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“The moment you give up your principles and

your values, you are dead, your culture is dead, your civilization is dead. Period.

~ Oriana Fallaci ~


A Day to Remember in Canadian History

Legalized Marijuana: October 18, 2018

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Is Canada Knowingly Funding Extremism and Terrorism?

Canadian taxpayer money may be finding its way to Hamas, a listed terrorist group. The Criminal Code of Canada forbids funding terrorism, as well as forbidding the facilitation of those funding terrorism. But last Friday, Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau announced that Canada would send $50 million in the next two years to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). This is in addition to the $110 million that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has committed to UNRWA since 2016.

Canada Suspends & Fines North American Muslim Brotherhood Group Over Terrorist Financing Concerns The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) describes itself as “an independent, open and transparent membership organization that strives to be an exemplary and unifying Islamic organization in North America by contributing to the betterment of the Muslim community and society at large. ISNA emerged out of the early U.S. Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure and documents discovered in the course of the terrorism trial of the Holy Land Foundation confirmed that the organization was part of the US. Muslim Brotherhood.

I was kicked out of the Canadian Armed Forces. I was forced out of the Canadian Armed Forces for being part of the Proud Boys. Not only is this a violation of my rights, it also indicates that social justice is a greater priority for the CAF than operational effectiveness. And that's scary.

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Interview with Grant Webster with Vlad Tepes


Ottawa holds consultations on racism behind closed doors

The federal government has quietly launched a series of closed-door consultations on the issue of racism, hoping to avoid heated public debates on issues such as Islamophobia and systemic racism. The issue of racism has fuelled heated debates in the country in recent times. There were acrimonious discussions last year over a motion in the House of Commons (M-103) to condemn Islamophobia across Canada.


Jihadi Jack wants to live in Canada. Here’s what officials are doing for ISIS fighters in Syria

The political implications of repatriating Canadian ISIS fighters show that Canadian consular officials have been trying to find out where the Canadians are being detained in order to give them consular assistance. The officials have communicated with the Kurdish authorities over concerns about torture allegations and medical attention for the detainees, the documents show.

What a Yezidi Nobel Peace Prize winner can teach us about the atrocities taking place in Syria and Iraq

We have boots on the ground in Iraq. And since we are at war does that not mean that we also have responsibilities for the innocent victims of this war. These victims are the Yezidi. But the Canadian government is turning a blind eye to atrocities committed by returning ISIS/ISIL fighters and instead are offering them a get out of jail free card.

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#WalkAway Campaign Grows as Canadians Leave Radical Left

The #WalkAway campaign is growing in Canada, as people who once saw themselves as centre-left are realizing how extreme the left has become. ‘Liberalism’ was once associated with freedom of speech, capitalism, and defending the rights and dignity of the individual. But now, ‘liberalism’ and the left have been taken over by radical extremists, pushing racial division through identity politics, authoritarian suppression of free speech, and socialism.

Toronto man “strikes a nerve” with message to career politician | David Menzies \

David Menzies of The Rebel.Media reports: As the song goes: “Signs, signs, everywhere a sign...” But one little sign in the Toronto election campaign has become a real tempest in a teapot.

Justin Trudeau’s Canada Turns Right

The biggest conservative triumph occurred Oct. 1. Francois Legault and the Coalition Avenir Québec won a huge majority in Quebec. It will form the first right-of-center government in Quebec since the now-defunct Union Nationale was defeated in 1970.

Canada’s Stockholm Syndrome

CEOs and politicians who directed shareholder and taxpayer money to anti-energy activists might be more to blame than the three Federal Court of Appeal judges who blocked the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. They are key enablers of the poor public policies hurting Alberta and Canada.

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Is the #MeToo movement serving as a tool for political Islam at McGill? As reported by Barbara Kay, Assistant Professor Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim had an impressive research record, was an extremely popular teacher, and also scored high for “service.” But Dr. Ibrahim’s strengths may lead to his being denied tenure at McGill University. His objective method of teaching offended Muslim student Sarah Abdelshamy, who couldn’t deal with his saying things like “ISIS didn’t invent any Koranic verses or hadiths.” This implied, Abdelshamy said, that Islam is compatible with terrorism. Naturally, she accused the professor of Islamophobia.

Tommy Robinson

#iamsoldierx Campaign

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Tommy Robinson: #IAMSOLDIERX Update

Here is the latest report from Tommy after spending the past week travelling across Britain and speaking with many squaddies.

Dhimmitude driving British Army leadership SHEEP to persecute squaddies for pic with Tommy Robinson

Dhimmitude – here’s what going on. Dhimmitude - is the force, the desire of the leadership of the British Army to submit and prostrate themselves before the Muslim Council of Britain and to follow their commands to reprimand soldiers for taking a picture with Tommy Robinson. The support that is pouring in for Tommy is just astonishing. The upper echelon has done this all wrong. Quisling elites. They have submitted. They have become dhimmis. They are following the dictates of Sharia.

For Britain: We are Soldier X with Anne Marie Waters

The British army are now bowing down to Islam. Last week, some army lads posed with Tommy for a selfie at a service station. One was discharged from the army and the others are being sent away for an “inclusivity and diversity” course to better understand how bigoted they are.

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Tommy Robinson trial

Tuesday, October 23

Tommy Robison has given his life to saving England from Islamism. He has given his life to keeping young girls safe from Muslim rape gangs. He has given his life to keeping alive the England that once was and may be again, the England of individual rights, moderation, sanity, decency, and freedom.

In return, he has been reviled, attacked, persecuted, threatened, and imprisoned. Yet he has not given up.

Many ordinary Britons see more clearly than the elites, perhaps because they live everyday with the consequences of mass

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Muslim immigration and recognize Robinson's claims as true. Long may they refuse to be cowed into silence with unfair smears of "Racist!" Long may they voice their resistance, led by courageous men like Robinson.

Tommy Robinson may rightly be called the spiritual leader of the Free World. We are praying for a fair trial for Tommy next Tuesday, October 23. We recognize in Tommy a man of outstanding courage, vision, self-sacrifice, dedication, and principle.

Tommy, you are our hope in these terrifying and bleak times. You are our Lion. We stand with you in love and solidarity.

We Pray for Tommy

Abraham Lincoln said: "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day."

I believe in the power of prayer. If not for yourself, believe in it for others. The world is weak; prayer is POWERFUL. Whether you are a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Jainist, an atheist or none of the above, please pray for Tommy’s safety.

"We pray for Tommy’s well-being. We pray for You to protect him. We pray that not only will Tommy have the grace, strength and the peace to handle whatever comes his way but, like Peter and Paul, You will supernaturally protect him. Make him invisible to the darkness and to those who would seek to harm him. Send your Angel bodyguards to accompany him and to surround him wherever he walks. Station at least one at his back and another to go before him. Station them at the door to his cell as well. Please keep Tommy safe and please give Tommy’s family security and peace as well."

Freedom of Speech

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Gosnell - The Trial of America's Biggest Serial


We have been attacked ever since we proposed making it. They hate it because it shines a light of truth on abortion and reveals the murky hands-off approach to the industry that kills women and babies. Kickstarter refused to let us crowdfund for the film, NPR wouldn’t let us advertise the launch, Facebook continues blocking our ads and the New York Times fudged the numbers to keep our book off the bestsellers list.

Powerful organizations like Planned Parenthood do not want you knowing the truth. The mainstream media refuse to review it. There are reports of theaters not displaying our posters or listing the film, some staff members are even telling customers it's not playing. They are deliberately lying. Soon the goons will be brought out to prevent people from entering the theatre.

This is not about abortion. This is about FREE SPEECH.

Why we should all hate the hate-crime laws

The mission creep of Britain’s hate-crime laws mean it may soon be illegal to hate anybody else at all, whether at football matches or in your own head. Even if you show your feelings through silent jazz hands rather than aggressive clapping. The Home Office has asked the Law Commission to undertake a review which, reports the Guardian, ‘will look at whether there are any gaps in the hate-crime legislation’, and propose measures to fill them in with even more legal cement.


What Multiculturalism Hides

Multiculturalism is not a manifestation of Europe's generosity, or some noble embodiment of love and truth. Multiculturalism is what remains after mass migration reveals itself as a threat, rather than a benefit, to the economies of European countries. The proponents of the new multiculturalism want to share their welfare states with masses of refugees

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who -- through no fault of their own -- will be unable to participate in financing themselves for a long time to come.


Let’s Open America’s Borders to Everyone Why not give up our country to mass immigration? We could save all the miserable, starving and helpless humans around the planet from their horrible conditions. Maybe it’s our destiny. At least 100,000,000 (million) Africans would move here in a week. Let’s save all of them. Another 300,000,000 (million) Indians would flee Calcutta and Mumbai tomorrow to move to America. Heck, at least 300,000,000 (million) Chinese would jump at the chance to move to America. Heck, look at Vancouver, BC Canada, now called Hongcouver.



Antifa Thugs Furious After Police Release Their Pics – Lets Make Them Famous!

People in Berkeley California and Portland, Oregon, arrested several members of Antifa over the weekend. Now, the Berkeley Police Department has released the names and headshots of many of the individuals arrested during a Sunday protest, posting their pictures and making the unhinged leftists furious. Let’s make these fools famous!


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Masked Antifa Mob Attacks Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys at Portland March

A masked antifa mob was filmed attacking a “Law and Order” march in Portland by Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys on Saturday night. As usual, antifa was caught initiating the violence after burning an American flag. Outlets like The Oregonian deceptively showed this video first to give the false impression the Patriot Prayer group and Proud Boys may have started the violence: Antifa was clearly trying to bust up their march and block their path.

Vandals Smash Windows, Deface Doors of Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan

Last night the Metropolitan Republican Club was vandalized by the leftist hate group Antifa, who also left a note promising ‘this is just the beginning’ and threatening more violence. “Our attack is merely a beginning. We are not passive, we are not civil, and we will not apologize,” the letter continues. Those of good conscience and clear mind know this state of oppression cannot remain.” Metropolitan Republican Club officials say they are not canceling their event with McInnes and that they will “move forward” from the vandalism.

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Amazon, Google,

Facebook, Twitter

Amazon Allowed Charity Donations to Extremist Group Close to UK Muslim Brotherhood Amazon has allowed its U.K. users to donate money to the Muslim Research and Development Fund, a group whose key figure has espoused beliefs described as “misogynistic, racist and homophobic,” according to a report. Haitham al-Haddad, the MRDF’s founder and former chairman, has been called “one of the most dangerous men in Britain” by the counter-extremist Quilliam Foundation due to his adherence to the Salafi movement within Sunni Islam. Terror groups such as Al Qaeda have embraced Salafism’s tenants of jihad across the world.


Facebook Purge: Here is The List of Pages Deleted by Facebook

As reported by The Western Journal, in what many are calling the “Facebook purge,” Facebook announced on Thursday that it removed over 559 political pages and 251 accounts in a clamp down on what the social media company calls “inauthentic behavior” in the lead-up to the midterm

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elections next month. This list of pages purged by Facebook contains nearly 61 million followers in total. Fan totals were recorded from the cache stored by Google.

Around the World


French hero, who sacrificed himself to save a hostage from an Islamist, won’t have a place named after him as ‘it may offend Muslims’

French hero Arnaud Beltrame, who sacrificed himself to save a hostage from an Islamist terrorist, won’t have a place named after him because it may upset Marseille’s huge Muslim.




Bestselling American author Anna Todd, 29, fearfully cancels her book signing in Germany

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A bestselling American author cancelled her talk at the prestigious Frankfurt book fair in Germany because she was left feeling unsafe after being harassed and verbally abused by a group of men at her hotel bar there. In a series of tweets, Todd said the unidentified men 'harassed us for hours' and 'called us sad, stupid women who they don't want to f***!' She alerted the German police but felt they did not take her concerns seriously and cared more about protecting the identities of her harassers than about her.


Equal Backbone and Heart – Only in Israel!

I think too many of us in the Diaspora simply do not understand the enormous challenge Israel faces in maintaining the Jewish ideals of courage and compassion whilst contending with staggering obstacles and existential threats. I’m proud of my Jewish heritage, I’m proud to have been born in Israel, and I am enormously proud of how Israelis have built an exemplary society with equal parts of backbone and heart.


Italy Deports Radical Imam, Muslims Who Want to Kill ‘White Tourists,’ ‘Christians’ The Italian government has announced the deportation of three African migrants suspected of close ties with Islamist terrorist groups, including one who had expressed the desire to kill “white tourists” and “Christians”. The Ministry of the Interior led by Matteo Salvini released a statement on Friday with a brief description of the three men, adding that they had been identified as linked to “Islamic extremism”, were judged to be “a danger for national security”, and therefore “repatriated.”


Palestinian Authority

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Winds of War Brewing in Gaza

Over half of Gaza’s Palestinian labor force is unemployed. The Strip is plagued by chronic fuel and water shortages. Electricity is sporadic and raw sewage flows in the streets. The Hamas government in an effort to deflect attention away from its own venality and corruption is stoking the flames of violence. Violent rioting, damage to border infrastructure, sporadic rocket and mortar fire, terror tunnels, kite terror, IEDs and sniper fire are recurring themes that Israel must contend with on a daily basis from its genocidal Islamist neighbor.


Jordan jumps on Trump bandwagon leaving PLO way behind

Any lingering thought that the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) would have any role to play in President Trump’s soon to-be-released peace plan has vanished - after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that $165 million had been deducted from funding to the PLO because of its continuing “pay for slay” policy in breach of the Taylor Force Act. Jordan has now signalled its preparedness to replace the PLO by publicly supporting Trump. The Trump bandwagon is swinging into top gear—with Jordan in the box seat and the PLO left flailing way behind.

Saudi Arabia

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Khashoggi’s fate: Good luck finding allies with spotless hands

The Turks say they have audio and video evidence to prove their allegation. Let’s see it first, shall we? Because I no more trust the Turkish dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, than I do MBS. And Erdogan has no shortage of motives for skulduggery of his own. He has every reason to mistrust his Russian spouse-of-convenience, Vladimir Putin, when it comes to Syria. His currency just fell off a cliff and his banks are in trouble, so he could use some help from the International Monetary Fund. Funny how the Khashoggi story broke a few days before the Turks released the US pastor Andrew Brunson this weekend.

South Africa

Zulu King backs South African white farmers against land seizures

The leader of the Zulu tribe, King Goodwill Zwelithini chooses to ignore the SPLC (maybe he’s a dangerous racist in their book?) and warn of the dangers of this policy, apparently because he has noticed that after neighboring Zimbabwe enacted a similar measure, people starved. King Zwelithini does not want his tribesmen and women to starve. For that pragmatism, he is being excoriated.

united Kingdom

Whistle-blower Melanie Shaw, Imprisoned for Exposing Abuse.

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Melanie came forward with evidence of systematic child abuse and murder in the Beechwood children's home. But instead of receiving a medal of bravery for standing up and speaking out, Nottingham police harassed, threatened and bullied Melanie Shaw. Threatening phone calls, being followed by police cars, false arrests, to having a mob of police smash their way into her home. Why? simply because she had come forward to expose what was still happening to children in Beechwood child home.


United States

“You sowed the wind. For decades to come, I fear the whole country will reap the whirlwind.”

~ Justice Brett Kavanaugh ~

A looming sense of foreboding in America

“Is America headed for another Civil War?” Americans are wondering: Was James Hodgkinson, who nearly murdered Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, a precursor of more like him to come?

In the past, such bad actors have been a portent to wider destruction, as was the caning of Republican Pennsylvania Senator Charles Sumner on May 22, 1865, on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Sumner, a strict abolitionist, was attacked by Democrat Representative Preston Brooks from South Carolina after Sumner criticized slave holders. The brutal caning, that nearly killed Sumner, is seen today as representative of the decline in political civility that eventually led to the American Civil War.

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American Pastor Detained in Turkey Freed at Last

Two years after being incarcerated for bogus reasons by the authoritarian regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, American Pastor Andrew Brunson is a free man. President Trump’s dogged fight for his release made it possible.


Other Articles

A Tale of Two Women

Nadia Murad is a remarkable brave woman, a true survivor, a heroine fighting for justice for both men and women and the future of both women’s and human rights. Christine Ford is a professional victim, a throwback to female hysteria, the poster child for the infantilization of women, a disgrace to every woman who fought for women’s rights and an insult to every victim of sexual violence.


A Politically Incorrect Feminist by Bruce Bawer What really turned most of Phyllis Chesler's longtime cronies against her was her post-9/11 criticism of the systematic Islamic subordination of women, as exemplified by polygamy, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor killings, and the hijab, niqab, and burka – topics on which Chesler has become a world-class expert. In the view of today's feminist establishment, she learned, denouncing the “brown man” for what he does to the “brown woman” simply isn't done: it's racism, pure and simple. This disgraceful and pusillanimous attitude, needless to say, reflects the ultimate failure of a movement that, as Chesler herself laments, has been poisoned by multiculturalism and mired in “conformity and totalitarian herd thinking.”

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Move Over Vagina Costumes: Fendi Debuts $990 Designer 'Vulva Scarf'



Human Rights for Rapists with Pat Condell The only right that a foreign rapist should have in Europe is the right to

step on a plane and be banished from Europe for life.

Rowan Atkinson on England and Freedom of Speech This was five years ago. Look around at the state of society today, and it is absolutely clear that every word Atkinson said here fell upon totally deaf ears.

Tommy Robinson | Support Bev: Woman Fired for Joining Political Party! - Unbelievable

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Tommy Robinson of tells the shocking story of a Yorkshire woman fired after she joined the For Britain party. Tommy has already confronted her boss, but now he's taking this fight to the next level.

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