
~ The Island Smoothie Cafe ~

~Make me a drink and take me away to the tropics, where I can sink my toes in the sand~

This book is not intended to diagnose, treat or otherwise cure any condition. Please see your natural practitioner. Layout: Bette J Shaw Design: Bette J Shaw Recipes created by Bette J Shaw Disclaimer: Spelling errors will occur, as they are intended for effect. Please edit as you wish. Dedicated to Victoria Boutenko, the queen of the green smoothie, and Jane Goodall who gave her the idea, to join fruits and greens!

~ah -- to have fruit and greens made into liquid sunshine, now that is living~


The Smoothies

Why Green Smoothies

The Protein Question

Let The Sunshine pour In

Acid/Alkaline Balance Beam

The Chew Chew Train Of Thought

I Crave Thinness

What A Beauty

You Are What You Drink

Green Smoothie Advice/Tips/Tricks

Makin' It

Be Fresh

The Lone Ranger

'Scuze Me -- Hope It Doesn't Smell

Variety Is The Spice Of Life

Keep The Wheel Spinnin

Keepin' It Clean

C'mon Johnny -- Eat Your Veggies

More Bang For Your Buck

Spreadin' The Juicy News

Questions Inquiring Minds Want To Know

Notes For Smoothie Preparation

The Recipes



Back To Basics

Super Smoothies For Super Kids

The Herb Walk

On The Wilder Side

The Happy Daze

The Spicy Life

Packing Power

Your Inner Doc


Amount of Greens

Most people just do not get enough greens in their diet and get even less dark


Many of the greens we need, we simply don't eat on a daily basis. Green

smoothies are the best, and most delicious way to consume the quantities of

greens we need every day! We need a lot more than you might think!

It would take you a very long time, in the course of your day, to chew as many

greens as you need. Blending breaks the cell wall of the produce in a way that

chewing cannot.

So in essence, blending begins the process for proper digestion.

The Protein Question

Hooooray for the day I found out that I could get my daily protein needs met by

plant material. I was so excited! Actually, the whole protein conversation is a

misnomer. All we really need are amino acids, which are the building blocks that

make up protein, and they are the same whether they came from a plant or an

animal. Can you truly get protein from plants? Yes, you sure can!

Some raw, vegans and bodybuilders find they experience a huge leap in the way they feel when they add raw milk, cheese and eggs to their eating plan. It is all a matter of listening to your body and seeing where you feel best.

Foods high in protein:

Dulse, Kelp, All Sea Weeds

Chlorella, Spirulina

Sprouted Legumes and Seeds

Wheatgrass, All Greens, Kale

Hempseeds, Sprouted Powders

Chia Seed

Bee Pollen

Sun Warrior Sprouted Protein Powder

Hempseed Powder


Guavas: 13% protein Carambola: 11% protein Cantaloupe: 8% protein Peaches: 8% protein Nectarines: 8% protein Watermelon: 7% protein Strawberries: 7% protein Oranges: 7% protein Grapefruit: 7% protein Avocados: 6% protein Cherries: 6% protein Honeydew melon: 5% protein Plums: 5% protein Sapote: 5% protein Papaya: 5% protein Bananas: 4% protein Pineapple: 4% protein Plantains: 4% protein Asian pears: 4% protein Grapes, European: 4% protein Blueberries: 4% protein Grapes, American: 3% protein

Figs: 3% protein Elderberries: 3% protein Mangoes: 3% protein Loquats: 3% protein

Cranberries: 3% protein Persimmon, Japanese (fuyu): 3% protein Persimmon, American (hachiya): 2% protein Apples: 2% protein Sapodilla: 2% protein


Spirulina: 56% protein Watercress: 51% Laver (seaweed): 40% protein White mushrooms: 37% protein Crimini mushrooms: 37% protein Broccoli raab: 36% protein Oyster mushrooms: 31% raw Spinach: 30% protein Sprouted mung beans: 28% protein Chives: 27% protein Asparagus: 27% protein Arugula: 25% protein Portabella mushrooms: 25% protein Butterhead lettuce: 25% protein Mustard greens: 25% protein Beet greens: 24% protein Lambsquarters: 24% protein Mustard spinach: 24% protein Cilantro: 23% protein Sugar snap peas: 23% protein Swiss chard: 23% protein Green leaf lettuce: 22% protein Sprouted lentils: 21% protein Collards: 20% protein Purslane: 20% protein Nopales (cactus pads): 20% protein Parsley: 20% protein Broccoli: 20% protein Cauliflower: 19% protein

Chicory greens: 18% protein Endive: 18% protein Romaine lettuce: 18% protein Zucchini (courgette): 18% protein Celery: 17% protein

Sprouted peas: 16% protein Iceberg lettuce: 16% protein Kale: 16% protein Wakame (seaweed): 16% protein Okra: 16% protein Kohlrabi: 15% protein Dandelion greens: 15% protein Radicchio: 15% protein Green beans: 14% protein Scallions: 14% protein Sweet red peppers: 13% protein Tomatoes: 12% protein Cabbage, green: 12% protein Radishes: 12% protein Garlic: 12% protein Cucumber: 11% protein Cabbage, purple: 11% protein Turnip greens: 11% protein Eggplant: 10% protein Fennel: 10% protein Kelp: 10% protein Beets: 10% protein Sweet green peppers: 10% protein Celeriac: 10% protein Sweet yellow peppers: 9% protein Corn, yellow or white: 9% protein Pumpkin: 9% protein Turnips: 9% protein Onions: 8% protein Irish moss (seaweed): 8% protein Leeks: 7% protein Tomatillos: 7% protein Carrots: 6% protein Burdock root: 6% protein Ginger root: 6% protein

Butternut squash: 5% protein Acorn squash: 5% protein Sweet potato: 5% protein Parsnips: 4% protein

Nuts and seeds

Black walnuts: 14% protein

Pistachios: 13% protein

Almonds: 13% protein

Coconut water: 13% protein

Flaxseed: 12% protein

Sunflower seeds: 12% protein

Tahini: 11% protein

Chia seeds: 11% protein

Cashews: 11% protein

Brazil nuts: 8% protein

English walnuts: 8% protein

Hazelnuts (filberts): 8% protein

Pine nuts: 7% protein

Pecans: 5% protein

Macadamia nuts: 4% protein

Coconut meat: 3% protein

Let the Sunshine Pour in

Chlorophyll, contained in all green plants, is literally the sun's energy in the plants. When a person drinks the plant material, blended in a smoothie, the assimilation is almost instant and one can feel the liquid sunshine in their body. Many people experience a light and airy feeling after drinking a green smoothie. This is due to the oxygenation that the chlorophyll provides the blood and cells.

Acid/Alkaline Balance Beam

Greens create an alkaline condition in the body. The reason why this is important is because if the body becomes too acidic, a person will become subject to illness and disease.

The Chew Chew Train of Thought

As you know, and we have been told, to chew our food! To get the full benefit of leafy greens, the cell walls of the greens must be opened and ruptured, so that means we must chew them into a creamy consistency before we swallow them. Okay, so how many of you want to take four hours to eat your salad? Not me. This is the reason why blending, in a high speed blender, is the best solution for getting our greens in the best possible shape for easy assimilation. Why chew all that salad and fruit when you can blend?

I Crave Thinness

Green smoothies, in my opinion, are the greatest and most delicious way to amazing weight loss! They are filling, squelch cravings, and the body is flooded with nutrients as never seen before!

A regular daily dose of green smoothies will set you on a path to never worry about weight again. How can I say that? Because greens, every day, create a desire for more greens and better quality of food. Green smoothies literally take on a life of their own in your body and take you to greater levels of health.

Try it for thirty days! Drink 32 oz of green smoothie per day, added to your balanced diet, and watch your weight drop.

What A Beauty!

Green Smoothies, by their make-up and nature, add luster to the skin, create better looking and feeling hair, stronger and longer nails.

Many people seek to add topically to the body to create beauty, but green smoothies create beauty inside that shows up on the outside!

When you feed your body this quality of nutrition, beauty is increased, naturally.

You ARE what you drink!

You have the ability to change the health of everyone you know by introducing them to green smoothies! Not kidding!

Try them out for yourself and see how you feel. Drink them in front of your friends, even if you make jokes about your "pond scum" in a jar! Give them a taste, without them asking. Let them see how they feel after drinking it.

Green smoothies have a way of transforming your body. It is as if they have a mind of their own and the power to make you want more and more greens, better and better quality of foods.

If you want better health for your family and friends, then drink green smoothies, show them by example and when they see what they do for you, they will BEG you for some!

Green Smoothie Advice/Tips/Tricks

Makin It!

Green smoothies are best made and easily used by the body if you

K.I.S.S.=Keep It Super Simple

Add greens and fruit with water=simple. This is the best way for the body to

utilize the smoothie. If you like, as I do, you can add other ingredients that

includes some of your daily superfoods!

Simple is best with as few ingredients as possible in most of your smoothies.

We do have more complex smoothies listed here to add in once in a while for

specific conditions or results!

Be Fresh!

Make your smoothie first thing in the morning. Pour it into a glass jar with a lid

for travel, or in a pretty glass, if you are staying in. You can make the smoothies

for the whole day, for you and your family, or just one person (32 ounce

minimum). The stored smoothie will last in the refrigerator for 3 days, although

some prefer it fresh every time.

Added: Always make sure that the fruits you choose are ripe. Most fruit is sold

unripe and you will need to let them ripen.


It is best to mix your smoothie with your saliva, even chewing it so be sure to sip

it leisurely and enjoy it!

The Lone Ranger!

Drink the smoothie all by itself for instant injection into your body cells! Any other

food taken along with it will slow the process down and possible create poor


Scuze me, hope it doesn't smell!

To get the best digestibility of your smoothie, proper food combining is essential.

It is best to only use fruit and greens and no vegetables in your morning


If you choose to make a veggie smoothie with greens later in the day, then go

for it! Keep from mixing fruits with veggies in a smoothie or you might suffer from

gas, bloating and indigestion.

Greens are in a category all of their own and are not classified as true veggies,

thus they combine really well with fruits. Just ask Jane Goodall’s chimps why

they wrap their fruits in greens! (read Victoria Boutenko's book "Green For life")

Variety is the spice of life!

Always seek to keep your smoothies different and appealing. If you or your

family tires of them, they won't drink them. Be willing to experiment and create

new combinations to keep them exciting. We have provided plenty of ideas here!

Keep the wheel spinnin!

Always be sure to get a variety of greens in your weekly smoothies. Greens

need to be rotated so as to not get too much of any one green. As you know,

one CAN have too much of a good thing. Every green, in huge amounts, will

have a little bit of toxicity so be sure to switch them out.

Keeping It Clean!

I always advise people to use organic fruits and veggies whenever possible! The

reason is that organic food tastes better and is far better for you nutritionally,

plus it is good for our earth!

Conventional produce is loaded with toxic chemicals that will add to the body

burden. We are seeking to lighter our body's load, not add to it. Organic is

simply better on so many levels.

Even better is to grow your own organic produce and pick it just before using in

a smoothie!

C'mon Johnny -- Eat Your Veggies!

You guessed it, kids love green smoothies! What an amazing and fun way to

include so many great fruits and greens into your lil ones daily eating plan!!

If you have them help you pick out the fruits they would like, help you put the

smoothie together, they are more likely to enjoy drinking the results.

As an added incentive, you and your kids can have fun creating our recipes here,

you know, the ones with the fun names in the kids section. After you drink them

have a "green smoothie mustache" contest!!!

Wooohoooo! You should see all the fruits and veggies Johnny eats (drinks) now!

More bang for your buck!

Is it expensive to buy all that organic produce and drink smoothies every day?

To me, doctors are expensive, medicine is expensive, feeling horrible is

expensive, losing time for sickness is expensive, being grumpy and have

challenges with others because of it is expensive, dying young is expensive.

Smoothies are not expensive!!!

Plus, if you do away with meat products you will be saving a whole lot of money.

Yes, you really can get your protein by eating a plant powered diet, without

buying meat. It just makes so much sense and it is not expensive!!

Spreadin' The Juicy News

So much like any other great news you might tell others, spread the green

smoothie news! Drink them yourself and share them with others. Teach others

how to make them and have green smoothie parties! This is one of the most

incredible ways to alter the state of another person's health!

Green smoothies will change the health of your family and friends and even

strangers. It is the most juicy news you just want to share!

Questions Inquiring minds want to know:

How much green smoothie is it recommend to drink in a day?

Each person needs to drink a quart of smoothie daily. That is blender full!

Why can't I just get my greens in salad?

We can never chew as well, nor eat as much salad in a day, as we need. Plus,

we can never chew the greens as much as they need to be chewed for easy assimilation.

What kinds of things can I put together if I want to experiment and make my own?

Always choose your greens and the fruits of your choice. Any greens and any fruit usually will always be a good combination! The ratio is 70 percent greens to 30 percent fruit. Have fun!

Where can I get the wild greens for my green smoothies?

Wild greens can be found most anywhere you live. Find yourself a great field guide with pictures of the plants or take a wild weed walk with an expert to help identify the plants that are healthy to eat.

How can I get the kids to want green smoothies?

Take the kids with you to the store to pick out the fruits they want to use. Have them help you make the smoothies. With kids, the more they can help create something, the more they are likely to want to eat it.

I actually had the kids help with all the fruit parts and tried to not have them see the greens so much, as this might alter their thoughts on drinking it. The recipes included here for kids make use of the mild greens like romaine and baby spinach. That is a good place to start until they get used to having them and then you might graduate into stronger greens! Whatever works for you though is best.

Do I need to use organic ingredients?

I always advise people to use organic fruits and veggies whenever possible! The

reason is that organic food tastes better and is far better for you nutritionally,

plus it is good for our earth!

Conventional produce is loaded with toxic chemicals that will add to the body

burden. We are seeking to lighter our body's load, not add to it. Organic is

simply better on so many levels.

Even better is to grow your own organic produce and pick it just before using in a smoothie!

Where can I get some of the not-so-common ingredients in the recipes?

Common every day foods that can be found in your local market is best. It is always best to eat foods local to you and indigenous toy uor area as these align best with your body!

For some recipes, other ingredients are listed. For the most part, these can be found in your local health food store or online store. When in doubt, leave it out. Simple is best!

What kind of blender do I need?

We recommend Vitamix or Blendtec as these are high powered blenders that create the smoothest smoothies. Other basic blenders will work for making smoothies, they just might take longer to blend and not be as smooth. Also, because we use our blenders many times per day, the conventional basic blenders conk out easily.

Since you are now a regular green smoothie maker, a high speed blender is the best pick and well worth the price!

How long do the green smoothies keep or do I need to make them every time I want one?

Many people like fresh smoothies however, smoothies can keep in the refrigerator for up to three days.

What is the best way to take them with me to work or on a trip?

I put all my smoothies in a quart canning jar for travel to work or a trip. I store them in a cold pack bag with an ice pack, separated with either cardboard or cloth to keep them from banging together.

For ease in drinking and for not spilling, I make a hole in the inner lid of an canning jar and insert a straw. When not in use, I place the regular canning jar cap on tight. This works well!

Some people prefer to put the smoothies in a coffee mug or an insulated thermos. Whatever works best for you!!

Notes for the smoothie recipe preparation:

Sweeteners: Always add, if desired, the sweetener of your choice. Because everyone had different kinds of sweeteners they like to use, we offer "sweetener of your choice" in the recipes. Preferably the sweetener is raw and of high quality, minimally processed.

Here are a few:

soaked dates

soaked raisins

raw honey

true raw agave


soaked figs choose!

Fresh or frozen:

Some people prefer to use fresh and some like to use frozen fruit. Frozen food is very similar to cooked food, in that it has been fractured and some enzymes and nutrients destroyed. Always use fresh if at all possible.

If you need to use frozen due to availability of fresh in your area or acquiring an abundance all at once, then do so. It is better than not having fruit at all!

Some like to peel and freeze bananas on a tray and then close them in a Ziploc bag for later use in smoothies.


In each recipe, you can leave some fruits unpeeled, such as kiwi, apple, and mango, as there is a lot of nutrition is in the peels. Others fruits will need to be peeled before adding them into the smoothie.


It is best, even with a high powered blender, such as Vitamix or a Blendtec, to add the ingredients in a little at a time as you are blending, so as not to tax your blender unnecessarily.


I highly recommend that you always pour your lovely smoothie into wonderful glasses and garnish to make it a more profound experience!


All green smoothies can have water added to the consistency of your liking.

Some people like them thicker and some thinner. The liquid can be regular water or coconut water.

Almond Milk:

Soak one cup of raw almonds overnight in 2 cups of water.

In the morning, pour soak water off and blend with two cups of fresh water.

Pour this through a mesh or nut milk bag and squeeze the milk into a pitcher. You may want to add a bit of salt, a little vanilla and a little bit of sweetener.

This is for use in recipes calling for almond milk. Will keep for a couple days in the refrigerator.



Keepin' It Simple

2 bananas

1 peach

6 strawberries

2 cups baby spinach


Blend and love the simplicity of this smoothie. One to make again and again. Simple and great taste!

The P's

1 pear

1 papaya

1 persimmon

1 cup pineapple

1 peach

Blend and go....oh never mind!

Oh, wear P.J's if you like while drinking this one. It is a great start to your day!

Chocolate Banana Smoothie

2 bananas 1 cup almond milk 1 tbsp cacao

sweetener of your choice

Oh boy is this a keeper! This makes standard chocolate milk look sick!

Put all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth and creamy!

The A's

1 apple

1 avocado

1 tsp aloe vera juice

1/4 cup almonds

sweetener of your choice


Amazing! Affordable! Always available....okay you get it, the A's have it!

The Simple Life

1 cup spinach

2 apples

2 pears

1 banana

1 kiwi

a splash of lemon juice

Blend all until smooth! Drink. Simple!

Cabo Coco Banana Trip

2 bananas

1/2 cup pineapple chunks

1/2 cup coconut shreds

1/2 cup coconut water

3 tbsp coconut oil

Blend. Garnish with drink umbrella. Float. Tan. Relax.


Buckin' Banana Shake 1 banana

1/4 cup of soaked buckwheat

1 tbs cacao powder

pinch of cinnamon


Blend well! Love the banana shake! Mmmmm

The B's

1 banana

1 Bosc pear

1 cup berries

sweetener of choice

water if desired

Blend Beautiful Blend

Loving Melon

2 oranges

2 pieces of sweet cantaloupe melon

1 passion fruit

1 piece of water melon

a piece of ginger (about an inch)

Blend and love your melon!

Morning Flush

1 banana

2 oranges, peeled

1 lemon, peeled

sprinkle of cayenne

Blend well and in-joy the cleanout of the night debris!

Slosh My Galoshes

3 cups mixed baby greens

2 pears

2 mango

1 cup fresh blueberries

Blend. Pour. Slosh. Have fun!

Park Bench

3 stalks celery

2 ripe persimmons

1 banana

1 handful red Swiss chard leaves

Blend, smile and await the yummmy delight!

Berry Patch

2 cups romaine lettuce

1 cup raspberries

1 cup strawberries

1 cup blueberries

Blend. Pour. Drink!

The Green Grin

1 cup spinach

1 green apple

1 cup grapes

1 kiwi

water to desired consistency

Blend. Drink. Grin Green!

Big Red

2 nectarines ½ banana handful of cranberries

handful of red grapes a bit of pineapple

Blend and be hip hop happy!

Pecan Pie Puss

1 banana

1 cup pecans

1 cup almond milk

pinch of Himalayan pink salt

2 inch of vanilla bean pod

Blend well and fall in love with this smoothie!

Super Creamy

1 cup of soaked cashews

1 ripe avocado

2 ripe bananas

sweetener of your choice

water to desired consistency

Blend. Pour. Drink in this creamy goodness!

Kiwi Stalkin Banana

4 very ripe kiwis 1 ripe banana 3 stalks of celery water

Blend. Pour. Run!

Creamy Popsicle In A Glass

1 Orange

1 Persimmon

1 banana

1 cup almond milk

1 small piece of vanilla pod

ice cubes

Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Spinning Peaches

6 peaches 2 cups spinach leaves Water to desired consistency

Blend. Pour. Spin round and round in peachy yumminess!

Pearfect Bunch

4 ripe pears 5 leaves of kale 1/2 bunch of mint Water

Blend well......mmmm

Pearfecto Simplicity

3 Bosc pears 1 handful of raspberries 5 leaves of kale Water!

Meek As A Mouse

2 bananas

1 cup strawberries

1/2 bunch romaine lettuce

water to desired consistency

Blend and enjoy the goodness!

Basic As It Gets

3 bananas

3 cups of baby spinach

Water to desired consistency

This is one of the most basic smoothies there is, to be enjoyed again and again,

day after day! Share this with everyone!

Easy As Pie Half a head of green leaf lettuce 2 bananas juice from 2 tangelos 1 mango 1 pear Water to desired consistency!

Well, blend this and you will see it is far easier than making pie!

Nutty Professor

3 cups of baby spinach

3 bananas

1/2 soaked walnuts

1/2 soaked cashews

Water to desired consistency

Blend and whirl, whirl and blend and then make sure to make it again!

Basic Bliss

2 apples

1 banana

1 pear Water to desired consistency

Blend, Pour. Bliss!

Oh Fruited One

2 cups of frozen strawberries 1 papaya

1 mango Sweetener of your choice

Water to desired consistency

Fruit wonderful fruit in this super smoothie! Blend all together, pour onto a pretty glass and top with strawberries. In-Joy!

Pom Pom Blastoff

1 medium to large pomegranate, use seeds 2 medium sized bananas

1 cup almond milk 1/4 cup wild blueberries

You are in for an amazing smoothie with this one!

Blend all ingredients together! Pomegranate blast off!

Simple Simone

3 cups of mango 1/2 medium sized romaine lettuce 1 cup of water

Simple but oh so lovely! Place all in blender and spin to blessed bliss.

Super Smoothies For Super Kids

The Purple Palooza Smoothie

2 fresh ripe bananas 1 fresh pitted plum 1/2 cup fresh blueberries 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice 1 tablespoon honey or sweetener of your choice, if needed 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla powder Ice if desired Blend well and think royalty! You sure will feel like that! Mmmmmm

Kids, now you are definitely a PURPLE PALOOZA!


1 young coconut, meat and water 5 leaves kale, stems removed 2 nectarines 2 peaches 1 mango

Blend well, drink and jump for joy like a baby kangaroo!

The Green Monsta Smoothie

2 handfuls of baby spinach

2 kale leaves

2 teaspoons aloe vera

2 granny smith apples

2 oranges

2 teaspoons cinnamon

1/4 teasp nutmeg

1 small piece ginger

Blend well and enjoy! Share but don't worry, you won't scare your friends

The Wild Monkey

2 bananas

2 oranges

1 mango

1/2 of romaine bunch

water to desired consistency

Blend, drink and swing through the trees like a wild monkey! Sorry Mom but hey at least they are healthy!

Zippety Doo Da

6 young grape leaves 3 leaves dinosaur kale, stems removed 2 mango 2 cups of strawberries 2 cups orange juice, fresh squeezed

Blend these ingredients together and pour into fun glasses!

Zippety doo da zippety aye......what a wonderful day!!!

Girl With A Strawberry Curl

1 cup strawberries 2 bananas ½ bunch romaine water if needed

Blend well and enjoy! It sure makes a difference if you are a girl with a strawberry curl!!!

Baby's Day Out

2 frozen ripe bananas 1 cup frozen pineapple 1/2 cup strawberries

coconut shreds 2 cups baby spinach water, to desired consistency

Blend and enjoy!

Buzz Lightyear's Green Applesauce Smoothie

5 apples 1 bunch fresh parsley ½ inch fresh ginger root pinch of spirulina

pinch cinnamon

pinch of nutmeg

sweetener if desired

water to desired consistency

The kids are going to love Buzz's Smoothie and they won't even know how it is making them healthy at the same time! woweeee!

Spin The Banana

3 bananas 4 cups of baby spinach

1 cup of papaya

water to consistency

With this combo of spinach and bananas, the kids are sure to love this one! This will be a favorite to make over and over! Have fun!

Chew Bok Ka

1 fruit of (child's) choice 2 bananas 1 handful of parsley 1 small bunch of bok choy water to desired consistency

Here is a great opportunity to have your child pick out their favorite fruits for this smoothie! Kids can try out many different fruits to see what they like best!

Coco Gogo Green

2 bananas 1 piece of fruit of your choice 2 cups of baby spinach

2 tbsp coconut oil

1/4 cup shredded coconut 2 cups of water

This smoothie is a keeper! Kids will love it!

Blend and have lots of joy and energy!!!

Leapin Lizards

3 cups cantaloupe 2 bananas

1 handful of parsley 1 small bunch of bok choy 2 cups of water

Peel cantaloupe and bananas. Put all in blender and blend well until smooth!

No, there are not any lizards in this smoothie, the kids will feel like leaping! Ah! Just turn them outside to run around after drinking!

The Green Banana

4 large ripe bananas 2 large handfuls of kale 1 small handful of parsley 1 handful of baby spinach 2 cups of water

Blend all these ingredients until smooth. Have a wonderful and healthful day!

Spin the Kale on the Donkey

1 cup of kale

1/2 cup fresh blueberries

sweetener to taste

Simple but oh sooo good!

Blend well and have a smoothie party!

Rawk It Baby!

1 cup spinach

1 kiwi

1 cup grapes

1 orange, fresh squeezed

Ah this one is a gem!! Simple, quick and oh so yummy!

Blend well and enjoy!

Barney Loves Berries

1 bunch purple kale 2 oranges 6 strawberries 1 cup of purple grapes

Well, we are not so sure Barney loves berries but your kids will love this!!!

Blend until smooth! Slurpitty slurp!

The Green Strawberry Patch

1 bunch green kale 1 pint strawberries 3 small peaches water to desired consistency

Now we all know how much kids love strawberry patches and they will love this smoothie!!!

Blend all ingredients together and pour into lovely glasses. Top with chopped strawberries!

Harry Gorilla

3 handfuls of spinach 1 kiwi, with skin on 1 cup pineapple 1 frozen banana water to desired consistency

Well we call this one hairy because the kiwi has little hairs on the skin. They won't show up in the smoothie but will be very healthy for the kids! Peels lief ton, when possible, add so much more nutritionally to your smoothie!

Blend well and enjoy!

Berry Loves Kale

1 cup Kale

2 cups melon

1/2 cup pineapple chunks

10 grapes

1 peach, pitted

10 strawberries

10 raspberries

10 blackberries

Blend and feel berry great!

This is a great way to gets the kids to have their daily portions of fruits! It is a

delicious way as well! Blend until smooth and love the results! Mmmmm

The Green Frog

2 bananas 1 granny smith apples 1 pear 1 cup of parsley 3 cups of kale

Sweetener if desired

Water to desired consistency

Well, there are no frogs in this one but what a nice title to get the kids to help

make it with you!

Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until very smooth!

Happy Green Frog Day! Slurp! Ribbittt!

The Green Monkey

2 bananas

1 apple

1 pear

2 handfuls of parsley

2 big handfuls of kale

water to consistency

Ever seen a green monkey? Me neither but this sure will grab the lil ones

attention. Hopefully have them want to help as well as drink it!

Place all in blender and blend well. Enjoy!

Bunny In the Garden

3 big green lettuce leaves 2 handfuls of baby spinach 1 serving of aloe vera 7 strawberries 1 handful of blueberries

Just a few sunflower sprouts

1 cup of water

Blend these wonderful healthy ingredients together and enjoy with the kids!

Let's Go Berry Picking

3 cups of baby spinach

1/2 pint raspberries

1/2 pint blueberries

2 bananas

Water to desired consistency

Ah! This is a gem of a smoothie for berry picking season!

Blend well and enjoy the fruit of the harvest! Kids will love this one!

You're Just Fruity

1/2 banana 1/2 pear juice of half an orange about a cup of parsley

Blendy blend and drinky drink!

Chase Me Around The Berry Bushes

1 cup almond milk

2 cups of blueberries

4 frozen bananas

1 orange peeled

Blend well and enjoy!

Chicka Boom

4 leaves of romaine lettuce

1/2 avocado

1 apple

1 banana

1 cup of cut pineapple

1/2 cup of blueberries

2 cups of water

1 tbsp of coconut butter

1 tbsp of agave nectar

young coconut water

Chicka boom chicka boom, don't you just love it? Well you and the kids will

really love this one! Blend all together, top with a lil paper umbrella and have a

tropical party!

Berry Splashes

3 cups of baby spinach

1 1/2 cup raspberries

1 1/2 cup blueberries

2 bananas

water to desired consistency

Simple but powerful for the health of the lil ones!

Have them help putting this all together and have a smoothie party!!!

The Dynamo Dino

4-5 kale leaves 3 apples 1/2 lemon juice

water to desired consistency

This is for the seasoned smoothie lover and the kids will get there!

Blend until creamy. Pour and drink!

Pining for Bananas

1 cup pineapple

1 banana

2 sticks of celery

2 cups of leafy greens

Another great one and a great way to get the greens in those sweet peas!

Blend well. Pour and drink til your heart's content!

Happy Daze Smoothies

Maca U Happy Smoothie

2 cups of papaya 1 banana 2 cups of leafy greens of your choice 2 cups of water

1 teaspoon maca powder

Blendy blend. Consume!

Chocolate Bliss Coming Down

4 bananas 4 dates, soaked 3 tbsp raw cacao nibs or the raw cacao powder (to taste) 2 tbsp coconut oil water to desired consistency

Blend and feel the blissss!

Yum SezMe

1 cup sesame seeds 2 large bananas 3 medjool dates 1 vanilla pod


Blend for an amazing sesame creamy delight!

Super Shakey Shake

3 bananas 1/2 cup macadamia nut 3 tbsp cacao nibs

2 tbsp coconut butter 1 vanilla bean, scraped sweetener of your choice


Blend (well shake it if you like) and enjoy

this creamy goodness!

Choco Maca Blissin 2 tbsp. raw maca root powder 2 cups almond milk 1 cup strawberries or blueberries 2 tbsp. honey or sweetener of your choice 2 tbsp. cacao powder


Blend well and enjoy the bliss!

Ah Summer Lovin'

12 peaches, pitted

1/4 of a small watermelon

Blend. AH! Gotta love that summer time feeling again!

Go Figga Smoothie

5 fresh figs (or dried ones soaked overnight)

1 cup soaked cashews

cinnamon and nutmeg, to taste

water, to desired consistency

Blend well and enjoy!

Top O The Morning Apple Surprise

2 apples chopped

1 banana chopped

few walnuts (soaked and dried) chopped

small amount shredded coconut

almond milk to desired consistency

honey to desired sweetness

pumpkin pie spice to taste

melt 1 tbsp coconut oil over warm water and add in

Put all ingredients in the blender and blend away until smooth!

...oo la la Good morning sunshine!

Shakey Shake Creamsicle

One young Thai Coconut

2 bananas (frozen)

3 dates, soaked

juice from a navel orange, fresh squeezed

1 tbsp raw honey

1 teasp vanilla

Put all in blender and blend until smooth. Add ice cubes to make desired consistency!

Pearfectly Bananas Over You

1 large pear 1" ginger 4 leaves of romaine 1/2 a frozen banana

Core pear and put all ingredients in the blender.

Blend while doing the blender dance! In-joy!

Banana Dream Cream

3 frozen ripe bananas

5 pitted prunes

vanilla to taste

honey to taste

handful of almonds


Blend until smooth! Drink heartily.

Happy Hippy Hemphead Smoothie

3 bananas a cup of papaya 4 big handfuls of baby spinach 2 cups of water

2 teaspoons of hemp seeds

Blend and drink up!

If you like Pina Colada Smoothie

2 bananas

1/2 cup pineapple

1/2 cup shredded coconut

2 cups coconut water

young coconut meat

1 tbsp coconut oil

Blend well, top with umbrella (you will need this to land safely on earth after)and enjoy!

Chinga Changa Chia Smoothie 1/2 dark lettuce 1 apple 1 banana 1 cup dandelion greens 1 celery stalk 1 tbsp of soaked chia seeds

Blend well, and drink!

Walk In The Park

1 1/2 cups of kale

1 apple

1 pear

2 bananas

1 stalk of celery

water, to desired consistency

Blend and drink and take a walk in the park, for sure!

Tease My Palette

4 large ripe bananas,

2 large handfuls of kale,

1 small handful of parsley,

1 handful of baby spinach and

water, to desired consistency

Blend well and enjoy the taste sensation!!!

Smooth Operator

2 bananas 8 strawberries 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel romaine lettuce 1 cup water

Blend well and you will be a smoothie operator!

The Bunny Hop

2 handfuls of carrot tops 2 stalks of celery 1 handful of sunflower sprouts 3 big red lettuce leaves 2 teaspoons aloe vera gel 3 small beets 2 cups water

Gather the ingredients by the bunny trail.

Blend well, pour, drink and yes, hop like a bunny with all your newfound energy!

Blueberry Hill

2 cups wild blueberries

2 bananas

2 tbsp coconut oil

1/4 cup shredded coconut

Blend and enjoy the thrill!

Summer Meadow

1 apple 1 peach 1 nectarine 1 carrot 1/4 avocado 1 lemon, peeled a few sprigs of parsley 2 cups romaine lettuce a few chard leaves 1 cup of water

Blend and pour and then head down to the meadow, and enjoy the summer day!

Born In The Dark 5 leaves of dark lettuce 4 bananas 2 handfuls of mixed greens 3 cups of water

Blend. Pour. In-joy!

Key Lime Cruisin spinach

1 banana 1 1/2 cups of pineapple 2 oranges

1 lime, peeled 2 cups of water

Blend well and you will be a cruisin' for sure!

Green Rocket

handful each of: kale parsley

spinach mesculin mix 2 celery sticks pineapple 1 banana. 2 cups water

Blend well and enjoy the blast off from earth!

Energy unlimited is in store here folks! Greens are where it is at!

Not My Nutty Noggin

3 ripe bananas frozen (slices)

2 cups almond milk (already made)

1/2 vanilla bean

sprinkle cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves to taste

Add honey to taste

Blend well adding water to desired thickness.


Let Us Mango Tango

3 cups of mango 1/2 medium sized romaine lettuce 1 cup of water

Blend and love this!

Papaya Surfin

4 cups of baby spinach 3 bananas a cup of papaya 2 cups of water

Blend well and enjoy!

Happy Max Mix

2 bananas 1 apple 1 pear 2 cups of kale 1 stalk of celery 2 cups of water

Blend and enjoy!!!

Royal Grape 1 cup papaya 1 orange 1/2 head romaine 1 bunch of red grapes two stalks of celery 2 cups water

Blend all ingredients and enjoy!!!

Love Choco Smoothie

1/2 cup cashews

1 cup water

2 bananas

4 tbsp raw cacao powder

2 teas coconut oil

a splash of vanilla

pinch mineral salt

honey, if desired

Blend til smooth and creamy! Enjoy!

Papaya Tropics

2 cups papaya

2 frozen bananas

5 strawberries

water from one young coconut

flesh from one young coconut

2 cups pineapple with juice

1/4 cup shredded coconut

2 tbsp coconut oil

Blend, top with umbrella and slip away to a Hawaiian isle!

The Balance Beam Smoothie

1 cup kale

1 cup spinach

1 mango 1 cup water

Blend and consume!

Enjoy the balance that drinking your greens bring!

Chocolate A Day Smoothie

1/2 cup cashews

1 cup water

2 bananas

4 tbsp raw cacao powder

2 teaspoons spirulina

2 teas coconut oil

a lil vanilla

a pinch mineral salt

honey. if desired

Blend til smooth and creamy

Feel the bliss!

Peachy Keen Spinach 6 peaches 2 handfuls of spinach leaves 2 cups water

Blend. Pour. Peachaaay keen I say!

Appleton's Lemon Love 4 apples ½ lemon juice 5 leaves of kale 2 cups water

Blend, pour and love this lemon smoothie!

Fields of Summer

One half small seeded watermelon 10 strawberries 1 bunch spinach 1 cup water

Ah the days of summer and laying in the fields finding art in the clouds overhead! This smoothie will take you there!

Blend, pour, take off to relax in the field with mug in hand! In-joy!

South Wind

3 cups of greens of your choice, 2 cups papaya 2 oranges

a sprinkle of cinnamon

a sprinkle of cayenne

Blend, pour and love it! Stalkin Percy 3 stalks celery 2 ripe persimmons 1 banana 2 cups water

Blend well. Pour. Enjoy!

The Pine Man

1/2 head romaine lettuce 1 cup pineapple 1 large mango 1-inch fresh ginger

Blend. Pour. Love it!

Greener Grasses Over There 2 cups of baby spinach 1 apple 1 banana Juice of 1 lime 1 tbsp of green barley grass powder

Water to desired consistency

Blend and enjoy!

Moms Apple Pie Smoothie

3 apples

1 banana

1/2 cup cashews

honey to taste


pinch salt

1 cup water

Blend well and top with a few diced apple species and cinnamon to garnish!


Oh and don't forget to bring one to Mom!

The Peelout

3 handfuls baby spinach 2 celery stalks & leaves 1 cup water 1 green apple 1 frozen banana a quarter of fresh pineapple

Blend until smooth! Enjoy!

Summer and The Livin is Easy

3 cups seedless watermelon chunks 2 kiwi 3 strawberries

1/2 lime, fresh squeezed

Blend this tropical mix and enjoy the sunshine!

The Wilder Side Smoothies

Wild Weed Walkin

dandelion greens and flowers

red clovers and leaves

a few nettle leaves

a few chickweed leaves

a bunch of wild mint leaves

several stalks of celery

sweetener if desired

water to desired consistency

Blend well. Pour. Drink. Go wild!

Just Dandy

Several Dandelion greens 1 Mango

2 bananas 8 romaine leaves 1 tablespoon raw cacao nibs


Blend. Drink! LOVE!

Minted Fruit

2 oranges 1 lemon 1 bunch of fresh mint 1 bunch of greens your choice; kale, parsley, spinach sweetener of choice

Blend and hoot n holla!

Honey Do You Want Wild Greens

3 cups honeydew melon

1 handful wild greens

1 small handful mint leaves,

Blend and drink!

Root Cellar

3 celery sticks small piece of ginger root

small piece of turmeric root

small piece of burdock root

Blend. Smell. Pour. Drink. Be Rooted.

On The Wild Side

1 cup butternut squash, cut small 1 cup nut milk vanilla bean, scraped 2 dates a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, clove sweetener to taste

Blend well. Enjoy!

Sunny One Sprout Smoothie

2 handfuls of carrot tops 2 stalks of celery 1 handful of sunflower sprouts 3 big red lettuce leafs 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel 3 bananas 2 cups water

Blend ,drink and out comes the sun!

Greenest Smoothie Smack

4 leaves kale, stems removed 4 leaves chard, stems removed ½ bunch fresh parsley 1 leaf aloe vera ½ bunch dandelion greens 3 pears 1 banana 3 cups water

This smoothie will leave you smackin your lips for more!

Blend until creamy and drink heartily!

Wild Blue Yonder

3 cups chickweed

4 leaves chard, stems removed

1 large leaf aloe vera, with skin 1 banana 1 peach 1 pear

There is nothing like wild weeds to make you feel wonderful!

Blend until smooth and skip off into the wild blue yonder! You will have the energy to do so for sure!

Get my Purse Laney

3 cups wild purslane 1 small watermelon

cinnamon sprinkle 3 limes, juiced

Wild weeds are amazing and this smoothie is no exception!!!

Blend until blended. Drink until drunk on green smoothie wild weed high!

Greener Grasses Over There 2 cups of baby spinach 1 apple 1 banana Juice of 1 lime 1 tbsp of green barley grass powder Water to desired consistency

Yes it is true, the grass truly is greener over there! Especially if it is barley grass!

Blend these ingredients to smooth consistency and enjoy!!

Wild Weed Meets Melon

1 bunch dandelion 1/2 small small watermelon 6 strawberries 1 cup of grapes

What a packed deal this is! Wild weeds and melon OH MY!

Blend and love this one!

It's A Zinger

½ bunch dandelion greens 2 stalks celery ½ inch fresh ginger root 2 peaches ½ pineapple

Blend. Pour, Drink. Jump up and down!

Mango Weed Wacker

2 mango 1 handful edible weeds Water to desired consistency

Blend and love the simplicity in making it ,as well as in taste!

Wild Forest Swing

1 bunch dandelion greens

1 orange

1 mango

1/2 banana

See the monkey swinging from that tree? Okay, well just make this smoothie

then and maybe he will show up!

Blend and drink! Simple!

By The Handful

1 handful dandelion greens

1 handful parsley

1 handful spinach

1 banana

1 orange

1 cup raspberries

Gather. Blend. Drink. Love.

Coming Up Green

1 lime (peeled) 1 celery stick 1 cucumber 1 apple

1/2 cup spinach 1/2 inch small piece of ginger 1 garlic clove few sprigs of parsley few springs of fresh mint dandelion leaves Small piece of turmeric root water to desired consistency

Blend until smooth and creamy and drink up! Happy and healthy day on the way!

Wild Weed n Mango

2 mango 1 handful of dandelion, lambs quarters, stinging nettles, purslane,

sweeten if desired

water, to desired consistency

Great combo here, wild and mango! You can’t beat it for taste as well as feeling

the bliss that comes from wild greens! The best!

Blend. Pour. Drink. Bliss!

Inner Doc Smoothies

Immune Apprentice Smoothie

1 apple 1 celery stick 1 cucumber

1 lime, peeled 1/2 cup spinach few leaves of basil few leaves of cilantro bit of turmeric root

small piece of onion 1 garlic clove a few sprigs of parsley a few sprigs of mint comfrey (fresh leaves) a few dandelion leaves

bit of ginger root water

Blend these ingredients for a kick start for a weak immune system. Good for

when you first feel signs of a cold or flu! It is very warming to the body as well!

Warm -n-Skin Hydrator

5 kale leaves 3 lemons, juiced small piece ginger 3 tsp of coconut oil

sweetener to taste water

This smoothie will warm you as well as soothe dry skin!

Blend and be all warm and fuzzy!

Ginger and Fred Smoothie

1 cup spinach

2 pears

1 cucumber

2 celery stalks

1 lemon, peeled

1/2 inch ginger water, to desired consistency

Blend well drink and dance on the ceiling!

Ginger's Puckered Up Smoothie

5 kale leaves 2 lemons, peeled

1 orange peeled 1" piece of ginger, finely chopped sweetener of choice 3 tsp of coconut oil

sprinkle of cayenne bit of water

Blend well, drink and pucker up!

Goji Island Tan Smoothie

4 leaves of romaine

2 bananas

1 cup strawberries

1/2 cup goji berries (soaked overnight)

1" ginger sweeten, to taste

Blend, lay down in the hammock and enjoy your mini vacation.

Omega Man Smoothie

1 banana 2 cups strawberries 2 cups spinach

1 teaspoon flax seed (ground and soaked)

Water for desired consistency

Blend and drink heartily!

Liver Loves Healing

1 bunch dandelion greens

2 apples

1 beet 1 medium cucumber

1 fig

1 tsp spirulina

water, to desired consistency

What a great combination for the liver! Blend well and enjoy this smoothie, on a regular basis.

Aloe Burn Soother Smoothie

2 cup baby greens/spinach

1 cup of romaine

1 banana

1 cup pineapple, cored and chunked

1 cucumber

3 tablespoons coconut oil

2 teaspoons aloe vera gel

2 teaspoons raw honey

1 small piece ginger

1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric

sprinkle cinnamon

sprinkle goldenseal powder

This smoothie is good for anyone who has suffered a burn of any sort. The ingredients are anti-inflammatory and soothing for the skin, beyond skin level!

Blend all ingredients well and enjoy!

Turning Down The Flame

2 cups of berries

1 cup spinach

1 banana

1/4 cup cacao powder


ground flaxseed

1/4 teasp each of ginger, turmeric, cinnamon

a piece of aloe leaf

1 cup water

This is a great smoothie for taming inflammation!

Blend well and chill out!

Get Your Glow On Aloe Smoothie

3 cups or more baby greens 2 bananas 6 strawberries 2 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera 1 cup water

This is a great smoothie for skin beauty!

Blend well, drink and glow baby, glow!

Detox Doc

1 bunch cilantro 2 cups stinging nettles 1 bunch fresh parsley 3 stalks celery 1 lemon, juiced 2 mango

few dandelion leaves

sweeten, to taste

Ah! This one will be a tonic for detox, like cleaning house! Enjoy this one on a regular basis!

Blend well and enjoy great health!

Winter Warmer 1 cup spinach 1/2 inch ginger

1 lemon 1 cucumber 2 celery 2 pears

sprinkle of cayenne

1 cup water

Warm up in winter with this warming smoothie.

Add more ginger if you like it warmer! Blend well and enjoy with your toes by the


Sinus Burn Out

1/2 avocado

1/2 capsicum

one small onion

2 cloves garlic

one chili

2 handfuls cabbage

2 cups water

This won't really burn out your sinus but definitely will make you feel clearer.

Blend and enjoy the clarity!

Skin Soother

Small piece of whole aloe leaf

1/2 cucumber

1 cup spinach

2 tsp coconut oil

bit of ground flax seed

sweeten, to taste

1 banana

The ingredients here in this smoothie contain emollients for the skin!

Drinking for beauty? Yes that's right! Blended beauty!

Move It Out

3 cups baby spinach 2 cups nut milk one banana 1 cup berries

1 small piece of aloe or aloe juice

a few tbsp soaked chia seeds

The slippery nature of these ingredients will get things moving!

Blend well and enjoy!!!

Cleanse It Good

1 bunch cilantro

1 apple

1 small piece of ginger

1 banana

1 cup water

Cilantro is a heavy metal detox herb and this is one way to deliver it: deliciously!

Blend until smooth and creamy!

Evacuation Route Aloe Smoothie

2 bananas

1 cup baby spinach

2 tablespoon fresh aloe vera

1/8 cup soaked chia seed (in 3/4 cup water)

2 teaspoons pshyllium seed

1 tablespoon bentonite clay

Blend adding enough water to your desired consistency.

This smoothie is created to get the bowels moving!

Drink plenty of water throughout the day after this smoothie.

Go, baby, go!

Tropical Summer

1 bunch romaine lettuce 1 cup pineapple, chopped

1 grapefruit, peeled

2 oranges, peeled

3 soaked dates

1 cup coconut water

Blend in the summer breeze on your open air patio and sip with your eyes

closed! Do you feel the tropical breeze?

Under The Palm Papaya

1 cup papaya 1 orange 1/2 head romaine 1 big bunch red grapes. two stalks of celery 2 cups water

This smoothie is designed for wonderful hydration!

Blend and enjoy!

Power Packing Smoothies

Shamu Camu Power Smoothie

3 cups baby spinach

3 bananas

1/2 cup cacao powder

1/4 cup coconut flakes

1 teaspoon camu camu

1 teaspoon maca powder

1 teaspoon hemp seeds

2 teaspoons coconut oil

2 teasp aloe vera

1 teaspoon flax oil

1 teaspoon honey

1/2 teasp bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly combined

optional: mangostein, acai and noni juice

Beebuzzin Smoothie

one-half bunch of the following:





red Russian kale

5 stalks of celery

1 mango

about 10 strawberries

1 pear

gel of whole aloe vera leaf

a pinch of homemade or store bought green powder

1/4 cup water

a few frozen grapes

garnished with

broccoli sprouts and bee pollen

Blend well and drink up heartily!

Superhero Smoothie

coconut water from one young coconut

1 banana

1/2 cup blueberries

1 cup spinach

2 tbsp cacao powder

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1/2 tsp maca

sweetener to taste

Superfood Blast

2 cups of kale

1 banana

1 cup strawberries

acai juice or powder

coconut water from one young coconut

coconut flesh from one young coconut

sprinkle of hempseeds

1 tablespoon spirulina

sweeten your way

Blend well.

Rawking Raw Superhit 3-4 leaves of kale 1 banana 1 cup of strawberries 2 cups of water 1 tbsp of ground flax seeds 1 tbsp of hemp seeds

Blend all together. Garnish with sliced strawberries.

Green Humpback Camu Smoothie

2 handfuls baby spinach 1 celery stick 1 handful parsley 1 granny smith apple 1/4 tsp ginger powder 2 cups water

1 teaspoon camu-camu

Blendy blend! See how easy it is to be green?

Herb Walk Smoothies

Jane's Mint

4 ripe pears

5 leaves of kale

½ bunch of mint

2 cups water

Blend. Drink. Love!

Herb's Field

2 cups romaine lettuce 1 apple 1 banana 1 cup dandelion greens

sprigs of cilantro

parsley sprigs

1 celery stick

1 tablespoon soaked chia seeds

Did you hear the one about Herb walking in his field?

Me either. Enjoy this delightful smoothie with Herb!

Pick. Blend. Drink!

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

2 small pieces frozen papaya

1 banana a handful of fresh or frozen cherries a handful of blueberries 1/2 of a pear 1/4 red grapefruit 1/4 small avocado 1 sprig flat parsley leaf 2 beet leaves 2 dandelion leaves 1 tbsp cacao 4 tbsp. hemp powder 5 walnuts

Blend all together and enjoy!

Choco Mint

2 cups spinach

10 mint leaves

3 bananas

2 tablespoons cacao powder

water, to desired consistency

Whoa are you in for a taste bud treat! This can pass as a dessert.

Pick fresh mint if you can. Blend until smooth and creamy and drink!

Wacky One

5 kale leaves

3 cups of peeled papaya

3 large bananas

1 handful parsley

water, to desired consistency

Blend this baby and down the hatch! Yummm!

Alo-Ha Strawberry Smoothie

2 cups fresh strawberries

1 banana

juice of half a lemon

1 small piece ginger

7 tbsp aloe vera gel

sweetener of your choice

May add ice if desired

Blend well and get a ticket to Hawaii!

The Deep Dark Green

1 bunch dandelion greens

1 cup nettle leaves 1 medium cucumber

sprigs of mint

2 celery stalks water

Pick your wild greens. Blend well and love this deep dark flavor!

Citrus Cilantro Surprise

1 pink grapefruit

1 cup pineapple 1 bunch cilantro lime, fresh squeezed vanilla liquid or powder pinch of cinnamon

sweetener of choice pinch of salt

Do the blender dance while blending this delightful smoothie! If you don't know it, make it up, it will be just perfecto!

Minty Fresh

6 kale leaves

8 mint leaves

3 bananas

2 tbsp carob powder

2 cups water

Blend all together well and top the glass with a mint leaf!

Melon Mint Mingler

3 bananas

3 cups spinach

2 cups cantaloupe 1 mint sprig

water, to desired consistency

Melon and mint mingle together for a taste sensation! Blend and see what you

get! Goody good!

Turmeric Tumbler Smoothie

1 lime 1 celery stick 1 cucumber 1 apple 1/2 inch ginger 1 garlic clove

few sprigs of parsley few mint leaves several dandelion leaves several spinach leaves few sprigs of cilantro small piece of turmeric root water, to desired consistency

Blend well and bottoms up!

Persy's Drinkin Dill

4 ripe persimmons 1 stalk of celery 1 handful of baby spinach 1 handful of dill 2 cups of water

Put all ingredients in blender and blend well.

Have a drink with Persy! Bottom's up!

Cucumber Veggie Smoothie

1 cup baby spinach 1 celery stick

1 cucumber, unpeeled

1 carrot

1 red bell pepper

1 apple, cored

1 small piece ginger root

1 garlic clove

few sprigs of parsley


water, to desired consistency

To shake up the usual fruity smoothies, we added a veggie one! This is a great

way to get a big bunch of veggies in one meal!

Blend well and drink! Simple as that!

Roma's Dandy Doozy

1 bunch dandelion greens 4 roma tomatoes 3 cups water

Simple. Blend. Enjoy, because it's a doozy!

Passionate Over Parsley Smoothie

1 bunch fresh parsley 1 cucumber, peeled 1 apple 1 ripe banana water, to desired consistency

Blend all together and you will be passionate over parsley too after this!

Hint O Mint

1 handful lettuce leaves

1 handful mint

3 bananas

2 cups water

Gone Green

2 handfuls baby spinach

1 celery stick

1 handful parsley

1 Granny Smith apple

1/4 tsp ginger powder

2 cups water


Coco Loco Tropics Smoothie

coconut water from fresh Thai coconut

coconut meat from same

coconut shreds

1 frozen banana

1 cup fresh pineapple

2 tbsp aloe vera juice

Blend and pour back into coconut shell, put in a straw and

do the hula!

Cinnamon Milkshake

Juice and meat from Thai coconut

2 frozen bananas

3 dates soaked

2 teasp vanilla

2 teasp cinnamon

honey if desired

Blend in a vitamix adding ice as desired. DRINK UP....OH MY!

Fig Smoothie

1 granny smith apple

3 fresh figs

1 cup water

4 cups Swiss chard or kale

fresh parsley

1 fresh lime (grated peel and juice)

sweetener of choice, if needed

1/4 tsp turmeric

1 tsp cinnamon

Blend well and drink heartily!

Spicy Life Smoothies

Spiced Apple

2 large apples

1 cup of almond milk

2 dates, soaked

water and flesh from one young coconut

vanilla bean powder

cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger to taste

a splash of lemon juice

a bit of salt

Blend all together. Spicy apple time!

Spicing Choco Coco

2 cups coconut milk or nut milk

3 tablespoons cacao powder 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/2 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

sweeten your way


That's Spicy!

1 small handful of spinach

2 cups arugula

2 mangos

1 cup water

Blend, pour, drink!

Bok It up!

1 head bok choy

2 bananas

1 papaya

1 persimmon

Blend this all together and enjoy the unique taste!

Chai Smoothie

BLEND 1 cup banana 1 cup berries sweetener of choice

1/4 tsp each of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger powder.

Add a sprinkle of cardamom!

Blend until thick and creamy, and drink immediately.

Tropical Turmeric Smoothie

3 handfuls of mixed baby spinach

1 green apple

1 banana

1/4 of a fresh pineapple 3 celery stalks with leaves

1/4 tsp turmeric

water, to desired consistency

Blend well and consume without delay!

Spice Infusion

2 cups orange juice, fresh squeezed

1 cup spinach

1/2 cup fruit (melon, pineapple etc)

1/4 bunch cilantro

a few spearmint leaves

a few basil leaves basil

sprinkle of cayenne pepper

Blendy blend! Drinky drink. Yummy yum!

Veggie Spice

2 1/2 cups romaine lettuce

1 cup tomato

1 cup carrot, chopped

1 avocado

1 cup coconut water

1 cucumber

1 lime peeled

2 garlic cloves

½ tsp Himalayan pink sea salt

sprinkle of cayenne pepper

Blend all together until smooth and creamy! It's A Mexican Fiesta!

4 roma tomatoes 7 kale leaves

1/2 lemon, fresh squeezed juice ½ inch jalapeño pepper 1 small clove garlic water to desired consistency

Blend and drink! Simple as that but don't forget your sombrero hat!

Bring It On Baby

1 cup of baby spinach

1 cup of arugula

1 cup of strawberries

1 mango

1 apple

1 tbsp of green barley grass powder

Water to desired consistency

Bring on the yummmm. Blend all together and bring it on!

Chai Latte Smoothie 1 cup almond milk 1 cup water 1 banana

3 handfuls spinach a pinch of cayenne

a pinch of cinnamon

a small piece of ginger

Oh boy this one will make Starbuck’s look sad!

Blend well and tip.

Spicy Kale

4 cups of Kale sprigs of fresh dill 1/2 lime (juiced) 3 cloves garlic 1/4 cup sundried tomatoes 2 cups of water

Kale with a spicy twist? ooo-la-la! You are going to love this one!

Blend all ingredients and drink up!

Spice O' Life

2 cups purple cabbage 1/2 avocado 1/2 capsicum 2 cloves garlic

one small onion

one chili pepper

2 cups water

Want to spice up your life with a powerful punch? This one is it!

Blend all ingredients well and drink up!

Spicy Kick

2 tomatoes

1 bunch parsley

1 orange bell pepper

1/2 avocado

1/2 red onion

few sprigs of cilantro

pinch of Himalayan pink salt

sprinkle of cayenne

What a kick you will get out of this one! Blend until smooth and spice up your


Goji Spice 2 mango, cut in chunks 1/2 cup young coconut meat

1/2 cup goji berries, soaked 6 oranges, freshly squeezed 2 pinches cayenne 1 pinch of sea salt Blend all ingredients and be grateful for goji!

Coconutty Clincher

1 young coconut, flesh & water 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 tsp vanilla liquid or powder 2 tbsp sweetener of choice a pinch each of cinnamon & freshly grated nutmeg (to taste) Put all ingredients into a high speed blender and combine until smooth and creamy. Add ice cubes and blend again slightly.

You will be clear that this one is a clincher for smoothie making!

A note from the author:

Smoothies change your life, that is all there is to it. The greener you make them,

the better. To me, greens are the way to turn your health and your life around,

making you look and feel younger! Drink up!

Bette J Shaw

Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Bette J Shaw, Holistic Health Coaching. Do not reproduce all or in part for any purpose. Printing for personal use at home only.

Note for the following recipes:

You can make these in your juicer or in your blender, then pour

though a mesh bag and squeeze the juice out. Many do not enjoy

juicer cleanup and have found this an easy way to make juice!

Bonus Recipes:

Juices for Kids

Barney's Boots

3 cups of grapes 1 cup baby spinach

a few parsley sprigs water Blend well and pour through a mesh bag, squeezing thoroughly. Drink up! The Pink Bunny

6 large carrots

1 small pink grapefruit

handful of fresh cranberries

Juice and enjoy!

Barry is Berry Good

2 cups spinach 1 1/2 cup raspberries 1 1/2 cup blueberries 2 bananas 2 cups of water

Blend well and pour through a mesh bag, squeezing thoroughly. Drink up!

My Green Sneakers

2 cups of kale 2 bananas 1 granny smith apples 1 pear 1 cup of parsley 2 cups of water

sweetener of choice, if desired Blend well and pour through a mesh bag and squeeze thoroughly! Enjoy! Dinosaur Prints

4-5 kale leaves 3 apples 1/2 lemon juiced 2 cups of water

Blend all and pour through a mesh bag and squeeze thoroughly. May add sweetener of choice to make it appeal to the tykes!

Minnie Mouse Mint

1 handful lettuce leaves 1 handful mint 3 bananas 2 cups water

Blend all in blender and pour/squeeze through a mesh bag! The kids will love juice with Minnie!!!

Papa's Papaya Love

2 cups papaya

1 cup of greens of your choice 2 oranges Juice all. Jimmy's Apple apples Juice several apples and pour!

The Circus Elephant

1 cup papaya 1 orange, peeled 1/2 head romaine 1 bunch of red grapes two stalks of celery 2 cups water

Blend all in blender and pour/squeeze through a mesh bag!

Super Greenest Green Juices

Getting The Green In 5 stalks celery 6 large sized leaves of rainbow chard, with stems 1 large cucumber, unpeeled 1 small apple, unpeeled 1 small beet one-inch piece ginger root

Juice all together and enjoy!

Paradise Green

2 carrots

3 leaves of kale

1/2 bunch of cilantro

1 cup of fresh spinach

1 cucumber

1 red apple

Juice and enjoy!!!

Ol Red 2 bunches turnip greens 5 granny smith apples 4 small beets with tops 1 small ginger root

Juice. Pour, in-Joy!

Sweet Peace Green

1 pineapple

1 bunch kale

1 cucumber (peeled)

Juice all and enjoy the sweet peace of this juice! Ah!

Bunch Of Energy

2 bunches spinach

1 bunch parsley

1 apple

1 pear

1 cucumber (with peel)

1 lemon

1 knob of ginger

Juice all and be energized!

Lovin' Green

2 bunches spinach

1 bunch parsley

1 bunch cilantro

1 bunch kale

1 head celery

7 carrots

1 cucumber

Juice all and love your greens!

Simply Super Cleansing Juices

Cucumber Greens Delight Detox

1 cucumber 1 large cup of spinach 1 large cup of parsley 1 celery stalk

1/2 medium lemon

Juice, drink, detox and de-light!

Green Detox

2 carrots 1 cucumber 3 stalks of Celery 1 lemon 1 red apple

Juice all, drink and be refreshed and clean!

Detox Celery

5 celery stalks 1 large lemon

Simple. Juice and drink.

Super Scrubber Cleanser

4 celery stalks 1 small beet

1 cilantro bunch a handful of spinach

Juice together and happy cleansing!

Detox It

1 cucumber

1 cup spinach 1 large cup of parsley 1 celery stalk

1/2 medium lemon

Juice well. Ahhh!

Skin Cleanse

1 cucumber with skin 1/2 bunch fresh parsley alfalfa Sprouts 4 sprigs fresh mint


Juice all together and enjoy!

Pineapple Pipe Cleaner

1 pineapple, peeled and cut small

1 aloe stalk, peeled

Blend in blender, pour and drink!

It's Niagara Falls

2 cups watermelon

1/2 lb red grapes

Juice together and enjoy!

Garlic Breath

2 apples

2 tomatoes

1 garlic clove

a few sprigs of parsley

Juice and drink up!

Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Bette J Shaw, Holistic Health Coaching. Do not reproduce all or in part for any purpose. Printing for personal use at home only.

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