Page 1: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91904 Jerusalem ... · electronic address: 1 arXiv:0910.2894v2 [] 3 Feb 2010. I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION Surface

Infrared Surface-Plasmon-Resonance – a novel biophysical tool

for studying living cells

M. Golosovsky,∗ V. Lirtsman, V. Yashunsky, and D. Davidov

The Racah Institute of Physics,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

91904 Jerusalem, Israel

B. Aroeti

Department of Cell and Animal Biology,

The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

91904 Jerusalem, Israel

(Dated: October 22, 2018)


We discuss the Surface-Plasmon-Resonance (SPR) technique based on Fourier -Transform - In-

fraRed (FTIR) spectrometry. We explore the potential of the infrared surface plasmon resonance

technique for biological studies in aqueous solutions and compare it to the conventional surface

plasmon technique operating in the visible range. We demonstrate that the sensitivity of the SPR

technique in the infrared range is not lower and in fact is even higher. We show several examples

of applying FTIR-SPR for biological studies: (i) monitoring D-glucose concentration in solution,

and (ii) measuring D-glucose uptake by erythrocytes in suspension. We emphasize the advantages

of infrared SPR for studying living cell cultures and show how this technique can be used for

characterization of (i) cholesterol penetration into plasma membrane, and (ii) transferrin-induced

clathrin-mediated endocytosis.

∗ electronic address: [email protected]






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Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is the resonant excitation of the surface electromag-

netic wave propagating at the metal-dielectric interface1–3. This technique has become an

important research tool in biophysics. The interest in it has been spurred by its poten-

tial for biosensing, the appearance of commercial instruments, and the general interest in

plasmonics4. The SPR technique measures the refractive index or optical absorption with

high sensitivity and is particularly advantageous for biosensing since (i) it is a label-free

method5, and (ii) it can monitor the kinetics of biological processes in real time. Several

overviews summarize SPR applications in biology and biochemistry6–14. In particular, SPR

in the visible range has been used to study membranes15–22 and cell cultures23–26. The SPR

technique has been used in several modalities such as SPR-enhanced fluorescence27, SPR

imaging3,28, and SPR spectroscopy29–32.

The majority of the SPR applications use laser sources operating in the visible range.

Recently, however, several SPR techniques operating in the near-infrared range have

appeared33–38, some of which use an FTIR spectrometer as a light source39–42. In contrast

to the conventional SPR technique that operates with a laser source and employs angular

interrogation, the FTIR-SPR technique operates with a continuum wavelength source and

employs wavelength interrogation. So far, the FTIR-SPR techniques have utilized glass-

based optics that limited its operation to the NIR range. We extended the FTIR-SPR

technique to mid-IR range using a ZnS prism43,44. Next, we will examine new opportunities

offered by this technique.

• High sensitivity. Since conductive losses in the infrared range are lower than those

in the visible range, the infrared SPR can be more sensitive than its visible range


• Penetration depth of the surface plasmon in the visible range is very short. This is

beneficial for studying very thin layers but detrimental for studying cells and cell cul-

tures. The infrared surface plasmon penetrates much deeper and is more appropriate

for studying cells.

• Fast multi-wavelength measurements. The ability to detect SPR at varying wave-

lengths and/or varying angles allows ”tuning” the surface plasmon resonance to any


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desired spectral range in order to achieve high sensitivity and appropriate penetration


• Spectroscopy. Since many biomolecules have specific absorption bands in the infrared

range (”fingerprints”), performing multiwavelength SPR measurements in the spectral

range of fingerprints, in principle, allows these biomolecules to be identified selectively.

Next, we will analyze the SPR in the infrared and identify those niches where it is especially

useful for biosensing. Then we will discuss several FTIR-SPR applications developed in our



A. Surface plasmon – definition

Surface plasmon (SP) is an electromagnetic wave Esp = E0e−ikxx−kzz that propa-

gates along the metal-dielectric interface and exponentially decays in the perpendicular

direction1–3. The surface plasmon dispersion relations in the dielectric and in the metal are


k2x − k2

zd = εdk20 (1)

k2x − k2

zm = εmk20 (2)

Here, k0 is the wave vector in free space, and εm, εd are the complex dielectric permittivities

of the metal and of the dielectric, correspondingly, where ε′m < 0. When the surface plasmon

propagates along the interface between two unbounded media (Fig. 1), its wave vector is:

k′x + ik′′x = k0

(εmεdεm + εd



Surface plasmon is a TM wave. The ratio of the longitudinal and the transverse field

components is |Ez/Ex| =√εd/|εm| in the dielectric medium, and |Ez/Ex| =

√|εm|/εd in the


B. Surface plasmon excitation – Kretschmann geometry

Because of the limited penetration of the surface plasmon wave into a dielectric medium,

it is widely used in monitoring the refractive index of thin dielectric layers. The most widely


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used Kretschmann excitation geometry includes a high-refractive-index prism, a thin metal

film, and a dielectric medium in contact with the this film (Fig. 2). The reflectivity as

a function of the incident angle (or wavelength) exhibits a sharp minimum at a certain

angle Θsp corresponding to the surface plasmon excitation6. By measuring the resonant

angle/wavelength, one can determine the refractive index of the dielectric medium with

high accuracy. The sensitivity of this technique is limited by the angular width of the

surface plasmon resonance, ∆Θsp. Next, we will develop compact expressions for the SPR

angle and width, Θsp,∆Θsp

The resonance condition is

kx = kp sin Θsp, (4)

where np is the refractive index and kp = npk0 is the wave vector in the prism. Equations

3,4 yield the resonant angle

sin Θsp =1


(εmεdεm + εd


. (5)

This angle always exceeds the critical angle

sin Θcr =ε


np. (6)

To recast these expressions using an external angle (see Fig. 2), we apply Snell’s law and


sin (Θext −Θp) = np sin (Θsp −Θp), (7)

where s Θp is the angle at the base of the prism (Fig. 2). Figure 3 compares the SPR in

the visible (λ =0.633 µm) and in the infrared (λ =1.4 µm) range. The SPR appears as a

pronounced reflectivity dip. In the visible range, this dip is wide and appears well above the

critical angle, whereas in the infrared range, this dip is very narrow and is very close to the

critical angle.

The depth of the surface plasmon resonance in Kretschmann geometry is fine-tuned by

the careful choice of the metal film thickness, d. Note that the surface plasmon propagating

along a thin metal film is not a true surface wave but rather a leaky wave that radiates a

considerable part of its energy back into the prism1,45. For the optimal metal film thickness,

the reflectivity at the resonant angle achieves its minimum value and approaches zero (the so-

called critical coupling regime), whereas radiation losses are equal to intrinsic losses (ε′′m, ε′′d).


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The radiation affects the surface plasmon dispersion relation (Eq. 3) as well. The resonant

angle (Eq. 5) is slightly shifted by 1-1.5o, whereas k′′x is changed more significantly: in the

critical coupling regime it increases by a factor of two with respect to that given by Eq.


C. IR surface plasmon resonance propagating along a thin metal film - modelling

Since we focus on the biological applications of the surface plasmon resonance, we will

next consider only water-based samples. We will assume that the metal film is composed

of gold and that its thickness is optimal, i.e., it corresponds to the critical coupling regime.

Since the dielectric constant of gold at infrared frequencies is very high, ε′m >> εd ∼ 1,

losses are small, ε′′m/ε′m << 1. If the dielectric losses are also small, then ε′′d/ε

′d << 1, then

k′x >> k′′x. Under these conditions, we obtain useful expressions for the real and imaginary

parts of the surface plasmon wave vector propagating along the gold film with optimal


k′x ≈ k0



ε′m + ε′d



k′′x ≈ k0



ε′m + ε′d

)3/2 (ε′′dε′2d



kzm = k0


−εm − εd



kzd = k0


−εm − εd



(Note that ε′m < 0.) The surface plasmon penetration depth into the dielectric is

δzd =1


(−ε′m − ε′d




The surface plasmon propagation length along the metal-dielectric interface is1,45

Lx =1


(ε′m + ε′dε′mε


)3/2 (ε′′dε′2d




Since the dielectric constant of the metal in the infrared range is very high, |ε′m| >> 1,

then ε′′m/ε′2m << 1 (this is valid even if the loss tangent of the metal is high, ε′′m/|ε′m| ≤ 1).

Therefore, the conductor loss contribution to Lx is negligible and it is determined mainly

by the dielectric loss.


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To estimate the surface plasmon resonance width, ∆Θsp, we noted that Eq. 4 yields

δkx = cos ΘspδΘsp. We replaced δkx by k′′x. Thus,

∆Θsp = Ak′′x

kp cos Θsp

, (14)

where A is a numerical constant that depends on how the SPR width is defined (FWHM or

differently). Using Eqs. 7,14, we obtain

∆Θext = Acos (Θp −Θsp)

cos (Θp −Θext) cos Θsp



For realistic parameters of the prism and the sample (np = 2 − 2.3,Θp = 450, nd = 1.25 −

1.45), the angular dependence of the prefactor, cos (Θp−Θsp)cos (Θp−Θext) cos Θsp

, is very weak and it can be

replaced by a numerical constant. Using Eq. 9, we recast Eq. 15 as follows:

∆Θext ≈ Aε3/2d



), (16)

where A absorbs all numerical constants. A comparison of the exact numerical calculations

for the ZnS prism and water as a dielectric medium yields A = 1.85. An approximate

expression for the SPR width is:

∆Θ =√

∆Θ2ext + ∆Θ2

div, (17)

where ∆Θdiv is the incident beam divergence. Although the SPR width can be calculated

exactly using Fresnel reflectivity formulae, Eqs. 16,17 are more amenable to analysis.

The SPR width is a crucial factor that determines the sensitivity of the SPR technique.

The latter is usually6,45 defined as ∂R∂n

, where R is the reflectivity and n = ε1/2d . After

recasting this expression using an angular variable, we obtain Sbulk = ∂R∂Θext


∂n. The

maximum sensitivity is achieved at some angle that corresponds to the sloping edge of the

surface plasmon resonance, where reflectivity sharply drops from unity to almost zero. Hence

Sbulk ≈1




The first factor here is determined by the SPR width (Eqs. 15,17), whereas the second

factor, ∂Θext

∂n, is a smooth function of the refractive index that is derived from Eqs. 5,7.

To characterize thin dielectric layers with a thickness smaller than the surface plasmon

penetration depth δzd (Eq. 12, the SPR sensitivity is defined as follows45,

Slayer =Sbulkδzd

. (19)


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D. IR surface plasmon resonance at the ZnS/Au/water interface - practical as-


We will now consider practical aspects of the infrared surface plasmon resonance in the

biological, i.e., water-based samples. Although SPR at infrared frequencies can be excited

in many metals46, the requirement of biocompatibility leaves gold as the only choice. For

the near IR, one can use BK-7 or SF-11 glass prisms, whereas for mid-IR, one can use ZnS

or ZnSe prisms.

The range of wavelengths/angles where SPR can be excited is determined by the dielectric

losses in water and by the conductive losses in the gold film. Figure 4 shows dielectric losses

(upper panel) and the refractive index of water (lower panel). It is clear that SPR at the

Au/water interface can be excited only in several ”allowed” spectral windows where water

absorption is sufficiently low. Figure 4 shows the SPR angle vs. the wavelength, as predicted

by Eqs. 5,7 (lower panel, right y-axis). This dependence mimics the refractive index of water.

Note that in the angular interval, Θext = 20−25o, there are two surface plasmon resonances

at each angle.

Figure 5 shows surface plasmon propagation length, Lx, as predicted by Eq. 13. This

length should be compared to the surface plasmon wavelength, λsp = 2π/k′x. In the ”allowed”

spectral ranges, the surface plasmon attenuation is low and surface plasmon propagates to

long distances, Lx/λsp >> 1. In the ”forbidden” spectral ranges, the surface plasmon reso-

nance is overdamped and the surface plasmon wave quickly attenuates, yielding Lx/λsp < 1.

In the context of sensing biological cell cultures, it is useful to compare the surface

plasmon propagation length, Lx, to the lateral size of the cell, dcell ∼ 10 − 20 µm. In the

spectral ranges λ < 1.2 µm and λ > 4.5µm, the surface plasmon propagation length is small,

Lx < dcell, and reflectivity in the SPR regime is the sum of the contributions of individual

cells. In the spectral ranges λsp = 1.2 − 2.6 µm and λsp ≈ 4 µm, the surface plasmon

propagation length is long, Lx > dcell; hence, the surface plasmon wave senses an ”effective

medium” consisting of cells and gaps between the cells.

Figure 6 shows surface plasmon penetration depth into water-based dielectric medium.

In the visible and near-infrared ranges, it is exceedingly small, δz < 0.24 µm. In the context

of cell cultures grown on gold, such a small penetration depth is advantageous for studying

the cell membrane and cell adhesion. However, a small penetration depth precludes studying


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the cell interior. In the spectral range λ = 2 − 2.5 µm, the surface plasmon penetration

depth is δzd = 1− 2 µm. Hence, the surface plasmon wave penetrates deep enough to study

events in the cell cytoplasm but not in the nucleus. For the wavelength range λ = 4 − 6

µm, the penetration depth is comparable to the cell size; hence, the whole cell volume is

accessible for the surface plasmon.

Figure 7 shows the SPR width vs. wavelength, as given by Eqs. 16,17. The exact

calculation, using Fresnel reflectivity formulae, yields almost the same results. Note that in

the near-infrared range (λ < 1.3 µm), where water optical absorption is negligible, the SPR

width is determined by conductor losses. On the other hand, at λ > 2.5 µm, conductor losses

are negligible and the SPR width is determined by water absorption. In the intermediate

range, λ = 1.3 − 2.5 µm, the SPR width achieves its minimum value of 0.3o, whereas the

contributions of water absorption and conductor losses are comparable. However, to take

full advantage of such a narrow resonance, the incident beam should be very well collimated,

otherwise the SPR width in this spectral range would be limited by beam divergence.

The inset in Fig. 7 shows the optimal gold film thickness, d, that is required to achieve

critical coupling. d decreases with increasing wavelength, in such a way that the operation

in mid-IR requires 10-12-nm-thick gold films; this approaches the practical limit at which

continuous gold films can be fabricated. When the film thickness deviates from its optimal

value, the SPR is excited, although the SPR minimum is not so deep1. The symbols in

Fig. 7 show our experimental results achieved in two experiments with a 12-nm-thick gold

film that was optimized for the operation at λ = 5 µm. At λ > 3 µm, we observe a good

correspondence between the approximate model and experimental SPR values, whereas at

λ < 2.5 µm, the experimental SPR is considerably broadened due to beam divergence and

deviation of the film thickness from the optimal value corresponding to this wavelength.

Figure 8 shows the bulk sensitivity of the SPR technique estimated according to Eq. 18.

The bulk sensitivity in the infrared range is considerably higher than that in the visible

range. In the range λ = 0.6 − 2.5 µm, the sensitivity is more or less constant, whereas

in the long-wavelength window, λ = 3.3 − 5 µm, it is lower but is still comparable to

that in the visible range. This means that both these spectral windows may be used for


Figure 9 shows the thin layer sensitivity. The maximum sensitivity is achieved in NIR,

at λ = 800 nm, whereas the sensitivity in the mid-IR is lower. Hence, the NIR range is


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especially advantageous for studying thin dielectric films on gold substrate.

E. Surface plasmon propagation in biological samples

We consider several regimes in which the FTIR-SPR technique can be used to study

biological objects. These objects (cell membrane, single cell, cell culture, etc.) have different

sizes and the surface plasmon propagation there is also different. Indeed, the SP propagation

depends on the relation between the spatial extent of the SP wave and the characteristic size

of the sample. Hence, by selecting the proper wavelength, the SPR can be made especially

sensitive to the processes occurring at a targeted spatial scale. Figure 10 illustrates several

regimes of surface plasmon sensing.

• (a,b) Thick and macroscopically uniform biolayers. Here, SP probes the bulk refrac-

tive index of the biolayer. This can be used for monitoring the biologically important

molecules in solutions, for example, glucose. An interesting modification is a suspen-

sion of floating cells, for example, erythrocytes.

• (c) A very thin biolayer attached to the gold film, for example, a membrane, or

biomolecular recognition layer with a thickness of only 1-5 nm. Although the sur-

face plasmon penetration depth usually exceeds this thickness, the short-wavelength

surface plasmon is sensitive enough to characterize them.

• (d) A moderately thick biolayer with thickness comparable to the wavelength. Here, in

addition to the surface plasmon wave, additional waveguide modes can appear. These

can be useful for depth-resolved biosensing, and for probing cell adhesion and cell-cell


• (e,f) Cell cultures grown directly on metal. Here, depending on the propagation length,

the surface plasmon wave can probe either individual cells or the cell layer as a whole.


Next, we will present several biological applications of the FTIR-SPR technique. Figure

11 shows our experimental setup based on the Bruker Equinox 55 FTIR spectrometer. The

light source is a tungsten lamp equipped with the KBr beam splitter. The infrared beam is


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emitted from the external port of the spectrometer and passes through a collimator consisting

of a pinhole mounted at the common focal plane of two Au-coated off-axis parabolic mirrors

with a focal length of 76.2 mm and 25.4 mm, correspondingly. For the 1-mm-diameter

pinhole, the beam diameter is 3-4 mm and the beam divergence is ∆Θdiv = 0.8o. The

collimated beam passes through the grid polarizer (Specac, Ltd.) and is reflected from the

right-angle ZnS prism (ISP Optics, Inc.) mounted on a Θ − 2Θ rotating table. Another

parabolic mirror focuses the reflected beam on the liquid-nitrogen-cooled MCT (HgCdTe)

detector. A temperature-stabilized flow chamber (with a volume of 0.5 ml) is in contact

with the gold-coated base of the prism. The gold film thickness is chosen according to the

targeted wavelength (Fig. 7, inset).

To operate this setup, we first choose the desired incident angle. Then we mount the

sample and measure the reflectivity spectrum for the s-polarized beam. This spectrum is

used as a background for further measurements. Then we measure the reflectivity spectrum

for the p-polarized beam. Normally, this is done with 4- cm−1 resolution and 16 scan


A. Solutions

1. Glucose concentration in water

We used the FTIR-SPR technique for precisely measuring the refractive index of solutions.

Our motivation was to monitor physiologically important glucose concentrations in water

and in human plasma43. Similar studies have been performed earlier using SPR in the visible

range47–49. Figure 12 shows the reflectivity spectra of pure water and of 1% D-glucose

solution measured using our setup. The spectral range around 4000 cm−1 corresponds

to the short-wavelength SPR, and the small peak at 2000 cm−1 corresponds to the long-

wavelength SPR. Adding glucose affects the whole reflectivity spectrum, in such a way that

the SPR resonance is red–shifted. The maximal reflectivity change occurs at 4600 cm−1.

The inset shows that the reflectivity at 4600cm−1 linearly increases with increasing glucose

concentration. The slope of this linear dependence yields sensitivity, Sbulk = ∂R/∂n = 75

RIU−1. Taking into account the actual beam divergence of 0.8o, the experimental sensitivity

is consistent with the approximate expression given by Eq. 18 (see also Fig. 8).


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2. Glucose uptake by erythrocytes

Here we studied glucose uptake by erythrocyte suspension in the PBS medium51. Briefly,

fresh human red blood cells (RBCs) were washed four times in PBS by centrifugation. The

supernatant and buffy coat cells were discarded and RBCs were resuspended in glucose-free

PBS to yield ce = 5% v/v. For complete glucose depletion, cells were incubated for 60 min

at 22o C in PBS. Then, RBCs were centrifuged and resuspended in fresh PBS containing the

required concentrations of D-glucose supplemented with L-glucose, to keep the total glucose

concentration (osmolarity) equal to 20 mM. The SPR measurements were performed at 22oC

to slow down cellular glycolysis.

Our measurements were performed using a ZnS prism coated with a 12-nm thick Au film.

We chose the wavelength λ =4 µm at which the surface plasmon penetration depth, δzd =4.5

µm (Fig. 6), is comparable to the typical erythrocyte diameter. Although the sensitivity at

this wavelength is low (Fig. 8), the use of such a long wavelength here is mandatory in order

to sense the processes inside erythrocytes. The average distance between the erythrocytes

is ∼ Dec1/3e =17 µm. The surface plasmon propagation length, Lx =30 µm (Fig. 5), exceeds

the distance between erythrocytes. Hence, in the ”coherence area” of the surface plasmon

wave, (δzd × Lx), there are 1-2 erythrocytes.

The erythrocytes intensively absorb D-glucose, which affects their refraction index and

probably their shape. The optical reflectivity from the erythrocyte suspension changes

correspondingly. Indeed, Fig. 13 shows that, upon addition of D-glucose, reflectivity in the

SPR regime rapidly increases with time, until saturation occurs. The rate of this process

increases when cells are exposed to higher glucose concentrations.

In another experiment, cells were exposed to a solution containing 20 mM D-glucose

supplemented with 20 µM of the GLUT-1 inhibitor, cytochalasin B (CB). A negligible

reflectivity change was observed in the presence of the inhibitor. Similarly, minor changes

in the reflectivity were detected when cells were exposed to a plain buffer solution. We

interpret these results as follows: the erythrocytes absorb D-glucose (but not L-glucose),

and this affects their refraction index. Although the exact mechanism by which the surface

plasmon wave interacts with the erythrocytes is not yet clear, we believe that the observed

SPR variation is associated with D-glucose uptake by erythrocytes because (i) the rate of

SPR change is determined by the glucose concentration and (ii) the SPR change is inhibited


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by cytochalasin B, as expected. Therefore, we can conclude that FTIR-SPR measurements

specifically sense a glucose-dependent transport process. This conjecture is corroborated by

the dielectric spectroscopy measurements on similar suspensions52.

B. Cell culture studied by the SPR - the physics involved

We succeeded in growing cell cultures directly on the Au-coated prism42,44. These include

human Melanoma (MEL 1106), MDCK, and HeLa cells that form monolayers with a typical

confluence of 60-80%. In a typical experiment, the prism with a cell culture was removed

from the incubator, attached to a flow chamber, mounted in the FTIR-SPR setup, and then

exposed to plain buffer medium (MEM) at 37oC. The temperature in the flow chamber

was controlled within 0.1oC while the buffer solution was constantly pushed through the

chamber at a flow rate of 5 µl/min using a motorized bee syringe pump. After 5-7 minutes

of equilibration, we measured the reflectivity in the SPR regime. The measurements lasted

up to 6 hours, after which, the cells usually die, most probably from the lack of CO2.

1. Surface plasmon propagation in the cell culture

Understanding surface plasmon propagation in the cell monolayer necessitates further

discussion. Indeed, the cells have irregular shapes with a lateral size of ∼ 10 × 20 µm2

and a height of 1 to 6 µm. Since the cells contain up to 25% organic molecules, their

average refractive index exceeds that of water. This results in an angular shift of the SPR

resonance (Eq. 5) for the ZnS/Au/cell interface, compared with the ZnS/Au/water interface.

However, even at high cell confluence, some parts of the Au-coated prism are still uncovered

by cells. These Au patches may exhibit an unshifted SPR, provided their size exceeds the

SP propagation length, lpatch > Lx.

Figure 14 summarizes our studies of the HeLa cell monolayers grown on an SF-11 gold-

coated glass prism. Here we used a relatively short wavelength λ =1.6 µm. The corre-

sponding penetration depth is also small, δzd =0.7 µm (Fig. 6) but sufficient to probe the

cell’s interior. The propagation length, Lx = 46 µm (Fig. 5), exceeds the average cell size.

Figure 14 shows angular-dependent reflectivity for different cell coverages (confluences). In

the absence of cells, there is a single dip at Θsp = 53.4o that corresponds to the surface plas-


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mon resonance at the ZnS/Au/water interface. In the presence of HeLa cells, an additional

dip appears at Θsp = 55.8o that corresponds to the ZnS/Au/HeLa cell interface. The SPR

angular shift corresponds to ncell − nwater = 0.03. For high cell confluence, e.g., 80%, the

SPR from uncovered gold patches is barely seen, as expected.

2. Guided modes

Since the refractive index of cells exceeds that of the surrounding aqueous medium

(ncell > nwater), and the cell monolayer thickness is comparable to the mid-infrared

wavelength (dcell ∼ λ), the cell monolayer on gold could behave as a metal-clad optical

waveguide53. An indication of such behavior is seen in Fig. 15, which shows an SPR spec-

tra (i) for a high-confluence human MEL 1106 cell monolayer grown on an Au-coated ZnS

prism, and (ii) for the similar Au-coated prism without cells. In both cases, there is a strong

surface plasmon resonance at 3920 cm−1 (λ = 2.55 µm). For the prism with cell culture, a

short-wavelength satellite appears at 4385 cm−1 (λ = 2.28 µm). We associate this feature

with the waveguide mode propagating in the cell monolayer (Fig. 10d).

Indeed, the cut-off condition for the waveguide modes in the planar metal-clad dielectric

waveguide is3,53

k0dcell√n2cell − n2

water =(m− 1


)π, (20)

where m = 1, 2.... We substitute here nwater = 1.25, ncell − nwater = 0.03, dcell = 2 µm; for

the lowest TM1 mode we found λ0= 2.3 µm (ν = 4348 cm−1). This estimate corresponds

fairly well to our observation shown in Fig. 15. Note that the surface plasmon propagation

length at this wavelength is very long, Lx = 73 µm (Fig. 5), as expected.

C. Cell cultures studied by the SPR technique - the biology involved

1. Cholesterol in the cell membrane

We studied cholesterol penetration into the plasma membrane of the HeLa cells42 using

our FTIR-SPR technique (similar studies using SPR in the visible range were performed in

Ref.54). It is well-known that cholesterol enters mostly into the plasma membrane rather

than into cytoplasm. Therefore, to achieve high sensitivity to membrane-related events, we


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chose the near-infrared wavelength range, λsp = 1 − 1.08 µm, characterized by a relatively

low SPR penetration depth.

The HeLa cells were grown on an SF-11 glass prism coated with 35-nm-thick gold film.

The prism with cells was mounted into a flow chamber and was equilibrated in growth

medium for 5-7 minutes at 37o C. Then we added 10 mM of mβCD-chol (methyl-beta-

cyclodextrin loaded with cholesterol), which is known to enrich the cells by cholesterol.

We measured FTIR-SPR spectra before and after adding the drugs. Figure 16 shows that

after exposure to mβCD-chol, the SPR is red-shifted. This corresponds to a refractive index

increase because cholesterol has a higher refractive index than water. In contrast, when we

add to a growth solution a similar chemical, mβCD, which is not loaded with cholesterol, the

SPR is blue-shifted, which corresponds to a refractive index decrease. This is expected since

mβCD depletes plasma membranes from cholesterol. Consistent with this explanation, the

SPR reflectivity in the cholesterol-depleted state is lower than the initial SPR reflectivity.

2. Ferrotransferrin uptake

We applied our FTIR-SPR technique to study transferrin-induced clathrin-mediated en-

docytic processes that introduce Fe ions into the cell. Figure 17 shows a fluorescence image

of the Melanoma 1106 cell obtained by confocal microscopy55. The inset shows the cell

interior in black; the red areas indicate Fe penetration, and the green areas indicate extra-

cellular space. It is clearly seen that the fluorescence intensity increases and then achieves

saturation, whereas its kinetics in the peripheral part of the cell is faster than that in the

whole cell.

We studied the same process using a long-wavelength surface plasmon at λ =2.54 µm.

Its penetration depth, δzd = 1.2 µm (Fig. 6), is long enough to penetrate the cells, although

it senses mostly the cell periphery. Figure 18 shows SPR reflectivity variation upon intro-

duction of holo-Ft into the solution. The kinetics of the SPR reflectivity closely follows

the fluorescence kinetics in the cell periphery (Fig. 17), as expected. This example demon-

strates that the SPR results are consistent with the confocal microscopy observations using

fluorescent tags. The obvious advantage of the SPR technique is that it is label-free.

Interestingly, the SPR here is blue-shifted, indicating that the average refractive index

in the measured volume decreases (Fig. 18, inset). This rules out the possibility that the


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SPR shift results from accumulation of organic molecules in the cell (this would increase the

refractive index). The blue shift indicates that the cells become ”diluted”, as if the growth

solution penetrates into cells. This is consistent with the biological picture of endocytosis

that includes transferrin-induced vesicular transport.


• In the context of biosensing, the lack of convenient laser sources and of enhanced water

absorption were considered as major impediments for extending the surface plasmon

resonance technique into the mid-IR range. We demonstrated here that there are

several spectral windows, whereby clever choice of wavelength, beam collimation, angle

of incidence, and metal film thickness, the SPR technique can achieve sensitivity that

is comparable and even higher than that in the visible range.

• Surface plasmon resonance in mid-IR can be used to study cells and cell cultures. This

technique is well matched for the sensing of cells since the surface plasmon penetration

depth in the infrared range is just on the order of the cell size. This is in contrast to

the surface plasmon in the visible range, whose penetration depth is too short to probe

the processes inside the cell cytoplasm. However, to develop the FTIR-SPR technique

into a useful tool for studying cells, one must theoretically analyze surface plasmon

propagation and scattering in a cell monolayer.

• The waveguide modes in cell culture may develop into a useful tool to study cell-cell

attachment and cell adhesion to substrates.

• The most challenging task in the field of FTIR-SPR is to convert it into a spectroscopic

tool that allows measuring the FTIR absorption/dispersion spectra in the regime of

the surface plasmon resonance. The sensitivity of this technique should surpass that

of FTIR-ATR56 and allow detection of biomolecules according to their ”fingerprints”.


We are grateful to S. Shimron for preparing the cell cultures and for significantly con-

tributing to the SPR experiments associated with them, to L. Livshitz for his help in ery-


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throcyte studies, as well as to N. Melamed-Book and A. M. Weiss for confocal microscope

images and processing. This study was supported in part by the Israel Science Foundation

(Grant No. 1337/05), by Johnson & Johnson, Inc., and by a Bikura grant.


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εd′ > 0

SP waveMetal,

εm′ < 0






FIG. 1: Schematic representation of the surface plasmon (SP) propagating at the metal-dielectric

interface. δzm and δzd are penetration depths into metal and dielectric media, correspondingly; Lx

is the lateral propagation length that is determined by conductive, dielectric, and radiation losses.


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k p

k 0


θextDetectorLight source



FIG. 2: Kretschmann geometry of the surface plasmon excitation in the attenuated total reflection

regime using a high-refractive-index prism and a thin metal film. k0, kp are wave vectors in free

space and in the prism; kx is the surface plasmon wave vector. Θsp is the angle of incidence at the

prism/metal/dielectric interface that corresponds to the resonant excitation of the surface plasmon;

Θp is the angle at the base of the prism; Θext is the external angle that is determined by Θsp and

by the prism material and shape. Upon proper choice of the metal film thickness d, the resonance

reflectivity approaches zero and the off-resonance reflectivity approaches unity.


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35 40







λ=1.4 µm λ=0.633 µm


FIG. 3: Surface plasmon resonance at the Au/air interface. The SPR in the visible range was

excited using He-Ne laser and a 600 SF-10 prism coated with a 47-nm-thick Au film. The SPR

in the infrared range was excited using an FTIR spectrometer and an SF-11 right-angle prism

coated with a 30.4-nm-thick Au film. Note the wide surface plasmon resonance in the visible range

(λ = 0.633 µm) and the sharp resonance in the infrared (λ = 1.4 µm). The SPR in the visible

range is well displaced with respect to the critical angle whereas the SPR in the infrared range is

very close to the critical angle.


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( εε εε"/εε εε')



10 5 4 3 2 1

Wavelength (µµµµm)











0 2000 4000 6000 8000 1 104








Wavenumber (cm-1


FIG. 4: Upper panel: loss tangent of water. The colored areas indicate spectral windows where

water absorption is sufficiently low and the surface plasmon can be excited. Lower panel: the

continuous blue line shows the refractive index of water. Purple crosses denote the SPR angle,

Θext, for the ZnS/Au/water interface, as given by Eqs. 5,7 (right y-axis). Red circles indicate

our experimental results for a 18-nm-thick Au film. The wavelength dependence of the SPR angle

mimics the water refractive index.


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0 2 4 6 8 10








, L


( µµ µµm


lateral cell size



Wavelength (µµµµm)








FIG. 5: The open circles denote surface plasmon propagation length, Lx, at the ZnS/Au/water

interface, as given by Eq. 13 for the optimal Au film thickness. The dash-dotted blue line denotes

surface plasmon wavelength, λsp. The colored areas indicate spectral windows where SPR can be

excited (see Fig. 4). In the ”allowed” spectral windows (0.5-3 µm and 3.3-6 µm) Lx > λsp, whereas

in the ”forbidden” windows (3-3.3 µm and above 6 µm), Lx ≤ λsp. The dashed line denotes lateral

cell size. When surface plasmon propagates through the cell monolayer grown on gold, it senses

either single cells (spectral windows of 0.5-1 µm and 4.5-6 µm -see Fig. 10e) or some effective

medium consisting of cells and growth solution (spectral windows of 1-2.7 µm and 3.5-4.5 µm)


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1 10


Wavelength (µµµµm)






th, δδ δδ

zd (µµ µµ


membrane thickness

cell height

Wavenumber (cm-1



FIG. 6: Surface plasmon penetration depth into biolayer (aqueous solution) as defined by Eq. 12.

The colored areas show spectral windows where SPR at the Au-water interface can be excited. In

studying cell monolayers, it is important to compare penetration depth (open circles), cell height,

and membrane thickness (dashed lines). Penetration of the short-wavelength surface plasmon by

short wavelengths into the cells is strongly limited; hence, it is mostly sensitive to events related to

the cell membrane. The long-wavelength surface plasmon penetrates deeper into cells and senses

the whole cell volume.


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0 5000 1 104

1.5 104








Wavenumber (cm-1


∆Θ div


∆Θ div


Au Au/water

10 5 4 3 2 1 0.70.9 0.8

Wavelength (µµµµm)








0 5000 1 104

1.5 104



mal (



νννν (cm-1



FIG. 7: Surface plasmon resonance width for the ZnS/Au/water interface. The lines show SPR

width, as determined by the absorption in water and in Au and by the coupling (radiation) losses,

as predicted by Eq. 16. The continuous red line denotes zero beam divergence and the dash-dotted

blue line denotes a beam divergence of 10. The dashed red line indicates the prediction of Eq.

14, assuming negligible losses in water. In all calculations, we assumed that the Au film thickness

is optimal, i.e., it satisfies the critical coupling condition at a given wavelength. The inset shows

the optimal Au film thickness that was determined from numerical simulations based on Fresnel

reflectivity formulae. Blue circles indicate our experimental results obtained with a 14-nm-thick

Au film. The beam divergence was ∆Θdiv = 0.80.


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0 5000 1 104

1.5 104





∆Θ div


∆Θ div


∆Θ div



10 5 4 3 2 1 0.70.9 0.8

Wavelength (µµµµm)

Wavenumber (cm-1


FIG. 8: The open circles denote the calculated sensitivity of the SPR technique, Sbulk = ∂R/∂n,

for different beam divergences, as defined by Eq. 18 and Fig. 4. The lines guide the eye. (Our

calculation does not extend into spectral region between 7670 cm−1 and 9670 cm−1 owing to

uncertainty in the optical parameters of Au arising from the mismatch between two data sets50.)

Sensitivity in mid-infrared is higher than that in the visible range.


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0 5000 1 104

1.5 104



r( µµ µµm



Wavenumber (cm-1


10 5 4 3 2 1 0.70.9 0.8

Wavelength (µµµµm)




FIG. 9: Sensitivity of the SPR technique for a thin layer with thickness much smaller than the SP

penetration depth, as defined by Eq. 19 and Fig. 4. The number at each curve indicates beam

divergence. The maximum sensitivity is achieved for λ ∼ 0.8 µm.


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suspension(a) (b)


(e) (f)



cell monolayer







cell monolayer







FIG. 10: Surface plasmon propagation in biological samples. (a) Thick biolayer (solution or bulk

sample). Surface plasmon decays within this layer and is not sensitive to anything beyond it. (b)

Cell suspension, for example, erythrocytes. Surface plasmon partially or fully penetrates into cells

that are close to the metal. SP can be used to study these cells provided the SP penetration depth

is comparable to the cell size. (c) A very thin biolayer in contact with metal (membrane, adsorbed

molecules). To study such thin layers, the SP penetration depth should be short enough. (d) A

biolayer of intermediate thickness in contact with metal. Here, in addition to the exponentially

decaying SP wave, the guided modes can be excited as well. These waveguide modes have sinusoidal

field distribution inside the layer and may be advantageous for layer characterization. (e) Cell

culture grown on metal. The SP propagation length is smaller than the lateral cell size. The

reflectivity in the SPR regime represents a sum of the contributions of individual cells. (f) SP

propagation length exceeds lateral cell size. The SP probes an ”effective medium” consisting of

cells and extracellular space.


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ZnS prism



growth medium

flow chamberou






Au film

grid polarizer







FIG. 11: The FTIR-SPR setup. The infrared beam from the FTIR spectrometer is collimated by

two parabolic mirrors, M1 and M2, and a pinhole. The collimated beam is polarized by the grid

polarizer, it passes through the ZnS prism, and is reflected from its base. The reflected beam is

focused by the parabolic mirror, M3, on the MCT detector. The base of the prism is Au-coated

and it is in contact with the flow chamber. The samples can be of two kinds: (i) a biosolution in

the flow chamber, or (ii) a biological membrane or cell monolayer grown directly on the base of the

Au-coated prism. In the latter case, the flow chamber is filled with growth medium.


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0 2000 4000 6000 8000 1 104

1.2 104




y (




Wavenumber (cm-1


10 5 4 3 2 11.5 0.9

Wavelength (µµµµm)


water +1wt.% D-glucose




0.01 0.1 1

∆∆ ∆∆R





4300 4350



∆∆ ∆∆R

FIG. 12: Reflectivity from the ZnS/Au/water interface (black dots). The gold film thickness is

13 nm, and the incident angle is Θext = 21o. The red dots denote the corresponding results for 1

wt.% of D-glucose solution in water. The surface plasmon resonance for the Au/water interface is

manifested by a pronounced dip at 4334 cm−1. Addition of 1 wt.% of D-glucose shifts this dip to

4310 cm−1. A secondary dip at 1780 cm−1 is a long-wavelength surface plasmon; the features at

5145 cm−1 and at 6900 cm−1 indicate the water absorption peaks. The inset shows that ∆R at

4600 cm−1 (this wavenumber corresponds to the slope of the surface plasmon resonance and the

reflectivity here is extremely sensitive to slight variations in the refractive index) linearly depends

on the D-glucose concentration. The slope of this linear dependence yields a bulk sensitivity,

Sbulk = dR/dn=75 RIU−1.


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0 1 2 3 4 5

15 mM

10 mM

5 mM

0 mM

20 mM

Time (min.)

∆∆ ∆∆R





2500 2550 2600

t=1 min.

t=5 min.

∆∆ ∆∆R



cgl=10 mM

FIG. 13: Glucose uptake by erythrocyte suspension. We used here a long-wavelength surface

plasmon at λ ≈ 4 µm and a 12-nm-thick Au film in order to achieve a sufficiently high penetration

depth, δzd = 4.5 µm, which is comparable to the typical erythrocyte diameter. The left-hand inset

schematically shows surface plasmon penetration into erythrocytes. The right-hand inset shows

the SPR reflectivity from the erythrocyte suspension before and after exposure to 10 mM of D-

glucose. The SPR minimum shifts with time to longer wavelengths (red-shift), indicating glucose

uptake by erythrocytes. The open symbols in the main panel indicate SPR reflectivity change (at

a fixed wavelength) for erythrocyte suspension in the PBS buffer with different concentrations of

D-glucose. Upon addition of D-glucose, ∆R increases and achieves saturation. Continuous lines

indicate exponential fit, ∆R ∝ (1− e−αt), whereas the rate α increases with glucose concentration.

The orange crosses indicate the results of another experiment where cells were exposed to solution

containing 20 mM D-glucose supplemented with 20 µM of the GLUT-1 inhibitor, cytochalasin B

(CB). As expected, a negligible reflectivity variation was observed in the presence of the inhibitor.


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50 52 54 56 58 60











λ=1.6 µm



FIG. 14: Angular dependence of the surface plasmon resonance from the HeLa cell monolayers

with different cell coverage (confluence). We used here an SF-11 right-angle glass prism coated

with a 35-nm-thick Au film. In the absence of cells, there is a single SPR minimum at Θext = 53.4o

that corresponds to the reflectivity from the ZnS/Au/water interface. In the presence of cells, an

additional SPR dip appears at 55.8o that corresponds to the reflectivity from the ZnS/Au/cells

interface. The angular shift between these two minima yields the refractive index difference, ncell−

nwater = 0.03. At high cell confluence (80%), the SPR signal from the cells is dominant.


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4000 6000 8000 1 104








Wavenumber (cm-1


no cells

cell layer



guided mode

FIG. 15: Reflectivity in the SPR regime for a Melanoma 1106-cell culture in MEM growth solution

(upper curve, Θ = 19.5o), and growth solution without cells (lower curve, Θ = 18.6o). The upper

curve is displaced upwards for clarity. Note the main SPR dip at 3920 cm−1 in both curves and

a satellite dip at 4385 cm−1 in the upper curve. We associate this dip with the TE0 waveguide

mode propagating in the cell monolayer.


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0 10 20 30 40 50

∆∆ ∆∆νν νν



Time (min.)




mβCD-Chol mβCDwash

20.4 mL/g 24.9 mL/g 9.9 mL/g

λ=1.08 µm

red s



e s


FIG. 16: Surface plasmon resonance shift upon cholesterol enrichment/depletion of HeLa cell

membranes. The drawings schematically show cholesterol molecules in the cell membrane (gray

ovals); the numbers below the drawings indicate cholesterol concentration in the membrane, as was

determined biochemically on analogous cell cultures. In order to be sensitive to membrane-related

processes, the SPR measurements were performed at a short wavelength, λ = 1.08 µm, to ensure

short penetration depth, δzd = 0.36 µm (see Fig. 6). At t = 0 we injected 10 µM of mβCD-

chol solution. The SPR becomes red-shifted, as expected, since the accumulation of cholesterol

molecules with a high refractive index in the cell membrane increases the average refractive index.

At t =15 min, the cells were washed with plain medium for 5 min and then 3 µM mβCD solution

was added. The SPR became blue-shifted since this drug depletes cell membranes from cholesterol

in such a way that the average refractive index in the SPR-sensed region decreases.


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0 5 10 15




ce i



y (




Time (min.)

whole cell

cell periphery

FIG. 17: Cell fluorescence resulting from the Rhodamine-tagged ferrotransferrin (Ft)penetration

into cells. The red circles represent the peripheral region of the cell, whereas the green triangles

denote the fluorescence from the whole cell. Note the fast fluorescence kinetics in the peripheral

regions of the cell, as compared with the slow kinetics in the whole cell. The inset shows the

confocal microscope image of a single cell under partial penetration of the ferrotransferrin.


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0 5 10 15

∆∆ ∆∆ R

Time (min.)

no cells

cell monolayer







4300 4350 4400


t=15 min.

FIG. 18: Reflectivity variation in the SPR regime following the introduction of holo-

Ferrotransferrin. The open circles indicate the results for the ZnS/Au/growth solution interface

when there is no cell culture. Here, introduction of the holo-Ft does not result in significant

changes in reflectivity, indicating negligible holo-Ft adsorption on the Au surface. The filled circles

indicate a holo-Ft-induced reflectivity change from the ZnS/Au/Mel 1006/water interface. There

is pronounced SPR shift that closely follows the kinetics of fluorescence from the peripheral parts

of the cells. The inset shows that the SPR in this case is blue-shifted.


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