Page 1: The Mariano Legacy Chapter 3.1

Welcome to the next chapter of the Mariano Legacy. I hope you all are enjoying my story so far.

Last time, The Mariano clan went to college, and was able to build a greek house as soon as

they got there, courtesy of the ton of scholarships they had. Spencer was named heir, much to

Orson‟s relief. Nanny Kendal vowed to get Spencer to marry her, and stalked the greek house

for a long time, scaring off any potential wives. Betty fell in love with her professor, which was

unexpected, and all of the kids proposed to their boyfriends and girlfriends. Spencer proposed

also, but the fiance is a mystery. Also, Orson overdosed on cannabis and died, but Spencer

saved his life, much to Grim‟s dismay. Now all of the kids are grown up and graduated out of

college, and are settling into their new homes. And they are all getting married….let‟s take a


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Betty and Professor Gerard purchased a small home one block away from Ginger and Makoto,

and set up a small wedding in their yard. Luckily, none them had the fear to marry so no one

went into aspiration failure.

“Mom, please sit, we are about to say our vows!”

“Hold on, this lady is taking my seat.”

The other guests were taking advantage of the fruit keg.

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“I, Gerard Steven Nott, take thee Betty Jean Mariano, to be my lawful wedded wife, and I give

my whole heart and soul to you, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. And I vow to

keep our relationship open, and forever practice free love with you.” *sweats profusely*

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“And I, Betty Jean Mariano, take thee Gerard Steven Nott, to be my lawful wedded husband, in

sickness and in health, until death do us part. I vow to woohoo you all the time, no matter where

we are, and I too vow to practice free love as long as we both shall live.”

Romance sims.

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And after the rings exchanged, the regret of getting married set on top of both of their heads.

Don‟t worry guys, you will still be able to woo and hoo all the sims in Bowerville.

Now they are Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Nott. Congrats!

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“Man, that should have been me up there. I woulda been like, happy to be her husband.” *eye


Yoosung (I finally remember his name!) was Betty‟s first boyfriend a couple of chapters back. I

would have had them marry, but I had other things in mind. She was nice enough to invite him

to the wedding though.

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And here is the obligatory cake eating shot. I had a feeling she was a shover lol.

“I love-ooomph!”

“Nice cake huh?”

“Mmmhmm…very nice.”

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Moving on to Gene‟s house the very next day, Gene and Meadow took their vows in the middle

of the desert heat.

Ginger: That‟s my boy! Getting married! Woohoo!”

“Ma, please!”

“I‟m sorry I just love weddings.”

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Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mariano sealed the deal with a kiss that made Ginger blush, and the

placeholder for Lambda Pi Cham cheer.

Betty: Get a room you two!

Gerard: Man. I need to go find the hot tub.

“Darling, now you and I can raise our twenty puppies together forever. Isn‟t that great?”

“Oh yes it is. I can‟t wait to get started!”

Yes, they both have the same LTW, just like Betty and her husband. I wonder if that‟s a glitch or

sheer coincidence?

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After the ceremony, everyone rushed into the air conditioned house while Gene and Meadow

ate cake.

“Here you are sweetie. I hope you like it. I ordered chocolate crème, you favorite.”

“Mmmm….yes very nice.”

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One week later, The Mariano family and some friends gathered at Joanne and Weldon‟s house.

If you look straight ahead you can see the legacy house in the background. Ginger decided to

heartfart her husband during the ceremony.

“Ooooh Makoto, you are hotter than a BBQ in July!”

Everyone: Ssssssh!!!

I think Ginger is slowly but surely become senile.

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“I, Berjes Anthony Baena, take thee Joanne Bethany Mariano to be my wife, in sickness and in

health, forever and ever until I go into that giant cow pasture in the sky.”

“Awww that‟s so romantic!”

“I know, ain‟t it?” *smirks*

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So, as Joanne become Mrs. Berjes Baena, her family cheered, and Ginger went straight to the


“I can‟t help that my bladder is the size of a marble! Move outta the way, I got to go pee!”

Some of the guest included John Bui, and that Beare guy from Uni, as well as the greek house


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As expected, Weldon is a shover….if he wasn‟t I would wonder what kind of cow he was. Pretty

cake huh?

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Orson was trying to take a fake picture of Judy‟s fiance, Weldon, while Spencer was trying not

to beat up his wife‟s new husband. Berjes is the most hated among the Mariano boys, since

Berjes did pick on them during Uni. But the wedding was fight-free, and became a roof-raiser.

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Judy and Weldon decided on a simple ceremony, and held it in their living room while the whole

family and then some watched them take their vows. Berjes wasn‟t invited, for fear of a fight

breaking out between him and Orson.

*I used the invisible wedding arch from MTS2

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“…and I, Judy Renee Mariano, take thee Weldon Jefferson Do, to be my lawful wedded

husband, and I vow to make sure we eat the healthiest vegetarian meals, and pass them down

to our children, and be a wonderful wife and best friend to you, until the Grim takes us away.”

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Everyone cheered, and Judy‟s heart raced as they confirmed their marriage to one another.

“Wow, I am Judy Do now, I can‟t believe it!”

“I can‟t either. I never thought I would ever get married.”


Well, I just thought I would always be stuck in Uni forever and ever, until I found you.”


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I missed the cake cutting pic *sorry!* But Gene came to personally congratulate his favourite


I am so happy for you Judy. I wish you and Weldon the best. And if you ever want a puppy

make sure you let me know.”

“Uhhh…yea ok I will.”

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One month later, Orson and his future wife Elise invited everyone over for their wedding. Elise

preferred to be married in the fall, instead of the summer, so that she could have a comfortable

outdoor wedding. Orson fidgeted as they waited for the guests to find their seats.

Looks like Joanne over there is thinking about babies. Collin Picasso, Orson‟s best friend, was

the first to be invited.

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“Elise Katherine Wilsonoff, I accept you to be my wife, and this ring here is a symbol of my love

and commitment to you. I swear to always share my stash with you, and to keep the bong full.

And of course I promise to always be there for you no matter what.”

Elise: *swoons*

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“Umm…..ummmm…..Orson Michael Marino, I too accept you as my husband, and I promise to

be a good wife and mother, and to always be by your side through thick and thin. I also promise

to share my stash, and to always keep the bong full when you forget.”

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“I love you Mrs. Mariano.”

I love you too….Mr. Mariano.” *giggles*

Looks like quilt lady from chapter 1 has come to crash the party. She really didn‟t like Ginger

when she first came to town. I hope she gets along with Orson a whole lot better.

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Elise gently fed her husband the cake that was loaded with fruit. Judy insisted to bake it for

them since she used only organic ingredients.

“Your sister is a very good cook. I wish she would have baked all of the wedding cakes.”

“Well, Gene wouldn‟t have it since he was feeling guilty about having her work so hard, and I

am not sure about everyone else. I am glad she volunteered though.”

“Me too.”

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“…yea so like,I remember the first time we met, and fell in love. It was like, a dream come true!

And then, I remember….”

Yes, Elise loves to talk. A lot.

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“Hey bro, get away from the keg. I was here first!” *hic!*

“No, I was. I go first. Plus, I am the oldest.”

*plusplus bestfriends*

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Back at the legacy house, Spencer prepared to marry his future wife. He was very nervous, and

scared all at the same time.

“Mom, what if I don‟t make a good heir? What if…if I‟m not a good husband?”

“Son, don‟t worry about that. We all have to learn how to be good spouses as time goes on.

And I trust you will be a good heir. We all trust your judgment. Now, go get ready. The guests

have arrived and soon your bride will be walking down the aisle.”

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Evening came, and Spencer and his bride stood in the middle of the arch, in front of all of his

family and friends. He was sweating, and his hand shook as he looked his bride in the eye and

began to speak.

“I have loved you ever since the first day I saw you, and you have made my life so complete. I

am honored to say these vows to you.”

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“I, Spencer James Mariano…..take you, my beloved, to be my wife, my best friend, and my

lover, from today until the rest of our lives. I vow to be a good provider and protector, and to

love you for the rest of my days. This ring is a token and symbol of my commitment and love for


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“And I, take you my beloved Spencer, to be my husband. I vow to be a good mother and wife,

and to be your lover and best friend until death do us part. I love you, and I always will.”

You all are probably wondering if the bride is Nanny Kendal, eh? ------->

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Well, it‟s not! Remember the red headed student that Nanny Kendal threatened? Well, Spencer

had three bolts for her and forgot all about Kendal. So I had to let them get married. Three bolts

are better than two.

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“Oh, babe, I am so glad we got married. I have been waiting for this for a long time.”

“Me too…..but what about that crazy nanny? Will she bother us?”

“I hope not. But, if she does, I will take care of her myself. But let us not talk about that right

now. We have cake waiting for us.”

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Spencer, being the neat-freak he was, gently fed his new wife a giant piece of cake. By the way,

her name is Allyn Knight-Mariano, and here is her stats:


Aspiration: Knowledge

LTW: Max 7 skills *just like Spencer‟s was before he went perma-plat*

Turn ons/offs: Logical, unemployed men that are not fat

Allyn was nice enough to bring 14,000 simoleons with her. Not bad for a Uni student. Ginger

insisted that Allyn wore her wedding dress,and declared it a family heirloom.

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Obligatory cake picture!

*All of the custom wedding cakes came from MTS2. Thanks to the creator of these awesome


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The entire family jammed themselves into the kitchen for wedding cake, toasts, and

conversation. Spencer and Allyn was lucky to get a seat next to each other.

“Wow, Spencer, you never told me you had such a big family!”

“Yea, sorry about that. I am just so used to it, I didn‟t think to mention it.”

*in the background*: Betty! Stop hogging all of the cake!

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“Mr. Traver, did you know that all six of my children graduated with top honors? And that they all

are married? I do know for a fact that each one of my future grandchildren will graduate with top

honors as well.”

“Very impressive, Mr. Mariano.”

Mr. Traver is the games hobby leader. He showed up to give someone a member ship card and

ended up being a prt of the wedding.

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Outside, Berjes crashed the party, and all the men rushed outside to find Gene getting smacked


“I can‟t believe your wimpy brother didn‟t invite me to the wedding. I refuse to be an outcast!”


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Gene attacked him, kicking him all over the place, while Betty and her husband Gerard were

flirting with each other in the background.

“Oh darling, I can‟t wait to woohoo you in the hot tub….Oh, wait….Gene kick his butt!

Yea!....Right, where were we….”

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Gene won, of course, and Berjes left to wait for his wife at home. He should have known not to

mess with the Marianos.

Allyn rushed to the door just in time to see Berjes collect what dignity he had left and walk


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Spencer and Allyn left to be alone in their new room.

“Uhhh……*ehem*…well here we are.”

“Yes….” *giggles*

“Say, how about I show you something very exciting?”

“Oh, I would like that very much!”

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“My my, that was wonderful!”

“Yes it was, I can‟t wait to do that again!”

It took about a hundred times to get a lullaby out of these two.

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Allyn woke up and made lunch for everyone, since they slept in. Woohooing all night is a lot of

work, ya know.

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Spencer became reacquainted with his childhood toy. I swear, everyone in the house runs to

play with this thing every time they come inside. I think I may have to sell it eventually.

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“I will show them who‟s boss!”

*swipes invisible newspaper*

I don‟t think this feud will ever end.

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Soon, Allyn was beginning to feel queasy.

“Oh dear, I feel like I ate something bad.” *gags*

“Well, if you feel the need to vomit, please don‟t do it on me.”

How sympathetic Spencer.

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To make up for being so cold, He decided to make his wife a meal while she raided the fridge.

Instead, Mr. Ten Cooking Points set himself on fire.

“Oh Frammit! My butt it on FIRE!” *gains cooking enthusiasm*

“Oh, hold on sweetie I just found some cookies.”

“For the same of Plumbbob get over here!!!”

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Luckily for Spencer, the firewoman came and saved his life. As soon as another woman came

on the scene, Allyn was interested in what was going on all of a sudden.

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“Thank you miss, for saving my dear husband‟s life. Here is 100 simoleons for your trouble.”

“Why, thank you, Mrs-”

“Mariano. Now please leave thankyoubye.”

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Yep. Generation 3 is on its way!

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Ginger looks so super awesome in her outfit. She never rolled the want to retire, so I let her

keep her job. It‟s better than having her mope around the house all day.

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As soon as Ginger went to work, Allyn woke up to see that she popped.

“Oh dear, I am expecting! This is great news! I must tell Spencer.”

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What is she carrying, you ask? Well that‟s the family‟s legacy story that Makoto has been

working on for ages. Sorry about the cover, it was the only interesting one I saw. It was a best

seller by the way.

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She popped again in the middle of a conversation. Good timing, little one.

“Oh dear!”

“Looks like you have a bun that‟s ready to come out of the oven.”

“Yes, I guess so. I hope the baby doesn‟t come when my husband is at work.”

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Spencer came in from sunbathing and swimming to check up on Allyn.

“Hey, it looks like the baby has grown some more.”

“Yea, he or she did. I popped just a few minutes ago.”

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“Hello there little one! I‟m your papa! Googlie googlie goo!”

“Umm….I don‟t think that‟s a language dear.”

“It‟s ok, Allyn. All babies talk like this. Oooga booga boo! Hello there!”

Allyn: *sigh*

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Then, Makoto tried to do the same thing a few hours later.

“Hey grandson, how are you doing in there?”

But Allyn wasn‟t having it.

“Mr. Mariano-”

“Allyn, don‟t be so formal. Just call me dad, just like everyone else.”

“Ok, Dad, I would rather have some personal space right now.”

“Oh….ok then.”

Poor Makoto. I guess they need to talk some more, their relationship isn‟t that high yet.

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The next morning, her water broke just as Spencer headed off to his job. Makoto and Ginger

were the only ones there.

“Oh my holy Plumbbob! The baby is COMING!!!”

“Ginger: Oh dear! Hold on I‟m on my way!

Makoto: *faints*

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Ginger slipped on the idea hat, hoping it would make the labour easier. But it didn‟t.

“How long does this take?! It hurts like hell! AAAAAAAGGGHH!!!!”

“Now, Allyn just take a deep breath and spin.”


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An hour later, a cute baby was born. He had his mother‟s and grandfather‟s skintone, and his

grandfather‟s blonde hair and eyes, which are grey. Allyn also have grey eyes so he has is

mother‟s eyes too.

“What are you going to name him?”

“Michael. Spencer and I decided on that name last night.”

“Very nice. I like it.”

“Thanks…mom.” *smiles*

The naming theme for this generation will be the most popular names of the 60‟s.

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“How‟s my little Mikey? Oooh, aren‟t you adorable? All the way down to your itty bitty toes!”

Michael: Goo!

Looks like he just found himself a friend.

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Later on, Spencer came home and immediately went to his newborn son.

“Wow…I can‟t believe I am really a father. Welcome to the world, little guy.”

He snuggled Michael for a long time afterwards.

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And while he gave his son a bath, Makoto and Ginger thought it would be nice to classic dance

all over the nursery.

“Mom, I‟m here you know.”

“Yes, I know hun. But you know how your father and I enjoy dancing without music all over the



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The grandparents bickered over Michael constantly, competing to hold him. It was so sweet.

“Can I hold him now, darling?”

“No, not yet. I haven‟t completed my turn yet.”

“Darn it.”

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Allyn autonomously nurses Michael, which is so adorable. She even mean mugs anyone who

gives her son a bottle. She‟s a natural mother already.

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“So…will this house really be full of ghosts like Orson said, honey?”

“Probably. Why?”

“Well I have been wanting to see one for quite some time. I can‟t wait to see one!”

“Seeing a ghost usually means someone died. And I am not looking forward to any of my

parents dying.”

“Oh…..I‟m sorry Spencer, I didn‟t mean-”

“It‟s ok. I understand. We Knowledge sims always want to see ghosts. I think about it myself.

But about other people‟s ghosts. Not my family‟s.”

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Yay! The Gypsy Lady left us a present! This will be going into someone‟s inventory until later : D

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Allyn called for a nanny so that she could get some rest, and none other than Kendal came

over. The first thing she did was annoy Allyn.

“Hey…there‟s some mustard on your dress there.”

“Mustard? But I didn‟t eat any-”

“Yes, it is there. If you don‟t get it now, it will leave a nasty stain.”

“Oh, let me see..”

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*Poke!* “Ha! You are as dumb as I thought. Gotcha! I told you not to mess with my man. And

you went off and bribed him to marry you. I will never, ever forgive you for that. And I will make

you pay for it. You will see…I will be in this family no matter what.”

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“You evil witch! You will never see my family again, you hear me? The only reason why Spencer

didn‟t marry you is because he loved me more! Get over it! Better yet, get out of my house! You

are fired! And don‟t even think about asking for payment, because you aren‟t getting it. Now


“Ooooooh….you are so lucky you just had a baby or I would…..never mind that now. You will

see me again. I promise that.”

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Meanwhile, Makoto made it to the top of the athletic career. He looks very happy about that.

“I am happy, but that crazy lady just knocked over my trash bin for no reason. That wasn‟t cool

man. Plus, I am standing in the pouring rain. I must get inside before I catch the flu or


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“Hey dad, how‟s it going?”

“Oh, good good. I just reached the top of my career.”


“Thanks, Allyn.” *heartfarts*

Erm…I don‟t think heartfarting your daughter-in-law is a good thing, Makoto.

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Ginger reached the top of her career too. I didn‟t think she ever would, with all of the demotions

and what-not. She is now Captain Hero! Yay! Her son took the same car as she did lol. Looks

like he needs his own car.

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Allyn decided to take advantage of Michael sleeping by tanning next to the pool.

“Aaahhh…..what a lovely day. I can stay out here all day.”

*The suntan anywhere hack…available at MTS2…I think*

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And she did….all the way until evening. I hope she hasn‟t burned to a crisp.

Ginger and Makoto took a late night dip, so they could play Marco Polo. Ginger is quite flexible

for her age though.

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Trying for more possible heirs. Hehehehe.

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“Up, up….and away!”

Awesome. Jut awesome. The oldest Captain Hero in the history of Bowerville makes her

journey to work by flying.

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…and then gets fired. Stupid Chance Card. I should have pressed ignore. Well, at least she

gets to stay home with Michael now.

“Woot! I got fired! Go me!”

Yes, Ginger is going senile.

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Time flies when your having *fun* though, and now it is little Mikey‟s birthday. Spencer invited

everyone over for the event.

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But……the cake glitched and instead of growing up, Spencer put him down and walked away.

Grrr those glitchy cakes. On top of that, everyone started griping about Allyn‟s prominent B.O.

“Oooh, goodness she stinks!”

“How dare she come to her son‟s party smelling like a garbage truck!”


Alright, alright we get it.

*sorry I forgot the roof!*

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An hour or so later, Michael finally managed to grow up. He is so adorable. I think he takes after

his mother more, but has his father‟s cheekbones. He will definitely have some character when

he grows up.

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“Eeeww! I smell like rotten cheese! Get me to a shower stat!”

Umm…the bathroom is thataway. Go there. Quickly. Before you kill your son.

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Sorry, I had to put in a delicious picture of Spencer in his short shorts. He dives so beautifully.

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Ginger relaxed by the pool, reflecting on her life.

I had such a fulfilling life. Six wonderful kids and a beautiful grandson, a nice house and a great husband….I don‟t think I could ask for anything more. I…I just don‟t know why I am so afraid of what‟s to come. I knew it would all end one day, but it seems so soon. I just have to make the best of the few days I have left. Live like its never going to end. Yes…I will do just that.

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“Mom, this is such a lovely breakfast. I feel like I could have another helping of this.”

“Why thank you dear……Umm, are those my pajamas?”

“Yes, and they are so comfy. I should by a purple pair also, to match my hair band.”

“Ah…of course.”

I want my pajamas back!Sorry, these pajamas don‟t come in elder size.

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Makoto joined her as she took a second helping of toast and oatmeal.

“So, you see the first time you woohoo is very special. You should only do it with the person you

love, otherwise you might get hurt. I remember the first time me and Ginger….well I shouldn‟t

get into all of that.”

Thank goodness!“The point is though…”

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“Just keep on woohooing so we can have more grandbabies. Ginger and I would love to see

more children around here.”


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Spencer spent his day off teaching Michael how to walk. He caught on pretty fast too.

“Come to daddy! Yes that‟s it, my boy! Good job!”

“Dadda me walkie!”

“Yes, good job!”

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“Oh, that was nice…wha did I do to deserve such a sweet kiss?”

“Oh nothing, Makoto. I just love you, that‟s all.”

Ginger and Makoto have been all over each other even more than normal. I think she knows

something everyone else in the house doesn‟t, and is making up for lost time.

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Finally! I guess that pep talk Makoto gave Allyn must have worked.

“Wow! I am going to have another baby! Spencer will be so proud! In your face Kendal! Hah!”

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“Oh sweetie I have wonderful news!”

“What is it, Allyn?”

“We are going to have another baby! Isn‟t that swell?”

“Wow! That is good news. And I am sure my mom will be very happy too.”

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“Congrats on losing your virginity and doin‟ the woohoo dance son. I am proud of you. Now get

me some more grandbabies.”


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“Allyn‟s expecting again, dear.”

“Oh that‟s pleasant news. I was certain Michael was going to be an only child.”

“Ginger, me too. But we were wrong.”

“Ahh…to be young again. I miss it Makoto. I really do.”

“You are still young and beautiful to me, princess.”

“Oh, Makoto…”


“let‟s go to the bedroom if you know what I mean.” *winkwink*

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That was the last time they ever woohooed, later on that night, at 12:07 A.M.. The Grim Reaper

came for Ginger.


“But…I want to stay with my husband! And besides, I am in my undergarments. How dare you

come in here when I am not decent!”



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“Oh, well in that case, I shall have to come. This is my favorite drink after all. Will I get to see

my Makoto again?”



And so, Ginger passed on to the other side quietly, fading away into the unknown.


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Ginger Mariano, loving mother, wife, and Grandmother. You will surely be missed.

LTW: Marry off six kids (achieved)

Age: 68 years old

She is survived by her children Spencer, Orson, Betty, Gene, Judy, and Joanne, and her

grandsons Michael and Ash*.

Ginger was one of my most favorite sims, and I too will miss her. Excuse me while I grab a

tissue. *sniffle*

*who is Ash? You will find out later : D*

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Michael took it the worse. He was very best friends with his grandma.

“Nana gone!!!! Why Nana go?? I wove my Nana! Waaaaaaaaah!!!”

Poor, poor baby.

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Spencer too it pretty badly too. He was mad because he couldn‟t into the bathroom in time.

Good thing he couldn‟t though. He would have been scarred for life seeing his mother in her


“Mommy!!! Why did you have to go so soon! What am I going to do now? I am not ready for this

at all!”

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Makoto tried to stay strong for the sake of the family, so he got in the bath to calm himself.

My darling is actually gone. Now I understand why she was even more affectionate than usual. Oh, my love, why didn‟t you tell me your time was near? I guess she didn‟t want me to worry so much about her. I can‟t wait to see her again.

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But his grief came out after the late night funeral had ended, and everyone went to bed.

“Why did you have to go before me??? I wish I could have gone first. Stupid Grim! I…I…”

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…I loved her. And I still do. She is my life. Oh darling, I don‟t know if I can live without you. I will

never be happy again until I see you in the other side. I promise you that.”

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Allyn decided to cheer Spencer up with some cheesecake.

“I know this isn‟t the time for food, but I am famished and you look like you could use some

comfort food.”

“Thanks, hun. This is wonderful. When did you learn to make it?”

“Oh just the other day. Your mother insisted that I make this cheesecake for some reason and

put the recipe on the cabinet door. So, I thought I would try it.”

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“Nana gone bye-bye, grampa?”

“Yes, Mikey, she went away for awhile.”

“Why grampa?”

“Well, sometimes……..sometimes nanas need to go bye-bye. To….to visit other people.”


“I know….I know.”

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Early the next morning, before the sun even rose, Allyn went into labour.

“Spencer!!!! Wake up! I think the baby is coming!”


“Wake up you twit! OOOOOoooooowww!!!”

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In the other room, Michael woke up, terrified of all of the screaming that was going on in the

other room.

“Is Mama ok grampa?”

“Yes…don‟t you worry. Pretty soon you are going to be a big brother.”

“Big brover! Yay!”

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“Dear, can you hold this one….I think I have another tickly in my tummy.”

„One sec, I need to get the crease out of this bedspread.”


“Ok ok I‟m coming dear.”

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Allyn spun around and produced another lovely baby. Yay cheesecake twins! * I know, I‟m bad.*

Both of them are girls, by the way, which is a rare thing in my game. Usually my twins come out

two boys, or a boy and a girl.

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This is Karen Mariano. She has the same colouring exactly as her older brother Mikey, having

her mother‟s and grandfather‟s skintone and eyes, and Makoto‟s hair colour. She‟s also the


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And this is Kimberly Mariano. The only difference is, she has Spencer‟s and her grandmother‟s

skintone. Both of them are so adorable!!

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Even Michael came to see his new sisters.

“Mama…I big brova now?”

“Yes, you sure are Mikey.”

“I wanna see!”

Spencer grabbed up one of the cheesecake twins to give her a bottle, so only Kimberly was left.

But only for a moment.

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Spencer then came for Kimberly, but cuddled her first.

“My, my….you look so much like your grandmother…..”

He wiped a tear off of his cheek.

“I sure hope you grow up to look like her. She was such a strong and brave woman.”

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The next morning brought a nice and happy occasion. It was little Mikey‟s birthday, and as

usual, all of his aunts and uncles came to celebrate.

Maybe they didn‟t want pass up the free cake and buffet.

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“Alright, blow the candles out!”


“Uh, right, just like…that.”

“Cake now?”

“In just a moment ok?”

By the way, Spencer hired a new nanny. Her name is Karen Gast. She got youngified too. She‟s

the one in the red shirt.

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After a change of clothes, Mikey sought out the only kid there.

“Hey! I‟m Michael.”

“I‟m Ash. Nice to meet you.”

“So…where are your parents?”

Over there silly! I‟m your cousin!”

Ash is the son of Orson and Elise. He was born before Michael was, and was best friends with

Ginger too.

“Make sure you look in your presents for a toy boat. It‟s from me.”

“Cool! Thanks man!”

“No problem. Hey, wanna play Marco Polo?”

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Hours after the [arty ended, Mikey said goodnight to his parents and his grandfather, and

crawled into bed. He fell asleep immediately. The next day was going to be his first day of

school, and he was really looking forward to it.

This is the end of this chapter, but there will be more soon, I promise! Make sure to comment

and tell me what you think if you would like on boolprop.

Thanks to the CC creators at All About Style, MTS2, TSR, and a whole bunch of other places.

Feel free to ask where I got some of the stuff from and I will do my best to find it for you.

Thanks for reading!

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