Page 1: THE Men's Suits for fVhen £'s Suits for $7.50 fVhen That WereLines $12.50Were Completeand $15 at Now That

Men's Suits for $7.50That Were $12.50 and $15

fVhenLines Were Complete

at Now That We Have Only a Few ofEach ?You Can Buy Them at Half

Price or Near ItAll Sixes However?from 33 to 42-inch ?inSome Good Pattern or Other?and At Well?aFew of the "Extra Stoata" for Bigger Men

'-A Mofct of these Suitt are made in the good,everyday business style?the Wind of clothesmost of us like to wear.

They are rather well tailored and aremade without any fancy feature* or "Do

** Hickeys" just good, dependable > 'otlie.smade up into conservative, three-button sacksuits.

There are » few good blue serges in thelot?something you don't often find- in asale of suits at $7.50 and some nice pin andhair-line stripes as well.

ys' Better School Suitsave All Been Reduced1% $5 Suit# reduced to $3.50

V $7 and $7.50 Suitt at $5 k\rV $8.50 Suits cut to $6.38


r®' $10 Suitt cut to $7.50V $12.50 Suit« cut to $9.38 \u2713

Our better llnea of Boys' Suits haveftn reduced, so thin la a aplendldme for thoee who like to u>f We

t'nlon Street I\ have the Itulxartan style with stitchedSide. J on belt, or the Norfolk style with

V fl knife or box plait* Panta are alltaped aeama and all rome lined, except those selllnc for $3 50. Tweed*. In »<**? from sup to

rasstmeres. cheviots and a few serßes { IT years.

Another Surprising Sale of Women's Kid Gloves

At 98c a Pair r^\Six Hundred Pain of $1.25 and $I.SO Gloats Are Invoked WjAT

in the Sale?in a Fall Range of Sizes?from 5 /-2 to 8 AAnd no matter what your "Kid Glovs Likes" are, you will

bo almost sure to f'nd scmethlnK you want bere--there are'


>tne French Kid Gloves. Heavy Street Capes. Mochas and V,

And lots of Rood shades to choose from?Tans. Grays. Blacks. 1White. Champagne. Reds. Greens and Narva




Boy*' 35c Underwear 25c 50c Wool Stocking* 39c \ Wool Union SuiU $1.35*<W> pieces of Boy*


IT-avr Tlaln Women's fine quality all-wool | "Elliotl Mills" Hlandard fnlonnd*rw#ar--ahtrt« AM Cuhm«r« Hnaa?f»«t black, in I *Olt«. whit® and natural *mr.* * 14 years?ln


, ( ! * .) weight, with lon* ilr.vrtor *nr »« "c ?*"> "


*H> *\u25a0 *n,! ' 0 J *' " ! an.l hl«h neck, slssa »< to t« .t~, , . i ?» t> *,r Have rray merino heel* and »|ji

Women ? Imported Hose j25c Pair $1.25 Union SuiU at 50c *2 50 Un,on SuiU *L7S

Flna quality H«-rmsdorf fast Women'. Ml Glofce Wool t'nlon Hulls. worthblack Cotton st. . kin«. with


m '

T**' .

' "'°n !15 o« and I! »\u2666- tailor msd.doubla topj. tola*. h«al* and toaa. Suit*, worth 91.3 a an«! white »t»arn ahrunkm. «!*-? Mto «4?Is*# IS ttrlO. cotton tlltt from It up to *0. | ?l»««rr Mala Kl««r

Washington Creamery Butter *\u25a0 *

OO 1 On i ritteenth Annual rare rood Show1-ZC a i OUnO Th* M«c«l and best we have ever

held. Everybody la Invited to come and?EST QUALITY FRESH CHURNED BUTTER 32! ,e LB. have a «ood lime -Fourth Floor.

Pare Peaaaf natter, your Caraatlaa Milk, no phone or- IfL. MiriKm>tlnu» lOr I kchoi<-« nf or I'.irter'a. ders an 1 not over 1 cans to mar»nmsiiuw» iZr\. l.u.

two of tbs purest «Q1 . a customer. J Oft? Toaslad M«f*hmallows?fr««n and soft,

and best, pound. .. . lfclC ran* . &UC died la eeenl) losWM MMSSII ,«alwr-

Shoaldrr Ham*. modium ii?.i r j h.~ oe Ur on "r ?' I*' » pound worth ragularlywalCbt. proparjr a«oka4 and

" * 35c 10" -I?*... rw.

der». pound 12c «ala 4. mad* from tb* Popular 15c Music at 10cItefJlsiier Ceffee. our p'-pu- best f»klm« IIUIIMand ,:f . ~r ,

terjfcc *rads. frs.h- 07 I purest mayonnaise. |A 1 ~|,r at ! : ?*iy |<«, With Me,"ly ffeasted pound "' H pound I*.Z poor Pauline and K. . k M* In theSK,'". !r»S'.<' ,,s v?'s-


sss.r.":. isc 7c M»d. f?Xmpthm ar Uklte Ijiaadrr Kleeerrd llerrtac. No. Have you i«en (h» n«w danr«* a* per.Saay. Hon Marche brand, two oval tin. new pa k. 1 ft? '""-Tried j>» Miss l!*tty 1* and Pr»fof the very best. A , fln« luality. can lUC Wayne« >nr N . ch»-it* to w.trhb»r . .. ... 'fc Konrlk Kloar. In the «l*th Hour < afs from 11

'<> 1 t> m

On Sale from9A.'M. to 12 OnlySaturday Morning Specials?That Make It Exceedingly Profitable to Yob to Do Yoar SaturdayShopping Before Noon?No Telephone Orders Can Be Accepted for These Forenoon Bargains

Bobbinet Curtains, Worth \ 15c Lonsdale Cambric \

to 50c Each 11 r\ 36 Inches Wide /0 .

600 »ample piece* of high-grade Im-> IIJ (* Jxw>*dale Cambric. 38 Inch** wide .) Vported Bobbinet Curtain*. Itol >4 yard*( XVV length* to 10 yard*, not over 12 yard* 1long, for long or lhort wlndowa?from! I to each; from 9 a m to 12 at 8 l-3c J9 a. m. to 12 10c each. Third Floor. / * r»rd. Lower Main Floor.

Women's 19c Waist Aprons \ 75c Seamless Bed Sheets >

Special 11 r\ 81*90, Each'

Women'* Wat*t Apron*. "Second*" of; II I /"* Heavy, Seamier* lied Sheet*. *lz« 81* ' f*19c kind, of good quality (gingham, full! V/ V* 80 Inche*, every* thread free fromivJ*JC?lie with pocket?9 a. m. to 12 at 10c. I dre**lng. on *ale from 9 a. m. to 12/Second Floor. / at 65c. Lower Main Floor.

Remnants of 50c and 75c i Women's 10c Black CottonSilks, Yard 'nr Hose, Pair _

Plain and Fancy Silks, lengtha of 1/)Kf j 300 pair* of Women * Fan! Black I Rf*to 10 yard*, In crepe*, poplin*, pongee,. : Seamle** Cotton Stocking*. *lze* 8\4,( *-/V*me»*allne and Tu**ah Silk, 9a.m. to 12) j9. 9V4 at 6c from 9a. in to 12 Lower]at 25c. Upper Main Floor. I j Main Floor. '

25c Batiste \2Y2 c Yard Men's 25c Ties 10c Ea. $8.00 Sweaters $4.95 Ea.Mercerized Batlat*? 36 Inche* Men'* Knitted Tlea?fiber *llk. Pacific Mill* be*t quality

wide, fine, crlap and ih*«r, from jn hundred of prtrttjr pattern*, Hhakor Knit Pun* Wonted9a. m. to 12 at 12*40 a yard. frr>ni 12 at 10c *ach. Sweater for wornrn and m#?n

?Lower Main Floor. Value 25c. ?Lower Main Floor. 3fi red and gray. 9

Dr. Denton Sleeping Rug , #t 39c10 12 ,4^ower Mtln F)oor

r. ?Nice little Rug*. 27 inche* $1.00 Headwear 10cB '**p,n * ? ar ' w| 'l" 3,i ""*«« lon *- worth ,n Children* Fait Hat* and Bear

,? ?-> 80c?tape*try brii**el«. nicely Skin Bonnet*. In varlou* color*.

. r/.k 1 PRr fringed?9 to 12 at J9c. worth to II 00 from 9am tocent off the regular price

_Thlr(l Floor ,, 2 Rt , of. ? _9 , cond Floor

?Lower Main Floor .« T ? __

10c Naokin* 5c Hundred Boys' 25c Waists 18c _ ?

a Spoons 25cp nunarea . ? Tea Spoon* ? *et of *lx?Crepe Paper Napkin*?pure Chamhray and Neat Hlrloed nlrk » l silver, plain and fancy

EV,So mV:,° WalM " for h" yK *t" '"


hPnr h c'",,nm»,r-

--11 Voc il mI n Pllo!' ,r""' \u25a0»\u25a0tol2 «l 18c. none delivered 9am. to 12.

OA di~| c . »-Upper Main Floor. _

-Low.r Main Floor.20c Black Sateen 8c

.Toilet Paper, 8 for 25c

Mill »nrt* of good quality Zsc IjUimpeS at 10c Ea. Japanese Crepn Toilet I'aperBlack Mercerized Sateen Lin- Oillmpe* of *hadow lac«a with ?5c rolla 9 a m. to 12 at RIn**, aultable for nklrtK, walit* hl«b atandlriK collar* and draw roll* for 25c. Not over 8 rolUand lining*?9 to 12 at. Bc. string*. 9 a m. w 12 at 10c to each. None dollvnred,

?Upper Main Floor, each. ?Upper Main Floor. ? Lowir Main Floor.

B. &M. Chicken T«m«lee?piping hot, each ICe. Count#' Fourth Floor.

bonMAR CHEUnion St.?Second Ave.?Pike Bt.?Be»ttle Telephone Elliott 4100



(irorßn W. Ilelmont, inntioKxr for th« John l)r«re l'low Co., foundIhnt liv «ome trlrk t»f fate the ri-ntauranla tin vlalicil thr«-<' days 111aucreaalon were Juat out of the dlahea he had madn Up Ula mind hewan tad for lunch.

Thla hsppenad Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuraday.llOt hn figured out a way to beat the hiwjdoo."I'm Rolim to make up my mind to hava something I don't want

'I hen, when I learn they are ]u*t out of It. I'll ordor something I reullylike," aaya the resourceful Mr Ilalmont.

e e e e aCoualn llaall Iteddlng, who alwaya protests ngalnst the practice of

serving grapefruit with the Insldes all hacked out, and the no lensreptrhenslbln ruatom of tiitnmlns the edge* of buttered toast, aaya theworat happened Thursday

It was an order of buckwheat cakea for breakfaat at a fashionablerestaurant,

"They came to tha tahln with thn edges pinked," reports the out-raged Mr. Redding.

? ? ? ? ?

Or. Varney A. Kelley, dnntlat In the Cobb building, pulled a toothfor r youu* man Then he atepped Into an adjoining room.

When he returned the young man waa gone. Without paying thehill.

"And when he went, he took my new umbrella with him," complalna the Indignant Dr. Kelley.

BUILD FREIGHTERS FOR SEATTLENtW YORK, Jan. 19.?Two great new frelghtera deaigned

for the lumbar carrying trade from Puget aound, and a thirdfor ganeral merchandiae. to replace the Waehlngtonlan, whichfoundered Tueaday, are to be built at once for the American-Hawaiian Co. They will coat 11,000,000 each, arut will be de-livered within one year.

FAMOUS CATS ON EXHIBITIONHave you aoen l»rtl Heaconafleld? Or Jullua Caesar? Or Emperor

Napoleon?NoT Well, you ran give Vm the once-over for a few Jltneya at the

former Cadlen cafeteria, Second ave and Union atThey're there In living form -very murh alive and kicking, and

there are other member* of royalty and arlatocracy also.In fact, there la acarcely a cat on exhibition at thla annual ahow of

the Queen City Cat club that haan't a blue blooded titlePerhap* your hlatory may be ruaty and you may fall to recognise

auch a dlatlnguUhed name aa I'olnaetlla Wng de /.<?»»«, but reat aaauredahe'a a very arlatocratle cat. Juat the aame

The ahow will remain open until 10 p. m. Saturday.

60EW DEMONSTRATED TOO WELLTORT ORCHARD, Jan 29- Ooew Ijiiik, on (rial for the killing of

Ah il«« In a quarrel In a Chlneae laundry a few weeka ago, waa foundguilty of manalaughter yeaterday Ho claimed aeirdefenae

At the Inqueatl I.ting waa aakfxt to demonatratn how be killed AhHee. the Interpreter to Imperaonate the de*d man. The Interpreterheld the revolrer with which Ah Hee waa aald to have threatened (kww

Lang.Ily a wreatllng trick Ooew I.ung threw the Interpreter over hla

ahoulder, snatching the revolver out of hla hand at the aame time TheInterpreter fell ao hard he waa knocked unconarloua, and be didn'tcome to for an hour.

At the trial yeaterday Ooew l«ung waa again aaked to enact thetragedy, I'roaecutlng Attorney Arthur C. M< I.ano aaaumlng the role ofAh Hee hadn't beard of what Ooew Lung did to the Interpreter.

Mrljine flew over Lung * head The gun waa snatched away, andthe butt waa brought down on Mc|j»ne a forehead with auch force thatIt waa broken. An Intermlaalon waa bad while a doctor patched up theproaecutor

The Jury found that Ooew couldn't have bad much to fearfrom Ab Hee


WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.?Moroa In tho Philippine who arenow living |r polygamy may conllnuo to do ao.

Bui If any othar Moroa not alroarfy polygamlati attempt totaha plural wlvaa, thay will be atoppad by Uncle Sam. Thli lawhat the aanata committee on Philippine lalanda decided today.It waa agreed that ealatlng polygamy among theae aavaga peoplewould not be Interfered with, but th t any further polygamywould be atrlctly prohibited.

THREE SHEEP WITH ONE SHOTThree mountain aheep with on* ahot la a hunting exploit

In which eclona of three wall-known New YorV famillee fig-ured. H. Carey Morgan, who la In Seattle today on hie wayhorn* from Alaaka. waa the Nlmrod. Hla companlona wereMorgan Belmont, aon of Auguet Belmont, and C. O. laalln, Jr.

They have been paaalng aome monthe In the McKlnleydistrict, under the guidance of Harry Karatene, famoua North-ern eourdough. Belmont and laalln remained In for anothermonth to trap apaclmana for the Agaaalt Muaeum of NaturalMletory at Harvard.

The parly'* trophl** Include nine caribou haada, flva aheapand aavaral bearsklna, cna being from a grlxzly 8 faat 9 Irtcheefrom tip to tip, killed by laalln.

CRIED FOR BABIES; IS SLAINHOUSTON, Jan 29 ?Ward S. Snyder. aon of a wealthy hanker and

«>ll man of Pitt*four*, died today from the effect* of polaon taken Thura-day, after he had killed hla wife, formerly an opera alnger.

Snyder recovered con*clou*ne*« »hortly foefore ho died. He aald hewai temporarily Inaane when he cut hi* wife'* throat.

"My wife," aald Snyder, "*«* unable to forget her three childrenby her former hu*foand. She foeKK"<l continually to he allowed to returnto them Thl*, coupled with dl**lpatlon. crazed me and I killed her."KAI.I«S etaoln ahrdlu cmfwy p vbgkqj nununununu

F'hyalclan* at the Seattle General ho*pltal Friday reported thatMarie Shea. 4 year* old, who fell from a third-floor balcony at theKapenolla apartment*. 1415 11th aw., Thur*day. ha* a good chance forrecovery.

The girl wu playing with some children of her own age when theaccident occurred.

WANTS TO SEE HOW IT'S DONEObYMPTA. Jan 29 ?Frederick W. Davenport, profe**< r of political

economy at Hamilton college, and recent progre**|ve candidate for gov.ernor of New York, (pent Thursday here to *eo the Wn*hington legisla-ture In action Ho 1* making a tour of the Middle Welt and the Pa-cific coaat. atudylng political condition*. aoclology and legl*latlon.

WILL IGNORES THE DUKECINCINNATI, Jan 29.?The will of the late Eugene Zimmerman.

dl*po*lng of a large eatate, wa* filed today for probate, Zimmerman'*aon-ln-law, the duke of Manchester, I* Ignored entirely and the cMateI* left to the diichea*, to be heid In truat for her or her heir* until 21year* after her death.

PUSHING SEAMEN'S BILLWASHINGTON. Jan. 2?.?The acnate and hou*e confereea on the

*eamen'a labor bill will meet tonight In an endeavor to reach a com-promlae agreement which both houae* will accept.


Most every prleoner that It lodged In the county jail It first takento the police etatlon, booked and placed In a cell. After a few otherpreliminaries he It then turned over to a deputy eherlff and taken tothe county jail.

Thua, the time of deputlet It considerably coneumed In traneferrlngprleonert from city to county Jail. Were the two Jails combined?andto all Intente and purpoaee they ought to be?there would be a lavingof many thoueandt of dollara to the taxpayers. There would be noneed of separate county and city Jallere. Either the chief of police orand eherlfi could alone very well handle the cuetody of prisoners. Thebuying of food for the prleoners, the employment of cooks, and bakers,etc. would not have to be duplicated.

By Joining the county and city Jail* under one head, the taxpayerswould sav* money every day In the year.

p . ... , Direct-

s. Frederick" £t-Nf.lscwSilk Petticoats Reduced to $3.50

nROKEN lines />l Mescaline, Jersey and Crepe dr Chine PeUi'oats (100' inall) regular and extra sizes, in a clearance Saturday at

Klr*t Floor?


New Shipment Just Received! On the TableSquare Saturday

iIMEance at very low prima.

**fttti jf% .


?the popular, long-wear-ing, illwool Norfolk /j\ |/i \ fSuits fur Hoys. /£>_/% ;[' l/jKIA ( \

A smart new spring \ I \

model, with stitched- Ih. \ J Idown belt and patch V Jpockets, made up accord- L -'*if 4 j\ \ing to our rigid I)RF.AP- ill yNAUGHT (copyright) V| Ujfflmr,i- COMING

Sizes 6 to 18 years. ]\ J» A 8ELIJNO of unua-Always one price: uai importance In

B l)resa Hllks, In which sev-

I v j x .. ir|l flwwHl yarda ofr lve Dollars \u25a0 V new Hlack and Fancy

Silk* will b« offered atV v « V very attractive prlrea.

(VN'ith Two Pairs of Full- Benlna Monday, Feh-lined Knickerbockers.) ?/"«*K ruary lat.

?a«fond floor.

New Arrivals in theFashionable Bordered Veils

comprise refined novelties in shadow and single patterns

on various styles of meshes, in

i The New Sand Color

/ \ as well as white, black, brown,

I //JFWft \ preen and navy-blue. The chic

( I flaring effect is attained in\ , I certain of these Veils by the

\ '/ Hy /{'' J w 'r ' nK border\. y The prices are attractive:

$100, 51.25, $1.50 to $4.50.

New Veilings by the Yard include some very pleasingnovelties patterned on ine filet, craquele and hexagonmeshes, among them the new "Vinet" Veiling, whichshows a delicately executed floral spray or vine designeffectively arranged on a novelty mesh background.

?Ftrat Floor,

Striped Silks toBe Popular

STRIPHO Silks arcassured a promi-

nent place among the

favored fabrics for thisSpringes costumes anddresses. F.arly arrivalsin our Silk Section in-

clude :

Striped MessallnesStriped Taffetas

Striped FaillesStriped Bengalines

Striped Radium Silks

In an attractive selection ofn«w and ataple coloring*. Ineffect* ranging from thenarrow pin atrip* to thewide pencil or rope stripe.

?Flr*t Floor.


New Displays of Millinery MaterialsAt Attractive Prices

fTI RIMMINGS are so simple and so easily appliedJL this season that the work of the home milliner

,has been simplified to a great extent. Spring dis-plays of Millinery Materials include:

Untrimmed Black Milan Hats in smart sailor and

'* £& ?il 'urban shapes, moderately priced at $3.95.~ / *? \u25a0 Fine Milan Hemp Shapes in Black, Sand-color,

? i Battleship-gray, Servian-blue, Cardinal and White,y ?S I i in tricome, pointed turban and sailor effects,

f \ 92.95.y Untrimmed Hats of Plain Hemp and Satin-and-

straw combinations in brown, sand-color, black and< navy. $1.95.

Untrimmed Satin and Poplin Turbans Untrimmed Sailors of Satin and Pop-in sand-color and brown, $1-95. v lin in sand-color and light-tan, $2.95.

Trimmings arc all on the small, compact order and include flat Roses, little clus-ters of french Fruit and Berries, Grapes, Daisies, combinations of Flowers withGrasses, Buckles, Grass Aigrettes, Pompons and Cockades. ?n**ement salesroom

New Arrivals in Misses' andChildren's Shoes

ISSES' and Children's "Spartan"1 p « Button Shoes, made over com-/ fc \ fortable, broad-toe last, with gun-N. y \ metal or patent kid vamp and leather

or eraveneUe cloth top. Sires 6 to 8,

91.50 pair; B}4 to 11, $1.75 pair;\\y> to 2, $2.00; 2yi to 6, $2.50

New "Mary Jane" Pumps for Misses and Children,made of patent vici kid, with hand-turned soles. Sizes2to 5, 90<* pair; syi to 8. $1.25 pair; Sy 2 to 11,$1.50 pair; 11 >4 to 2, $2.00 pair; 2% to 6, $2.50pair.

Clearing Broken LinesChildren's Shoes

Boys' Patent and Gun-metal Calf Button Shoes insizes tyi to syi, reduced to $1.65 pair.

Broken Lines of Children's Shoes in sizes 6 to 11,reduced to $1.45 pair.

Shinola Shoe Polish, special s<* box; 6 boxes for25f. ? Hna<*mrnt Salesroom,



39c?p rac 11 ca 1 l\ ikAcover ? all A jjtjApron* of good I Igrade checked /gingham In lav- ' j \ender, pink. r/Wj |light - blue or jfa jl'j'j ! ||navj- and white, \m |, jwith neck,' TO | 'shoulder seams,

pocket, turn- Vback cuffs and 1 »

strap piped I,with white. JL_ 3-*^Special S»<».


Ladles' HoiVie JournalPatterns

?-Ftrut Floor.

?Btßfment Salesroom.

Undermuslins at Reduced PricesBROKEN lines and soiled garments remaining from the special January sell-

ing, sharply reduced as follows:Clowns reduced to 50<\ 59* and 75*.Combinations reduced to 39*, 50<* and 59*.Corset Covers reduced to 19t, 25<* and 35*. ? Satonroom.

Top Related