
Group Starter Kit

www.Masterminds.orgLast Updated July 14, 2016



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BEFORE THE HUDDLE Invitation Email #1Invitation Email #2Reminder Email Huddle Checklist

DURING THE HUDDLE New Member Form Meeting Tracker Huddle Script

AFTER THE HUDDLE Recap Email Halftime Email Huddle Email




Thank you for taking a stand for yourself and your friends

by creating a Mastermind Group. I hope that you

experience each other in a brand new way by engaging in

this monthly process together. This is a simple system

designed to help you motivate the group and create a

supportive culture of accountablity.


Jullien Gordon






INVITATION EMAIL #1SUBJECT: You’ve been on my mind


I’m creating a new mastermind group of a few on the smartest, hardest working, most giving and successful people I know. And you are one of them.

The group will probably be anywhere from 3-5 amazing people that I’ve handpicked initially. But I imagine it expanding to perhaps 10 people as people invite other people.

I found a fun game-based accountability structure that we will be building upon. The structure recommends that we meet once a month and hold each other accountable to our goals online or via phone throughout the month.

The first meeting is taking place at my house next Wednesday night from 7-8:30pm.

Does this sound like something you would be interested in?

If so, please RSVP so that I can get a head count. We're going to start at 7pm sharp. I will provide the goal setting materials and some light snacks, but feel free to bring something if you would like.

Either way, I’m always wishing you the best.

Your Name Your Address Your Phone Number

Click here to copy this email template.


INVITATION EMAIL #2SUBJECT: Goal Setting Party At My House, Wed. 7-8:30pm

BODY: Hello Friends,

It doesn't have to be New Year's Eve to think about your goals—they should be on our mind all of the time. If you've been procrastinating but have some personal or professional goals that you want to get done, then join us at my house on Wednesday night from 7-8:30pm.

We're going to start at 7pm sharp. Bring your New Year's resolutions or any other goals written down. I will provide the goal setting materials and some light snack, but feel free to bring something if you would like.

Please RSVP so that I can get a head count.


Your Name Your Address Your Phone Number

Click here to copy this email template.


REMINDER EMAILSUBJECT: See You At My House Tomorrow At 7pm Sharp


I’m so excited that you will be joining the group tomorrow night. Not only do I know you will benefit tremendously, I also know that you will be able to contribute. There are some other people coming that I personally want to introduce you to based on what you’re up to.

We're going to start at 7pm sharp. Bring your New Year's resolutions or any other goals written down and a laptop if you have one. I will provide some light snacks, but feel free to bring something if you would like.


Your Name Your Address Your Phone Number

Click here to copy this email template.



InvitationsSend out the invitation email at least two weeks in advance. You can use email,, personal handwritten cards, or any way that works for you.

Invite one other people to co-host the huddle with you to maximize attendance.

HostingClean your home and organize seating in a circular arrangement or find another space such as a cafe, restaurant, church, office, or park.

Buy snacks, drinks (especially one bottle of sparkling apple cider to celebrate), paper plates, plastic utensil, and name tags.

Print the Huddle Script, a few New Member Forms, and 1 Meeting Tracker

Masterminds.orgRequest to be a coach at Once you are accepted, you can create a team name, upload a logo, and assign an assistant coach.

Invite everyone who accepts your invitation to the online platform at

During The Huddle

Have everyone create 1 goal for the month and give themselves a point for attending the meeting.

Have everyone knock down their first domino in some way whether it be via text message, email, a purchase, a quick phone call, etc.

After the first month, ensure that everyone answers the “What’s Working & What’s Not? question on their goal.

After The Huddle

Send a recap email thanking everyone for coming and invitation for the next Team Huddle.

Use to motivate and give players feedback on their goals, send messages and updates throughout the month.




NEW MEMBER FORMFull Name: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________

Who scouted you: ______________________________________

Why are you joining: ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Grade the following areas of your life on a scale of A+ to F:

What do you bring to the team: ___________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Your gifts, talents, strengths, and skills: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Your passions and hobbies: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

❒ I am open to hosting a huddle in my home one day.

Team Name: __________________________ Player #: ________

Family & Relationships Social Life & Fun

Professional & Career Soul & Spiritual

Health & Wellness Other:

Financial Other:



DateTime Address Head




1/28 7pm 1000 Monument DriveBrooklyn, NY 11200

Jesse Stephen Shay Bill


HUDDLE SCRIPTBelow is a script for the monthly Team Huddle. You can deviate from the script, as long as you DO NOT skip steps. Make sure that all online forms are completed in their entirety. Be yourself and add your personality as the team leader.

WELCOME (5 MIN) Welcome to our monthly Team Huddle. My name is _______________ and today I’ll be the Head Coach. We are all Player-Coaches and we rotate Head Coaches monthly to ensure that everyone gets a chance to lead.

The Mastermind Movement is a nationwide competition of people just like us setting goals in teams every 30 days and is designed to help us: 1. Stay focused and intentional about the life we are creating 2. Celebrate our successes—both the big wins and small wins 3. Evaluate how we are showing up in our own lives and the lives of those we love, and 4. Schedule our priorities instead of prioritizing our schedules.

It is based on the book Guaranteed Goals: How To Guarantee You Succeed At Any Goal You Set In Advance by Jullien Gordon who is also the Creator of The Mastermind Movement. If you haven’t read the book yet, I highly recommend that you do. It will explain the WHY behind everything we do in this mastermind group.

Napoleon Hill, author of Think And Grow Rich, defines a Mastermind Group as "The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” Minister Jack Boland adds that "A Master Mind group consists of two or more persons who meet regularly in an atmosphere of trust and harmony for the purpose of providing mutual support and encouragement and to believe for each other things which each, alone, may find difficult to conceive and believe for himself or herself.” This is why we come together—to support one another so that we may achieve greater things together than we ever could on our own.

This Team Huddle usually last anywhere 90 minutes.

I need 2 volunteers: 1. An Assistant Coach to help me with logistics 2. A Referee to keep us on time

Is anyone willing to lead with me today?

Thank you.



HUDDLE SCRIPTINTRODUCTIONS (10 MIN) Now we’re are going to do introductions. We’re going to go around and say: 1. Our names 2. How many games you’ve played (or How many months you’ve been playing) 3. How many points you’ve scored 4. How many assists you have 5. One word that describes how you feel about your presence and performance last month

This number is known as your (Cal) Ripken - (Serena) Williams - (John) Stockton score.

Cal Ripken played 2,632 consecutive baseball games over the course of 16 seasons. Like Ripken, also known as “Iron Man” before the movie came out, we have to always show up for ourselves and our teammate. Your presence matters regardless of your performance.

Serena Williams has won 22 Grand Slams tying Steffi Graf as the woman with the most Grand Slam wins in tennis in the Open Era. When the opportunity arises you have to show up and succeed.

John Stockton has 15,806 career assists in basketball. The closest person to him is Jason Kidd at 12,091. This means that Stockton contributed to at least 31,612 points for others. On this team and in this game, we are rewarded for helping our teammates succeed.

At this time, we would also like to welcome any new team members to the group, by allowing them to share: 1. A little bit about who they are 2. Who brought them 3. Why they’re here, and 4. What they bring to the team.

The Assistant Coach will be giving you a NEW MEMBER FORM now. Please complete it give it back to them before you leave this meeting.


Great! With that, I will read the Mastermind Motto.

In this room is the power to change the world. In me is the power to change the world. If I’m going to change the world, I need a world of change in me. Change comes naturally, but it can also come intentionally. Through the power of goal setting and community, I can achieve anything I put my mind to. Everything is possible to the extent I believe it is. I want to dream wide awake as much as I do asleep. And through focused action we can do it! (30 days at a time)


HUDDLE SCRIPTLAST MONTH’S PERFORMANCE (30 MIN) With that, I would like to transition into evaluation of last month performance by setting aside 4 minutes for everyone to answer question What worked? And what didn’t work last month? The purpose of this question is to evaluate your successful and unsuccessful patterns so that you can get a better understanding of what needs to be in place for you to increase your likelihood of success with any goal you set in the future. We all succeeded at creating some result this month. The question is whether or not it is the result you desired.

Socrates said “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Self-evaluation is one of the most important steps in goal setting, but most people skip it and that’s why they keep tripping over the same goals. This is your chance to stop and sharpen your saw. There is no universal formula for success. Each of us has our own formula and it is up to us to discover it through honestly examining how we showed up and performed in areas we could control.

I’m going to walk through the self-evaluation step by step. In this process, it is important not to skip steps. Every step has a purpose. When everyone is done, we will go around and each person will quickly share two things they learned about themselves in pursuit of this goal.


First, go to this month’s goal online and drag your progress bar to the percentage of completed you reached this month.


Next, towards the bottom of your goal, there is a section online under you goal where you can type in your insights about yourselves called WHAT’S WORKING & WHAT'S NOT. It is best to capture your insights here so you can references them, find patterns, and discover your personal formula for success. Again, you are looking:- successful and unsuccessful patterns - motivator and demotivators- supportive and unsupportive people- and other factors of that nature that will allow you replicate your success in the future.

Examples include: - My wife asked me every day if I did it and my mastermind group buddy, Joe, called too. I need at least 2 people in my daily life pushing me and applying positive peer pressure. - Waiting until the last minute and procrastinating always catches up to me. It’s an excuse. I need to just anchor it in time from now on. - The goal wasn’t really authentic to me. It was something I felt I should do, but I didn’t really want to do it. It was dead from the start. I have to put more thought into what I want.- Work got busier than expected. In the future I have do a better job of saying no and managing up.



Now each person is going to get 3 minutes to show PROOF OF PROGRESS or EVIDENCE OF SUCCESS as well as share one or two things that they learned about themselves in the pursuit of last month’s goal. Remember that progress is more important than perfection. Failing forward is better than not trying.

In the spirit of leading by example, I will go first and then we’ll just go clockwise.



HUDDLE SCRIPTINDIVIDUAL & TEAM SCOREBOARDS (10 MIN) Now, that everyone has updated their progress on last month’s goals online, I’m going to ask the Assistant Coach to see what our total team score was from last month from the Scores page as well as who our top scores were.

As a team, the way we win is to beat or match our score from last month’s.

As an individual, the way we win is to beat or match your score from last month’s.

Here is how the game is scored. You can also see this online.

First, there are ACHIEVEMENT POINTS: SUCCESSFUL = 2 points > 50% PROGRESS = 1 point < 50% PROGRESS = -1 point

Second, there are ATTENDANCE POINTS: ATTENDS = 1 point ABSENT = -1 point

Finally, there are ASSISTS POINTS: ASSIST IN SUCCESS = 1 point


Last month we scored ____ and this month we scored _____. That’s a ___ increase/decrease.

Any thoughts?


Lets celebrate anyone who matched their last score or had an increase in total points this month (via a sparkling apple cider toast)! Please stand so that we can acknowledge you.

Now, let’s celebrate (and pour another toast to) our collective improvement.

Will everyone please stand.


HUDDLE SCRIPTGOAL SETTING IN MOTION (30 MIN) Now on to setting new goals for the upcoming month. Please go to the goals page on the online platform. We will be using the right column to set a new goal for this month. Again, I’m going to walk through it step by step and it is important not to skip steps because every part of the process has a purpose. If you already know how to do it, feel free to go ahead.

This goal setting process goes beyond writing down what you want and when. Dates do not hold us accountable—events that involve other people do. Most goals fail because they aren’t set up to succeed from the start and they aren’t immediately set in motion. To understand the research behind this “goal-setting in motion” process, I encourage you to read Guaranteed Goals. But even if you haven’t, you will experience why this method works this month.

1. EXPERIENCE: I ultimately want to experience what it is like to be...

The reasons we set goals is because we want to have a new experience of life in pursuit of the goal and/or based on the achievement of the goal. For example, you can set a goal to run a marathon because of how healthy you’ll become during training, but on the backend you may raise money for a good cause which allows you to be philanthropic even if you’re not rich.

The experience is focused on WHO YOU WANT TO BE, not just what you want to do or have. These are identities, not just to do list items.

Examples include: I want to BE debt-free, BE an entrepreneur, BE passionate about my work, BE a daily exerciser.

2. SPECIFIC GOAL: Given the experience I want to have, my goal is to…. e.g. eliminate $3,597 in credit card debt, earn $1,000/month on the side coaching or consulting, change industry & function, run a marathon in 4 hours

Based on the experience you want to have in 1A, what is the specific goal you are going to focus on this month. For instance, I may want to experience what it’s like to be a global citizen for 3 months, my specific goal may be to map out the entire trip and estimate the exact costs.

Examples include eliminate $3,597 in credit card debt (if you want to experience debt-free), earn $1,000/month on the side coaching or consulting (if you want to experience financial freedom), change industry & function (if you want to experience a fulfilling career), run a marathon in 4 hours (if you want to experience greater health and energy).

HUDDLE SCRIPT3. EVIDENCE OF SUCCESS: How will I measure & show my success while having this experience? e.g. lbs. lost, before & after pic, $s earned, # of clients

Your evidence of success is how you will prove your progress to the group at the next meeting. Thing about what specific artifact you can bring to show that you succeeded at your goal. If you want to show us that you lost weight, bring a scale. If you want to show us that you earned extra income, bring your PayPal account screenshot. If you want to show us that you made progress on your book, bring the first 4 chapters. Bring something that proves to us you have improved your life.

Examples include before and after pictures, screenshots, contracts, documents, PowerPoints, pictures of something you created or with people you said you were going to meet, receipts, confirmation emails, etc.

4. FIRST DOMINO: What is the “first domino?” What’s the easiest action I can do in faith right now that will set my experience in motion? e.g. send invitations, pay a coach, buy my ticket, give a friend $ if I don’t do it

The first domino is the easiest action you can take right now that will trigger the bigger action you are resisting taking. Imagine standing up a set of dominos in such a way that when you knock down one, that one knocks down the other 25. All you did was apply energy to one domino and it triggered the other 25 to fall down. We are taking that same concept and applying it to our life.

Examples include: Buying the plane ticket before you have everything figured out OR Sending out invitations before the event plan is ready OR Signing up for that marathon before you figure out your training plan OR Inviting people over before you cleaning your house OR Selling your product before the product is even ready.


Each person is going to get 3 minutes to share their ultimate experience, specific goal, evidence of success, and first domino. As caring teammates, we can chime in if we don’t think the goal is specific and guaranteed based on the way it is setup. Our job is to help our teammates remove any excuses and escape routes up front so that they have no choice but to succeed.


Great! Before we conclude, I’m going to give people 3 minutes to knock down their first domino in any way they can whether it be a call, text, email, purchase, etcetera.

HUDDLE SCRIPTCONCLUSION (5 MIN) Great! We have some final things to do before we end the huddle.

1. Last month we scored _____ as a team, so what’s our goal for this month? Remember, we can score in 3 areas—achievement, attendance, and assists.


Okay, so our goal for this month is ______ points.

2. Does anyone need additional support or accountability throughout the month? This an opportunity to ask for help and for someone to get an assist. Assisting is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself and this team.

3. Does anyone have a new member in mind who they think will add to the team? This can increase our attendance score, but more importantly we want them to be a fit for our team.

4. When do you want to have our next meeting? 4 weeks from now would be ______________. Does that work for everyone? Same time?

5. Where will the huddle be? Same place? Is someone else centrally located that desires to host or should we just stay here for now?

6. Who wants to be Head Coach next month? You will lead the next month’s huddle and you are responsible for sending out the the follow-up emails next month. I’m responsible for this month’s 1 day, 2 week, and 4 week reminders. You take the reigns at next month’s huddle. I’m happy to share how I prepared for this huddle afterward.


We’re almost done. I want to hold space to see if anyone has anything to say or share? It could be an insight, question, affirmation, special announcement.

Great! So we will meet at John’s House at 1000 Blue Mountain Road, New York, NY at 7pm on Thursday, February 12th. Feel free to bring a new member if you would like and a snack or drink if you can.

I will send out a recap email with everyone’s goals and the location of the next huddle tonight.

Thank you all! And a special thanks to tonight’s Assistant Coach and Referee for helping me lead. See you in a month.




RECAP EMAILSUBJECT: Last Night’s Mastermind Group Huddle Recap

BODY: Hello Goal Achievers,

Last night was amazing! I’m so inspired by each of you and your goals. Thank you for blessing my home.

Each of our 30-Day Do It Goals can be found online here:

Our team goal is 16 points next month. Here is the breakdown.

Jane: 4 John: 4 Joe: 3 Jessie: 3 Joy:: 2

If you can assist a fellow team member in achieving their goal, feel free to reach out and let them know how. If you need help in any way, that it what we are here for too.

The next huddle will be at Mike’s house on October 11th at 7pm.


Your Name

Click here to copy this email template.


HALFTIME EMAILSUBJECT: It’s Halftime. Email Me An Update Today.

BODY: Hello Goal Achievers,

I can’t believe that we’re already halfway through the month. Regardless of how far along you are, it’s all about finishing strong.

Halftime is a great time to reflect on how you’re doing and plan for how you want to do in the second half. Click the link below to drag your progress bar, request coaching, or update your goal.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you need support, let your teammates know. You are not alone. The team may be able to help you make a connection or someone may be able to meet you at Starbucks for office hours one evening.

Our next huddle will be at Mike’s house on October 11th at 7pm.


Your Name Click here to copy this email template.


HUDDLE EMAILSUBJECT: RSVP for Wednesday’s Team Huddle

BODY: Hello Goal Achievers,

I hope this month has been successful for you. Our next huddle is 2 days from now.

Whether you succeeded with flying colors or you had some challenges, our huddle is here to help.

Please RSVP by replying to this email to let everyone know you’re coming. Attendance counts. Show up for yourself and for your team. Let’s see if we can beat last month’s team score.

The huddle will be at Mike’s house on October 11th at 7pm. Bring a new member and snack if you can.


Your Name

P.S. Here is how we score.




Click here to copy this email template.

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