
The Pink Dolphins of Hong Kong

The Pink Dolphins of Hong Kong

By Patricia Chan


What do we need to know about Pink Dolphins??

Pink dolphins or Chinese white dolphins(Sousa chinensis) have received a the name pink dolphin because of its famous cotton candy pink colour.

Pink dolphins live in coastal waters. They inhabit the waters of Hong Kong and are found in Lantau.

These friendly animals enjoy playing with their pod and friends.

But nowadays the Pink Dolphins are listed as an Endangered Species!!!!!

The body of a pink dolphin in Lianjing, China.

Right – A pink dolphin that has suffered the consequences of pollution.

Do you want to see more pictures of this??? No you don’t! But you will in time if nothing is done to save them!!

What is harming them?Dolphins eat food that tends to live in waters where pollution and sewage enters the sea from large cities.

There are heavy metals like mercury and cadmium in the waste we pump in the ocean.

Reclamation such as Disneyland and the Chek Lap Kok Airport have made the waters murky.

Pink dolphins can get tangled in fishing nets and drown or suffocated.

Noise pollution, so dolphins cannot communicate.

Oil flows into the sea and destroys their lung tissues.

People hunt pink dolphins for perfume, blubber, baleen and sometimes just for the sake of doing it.

Boats make noise. Boats also run into confused pink dolphins and kill them. Tour boats are careful but there are sometimes accidents. Some dolphins show scars from these incidents.

What Should Hong Kong do to Protect the Rest of the Pink Dolphins??

Ships can only go a certain speed and make a limited amount of noise.

Treat sewage properly.

Use of double hull tankers to make sure no oil is spilled.

Limitations for fishers when they fish the dolphin’s food source.

How can We Help Protect the Rest of the Pink Dolphins?

Educate people a bit about what’s happening to them.

Pink up rubbish you see on the beach. Do not treat the sea as a bin.

Don’t buy a dolphin made product, like perfume or some Chinese medicine.

Don’t buy anything you think is made from pink dolphins.

Like they say : When the buying stops, the killing can too.

SourcesUnknown author, BlueVoice. org, Pink Dolphins of Hong Kong, http:// , 25th September 2008 Boris Kiel, Chinese White Dolphin,

s_chinensis.htm, 26th September 2008 Multiple authors list on website, Endangered Animals, Repots British Council English Language Centre Chinese White Dolphin, , 13th October 2008

Discovery Bay Yacht Club, , 15th October 2008.

Google Images, , 17th September 2008

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