  • 8/8/2019 The Myth of the Black Community


    -The V Project-Facebook: Victor Evans

    Twitter: thebigv2010

    The Myth of the Black Community

    V Project

    I usually shake my head and sigh whenever I hear someone utter the phrase the black

    community. It may have meant something in the past, and it still means something in some

    local contexts, but for the most part it has become a meaningless (if not outright destructive)


  • 8/8/2019 The Myth of the Black Community


    Can someone please give me a clear definition of the black community? The traits of

    the black community that people tend to bring up are nothing more than stereotypes

    founded in victimization. Economically disadvantaged. Educationally disadvantaged. Higher

    rates of crime and disease and teen pregnancy and poverty and everything negative in America.

    Its painful to hear at times.

    What people dont want to admit (especially the people who scream about it the

    loudest) is that theres no such thing as a unified black community.

    Thats right, I said it. Theres no such thing as the black community.

    There is no racially unified community anywhere in America. Minorities love to project

    this image of the national boogeyman known as the white man, who lives in a nice house in a

    nice neighborhood and drives a luxury car that he bought with his cushy white-collar job. They

    forget the fact that there are white people living in trailers that cost less than some BMWs.

    And then Asian Americans are supposed to have multiple college degrees while living in

    white neighborhoods. Granted, some of them do. And then theres the guy who delivers sweet-

    and-sour chicken to your door.

    Latino Americans are all illegal immigrants who dont know English. Except for those

    that have been Americans ever since Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California became states.

    And, believe it or not, a lot of these Latinos dont work in landscaping or construction.

    The point Im trying to make is that there is no such thing as a unified racial community

    anywhere in this country. The black community is no different. Its a community separated by

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    differing economic and social strata, but some people (both black and white) dont want you to

    know that. They need all black people to be victims in order to fulfill their political (and often

    financial) needs.

    Did you know that there are an increasing number of black people who are sick of the

    glorification of ghetto culture? You wouldnt know that by listening to some social activists.

    There are people who will preach about black culture and black values and black

    victimization while ignoring the fact that there are more and more black people moving up the

    socioeconomic ladder who do not want to be a part of that mess.

    There used to be a time when black success (outside of sports and entertainment) was

    seen as being white. What actually seems to be developing is the emergence of a separate

    black middle class. There are black middle class neighborhoods in Atlanta, full of people who

    have money, have no desire to be white, and also have no desire to associate with the ghetto.

    They are successful, educated black people who are proud of their culture and who also dont

    want to be seen as being poor and victimized. Its a separate part of the black community

    that race-baiters dont want you to know about.

    Bill Cosby (a hero of mine) once spoke out about the behavior of certain black groups.

    He was bashed for it. He was called some horrible slurs (by black people) and he took a lot of

    heat for it. But the truth of the matter is that hes not alone in his ideas. More and more

    members of the black community are agreeing with Mr. Cosby. More and more want to get

    away from the negative aspects of the black stereotype.

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    Im not going to argue that black people are treated unfairly in American courts. But

    more and more black people are saying So what? If he didnt kill that person or rob that store,

    he wouldnt be in this predicament.

    Im not going to try and convince anyone that racism in America doesnt exist (because

    it does), but there are members of the black community who do not want to let that be an

    excuse. They dont want to be seen as victims of a racist systemthey want to live in nice

    homes within nice neighborhoods so they can raise families with as few problems as possible,

    and theyre willing to work to get there.

    I can already see people getting angry. I know there are people reading this whose

    blood is boiling. How dare I claim that the black community is not a unified force!

    Its because its true, and you know it. If youve ever lived in a black neighborhood, you

    know that people dont just get along with each other in a homogenous racial paradise. A lot of

    people are getting tired of the hypocrisy. A black criminal is more likely to victimize a black

    person, and you think people want to advocate that in any way?

    Theres no doubt that there are problems in America. The statistics are against the

    black community as far as education and economics and everything else, but the funny thing

    about statistics as that people forget about the minority part. If 60% of black people cant then

    that means that 40% can. If 75% dont, then that means 25% do. And in slow, small steps, a new

    black community emerges. One that is does not fit the victim mold. One that does not

    tolerate the foolishness of a few and does not define itself by the failures of others. One that

    does not care to be white, but also no longer wants to be your version of black.

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    The trash will always remain. That goes for every color in every culture. But the trash

    does not have to hold everyone else back. And there will always be people there to help the

    disenfranchised, but they have to realize that not everyone with dark skin is powerless, nor

    helpless, nor needing assistance. The sooner people stop buying into the myth of the black

    community, the sooner people can move along and move up the ladder without that weight of

    victimization around their necks.

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