
The Periodic Table (The worlds greatest cheat sheet) The Periodic Table Data Sheet (The worlds greatest cheat sheet for the worlds greatest cheat sheet) PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group name & number Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels electron blocks Write in s-block under columns 1 &2 Write in d-block under column 3-12 Write in p-block under columns 13 to 18 PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor So what is the repeating pattern for physical properties? Pick an element. The f-block 1 st row is named the rare earth elements. Metals, nonmetals or metalloids? representative elements Elements in the s-block and p-block ion An atom or group of atoms with a net positive or negative charge How? By gaining or losing electrons Demonstration 2 types of ions cation positive ion more protons than electrons 2 types of ions cation positive ion more protons than electrons anion negative ion more electrons than protons octet rule Atoms tend to gain, lose or share electrons in order to: acquire a full set of valence electrons attain the electron structure of the nearest noble gas. Noble gases dont usually make ions. They already have the stable configuration. We can trick the larger noble gases (Kr, Xe, Rn) in the laboratory. PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- lose 1 e- Ion 1+ Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- lose 1 e- lose 2 e- Ion 1+2+ Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- lose 1 e- lose 2 e- lose 3 e- Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- lose 1 e- lose 2 e- lose 3 e- C, Si share only Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- lose 1 e- lose 2 e- lose 3 e- C, Si share only gain 3e- or share Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- lose 1 e- lose 2 e- lose 3 e- C, Si share only gain 3e- or share gain 2e- or share Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- lose 1 e- lose 2 e- lose 3 e- C, Si share only gain 3e- or share gain 2e- or share gain 1e- or share Ion Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- lose 1 e- lose 2 e- lose 3 e- C, Si share only gain 3e- or share gain 2e- or share gain 1e- or share nothing (octet present) Ion none Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor PERIODIC TABLE DATA SHEET Group number & name 1 alkali 2 alkaline earth 3-12 transition element halogen 18 noble gases colorless odorless gases Gain, Lose or Share e- lose 1 e- lose 2 e- lose 3 e- C, Si share only gain 3e- or share gain 2e- or share gain 1e- or share nothing (octet present) Ion cations anions none Bond Type Physical Characteristics group, family: same number of valence electrons period, series: same number of principle energy levels metals nonmetals metalloids luster, conductors (heat & electricity), ductile, malleable, tenacious dull, brittle, insulators Si = semiconductor

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