Page 1: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously

Annual Research Report 2011

Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics andstatistical Bioinformatics

Hasselt University & Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Page 2: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously
Page 3: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously

Short contents

Short contents · iii

1 Introduction to I-Biostat · 1

2 Staff · 3

3 Scientific Publications · 5

4 PhD thesis · 17

5 Talks in 2011 · 19

6 Short Courses, Guest Professorships, Tutorials · 29

7 Organization of scientific activities in 2011 · 33

8 Grants obtained in 2011 · 35

9 Prizes, titles, medals, nominations · 37

10 Research cooperation · 39

11 Association Membership · 41


Page 4: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Introduction to I-Biostat

For two decades, the Hasselt and Leuven entities have assumed responsibility over educa-tion, scientific consulting, and research in biostatistics, bioinformatics, and statistics. Overtime, strong collaborative links have been forged between both. The two groups are nowjoining forces in an interuniversity institute. What is in it as added value?

A Broader Scientific Basis

Strengths and specialties of both groups are brought together. I-BioStat encompasses about60 highly trained collaborators. In Hasselt, Professor Marc Aerts is the head of CenStat.For L-BioStat in Leuven, this role is taken up by Professor Geert Verbeke. The interuni-versity institute is led by Professor Geert Molenberghs, who holds appointments in bothuniversities. Two foci: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics I-BioStat will extend and furtherdevelop its activities in biostatistics, statistical bioinformatics, and genetics. By means ofadditional appointments at professorial and postdoctoral level, and through project-basedinvestments. Jointly, Leuven and Hasselt are creating a truly impressive platform.

Scientific Consulting

I-BioStat is devoted to high-level scientific consulting and contract research. Synergiesbetween Hasselt and Leuven are made to value. The new institute can accommodate moreand larger studies. Specifically, you can count on I-BioStat for:

1. Biostatistics U bioinformatics U statistics in the biosciences2. Internal statistical advice3. Internal and external consulting4. Partnership in projects with biostatistics and/or bioinformatics components5. Partner in clinical and epidemiological studies

Education and Service Courses

I-BioStat is given responsibility over an extensive course portfolio for the master pro-grams in statistics and biostatistics, at UHasselt and K.U.Leuven, and for the medical andbiomedical programs. Furthermore, the institute will gladly develop tailor-made courses:internal as well as for industry, the government, and the broader academic community.

A Jump Start

On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. Theimportance of the event was underscored by simultaneously conferring an interuniversitydoctor honoris causa upon Professor Norman Breslow, from the University of Washingtonat Seattle.


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Page 6: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously



Full-time FacultyMarc Aerts (director of CenStat) (H)Roel Braekers (H)Christel Faes (H)Niel Hens (H)Paul Janssen (H)Geert Molenberghs (director of I-BioStat)(H, L)Ziv Shkedy (H)Geert Verbeke (director of L-BioStat) (H, L)

Part-time FacultyLuc Bijnens (H)Tomasz Burzykowski (H)Marc Buyse (H)Lieven Clement (H, L)Luc Duchateau (H)Helena Geys (H)Emmanuel Lesaffre (H, L)Herbert Thijs (director for consultancy I-BioStat) (H)Joost Weyler (H)

Postdoctoral & Senior ResearchersKris Bogaerts (L)Liesbeth Bruckers (H)An Creemers (H)Steffen Fieuws (L)Nele Goeyvaerts (H)Philippe Haldermans (H)Annouschka Laenen (L)Dan Lin (H)Francesca Solmi (H)Tina Sotto (H)Pushpike Thilakarathne (H)

EmeritiHerman Callaert (H)Emmy Van Kerkhove (H)Noël Veraverbeke (H)

Predoctoral & Scientific ResearchersDoreen Abainenamar (H)Steven Abrams (H)Michèle Ampe (L)Amin Azmon (H)Ann Belmans (L)Yovanna Castro Sanchez (H)Sammy Chebon (H)Jurgen Claesen (H)David Dejardin (L)Emanuele Del Fava (H)Achmad Efendi (L)Bedilu Ejigu (H)Chella Ensoy (H)Mehreteab Fantahun Aregay (L)Chiara Forcheh Anyiawung (L)Leandro Garcia Barrado (H)Candida Geerdens (H)Yves Grouwels (H)Aklilu Habteab Ghebretinsae (H)Samuel Iddi (L)Stijn Jaspers (H)George Kalema (L)Tatsiana Khamiakova (H, L)Fei Meng (H)Joris Menten (L)Elasma Milanzi (H)Girma Minalu Ayele (H)Kathy Mutambanengwe (H)


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Timothy Mutsvari (L)Thembile Mzolo (H)Thomas Neyens (H)Edmund Njagi (H)Ruth Nysen (H)Martin Otava (H)Nolen Joy Perualila (H)Leen Prenen (H)Birhanu Teshome Ayele (H)Koen Van der Borght (L)Kim Van Kerckhove (H)Robin Van Oirbeek (L)

Yannick Vandendijck (H)Welcome Wami (H)Fatemeh Zamanzad Ghavidel (H)

SecretariatKris Callaert (H)Martine Machiels (H)Viviane Mebis (H)Hilde Pirard (H)Kirsten Verhaegen (L)

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Scientific Publications



− Braekers, R., and Gaddah, A. (2011). Flexible Modelling in the Koziol-Green Modelby a Copula function. Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, 40, 1218–1235.

− Burzykowski, T. and Buyse, M. (2011). The correlation structure of longitudinal mea-surements of vision in patients with macular degeneration. Pharmaceutical Statistics,10, 115–121.

− Buyse, M., Squifflet, P., Lange, B.J., Alonzo, T.A., Larson, R.A., Kolitz, J.E., George,S.L., Bloomfield, C.D., Castaigne, S., Chevret, S., Blaise, D., Maraninchi, D., Lucchesi,K.J., and Burzykowski, T, (2011). Individual patient data meta-analysis of random-ized trials evaluating interleukin-2 monotherapy as remission maintenance therapyin acute myeloid leukemia. Blood, 117, 7007–7013.

− Castro-Sanchez A., Shkedy Z., Hens N., Aerts M., Geskus R., Prins M., Wiessing L.,Kretzschmar M. (2011), Estimating the force of infection for HCV in injecting drugusers using interval-censored data. Epidemiol Infect. 2011 Sep 12:1-11

− Creemers, A., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Shkedy, Z., De Smet, F., Beutels, P. (2011). Re-vealing age-specific past and future unrelated costs of pneumococcal infections byflexible generalized estimating equations. Journal of applied statistics, 38, 1533–1547.

− De La Fe Rodriguez, P.Y., Coddens A., Del Fava E., Cortinas J., Shkedy Z., MarotoMartin L.O., Cruz Munoz E., Duchateau L., Cox E., Goddeeris B.M. (2011). Highprevalence of F4(+) and F18 (+) Escherichia coli in Cuban piggeries as determined byserological survey, Tropical animal health and production, 43(5), 937–946

− Degórska, B. and Burzykowski, T. (2011). Outcome of triple pelvic osteotomy in dogsis established within a month after the surgery. Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute inPulawy, 55, 485–492.

− Del Fava, E., Kasim, A.S., Usman, M., Shkedy, Z., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Bollaerts, K.,Scalia Tomba, G., Vickerman, P., Sutton, A.J., Wiessing, L. and Kretzschmar, M. (2011)The Co-Infection between HCV and HIV: A Joint Modeling Approach. StatisticalCommunications in Infectious Diseases, 3, 1, 1

− Del Fava E., Shkedy Z., Hens N., Aerts M., Suligoi B., Vallejo F., Wiessing L., Kret-zschmar M. (2011) Joint Modeling of HCV and HIV Infections among Injecting DrugUsers in Italy Using Repeated Cross-Sectional Prevalence Data. Statistical Commu-nications in Infectious Diseases; 3, 1, 3

− Delva, W., Beauclair, R., Welte, A., Vansteelandt, S., Hens, N., Aerts, M., du Toit,E., Beyers, N. and Temmerman, M. (2011). Age-disparity, sexual connectedness and


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HIV infection in disadvantaged communities around Cape Town, South Africa: astudy protocol. BMC Public Health, 11, 616.

− Den Hond, E., Dhooge, W., Bruckers, L. et al. (2011). Internal exposure to pollu-tants and sexual maturation in Flemish adolescents. Journal of Exposure Science andEvironmental Epidemiology, 21, 224–233.

− De Preter, V., Ghebretinsae, A. H., Abrahantes, J. C., Windey, K., Rutgeerts, P. andVerbeke, K. (2011). Impact of the Synbiotic combination Lactobacillus casei shirotaand Oligofructose enriched Inulin on the Fecal Volatile Metabolite Profile in healthysubjects. Molecular Nutrition and Food Reseach, 55,5, 714–722.

− Dhooge, W., Den Hond, E., Gudrun, K., Bruckers, L. et al. (2011). Internal exposureto pollutants and sex hormone levels in Flemish male adolescents in a cross-sectionalstudy: associations and dose-response relationships. Journal of Exposure Scienceand Evironmental Epidemiology, 21, 106–113.

− Faes, C., Aerts, M., Litiere, S., Meroc, E., Van der Stede, Y., Mintiens, K. (2011). Esti-mating the herd prevalence based on aggregate testing of animals, Journal of the RoyalStatistical Society, Series A, 174, 155–174.

− Faes, C., Ormerod, J.T. and Wand, M.P. (2011). Variational Bayesian inference forparametric and nonparametric regression with missing data. Journal of the Ameri-can Statistical Association, 106, 959–971.

− Flasche, S., Hens, N., Boëlle, P.Y., Mossong, J., van Ballegooijen, W.M., Nunes, B.,Rizzo, C., Popovici, F., Santa-Olalla, P., Hrubá, F., Parmakova, K., Baguelin, M.,van Hoek, A.J., Desenclos, J.C., Bernillon, P., M., Larrauri Cámara, A., Wallinga, J.,Asikainen, T., White, P.J., Edmunds, W.J. (2011) Different transmission patterns inthe early stages of the influenza A(H1N1)v pandemic: a comparative analysis of 12European countries, Epidemics. 3, 125–133

− Gaddah, A. and Braekers, R. (2011). An extension of the Koziol-Green model underdependent censoring. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 23, 439-453.

− Gijbels, I., Veraverbeke, N. and Omelka, M. (2011). Conditional copulas, associationmeasures and their applications. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55,1919–1932.

− Goeyvaerts, N., Hens, N., Aerts, M. and Beutels, P. (2011) Model structure analy-sis to estimate basic immunological processes and maternal risk for parvovirus B19.Biostatistics, 12, 283–302.

− Hens, N., Van Ranst, M., Aerts, M., Robesyn, E, Van Damme, P., and Beutels, P.(2011). Estimating the effective reproduction number for pandemic influenza fromnotification data made publicly available in real time: a multi-country analysis forinfluenza A/H1N1v 2009. Vaccine, 29, 896–904.

− Horby, P., Thai, P.Q., Hens, N., Yen, N.T.T., Mai, L.Q., Thoang, D.D. Nguyen ManhLinh, Nguyen Thu Huong, Neal Alexander, W John Edmunds, Tran Nhu Duong,Annette Fox, Nguyen Tran Hien Social contact patterns in Vietnam and implicationsfor the control of infectious diseases. PLoS One, 6(2): e16965.DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0016965

− Janssen, P. and Duchateau, L. (2011). Discussion on ’inference for multivariateArchimedean copula models. Test, 20, 271–275

− Keunen, E., Tryens, S., Bruckers, L., et al. (2011). Survival of Cd-exposed Arabidop-sis thaliana: Are these plants reproductively challenged? Plant Physiology and Bio-chemistry, 49, 1084–1091.

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− Lefevere, E., Hens, N., Theeten, H., Van den Bosch, K., Beutels, P., De Smet, F. and VanDamme, P. Like mother, like daughter? Mother’s history of cervical cancer screen-ing and daughter’s Human Papillomavirus Vaccine uptake in Flanders (Belgium).Vaccine 29 , 26, 8390–8396.

− Lefevere, E., Hens, N., De Smet, F., Van Damme, P. (2011) Dynamics of HPV vaccina-tion initiation in Flanders (Belgium) 2007-2009: a Cox regression model. BMC PublicHealth, 11, 470.

− Leuridan E., Hens N., Peeters N., De Witte L., Van der Meeren, O., Van DammeP. (2011) Effect of an Adult Pertussis Booster Dose on Maternal Antibody Titers inYoung Infants. PIDJ. 30(7), 608–610.

− Levin O., Cuypers K., Netz Y., Thijs H., Nuttin B., Helsen W. and Meesen R. (2011)Age-related differences in human corticospinal excitability during simple reactiontime, Neuroscience Letters, 1, 53–57

− Luyten, J., Marais C., Hens, N., De Schrijver, K. and Beutels, P. (2011) ImputingQALYs from single time point health state descriptions on the EQ-5D and the SF-6D: a comparison of methods for hepatitis A patients, Value in Health, 14, 282–290.

− Nawrot, T., Vos, R., Jacobs, L., Verleden, S., Faes, C., Wauters, S., Mertens, V., Dooms,C., Hoet, P., Van Raemdonck, D. Dupont, L., Nemery, B., Verleden, G., Vanaude-naerde B. (2011) The impact of traffic air pollution on chronic rejection and mortalityafter lung transplantation, Thorax, 66, 748–754.

− Ogunjimi, B., Smits, E., Hens, N., Hens, A., Lenders, K., Ieven, M., Van Tendeloo,V., Van Damme, P., Beutels, P. (2011) Exploring the impact of exposure to primaryvaricella in children on varicella-zoster virus immunity of parents, Viral Immunology,24, 151–157.

− Scheers, H., Mwalili, S.M., Faes, C., Fierens, F., Nemery, B. and Nawrot, T.S. (2011)Does air pollution trigger infant mortality in Western Europe? A case-crossoverstudy, Environmental Health Perspectives, 7, 1017–1022.

− Shi, Q., Renfro, L.A., Bot, B.M., Burzykowski, T., Buyse, M., and Sargent, D.J. (2011).Comparative assessment of trial-level surrogacy measures for candidate time-to-event surrogate endpoints in clinical trials. Computational Statistics and Data Anal-ysis, 55, 2748–2757.

− Theeten H, Hutse V, Hens, N., Yavuz Y, Hoppenbrouwers K, Beutels P, Vranckx Rand Van Damme P. (2011) Are we hitting immunity targets? The 2006 age-specificseroprevalence of measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and tetanus in Belgium,Epidemiology and Infection, 139, 494–504.

− Valkenborg, D. and Burzykowski, T. (2011). A Markov-chain model forthe analysis of high-resolution enzymatically 18O-labeled mass spectra.Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 10, 1 (available at:

− Van Keilegom, I. and Veraverbeke, N. (2011). Discussion on SStatistical models andmethods for dependence in insurance dataŠ by S. Huang, C. Klüppelberg and L.Peng. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 40, 155-157.

− Van Sanden, S. and Burzykowski, T. (2011). Evaluation of Laplace distribution-basedANOVA models applied to microarray data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 38, 937–950.

− Veraverbeke, N. , Omelka, M. and Gijbels, I. (2011). Estimation of a conditional cop-ula and association measures. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 38, 766–780.

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− Verhoeven, R.H.A., Louwman, W.J., Buntinx, F., Lousbergh, D., Faes, C., Coebergh,J.W.W (2011) Variation in cancer incidence in northeastern Belgium and southeasternNetherlands seems unrelated to cadmium emission of zinc smelters. European Journalof Cancer Prevention, 20, 549–555.

− Zhu, Q. and Burzykowski, T. (2011). A Bayesian Markov-chain-based heteroscedas-tic regression model for the analysis of 18O-labelled mass spectra. Journal of theAmerican Society for Mass Spectrometry, 22, 499–507.


− Alqerban, A., Jacobs, R., Fieuws, S., Nackaerts, O., The SEDENTEXCT Project Con-sortium, Willems, G. (2011). Comparison of 6 cone-beam computed tomographysystems for image quality and detection of simulated canine impaction-induced ex-ternal root resorption in maxillary lateral incisors. American Journal of Orthodonticsand Dentofacial Orthopedics, 140 (3), 129–139.

− Alqerban, A., Jacobs, R., Fieuws, S., Willems, G. (2011). Comparison of two conebeam computed tomographic systems versus panoramic imaging for localization ofimpacted maxillary canines and detection of root resorption. European Journal of Or-thodontics, 33 (1), 93–102.

− Borgermans L., Goderis G., Van Den Broeke C., G.Verbeke, Carbonez A., Ivanova A.,Mathieu C., and Heyrman J. (2011), ‘Patients’ experiences with patient-centered careare associated with documented outcome of care indicators for diabetes: findingsfrom the Leuven Diabetes Project,’ International Journal of Care Pathways, 15, 65-75.

− Budiharto, T., Joniau, S., Lerut, E., Van den Bergh, L., Mottaghy, F., Deroose, C.M.,Oyen, R., Ameye, F., Bogaerts, K., Haustermans, K. and Van Poppel, H.(2011).Prospective evaluation of 11C-choline positron emission tomography/computed to-mography and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for the nodal stagingof prostate cancer with a high risk of lymph node metastases. Eur Urol, 60, 125–130.

− Clement, L., De Beuf, K., Thas, O., Vuylsteke, M., Irizarry, R., Crainiceanu, C. (2012).Fast Wavelet Based Functional Models for Transcriptome Analysis with Tiling Ar-rays. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 11 (1), art.4.

− de Geus, H., Bakker, J., Lesaffre, E., le Noble, J. (2011). Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin at ICU admission predicts for acute kidney injury in adult pa-tients. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 183 (7), 907–914.

− De Leeneer, K., De Schrijver, J., Clement, L., Baetens, M., Lefever, S., De Keulenaer,S., Van Criekinge, W., Deforce, D., Van Nieuwerburgh, F., Bekaert, S., Pattyn, F., DeWilde, B., Coucke, P., Vandesompele, J., Claes, K., Hellemans, J. (2011). PracticalTools to Implement Massive Parallel Pyrosequencing of PCR Products in Next Gen-eration Molecular Diagnostics. PLoS One, 6 (9), art. 25531.

− De Roy, K., Clement, L., Thas, O., Wang, Y., Boon, N. (2012). Flow cytometry for fastmicrobial community fingerprinting. Water Research, 46 (3), 907–919.

− Dewaele, B., Maggiani, F., Floris, G., Ampe, M., Vanspauwen, V., Wozniak, A.,Debiec-Rychter and M., Sciot, R. (2011). Frequent activation of EGFR in advancedchordomas, 1:4. Clinical Sarcoma Research, 4.

− Diya, L., Van den Heede, K., Sermeus, W., Lesaffre, E. (2011). The Use of "LivesSaved" Measures in Nurse Staffing and Patient Safety Research: Statistical Consider-ations. Nursing Research, 60 (2), 100–106.

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− Hernandez, M., Sorsa, T., Obregón, F., Tervahartiala, T., Valenzuela, M., Pozo, P.,Dutzan, N., Lesaffre, E., Molas, M., Gamonal, J. (2011). MMP-13 enhances MMP-9activation during progression of chronic periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodon-tology.

− Konings, P., Vanneste, E., Jackmaert, S., Ampe, M., Verbeke, G., Moreau, Y., Ver-meesch, J., Voet, T. (2012). Microarray analysis of copy number variation in singlecells. Nature Protocols, 7 (2), 281-310.

− Lima, A., van Bommel, J., Sikorska, K., van Genderen, M., Klijn, E., Lesaffre, E.,Ince, C., Bakker, J. (2011). The relation of near-infrared spectroscopy with changes inperipheral circulation in critically ill patients. Critical Care Medicine, 39 (7), 1649–1654.

− Lingsma, H., Steyerberg, E., Lesaffre, E. (2011). Logistic random effects regressionmodels: a comparison of statistical packages for binary and ordinal outcomes. BMCMedical Research Methodology, 11, art. 77, 1–11

− Molas, M., Lesaffre, E. (2011). Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models: The R Pack-age HGLMMM. Journal of Statistical Software, 39 (13), 1-20.

− Mutsvari, T. and García-Zattera, M. J. and Declerck, D. and Lesaffre, E.(2011). Deal-ing with misclassification and missing data when estimating prevalence and inci-dence of caries experience. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 40 (Suppl. 1),1–8.

− Star, H., Thevissen, P., Jacobs, R., Fieuws, S., Solheim, T., Willems, G. (2011). Humandental age estimation by calculation of pulp/tooth volume ratios yielded on clin-ically acquired cone beam computed tomography images of monoradicular teeth.Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56 (Suppl 1), S77-S82.

− Truyers, C., Buntinx, F., De Lepeleire, J., De Hert, M., van Winkel, R., Aertgeerts,B., Bartholomeeusen, S., Lesaffre, E. (2011). Incident somatic comorbidity after psy-chosis: results from a retrospective cohort study based on Flemish general practicebased data. BMC Family Practice, 12 (1), 132.

− Tsagkaropoulos, S., Belmans, A., Verleden, G., Coosemans, W., Decaluwe, H., DeLeyn, P., Nafteux, P., Van Raemdonck, D. (2011). Single-lung transplantation: doesside matter?. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 40 (2), 83–92.

− Van Beirendonck S., Driessen B., G.Verbeke, and Geers R. (2011) ‘Behaviour of pigletsafter castration with and without carbon dioxide anaesthesia,’ Journal of Animal Sci-ence, 89, 3310-3317.

− Van der Borght K., Van Craenenbroeck E., Lecocq P., Van Houtte M., Van KerckhoveB., Bacheler L., G.Verbeke, and van Vlijmen H. (2011), ‘Cross-validated stepwise re-gression for identification of novel non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor re-sistance associated mutations,’ BMC Bioinformatics, 12:386, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-386.

− Vandenbroeck, S., De Geest, S., Dobbels, F., Fieuws, S., Stalmans, I., Zeyen, T. (2011).The Prevalence and Correlates of Self-reported Non-adherence: The Belgian Compli-ance Study in Ophthalmology (BCSO). Journal of Glaucoma, 20 (7), 414–421.

− Van de Perre V., Driessen B., Van Thielen J., G.Verbeke, Geers R. (2011), ‘Comparisonof pig behaviour when given a sequence of enrichment objects or a chain continu-ously,’ Animal Welfare, 20, 641-649.

− Van de Voorde, P., Sabbe, M., Tsonaka, R., Rizopoulos, D., Calle, P., De Jaeger, A.,Lesaffre, E., Matthys, D. (2011). The long-term outcome after severe trauma of chil-dren in Flanders (Belgium): a population-based cohort study using the International

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Classification of Functioning-related outcome score. European Journal of Pediatrics,170 (1), 65–73.

− Van Oirbeek, R. and Lesaffre, E. (2011). Measuring the Brier score for frailty models.In: IWSM 2011: Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,València, Conesa, D., Forte, A., López-Quilez A. and Muñoz, F., 632–635.

− Wauters, S., Verleden, G., Belmans, A., Coosemans, W., De Leyn, P., Nafteux, P.,Lerut, T., Van Raemdonck, D. (2011). Donor cause of brain death and related time in-tervals: does it affect outcome after lung transplantation?. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 39 (4), 68–76.

− Zalewski, J., Bogaerts, K., Desmet, W., Sinnaeve, P., Berger, P., Grines, C., Danays,T., Armstrong, P. and Van de Werf, F. (2011). Intraluminal thrombus in facilitatedversus primary percutaneous coronary intervention: an angiographic substudy ofthe ASSENT-4 PCI (Assessment of the Safety and Efficacy of a New Treatment Strat-egy with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) trial. Journal American Coll Cardiol, 57,1867–1873.

− Zhang, Y., Todem, D., Kim, K., Lesaffre, E. (2011). Bayesian latent variable models forspatially correlated tooth-level binary data in caries research. Statistical Modelling, 11(1), 25-47.

− Zicari, F., Van Meerbeek, B., Debels, E., Lesaffre, E., Naert, I. (2011). An up to 3-YearControlled Clinical Trial Comparing the Outcome of Glass Fiber Posts and Compos-ite Cores with Gold Alloy-Based Posts and Cores for the Restoration of Endodonti-cally Treated Teeth. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 24 (4), 363-72.

− Zicari, F., Van Meerbeek, B., Debels, E., Naert, I., Lesaffre, E. (2011). An up to 3-year controlled clinical trial comparing the outcome of glass fibre posts and compos-ite cores with gold-alloy bases posts and cores for the restoration of endodonticallytreated teeth. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 24 (4), art. 2270, 363–372.


− Adriaenssens, N., Coenen, S., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes,C., Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs G., Goossens, H. (2011).European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatient antibioticuse in Europe (1997–2009). Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66, Suppl 6, 3–12.

− Adriaenssens, N., Coenen, S., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes, C.,Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs G., Goossens, H. (2011). Eu-ropean Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatient macrolide,lincosamide and streptogramin use in Europe (1997-2009). Journal of AntimicrobialChemotherapy, 66, Suppl 6, 37–45.

− Adriaenssens, N., Coenen, S., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes,C., Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs G., Goossens, H. (2011).European surveillance of antimicrobial consumption (ESAC): Outpatient quinoloneuse in Europe (1997–2009). Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66 Suppl, vi47–vi56.

− Birhanu, T., Molenberghs, G., Sotto, C., and Kenward, M.G.(2011). Doubly Robustand Multiple-Imputation-Based Generalized Estimating Equations, Journal of Bio-pharmaceutical Statistics, 21(2), 202–225.

− Coenen, S., Adriaenssens, N., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Minalu, G., Faes, C., Vanker-ckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs G., and Goossens, H. (2011). Euro-pean Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatient use of tetra-

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cyclines, sulfonamides and trimethoprim, and other antibacterials in Europe (1997–2009). Journal of Antrimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66, Suppl 6, 57–70.

− Cornelissen, T., Molenberghs G., Yperman, J., Schreurs, S., and Carleer, R. (2012).A statistical data-processing methodology of Py-GC/MS data for the simulation offlash co-pyrolysis reactor experiments. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Sys-tems, 110, 12–128.

− Cortiñas Abrahantes, J., Sotto, C., Molenberghs, G., Vromman, G. and Bierinckx, B.(2011). A comparison of various software tools for dealing with missing data viaimputation. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81, 1653–1675.

− Creemers, A., Hens, N., Aerts, M., Molenberghs, G., Verbeke, G., and Kenward, MG(2011). Generalized shared-parameter models and missingness at random. StatisticalModelling, 11, 379–310.

− de la Fé Rodriguez P.Y., Coddens A., Del Fava E., Cortiñas Abrahantes J., Shkedy Z.,Maroto Martin L.O., Cruz Muñoz E., Duchateau L., and Godeeris B.M. (2011). Highprevalence of F4 (+) and F18 (+) Escherichia coli in Cuban piggeries as determinedby serological survey Tropical Animal Health and Production 43, 937–946.

− Faes, C., Molenberghs, G., Hens, N., Muller, A., Goossens, H., Coenen, S. (2011)Analysing the composition of outpatient antibiotic use: a tutorial on compositionaldata analysis. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66, Suppl 6, 89–94

− Forcheh Chiara, A., Verbeke, G., Kasim, A., Lin, D., Shkedy, Z., Talloen, W.,Göhlmann, H., Clement, L. (2012). Gene Filtering in the Analysis of Illumina Mi-croarray Experiments. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 11 (2),art. 3.

− Minalu, G., Aerts, M., Coenen, S., Versporten, A., Muller, A., Adriaenssens, N., Beu-tels, P., Molenberghs, G., Goossens, H., and Hens, N. (2011). Application of mixed-effects models to study the country-specific outpatient antibiotic use in Europe: atutorial on longitudinal data analysis. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66Suppl 6, 79–87.

− Molenberghs G., Kenward, M.G., Verbeke, G., and Teshome Ayele, B. (2011). Pseudo-likelihood estimation for incomplete data. Statistica Sinica, 21, 187–206.

− Molenberghs G. and Verbeke, G. (2011). On the Weibull-Gamma frailty model, itsinfinite moments, and its connection to generalized log-logistic, logistic, Cauchy, andextreme-value distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, 861–868.

− Molenberghs G. and Verbeke, G. (2011). A note on a hierarchical interpretation fornegative variance components. Statistical Modeling, 11, 389–408.

− Molenberghs G., Verbeke, G., and Iddi, S. (2011). Pseudo-likelihood methodology forpartitioned large and complex samples. Statistics & Probability Letters, 81, 892–901.

− Mwambi, H., Ramroop, S., Shkedy, Z., and Molenberghs G. (2011). An approach toestimating the force of infection and the rate of recovery from Respiratory SyncytialVirus (RSV) data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 20, 551–570.

− Poleto, F., Molenberghs G., Paulino, C.D., and Singer, J.M. (2011). Sensitivity analysisfor incomplete continuous data. Test, 20, 589–606.

− Poleto, F.Z., Paulino, C.D., Molenberghs G., and Singer, J.M. (2011). Inferential im-plications of over-parameterization: a case study in incomplete categorical data. In-ternational Statistical Review, 79, 92–113.

− Pryseley, A., Tchonlafi, C., Verbeke, G., and Molenberghs G. (2011). Estimating neg-ative variance components from Gaussian and non-Gaussian data: a mixed modelsapproach. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, 1071–1085.

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− Roca-Pardiñas, J. Cadarso-Suárez, C., Pardo-Vazquez J.–L., Leborán, V., Acuña, C.Molenberghs G., Faes, C., and Castroviejo, C. (2011). Assessing neural activity re-lated to decision-making through flexible odds ratio curves and their derivatives.Statistics in Medicine, 30, 1695–1711.

− Sattar, A., Weissfeld, L.A., and Molenberghs G. (2011). Analysis of non-ignorablemissing and left-censored longitudinal data using weighted random effects tobitmodel. Statistics in Medicine, 30, 3167–3180.

− Sotto, C., Beunckens, C., Molenberghs, G. and Kenward, M.G. (2011). MCMC-based estimation methods for continuous longitudinal data with non-random (non-)monotone missingness. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, 301–311.

− Thilakarathne P.J., Clement, L., Verbeke G., Lin D., Shkedy Z., Kasim A., Talloen W.,and Versele M. (2011) The Use of Semi-parametric Mixed Models to Analyze Pam-Chip Peptide Array Data: an Application to an Oncology Experiment, Bioninformat-ics, 27(20), 2859–2865.

− Van Nieuwenhuyze, J., Loosveldt, G., and Molenberghs G. (2011). A Method forEvaluating Mode Effects in Mixed-mode Surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly, 74, 1027–1045.

− Vangeneugden, T., Molenberghs G., Verbeke, G., and Demétrio, C. (2011). Marginalcorrelation from an extended random-effects model for repeated and overdispersedcounts. Journal of Applied Statistics, 38, 215–232.

− Verbeke, G. and Molenberghs G. (2011). Arbitrariness of models for augmented andcoarse data, with emphasis on incomplete-data and random-effects models. Statisti-cal Modelling, 10, 391–419.

− Versporten, A., Coenen, S., Adriaenssens, N., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes, C.,Hens, N., Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs G., Goossens, H.(2011). European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatientpenicillin use in Europe (1997–2009). Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66, Suppl6, 13–23.

− Versporten, A., Coenen, S., Adriaenssens, N., Muller, A., Minalu, G., Faes, C., Vanker-ckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs G., and Goossens, H., (2011). Euro-pean Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatient cephalosporinuse in Europe (1997–2009). Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66, Suppl 6, 25–35.

− Versporten, A., Coenen, S., Adriaenssens, N., Muller, A., Minalu Ayele, G., Faes, C.,Vankerckhoven, V., Aerts, M., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G., Goossens, H. on behalfof the ESAC Project Group ‘European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption(ESAC) (2011): outpatient cephalosporin use in Europe (1997-2009). Journal of An-timicrobial Chemotherapy., 66, Suppl 6, 25–35

− Vieira, A. M.C., Leandro, R.A., Demétrio, C.G.B., and Molenberghs G. (2011). Doublegeneralized linear model for tissue culture proportion data: A Bayesian perspective.Journal of Applied Statistics, 38, 1717–1731.



− Creemers, A., Aerts, M., Hens, N., De Smet, F., and Beutels, P. (2011). Joint modelinglongitudinal health care costs and time-to-event data in matched pairs. In Conesa,D., Forte, A., López-Quílez, A. and Muñoz, F. , editors, Proceedings of the 26th Inter-national Workshop on Statistical Modelling, València, Spain, 150–155.

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− Enweonye, I., Serroyen, J., Shkedy, Z., Le Bouter, M., Kasim, A., Talloen, W., Van-geneugden, T. (2011). Use of early longitudinal viral load as a surrogate to the viro-logic endpoint in Hepatitis C: a semi-parametric mixed effect approach using SAS.In: proceedings PhUSE 2011, BROADSTAIRS, Kent CT10 1JT, England, available at: 2011/sp/sp04.pdf.

− Loquiha, O., Aerts, M., Chavane, L., and Temmermans, M. (2011). Zero-inflatedPoisson and negative binomial models applied to maternal mortality rate in Mozam-bique. In Conesa, D., Forte, A., López-Quílez, A. and Muñoz, F. , editors, Proceedingsof the 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, València, Spain, 346–351.

− Nysen, R., Aerts, M., and Faes, C (2011). Testing goodness-of-fit of parametric mod-els for censored data. In Conesa, D., Forte, A., López-Quílez, A. and Muñoz, F., editors, Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,València, Spain, 441–444.

− Smits, E., Lion, E., Hens, N., Lenders, K., Anguille, S., Cools, N., Berneman, Z., VanTendeloo, V. (2011). Purification of human NK cells prior to freezing preserves theircytotoxic activity. CIMT.

− Vanlinthout, L. E., van Egmond, J., Booij, L. H., Hens, N. (2011) Factors affectingthe intubation conditions provided by suxamethonium: A meta-regression analysis:Abstract 9AP2-2 European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2011; 28: 130.

− Vanlinthout, L.E., van Egmond, J., Booij, L. H., Hens, N. (2011) A probabilistic modelto study magnitude and time course of short-acting neuromuscular blocking agents:Suxamethonium as an example: Abstract 9AP2-5 European Journal of Anaesthesiol-ogy 2011; 28: 131-132

− Vanlinthout, L.E., van Egmond, J., Booij, L. H., Hens, N. (2011) The influence of ageand gender on the time course of profound neuromuscular block induced by mivac-urium: A probabilistic approach: Abstract 9AP2-6 European Journal of Anaesthesi-ology 2011; 28: 132

− Vanlinthout, L.E., van Egmond, J., Hens, N., Booij, L.H. (2011) A Probability BasedPharmacodynamic Model to Evaluate the Contribution of Butyrylcholinesterase tothe Time Course of Profound Neuromuscular Block Induced by Mivacurium. Anes-thesiology 2011; 115: Abstract A819.


− Mutsvari T., Declerck, D. and Lesaffre, E. (2011). Some approaches to correct formisclassification in the absence of internal validation data set. In: Proceedings, 26thInternational Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Valencia, Spain pp. 427-428. (ISBN978-84-694-5129-8)


− Aerts, M., Faes, C., Hens, N., Loquiha, O., and Molenberghs, G. (2011). Incompleteclustered data and non-ignorable cluster size. In Conesa, D., Forte, A., López-Quílez,A. and Muñoz, F. , editors, Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Sta-tistical Modelling, València, Spain, 35–40.

− Ghebretinsae, A. H., Faes, C. , Molenberghs, G. De Boeck, M. and Geys, H.(2011).Generalized Frailty Model for Comet Assays. In: Proceedings of the 26th Interna-tional Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Valencia(Spain), Conesta, D., Forte, A.,Lopez-Quelez, A., and Munoz, A. (Eds.), 292-297.

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− Iddi, S. and Molenberghs G. (2012). A joint marginalized multilevel model for longi-tudinal outcomes. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on StatisticalModeling, July 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 000–000.

− Minalu, G., Aerts, M., Coenen, S., Adriaenssens, N., Versporten, A., Muller, A.,Vankerckhoven, V., Hens, N., Molenberghs, G., Goossens, H. Bayesian Change-pointMixed Models Applied to Data on Outpatient Antibiotic Use in Europe. Proceedingsof the 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, August21–26, 2011, Dublin, Ireland. Forthcoming

− Molenberghs G. (2011). Thirty years of biostatistics education at master and PhDlevel. RSME 2011. Transfer and Industrial Mathematics. Proceedings of the RSME Con-ference on Transfer and Industrial Mathematics. P. Quintela Estévez, M.J. Esteban, M.uñiz Castiñera, J. Rubio, J.J. Salazar (Eds.). Universidade de Santiago de CompostelaPublicacións, pp. 50–52.



Scientific report on the Analysis of the baseline survey on the prevalence of Campylobac-ter in broiler batches and of Campylobacter and Salmonella on broiler carcasses, inthe EU, 2008, Part B: Analysis of factors associated with Salmonella contamination ofbroiler carcasses. The EFSA Journal (2011) 9(2):2017, 1-85.

Scientific report on the Statistical analysis of temporal and spatial trends of zoonoticagents in animals and food. Part II: Applications of spatial analysis and further de-velopments of temporal analysis. The EFSA Journal (2011) 9(8):2331, 1-72.

Statistical Evaluation of the Achievements by Member States of the EU Salmonella Re-duction Targets in Animal Populations, EFSA supporting publication, December 5,2011,, pp 82.

Cwiklinska-Jurkowska, M., Burzykowski, T., and Wietlicka-Piszcz, M. (2011). The perfor-mance of discriminant analysis for differentiating between genotoxic and nongeno-toxic carcinogens. Biometrical Letters, 48, 41–54.

Morrens, B., Loots I., Bruckers, L. (2011). Programme flamand de biomonitoring sur lesadolescents : les gradients sociaux observés diffèrent d’un polluant à l’autre, Educa-tion Santé, Hors-série Juin 2011. ISSN 0766-2623, p 10–13.

Zhu, Q., Kasim, A., Valkenborg, D., and Burzykowski, T. (2011). A Bayesian model-averaging approach to the quantification of overlapping peptides in a MALDI-TOFmass spectrum. International Journal of Proteomics, Article ID 928391DOI: 10.1155/2011/928391.


Sunaert P., Bastiaens H., Nobels F., Feyen L., Vermeire E., G.Verbeke, De Maeseneer J.,Willems S., and De Sutter A. (2011) ‘Verbeteren regionale acties de zorg voor dia-betespatiënten ?,’ Huisarts Nu, 40, 332-338.

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Janssen, P. and Duchateau, L. (2011). The frailty model. International Encyclopedia ofStatistical Science, Part 6, 544-546. Springer-Verlag (ed. Miodrag Lovric)

Schoeters, G., Den Hond, E., Colles, A., Loots, I., Morrens, B., Keune, H., Bruckers, L.,Nawrot, T., Sioen, I., De Coster, S., Van Larebeke, N., Nelen, V., Van de Mieroop,E., Vrijens, J., Croes, K., Goeyens, K., Baeyens, W. (2011). Biomarkers and HumanBiomonitoring Volume 1: Ongoing Programs and Exposures : The Flemish Environ-ment and Health Study (FLEHS) U Second Survey (2007U2011): Establishing Refer-ence Values for Biomarkers of Exposure in the Flemish Population. The Royal Societyof Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road. p 135–165, ISBN:978-1-84973-337-3.

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PhD thesis

Creemers, A. (2011). Models for Incomplete and Clustered Data with Applications inClinical Trials and Health Economic Studies. Phd Thesis, Hasselt University, I-biostat.

Goeyvaerts, N. (2011). Statistical and mathematical models to estimate the transmissionof airborne infections from current status data. Phd Thesis, Hasselt University, I-biostat.


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Page 22: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Talks in 2011



Aerts M. 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. València, Spain(11/06/2011–15/06/2011) “Incomplete clustered data and non-ignorable clustersize”.

Birhanu T. 6th Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) IBS conference. Crete, Greece(08/05/2011–12/05/2011) “Doubly Robust and Multiple Imputation Based Gener-alized Estimating Equations”.

Braekers R. The Pyrenees International Workshop and Summer School on Statistics,Probability and Operations Research (SPO 2011). Jaca, Spain (13/09/2011–16/09/2011) “Extending the Classical Koziol-Green model by using a copula func-tion”

Braekers R. 4th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing &Statistics (ERCIM’11). London, UK (17/12/2011 - 19/12/2011) “Flexibly extendingthe classical Koziol-Green model by a copula function”

Bruckers L. International Conference of the Flemish Centre of Expertise for Environmentand Health. Brussels (21/12/2011–22/12/2011) “Exposure-effect relationships innewborns of the 2nd Flemish Environment and Health Study (2007-2011): method-ology and results.”

Burzykowski T. BAYES 2011, 2nd Applied Bayesian Biostatistics Workshop. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (27/4/2011–29/4/2011) “Clinical trial design: Bayesian approachcan be useful?”

Burzykowski T. Eighth International Seminar “Statistics and Clinical Practice”. War-saw, Poland (08/06/2011–10/06/2011) “Interpretation of the gaseous Hydro-gen/Deuterium exchange mass-spectrometry data”

Burzykowski T. 2nd Conference of the Central European Network CEN 2011. Zurich,Switzerland (12/09/2011–16/09/2011) “Choice of endpoints in cancer clinical trials:OS, DFS, PFS?”

Burzykowski T. 2nd Joint DIA/EMA Statistics Workshop. London, UK (26/10/2011–28/10/2011) “Introduction to surrogate endpoints”

Creemers A. International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Valencia (11/07/2011–15/07/2011) “Joint Modeling Longitudinal Health Care Costs and Time-to-EventData in Matched Pairs”

Del Fava E. Inference for Epidemic-related Risk. University of Warwick (28/03/2011–01/04/2011) “Statistical Inference for Models of Close-contact Disease Transmission.A Comparison of Bayesian Melding and Bootstrap Models.”


Page 23: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Del Fava E. ESCAIDE 2011. Stockholm (06/11/2011–08/11/2011) “Contact patterns andtransmission of varicella in Europe”.

Enweonye I. Pharmaceutical Users Software Exchange 2011. Brighton UK (09/10/2011–12/10/2011) “Use of early longitudinal viral load as a surrogate to the virologic end-point in Hepatitis C: a semi-parametric mixed effect approach using SAS”.

Faes C. Eastern Mediterranean Region of International Biometrics Society Conference,Crete, Greece. Location (08/05/2011–12/05/2011) “Herd-prevalence based on Ag-gregate Testing of Animals”

Ghebretinsae A. H. 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Valencia(Spain) (11/07/2011–15/07/2011) “Generalized Frailty Model for Comet Assays”

Grouwels Y. SCo 2011 Scientific Meeting, 7th Conference on Statistical Computation andComplex Systems. Padova, Italy (19/09/2011–21/09/2011). “Zero-inflated semi-parametric Cox’s regression model for left-censored survival data”.

Hens N. InFER Warwick, UK. (28/04/2011-01/05/2011) “Estimating the reproductionnumber from final size data for hepatitis A in Flanders, Belgium: Truncation, Cen-soring and Heterogeneity. ”

Janssen P. Statistics Symposium (in honour of Prof. dr. Jan Swanepoel), August 12, 2011.Generalized linear survival models with time-varying coefficients under right cen-soring

Minalu G. 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Dublin,Ireland (21/08/2011–26/08/2011). “Bayesian Change-point Mixed Models Appliedto Data on Outpatient Antibiotic Use in Europe.”

Mutambanengwe C.K. Hasselt University. Hasselt (12/10/2011-14/10/2011) “Spatialregression of quantiles based on parametric distributions (poster)”

Mutambanengwe C.K. Hasselt University. Diepenbeek (10/06/2011) “Spatial analysis ofTSH levels in a population in Spain”

Neyens T. Spatial Statistics 2011. Enschede, The Netherlands (23/03/2011–25/03/2011)“A generalized Poisson-gamma model for spatially overdispersed data.”

Perualila N. J. Hasselt University. Diepenbeek (06/12/2011) “Joint Modeling of Pheno-typic Variable and Gene Expression Data in Early Drug Experiments”

Shkedy Z. EuroConference of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the IBS , the 6th EMR-IBS conference, Hersonisos, Crete, 8-12 May 2011 “Title: modeling the outbreak ofDungue in Cuba”.

Shkedy Z. IMPS 2011, July 18-22, 2011, Homg Kong “Title: Hierarchical Bayesian modelsfor HPV antibody data”.

Shkedy Z. MCP 2011 Washington D.C, 29/08-01/09, 2011, USA, “Title: Order restrictedinference and estimation and multiplicity adjustment using hierarchical Bayesianmodels”.

Shkedy Z. Non clinical biostatistics 2011, Boston, October, 2011, USA.“Title: Order re-stricted inference and estimation and multiplicity adjustment using hierarchicalBayesian models”.

Thijs H. FDA/Industry Workshop, Washington (September 2011) ’Dealing with MissingData in Vaccine Clinical Trials: from Academics to the Industry’ (On behalf of NielHens)

Van Kerckhove K. Epidemics3. Boston (29/11/2011–01/12/2011) “Quantifying the ef-fect of illness on contact patterns and the spread of diseases”

Veraverbeke N. Workshop on copula models and dependence. Montreal, Canada(06/06/2011-09/06/2011). Keynote lecture. SCopulas, covariates and censoringT

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Verbeke G. ‘Mixed models for high-dimensional multivariate repeated measures data,’Spring symposium in biostatistics: Joint modeling techniques, Rotterdam, TheNetherlands, March 11, 2011.

Verbeke G. ‘A mixed model for high-dimensional multivariate longitudinal data,’ Springmeeting of the Eastern North American Region (ENAR) of the International Biomet-ric Society, Miami, Florida, U.S.A., March 20-23, 2011.

Verbeke G. ‘Avoiding boundary estimates in linear mixed models,’ Discussant (with G.Molenberghs) in Columbia University session at Joint Statistical Meetings, organizedby Andrew Gelman, Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, Jingchen Liu, Yeojin Chung, and VincentDorie, Loews Miami Beach Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A., August 3, 2011.

Clement L. De Neve, J., Thas, O., Clement, L. and Ottoy, J.P. (2011). Probabilistic IndexModels. European Young Statisticians Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-92011.

Clement L. Clement, L., Pipelers, P., Thas, O. and Ottoy, J.P. (2011). A Generalized LinearModel Framework for Underdispersed Count Data with an Application to MiRNAData. Joint Statistical Meetings. Miami Beach, Florida, USA, July 30 - August 4 2011.


Molenberghs G. Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami Beach, Florida (29/07–04/08/2011) ABroad Framework for Joint Modeling And Some Tales From the Unexpected.



− Andraud, M., Lejeune, O., Musoro, J., Ogunjmi, B., Beutels, P., Hens, N. Epidemics3

Boston, (29/11/2011-02/12/2011) Modeling the Dynamics of Plasma Cell and Anti-body Populations: An Application to Hepatitis A.

− Beutels, P., Marais, C., Hens, N., Blommaert, A., Coenen, S., Muller, A., Goossens, H.ECCMID (2011) Identifying determinants of antibiotic use in Europe.

− Castro-Sanchez, A.Y., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Vickerman, P. and Hens, N. Belgian Sta-tistical Society. Hasselt, Belgium (12/10/2011-14/10/2011) Assessment and Calibra-tion of a Joint Mathematical Model for HCV and HIV using Statistical Methods.

− Castro-Sanchez, A.Y., Aerts, M., Shkedy, Z., Vickerman, P. and Hens, N. Epidemics3

Boston, (29/11/2011-02/12/2011) Statistics toolbox to calibrate a mathematicalmodel.

− Castro-Sánchez A.Y. , M. Aerts, Z. Shkedy, P. Vickerman, N. Hens, Epidemics 3 Con-ference. Boston (29/11/2011–02/12/2011) “Assessing a joint mathematical modelfor HIV and HCV from a statistical perspective”

− Castro-Sánchez A.Y., E. Jauregui, A. Y. Castro-Sánchez, C. Morales, R. Mantilla,A. Domínguez, C. Maldonado, A. González, M.C. Díaz, J. Medina, J. Valero, N.Casas,A. Bryon, Y. Muñoz. XIII Colombian Congress of Rheumatology. Barranquilla,Colombia(11/08/2011–14/08/2011) “Depression in rheumatoid arthritis patients re-ceiving biological therapy and the association with their functional state and the Dis-ease Activity Score (DAS28)”

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− Castro-Sánchez A.Y., E. Jauregui, A. Y. Castro-Sánchez, M. C. Trouchon, C. Cardona,R. Mantilla, A. Domínguez, C. Maldonado, A. González, M.C. Díaz, J. Medina, J.Valero, N. Casas,A. Bryon, Y. Muñoz. XIII Colombian Congress of Rheumatology.Barranquilla, Colombia(11/08/2011–14/08/2011) “Laboral productivity in colom-bian patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving biological therapy and clinical fea-tures”

− Castro-Sánchez A.Y., E. Jauregui, A. Y. Castro-Sánchez, R. Mantilla, A. Domínguez,C. Maldonado, A. González, M.C. Díaz, J. Medina, J. Valero, N. Casas,A. Bryon,Y. Muñoz. XIII Colombian Congress of Rheumatology. Barranquilla, Colombia(11/08/2011–14/08/2011) “Overload for caregivers and clinic characteristics of pa-tients with rheumatoid arthirits in Colombia"

− Castro-Sánchez A.Y., E. Jauregui, A. Y. Castro-Sánchez, R. Mantilla, A. Domínguez,C. Maldonado, A. González, M.C. Díaz, J. Medina, J. Valero, N. Casas,A.Bryon, Y. Muñoz. XIII Colombian Congress of Rheumatology. Barranquilla,Colombia(11/08/2011–14/08/2011) “Medical resource use, clinical and demo-graphic characterization of colombian patients with rheumatoid arthritis receivingbiologics agents"

− Claesen J. Proteomic Forum. Berlin, Germany, (6- 9/03/2011) "Peak Detection forHigh Resolution Mass Spectra".

− Ensoy C., Faes C., Aerts, M. 19th Annual Meeting of Belgian Statistical Society. UHas-selt (12/10/2011– 14/10/2011) “A Dynamic Spatio-temporal model to investigatethe effect of movements of animals on the spreading of Bluetongue BTV-8 in Bel-gium”

− Goeyvaerts N. Epidemics3. Boston, USA (29/11/2011–02/12/2011) “Multivariatedecay models for maternal antibodies against measles, mumps, rubella and varicellain infants”

− Goeyvaerts, N, Leuridan, E. and Hens, N. Epidemics3 Boston, (29/11/2011-02/12/2011) Multivariate Decay Models for Maternal Antibodies Against Measles,Mumps, Rubella and Varicella in Infants.

− Khamiakova T. International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics 2011. Wa-geningen, the Netherlands (21/03/2011–23/03/2011) ”Fabia: a biclustering methodfor simultaneous analysis of miRNA and mRNA data”

− Milanzi E. Young Statistician Meeting for ISI world congress meeeting. Trinity Col-lege, Dublin (19/08/2011–21/08/2011) “Ignoring overdispersion in hierarchical log-linear models: Possible problems and solutions.”

− Njeru Njagi E. Young Statisticians’ Satellite Meeting (YSI Conference). Trinity Col-lege, Dublin (19/08/2011–21/08/2011) “A Flexible Joint-Modelling Framework forLongitudinal and Time-to-Event Data with Overdispersion”

− Nysen R. International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Valencia (11/07/2011–15/07/2011) “Testing Goodness-of-Fit of Parametric Models for Censored Data”

− Van Heirstraten, L., Lammens, C., Coenen, S., Hens, N., Goossens, H., Malhotra-Kumar, S. The 100th Anniversary NVvM & Scientific Spring Meeting, Arnhem, TheNetherlands. (18/04/2011) Impact of changes in antibiotic use on the molecular epi-demiology of macrolide resistance in group A Streptococcus.

− Van Kerckhove K. Social Contacts And Mixing Patterns In Epidemiology Day. Lon-don (18/04/2011) “Quantifying the effect of illness on contact patterns and thespread of diseases”

Page 26: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


− Van Kerckhove, K., Hens, N., Edmunds, J.W., White, P.J. and Eames, K. SCaMPIE2011, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. (18/04/2011) Quanti-fying the effects of illness on contact patterns and the spread of infectious diseases


Aregay, M. International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Valencia, Spain(11/07/2011–15/07/2011) “Model Based Estimates of Long-Term Persistence of In-duced HPV Antibodies: A Flexible Subject-Specific Approach”

Bogaerts, K. 16th Conference of the European Association of Dental Public Health, Rome(Italy) (22/09/2011–24/09/2011) “A prospective study on caries incidence in a co-hort of Flemish preschool children.” Leroy R. (presentor), Bogaerts K., Martens L.,Declerck D.

Bogaerts, K. 4th Joint European Public Health Conference 2011, Copenhagen (Denmark)(10/11/2011–12/11/2011) “A prospective study on dental attendance in a cohort ofFlemish preschool children.” Leroy R. (presentor), Bogaerts K., Hoppenbrouwers K.,Martens L., Declerck D.

Forcheh A.C. Centre de recherches mathematiques. Montreal, Canada (18/04/2011-22/04/2011) “Gene filtering in the analysis of Illumina Microarray Experiments”

Mutsvari, T. 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Valencia, Spain(11/07/2011–15/07/2011) “Some approaches to correct for misclassification in theabsence of internal validation data set”

Van Oirbeek, R. IWSM 2011. International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Valencia,Spain (11/07/2011–15/07/2011) “Measuring the Brier score for frailty models”



Aerts M. “Temporal trend analysis of AMR data”,1st Task Force on Zoonoses Data Collection,Special meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance, Parma, October 5, 2011.

Aerts M. “Analysis of 2010 AMR isolate-based data”,1st Task Force on Zoonoses Data Col-lection, Special meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance, Parma, October 5, 2011.

Braekers R. Department of Statistics and OR. University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain(21/06/2011) “Extending the Classical Koziol-Green model for informative cen-soring.”

Goeyvaerts N. UCID symposium on infection dynamics. Utrecht, The Netherlands(09/03/2011–11/03/2011) “Estimating measles-mumps-rubella vaccination cover-age from trivariate current status data”

Hens N. Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, US (11/05/2011) “Estimating infec-tious disease parameters from serological and social contact data”

Hens N. K.U.Leuven and UHasselt HPC User Day, Leuven, Belgium (10/06/2011) “Infer-ring Household Contact Networks from Egocentric Data Using a Penalized Likeli-hood Approach.”

Hens N. ECDC, Stockholm, Sweden (14/11/2011) “The next generation of social contactsurveys: POLYMOD and beyond.”

Hens N. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (03/11/2011).“The Statistical Analysisof Serial Seroprevalence and Final Size Data to Estimate Infectious Disease Parame-ters for Hepatitis A in Belgium”

Page 27: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Hens N. Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium (16/12/2011) “Estimating Within-household contact networks from egocentric data using a penalized likelihood ap-proach.”

Shkedy Z. Johnson and Johnson, USA, October, 2011 “Title: Biclustering of microarraydata”

Shkedy Z. RIVM, Nederland, December 2011, “Longitudinal analysis of HPV antibodyafter vaccination”.

Veraverbeke N. Statistics symposium. North West University, Potchefstroom, SouthAfrica (12/08/2011). SEstimation of conditional copulasT


Clement L. Functional data analysis for seq-data. Rafael Irizarry Group Meeting. Depart-ment of Biostatistics. Johns Hopkins University. USA. August 10 2011.

Clement L. De Neve, J., Thas, O., Clement, L. and Ottoy, J.P. (2011). Probabilistic IndexModels. Department of Biostatistics - University of Copenhagen, Denmark. May 23,201

Van Oirbeek R. University of Copenhagen, Department of Biostatistics. Copenhagen(07/02/2011) “Measures of predictive ability for frailty models”

Van Oirbeek R. Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Department of Biostatistics. Rotter-dam (21/03/2011) “Quality of prediction in survival models”

Verbeke G. ‘Mixed models for high-dimensional multivariate repeated measures data,’Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland, May13, 2011.


Molenberghs G. (14/01/2011) Hierarchical Data Analysis. Doctoral Seminar. University ofLjubljana, Slovenia.

Molenberghs G. (24/02/2011) Medical Statistics in Drug Development: Repeated Measures.Seminar, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.

Molenberghs G. (24/03/2011) A Model Family for Hierarchical Data With Combined Normaland Conjugate Random Effects. Seminar, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Molenberghs G. (20/01/2011). The biostatistics statistical scientist in a high-profile academicenvironment. Biostatistics Network Spain, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela,Spain (20–21/01/2011).

Molenberghs G. (02/03/2011) Incomplete data in clinical studies & sensitivity analysis.Joint International Biometric Society/International Society for BiopharmaceuticalStatistics/European Medicines Agency Meeting, Berlin, Germany (01–03/03/2011).

Molenberghs G. (11/03/2011) A flexible modeling framework for overdispersed, hierar-chical data of a combined nature. Spring Symposium in Biostatistics: Joint ModelingTechniques, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (11/03/2011).

Molenberghs G. (22/03/2011) A model family for hierarchical data with combined nor-mal and conjugate random effects. Spring Meeting of the Eastern North AmericanRegion, Miami, Florida (20–23/03/2011).

Molenberghs G. . (29/03/2011) Weighting in survey sampling. EUROSTAT Meeting onthe European Health Interview Survey (29/03/2011).

Molenberghs G. (05/04/2011) Incomplete data in clinical studies & sensitivity analy-sis. European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Paris, France (02–05/04/2011).

Page 28: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Molenberghs G. (09/06/2011) A flexible modeling framework for overdispersed, hier-archical data of a combined nature. Eight International Seminar on Statistics andClinical Practice, Warsaw, Poland (08–11/06/2011).

Molenberghs G. (12/06/2011) Master of (Bio-X-)Statistics: The UHasselt Model. Indus-trial Transfer and Mathematics Conference, Santiago de Compostella, Spain (12–14/07/2011).

Molenberghs G. Verbeke, G. and Molenberghs G. (03/08/2011) Avoiding boundary es-timates in linear mixed models: Discussion of Chung et al. (2011). Joint StatisticalMeetings, Miami Beach, Florida (29/07–04/08/2011).



Castro-Sánchez A.Y. University of Antwerp. SIMID Workshop in Antwerp (31/01/2011)“Using survival models to estimate the association between HIV and HCV in Inject-ing Drug Users”

Claesen J. Alma in Silico Workshop. Hasselt University. Diepenbeek (17-18/02/2011)"Hands-on session on preprocessing of mass spectra".

Claesen J. BSS. Hasselt (12-14/10/2011) "Statistical analysis of selected yeast segregants".Claesen J. Hasselt University. Diepenbeek (02/12/2011) "High resolution Quantitative

Trait Loci mapping with whole-genome sequencing data".Creemers A. I-Biostat. Hasselt University (01/07/2011) “Models for Incomplete and

Clustered Data with Applications in Clinical Trials and Health Economic Studies”Del Fava E. Belgian Statistical Society Meeting. Hasselt (13/10/2011) “Modeling mul-

tivariate, clustered and overdispersed binary data withadditive and multiplicativeoverdispersion parameter”

Del Fava E. University of Hasselt. Diepenbeek (09/12/2011) “Order-restricted mixturemodels for serological data”

C. Faes SIMID workshop on infectious disease modelling and economic evaluation of vac-cines. Antwerp (31/01/2011) “Modelling the spatio-temporal transmission of Blue-tongue in Europe”

Geerdens C. Hasselt University. Hasselt (BSS) (12/10/2011) “Goodness-of-fit tests for thefrailty distribution in an proportional hazards model with shared frailty.”

Goeyvaerts N. SIMID workshop on infectious disease modelling and economic evalua-tion of vaccines. Antwerp (31/01/2011–01/02/2011) “Estimating Vaccination Cov-erage: Traditional and Serology-based Methods” (joint presentation with HeidiTheeten)

Goeyvaerts N. BSS annual meeting. Hasselt (12/10/2011–14/10/2011) “Multivariate de-cay models for longitudinal censored maternal antibody levels against measles,mumps, rubella and varicella”

Grouwels Y. 19th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt (12/10/2011–14/10/2011). “Zero-inflated semi-parametric Cox’s regression model for left-censored survival data”.

Ghebretinsae A.H. 19th Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt (13/10/2011) “Gaussian vari-ational approximation for GLMM with Overdispersion”

Ghebretinsae A.H. Janssen Pharmaceutica. Beerse (09/06/2011) “Univariate and JointModeling of hierarchically clustered and over-dispersed non-gaussian continuousoutcomes for Comet Assay Data”

Page 29: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Hens, N. SIMID Workshop, Antwerp, Belgium (31/01/2011-01/02/2011) “Estimating thereproduction number from final size data for hepatitis A in Belgium.”

Hens, N. Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium (07/04/2011)“Inferring plasma cell ki-netics predicted by hepatitis A antibody decay after vaccination”

Hens, N. Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium (16/12/2011) “Estimating Within-household contact networks from egocentric data using a penalized likelihood ap-proach.”

Lin D. I-biostat, Hasselt University (09/12/2011) “Dose-response analysis of microarrayexperiments” Workshop on order restricted inference and estimation.

Njeru Njagi E. University of Hasselt Center for Statistics. Diepenbeek (07/04/2011)“Joint Modelling in the context of the so-called “Combined-model" ”

Njeru Njagi E. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt (13/10/2011) “AFlexible Joint-Modelling Framework for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data withOverdispersion”

Njeru Njagi E. Université catholique de Louvain (Interuniversity Attraction Pole net-work on Statistics’ workshop). Louvain-la-Neuve (25/11/2011) “A Flexible Joint-Modelling Framework for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data with Overdisper-sion”

Njeru Njagi E. University of Hasselt Center for Statistics. Diepenbeek (13/12/2011) “AGeneralized Shared-parameter Joint Modelling Framework for Longitudinal andTime-to-Event Data, and Missingness at Random”

Milanzi E. Hasselt University. Diepenbeek (28/09/2011) “Ignoring overdispersion in hi-erarchical loglinear models: Possible problems and solutions”

Milanzi E. Hasselt University. Holiday Inn, hasselt (14/10/2011) “Quantifying ExpertOpinion for Drug Discovery with High-dimensional Data”

Prenen L. Hasselt University. Hasselt (BSS)(12/10/2011) “Modelling unbalanced clus-tered survival data through Archimedean copula models”

Shkedy Z. Startup meeting of the IWT-QSTAR project. Belgium, October, 2011 “Jointmodeling of multiple platforms”.

Van Kerckhove K. SBS-BVS. Hasselt (12/10/2011–14/10/2011) “Quantifying the impactof illness on contact patterns”


Aregay M. 19th of Annual meeting of Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt (12/10/2011-14/10/2011) “Non-Linear Fractional Polynomial for Estimates of Long-Term Persis-tence of Induced HPV Antibodies: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach ”

Clement L. Functional data analysis in genomics. IAP Workshop 5, Louvin-La-Neuve,Belgium. November 25, 2011.

Clement L. Pipelers, P., Thas, O., Clement, L. and Ottoy, J.P. (2011). Censored regressionmodels for the analysis of differential gene expression in qPCR experiments. 19thAnnual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Hasselt, Belgium. October 12-14,2011.

Clement L. Clement, L. De Beuf, K., Thas, O., Crainiceanu, C. and Irizarry,R. (2011). Lowlevel analysis and statistical base-calling for 454/Roche GS FLX. Nextgen meeting,UZ Gasthuisberg, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, April 18th 2011.

Page 30: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Clement L. Clement, L. De Beuf, K., Thas, O., Crainiceanu, C. and Irizarry,R. (2011). Lowlevel analysis and statistical base-calling for 454/Roche GS FLX. Local Genome Bioin-formatics Meeting, UZ Gasthuisberg, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Bel-gium, April 12th 2011.

Efendi A. 19th of Annual meeting of Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt (12/10/2011-14/10/2011) “A multilevel model for hierarchical, repeated, overdispersed time-to-event outcomes and its estimation strategies”

Forcheh A.C. 19th annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical society. Hasselt, Belgium.(12/10/2011-14/10/2011) “A mixed effects model for the analysis of paired illuminamicroarray experiments”

Mutsvari, T. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (13/12/2011) “Misclassification and Multi-levels with an application in dental research”


Molenberghs G. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Hasselt, Belgium (12–14/10/2011). A Broad Framework for Joint Modeling And Some Tales From the Unexpected.

Molenberghs G. Bristol-Myers Squibb, Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium (18/11/2011). The Pre-vention and Treatment of Missing Data: An Author’s Perspective European StatisticalMeeting: Advances in the Treatment of Missing Data.

Molenberghs G. EuroDURG/ISPE, Antwerp, Belgium (30/11–03/12/2011). MultilevelModels / Mixed Models in Drug Use Data.

Molenberghs G. Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences-2, Missing Data in SurveySamples, Leuven, Belgium (08–09/12/2011). Incomplete Data: Analysis and SensitivityAnalysis.

Molenberghs G. Sensitivity Analysis, Missing Data, and Longitudinal Data WorkingGroup, Universiteit Hasselt, Diepenbeek, Belgium. (10/01/2011) A Model Family forHierarchical Data With Combined Normal and Conjugate Random Effects.

Molenberghs G. Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van België. (09/03/2011) Derol van de statistiek bij het ontwikkelen van geneesmiddelen.

Molenberghs G. Surrogate Markers Working Group. Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium(13/04/2011) Pseudo-likelihood Methodology for Partitioned Large and Complex Samples.

Molenberghs G. UZ Gasthuisberg, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.(20/09/2011) Biostatistics for Clinicians.

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Page 32: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Short Courses, Guest Professorships,Tutorials


Aerts, M. and Hens, N. “Intro to R”, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozam-bique, February 9, 2011.

Aerts, M. and Hens, N. “Applied data modelling in R”, Universidade Eduardo Mond-lane, Maputo, Mozambique, February 10-11, 2011.

Aerts, M. and Hens, N. “Intro to R”, University of Limpopo, South-Africa, February 14,2011.

Aerts, M. and Hens, N. “Applied data modelling in R”, University of Limpopo, South-Africa, February 15-16, 2011.

Creemers C. KULeuven, guest professorship (10%) in 2011-2012Bruckers L. Lecturer of Nonparametric Methods, Jimma, Ethiopië, 14/02/2011–

18/02/2011Burzykowski T. Lecturer at the workshop on “Biomarkers and Surrogate Endpoints”,

organized by European Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine. Brussels, Belgium(22/09/2011–23/09/2011)

Burzykowski T. Lecturer of the course “Survival Analysis” within the Master programat the Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences of Warsaw TechnicalUniversity, Poland (February–June 2011)

Burzykowski T. Lecturer of the course “Survival Analysis” within the Master program atthe Department of Mathematics of Warsaw University, Poland (April–June 2011)

Burzykowski T. Lecturer of the course “Clinical Trials” within the Master program at theDepartment of Mathematics and Information Sciences of Warsaw Technical Univer-sity (October–November 2011)

T. Burzykowski T. Lecturer at the workshop on “Computational methods for peptide-centric label-free quantitative proteomics”, organized by Alma-in-Silico at HasseltUniversity, Belgium (17/02/2011– 18/02/2011)

Hens N. University of Antwerp (2011), Guest Professor (50%)Hens N. Maputo, Mozambique (08/02/2011-12/02/2011)Hens N. Limpopo, South Africa (13/02/2011-17/02/2011)Hens N. 1st SIMID Course. Antwerp (03/02/2011-04/02/2011)Hens N. 2nd SIMID Course. Bruges (21/02/2011-22/02/2011)Janssen P. Statistics for Master of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (VLIR

IUS project with Anton de Kom University (22/02/2011-27/02/2011)Shkedy Z. Analysis of gene expression data, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Bialymstoku,

Poland (05/2011).


Page 33: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Shkedy Z. GLM course in Jimma university, Ethiopia (05/2011).Sotto C. Guest Professor (5%), University of HasseltThijs H. Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg, lecturer (20 %)Thijs H. NIHES, rotterdam summer program, Short course ’Incomplete data’Veraverbeke N. Master course, Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname, Paramaribo,

Suriname. 20 hours. (11/12/2011-16/12/2011) SApplied statistics and data model-ingT.


Verbeke G. ‘Introduction to biostatistics for clinicians (3×1.5 hours),’ Eli Lilly, Leuven,February 8, 10, and 15, 2011.

Verbeke G. ‘Two-day crash course biostatistics (2 days),’ The Leuven Center for Bio-Science, Bio-Engineering and Bio-Technology, Leuven, Belgium, with G. Molen-berghs, Februay 21 and May 31, 2011.

Verbeke G. ‘Foundations and recent advances in longitudinal and incomplete data (twodays),’ Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami Beach, U.S.A., with G. Molenberghs, July30-31, 2011.


Molenberghs G. (2011). Missing Data in Clinical Research. AstraZeneca, Stockholm, Swe-den (17/01/2011).

Molenberghs G. Verbeke, G., and Molenberghs G. (2011). Biostatistics. BioSCENT,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (21/02/2011).

Molenberghs G. (2011). Statistische verwerking van gegevens. Kwaliteitszorg, KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven.

Molenberghs G. (2011). Missing Data in Clinical Research. GlaxoSmithKline, Wavre, Bel-gium (25/02/2011).

Molenberghs G. (2011). Statistische verwerking van gegevens. Kwaliteitszorg, KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven.

Molenberghs G. Molenberghs G. and Thijs, H. (2011). Biostatistics for Clinicians. Opleid-ing Arts-Specialist, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

Molenberghs, G. and Thijs, H. (2011). Missing Values in Clinical Research. Erasmus Win-ter Programme 2011, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (02–04/05/2011).

Molenberghs G. (2011). Missing Data Methodology. Eastern Mediterranean Region Con-ference of the International Biometric Society, Crete, Greece.

Molenberghs G. and Bruckers, L. (2011). Parametric and non-parametric statistical methodsfor the life sciences. Doctoral School Medicine, Universiteit Hasselt. (07/06/2011).

Molenberghs G. (2011). Missing Data in Clinical Research. Webinar for Shire, Turnhout.(15/06/2011).

Molenberghs G. (2011). The Statistical Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials.Osaka University Summer School, Osaka, Japan, 01–02/07/2011.

Molenberghs G. (2011). Longitudinal and Incomplete Data. National University of Córdoba,Córdoba, Argentina (25–27/08/2011).

Molenberghs G. (2011). Models for Hierarchical and Incomplete Data. IBS Deutsche Region,AG Weiterbildung, Berlin, Germany (29–30/09/2011).

Molenberghs G. (2011). Missing Data in Clinical Research. Webinars for Shire, Turnhout.(0, 06, and 17/10/2011).

Page 34: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Molenberghs G. (2011). Longitudinal Data. UCB–Schwarz, Monheim, Germany(10/10/2011).

Molenberghs G. (2011). Longitudinal Data. UCB–Schwarz, Raleigh, North Carolina(10/11/2011).

Molenberghs G. (2011). Introduction to Missing Data Methodology. On-line course, (18/11–09/12/2011).

Verbeke, G., and Molenberghs G. (2011). Biostatistics. BioSCENT, Katholieke Univer-siteit Leuven (31/05/2011).

Verbeke, G. and Molenberghs G. (2011). Foundations and Recent Advances in Longitudinaland Incomplete Data. Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami Beach, Florida (29–30/07/2011;Winner of Excellence in Continuing Education Award).

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Page 36: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Organization of scientific activities in 2011


Aerts M. International symposium on ‘Recent Advances in Statistics and Probability’ inhonor of Noël Veraverbeke, Hasselt, 19-20 May 2011.

Braekers R. International symposium on ‘Recent Advances in Statistics and Probability’in honor of Noël Veraverbeke, Hasselt, 19-20 May 2011.

Braekers R. 19th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt (12/10/2011-14/10/2011).

Burzykowski T. Workshop on “Computational methods for peptide-centric label-freequantitative proteomics”. Hasselt University, Belgium (17/02/2011– 18/02/2011)

Faes C. 19th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt (12/10/2011-14/10/2011).

Hens N. 2nd SIMID Workshop, Antwerp (12/04/2011-14/04/2011)Hens N. 19th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt (12/10/2011-

14/10/2011).Janssen P. Promoter of the Francqui chair: Prof. dr. A. Davison, Ecole Polytechnique

Fédérale de Lausanne (Suisse)Janssen P. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Statistics and Probability (in

honor of Prof. dr. Noël Veraverbeke), May 19-21, 2011Janssen P. 19th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, October 12-14, 2011Molenbergs G. International symposium on ‘Recent Advances in Statistics and Probabil-

ity’ in honor of Noël Veraverbeke, Hasselt, 19-20 May 2011. Chair.Perualila N.J. Workshop “Order restricted inference and estimation”. Hasselt

(08/12/2011–09/12/2011)Shkedy Z. Workshop “Order restricted inference and estimation”, Hasselt (08/12/2011–

09/12/2011). Chair.Veraverbeke N. 19th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt

(12/10/2011-14/10/2011). Chair


Aerts M. International symposium on ‘Recent Advances in Statistics and Probability’ inhonor of Noël Veraverbeke, Hasselt, 19-20 May 2011.

Braekers R. International symposium on ‘Recent Advances in Statistics and Probability’in honor of Noël Veraverbeke, Hasselt, 19-20 May 2011.

Burzykowski T. Eighth International Seminar “Statistics and Clinical Practice”. Warsaw,Poland (08/06/2011–10/06/2011)


Page 37: The memoir class - Universiteit Hasselt · On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt rectors signed the I-BioStat agreement. The importance of the event was underscored by simultaneously


Faes C. Meeting of the International Biometrics Society of the Eastern Mediterranean Re-gion, Crete (08/05/2011-12/05/2011)

Faes C. Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Canada(21/08/2011-25/08/2011)

Hens N. 2nd SIMID Workshop, Antwerp (12/04/2011-14/04/2011)Janssen P. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Statistics and Probability (in

honor of Prof. dr. Noël Veraverbeke), May 19-21, 2011Janssen P. 19th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, October 12-14, 2011Molenberghs G. Minimizing and Handling Non-response in Sample Surveys, Katholieke

Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 08–09/12/2011. Quantitative Methods in the SocialSciences–2, European Science Foundation. Scientific Program Chair.

Molenberghs G. International symposium on ‘Recent Advances in Statistics and Proba-bility’ in honor of Noël Veraverbeke, Hasselt, 19-20 May 2011. Chair.

Veraverbeke N. AF Math Conference: Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Conference.Brussel (10/02/2011-11/02/2011)

Veraverbeke N. Francqui Lecture Series. Hasselt. March-May 2011. Co-promotor.Veraverbeke N. 58th I.S.I. Conference. Dublin, Ireland (21/08/2011-27/08/2011) Chair of

the General Topics Committee.Veraverbeke N. 19th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society. Hasselt


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Grants obtained in 2011



Goeyvaerts N. Post-doctoral fellowship from the AXA Research Fund. Mass action andcontact network models for social mixing in infectious disease transmission model-ing. 01/09/2011–31/08/2013

Hens N. BOF New Initiative: ‘Modelling Infectious Diseases’ Investigator: StevenAbrams (2011-2015)

Hens N. BOF travel grant: Het schatten van de vaccinatie couverture gebaseerd op trivari-ate serologische gegevens en incidentiegegevens. (April-Mei 2011)

Hens N. KCE-grant: Prioritisering van de doelgroepen met betrekking tot de vaccinatievoor seizoensgriep (2011-2012)

Shkedy Z. IWT-QSTAR. October 2011-October 2013.Shkedy Z. Cross-cutting statistics. October 2011-October 2013.Vandendijck Y. BOF doctoral program, Hasselt University. Promotor C. Faes (2011-2015)


G.Verbeke Een krachtig modeleringskader voor efficient opzetten en analyse van studiesin de levenswetenschappen. Research grant OT/09/041 from the Research Councilof Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, October 1, 2009 – September 30, 2013 (G. Molen-berghs and G. Verbeke)

G.Verbeke Bioframe: An algorithmic framework for integrative modeling in systems biol-ogy. SBO project of the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Tech-nology in Flanders (IWT), 060045/KUL-BIO-M2S-PLANT, 2007-2011 (G.Verbeke, I.Van Mechelen, K. Marchal, B. De Moor, A. Verschoren, Y. Van De Peer).


G.Verbeke, N. Veraverbeke Statistical analysis of Association and Dependence in Com-plex Data. Interuniversity Attraction Pole, Phase VI: P6/03, from the Federal Officefor Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, Belgium, 2007–2011. (G. Verbeke, L.Simar, I. Gijbels, I. Van Mechelen, N. Veraverbeke, L. Duchateau, A. Antoniadis, W.González-Manteiga, M. Kenward, and P. Eilers)

Molenberghs G. Methusalem Center of Excellence “Vaccination and Infectious DiseasesInstitute" from the Flemish Government, jointly with Prof. Herman Goossens (Uni-versiteit Antwerpen) (2008–2014)


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Molenberghs G. Research Project Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen:A flexible method for modeling non-normal hierarchical data structures ( 2009–2012)

Molenberghs G. Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds Universiteit Hasselt: A Powerful ModelingFramework for Efficient Design and Analysis of Life Sciences Studies (2009–2013;jointly with Geert Verbeke and Marc Aerts)

Molenberghs G. Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Onderzoek-stoelage: A Powerful Modeling Framework for Efficient Design and Analysis of LifeSciences Studies (2009–2013; jointly with Geert Verbeke).


Grant from the Polish National Science Center (2011/01/B/ NZ2/00864). Principal Inves-tigator: Anna Gambin, Co-Investigator: Burzykowski T. Warsaw University. 2012-2014

Grant from the EuroTransBio Initiative (1017106). Principal Investigator: Theo van derLeij, PamGene, Co-investigator: Burzykowski T. The Netherlands. 2011-2013

FWO research project: ‘Quantifying VZV boosting mechanisms and health care implica-tions for vaccination’ Principal Investigator: Niel Hens (2011-2014)

AXA Research Fellowship: Principal Investigator: Nele Goeyvaerts, Co-investigator: NielHens (2011-2013)

National Science Foundation (US): Co-Investigator. Principal Investigator: Edward Ip(Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC), Co-investigator:Molenberghs, G. Title: Solving the interpretation versus misspecification dilemma inpsychological, social, and behavioral measurements. (2007–)

Generalized additive modeling in studies of association, prediction, and classification.Applications in medicine and biology. Principal investigator: Prof. Carmen CadarsoSuarez, University of Santiago de Compostella, Spain. Co-investigator: Molen-berghs, G, Faes, C. (2008–2012).

National Institutes of Health (US) grant R01-AG031827, jointly with Edward Ip, co-investigator: Molenberghs, G. (2009–2013)

National Institutes of Health (US): Co-Investigator. Principal Investigator: Edward Ip(Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC), Co-investigator:Molenberghs, G. Title: Longitudinal Methods for Complex Interactions in ElderlyPopulations (2009–).

Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds Universiteit Hasselt: Het modelleren van epidemieën ge-bruikmakend van nieuwe statistische technieken gebaseerd op netwerk data en on-volledige gegevens analyse. Promoter: Niel Hens, co-promoter: Geert Molenberghs(2011–2014).

IWT grant for the Phd with title: Gene expression assisted compound chemistry: con-struction and evaluation of genetic biomarkers. Principal Investigator: Perualila N.J.(2011-2015)

WOG (FWO) Asymptotische theorie voor multidimensional statistiek (promotoren KULeuven: Claeskens en Gijbels, promoter UHasselt: Janssen)

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Prizes, titles, medals, nominations


Van Kerckhove K. Quetelet Prize Winner for Master Thesis 2010-2011. “Quantifying theimpact of illness on contact patterns”

Veraverbeke N. Honorary member of the Belgian Statistical Society (20/05/2011)


Forcheh A.C. Recipient of the award for the best student poster at the Workshop on Com-putational Statistical Methods for Genomics and Systems Biology (Montreal, April18-22, 2011).

Verbeke G. Promotor (with G. Molenberghs and M. Aerts) of the 2010-2011 Princess LilianFoundation visiting professorship for Prof. Anastasios A. Tsiatis (University of NorthCarolina, U.S.A.).

Verbeke G. Accredited as professional statistician by the American Statistical Association(ASA), 2010-2016.

Verbeke G. Excellence-In-Continuing-Education Award for 2011, selected by the Advi-sory Committee on Continuing Education of the American Statistical Association,for the short course ‘Foundations and recent advances in longitudinal and incom-plete data,’ taught by G.Verbeke and G. Molenberghs, at the Joint Statistical Meetings(American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, InternationalBiometrics Society, and the Statistical Society of Canada), Miami, U.S.A., July 30-31,2011.


Molenberghs G. 2011 Excellence in Continuing Education Award of the American Statis-tical Association for Course on Foundations and Recent Advances in Longitudinal andIncomplete Data. Presented by Verbeke, G. and Molenberghs, G. at the Joint StatisticalMeetings, Miami Beach, Florida (29–30/07/2011).

Molenberghs G. 2011 Promoter of Princess Lilian Visiting Professorship for ProfessorA.A. Tsiatis (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, U.S.A. (2010–2011).


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Research cooperation

− Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: F. Abegaz− K.U.Leuven, Belgium: Irene Gijbels, Gerda Claeskens, Johan Thevelein− Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium: Ines Adriaensen, Luc Bijnens, Christophe Buyck− Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, Raritan, New Jersey,

USA: Dhammika Amaratunga, Hinrich Goehlmann, Willem Talloen− Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Jersey, USA: Javier Cabrera− North Carolina State University, U.S.A.: Marie Davidian, Anastasios Tsiatis− University of Vigo, Spain: J. de Una Alvarez− Universtiy of Warsaw, Poland: Piotr Dittwald− Utrecht University, The Netherlands: Marieke Deregt and Marc Bonten− Universiteit Gent, Belgium: Luc Duchateau, Wim Delva− MARS, Verden: Helene Cappe, Britta Lammers, Mathieu Mao, Diego Martinez,

Doug Patty− VUB, Belgium: Peter Delobelle− London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK: Michael G. Kenward, John

Edmunds, Ken Eames, Peter Vickerman− Utrecht University, The Netherlands: Paul Eilers− Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany: Carlo Giovanni Camardo− VanderBilt University, US: Carlos Givalja− Charles University, Prague: Marek Omelka− Durham University, United Kingdom: Adetayo Kasim− Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia: Wondwosen Kassahun− RIVM, the Netherlands: Mirjam Kretzschmar− University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia: Marissa Lassere− Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA: Andrew Lawson− University of Antwerp, Belgium: Elke Leuridan, Pierre Van Damme, Heidi Theeten,

Philippe Beutels, Lander Willem− Institute of Bioinformatics JKU, Linz, Austria: Sepp Hochreiter, A.Mayr,

A.Mitterecker, D.-A. Clevert− University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K: Peter Horby− PHL, Belgium: Raf Meesen− Eli Lilly&Co, USA: Craig H. Mallinckrodt, Ilya Lipkovich, Alex Dmitrienko, Fanni

Natanegara− Medical University of Białystok, Poland: Jacek Niklinski− University of Washington, Seattle, US: Gail Potter− Erasmus Universiteit, the Netherlands: Dimitris Rizopoulos, Spyridoula Tsonaka− Pisa University, Italy: Piero Manfredi


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− University of Roma, Italy: Scalia Tomba Gianpaolo− Rutgers University, USA: Javier Cabrera− Linz University, Austria: Sepp Hochreiter− ITG: Patrick Van der Stuyft, Lizet Schansez− North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa: Jan Swanepoel− VITO, Belgium: Dirk Valkenborg− JESSA ziekenhuis, Hasselt, Belgium: Koenraad Van Renthergem− University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands: Yvonne Vergouw− GZA Hospitals Antwerp, Belgium: Luc Van Linthout− University of Utrecht, The Netherlands: Jacco Wallinga− Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany: Andreas Wienke− University of New South Wales, Australia: James Wood− University of Maastricht: Ariel Alonso, Jan Serroyen

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Association Membership


M. Aerts- Ordinary Member of the International Statistical Institute- Effective member of the Flemish Society of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economy

(VEE)- Member of the Belgian Statistical Society- Member of the American Statistical Association- Member of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability- Member of the A. Quetelet Society, International Biometric Society Belgian Region

T. Birhanu- Belgian Statistical Society, member- Adolphe Quetelet Society, member

R. Braekers- Belgian Statistical Society, member - treasurer- Adolphe Quetelet Society, member

T. Burzykowski- Belgian Statistical Society, member- International Biometric Society, member- International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, member- Polish Biometrical Society, member

A.Y. Castro-Sánchez- Belgian Statistical Society, student member- Adolphe Quetelet Society, student member

S. Chebon- Belgian Statistical Society, Member

E. Creemers- Belgian Statistical Society, member

Del Fava E.- The Adolphe Quetelet Society- The International Biometric Society

I. Enweonye- Pharmaceutical Users Software Exchange (PhUSE), member

C. Faes- Member of the Belgian Statistical Society- Member of the American Statistical Association- Member of the A. Quetelet Society, International Biometric Society Belgian Region


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N. Goeyvaerts- Belgian Statistical Society, member- Adolphe Quetelet Society, member

N. Hens- BSS, member- Quetelet Society, member- ASA, member- BAPH, member- EUPHA, member

P. Janssen- ISI, member- IMS, member- Bernoulli, member- Quetelet Society, member- Nederlandse Vereniging voor Statistiek, member- BSS, member

E. Milanzi- Belgian Statistical Society, student member- American Statistical Association, student member

E. Njeru Njagi- American Statistical Association, member- Belgian Statistical Society, member

N. J. Perualila- Philippine Statistical Association, member

L. Prenen- Belgian Statistical Society, member- Adolphe Quetelet Society, member

C. Sotto- American Statistical Association, member- Philippine Statistical Association, member

H. Thijs- SBS/BVS, Editor + Board member- Quetelet Society (International Biometric Society), member- American Statistical Association, member

Z. Shkedy- Quetelet Society (International Biometric Society), member

N. Veraverbeke- Belgian Statistical Society, member- Quetelet Society, member- Royal Statistical Society, elected fellow- International Statistical Institute, elected fellow- Bernoulli Society, member- International Mathematical Institute, member- American Statistical Association, member

K. Van Kerckhove- SBS-BVS, membership- Quetelet Society, membership

W.M. Wami- Royal Statistical Society, Fellow, GSTAT R©

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M. Aregay- Member of the Belgian Statistical SocietyK. Bogaerts- Member of the Belgian Statistical SocietyA.C. Forcheh- American Statistical Association, member- Lebialem Cultural and Development Association, Belgium, member and Financial

SecretaryG. Kalema- Student member of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB)T. Mutsvari- Student member of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB)G. Verbeke- Elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association, ‘For outstanding contribu-

tions to methodological and collaborative research on mixed models, longitudinaldata, and incomplete data; for dedication to statistical education and scientific con-sultancy, and for editorial and administrative service to profession’

- Elected member of International Statistical Institute- Member of International Biometric Society (IBS)- Member of American Statistical Association (ASA)- Elected fellow of Royal Statistical Society (RSS)- Member of Quetelet Society (IBS: Belgian region)- Member of Belgian Statistical Society (BVS/SBS)- Member of ENAR (IBS: Eastern North American region).


G. Molenberghs- International Statistical Institute (ISI, Elected Member)- American Statistical Association (ASA)- Belgische Vereniging voor Statistiek/Société Belge de Statistique (BVS/SBS)- Drug Information Association (DIA)- Quetelet Society (International Biometric Society – Belgian Region)- Royal Statistical Society (UK)- Vereniging voor Statistiek en Operations Research (VVS, NL)- Three Country Corner RSS Local Group- International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB)- Psychometric Society

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