates of ehenna$ to %ell therein foreer.' o% eil is the loging of 

those that are prou

-o be thou patient= surely o's promise is true. 8hether 8e sho% thee a part of that 8e promise them$ or 8e call thee unto Ds$ to Ds they shall be returne.

8e sent essengers before thee= of some 8e hae relate to thee$ an some

8e hae not relate to thee. It %as not for any essenger to bring a sign$ sae

by o's leae. 8hen o's comman comes$ ,ustly the issue shall be ecie=

then the ain&oers shall be lost.

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32/2 It is o %ho appointe for you the cattle$ some of them to rie an of 

some you eat= other uses also you hae in them= an that on them you may attain

a nee in your breasts$ an upon them an on the ships you are carrie. An e

sho%s you is signs= then %hich of o's signs o you re,ectH

8hat$ hae they not ,ourneye in the lan an behel ho% %as the en of those

before themH They %ere stronger than themseles in might an left firmer traces

in the earth= yet that they earne i not aail them. -o$ %hen their essengers

brought them the clear signs$ they re,oice in %hat no%lege they ha$ an %ere

encompasse by that they moce at.

Then$ %hen they sa% 0ur might$ they sai$ '8e beliee in o alone$ an %e

isbeliee in that %e %ere associating %ith im.'

32/# >ut their belief %hen they sa% 0ur might i not profit them && the %ont of 

o$ as in the past$ touching is serants= then the unbelieers shall be lost.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

3!/! Ha &im 

 A sening o%n from the erciful= the 4ompassionate. A >oo %hose signs haebeen istinguishe as an Arabic *oran for a people haing no%lege$ goo

tiings to bear$ an %arning$ but most of them hae turne a%ay$ an o not gie

ear. They say$ '0ur hearts are eile from %hat thou callest us to$ an in our ears

is a heainess$ an bet%een us an thee there is a eil= so act= %e are acting'

3!/# -ay/ 'I am only a mortal$ lie you are. To me it has been reeale that your 

o is 0ne o= so go straight %ith im$ an as for is forgieness= an %oe to

the iolaters %ho pay not the alms$ an isbeliee in the %orl to come. -urely

those %ho beliee$ an o righteous ees shall hae a %age unfailing.'

-ay/ '8hat$ o you isbeliee in im %ho create the earth in t%o ays$ an o

you set up compeers to imH That is the 7or of all >eing.

'An e set therein firm mountains oer it$ an e blesse it$ an e oraine

therein its ierse sustenance in four ays$ eual to those %ho as.'

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3!/!2 Then e lifte imself to heaen %hen it %as smoe$ an sai to it an to

the earth$ +4ome %illingly$ or un%illingly+ They sai$ +8e come %illingly.+ -o e

etermine them as seen heaens in t%o ays$ an reeale its commanment

in eery heaen.'

 An 8e aorne the lo%er heaen %ith lamps$ an to resere= that is the

oraining of the All&mighty$ the All&no%ing. >ut if they turn a%ay$ then say$ 'I %arn

you of a thunerbolt lie to the thunerbolt of A an Thamoo.'

8hen the essengers came unto them from before them an from behin them$

saying$ '-ere none but o$' they sai$ 'a our 7or %ille$ surely e %oul

hae sent o%n angels= so %e isbeliee in the essage you %ere sent %ith.'

 As for A$ they %axe prou in the earth %ithout right$ an they sai$ '8ho is

stronger than %e in mightH' 8hat$ i they not see that o$ %ho create them$

%as stronger than they in mightH An they enie 0ur signs.

3!/!# Then 8e loose against them a %in clamorous in ays of ill fortune$ that

8e might let them taste the chastisement of egraation in the present life= an

the chastisement of the %orl to come is een more egraing$ an they shall not

be helpe.

 As for Thamoo$ 8e guie them$ but they preferre blinness aboe guiance$

so the thunerbolt of the chastisement of humiliation seiBe them for that they

%ere earning. An 8e eliere those %ho beliee an %ere gofearing.

Dpon the ay %hen o's enemies are mustere to the Fire$ uly ispose$ till

%hen they are come to it$ their hearing$ their eyes an their sins bear %itness

against them concerning %hat they hae been oing$

3!/12 an they %ill say to their sins$ '8hy bore you %itness against usH' They

shall say$ 'o gae us speech$ as e gae eerything speech. e create you

the first time$ an unto im you shall be returne. 5ot so i you coer 

yourseles$ that your hearing$ your eyes an your sins shoul not bear %itness

against you= but you thought that o %oul neer no% much of the things that

you %ere %oring.

That then$ the thought you thought about your 7or$ has estroye you$ an

therefore you fin yourseles this morning among the losers.'

Then if they persist$ the Fire shall be a loging for them= an if they as amens

yet no amens shall be mae to them. 8e hae allotte them comraes$ an

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they hae ece out fair to them that %hich is before them an behin them. -o

against them has been realiBe the 8or concerning nations that passe a%ay

before them$ men an ,inn alie= surely they %ere losers.

3!/1# The unbelieers say$ 'Co not gie ear to this *oran$ an tal ily about it=

haply you %ill oercome. -o 8e shall let the unbelieers taste a terrible

chastisement$ an shall recompense them %ith the %orst of %hat they %ere

%oring. That is the recompense of o's enemies && the Fire$ %herein they shall

hae the Aboe of Eternity as a recompense$ for that they enie 0ur signs.

 An the unbelieers shall say$ '0ur 7or$ sho% us those that le us astray$ both

 ,inn an men$ an %e shall set them unerneath our feet$ that they may be

among the lo%er ones.

3!/92 Those %ho hae sai$ '0ur 7or is o.' then hae gone straight$ upon

them the angels escen$ saying$

'Fear not$ neither sorro%= re,oice in ;araise that you %ere promise. 8e are

your friens in the present life an in the %orl to come= therein you shall hae all

that your souls esire$ all that you call for$ as hospitality from 0ne All&forgiing$

0ne All&compassionate.'

 An %ho speas fairer than he %ho calls unto o an oes righteousness an

says$ '-urely I am of them that surrener'H

5ot eual are the goo ee an the eil ee. <epel %ith that %hich is fairer anbehol$ he bet%een %hom an thee there is enmity shall be as if he %ere a loyal


3!/9# Get none shall receie it$ except the steafast= none shall receie it$ except

a man of mighty fortune.

If a proocation from -atan shoul prooe thee$ see refuge in o= e is the

 All&hearing$ the All&no%ing.

 An of is signs are the night an the ay$ the sun an the moon.

>o% not yourseles to the sun an moon$ but bo% yourseles to o %ho create

them$ if im you sere. An if they %ax prou$ yet those %ho are %ith thy 7or o

glorify im by night an ay$ an gro% not %eary.

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 An of is signs is that thou seest the earth humble= then$ %hen 8e sen o%n

%ater upon it$ it uiers$ an s%ells. -urely e %ho uicens it is e %ho

uicens the ea= surely e is po%erful oer eerything.

3!/32 Those %ho blaspheme 0ur signs are not hien from Ds. 8hat$ is he %ho

shall be cast into the Fire better$ or he %ho comes on the Cay of <esurrection in

securityH Co %hat you %ill= surely e sees the things you o.

Those %ho isbeliee in the <emembrance %hen it comes to them && an surely it

is a >oo -ublime= falsehoo comes not to it from before it nor from behin it= a

sening o%n from 0ne All&%ise$ All&lauable. 5aught is sai to thee but %hat

alreay %as sai to the essengers before thee. -urely thy 7or is a 7or of 

forgieness an of painful retribution. If 8e ha mae it a barbarous *oran$ they

%oul hae sai$ '8hy are its signs not istinguisheH 8hat$ barbarous an

 ArabicH' -ay/ 'To the belieers it is a guiance$ an a healing= but those %ho

beliee not$ in their ears is a heainess$ an to them it is a blinness= those &&

they are calle from a far place.'

3!/3# An 8e gae oses the >oo= an there %as ifference concerning it$ an

but for a 8or that precee from thy 7or$ it ha been ecie bet%een them=

an they are in oubt of it isuieting.

8hoso oes righteousness$ it is to his o%n gain$ an %hoso oes eil$ it is to his

o%n loss. Thy 7or %rongs not is serants. To im is referre the no%lege of 

the our. 5ot a fruit comes forth from its sheath$ no female bears or brings forth$

sae %ith is no%lege.

Dpon the ay %hen e shall call to them$ '8here no% are y associatesH' they

shall say$ '8e proclaim to Thee$ there is not a %itness among us.

Then that they calle upon before %ill go astray from them an they %ill thin that

they hae no asylum.

an %earies not of praying for goo= but %hen eil isits him$ then he is cast

o%n an esperate.

3!/#2 An if 8e let him taste mercy from Ds after harship that has isite him$

he surely says$ 'This is mine= I thin not the our is coming. If I am returne to my

7or$ surely the re%ar most fair %ith im %ill be mine.' Then 8e shall tell the

unbelieers the things they hae one$ an assurely 8e shall let them taste a

harsh chastisement.

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 An %hen 8e bless man$ he turns a%ay an %ithra%s asie= but %hen eil isits

him$ he is full of enless prayers.

-ay/ '8hat thin youH If it is from o$ then you isbeliee in it$ %ho is further 

astray than he %ho is in %ie schismH'

8e shall sho% them 0ur signs in the horiBons an in themseles$ till it is clear to

them that it is the truth. -uffices it not as to thy 7or$ that e is %itness oer 


 Are they not in oubt touching the encounter %ith their 7orH Coes e not

encompass eerythingH

67II 40D5-E7

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

31/! Ha &im 

 Ain -in Qaf

-o reeals to thee$ an to those before thee$ o$ the All&mighty$ the All&%ise. To

im belongs %hatsoeer is in the heaens an %hatsoeer is in the earth= an e

is the All&high$ the All&glorious.

The heaens %ellnigh are rent aboe them$ %hen the angels proclaim the praise

of their 7or$ an as forgieness for those on earth. -urely o && e is the All&

forgiing$ the All&compassionate.

 An those %ho hae taen to them protectors apart from im && o is 8aren

oer them= thou art not a guarian oer them.

31/# An so 8e hae reeale to thee an Arabic *oran$ that thou mayest %arn

the other of 4ities an those %ho %ell about it$ an that thou mayest %arn of the Cay of athering$ %herein is no oubt && a party in ;araise$ an a party in

the >laBe.

If o ha %ille$ e %oul hae mae them one nation= but e amits

%homsoeer e %ill into is mercy$ an the eiloers shall hae neither protector 

nor helper.

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0r hae they taen to them protectors apart from imH >ut o && e is the

;rotector= e uicens the ea$ an e is po%erful oer eerything.

 An %hateer you are at ariance on$ the ,ugment thereof belongs to o. That

then is o$ my 7or= in im I hae put my trust$ an to im I turn$ penitent.

The 0riginator of the heaens an the earth= e has appointe for you$ of 

yourseles$ pairs$ an pairs also of the cattle$ therein multiplying you. 7ie im

there is naught= e is the All&hearing$ the All&seeing.

31/!2 To im belong the eys of the heaens an the earth. e outspreas an

straitens is proision to %hom e %ill= surely e has no%lege of eerything.

e has lai o%n for you as religion that e charge 5oah %ith$ an that 8e

hae reeale to thee$ an that 8e charge Abraham %ith$ oses an Jesus/

';erform the religion$ an scatter not regaring it. :ery hateful is that for theiolaters$ that thou callest them to. o chooses unto imself %homsoeer e

%ill$ an e guies to imself %hosoeer turns$ penitent.

They scattere not$ sae after no%lege ha come to them$ being insolent one

to another= an but for a 8or that precee from thy 7or until a state term$ it

ha been ecie bet%een them. >ut those to %hom the >oo has been gien as

an inheritance after them$ behol$ they are in oubt of it isuieting.

Therefore call thou$ an go straight as thou hast been commane= o not follo%

their caprices. An say/ 'I beliee in %hateer >oo o has sent o%n= I haebeen commane to be ,ust bet%een you. o is our 7or an your 7or. 8e

hae our ees$ an you hae your ees= there is no argument bet%een us an

you= o shall bring us together$ an unto im is the homecoming.'

31/!# An those %ho argue concerning o after that ans%er has been mae to

im$ their argument is null an oi in the sight of their 7or= anger shall rest

upon them$ an there a%aits them a terrible chastisement. o it is %ho has sent

o%n the >oo %ith the truth$ an also the >alance. An %hat shall mae thee

no%H aply the our is nigh. Those that beliee not therein see to hasten it=

but those %ho beliee in it go in fear of it$ no%ing that it is the truth. 8hy$ surely

those %ho are in oubt concerning the our are inee in far error.

o is All&gentle to is serants$ proiing for %homsoeer e %ill. e is the All&

strong$ the All&mighty.

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8hoso esires the tillage of the %orl to come$ 8e shall gie him increase in his

tillage= an %hoso esires the tillage of this %orl$ 8e shall gie him of it$ but in

the %orl to come he %ill hae no share.

31/12 0r hae they associates %ho hae lai o%n for them as religion that for 

%hich o gae not leaeH >ut for the 8or of Cecision$ it ha been ecie

bet%een them. For the eiloers there a%aits a painful chastisement.

Thou seest the eiloers going in fear of that they hae earne$ that is about to

fall on them= but those %ho beliee an o righteous ees are in eao%s of 

the arens= %hatsoeer they %ill they shall hae %ith their 7or= that is the great


That is the goo tiings o gies to is serants %ho beliee an o righteous

ees. -ay/ 'I o not as of you a %age for this$ except loe for the insfol= an

%hosoeer gains a goo ee$ 8e shall gie him increase of goo in respect of it.

-urely o is All&forgiing$ All&thanful.

0r o they say$ 'e has forge against o a lieH' >ut if o %ills$ e %ill set a

seal on thy heart= an o blots out falsehoo an erifies the truth by is %ors=

e no%s the thoughts %ithin the breasts. It is e %ho accepts repentance from

is serants$ an parons eil ees= e no%s the things you o.

31/1# An e ans%ers those %ho beliee an o righteous ees$ an e gies

them increase of is bounty. An the unbelieers && for them a%aits a terrible

chastisement. a o expane is proision to is serants$ they %oul hae

been insolent in the earth= but e sens o%n in measure %hatsoeer e %ill=

surely e is a%are of an sees is serants.

 An it is e %ho sens o%n the rain after they hae espaire$ an e unfols

is mercy= e is the ;rotector$ the All&lauable.

 An of is signs is the creation of the heaens an earth an the cra%ling things

e has scattere abroa in them= an e is able to gather them %heneer e


8hateer affliction may isit you is for %hat your o%n hans hae earne= an e

parons much.

31/92 Gou are not able to frustrate im in the earth= an$ apart from o$ you

hae neither protector nor helper.

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 An of is signs are the ships that run on the sea lie lanmars= an if e %ills$

e stills the %in$ an they remain motionless on its bac. -urely in that are signs

for eery man enuring$ thanful. 0r e %recs them for %hat they hae earne=

an e parons much= an that those %ho ispute concerning 0ur signs may

no% they hae no asylum.

8hateer thing you hae been gien is the en,oyment of the present life= but %hat

is %ith o is better an more enuring for those %ho beliee an put their trust

in their 7or.

31/9# An those %ho aoi the heinous sins an inecencies an %hen they are

angry forgie$ an those %ho ans%er their 7or$ an perform the prayer$ their 

affair being counsel bet%een them$ an they expen of that 8e hae proie

them$ an %ho$ %hen insolence isits them$ o help themseles && an the

recompense of eil is eil the lie of it= but %hoso parons an puts things right$

his %age falls upon o= surely e loes not the eiloers. An %hosoeer helps

himself after he has been %ronge && against them there is no %ay.

31/32 The %ay is only open against those %ho o %rong to the people$ an are

insolent in the earth %rongfully= there a%aits them a painful chastisement. >ut

surely he %ho bears patiently an is forgiing && surely that is true constancy.

8homsoeer o leas astray$ he has no protector after him= an thou shalt see

the eiloers$ %hen they see the chastisement$ saying$ 'Is there any %ay to be

sent bacH'

 An thou shalt see them$ as they are expose to it$ ab,ect in humbleness$ looing

%ith furtie glance= an the belieers shall say$ '-urely the losers are they %ho

lose themseles an their families on the Cay of <esurrection= surely the

eiloers are in lasting chastisement.

31/3# They hae no protectors to help them$ apart from o$ an %homsoeer 

o leas astray$ no %ay has he.'

 Ans%er your 7or$ before there comes a ay from o that cannot be turne

bac= upon that ay you shall hae no shelter$ no enial. >ut if they turn a%ay$

8e sent thee not to be a guarian oer them. It is for thee only to elier the


 An %hen 8e let man taste mercy from Ds$ he re,oices in it= but if some eil

befalls him for that his o%n hans hae for%are$ then surely man is unthanful.

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To o belongs the *ingom of the heaens an the earth= e creates %hat e

%ill= e gies to %hom e %ill females$ an e gies to %hom e %ill males or 

e couples them$ both males an females= an e maes %hom e %ill barren.

-urely e is All&no%ing$ All&po%erful.

31/#2 It belongs not to any mortal that o shoul spea to him$ except by

reelation$ or from behin a eil$ or that e shoul sen a messenger an he

reeal %hatsoeer e %ill$ by is leae= surely e is All&high$ All&%ise.

Een so 8e hae reeale to thee a -pirit of 0ur biing. Thou ne%est not %hat

the >oo %as$ nor belief= but 8e mae it a light$ %hereby 8e guie %hom 8e %ill

of 0ur serants. An thou$ surely thou shalt guie unto a straight path && the path

of o$ to %hom belongs %hatsoeer is in the heaens$ an %hatsoeer is in the

earth. -urely unto o all things come home.

67III 0<5AE5T-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

39/! Ha &im 

>y the 4lear >oo$ behol$ 8e hae mae it an Arabic *oran= haply you %ill

unerstan= an behol$ it is in the Essence of the >oo$ %ith Ds= sublime inee$

%ise. -hall 8e turn a%ay the <emembrance from you$ for that you are a proigal


39/# o% many a ;rophet 8e sent among the ancients$ but not a ;rophet came

to them$ %ithout they moce at him= so 8e estroye men stronger in alour 

than they$ an the example of the ancients passe a%ay.

If thou asest them$ '8ho create the heaens an earthH' they %ill say$ 'The All&

mighty$ the All&no%ing create them.' e %ho appointe the earth to be a crale

for you$ an appointe %ays for you therein$ that haply you may be guie=

39/!2 an %ho sent o%n out of heaen %ater in measure= an 8e reie

thereby a lan that %as ea= een so you shall be brought forth= an %ho

create the pairs$ all of them$ an appointe for you ships an cattle such as you

rie$ that you may be seate on their bacs an then remember your 7or's

blessing %hen you are seate on them$ an say$ 'lory be to im$ %ho has

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sub,ecte this to us$ an %e ourseles %ere not eual to it= surely unto our 7or

%e are turning.'

Get they hae assigne to im a part of is o%n serants an is early


39/!# 0r has e taen to imself$ from that e creates$ aughters$ an faoure

you %ith sonsH An %hen any of them is gien the goo tiings of that he has

liene to the All&merciful$ his face is arene$ an he choes in%arly. 8hat$

one %ho is reare ami ornaments an$ %hen the time of altercation comes$ is

not to be seenH An they hae mae the angels$ %ho are themseles serants of 

the All&merciful$ females. 8hat$ i they %itness their creationH Their %itness

shall be %ritten o%n$ an they shall be uestione.

They say$ 'a the All&merciful so %ille$ %e %oul not hae sere them.' They

hae no no%lege of that= they are only con,ecturing.

39/12 0r i 8e bring them a >oo aforetime to %hich they holH 5ay$ but they

say$ '8e foun our fathers upon a community$ an %e are guie upon their 

traces.' Een so 8e sent neer before thee any %arner into any city$ except that

its men %ho lie at ease sai$ '8e inee foun our fathers upon a community$

an %e are follo%ing upon their traces.'

-ay/ '8hat$ though I shoul bring you a better guiance than you foun your 

fathers uponH' They say$ '8e isbeliee in that you %ere sent %ith.' -o 8e too

engeance upon them= an behol ho% %as the en of them that crie lies.

39/1# An %hen Abraham sai to his father an his people$ '-urely I am uit of 

that you sere$ except im %ho originate me= an e %ill guie me. An he

mae it a %or enuring among his posterity= haply so they %oul return.

5ay$ but I gae these an their fathers en,oyment of ays$ until the truth came

unto them$ an a manifest essenger. An %hen the truth came to them$ they

sai$ 'This is a sorcery$ an in it %e are unbelieers.'

39/92 They say$ '8hy %as this *oran not sent o%n upon some man of momentin the t%o citiesH' 8hat$ is it they %ho iie the mercy of the 7orH 8e hae

iie bet%een them their lielihoo in the present life$ an raise some of them

aboe others in ran$ that some of them may tae others in seritue= an the

mercy of thy 7or is better than that they amass.

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 An %ere it not that manin %oul be one nation$ 8e %oul hae appointe for 

those %ho isbeliee in the All&merciful roofs of siler to their houses$ an stairs

%hereon to mount$ an oors to their houses$ an couches %hereon to recline$

an ornaments= surely all this is but the en,oyment of the present life$ an the

%orl to come %ith thy 7or is for the gofearing.

39/9# 8hoso blins himself to the <emembrance of the All&merciful$ to him 8e

assign a -atan for comrae= an they bar them from the %ay$ an they thin they

are guie$ till$ %hen he comes to Ds$ he says$ '8oul there ha been bet%een

me an thee the istance of the t%o Easts'

 An eil comrae It shall not profit you toay$ since you i eil$ that you are

partners in the chastisement.

39/32 8hat$ shalt thou mae the eaf to hear$ or shalt thou guie the blin an

him %ho is in manifest errorH 8hether 8e tae thee a%ay$ 8e shall tae

engeance upon them$ or 8e sho% thee a part of that 8e promise them$ surely

8e hae po%er oer them. -o hol thou fast unto that %hich has been reeale

unto thee= surely thou art upon a straight path. -urely it is a <eminer to thee an

to thy people= an assurely you %ill be uestione. As those of 0ur 

essengers 8e sent before thee/ ae 8e appointe$ apart from the All&

merciful$ gos to be sereH

39/3# 8e also sent oses %ith 0ur signs to ;haraoh an his 4ouncil$ an he

sai$ '-urely$ I am the essenger of the 7or of all >eing.'

>ut %hen he brought them 0ur signs$ lo$ they laughe at them. An not a sign 8e

sho%e them$ but it %as greater than its sister sign= an 8e seiBe them %ith

chastisement$ that haply they shoul return. An they sai$ '-orcerer$ pray to thy

7or for us by the coenant e has mae %ith thee$ an surely %e shall be right&


>ut %hen 8e remoe from them the chastisement$ behol$ they broe their 


39/#2 An ;haraoh proclaime among his people/ '0 my people$ o I not possess

the ingom of Egypt$ an these riers flo%ing beneath meH 8hat$ o you not


0r am I better than this man$ %ho is contemptible an scarcely maes things

clearH 8hy then hae bracelets of gol not been cast on him$ or angels not come

%ith him con,oineH'

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-o he mae his people unsteay$ an they obeye him= surely they %ere an

ungoly people.

39/## -o$ %hen they ha angere Ds$ 8e too engeance on them$ an 8e

ro%ne them all together= an 8e mae them a thing past$ an 8e appointe

them for an example to later fol.

 An %hen the son of ary is cite as an example$ behol$ thy people turn a%ay

from it an say$ '8hat$ are our gos better$ or heH' They cite not him to thee$ sae

to ispute= nay$ but they are a people contentious. e is only a serant 8e

blesse$ an 8e mae him to be an example to the 4hilren of Israel.

39/@2 a 8e %ille$ 8e %oul hae appointe angels among you to be

successors in the earth. It is no%lege of the our= oubt not concerning it$ an

follo% me. This is a straight path. 7et not -atan bar you= he is for you a manifest


 An %hen Jesus came %ith the clear signs he sai$ 'I hae come to you %ith

%isom$ an that I may mae clear to you some of that %hereon you are at

ariance= so fear you o an obey you me. Assurely o is my 7or an your 

7or= therefore sere im= this is a straight path.'

39/@# >ut the parties among them fell into ariance= so %oe unto those %ho i

eil$ because of the chastisement of a painful ay. Are they looing for aught but

the our$ that it shall come upon them suenly$ %hen they are not a%areH

Friens on that ay shall be foes to one another$ but the go&fearing. '0 y

serants$ toay no fear is on you$ neither o you sorro%' && een those %ho

beliee in 0ur signs$ an ha surrenere themseles

39/2 'Enter ;araise$ you an your %ies$ %aling %ith ,oy'

  There shall be passe aroun them platters of gol$ an cups$

  therein being %hateer the souls esire$ an the eyes elight in.

  'An therein$ you shall %ell foreer.

This is the ;araise that you hae been gien for an inheritance

  for the things that you %ere oing.

Therein you hae abunant fruits$ %hereof you may eat.'

  >ut the eiloers %ell foreer in the chastisement of ehenna

39/# that is not abate for them an therein they are sore confoune.

  8e neer %ronge them$ but they themseles i the %rong.

  An they shall call$ '0 ali$ let thy 7or hae one %ith us'

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  e %ill say$ 'Gou %ill surely tarry.'

  '8e brought you the truth$ but most of you %ere aerse to the truth.'

39/2 0r hae they contrie some matterH 8e too are contriing. 0r o they

thin 8e hear not their secret an %hat they conspire togetherH Ges inee$ an

0ur messengers are present %ith them %riting it o%n.

-ay/ 'If the All&merciful has a son$ then I am the first to sere him. lory be to the

7or of the heaens an the earth$ the 7or of the Throne$ aboe that they

escribe.' Then leae them alone to plunge an play$ until they encounter that ay

of theirs %hich they are promise.

 An it is e %ho in heaen is o an in earth is o= e is the All&%ise$ the All&


39/# lory be to im$ to %hom belongs the *ingom of the heaens an theearth an all that bet%een them is= %ith im is the no%lege of the our$ an to

im you shall be returne. Those they call upon$ apart from im$ hae no po%er 

of intercession$ sae such as hae testifie to the truth$ an that no%ingly.

If thou asest them$ '8ho create youH' they %ill say$ 'o.' o% then are they


 An for his saying$ 'y 7or$ surely these are a people %ho beliee not' && yet

paron them$ an say$ ';eace' -oon they %ill no%.

67I: -0*E

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

33/! Ha &im 

>y the 4lear >oo.

8e hae sent it o%n in a blesse night (8e are eer %arning) therein eery %ise

biing etermine as a biing from Ds$ (8e are eer sening)

33/# as a mercy from thy 7or (surely e is the All&hearing$ the All&no%ing) 7or

of the heaens an earth$ an all that bet%een them is if you hae faith. There is

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no go but e= e gies life an maes to ie= your 7or an the 7or of your 

fathers$ the ancients.

5ay$ but they are in oubt$ playing. -o be on the %atch for a ay %hen heaen

shall bring a manifest smoe

33/!2 coering the people= this is a painful chastisement. '0 our 7or$ remoe

Thou from us the chastisement= %e are belieers.'

o% shoul they hae the <eminer$ seeing a clear essenger alreay came to

them$ then they turne a%ay from him an sai$ 'A man tutore$ possesse'

'>ehol$ 8e are remoing the chastisement a little= behol$ you reert'

33/!# Dpon the ay %hen 8e shall assault most mightily$ then 8e shall tae 0ur 

engeance. Alreay before them 8e trie the people of ;haraoh$ an a nobleessenger came unto them$ saying$ 'Celier to me o's serants= I am for you a

faithful essenger$ an$ '<ise not up against o= behol$ I come to you %ith a

clear authority$ an I tae refuge in my 7or an your 7or$ lest you shoul stone


33/12 '>ut if so be that you beliee me not$ go you apart from me' An he calle

to his 7or$ saying$ 'These are a sinful people.'

'Then set thou forth %ith y serants in a %atch of the night= surely you %ill be

follo%e. An leae the sea becalme= they are a ro%ne host.'

33/1# They left ho% many garens an fountains$ so%n fiels$ an ho% noble a

station$ an %hat prosperity they ha re,oice in Een so= an 8e beueathe

them upon another people.

5either heaen nor earth %ept for them$ nor %ere they respite= an 8e eliere

the 4hilren of Israel from the humbling chastisement$ from ;haraoh= surely he

%as a high 0ne$ of the proigals= an 8e chose them$ out of a no%lege$ aboe

all beings$ an gae them signs %herein there %as a manifest trial.

These men o say$ 'There is nothing but our first eath= %e shall not be reie.

33/9# >ring us our fathers$ if you spea truly' Are they better$ or the people of 

Tubba' an those before them %hom 8e estroyeH They %ere surely sinners.

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8e create not the heaens an earth$ an all that is bet%een them$ in play= 8e

create them not sae in truth= but most of them no% it not.

33/32 -urely the Cay of Cecision shall be their appointe time$ all together$ the

ay a master shall aail nothing a client$ an they shall not be helpe$ sae him

upon %hom o has mercy= e is the All&mighty$ the All&compassionate.

7o$ the Tree of EB&?aoum is the foo of the guilty$

33/3# lie molten copper$ bubbling in the belly as boiling %ater bubbles. 'Tae

him$ an thrust him into the mist of ell$ then pour oer his hea the

chastisement of boiling %ater'

'Taste -urely thou art the mighty$ the noble.

33/#2 This is that concerning %hich you %ere oubting.'

-urely the gofearing shall be in a station secure among garens an fountains$

robe in sil an brocae$ set face to face. Een so= an 8e shall espouse them

to %ie&eye houris$

33/## therein calling for eery fruit$ secure. They shall not taste therein of eath$

sae the first eath$ An e shall guar them against the chastisement of ell && a

bounty from thy 7or= that is the mighty triumph.

5o% 8e hae mae it easy by thy tongue$ that haply they may remember. -o beon the %atch= they too are on the %atch.

67: 0>>7I5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

3#/! Ha &im 

The sening o%n of the >oo is from o$ the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

-urely in the heaens an earth there are signs for the belieers= an in your 

creation$ an the cra%ling things e scatters abroa$ there are signs for a people

haing sure faith$ an in the alternation of night an ay$ an the proision o

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sens o%n from heaen$ an there%ith reies the earth after it is ea$ an the

turning about of the %ins$ there are signs for a people %ho unerstan.

Those are the signs of o that 8e recite to thee in truth= in %hat manner of 

iscourse then$ after o an is signs$ %ill they belieeH

8oe to eery guilty impostor %ho hears the signs of o being recite to him$

then perseeres in %axing prou$ as if he has not hear them= so gie him the

goo tiings of a painful chastisement.

 An %hen he no%s anything of 0ur signs$ he taes them in mocery= those for 

them a%aits a humbling chastisement. >ehin them ehenna= an that they hae

earne shall not aail them aught$ nor those they too as protectors$ apart from

o= for them a%aits a mighty chastisement.

3#/!2 This is guiance= an those %ho isbeliee in the signs of their 7or$ therea%aits them a painful chastisement of %rath.

o is e %ho has sub,ecte to you the sea$ that the ships may run on it at is

commanment$ an that you may see is bounty= haply so you %ill be thanful.

 An e has sub,ecte to you %hat is in the heaens an %hat is in the earth$ all

together$ from im. -urely in that are signs for a people %ho reflect.

-ay unto those %ho beliee$ that they forgie those %ho o not loo for the ays

of o$ that e may recompense a people for that they hae been earning.

8hoso oes righteousness$ it is to his o%n gain$ an %hoso oes eil$ it is to his

o%n loss= then to your 7or you shall be returne.

Inee$ 8e gae the 4hilren of Israel the >oo$ the Jugment$ an the

;rophethoo$ an 8e proie them %ith goo things$ an 8e preferre them

aboe all beings. 8e gae them clear signs of the 4omman= so they iffere

not$ except after the no%lege ha come to them$ being insolent one to another.

-urely thy 7or %ill ecie bet%een them on the Cay of <esurrection touching

their ifferences.

Then 8e set thee upon an open %ay of the 4omman= therefore follo% it$ an

follo% not the caprices of those %ho o not no%. -urely they %ill not aail thee

aught against o. -urely the eiloers are friens one of the other= o is the

frien of the gofearing.

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This is clear proofs for men$ an a guiance$ an a mercy to a people haing sure


3#/12 0r o those %ho commit eil ees thin that 8e shall mae them as those

%ho beliee an o righteous ees$ eual their liing an their yingH o% ill

they ,uge o create the heaens an the earth in truth$ an that eery soul

may be recompense for %hat it has earne= they shall not be %ronge.

ast thou seen him %ho has taen his caprice to be his go$ an o has le him

astray out of a no%lege$ an set a seal upon his hearing an his heart$ an lai

a coering on his eyesH 8ho shall guie him after oH 8hat$ %ill you not


3#/1# They say$ 'There is nothing but our present life= %e ie$ an %e lie$ an

nothing but Time estroys us.' 0f that they hae no no%lege= they merely

con,ecture. An %hen 0ur signs are recite to them$ clear signs$ their only

argument is that they say$ '>ring us our fathers$ if you spea truly.'

-ay/ 'o gies you life$ then maes you ie$ then e shall gather you to the Cay

of <esurrection$ %herein is no oubt$ but most men o not no%.'

To o belongs the *ingom of the heaens an the earth.

 An on the ay %hen the our is come$ upon that ay the ain&oers shall lose.

 An thou shalt see eery nation hobbling on their nees$ eery nation being

summone unto its >oo/ 'Toay you shall be recompense for that you %ereoing. This is 0ur >oo$ that speas against you the truth= 8e hae been

registering all that you %ere oing.'

3#/92 An as for those %ho hae beliee an one ees of righteousness$ their 

7or shall amit them into is mercy= that is the manifest triumph. >ut as for 

those %ho hae isbeliee/ '8ere not y signs recite to you$ an you %axe

prou$ an %ere a sinful peopleH

 An %hen it %as sai$ +o's promise is true$ an the our$ there is no oubt of 

it$+ you sai= +8e no% not %hat the our may be= %e hae only a surmise$ anare by no means certain.+

 An the eil ees that they hae one shall appear to them$ an they shall be

encompasse by that they moce at. An it shall be sai$ 'Toay 8e o forget

you$ een as you forgot the encounter of this your ay= an your refuge is the

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Fire$ an you shall hae no helpers. That is for that you too o's signs in

mocery$ an the present life elue you.'

-o toay they shall not be brought forth from it$ nor %ill they be suffere to mae


3#/9# -o to o belongs praise$ the 7or of the heaens an the 7or of the

earth$ 7or of all >eing. is is the Comination an the heaens an the earth= e is

the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

67:I TE -A5C&CD5E-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

3@/! Ha &im 

The sening o%n of the >oo is from o$ the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

8e hae not create the heaens an the earth$ an %hat bet%een them is$ sae

%ith the truth an a state term= but the unbelieers are turning a%ay from that

they %ere %arne of. -ay/ 'ae you consiere that you call upon apart from

oH -ho% me %hat they hae create of the earth= or hae they a partnership in

the heaensH >ring me a >oo before this$ or some remnant of a no%lege$ if 

you spea truly.'

 An %ho is further astray than he %ho calls$ apart from o$ upon such a one as

shall not ans%er him till the Cay of <esurrectionH

3@/# -uch as are heeless of their calling$ an %hen manin are mustere$ shall

be enemies to them$ an shall eny their serice.

 An %hen 0ur signs are recite to them$ clear signs$ the unbelieers say to the

truth %hen it has come to them$ 'This is manifest sorcery.'

0r o they say$ 'e has forge it'H -ay/ 'If I hae forge it$ you hae no po%er to

help me against o. e no%s ery %ell %hat you are pressing upon= e

suffices as a %itness bet%een me an you= e is the All&forgiing$ the All&


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-ay/ 'I am not an innoation among the essengers$ an I no% not %hat shall

be one %ith me or %ith you. I only follo% %hat is reeale to me= I am only a

clear %arner.'

-ay/ 'ae you consiereH If it be from o$ an you isbeliee in it$ an a

%itness from among the 4hilren of Israel hears %itness to its lie$ an beliees$

an you %ax prou$ o guies not the people of the eiloers.

3@/!2 The unbelieers say$ as regars the belieers$ 'If it ha been aught goo$

they ha not outstrippe us to it.' An since they are not guie by it$ certainly

they %ill say$ 'This is an ol calumny'

Get before it %as the >oo of oses for a moel an a mercy= an this is a >oo

confirming$ in Arabic tongue$ to %arn the eiloers$ an goo tiings to the goo&


-urely those %ho say$ '0ur 7or is o' an then go straight$ no fear shall be on

them$ neither shall they sorro%. Those are the inhabitants of ;araise$ therein

%elling foreer$ as a recompense for that they hae been oing.

8e hae charge man$ that he be in to his parents= his mother bore him

painfully$ an painfully she gae birth to him= his bearing an his %eaning are

thirty months. Dntil$ %hen he is fully gro%n$ an reaches forty years$ he says$ '0

my 7or$ ispose me that I may be thanful for Thy blessing %here%ith Thou hast

blesse me an my father an mother$ an that I may o righteousness %ell&

pleasing to Thee= an mae me righteous also in my see. >ehol$ I repent to

Thee$ an am among those that surrener.'

3@/!# Those are they from %hom 8e shall accept the best of %hat they hae

one$ an 8e shall pass oer their eil ees. They are among the inhabitants of 

;araise && the promise of the ery truth$ %hich they %ere promise.

>ut he %ho says to his father an his mother$ 'Fie upon you Co you promise me

that I shall be brought forth$ %hen alreay generations hae passe a%ay before

meH' %hile they call upon o for succour && '8oe upon thee >eliee= surely

o's promise is true'= then he says$ 'This is naught but the fairy&tales of the

ancients' && such men are they against %hom has been realiBe the 8or

concerning nations that passe a%ay before them$ men an ,inn alie= they %ere

losers. All shall hae their egrees$ accoring to %hat they hae %rought$ an that

e may pay them in full for their %ors$ an they not being %ronge.

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Dpon the ay %hen the unbelieers are expose to the Fire/ 'Gou issipate your 

goo things in your present life$ an you too your en,oyment in them= therefore

toay you shall be recompense %ith the chastisement of humiliation for that you

%axe prou in the earth %ithout right$ an for your ungoliness.

3@/12 An remember the brother of A$ %hen he %arne his people besie the

san&unes && an alreay %arners ha passe a%ay alie before him an behin

him && saying$ '-ere none but o Truly I fear for you the chastisement of a

reaful ay. They sai$ '8hat$ hast thou come to perert us from our gosH Then

bring us that thou promisest us$ if inee thou speaest truly.'

e sai$ '*no%lege is only %ith o$ an I elier to you the essage %ith

%hich I %as sent= but I see you are an ignorant people.' Then$ %hen they sa% it as

a suen clou coming to%ars their alleys$ they sai$ 'This is a clou$ that shall

gie us rain'

'5ot so= rather it is that you sought to hasten && a %in$ %herein is a painful

chastisement$ estroying eerything by the commanment of its 7or.' -o in the

morning there %as naught to be seen but their %elling&places. Een so o 8e

recompense the people of the sinners.

3@/1# An 8e ha establishe them in that %herein 8e hae not establishe

you$ an 8e appointe for them hearing$ an sight$ an hearts= an yet their 

hearing$ their sight an their hearts aaile them nothing$ since they enie the

signs of o$ an they %ere encompasse by that they moce at.

 An 8e estroye the cities about you$ an 8e turne about the signs$ that haply

they %oul return. Then %hy i those not help them that they ha taen to

themseles as meiators$ gos apart from oH 5ot so= but they %ent astray

from them$ an that %as their calumny$ an %hat they ha been forging.

 An %hen 8e turne to thee a company of ,inn giing ear to the *oran= an %hen

they %ere in its presence they sai$ '>e silent' Then$ %hen it %as finishe$ they

turne bac to their people$ %arning.

They sai$ '0ur people$ %e hae hear a >oo that %as sent o%n after oses$

confirming %hat %as before it$ guiing to the truth an to a straight path.

3@/92 0 our people$ ans%er o's summoner$ an beliee in im$ an e %ill

forgie you some of your sins$ an protect you from a painful chastisement.

8hosoeer ans%ers not o's summoner cannot frustrate o in the earth$ an

he has no protectors apart from im= those are in manifest error.

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8hat$ hae they not seen that o %ho create the heaens an earth$ not being

%earie by creating them$ is able to gie life to the eaH Ges inee= e is

po%erful oer eerything.

Dpon the ay %hen the unbelieers are expose to the Fire/ 'Is not this the truthH'

They shall say$ 'Ges$ by our 7or' e shall say$ 'Then taste the chastisement of 

your unbelief'

-o be thou patient$ as the essengers possesse of constancy %ere also patient.

-ee not to hasten it for them && it shall be as if on the ay they see that they are


3@/9# they ha not tarrie but for an hour of a single ay. A essage to be

eliere An shall any be estroye but the people of the ungolyH


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

3/! Those %ho isbeliee an bar from o's %ay$ o %ill sen their %ors

astray. >ut those %ho beliee an o righteous ees an beliee in %hat is sent

o%n to uhamma && an it is the truth from their 7or && e %ill acuit them of 

their eil ees$ an ispose their mins aright. That is because those %ho

isbeliee follo% falsehoo$ an those %ho beliee follo% the truth from their 

7or. Een so o stries their similitues for men.

8hen you meet the unbelieers$ smite their necs$ then$ %hen you hae mae

%ie slaughter among them$ tie fast the bons=

3/# then set them free$ either by grace or ransom$till the %ar lays o%n its loas.-o it shall be= an if o ha %ille$e %oul hae aenge imself upon them=

but that e may try some of you by means of others. An those %ho are slain in the %ay of o$e %ill not sen their %ors astray.e %ill guie them$ an ispose their mins aright$an e %ill amit them to ;araise$that e has mae no%n to them.

0 belieers$ if you help o$

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e %ill help you$an confirm your feet.>ut as for the unbelieers$ ill chance shall befall theme %ill sen their %ors astray.

3/!2 That is because they hae been aerse to %hat o has sent o%n$ so ehas mae their %ors to fail.

8hat$ hae they not ,ourneye in the lan an behel ho% %as the en of those

before themH o estroye them= the unbelieers shall hae the lies thereof.

That is because o is the ;rotector of the belieers$ an that the unbelieers

hae no protector. o shall surely amit those %ho beliee an o righteous

ees into garens unerneath %hich riers flo%. As for the unbelieers$ they tae

their en,oyment an eat as cattle eat= an the Fire shall be their loging.

o% many a city that %as stronger in might than thy city %hich has expelle theehae 8e estroye An there %as no helper for them.

3/!# 8hat$ is he %ho is upon a clear sign from his 7or lie unto such a one

unto %hom his eil ees hae been ece out fair$ an they hae follo%e their 


This is the similitue of ;araise %hich the gofearing hae been promise/

therein are riers of %ater unstaling$ riers of mil unchanging in flaour$ an

riers of %ine && a elight to the riners$ riers$ too$ of honey purifie= an therein

for them is eery fruit$ an forgieness from their 7or && Are they as he %ho%ells foreer in the Fire$ such as are gien to rin boiling %ater$ that tears their 

bo%els asunerH

 An some of them there are gie ear to thee$ till$ %hen they go forth from thee$

they say to those %ho hae been gien no%lege$ '8hat sai he ,ust no%H'

Those are they upon %hose hearts o has set a seal$ an they hae follo%e

their caprices.

>ut those %ho are guie aright$ them e increases in guiance$ an gies them

their gofearing

3/12 Are they looing for aught but the our$ that it shall come upon them

suenlyH Alreay its toens hae come= so$ %hen it has come to them$ ho% shall

they hae their <eminerH

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*no% thou therefore that

there is no go but o$

an as forgieness for thy sin$

an for the belieers$ men an %omen.

o no%s your going to an fro$ an your loging.

Those %ho beliee say$ '8hy has a sura not been sent o%nH' Then$ %hen a

clear sura is sent o%n$ an therein fighting is mentione$ thou seest those in

%hose hearts is sicness looing at thee as one %ho s%oons of eath= but better 

for them %oul be obeience$ an %ors honourable.

Then$ %hen the matter is resole$ if they %ere true to o$ it %oul be better for 

them. If you turne a%ay$ %oul you then haply %or corruption in the lan$ an

brea your bons of inH

3/1# Those are they %hom o has curse$ an so mae them eaf$ an

bline their eyes. 8hat$ o they not poner the *oranH 0r is it that there are

locs upon their heartsH

Those %ho hae turne bac in their traces after the guiance has become clear 

to them$ -atan it %as that tempte them$ an o respite them.

That is because they sai to those %ho %ere aerse to %hat o sent o%n$ '8e

%ill obey you in some of the affair'= an o no%s their secrets. o% shall it be$

%hen the angels tae them$ beating their faces an their bacsH

3/92 That is because they hae follo%e %hat angers o$ an hae been

aerse to is goo pleasure$ so e has mae their %ors to fail. 0r i those in

%hose hearts is sicness thin that o %oul not bring to light their rancourH

Ci 8e %ill$ 8e %oul sho% them to thee$ then thou %oulst no% them by their 

mar= an thou shalt certainly no% them in the t%isting of their speech= an o

no%s your ees. An 8e shall assurely try you until 8e no% those of you

%ho struggle an are steafast$ an try your tiings.

Those %ho isbeliee an bar from o's %ay an mae a breach %ith theessenger after the guiance has become clear to them$ they %ill nothing hurt

o$ an e %ill mae their %ors to fail.

3/9# 0 belieers$ obey o$ an obey the essenger$ an o not mae your 

o%n %ors ain. Those %ho isbeliee an bar from o's %ay an then ie

isbelieing$ them o %ill not forgie. -o o not faint an call for peace= you

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shall be the upper ones$ an o is %ith you$ an %ill not eprie you of your 


The present life is naught but a sport an a iersion= an if you beliee an are

gofearing$ e %ill gie you your %ages$ an %ill not as of you your goos. If e

ass you for them$ an presses you$ you are niggarly$ an e brings to light your 


3/32 a$ there you are= you are calle upon to expen in o's %ay$ an some

of you are niggarly. 8hoso is niggarly is niggarly only to his o%n soul. o is

the All&sufficient= you are the neey ones. If you turn a%ay$ e %ill substitute

another people instea of you$ then they %ill not be your lies.

67:III :I4T0<G

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

3/! -urely 8e hae gien thee a manifest ictory$ that o may forgie thee thy

former an thy latter sins$ an complete is blessing upon thee$ an guie thee

on a straight path$ an that o may help thee %ith mighty help.

It is e %ho sent o%n the -hechina (tranuillity) into the hearts of the belieers$

that they might a faith to their faith && to o belong the hosts of the heaens

an the earth= o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise &&

3/# an that e may amit the belieers$ men an %omen alie$ into garens

unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein to %ell foreer$ an acuit them of their eil

ees= that is in o's sight a mighty triumph= an that e may chastise the

hypocrites$ men an %omen alie$ an the iolaters men an %omen alie$ an

those %ho thin eil thoughts of o= against them shall be the eil turn of 

fortune. o is %roth %ith them$ an has curse them$ an has prepare for them

ehenna && an eil homecoming

To o belong the hosts of the heaens an the earth= o is All&mighty$ All&%ise.

-urely 8e hae sent thee as a %itness$ goo tiings to bear$ an %arning$ that

you may beliee in o an is essenger an succour im$ an reerence

im$ an that you may gie im glory at the a%n an in the eening.

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3/!2 Those %ho s%ear fealty to thee s%ear fealty in truth to o= o's han is

oer their hans. Then %hosoeer breas his oath breas it but to his o%n hurt=

an %hoso fulfils his coenant mae %ith o$ o %ill gie him a mighty %age.

The >eouins %ho %ere left behin %ill say to thee$ '8e %ere occupie by our 

possessions an our families= so as forgieness for us' They say %ith their 

tongues %hat is not in their hearts. -ay/ '8ho can aail you aught against o$ if 

e esires hurt for you$ or esires profit for youH 5ay$ but o is eer a%are of 

the things you o.

'5ay$ but you thought that the essenger an the belieers %oul neer return to

their families$ an that %as ece out fair in your hearts$ an you thought eil

thoughts$ an you %ere a people corrupt.'

8hoso beliees not in o an is essenger$ 8e hae prepare for the

unbelieers a >laBe. To o belongs the ingom of the heaens an of the

earth= %homsoeer e %ill e forgies$ an %homsoeer e %ill e chastises=

o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

3/!# The >eouins %ho %ere left behin %ill say$ %hen you set forth after spoils$

to tae them$ '7et us follo% you$' esiring to change o's %ors. -ay/ 'Gou shall

not follo% us= so o sai before.' Then they %ill say$ '5ay$ but you are ,ealous of 

us.' 5ay$ but they hae not unerstoo except a little.

-ay to the >eouins %ho %ere left behin/ 'Gou shall be calle against a people

possesse of great might' to fight them$ r they surrener. If you obey$ o %ill

gie you a gooly %age= but if you turn your bacs$ as you turne your bacs

before$ e %ill chastise you %ith a painful chastisement.'

There is no fault in the blin$ an there is no fault in the lame$ an there is no fault

in the sic. An %hosoeer obeys o an is essenger$ e %ill amit him into

garens unerneath %hich riers flo%= but %hosoeer turns his bac$ him e %ill

chastise %ith a painful chastisement.

o %as %ell please %ith the belieers %hen they %ere s%earing fealty to thee

uner the tree$ an e ne% %hat %as in their hearts$ so e sent o%n the

-hechina upon them$ an re%are them %ith a nigh ictory an many spoils to

tae= an o is eer All&mighty$ All&%ise.

3/12 o has promise you many spoils to tae= these e has hastene to you$

an has restraine the hans of men from you$ an that it may be a sign to the

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belieers$ an to guie you on a straight path$ an other spoils you %ere not able

to tae= o ha encompasse them alreay. o is po%erful oer eerything.

If the unbelieers ha fought you$ they %oul hae turne their bacs$ an then

foun neither protector nor helper= the %ont of o$ as in the past before$ an

thou shalt neer fin any changing the %ont of o.

It is e %ho restraine their hans from you$ an your hans from them$ in the

hollo% of ecca$ after that e mae you ictors oer them. o sees the things

you o.

3/1# They are the ones %ho isbeliee$ an barre you from the oly osue

an the offering$ etaine so as not to reach its place of sacrifice. If it ha not

been for certain men belieers an certain %omen belieers %hom you ne% not$

lest you shoul trample them$ an there befall you guilt un%ittingly on their 

account (that o may amit into is mercy %hom e %ill)$ ha they been

separate clearly$ then 8e %oul hae chastise the unbelieers among them

%ith a painful chastisement.

8hen the unbelieers set in their hearts fierceness$ the fierceness of paganom$

then o sent o%n is -hechina upon is essenger an the belieers$ an

fastene to them the %or of gofearing to %hich they hae better right an are

%orthy of= an o has no%lege of eerything.

o has inee fulfille the ision e ouchsafe to is essenger truly/ 'Gou

shall enter the oly osue$ if o %ills$ in security$ your heas shae$ your 

hair cut short$ not fearing.' e ne% %hat you ne% not$ an appointe ere that a

nigh ictory.

It is e %ho has sent is essenger %ith the guiance an the religion of truth$

that e may uplift it aboe eery religion.

o suffices as a %itness.

uhamma is the essenger of o$ an those %ho are %ith him are har

against the unbelieers$ merciful one to another.

3/92 Thou seest them bo%ing$ prostrating$ seeing bounty from o an goo

pleasure. Their mar is on their faces$ the trace of prostration. That is their 

lieness in the Torah$ an their lieness in the ospel/ as a see that puts forth its

shoot$ an strengthens it$ an it gro%s stout an rises straight upon its stal$

pleasing the so%ers$ that through them e may enrage the unbelieers. o has

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promise those of them %ho beliee an o ees of righteousness forgieness

an a mighty %age.

67I6 A;A<TE5T-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

3"/! 0 belieers$ aance not before o an is essenger= an fear o.

o is All&hearing$ All&no%ing.

0 belieers$ raise not your oices aboe the ;rophet's oice$ an be not lou in

your speech to him$ as you are lou one to another$ lest your %ors fail %hile you

are not a%are. -urely those %ho lo%er their oices in the presence of o's

essenger$ those are they %hose hearts o has teste for gofearing= they

shall hae forgieness an a mighty %age. -urely those %ho call unto thee from

behin the apartments$ the most of them o not unerstan.

3"/# An if they ha patience$ until thou comest out to them$ that %oul be better 

for them= an o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

0 belieers$ if an ungoly man comes to you %ith a tiing$ mae clear$ lest you

afflict a people un%ittingly$ an then repent of %hat you hae one.

 An no% that the essenger of o is among you. If he obeye you in much of the affair$ you %oul suffer= but o has eneare to you belief$ ecing it fair in

your hearts$ an e has mae etestable to you unbelief an ungoliness an

isobeience. Those && they are the right&mine$ by o's faour an blessing=

o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

If t%o parties of the belieers fight$ put things right bet%een them= then$ if one of 

them is insolent against the other$ fight the insolent one till it reerts to o's

commanment. If it reerts$ set things right bet%een them euitably$ an be ,ust.

-urely o loes the ,ust.

3"/!2 The belieers inee are brothers= so set things right bet%een your t%o

brothers$ an fear o= haply so you %ill fin mercy.

0 belieers$ let not any people scoff at another people %ho may be better than

they= neither let %omen scoff at %omen %ho may be better than themseles. An

fin not fault %ith one another$ neither reile one another by nicnames. An eil

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name is ungoliness after belief. An %hoso repents not$ those && they are the


0 belieers$ esche% much suspicion= some suspicion is a sin. An o not spy$

neither bacbite one another= %oul any of you lie to eat the flesh of his brother 

eaH Gou %oul abominate it. An fear you o= assurely o turns$ an e is


0 manin$ 8e hae create you male an female$ an appointe you races an

tribes$ that you may no% one another. -urely the noblest among you in the sight

of o is the most gofearing of you. o is All&no%ing$ All&a%are.

The >eouins say$ '8e beliee.' -ay/ 'Gou o not beliee= rather say$ +8e

surrener+= for belief has not yet entere your hearts. If you obey o an is

essenger$ e %ill not iminish you anything of your %ors. o is All&forgiing$


3"/!# The belieers are those %ho beliee in o an is essenger$ then hae

not oubte$ an hae struggle %ith their possessions an their seles in the

%ay of o= those && they are the truthful ones. -ay/ '8hat$ %oul you teach o

%hat your religion is$ an o no%s %hat is in the heaens an %hat is in the

earthH An o has no%lege of eerything.'

They count it as a faour to thee that they hae surrenere -ay/ 'Co not count

your surrenering as a faour to me= nay$ but rather o confers a faour upon

you$ in that e has guie you to belief$ if it be that you are truthful. o no%s

the Dnseen of the heaens an of the earth= an o sees the things you o.'


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

#2/! Qaf. >y the glorious *oran

5ay$ but they marel that a %arner has come to them from among them= an the

unbelieers say$ 'This is a marellous thing 8hat$ %hen %e are ea an

become ustH That is a far returning' 8e no% %hat the earth iminishes of 

them= %ith Ds is a boo recoring.

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#2/# 5ay$ but they crie lies to the truth %hen it came to them$ an so they are in

a case confuse. 8hat$ hae they not behel heaen aboe them$ ho% 8e hae

built it$ an ece it out fair$ an it has no cracsH

 An the earth && 8e stretche it forth$ an cast on it firm mountains$ an 8e

cause to gro% therein of eery ,oyous in for an insight an a reminer to eery

penitent serant. An 8e sent o%n out of heaen %ater blesse$ an cause to

gro% thereby garens an grain of harest

#2/!2 an tall palm&trees %ith spathes compact$ a proision for the serants$ an

thereby 8e reie a lan that %as ea. Een so is the coming forth.

4rie lies before them the people of 5oah an the men of Er&<ass$ an

Thamoo$ an A an ;haraoh$ the brothers of 7ot$ the men of the Thicet$ the

people of Tubba'. Eery one crie lies to the essengers$ an y threat came


8hat$ %ere 8e %earie by the first creationH 5o inee= but they are in

uncertainty as to the ne% creation.

#2/!# 8e inee create man= an 8e no% %hat his soul %hispers %ithin him$

an 8e are nearer to him than the ,ugular ein.

8hen the t%o angels meet together$ sitting one on the right$ an one on the left$

not a %or he utters$ but by him is an obserer reay. An eath's agony comes

in truth= that is %hat thou %ast shunning

 An the Trumpet shall be blo%n= that is the Cay of the Threat.

#2/12 An eery soul shall come$ an %ith it a rier an a %itness.

  'Thou %ast heeless of this= therefore 8e hae no% remoe

  from thee thy coering$ an so thy sight toay is piercing.'

  An his comrae shall say$ 'This is %hat I hae$ mae reay.'

  '4ast$ you t%ain$ into ehenna eery fro%ar unbelieer$

  eery hinerer of the goo$ transgressor$ isuieter$

#2/1# %ho set up %ith o another go= therefore$ you t%ain$ cast him

  into the terrible chastisement.' An his comrae shall say$

  '0ur 7or$ I mae him not insolent$ but he %as in far error.'

  e shall say$ 'Cispute not before e For I sent you beforehan &&

  the threat. The 8or is not change %ith e= I %rong not y serants.'

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Dpon the ay 8e shall say unto ehenna$ 'Art thou filleH'

#2/92 An it shall say$ 'Are there any more to comeH' An ;araise shall be

brought for%ar to the gofearing$ not afar/ 'This is that you %ere promise= it is

for eery minful penitent.'

8hosoeer fears the All&merciful in the Dnseen$ an comes %ith a penitent heart/

'Enter it in peace This is the Cay of Eternity.' Therein they shall hae %hateer 

they %ill= an %ith Ds there is yet more.

#2/9# o% many a generation 8e estroye before them that %as stronger in

alour than they$ then they searche about in the lan= %as there any asylumH

-urely in that there is a reminer to him %ho has a heart$ or %ill gie ear %ith a

present min.

8e create the heaens an the earth$ an %hat bet%een them is$ in six ays$an no %eariness touche Ds. -o be thou patient uner %hat they say$ an

proclaim thy 7or's praise before the rising of the sun$ an before its setting$ an

proclaim thy 7or's praise in the night$ an at the ens of the prostrations.

#2/32 An listen thou for the ay %hen the caller shall call from a near place. 0n

the ay they hear the 4ry in truth$ that is the ay of coming forth. It is 8e %ho

gie life$ an mae to ie$ an to Ds is the homecoming.

Dpon the ay %hen the earth is split asuner from about them as they hasten

forth= that is a mustering easy for Ds. 8e no% ery %ell %hat they say= thou artnot a tyrant oer them.

#2/3# Therefore remin by the *oran him %ho fears y threat.

7I TE -4ATTE<E<-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

#!/! >y the s%ift scatterers an the buren&bearers an the smooth runners an

the partitioners$

#!/# surely that you are promise is true$ an surely the Coom is about to fall

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>y heaen %ith all its tracs surely you spea at ariance$ an pererte

therefrom are some.

#!/!2 ;erish the con,ecturers %ho are aBe in perplexity asing$ '8hen shall be

the Cay of CoomH' Dpon the ay %hen they shall be trie at the Fire/ 'Taste your 

trial This is that you %ere seeing to hasten.'

#!/!# -urely the gofearing shall be among garens an fountains taing

%hatsoeer their 7or has gien them= they %ere goo&oers before that. 7ittle of 

the night %oul they slumber$ an in the mornings they %oul as for forgieness=

an the beggar an the outcast ha a share in their %ealth.

#!/12 In the earth are signs for those haing sure faith= an in your seles= %hat$

o you not seeH An in heaen is your proision$ an that you are promise. -o

by the 7or of heaen an earth$ it is as surely true as that you hae speech.

ast thou receie the story of the honoure guests of AbrahamH

#!/1# 8hen they entere unto him$ saying ';eace' he sai ';eace Gou are a

people unno%n to me.' Then he turne to his househol an brought a fattene

calf$ an he lai it before them saying$ '8ill you not eatH' Then he conceie a

fear of them. They sai$ '>e not afrai' An they gae him goo tiings of a

cunning boy. Then came for%ar his %ife$ clamouring$ an she smote her face$

an sai$ 'An ol %oman$ barren'

#!/92 They sai$ '-o says thy 7or= e is the All&%ise$ the All&no%ing.' -ai he$'An %hat is your business$ enoysH' They sai$ '8e hae been sent to a people

of sinners$ to loose upon them stones of clay mare %ith thy 7or for the


#!/9# -o 8e brought forth such belieers as %ere in it$ but 8e foun not therein

except one house of those that hae surrenere themseles. An therein 8e left

a sign to those %ho fear the painful chastisement.

 An also in oses$ %hen 8e sent him unto ;haraoh$ %ith a clear authority$ but

he turne his bac$ %ith his court$ saying$ 'A sorcerer$ or a man possesse'

#!/32 -o 8e seiBe him an his hosts$ an 8e cast them into the sea$ an he


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 An also in A$ %hen 8e loose against them the %ithering %in that left nothing

it came upon$ but mae it as stuff ecaye. An also in Thamoo$ %hen it %as

sai to them$ 'Tae your en,oyment for a %hile'

Then they turne in isain from the commanment of their 7or$ an the

thunerbolt too them an they themseles beholing

#!/3# an they %ere not able to stan upright$ an %ere not helpe. An the

people of 5oah before= surely they %ere an ungoly people. An heaen && 8e

built it %ith might$ an 8e exten it %ie. An the earth && 8e sprea it forth= 0

excellent -moothers An of eerything create 8e t%o ins= haply you %ill


#!/#2 Therefore flee unto o

  I am a clear %arner from im to you.

  An set not up %ith o another go=

  I am a clear %arner from im to you.

Een so not a essenger came to those before them but they sai$ 'A sorcerer$ or 

a man possesse' 8hat$ hae they beueathe it one to anotherH 5ay$ but they

are an insolent people. -o turn thou from them= thou %ilt not be reproache.

#!/## An remin= the <eminer profits the belieers.

I hae not create ,inn an manin except to sere e. I esire of them no

proision$ neither o I esire that they shoul fee e. -urely o is the All&proier$ the ;ossessor of -trength$ the Eer&-ure.

The eiloers shall hae their portion$ lie the portion of their fello%s= so let them

not hasten e

#!/@2 -o %oe to the unbelieers$ for that ay of theirs that they are promise.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

#1/! >y the ount an a >oo inscribe in a parchment unrolle$ by the ouse

inhabite an the roof uplifte an the sea s%arming$ surely thy 7or's

chastisement is about to fall= there is none to aert it.

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Dpon the ay %hen heaen spins iBBily

#1/!2 an the mountains are in motion$  %oe that ay unto those that cry lies$  such as play at plunging$

 the ay %hen they shall be pitche into the fire of ehenna/  'This is the fire that you crie lies to

#1/!# 8hat$ is this magic$ or is it you that o not seeH  <oast in it An bear you patiently$ or bear not patiently$  eual it is to you= you are only being recompense for   that you %ere %oring.'

 -urely the gofearing shall be in garens an bliss$ re,oicing in that their 7or has gien them= an their 7or shall guar them against the chastisement of ell.

  'Eat an rin$ %ith %holesome appetite$ forthat you %ere %oring.

#1/12 <eclining upon couches range in ro%s=  an 8e shall espouse them to %ie&eye houris.  An those %ho beliee$ an their see follo%e them in belief$

8e shall ,oin their see %ith them$ an 8e  shall not efrau them of aught of their %or=

eery man shall be plege for %hat he earne.

 An 8e shall succour them %ith fruits an flesh such as they esire %hile they

pass therein a cup one to another %herein is no ile tal$ no cause of sin$ anthere go roun them youths$ their o%n$ as if they %ere hien pearls.

#1/1# They aance one upon another$ asing each other uestions. They say$

'8e %ere before among our people$ eer going in fear$ an o %as gracious to

us$ an guare us against the chastisement of the burning %in= %e %ere before

eer calling upon im= surely e is the All&benign$ the All&compassionate.'

Therefore remin by thy 7or's blessing thou art not a soothsayer neither 


#1/92 0r o they say$ 'e is a poet for %hom %e a%ait Fate's uncertainty'H -ay/

'A%ait I shall be a%aiting %ith you.'

0r o their intellects bi them o thisH 0r are they an insolent peopleH 0r o they

say$ 'e has inente itH' 5ay$ but they o not beliee. Then let them bring a

iscourse lie it$ if they spea truly.

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#1/9# 0r %ere they create out of nothingH 0r are they the creatorsH 0r i they

create the heaens an earthH 5ay$ but they hae not sure faith. 0r are thy 7or's

treasuries in their eepingH 0r are they the registrarsH 0r hae they a laer 

%hereon they listenH Then let any of them that has listene bring a clear 

authority. 0r has e aughters$ an they sonsH

#1/32 0r asest thou them for a %age$ an so they are %eighe o%n %ith ebtH

0r is the Dnseen in their eeping$ an so they are %riting it o%nH 0r esire they

to out%itH The unbelieers$ they are the out%itte. 0r hae they a go$ other than

oH lory be to o$ aboe that %hich they associate

Een if they sa% lumps falling from heaen$ they %oul say$ 'A masse clou'

#1/3# Then leae them$ till they encounter their ay %herein they shall be

thunerstruc$ the ay %hen their guile shall aail them naught$ an they shall not

be helpe. An there surely a%aits the eiloers a chastisement beyon een

that$ but most of them no% it not.

 An be thou patient uner the ,ugment of thy 7or= surely thou art before 0ur 

eyes. An proclaim the praise of thy 7or %hen thou arisest$ an proclaim the

praise of thy 7or in the night$ an at the eclining of the stars.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

#9/! >y the -tar %hen it plunges$ your comrae is not astray$ neither errs$ nor 

speas he out of caprice. This is naught but a reelation reeale$

#9/# taught him by one terrible in po%er$  ery strong= he stoo poise$  being on the higher horiBon$  then re% near an suspene hung$

  t%o bo%s'&length a%ay$ or nearer$

#9/!2 then reeale to his serant that he reeale.  is heart lies not of %hat he sa%=  %hat$ %ill you ispute %ith him %hat he seesH

Inee$ he sa% him another time by the 7ote&Tree of the >ounary

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#9/!# nigh %hich is the aren of the <efuge$ %hen there coere the 7ote&Tree

that %hich coere= his eye s%ere not= nor s%ept astray. Inee$ he sa% one of 

the greatest signs of his 7or.

ae you consiere El&7at an El&'DBBa

#9/12 an anat the thir$ the otherH 8hat$ hae you males$ an e femalesH

That %ere inee an un,ust iision. They are naught but names yourseles hae

name$ an your fathers= o has sent o%n no authority touching them. They

follo% only surmise$ an %hat the souls esire= an yet guiance has come to

them from their 7or. 0r shall man hae %hateer he fanciesH

#9/1# An to o belongs the First an the 7ast. o% many an angel there is in

the heaens %hose intercession aails not anything$ sae after that o gies

leae to %homsoeer e %ills an is %ell&please.

Those %ho o not beliee in the %orl to come name the angels %ith the names

of females. They hae not any no%lege thereof= they follo% only surmise$ an

surmise aails naught against truth.

#9/92 -o turn thou from him %ho turns a%ay from 0ur <emembrance$ an

esires only the present life. That is their attainment of no%lege.

-urely thy 7or no%s ery %ell those %ho hae gone astray from is %ay$ an

e no%s ery %ell those %ho are guie.

To o belongs %hatsoeer is in the heaens an %hatsoeer is in the earth$ that

e may recompense those %ho o eil for %hat they hae one$ an recompense

those %ho hae one goo %ith the re%ar most fair.

Those %ho aoi the heinous sins an inecencies$ sae lesser offences surely

thy 7or is %ie in is forgieness.

:ery %ell e no%s you$ %hen e prouce you from the earth$ an %hen you

%ere yet unborn in your mothers' %ombs= therefore hol not yourseles purifie=

o no%s ery %ell him %ho is gofearing.

ast thou consiere him %ho turns his bac

#9/9# an gies a little$ an then gruginglyH Coes he possess the no%lege of 

the Dnseen$ an therefore he seesH 0r has he not been tol of %hat is in the

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scrolls of oses$ an Abraham$ he %ho pai his ebt in fullH That no soul laen

bears the loa of another$

#9/32 an that a man shall hae to his account only as he has laboure$ an that

his labouring shall surely be seen$ then he shall be recompense for it %ith the

fullest recompense$ an that the final en is unto thy 7or$ an that it is e %ho

maes to laugh$ an that maes to %eep$

#9/3# an that it is e %ho maes to ie$ an that maes to lie$ an that e

imself create the t%o ins$ male an female$ of a sperm&rop$ %hen it %as

cast forth$ an that upon im rests the secon gro%th$ an that it is e %ho gies

%ealth an riches$

#9/#2 an that it is e %ho is the 7or of -irius$ an that e estroye A$ the

ancient$ an Thamoo$ an e i not spare them$ an the people of 5oah

before && certainly they i exceeing eil$ an %ere insolent

#9/## an the -uberte 4ity e also oerthre%$ so that there coere it that

%hich coere. Then %hich of thy 7or's bounties isputest thouH

This is a %arner$ of the %arners of ol. The Imminent is imminent= apart from o

none can isclose it. Co you then marel at this iscourse$

#9/@2 an o you laugh$ an o you not %eep$ %hile you mae merryH

-o bo% yourseles before o$ an sere im

7I: TE 005

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

#3/! The our has ra%n nigh/ the moon is split.

Get if they see a sign they turn a%ay$ an they say 'A continuous sorcery' Theyhae crie lies$ an follo%e their caprices= but eery matter is settle. An there

hae come to them such tiings as contain a eterrent && a 8isom far&reaching=

yet %arnings o not aail.

#3/# -o turn thou a%ay from them.

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Dpon the ay %hen the 4aller shall call unto a horrible thing$ abasing their eyes$

they shall come forth from the tombs as if they %ere scattere grasshoppers$

running %ith outstretche necs to the 4aller. The unbelieers shall say$ 'This is a

har ay'

The people of 5oah crie lies before them= they crie lies to 0ur serant$ an

sai$ 'A man possesse' An he %as re,ecte.

#3/!2 An so he calle unto his 7or$ saying$ 'I am anuishe= o Thou succour 

me' Then 8e opene the gates of heaen unto %ater torrential$ an mae the

earth to gush %ith fountains$ an the %aters met for a matter ecree. An 8e

bore him upon a %ell&plane essel %ell&caule running before 0ur eyes && a

recompense for him enie.

#3/!# An 8e left it for a sign.

Is there any that %ill rememberH o% then %ere y chastisement an y

%arningsH 5o% 8e hae mae the *oran easy for <emembrance. Is there any

that %ill rememberH

 A crie lies. o% then %ere y chastisement an y %arningsH 8e loose

against them a %in clamorous in a ay of ill fortune continuous$

#3/12 plucing up men as if they %ere stumps of uproote palm&trees. o% then

%ere y chastisement an y %arningsH 5o% 8e hae mae the *oran easy for 

<emembrance. Is there any that %ill rememberH

Thamoo crie lies to the %arnings an sai$ '8hat$ shall %e follo% a mortal$ one

out of ourselesH Then inee %e shoul be in error an insanity

#3/1# as the <eminer been cast upon him alone among usH 5ay$ rather he is

an impuent liar.' 'They shall surely no% tomorro% %ho is the impuent liar. They

shall sen the -he&camel as a trial for them= so %atch thou them an eep

patience. An tell them that the %ater is to be iie bet%een them$ each rin

for each in turn.

Then they calle their comrae$ an he too in han$ an hamstrung her.

#3/92 o% then %ere y chastisement an y %arningsH 8e loose against

them one 4ry$ an they %ere as the %attles of a pen&builer. 5o% 8e hae mae

the *oran easy for <emembrance. Is there any that %ill rememberH

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The people of 7ot crie lies to the %arnings. 8e loose against them a suall of 

pebbles except the fol of 7ot= 8e eliere them at the a%n &&

#3/9# a blessing from Ds= een so 8e recompense him %ho is thanful. e ha

%arne them of 0ur assault$ but they ispute the %arnings. Een his guests they

ha solicite of him= so 8e obliterate their eyes$ saying$ 'Taste no% y

chastisement an y %arnings' In the morning early there came upon them a

settle chastisement/ 'Taste no% y chastisement an y %arnings'

#3/32 5o% 8e hae mae the *oran easy for <emembrance. Is there any that

%ill rememberH

The %arnings came also to ;haraoh's fol. They crie lies to 0ur signs$ all of 

them$ so 8e seiBe them %ith the seiBing of 0ne mighty$ omnipotent.

8hat$ are your unbelieers better than thoseH 0r hae you an immunity in the-crollsH 0r o they say$ '8e are a congregation that shall be succoureH'

#3/3# 4ertainly the host shall be route$ an turn their bacs.

5ay$ but the our is their tryst$ an the our is ery calamitous an bitter. -urely

the sinners are in error an insanity

The ay %hen they are ragge on their faces into the Fire/ 'Taste no% the touch

of -aar' -urely 8e hae create eerything in measure.

#3/#2 0ur commanment is but one %or$ as the t%inling of an eye.

8e hae estroye the lies of you= is there any that %ill rememberH Eery thing

that they hae one is in the -crolls$ an eerything$ great an small$ is inscribe.

-urely the gofearing shall %ell ami garens an a rier

#3/## in a sure aboe$ in the presence of a *ing 0mnipotent.

7: TE A77&E<4IFD7

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

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##/! The All&merciful has taught the *oran. e create man an e has taught

him the Explanation.

The sun an the moon to a reconing$

##/# an the stars an the trees bo% themseles= an heaen && e raise it up$an set the >alance. (Transgress not in the >alance$ an %eigh %ith ,ustice$ an

simp not in the >alance.) An earth && e set it o%n for all beings$

##/!2 therein fruits$ an palm&trees %ith sheaths$ an grain in the blae$ an

fragrant herbs. 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

e create man of a clay lie the potter's$ an e create the ,inn of a smoeless


##/!# 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

7or of the T%o Easts$ 7or of the T%o 8ests$ 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties

%ill you an you enyH

##/12 e let forth the t%o seas that meet together$ bet%een them a barrier they

o not oerpass. 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH From

them come forth the pearl an the coral. 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you

an you enyH is too are the ships that run$ raise up in the sea lie lan&mars.

##/1# 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH All that %ells uponthe earth is perishing$ yet still abies the Face of thy 7or$ ma,estic$ spleni.

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH 8hatsoeer is in the

heaens an the earth implore im= eery ay e is upon some labour.

##/92 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

8e shall surely atten to you at leisure$ you %eight an you %eight 0 %hich of 

your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH 0 tribe of ,inn an of men$ if you are

able to pass through the confines of heaen an earth$ pass through them Goushall not pass through except %ith an authority.

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

##/9# Against you shall be loose a flame of fire$ an molten brass= an you shall

not be helpe.

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0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH An %hen heaen is split

asuner$ an turns crimson lie re leather && 0 %hich of our 7or's bounties %ill

you an you enyH on that ay none shall be uestione about his sin$ neither 

man nor ,inn.

##/32 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH The sinners shall

be no%n by their mar$ an they shall be seiBe by their forelocs an their feet.

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH This is ehenna$ that

sinners crie lies to= they shall go roun bet%een it an bet%een hot$ boiling


##/3# 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

>ut such as fears the -tation of his 7or$ for them shall be t%o garens &&

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH abouning in branches &&

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

##/#2 therein t%o fountains of running %ater && 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties

%ill you an you enyH therein of eery fruit t%o ins && 0 %hich of your 7or's

bounties %ill you an you enyH reclining upon couches line %ith brocae$ the

fruits of the garens nigh to gather &&

##/## 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyHtherein maiens restraining their glances$

untouche before them by any man or ,inn &&

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

loely as rubies$ beautiful as coral &&

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

##/@2 -hall the recompense of gooness be other than goonessH

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

 An besies these shall be t%o garens &&

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH green$ green pastures &&

##/@# 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH therein t%o

fountains of gushing %ater && 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you

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enyH therein fruits$ an palm&trees$ an pomegranates && 0 %hich of your 7or's

bounties %ill you an you enyH

##/2 therein maiens goo an comely && 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill

you an you enyH houris$ cloistere in cool pailions && 0 %hich of your 7or's

bounties %ill you an you enyH untouche before them by any man or ,inn &&

##/# 0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH reclining upon

green cushions an loely ruggets &&

0 %hich of your 7or's bounties %ill you an you enyH

>lesse be the 5ame of thy 7or$ ma,estic$ spleni.

7:I TE TE<<0<

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

#@/! 8hen the Terror escens (an none enies its escening) abasing$

exalting$ %hen the earth shall be roce an the mountains crumble an

become a ust scattere$ an you shall be three bans &&

4ompanions of the <ight (0 4ompanions of the <ight)

  4ompanions of the 7eft (0 4ompanions of the 7eft)

#@/!2 an the 0utstrippers/ the 0utstrippers  those are they brought nigh the Throne$  in the arens of Celight  (a throng of the ancients  an ho% fe% of the later fol)

#@/!# upon close&%rought couches  reclining upon them$ set face to face$  immortal youths going roun about them

  %ith goblets$ an e%ers$ an a cup from a spring  (no bro%s throbbing$ no intoxication)

#@/12 an such fruits as they shall choose$  an such flesh of fo%l as they esire$  an %ie&eye houris  as the lieness of hien pearls$  a recompense for that they laboure.

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  Therein they shall hear no ile tal$ no cause of sin$

#@/1# only the saying ';eace$ ;eace'

The 4ompanions of the <ight (0 4ompanions of the <ight) mi thornless lote&

trees an serrie acacias$ an spreaing shae an outpoure %aters$ an fruitsabouning unfailing$ unforbien$ an upraise couches.

#@/9# ;erfectly 8e forme them$ perfect$ an 8e mae them spotless irgins$

chastely amorous$ lie of age for the 4ompanions of the <ight. A throng of the

ancients an a throng of the later fol.

#@/32 The 4ompanions of the 7eft (0 4ompanions of the 7eft) mi burning %ins

an boiling %aters an the shao% of a smoing blaBe neither cool$ neither 

gooly= an before that they lie at ease$

#@/3# an persiste in the reat -in$ eer saying$ '8hat$ %hen %e are ea an

become ust an bones$ shall %e inee be raise upH 8hat$ an our fathers$

the ancientsH'

-ay/ 'The ancients$ an the later fol shall be gathere to the appointe time of a

no%n ay.

#@/#2 Then you erring ones$ you that crie lies$ you shall eat of a tree calle

?aoum$ an you shall fill there%ith your bellies an rin on top of that boiling


#@/## lapping it o%n lie thirsty camels.' This shall be their hospitality on the Cay

of Coom. 8e create you= therefore %hy %ill you not belieeH

ae you consiere the see you spillH Co you yourseles create it$ or are 8e

the 4reatorsH

#@/@2 8e hae ecree among you Ceath= 8e shall not be outstrippe= that 8e

may exchange the lies of you$ an mae you to gro% again in a fashion you

no% not. Gou hae no%n the first gro%th= so %hy %ill you not rememberH

#@/@# ae you consiere the soil you tillH Co you yourseles so% it$ or are 8e

the -o%ersH Ci 8e %ill$ 8e %oul mae it broen orts$ an you %oul remain

bitterly ,esting && '8e are ebt&loae= nay$ %e hae been robbe'

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ae you consiere the %ater you rinH Ci you sen it o%n from the clous$

or i 8e sen itH Ci 8e %ill$ 8e %oul mae it bitter= so %hy are you not


#@/2 ae you consiere the fire you inleH Ci you mae its timber to gro%$

or i 8e mae itH 8e 0urseles mae it for a reminer$ an a boon to the


Then magnify the 5ame of thy 7or$ the All&mighty.

5o I s%ear by the fallings of the stars

#@/# (an that is inee a mighty oath$ i you but no% it) it is surely a noble

*oran in a hien >oo none but the purifie shall touch$ a sening o%n from

the 7or of all >eing.

#@/2 8hat$ o you hol this iscourse in isain$

an o you mae it your liing to cry liesH

8hy$ but %hen the soul leaps to the throat of the ying

  an that hour you are %atching

  (An 8e are nigher him than you$ but you o not see Ds)

#@/# %hy$ if you are not at 0ur isposal$

  o you not bring bac his soul$ if you spea trulyH

  Then$ if he be of those brought nigh the Throne$  there shall be repose an ease$ an a aren of Celight=

"2 an if he be a 4ompanion of the <ight/

  ';eace be upon thee$ 4ompanion of the <ight'

  >ut if he be of them that crie lies$ an %ent astray$

  there shall be a hospitality of boiling %ater  

  an the roasting in ell.

"# -urely this is the truth of certainty.

  Then magnify the 5ame of thy 7or$ the All&mighty.

7:II I<05

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

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#/! All that is in the heaens an the earth magnifies o= e is the All&mighty$

the All&%ise. To im belongs the *ingom of the heaens an the earth= e gies

life$ an e maes to ie$ an e is po%erful oer eerything.

e is the First an the 7ast$ the 0ut%ar an the In%ar= e has no%lege of 

eerything. It is e that create the heaens an the earth in six ays then seate

imself upon the Throne.

e no%s %hat penetrates into the earth$ an %hat comes forth from it$ && %hat

comes o%n from heaen$ an %hat goes up unto it. e is %ith you %hereer you

are= an o sees the things you o.

#/# To im belongs the *ingom of the heaens an the earth= an unto im all

matters are returne. e maes the night to enter into the ay an maes the ay

to enter into the night. e no%s the thoughts %ithin the breasts.

>eliee in o an is essenger$ an expen of that unto %hich e has mae

you successors. An those of you %ho beliee an expen shall hae a mighty


o% is it %ith you$ that you beliee not in o seeing that the essenger is

calling you to beliee in your 7or$ an e has taen compact %ith you$ if you are


It is e %ho sens o%n upon is serant signs$ clear signs$ that e may bring

you forth from the shao%s into the light. -urely o is to you All&gentle$ All&compassionate.

#/!2 o% is it %ith you$ that you expen not in the %ay of o$ an to o

belongs the inheritance of the heaens an the earthH 5ot eual is he among you

%ho spent$ an %ho fought before the ictory= those are mightier in ran than they

%ho spent an fought after%ars= an unto each o has promise the re%ar

most fair= an o is a%are of the things you o. 8ho is he that %ill len to o a

goo loan$ an e %ill multiply it for him$ an his shall be a generous %ageH

Dpon the ay %hen thou seest the belieers$ men an %omen$ their light runningbefore them$ an on their right hans. 'oo tiings for you toay arens

unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein to %ell for eer= that is inee the mighty


Dpon the ay %hen the hypocrites$ men an %omen$ shall say to those %ho hae

beliee$ '8ait for us$ so that %e may borro% your light' It shall be sai$ '<eturn

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you bac behin$ an see for a light' An a %all shall be set up bet%een them$

haing a oor in the in%ar %hereof is mercy$ an against the out%ar thereof is

chastisement. They shall be calling unto them$ '8ere %e not %ith youH' They shall

say$ 'Ges inee= but you tempte yourseles$ an you a%aite$ an you %ere in

oubt$ an fancies elue you$ until o's commanment came$ an the

Celuer elue you concerning o. Therefore toay no ransom shall be taen

from you$ neither from those %ho isbeliee. Gour refuge is the Fire$ that is your 

master && an eil homecoming'

#/!# Is it not time that the hearts of those %ho beliee shoul be humble to the

<emembrance of o an the Truth %hich e has sent o%n$ an that they

shoul not be as those to %hom the >oo %as gien aforetime$ an the term

seeme oer long to them$ so that their hearts hae become har$ an many of 

them are ungolyH

*no% that o reies the earth after it %as ea. 8e hae inee mae clear 

for you the signs$ that haply you %ill unerstan.

-urely those$ the men an the %omen$ %ho mae free%ill offerings an hae lent

to o a goo loan$ it shall be multiplie for them$ an theirs shall be a generous


 An those %ho beliee in o an is essengers && they are the ,ust men an

the martyrs in their 7or's sight= they hae their %age$ an their light. >ut the

unbelieers$ %ho hae crie lies to 0ur signs$ they are the inhabitants of ell.

*no% that the present life is but a sport an a iersion$ an aornment an a

cause for boasting among you$ an a rialry in %ealth an chilren. It is as a rain

%hose egetation pleases the unbelieers= then it %ithers$ an thou seest it

turning yello%$ then it becomes broen orts. An in the %orl to come there is a

terrible chastisement$

#/12 an forgieness from o an goo pleasure= an the present life is but

the ,oy of elusion. <ace to forgieness from your 7or$ an a aren the

breath %hereof is as the breath of heaen an earth$ mae reay for those %ho

beliee in o an is essengers. That is the bounty of o= e gies it unto

%homsoeer e %ill= an o is of bounty abouning.

5o affliction befalls in the earth or in yourseles$ but it is in a >oo$ before 8e

create it= that is easy for o= that you may not griee for %hat escapes you$ nor 

re,oice in %hat has come to you= o loes not any man prou an boastful$ such

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as are niggarly$ an bi men to be niggarly. An %hosoeer turns a%ay$ o is

the All&sufficient$ the All&lauable.

#/1# Inee$ 8e sent 0ur essengers %ith the clear signs$ an 8e sent o%n

%ith them the >oo an the >alance so that men might uphol ,ustice. An 8e

sent o%n iron$ %herein is great might$ an many uses for men$ an so that o

might no% %ho helps im$ an is essengers$ in the Dnseen. -urely o is

 All&strong$ All&mighty.

 An 8e sent 5oah$ an Abraham$ an 8e appointe the ;rophecy an the >oo

to be among their see= an some of them are guie$ an many of them are


Then 8e sent$ follo%ing in their footsteps$ 0ur essengers= an 8e sent$

follo%ing$ Jesus son of ary$ an gae unto him the ospel.

 An 8e set in the hearts of those %ho follo%e him tenerness an mercy.

 An monasticism they inente && 8e i not prescribe it for them && only seeing

the goo pleasure of o= but they obsere it not as it shoul be obsere. -o

8e gae those of them %ho beliee their %age= an many of them are ungoly.

0 belieers$ fear o$ an beliee in is essenger$ an e %ill gie you a t%ofol portion of is mercy= an

 e %ill appoint for you a light %hereby you shall %al$ an forgie you= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate=

that the ;eople of the >oo may no% that they hae no po%er oer anything of 

o's bounty$ an that bounty is in the han of o= e gies it unto %homsoeer 

e %ill= an o is of bounty abouning.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

#/! o has hear the %ors of her that isputes %ith thee concerning her 

husban$ an maes complaint unto o. o hears the t%o of you conersing

together= surely o is All&hearing$ All&seeing.

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Those of you %ho say$ regaring their %ies$ '>e as my mother's bac$' they are

not truly their mothers= their mothers are only those %ho gae them birth$ an

they are surely saying a ishonourable saying$ an a falsehoo.

Get surely o is All&paroning$ All&forgiing. An those %ho say$ regaring their 

%ies$ '>e as my mother's bac$' an then retract %hat they hae sai$ they shall

set free a slae$ before the t%o of them touch one another. >y that you are

amonishe= an o is a%are of the things you o.

#/# >ut %hosoeer fins not the means$ then let him fast t%o successie

months$ before the t%o of them touch one another. An if any man is not able to$

then let him fee sixty poor persons && that$ that you may beliee in o an is

essenger. Those are o's bouns= an for the unbelieers there a%aits yet a

painful chastisement.

-urely those %ho oppose o an is essenger shall be frustrate as those

before them %ere frustrate. 5o% 8e hae sent o%n signs$ clear signs= an for 

the unbelieers a%aits a humbling chastisement$ upon the ay %hen o shall

raise them up all together$ then e shall tell them %hat they i.

o has numbere it$ an they hae forgotten it. o is %itness oer eerything.

ast thou not seen that o no%s %hatsoeer is in the heaens$ an

%hatsoeer is in the earthH Three men conspire not secretly together$ but e is

the fourth of them$ neither fie men$ but e is the sixth of them$ neither fe%er than

that$ neither more$ but e is %ith them$ %hereer they may be= then e shall tell

them %hat they hae one$ on the Cay of <esurrection. -urely o has

no%lege of eerything.

ast thou not regare those %ho %ere forbien to conerse secretly together$

then they return to that they %ere forbien$ an they conerse secretly together 

in sin an enmity$ an in isobeience to the essengerH Then$ %hen they come

to thee$ they greet thee %ith a greeting o neer greete thee %ithal= an they

say %ithin themseles$ '8hy oes o not chastise us for %hat %e sayH'

-ufficient for them shall be ehenna$ at %hich they$ shall be roaste && an eil


#/!2 0 belieers$ %hen you conspire secretly$ then conspire not together in sin

an enmity an isobeience to the essenger$ but conspire in piety an

gofearing. Fear o$ unto %hom you shall be mustere. 4onspiring secretly

together is of -atan$ that the belieers may sorro%= but he %ill not hurt them

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anything$ except by the leae of o. An in o let the belieers put all their 


0 belieers$ %hen it is sai to you 'ae room in the assemblies'$ then mae

room$ an o %ill mae room for you= an %hen it is sai$ 'oe up'$ moe up$

an o %ill raise up in ran those of you %ho beliee an hae been gien

no%lege. An o is a%are of the things you o.

0 belieers$ %hen you conspire %ith the essenger$ before your conspiring

aance a free%ill offering= that is better for you an purer. Get if you fin not

means$ o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

 Are you afrai$ before your conspiring$ to aance free%ill offeringsH If you o not

so$ an o turns again unto you$ then perform the prayer$ an pay the alms$ an

obey o an is essenger. o is a%are of the things you o.

#/!# ast thou not regare those %ho hae taen for friens a people against

%hom o is %rathfulH They belong neither to you nor to them= an they s%ear 

upon falsehoo$ an that %ittingly. o has mae reay for them a chastisement

terrible= surely they && eil are the things they hae been oing. They hae taen

their oaths as a coering$ an barre from o's %ay= so there a%aits them a

humbling chastisement.

5either their riches nor their chilren shall aail them anything against o= those

&& they are the inhabitants of the Fire$ therein %elling foreer.

Dpon the ay %hen o shall raise them up all together$ an they %ill s%ear to

im$ as they s%ear to you$ an thin they are on something. -urely$ they are the


#/12 -atan has gaine the mastery oer them$ an cause them to forget o's

<emembrance. Those are -atan's party= %hy$ -atan's party$ surely$ they are the


-urely those %ho oppose o an is essenger$ those are among the most

ab,ect. o has %ritten$ 'I shall assurely be the ictor$ I an y essengers.'-urely o is All&strong$ All&mighty.

Thou shalt not fin any people %ho beliee in o an the 7ast Cay %ho are

loing to anyone %ho opposes. o an is essenger$ not though they %ere

their fathers$ or their sons$ or their brothers$ or their clan. Those && e has %ritten

faith upon their hearts$ an e has confirme them %ith a -pirit from imself= an

7/31/2019 The Qur'an - English Translation 357/403


e shall amit them into garens unerneath %hich riers flo%$ therein to %ell

foreer$ o being %ell&please %ith them$ an they %ell&please %ith im.

Those are o's party= %hy$ surely o's party && they are the prosperers.

7I6 TE D-TE<I5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

#"/! All that is in the heaens an the earth magnifies o= e is the All&mighty$

the All&%ise.

It is e %ho expelle from their habitations the unbelieers among the ;eople of 

the >oo at the first mustering. Gou i not thin that they %oul go forth$ an

they thought that their fortresses %oul efen them against o= then o came

upon them from %hence they ha not recone$ an e cast terror into their 

hearts as they estroye their houses %ith their o%n hans$ an the hans of the

belieers= therefore tae hee$ you %ho hae eyes

a o not prescribe ispersal for them$ e %oul hae chastise them in this

%orl= an there a%aits them in the %orl to come the chastisement of the Fire.

That is because they mae a breach %ith o an is essenger= an

%hosoeer maes a breach %ith o$ o is terrible in retribution.

#"/# 8hateer palm&trees you cut o%n$ or left staning upon their roots$ that

%as by o's leae$ an that e might egrae the ungoly.

 An %hateer spoils of %ar o has gien unto is essenger from them$

against that you price neither horse nor camel= but o gies authority to is

essengers oer %homsoeer e %ill. o is po%erful oer eerything.

8hatsoeer spoils of %ar o has gien to is essenger from the people of the

cities belongs to o$ an is essenger$ an the near insman$ orphans$ the

neey an the traeller$ so that it be not a thing taen in turns among the rich of 

you. 8hateer the essenger gies you$ tae= %hateer he forbis you$ gie

oer. An fear o= surely o is terrible in retribution.

It is for the poor emigrants$ %ho %ere expelle from their habitations an their 

possessions$ seeing bounty from o an goo pleasure$ an helping o an

is essenger= those && they are the truthful ones.

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 An those %ho mae their %elling in the aboe$ an in belief$ before them= loe

%hosoeer has emigrate to them$ not fining in their breasts any nee for %hat

they hae been gien$ an preferring others aboe themseles$ een though

poerty be their portion. An %hoso is guare against the aarice of his o%n

soul$ those && they are the prosperers.

#"/!2 An as for those %ho came after them$ they say$ '0ur 7or$ forgie us an

our brothers$ %ho precee us in belief$ an put Thou not into our hearts any

rancour to%ars those %ho beliee. 0ur 7or$ surely Thou art the All&gentle$ the


ast thou not regare the hypocrites$ saying to their brothers of the ;eople of 

the >oo %ho isbeliee$ 'If you are expelle$ %e %ill go forth %ith you$ an %e

%ill neer obey anyone in regar to you. If you are fought against$ %e %ill help

you.' An o bears %itness that they are truly liars.

If those are expelle$ they %ill not go forth %ith them$ an if they are fought

against$ they %ill not help them. Een if they helpe them$ they %oul surely turn

their bacs$ then they %oul not be helpe.

8hy$ you arouse greater fear in their hearts than o= that is because they are a

people %ho unerstan not. They %ill not fight against you all together except in

fortifie cities$ or from behin %alls. Their alour is great$ among themseles= you

thin of them as a host= but their hearts are scattere= that is because they are a

people %ho hae no sense.

#"/!# 7ie those %ho a short time before them taste the mischief of their action=

there a%aits them a painful chastisement. 7ie -atan$ %hen he sai to man$

'Cisbeliee'= then$ %hen he isbeliee$ he sai$ '-urely I am uit of you. -urely I

fear o$ the 7or of all >eing.'

Their en is$ both are in the Fire$ there %elling foreer= that is the recompense of 

the eiloers.

0 belieers$ fear o. 7et eery soul consier %hat it has for%are for the

morro%. An fear o= o is a%are of the things you o.

>e not as those %ho forgot o$ an so e cause them to forget their souls=

those && they are the ungoly.

#"/12 5ot eual are the inhabitants of the Fire an the inhabitants of ;araise.

The inhabitants of ;araise && they are the triumphant.

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If 8e ha sent o%n this *oran upon a mountain$ thou %oulst hae seen it

humble$ split asuner out of the fear of o.

 An those similitues && 8e strie them for men= haply they %ill reflect.

e is o=there is no go but e.e is the no%er of the Dnseen an the :isible=e is the All&merciful$ the All&compassionate.

e is o=there is no go but e.e is the *ing$ the All&holy$ the All&peaceable$the All&faithful$ the All&preserer$the All&mighty$ the All&compeller$ the All&sublime.lory be to o$ aboe that they associate

e is o$the 4reator$ the aer$ the -haper.To im belong the 5ames ost >eautiful.

 All that is in the heaens an the earth magnifies im=e is the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

76 TE 80A5 TE-TEC

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@2/! 0 belieers$ tae not y enemy an your enemy for friens$ offering them

loe$ though they hae isbeliee in the truth that has come to you$ expelling the

essenger an you because you beliee in o your 7or. If you go forth to

struggle in y %ay an see y goo pleasure$ secretly loing them$ yet I no%

ery %ell %hat you conceal an %hat you publish= an %hosoeer of you oes

that$ has gone astray from the right %ay.

If they come on you$ they %ill be enemies to you$ an stretch against you their 

hans an their tongues$ to o you eil$ an they %ish that you may isbeliee.

5either your bloo&inre nor your chilren shall profit you upon the Cay of 

<esurrection= e shall istinguish bet%een you. An o sees the things you o.

Gou hae ha a goo example in Abraham$ an those %ith him$ %hen they sai to

their people$ '8e are uit of you an that you sere$ apart from o. 8e

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isbeliee in you$ an bet%een us an you enmity has sho%n itself$ an hatre

for eer$ until you beliee in o alone. (Except that Abraham sai unto his father$

'4ertainly I shall as paron for thee= but I hae no po%er to o aught for thee

against o.') '0ur 7or$ in Thee %e trust= to Thee %e turn= to Thee is the


@2/# 0ur 7or$ mae us not a temptation to those %ho isbeliee= an forgie us.

0ur 7or$ Thou art the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.'

Gou hae ha a goo example in them for %hoeer hopes for o an the 7ast

Cay. An %hosoeer turns a%ay$ surely o is the All&sufficient$ the All&lauable.

It may be o %ill yet establish bet%een you an those of them %ith %hom you

are at enmity loe. o is All&po%erful= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

o forbis you not$ as regars those %ho hae not fought you in religion'scause$ nor expelle you from your habitations$ that you shoul be inly to them$

an act ,ustly to%ars them= surely o loes the ,ust.

o only forbis you as to those %ho hae fought you in religion's cause$ an

expelle you from your habitations$ an hae supporte in your expulsion$ that

you shoul tae them for friens. An %hosoeer taes them for friens$ those &&

they are the eiloers.

@2/!2 0 belieers$ %hen belieing %omen come to you as emigrants$ test them.

o no%s ery %ell their belief. Then$ if you no% them to be belieers$ returnthem not to the unbelieers. They are not permitte to the unbelieers$ nor are

the unbelieers permitte to them. ie the unbelieers %hat they hae

expene= an there is no fault in you to marry them %hen you hae gien them

their %ages. Co not hol fast to the ties of unbelieing %omen$ an as %hat you

hae expene$ an let them as %hat they hae expene. That is o's

 ,ugment= e ,uges bet%een you= an o is All&no%ing$ All&%ise.

 An if any of your %ies slips a%ay from you to the unbelieers$ an then you

retaliate$ gie those %hose %ies hae gone a%ay the lie of %hat they hae

expene. An fear o$ in %hom you beliee.

0 ;rophet$ %hen belieing %omen come to thee$ s%earing fealty to thee upon the

terms that they %ill not associate %ith o anything$ an %ill not steal$ neither 

commit aultery$ nor slay their chilren$ nor bring a calumny they forge bet%een

their hans an their feet$ nor isobey thee in aught honourable$ as o's

forgieness for them= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

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0 belieers$ tae not for friens a people against %hom o is %rathful$ an %ho

hae espaire of the %orl to come$ een as the unbelieers hae espaire of 

the inhabitants of the tombs.

76I TE <A5*-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@!/! All that is in the heaens an the earth magnifies o= e is the All&mighty=

the All&%ise.

0 you %ho beliee$ %herefore o you say %hat you o notH :ery hateful is it to

o$ that you say %hat you o not. o loes those %ho fight in is %ay in rans$

as though they %ere a builing %ell&compacte.

@!/# An %hen oses sai to his people$ '0 my people$ %hy o you hurt me$

though you no% I am the essenger of o to youH' 8hen they s%ere$ o

cause their hearts to s%ere= an o guies neer the people of the ungoly.

 An %hen Jesus son of ary sai$ '4hilren of Israel$ I am inee the essenger 

of o to you$ confirming the Torah that is before me$ an giing goo tiings of a

essenger %ho shall come after me$ %hose name shall be Ahma.'

Then$ %hen he brought them the clear signs$ they sai$ 'This is a manifestsorcery.'

 An %ho oes greater eil than he %ho forges against o falsehoo$ %hen he is

being calle unto surrenerH An o guies neer the people of the eiloers.

They esire to extinguish %ith their mouths$ the light of o= but o %ill perfect

is light$ though the unbelieers be aerse. It is e %ho has sent is essenger 

%ith the guiance an the religion of truth$ that he may uplift it aboe eery

religion$ though the unbelieers be aerse.

@!/!2 0 belieers$ shall I irect you to a commerce that shall elier you from a

painful chastisementH Gou shall beliee in o an is essenger$ an struggle

in the %ay of o %ith your possessions an your seles. That is better for you$

i you but no%.

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e %ill forgie you your sins an amit you into garens unerneath %hich riers

flo%$ an to %elling&places gooly in arens of Een= that is the mighty

triumph= an other things you loe$ help from o an a nigh ictory. ie thou

goo tiings to the belieers

0 belieers$ be you o's helpers$ as Jesus$ ary's son$ sai to the Apostles.

'8ho %ill be my helpers unto oH' The Apostles sai$ '8e %ill be helpers of 


 An a party of the 4hilren of Israel beliee$ an a party isbeliee. -o 8e

confirme those %ho beliee against their enemy$ an they became masters.

76II 405<EATI05

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@1/! All that is in the heaens an the earth magnifies o$ the *ing$ the All&holy$

the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

It is e %ho has raise up from among the common people a essenger from

among them$ to recite is signs to them an to purify them$ an to teach them the

>oo an the 8isom$ though before that they %ere in manifest error$ an others

of them %ho hae not yet ,oine them. An e is the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

That is the bounty of o=e gies it to %hom e %ill$an o is of bounty


@1/# The lieness of those %ho hae been loae %ith the Torah then they hae

not carrie it$ is as the lieness of an ass carrying boos. Eil is the lieness of 

the people %ho hae crie lies to o's signs. o guies neer the people of 

the eiloers.

-ay/ 'Gou of Je%ry$ if you assert that you are the friens of o$ apart from other 

men$ then o you long for eath$ if you spea truly.'

>ut they %ill neer long for it$ because of that their hans hae for%are= o

no%s the eiloers. -ay/ '-urely eath$ from %hich you flee$ shall encounter you=

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then you shall be returne to the *no%er of the Dnseen an the :isible$ an e

%ill tell you that you hae been oing.'

0 belieers$ %hen proclamation is mae for prayer on the Cay of 4ongregation$

hasten to o's remembrance an leae trafficing asie= that is better for you$

i you but no%.

@1/!2 Then$ %hen the prayer is finishe$ scatter in the lan an see o's

bounty$ an remember o freuently= haply you %ill prosper.

>ut %hen they see merchanise or iersion they scatter off to it$ an they leae

thee staning. -ay/ '8hat is %ith o is better than iersion an merchanise.

o is the best of proiers.'

76III TE G;04<ITE-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@9/! 8hen the hypocrites come to thee they say$ '8e bear %itness that thou art

inee the essenger of o.' An o no%s that thou art inee is

essenger$ an o bears %itness that the hypocrites are truly liars.

They hae taen their oaths as a coering$ then they hae barre from the %ay of 

o. -urely they && eil are the things they hae been oing. That is because theyhae beliee$ then they hae isbeliee= therefore a seal has been set on their 

hearts$ an they o not unerstan. 8hen thou seest them$ their boies please

thee= but %hen they spea$ thou listenest to their speech$ an it is as they %ere

proppe&up timbers. They thin eery cry is against them. They are the enemy=

so be%are of them. o assail them o% they are pererte

@9/# An %hen it is sai to them$ '4ome no%$ an o's essenger %ill as

forgieness for you$' they t%ist their heas$ an thou seest them turning their 

faces a%ay$ %axing prou.

Eual it is for them$ %hether thou asest forgieness for them or thou asest not

forgieness for them= o %ill neer forgie them. o guies not the people of 

the ungoly.

Those are they that say$ 'Co not expen on them that are %ith o's essenger 

until they scatter off'= yet unto o belong the treasuries of the heaens an of 

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the earth$ but the hypocrites o not unerstan. They say$ 'If %e return to the 4ity$

the mightier ones of it %ill expel the more abase'= yet glory belongs unto o$

an unto is essenger an the belieers$ but the hypocrites o not no% it.

0 belieers$ let not your possessions neither your chilren iert you from o's

remembrance= %hoso oes that$ they are the losers.

@9/!2 Expen of %hat 8e hae proie you before that eath comes upon one

of you an he says$ '0 my 7or$ if only Thou %oulst efer me unto a near term$

so that I may mae free%ill offering$ an so I may become one of the righteous.'

>ut o %ill neer efer any soul %hen its term comes. An o is a%are of the

things you o.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@3/! All that is in the heaens an the earth magnifies o. is is the *ingom$

an is is the praise$ an e is po%erful oer eerything.

It is e %ho create you. 0ne of you is an unbelieer$ an one of you a belieer=

an o sees the things you o. e create the heaens an the earth %ith the

truth$ an e shape you$ an shape you %ell= an unto im is the


e no%s %hateer is in the heaens an the earth$ an e no%s %hat you

conceal an %hat you publish. o no%s the thoughts %ithin the breasts.

@3/# as there not come to you the tiings of those that isbeliee before$ then

taste the mischief of their action$ an there yet a%aits them a painful


That is because their essengers came to them %ith the clear signs$ an then

they sai$ '8hat$ shall mortals be our guiesH' Therefore they isbeliee$ anturne a%ay= an o %as in no nee of them. An o is All&sufficient$ All&


The unbelieers assert that they %ill neer be raise up. -ay/ 'Ges inee$ by my

7or Gou shall be raise up$ then you shall be tol the things you i. That is

easy for o.'

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  Therefore beliee in o an

  is essenger$ an in the

  7ight %hich 8e hae sent o%n.

 An o is a%are of the things you o.

Dpon the ay %hen e shall gather you for the Cay of athering= that shall be the

Cay of utual Frau. An %hosoeer beliees in o$ an oes righteousness$

o %ill acuit him of his eil ees$ an amit him into garens unerneath

%hich riers flo%$ therein to %ell for eer an eer= that is the mighty triumph.

@3/!2 An those %ho isbeliee an crie lies to 0ur signs$ those shall be the

inhabitants of the Fire. therein to %ell foreer && an eil homecoming

5o affliction befalls$ except it be by the leae of o. 8hosoeer beliees in o$

e %ill guie his heart. An o has no%lege of eerything.

 An obey o$ an obey the essenger= but if you turn your bacs$ it is only for 

the essenger to elier the anifest essage.

o && there is no go but e. An in o let the belieers put their trust.

0 belieers$ among your %ies an chilren there is an enemy to you= so be%are

of them. >ut if you paron$ an oerloo$ an if you forgie$ surely o is All&

forgiing$ All&compassionate.

@3/!# Gour %ealth an your chilren are only a trial= an %ith o is a mighty%age. -o fear o as far as you are able$ an gie ear$ an obey$ an expen

%ell for yourseles. An %hosoeer is guare against the aarice of his o%n

soul$ those && they are the prosperers. If you len to o a goo loan$ e %ill

multiply it for you$ an %ill forgie you. o is All&thanful$ All&clement$ *no%er e

of the Dnseen an the :isible$ the All&mighty$ the All&%ise.

76: CI:0<4E

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@#/! 0 ;rophet$ %hen you iorce %omen$ iorce them %hen they hae reache

their perio. 4ount the perio$ an fear o your 7or. Co not expel them from

their houses$ nor let them go forth$ except %hen they commit a flagrant

inecency. Those are o's bouns= %hosoeer trespasses the bouns of o

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has one %rong to himself. Thou no%est not$ perchance after that o %ill bring

something ne% to pass.

Then$ %hen they hae reache their term$ retain them honourably$ or part from

them honourably. An call in to %itness t%o men of euity from among

yourseles= an perform the %itnessing to o imself. >y this then is

amonishe %hosoeer beliees in o an the 7ast Cay. An %hosoeer fears

o$ e %ill appoint for him a %ay out$ an e %ill proie for him from %hence

he neer recone.

 An %hosoeer puts his trust in o$ e shall suffice him. o attains his

purpose. o has appointe a measure for eerything.

 As for your %omen %ho hae espaire of further menstruating$ if you are in

oubt$ their perio shall be three months= an those %ho hae not menstruate

as yet. An those %ho are %ith chil$ their term is %hen they bring forth their 

buren. 8hoso fears o$ o %ill appoint for him$ of is comman$ easiness.

@#/# That is o's comman$ that e has sent o%n unto you. An %hosoeer 

fears o$ e %ill acuit him of his eil ees$ an e %ill gie him a mighty


7oge them %here you are loging$ accoring to your means$ an o not press

them$ so as to straiten their circumstances. If they are %ith chil$ expen upon

them until they bring forth their buren. If they sucle for you$ gie them their 

%ages$ an consult together honourably. If you both mae ifficulties$ another 

%oman shall sucle for him.

7et the man of plenty expen out of his plenty. As for him %hose proision is

stinte to him$ let him expen of %hat o has gien him. o charges no soul

sae %ith %hat e has gien him. o %ill assurely appoint$ after ifficulty$


@#/!2 o% many a city turne in isain from the commanment of its 7or an

is essengers= an then 8e mae %ith it a terrible reconing an chastise it

%ith a horrible chastisement. -o it taste the mischief of its action$ an the en of 

its affair %as loss. o prepare for them a terrible chastisement. -o fear o$ 0

men possesse of mins

>elieers$ o has sent o%n to you$ for a remembrance$ a essenger reciting

to you the signs of o$ clear signs$ that e may bring forth those %ho beliee

an o righteous ees from the shao%s into the light. 8hosoeer beliees in

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o$ an oes righteousness$ e %ill amit him to garens unerneath %hich

riers flo%= therein they shall %ell for eer an eer. o has mae for him a

gooly proision.

It is o %ho create seen heaens$ an of earth their lie$ bet%een them the

4omman escening$ that you may no% that o is po%erful oer eerything

an that o encompasses eerything in no%lege.

76:I TE F0<>ICCI5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@@/! 0 ;rophet$ %hy forbiest thou %hat o has mae la%ful to thee$ seeing

the goo pleasure of thy %iesH An o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

o has oraine for you the absolution of your oaths. o is your ;rotector$ an

e is the All&no%ing$ the All&%ise.

 An %hen the ;rophet confie to one of his %ies a certain matter= an then$

%hen she tol of it$ an o isclose that to him$ he mae no%n part of it$ an

turne asie from part= then$ %hen he tol her of it$ she sai$ '8ho tol thee thisH'

e sai$ 'I %as tol of it by the All&no%ing$ the All&a%are.'

If you t%o repent to o$ yet your hearts certainly incline= but if you support oneanother against him$ o is his ;rotector$ an abriel$ an the righteous among

the belieers= an$ after that$ the angels are his supporters.

@@/# It is possible that$ if he iorces you$ his 7or %ill gie him in exchange

%ies better than you$ %omen %ho hae surrenere$ belieing$ obeient$

penitent$ eout$ gien to fasting$ %ho hae been marrie an irgins too.

>elieers$ guar yourseles an your families against a Fire %hose fuel is men

an stones$ an oer %hich are harsh$ terrible angels %ho isobey not o in

%hat e commans them an o %hat they are commane. '0 you unbelieers$o not excuse yourseles toay= you are only being recompense for %hat you

%ere oing.'

>elieers$ turn to o in sincere repentance= it may be that your 7or %ill acuit

you of your eil ees$ an %ill amit you into garens unerneath %hich riers


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Dpon the ay %hen o %ill not egrae the ;rophet an those %ho beliee %ith

him$ their light running before them$ an on their right hans= an they say$ '0ur 

7or$ perfect for us our light$ an forgie us= surely Thou art po%erful oer 


0 ;rophet$ struggle %ith the unbelieers an the hypocrites$ an be thou harsh

%ith them= their refuge shall be ehenna && an eil homecoming

@@/!2 o has struc a similitue for the unbelieers && the %ife of 5oah$ an the

%ife of 7ot= for they %ere uner t%o of 0ur righteous serants$ but they betraye

them$ so they aaile them nothing %hatsoeer against o= so it %as sai$

'Enter$ you t%o$ the Fire %ith those %ho enter.' o has struc a similitue for the

belieers && the %ife of ;haraoh$ %hen she sai$

'y 7or$ buil for me a house in ;araise$ in Thy presence$ an elier me from

;haraoh an his %or$ an o Thou elier me from the people of the eiloers.'

 An ary$ Imran's aughter$ %ho guare her irginity$ so 8e breathe into her of 

0ur -pirit$ an she confirme the 8ors of her 7or an is >oos$ an became

one of the obeient.

76:II TE *I5C0

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@/! >lesse be e in %hose han is the *ingom && e is po%erful oer 

eerything && %ho create eath an life$ that e might try you %hich of you is

fairest in %ors= an e is the All&mighty$ the All&forgiing && %ho create seen

heaens one upon another.

Thou seest not in the creation of the All&merciful any imperfection. <eturn thy

gaBe= seest thou any fissureH Then return thy gaBe again$ an again$ an thy

gaBe comes bac to thee aBBle$ a%eary.

@/# An 8e aorne the lo%er heaen %ith lamps$ an mae them things to

stone -atans= an 8e hae prepare for them the chastisement of the >laBe.

 An for those %ho isbeliee in their 7or there a%aits the chastisement of 

ehenna && an eil homecoming

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8hen they are cast into it they %ill hear it sighing$ the %hile it boils an %ellnigh

bursts asuner %ith rage. As often as a troop is cast into it$ its eepers as them$

'4ame there no %arner to youH'= They say$ 'Ges inee$ a %arner came to us= but

%e crie lies$ saying$ +o has not sent o%n anything= you are only in great


@/!2 They also say$ 'If %e ha only hear$ or ha unerstoo$ %e %oul not hae

been of the inhabitants of the >laBe.' -o they confess their sins. 4urse the

inhabitants of the >laBe

-urely those %ho fear their 7or in the Dnseen && there a%aits them forgieness

an a great %age.

>e secret in your speech$ or proclaim it$ e no%s the thoughts %ithin the

breasts. -hall e not no%$ %ho createH An e is the All&subtle$ the All&a%are.

@/!# It is e %ho mae the earth submissie to you= therefore %al in its tracts$

an eat of is proision= to im is the Dprising.

Co you feel secure that e %ho is in heaen %ill not cause the earth to s%allo%

you$ the %hile it rocsH Co you feel secure that e %ho is in heaen %ill not loose

against you a suall of pebbles$ then you shall no% ho% y %arning isH Those

that %ere before them also crie lies= then ho% %as y horror

ae they not regare the birs aboe them spreaing their %ings$ an closing

themH 5aught hols them but the All&merciful. -urely e sees eerything.

@/12 0r %ho is this that shall be a host for you to help you$ apart from the All&

mercifulH The unbelieers are only in elusion. 0r %ho is this that shall proie

for you if e %ithhols is proisionH 5o$ but they persist in isain an aersion.

8hat$ is he %ho %als prone upon his face better guie than he %ho %als

upright on a straight pathH

-ay/ 'It is e %ho prouce you$ an appointe for you hearing an sight an

hearts= little thans you sho%' -ay/ 'It is e %ho scattere you in the earth$ anunto im you shall be mustere.'

@/1# They say$ '8hen shall this promise come to pass$ if you spea trulyH' -ay/

'The no%lege is %ith o= I am only a clear %arner.'

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Then$ %hen they see it nigh at han$ the faces of the unbelieers %ill be exe$

an it %ill be sai$ 'This is %hat you %ere promise.'

-ay/ '8hat thin youH If o estroys me an those %ith me$ or has mercy on us$

then %ho %ill protect the unbelieers from a painful chastisementH'

-ay/ 'e is the All&merciful. 8e beliee in im$ an in im %e put all our trust.

 Assurely$ you %ill soon$ no% %ho is in manifest error.

@/92 -ay/ '8hat thin youH If in the morning your %ater shoul hae anishe

into the earth$ then %ho %oul bring you running %aterH'

76:III TE ;E5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@/! 3un 

>y the ;en$ an %hat they inscribe$ thou art not$ by the blessing of thy 7or$ a

man possesse. -urely thou shalt hae a %age unfailing= surely thou art upon a

mighty morality. -o thou shalt see$ an they %ill see$ %hich of you is the


-urely thy 7or no%s ery %ell those %ho hae gone astray from is %ay$ ane no%s ery %ell those %ho are guie.

-o obey thou not those %ho cry lies. They %ish that thou shoulst compromise$

@/!2 then they %oul compromise. An obey thou not eery mean s%earer$

bacbiter$ going about %ith slaner$ hinerer of goo$ guilty aggressor$ coarse&

graine$ moreoer ignoble$ because he has %ealth an sons.

@/!# 8hen 0ur signs are recite to him$ he says$ 'Fairy&tales of the ancients'

8e shall bran him upon the muBBle

5o% 8e hae trie them$ een as 8e trie the o%ners of the garen %hen they

s%ore they %oul pluc in the morning an they ae not the saing %ors.

Then a isitation from thy 7or isite it$ %hile they %ere sleeping$

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@/12 an in the morning it %as as if it %ere a garen pluce. In the morning

they calle to one another$ '4ome forth betimes upon your tillage$ if you %oul

pluc' -o they eparte$ %hispering together$ '5o neey man shall enter it toay

against your %ill.'

@/1# An they %ent forth early$ etermine upon their purpose. >ut %hen they

sa% it$ they sai$ '-urely %e are gone astray= nay$ rather %e hae been robbe'

-ai the most moerate of them$ 'Ci I not say to you$ +8hy o you not gie

gloryH+' They sai$ 'lory be to o$ our 7or= truly$ %e %ere eiloers.'

@/92 An they aance one upon another$ blaming each other. They sai$

'8oe$ alas for us Truly$ %e %ere insolent. It may be that our 7or %ill gie us in

exchange a better than it= to our 7or %e humbly turn.'

-uch is the chastisement= an the chastisement of the %orl to come$ isassurely greater$ i they but no%. -urely for the gofearing shall be arens

of >liss %ith their 7or.

@/9# 8hat$ shall %e mae those %ho hae surrenere lie to the sinnersH 8hat

ails you then$ ho% you ,ugeH 0r hae you a >oo %herein you stuyH -urely

therein you shall hae %hateer you choose

0r hae you oaths from Ds$ reaching to the Cay of <esurrectionH -urely you shall

hae %hateer you ,uge

@/32 As them$ %hich of them %ill guarantee that 0r o they hae associatesH

Then let them bring their associates$ if they spea truly.

Dpon the ay %hen the leg shall be bare$ an they shall be summone to bo%

themseles$ but they cannot= humble shall be their eyes$ an abasement shall

oersprea them$ for they ha been summone to bo% themseles %hile they

%ere %hole.

-o leae e %ith him %ho cries lies to this iscourse 8e %ill ra% them on little

by little %hence they no% not= an I shall respite them && assurely y guile issure.

@/3# 0r asest thou them for a %age$ an so they are %eighe o%n %ith ebtH

0r is the Dnseen in their eeping$ an so they are %riting it o%nH

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-o be thou patient uner the ,ugment of thy 7or$ an be not as the an of the

Fish$ %hen he calle$ choing in%arly. a there not oertaen him a blessing

from his 7or he %oul hae been cast upon the %ilerness$ being conemne.

@/#2 >ut his 7or ha chosen him$ an e place him among the righteous.

The unbelieers %ellnigh strie thee o%n %ith their glances$ %hen they hear the

<eminer$ an they say$ '-urely he is a man possesse' An it is nothing but a

<eminer unto all beings.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@"/! The Inubitable8hat is the InubitableH

 An %hat %ill teach thee %hat is the InubitableH

Thamoo an A crie lies to the 4latterer.

@"/# As for Thamoo$ they %ere estroye by the -creamer= an as for A$ they

%ere estroye by a %in clamorous$ iolent that e compelle against them

seen nights an eight ays$ uninterruptely$ an thou mightest see the people

lai prostrate in it as if they %ere the stumps of fallen o%n palm&trees. 5o% ostthou see any remnant of themH

;haraoh lie%ise$ an those before him$ an the -uberte 4ities && they

committe error$

@"/!2 an they rebelle against the essenger of their 7or$ an e seiBe them

%ith a surpassing grip.

7o$ %hen the %aters rose$ 8e bore you in the running ship that 8e might mae it

a reminer for you an for heeing ears to hol.

-o$ %hen the Trumpet is blo%n %ith a single blast an the earth an the

mountains are lifte up an crushe %ith a single blo%$

@"/!# then$ on that ay$ the Terror shall come to pass$ an heaen shall be split$

for upon that ay it shall be ery frail$ an the$ angels shall stan upon its

borers$ an upon that ay eight shall carry aboe them the Throne of thy 7or.

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0n that ay you shall be expose$ not one secret of yours conceale. Then as for 

him %ho is gien his boo in his right han$

@"/12 he shall say$ 'ere$ tae an rea my boo 4ertainly I thought that I shoul

encounter my reconing.' -o he shall be in a pleasing life in a lofty aren$ its

clusters nigh to gather. 'Eat an rin %ith %holesome appetite for that you i

long ago$ in the ays gone by.'

@"/1# >ut as for him %ho is gien his boo in his left han$ he shall say$ '8oul

that I ha not been gien my boo an not no%n my reconing 8oul it ha

been the en y %ealth has not aaile me$ my authority is gone from me.'

@"/92 'Tae him$ an fetter him$ an then roast him in ell$ then in a chain of 

seenty cubits' length insert him >ehol$ he neer beliee in o the All&mighty$

an he neer urge the feeing of the neey= therefore he toay has not here one

loyal frien$ neither any foo saing foul pus$ that none excepting the sinners eat.'

5o I s%ear by that you see an by that you o not see$

@"/32 it is the speech of a noble essenger. It is not the speech of a poet (little o

you beliee) nor the speech of a soothsayer (little o you remember). A sening

o%n from the 7or of all >eing.

a he inente against Ds any sayings$

@"/3# 8e %oul hae seiBe him by the right han$ then 8e %oul surely haecut his life&ein an not one of you coul hae efene him.

-urely it is a <eminer to the gofearing= but 8e no% that some of you %ill cry


@"/#2 -urely it is a sorro% to the unbelieers= yet inee it is the truth of certainty.

Then magnify the 5ame of thy 7or$ the All&mighty.

766 TE -TAI<8AG-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

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2/! A uestioner ase of a chastisement about to fall for the unbelieers$ %hich

none may aert$ from o$ the 7or of the -tair%ays. To im the angels an the

-pirit mount up in a ay %hereof the measure is fifty thousan years.

2/# -o be thou patient %ith a s%eet patience= behol$ they see it as if far off= but

8e see it is nigh.

Dpon the ay %hen heaen shall be as molten copper an the mountains shall be

as pluce %ool&tufts$

2/!2 no loyal frien shall uestion loyal frien$ as they are gien sight of them.

The sinner %ill %ish that he might ransom himself from the chastisement of that

ay een by his sons$ his companion %ife$ his brother$ his in %ho sheltere him$

an %hosoeer is in the earth$ all together$ so that then it might elier him.

2/!# 5ay$ erily it is a furnace snatching a%ay the scalp$ calling him %ho re%bac an turne a%ay$ %ho amasse an hoare. -urely man %as create


2/12 %hen eil isits him$ impatient$ %hen goo isits him$ gruging$ sae those

that pray an continue at their prayers$ those in %hose %ealth is a right no%n

2/1# for the beggar an the outcast$ %ho confirm the Cay of Coom an go in

fear of the chastisement of their 7or (from their 7or's chastisement none feels

secure) an guar their priate parts

2/92 sae from their %ies an %hat their right hans o%n$ then not being

blame%orthy (but %hoso sees after more than that$ they are the transgressors)$

an %ho presere their trusts an their coenant$ an perform their %itnessings$

an %ho obsere their prayers.

2/9# Those shall be in arens$ high&honoure.

8hat ails the unbelieers$ running %ith outstretche necs to%ars thee on the

right han an on the left han in notsH 8hat$ is eery man of them eager to be

amitte to a aren of >lissH 5ot so= for 8e hae create them of %hat theyno%.

2/32 5o I s%ear by the 7or of the Easts an 8ests$ surely 8e are able to

substitute a better than they= 8e shall not be outstrippe.

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Then leae them alone to plunge an play until they encounter that ay of theirs

%hich they are promise$ the ay they shall come forth from the tombs hastily$ as

if they %ere hurrying unto a %aymar$ humble their eyes$ oerspreaing them

abasement. That is the ay %hich they %ere promise.

766I 50A

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!/! 8e sent 5oah to his people$ saying$ '8arn thy people$ ere there come on

them a painful chastisement.' e sai$ '0 my people$ I am unto you a clear 

%arner$ saying$ +-ere o$ an fear im$ an obey you me$ an e %ill forgie

you your sins$ an efer you to a state term= o's term$ %hen it comes$ cannot

be eferre$ i you but no%.+'

!/# e sai= 'y 7or$ I hae calle my people by night an by ay$ but my

calling has only increase them in flight. An %heneer I calle them$ that Thou

mightest forgie them$ they put their fingers in their ears$ an %rappe them in

their garments$ an persiste$ an %axe ery prou. Then inee I calle them

openly= then inee I spoe publicly unto them$ an I spoe unto them secretly$

an I sai$ +As you forgieness of your 7or= surely e is eer All&forgiing$

!/!2 an e %ill loose heaen upon you in torrents an %ill succour you %ith

%ealth an sons$ an %ill appoint for you garens$ an %ill appoint for you riers.

8hat ails you$ that you loo not for ma,esty in o$ seeing e create you by

stagesH ae you not regare ho% o create seen heaens one upon

another$ an set the moon therein for a light an the sun for a lampH

!/!# An o cause you to gro% out of the earth$ then e shall return you into

it$ an bring you forth. An o has lai the earth for you as a carpet$ that thereof 

you may threa %ays$ raines.+

!/12 5oah sai$ 'y 7or$ they hae rebelle against me$ an follo%e him

%hose %ealth an chilren increase him only in loss$ an hae eise a mighty

eice an hae sai$ +Co not leae your gos$ an o not leae 8a$ nor 

-u%a'$ Gaghuth$ Ga'u$ neither 5asr.+

 An they hae le many astray. Increase Thou not the eiloers sae in error'

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!/1# An because of their transgressions they %ere ro%ne$ an amitte into

a Fire$ for they foun not$ apart from o$ any to help them. An 5oah sai$ 'y

7or$ leae not upon the earth of the unbelieers een one.

-urely$ if Thou leaest them$ they %ill lea Thy serants astray$ an %ill beget

none but unbelieing libertines.

y 7or$ forgie me an my parents an %hosoeer enters my house as a

belieer$ an the belieers$ men an %omen alie= an o Thou not increase the

eiloers sae in ruin'

766II TE JI55

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

1/! -ay/ 'It has been reeale to me that a company of the ,inn gae ear$ then

they sai$ +8e hae inee hear a *oran %onerful$ guiing to rectitue. 8e

beliee in it$ an %e %ill not associate %ith our 7or anyone.

e && exalte be our 7or's ma,esty has not taen to imself either consort or a

son. The fool among us spoe against o outrage$

1/# an %e ha thought that men an ,inn %oul neer spea against o a lie.

>ut there %ere certain men of manin %ho %oul tae refuge %ith certain men of the ,inn$ an they increase them in ileness$ an they thought$ een as you also

thought$ that o %oul neer raise up anyone.

 An %e stretche to%ars heaen$ but %e foun it fille %ith terrible guars an

meteors. 8e %oul sit there on seats to hear= but any listening no% fins a

meteor in %ait for him.

1/!2 An so %e no% not %hether eil is intene for those in the earth$ or 

%hether their 7or intens for them rectitue.

 An some of us are the righteous$ an some of us are other%ise= %e are sects

iffering. Inee$ %e thought that %e shoul neer be able to frustrate o in the

earth$ neither be able to frustrate im by flight.

8hen %e hear the guiance$ %e beliee in it= an %hosoeer beliees in his

7or$ he shall fear neither paltriness nor ileness.

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 An some of us hae surrenere$ an some of us hae eiate. Those %ho

hae surrenere sought rectitue=

1/!# but as for those %ho hae eiate$ they hae become fire%oo for 


8oul they but go straight on the %ay$ 8e %oul gie them to rin of %ater 

copious$ that 8e might try them therein. An %hosoeer turns a%ay from the

<emembrance of his 7or$ e %ill thrust him into chastisement rigorous.

The places of %orship belong to o= so call not$ along %ith o$ upon anyone.

8hen the serant of o stoo calling on im$ they %ere %ellnigh upon him in


1/12 -ay/ 'I call only upon my 7or$

an I o not associate %ith im anyone.-ay/ '-urely I possess no po%er oer you$ either for hurt or for

rectitue.'-ay/ 'From o shall protect me not

anyone$an I shall fin$ apart from im$ no


excepting a Celierance from o an is essages. An %hoso rebels against

o an is messenger$ for him there a%aits the Fire of ehenna= therein they

shall %ell foreer.' Dntil$ %hen they see that %hich they are promise$ then they

%ill no% %ho is %eaer in helpers an fe%er in numbers.

-ay/ 'I o not no% %hether that %hich you are promise is nigh$ or %hether my

7or %ill appoint for it a space= *no%er e of the Dnseen$ an e iscloses not

is Dnseen to anyone$ sae only to such a essenger as e is %ell&please

%ith= then e espatches before him an behin him %atchers$ that e may no%

they hae eliere the essages of their 7or= an e encompasses all that is

%ith them$ an e has numbere eerything in numbers.'

766III E58<A;;EC

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

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9/! 0 thou en%rappe in thy robes$ eep igil the night$ except a little (a half of 

it$ or iminish a little$ or a a little)$ an chant the *oran ery istinctly=

9/# >ehol$ 8e shall cast upon thee a %eighty %or= surely the first part of the

night is heaier in trea$ more upright in speech$ surely in the ay thou hast long

business. An remember the 5ame of thy 7or$ an eote thyself unto im ery

eoutly. 7or of the East an the 8est= there is no go but e= so tae im for a


 An bear thou patiently %hat they say$ an forsae them graciously. 7eae e to

those %ho cry lies$ those prosperous ones$ an respite them a little$ for %ith Ds

there are fetters$ an a furnace$ an foo that choes$ an a painful

chastisement$ upon the ay %hen the earth an the mountains shall uae an

the mountains become a slipping heap of san.

9/!# -urely 8e hae sent unto you a essenger as a %itness oer you$ een as

8e sent to ;haraoh a essenger$ but ;haraoh rebelle against the essenger$

so 8e seiBe him remorselessly. If therefore you isbeliee$ ho% %ill you guar

yourseles against a ay that shall mae the chilren grey&heaeH

8hereby heaen shall be split$ an its promise shall be performe. -urely this is

a <eminer= so let him %ho %ill tae unto his 7or a %ay.

Thy 7or no%s that thou eepest igil nearly t%o&thirs of the night$ or a half of it$

or a thir of it$ an a party of those %ith thee= an o etermines the night an

the ay. e no%s that you %ill not number it$ an e has turne to%ars you.

Therefore recite of the *oran so much as is feasible. e no%s that some of you

are sic$ an others ,ourneying in the lan$ seeing the bounty of o$ an others

fighting in the %ay of o. -o recite of it so much as is feasible. An perform the

prayer$ an pay the alms$ an len to o a goo loan. 8hateer goo you shall

for%ar to your souls' account$ you shall fin it %ith o as better$ an mightier a

%age. An as o's forgieness= o is All&forgiing$ All&compassionate.

766I: -<0DCEC

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

3/! 0 thou shroue in thy mantle$ arise$ an %arn Thy 7or magnify thy robes

purify an efilement flee ie not$ thining to gain greater an be patient unto

thy 7or.

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For %hen the Trump is soune that ay %ill be a harsh ay$

3/!2 for the unbelieers not easy. 7eae e %ith him %hom I create alone$ an

appointe for him ample %ealth an sons staning before him$ an mae all

things smooth for him=

3/!# then he is eager that I shoul o more. 5ay e is for%ar unto 0ur signs=

an I shall constrain him to a har ascent. 7o e reflecte$ an etermine &&

eath seiBe him$ ho% he etermine

3/12 Again$ eath seiBe him$ ho% he etermine Then he behel$ then he

fro%ne$ an sco%le$ then he retreate$ an %axe prou. e sai$ 'This is

naught but a trumpe&up sorcery=

3/1# 'this is nothing but mortal speech.' I shall surely roast him in -aar= an

%hat %ill teach thee %hat is -aarH It spares not$ neither leaes alone scorchingthe flesh=

3/92 oer it are nineteen.

8e hae appointe only angels to be masters of the Fire$ an their number 8e

hae appointe only as a trial for the unbelieers$ that those %ho %ere gien the

>oo may hae certainty$ an that those %ho beliee may increase in belief$ an

that those %ho %ere gien the >oo an those %ho beliee may not be in&oubt$

an that those in %hose hearts there is sicness$ an the unbelieers$ may say$

'8hat i o inten by this as a similitueH'

-o o leas astray %homsoeer e %ill$ an e guies %homsoeer e %ill=

an none no%s the hosts of thy 7or but e. An it is naught but a <eminer to


3/9# 5ay >y the moon an the night %hen it retreats an the a%n %hen it is

%hite$ surely it is one of the greatest things as a %arner to mortals.

3/32 to %hoeer of you esires to go for%ar or lag behin. Eery soul shall be

plege for %hat it has earne$ sae the 4ompanions of the <ight= in arensthey %ill uestion concerning the sinners$ '8hat thruste you into -aarH'

They shall say$ '8e %ere not of those %ho praye$ an

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3/3# %e fe not the neey$ an %e plunge along %ith the plungers$ an %e

crie lies to the Cay of Coom$ till the 4ertain came to us.' && Then the intercession

of the intercessors shall not profit them.

3/#2 8hat ails them$ that they turn a%ay from the <eminer$ as if they %ere

startle asses fleeing && before a lionH 5ay$ eery man of them esires to be &&

gien && scrolls unrolle. 5o inee= but they o not fear the ereafter.

5o inee= surely it is a <eminer= so %hoeer %ills shall remember it.

3/## An they %ill not remember$ except that o %ills= e is %orthy to be

feare$ && %orthy to forgie.

766: TE <E-D<<E4TI05

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

#/! 5o I s%ear by the Cay of <esurrection.

5o I s%ear by the reproachful soul. 8hat$ oes man recon 8e shall not gather 

his bonesH Ges inee= 8e are able to shape again his fingers.

#/# 5ay$ but man esires to continue on as a libertine$ asing$ '8hen shall be

the Cay of <esurrectionH'

>ut %hen the sight is aBe an the moon is eclipse$ an the sun an moon are

brought together$

#/!2 upon that ay man shall say$ '8hither to fleeH' 5o inee= not a refuge

Dpon that ay the recourse shall be to thy 7or. Dpon that ay man shall be tol

his former ees an his latter= nay$ man shall be a clear proof against himself$

#/!# een though he offer his excuses.

oe not thy tongue %ith it to hasten it= 0urs it is to gather it$ an to recite it. -o$

%hen 8e recite it$ follo% thou its recitation. Then 0urs it is to explain it.

#/12 5o inee= but you loe the hasty %orl$ an leae be the ereafter. Dpon

that ay faces shall be raiant$ gaBing upon their 7or= an upon that ay faces

shall be sco%ling$

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#/1# thou mightest thin the 4alamity has been %reae on them. 5o inee=

%hen it reaches the claicles an it is sai$ '8ho is an enchanterH' an he thins

that it is the parting an leg is intert%ine %ith leg$ upon that ay unto thy 7or

shall be the riing.

#/92 For he confirme it not$ an i not pray$ but he crie it lies$ an he turne

a%ay$ then he %ent to his househol arrogantly. 5earer to thee an nearer

#/9# then nearer to thee an nearer 8hat$ oes man recon he shall be left to

roam at %illH 8as he not a sperm&rop spilleH Then he %as a bloo&clot$ an e

create an forme$ an e mae of him t%o ins$ male an female.

#/32 8hat$ is e not able to uicen the eaH

766:I A5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@/! as there come on man a %hile of time %hen he %as a thing


8e create man of a sperm&rop$ a mingling$ an 8e mae him hearing$ seeing.

-urely 8e guie him upon the %ay %hether he be thanful or unthanful. -urely

8e hae prepare for the unbelieers chains$ fetters$ an a >laBe.

@/# -urely the pious shall rin of a cup %hose mixture is camphor$ a fountain

%hereat rin the serants of o$ maing it to gush forth plenteously. They fulfil

their o%s$ an fear a ay %hose eil is upon the %ing= they gie foo$ for the loe

of im$ to the neey$ the orphan$ the captie/ '8e fee you only for the Face of 

o= %e esire no recompense from you$ no thanfulness=

@/!2 for %e fear from our 7or a fro%ning ay$ inauspicious. -o o has

guare them from the eil of that ay$ an has procure them raiancy an

glaness$ an recompense them for their patience %ith a aren$ an sil=therein they shall recline upon couches$ therein they shall see neither sun nor 

bitter col= near them shall be its shaes$ an its clusters hung meely o%n$

@/!# an there shall be passe aroun them essels of siler$ an goblets of 

crystal$ crystal of siler that they hae measure && ery exactly. An therein they

shall be gien to rin a cup %hose mixture is ginger$ therein a fountain %hose

7/31/2019 The Qur'an - English Translation 382/403


name is calle -alsabil. Immortal youths shall go about them= %hen thou seest

them$ thou supposest them scattere pearls$

@/12 %hen thou seest them then thou seest bliss an a great ingom. Dpon

them shall be green garments of sil an brocae= they are aorne %ith

bracelets of siler$ an their 7or shall gie them to rin a pure raught. >ehol$

this is a recompense for you$ an your striing is thane.'

-urely 8e hae sent o%n the *oran on thee$ a sening o%n= so be thou patient

uner the ,ugment of thy 7or$ an obey not one of them$ sinner or unbelieer.

@/1# An remember the 5ame of thy 7or at a%n an in the eening an part

of the night= bo% o%n before im an magnify im through the long night.

-urely these men loe the hasty %orl$ an leae be behin them a heay ay.

8e create them$ an 8e strengthene their ,oints= an$ %hen 8e %ill$ 8e shallexchange their lies.

@/92 -urely this is a <eminer= so he %ho %ill$ taes unto his 7or a %ay. >ut

you %ill not unless o %ills= surely o is eer All&no%ing$ All&%ise. For e

amits into is mercy %homsoeer e %ill= as for the eiloers$ e has prepare

for them a painful chastisement.

766:II TE 700-EC 05E-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

/! >y the loose ones successiely storming tempestuously by the scatterers

scattering an the seerally seering an those hurling a reminer

/# excusing or %arning$ surely that %hich you are promise is about to fall

8hen the stars shall be extinguishe$ %hen heaen shall be split

/!2 %hen the mountains shall be scattere an %hen the essengers' time is

set$ to %hat ay shall they be elayeH To the Cay of Cecision. An %hat shall

teach thee %hat is the Cay of CecisionH

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/!# 8oe that ay unto those %ho cry it lies Ci 8e not estroy the ancients$

an then follo% them %ith the later folH -o 8e sere the sinners. 8oe that ay

unto those %ho cry it lies

/12 Ci 8e not create you of a mean %ater$ that 8e lai %ithin a sure loging

till a no%n term ecreeH 8e etermine= excellent eterminers are 8e. 8oe

that ay unto those %ho cry it lies

/1# ae 8e not the earth to be a housing for the liing an for the eaH -et

8e not therein soaring mountainsH -ate you %ith s%eetest %aterH 8oe that ay

unto those %ho cry it lies

/92 Cepart to that you crie %as lies Cepart to a triple&massing shao%

unshaing against the blaBing flame that shoots spars lie ry faggots$ spars

lie to golen hers. 8oe that ay unto those %ho cry it lies

/9# This is the ay they shall not spea neither be gien leae$ an excuse

themseles. 8oe that ay unto those %ho cry it lies

'This is the Cay of Cecision= 8e hae ,oine you %ith the ancients= if you hae a

tric$ try you no% to tric e'

/32 8oe that ay unto those %ho cry it lies

Truly the gofearing shall %ell ami shaes an fountains$ an such fruits as

their hearts esire/ 'Eat an rin$ %ith %holesome appetite$ for that you %ere%oring.' Een so o 8e recompense the goo&oers.

/3# 8oe that ay unto those %ho cry it lies

'Eat an tae your ,oy a little= you are sinners' 8oe that ay unto those %ho cry it

lies 8hen it is sai to them$ ';rostrate yourseles' they prostrate not. 8oe that

ay unto those %ho cry it lies

/#2 In %hat iscourse after this %ill they belieeH


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

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/! 0f %hat o they uestion one anotherH 0f the mighty tiing %hereon they

are at ariance. 5o inee= they shall soon no% Again$ no inee= they shall

soon no%

ae 8e not mae the earth as a crale an the mountains as pegsH An 8e

create you in pairs$ an 8e appointe your sleep for a rest=

/!2 an 8e appointe night for a garment$ an 8e appointe ay for a

lielihoo. An 8e hae built aboe you seen strong ones$ an 8e appointe a

blaBing lamp an hae sent o%n out of the rainclous %ater cascaing

/!# that 8e may bring forth thereby grain an plants$ an garens luxuriant.

-urely the Cay of Cecision is an appointe time$ the ay the Trumpet is blo%n$

an you shall come in troops$ an heaen is opene$ an become gates$

/12 an the mountains are set in motion$ an become a apour. >ehol$

ehenna has become an ambush$ for the insolent a resort$ therein to tarry for 

ages$ tasting therein neither coolness nor any rin

/1# sae boiling %ater an pus for a suitable recompense. They inee hope

not for a reconing$ an they crie lou lies to 0ur signs= an eerything 8e hae

numbere in a >oo.

/92 'Taste 8e shall increase you not sae in chastisement.'

-urely for the gofearing a%aits a place of security$ garens an ineyars an

maiens %ith s%elling breasts$ lie of age$ an a cup oerflo%ing.

/9# Therein they shall hear no ile tal$ no cry of lies$ for a recompense from

thy 7or$ a gift$ a reconing$ 7or of the heaens an earth$ an all that bet%een

them is$ the All&merciful of %hom they hae no po%er to spea.

Dpon the ay %hen the -pirit an the angels stan in rans they shall spea not$

sae him to %hom the All&merciful has gien leae$ an %ho speas aright.

That is the true ay= so %hosoeer %ills taes unto his 7or a resort.

/32 7o$ 8e hae %arne you of a nigh chastisement$ upon the ay %hen a man

shall behol %hat his hans hae for%are$ an the unbelieer shall say$ '0

%oul that I %ere ust'

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766I6 TE ;7D4*E<-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"/! >y those that pluc out ehemently an those that ra% out iolently$ by

those that s%im serenely an those that outstrip suenly by those that irect an


"/# Dpon the ay %hen the first blast shiers an the secon blast follo%s it$

hearts upon that ay shall be athrob an their eyes shall be humble.

"/!2 They shall say$ '8hat$ are %e being restore  as %e %ere beforeH

  8hat$ %hen %e are bones ol an %asteH'  They shall say$ 'That then %ere a losing return'  >ut it shall be only a single scare$  an behol$ they are a%aene.

"/!# ast thou receie the story of osesH 8hen his 7or calle to him in the

holy alley$ To%a/ 'o to ;haraoh= he has %axe insolent. An say$ +ast thou the

%ill to purify thyself= an that I shoul guie thee to thy 7or$ then thou shalt


"/12 -o he sho%e him the great sign$ but he crie lies$ an rebelle$ then he

turne a%ay hastily$ then he mustere an proclaime$ an he sai$ 'I am your 

7or$ the ost igh'

"/1# -o o seiBe him %ith the chastisement of the 7ast 8orl an the First.

-urely in that is a lesson for him %ho fears

8hat$ are you stronger in constitution  or the heaen e builtH  e lifte up its ault$ an leelle it$  an arene its night$ an brought forth its forenoon=

"/92 an the earth && after that e sprea it out$  therefrom brought forth its %aters an its pastures$  an the mountains e set firm$  an en,oyment for you an your flocs.  Then$ %hen the reat 4atastrophe comes

"/9# upon the ay %hen man shall remember %hat he has strien$

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  an ell is aance for %hoeer sees$  then as for him %ho %as insolent  an preferre the present life$  surely ell shall be the refuge.

"/32 >ut as for him %ho feare the station of his 7or  an forbae the soul its caprice$  surely ;araise shall be the refuge.

"/3# They %ill uestion thee concerning the our$ %hen it shall berth. 8hat art

thou about$ to mention itH Dnto thy 7or is the final en of it. Thou art only the

%arner of him %ho fears it. It shall be as if= on the ay they see it$ they hae but

tarrie for an eening$ or its forenoon.

7666 E F<085EC

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

2/! e fro%ne an turne a%ay that the blin man came to him. An %hat

shoul teach theeH ;erchance he %oul cleanse him$ or yet remember$ an the

<eminer profit him.

2/# >ut the self&sufficient$ to him thou attenest though it is not thy concern$ if he

oes not cleanse himself. An he %ho comes to thee eagerly an fearfully$ to him

thou payest no hee.

2/!2 5o inee= it is a <eminer   (an %hoso %ills$ shall remember it)  upon pages high&honoure$  uplifte$ purifie$

2/!# by the hans of scribes noble$ pious.

  ;erish an o% unthanful he is0f %hat i e create himH0f a sperm&rop

2/12 e create him$ an etermine him$then the %ay ease for him$then maes him to ie$ an buries him$then$ %hen e %ills$ e raises him.5o inee an has not accomplishe is biing.

  7et an consier his nourishment.

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2/1# 8e poure out the rains abunantly$  then 8e split the earth in fissures  an therein mae the grains to gro%  an ines$ an rees$

  an olies$ an palms$

2/92 an ense&tree' garens$  an fruits$ an pastures$  an en,oyment for you an your flocs.  An %hen the >last shall soun$  upon the ay %hen a man shall flee from his brother$

2/9# his mother$ his father$  his consort$ his sons$  eery man that ay shall hae business to suffice him.  -ome faces on that ay shall shine  laughing$ ,oyous=

2/32 some faces on that ay shall be usty  o'ersprea %ith arness &&  those && they are the unbelieers$ the libertines.

7666I TE CA<*E5I5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!/! 8hen the sun shall be arene$%hen the stars shall be thro%n o%n$%hen the mountains shall be set moing$%hen the pregnant camels shall be neglecte$

!/# %hen the saage beasts shall be mustere$%hen the seas shall be set boiling$%hen the souls shall be couple$%hen the burie infant shall be ase for %hat sin she %as slain$

!/!2 %hen the scrolls shall be unrolle$%hen heaen shall be strippe off=%hen ell shall be set blaBing$%hen ;araise shall be brought nigh$then shall a soul no% %hat it has prouce.

!/!# 5o I s%ear by the sliners$  the runners$ the siners$

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  by the night s%arming$  by the a%n sighing$  truly this is the %or of a noble essenger 

!/12 haing po%er$ %ith the 7or of the Throne secure$

  obeye$ moreoer trusty.

Gour companion is not possesse=he truly sa% him on the clear horiBon=he is not niggarly of the Dnseen.

!/1# An it is not the %or of an accurse -atan=  %here then are you goingH

It is naught but a <eminer unto all beings$

 for %hosoeer of you %ho %oul go straight=but %ill you shall not$ unless o %ills$the 7or of all >eing.

7666II TE -;7ITTI5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

1/! 8hen heaen is split open$ %hen the stars are scattere$ %hen the seas

s%arm oer$ %hen the tombs are oerthro%n$

1/# then a soul shall no% its %ors$ the former an the latter.

0 an 8hat eceie thee as to thy generous 7or %ho create thee an

shape thee an %rought thee in symmetry an compose thee after %hat form

e %oulH

1/!2 5o inee= but you cry lies to the Coom= yet there are oer you %atchers

noble$ %riters %ho no% %hateer you o.

1/!# -urely the pious shall be in bliss$ an the libertines shall be in a fiery

furnace roasting therein on the Cay of Coom$ nor shall they eer be absent from


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 An %hat shall teach thee %hat is the Cay of CoomH Again$ %hat shall teach thee

%hat is the Cay of CoomH A ay %hen no soul shall possess aught to succour 

another soul= that ay the 4omman shall belong unto o.

7666III TE -TI5TE<-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

9/! 8oe to the stinters %ho$ %hen they measure against the people$ tae full

measure but$ %hen they measure for them or %eigh for them$ o simp.

Co those not thin that they shall be raise up

9/# unto a mighty ay a ay %hen manin shall stan before the 7or of all>eingH

5o inee= the >oo of the libertines is in -i,,in= an %hat shall teach thee %hat is

-i,,inH A boo inscribe. 8oe that ay unto those %ho cry it lies$

9/!2 %ho cry lies to the Cay of Coom= an none cries lies to it but eery guilty

aggressor. 8hen our signs are recite to him$ he says$ 'Fairy&tales of the


5o inee= but that they %ere earning has ruste upon their hearts.

9/!# 5o inee= but upon that ay they shall be eile from their 7or$ then they

shall roast in ell. Then it shall be sai to them$ 'This is that you crie lies to.'

5o inee= the boo of the pious is in Illiyun= an %hat shall teach thee %hat is


9/12 A boo inscribe$ %itnesse by those brought nigh. -urely the pious shall

be in bliss$ upon couches gaBing= thou no%est in their faces the raiancy of bliss

9/1# as they are gien to rin of a %ine seale %hose seal is mus && so after 

that let the striers strie && an %hose mixture is Tasnim$ a fountain at %hich o

rin those brought nigh.

>ehol$ the sinners %ere laughing at the belieers$

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9/92 %hen them passe them by %ining at one another$ an %hen they

returne to their people they returne blithely$ an %hen they sa% them they sai$

'7o$ these men are astray'

Get they %ere not sent as %atchers oer them. -o toay the belieers are

laughing at the unbelieers$

9/9# upon couches gaBing. ae the unbelieers been re%are %hat they %ere


7666I: TE <E5CI5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

3/! 8hen heaen is rent asuner an gies ear to its 7or$ an is fitly ispose=

%hen earth is stretche out an casts forth %hat is in it$ an ois itself$

3/# an gies ear to its 7or$ an is fitly ispose

0 an Thou art labouring unto thy 7or laboriously$ an thou shalt encounter 

im. Then as for him %ho is gien his boo in his right han$ he shall surely

receie an easy reconing an he %ill return to his family ,oyfully.

3/!2 >ut as for him %ho is gien his boo behin his bac$ he shall call for estruction an he shall roast at a >laBe. e once lie among his family ,oyfully=

he surely thought he %oul neer reert.

3/!# Ges inee= his 7or ha sight of him. 5o I s%ear by the t%ilight an the

night an %hat it enelops an the moon %hen it is at the full$ you shall surely rie

stage after stage.

3/12 Then %hat ails them$ that they beliee not$ an %hen the *oran is recite to

them they o not bo%H 5ay$ but the unbelieers are crying lies$ an o no%s

ery %ell %hat they are secreting.

-o gie them goo tiings of a painful chastisement$

3/1# except those that beliee$ an o righteous ees && theirs shall be a %age


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7666: TE 405-TE77ATI05-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

#/! >y heaen of the constellations$ by the promise ay$ by the %itness an the

%itnesse$ slain %ere the en of the ;it$

#/# the fire abouning in fuel$ %hen they %ere seate oer it an %ere

themseles %itnesses of %hat they i %ith the belieers.

They too reenge on them only because they beliee in the All&mighty$ the All&

lauable$ o to %hom belongs the *ingom of the heaens an the earth$ an

o is 8itness oer eerything.

#/!2 Those %ho persecute the belieers$ men an %omen$  an then hae not repente$ there a%aits them the  chastisement of ehenna$ an there a%aits them  the chastisement of the burning.  Those %ho beliee$ an o righteous ees$ for them  a%ait garens unerneath %hich riers flo%= that is  the great triumph.

-urely thy 7or's assault is terrible. -urely it is e %ho originates$ an brings

again$ an e is the All&forgiing$ the All&loing$

#/!# 7or of the Throne$ the All&glorious$ ;erformer of %hat e esires.

ast thou receie the story of the hosts$ ;haraoh an ThamooH 5ay$ but the

unbelieers still cry lies$

#/12 an o is behin them$ encompassing. 5ay$ but it is a glorious *oran$ in a

guare tablet.

7666:I TE 5IT&-TA<

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

@/! >y heaen an the night&star An %hat shall teach thee %hat is the night&starH

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The piercing star0er eery soul there is a %atcher.

@/# -o let man consier of %hat he %as create=he %as create of gushing %ater 

issuing bet%een the loins an the breast&bones.-urely e is able to bring him bacupon the ay %hen the secrets are trie$

@/!2 an he shall hae no strength$ no helper.

>y heaen of the returning rain$by earth splitting %ith erure$surely it is a ecisie %or=it is no merriment.

@/!# They are eising guile$

an I am eising guile.-o respite the unbelieers=elay %ith them a%hile.

7666:II TE 0-T I

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

/! agnify the 5ame of thy 7or the ost igh %ho create an shape$ %ho

etermine an guie$ %ho brought forth the pasturage then mae it a

blacening %rac.

/# 8e shall mae thee recite$ to forget not sae %hat o %ills= surely e

no%s %hat is spoen alou an %hat is hien. 8e shall ease thee unto the

Easing. Therefore remin$ if the <eminer profits$

/!2 an he %ho fears shall remember$  but the most %retche shall flout it$  een he %ho shall roast in the reat Fire$

  then he shall neither ie therein$ nor lie.  ;rosperous is he %ho has cleanse himself$

/!# an mentions the 5ame of his 7or$ an prays.

5ay$ but you prefer the present life= an the %orl to come is better$ an more


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-urely this is in the ancient scrolls$ the scrolls of Abraham an oses.

7666:III TE E5:E70;E<

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

/! ast thou receie the story of the EneloperH

Faces on that ay humble$ labouring$ toil%orn$roasting at a scorching fire$

/# %atere at a boiling fountain$no foo for them but cactus thorn

unfattening$ unappeasing hunger.

Faces on that ay ,ocun$%ith their striing %ell&please$

  in a sublime aren$ hearing there no babble=therein a running fountain$therein uplifte couchesan goblets set forth

/!# an cushions arrayean carpets outsprea.

 8hat$ o they not consier ho% the camel %as create$  ho% heaen %as lifte up$  ho% the mountains %ere hoiste$

/12 ho% the earth %as outstretcheH  Then remin them Thou art only a reminer=  thou art not charge to oersee them.

  >ut he %ho turns his bac$ an isbeliees$ o shall chastise him %ith the greatest chastisement.

/1# Truly$ to Ds is their return=  then upon Ds shall rest their reconing.

7666I6 TE CA85

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In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"/! >y the a%n an ten nights$ by the een an the o$ by the night %hen it

 ,ourneys on Is there in that an oath for a minful manH

"/# ast thou not seen ho% thy 7or i %ith A$  Iram of the pillars$  the lie of %hich %as neer create in the lan$  an Thamoo$ %ho hollo%e the rocs in the alley$  an ;haraoh$ he of the tent&pegs$

"/!2 %ho all %ere insolent in the lan  an %ore much corruption thereinH  Thy 7or unloose on them a scourge of chastisement=  surely thy 7or is eer on the %atch.

 As for man$ %heneer his 7or tries him$ an honours him$

"/!# an blesses him$ then he says$ 'y 7or has honoure me.' >ut %hen he

tries him an stints for him his proision$ then he says$ 'y 7or has espise


5o inee= but you honour not the orphan$ an you urge not the feeing of the


"/12 an you eour the inheritance greeily$ an you loe %ealth %ith an arent


5o inee 8hen the earth is groun to po%er$ an thy 7or comes$ an the

angels ran on ran$ an ehenna is brought out$ upon that ay man %ill

remember= an ho% shall the <eminer be for himH

"/1# e shall say$ '0 %oul that I ha for%are for   my life' Dpon that ay none shall chastise as  e chastises$  none shall bin as e bins.

"/92 '0 soul at peace$ return unto thy 7or$%ell&please$ %ell&pleasing

  Enter thou among y serantsEnter thou y ;araise'

64 TE 7A5C

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In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"2/! 5o I s%ear by this lan$  an thou art a loger in this lan=  by the begetter$ an that he begot$

  inee$ 8e create man in trouble.

"2/# 8hat$ oes he thin none has po%er oer him$  saying$ 'I hae consume %ealth abunant'H  8hat$ oes he thin none has seen himH

  ae 8e not appointe to him t%o eyes$an a tongue$ an t%o lips$

  an guie him on the t%o high%aysH

"2/!2 Get he has not assaulte the steep= an %hat shall teach thee %hat is the

steepH The freeing of a slae$ or giing foo upon a ay of hunger

"2/!# to an orphan near of in or a neey man in misery= then that he become of 

those %ho beliee an counsel each other to be steafast$ an counsel each

other to be merciful.

Those are the 4ompanions of the <ight an. An those %ho isbeliee in 0ur 

signs$ they are the 4ompanions of the 7eft an=

"2/12 oer them is a Fire coere o%n.

64I TE -D5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"!/! >y the sun an his morning brightness an by the moon %hen she follo%s

him$ an by the ay %hen it isplays him an by the night %hen it enshrous him

"!/# >y the heaen an That %hich built it an by the earth an That %hichextene it >y the soul$ an That %hich shape it an inspire it to le%ness an

gofearing ;rosperous is he %ho purifies it$

"!/!2 an faile has he %ho seuces it.

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Thamoo crie lies in their insolence %hen the most %retche of them uprose$

then the essenger of o sai to them$ 'The -he&camel of o= let her rin'

>ut they crie him lies$ an hamstrung her$

"!/!# so their 7or crushe them for their sin$ an leele them/ an e fears not

the issue thereof.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"1/! >y the night enshrouing an the ay in splenour

an That %hich create the male an the female$

surely your striing is to ierse ens.

"1/# As for him %ho gies an is gofearing

an confirms the re%ar most fair$

8e shall surely ease him to the Easing.

>ut as for him %ho is a miser$ an self&sufficient$

an cries lies to the re%ar most fair$

"1/!2 8e shall surely ease him to the arship=

his %ealth shall not aail him %hen he perishes.

-urely upon Ds rests the guiance$

an to Ds belong the 7ast an the First.

5o% I hae %arne you of a Fire that flames$

"1/!# %hereat none but the most %retche shall be roaste$

een he %ho crie lies$ an turne a%ay=

an from %hich the most gofearing shall be remoe$

een he %ho gies his %ealth to purify himself  

an confers no faour on any man for recompense$

"1/12 only seeing the Face of his 7or the ost igh=

an he shall surely be satisfie.

64III TE F0<E5005

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In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"9/! >y the %hite forenoon

an the brooing night  Thy 7or has neither forsaen thee nor hates thee

an the 7ast shall be better for thee than the First.

"9/# Thy 7or shall gie thee$ an thou shalt be satisfie.

Ci e not fin thee an orphan$ an shelter theeH

Ci e not fin thee erring$ an guie theeH

Ci e not fin thee neey$ an suffice theeH

"9/!2 As for the orphan$ o not oppress him$an as for the beggar$ scol him not=

an as for thy 7or's blessing$ eclare it.

64I: TE E6;A5CI5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"3/! Ci 8e not expan thy breast for thee  an lift from thee thy buren$ the buren that %eighe o%n thy bacH  Ci 8e not exalt thy fameH

"3/# -o truly %ith harship comes ease$truly %ith harship comes ease.'-o %hen thou art empty$ labour$an let thy 7or be thy Quest.

64: TE FI

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"#/! >y the fig an the olie an the ount -inai  an this lan secure 8e inee create an in the fairest stature

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"#/# then 8e restore him the lo%est of the lo% &&  sae those %ho beliee$ an o righteous ees=  they shall hae a %age unfailing.

 8hat then shall cry thee lies as to the CoomH  Is not o the ,ustest of ,ugesH

64:I TE >700C&470T

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"@/! <ecite/ In the 5ame of thy 7or %ho create$ create an of a bloo&clot.

<ecite/ An thy 7or is the ost enerous$ %ho taught by the ;en$ taught an

that he ne% not.

"@/# 5o inee= surely an %axes insolent$ for he thins himself self&sufficient.

-urely unto thy 7or is the <eturning. 8hat thinest thouH e %ho forbis

"@/!2 a serant %hen he prays &&  8hat thinest thouH If he %ere upon guiance  or bae to gofearing &&  8hat thinest thouH If he cries lies$ an turns a%ay &&  Ci he not no% that o seesH

"@/!# 5o inee= surely$ if he gies not oer$  8e shall seiBe him by the foreloc$  a lying$ sinful foreloc.  -o let him call on his concourse  8e shall call on the guars of ell.

5o inee= o thou not obey him$ an bo% thyself$ an ra% nigh.

64:II ;08E<

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"/! >ehol$ 8e sent it o%n on the 5ight of ;o%er= An %hat shall teach thee %hat is the 5ight of ;o%erHThe 5ight of ;o%er is better than a thousan months=

  in it the angels an the -pirit escen$

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  by the leae of their 7or$ upon eery comman.

"/# ;eace it is$ till the rising of a%n.

64:III TE 47EA< -I5

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

"/! The unbelieers of the ;eople of the >oo an the iolaters %oul neer 

leae off= till the 4lear -ign came to them$ a essenger from o$ reciting pages

purifie$ therein true >oos. An they scattere not$ those that %ere gien the

>oo$ excepting after the 4lear -ign came to them.

They %ere commane only to sere o$ maing the religion is sincerely$ men

of pure faith$ an to perform the prayer$ an pay the alms && that is the religion of 

the True.

"/# The unbelieers of the ;eople of the >oo an the iolaters shall be in the

Fire of ehenna$ therein %elling foreer= those are the %orst of creatures.

>ut those %ho beliee$ an o righteous ees$ those are the best of creatures=

their recompense is %ith their 7or && arens of Een$ unerneath %hich riers

flo%$ therein %elling for eer an eer.

o is %ell&please %ith them$ an they are %ell&please %ith im= that is for him

%ho fears his 7or.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

""/! 8hen earth is shaen %ith a mighty shaing

an earth brings forth her burens$an an says$ '8hat ails herH'

 upon that ay she shall tell her tiingsfor that her 7or has inspire her.

""/# Dpon that ay men shall issue in scatterings to see their %ors$  an %hoso has one an atom's %eight of goo shall see it$

an %hoso has one an atom's %eight of eil shall see it.

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4 TE 4A<E<-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!22/! >y the snorting chargers$by the striers of fire$by the a%n&raiers blaBing a trail of ust$

!22/# cleaing there %ith a host -urely an is ungrateful to his 7or$ an surely he is a %itness against that -urely he is passionate in his loe for goo things.*no%s he not that %hen that %hich is in the tombs is oer&thro%n$

!22/!2 an that %hich is in the breasts is brought out &&surely on that ay their 7or shall be a%are of them


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!2!/! The 4latterer 8hat is the 4lattererH An %hat shall teach thee %hat is the

4lattererH The ay that men shall be lie scattere moths$ an the mountains

shall be lie pluce %ool&tufts.

!2!/# Then he %hose ees %eigh heay in the >alance  shall inherit a pleasing life$  but he %hose ees %eigh light in the >alance  shall plunge in the %omb of the ;it.  An %hat shall teach thee %hat is the ;itH  A blaBing Fire

4II <I:A7<G

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!21/! ross rialry ierts you$ een till you isit the tombs.

5o inee= but soon you shall no%. Again$ no inee= but soon you shall no%.

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!21/# 5o inee= i you no% %ith the no%lege of certainty$ you shall surely

see ell=

 Again$ you shall surely see it %ith the eye of certainty then you shall be

uestione that ay concerning true bliss.

4III AFTE<5005

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!29/! >y the afternoon-urely an is in the %ay of loss$sae those %ho beliee$ an o righteous ees$

an counsel each other unto the truth$an counsel each other to be steafast.

4I: TE >A4*>ITE<

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!23/! 8oe unto eery bacbiter$ slanerer$ %ho has gathere riches an counte

them oer thining his riches hae mae him immortal

5o inee= he shall be thrust into the 4rusher= an %hat shall teach thee %hat is

the 4rusher= The Fire of o inle roaring oer the hearts coere o%n upon

them$ in columns outstretche.

4: TE E7E;A5T

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!2#/! ast thou not seen ho% thy 7or i %ith the en of the ElephantH

Ci e not mae their guile to go astrayH An e loose upon them birs in flights$hurling against them stones of bae clayan e mae them lie green blaes eoure.

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4:I *0<AI-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!2@/! For the composing of *oraish$their composing for the %inter an summer caraan

-o let them sere the 7or of this ouse%ho has fe them against secure them from fear.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!2/! ast thou seen him %ho cries lies to the CoomHThat is he %ho repulses the orphanan urges not the feeing of the neey.

-o %oe to those that prayan are heeless of their prayers$to those %ho mae isplayan refuse charity.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!2/! -urely 8e hae gien thee abunance=so pray unto thy 7or an sacrifice.-urely he that hates thee$ he is the one cut off.

4I6 TE D5>E7IE:E<-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!2"/! -ay/ '0 unbelieers$ I sere not %hat you serean you are not sering %hat I sere$

7/31/2019 The Qur'an - English Translation 403/403


nor am I sering %hat you hae sere$neither are you sering %hat I sere

!2"/# To you your religion$ an to me my religion'

46 E7;

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!!2/! 8hen comes the help of o$ an ictory$an thou seest men entering o's religion in throngs$then proclaim the praise of thy 7or$an see is forgieness=for e turns again unto men.

46I ;E<I-

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!!!/! ;erish the hans of Abu 7ahab$ an perish heis %ealth aails him not$ neither %hat he has earne=he shall roast at a flaming firean his %ife$ the carrier of the fire%oo$

upon her nec a rope of palm&fibre.

46II -I54E<E <E7II05

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate 

!!1/! -ay/ 'e is o$ 0ne$o$ the Eerlasting <efuge$

h h t b tt h t b b tt

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