Page 1: The Immune System: Your Defense Against… · Immune System: body’s primary defense against disease-causing

The Immune System:Your Defense Against Disease

Page 2: The Immune System: Your Defense Against… · Immune System: body’s primary defense against disease-causing


Immune System: body’s primary defense against disease-causing microorganisms.

Immune: condition in which a body is able to permanently fight a disease.

Disease: any change, other than an injury, that interferes with the normal functioning of the body.

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Pathogen: disease-causing microorganisms—viruses, bacteria, fungi, & protozoans.

Infection: condition that results when the body is successfully invaded by a pathogen.

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I. Two parts of the Immune System:

A. Nonspecific defenses

1. Generalized; not directed at a specific pathogen, but all pathogens.

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2. First line of defense against pathogens:

a. Skin: Pathogens must penetrate the layers of dead skin cells in order to get inside the body.

1) Oil & sweat glands, produce an acidic environment killing many microorganisms.2) When cut; microorganisms can penetrate causing infection.

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b. Respiratory Defenses: cilia, mucous, & hairs

c. Mouth: Saliva

d. Stomach: gastric fluids (acidic)

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3. Inflammatory response: 2nd line of defense

a. Bacteria in a wound are attacked by white blood cells (leukocytes).

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b. If the infection remains small and in one place, a reddish swollen area develops (“inflamed”).

c. Fever is sometimes produced, which often slows or stops the growth of such microorganisms.

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B. Specific Defenses:

1. If the nonspecific defense fails, a series of specific defenses attack the disease-causing agent. (A specific antibody will only attack a specific antigen.)

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2. Examples: antibodies, T & B cells (specialized leukocytes).

3. Leads to permanent immunity.

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II. Vaccinations:

A. The injection of a weakened or mild pathogen to produce immunity.

B. Rabies1. Fatal virus.2. Transmitted through the bite of an animal.

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C. Polio (1955)

1. Caused by 3 different viruses that attacks the nervous system, specifically the motor neurons.

2. Most common among children.

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III. Immune System Disorders:

A. Allergies:1. Overreaction of the immune system.2. Antigens cause the release of histamines.

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3. Histamines: increase flow of blood & fluids to infected area, resulting in sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, etc…

B. Asthma: respiratory disease; often arises b/c of allergies; smooth muscle in airways contract, limiting airflow, thus breathing becomes difficult.

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IV. Transmission and Agents of Disease:A. Disease Transmission:

1. Entrance into the body (cut, wound).

a. Tetanus or lockjaw-- caused by bacterium Clostridium tetani, present in soil. b. Symptoms: fever, muscle spasms, even death.

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2. Coughing/sneezing a. Cold, measles, mumps,


3. Contaminated water or food

4. Infected animalsa. Ticks, mosquitoes

5. Sexual contact

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1. Viruses a. Contain RNA, and can be enclosed in a membrane

b. Are able to invade almost any type of livingorganism.

B. Types of Pathogens

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c. Must invade a living cell � by attaching to the cell’s surface, then inserting its genetic material into the cell, enabling the virus to replicate or reproduce (i.e. HIV, smallpox, measles, polio).

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2. Bacteriaa. Most are harmless

to humans.

b. Treatment: antibiotics

c. Ex. Strep throat

d. Lyme Disease

1. Caused by ticks that carry a bacterium.

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2. Rash will develop near tick bite (bulls eye)

3. Symptoms: headache, fever, fatigue, pain in joints and muscles.

4. Spread most commonly by deer, but found in the outdoors

5. Present in Michigan,small.jpg

Lyme Disease cont.

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3. Fungi

a. Most do not cause disease.

b. Most common fungal infections are those of the skin (i.e. types of ringworm; such as athlete’s foot-rough, irritable patches on the toes.

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4. Protozoans

a. More than 30 different species.

b. Most serious infections are caused by those found in tropical regions(warm and moist).

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c. Infections caused by protozoans: 1) Malaria (Diagram on page 388)2) Caused by protozoan Plasmodium, which lives in the blood.

3) Spread by mosquitoes.

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5. Other Infections

a. Tapeworm: pg. 5751) Parasitic flatworm. (What phylum?) 2) Absorbs digested food from the host’s intestine.3) Adult can be up to 18 meters long.

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4. We get them from eating raw or incompletely cooked meat (beef).

5. Almost never kills the host, but do use up a lot of food� hosts may lose weight and become weak.

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b. Hookworm: pg. 577

1) Serious human intestinal parasite.2) Burrow into human skin and enter the bloodstream through an unprotected foot.3) Travel through the bloodstream, lungs, throat, and attach to our intestines.4) ¼ of the world may be infected.

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