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    Urad, Poland (January 31, 1942)

    It was a really cold and dark night in the small town at the Polish border. Snow was piled up along

    the sides of the streets and fresh snow covered the roads. The huge grey factory complex wasspewing smoke even at that late hour. At this point in the war, every tank component produced in

    the factory meant an extra panther tank for the Nazi forces against the allies. So production was in

    full swing in the factory. Since the factory was in territory occupied by the German forces, security

    was tight.

    The two armed German guards at the gates were pacing up and down to keep the cold away. As was

    their usual routine at this time of the night, they met in the middle of their rounds and lit their


    Really quiet night isn't it?

    Yeah. This is the one hour monthly maintenance shut down. The stupid Polish country bumpkins

    that pass for workers should be here in an hour. It will not be quiet then Hans

    Damn right, Helmut said Hans with a smirk.

    The night was getting colder and the two guards were considering returning to their posts when


    What was that?

    What was what Hans?

    I thought I saw something.. something like a Shadow. It just jumped over the wall over there and


    Probably your imagination my friend. Nothing ever happens in this godforsaken place. Sometimes

    I think..

    Helmut never got to finish that sentence as at that moment a huge explosion knocked the two guards

    flat on their backs.

    Helmut and Hans watched in horror as the entire production unit was engulfed in flames.


    Gubin, Poland (February 1, 1942)

    Times were hard at the little Polish town at the Germany-Poland border. The war had left its mark

    on the picturesque town on the Polish countryside. Most of the buildings were in a state of repair

    and rubble was scattered on the streets. Many of the towns' young men were forced into compulsory

    work at the German factories nearby. Food was rationed and the harsh winter had taken its toll on

    both the health and morale of the townsfolk.

    Explosion at the Tank factory. Sabotage by mystery man 'The Shadow' suspected screamed the

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    headlines at the local newspaper mart.

    Sarah Nowak paid no attention to it as she trudged through the ankle high snow and stepped into the

    Town's only bakery. As usual there was a long queue for the daily ration of bread.

    Sarah joined the long snaking line with a tired sigh. Many of the women had come with their

    children. The shop was noisy with the sound of women talking with each other and the childrenplaying.

    Had a long day huh?

    Sarah turned around to the sound of the familiar voice coming from behind her. Her friend Maria

    had just entered and was dusting the snow off her threadbare coat.

    Don't even get me started. John has been at it again. He went out yesterday on a odd job at some

    nearby village and returned just this morning. He has been sleeping ever since. I bet he didn't take

    any money for his work this time too.

    But Sarah, John is a good man. He helped my husband fix our roof last week. My children are

    feeling a lot better from their cold thanks to your husband.

    I know Maria. But if he does not bring in any money, how am I supposed to run the family? I

    work two jobs already and that is barely enough to feed us both. How will we manage when we

    have kids if this goes on like this?

    Hmm .. times have been hard for all of us. Its all because of these damn Germans and their

    godforsaken war. I hope the Shadow blows them all up

    Shhh ... Maria. If the German soldiers hear you, you could be tried for treason. Everyone knows

    the Shadow is a Polish hero, but to be heard supporting him would get us into trouble and we have

    enough trouble of our own already.

    You are right dear ... Did you hear about the explosion at the factory yesterday. Looks like another

    German feather in the Shadow's hat

    Yes, but the Germans appear determined to catch him. They have increased the patrols and the

    reward money for information leading to his capture has gone up again

    Ha.. the day any honest Polish citizen rats on the Shadow will be the day water turns to winescoffed Maria

    The two women continued to talk about various things as the line slowly wound its way towards

    the counter.


    WAKE UP JOHN ......

    John Nowak opened his eyes to look at his wife looking down upon him with an angry expression.

    She looked really irritated. John sat up with a sigh. This was going to be a bad fight.

    I'm sorry Sarah. I was tired from the last job. I had to do fencing for an entire sheep pen

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    Oh? How much did they pay you?

    Nothing yet. But Farmer Paul has promised to pay me as soon as the wool is sold next month

    What? WHAT? How are we going to eat this month then? Do you think food magically appears

    on the table everyday? Do you know how much I slave just to keep the two of us fed? ...

    Sarah shot the questions like arrows towards John. She knew he would not answer. Tears streamed

    down her face and she even brushed off John's hands when he tried to comfort her.

    John sighed and put on his coat. He turned near the door and looked at Sarah.

    I am going out now to the church to see if Father Mikhail needs any repairs

    Sarah answered only with her silence. John left the house with a sigh. This was a common scene at

    the Nowak household.


    Berlin, Germany ( February 3, 1942)

    The huge featureless grey building looked imposing as Major. Friederich Stein entered it with his

    customary military briskness. He had the report from the Polish bureau and he was sure General

    Zimmer was not going to like what it said at all.

    What do you mean another factory is out of commission? snarled General Zimmer.

    Sir, it was sabotage sir. The Shadow ...

    General Zimmer a.k.a Iron heart Zimmer cut Major. Stein off mid-sentence. He never let people

    finish their sentences.

    The Shadow again? What are the imbeciles stationed in Poland doing? They cannot capture one

    stupid Pole?

    Sir, he is very good at evading capture. His identity is unknown and he has the support of the

    Polish people

    I don't want to hear it. I want your down there personally overseeing things and I want him

    captured and shot within the month.

    Major Stein saluted the General and left without another word. The General was not one for small

    talk and when he gave an order it had to be obeyed immediately. Stein would leave for Poland the

    very next day. He knew failure to capture the Shadow would be the end of his career. He had

    worked too hard to let that happen.

    He would lay a trap for the Shadow .....


    Gubin, Poland ( February 23, 1942)

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    The entire town was buzzing. People were out in the streets talking. German soldiers were

    everywhere. Something was going to happen. The anxious shopkeepers were ready to close shutters

    at the first sign of trouble.

    The two youth were standing at the street corner engaged in a serious discussion. They did not pay

    any heed to the lone Soldier staring at them from his post at the end of the street.

    Did you hear the Shadow was captured yesterday?

    Naah ... he got away

    How do you know that Danek?

    I know a friend who works as Major Stein's manservant. Seems like the major set a trap for the

    Shadow at the munitions factory. He was almost caught but he managed to escape. Don't know

    anything more that that. The Germans look pretty determined to catch him somehow this time

    That Major Stein is a cunning bastard. Hope the Shadow gets away...

    The two youth walked away as a convoy of German vehicles came down the street. The German

    soldiers trooped in, blocked all the streets and ordered everyone indoors. Shopkeepers shut shop

    and women hurried to get themselves and their children indoors. It was not advisable to irritate the

    Germans when they were in this mood.


    Major Stein stepped out of his vehicle and scanned the fast emptying streets. He wanted everyone

    indoors as soon as possible. He felt really close to capturing the Shadow.

    The bastard will not evade me this time muttered Stein.

    Sir? Corporal Kohl enquired politely.

    Nothing Corporal. I want a door to door search started immediately. Ask the men to look for the

    identification mark that I told you about.

    Yes Sir. The men have all been instructed and the search has already begun. Corporal Kohl

    turned and left with a smart salute to join the search.


    The Nowak residence was quiet. Sarah was washing the dishes and John was in his usual place

    napping. The sharp knock at the door brought them both to the door.

    Guten Morgen. We are here to look for a criminal. Ask everyone in the house to come to the living

    room the stern faced soldier ordered.

    Sarah looked up at the three soldiers at the door with a defiant expression.

    There's only me and my husband here

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    The soldier looked over at John standing behind her.

    Hey you ... raise the sleeve of your shirt came the curt order.

    John looked at Sarah and then back at the soldier and did as he was ordered. The long fresh scar

    was visible to everyone in the room.

    How did you get that? asked the soldier.

    He slipped and hurt himself while fixing a fence answered Sarah.

    We'll see about that. You are under arrest Mr. Nowak.

    Sarah could not believe what was happening as the three soldiers handcuffed an unresisting John.

    There must be some mistake.. What did my husband do? Where are you taking him? Sarah was

    in tears.

    Your husband my dear lady is 'the Shadow' Sarah looked up at the speaker with a quiet, but

    authoritative voice.

    Major. Stein looked back at her with an unblinking eye and a smug expression on his face. He had

    succeeded in capturing the Shadow. He was jubilant and trying hard not to show it. He had been

    disappointed when his carefully laid animal trap at the munitions factory had failed to nab the

    Shadow, but he had been excited when he found blood on the trap. He knew that the Shadow had

    been injured and the trap would have made a distinct scar on the mystery man. He had quickly

    ordered the search and that search had not been in vain. Nowak was the only one in town with a

    fresh scar and Stein did not believe for an instant Nowak's story about getting the scar while fixing

    a fence.

    The soldiers left with John leaving behind an hysterical Sarah who was clinging to her friend Maria

    and weeping. She still could not believe that her lazy but kind hearted husband was 'the Shadow'.

    This was a total nightmare. Within a blink of an eye, her entire world was collapsing around her.


    He is to be shot by the firing squad first thing in the morning. General Zimmer is coming here to

    witness the execution. I want everything to go like clockwork

    Major Stein kept up his rapid-fire series of instructions to Corporal Kohl as he paced his office.

    Don't worry Sir. I have made all the arrangements. He is to be shot in front of the town hall at

    0600 hours tomorrow

    Good. Thats all Corporal

    Major Stein returned to the seat behind his desk and leaned back. He had done it. General Zimmer

    was going to be pleased. His career was secure and capturing the Shadow was the crowning

    moment of his military service. He was sure to get a promotion for this. This could well be his

    ticket all the way to the top.

    Major. Stein continued to daydream about the places he would go to and all the glories that he

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    would garner. He had a slight smile on his lips. This had been a very satisfying trip.


    Gubin, Poland (February 26, 1942)

    It was early morning and it had snowed the previous night, but the street leading up to the town hallwas crowded. The people were here to witness the execution of their great hero. Some of the

    women in the crowd were openly weeping. Emotions were running high. The crowd was ready to

    riot. Heavily armed soldiers lined the streets keeping order. Battle tanks were stationed nearby in

    case of any trouble.

    Are you sure this peasant is the Shadow? grunted General Zimmer.

    Yes Sir, quite sure. The scar on his right hand is definitely from the trap that I personally setup at

    the munitions factory replied Major Stein.

    What about his claim that he was injured while fixing a fence? He does not look like a criminal tome and from what I hear he is considered a lazy bum

    Sir, I assure you. He is our guy.

    The General did not reply. The time for the execution was fast approaching. Corporal Kohl was

    overseeing the execution. He was reading out the charges against Nowak. John with both his hands

    and legs chained was scanning the crowd looking for Sarah.

    John Nowak, you are hereby accused of sabotage and treason. The punishment for your crime is

    death by the firing squad. Do you have anything to say for yourself?

    Whatever John was about to say was drowned out by a huge explosion at the top floor of the town

    hall where all the German records were stored.

    Everyone present there witnessed a Shadowy figure jumping down from the roof and fast fleeing

    the scene. Before anyone could react the figure disappeared around the corner.

    Shouts of The Shadow!! .... Long live the Shadow!! came from various parts of the crowd.

    Soldiers were dispatched to pursue the Shadow. Other soldiers struggled to control the emotional

    crowd. John Nowak was whisked away to the local jail.

    The officers including General Zimmer, Major Stein and Corporal Kohl were hurried away from the

    scene to the local headquarters.

    It was total pandemonium.


    Well Major. What do you have to say for yourself? snarled General Zimmer. He was furious.

    But Sir.. stammered Major Stein.

    You caught a stupid peasant and tried to pass him off as the Shadow? What were you thinking?

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    I was quite sure ...

    Shut up ... Everyone saw what happened. We were made to look like fools. He blew up a building

    right under our very noses and to top it all he escaped. Now all we have is a stupid country fool who

    you claim is the Shadow

    But Sir ...

    I have had enough of this. Release the fool and find me the real Shadow. Remember Major, you

    are walking on thin ice.

    The threat was enough to freeze the blood in Major. Stein's veins. Everything he had worked for so

    far was crumbling all around him. With a sinking feeling he left General Zimmer's office to do as he

    was ordered.


    It was late in the evening by the time John was released. He slowly walked back to his home. Hecould not believe what had just happened. He had been sure that he would die today. The last thing

    he had wanted to do was to look at Sarah's face but he had not been able to find her in the crowd.

    He was worried about her.

    His house was in total darkness. It did not look like Sarah was home. With a heavy heart he entered

    and started looking around for matches to light a fire.

    Suddenly a figure leapt at him from the shadows. With a surprised shout John tried to defend

    himself. But the shadowy figure came close and .... hugged him.

    A surprised John finally found the matches and got the fire going. He found himself face to face

    with a figure clothed fully in black and wearing a black mask that covered the entire face leaving

    just a slit for the eyes. He recognized those eyes ....


    Sarah pulled off her mask and hugged him again.

    But how? John was finding it very difficult to find words.

    I know you are 'the Shadow' John. I found your disguise and your bombs in our backyard afterthey took you away. I realized that the husband that I thought was lazy was actually a great hero of

    our nation. I decided to help free you or die trying. I donned your costume and planned the town

    hall explosion with the help of Maria and some other women of the town and as it turns out we

    pulled it off.

    John was speechless. He had hidden the secret that he was the Shadow even from his wife. He had

    gone all over the countryside at night sabotaging the German occupiers. He had faced great dangers

    and overcome many hardships but all that paled in comparison to the courage and resourcefulness

    shown by his wife.

    Thank you, my darling John finally managed.

    Sarah smiled.

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    John, I solved one more mystery. I now know why you sleep so much during the day. It must have

    been hard work going around at night blowing up buildings right?

    John grinned sheepishly at her and opened his arms wide. Sarah came into his arms and they both

    hugged each other for a long time. They both believed that the love that they had for each other had

    brought them together again and they were destined to be together for the rest of their lives. Alltheir troubles were forgotten. They had each other and that was all that mattered.

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    The Shadow continued to trouble the German forces in Poland. The popular support for the Shadow

    grew and resistance against the Germans increased all around rural Poland.

    Major. Stein was forced to accept defeat in his efforts to capture the Shadow and was transferred

    back to Germany. He opted to serve in the invasion against Russia and was killed in action in the

    battle at Stalingrad on 1st February 1943.

    John and Sarah Nowak were blessed with a son whom they named Andros. John set up his own

    business selling hardware. He continued to go around the countryside for some more years selling

    his goods. Except for his wife and a few close friends no one else knew what he was really doing.

    The Legend of the Shadow continued to inspire people in Poland for many more years.

    **** The End ****

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