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Welcome back to the third installment of my medical alphabetacy.Last chapter the girls grew up and left their cozy little home for college. Being as clever as they are they earned lots of stipends and could have easily bought a house on campus, but I prefer dorms.

"'re just too lazy to build a house because you suck at it.""I could have made you a nice floor plan.""And I would have done some interior decorating."

Thanks, but no. I did make over your rooms though to better suit your tastes. And before we really get into this discussion let's just find out who won the heir poll.

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"Just like I expected, although I still think you need to build me a castle now that I'm heiress. I need to call Gunna and get engaged to him so we can get married right after graduation."

Um...Arteria...I hate interrupting you...but...

"What, do you mean?"

You're not heiress. I'm showing you first because you came in last in the poll.

"Are you kidding me? I'm the princess! How dare they not vote for me? I'm not gonna accept this.“

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Aorta came in second place. And other than her older sister seems very happy about it.

"Why wouldn't I be? I get to paint and do pottery and sew and all the other wonderful art related things in this world instead of popping out babies. Who in his right mind would complain about that."

Your sister....

"I'm not so sure about the right mind with her anymore."

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"Oh my gosh, seriously? People voted me heiress? You didn't expect that, did you?"

No, I didn't. But I can work with it.

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"Arrhythmia's gonna pay for this. Nobody but me was supposed to be heiress. NOBODY!"

Actually that's not true Arteria. I like all of you girls. I just expected you to win, because you got the most screentime. I never promised you anything.

"I hate you just as much as my sisters. I'm going to ruin this for you. Be assured of that."

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Arrhythmia is taking her duties as heiress very seriously. Her first semester has only just started, yet she spends lots of time skilling and working on her grades.

"Of course. I need to become an architect as soon as possible after graduation, so I can finally start my city project on the moon."

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Arteria has seemingly calmed down finally.

"Of yourse. Not being heiress is not so bad. I mean....I get to live in luxury, marry whomever I want and don't need to have babies."

See...told is the title of your essay 'Devilish plans for take-over 1.1'?

"Don't worry. It's about military tactics. I want to be a general, remember?"

Why am I not convinced?

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"Aorta, how can you seriously be ok with this. You were the only one of us to max your skills and a hobby and yet you didn't become heir. You're not even protesting. Why not?""Why would I? I'm happy with the people's decision.""Gah...Sims with nice points!"

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"Gunna...have you heard who became heiress?""Not your strange little wanna-be-alien sister I hope."*crickets chirping*"What? Oh my gosh...she'll experiment on me!""No, she's gay, you dummy. But that's not the point."

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"Hey, Arrhythmia. Your sister told me that you aren't interested in me being your spouse.""Nope. But that doesn't mean that I won't experiment on you. My alien friends have given me quite a few ideas on what to to with you. I just need to go up there and visit them asap to get the necessary equipment."

You know you're lucky we don't have a telescope yet, don't you, Gunna?

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"Since you're the only possible male spouse currently known to this legacy I have a plan."

Should I remind him how your last plan failed, Arteria?

"Shut up....No, not you darling. What I was saying: If you're my lover and future husband the legacy won't have a male spouse...and guess legacy.""But there could be other male doctors out there.""Pff...not if I find them before our creator. And this is only part of my plan."

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"Hey Jennifer. Aorta Medical here. Do you remember me? My dad brought you home from work back when he was still alive." "Yes, there is only girls this generation and no I'm not heiress." "Want to come over and see if she's your type?" "Ok. See you in a bit."

Aorta, feeling that Arteria is trying to bring the legacy to it's knees tries her very best to get her younger sister a suitable spouse. Since the only one who knows Iris (another known doctor) is Arteria she's not an option, but fortunately there is another female doctor available.

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"Strike...I got invited into a legacy family. I only hope Aorta's sister is as cute as she promised me."

You're a townie. You aren't allowed to be picky.

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"Oh my...this is her?"

Do you have a problem with that Jennifer?

"No. I just didn't expect her to be gorgeous like that. I mean legacy sims sometimes..."

I can assure you, this is not an uglacy. At least I hope so.

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Jennifer was very shy at first, having never been flirted with by a girl before. But in the long run she of course couldn't resist Arrhythmia's very original compliments.

"You're so pretty I want to take you on a space cruise and never come back down to earth."

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While her sister is busy getting herself a girlfriend Aorta has found another way to express her creativity that makes her glow with joy.

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But a new hobby is not the only thing Aorta has found. There is also Elmar, another student living in their dorm and just as interested in arts and crafts as her. I see love on the horizon and maybe he can help her in her gallery later.

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While her sisters are busy with falling in love Arteria has launched another part of her plan into action. She can't do it alone though and whom better to ask for advice than the friendly neighborhood gypsie.

"I usually keep out of legacy business, but your creator was very rude to me when I offered dates for your mother. So I'll help you. You need to get into the secret society. I'm sure they can help with your plan. And here is the adress of another friend of mine. She'll give you the power you so desire.""Thanks. As soon as I'm heiress I will definitely book one of your dates."

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Arrhythmia really couldn't care less if her sister is plotting anything behind her back. She is simply in love with Jenny. The two of them make such a cute couple, even though they only have one bolt with one another.

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Now that she knows how to advance her plan Arteria does not waste any time. Unfortunately it isn't quite as easy as she thought.

"Nobody knows who's a member of the secret society. That's why it's secret. You just have to befriend lots of people on campus and hope you meet the right ones."

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I'm sure Sue, who is just about to ring the doorbell, planning to check on her little girls will be very happy to see that Arrhythmia has found the woman of her dreams.

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You look happy, Sue.

"Of course I do. My little girl just proposed to my future daughter-in-law, who is a doctor. What more could I want. If only Flo would still be here with us to enjoy this moment."

I'm sure he is watching from somewhere and is happy. The only one missing the whole thing of her own free will is Arteria, who decided that things were going far too well for her sister.

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Their interest in everything that has something to do with arts and crafts has forged quite the bond between Elmar and Aorta. I'm sure they soon will be engaged too.

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With the good grades the girls easily achieved Arrhythmia could afford to get herself a telescope and go hunting for the elusive aliens she was so fascinated by.Has no one ever told you that only knowledge Sims care about space experiences?

"If I don't meet them how do you suppose I will be able to build a city on the moon for them? It's just business I want to talk, nothing more, nothing less."

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Like I expected Aorta's proposal also happened under the watchful eyes of her family members, although both of them don't look exactly thrilled.

"Why would I be? I'm only here because I said that I would be obnoxiously watching all her firsts. That's also the reason I'm in my underwear and eating instead of paying attention.""Shush're ruining the moment.""As if you wearing pink pjs doesn't!"

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"Mrs. Arrhythmia Medical?" *checks his notes* "I'm here to deliver the first copy of your book.""Wow....I never thought that 'Ba dum ba dum ba dum - The heartbeat book' would ever be published.""Yes, well. I also need you to pay for this copy so at least one has been sold."

Arteria looks a little bit pleased that her sister's book was quite the failure, while Arrhythmia vows to never again write something just because of family tradition."Aliens and Money will be my theme next time."

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"So you want me to flirt with them and nuke their relationships? No problem. That's what cow mascots do."

And here I was, hoping that you had given up your plan of becoming heiress.

"No way in hell. I was just busy trying to get into the secret society."

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I think Arteria should have specified whom the cow needs to flirt with. Plan failed.

"Amateurs, amateurs! All of them!"

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Drawing and pottery and simply sewing is just not enough for her anymore, so Aorta has decided to also design her own clothes. Very pretty I might add.Now go and make some for your sisters.

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And as promised Arteria get's a dress worthy of the princess she believes herself to be.

"Just so you know. This doesn't make me stop wanting to take over the legacy."

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Arrhythmia is the last to get a new dress, but she seems a lot happier about it than Arteria did.

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Oh my...I didn't know you were a ghost, Elmar.

"Shh...don't tell Aorta. I don't want her to freak out and break up with me."

She's a free and artistic spirit. I wouldn't be too worried. And in case this ghostyness doesn't disappear by itself...

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Feeling like a ghost? Batteries empty? Ready to keel over and fall asleep?

Electrifying Industries presents the new style of electroconvulsive therapy. Our ECT 12.000 V - Model offers refreshing bolts of energy without the need to leave your home. It has been thoroughly tested by generations of Sims and there are almost no known adverse side effects. Get your own ECT 12.000 V - Model today and successfully battle fatigue and depression.

Caution: Adverse effects can occur if used with low aspiration. For more information please consult your doctor.

Thank you for listening to this short commercial break and now back to the story.

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Whoo...the girls are halfways through college.

Arrhythmia, our heiress, is already engaged to her spouse and has almost all the skills she needs for her LTW. So for the remaining college years she can focus on her new writing hobby and try to meet aliens.Aorta is still passionate about all kinds of arts and crafts, but she has managed to tear herself away from painting for long enough to get a fiance.And still trying to ruin it all. Fortunately she hasn't even managed to get in the secret society yet.

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Aorta, why are you writing your essay in the bathroom?

"My theme is color coordination and in case you haven't noticed the toilet and sink are the only things in the whole dorm that perfectly match my clothes. So where else would I write it?"

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Jenny brought over some flowers in the middle of the night, while Arrhythmia is already sleeping. That's so much sweeter than the gifts dates usually bring. I'm sure she'll be very happy in the morning.

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Arteria, what are you doing in Arrhythmia's bed?

"I just wanted to know what it feels like to sleep like a heiress..."

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Synchronised essay writing rocks!Does anyone else see the irony of the fact that it's Arteria and Arrhythmia who work so well together?

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"Look at this. Someone threw a book on the floor in front of our door. Money and the moon....hey, that's my new book. Why is it on the ground?"

Probably because it was another fail. No offence girl, but you obviously lack writing talent. Maybe you need to get yourself a new hobby.

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"Mrs. Medical...I arrest you fo...""Oh shut up. What the heck took you so long anyway, huh? I've had to make millions of friends for you to finally accept me. I mean honestly."

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I can see you secretly smiling Arteria...

"Of course I am. My plan is finally working and soon Arrhythmia will be history and I will be heiress.""Wow...usually the secret society is good for legacies, not trying to ruin them. I like doing something different."

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"Just like the gypsie said...this is perfect. Now I only need to sneak this back home and the legacy will be mine finally."

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"What do you mean by you won't resurrect Tifi as a flesh-eating zombie. But that's the only reason I kept her grave all the time." "Of course I knew her. She was the girl that died in our backyard." "What does that matter...I'm...."

Death just hung up on Arteria and refused to resurrect her zombie minion. Too bad Arteria...your plan has failed if you ask me.

"This isn't over. Not yet."

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Arrhythmia has every right to grin like that. With maxing her logic skill she has all the skills needed for her LTW.

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Now that Arrhythmia is closer to becoming the perfect heiress, Arteria tries to get her plans back on track as soon as possible.

"Hi Suzie. I'm so glad you came over. You're simply the best person ever." *mumbles* "The best person for my plan that is.""What did you say?""Nothing...nothing...come on I need to show you something."

Suzie, if I were you I wouldn't go with her.

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See, I told you so. But does anyone ever listen to me?

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"It is your fault that my own daughter is spying on me, you crazy dormie." *fumes*"Why are you complaining to me lady and not to Arrhythmia? She was the one spying.""Because she's at class and I need someone to vent my anger on."

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"Anyone care to tell me what happened. It wasn't her time yet. She's only a young adult, so why am I here to get her?"

Well you know Death. It's your fault! YOU refused to resurrect Tifi, remember?

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"I really can't believe that Arteria should be responsible for this. I know that she wants to become heiress, but that she would go this far...."

Better believe it, Aorta.

"I can't believe that it has come to this, but I'll try to protect Arrhythmia. I won't tell her about Arteria though. I don't want her to worry needlessly. Being heiress is burden enough."

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"Hello Death, it's me again. You know what I want and you know what will happen if you refuse. Do we have a deal?"

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"Suzie, I'm so glad I could save you from death. I really have no idea why you were suddenly imprisoned behind a wall of greenery. I'm very sorry, that I couldn't save you earlier.""Uh....""Yes, well. You're probably thankful that I saved you, aren't you and would like to help me with my plan. You're a little pale, but maybe it'll work anyway...who would have though that death could ruin a person's skin color.""" *looks confused*"Yes! I want you to..." *whispers*

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"Arteria, I can't believe you seriously did this. I still don't know what you are planning exactly, but I will try to stop you. This legacy isn't yours.""I have no idea what you're talking about, Aorta. All I did is revive my good friend Suzie after her accidental and sad death."

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"Suzie, whatever my sister asked you to do, please don't. Don't be a part of her plan to ruin this legacy.""Can not....not help. human back."

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"Jennifer plan."

Suzie, what the heck are you planning? Please don't eat our spouse's brains. She still needs them.

"Arteria say....flirt...with Rhythmia...Jen leg...acy."

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"You pretty...would love to" *tries to hug and kiss*"Hahaha...Suzie. You're so funny. That was such a good joke.""I wanna be you...girl....friend.""Of course you can be my friend. After all that's happened to you."

Well take that Arteria. Arrhythmia is immune to Suzie's 'flirting' and Jennifer doesn't seem bothered by it either. Another plan failed.

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"You are such a failure! I just hope you die again soon. And don't think I'll make you human again, you stupid brainless zombie.""Sorry...Arteria. I""Now I need a new plan. First the cow mascot and now you...amateurs, all amateurs."

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Arrhythmia, unaware that she has managed to foil her sister's plan to destroy her relationship, is still very focused on meeting aliens.

"I absolutely need to show them my plans for a space city. I've already found a couple planets that have the right surface properties."

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Before Arteria can think of another evil plan to stop this legacy or Arrhythmia has the chance to go to space the girls finish their last semester.

"We did it! Whooo."

A short party is in order before they return to the main household and usual legacy life. Enjoy it while you can.

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This shot of the girls concludes the generation A college chapter.

I hope you enjoyed your read and will join us for the next chapter too.

Will Arteria hatch another evil plan? Can Aorta successfully stop her if she does? What will become of Suzie, the zombie? And most important: Will Arrhythmia start the next legacy generation or focus on her alien dreams? Or will she maybe even manage to combine both?

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