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The Impact of Oil Prices on the Banking System

in the GCC

by Padamja Khandelwal, Ken Miyajima, and Andre Santos

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© 2016 International Monetary Fund WP/16/161

IMF Working Paper

Middle East and Central Asia Department

The Impact of Oil Prices on the Banking System in the GCC

Prepared by Padamja Khandelwal, Ken Miyajima, and Andre Santos1

Authorized for distribution by Tim Callen

August 2016


This paper examines the links between global oil price movements and macroeconomic

and financial developments in the GCC. Using a range of multivariate panel approaches,

including a panel vector autoregression approach, it finds strong empirical evidence of

feedback loops between oil price movements, bank balance sheets, and asset prices.

Empirical evidence also suggests that bank capital and provisioning have behaved

countercyclically through the cycle.

JEL Classification Numbers: C63, E44, G21, G28

Keywords: Macro-financial linkages, nonperforming loans, panel vector autoregression

Author’s E-Mail Address: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

1 The authors thank Chikako Baba, Alberto Behar, Tim Callen, Sally Chen, Sean Craig, Phil De Imus, Mary

Goodman, Aasim Husain, Deniz Igan, Etibar Jafarov, Taline Koranchelian, Inutu Lukonga, Camelia Minoiu,

Erlend Nier, Marco Piñón, Ananthakrishnan Prasad, Damien Puy, Martin Sommer, James Walsh, and various

MCD seminar participants for helpful comments. All remaining errors and opinions expressed in this paper are

sole responsibility of the authors.

IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to

elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are

those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board,

or IMF management.

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Contents Page

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................2

I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................3

II. Econometric Analysis ...........................................................................................................6 A. Literature ......................................................................................................................6 B. Data ..............................................................................................................................7 C. A multivariate model of NPLs .....................................................................................8 D. A panel VAR model of oil-macro-financial linkages ................................................13

III. Movements in Bank capital and provisions in the GCC ....................................................16

IV. Concluding Remarks .........................................................................................................19

References ................................................................................................................................21


1. GCC: Dependence on Oil Revenues ......................................................................................4

2. GCC Size of the Financial System.........................................................................................4

3. Summary of Included GCC Banks ........................................................................................8

4. Determinants of Bank NPL Ratios in the GCC ...................................................................10

5. Determinants of Bank NPL Ratios in the GCC-Alternative Approach ...............................12

6. Determinants of Bank NPL Ratios in the GCC-Alternative Approach ...............................12

7. GCC: Estimated Panel VAR Coefficients and T-Statistics .................................................14

8. GCC: Response of Macro and Bank Level Variables .........................................................15

9. Correlation of NPL Provisions and Capital Ratios with Indicators of Business and

Financial Cycles: Country Level Analysis ..........................................................................17

10. Correlation of NPL Provisions and Capital Ratios with Indicators of Business and

Financial Cycles: Bank Level Analysis ...............................................................................18


1. WTI Oil Prices .......................................................................................................................3

2. Growth Rates of Bank Credit and Deposits in the GCC Countries .......................................5

3. Macroeconomic and Bank Level Variables ...........................................................................7

4. Distribution of NPL Ratios in GCC .......................................................................................9

5. Dynamics of NPL Ratios After a 50 Percent Decline in Oil Prices and 3 Percentage Point

Reduction in Nonoil GDP Growth in t=0 ............................................................................11

6. GCC: Response of Macro and Bank Level Variables .........................................................16


A1. GCC Banks Included Econometric Analyses ...................................................................20

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Oil prices have rebounded vigorously from their trough in early-2016 and are expected to

stage a more moderate rally in the next two years (Figure 1). The WTI spot price fell close to

$30 a barrel in February 2016 (monthly average data), losing nearly ¾ of its value since June

2014. However, by mid-May, they have rebounded by more than 50 percent. Pricing of

futures contracts suggests that oil prices are expected to recover at a more measured pace, by

5-10 percent over the coming two years.

Figure 1. WTI Oil Prices (U$ a barrel, monthly average)

Sources: Haver and IMF staff calculations.

Note: Actual through end-April 2016. Red broken line based on 3, 6, 12, 24 month futures prices, close of May


Generally, the GCC economies can be adversely affected by low oil prices for at least two


First, the GCC economies are highly dependent on oil and gas exports. During 2011–14,

hydrocarbon exports represented about 70 percent of exports of goods and services on

average (Table 1). Fiscal dependence on hydrocarbon revenues was even greater,

accounting for over 80 percent of total fiscal revenues on average. Over the past decade

and a half, the dependence on hydrocarbon fiscal revenues did not decline despite efforts

at economic diversification.

Second, macro-financial linkages in the GCC can amplify the effects of oil price

movements over the financial cycle. Oil price movements and government spending

policies create feedback loops between asset prices and credit that can lead to the buildup

of systemic vulnerabilities in the financial sector. Oil price upturns lead to higher oil

revenues, and stronger fiscal and external positions. Equity market returns are larger as

investors anticipate the impact of higher oil prices on the corporate sector, and generally

stronger government spending growth. In turn, stronger government spending leads to

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higher non-oil output growth, greater banking sector liquidity and credit growth, higher

real estate prices, and stronger bank balance sheets. Asset price appreciation also has

positive wealth effects. In the event of an oil price downturn, these developments can

reverse. With financial sectors being fairly large in the GCC (Table 2), and oil prices

being highly volatile, the unraveling of systemic financial sector vulnerabilities could

have significant adverse effects on the real economy.

As an important reminder, systemic financial sector risks rose in the GCC countries with the

oil price upswing in the years before the global financial crisis. An expanding deposit base

and high liquidity (owing to high oil prices and short-term capital inflows) resulted in credit

and asset-price booms before the global financial crisis.2 Bologna and Prasad (2010)

document a sharp increase in household leverage between 2004 and 2008 in Oman.

Al-Hassan and others (2010) suggest that the bursting of a domestic real estate bubble and

tightening global liquidity conditions played a role in the United Arab Emirates’ 2009

financial crisis, while defaults in 2008 by two of the largest investment companies in Kuwait

imposed strains on the banking system, with the third-largest bank having to be recapitalized.

IMF (2010) discusses Qatar’s preemptive recapitalization of banks and other measures to

support the banking sector in 2009. As the global financial crisis hit, asset prices and credit

declined in several GCC countries, although fiscal stimulus and liquidity support helped

cushion the impact.

More generally, evidence suggests that oil price performance has been an important driver of

business and financial variables in the GCC economies.3 First, stronger performance of real

and financial variables tends to be associated with oil price upturns. For instance, during

1991–2014, the growth rates of real government spending and non-oil GDP were much

stronger during oil price upturns than during downturns. Second, the timing of downturns in

2Al-Hassan and others (2010) explain the role of short-term capital inflows and high oil prices in fueling

financial sector vulnerabilities in the run up to the global financial crisis. Arvai and others (2014) also discuss

the near doubling of private sector credit as a share of non-oil GDP in the GCC during 2003-08 which

contributed to systemic vulnerabilities.

3 See Callen, Khandelwal, Miyajima, and Santos (2015).

2000-05 2006-10 2011-14

Bahrain 58.7 60.5 65.1

Kuwait 82.7 80.5 87.6

Oman 76.9 69.4 64.3

Qatar 88.5 85.9 88.9

Saudi Arabia 83.4 83.1 83.0

United Arab Emirates 45.0 38.7 32.6

Bahrain 71.7 82.2 87.2

Kuwait 72.7 79.2 83.6

Oman 83.4 83.4 88.7

Qatar 90.5 88.3 90.7

Saudi Arabia 82.8 88.3 90.3

United Arab Emirates 60.2 65.1 69.9

Source: IMF staff calculations.

Oil export revenues as percent of total exports of goods and services

Table 1. GCC: Dependence on Oil Revenues

Fiscal oil revenues as percent of total fiscal revenues

Note: Fiscal data is of the general government for UAE and central government in other

GCC countries

Bank Assets Market Capitalization

Bahrain 259.7 64.1

Kuwait 165.5 72.8

Oman 121.4 28.1

Qatar 148.7 73.7

Saudi Arabia 92.6 71.0

United Arab Emirates 193.4 59.7

Source: GCC authorities, Bloomberg

Table 2. GCC: Size of the Financial System

Note: United Arab Emirates market capitalization is sum of Abu Dhabi and

Dubai stock markets; Market capitalization data is as of Sept. 16, 2015.

Banking sector data for Bahrain excludes wholesale banks.

(Percent of GDP)

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business and financial variables in some cases coincides with that of oil prices. Contractions

in credit and equity markets reflected oil price movements, along with global financial

market developments and the underlying domestic vulnerabilities. Importantly, contractions

in real government spending occurred as often as real oil price downturns in the 1990s, but

less so since 2000, likely aided by greater fiscal buffers.

Strong banking sector soundness provides an important buffer in the GCC to the oil price

decline since mid-2014. GCC banks have strong capital and liquidity buffers as of end-2014.

Capital buffers and provisioning levels were above those in many other commodity exporting

countries. NPL ratios are low and both loan loss provisions and profits are strong. In fact,

provisions fully cover NPLs, on average. Strong macroeconomic performance helped, so did

strengthened regulatory frameworks and improved risk management. However, liquidity

conditions have started to tighten more recently. While credit growth has remained robust,

deposit growth has slowed, largely as governments and government-related entities have

withdrawn deposits from the banking system (Figure 2). Interbank rates have edged higher

since the beginning of the summer of 2015.

Figure 2. Growth Rates of Bank Credit and Deposits in the GCC Countries

(Year on year, percent)

Sources: Haver and IMF staff calculations.

Against this backdrop, this paper addresses three interlinked issues: (i) how oil prices affect

NPLs in the GCC; (ii) the links between oil prices and real and financial developments in

these countries; and (iii) observed behavior of bank capital and provisioning with respect to

indicators of the business and financial cycles. Section II empirically models bank asset

quality relying on a range of multivariate approaches. It also employs a panel vector

autoregression (VAR) approach to identify oil-macro-financial linkages. Section III

empirically assesses the observed behavior of bank capital and provisions with respect to

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indicators of business and financial cycles. Section IV concludes and provides policy

recommendations. The analyses in this paper generally consider macroeconomic, banking,

and financial market data up to end-December 2014.


Two related empirical models of oil-macro-financial linkages are estimated for the GCC

economies. A brief review of the literature and discussion of data are followed by estimation

of (i) a multivariate model to assess the impact of macroeconomic outcomes on bank asset

quality (NPLs), and (ii) a panel VAR model to investigate oil-macro-financial linkages.

A. Literature

Empirical studies on bank asset quality and macro-financial linkages have expanded to

include those of the Middle East and North Africa region. In the area of asset quality

assessment, Nkusu (2011) analyzes country-level data spanning 1998–2009 for 26 advanced

economies and confirms that adverse macroeconomic developments are associated with

rising NPLs. De Bock and Demyantes (2012) use country-level annual observations for

25 emerging markets during 1996–2010 and find that the NPL ratio increases when

economic growth declines, the exchange rate weakens, the terms of trade deteriorate and

debt-creating capital inflows decline. Klein (2013) uses data spanning 1998–2011 for the ten

largest banks in 16 countries (thus a total of 160 banks) in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern

Europe and finds that macroeconomic conditions are relatively more important than banks

specific factors in explaining NPLs.

Espinoza and Prasad (2010) represent the first attempt to model NPLs in the GCC countries

using both macroeconomic and bank-level data. Using data spanning 1995–2008 for about

80 banks in the GCC region, the authors find that the NPL ratio rises as economic growth

declines and both interest rates and risk aversion increase. Love and Ariss (2014) analyze a

panel of Egyptian banks over 1993–2010 and find that larger capital inflows and stronger

GDP growth improve bank loan portfolio quality. Many of the studies, but not all, also

investigate macro-financial linkages. Earlier work relies on macro-level data (Nkusu (2011),

De Bock and Demyantes (2012), Klein (2013)). Espinosa and Prasad (2010) study the GCC

economies and find a strong, albeit short-lived feedback effect from weaker bank balance

sheet conditions to economic activity. Studies applying a panel VAR approach to bank-level

data are emerging. Recent studies focusing on the Middle East and North Africa include

Love and Ariss (2014) for Egypt and Miyajima (2016) for Saudi Arabia.

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B. Data

Our empirical analyses rely on macroeconomic and bank-level data which cover the six GCC

economies and span 1999–2014 (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Macroeconomic and Bank Level Variables

Sources: Bankscope, Haver, and authors’ calculations.

Note: The green bands represent a 50 percent range around the median value

The macroeconomic and financial sector variables included are real oil price growth, nonoil

private sector real GDP growth, real equity price growth, and US interest rates. Real oil price

growth averaged 17 percent year-on-year during 1999-2011 despite having declined sharply

in 2001 and 2009. More recently, it fell increasingly into negative territory, reaching close

to -10 percent in 2014. Nonoil private sector real GDP growth jumped in 2004, from around

4 percent year on year on average during the preceding several years to near 20 percent and,

despite decelerating, remained above 10 percent through 2008. However, as lower oil prices

took their toll on economic activity, the variable’s performance fell to below 6 percent in

2014. Stock returns were impressive during the earlier part of the sample period on strong oil

price performance.4 Real equity price growth was close to an average of 40 percent every

year during 2001–05.5 However, following a sharp 40 percent drop in 2009, real stocks

returns have been more subdued, registering an average of 3 percent decline per year during

2009–15. The U.S. Fed funds rate went through several cycles during the period. After

4 The strong stock price performance may partly reflect the pent up demand from domestic investors to help

diversify their asset allocation after some of the stock markets were established in the early 2000s.

5 Data on real estate prices are unavailable for GCC countries.

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increasing through 2000, it declined sharply in 2001. It rose during 2004–06, and declined

sharply in 2008 and remained unchanged through 2014.

Table 3. Sampled GCC Banks

(Number and share of domestic banking system)

Sources: Bankscope and authors' calculations.

Note: Percent share measured in terms of the stock of domestic credit.

The bank-level variables include NPLs as a share of total loans (the NPL ratio), real credit

growth, and real deposit growth. The analysis incorporates 42 GCC banks for which

sufficient time series data are available from Bankscope (Tables 3 and A1). These banks

represent on average some 70 percent of the individual banking system in terms of the stock

of credit. In terms of broad trends, the NPL ratio broadly declined during the sample period,

at an accelerating pace during the first half of the 2000s when the oil price strengthened

noticeably. The NPL ratio increased in 2009 coinciding with a sharp oil price decline, but

due likely also to the realization of domestic vulnerabilities that had built up during the run

up to the global financial crisis. The growth rates of credit and deposits appear to broadly

mirror movements of oil prices, economic activity and equity prices.

C. A multivariate model of NPLs

A multivariate model is used to empirically assess the determinants of NPLs in the GCC. As

is common in the literature, the dependent variable, the bank-level NPL ratio, was used after

a logit transformation – this makes the NPL ratio a more normally-distributed variable and

captures the empirical regularity that the variable tends to vary most for banks that start out

with higher starting levels (Figure 4). A range of explanatory variables was considered,

guided by the discussion in the earlier part of the paper.6

6 Real US fed funds rate is de-trended as unitroot tests suggest the variable is not stationary.

Number of banks Percent share

Bahrain 4 44

Kuwait 5 60

Oman 6 83

Qatar 7 81

Saudi Arabia 9 77

United Arab Emirates 11 62

Average 7 68

Total 42 …

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Figure 4. Distribution of NPL Ratios in GCC

Sources: Bankscope and authors' calculation.

Dummy variables are introduced to help control for potential country effects as well as time

effects not directly related to oil price shocks. As discussed earlier, many of the GCC

countries experienced such stress events.

The determinants of the NPL ratio are estimated using the following multivariate panel data

specification for bank 𝑖 in year 𝑡.

𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑁𝑃𝐿𝑟𝑖𝑡= 𝛼1 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑁𝑃𝐿𝑟𝑖,𝑡−1

+ ∑ 𝛼2𝑗𝐺𝑙𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑗,𝑡−1𝑗

∑ 𝛼3𝑘𝑀𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑘,𝑡−1𝑗

+ ∑ 𝛼4𝐵𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑙,𝑖,𝑡−1𝑘

+ 𝛼5,𝑡𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟_𝑑𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑦𝑡 + 𝛼6,𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑦_𝑑𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑦𝑙

+ 𝜃𝑖 + 𝜀𝑖,𝑡


where 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑡_𝑁𝑃𝐿𝑟𝑖𝑡 is the logit transformation of the ratio of nonperforming loaks to total

loans and the lagged regressor 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑡_𝑁𝑃𝐿𝑟𝑖,𝑡−1 captures its persistence commonly found in

the literature. 𝐺𝑙𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑗,𝑡−1 (j =1) is the US Fed funds rate. 𝑀𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑘,𝑡−1 represents

macroeconomic variables (𝑘 = 1, 2, 3) – real growth rates of oil prices, real nonoil private

sector GDP, and equity prices, lagged by one period. NPL ratios are expected to rise as US

interest rates rise and the value of the macro variables declines. 𝐵𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑙,𝑖,𝑡−1 is real credit

growth (𝑙 = 1) lagged by one period. Positive and healthy credit growth would help support

economic activity and lead to lower NPL ratios. That being said, in the medium term, higher

leverage in the economy could build vulnerabilities. Year and country dummy variables are

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introduced in the regressions to control for events other than oil price developments that

potentially led to an increase in NPL ratios and potential country effects. 𝜃𝑖 and 𝜀𝑖,𝑡 are bank

fixed effects and random errors.

Table 4. Determinants of Bank NPL Ratios in the GCC

The results suggest that some of the macroeconomic and bank level variables are key

determinants of NPL ratios in GCC (Table 4). A number of models were estimated using a

system GMM approach. Models 7-12 pass certain statistical tests (Hansen, AR(1) and

AR(2)). The NPL ratio exhibits strong persistence. Growth rates of real oil prices and nonoil

private sector GDP are significant, suggesting that an increase in oil prices or private sector

output leads to a decline in the NPL ratio. The coefficients on real equity prices growth and

real credit growth come out with the correct sign but are not statistically significant. Real

government spending and real U.S. interest rates do not directly affect NPL ratios in a

systematic way (real government spending not shown).

The results are subject to some caveats. First, the information content of publicly available

bank-level balance sheet data is relatively limited compared with the more granular

regulatory data typically used for some other IMF assessments (such as FSAP). Second, any

analysis based on historical data might not always account for the effects of recent

improvements to risk-management and supervisory frameworks. Third, the data spanning

2000–14 may not capture a sufficient number of oil price and financial cycles. Fourth, as

inherent in any econometric analysis, there is parameter uncertainty surrounding the

estimated relationship between macroeconomic shocks and NPL ratios.

System GMM results

Model number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Logit of NPL ratio (L1) 0.932*** 0.923*** 0.941*** 0.714*** 0.716*** 0.806*** 0.872*** 0.842*** 0.874*** 0.620* 0.649* 0.775***

Real oil price growth (L1) -0.005*** -0.005*** -0.005*** -0.005*** -0.005*** -0.005*** -0.012* -0.008* -0.008*** -0.020* -0.015 -0.013

nonoil GDP growth (L1) 0.01 0.001 0.006 -0.055* -0.059** -0.037 -0.058 -0.076* -0.069* -0.276 -0.234 -0.155

Real equity price growth (L1) -0.004 -0.004 -0.004 -0.005 -0.005* -0.003 -0.012 -0.001 -0.003 -0.012 -0.003 -0.005

Real credit growth (L1) -0.005 -0.003 -0.003 0 0.001 0 -0.004 -0.004 -0.003 -0.004 -0.003 -0.002

Real US fed funds FD (L1) 0.084 0.065 0.086 0.031 0.015 0.08

Year dummy N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y

Country dummy N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y

Lag depth 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3


AR(1) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.023 0.014 0.002

AR(2) 0.206 0.196 0.141 0.103 0.103 0.096 0.364 0.192 0.251 0.144 0.180 0.204

Hansen 0.002 0.012 0.030 0.005 0.026 0.100 0.546 0.634 0.790 0.946 0.850 0.802

Passes tests? N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y

Sources: Bankscope, Haver, Bloomberg, and staff estimates.

Note: The dependent variable is bank-by-bank (logit transformed) NPL ratio for selected GCC banks spanning 2000-2014 (annual frequency). Relying on a

system GMM approach, with the collapsing method. The coefficients represent non-liner effect that depends on starting levels. ***, **, and * signify

statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. L1 signifies one period lag. AR(1) and AR(2) signify p-values associated with the null hypothesis of lack

of first and second order serial correlation. Hansen signifies p-value associated with the null hypothesis that the instruments are exogenous. A model is

cosidered to pass tests if pvalues of both AR(2) and Hansen tests are 10% or greater.

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The empirical results imply that the actual and projected declines in oil prices and slowing of

GDP growth could lead to an increase in the NPL ratio (Figure 5). For illustrative purposes,

the NPL ratios in 10, 50 and 90 percentile in 2014 are taken as starting points to which the

coefficients obtained from model 8 are applied. Data on actual and projected oil price

performance for 2015–20 (see Figure 1) suggest that oil prices will, on average, remain

50-60 percent below the 2014 peak in the medium term. Recognizing the degree of

uncertainty surrounding the oil price projections and that the risks are tilted to the upside,

for this simulation, oil prices are assumed to decline by 50 percent in t = 0, and remain

unchanged for three years. Similarly, non-oil GDP growth is assumed to weaken by

3 percentage points. Figure 5 shows that, starting from 0.8 percent, the NPL ratio would rise

by 1 percentage point to 1.9 percent in three years. Banks with lower asset quality would

witness larger increases. Starting from 2.5 (8.5) percent, the NPL ratio would rise by about

3 (10) percentage points to about 6 (19) percent. Nevertheless, their strong capital buffers,

profitability, and provisions provide an important source of resilience for GCC banks.

Figure 5 Dynamics of NPL Ratios After a 50 Percent Decline in Oil Prices and

3 Percentage Point Reduction in Nonoil GDP Growth in t=0

Two alternative dynamic panel models were used to check the robustness of the baseline

estimates – Fixed Effects (FE) and Least Squares Dummy Variable Correction (LSDVC)

(Kiviet, 1995; Bruno, 2005). The fixed effects model incorporates the data’s panel structure

but ignores the correlation between the lagged dependent variable and the regression error,

thus yielding a downward-biased coefficient estimates for the lagged dependent variable.

LSDVC corrects the biased in fixed effects-estimated coefficients, assuming that the





























Case A Case B Case C

t=0 t=3

Source: Bankscope, Haver, and IMF staff calculations.

Note: The three cases illustrate banks in the 10 th, 50th, and 90th

percentile of NPLS in 2014 and the impact of an adverse oil price

and growth shock scenario over a three year horizon.

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independent variables are exogenous.7 The lagged dependent variable should lie between

OLS and FE.8

Table 5. Determinants of Bank NPL Ratios in the GCC-Alternative Approach 1

Table 6. Determinants of Bank NPL Ratios in the GCC-Alternative Approach 2

The results support the key findings of our baseline analysis (Tables 5 & 6). The NPL ratio

exhibits similar levels of persistence. The coefficients of the lagged dependent variable

are in a range of 0.68–0.69 based on the fixed effects model (Table 5, models 13–17), below

0.68–0.86 estimated using LSDVC (Table 6, models 18–22). A lower autoregressive

coefficient generates a steeper path of a projected NPL ratio in a downside scenario analysis.

7 The Anderson and Hsiao approach is used.

8 The combination of fixed effects and lagged dependent variables can introduce econometric bias. In particular,

OLS estimates of the lagged dependent variable’s coefficient in a dynamic panel model are biased due to the

correlation between the fixed effects and the lagged dependent variable (Nickell (1981)). Such bias declines as

panel length increases. Moreover, data property can affect different estimators’ performance (Flannery et al,


Fixed-effects model results

Model number 13 14 15 16 17

Coeff. se Coeff. se Coeff. se Coeff. se Coeff. se

Logit of NPL ratio (L1) 0.686*** 0.034 0.681*** 0.038 0.694*** 0.039 0.685*** 0.043 0.688*** 0.036

Real oil price growth (L1) -0.004*** 0.001 -0.004*** 0.001 -0.004*** 0.001 -0.003*** 0.001 -0.019*** 0.001

nonoil GDP growth (L1) -0.033*** 0.007 -0.030*** 0.008 -0.023** 0.008 -0.023** 0.008 -0.009 0.007

Real equity price growth (L1) -0.002*** 0 -0.002*** 0 -0.002*** 0 0.001 0.001

Real credit growth (L1) -0.001 0.002 -0.001 0.002 -0.004 0.002

Real US fed funds FD (L1) -0.023 0.018

Year dummy N N N N Y

N 575 551 499 499 499

R^2 0.595 0.58 0.581 0.581 0.642

Sources: Bankscope, Haver, Bloomberg, and staff estimates.

Note: The dependent variable is bank-by-bank (logit transformed) NPL ratio for selected GCC banks spanning 2000-2014 (annual frequency). Relying on a

fixed effects approach. The coefficients represent non-liner effect that depends on starting levels. ***, **, and * signify significance at the 1%, 5% and 10%

levels. L1 signifies one period lag.

Bias corrected least square dummy variable dynamic panel estimator results

Model number 18 19 20 21 22

Coeff. se Coeff. se Coeff. se Coeff. se Coeff. se

Logit of NPL ratio (L1) 0.685*** 0.045 0.679*** 0.059 0.790*** 0.062 0.764*** 0.062 0.864*** 0.051

Real oil price growth (L1) -0.004 0.009 -0.004 0.006 -0.004*** 0.001 -0.003*** 0.001 -0.004*** 0.001

nonoil GDP growth (L1) -0.029 0.058 -0.026 0.053 -0.017*** 0.006 -0.017*** 0.007 -0.001 0.008

Real equity price growth (L1) -0.002 0.007 -0.002** 0.001 -0.002** 0.001 0 0.001

Real credit growth (L1) -0.001 0.002 -0.001 0.002 -0.003 0.002

Real US fed funds FD (L1) -0.023 0.023

Year dummy N N N N Y

Sources: Bankscope, Haver, Bloomberg, and staff estimates.

Note: The dependent variable is bank-by-bank (logit transformed) NPL ratio for selected GCC banks spanning 2000-2014 (annual frequency). Bias corrected

least squares dummy variable estaimtor. Anderson-Hsiao. The coefficients represent non-liner effect that depends on starting levels. ***, **, and * signify

significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. L1 signifies one period lag.

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Growth rates of real oil prices, nonoil private sector GDP and real equity prices remain key

determinants of NPL ratios in the GCC economies. The coefficients on real credit growth

come out with the correct sign but are not statistically significant. Real government spending

(not shown) and real U.S. interest rates do not directly affect NPL ratios in a systematic way.

D. A panel VAR model of oil-macro-financial linkages

To identify a positive feedback loop between the macroeconomic and bank-level balance

sheet variables, a panel vector autoregression (VAR) model, which accounts for bank-level

heterogeneity, was estimated. The multivariate model in the previous section considered the

uni-directional effects of macroeconomic shocks on the bank NPL ratio. A panel VAR model

employed in this section goes one step further and captures the spillback from the bank NPL

ratio and other balance sheet variables to the macroeconomy. :

𝑦𝑖,𝑡 = 𝐵0 + 𝐵1(𝐿)𝑦𝑖,𝑡 + 𝑢𝑖,𝑡 (1)

where 𝑦𝑖,𝑡 is a vector of macroeconomic and bank-level variables, 𝐵0 is the deterministic

component, (𝐿) is a lag operator and 𝑢𝑖,𝑡 is the residual. The model was estimated using a

panel VAR routine pvar developed by Love and Zicchino (2006), which exploits a System-

General Method of Moments (GMM) estimator as in Arellano and Bover (1995).9 The

number of lags is set at two in view of the short time series dimension (2000–14).

Five macroeconomic and bank level variables were included: macroeconomic variables

include real oil price growth and real equity price growth; bank level variables are NPL

ratios, real credit growth and real deposit growth for 42 GCC banks for which sufficient time

series data are available. The data spans the period 2000–14.

The identification of shocks is based on a Cholesky decomposition where the variables are

stacked to explore how macroeconomic shocks affect bank-level variables first, and how the

latter affect the former in the second round. In particular, one macroeconomic variables {real

oil price growth} was stacked at the top. The bank-level variables {NPL ratio, real credit

growth, real deposit growth} are stacked below the macro-level variables. Finally, real equity

price growth is stacked at the bottom as commonly done in the literature.

The estimated results are summarized as follows. Table 7 presents the estimated coefficients

from the system GMM approach in the panel VAR model. The estimated coefficients are

often statistically significant. Table 8 includes impulse response values after normalizing by

the size of each variable’s one standard deviation shock. Figure 6 displays the values


9 As the fixed effects are correlated with the regressors due to lags of the dependent variables, the mean-

differencing procedure commonly used to eliminate fixed effects would create biased coefficients. The

orthogonality between transformed variables and lagged regressors is preserved by forward mean-differencing

(the Helmert procedure in Arellano and Bover, 1995), which removes the mean of the future observations.

Then, lagged regressors are used as instruments to estimate the coefficients by system GMM.

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Table 7. GCC: Estimated Panel VAR Coefficients and T-Statistics

Sources: Bankscope, Haver, and IMF staff calculations.

Note: Estimated using a panel VAR routine with two lags. Annual data spanning 2000-14. Bank level data

for NPL ratio, real credit and deposit growth for 42 GCC banks. “L.” and “L.2” are lag operator indicating

the first and second lag. roilpg is real oil price growth, nplr is NPL to total loans ratio, rcrg real credit growth,

rdpg is real deposit growth, reqpg is real equity price growth.

There is strong empirical evidence of feedback loops between oil price movements, bank

balance sheets, and asset prices in the GCC (Figure 6). Results from a panel VAR model

suggest that, first, oil price movements affect bank balance sheets in a significant way. A

drop in the growth rate of oil prices results in a rise in the ratio of nonperforming loans

(NPL) to gross loans, and a reduction in the real growth rates of bank credit and deposits

(Figure 1). A 1 percent decline in oil prices leads to a 0.2–0.3 percentage point decline in real

credit growth and a 0.1–0.2 percentage point decline in real deposit growth—with timing

varying from immediate to 2–3 year lags. The NPL ratio would increase by about

0.1 percentage point in the long run. There is also a feedback effect within bank balance

sheets, as a higher NPL ratio leads to lower real bank credit and deposit growth—as solvency

risk rises, banks reduce lending to boost capital adequacy ratios, while the customers lose

confidence in the banks, and vice versa. These results are consistent with other studies on the

GCC economies (see, for instance, Espinoza and Prasad, 2010).

coef. t-stat. coef. t-stat. coef. t-stat. coef. t-stat. coef. t-stat.

L.roilpg -0.006 -0.078 0.007 0.860 0.070 1.883 0.083 1.894 -0.580 -8.010

L.nplr 1.938 3.149 0.880 6.169 -0.281 -1.034 -0.583 -1.823 0.453 0.668

L.rcrg 0.049 0.496 0.001 0.082 0.045 0.559 -0.012 -0.148 0.343 2.276

L.rdpg 0.241 2.395 -0.030 -3.728 0.328 3.782 0.241 2.754 0.084 0.573

L.reqpg -0.020 -0.632 -0.003 -0.894 0.004 0.132 -0.023 -0.846 0.377 5.238

L2.roilpg 0.063 1.150 0.003 0.583 0.061 1.769 0.031 0.851 -0.040 -0.603

L2.nplr 0.374 0.956 -0.223 -2.423 0.859 2.925 0.884 3.140 1.738 2.834

L2.rcrg 0.199 2.374 0.006 0.720 0.099 1.461 0.041 0.457 0.207 1.271

L2.rdpg 0.011 0.139 0.019 2.185 -0.007 -0.108 0.036 0.385 -0.259 -2.180

L2.reqpg 0.011 0.363 -0.011 -3.355 0.066 2.517 0.084 3.406 -0.014 -0.284

nplrroilpg reqpgrdpgrcrg

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Table 8. GCC: Response of Macro and Bank Level Variables

Source: IMF staff calculations.

Second, equity price developments are a channel for amplification of the bank liquidity

feedback loop stemming from an adverse oil price shock. A one percent reduction in oil price

growth leads to a 0.8 percent decline in the rate of equity price inflation, which in turn leads

to a reduction of bank credit and deposit growth by 0.1 percentage point, further depressing

equity price performance.

time roilpg nplr rcrg rdpg reqpg

0 roilpg 22.241 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

1 roilpg -0.240 3.784 2.219 2.907 -0.538

2 roilpg 2.611 4.001 2.728 0.277 -0.189

3 roilpg 0.697 3.393 1.013 1.059 -0.197

4 roilpg 0.686 2.662 0.856 0.367 -0.393

5 roilpg 0.330 1.938 0.461 0.376 -0.475

6 roilpg 0.327 1.338 0.306 0.261 -0.454

0 nplr -0.517 2.242 0.000 0.000 0.000

1 nplr -0.456 2.037 -0.221 -0.378 -0.075

2 nplr -0.365 1.331 -0.102 -0.204 -0.366

3 nplr -0.171 0.692 -0.116 -0.074 -0.492

4 nplr 0.032 0.288 -0.093 0.040 -0.393

5 nplr 0.109 0.078 -0.043 0.094 -0.249

6 nplr 0.120 -0.003 0.002 0.096 -0.128

0 rcrg 5.824 -1.161 13.562 0.000 0.000

1 rcrg 3.327 -1.372 2.918 4.041 0.100

2 rcrg 3.737 0.858 2.548 1.554 1.569

3 rcrg 1.067 2.017 1.666 1.082 1.351

4 rcrg 0.399 2.254 1.158 0.212 0.668

5 rcrg -0.004 1.970 0.576 0.062 0.138

6 rcrg -0.028 1.484 0.278 -0.005 -0.184

0 rdpg 3.967 -2.105 6.978 12.285 0.000

1 rdpg 2.632 -1.797 1.368 2.898 -0.610

2 rdpg 3.038 0.546 1.789 1.748 1.842

3 rdpg 0.635 1.450 1.296 0.812 1.274

4 rdpg 0.178 1.696 0.898 0.075 0.625

5 rdpg -0.094 1.494 0.408 -0.017 0.155

6 rdpg -0.082 1.120 0.180 -0.052 -0.127

0 reqpg 17.497 -0.159 6.447 2.852 26.333

1 reqpg -4.211 0.383 7.658 2.101 9.920

2 reqpg -2.158 2.459 3.519 -2.665 3.635

3 reqpg -1.677 3.115 0.390 -1.298 1.938

4 reqpg -1.421 2.486 -0.086 -1.157 0.359

5 reqpg -1.013 1.501 -0.340 -0.692 -0.460

6 reqpg -0.449 0.662 -0.372 -0.322 -0.647


(Shock variable)

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Figure 6. GCC: Response of Macro and Bank Level Variables

Sources: Bankscope, Haver, and IMF staff calculations.

Note: Estimated using a panel VAR routine with two lags. Annual data spanning 2000–14. Bank level data for

NPL ratio, real credit and deposit growth for 42 GCC banks, roilpg is real oil price growth, nplr is NPL to total

loans ratio, rcrg real credit growth, rdpg is real deposit growth, reqpg is real equity price growth.


The existence of oil-macro-financial feedback loops suggests greater needs to build buffers in

good times in the GCC. The importance of building buffers to cushion against negative

shocks has been well documented. Increasing capital and provisions in good times helps

enhance the resilience of the financial system and reduce procyclical feedback effects

between asset prices and credit. In Saudi Arabia, empirical evidence confirms the view that

bank capital and provisioning buffers have been moved counter-cyclically (Abusaaq et al,

2015). Both the capital and provisioning ratios increase as indicators of business and

financial cycles strengthen.

rdpgnplr rcrg

Shock to

Response of











0 1 2 3 4 5 6






0 1 2 3 4 5 6








0 1 2 3 4 5 6








0 1 2 3 4 5 6







0 1 2 3 4 5 6







0 1 2 3 4 5 6






0 1 2 3 4 5 6








0 1 2 3 4 5 6-0.2






0 1 2 3 4 5 6-0.10






0 1 2 3 4 5 6






0 1 2 3 4 5 6-1.5








0 1 2 3 4 5 6





0 1 2 3 4 5 6-2






0 1 2 3 4 5 6






0 1 2 3 4 5 6








0 1 2 3 4 5 6








0 1 2 3 4 5 6







0 1 2 3 4 5 6






0 1 2 3 4 5 6








0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Table 9. Correlation of NPL Provisions and Capital Ratios with Indicators of

Business and Financial Cycles: Country Level Analysis

(Correlation and p-values)

Sources: Bankscope and IMF staff estimates.

Note: ***, **, and * signify statistical significance at the 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent level.

A simple empirical approach is used to shed light on the countercyclical behavior of loan loss

provisions and capital ratios in the GCC. Developments in loan loss provisioning and capital

adequacy ratios (CAR) are compared to movements in key business and financial cycle

indicators, including the credit-to-nonoil GDP gap (estimated as percent deviations from HP

trends), real credit growth, and real nonoil GDP growth.10 To account for GCC-specific

factors, real oil price growth is also considered. The degree of countercyclical movement is

assessed using correlation coefficients between provisions to NPLs or CAR with each of the

four business and financial cycle indicators.11 Positive correlation coefficients, when

statistically significant, signal the potential that provisions to NPLs and CAR are

10 The “credit to nonoil GDP gap”, defined here as the deviation in the ratio of credit to non-oil GDP from its

long run trend, is a key indicator of the financial cycle, but should be complemented by additional indicators

and judgment. It replaces the credit-to-GDP gap which is influenced by oil prices and does not provide a robust

indicator of financial sector vulnerabilities in the GCC. The empirical literature finds that, currently, it is the

single best early-warning indicator of crises, signaling crises five to three years in advance. To help address the

well-known end-point issues with HP filters, the gaps for 2000–14 are calculated with two extra years of data,

including forecasts through 2015–16. A two-sided approach is used.

11 The latter are lagged by one period (i.e. one year) to help reduce the chance of capturing reverse causality

stemming from macro variables.

Credit to non oil GDP gap Real credit growth Real non oil GDP growth Real oil price growth

Bahrain Provisions/NPL Coeff. 0.07 0.62 *** 0.21 0.29

p-val. 0.80 0.02 0.46 0.31

CAR Coeff. -0.82 *** 0.45 *** 0.73 *** 0.57 ***

p-val. 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.03

Kuwait Provisions/NPL Coeff. -0.74 *** 0.57 *** 0.45 0.28

p-val. 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.32

CAR Coeff. -0.34 0.63 *** 0.43 -0.16

p-val. 0.22 0.01 0.12 0.59

Oman Provisions/NPL Coeff. 0.51 *** 0.28 -0.11 -0.22

p-val. 0.06 0.33 0.70 0.45

CAR Coeff. -0.90 *** 0.30 0.63 *** 0.49 ***

p-val. 0.00 0.29 0.01 0.07

Qatar Provisions/NPL Coeff. -0.46 *** 0.35 -0.09 0.34

p-val. 0.10 0.21 0.76 0.23

CAR Coeff. -0.77 *** 0.25 0.29 0.31

p-val. 0.00 0.46 0.39 0.34

Saudi Arabia Provisions/NPL Coeff. 0.69 *** 0.09 0.35 -0.09

p-val. 0.01 0.76 0.22 0.75

CAR Coeff. -0.04 0.30 0.03 0.14

p-val. 0.88 0.30 0.91 0.63

UAE Provisions/NPL Coeff. 0.51 *** 0.28 -0.11 -0.22

p-val. 0.06 0.33 0.70 0.45

CAR Coeff. -0.62 *** -0.44 0.21 0.12

p-val. 0.02 0.11 0.46 0.68

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countercyclical – these ratios increase during good times. This exercise was conducted using

country level data and bank level data.

Table 10. Correlation of NPL Provisions and Capital Ratios with Indicators of

Business and Financial Cycles: Bank level analysis

(Number of banks with statistically significant positive correlation)

Sources: Bankscope and IMF staff estimates.

Note: The total number of banks analyzed is seven for both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, respectively.

There is tentative evidence to suggest these tools have moved countercyclically for some

GCC banks (Table 10). Country-level loan loss provisions to NPL ratios are calculated using

bank level data from Bankscope.12 This ratio is countercyclical relative to the credit to nonoil

GDP gap in Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates; and relative to real credit

growth in Bahrain and Kuwait. Country-level CARs are assessed based on published

country-level financial soundness indicators data. They are countercyclical in Bahrain,

Kuwait, and Oman with respect to real growth of credit, nonoil GDP, or oil prices. No

systematic linkage was found for Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. In four

instances either provisions to NPL ratios or CARs are found to be procyclical. The results

need to be interpreted with caution as the annual data provide a relatively limited number of

observations. Additionally, the estimated credit-to-nonoil GDP gap may not represent

sufficiently the financial cycle.

Similar assessments using bank-level data reveal heterogeneity across individual banks.

Given the relatively large sample size, a bank level analysis focuses on banks in Saudi Arabia

and the United Arab Emirates. Table 11 reports the number of banks with statistically

significant positive correlation is reported. In Saudi Arabia, provisions to NPLs ratios are

countercyclical, in a statistically significant way with respect to the credit-to-nonoil GDP gap

for 7 of the 11 banks, consistent with the evidence based on the aggregate data. The CAR is

countercyclical with respect to the credit to nonoil GDP gap for 4 banks. In the United Arab

Emirates, provisions to NPL ratios are countercyclical with respect to most macroeconomic

variables for 3 out of 7 banks. The CAR is countercyclical with respect to real growth rates

of credit and nonoil GDP for 2 of the 7 banks analyzed.

12 Bankscope-based country aggregates are consistent with IMF desk data and, importantly, available with

longer time series. The sampled banks represent 50–96 percent (an average of 67 percent) of domestic banking

systems measured in terms of percent of the stock of credit.

Credit to non oil GDP gap Real credit growth Real non oil GDP growth Real oil price growth

Saudi Arabia Provisions/NPL 7 1 1 2

CAR 4 2 2 0

United Arab Emirates Provisions/NPL 3 3 3 0

CAR 0 2 2 0

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The paper has demonstrated the existence of oil-macro-financial linkages in the GCC

countries. First, the performance of key indicators of business and financial cycles has

generally strengthened during oil price upturns. The timing of downturns in those variables

tends to coincide with oil price downturns, even though greater fiscal buffers have attenuated

the linkage. Second, this paper’s econometric analysis confirmed that oil prices and

economic activity significantly affect bank asset quality. It also identified feedback loops

between oil price movements, bank balance sheets, and asset prices in the GCC.

Tentative evidence suggests that banks in the GCC countries have been setting the capital

ratio and provisioning for NPLs countercyclically. A simple empirical analysis, using both

country- and bank-level data, shows that loan loss provisions and capital adequacy ratios are

positively correlated with indicators of business and financial cycles. This has helped

strengthen the resilience of the financial system to the oil price decline since mid-2014.

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Annex 1. Tables

Table A1. GCC Banks Included Econometric Analyses

Country Bank

Bahrain 1 Ahli United Bank BSC

2 Gulf International Bank BSC

3 BBK B.S.C.

4 National Bank of Bahrain

Kuwait 5 National Bank of Kuwait S.A.K.

6 Kuwait Finance House

7 Gulf Bank KSC (The)

8 Commercial Bank of Kuwait SAK (The)

9 Industrial Bank of Kuwait K.S.C.

Oman 10 Bank Muscat SAOG

11 Bank Dhofar SAOG

12 National Bank of Oman (SAOG)

13 HSBC Bank Oman

14 Oman Arab Bank SAOC

15 Ahli Bank SAOG

Qatar 16 Qatar National Bank

17 Commercial Bank of Qatar (The) QSC

18 Qatar Islamic Bank SAQ

19 Doha Bank

20 Ahli Bank QSC

21 International Bank of Qatar Q.S.C.

22 Qatar Development Bank Q.S.C.C.

Saudi Arabia 23 National Commercial Bank (The)

24 Samba Financial Group

25 Riyad Bank

26 Banque Saudi Fransi JSC

27 Saudi British Bank JSC (The)

28 Arab National Bank Public Joint Stock Company

29 Saudi Hollandi Bank

30 Saudi Investment Bank (The)

31 Bank AlJazira JSC

United Arab Emirates 32 National Bank of Abu Dhabi

33 First Gulf Bank

34 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank

35 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank - Public Joint Stock Co.

36 Mashreqbank PSC

37 Union National Bank

38 Commercial Bank of Dubai P.S.C.

39 Bank of Sharjah

40 National Bank of Fujairah PJSC

41 Commercial Bank International P.S.C.

42 National Bank of Umm Al-Qaiwain PSC

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