Page 1: The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State · Expeuscs h;lvc hCl:lI kept down, however, ... Look ),1 r. Brc\\er's


YOL. tG.


Afte r some months of hO'lrd work a II d strC liuous prcpar:l! ioll, 1 h c UO;lrd of E~li\o rs of the first all rl ual \\"okcrlnc is n::1I1y to !luhlllit ils book to the public. The last fortns h:tyc left the press, alltl the boo k is now in the h:\1lc1s of the hinder .. , The :tllllOunCClll lC"llI is mali(' thal;1 will be 011 s.tle 011 Thur"day, June 1St.

Those who h:wc St.'CIl the copy S8y Ih:1t the book bids hir to sur­pass any publ ication 0 r sim ilar nature that has c\ cr been Seen at ),1. A. C . T he ho;m} has strin'l1 to make this an all-college ~ car book, and ever y phase of activil~ on the campus has heel! g;\ ell spac~' in it. A Ilumllt:r of new ' and o r i!-, inal stunts have: been intrOduced to make the book int ... ro.' stillg" to the publi... . It con t:lins ;!oS pa~o.'S o f solid rcadin!! matter,:l tflll ... · morc than thc \\'oh'crine of:t ,Ye;,r ngo. Expeuscs h;lvc hCl:lI kept down, however, so th;lt the 10\' pri""e of S 1.00 has heen set IIpOI! it.

T he hook is <Iedic:.ted tu Cmlch Chc"tcr L. Brewer, ami is :1 last m:lrk of :Ippreciation for the ~plen. ,lid work Ihat he pe rfurllled in his ca r.:er as cO:lch :It ~. A. C. A splendid pktllrc of him is found upon the lir'" plig'e foll owing' the litle. Thi" i" without tlouhl the b~sl picture of ).Ir. Brewer th:,t hail e\'~r hecn pllblio;hed. In \':.rious Ilbce! th",u~h tho.' Look ),1 r. Brc\\er's inllu","ce IIpon thc stu· ,1 ... 11"'- at ),1. .\. C. i" hrou;:ht out Icry stroIlKI., .

One of thc f ... :lll1r ..... is :lII :Irlido,; 11,· Prof . f rank !--i. h:l·,L(i ....... milled. "C;m,pu" II1"tor.\ :-;kctd't:~.' The histon' of m:un of the ol,llal1d Inarks of Ih~ n,l\ ... ·;:c is toltL heillg- illu,.. trated h." pielllr ... ~ t:tkl'n 11l:1il) .'l·a r" a~o. The de\ elol'nte"l of till' col· I:;:e is ;:raphi""(,lIy repre:;ented h) \,\ 0 \ il'\\~, on..: of whidl \\ a~ lakell in I~~I :11111 "hUllS Ihel'xt ""ut uf the colk,:.:-.: huilding-" then. and till: nthe r t;lkl'l1 ill 191 I shuwin;,:- 'Ill' l'ol1e;,: e huil.lin~~ ;IS the) arc lW\\,. The athlttic dep:lrt1l1ent i~ L'!>ped:llly \\"ell c;,red for, tht'ro,; J,o,;illg" a con,· pklC' record of all alhkli,' e,'el11", of the P;ISt \·ear. Th ... otti<:ial pkture of L'ach teHIll fur Ihe }{'ar j" 10 he found h ... re, !IS "ell :I~ intlil i(]u1I1 pictur.:s of 1110,,1 of our ~tar 1Ithleles in action. The whole ,'O l"{:r" 01 er t\\"c11l)' paKes, :md is exception:tlly well \\ ritlcn and illust rated.

P ictures nud IIr:l\\ in)(s :I ft: pre,,· ('nl througho'll the bouk in g-re:U numhers, Ilwrc being o \·..: r 500 of the"e. The ed itors luH'c ende;" o red al all times 10 have at least a picture to li page.

.-\ new dep:lrtnlell t of especi:tl in· tl' reSl is the one entitled" Campus Life." lIere there is a complete record of all the collcge e,'cnlS of the year, told ill picture lUlIl story . The b!lrbacue, the AIlIl Arbor trip, carnival, cap·niglft :md many o thers are :dl represented. E .. ch society , f raternity, o r club upon the campus has its his to r y fo r the yea r told. The humorous deparlmell t covers twenty p:lges, and is brim full of

E.\:-'T L.\~SI~(;, )11(' 111( ;,\:-'-, Trt·::-oP.\ y, )1.\ Y 3'), 1911.

good things typical o f n'al college filII.

The whok hook represent;: \'er) full\' the rl'cord of the year in al. mo;t o,;l'ery phase of eollcge :l cti~­itl" , :1 1111 is a la!ual,1c pcrmancllt souvcni r 10 the student. T he alumnus will find the book equ all)' iutere5ting, for by it hc can ;:ain a full and definite 'k llowlNlgc of all that has transpired at ).1. __ \. C. throllg-h tht' year, allil hal'e a Iusl. in)!. pl'rl nanent "on"enirof ~he •• Ian who !\,r/Wtl Ollt gn'at athlellc tcams for liS duri n),!" the last eigh t years. For an addilioua! charg:e of tweilty. fi\ e Cellts th ... hook will he mail..:d :It OIlCl' to allY OIlC \l"ho wishes to suh_ scrihe,

M. A. C. 4 - LAKE FOREST 1.

).IlIcklin'lj men :I;.:-ain pron'd themseJI'es able to pull Ollt of tig-ht place;:. Thur:;d:lY, hy defeating, III the loth inlling", the st rong: Lake Forest t':-"m.

The ,'isilOrs sl:.rte<l strong, :lI1il regi"to.:red olle rllll in tho.' IS\. Thill;:s looked ser i oll~, hut ~pl'lK"er 1\":1;; ", teach ' :1I1d pulled out of onc or two extremely tight plac{'s. L'ntil the ninth not hing- 11":1.'1 dOll e ex,'l'pl 10 retir..: the pla.,'crs in one,ll\u , thrl:e or.ll- r. In this imling- ),1. . \. ,\. C. brace.1 :l1ld sent one runner aero"'S Ih ... home pl:lk, thus tying lhe ~C"ore. T he tirsl half of Ihe tenth p ron',l .Ii~:btrous \() the I i~· itor>: .... ,. no one >:flW tirst. Thl: dul'e was f:t~t and l':u'ilin;:, a", :-'Pl'lll'e r , J)()I.Ig-t: :11,,1 ).l:!e, each tu"k a turn \I itlt the -tick. The latte r'" short 'o!rt)un.\cr put l)()I.lge Ollt till :-el·tlll'l. Frcd Bu>:ch Ihen m:lIlc the ".:n~:,. liollal hit of the da\'. pbdng- the ],.111 til' nut of r",·;K·h of till' ticltll·rS. and g-:1\e hill1 a home rUIl. The cr(J\It! \\ent \\i!f!; th(· ;:allll: \I;IS ul· ... r. alld .:'o/. .\. L'. had ;,dtl ... ·.lollc more I ietor., 10 till' -Iri"g-.

),1. . \. C. "ecured nille hits. "" a~:lil1~t thn:l' for the \ isilor-;. Spell. Cl'r, for thl' hom., lean). ~trul'k 'IUl l·i~ht m('ll, ;Ultl ::;",ilb. for L!lke F orest. "ix. Thl: errors were thr ... e for thl' home 1<::1111 :111< 1 two fo r Lak..: Fore~t.


I"ri.b~ "'Ielling- Ihe hal1d enjo~""d its ~Cl'0I111 :lIHHlal 1>:l1Iqllet , as :t lit· ting- cJo~e 10 the -,"ern'" work, in Ihe ;.::rill rOOI11 of 1I01e! DO\lne~ .. Ht",·r a "ery enjo~':lhlc mellu had hel:1l sene!!. till: smokes were pas!etl; then, with I"rof. Cl:lrk as to:lstm:IS· ler, I'arious members of tho.' band and a Ilumb.:-r of the gueslS re. sponded to thcir subjects in :m ml­mi ntble manner.

\\'ith L ieul. H olle}"'s toast, the band hea rd him in his fllrewe!l talk as " member of Ihe milita ry b:lnd, and we all cOllg ratulated OllrSc!"es lIpOIl Our good fo r tune o f haviug been at )1. A . C. while he was the commanding officer o f the cadets.

.At 11 late hou r, <l Rat.a· raf," and nin e ra hs were given fo r L ieu!. Il oll}", Prof. Clark :md the se nior members, and the meeting s tood adjpu rned fo r one yea r.



T llc!v,,: ~tLldelllS i!llt-rested ill fa nil 1II:I1Ht)(Clllellt \\ork left Lan· si ll;':: on Thursda.,· morn in;.::, at ei;:ht .)\::Ioek. for a ,i"il 10 Sel'er:d farms ill the' l':l sto,;rn part of the ~tate.

The tir~t tlfll' \'isitcd II':IS that of .\. I'. BIi~s, ,1\ Sw:m Crel'k, nine miles from $:Ig-illaw. Thi~ farm consist:. of 1.000 :Kres, ,DO of \\ hich af{' IIllIle r culti\·atioll. Vl'n, eral fanllinl{ is l'arril'd on. with some slx't.:ial attcntion 10 d:lir)ing-. One. of the fincst <lain' hanls in tht! slate is fouml here, :I~ltl abo:1 line hor~e harll. The £arm i~ opl'r:lled \'ery profitahl," :\lul the crops pro· duct·d, :,!oug all lillcs, arc far ,,1)(1\ ... Ihc III nag-..:.

Froll1 ~Wjl1 Creek the p:trt} rode 10 \re~t B:I) Cit}" . 11011. T . F . ).!:t rSlon·s farlll \\";l~ the fi rst I"1sill'd In·n:. The ~pecial ohjel<t in this visit \\ .IS to !;'~e how his (bin' was open~ll'd, ).lr. ~larsIOI1's h~rd is OtIC in II hk-h sc!el'tiOIl h" ... larg"\:h Ill'ell III;ldc frol1 I the utilill· ,,!anti. point. Prohabt~ 110 othc r on~ herd in the stak has eaplllrcd 50 IllHIl\

prcmiums ;'s has this one. T ht· ()vi:llt £:trill W:h Ih\: lle~ 1

ohje<.:ti\'e point. The pritwip.tI "h. jcci \1 .I~ 10 seo.: \lh:u could hl'd(\n ... · in thl: \Va\ {Jf reju'cJ1:iling- a 1"1111

d'JWIl. ,,"el·tl and hru~h farm. T"k· ill;: thl' !:Irm IlIltkr thC~l' ,·oudition..::, )'Ir. VI i,,1t has cumpll'lcl.' d,.III;..::nl thl' l"ll11diliun~, amI ",dOl,' it i" ul1l'of the Ih;:lte~t, bc~1 kepi, .md mo,,1 pr ... luctin· farms in thl' l:aStern part of tl,c "tate, ).Ir. Oli'ltt'S f:ld ~ in th ... h;lUdliug of li\l: ~to .. :k ~eelll t.1 he len remUllt:rati\·c al,.o. !Ie :Ibn r;li~I'~ '.1 lar'o!e nllll1l>cr of ~ugar hl'el~, :tlltl abo ha:i a particular 'o!l:niu" fnr deli~illg" lahar savinJ{ conl'enil'nce" olllhe f.~rlll. The hon were hi'o!hh pIL·""::l· .. 1 with hoth ).Ir. Olia!!, \\ h;" is ,'II l·nth u!>ia,.tic fanlll'r. :lIld \\ith hi~ f.lrln.

The nexl pl:Il'e ,i ... itcd \\"a" the I'r;ti ri,' Fllrlll, OWllCd hl' the V\\"()s~O !'.ll~ar Cu., located t,ear F'1·r;:lh. Thi~ farm eOllsi"IS of about 10.00" a .. rl·S, "Ild will ... ventually he "ur· round""d hl' a dike 16 ·kl·t hi.,b. T hi .. i .. for the purpo"e of kl·epitl'.!" (,til the water durin;: the spring" r;,ill~. TW el1l1·~o,;l..:n mile~ of llikc ha\'e .llread)" l~ell built. T h..., ... · is 011 thi.., farm :11 the prel>cnt time 15 mile" uf Opl' ll c:mal" o r li r:!in,;. These art! u"ed to l'ar,,· off ('Xl· ... SS of w;lIer which i~ lift~tl on'r Ihe dikc :11 :, ::!inll point by pumpin;..:: lllllchinery.

There arc I , ~OO acres of this farm tle\'otel! to peppermint. From the l'rop last year the re was tli;;tillell 35.000 pounds of oil, "alued ;11 $50,. 000· There are 150 perSOIlS upon the pay roll of th is f~rm. There lire 56 Icnement houses. Thl'), IHille their own postolfice, school hous(', dub house, athletic p:lrk , etc., and it is, in fact,:I communil), by itself. The m ouo for th is farm is "Dig [II or Dig Out." It is said thnt an occasional example is made of one who refuses to "dig in. "

(Co ntInUe<! on IIlIge '-l


'S; . \\ 'inlh rop C. l!:t ll is now en ·

;.:a::cd in the hllllhl' r hu~ille~~ at Grant'" 1' :I~:i, On:;:oll. :\Ir. I iall st:lks tllat .• luring- hi:; twu ulon ths sta, he has Il':lnlet! to like the city ami ils people. :lilt! would he ;:lad to hear from an) of his colle;.!e friends.

Vi. Charles D. Thompson i~ o rcha rd·

ist alld nUrSo.'fliUan in th(' famous 11 01)(1 rin'r distri':l, of Oregoll.

'98. Fred T . \\ ·illial1l.~ i'l ('n;::l.~ed in

chil I;n~ine ... rin~ work at Sanford, F!:t.

'°3· Georgl' T r~ on is d r;1 h!lman for

the :-;teptvc \. allc) ),1 iniB;.!" amI t'lIleltin;.:' Co., at :\IcGilJ, ~l:I.

'°1· Chas B. T:I)' lor is f:lrllllllg' :tt hi~

old hOllle m'M Uxford, ),1 ieh.

'°5· \\ 'Ill. ),1. Bns is h":lting- el1),!illecr

and cou tractor at II \Jtl~OII I illl', .\1 ieh. I lis pr":~C l lt :ld(!re~s i~ H. F. n. J.


)'Ir. ;llld )'Ir~. C;I~~ .\. L!lmh ;lfe thl' prollll part:lIt~ u f ;\ ~on, L'""s .\ruold . .Ir .. hom \1.1.' ..!I. ).Ir, 1.amh is with (;. l".III1c1g-"1l1l ,\. Co.: '· I ,.~in ... ·er~ ;11111 L·(~ l1trad .)r"'. Ua\ 1011.

01;;0. HU~;IIl'~~ .t,lllfl·~" ~IO -I(ei. hol,1 HId.

:\"e\\!:> hOI ... I'l'ell reeei\ed nf the reCl'lIt .k.llh of ,\Ibn ).[.,rkl':lnl. :It SlIl· ... I:;:l"\lt. \Ir . • \Inrk.lm W:iS .1

"1I(\"l·.\nr 'il; Ihe l'hilippilll': J ... I;II1.I~, :m,1 \\;t~ Oil hi ... \I:I} hOllI l' Wlll'n he \\,:1" ~tri~'kl'll \\ith apl'l·lllli'.'iti'l .11

~u..... 110,; \\;IS all ()\\,,~~() 1.11)'. alUl ;t g-r"dU:lh" of ullr el1!.!lIIl·l'rillj..' ,k-p:lrtillelll \, itb '06.

··~ i· Ciiffnnl L. R owc i .. lIith thl' Dc.

troit BritlKe :lilt! :-;lecll"(, .. ;,1 Riler I< ou:,.:-c. Hl·.,i1Ietl<l· ;11 J f,1 I.:!. fa}l'l1e lUll!', IJl'truit.

·0 .....

1 rank I;. H1,rn. ;11 ',3.1" I lelell . \1 0,;" iJetroit, i~ with the f;rnh1Jw, ... k\· !'oller \\·:I!.:"11 CIl .. h.ll;ng" ch;ug-cd hi~ work h" 1 recellth.

Clytie E. ).Il·,,\in i" 011 dOllhte tnll"k- cOIl~tnll"til'n work for the Tul~do lJil. uf Ihe 1'.).1. Ry. Co., \\ ith ;l,hlrc~s ,11 to..! )'lolll'Oc .\ "0.'., .:'oIOllrOt: .. \lleh. ).[r. )'Icf\\ill Stliles Ihnt hi~ Illnk extends o,'er 31)5 milc~. :lnd is ,ery plelt~allt Ihese fine "prinJ,:" d:lJS.

'''9. F. f. Bu rroughs is cmployed in

the electricltl en~illcers olliee of Ihe ).Iichigatl United Ity. Co .• :lt JllCk, son. I1is address is 3t5 FOurth 51.

'1 0.

C. D . ~ I oofl: ("Oety") is now with the Eme rson Co., s t!lndanl prac tice :md efliciell(,Y eng ineers, of )Jew York. !\Ir. ).1 OOre is in De­troi t at p resent, but not pe rmanently. H is home address is:-It Frceport.

Page 2: The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State · Expeuscs h;lvc hCl:lI kept down, however, ... Look ),1 r. Brc\\er's

The M. A. C. RECORD ~".L'."~D ~~ .. n 'U~.DU C>l". ' ~ C T"~ C:"LU"~

'u" • • T .. , .. 'e .. ' ...... T~n _'.'CULT"." CGLue.

'U.fleAI~IO" 110 C[NT. PlEA YE:An

~:"h:r .. '1 "" ~"L'9I".I","l"'" ",,,U ",,.ner III lA"~lnlf. ,IUr\J.

A ddr .. S:! ItU .• ub>,·riptlnn ... ud flt.d,'HUsln lr "'''tier 10 .be ~ ... \ I'. lh.'-" '"'' 1':,,<, 1..,,1\. . ' Illt. Mkh. Adlt ..... 1111 ,...,111,'10,,110"< 10 'h f !I' .. nIlJdu lr E,lhor.

TUESDAY , MAV 30, 1911.



. \ 1 \ :30 011 :\hmd<l)' ahCrllO(l1l Ih,,: c a,h·\ haltalioLl uf 12 "O lllP:lllid 51' 1111" il11u lille and. led h, thc ­b:JI\d." m"rch,'d In 111('i. rl'$];,·.:till' pl:wcS:l1 Ih .... ",'"I "iti,· o~ th~ licl~1. Go,erno!" Osl'orl1 h:I,1 dn,<.'n OUI Iii

his m:ldlilw, .. nd. \\ith a lIumb!.'r of olli":l'r-. II:l~ nmliu,'h:d h~' C:lpt. ll olkl :11111 Cui. :\Ic"ihhin to :1 poillt ';'Itheea", ~itll'."hl'rl·lht" 1,;11-\alion p.I~~l'\1 ill reI il'\\,

,\ ~p.::.kl'r'~ .. Ialld :Ul,1 ~eat~ for the 1 l'ler,llh 11,111 j,"l'lI lIrr:,Il:!ed al Ih e ,"oulh '1idt: of ,hl' tieh!. all.l to Ih;" Ihe ..:at!\·t" \\ .. 'rt: Inar .. ·h .. ·,l,

]{ l'\. \\'.:-:. :-Okoff.:r.·,\ pr;lI"r. I'r ..... i<l .. 'llI :-:111;It:r :,,'Ied :J~ ·,-h,lir.

111:111. :IIl,lt;,,,, ;;lIr<,d,lo.:l'.1 {i"n'rllQr () ~horll. The )..:""'l·rll"r p;,;11 a 1111C tr;hUI Hl L':IJlI. Ilolk.' lind ,h .. , o.:a­(k·I~. ""~llr;ll)..:" Iltl' hOI" tlwI in :111

hi, tr.llt:!" hi' had ~""~'Il fcw \'.'I1l'r drilled .. "Id;,,·r~ Ihall Ihe\. :md. II hilc il 11:1" h' he ~i:h','r ... II·htlpcd lhat Ihe l':lll \\uuld 11. Il'r cOllie \<1 l1kl11,

::.hnuld ';\1.-], a Ihil1"'; h:1ppcn he be­I;<"'\l-'[ Ih:I' lit" d;I .... ,If \,}II Iloul,1 :1" I"ea' lih n:"pl.m! ;'.~ ,lid Ih .. , l.f 111 .. -lir." '.:r.\!·IIl;lllll~ ,·Ll .....

III/II. I' ,d rid. r..:dln. ,], ... ~pc"kt:r ,,[ lit. 11.11 , I\"~ Iltl:" II!tro,\un.:I1. :lIld :,::tIC ;'!lC vf hi~ ,·h:u·;t"o.: r i"ti..:. h:ll'il." .. p .... ,.,h .. ·~ . lie reI ;e\\ .·tI l'ri.:lh IIlIr hi .. lon. ;lIlll SI:lkll that th" ";)I"lIil'" lI"n' fal'" to I:lel' II ilh t\ln 111<1 .. 1 IIllp"rLlIII 'IUl·,;lion ... :1I th~ diN: of Ih,' H. o.:.-.,hHivn-lhal \ff

."If ;,!'ill,nl!1lelll .. Iml Ih" :\:"'-;::T<l''', r"r ~l'.or .. ",·r.1 lhin;.:- in Ihe \\':1,1 ,If :trhilral;"" \1,1 ... ,1,,)1\' ill all ;111"111111 I,l,.,'tlk 1lI,lllt:r·. ' l'he Ir"1U~n,lou~ 1]llnlion .. ,lhi<"11 Li,h·"ln 1\"", o.::tlk·.! 1(1)(111 101 ",'Ilk', lit,· ~( 1!,1(liliun Ilf !;n:ttl,!: .1Ilt! Ih., ,'<)I1I!In 1!1 ;.:,·tl'Ta!. antllhe r,·ad.1 rc'p"""~ "I Ihe hoy., uf 'Ut Iler, ;ill :I;!:lin \.rIJ";.:hl 10 mind TJl<' "pl·,II,,·r I"J.I (,f \I'll,,! ;1 1Oe;"" fur Ihal ti,."" ;.:radu:\I;Il:.!' d.I~" uf '(,I 10 r""pOlld \I) the ,·,ili. and h(1I1 II Jllin.:11 Ibn' "';;11 e IlJl all Ih,,";.:'ht I.f ,.!;'r .ulu:li;I,1I tv lake up ;lrlll".

\'IT\ kll tlf Ih" .·ilil 1I:.r l"kr· :111_ lI'cr" prl·~enl. <oh"llill;,!" aU 100 pJ.lIl1l~ IhOlt thl',1" arc' rapiliJ,l re· :,p<lndin:: \rI Ihe b~1 LIII.

• \1 the d"·,, 'If Ihe ;l!lllrl'''~. Ihe 1n0 .. 1 ;mpr"."il" P;lrt ul Ihe (t·re· Il1m!1 \1;1" e:lrr;el\ 0111. Ci,I, :,\fl"

Kihl;in rqlre<Ol·ntin;!" :'\1. A. C, 011111 G.·o, .\. ~a'I"11 Ih.· (,.;, , \, Ie \\I're cho~el1 to \111\ "il thl' ~ illlpic h rull/e t;tb!t:1 whirh Iud 1-":"\1 pl:Il'(:,d 011 Ihe we51 l'ml of the armon' :1nd dr:lp"tl "ith a l)(':tluiful 11:1;':-•.. \s Ihe tb)! w:ts dr;lwll niide thos" as"cmhkd a ll joine,l;n sin,,;ng The :-\"al;011al I1pou. .

This closetl the ,':'I.nelses hOllor · ing Ihe hoy" ;11 hlue who \\,('111 {Jut from :'\1. A. C. II I Ihe ,'alllo arms, T he (:Ibid bears the f'111ow;ng' in· scr ipt;on: " This lablet commemo· ra tes Lhe Sluden ts of ,his eo\l~ge who, in IS6 1, o ffc: r ed their lilies thai Ihe Un ioll mighl be prescn·cd. l\I e11l0r i31 Day , '911 '"

The M. A . C. RECORD.


'·u"Uuu .. t\ I .... '" \>1'1<' I.!

On til\' r;;:-Iurn trip Ihe farm'"- of .A. B. an,; C. ll. Co<)k, ,II Owo"~(l, were \;~iIL",1. .\, Ill\' former the hOI-" "ere ",h'''II1 :l11 l':":llIlplc of kL'~'pillg- ul'llhc krlilil~ nf lhl' "oit withollt Ihe kcep;n;: IJf Ii, ... ,.'"c·k, :\Ir. Conk handll'" hi!> ~<1i! ill :111'11 to rl'l:lin Ih" or:,!"u;...- l1l:llkr. :11\.1 h~ Ihe rot,Hiol1 ()f eroJl'~ :lIld Ihe \1 .. ,·..,1 a "1I1;tll :tnlUlillt of (,)mml'rcial fcr· lililer~ i5' ~t:t1il!~ ~[>k t 1tlid rc,,,,III1 .. ,

:\Ir. C. H. Cunk h,(,. :1 1ll':t~,Jliful

fnrm "1',,11 whid) fr\lil :tilt! ;';l·llt:c r :ol f"rmiu;.!" arc com[,ine,1. :tnd '·I'er., OIIC knOll .. Ihe '1",,1;,., :111.1 '111;!!!lil.1 ,h;lt h" i. ahlc In pro<.illl""

,\1 pral·li...-:III~ \"Il'r.,· f"nn Ih~· ho\ ~ II ... 'r" Ir,,',,'ed Itl :t r eal .. l.,r1l1 , Iil;n .. 'r." and Iv .. ;1111\;11 thl\ :1jlill·,'· ,·i.II,·d ,hl' !.,'Ih).i Lh;n.::~ "0.: h:ll'l' <llll,1 t{J r"'·I)<..·.11 ;1 st,l!,'l1ll'nl "f Pill' of 1ile U1l·1111 •• ,,. .. dLlrill~ (JIle (If dw~ ... · dill' IIl'r-: .. ( ;IT ~ hUI Ihi., i.., " tlr",WI."

T Ill' ollil ","TiulI" IJH~LI"e of tht, whole tri;; \\"a~ th'1\ 111;tth: I,hen liml\1io.:. who ,\eli,le.1 1,1 111;(1., th ... ·

:·lir<;I,·,,1I fur hrc;,kf:t .. ,' ;11 ]:;'1\ Cih. \\a .. met wilh "JlU\\" "hal ;1" ~t;1I Ihink of Ih:II.";1\ :0 H.i,.· ",,' ,1110' ~,,'lll"r "':h'·lIlin~ .

. \ 1!{1:.!'c-thl·r thl I rip II .1- .1 -II ,''': ... S,

:11111 !1I:1I11 1,,1,1:.1>1..- I".illl~ Ilc r" ""illl'd \,,. Ih,,·,· 1.lrlllll:1t ... · l·,·ul1:.:-h ;() 111:11.:0.: il]I'h~· p,In.,.


l'lle \ \\'. C .. \. ~.I\" I:"ir ;111·

nU;11 0l'!1el;l H;IIHjU", in ltollur ()f Ill .. · ~""Ilwr~ Frid:11 !li,.-!1I .11 si:'l. o'dod. ,

T he 10111.1\1\11;.:-1"",;1 .. \I ... rc ;,:i\('I1 : ",\111 j"ip:llil'I1," In,/l . il]"",: "Sl'Il '

itlr .... · \\.'e I! "rhert: "Iulli')r::'." Elhel 'I'raulm;m : ,·t"'II"I:' "pi"it'-' r..::llhcril1e 1{:uI~d11l: "\·.dll,-, or COIlI~·r.·lle,,·," :,\Ir_. E~~cblyn:

,. j{ eHlil1i~"~Ill""'''.'' . \ IIr,'li.1 P o!!s. :\1 iss Gilhert .'lll"d :1- 1('''·'I"i"lr;;:-,,5 .

:\Ii",~ _\'l<lrel',. :11111 )Ii ... :"\il'c!' ing. sen.'tarie", of Ihe \. \\'. C .• \, of Lan~ing. II en' ;!lIl·"'_.

.\ !,!rc~ I' deal !If ,uthu .. i,'~nl I\;t$

sho" 11. :m,1 :l ~o(lol li11ll' II ;15 cn· joy,·..! h~ all.


:\1. . \. C, lost tt) .\Ill! ,\rhor yes· Il·rd:l.'"-so Sil~' \'l·port",-1:ltll:! .• \ speci:tl Imi n 11':1;; run, hilI \\,;IS nOl "en' welt p:1\rOI1;r.e,1. The hAm! aceomp:tnied t h~' rOOI"rs, ;lIId uid their us!!:,1 good work . !':ipcllccr w:,s hit hard in the tirstlw() inllin.p'l, after wh ich he pro"NI :1 p!!zr.le to Ihc :'\I;ch, le3111, lie WJS :l..:corded excellent support,


Applin. J. W .-I'ropo;:<e<l lJi"ersiQll of the Red Cedar Bin"r at Ell_I Lnn~ing.

Mich. ArmSlr('ll1j:. E .. -\ . -.-\ l'I'MI",d fil'

ling .•. 111111 11 De-igu ant! Di-' eription of Cert-.liu Slore Wiring

B:ttd.<"ill . E. W. _ De.·ig-n of Dam in t;hll)pI!w:t nin'I' III ) Iitllnnt!, -'lie!o.

Iltll~t , J. A .. 1:I"'lIn. L. C., n ud $.1.u .-e. E. C, - FITc:et of Jneket, \\'Mer Temper­atu re IIpon Economy and P,-,wer Out· pu, of II l;AqolinE' Engine.

13rlghttlp, n. E .. Hnd Thoma"', C. P.­An Emdenc)' Comp!lri.<on of a Sell"en, ging GU'4lH ne i\I "tor.

Buck . .\1. )1. a nd r..o~~ing , F. - Iu\·esti· g:1 t iOIl of ~ l nter!1l1 G~etl in Ihe )Heh ig,;, n J\ n;UIIE' Rontl.


Cnrter. I.L .\1. . fln t! SIt'ek. E. "'.~III·

--"estigatiI)II of Water SUPt.l)" S~·~tem of Soulh U1Ixen • .\Iieh,

Th ... 0Pl'11 llIe~tin:.:- he I II lil!-I

T hur~.I:1\ cI'cllill·'. )1;\1 :!'ilh. was Oil,' ,hat ',1 ill rC1I1:;;n il1 ihe'II1<'I1)o(\ of tho~t: whu IH're prc"'''I1I:1~ "IIC ,;f Ih,' ],l'''' "'\en,,, of 'he ;;pri;,:! 1,'rIlI. Th" .pellkcr~ SeCurl·t! IId;l,r".1 n mc .... "!.:'c worthy of COl ~i\icr;lt;l)n.

11,,". Il ell(\ 1<.. 1'" lh'II',!iII. II ho h:1,' :t fir~1 h:uui k!H,wled...;e 'of TI: .. ke~o.:c In."tilul~·, ~l)(fk.· lIP"'!! the hi~It)r,I, delo.:loplnel1l , ;lIld :tccompli"llmelll of thaI ;nslillllioll. lie ,,1.$0 dll elt ;11 l"I1~lh on Ihe racc prnhl.-Ill il\ ;:o.:lIl·Lll. :lI1d clllph.t"i",·d till' im. porLlIll;l' c;.f Ihc 111I ~'~I;"n . :111<1 that it i~ tll" dUI\ "f tllt' CO~II!Opu!il;1I1 to aid :tllth~·.; ~';11\ Il'Iw;lnb il" .. olUlioll.

\Irs, E~wt~I.ln, wllu "p.-111 n1{)r~' tl1:tn "l'l "'/1I,'~'n ., '-':lr" :1,. llli-.;~i"":I1·Y \" I~,-,r,i;l, rel;!:l'd, ill;1 n1r'~1 jllkr'· ' I·

j n~ :md I'll',,-.;iug' 1I),UlIler. "Ollll' of h" r 1II:H!.1 e:..p,'r;<'!ll"'f; illlhat ()ri~'II' 1;11 1),)III;lil\, II i~ '" 1>,., r.:!.,'r,'II.·.\ Ih:!t II'" ,'ann,,! ;:il'c her~' Iii,' ~."1Up. si. of :tll ~he I""elk.! "1'\111 ;n ht:r 1,·r\l1r,·. hilI il 11",1" Illor ... Ihall "f " p;I~ .. il1~ i11l"r"'''I, :I. Shl' ""\ "nl~ )nenl i,ll1l,11 th .. · "'Il ;;I! :tlhi e,")lIolltir;11 IiI .. •. lou! al~" !!":lle:l ,;,-i.l e'I"hilillll uf Ih" 1'"lil;,.11 ",illl.llioll IIf I'l·r";:l.

\Ir ... Kill". ;\n·"1ll1ulIi ... .t h, :'\Ji,,~ :\1 ar;.:-;tret II. 1IIIIhn)"k, r,·,,,f.:reo\ a f~'11 ,.",':11 ~d~·~,ticll1" ill I '~'rm:m, I\hldl "l're IIdl fl',.';I ... ! ],\ Ihe


:-'1 . .I,,11I1S L'nin'l"~il~ , of Tokd(1, \\"a" I:lken illto '-;111111 011 till' h",,1<..' lid,l .";"turd,I'" I;; '" ~. the li",ilOr", II il1l11l1,.:' hutll nlt b ill tit,· \jlh.

0 ".1:,:,' pil..!"'.! hi. ;;<'1:011.1 1 :lr .. il~ ;':-:llI1e, :,wl did e:'l.~'l·IlCllt \lork, 11i~

hillill~ \I·a..; "I .. " of :1 itkh \lrd~r. ;,;,"Iill!,! duo.:e :,::o"d ..-1"',\11 hih. li or"n!\o \1',1", al .. " ther,· tin:i,k-dh \I hen it ,:tmc 1,1 till' .Ii,'k. ~l·ltll1~ II". Ihr"t; 1',I:..''.:er5. III \\":1" ;11. lUll e\1 to w:llk :" '"{J different lilll(,~. .\ tot:tluf 'j hiB wt:r,' l·r".!;le,] to Ihe home "':lUl upon Ihi~ oc·..:a~;01!. UU ~dl :11111 Do,'~e c:lo:h ;:ot 111'0

ha~e hits. ~en'r:t' d1:lI1~~'s in Ihe lin .. up ;Ire shown;n Ih.; Ivllvllin;.:-:

l Ltncl,c Uu"ch: s 1)3\\,,,011 , t Gorentlo. : ;\1:I .. \l1l , 3

(jn';':-;!"s, I

DOlI;,!l" P Ro~;.:-e. III

B :lker. r

Th~ junior co,,,d \1umbe,· of till' !J{ll.-ad. i .. sued )Iondar tI;",h\. ;s a !lIOSI exec He 111 ol1e, :Hld the "ditors nre to h"col1;{ntlul;ltl'll. :'\i cmori:ll, b'lscb:lll. miniatures, dc. w ert! :, 11 well c:lr('d fo r in Ihc pllbl;t"3Iion , :lnd 111l' issue is a cr .. ,dit to the class of 19 ':! in g;;:-Ileral and the co·ed ntt'm b('rs in p:trticu1:t r.

Clark. W . 11 , 1\1\11 Clizbi-'. L J _ lll _ .-esliglHiull of r~inrOfL ... ,1 COI1~'rete Bridg", Fluor,,_

('1\ll· .. lall.l. O. 1I -('01l\pari~on Te .. t on (!J .. ~ millerS' Corli.s-:s Engine. T. C -11l.-estigat ion of Ihe \\':t(t'r SU PI'I~' S~'st"111 "f 'frar ... rs.o Cit ~·. )licl:.

IJe K<>niuJ.\". J . nn" P!;'rrin. S W_ lIeat lJislribuliolJ "" El~rill Gr.- En· f:ine.

DUlhle. II. I. . IIn,1 P~ l er"'l!!, iI . S.­.\1\ IIIH',tigoUi\lll l,f th" 1.:II1 .. iul{ Cil y \\ aIel" ~1I1)l'ly.

E l\\"ar.I~. H C .. and ].;:1)1:,. E, I L~

r~'·\ln"I,I.I' Te~1 of t.:orli .. ~ CII,.::in'; H! !l iu:h I'rc"'lIr,'

E:t!i~, 11. L' . Ull.\ Ht, .... C, S -u.. .. iu:n Clf :. H;~h f're"lu''> W:H"r :-1y";\>:'111 fur th.· F ITe Li 1!l il~ of L~I\.ill\l,', )Il,'h.

(ir.-'"nl·"r, )1 l' -The Ih·u)O,";" of Sul,lhur 1.· ... UlI'''unt!. fr"m i1Il1l11in,'ili"S VII" loy Ih" Irvll O"i,\e }1."t., ... 1

Ihllll]t,1I1. l' .\ -~\ ·un'!;'~' ('.I11ITOI { .. r Iht' Cit}· of E,.~t L·II1 .. inj!, )lrrh

!lalli~h. C.l'. 80,1 )]",,,h R E -\·"u· lilmi"n ,,[ t;t.,tlm .. r TI,.':"".

iJo ,l.:wa}', \\' - LJt'~I:,:" "f a Pundling anll Shl'l\rin\.:: )Jllehiu.·

Jun"''', U. l', IInti TIII"'~"n, F_ 11 _ EJ:I,.'rilUt'nt:l.t <;111 I~- of th.' Strell,l!lh .. { l-:l~1 In,n 1~1I111'" Inl'ohjll~ " X .. ''· Th .. "r .. ·

Kne<,']'1 J \\' --.\11 I U"<;,~!i""",,n {,f Ill!' W:u!;'r Slll'I.I~ "f I::a-I,: .\li['l1.

.1,·".·11 E, L. !l1,,1 UHrk. ,J I: --Ef· li"I!;'II<'.' T,,"I,; or ~lIlnll L .. nlrlru;:al PlI 11I1'"

JI>hn ... ,n U II.. :lnol 1\:1.'-' T 11._ T"I'(\),!'r" t,hil'nl ~U "" eruf L:\"~;"g-. 3lkh,

Kurtz. 1..1;, nn,1 \\'Rlk,·I'. L, P.-Tht­\\'flI er,I' ,.,,"I')'': "r (;"no,: r(:\o'I,.I" Ihe l'~1:'

of \\':1h'" l'I"~JlinJ.; C"lIl l'Ollwh. L.o·~h,).(, t I .\, an.! "·nrmi,,).:t<!n, Ii.

-t·I)"'1·I' .. ~.i,,1l T~"I" on ,I FOUl" :-> Cyt·le_ '1"" u t:~ Hilder T.uul .. m vn, I:". gin,·.

Xt-"'OIl, W ,\ .. all,l (Jlm_,,·d. W. It, - Efth' il:'lIe." 1.\11 t"." of 0 L:. and i u,lu{" lion \IOIor.,

o,.hllru. G, II. an.1 \\'I1J1:lt'e, E E­\Je:\lilljoC Jlud \"~ntitr.()on of the F1r~( UaJlti~t Church. L;II1~int;, )Hch. .

1)~rhllll1 S. U-Te"t un Fl.l\. Engine ant.! Stokcr~_

Powell. R W. and Cnluhart, W, H, -SIII.!yof lI.nlraulk F ... rmulae,

Hi(' F. J . alit.! Tal)I;:\u, E, \\" _ TIlt! D~I;;n of :t s..w:\gc Disl)O;;111 Plan t for Lan~ing. lli(·h.

Smith. ti II -Design of an Lnload· lug and Dj~trillilLing Co.-er ing S~·"t-=m fvr 'he Coal Storage lIt.\1. A. C.

Spril,ge r. G, P" and Wnlker, W. R­ImJle rUl ealJilil~' TeillII of Cuncret~ \\'ilh. out Use o f ( 'v nllnere~1i Compou nds.

Wl\mle1. E 1> .. nnd Schubach. E. (i ,_

Study of Cali lJ rat iO Il pf Three Venturi Tubes,

:\ew cmalogs 3 re promised by T hu rs<i:l,l" morning, sure.

Page 3: The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State · Expeuscs h;lvc hCl:lI kept down, however, ... Look ),1 r. Brc\\er's

The M. A . C. RECORD. . -I

Beautiful White Goods

ml W E make a specialty of providing every- I for the Graduate at HI thing in the way of fine stationery,

mWm announcements, invitations. programs, The DANCER =BROOAN Store. """" * g Our faci lities are complete for E'tmm etc. I .+±±+++ Des~gning, Engraving, P rinting and .

Binding Class P ublications and College A nnuals Great care has been exercised in making ou r Whi te Goods department most com-

Robert Smith PrintUtg Company pl et e. Pr ices are r ig ht, a nd sty les of fab -W ... hinClon Ave. a nd l o ni. St. L ana;' •• ri c a re the latest A merican a nd fore ig n

mak ers produce.

I Screen Doors f\'ER,Y KIND Of


E VERY CO LL EGE MAN wantS the latest Wire Cloth style in his new suit. T here is no reason

W e have th e Wi re Cloth Cot s Folding Beds why he should not have that, together with in Pain ted, Galvanized Matresses the best quality and fit.

and Copper . Book Cases Desks T hese all go with the K LEE, made to your

-measure clothes. Come in and see the samples. • We appreciate your trade.


"OOOD THINGS TO W E A R" III W"~hhlllto,,""''t'. s. M.J.« B.M. BUGK COlieMe lJuu He.d~uUle ..

CABOUT T HE CAMPU S Eu:l. Boubrd, who is farming at

his olll home ncar Alto, was a col· I~g"e \'isitor on Frid:IY.

Prof. Eustace was at Bellton I b r­bor :l1ld vicinity thc past week, look­ing after cover crop cxperitncnts hcing carried on there.

Dr. James K. P:ltte rSQI1, who, this year, deliver:; the comlllcnce­ment address, will speak 011 01._\ Brief Retrospect-IS-\Q-19Io."

Charles ?-.l c:\aughton , '07, was a colleg-c \-is itor the past week. }Ol r. ~k::'\ is cngaged in the hardware and implemcnt busincss al Grecm-ille, )1ich .

E.]. Krause, '07, o f Con-alis, Oregon, has becn spend ing' a week with his parents in Lansing, :1.11<1 left Sunday, for a short in ' Vashingtoll, D. C. lie will retll rn to Lansing for his summer '-:lcalion.

C . .J . B urroughs, with 'og, who hilS been act ing as foreman of the poultry plant at \\' isconsin for some time, writes college friends that he will leave \\'isconsin, July J , and assu me the managemeot of the home fa r m in JI illsdale county.

) lr. Brewer writes to his college friends of h is work in )1issouri, which seems to be enti rely satisfac­tory . In base ball his telllll tied for state ch ampionsh ip. T he t rack team has won from K ansag, Iowa, and Nebras ka, and the team goes to Des ~'[oilles for a meet, and also to the ,Vestern Con fe rence meet at Minneapolis. Some fine lIew steel and cement bleacher! are in process o f construction.

~lr. Forest ~l\lsse\mall _ of Ohio, was the guest of his brother, "!lapp)'," the past week.

George I Iebhlewh ite and wife ()lildreJ ) 1:ltthe,,"s) both '06, p romise to be at )l, _\. C . for com­mencelnent week.

Alma has sul)lnitteJ the folio\\"· iug question for the second :mnual debate with ?oJ. A . C. : '<Resoh'e<I , That the Pan;lIna can al should not be fortifi ed."

R. ' -. P earsall, 'oS, and wife were al the college a day or t\\"o the pasl week , on thei r ",a\" 10 the oil fidds of California. Pe;r" a]] w:tS one of our former famous track men.

The junior hort. students were eugaged in Ihe Ill.[lk ing of Rower beds 011 Frida), of l;1$t week. SC\" eral students were assigned to each bcd, and wen~ requi red to dt:sign the beds :md do :111 work.

~I r. R. C: Br:tdley, in charge of the g reenhouse work at Ule New· berry asylum, is in Ileed of an as­sistant nOriSl, and would be glad to have any ) 1. A. C_ mell apply. ~l r. Bradley was a forme r c:lshi!.' r at this institution.

Dean and ) f n. Bissell entertained F riday evening at :l. porch party. T he guests were members of the Oclta d ub and ladies from the ' Vomen's bu ilding. A musical p ro· g ram was given, and refreshments ser ved . T he playing of Miss Bis· sell upon violin M}(l \'iola was the attraction of the e\·cll ing's p rog ram. A bout thirty .five g uests wer e pres ­en"

~(is~ ~lartha Taylor, ;1 former :\1. A. C. student, of Ion in, was a collcgt,: vis itor recelH lr .

A large number of impro,·cmcllts in the way of sewcrs, rOIl(ls and sidewalks arc planned for Eag, Lansi n:!, this st'aSOIl.

\\tork on the ncw chemical huild· ing is pro;:rrc:>sing findy. 11:Ise­ment alltl fir", stor ... about complete, so br :l.S brick work goes.

Miss Clar:1 I lildemcycr, of Lan­sing', i" writing shorth:tnd for Prof. Pell it during ':\liss Chaffee's ab­sence. Miss ~ichol" is wilh Prof. French.

Re,. Alfred \\". "-ishart, of the Fountain St. Baptist church, Grand Rapids, who deliVers the bacc:alaurt,:­atc sermon on J unl! loS, will spea k 011

<' Education and Social Service,"

Annoullce ments ha\'(: been re­ceived of thl' marriage, on ~1:ty :::q, at G rand Blanc, of Robert Fay I lopkins Hnd LitJiall Fern Austin . )1 r. H opkins was a special student at )1. A. C., and last winter in· structed in dairying during the short cours~s .

F. C. Davis, '86, was the guest of his cousin, )Irs. J. \\-. Knapp, the past week, and called 011 college people Saturday. He is with the publicity hu reau of Cia)' Products Co., San Francisco. ?lr. Davis noted tbe many changes on the campus, and called to mind the b ct th:l! he had many times walked to and from Lansi ng at all hours of day and night-not particularly good walk ing eithe r.

The Y. '\-. C. A. will semi twelle delegates to the Gene\-a COII.fcrcnce d uriJl g August of thl' cOIning sum Iller.

::'\0 hall game \\,:IS played al _\ Ima ou Tu esday of last \\ eck Oil account of rain. This is the 0111\' conlest which il ha~ bet.'11 n(·le"!,;lj., to call off 011 account..,f ball weal her.

Theannual Im'etin~ of Ihc Liher:tl Arts Union for the election of olf1"<.:ers wilt be held in room 109. enl,(ineering- huildillj.(", ou Fridal afterlloon, .!lln .. • ~,at I :~o o·c\oo..:k, .

)Ii.s.s .;\largnrct Chaff,:e has been obli({oo,oll account o f sickncs". to ghe up her wor k a" ~tellog r.lpher in the agricultunti huilding for the p rescnt , :1011 has ;:one to her home ill A llcgan.

The second conference of minis . ters will be held at )1. 1\. C., July 10-14, aud the an nounccment is in the hands of the printer. Thi!'. cir­cula r will be llIailed to nbo ut ::,000 ministers ill the StlitC.

T he campus really presents a most beautiful s igh' at this lime o f the year. Eve ry tree and shrub ha\-e a beautiful foliage and, com ­bined, make the pretticst coHe''''e camplls in America. ..

Only three more games on the schedule_and two o f th ese on the home field. ',"estern State Xor­mal (K azoo) is plnyi llg todar. and on Saturday, June 3, Cc:ntral Slate Normal (at )It. P leas:tJJt) wilt be here fo r II gllme. The last contest of the year will be with Oli"et, o n JU JJe 10.

Page 4: The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State · Expeuscs h;lvc hCl:lI kept down, however, ... Look ),1 r. Brc\\er's


Lin.lcr the direction of P ro f.)'1. A. Cobh, there is 10 Ill: giHIl <11 ill t. PIC:lS;II1!, duriug- J ul~' 3-::;, an :lgri­cultu rAl institute . T he \\ ork will include agriculture, rur:l llopi.;~, I;'le., :1I1d is designed for cOUllllis", counh' normal Ic:u;hcrs. su pc nn · tc ndeilts. and others who ma.r be iutercstcd .

~incc I,;:~in ning his \,ork at th e Xormal , Prof. Cobb. who \\" ;15

~ ranted his t1c~n'c :11 :'>.L A. C. in 'oS, has heel! un tiring in hi~ ~'ffo rts along Ihe :Iho\ e lin<.: .. uf work, :tIul is meeting \"jlh splendid Sliccess.

That Prof. Cobb bel ie\'cs his alm:1 m:Hcr t:all he depended upon to Slam! \\ jlh him in h is work is shown b\ the follm\ ing lenl:ltl"C program 'of speakers:

July 3-ProffSSQr Kt'dzie of 'I. A. C .. 00 plllo\ food, fertilizers and food8.

July 4-COUDtry Life Da~' The I1ro· gTllm will be held iZI t'Onnec tioll with Lhe local celebration.

J uly 5-ProC J . A. Je ffery or )1. A . C., on 8O i l~. (lOrn judging alld bo.I·!j· ami gi rls' It.gricultural clubs,

J uly 6-Dr. l i arshall oC ll. 1\ . C .• 0 :1

bR.cteri!l I\Do.I tuberculo~js of s lock. )Ir. J. C. llcDo\\"cll of U. S Dept. of Agri· c ulture. on alfalfa aDo.! farm c rops

.July '-Profe~~r Eu~tnce of l l . A. C .. Oil fr uit.

Jul~' tl-ProfesiSor Baker of )1. A. C, o n (ore-s<try.

,,'c wonder whL·thC'r .\Ir. ('ol1h'" il1i tinls h:l5 ;lZlvlhin!! to du \1 ;\11 his lophy \0 .. :\(. _\. C."


In the d:J;;;s ;!:nn~-s play~u Ih~ H'·

~ull., an' ;1 .. follows; The sopho­mores \\on {n'nl Ih ... f rC's;lzlllell 1\\"0

out of IhrL'l' ".!";Hnl'~ , Th e jlllliors won from till' ~cl1i"r~ t\\O to three. A .. prel'i\HI~\~ ;lrr:LZ1'..!cd . the win· nin:,.; cHplaill.':i in lhC'~l' cOllk~IS IIlC! in thl.! olliee of Prof, :\1:tLklin :llld d rew from tlll·lwt to Ill-len nil1\' who would pl:ll Ihe pr,·p~ .. \ ,,:1 re"ult of Ihl' (Ir:!". the Ill'::,,( .')!lIt:51 will Ix' henl l.'cll the jllllior~ :m,1 p rL'p", in a 1\\"0 out uf Ihre.: ",~·rie",. The II iUlll.'r..; o f !hi.; s<:rie" lIill Ihell l'll­

).!',p,tc ill a final b:Hl1c wilh the ~oph­Ulll(orc~.

~Otllc e"l'clle/l! p1:!~ in~ ha~ hn ' lI dime hI" :til th", le;lm~. ;m\! Ihl·r.: !~ plcm,l '!;If prom i",ill;.!" !Ball'r;:I! in this f :ll!Wl1~ "p •• r l 10 il1~lIr .. \\illlli!l~ IC;"III1" fo r ,:\1. _\. C. in hl1l1r.: ,Ienr~ .


T hl' nln:till·.! ,·1 ih" llnr!, l'loh. hbl 1' U"'511:11 c\~·mn!..". w".; ;1.l,lrl·~~cd hI thl' ,.cn~or hf,rt. ~Wdl·lIb. Th~ general tupi. which tnc_I 1:llkcol un \\, :.5. ,·\rhl I cho~e 1" la"e horl," The s"' llio;~ :tlll·"prt".~<·d lite liceI" cst re<!:lru fur Ihb ,iepar lZl1ellt. awl 1I0ne re"rL'l1ed h:llin" ekd .. ·d Ihis subjed.... ...

The laM Illl·cting" IIf the lerm wi ll he \ \ ·l·,!ne,,(by . :\I;ty 31 ... 1, when will oo;u r thc IlIIllu al h:III'lue!. T his b:mquo:t \\ ill cOllsi,,1 o f th(' rtgll1nr mClIlbcrsonlr. :lIld i,,:1 fa re_ wdl 10 Ihe tJ ep:lr t illg ulliecrs and members. Ever)' l.'ffort \\'ill be pUI fo r th to mnkc. Ih\:'. b:mq uet this )'.:a r more success ful thun en! r before.

The Soror ians hold their annual commencement part}' on Saturday evening, June 3·

The M. A. C. RECORD.

:\1 rs , E ustacl.' entc r t.ains the sen ior gi r ls a. tea Frill ay afte rnoon from l ou r to six.

A la r"e numhe r of ~irls fro m Ihe wo mcn 's building "pent Sllllda.1 :11 thdr homes.

D ean and :\1 rs , Bis!lcll arc enter· taining the forme r's parellts and sister fronl thc soulh,

('has. Ul"in1t, of \\-yomill~ . is in :\lichig-:m fo r :l ft'\I' II\!eks,auJ will be with us fo r lOlll tnCI1Ccmellt .

The final soo,."il::1\ relal' will bC' rUIl ~aturda.r, .IUII"c 3, inimcdi~ t el~' followi ng tht! ball j;:l nH! w ith C entra! Slale Xorma1.

:\1 rs . Bowditch h:l~ bh'n tllO\'eu fr om her home Oll E"er~ re"'l1 A'·I:: .. to Olle of the dC'lentioll hospitals. H er condition is hl'o ral,It:,

L OS T.-A pCK'ket book ing sm:tll sum o f mOIlC\ and two kc \'s , ncar book store o n- strcL't ca r J i ~le. Finder please notify Oel1) 1':.lm.

The D. L' . ~. will scml n. learn for a tournamcnt with C. on Satu rda\, of ~his ~in.!! ks .11111 dOlli) l!"s w ill hc h\" IUno alltl Taft,

tellnis :\1. A. weck .


.:'II iss F lorencc B:lr loll", '00, a teadlcr in the ;.tr:l\lc,; in L:l1Ising's schools. gale some (I f hl.' r pupils a pic-Ilic Qll the collegc )o!"rollllds ~at·

., rJa.l, and relle\\'t'tll'olle~e acqu:lin-

Gcor<!" C. \\ ':I~II~'r , ' 10. who has hecl! in C:\lifornia ,..ill~~· ;(r:ltlualioll, h:.;; rctlLru~·d to :\Jichi;.!" ill', :1IIt! will 1:lke eha!"),::e o f hi~ [;ll1u' r 's farm. ill :"t. l oseph en . .:\Ir. \\' a;':-IIL'r' lal1 ... tI 011 ~·oJ1c\.!e friclHls ~.lIurd:t.Y '

Thc :uUlUal EUllullli:tn picni\: was !lcl,1 at ("ille Ld .. c !"alorual·. .\ iar".!"c numh('r lI';lik,llhctn~d-"l's o f

an oppor1Ullit,1 In li~it thl.' I.lkL·, an,1 a Ihorvu:.::hl.' !!o .. d lillll' I':I~ L'njoycd Ill' ;,1!, I'ro£. and :\Ir". \\'i l ~'1]]

In'n' p:l\rflll~.

T he ~e!LI\!L' ·..::ir!~ ;":<l \l1 Iblllc ('rn'\:': thi.s wce\:.:. Illwr.· Iht"1 lIill il1~P~'d Ihe Ilnrk ill dOlZlpli.: ; ei ... l1lc

JIII,I art in the hi:.::h ~.:h"ol :11101 in th\:'. '.!r:ltk ~, T hl.' P'lrlY lIit! ;II~" I i~il lh.· ~:lI1it:lrium. . \ rq"'rt fof Ihl' t r ip wil! hl'!'

I. II.lI1~dm:UL IlritL'~ I ' rui. 1'.',1· ,i~ from l'Orto l~ ieo. of hi~ ""rk in that i-;l:lll!1. :tJlt\ u f th.· l'ol!Jpally '~ IICL'I! of ~ood t11.'11 :11 tho:ir ( , U:llli."" pl an t. :\lr. 11 :'II,,",eI111all k:ll"~ f,lr the "t:lte:'i JIlIlC 1,,1 . !lnd for:1 - h" fl limc (,;,11 'he rl·:t,he(\ al .;10 IL,]!­cu,k \\- .. 1.).·lr"i \.

:\Ii-s Ethel :\I:,_nll. uf ~1. .I"~l"l'h, II"hnl"Ok 11 ~pc~iall\lUr"'l' ill POU'lrl" ('ultll re 1.1".1 winkr. i"'i nu" a filii Ill-II:,:-.... I f;lrm ... r. h:l\ in;.:- ;1~~Ullled 11lL' fllallag~·II1I.·n1 of lhe fa r Ul of h~ r unclc. Thcnfiurc lJ i rkil1 ~Ol l . Ill'ar her honlo: \olln. S hc :!trcadl h;l~ (ioo yOlLn;::- chi~'k,; to o.:are fu r.

I L E . DCllll is('J 1l has 'llllicil:lllk recon'red from hi,. -!e;.::.: Ilith typhoid fC\L'r 10 be I:lk"11 to his hr)])lL·. IlC:lr Fullon. );. Y. lIis falhl'r has been wjlh him for !ell'r:ll Ileeks. ami Ihe tllO lefl Fritial' fu r ~c\\' Y o rk . li e wi ll re turn n~'x t sprin,!! and com plete his Ilurk.

R eme mber the two g:arnes Ihis wcek-\\'estern Statc ~orll1al on \\'cuncstl:II' , ;l1Id Ce ntra l ~t;ltc on $:Iturd<l\" . . Onll' rcmainil1,1! ),!"amcs \0 be pI~yed. A s mall crowd 5a W the 51. John s game, ;'111(\ it is hopcd \h llt there will be a bette r attend · ancc at th ese, the last of the season .

New Coll e~e Clot hes TOI' Voun$ LCidies.

Wool CiIl(1 S ilk Dresses.

F ut" Coats. Suits.

New CUl' t a ins a nd RlI~S,


T he militar \' OnleC rS' part\" , on Friday el'cllilig-, W:'IS an cnjoy . able aff:lir . This is the firs t of its kind cv er hdl1. :I!HI promises to he ol1eo f the " sleall}"s" ill Ihe future,

Thl! :'\ ational O;liry S ho\\' :\S50-dat ion !In!' ~'xpended JIlore 1h:1I\ $=09,000.00 ill promoting the ll:ti ry imlustn·. ami the dairl"lllCn of the COllll1n: Illal' re"t assured th:11 the mall;l ~:te\1lent stril'CS \0 mCl.'l the ob­ligations t h;11 r~'st upon it as the "clearing- house of the t!:,i ry in­dt:~tr) ," :IS it has propcr!~ heen termed.

THE N If"'LE r ,f: GR A]' I'RIX TIXG CO_I/P_·J.V r

Enlfraver_ Prin ter. S t at ioner.

'_ 1.\'.'1.\'(" .\1/ " I1 W_i .\'

~ E ~Te elrecial1y well e'luipped I to 5urrl~' you with nnYlhing ~-ou mn need in the line 01

C.~LLll'\G CARDS, DANCE A:\O SOCIET Y PROG RAMS -- ----~= & 'lim !!l"",,-", Ik'-~E CC!!-~y


Li lley College Uniforms

Tl,~ l1lujurity of .\m"rit-an coll ,' goes WE"ar tllel" ,*I'ltll~" ~1.:i I ICt l uniform ulil "r~ make Lmf.-r l·ni· r"rl11~ fr' ,1lI ,trit-lh 1111 \\' 1'0 I lllatt'riai~ th.,t will ~h"t' longer "ear and Ionl, 1 thE"lr ~hlll-e. lit an,] I,,,,k 1,!'1!er Ilonn :"UI ~ ' mh.·r llto iCon".

11 '·,1, , .. , /'"",/,.01. " ,11" ,. _I .

The ,\\. G.lIlHY &Go. COLU MB US. o.

D I RECTORY L.:\::\"SI:\"L IH': :-:I :\ E~ :-' ,\ ::\'1) PR()F ESSIU~AI. :\I E:,\·.

T he ",,,,, .. , \" \fll, I>lr'·l'lOrY."~ ... <,\1 It ' tJoo.e M "I! our (.>,1,,·,· nd,·,·r tl.Pr •. "r~ o f TeUII."II' lI"rllo". W,· loo\'l<' 11",1 11l~ rll l'u l,y a ",1 tlll"lt'" ' ' ,\III '''kl' pn l n, 10 lI"lrOf1'~" t ho.(' who 1)8"0(111.,· 11 '.


CUJ.I.~; {;~; lIAHIIEH "'H<) I'. III U"th H OI''''. A"dy- I "·II- E."I~ . \'QU 11"1'1 Ih.· I.", "ork h<: .... ·• Tr)" ill"''' 'l'\'.


A ~I . 1<!~, t: II.\" . III\WIl~h.A"~.~. \:\(>Ok •. • ~'llI~ ~l"tlont'r)". E ntl'tt1 \" ~d r ',, 1I101lZ'

O" rd~. ~-olluloln I'f'u •. 1"11.'11 ...... ~'."mu. Fl u t! F . " ", I"., .. J'1I\·cl"lt)". t:'1I'I(IodAle 11)"11'1. (.',,\ rllAMi-nll i n I""'~"~'~"~'". ~ __


G J.:o. O. BI.U IJ fo; A U &: GO.- llookbl"de ". aecounl book m"k('rs. 1I"lII'r rulln\l.

Ubr".,. " nd TIne " rt bInd Ings. TIle OOJ.eI. mall mountlnl!'" .. lb""I8. POCk'" books. etc, OII12en,' IIholle ~o. ~ . In ell)" S",Uon,,1 Bank Bulldln" .


\\T""l''''''HTJI "'II O t: ... TuBt:. II!, \\"",hl"1<1I," An'. S .


' ~l It. !..-\IlSt: I1.4 ·hl",.. (~I"~.,~ Ll. l1lPi . r . t!\\ II'n <lJln tl'lo" AI·~ .....


E LGI!" :l.l tt· ''" ' ,I:': . .... d"· "",I (l"nl le. ",.,,,', ~'tlrJ1bblUll (lood •. !> •. ~ "d.

L ""'''' P.E(· Io: . , ·,.JlhIH. I" 'nt" t'urnl-h_ '''If'. II nl~ ntld I · MI>~. !!~ \\·"'.hlt'II'Io", ,~H. ~or1h.


D t;. l'A" " ET.t."t:. t'",,'I-I. II ~~ \\"0_10· • 11 . .. lon ,~, ... ,.. .. 1 ... ",ln ... :l.11 .. lIll1'lIn.

A I110""III'·II"o n ... ot1I,'~ :II''!:!: "'·1<.1 .. 1>1"" '.\~tI,

J t: . STt,t·t' ~."p'. JI. ".~ .• 'mt· .. ~ .. l-:,("tty - SlIIlo",.II~"k m,I •.. \UI"'''''lk phone

~: B..!I "I""". "I. t"", ,,,,, •. 11 . . \. , .• -"IIIt·"t.


Slll"S", I'IIY ,.,"'1''''' ". 1"1 W, •• hl"1< lo)n A, <-"'" ..... "u, h.


C.I I'IT .. '. EI.E'TIl.It' E:-'I.l't:EH1 ' " , "'.- t "l1l1",· hi Fk"l r"',,1 " "I,plj,.

""' lLJ(IU' ~ ,101,,,",,1·' ~Iu"z,· ",,,I ,~ .... I •. ,'11 .' 1."'.1"",,,11,,,, "n,1 """.1" ":""111' ''''''1' II: K " kith"''' Iy, .


ill J. ,I· I! .. 11. 1JI'I·h":.-t·"r"ltn,·,'. ,·".n,·r • 1\'o,hl""I"" .1"·. ",,01 j,,"l" ,..I r,,·;.

,..····"01. HOTELS.

\\ 'IIt: ' I" I'E"'II"I"\" ,..1""", ,(0, \1".1\­,"" .1,,1. lI"t·I, ' I ~" 1~'z,,,I,,. "I" ... f".

'1001' 'l ' II""~ · ·,,,!lrt' T _ .• I,·. ,'i, u",," ., •. ",_ 110-"""[,,, ,·"f,· "",,1..,.,,1.· nIL .... \1<',.1'1,,11_ '" III I:".", h. \("',',


"\. -" II 'r"",'", 11.1" I·I\".I ,tt:.-,. ,." ~ ... 1 _"' 11",,,,,,,··, TI"""" ',r .. "II'·"II(". ·. I ·Il\­I,·,"y . .. to.,.·, .·z.· III \\'''·h l''''I '''' In.,.. :.. ,. nOi.


E ~!. Bt~ :-..:.:t: '1"T - W',I,·h"' ''k!'r """ ,. . . Id'''''·r. \\"<;>0"1. <'~\kd r"r ""d ".·1""

,r' ,I. I: .• 1<1.·,,,,.·. r""" It h"" .. · ·,,,,,1, "I Tic II .. "". ~:'~r",.. "n A'." F"., 1."",1 11"


\I I~:-; . ". T. ,· _\ .... ~:.-~I""nr",·'un"". , ,.. h""'I',~'I" ..... , Huh.!r. ·.1"" i'llrl" ••. :."Lt.-l,,·, ,,,,,,I·' (·r ,'U! ""I' "r .... "'101'.",. I1H' .... 1" .. ·'1 "".) n·,,,·,,,t,.,1 10 r.",k II' ."~~I II·1l"". 1"1,,' t"ru",·"_,Il"'·rl,.,,,, 11 , .. 1.",,· T, 'If.l lll·'I""Lt • . , ~H '·'.'t.n. lIOI\.",,'Ih' ,,"~"'. ;, I. ~"= 1\'" ·"",,,1",, ,I, ". :-;.


D ll. "~\·.I\( II. IlHI"~:I : ~:1..· Ho,,,· •. ~~ ':;1' II. m.: ~ lu 1 'I"" ; I" - p. "t. :-;"",

,h')"" Itl" I ",,<I 5.!l<"IJ. m. t;".ll ... ",I\ ... ~ I kh. '·ltI"·,,, phn, ... 1:11.. -

D R. H. \\'. I.. .... :.:I"'S. E"'II~""I"If. ~Ikh , ,'m,'" It",,, ... : ; I" '::., II. '" .. t~~~, hJ :

", .. I r.::11 I" , p. tn. "''''1<111.,',. I'l l" II ~ n. m .• 't,, · II. tn. ' ·h,~'·n ·· ph""'·~' .;;:;.;;;~-


1' 1.1..::.: " RI!'TI:-; r; ('''.-111 flrn"'l A' ~_ r l.. nu~ .,,,,,h. 1"I,,'l nll' II"d 0111 ,'. >lOppll",.

a t''' ph"" .. H~'I, .",,1010"'111 1\.' Plto ,,1' 1("6.

D OIlEHT "'~IITH I' TG. ( ·O.-( ·O., .\\,,,.h_ .1"\' I nll""" .... ,..; ... "d lonl .. ~"


1'HY J..:}O; SPAI,I.·" "" ,)1' ro r !:'hOf' He­P ... I.t" .... All ,,'or\;; ""'''· ... nl~ .. {1. Mil'

chIne Or H ", .. d Se"'ed "ol to. }tubl,..r He .. ls ...blle YOU ",_It. t" n(' lhl t' Or ('ouf!'I· I I ... " .. . ,. \I'aller', old "," nd. ~Uchh'an An ...


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