Page 1: The Parable of “The Tares - menorah publications · 2018. 9. 7. · (38) “And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him,

The Parableof

“The Tares …”

Matthew 13 Verses 24-30 & 36-43

By Robert. B .Dalton.© Menorah Publications.Australia 2015.

Page 2: The Parable of “The Tares - menorah publications · 2018. 9. 7. · (38) “And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him,


* Points of distinction and emphasis, are used by our authorship solely tobring light to our dialogue.

* Unless otherwise indicated, all Scriptural references appearing arequotations from the King James Bible software, E Sword version 10.2.1 © 2013 by Rick

First Edition (September, 2015.)

Copyright © 2015. Australia by Robert.B.Dalton.Apart from the purpose of private study or review forarchive retrieval, no part may be reproduced without theexpressed and written permission of the authors (and/ or)their agents for “Menorah Publications.”

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Page 3: The Parable of “The Tares - menorah publications · 2018. 9. 7. · (38) “And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him,


First “The Slothful,” now …

“The Spiteful,” nothing could demonstrate

“hatred” more than to wilfully want todestroy what someone else is doingbecause you are jealous that your not in the doingyourself!

“If I can’t have it,then no one can!”

Such a pouting display and then the tantrum … go outand destroy what there’ve achieved: This has to be the

ultimate act of “self-obsessed hatred” to destroythat which God has Blessed another.

Just the same as when Cain killed his brother Abelbecause he was jealous of the fact that God had acceptedthe offering of Abel but rejected that of Cain.

Reason why his offering was rejected, is because heoffered to The Lord God the fruit of the ground, the fruit ofhis sweat, the fruit of the curse. Abel offered the firstling ofhis flock, the shed blood of an unblemished and innocentlamb. Speaks screeds doesn’t it!!!??

The Parable of “The Tares …”Matthew 13 Verses 24-30 & 36-43

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A man laboured in the field sowing grain for wheat, helaboured with his crew then retired to rest like everyoneelse. Only to have his enemy come by night and sneakinto his field and sow seeds of such a counterfeit natureand deception that had the potential to destroy and makevery ill those that would consume it as wheat!

Matthew 13 Verses 24-30 “Another parable put He forthunto them, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is likened untoa man which sowed good seed in his field:” (25) “But whilemen slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among thewheat, and went his way.” (26) “But when the blade wassprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the taresalso.” (27) “So the servants of the householder came andsaid unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thyfield? from whence then hath it tares?”(28) “He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. Theservants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go andgather them up?” (29) “But he said, Nay; lest while yegather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.”

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(30) “Let both grow together until the harvest: and in thetime of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye togetherfirst the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: butgather the wheat into my barn.”

Poison can come in a tiny seed, just as readily asseeds that provide nutrition, health and well being for all:

How many times in life do we have to continue todiscover the cunning wiles and evil schemes of enemies

sowing seeds in our “good ground,” ground justsown for the health and help of all!!!??

How many times do we have to discover that there is

“Poison in the crop!!!”

The man, the owner of the field did all that was rightand true, he sowed good seed into good soil. Both he andhis labourers retired for the night.

Matthew 13 Verse 25 “But while men slept, hisenemy came and sowed tares among the wheat,and went his way.”

These labourers and the owner of the field were morethan entitled to rest after their days toil. Only to be takenadvantage of by a spiteful enemy!

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But such is the nature of this coward that moves inthe dark; the time that the enemy most often moves, iswhen people are tired or at their weakest.

When people are in need of rest, just how many

“seed thoughts” does he try to plant in a wandering

mind that is tired and need of rest and sleep!

These “seed thoughts,” I have often referred to

as, “bombs of the mind kind!” Apt descriptiondon’t you think!

“The Tares,” are in that sense, just like the

“weeds” in that they take little effort or encouragement

to flourish in a fertile mind. You literally have to “donothing” to see them flourish and grow. Like

“weeds,” you can grow them with your hands tied

behind your back!

“Soul destroyers” grow rapidly by the

“green thumb” of the lazy and many that are not


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Good men take it for granted, that no one would be sodeceitful as to cause harm to anyone working in TheMaster’s field. But we have an enemy, that cannot be

underestimated, this “hatred” he has for both us and

our Lord and Master is beyond belief!

Though not obviously visible, you can see the muddyand blood stained footprints where he has wreaked havoc.Though not omnipresent, he has cohorts that move likeants over a free carcase.

“Maliciousness” carries with it a cloakdeception, which often chooses to move unseen in the

dark of night. “Cowardice” always takes the back

door to lay “the dagger of deceit” into the mindsof those that sleep.

But he often forgets God’s Word say’s,

Isaiah 26 Verse 3 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth inThee.”

Psalm 4 Verse 8 “I will both lay me down in peace, andsleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.”

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All seed, has the power of increase so too does evil

seed. “The Tare,” (loium temulentum) is called

“Darnel” a genus of beared rye grass. It is often

referred to as “bastard wheat” and is so much likethe genuine that you cannot tell the difference between

“The True” and “The false” until both began to

ripen ready for harvest.

Both seeds, were hidden in the ground and both roseat the same time, making detection all but impossible. Theonly gain for the enemy, is that he ruined the potential forharvest from the field. He had caused great injury to thetarget of his hatred:

The labourers saw the evil grow, but they didn’t seethe hand that sowed.

Matthew 13 Verse (27b) “ … Sir, didst not thou sow good

seed in thy field? from whence then hath ittares?”

And his reply,

Matthew 13 Verse (28a)“He said unto them,

An enemy hath done this ...”

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The enemy of both God and man sowing seeds of

“treachery,” “doubt,” “malice,” and

“division,” all under

“the cloak of maliciousness.”

“Weeds” in the field, are easily removed by the

cultivators hoe. This “darnel” grew with the wheat andcould not be removed till it revealed it’s true identity at thetime of harvest.

There are many that say that they walk with The Lord,but

“ … their hearts are far from Him!”

They only give “lip service to The King!”And when the pressure is on, then the hint of their innernature begins to rise and be seen.

“Malice,” is evil intent, it is determined,cruel and heartless.

It takes delight in the suffering of innocence.

“Slander” and “accusation” are it’s bedfellows,they are cut from the same cloth.

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Matthew 13 Verses (28b)-(30a) “ … The servants said

unto him, Wilt thou then that we go andgather them up?” (29) “But he said, Nay; lest whileye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with

them.” (30a) “Let both grow together untilthe harvest: …”

The Tares had become so intermingled with The True,that it would be impossible to pull one out without itaffecting the other!

Those too hasty to cast out and remove, have often in

their zeal “cast out the best and retainedthe worst!”

The calamity of the novice and the haste of thezealous. There is deception to the untrained eye; that’swhy we need to have,

Hebrews 5 Verse14(b) “ … those who by reason of usehave their senses exercised to discern both good andevil.”

That is, used and exercised under the watchful eye of

“The Husbandman …

My Father is The Gardener!”

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Where we know the whole story, we are able to dealwith obvious evil in our midst. But unfortunately, manythere are that suffer the wounds and the hack and slash ofthe novice.

Far too much is based on the premise of

“assumption and presumption” all

administered by the carnal trait … “the gift ofsuspicion!!!” (more closely called,“gossip,” “slander” and accusation:”)

How long the suffering of “the burned, thebashed and the buried?” Any wonder they turnout into the highways and the byways!

“Thorns,” “Thistles,” Briar,” and

“Weeds” all can be uprooted in the cleansing not only

of “The Garden of Our Hearts” but TheCorporate Body of His Friendship andFellowship. The Anointed Presence ofThe Lord our Christ has turned many aheart around.

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Only The Wise Creator can turn a “Tare” into a “Fullshock of Wheat” … The Miracle ofMiracles,

2 Corinthians 7 Verse 10 “For godly sorrow workethrepentance to salvation not to be repented of: but thesorrow of the world worketh death.”

There is coming “a time of harvest a timeof separation” when both will be revealed. Fully

developed for what they truly are … “Tares,” or “PureGrain, The Wheat.”

The false will be bundled up and made ready for The

Fire, “The True,” are already abiding in “The Fireof His Refinement:”

To walk with Christ, means exactly that!

Christianity, is not responsible for thedeception that exists for those thatname the name of Jesus Christ and yetare not really walking tells with Him!

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The Bible tells us,

“ … the tree is known by his fruit.”

Matthew 7 Verses 17-19 & 33 “Even so every good treebringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forthevil fruit.”(18) “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can acorrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”(19) “Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewndown, and cast into the fire.”

Verse 33 “Either make the tree good, and his fruit good;

or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: forthe tree is known by his fruit.”

Unfortunately, even poisonous varieties bear fruitoften indistinguishable from the safe until near ripe. As isthe case, fruit takes time to reveal it’s true nature.

“Sin, like the serpent, needs to bewatched because of their deceitful andcunning moves ...”

Jesus knew the safety of the boat and slept. All thatthe Disciples could focus on, was the heaving of thewaves and the torment of howling winds.

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Jesus rose, rebuked both the wind, the waves and thestorm. Then His rebuke fell onto the Disciples,

Mark 4 Verses 37-41 “And there arose a great storm ofwind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was nowfull.”(38) “And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep ona pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him, Master,carest thou not that we perish?”(39) “And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said untothe sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there

was a great calm.” (40) “And He said unto them, Whyare ye so fearful? how is it that ye haveno Faith?”(41) “And they feared exceedingly, and said one toanother, What manner of man is this, that even the windand the sea obey Him?”

There are times in life, when storms swell and the seatends to lash at our passage. It’s then, The Peace and ThePrince rise to our aid and steadfast we remain firm andrebuke every hindrance to make sure our passage isgained.

Even the Disciples, and still we as Disciples need anoccasional rebuke to bring calm and direct our passage tosafety. Thank You Merciful Lord, A-men!

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Right from The Beginning in The Garden of Genesis,

the enemy has sown seeds of “Spite,” “Doubt” and

“Contention” into the heart of God’s Created Man.

The most powerful seed in the poison pack of the

serpent is the seed of “doubt” the mother of all souldestroyers.

It has sent many into the trap of his enticing that seedis the biggest Faith destroyer of all and he has arm loadsto sow in the fields of the Righteous.

And it all started with the question,

Genesis 3 Verse 1 “Now the serpent was more subtil thanany beast of the field which The LORD God had made.

And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said,Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

“Types” and “shadows,” are now done away

with as The Lord sits to teach. There is much to be learnedwhen The Master unfolds The Wisdom of Heaven by usingexample from everyday life.

“Life,” is the issue, Jesus came, that we might have

“Life,” and “Life abundantly.”

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Everyday examples reveal the fact that we can

partake of “Kingdom living” in the “here andnow!” Each of us know, that “Eternity, is but abreath away:” To walk and talk with The Master wasand is often beyond the grasp of the crowd.

“Communion,” is a personal thing but it

becomes a “powerful event” when we respond tothe instruction to,

“Tarry ye …!”

In all of Creation, there is one whose only aim is tohinder that relationship because he knows the power of

those included in the fellowship. “The Life ofChrist,” will not be hindered by “schemes andcunning wiles!”

There is an enemy, he interfered in “Eden,” now hetries to poison the field ploughed in

“The Garden of The Heart!”

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The Sower of “Good Seed,” is “The Lordof The Harvest,” Jesus Christ. “The Field” islarge, it is all of humanity, a field quite capable of

producing, “Fruit,” “More Fruit” and “MuchFruit!”

John 15 Verse 8 “Herein is My FatherGlorified, that ye bear much fruit; soshall ye be My disciples.”

A jealous enemy, has only one desire, to spoil “TheField” and destroy “The Fruit!”

People get sick eating rotten fruit, the aim of our

soul’s enemy, is to turn many away from “union” or

“common union” with The Father God. Just likeIsrael, The Church as a whole is made up of manyscattered and varied. They graze as it were in a widepasture. But all under the watchful eye of our HeadShepherd who declares,

John 10 Verses 14-16 “I AM The Good Shepherd, andknow My sheep, and am known of Mine.”(15) “As The Father knoweth Me, even so know I TheFather: and I lay down My Life for the sheep.”

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(16) “And other sheep I have, which arenot of this fold: them also I must bring,and they shall hear My voice; and thereshall be one fold, and one shepherd.”

“The Tares” look like “The Wheat,”it takes a keen eye, the eye of the Heard Shepherd to

discern “Truth from error.” But “The Tares”have one major difference, they have no control over sin.

They love the sin, more than they love “the sinbearer!”

“The Tares,” are hypocrites by nature, they arewhat The Bible calls profane because they have a hidden

agenda which only revolves around “self!”

Problem is, that they become ready converts for

“doubt and unbelief.” For the main, the worstthing that one person could do to another, is to

“slander and accuse” them … often behind their

backs, and often based on untruth!

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“Character assassins” are very good at

stabbing people in the back. Such is the nature of “thehypocrite and coward.” They sneak into others

fields to sow their poison and “discord.” And they

usually do it by night.

Rest assured, they have a ready audience becausethere are multitude out there who’s only desire is to seeother’s

“hung by the tongue …”

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There are many, that are too ready to stone people onthe basis of …

“Fear and Suspicion!”

“Fear,” you say, yes, “Fear:” “Fear,”because they themselves are doing what they accuseother so readily!

They take “Distrust” and “Distraction” and

project their own “secret sins” into the lives of others.Innocent or not, is not the issue, the fact is they are guiltyof what all should really be doing and that is, helping thesinner to repent from!

“All have sinned …!”

Does this ring a bell in yourconscience? Then Repent, and helpthose that are!!!

“A bucket full of stones … ”

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Jesus Himself, had a very interesting description of

these folk, He called them “white washed tombs,full of dead men’s bones.” Whitewash is goodfor wine-cellars, but it is no good for sinners to use it as a

cover up! Sinners need to be washedclean and white by The Precious Bloodof Jesus, God’s Lamb.

Matthew 23 Verse 27 “Woe unto you, scribes and

Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whitedsepulchres, which indeed appearbeautiful outward, but are within full ofdead men’s bones, and of alluncleanness.”

The deceptive, “the outwardly good”and “inwardly worthless” must beseparated. The Lord is The Judge of the thoughts andthe intents of our hearts.

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For the bastard son, there can onlybe separation and impendingjudgement. But The Good Grain, isgathered into The Lord’s store house.

“True” will be removed from “The false,”“The Holy,” shall be separated from “TheProfane!” “The Wise,” from

“The Foolish!”

Jesus, has the last word,

“My sheep hearMy Voice and follow Me …”

But that’s another story!

Proverbs 4 Verses 14-19 “Enter not into the path of thewicked, and go not in the way of evil men.”(15) “Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.”(16) “For they sleep not, except they have done mischief;and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some tofall.” (17) “For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drinkthe wine of violence.”

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(18) “But the path of the just is as the shining light, thatshineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (19) “Theway of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at whatthey stumble.”

1Knowledge without action is only useless information... do you know that it is possible for people to suffer theeffects of

“idolatry of self.”

When “self,” is on the throne of our hearts, Christ isforced out by our own ulterior (interior) motives … thesecret agendas, the hidden agendas of the heart.

When a man becomes “a legalist,” he cannot buthelp to want to build for himself monuments to his ownstandard of glory.

And it all begins by that man building

“a platform for ministry and a following!”

1 Kidner, Derek. “Proverbs.” Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries.Inter-Varsity Press. (edit. 1964)

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These dear hearts can become somisguided by delusions of grandeur thatthey continually suppress the voice ofThe Lord to listen to the bleating of theirown heart.

Such a man becomes a legalist, and has become asheep who has wandered astray and becomes a religiousdevil, a stone throwing Pharisee: All to ready to carry

about “a bucket full of stones!”

Do you remember the story told in John’s Gospel ofthe woman taken in adultery … she was literally thrown atthe feet of Jesus by the angry Pharisees.

This mob, had cast her into the dust and literallyyelled at Jesus,

“Here, you deal with her!”

Did Jesus stoop down in front of the

“self-righteous” Pharisees to draw attention to theirsins by writing them in the dust of the ground?

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Genesis 3 Verse 19 “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat

bread, till thou return unto the ground; … for out of itwast thou taken: for dust thou [art], andunto dust shalt thou return.”

From dust you came, and from dust you shall return,now here is the thing that you have hidden in your heart ofdust. The very thing that keeps you separated fromfellowship with The Living God!

Jesus had gotten just a little bit of dust under Hisfingernails, but the action had gotten under the skin of thismob before Him!

“Just how often, is a scratch in the dustneeded to remind us of who’s we are?”

John 8 Verse 4“They say unto him,

Master, this woman …was taken in adultery, in the very act.”

There is great irony in the fact that they now callJesus

“Master …”

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You can almost hear the sneer in their tone: Isomewhat detect, that it was the sarcasm of the

“character assassin” at work. When just the daybefore, they were only too ready to call Him a


That’s the problem with the

“self-opinionated,” the tide turns very quickly. It

washes in and out rapidly with the surge of “publicopinion!”

This proves conclusively, that “those who areswimming up to the neck in their ownsins have a greater zeal to be severeagainst the cinders of sin in the eyes ofothers:”

Every good Pharisee, still carries with them

“a bucket full of stones.”

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Taken in the act of adultery, a woman is draggedbefore The Lord by that

“malicious brood of vipers” the religious

bigots called, “Scribes and Pharisees.”

This is the only time in John’s Gospel where John

makes mention of “the Scribes,” together with “thePharisees.”

It is important for us to bring this detail to attention

because of the fact of their “coalition of slanderand accusation.”

Verse 4(b) “ … Master this woman was taken in adultery,in the very act.”

This in itself raises questions, such as … violation ofthe sanctity of marriage requires the co-operation andagreement of both parties. How did they know, in order totake her in the veryact, if yet a third party were not involved?

Have you ever been set up? Have you ever beenframed? I have, and I can tell you, that it’s not very nice atall!

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Whatever she had done, whether guilty or innocent,they had no right to literally drag her into public gaze.Where was the other party?

I’m sure that he also was party to theimpending charges of these sodetermined to satisfy the demands ofthe law.

But that is the very point, “The Law,” saysthat there is a price to pay!

“Grace,” says that the price hasbeen paid!

But Jesus said it best, “It is finished!!!”

The Sanhedrin sat at legal matters in rooms adjoiningthe courts of the Temple. Why did they take this woman towhere Jesus sat to teach?

That is, if the intent was not just another rouse, a plotto bring accusation and charge against Him by theinsecurities of these feeble little religious bureaucrats.

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During the days of the feast Jesus cried out,

John 7 Verses 37; 43-44; 45-46:“In the last day, that great [day] of the feast, Jesus stood

and cried, saying, … If any man thirst, let himcome unto me, and drink.”

During the feast of Tabernacles, once the sacrificeswere offered and the readings of The Law were completeand taught.

Water, was to be drawn from “the pool ofSiloam” to be poured on the altar in The Temple.

But Jesus cried out,

“ … If any man thirst, let him come untome, and drink.”

John 7 Verse 38 “He that believeth on Me, as the scripturehath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living Water.”

This must have infuriated the Jews, because Jesusmade public the declaration that He, was

“The Living Water.”

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Matthew 5 Verse 6 “Blessed [are] they which do hungerand thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

What He cried, was you celebrate God’s Tabernacle,

The Father’s Dwelling with His people. But “I AM,” TheSon of His Right Hand:

As the priest anointed with oil and Blood went into

The Holy Place to minister, God’s Anointed, hascome out into your midst … to serve!

The water poured out on the altar of sacrifice, is

“The Washings of His Word” that rose from

his “Mercy Seat.”

Now, The Tabernacle of God is with men. He choosesto dwell in The Temple not made with hands, and the

proof, is “The Love,” “The Mercy” and “TheCompassion of Christ,” that dwells and comesout from within …

“The Tabernacle of The Heart:”

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Division and uproar followed, some tried to takeJesus,

Verses 43-44

“So there was a division among thepeople because of Him.” (44) “And some of

them would have taken Him; but no man laidhands on Him.”

Even the very officers of the Temple declared,

Verses 45-46 “Then came the officers to the chief priestsand Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why have ye notbrought him?” (46) “The officers answered,

Never man spake like this man.”

Here He was, their own Messiah stood before them.But like many today, they cannot recognise Jesus in theirown Brother or Sister in Christ … let alone if they bumpedinto Him in the street!

John 1 Verse 11“He came unto his own, and his own received him not.”

John 4 Verse 44 “For Jesus Himself testified, that aprophet hath no honour in his own country.”

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So insecure is man’s religion, that it pokes, it probesand questions in suspicions and evil surmising.

The Pharisees detested anyone who upset theirstatus quo, they tried to entrap Him during the days of thefeast. Now, they set to publicly ensnare Him in some waywith the woman taken in sin.

They failed in their attempt yesterday,and now they tried to force Jesus to initiate the murder ofthis woman that they had dragged into public view.

When one makes public spectacle of sin, theythemselves, can expect public rebuke! Irritated by thedeclaration that Jesus had made,

Matthew 21 Verse 31(b)“ … Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you,That the publicans and the harlots go intoThe Kingdom of God before you.”

They, “ … set her in the midst … ” that is,she was trapped in the centre of the circle of their ownauthority.

Religious dogs, always bay and howl for the blood ofthe gullible and the innocent.

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John here quotes them as saying,

John 8 Verses 4-6(a) “They say unto him, Master, thiswoman was taken in adultery, in the very act.”

(5) “Now Moses in the law commandedus, that such should be stoned: but whatsayest thou?”

What a barbed question is thrown The Lord’s way?

They raised the question, and it was by both “malice,”and “doubt” from the voice of the hidden accuser!

“ … but what sayest thou?”

Roman law said that a life must not be taken, exceptby Roman authority:

Verse 6(a) “This they said, tempting Him,that they might have to accuse Him … ”

Can’t you almost hear Jesus telling them by His modeand action the words,

“It is written … !”

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He knew full well what was contained inDeuteronomy’s book,

Deuteronomy 17 Verse 7 “The hands of the witnessesshall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwardthe hands of all the people. So thou shalt put the evil awayfrom among you.”

John 8 Verses 6(b)-7 “ … But Jesus stooped down, andwith [his] finger wrote on the ground, [as though he heardthem not].” (7) “So when they continued asking him, helifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sinamong you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

Jesus stooped down in front of the self-righteousPharisee’s to draw attention to their sins by writing them inthe dust of the ground.

Genesis 3 Verse 19(b)“ … for dust thou [art], and unto dust shalt thou return.”

Now, here is the thing that you have hidden in yourheart of dust; the thing that keeps you separated fromfellowship with The Living God!

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Moses said, she was to be stoned to death, whatwould He say about this?

If Jesus had said outright that shewas to go free, He would be accused ofcontradicting the Law of Moses. If He onthe other hand consented to her beingstoned to death, He would havejeopardized Himself with the Romanauthorities.

“Malice,” is the intent of heart for “self-righteous hypocrisy:” Jesus answered theiraccusation with a question …

John 8 Verse 7 “So when they continued asking him, helifted up himself, and said unto them,

… He that is without sin among you, lethim first cast a stone at her.”

“Sinlessness, is the only qualificationfor the passing of the sentence.”

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The “self-righteous,” are always ready to carry

around their “bucket of stones.” Even the world

says, that, “people who live in glasshouses, shouldn’t throwstones!!!”

Where was the man in all this? Jesus faced theseaccusers with their own sin,

“all have sinned,” what about yours!!!??

Convicted by their own “conscience,” they allwent out, then He did a rather remarkable thing, Hedismissed

“accusation” with “intercession,”

John 8 Verse 11(b)

“ … Neither do I condemn thee:go, and sin no more.”

Like all religious zealots, they want their enemiesdispatched without any of their blood on their own hands.

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John 18 Verse 31(b)

“ … It is not lawful for usto put any man to death:”

Even Paul held the garments of Steven whilst he laydying. How convenient to have the Romans as a tool to doyour dirty work. Few sermons have ever been preachedwith such remarkable power and conviction as the sermonof Stephen.

Those that listened, were so cut to the heart that the

only way they could react, was to run to “the bucketof stones” and kill him!

He was a man full of Faith and of The Holy Ghost andhad been performing mighty miracles among the people.So great was his wisdom that none could resist it, and likehis wonderful Lord, he was dragged before a wickedcouncil to be falsely accused and wrongfully judged.

Acts 6 Verse 15 “And all that sat in the council, lookingsteadfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face ofan angel.”

Acts 7 Verse 54 “When they heard these things, they werecut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with [their]teeth.”

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And when at last his wonderful sermon was over, andthe people, gnashing on him with their teeth, took upstones to kill him.

Even while the merciless stones pounded and brokehis body,

Acts 7 Verses 55-60 “But he, being full of The HolyGhost, looked up stedfastly into Heaven, and saw

The Glory of God, and Jesus standing onThe Right Hand of God,” (56) “And said,

Behold, I see The Heavens opened, and The Son ofman standing on The Right Hand ofGod.” (57) “Then they cried out with a loud voice, andstopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord,”(58) “And cast [him] out of the city, and stoned [him]: andthe witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man’sfeet, whose name was Saul.” (59) “And they stoned

Stephen, calling upon [God], and saying,

Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”(60) “And he kneeled down, and

cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin totheir charge. And when he had said this, he fellasleep.”

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This was not a vision nor a dream. This wassomething beyond the realm of vision and dreams. Thiswas reality in truth. Heaven was open to him, he sawreality that had been hidden to man since Eden.

Heaven is not far away from any of us. It is all aboutus on every hand. Heaven is God’s Kingdom. It is God’sThrone. It is His Dwelling Place and God is asomnipresent as the air we breathe,

Acts 17 Verse 28(a)

“... in Him we live and move and haveour being.”

Isaiah 66 Verse 1 & Acts 7 Verse 49 “For Heaven isMy Throne and earth is My footstool.What place will ye build Me, saith TheLord.”

Scripture says,

Proverbs 18 Verse 21 “Death and life [are] in the power ofthe tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

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2That’s the amazing thing when someone is born ofThe Spirit. Stephen, had raised his voice and the innerman had cried out before the Pharisees as they sat in yetanother of their

“Kangaroo courts.”

They were sorely reminded that they were

“Children of the dust.” Then as their rockspounded the very life out of his human frame he cried,

“Lord, lay not this sinto their charge ...”

There is such awesome power in the power of

“forgiveness,” especially when it flows from apurified tongue! These words I am sure echoed long inPaul’s ear. So much so, that latter he was to gainrevelation and write.

Romans 3 Verses 13-31“Their throat [is] an open sepulchre; with their tonguesthey have used deceit; the poison of asps [is] under theirlips:” (14) “Whose mouth [is] full of cursing and bitterness:”(15) “Their feet [are] swift to shed blood:”

2 Hawtin, George.R. “Heaven Open orThe Five Senses In The Realm Of Spirit”Meat In Due Season (N.Z. Publication No.36)

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(16) “Destruction and misery [are] in their ways:”(17) “And the way of peace have they not known:”

(18) There is no fear of God before their eyes.”(19) “Now we know that what things soever the law saith,

it saith to them who are under the law: that everymouth may be stopped, and all theworld may become guilty before God.”(20) “Therefore by the deeds of the lawthere shall no flesh be justified in hissight: for by the law [is] the knowledgeof sin.”(21) “But now The Righteousness of Godwithout the law is manifested, beingwitnessed by the law and the prophets;”

(22) “Even The Righteousness of God[which is] by Faith of Jesus Christ untoall and upon all themthat believe: for there is no difference:”

(23) “For all have sinned, and come shortof The Glory of God;”

(24) “Being justified freely by His Grace through TheRedemption that is in Christ Jesus:”

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(25) “Whom God hath set forth [to be] a propitiationthrough Faith in His Blood, to declareHis Righteousness for TheRemission of sins that are past, throughThe Forbearance of God;”(26) “To declare, [I say], at this time His Righteousness:that He might be Just, and The Justifier of him whichbelieveth in Jesus.”(27) “Where [is] boasting then? It is excluded. By what

law? Of works? Nay: but by … The Law of Faith.”(28) “Therefore we conclude that a man is Justifiedby Faith … without the deeds of thelaw.”(29) “[Is He] The God of the Jews only? [is He] not also ofthe Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also:”(30) “Seeing [it is] one God, which shall justify thecircumcision by Faith, and uncircumcision through Faith.”(31) “Do we then make void the law through Faith? God

forbid: yea, we establish the law.”

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Let’s just look for a moment at a very important wordcontained here in Verse 25 of Romans chapter 3.

Verse 25 “Whom God hath set forth [to be] apropitiation through Faith in His Blood,to declare His Righteousness for TheRemission of sins that are past, throughThe Forbearance of God;”

3The word “Remission,” it comes from the verb

“Remit,” The Greek word, is “aphesis,” meaning

“to cancel a debt; or to refrain frominflicting punishment.”

“To put off, as forgivenand cancelled.”

Hebrews 9 Verses 16-24 “For where a testament [is],there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.”(17) “For a testament [is] of force after men are dead:otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.”

3 Vine, Unger & White.“Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of

Old & New Testament Words.”Thomas Nelson Publishers (edit 1985)

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(18) “Whereupon neither the first [testament] wasdedicated without blood.” (19) “For when Moses hadspoken every precept to all the people according to thelaw, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water,and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkledboth the book, and all the people,”(20) “Saying, This [is] the blood of the testament whichGod hath enjoined unto you.” (21) “Moreover he sprinkledwith blood both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of theministry.”(22) “And almost all things are by the law purged

with blood; and without shedding of blood isno remission.”(23) “[It was] therefore necessary that thepatterns of things in the heavens shouldbe purified withthese; but the heavenly thingsthemselves with better sacrificesthan these.” (24) “For Christ is notentered into The Holy Places made withhands, [which are] the figures of the true; but intoHeaven itself, now to appear in The Presence of God forus:”

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4Yes, the plot continues to build, but ultimately, Jesusknows these are the tactics, that will see The Son of manbetrayed, beaten, bloodied and crucified to death. The realBlood they were after, was HIS! Jesus knew!

He could see their hearts, and knew full well who

controlled their feeble minds: Like all who run with “theaccuser,” first they looked, they searched, they poked,they prodded, they picked at threads to find if they could,any area of access.

The usual method, is to first assassinate one’scharacter by judging on the standard of their own. Thenthey openly backbite and rail accusation by slander andinnuendo. Like the woman who they were killing with theirtongues, their desire was building up steam for blood ontheir hands and blood on their land. That’s another reasonwhy those words have echoed through history, the wordthat raged from their own mouths …

Matthew 27 Verse 25

“Then answered all the people, and said, His Blood[be] on us, and on our children.”

And it is!!!4 Alsobrook. David. Title: “Understanding the Blood of Christ”

Sovereign World Ltd.P.O. Box 777, Tonbridge. Kent. TN 11-9XT .England (1995 edit)

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Adultery, pollutes all involved and makes them as

unclean. Described as “breaking Faith” by acting


The Hebrew word, is “Ma al” and relates to thebreaking of Faith with God. Literally as an unfaithfulspouse defiles their marriage vows.

It must be remembered, that throughout scripture, thecovenant relationship between God and His people, iscompared to marriage.

Jesus who is without sin, without spot, wrinkle orblemish … The sinless Bridegroom, is coming back toclaim His Bride who He Himself expects to find clean,prepared, ready and awaiting.

When a man joins himself to another, the two becomeone flesh, that is to say, there is


Any other party or influence corrupts the sanctity andthe safety of this union. That is why marriage is soimportant to remain pure, wholesome in covenantrelationship both clean and undefiled!

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Jesus said,

Matthew 5 Verse 28 “But I say unto you, That whosoever

looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committedadultery with her already in his heart.”

This opens the way for us to discuss what happens ina situation such as this. Just look at the scenario, thatmaybe the husband was the one who was at fault. Could ithave been that this vile accusation was a result of the guiltand the insecurity that he carried in his own heart.

The book of Numbers contains instruction for whatwas to happen in the household when one was suspicious

of a supposed infidelity. It is called, “The JealousyOffering” and itinvolves ritual, which was carried out by the priest at thetemple. The description of this procedure, is found inNumbers 5 Verses 11-31.

5(a) Under the Law of Moses, a jealous and suspicious

husband, brings his wife and the appropriate “cerealoffering” to the priest. (Here, they “ bought her toJesus and … set her in the midst.”)5 Wenhan, Gordon J . “Numbers.”

An Introduction and Commentary.Tyndale CommentaryInterVarsity Press.Leichester, England (1996 edit).

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(b) The priest then takes the woman into the court of The

Tabernacle … before The Presence of TheLord.

John 8 Verse 6(b) “ … But Jesus stooped down, and with[His] finger wrote on the ground, [as though He heardthem not].”

Our Great High-Priest; sinless, yet touched with ourinfirmities. He was never without feeling for each of uswho have sinned and fallen short of The Glory of God.

(c) The priest takes an earthenware vessel, pours waterinto it and mixes it with dust from the floor of theTabernacle.(d) The priest unbinds the hair of the woman, and puts thecereal offering in her hand.(e) Holding the water in his hands, the priest recites thecurse to the woman and she responds in agreement to it:He then writes the curses and washes them off into thewater.(f) The priest burns part of the cereal offering on the altar.(g) The woman drinks the water mixed with dust.(h) The curse and the ingested water and dust, will onlyaffect her if she is guilty before God.

Proverbs 26 Verse 2 “As the bird by wandering, as the

swallow by flying, so the curse causelessshall not come.”

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Was Jesus saying in His action to this mob.

“Has this woman been placed before the priest … ordo you bring her to Me to drink of the water mixed withyour dust?”

She is a child of the dust like you, but Jesus points tothe fact that she also, is a child of Abraham, one of thenumerous grains of sand.

Jesus, The Living Word, He was with The Father,when The Father’s Finger wrote The Law of Moses. NowGod’s Great High-Priest draws The Law in the dust for allto see.

“If I by The Finger of God!”

John 8 Verse 7(a)

“So when theycontinued asking Him, …”

Like all good lawyers, skilled in their trade, theylearned well the art of badgering and harassing by verbalbombardment:

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John 8 Verse 7 “… He lifted up Himself,and said unto them, He that is withoutsin among you, let him first cast a stoneat her.”

Their arguments came crashing to the ground rightalong with their sneering accusation and their verbalrailing. You can only imagine how quickly the hush fell onthis crowd of baying dogs. In this day we have found thatthe Pharisee has only changed his garments. Who was itthat called the Pharisees themselves a brood of vipers, acrooked, perverse and adulterous generation.

These, the ultimate religious legalists still exist today.They exist in those that have taken up legalism in the form

of the “bucket of stones” called “judgementality.”

Even in some Pentecostal fellowships, there existsthe legalism of the self-righteous. How sad it is whenthese that are supposed to pulse with the very life of Himwho is Saving Grace, have taken to themselves both

“evil surmising” and this “deceptive gift ofsuspicion and accusation” that lies on top of

this “bucket of stones.”

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As James Dobson has said, “The family is thefabric from which the church is cut!” To

which we wish to add, “Strong family, strongchurch, strong relationship with JesusChrist the unbreakable three-fold cord.”

Jesus wrote and ignored their banter, He literallyturned His back on their accusation.

Isaiah 50 Verse 6 “I gave my back to thesmiters, … and my cheeks to them that plucked off thehair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.”

He who knew no sin, turned His back on the sin butnot the sinner. He turned His back on the accusation andinstead pronounced with His mouth His own heartfeltintercession …

“He that is without sin among you, lethim first cast a stone at her.”

Not a pebble was tossed!

To finalise this area of discussion, I want to return for

a minute to the “Cereal Offering.”

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If we lose “humility of function,” we can betempted to take on a delusion of


This self-centered superior “holier-than-thouattitude” has literally destroyed thehearts and the minds of multitudes. This woman was

supposedly “caught in the very act,” she and her

partner in adultery were caught “red-handed!”

Under the law of Moses, the demand was instant forboth parties. There was not doubt or suspicion …(supposedly!)

Fornicators and adulterers defiled the camp of Israel.There was no warrant for arrest and trial; punishment wasinstant and resulted in death.

There was no cereal offering, this brings the pointhome to the house. Paranoia wasrife, the enemy played games with the suspicions and guiltof the mind.

The purity of marriage is meant to mirror therelationship between our Creator and Heavenly Fatherand we the created, the sons and daughters of His Hand.

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For this “jealousy oath, a cerealoffering” is to be offered from the union of husbandand wife. It represents the household. But the husband isforbidden to offer with it either oil or frankincense.

This brings the offering to the same level as “thepoor man’s sin offering.” Offered by someonewho is both poor and considered as unclean … like aleper.

It is important for us to understand both the bondagethat religious ritual imposes and the ultimate significancebefore God in regard to these offerings. You cannot affordto dismiss the teaching without understanding thatsomeone who ate of a sacrifice whilst unclean was libel tocertain and sudden death ... God will not bemocked.

Fine wheat flour was prescribed for the sin offering,but here the cheaper barley meal is given by the husbandto the woman who must then give it to the priest.

It is considered to be the lowest sacrifice recorded inthe Bible. And with the omission of the oil and thefrankincense we can now see why.

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The oil, is symbolic of “Joy” and “thefrankincense” the fragrance of The Lord. “TheSpirit of Holiness,” has beenquenched in the home and the defilement has removed

“the Joy” of the home! In it’s place has come

“anger,” “hatred” and “resentment:” No longera place of Prayer, Worship, Friendship and Fellowship buta place of division and fragmentation.

Mark 3 Verse 25 “And if a house be divided against itself,that house cannot stand.”

The husband in this case now before Jesus has

deprived his wife of both “the oil and thefrankincense” and now there isnothing left but to go before the priest, and let God sort thewhole thing out. Now she was to drink of the dust, takenfrom the Very Presence of God.

She had to drink of the bitter waters, whichshe is doing publicly and still her heart stands and isacknowledged by Him who knows the truth,

“ …woman, where are your accusers?”

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John 8 Verse 9 “And they which heard [it], being convictedby [their own] conscience, went out one by one, beginningat the eldest, [even] unto the last: and Jesus was leftalone, and the woman standing in the midst.”

When the elders move, something happens … peopletake note! If anyone required counsel it was common

practice to meet with the “grey-haired elders” at

the city gates.

Proverbs 31 Verse 23 “Her husband is known in the gates,when he sitteth among the elders of the land.”

Now we see, that they were caught in the trap of theirown making. Here we see, a complete reversal of whatwas supposed to be.

They all began to disperse, they all went out, not oneof these accusers remained. The irony, was in the fact,that it wasn’t the impetuous youth that made the firstmove, it was the elders.

Usually youth tend to flaunt any form of rebuke by

their “know-it-all attitudes.”

Here we see those that have many years ofcompromise strongly convicted deep in their hearts bytheir consciences.

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Isaiah 5 Verse 21 “Woe unto [them that are]wise in their own eyes, and prudent intheir own sight!”

Judges 17 Verse 6(b)

“ … every man did [that which was]right in his own eyes.”

It is not the young ones, who want to tear down thecounsel of the elders and do what is right in their ownsight. No, the young lions are frozen in place and it is theelders that make the first move, they set the example bytheir actions.

John 8 Verse 9 “And they which heard [it], being convicted

by [their own] conscience, … went out one byone, beginning at the eldest, [even] untothe last:… and Jesus was left alone, andthe woman standing in the midst.”

Normally, it is impetuous youth that tend to try to exerttheir own opinion. Often leading to public embarrassmentbut here the elders have made the first move and theyouth not only hold their place, but their breath!

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Jesus did not say that the woman had not sinned. Sin,is sin. All too often we take the approach that my sin is notas big as your sin.

But sin, is still sin in The Presence of a Holy andAwesome God! Their motives were far from pure, theirreal desire was not to vindicate the purity of God’s Law butto wreak their maliceupon Jesus.

When they departed, convicted by their ownconscience, it placed the Jews on the same level as theGentiles who did not have The Law of Moses. But had torespond to the promptings ofGod’s Voice etched into their own hearts and called byThe Lord,

“ … their own conscience!”

As fallen, as our human nature may be, God has stilltaken care to leave within the heart of each of us, that

“wee small voice” to which we will either hear orreject under the choice of God’s Gift of our own free will.

John 8 Verses 9(b)-11(a) “… and Jesus was left alone,and the woman standing in the midst.”(10) “When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none butthe woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are thosethine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?”(11) “She said, No man, Lord. …”

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They, the accusers, sought hard to ensnare but by

“Grace and Longsuffering” The Hand of

Humility reached out to both “convince andconvert:”

Jesus doesn’t have to write the sins of men in thesand. No, man is quite capable of doing this himself. Hissins, are etched in the heart of hearts.

That’s the amazing thing about Grace, once sin is

“forgiven”, it is forgotten, it is cast into the sea and thelake of God’s forgiveness.

Have you ever wondered how far that lake stretches,from shore to shore concerning the length, the breadthand the depth of your own sin!

Micah 7 Verse 19 “He will turn again, He will havecompassion upon us; He will subdue our iniquities; andthou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”

Romans 2 Verse 4 “Or despisest thou the riches of HisGoodness and Forbearance and Longsuffering; notknowing that the Goodness of God leadeth thee torepentance?”

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If you stand in the way of either God’s forgiveness orsomeone else’s repentance, then you my friend are nobetter than Paul holding Stephen’s clothes while theystoned him todeath!

John 8 Verse 11(b)

“… Jesus said unto her,Neither do I condemn thee:Go, and sin no more.”

Action, is the very life of this word “repentance,”ceasing to do involves a turn about face. It can be no other

way, that is what the word “forsake” means.

“Repentance in action,” the back turned on

the previous direction. The direction, that seemed right butonly lead to death:

Proverbs 14 Verse 12 “There is a way which seemeth rightunto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death.”

We have no idea as to what Jesus actually wrote inthe dust. That’s impossible simply because we weren’tthere!

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Scripture really gives no real clue, all that we can sayagrees with what is written in the book of Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 17 Verse 13(b)

“… they that depart from meshall be written in the earth, … ”

They, “the children of the dust,” to which“Grace,” echoes the call,

“Go and sin no more!”

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“ … an enemy hath done this!”

Matthew draws our attention to the fact that theenemy of our souls is in a fit of desperation concerning thesowing of

“God’s Pure Seed Word.”

Twice we are shown the deceivers hand at work,firstly from,

Matthew 13 Verse 19 (God’s Word Version.)“Someone hears The Word about The Kingdom but

doesn't understand it. The evil one comes at onceand snatches away what was planted inhim. This is what the seed planted along the roadillustrates.”

Scripture tells us plainly,

John 8 Verse 32 “And ye shall know The Truth, and TheTruth shall make you free.”

“Snatch and Grab …”

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This is an “eye opener,” and an “earopener” to those that have “a receptive heart.”

The very last thing that the enemy would want is forthose that are coming into God’s Kingdom is to receivewords of encouragement and instruction that are going tobring you into a deeper relationship with our Lord andSaviour Jesus Christ.

The evil one knew “The Truth,” and knows

“The Truth” and is desperate to keep you from

knowing “The Truth for yourself!”

John 8 Verses 31-32 & 36 “Then said Jesus to those Jews

which believed on Him, If ye continue in MyWord, then are ye My disciples indeed;”

(32) “And ye shall know The Truth, and TheTruth shall make you free.”

Verse 36

“If The Son therefore shall make youfree, ye shall be free indeed.”

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What we need to understand is, that “Sower’sare Grower’s!”

Now we can understand that there are many “birdsof the air” waiting to “snatch and grab.” Theyare opportunist’s, just waiting to snatch away freshly sownseed, just waiting for the chance to rob you of the benefitsof God’s Word.

It’s not enough for him to see the seed destroyed by

being prevented from growing on “rocky ground.”

It’s not enough to see the seed choked out by “thethorns.”

It’s not enough to see those with

“little depth” have the life sucked out of them by the

scorching heat of “trials” and the “tribulations oflife!”

It’s not enough to see the seedlings wither and die.

This enemy snatches away even that whichbelongs in your own heart!

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Now, the second time of grabbing, that which is not

his own … he is “a liar and a thief:”He thinks that he has achieved the ultimate invasion

of privacy by sowing “The Tares:”

Matthew 13 Verse 25 “But while men slept, his enemycame and sowed tares among thewheat, and went his way.”

The Religious, the Sanhedrin, the Pharisee, all make

up prime examples of these “religious devils” called


But Paul, was a man who by Sovereign intervention

was turned from “The false,” into “The True!”Look at his conversion experience and how much hecontributed to the recording of God’s Word:

Acts 9 Verses 3-6 “And as he journeyed, he came nearDamascus: and suddenly there shined round about him alight from Heaven:”(4) “And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying untohim, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?” (5) “And he

said, Who art thou, Lord? And The Lord said, I AMJesus whom thou persecutest: it is hardfor thee to kick against the pricks.”

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(6) “And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wiltThou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise,and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thoumust do.”

“ … it is hard for thee to kick against thepricks (or goads).”

The “goad,” is a prodder used to poke or drive aheavy beast such as an ox. Called in the Greek, the word,

“kentron,” the more the ox resists, the deeper thewound.

Jesus identifies Himself with His suffering ones. Theirsufferings are His,

Acts 9 Verse 5(b)

“ … I AM Jesus whomthou persecutest: …”

To hurt them is to hurt Him, for a long

time, perhaps from the death of Stephen, Saul,the persecutor had been fighting against this conviction in

his heart. And it has literally become aspainful as the ox goad.

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This was a direct Word from God to Saul’s heart andno matter how he tried to fight against it, the convictiononly got all the stronger for his struggling!

Saul of Tarsus, a Pharisee of the Pharisee’s (andproud of it!) Schooled under the tutoring of Gamaliel. Saul,

a “Tare” of the first degree, that is, till God knocked himoff his Damascus road high-horse to set him in the dust of

the ground on his “blessed assurance!”

Jesus Himself humbled Saul, remember Jesus’s OwnWords to us all,

John 14 Verse 6 “Jesus saith unto him, I AM The Way, TheTruth, and The Life: no man cometh unto The Father, butby Me.”

When it’s a part of His Good Will, Purpose and GoodPleasure to do so, Almighty God can and will turn the evilfor the good! He’s the only one that can:

Paul said it himself,

1 Timothy 1 Verses 5 “This is a faithful saying, and worthy

of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world tosave sinners; of whom I am chief.”

John 3 Verses 1-3 “There was a man of the Pharisees,named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:”

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(2) “The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him,Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God:for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, exceptGod be with him.”

Nicodemus, a devout man, he grew amongst “TheTares,” yet in his heart, he knew that there had to bemore.

“The More,” was the relationship that Jesus

unfolded to him. “Religion,” was not the answer,

“Relationship,” spotlighted

“The Narrow Path!”

God alone removes the covering of “The outergarment” to reveal “the pulse” of “The Life” within,

John 3 Verse 3 “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily,

verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be bornagain, he cannot see The Kingdom of God.”

Two men went up to The Temple to pray, one was aPharisee, the other was a publican. One was a

“Religious Tare,” the other was a repentant,Righteous man!

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Luke 18 Verses 10-14 “Two men went up into the templeto pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.” (11)“The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, Ithank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners,unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.” (12) “I fasttwice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.”(13) “And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift upso much as his eyes unto Heaven, but smote upon his

breast, saying, God be merciful to me asinner.” (14) “I tell you, this man went down to hishouse justified rather than the other: for every one thatexalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humblethhimself shall be exalted.”

The Good Samaritan was Righteous, “GoodSeed of Good Ground.” “The Tares,” meanwhile passed by on the other side!

Luke 10 Verses 30-37 “And Jesus answering said, Acertain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fellamong thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, andwounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.” (31)

“And by chance there came down a certain priestthat way: and when he saw him, he passed by onthe other side.”

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(32) “And likewise a Levite, when he was atthe place, came and looked on him, andpassed by on the other side.” (33) “But acertain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where

he was: and when he saw him, he hadcompassion on him,” (34) “And went tohim, and bound up his wounds, pouringin oil and wine, and set him on his ownbeast, and brought him to an inn, andtook care of him.” (35) “And on the morrow whenhe departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the

host, and said unto him, Take care of him; andwhatsoever thou spendest more, when Icome again, I will repay thee.”(36) “Which now of these three, thinkest thou, wasneighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?”

(37) “And he said, he that shewed mercy on him. Thensaid Jesus unto him, Go, and do thoulikewise.”

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I’ve always been intrigued by the fact that The Biblebrings to light the example of two men called, Ananias.

One who must have had a great relationship withJesus because God spoke to him about the man Saul ofTarsus who was to become Paul, the great Apostle. Theother Ananias, a husband who owned property with hiswife Sorphira.

The first man Ananias, lived near to a street called


Acts 9 Verses 10 “And there was a certain disciple at

Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said The Lordin a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here,

Lord.” (11) “And The Lord said unto him,Arise, and go into the street which iscalled Straight, and enquire in the houseof Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus:for, behold, he prayeth,”(12) “And hath seen in a vision a mannamed Ananias coming in, and puttinghis hand on him, that he might receivehis sight.”

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The man was show Saul in a visionas he prayed he didn’t imagine it, it happened and

as this man responded in obedience, The Lordconfirmed the vision by showing newlyconverted Saul that Ananias was tocome and lay hands on him and pray!

The Lord working with them with “signs andwonders following,” only pure grain has the

enablement to respond with obedience out of “choice!”

Acts 9 Verses 15-22 “But The Lord said unto him, Gothy way: for he is a chosen vessel untome, to bear my name before the Gentiles, andkings, and the children of Israel:” (16) “For I will shew himhow great things he must suffer for my name’s sake.”(17) “And Ananias went his way, and entered into the

house; and putting his hands on him said,Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, thatappeared unto thee in the way as thoucamest, hath sent me, that thoumightest receive thy sight, and be filledwith the Holy Ghost.”

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(18) “And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had

been scales: and he received sight forthwith,and arose, and was baptized.” (19) “Andwhen he had received meat, he wasstrengthened. Then was Saul certain days with thedisciples which were at Damascus.”(20) “And straightway he preached Christ in thesynagogues, that He is The Son of God.”(21) “But all that heard him were amazed, and said; Is notthis he that destroyed them which called on this Name inJerusalem, and came hither for that intent, that he mightbring them bound unto the chief priests?” (22) “But Saulincreased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews

which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this isvery Christ.”

The other fellow called Ananias, was of a differentheart, both he and his wife were believers, they respondedto the call,

Acts 5 Verses 1-6 “But a certain man named Ananias, withSapphira his wife, sold a possession,”(2) “And kept back part of the price, his wife also beingprivy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at theapostles’ feet.” (3) “But Peter said, Ananias, why hathsatan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keepback part of the price of the land?”

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(4) “Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after itwas sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thouconceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied untomen, but unto God.”(5) “And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gaveup the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heardthese things.” (6) “And the young men arose, wound himup, and carried him out, and buried him.”

Three hours later, his wife returned and then she too

died as “Tares.”

“ … and great fear came on all them thatheard these things.”

“God will not be mocked!”

Simon, the sorcerer wanted to buy The Gift of The

Holy Spirit, he was no doubt a “Tare.”

But the ultimate example of “The Tare nature,”would have to be that of Judas Iscariot,

“the betrayer of Christ!”He went to his assigned place …the pit!!!

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“The Tare,” has a form of godliness, but

“denies the power thereof …”

They come outwardly to look like sheep, but inside,

they are as “ravenous wolves!”

“Man pleasers,” “Lovers of self morethan lovers of God;” Giving “lip service,” but

all the while, “their hearts are far from Him:”

“Hirelings, lovers of money,” “self-obsessed, building a platform forministry and a following.”

“Clouds they are without water,”“arrogant,” “Proud,” “Boastful I really thatthat by now we are starting to get thepicture!!!??”

“The Tares,” are not for Christ, they are against

Him and are therefore … “Anti-christ!!!”

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Bibliography of reference material.

a’ Kempis, Thomas “Imitation of Christ.”Blackie & Son Ltd.(London/Glasgow.)

Bridges, Jerry “Value for all Things.”Devoted to God.”

“The Practice of godliness.”Navigator Press, 1983 edit.

Dake, Finis. Jennings “Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible.”Dake Bible sales. P.O.Box 1050.Lawrenceville, Georgia. 30246. U.S.A.(11th edit. 1993.)

Dalton. Robert.B & Nicola.J (a) “Children of the Dust.”Menorah Publications.N.Z. (2007 edit.)

(b) “The Tabernacle and It’s Rituals.”Menorah Publications.N.Z. (1992 edit.)

(c) “The Centrality of The Cross.”Menorah Publications.N.Z. (edit.2006)

(d) “The Law of Love.”Menorah Publications.Australia. (edit 1997)

Darby, John Nelson. “Synopsis of the Books of the Bible.”Copyright 1995 L. Hodgett

Francis, Rodney. W. “The General Epistle of James.”Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry.Harbour Light Ministries.Hamilton. New Zealand. (1996 edit.)

Henry, Matthew “Commentary On The Whole Bible.”Hendrickson Publishers. (1991 edit.)

Hira, Peter. “Home Group Study Series.” Vol.2New Zealand (1985 edit.)

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Kidner, Derek. “The Proverbs.”The Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries.Inter-Varsity Press.Leicester, England. (1996 edit.)

Leesment, Harry “Pentecostal Ministerial Ethics.”October 1988 edit.61 Templeton Street, Cook. A.C.T.Australia. 2614.

Lockman Foundation, “Amplified Bible.”(chapter reference notes.)Zondervan Bible Publishers.(1987 edit.)

Marshall, I. Howard “The Acts of The Apostles.”(Revised edition)The Tyndale New TestamentCommentaries. Inter-Varsity Press.W.B. Eerdmans Publishing. Co.Grand Rapids.Michigan. U.S.A. (1994 edit.)

Missler, Chuck & Nancy “The Way of Agape.”(Understanding God’s Love.)Koinonia House Publishing. U.S.A.

( 1999 edit.)

Moo, Douglas. J “The Letter of James.”(Revised edition)The Tyndale New TestamentCommentaries. Inter-Varsity Press.W.B. Eerdmans Publishing. Co.Grand Rapids.Michigan. U.S.A. (1993 edit.)

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Morgan, G.Campbell. (a) “An Exposition of the Whole Bible.”Marshal Pickering;Harper Colins Publishers.77-85 Fulham Palace Road,London. W6 8JB.England. (1959 edit.)

(b) “Handbook for Bible Teachersand Preachers.”Baker Book House (1994 edit.)

(c) “The Gospel according to Matthew.”Oliphants Ltd.33 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4London. England.

Mounce, William D. “Mounce’s Complete ExpositoryDictionary of Old & New Testament words.”Zondervan Press. (2006 edit.)

Murray, Andrew “The Blood of The Cross.”Whitaker House Publishers.

Myer, F.B “The Way into The Holiest ...Expositions of The Epistle

to The Hebrews.”Lakeland series. (1968 edit.)

Payne, J.Barton “The Theology of The Older Testament.”Zondervan Publishing. (1978 edit.)

Ryle, J.C “Expository thoughts on Matthew.”Banner of Truth Trust.3 Murrayfield Road,Edinburgh. Scotland.EH 12 6EL (1986 edit.)

Spurgeon, Charles. H. “The Soul Winner.”Whitaker House (1995 edit.)

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Strong. James “The Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible.”Hendrickson Publishers, Massachusetts.U.S.A. (1991 edit.)

Thompson, F. Charles “Thompson Chain Reference Bible.”B.B.Kirkbridge Bible Company, Inc.(K.J.V. 1964. edit.)

Tristram, Dr “Easton’s 1897 Bible Dictionary.”

Vine, W.E “Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old andNew Testament Words.”edited by F.F.Bruce.World Bible Publishers.Iowa Falls, U.S.A. (1981 edit.)

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Menorah PublicationsCatalogue 2014.

Series, “Discovering Discipleship … ”

Hebrews 6 Verses 1-2

No.1 - “Let us go on …”No.2 - The “how to,” called …

Repentance:No.3 - The “can do,” Faith from God:No.4 - “Baptism … the waters.”

No.5 - “The Laying on of Hands:”No.6 - “Resurrection of the dead.”

No.7 - “The Eternal Godhead:”

“ ... Going on to perfection ... !”

The first of a three part series of Bible Studies, theselay the foundation teachings of our Faith based onHebrews 6 Verses 1-2. Good for young disciples, eachlesson is prepared so it can be used as private, group orclassroom study material.

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Series, “Growing Discipleship …”“The Be- Attitudes, Love‘s Divine Attitudes”

Matthew 5 Verses 3-11

1.“Blessed” … “are the poor in spirit.”2.“Blessed” … “are they that mourn.”3.“Blessed” … “are the meek.”4.“Blessed” … “are they which do hunger.”5.“Blessed” … “are the merciful.”6.“Blessed” … “are the pure in heart.”7.“Blessed” … “are the peacemakers. ”8.“Blessed,” “are they which are persecuted.”

If you “be in Christ,” then it stands to reason,that whatever curved balls are thrown to you in this

life, you will “Be-in-Christ’s-Attitude,” and notreact in an inappropriate manner. As hard as that may be!

“Blessed are …” relates to the present tense,to the here and now, not only to the future. But from here,to there and beyond!

This second of a three part series of Bible studies, aredesigned to help understand the development of ourChristian Character in our day to day walk.

Page 81: The Parable of “The Tares - menorah publications · 2018. 9. 7. · (38) “And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him,


Series, “Overcomers…Discipleship.”

That ye might be ... “partakers.”Peter 1 Verses 1-11

1.) “And beside this, giving all diligence ...”

2.) “... add to your Faith virtue ...”

3.) “… and to virtue knowledge;”

4.) “And to knowledge temperance; …”

5.) “ … and to temperance patience; …”

6.) “ … and to patience godliness;”

7.) “And to godliness brotherly kindness; …”

8.) “ … and to brotherly kindness charity(or LOVE.)”

Page 82: The Parable of “The Tares - menorah publications · 2018. 9. 7. · (38) “And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him,


Our third in the Discipleship series, is

“Discipleship that Overcomes,”

And is titled,

That ye might be ... “partakers.”

These lessons come from the second letter of Peterand work well alongside the previous series entitled,

“The Beatitudes” which cover the development ofour Christian Character.

If a man has come to the place of little or no growth,then surely, he has remained as a babe. If he has notgiven himself over to be dealt with by The Spirit of Grace,then he is marked by the arm of the flesh.

He is still a Christian, but a carnal Christian, a babe inChrist. But if he completely surrenders his will to The HolySpirit, he will rapidly and willingly choose to put down thedeeds of the flesh and become what God’s Word calls a

“Spiritual man.”

Page 83: The Parable of “The Tares - menorah publications · 2018. 9. 7. · (38) “And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him,


Copy-right ... personal observations.

To those Brethren, that have laboured long and hard in The Wordof our God ... I take time to Bless them publically for their endeavours topass on that Holy Ghost inspired Word throughout His Church ...

Hebrews 6 Verse 10 “For God [is] not unrighteous to forget your work andlabour of love, which ye have shewed toward His Name, in that ye haveministered to the saints, and do minister.”

Therefore, edify The Body of Christ, encourage and exhort; butremember, if you are tempted to call the work of another your own, you arethe one that will in the end be held responsible for your actions. “The Spiritof Grace,” gave the work to the hand of “the scribe,” who faithfully put pento paper. Plagiarism, is not only illegal, it is immoral; above all, we must ...

Romans 12 Verse 10“[Be] kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly

love; in honour preferring one another;”

So I exhort you in The Name of our Lord and Saviour, to feel quitefree to use the material with which The Lord has so blessed us and thosebefore us, bearing in mind that the pre-eminence belongs to

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself ...

Your brother in His service,Robert .B. Dalton.

Matthew 10 Verse 8(b) “ ... freely ye have received, freely give.”

e mail [email protected]

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“The stronger the foundation,the brighter the future!”

Let us join together to,

“Church the Un-Churched,Teach the Un-Taught,”

and most of all,

“Reach the Un-Reached ... for Jesus!”

“Go Ye ... !”“Speak Ye ... !”

“Do Ye ... !”

1 Corinthians 3 Verse 11“For other foundation can no man

lay than that is laid, …which is Jesus Christ.”

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About the author.

Born and raised in inner Sydney, N.S.W. Australia, Robert was a childwhen the likes of Arthur Stace, Alan Walker and Ted Noffs ministered toSydney in the nineteen fifties.

The Lord spoke to Robert at the age of seven, outside of the oldCleveland Street Congregational Church. For many years, he continued tolive for himself. That is, until The Lord again spoke to him in The Bay ofPlenty in New Zealand. He received Jesus Christ into his life as Lord andSaviour in February, 1980. Being Water Baptised in April, Born Again andFilled with The Holy Spirit in May of the same year.

Bob and Nikki married, in October of 1987 and have an awesomefamily of five plus four of Bob’s older children with altogether and to datenineteen Grandchildren.

Bob has compiled and published materials helpful for growth anddevelopment in Christ Jesus. Sadly, but with great joy, Nikki passed intoGlory to be with our Lord. 21st July, 2014.

Over the years, Bob has ministered as a Pastor/ Teacher andfunctioned as itinerant Preacher with a strong call to Missions.

His desire, is to see more folk, coming out of themselves, and goingdeeper into personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour, The LordJesus Christ.

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