Page 1: The Official Probiotic Power€¦ · The Probiotic Power Cleanse is a 7-10 day food-based cleanse that will teach you how to make your body more alkaline, facilitate toxins out of

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The Official Probiotic Power

Cleansing Handbook

A Step-by-Step Guide to Food-Based Cleansing and Detoxification

by Summer Bock

Welcome to the Probiotic Power Cleanse! This food-based cleansing and detoxification system has been tested and practiced by nutrition nerds from all over the world!!!

Many of the benefits that participants rave about are:

★ clear skin ★ increased energy levels ★ states of bliss ★ balanced moods ★ clearer sense of purpose ★ deeper connection to body ★ increased awareness of the effects of specific foods ★ restful sleep ★ better digestion ★ weight loss ★ better assimilation of nutrition ★ healing from nagging health concerns ★ increased alkalinity ★ freedom from cravings and addiction ★ lightness and clarity ★ emotional freedom

My wish for you is to have the experiences listed here and more!

Page 2: The Official Probiotic Power€¦ · The Probiotic Power Cleanse is a 7-10 day food-based cleanse that will teach you how to make your body more alkaline, facilitate toxins out of

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I designed this cleanse after struggling for years with cleansing programs to help heal

myself from a myriad of health concerns. I was dealing with environmental allergies, food

allergies, multiple chemical sensitivity, unexplained rashes and hives, ADD, anxiety, chronic

fatigue, poor digestion, and many more health issues. You can hear me tell my full raw

story for the first time at the Gut Rebuilding Experts Online Conference recordings. Visit to find out more.

Each of the previous cleanses helped me heal a little, but it often threw my digestion into an

imbalanced state. It took me weeks – sometimes months – to get things back to normal. So

instead of struggling, I decided to focus primarily on building my digestion while cleansing;

rebuilding my gut became of utmost importance. This changed the entire game. My

symptoms began to clear up quickly. And it was through all my cleansing struggles that I

realized that cleansing needs two very important things, support and ease.

This led me to develop the Probiotic Power Cleanse. You will learn to speed up or slow down

the Cleanse to match the pace of your body at this moment in time. This will allow you to

cleanse without all the harsh reactions like headaches, fatigue, nausea, and body aches.

I will also show you how to make your body more alkaline, which will help create an internal

environment more suited for native bacteria. These bacteria are necessary for proper

health, digestion, and immune function.

Read through this handbook to familiarize yourself with the plan for the coming weeks.

Everything you need to know is explained here. Remember that any questions you have will

be answered on the evening live training and group coaching sessions. Print this out and

start writing your questions in the margins. Talk with you soon!



Page 3: The Official Probiotic Power€¦ · The Probiotic Power Cleanse is a 7-10 day food-based cleanse that will teach you how to make your body more alkaline, facilitate toxins out of

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This is an overview of the process. There are chapters explaining each of these concepts in

detail. Read through the entire manual to gain a deeper understanding.

The Probiotic Power Cleanse is a 7-10 day food-based cleanse that will teach you how to

make your body more alkaline, facilitate toxins out of the tissues, and take your health to

the next level.

Over the course of 7-10 days you will eat as close to 100% of cleansing, alkaline-forming,

probiotic-friendly, nutrient-dense foods as possible. You will take a few herbs to help with

detoxification. You will also learn how to open the channels of elimination.

There are two phases: the gentle phase and the deep phase. The gentle phase consists of

solid foods and green smoothies (and/or fresh squeezed vegetable juices.) The deep phase

is the liquid phase and consists of only smoothies and juices.

You will test your pH on a daily basis in order to see where you are at in the cleansing

process. Testing your pH will also help you know when it is time to go into the deep phase

of cleansing.

You will always start the Cleanse with the gentle phase. This will prep your body to start the

cleansing process easily while boosting nutrient levels to make cleansing more comfortable.

Some people will stay on the gentle phase the entire time - this is totally fine. Some will

transition after 3-5 days into the deep phase. It is okay if you don’t do the deep phase -

the gentle phase is an adequate cleansing experience. The deep phase is designed for

people who have enough extra minerals and vitamins to safely go deeper into the cleansing


What is the Probiotic Power Cleanse?

Page 4: The Official Probiotic Power€¦ · The Probiotic Power Cleanse is a 7-10 day food-based cleanse that will teach you how to make your body more alkaline, facilitate toxins out of

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This is a general guideline for how the Cleanse can go. It all depends on your pH readings.

It’s okay if you stay in the gentle phase the entire time. You can also go into the deep

phase early if you are an experienced cleanser and pass the pH tests (your pH levels indicate

you are ready).

Gentle Phase (4-10 days) Take 1 teaspoon protein power + 1 teaspoon intestinal power at least once per day

Drink 32 oz. green smoothie or juice (You may substitute broth in the cooler months)

Do pH tests every 3 days; record in your pH log (page 14)

The Gentle Phase is simple. It includes eating 100% cleansing foods designed to build

your alkaline mineral reserves, feed your friendly flora, and nutrient-dense foods. The goal

is to eat regular meals. Eat when you are hungry. Stop when your energy is high. Avoid

eating too much at a time. If you get hungry again, eat again. You are not fasting or

starving yourself.

During the gentle phase you will also drink 32 ounces of green smoothies or fresh

pressed juice. You can drink this whenever is most convenient for you. You can break it up

into 2-3 servings over the course of the day or have it all for breakfast or dinner.

Start with just a teaspoon of greens protein powder and intestinal powder formula

each day. You may work your way up to taking 1 tablespoon of each. You can take them

anytime up to 3 times per day. Take half the intestinal support formula upon waking and

half 2 hours after your last meal of the day. With the greens protein powder, I

recommend taking it in your smoothie or juice throughout the day.

Take probiotics each morning and evening on an empty stomach.

Deep Phase (1-4 days) Take 1 teaspoon protein power + 1 teaspoon intestinal power formula twice per day

Drink 64 oz. green smoothie or juice (You may substitute broth in the cooler months)

Test pH everyday, all three tests.

This consists of moving into a liquid-only portion of the Cleanse. You will drink a

minimum of 64 ounces of green smoothies and/or fresh pressed juice. Do not try to

fast. You will be eating way less calories than normal, so make sure to have juice/smoothies

on hand to drink when you get hungry.

In order to begin the deep phase you must get optimal readings in all pH tests.

In the deep phase you may want to take 1-3 teaspoons of spirulina or chlorella each day

for added alkalinizing protein. Using my product, Protein Power, would work just as well.

Gentle Phase & Deep Phase

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For the Probiotic Power Cleanse, you will need either a juicer or a blender. You can use either or both for the Cleanse. If you have neither and can get only one new

appliance, purchase the one you will use more in your everyday life. You can also borrow one from friends for the week … or use this Cleanse as a reason to get that

new fancy Vitamix you’ve been eyeballing. The Vitamix blender is a great investment; you may never have to buy another

blender for a long, long time, which all-in-all makes it worth the expense. Click here to check it out.

The Blendtec is another great option. There are endless debates online about which is better, the Blendtec or the Vitamix.

You can use a Kitchen Aid, Osterizer, or any other kind of blender.

(FYI: Once during a Cleanse in San Francisco, I dealt with an old Osterizer blender with dull blades – and it worked fine. Know that you can make do with what

you have. Note that you’ll need to add more liquid when using the lower-end blenders).

The Juiceman Junior and Jack LaLanne juicers both work well.

My current favorite is the Omega juicer. It is a masticating juicer that keeps the vitamins intact.

I like the Champion juicer, as well, but noticed that my juice was getting warm

once the blades get clogged, which requires disassembly part way through juicing.

Blenders & Juicers

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You will want to get each of the items with an asterisk*.

Check out the to purchase any of the

Cleanse POWER Kit products separately.

*Greens Protein Powder (Pick one. Take 1-3 teaspoons per day)

Vibrant Health - Green Vibrance Nettles Powder - Raw Forest food nettles root powder HealthForce Nutritionals -Vitamineral Green *Intestinal Support Formula (Pick one. Take 1-3 teaspoons per day)

Intestinal POWER – click here for Summer’s blend

HealthForce Nutritionals - Intestinal Drawing Formula Bentonite Clay - Click here to check it out HealthForce Nutritionals -Zeolite

*Alkalinizing Protein (Pick one. Take 1-3 teaspoons per day)

HealthForce Nutritionals –Spirulina – Click here Chrlorella - Click here

Digestive Support (pick one. Take as needed.) Wish Garden - Digestive Ease – click here Liver Lover’s Warming Bitters - click here

Probiotics (pick one. Take as directed.) Klaire Labs - Vital-10 (this one you would have to purchase from a practitioner) MegaFlora - click here Dr Ohira - click here HealthForce Nutritionals - Friendly Force – click here

PB8 – click here

Antioxidants (pick one) HealthForce Nutritionals - Antioxidant Extreme – click here New Chapter - Supercritical Antioxidants – click here Detox Teas Dried Burdock Root click here Dandelion Tea - click here


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Coffee Withdrawal Support (pick one) Energy POWER click here for Summer’s mix

Maca Root click here

Ashwagandha click here

Additional Detox Support Options Enema Bag click here Nedi Pot click here Dry Brush click here Korean ‘Italy’ Cloth click here pH strips click here

There you have it! My list of power detox supplies!

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It is important to get support when you are on a cleanse. Stating your intention to those

around you will dramatically change the results of your cleanse.

Let them know what you are up to! Invite them to join in. Don’t pressure them into it if they

aren’t interested.

Here is a sample letter that you can write to give to people you’ll interact with regularly to

give them a heads up about your upcoming 7-day cleanse.

Dear friends and family,

Just recently, I realized how important my health and wellness is to me. I have decided to

start eating healthier and treating my body better so I can experience the effects of a

healthy lifestyle. I want to have more energy and feel good.

The reason I am telling you this is because I am asking for your support and

encouragement. I know that if I make this announcement, I am much more likely to make

some of the changes I need. I am going about this process in a realistic way with great

support. I am simply going to start taking much better care of myself and incorporating

healthier foods into my diet and I am beginning this process with a short and supportive


You are welcome to do this with me if you would like.

Thank you for everything.

Yours truly,

You can copy this letter word for word or create it in your own words.

Prepping Friends & Family

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The “NOPE” LIST Acid-forming, Clogging, Low-Nutrient, and Parasite Food


All refined, chemicalized, or processed foods

Beans (check the yes list for the sprouted beans)

Bottled Salad Dressings



Canned and Frozen Food



Coffee (decaf or otherwise)


Dairy (butter, cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, etc.)


Foods cooked with Oils

Fruits that have been Glazed or Sulfured



Meat, fish, birds, shellfish

Mushrooms (except reishi)

Nightshades (potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, goji berry, cayenne, peppers, etc.)






Processed Cereals

Processed Milks (no aseptic containers including soy, rice, almond, oatmeal)


Seeds (roasted, salted)

Soft Drinks


Sweeteners (all concentrated sweeteners - artificial or natural)

Tea (black, green, white, decaf)

Tofu and Soy Products

Vinegar (white distilled, pasteurized, red wine, white wine, rice, and balsamic)

Yeast (dry, nutritional)

Complaining, Whining, and Negative thoughts are also considered to have an acid effect on

the body. Emotional detox will help clear this out. You can learn more about Emotional

Detox in The Gut Rebuilding Program.

Acid & Alkaline Foods List

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The “YES” LIST Alkaline-forming, Cleansing, Nutrient-Dense, and Bacteria Friendly Food Beans (adzuki, chickpea, lentil, and mung - not canned. Must be sprouted)

Grains (amaranth, buckwheat, teff, and quinoa)

Sweet Potatoes

Vegetables (except nightshades)

Nuts (chestnuts, walnuts, almonds - only if soaked, hazelnuts)

Seeds (sesame, chia, flax, sunflower, pumpkin)

Sprouts (all grains, beans, seeds, nuts that are on the YES list)



Dried Fruit (apricot, figs, prunes, raisins, dates, etc.)

Fresh Fruits (tropical fruits are less alkalinizing in colder climates)

Coconut Water (ideally fresh not canned)

Juice (Fresh, raw)

Green Smoothies

Greens (salad, dark-leafy, wild, etc.)

Herbs (caffeine-free teas, spices, & seasonings)

Milks (fresh homemade almond or sunflower milk)

Miso Paste (not more than 2 TABLESPOON per day)

Mushrooms (reishi only)

Organic Oils Raw & Cold-Pressed (avocado, coconut, olive, flax, pumpkin seed, macadamia,

sunflower, sesame - untoasted)

Sauerkraut (raw unpasteurized)

Seaweeds (dulse, wakame, sea palm, kombu, etc.)

Vinegar (raw apple cider vinegar)

Appreciation, Fun, Joy, and other positive experiences and thoughts are considered to have

an alkaline forming effect on the body. So does exercise, deep breathing, and relaxation.

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Purchase the foods you like to eat. Refrain from purchasing foods to which you have an


Gentle Phase Foods

Fats/Oils Raw Cold-Pressed Organic Olive, Flax, Pumpkin Seed, Macadamia, Sunflower, Sesame,

Coconut, and/or Avocado Oils


Grains/Beans Amaranth, Buckwheat, Teff and/or Quinoa

Mung Beans, Adzuki Beans, Chickpeas, Lentils

Veggies - get any kinds of veggies except nightshades Dark Leafy Greens (Kale, Chard, Spinach, Parsley, Cilantro, etc.)

Salad Greens (Mache, Romaine, Spring Mix, etc.)

Sprouts (Alfalfa, Clover, Sunflower, Broccoli, etc.)

Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Broccoli, Celery, Cucumber, Parsnip, Green Onions,

Onion, Garlic, Yams, Winter Squash, Summer Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Ginger, Beets, etc.

Frozen or Fresh - NO ADDED SUGAR Berries = Blue, Cran, Rasp, Black, etc.

Seasonal Fruits

Coconuts - for water and/or pulp

Dried Fruits - no sulfur Apricots, Figs, Prunes, and/or Raisins

Seaweeds Dulse, Wakame, Sea Palm, Kombu, Kelp Powder

Ferments Raw Sauerkraut (any flavor, organic)

Miso (fermented 6 months or longer)

Ume Plum (vinegar, plums, or paste)

Nuts/Seeds Pumpkin, Chia, Sunflower, Flax, and/or Sesame Seeds

Almond, Hazelnut, Chestnuts, Walnut

Cleanse Shopping List

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Additional Protein (Optional for those who need that extra boost) Sardines

Wild Salmon

Hemp Protein Powder, Vega, Garden of Life Raw Meal

Bones for protein (Beef, Fish, Chicken, Turkey, etc. This is optional - great for leaky gut,

helping remineralize deficient people, and those cleansing in the winter)

Herbal Teas Peppermint

Roasted Dandelion Root

Cleansing Tea Blends

Smooth Move Tea (useful if you are prone to constipation)

Deep Phase Foods

All Fresh Fruits Apple





Pear Raw Vegetables (no nightshades) Arugula

Beets (not too many)











All Salad Greens Romaine Lettuce

Green Leaf Lettuce

Mixed Baby Greens

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In order to determine if cleansing is going to be safe and comfortable for you, check to make sure your body is ready. You can check by testing your pH. There are three

tests. Please do these tests as soon as you can. Start today.

Do all tests two days before going into the Deep Phase and every day during the Deep Phase.

Please record your pH results in the pH logs below. We will go over these during the trainings and group coaching sessions so I can assist you in interpreting them. Your

pH results will give us insight into determining the level at which you should cleanse. Determining the best cleansing level minimizes cleansing reactions and maximizes the efficiency of the cleansing process. Together we can determine the

best level of cleansing (gentle or deep) in which you should participate.

The pH tests help us determine your body’s ability to detoxify at a cellular level. We are testing for electrolytes and mineral levels.

If you want to further your studies in pH, you can participate in The Gut Rebuilding Program for an in-depth look at this fascinating science.

Supplies/Prep for All 3 Tests Below

★ pH papers (found at most health food stores) ★ lemon ★ distilled water ★ pen ★ paper ★ timer

A note about pH Strips: Buy pH Strips that range from 5.5 - 8.5 or something similar in range. Most health food stores carry these.

***No food or juice should be eaten 2 hours before beginning the saliva

and lemon tests.

pH Testing

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1. Saliva pH

Wet a portion of the pH strip with your saliva. Spit directly onto the paper. Do not lick the pH paper or put saliva on your finger, etc. Record the date, time of day,

and result.


Time Date Result







Interpreting the Results: 6.0 or below: Indicates that you may have a serious depletion in alkaline mineral reserves and electrolytes. You may get sore easily when exercising excessively and

can experience intense cleansing reactions when on a cleanse or detox. You are not ready for the deep phase until you have restored more alkaline reserves through

nutritional rebuilding using the gentle phase of the Cleanse, greens powder, and nutrient dense foods. Plan to participate in The Gut Rebuilding Program after the cleanse to do the long term work needed to restore your deficient nutrient levels.

6.1 - 6.3: Moderate levels of alkaline mineral reserves and electrolytes. Keep

boosting your alkalinity through gentle cleansing, greens powder, and once the cleanse is complete, The Gut Rebuilding Program.

6.4 – 6.8: This indicates optimal levels of in alkaline mineral reserves and

electrolytes. Usually people with a higher saliva pH have more plaque deposits and

need to get their teeth cleaned more frequently than those with a lower saliva pH. It also indicates that sugars and starches are more easily digested and your teeth

will have less decay. This indicates the deep phase will come easier for you. Gut Rebuilding is a great adjunct for the cleanse because it takes the progress you’ve

made from the cleanse and turns it into daily sustainable actions.

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6.9 or higher: Something has possibly interfered with the testing. Wait another hour and test again. If the results are the same, it could indicate stress. Possible

causes could be medications, emotions, infections, parasites, or being too alkaline, etc. If you consistently get these results, you may actually need more acidic foods

in your diet. We must look at the results of all pH tests to determine how to move forward.

2. The Lemon Test Squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon into 2 ounces of distilled water. Put all of the juice-

water mixture in your mouth and swish it around for a couple seconds then swallow. Set the timer for exactly two minutes and begin a series of six consecutive

saliva pH tests. Wait for exactly one minute in between each reading. At least one of the last 3 readings must show 7.5 or higher in order to pass this part of the test. Record your results.


Date 2 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min

Interpreting the Results: 8.0 or higher: Indicates that you have adequate alkaline mineral reserves and

electrolytes. If you get optimal test results for each test, you can safely move into the deep phase. Gut Rebuilding is a great adjunct for the cleanse because it takes

the progress you’ve made from the cleanse and turns it into daily sustainable actions.

7.5 - 8.0: You have moderate in alkaline mineral reserves and electrolytes. You may proceed on to the deep phase, but make sure you test your pH every day. You

will want to monitor which foods boost your pH the best and use those to help you if you start to have cleansing reactions. Gut Rebuilding will be a great option once

the cleanse is complete for you to make everything stick and take your healing to the next level.

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7.0 - 7.4: You are depleted in alkaline mineral reserves and electrolytes; it is best to stick with the gentle phase of cleansing until your pH rises. Keep boosting your

alkalinity through gentle cleansing, greens powder, vegetable juices, and once the cleanse is complete, Gut Rebuilding.

6.9 or below: Indicates a very low electrolyte reserve. Your digestion and liver are likely affected by this. You need to stick to the gentle phase until your pH levels get

higher. I may recommend adding in bone broth on top of the greens powder and veggie juice to help boost your alkaline mineral reserves and electrolytes. I highly

recommend Gut Rebuilding for you once the cleanse is completed.

3. The Urine Average pH Test

Beginning with the first urination of the day, test your urine pH every single time you urinate and write down the results. Go to sleep that evening and wake up in

the morning and test your first urination of the second day.

Now you have a list of numbers. Scratch off the very first number from the first

day; I don’t want you to include this in your calculations. Now calculate the average pH for the 24-hour period in which you tested. Record your results and read below to see how you are doing.


Time Result

1st Urination of the 1st Day:

2nd Urination of the 1st Day:

3rd Urination of the 1st Day:

4th Urination of the 1st Day:

5th Urination of the 1st Day:

6th Urination of the 1st Day:

7th Urination of the 1st Day:

1st Urination of the 2nd Day:

Interpreting Results: 7.0 or higher: Indicates that you have adequate alkaline mineral reserves and electrolytes. You can safely move on to the deep phase. The Gut Rebuilding

Program will be a great option once the cleanse is complete for you to make everything stick and take your healing to the next level.

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6.5 - 6.9: You have moderate alkaline mineral reserves and electrolytes, but you

need to stay ahead of the cleansing reactions. You may proceed on to the deep phase, but make sure you test your pH every day. You will want to monitor which

foods boost your pH the best and use those to help you if you start to have cleansing reactions. Keep boosting your alkalinity through gentle cleansing, greens powder, and once the cleanse is complete, Gut Rebuilding.

5.6 - 6.4: You have depleted alkaline mineral reserves and electrolytes. You should

stay on the gentle phase until you have boosted your mineral reserves sufficiently enough. Keep boosting your alkalinity through gentle cleansing, greens powder, and once the cleanse is complete, Gut Rebuilding.

5.5 or below: Indicates a very low (or no) electrolyte reserve. Your digestion and

liver are likely affected by this. It is best to stick with the gentle phase of cleansing until your pH rises. Use greens powder and vegetable juices to help you quickly boost alkalinity. I highly recommend Gut Rebuilding for you once the cleanse is


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Caffeine is an epic addiction. I have had my fair share of struggles with caffeine. But what

I’ve noticed is that I don’t sleep as well, am not as joyful, and actually get more agitated

when I’m drinking espresso every day.

One of the main goals of this cleanse is to improve your digestive flora and raise your pH.

Caffeine interferes with pH by stripping your body of precious minerals. Over time this

depletes the adrenal glands and leaves you lacking the natural energy you need to get

through your day.

More reasons to NOT drink coffee (read more here...)

Weaning off coffee can be uncomfortable, to say the least. You may purchase our Energy

Power herbal supplement to help with your coffee detox process. I highly recommend 1-3

tablespoons of maca root powder per day to help with this process.

You may use chocolate, black, green, and white tea to help you wean off coffee, but once

the Cleanse begins you must remove these items.

Creamy Avocado Chocolate Smoothie

(For weaning off coffee before the Cleanse starts)

1 ripe avocado

¼ Cup ground cacao beans

4 dates, pits removed

1-3 Tablespoon maca powder

Water and ice to desired consistency

Maca Power Smoothie

1 ½ Cup almond milk

1 banana

1-3 Tablespoon maca powder

1 Tablespoon carob powder

1 date, pit removed (optional)

Ice (optional)

The Caffeine Wean

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In order to be successful on the Cleanse while working full time you will need to schedule

time to prepare. You will want to reduce extra-curricular activities during the

Cleanse so you have time to rest and prep for the next day. Usually while cleansing you

will find you need more rest. This indicates your adrenals are getting the extra down time

they need to build up and heal.

★ Make your juice and/or smoothies for the next day or get up early to prep.

★ Bring extra cleansing foods to keep at work during the Cleanse. This will give

you extra options and prevent you from getting hungry. Bring lots of snacky

things like carrots, cucumbers, hummus, soaked almonds, sauerkraut, etc.

★ Put extra cleansing snacks in your car such as apples, seeds, dried fruit, and

dehydrated crackers.

★ Make sure to bring something for ‘dessert’ if you have a sweet tooth. Maybe a

sweet, creamy smoothie or apples and almond butter.

★ You will want to plan your deep phase part of the Cleanse for the weekend so

you can rest properly.

★ Don’t try to eat less. You will need the energy both physically and mentally to

stay energized while cleansing and working.

★ Consider finding a place you can take a nap during your lunch break. Whether

your car, an unused conference room, or possibly heading home for a bit to rest

can make all the difference and give you a second wind to finish the day.

★ Take a personal day. Not all workplaces have these. This is off the record, but

you could potentially take a sick day knowing that you are less likely to get sick

since you are doing this cleanse.

Detox and The Daily Grind

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Foods You Shouldn’t Overdo

★ Avocado

★ Banana

★ Coconut water

★ Fats

★ Grains

Fat Intake: Liver and Lymph Support

Your liver and lymph help digest and absorb the fats you eat. While on the gentle cleanse,

be sure to eat 30-40 grams of fat daily.

This lower fat intake will help speed up the cleansing effect for your liver and lymph system.

If you are interested in tracking your fat intake, use My Fitness Pal or another App that can

help you know exactly how much you’re eating.

★ Olive Oil (14g)

★ Flax Seeds (4.3g)

★ Avocado (21g for 1 C)

★ Almonds (14g for 23 kernels)

Sugar Intake You are avoiding sugar sweeteners on this cleanse. Note that fruit contains sugar. Please

track your fruit sugar intake and maintain 25-35 grams of sugar daily.

This means you can eat about 2 pieces of sweet fruit per day.

★ Apple (16g)

★ Banana (14g)

★ Lemon (1g)

★ Orange (17g)

★ Dates

★ Sweet Potato

★ Figs

★ Raisins

You can track your sugar intake using My Fitness Pal or other nutrition Apps on your phone

or computer. Eating 25-35 grams of sugar daily is especially important for people struggling

with Candida.

Foods You Shouldn’t Overdo

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Food can be used as a lever to speed up or slow down your cleanse.

Foods to speed up the cleanse

Foods to slow down the cleanse

Using Food as a Lever

★ Fruit Juice

★ Smoothies

★ Raw-Unpasteurized Lacto-Fermented Sauerkraut

★ Greens & Non-Starchy Fruits

★ Non-Sweet Veggies & Seaweed

★ Water

★ Herbal Tea

★ Veggie Juice

★ Starchy + Dried Fruits & Starchy Vegetables

★ Soaked & Cooked Grains

★ Soaked & Cooked Beans

★ Oils & Fats - Nuts & Seeds

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Everyone will experience a few mild cleansing reactions, which are normal and manageable.

However, if you are experiencing intense cleansing reactions, you need to slow down the

cleansing process by incorporating more solid food. Follow the Daily Guidelines on the

next page to lessen and eliminate cleansing reactions as well as prevent intense cleansing

reactions. Mild Cleansing Reactions

Headache Sweating Pimples

Rash Diarrhea

Constipation Gas Low-grade fever

Mucus Chills

Emotions Cravings Light-headed relieved by drinking juice

Feeling tired or mildly fatigued Caffeine withdrawals (headache, fatigue)

Sugar withdrawals (fatigue, moodiness, heavy limbs) Mild nausea (comes and goes, relieved by drinking water or juice)

Intense Cleansing Reactions Vomiting

Severe persistent headache Migraines Severe persistent nausea

Stabbing pains in the abdominal area Dizziness and vertigo

Depression Extreme fatigue (can't lift up limbs) First, take a look at the amount of juice you are drinking. Not enough juice/smoothies can

lead to cleansing reactions the following day.

If you have been drinking enough juice/smoothies, then you may need to add some foods

to slow down the cleansing process and absorb toxins.

Cleansing Reactions

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For soaking up the toxins and managing the cleansing pace, use these guidelines like a

lever to slow down or speed up the cleansing process.

★ Start out drinking 32 ounces of juice or smoothies per day. When you begin the

deep phase of the detox, drink at least 64 ounces of juice and smoothies each

day. If you experience nausea keep your drink simple and add ginger. The ginger

will help calm your stomach. The best mixture to help reduce nausea is 1 apple, 1

toe of ginger, 3-5 ribs celery, and 1/4 lemon (no peel).

★ Drink at least 12 ounces of coconut water by itself, lemon water with a pinch of sea

salt, or pure water. This will help restore electrolyte balance. You may use canned if

fresh is not available.

★ Read and follow the section in this handbook on Supportive Detox and open up

your channels of elimination! This includes light exercise.

★ Take 1-3 teaspoons of your Intestinal Support herbs each morning and evening. If

you feel extreme nausea in the middle of the day, you can take the Intestinal

Support herbs with a little lemon juice. I find that it mixes better and is more

palatable in warmer water.

★ Hydrate: Drink at least 40 - 64 ounces of water per day

★ Sip on peppermint or ginger tea (cool or hot).

★ Take at least 1 teaspoon Spirulina powder in juice, smoothies, coconut water,

grapefruit juice, or water. I use a whisk to mix it completely.

Daily Guidelines

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If you are following all the Daily Guidelines and still are having difficulty with intense

cleansing reactions:

★ Describe your symptoms on the Facebook forum. Even if you think you are over-

reacting it is better to stay ahead of possible cleansing reactions so you have time to

respond appropriately.

★ Take a double dose of probiotics

★ Read the chapter on Using Food as a Lever: Speeding Up or Slowing Down the

Cleanse. Go back to the gentle phase of the detox. Eat steamed greens, a green

salad, an apple, carrot or anything else that you’ve been juicing or making into


★ If the above doesn’t work you can slow the Cleanse down even further by adding

foods like ½ Cup cooked buckwheat, quinoa, or sweet potato. Choose the food that

digests easiest (and sounds best) to you. Eat this once or twice a day. Chew

extremely well.

What NOT to do if you are experiencing intense cleansing reactions

★ Don’t get a massage. This will just bring more toxins out into the body and

bloodstream and further overwhelm the liver.

★ Don’t eat heavy, hard-to-digest foods.

Remember, cleansing is not meant to be torture. You need to respect and listen to your body and trust its signals. Ask yourself right now what healthy thing you can do

for your body. Check off the 7 Daily Guidelines above every day if you are experiencing

cleansing reactions and notice what affects them.

Do not attempt to speed up the cleansing process if you are experiencing cleansing reactions of any kind.

You are being very kind to yourself right now by practicing this detox. Keep up the good


Symptom Support

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You have 7 channels of elimination.





Headache, nausea, and fatigue are all common cleansing reactions. Use any of the below

options to deal with any cleansing reactions you may have. Remember, the goal is to open up the channels of elimination.

★ Enemas can alleviate a headache in minutes and work well for acute constipation.

Not to be used more than once/week unless during a cleanse or under doctor

supervision. You may do an enema every day while on a cleanse for short durations

no more than 14 days. ★ Colonics are great for removing stored toxins and getting the bowels moving. A

great adjunct to a cleanse especially on the 4th or 5th day. ★ Hot baths with sea salt, baking soda, or Epsom salt cleanses the subtle energetic

bodies for spiritual support while cleansing. Opens the skin and supports the liver. ★ Saunas help keep the channels of elimination clear by sweating out the toxins. If

the skin is open and dumping toxins, the rest of the channels are greatly relieved.

The liver especially benefits from this. ★ Body scrubs after soaking in the bath for 10 minutes minimum. Use scrub gloves

and soap to scrub the entire body vigorously. Rinse well. Use lotion or oil once dry. ★ Dry brushing the body with a dry natural bristle brush from feet to stomach and

then arms and back. Short strokes, brushing towards the center of the body where

the spleen is located. This clears the lymph system. ★ Neti Pot or nasal irrigation. 1tsp salt to 1-quart water. Clears the lymph system. ★ Sun Bathing-20 minutes with oil on the body (10 minutes on each side). Opens

and warms inner organs. Helps especially for people with Candida. ★ Ending with cold showers after hot baths or showers re-oxygenates the blood

quickly. ★ Drinking Herbal Teas for added hydration and elimination. Dandelion Root & Leaf,

Licorice, Nettles, Peppermint, Red Clover, Burdock and Ginger are some of my

favorites. ★ Rest often. Schedule naps and time to lie down during the day even if it is only 10

minutes. ★ Exercise daily to get the blood pumping and the oxygen moving. Oxygenate your

tissues; open up all the channels of elimination this way. This can include yoga,

taking a walk, stretching, aerobic exercise, weight-lifting or anything else you do

regularly. You may want to take it a little slower than usual. It is a great opportunity

to listen to your body and see what it is asking for movement-wise.

Clearing the 7 Channels of Elimination

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As you go deeper into the cleansing process you will experience emotions that have been

pushed aside for some time. These emotions can include anger, sadness, joy, happiness,

frustration, boredom, gratitude, annoyance, etc.

While cleansing, you are creating space for things to come up and be released. As the

physical body releases toxins, there is often an associated emotional component that has to

come up and be released. If the space can be held for these emotions, then spiritual

deepening occurs and the physical blockage does not return.

How can you tell if you are releasing emotions that have been held in the body? Below is a

list of the physiological reactions that indicate emotional detox.

★ Laughter

★ Crying

★ Yawning

★ Cold Sweat

★ Hot Sweat

★ Scratching

★ Shaking

★ Teeth Chattering

★ Vocalization (Moaning, Sighing, Grunting, etc.)

None of these are better than the other and you don’t have to know why they are coming

out. You can trust that they indicate that there are emotional blockages leaving the body

through these particular physiological signals. You don’t have to figure it out. It is a good

sign, it is natural, and it is part of being human.

Yawning is a very powerful tool because you can do it anytime, anywhere.

Having the opportunity to feel these emotions will further you on your spiritual journey.

Emotional & Spiritual Detox

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“Any fool can cleanse, but only a wise person can properly break a

cleanse.” (~unknown)

Breaking the Cleanse is one of the most important aspects of cleansing. When you go

without eating solid food, your digestive system has basically “gone to sleep.” Imagine

yourself sleeping the best, most peaceful sleep ever. Now picture yourself being ripped out

of bed, thrown into the shower, fresh clothes forced on without drying off and sent to work

in a helicopter less than 5 minutes after “waking up.” This is what it is like for your stomach

and intestines and liver when you eat the wrong foods after cleansing.

After a few days on the deep phase, you will need to break the Cleanse following these

guidelines. If you only do the gentle cleanse, you don’t have to worry about breaking the

Cleanse in the same way. Instead, you’ll want to focus on maximizing the benefits you’ve

achieved during the Cleanse by moving into a rebuilding phase.

1. Chew. The best way to break a cleanse is to eat easy to digest foods in small

quantities while chewing very well. Chew your food into a liquid state before swallowing.

This will help stimulate digestion as well as pre-digest the food before it gets to your

stomach, which will ease the work on your intestines, pancreas, and liver.

2. Easy to digest foods. The best foods to eat are steamed greens, baby salad greens

with lemon juice and a drizzle of flax or olive oil, apple, fresh squeezed orange juice,

baked sweet potato, steamed carrots, fermented vegetables, or any of the other veggies

on your juice cleanse, in raw, baked, or steamed form.

3. Eat small amounts. Be prepared to get full very quickly. Eat less than you think you

need to. You can eat again in 20 minutes or in another hour if needed.

4. Stay alkaline. Don’t eat meat, wheat products, processed foods, sugar, caffeine,

alcohol, fats, fried things, or anything else that is acidifying and nutrient-depleting for

the body for at least two days. This simple rule will allow you to keep cleansing at a

very comfortable pace for another week without feeling spacey or experiencing cleansing


Bonus Tips:

★ Take bitters.

★ Chew fennel seeds, cardamom, or, ginger to gently support digestive functions.

★ Take a walk after you finish your first solid meal. This will serve two purposes: It

will help you digest and get you out of the kitchen to keep you from overeating.

On the third day of breaking the Cleanse, you can start incorporating acid-forming foods. I

especially recommend fish or other proteins you like such as homemade almond milk, kefir,

eggs, tofu, and/or tempeh.

Breaking the Cleanse

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Simple Breaking the Cleanse Reminders

★ Eat very small meals. Get up from the table feeling as light as when you sat

down. You can eat a little more 20 minutes later if you are still hungry.

★ Take small bites.

★ Take breaks.

★ Breathe deeply.

★ Chew a LOT!!!

★ Eat nutrient dense, incredibly healthy foods.

★ Take probiotics (ideally through homemade kefir or raw cultured veggies).

★ Take Bitters before each meal.

Gut Rebuilding Once you have completed the Cleanse, it is time to rebuild your digestion, nutrient levels,

and beneficial bacteria. Check out The Gut Rebuilding Program for guided, expert support to

rebuild before your next cleanse.

As a member of the Probiotic Power Cleanse you get access to a special price for The Gut

Rebuilding Program. Use the code PPCCLUB for $97 off Gut Rebuilding!

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For all the smoothie recipes you simply put all ingredients into a high-speed blender and

blend away. Enjoy :)

Blueberry Standby 1 Cup fresh blueberries

12 ounces coconut water (from a can or coconut)

1 bunch (equivalent to a Cup chopped) spinach, kale, chard or mixture of all three

Green Mango 1 Cup frozen or fresh mango

1 small handful of parsley leaves (not stems)

16 ounces coconut water

1 teaspoon greens powder and/or fresh greens

Red Delicious 1/2 Cup fresh or frozen strawberries

1/2 Cup fresh or frozen raspberries

16 ounces liquid (coconut water, water, almond milk, etc.)

1 small handful fresh greens (chard, parsley, kale, sorrel, dandelion greens, etc.)

1 teaspoon greens powder and/or fresh greens

Green Goddess ½ Cup blueberries

1 apple

2-4 kale leaves

3-6 stalks of parsley

2 celery ribs (optional)

Berry Thyroid Thanks You 1/2 Cup blueberries

1/2 Cup cranberries

1 teaspoon greens powder and/or fresh greens

1 pitted date to sweeten

1 dried mango slice (no sugar or sulfur) or coconut water to sweeten

Water and ice to desired consistency

Coconut Green 1 Cup coconut water

1 teaspoon greens powder and/or fresh greens

Smoothie Recipes

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Blue-Green Aloe Smoothie 2 Cups water

1 head romaine lettuce

1 medium Fuji apple

¼ lime

¼ Cup blueberries fresh or frozen

1 small aloe leaf

Green Tangerine ½ head of lettuce

2 tangerines

1 banana

Strawberry Fields 1/2 C strawberries

1/2 C raspberries

1 head romaine or butter leaf lettuce

Water to desired consistency

Green Smoothie 101 2 Cups water

½ bunch dinosaur kale

1 large pear

¼ Cup cranberries

½ apple

1-2 mango slices (fresh or dry to sweeten if desired)

Dried Fruitilicious Green Smoothie ½-1 Cup dried berry or dried fruit juice (soak overnight one handful or more of dried fruit in

1 or 2 Cups purified water, then strain through nut milk bag)

1 Cup berries of your choice (raspberries taste good in this)

1 head butter lettuce

Mango (orBerry) Lassi

Almond milk

Frozen mango (or berries or peaches)

Cinnamon (optional)

1 teaspoon greens powder and/or fresh greens

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Strawberry Delicious 1/2 Cup strawberries

1/2 Cup raspberries

1/2 Cup liquid

1 handful spinach

12 soaked almonds (8 hour minimum soak-time)

1 teaspoon greens powder and/or fresh greens

1 teaspoon kelp powder

Water and ice to desired consistency

Tarahumara Sunset ¼ Cup Chia Seeds, ground then soaked for 15 minutes in 1/2 Cup water or coconut water

1 Cup Marion, Blue, Black, or Raspberries (Substitute with lemon or lime)

¼ Cup Walnuts

1/2 Cup Coconut Water/Juice

Rabbit Food Smoothie 2 Cup chopped spinach

1 Cup chopped carrots

water to desired consistency

The Grass is Greener Kale



2 lemons

2-3 Tablespoons ground flax seeds

1 teaspoon greens powder and/or fresh greens

Ice (optional)

Green stevia leaf powder

Refresher Carrot




Lemon (optional)

Bloody Great Smoothie

55% coconut water

45% greens

“Blood is made up plasma and blood cells. Plasma comprises 55% of blood fluid and is

mostly water (90% by volume) and contains dissolved proteins, glucose, mineral ions,

hormones, carbon dioxide, platelets and blood cells themselves. Blood cells are mainly red

blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells are the most abundant and they

contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein.

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The plant version of hemoglobin is chlorophyll which is a green pigment based around a

magnesium ion, as opposed to iron (haem). Both hemoglobin and chlorophyll exist to obtain


Coconut water is a natural liquid closest in structure to blood plasma and has been used in

the war instead of plasma when supplies were low!! So combine 55% coconut water and

45% greens and you have a BLOODy great smoothie!!!!” ~borrowed from

Building a Savory Smoothie To create more variety for fruitless smoothies, make them savory and thickened by

avocado, chia, or flax seeds with various spices and different amount of lemon juice so the

taste varies: basil, thyme, cilantro and oregano make the difference too. Bone broth is a

great base for savory smoothies as well.

Veggies That Are Great to Blend in Savory Smoothies

Cucumbers Carrots Broccoli

Celery Onions

Spinach Basil Romaine

Lemons Parsley

Radishes Peas Sea Salt (sometimes)

Garlic (sometimes)

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Veggie Delight

2 stalks celery

1 each: lemon and cucumber

1/3 bunch cilantro

2 cloves garlic

Green Juice 101

1 bunch kale

2 apples

½ lemon

1 Cup water

Blueberry Melon

1 cantaloupe

1 pint fresh blueberries

Sweet Jesus

2 each: cucumbers, carrots, and apples

½ Cup parsley

½ Cup mint

1 stalk celery

½ inch piece ginger

1 peeled lemon


3 each: grapefruits and stalks of kale

2 each: apples and limes

Cool as a Mint

2 each: cucumbers, limes, and stalks of celery

1 handful mint leaves

Need to Go?

8-10 Kale leaves

4 Pears or apples

4-6 pitted prunes

Juice Recipes

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Beet It!

1 beet

½ pineapple or apple

½ pint strawberries

1 thumb ginger

Citrus Pucker

4 grapefruits

1 each: lime and lemon (or any citrus you prefer or want to experiment with)

3 oranges

Green Winter Elixir

1 whole head of celery

2 cucumbers

1 lime (or lemon), no peel

a few sprigs of cilantro (or parsley if cilantro tastes like soap to you)

Apple or orange if you want it sweeter (optional)

Kale leaves for more vitamins A, C, K, and phytonutrients (optional)

Spicy Green

1/2 cucumber

3 stalks celery

½ lemon

2 cloves garlic

1 toe of ginger

(Also try adding a carrot and 3 leaves of kale, or try without the ginger & garlic)

Refreshing Green


1 each: lemon and cucumber


Also try adding 1 – 2 teaspoons spirulina or chlorella in the juice (these are very high in


Rabbit Juice

½ granny smith apple

1 each: carrot, celery



ginger, garlic, and lemon (optional)

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Breakfast Ideas Parsley-Tahini dressing with fresh raw sauerkraut. Finely chop parsley whisk with

Tahini then mix in kraut.

Smoothie of blueberries, chard leaf, and coconut water.

Smoothie of banana, blueberries, kale leaf, and flax seed oil.

Cucumber, young coconut, lemon, and spirulina.

Vegetable juice

Vegetables (try bok choy or celery) dipped in freshly made hummus.

Root stew with miso. Toss all the root vegetables you like into a pot with water or

broth and let it cook. Eat a bowl as you are hungry through the day.

Beans on salad greens with grated carrots, beets, & radishes; topped with salad


Raw Carob Smoothie: blend avocado, raw coconut water or fresh squeezed orange

juice, raw carob powder, and young coconut flesh (Raw: The UNcook Book, pg. 204)

Carrot and cauliflower, steamed then blended into a soup. Add dill and salt.

Raw crackers, avocado, and sprouts.

Raw crackers: Soak sunflower seeds for 1 day, and then process them in a

food processor with flax seeds, 1 carrot, kale, spices, or coconut meat. Dry in

a dehydrator. Cooked amaranth with flax oil and blueberries.

Cooked buckwheat with cinnamon, cardamom, and flax oil

Cleansing Meal Plans

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Bone Broth

When doing some research on the internet looking for a simple bone broth recipe, I

was unable to find anything but soup stock recipes! Even my three favorite posts

on this topic only had recipes for stock. They are written by my friends and

colleagues. This one by Jordan and Steve at SCD Lifestyle. This one by Katie at

Wellness Mama. And this one by Sally at Nourishing Traditions.

Because this is for those who need that extra

nourishment while doing my Probiotic Power

Cleanse, I want to make sure the recipe is

simple and easy.

This is how I make it:

You will need about 2 pounds of bones, you

can use beef or chicken bones.

First, I parbroil the bones. I learned this

from making Pho, a delicious Vietnamese

soup that is often eaten for breakfast.

After parboiling the bones, I place the bones

in a large stock pot (or electric crock pot if

you're worried about sleeping with the stove

on) and fill the pot to the top with water. When I interviewed Sally Fallon-Morrel

during the Gut Rebuilding Experts telesummit, she said that what I was making was

more of a ‘bone tea’ since it contains more water. For a more strong and

concentrated bone broth reduce the water to half way to the top or fill the pot with

bones and cover with water. I recommend starting with the bone tea and working

your way up.

Next bring to a boil and reduce to a low simmer for 24-48 hours. After about 8 hours

of simmering I sometimes add 2 tablespoons of vinegar, but I recommend leaving

this step out during the Probiotic Power Cleanse.

You can ladle the soup directly out of the pot while it is simmering. You can also pour

everything through a strainer and store in glass jars in the fridge. You may freeze

your bone broth, but be careful, when I’ve done this in mason jars they break, even

when I leave enough room.

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My favorite things to do with broth

• To each mug of bone broth you drink add a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of miso,

or my favorite, a shot of sauerkraut brine. Drink it for breakfast in the

morning. Yum!

• Use it as a base for any kind of soup you create.

• Replace bone broth for the water you normally cook your grains with.

• Pour it on squash and add smoked alder sea salt. Super yum!


When I drink bone broth I'm super careful to remove the fat. Otherwise I end up

eating more fat than my body can process. Be cautious of the bone broth baby fat

syndrome. Many people I know get on the bone broth bandwagon and add extra

padding quickly.

Use the fat to sauté your onions and greens. Excellent for dairy-free folks as a butter


Vegetable Broth

2 medium yellow onions, sliced 3 medium carrots, peeled and sliced

1 zucchini 1 bunch chard 1 bunch dandelion greens

1 bunch cilantro (optional) 2 stalks celery, sliced

3 cloves garlic, halved 3 bay leaves 4 sprigs parsley

sea salt to taste ghee or coconut oil (optional)

Place all ingredients and 1 gallon water in a large pot. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce to a simmer and cook 2 hours, then strain and discard

solids. Strain once more through a fine mesh sieve. Cool and refrigerate for up to 3 days. Stir before using if broth separates. Top with white sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, olive oil and salt.

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Lunch or Dinner Ideas Veggie stir-fry with onions, garlic, carrots, bok choy, and mushrooms served with

buckwheat. Do not cook the oil; add after serving.

Beans (or a lentil Dahl) with buckwheat and steamed kale. Dahl is cooked onion,

garlic, herbs of your choice, plus lentils cooked together until soft. Add buckwheat,

kale or any veggies that appeal to you.

Quinoa with zucchini, fresh parsley, soaked sunflower seed and olive oil.

Cabbage salad: shredded carrots, red and green cabbage, olive oil, lemon juice.

Amaranth and beans with steamed broccoli and red cabbage.

Jicama picnic salad: chopped jicama, celery, leek, cilantro and dill. The dressing

is a blend of raw tahini, lemon juice, raw miso, cumin, and water. (Rainbow Green

live-Food Cuisine, pg. 236)

Asparagus roll sushi using quinoa instead of rice, miso soup (add seaweed) and small


Salad greens with red onion, mung beans, fresh raw corn shaved from the cob.

Serve with a baked sweet potato.

Fruit salad (mix and match apple, grape, pear, orange, blueberry, raspberry, or

pomegranate) Add almond slivers, soaked sunflower seeds or soaked pumpkin seeds

to the mix.

Veggie shish kabobs: asparagus, onion, carrot, and sweet potato. Serve with corn on

the cob.

Baked sweet potato, beans, and side salad of lettuce, kale, blueberry, and soaked


Steamed cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, and red cabbage over grains, beans, or


Vegetable nori wraps with sprouts, grated carrots, avocado, cucumber, cilantro,

seafoam salad dressing.

Avocado spread made with lemon, salt, and garlic.

Burritos using romaine lettuce instead of tortilla.

“Noritos”: nori sheets lined with lettuce then filled with a mix of avocado salt, lemon,

olive oil, olives, sprouts. (Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, pg. 179)

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Vegetable soup: carrots, green beans, celery, and a pinch of fresh dandelion greens,

mushrooms, and onions mixed in a blender (The 3-Season Diet, pg. 93)

Quinoa cooked in vegetable broth; shredded carrots and mushrooms with your

choice of spices. Adzuki beans and chopped cilantro. Serve with steamed broccoli or

green beans. (The 3-Season Diet, pgs. 97 and pg. 99)

Roasted asparagus coated in olive oil and lemon. Garbanzo beans with turmeric and

cilantro. (The 3-Season Diet, pg. 98)

Mung beans cooked with onion and collard greens

Raw Quinoa Tabouli: this recipe uses sprouted cooked quinoa, cucumber, olive oil

and other seasonings (Raw: The UNcook Book, pg. 99)

Vegetable soup: Simmer zucchini, beet tops, carrots, and leeks in a vegetable

stock for 5 – 10 minutes Adzuki Squash Stew: 1 acorn squash (mashed up), adzuki beans, 3 inch pieces

of kombu & wakame, 5 Cups water. Mixed Quinoa Salad: quinoa, amaranth, 1 red onion, 2 stalks celery, and 1 Cup

chopped parsley. Top with white sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, olive oil and


Garlic Gingered Broccoli with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds: boil broccoli

florets, then dry sauté them in a skillet with garlic, and grated ginger. (Integrative

Nutrition, pg. 172) Sautéed Cabbage: sauté 1 onion, add lemon juice, 1 t mustard seeds, and 1 t

caraway seeds. Add 2 Cups cut cabbage and sauté, then add 1 green apple and

simmer about 10 minutes. (Integrative Nutrition, pg. 173) Creamy Broccoli Soup: boil broccoli stems and 1 small onion in water. Add

minced garlic and let the pot simmer for 10 minutes. Dissolve 2 tablespoons miso

paste into the mix, and add 1 Cup cooked buckwheat. Blend the soup in a blender,

then add broccoli florets and cook for 10 more minutes. (Integrative Nutrition, pg. 193)

Quinoa salad with radishes, cucumber, celery, red onion, parsley, and olive oil. (Integrative Nutrition, pg. 195)

Kung-Fu Hijiki Salad: 1 Cup hijiki cooked for 10 minutes, then cooled. Add

scallions, carrot, and corn kernels. Mix in 1 T miso paste, 2 cloves shredded garlic

and 1 T ginger juice. (Integrative Nutrition, pg. 203)

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Simple Savory Kasha 2 C Water or Veggie broth

1 C Buckwheat

Bring water and bullion/broth to a boil in a saucepan. Add buckwheat/kasha to the

liquid and cover. Turn heat down to med-low for 5 minutes and then turn the heat

off. Keep covered and let it sit for 15 more minutes. Once done, the kasha will have

soaked up all liquid. If you keep the heat on, the consistency will become mushier.

The secret is in turning off the heat.

Remember: Kasha is toasted buckwheat. Buckwheat is the raw version. Kasha

makes a slightly more delicious final outcome. And you can dry roast the Buckwheat

in a cast iron pan (or other pan) to make your own fresh Kasha.


Summer’s Seafoam-Top Secret 1 bunch Cilantro

3-5 Tablespoons Miso (aged 6-months or longer, gluten-free)

1-2 cloves Garlic

1/3 Cup Olive oil

1/2 Lemon

Splash of Ume plum vinegar

Put the ingredients in a food processor; add water a little at a time until desired

consistency. You may also add more water to get a runny consistency. I like it kind

of thick and you can use it as a dip, sandwich spread, topping for grains, etc. It will

save any bland or boring meal.

Parsley seaweed 1 bunch parsley

1 handful sea palm (seaweed)

1 clove garlic

1/4 C olive oil

1-2 TABLESPOON lemon juice

1-2 T miso (optional)

Fruit Salad Dressing Recipe 1/2 Cup sesame seeds

1/2 Cup grated coconut

Warm water

1 Tablespoon raw carob powder


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Apple Dressing Apple


Lemon juice


Olive oil



Umeboshi plum vinegar

Simple salad oil & lemon Olive oil

Lemon juice

Blend well

Garlic (optional)

Fresh or dried herbs (optional)

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Cookbooks Integrative Nutrition: The Future of Nutrition by Joshua Rosenthal

The Self-Healing Cookbook by Christina Turner

The Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine by Gabriel Cousens

Raw: The UNcook book by Juliano and Erika Lenkert

Raw Food, Real World: 100 Recipes That Get the Glow by Matthew Kenney and

Sarma Melngailis

Laurel’s Kitchen Recipes by Laurel Robertson, Carol Finders and Brian Ruppenthal

The Voluptuous Vegan by Myra Kornfeld and George Minot

RAWvolution by Matt Amsden

Part-Time Paleo by Leanne Ely

Juice Power for the Thirsty Soul by Torah B.N. Shaleahk

The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook by Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre

You may peruse any of your cookbooks for recipes and simply substitute ingredients

with cleansing foods. Experiment!

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I am so excited that you have made this commitment to yourself. You are learning a skill

that will stick with you for the rest of your life. You can build upon this skill 2-4 times every

year by participating in the Probiotic Power Cleanse.

You will be amazed at the incredible journey you are currently embarking on. I hope you will

continue to learn and grow on this journey and push the boundaries of what it means to be

a healthy human.

Cleansing is a way to build endurance and train your body to adapt to feast and famine.

Pushing the bounds of your body safely to build health is an art. Enjoy!




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