Page 1: The Promoter and 5' Flanking Sequences Controlling Human B29

The Promoter and 5’ Flanking Sequences Controlling Human B29 Gene Expression

By Alexis A. Thompson, William J. Wood Jr, Michael J. Gilly, Michael A. Damore, Sidne A. Omori, and Randolph Wall

The product of the B-cell-specific -gene (B29, Igp, CD79b) is essential for Ig-mediated B-cell activation via the B-cell antigen receptor complex (BCR) on human and murine B lymphocytes. To better understand the regulation of this pivotal gene, we have analyzed the human genomic DNA sequence upstream of the B29ATG start codon for transcrip- tional control activity. The human B29 gene lacks either a TATA or a CAAT box and transcription is initiated at multiple sites. The minimal promoter of the human 629 gene is con- tained within a 193-bp region 5‘ of these multiple start sites. This minimal promoter exhibits B-cell-specific activity and contains SPI, ETS, OCT. and IKAROS/LYF-1 transcription factor motifs. All these motifs are strikingly conserved in sequence and placement relative to the previously charac-

HE STRUCTURE AND function of Igs in normal and neoplastic B-cell development has been studied exten-

sively, but the nature of the B-cell antigen receptor complex has been only recently elucidated.’.’ All Ig isotypes on the surface of murine and human B lymphocytes are associated with heterodimeric complexes of two transmembrane pro- teins, designated mb-l (Iga, CD79a) and B29 (Igp, CD79b), which are encoded by the mb-l and B29 genes, respec- t i ~ e l y . ~ . ~ Membrane-bound Igs and mb-I-B29 heterodimers comprise the B-cell antigen receptor complex (BCR). The mb-l and B29 proteins are critical for the intracellular as- sembly, translocation, and cell surface display of the BCR complex on B lymphocytes?”’ Antigen binding to Ig in the BCR signals B-cell activation through the mb-l-B29 complexes in a manner analogous to that of the T-cell recep- tor and associated CD3 sub unit^.^.".'^ The cytoplasmic tails of B29 and mb-l contain highly conserved amino acid ele- ments present in other signal transducing proteins in mem- brane receptor complexes (eg, CD3 c, 7, y , 6 chains, CD22, and Fc, receptor p and y chain^).'^.'^ These antigen receptor


From the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology/On- cology, Gwynne Hazen Cherry Memorial Laboratories; and the De- partment of Microbiology and Immunology, UCLA School of Medi- cine and The Molecular Biology Institute, UCLA. Los Angeles, CA.

Submitted March 22, 1995; accepted August 21, 1995. Supported by Grants No. CAI2800 and GM40185 from the Na-

tional Institutes of Health (NIH; to R. W. ) and by a Minority Medical Faculty Development Award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foun- dation {A.A.T.). W.J.W. was supported by Institutional Training Grant No. CA09120. M.J.G. was supported by NIH National Institu- tional Research Service Awards No. CA09056 and CAO9120. S.A.O. was supported by National Science Foundation Fellowship RCD 8954888 and by Public Health Service Award No. NRSA GM07104.

Address reprint requests to Alexis A. Thompson, MD, Department of Pediatrics, UCLA School of Medicine, 10833 LeConte Ave, LOS Angeles, CA 90095.

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/96/8702-0037$3.00/0


terired murine B29promoter. Additional upstream gene seg- ments dramatically affected B29 minimal promoter activity. A newly identified motif called the B29 conserved sequence (BCS), found upstream of both human and murine B29 pro- moters, appears to stimulate 829 transcription through a novel mechanism. A single BCS had little effect either on the minimal B29 promoter or on a heterologous promoter. Instead, the BCS stimulated transcription by counteracting 5‘ negative regulatory DNA sequences that block the activity of the B29 minimal promoter in its absence. These findings indicate that B29 gene expression is controlled by the com- plex interplay of positive and negative regulatory elements. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology.

homology sequences (ARH1) associate with src kinase fam- ily members and other kinases to activate effector pathways that control B-lymphocyte growth and differentiation.l5.l6

Commitment to the B-cell lineage is marked in part by B29 gene expression in pro-B B29 gene expression is initiated before heavy chain rearrangement in both human and murine pro-B cells.’8s19 B29 mRNA is expressed through- out all stages of B-cell development, including terminally differentiated plasma cells, and provides a definitive marker for human B-cell leukemias and lymphomas. B29 is consis- tently found in association with cytoplasmic Ig F heavy chain in human pre-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiam and B29 expression in the lymphocyte predominant subtype of Hodgkin’s disease has been used to confirm the B-cell origin of these neoplastic cells.’’

We recently reported the functional characterization of the murine B29 promoter.22.23 The murine B29 minimal promoter exhibiting high activity and B-cell specificity is 167-bp long. It lacks a TATA box or other unique transcription initiator element and exhibits multiple transcription initiation sites. The murine promoter contains a critical octamer motif (OCT), identical to the motifs in Ig light and heavy chain promoters and in the heavy chain intron enhancer, which controls its tissue-specific activity. DNA motifs binding members of the ETS, SP1, and IKAROSLYF-l families of transcription factors also contribute to the maximum activity of the murine B29 promoter.23

We previously isolated the human B29 gene and found a remarkable degree of sequence homology with the coding sequence of the murine gene, particularly in the transmem- brane and cytoplasmic segments.” The exodintron organiza- tion of the human B29 gene is identical to that of the murine B29 gene.’8.25 The human B29 gene is a single copy gene located at human chromosome locus, 17q23.24 In the present report, we have isolated the region upstream of the human B29 gene and analyzed it for transcriptional control activity. Through a series of deletions and functional expression stud- ies, we have delineated the minimal human B-cell-specific promoter. This promoter is virtually identical to its murine counterpart and contains the same array of DNA motifs shown to be transcription factor binding sites in the murine

Blood, Vol 87, No 2 (January 15). 1996: pp 666-673

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Page 2: The Promoter and 5' Flanking Sequences Controlling Human B29


B29 promoter. We find that the activity of the B29 minimal promoter is controlled by upstream negative and positive regulatory sequences. We have identified a new transcription control motif in this upstream region called the B29 con- served sequence (BCS) that is highly conserved in human and murine B29 genes. The BCS apparently functions as a positive transcription control element by counteracting the inhibitory activity of nearby DNA sequences on the minimal B29 promoter.


Genomic clone isolation. A 6-kb EcoRI human genomic DNA fragment hybridizing with B29 5’ cDNA restriction fragments and synthetic oligonucleotides was cloned in both orientation^.'^ This plasmid (pBS27-I) was further digested with Kpn I creating a 2.7- kb EcoRI-Kpn I subclone (pBS27-IBIKpn I) containing the region upstream of the B29 coding region. Sequencing was performed by the dideoxy method of Sanger using,Sequenase (US Biochemical, Cleveland, OH). The nucleotide sequence has been submitted to GenBank (accession no. U22954).

Cell lines and culture conditions. The human cell lines used in these studies (729 B-lymphoblastoid, Namalwa B-cell, 697 pre-B- cell, H929 and RPM18226 myeloma cells, Jurkat T-cell leukemia, HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells, and HeLa cells) were main- tained in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 2 mmol/L gluta- mine,and 10% fetal calf serum (Hyclone, Logan, UT). Nalm-6, a human pre-B leukemia, was grown in RPMI 1640 and 10% defined- iron supplemented newborn calf serum (Hyclone). All cells were grown at 37°C and 5% CO2 and were maintained at a maximum cell density of 2 X 106/mL.

RNAse protection assays. A 700-bp Apa I fragment of pBS27- 1BIKpn I containing the first exon of the B29 gene was subcloned into the pGEMSZf(-) vector (Promega, Madison, WI) and used as the template for in vitro transcription. Using 1 pg of Age I-linearized plasmid, a3’P-CTP (650 Cilmmol; ICN, Costa Mesa, CA), and SP6 RNA polymerase (20 U; Promega), a 450-bp RNA probe with high specific activity was synthesized. After DNAse treatment to remove the template, the probe was purified over a G-50 Sephadex spin column and 8 X IO4 cpm of the probe was ethanol precipitated with 20 pg of RNA and then hybridized at 48°C overnight. Unannealed probe was digested with a 1:lOO dilution of RNAse A / T 1 (Ambion, Austin, TX), and the protected fragments were separated on a 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gel. Gels were fixed and dried before autoradiography.

Reporter gene assays. Transient gene expression was performed by electroporation using vectors containing the bacterial gene, chlor- amphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT), as the reporter gene. An 800- bp Pst I fragment from pBS27-IBlKpn I encompassing the B29 transcription start site cluster was subcloned into the polylinker of the promoterless pCAT Basic vector (Promega) in the 5’ to 3’ orien- tation. The same fragment was cloned in reverse orientation into a pCAT Basic vector that has been modified to incorporate the multiple cloning site of pGEM5Zf(-) vector (Promega). A series of 5’ dele- tion mutants of both clones were prepared by exonuclease IIV mung bean nuclease treatment (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). Sequencing was performed to delineate the 5’ ends.

A double-stranded synthetic oligomer, 5’ CCAAGAGGCTCT- GCTCTGGGCCCCTCCAGA 3’, corresponding to the BCS at -507 to -477 was inserted by blunt ligation in both orientations into the BamHl site downstream of the CAT gene in selected deletion constructs. This same oligomer was also cloned into a HindIII site in the 521 vector that contains the minimal c-fos promoter 5’ to the CAT gene.z6 A 133-bp HindIII-HincII genomic fragment that

included the BCS was isolated from the end of a reverse deletion mutant and also subcloned into 521.

Plasmids were transiently transfected into cell lines in culture by electroporation (BRL, Bethesda, MD). Samples of approximately 1 X lo7 cells suspended in RPMI 1 6 4 0 and 20% fetal calf serum were incubated on ice for 10 minutes, with 25 pg of test plasmid then electroporated at 1,180 pF and 625 VIcm. After being kept on ice for an additional 10 minutes, the samples were transferred to 10 mL of warm media and placed in a 37°C incubator. After 2 days, cells were harvested in 200 mmoVL K3P04, pH 7.8,2 mmol/L dithiothrei- tol, 30 mmol/L MgSO,,, and 10 mmol/L ATP. Cell extracts were analyzed for CAT reporter gene activity by acetylation of I4C-labeled chloramphenicol and thin-layer chromatography separation. All studies were normalized with 5 pg of cotransfected pRSV-luciferase plasmid to correct for differences in transfection efficiency. Measure- ments of luciferase enzyme activity from 30 pL of each cell extract in the presence of 100 pL of 1 mmoVL luciferin were performed on an automated injection luminometer.

Electrophoretic mobiliry shift assays. Crude nuclear extracts from the 697,729,8226, Jurkat, and HL-60 cell lines were prepared using the method previously described by Dignam et al,27 with some modifications. Tris-HC1 (pH 8) was used in place of HEPES in the extraction buffers and dialysate, and the optimized concentration of salt in the final extraction buffer was 0.4 m o m KCI. Binding reac- tions were performed with 10 pg of extract, 2 pg poly(d1-dC) (Phar- macia, Piscataway, NJ), and 10,000 cpm of gel purified yP3* end- labeled oligonucleotide or DNA fragment. Competition experiments were performed with 50-, 125-, and 500-fold excess of unlabeled probe. A double-stranded unrelated oligonucleotide with the follow- ing sequence was used as the nonspecific competitor: 5’TGCGAT- TTGCATATTA3’. Reaction products were analyzed on 5% nonde- naturing polyacrylamide gels (acrylamide: bisacrylamide 80: 1) in 0.5X TBE buffer.


5’ Sequence and transcription initiation sites in the human B29 gene. A 2.7-kb human genomic DNA fragment con- taining the first exon of the B29 gene was cloned using probes from the 5’ end of the human B29 cDNA ~equence.’~ The DNA sequence extending 1.3 kb upstream from the human B29 translation initiation codon is shown in Fig 1. The nucleotide sequence coding for the human B29 leader sequence is 76% identical to murine B29 leader sequence and exon 1 ends at the same 5’ splice junction as the murine B29 gene.“ As is the case for the murine B29 gene, the human B29 5’ sequence does not contain any sequence re- sembling a TATA or a CAAT box for several hundred nucle- otides upstream of the coding sequence of exon 1 . The B29 gene, like many genes lacking a TATA box, has multiple transcription start sites.

RNAse protection assays were performed on RNA sam- ples from human cell lines to identify the termini of B29 gene transcripts. The synthetic RNA probe used in these assays spanned exon 1 and extended 325 nucleotides 5’ of the ATG translation start codon. The results of these assays using RNA samples from B-lineage cell lines and a T-cell line are shown in Fig 2. Five protected RNA probe fragments were seen with RNA from two B-cell lines (Ramos and Namalwa, lanes 1 and 2, respectively), a pre-B-cell line (Nalm 6, lane 3), and a myeloma cell line (H929, lane 4). The absence of any protected fragments with RNA from the T-cell line (Jurkat, lane 5) is consistent with the B-cell

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- 797










- 197



- 17










































0 0.













Fig 1. Nucleotide sequence of the 5' flanking region of the human B29 gene. A 1.2-kb geno- mic fragment containing the first intron and exon and the B29 pro- moter is shown. The multiple transcription start sites IO1 are marked. The most 5' of these sites is designated +l. Consen- sus binding sites for octamer, ETS, Spl, and IKAROSlLyf-1

. . . . . . L A L S P V P S H W M V A L within the B29 promoter region are labeled. Arrows (7) indicate the 5' ends of deletion con- AGCAGTGACC . .


structs used in reporter gene assays. Nucleotide sequence of the first coding exon is in the


specificity of this gene. RPM1 8226, a myeloma cell line that secretes A light chains (but not heavy chains), had no detectable B29 mRNA in Northern blots, and did not show any protected fragments in the RNAse protection assay (re- sults not shown). These results indicate that transcription of the human B29 gene is initiated from a cluster of 5 start sites located 4 4 to 54 nucleotides upstream of the ATG codon (Fig 1). These data also confirm that human B29 gene transcripts are expressed throughout B-cell development and that the same dominant transcription start sites are used at all stages.'8*19.28

5' Sequences controlling human B29 gene transcription. DNA fragments produced by successive 5' deletions of the sequenced upstream region of the human B29 gene were inserted into the promoterless pCATBasic reporter vector and analyzed in transient transfection assays to identify re- gions with transcriptional activity. The ends of the DNA fragments resulting from these 5' deletions are noted in Fig 1. Figure 3 shows the mean stimulation of reporter CAT gene expression by different deletion constructs relative to

shaded area with the corre- sponding amino acid sequence directly above.

the promoterless pCATBasic vector. The -796-bp B29 5' DNA fragment produced a 17-fold induction in CAT activity in the human B-cell line, 729. Similar results were obtained when this plasmid was transfected into another human B- cell line, Namalwa; into the human pre-B-cell lines, Nalm- 6 and 697; and into the murine B-cell line, M12 (results not shown). This pCAT/-796 construct exhibited B-cell-specific activity as it failed to stimulate CAT activity in either HeLa cells or in Jurkat T cells (Table 1).

Further 5' deletions, producing DNA fragments ending at -643, -532, and -464 bp, successively decreased transcrip- tional activity. The CAT activity obtained with the -464 deletion fragment was reduced 90% from the activity of the -796 fragment (ie, -464 exhibited only 2-fold stimulation over the background expression with the promoterless pCATBasic vector; Fig 3). Transcription-stimulating activity then increased with further 5' deletion to -304 and reached a maximum with DNA fragment - 193 (Fig 3). The stimula- tory activity of the -193 construct (ie, 16-fold) is equivalent to that of the -796 construct. The 193-bp fragment is the

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A G C T 1 2 3 4 5 Fig 2. Ribonuclease protection assay. A genomic fragment ex-

tending 5 from the first intron was used t o prepare a 450-bp = P- labeled riboprobe that was hybridized t o 20 p g of Ramos B-cell (lane l), Namalwa B-cell (lane 2). Nalm 6 pre-B-cell (lane 3). H929 plasma cell (lane 4). and Jurkat T-cell (lane 51 total cellular RNA and treated with RNAse A and T1. Multiple protected fragments visible by autora- diography of a 6% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-urea gel are consistent with multiple transcription initiation sites noted in most TATA-less genes. The sequencing ladder prepared from the same genomic template allowed for precise localization of each transcrip- tion start site.

shortest active deletion construct and accordingly is desig- nated the minimal B-cell-specific promoter. These changes in transcriptional activity were reproducibly seen in four independent transfections with the set of 5' DNA deletion constructs of the -796 B29 DNA fragment.

The 193-bp human B29 promoter strongly stimulated tran- scription in all B-lineage cell lines, but exhibited little activ- ity over background in either Jurkat T cells or HeLa cells (Table 1). Like the murine B29 minimal promoter, the human B29 minimal promoter is B-cell-specific. This minimal pro- moter segment contains the same array of transcription factor motifs previously shown to regulate the activity and B-cell specificity of the murine B29 minimal pr~moter.'~ The A'IT- TGCAT sequence exactly corresponds to the canonical oc- tamer motif (OCT).29.'0 Two ETS motifs immediately down- stream of the OCT motif are putative binding sites for the B-cell and macrophage transcription factor, PU. I , as well as for other members of the ETS oncogene family.3"33 A motif for IKAROSLYF-I family members is located upstream of the OCT All these motifs are required for the activity of the murine B29 minimal promoter.23 The sequence in the human B29 minimal promoter containing these tran- scription factor motifs is 91% identical to the comparable sequence in the murine B29 minimal promoter (see Fig 6).

Activity ofthe BCS. We next analyzed the active regions upstream of the human B29 minimal promoter for other highly conserved sequences. One 29 nucleotide stretch was noted with 83% sequence identity to a sequence upstream of the murine B29 gene. This sequence (5' CCAAGAGGC- TCTGCTCTGGGCCCCTCCAG 3'), called the BCS, is cen- trally located in the -532 to -464 fragment. Deletion of this

.G c 20 c 25r

pCAT -796 -643 -532 -464 -304 -193

Fig 3. CAT reporter gene assays of the B29 5' flanking region. Deletion constructs as noted in Fig 1 were ligated into the promot- erless pCAT basic vector and transiently transfected into 729 B cells. The average CAT activity of each construct was determined by fold induction relative t o the vector alone (CAT). All experiments were performed in triplicate and normalized for transfection effeciency by luciferase assay.

fragment produced a significant (5-fold) decrease in tran- scriptional activity (Fig 3). Deletion of the upstream DNA fragment containing the homologous sequence in the murine B29 gene also caused a significant decrease in transcriptional activity36 (unpublished results). To determine whether the BCS had inherent transcriptional activity, a double-stranded synthetic 29-bp oligomer of the BCS was inserted in both orientations upstream of the the c-fos promoter in the 521- CAT reporter gene vector. This basal promoter is 56-bp long, with a TATA box.26 Either orientation of the BCS produced less than a twofold increase in c-fos promoter CAT activity in transiently transfected 729 human B cells (results not shown). This indicates that the BCS only minimally affects the efficiency of transcription from a heterologous basal pro- moter. Next, the BCS 29-bp oligomer was inserted in both orientations upstream of the minimal B29 promoter and the -464 deletion construct. A single copy of the BCS oligomer in either orientation upstream of the 193-bp minimal B29

Table 1. Transcriptional Act ivw of B29 Promoter and 5' Region in Different Cell Lines

Normalized CAT Activity

Plasmids 729 HELA Jurkat

pCATBasic 1 1 1

pCAThuB29 (-796) 17 2 0.3 1 2 0.9 1.6 -t 0.5

pCAThuB29 (-194) 16.2 ? 4.8 2.2 t 1.2 2.3 -c 1.3

Mean induction of the CAT gene by the B29 minimal promoter (-193) and upstream sequences (-796) transfected into human 729 B cells, Jurkat T cells, and nonhematopoetic HeLA cells shows the tissue specificity of the control region.

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E’ S 15/ LL 0

A T pCAT -532 -464 -464 -193 -193/


Fig 4. Transcriptional analysis of the B29 conserved sequence (BCSI. Double-stranded synthetic oligonucleotide corresponding to the BCS was ligated into selected CAT constructs and transiently transfected into 729 B cells, and the effect on CAT activity of each construct relative to the vector alone was measured. Results repre- sent the mean CAT induction and standard deviation of three experi- ments. Reinsertion of the BCS sequences into the -464 construct from which it had been deleted resulted in CAT activity comparable t o the -532 construct that contains the sequences. The effect of the BCS on increasing CAT activation by the minimum promoter (-1931 is less dramatic.

promoter (-193/BCS) had little effect on minimal promoter activity (-193; Fig 4). However, the addition of a single copy of the BCS oligomer to the -464 deletion construct increased transcriptional activity fivefold, resulting in an transcriptional activity comparable to that seen with the -532 B29 gene fragment containing the BCS (Fig 4). Again. the BCS was equally active in either orientation. This result strongly suggests that the BCS is the principal active element in the human B29 gene sequences from -532 to -464. These results also suggest that the BCS acts on negative regulatory sequences in the -464 B29 gene construct rather than di- rectly on the 193-bp minimal B29 promoter.

BCS factor binding studies. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) were used to detect complexes of nu- clear factors bound to the BCS. In these studies, a double- stranded synthetic 29-bp oligonucleotide corresponding to the BCS sequence was incubated with nuclear extracts from human 729 B cells, 697 pre-B cells, 8226 plasmacytoma, Jurkat T cells, and HL-60 myeloid cells. The interaction of the end-labeled BCS oligonucleotide probe with nuclear proteins from 729 cells resulted in retarded mobility of a doublet protein-DNA complex (Fig S). The specificity of this interaction was established by the addition of increasing amounts of unlabeled double-stranded BCS oligonucleotide that resulted in the incremental loss of the retarded band.

An excess of an unrelated oligonucleotide competitor of sim- ilar size had no effect on BCS binding. Studies performed on 697 pre-B cells and H929 plasma cells gave results similar to those with 729 nuclear extracts (data not shown). Nuclear extracts from Jurkat T cells and 8226 myeloma cells (which contain no detectable B29 mRNA) yielded only nonspecific binding. No binding was detected in studies using nuclear extracts from HL-60 cells. Additional assays performed with a radiolabeled 130-bp genomic DNA fragment that contained the BCS also showed specific binding and competition of a multibanded complex, suggesting that sequences adjacent to the BCS motif may contribute to nuclear factor binding or stability. These EMSA results, combined with the reporter gene expression assays, strongly suggest that the BCS is an important regulatory element for B29 gene expression.


This report identifies the promoter and S’ flanking DNA sequences that regulate the expression of the human B29 gene. The human B29 minimal promoter is contained within a 193-bp DNA fragment that strongly stimulates transcrip-

Probe BCS Competitor - BCS - oct

molar excess 50 125 500 250


1 2 3 4 5 6 Fig 5. Competitive electrophoretic mobility shift assay of the BCS

binding. Ten micrograms of nuclear extracts from 729 B cells was incubated at room temperature with 10,000 cpm of a radiolabeled BCS oligonucleotide for each reaction. In lanes 3 through 5, unlabeled BCS oligonucleotide at 50, 125, and 500 times molar excess (10. 25, and l00 ng, respectively) was added t o each reaction. In lane 6,50 ng (250x molar excess) of an unrelated double-stranded oligonucleotide (oct) containing an octamer motif was added as a nonspecific com- petitor.

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Fig 6. Comparison of the hu- man and murine B29 minimal B- cell-specific promoters. Tran- scription start sites in each are noted by arrows. The numbering in the murine promoter is from the dominant start site deter- mined by primer extension. Con- sensus sequences for transcrip- tion factor binding sites are as noted. Regions surrounding the translation initiation site factor binding sites show very high de- grees of homology.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W629 AACCCAAAGCTGTCCTACCCAGGCAGCACCACC-CTTCGAGTCCTAGCACACCAGCTGATG-AAG-CTG




............................................................... ................................................................ AllTCCAT GACGAA

ETS SP1 HUB29 GGTSlAGGAACA~CAGGGACACGCTGCAGGCTGCAGCC~~GG~TG-CAGTTACACGTT~~----TTC-CTC ........................................... . . . . . ........................................... . . . . . W629 AAT~GAGGCGGAGAGGCACAAGCTCCACCCCAGGCTGACA--TACA-GTTACATGTTTCGCCC consensus GAGCAA GGCGGG

+b rwrb HUB29 C-AAGCAGCCTCGGACGTTGTCACGGGmGGGGGGTCGGGGACAGAGCAGTGAC~ . . . .... .......................... . . . .... .......................... MU629 CCAAA---CCTCC---------------TTGGGCTCAGAGAqGAGCAGTGACa

4 4

tion and exhibits B-cell-specific expression in transient transfection assays. This human B29 minimal promoter is functionally equivalent to the previously characterized mu- rine B29 minimal pr~moter.’~ Comparison of the human and murine minimal promoters shows a striking pattern of se- quence conservation related to the transcriptional activities of these gene segments (Fig 6). The human B29 minimal promoter contains two regions that are highly conserved in relation to the murine minimal promoter. These are separated by an intervening segment with a different length and lower sequence conservation in relation to the murine minimal promoter. The most highly conserved region in the human promoter (ie, -23 to -34) is 91% identical to the murine B29 promoter sequence (ie, -48 to -158) that contains all the transcription control motifs determined to control the activity of this promoter (Fig 6). The ATTTGCAT at -74 exactly matches the murine B29 octamer motif (OCT) and the canonical OCT motifs in Ig heavy and light chain gene promoters and the Ig heavy chain intron enhan~er.’~.~’ Muta- tion of this motif in the murine promoter completely abol- ished transcriptional activity.23 The two ETS boxes (CAG- GAA and GAGGAA) immediately downstream of the OCT are putative binding sites for the macrophage and B-cell- specific transcription factor PU.1 as well as other members of the ets oncogene family.31 A single consensus motif for SPl (GGCGGG) is located at position -42. The CCTCCC- CCA sequence at - 1 18 closely corresponds to the consensus motif for IKAROSLYF-1 family members that are known to control lymphocyte gene e x p r e ~ s i o n . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ’ ~ Mutations in the SPl, ETS, and IKAROSLYF-l motifs all reduced the transcriptional activity of the murine B29 minimal pro- moter.23 The region immediately downstream of the IKAROSLYF-l motif (ie, -126 to -138) also contributed to the activity of the murine B29 minimal promoter in B cells.23 The in vitro footprint with purified LYF-1 extended

+l 4 -

through this region and this sequence is well conserved in the human B29 promoter sequence.

The region (ie, -22 to + 27) containing the mapped hu- man B29 transcription start sites exhibits approximately 60% identity (incorporating numerous gaps) to the corresponding murine B29 promoter sequence (ie, nucleotides -8 to -47; Fig 6). The human B29 minimal promoter lacks a TATA box and transcription is initiated at 5 sites located 44 to 53 nucleotides upstream of the ATG codon. The multiple transcription initiation sites in the murine B29 promoter are more broadly distributed and lie 12 to 33 bp upstream of the ATG codon. Neither the location nor spacing of transcription start sites is conserved in human and murine B29 sequences. The murine sites only partially overlap those in the human B29 gene. Multiple transcription initiation sites have now been described in a number of other TATA-less lymphocyte- specific genes, including mb-I,” the surrogate light chains A 5 3 9 and Vpre-B,40 CD7,4’ CDlla;’ CD18,43.44 CD19,45 and CD22.I4 However, it is not known how transcription initia- tions are determined in these genes. TATA-less, GC-rich promoters in constitutively expressed housekeeping genes exhibit multiple transcription starts 40 to 80 bp downstream of multiple SPl motif^.^' Interestingly, the multiple start sites in both the human and murine B29 promoters are located 40 to 80 bp downstream of lone SPl motifs.

The second region of high sequence conservation in the human B29 minimal promoter (ie, +28 to +53) is 88% identical to the homologous murine sequence (ie,-7 to + 19; Fig 6). This region comprises 26 bp of 5’-untranslated (5’- UT) region directly preceding the ATG codon. It is notable that the sequence conservation in this region i s greater than that of the leader coding sequence. The function of this highly conserved 5”UT sequence is not known. The Kozak box directly preceding the ATG codon is the only known functional element in this sequence. This region in the mu-

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rine B29 sequence contains the major transcription initiation site (+ 1) and a minor start site (+g). However, the locations of transcription initiation sites in human and murine B29 genes do not exhibit any discernable spatial relationship to this highly conserved sequence.

The region upstream of the B29 minimal promoter appar- ently contains multiple elements that stimulate and inhibit B29 gene transcription. The quite substantial loss in tran- scription activity (ie, 15-fold) seen with 5' deletions from -796 to -464 suggests that this region contains multiple elements that exert positive influences on the B29 minimal promoter. In contrast, the -464 fragment appears to contain sequences that exert a powerful dominant negative effect on the activity of the downstream B29 minimal promoter. The activity of construct -464 was 15-fold lower than that of the B29 minimal promoter in B-lineage cells. Negative regu- latory elements may extend into the DNA fragment ending at -304, which showed less activity than the B29 minimal promoter. Collectively, these functional expression studies indicate that the region upstream of the human B29 minimal promoter contains a complex array of both positive and nega- tive transcription control elements. Studies are in progress to identify the functional elements in this region and to deter- mine if they collectively function as enhancers or silencers controlling B29 gene specificity and expression.

One positive 5' regulatory element, initially identified by its high sequence conservation in both human and murine B29 5' regions, is the BCS. The BCS is located in an up- stream region which stimulates B29 transcription. Deletion of the 5' segment containing the BCS (ie, -532 to -464) produced a fivefold decrease in transcriptional activity. The sequence of the BCS does not resemble any known transcrip- tion factor motif, suggesting that this may represent a novel regulatory element. Studies on the effects of an isolated BCS on either homologous or heterologous promoters and on the -464 B29 gene segment confirm this suggestion. A single 29-bp BCS element had only minimal effects (52-fold) on the 193-bp B29 minimal promoter or a 56-bp c-fos promoter. In contrast, insertion of a single BCS upstream of the -464 construct increased transcriptional activity to the level seen with the -532 construct containing the BCS. These results suggest that the BCS stimulates transcription by counter- acting nearby negative regulatory elements rather than by acting directly on the B29 promoter. A similar mode of regulation has been reported in the K intron enhancer in which the inhibitory activity of a 27-bp negative segment (KNE) was prevented by an adjacent 30-bp positive segment ( K B S ) . ~ ~ Interestingly, dimerized K BS segments had no ef- fect on the transcriptional activity of the c-fos pr~moter.~' Like the BCS, the KBS apparently lacks significant transcrip- tional activity outside of its context in the K intron enhancer.

The stimulatory activity of the BCS may be mediated by specific nuclear proteins. Specific nuclear protein complexes were readily detected in EMSA using a 29-bp oligomer BCS. Specific competition with the BCS oligomer establishes that this sequence is bound by proteins in the complexes. It is possible that additional sequences in the 130-bp DNA frag- ment may be required for the formation or stabilization of the BCS-binding protein complexes. The BCS-binding activ-

ity was tissue-specific and was detectable at all stages of B- cell development. Interestingly, the BCS complex was not seen in the RPM1 8226 myeloma cell line that does not express B29 &A.

This report continues our exploration of the human B29 gene and increases our understanding of its regulation. This gene plays a critical role in the cell surface display of mem- brane Ig and in signal transduction and B-cell activation through the B-cell antigen receptor complex. Resolution of the molecular features regulating B29 gene expression should provide insights into potential mechanisms for dis- ease states resulting from abnormal antigen receptor complex expression or function.


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1996 87: 666-673  

AA Thompson, WJ Jr Wood, MJ Gilly, MA Damore, SA Omori and R Wall expressionThe promoter and 5' flanking sequences controlling human B29 gene information and services can be found at:

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