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Copyright Ađalsteinn Eaglehawk 2013

PrefaceThis book is written in simple English and then translated automatically

into your language. Please excuse grammar and other errors.Cover photo (Creative Commons License) adapted from:

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The Evolution of Thought

15 May 2013I had a dream last night in which Jesus came beside me as I was laying under the stars in a place called Esperance. There were two small fires

either side of me to keep warm, as with a big fire you could not get close to. Jesus took from my nap sack several books written by me and threw

them into the fire. Then he sighed and walked away, joyful and laughing to himself.

I got up and looked at the fire and said, “Well, this will keep me warm for the rest of the night.”

However I noticed that the books did not burn, rather they gathered together into one and jumped out of the fire. It was one large book and

each page was made of flame and had letters of flame. A flame leapt at me and I caught fire. The pain was intense and I cried out. As I did so fire shot

from my mouth and devoured everything in its path. The fire from me leapt into the sky and seemed to dance across the sky and the stars themselves moved and formed letters and words that spelled out,

“Aðalsteinn, your imagination is the curse of the world.”

There was a great bang and the fires spread over the world and cities fell, followed by nations. Finally the Earth itself and all upon it was burnt up, consumed, turned into a red globe and exploded into the universe. I found

however that I was still asleep on the ground. Then a hand touched me upon the shoulder saying, “Wake up Aðalsteinn, it's time for you to write.”

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I asked, “What shall I write?”The lord replied, “Exactly what I tell you.”

I looked up at the stars again but the sky was not on fire. However, all the stars fell and the world seemed to disappear and there was nothing but

darkness. I could not even see myself. Then a single word of light formed in the darkness. It is the one word from this dream I am not permitted to


I had some apocalyptic dreams over the last few months and as they were not clear revelations but riddles I was rather perplexed as to what to do with them. A few of them I used as the basis for this book. On the dates given in this story I had dreams which are the basis for chapters in this book – except for the last date of June 13 – it was really May 13. Since

they were riddles I decided to use them as an allegory.

I decided not to interpret the symbolic aspects of the dreams or to comment on the fact that God kept speaking directly in these dreams. If

you are interested in dream interpretation or in spiritual dreams this book may interest you.

Evolving consciousness involves catalysts to seeking God for a higher form of divine expression within the soul. You may wonder if I actually

believe the Holy Spirit was communicating with me about a coming disaster for mankind: If I really believe in my own dreams. I believe in

nothing. There is only God, all else is a shadow.

If you know anything about apes you know they are very intelligent and in some ways far more advanced than Man. Their ability to recognise and

remember detailed configurations of shapes is far and above the ability of

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Man. The speed with which they process such information is too. We have, most of us, hair on the top of our bodies but far less hair over our bodies. We are a kind of deforested ape. This is because some of our

ancestors long ago were all covered in hair. That branch of the human race died out leaving only the smooth skins.

In this book an ape encounters aliens that are very ape like but far in advance of Mankind. Both the ape and the aliens are rather contemptuous

of Man. God, as the Lord of this higher race appears in that form to honour the super-simians and his prophet. If this were insulting to God it would be even more insulting to appear in the lower form of a man... or a


Jesus spoke in parables and a donkey once spoke to a prophet in a man's voice. Here in this story an ape speaks in a man's voice like a prophet.

It is a dismal, horrible story, as wildly imagined things that deal with spiritual parables often are. It is absolutely truthful on one level and

absolutely unreal on another. In it is hidden all kinds of metaphors and comments upon the pride of Man and human folly, our place in the

universe and the nature of meaning.



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Chapter OneApril 12 2013

Revelation chapter 4:5-5:4

From the throne came out flashes of lightning and roaring and crashes of thunder. Seven flaming torches, which are the seven

spirits of God, were burning in front of the throne and in front of the throne was something like a sea of glass, like crystal. In the

middle of the throne and around the throne were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back.

The first living creature was like a lion, the second creature like an ox, the third creature had a face like a man’s, and the fourth

creature looked like an eagle flying.Each one of the four living creatures had six wings and was full of eyes all around and inside. They never rest day or night, saying:

“Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God, the All-Powerful, Who was and who is, and who is still to come!”

And whenever the living creatures give glory, honor, and thanks to the one who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the

twenty-four elders throw themselves to the ground before the one who sits on the throne and worship the one who lives forever and

ever, and they offer their crowns before his throne, saying: “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, since you created all things, and because of your will

they existed and were created!”Then I saw in the right hand of the one who was seated on the

throne a scroll written on the front and back and sealed with seven seals. And I saw a powerful angel proclaiming in a loud voice:

“Who is worthy to open the scroll and to break its seals?” But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to

open the scroll or look into it.

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So I began weeping bitterly because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or to look into it. (NET)

Robert had been sitting and watching his granddaughter play with a stick as if it were a baby. She cuddled it and stroked it and loved it too. It never

occurred to Robert that his granddaughter was being conditioned by a patriarchal society to be a domestic, child rearing slave. He didn’t think like that at all. He was thinking of taking the stick and playing with it

himself but he was tired and old and just grunted. Robert got his name at the zoo he lived in when he was very small, before being sent to the

Medical Research Station, where he had lived with his family most of his life in a stretch of jungle that was quite wide. If they ever needed him they could find him by the electronic probe that had been inserted into his left

ear years earlier.

Robert got up, strolled over to his granddaughter and spoke to her in Ape. This speech consisted not merely of a number of sounds that had been

recorded by the scientists but also very subtle eye movements and expressions, slight movements of hands and feet and tilts of the head;

rocking, leaning, turning of the head and much else -all of it that could and would one day be translated into English by scientists when they finally

discovered what apes were really up to!

It was precisely at the moment that Robert relaxed against a tree and his granddaughter threw her baby away and ran off that Robert changed

forever, 'in the twinkling of an eye.' He felt some strange power flow into him through the tree but it had come, he could tell, from the sky above – from a Great Ape who lived in the clouds – or so it seemed to Robert. He felt extraordinarily happy and indeed much younger than he had for years,

just like we do when we are touched by the Spirit of God – don't we?

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Chapter TwoApril 13 2013

In the deep of the dark Jungle in Zaire near the Medical Research Station the aged ape by the name of Robert sat and stared. There was

nothing unusual about him at all. Until just recently.

In the deep of the night Robert had a vision:As a result of his baptism in the Spirit, at 2 after midnight Robert was wide awake and full of energy. He suddenly became very self aware and filled with love toward – all things; the insects, the stars and to God. He looked

heavenward and then straight ahead. What he then saw amazed him.

There in the jungle crawling out of the gates of the Medical Research Station, with two scientists in his mouth, was a great black dragon! Robert beat his chest and cast dust into the air in indignation. The Dragon sneezed and dropped the scientists on the ground who were both dead. The Dragon coughed and then grew bigger. He coughed again and grew great talons. Then he coughed a third time and grew to such a size that nothing could beat him. As he coughed the third time green, slimy, puss came from his

nose and mouth and blood followed in a gush. It only seemed to make the Dragon stronger. The Dragon spoke, “I was once the Common Cold but

the scientists have enhanced me! My new name is Cold Death!”

He watched the great dragon roaming around African nations and chewing up and spitting out dead bodies. It moved from nation to nation and from place to place until there were mountains of bodies – all over the place.

They were being cleared from buildings and cities and some were being burned. Men were covered in plastic overalls and their faces were covered

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to protect them.

A darkness came over the land like a great dark cloud blocking out the sun. There were screams that turned into booms that turned into words saying: “Mankind has sinned and the most High will exact retribution.”

The voice was like thunder and as the peoples of the world heard it they began to tremble in fear, saying, “Where can we flee to from the wrath of

God? Who can save us?”

The darkness stretched around the earth and then was dispersed by the light of the sun. As it passed the dead were buried and all the peoples of

the world were in mourning.

Before he came from his visionary trance God said to his spirit, “Robert, write what you will write and believe what you will believe. It is just a vision but a vision from God can be stronger than all the reality of this


Robert remembered the vision for a short while when he came to himself and was very agitated but gradually his mind could no longer hold what he had seen and soon it was so vague and inconsequential and he was just as

he was before.

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Chapter ThreeApril 22 2013

Robert was eating ants on a stick and was very happy. For a while he looked at them as they were oblivious to their coming oblivion. Suddenly a great power came over him. He was transfixed as he had another vision:In this vision Robert was flying over trees and houses and over all of his

country until he came to the coast. He then flew out over the coast to America, the U.S.A.

Robert landed on the shores of New York City by the water and near the wharfs. For hours and hours Robert walked around saying, “Soon this

river will be filled with the dead.”A booming voice from Heaven replied, “Robert, your prophecies are for

yourself and your visions are for yourself until the time comes when I will raise you up as a beacon to the nations. Until that time remain silent.”

He continued to walk around the run down areas of NYC and Robert could see where the bodies would be piled up and burned. He saw how some houses would be burnt down for sanitation. The wailing of the bereaved was loud and uncontrollable. Many were cursing God on high saying,

“Our church believed in you and you have killed us all!”, or “Atheism has proved there is no God!”

The Christians gathered in vigils and prayed and some of them were pelted with stones and others run over by cars. The leaders of the church publicly

called for order and respect – until the TV station went off air and fear gripped the land.

Before Robert awoke from his reverie a voice said, “You may share with

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few if those few can be silent.”

Robert awoke and went to tell his family but before he could speak to them he found he wanted to go and run and up and down in the jungle and he

did. He forgot the vision.

Later as Robert lay upon a trampoline kindly provided for him and staring at the sky he began to see what to his mind was perfectly real but was in

fact :

Another visionA mountain lioness from the U.S.A had flown with great wings like an

eagle to Robert in Zaire and fluttered down in his jungle. He was lying on a trampoline.

The Lioness named America looked around and asked, “This is your property?”

Robert replied, “Woman, I am a communist. I own no private property!” Then he laughed at the look upon her face. At this the Lioness burst into

tears. Her skin turned black, her eyeballs turned black and she was covered all in darkness. The darkness swept across the jungle, over the trampoline and enshrouded Robert completely. They were alone in utter darkness but

great booming voices, menacing and evil were all around.

Robert cried out, “America, you no longer have a choice! Come to me.”With all her might she pushed out her wings and managed to jump onto the

trampoline. He put the palm of his hand over her face. She screamed in agony and when Robert took his palm away a single jewel was in the

middle of her forehead. It was made of light.

America then spoke with two voices, that of a girl-cub and that of an old woman lioness, saying, “I am the darkness of Hell who was kept so that I

might belong to you– but Robert I must go to Hell. Will you take me

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Robert wept but he held her very tight and commanded the ground to open and carried the Lioness down swiftly to the Lake of Fire. He cast Her into the Lake of Fire where she writhed and screamed, crying, “Robert, I can't

take it, I can't take it!”

He replied, “It's alright my Lioness, this is only a vision. When we awake you will always be safe from the darkness and from the coming storm that will enshroud the world in darkness – so too your daughter Bermuda. Be at peace, since as you have made friends with me, God will spare you from

the terrible wrath and darkness. Darkness that will devour well over a hundred million of mankind. But know this, you will see suffering such as

you cannot imagine and your faith will be tested. I will come to you in spirit, and even though you will not feel my presence, I will drive from

you the disease that will eat away -even at Monmouth and half of Mississippi.”

America arose from the darkness weeping tears of fire and uttering strange words from a stranger language. Soon she forgot everything that had

happened to her. America found herself by Robert's side – took a letter from his hand and posted it for him when she arrived home in Monmouth.

Robert came out of his trance- woke up – or seemed to and America and her daughter Bermuda were standing over him saying together, “You old

fool! Why do you take everything so seriously?” They laughed so hard they cried, but Robert noticed the Lioness's tears were made of droplets of pure fire. There were bloody stumps where

wings had been ripped out. Robert wanted to go to the scientists and ask them to help the lioness. Before he could do so he forgot all about her and

began to groom one of his younger relatives.

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Robert remained in a visionary trance and he then wanted to be alone as he was in a mood. As he was thinking about his children he felt like he was

flying but he was in:

Another vision:Robert had flown back from NYC and was singing as he was flying,

“Where have all the people gone, people who were bold and strong? Have they gone to lie in death or flown to Heaven above? Where are all those

people now, some so angry, some so proud? Where are all the people that said, “Jesus is false and God is dead”?”

He sat at home in the jungle in front of his wordprocessor. He wrote a long letter to Barack Obama in nineteenth century English in which he said:“Sir, it is my most humble contention, that since you the President have trouble believing in the gospel – when you have yet avowed your faith

nether-the-less; why is it so strange then that a once Christian people, Sir, are lying still on roadsides and in abandoned houses?...

...For if there is not a God why then is there wrath? This, Sir, is my contention and that Sir is your inheritance and the testament to your


The letter then went off into some kind of strange language written in very strange symbols. They were suggestive of other worlds and other beings

who are observers to the drama that is life on Earth.

Then Robert printed the letter on old style parchment and put it in an envelope. He sealed that with a seal of melted wax – that contained the

image of an eaglehawk. Robert gave the letter to America who was laughing and singing and seemingly oblivious to him and everything he had written. Oblivious also to the fact that she was not in America. She

posted the letter and the vision ended. Yet Robert remained in his

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visionary reverie.

A hand shook Robert's shoulder and he woke up. It was the Lord Jesus and Robert exclaimed, “Finally you have come to me in the flesh!”

He answered, “No Robert, you are gravely mistaken. This is simply a vision. You are a visionary. Where then is the voice I created for you to

speak with?”

Robert tried to answer but could not do so, so he ran up and down and made all kinds of ape noises but none of them were the speech the Lord

wanted to hear.

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Chapter Four April 23

Robert lay on a stainless steel table in the Station. An odd contraption was placed over his head but suddenly he found he entered a visionary state.

He was:

In the deep deep darkness of the deep deep deep. He walked along a river bank in Zaire and the dolphins were jumping into

the sky and gliding through the grey water. Some called to him sarcastically and scolded him saying, “We remembered a boy for whom

the fish danced and sang for joy.”He replied, “I Remembered I was dead. Remembered I was alive.

Remembered I was dead. Remembered I was alive. Remembered I was dead.”

They laughed at him and spat water at him. Robert ran up and down the bank screeching and throwing dust and sticks. He stopped short and

shouted at the dolphins, “Remember me for I swear I will rip and I will tear. I will expose your unborn child. I swear all flesh will tremble and

women will be scared. All men will stutter and children stare. As they cry out I will double their fear! Cursed are the fish and cursed the sky. Cursed

is the mountain with the glare of God's grey eye. Cursed are men and cursed are beasts. Saints alone shall rest in peace!”

Robert did not like water, he had always been suspicious of it, as it wasn't solid and he did not trust it. As he was thinking this he felt with his hand a large stone. He laughed at the dolphins and picking up the stone he hurled it at their chief who dived into the water but the stone hit him behind his dorsal fin. It shattered his spine, so that he floated on top of the water.

Robert cried out again but this time no words were heard just a roaring and

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sounds of thunder as fire flew from his mouth. The fire ate up all the water and the fish in all the seas. It covered the dry land and turned all to cinders and ash. The fury within him would not cease. So he prayed to God to give

him another voice and God said, “Enough Robert, cease your fury. If I answer your prayer all the world will be destroyed!”

Robert walked home through crowds of people and no one knew that these things were about to occur. No one knew that within his spirit God dwelt

like a raging fire ready to turn the world and all in it to ash.

Looking up he noticed the angels who sang and laughed. These were the very angels the dolphins had mocked him with. They flew down.

Everywhere men fled in terror. The angels sang together: “These beautiful words that we sing cannot be remembered in this dream. Only your spirit

will know the truth. The little you write will be your proof.”They headed back to Heaven like a cyclone of ascending light.

All the sky was bright, all the people were cheerful. Behind their happy faces Robert could see the masks of death. Many, very many would fall

like flies. These were the human visitors since in his part of the jungle God would not send punishment on apes – just as he did not send the

judgements of Egypt upon Moses and the children of Israel.

Awaking from his visionary trance Robert suddenly found he was on the stainless steel table in the Medical Research Station. A female human said

to him, “That was a very interesting side effect – My goodness!”

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Chapter FiveApril 24

Robert was kept in the Medical Research Station for observation. He sat in a room with some fluffy toys and various wooden, and rather colourful

shapes. As well as some ropes and some boxes. He tried to call out to the haematologist in English but could only manage, “Fly.”

As they left for lunch chatting about the strange coincidence but more likely imitation of speech, Robert was alone and he entered a visionary


Robert had these visions:In the vision he woke up and sitting by his foot was the Holy Spirit and

Robert said, “This is just another vision isn't it?”He replied, “Robert, these visions are merely the testing and training of

your spirit. It matters not whether all or nothing in them is fulfilled as far as the visions are concerned. As in themselves they are neither great nor important. What is important is to train your mind and heart and spirit to discern the thoughts of God in your visions. So that in having spiritual

visions you will have reliable revelation of things to come. I say it again these visions are simply to train and prepare your spirit...

...Deep within your spirit you have sensed for some time that there will be a great plague that kills multitudes of humans. Perhaps it is just this feeling

in your spirit that combined with your creative imagination had created these visions. Also as you know you have prayed that I would speak to you

more frequently, face to face and in clear words in your visions. So you see your prayer has been answered...

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...When and if these revelations come true I will begin to give you more important revelations until you have the gift of discerning what is literal and reliable. Also knowing those things that I will cause to come to pass. You will achieve this one day, sooner or perhaps later. As you do I also will begin to appear to you on a regular basis in which we shall converse

freely. The questions you ask me will determine to a large extent the Christianity that I will create over the next hundred years. As you relate my answers to the believing people of this world. Rest in peace and soon

you will have another vision.”

Robert came out of his vision. The scientists returned from lunch and decided to record Robert in his pen. To their surprise Robert became

perfectly still and stared into space, but often expressions of deep emotion were upon his face.

Robert soon had this vision:He was standing in Greenwich Park near the old observatory and looking

down upon the River Thames. Its embankment lined with bonfires. Especially in the run down areas there were more bonfires and these were

where the dead were being burned. Afterwards they put the ashes into bags and threw them onto the barges. It was almost as if the fire that had been

upon the Cutty Sark vessel a few years ago had prophesied this.

Near the Greenwich University building where they filmed parts of Les Miserable´ a similar crowd of 'revolutionaries' were gathered to the one in the movie. They began burning the historic buildings. Later a great crowd gathered and marched toward Deptford and on the way they killed, looted or destroyed whatever they wanted. They came smack up against the army

who without a moment’s warning began to machine gun them down, including women and children. Their bodies were added to the ones who

were being thrown onto the barges and taken to the rubbish dumps.

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Robert soared into the sky and flew to the wealthy suburbs of London over some of the run down council estates and districts. Places like Peckham and New Cross. At the wealthy end of town the army had cordoned off

these areas and patrolled day and night to save them from looters. However thousands upon thousands of bodies were still being carried

away in plastic bags and placed upon trucks. These were driven into the countryside to be put into ditches.

On the roofs of the taller buildings around London the army had positioned snipers who would pick off any member of the public they even suspected might cause trouble. Robert was looking at a large electronic billboard that

was broadcasting the news. A BBC reporter was saying how the new Military Government had managed to restore order to most parts of

London. Yet, in Brixton and near Leyton rioters were raping, looting and murdering anyone with food and anyone in uniform.

Suddenly a person burst in on the reporter who was shot in the side of the head and slumped over his desk. The masked assassin screamed

profanities into the camera which was turned around to reveal a newsroom under siege by bandits. With the live feed rolling they shot everyone in the

room and then began to broadcast their own news.

Their leader, without taking off his scarf from his face and in a typical London accent said, “The People's Revolutionary Party will seize the ports

and take control of the main roads so that food may be distributed to the people. Not just the rich parasites and scum bags of the ruling class.”

They showed footage of troops abandoning their posts and of government officials fleeing London. They also had tanks and arms they had taken

from the army. As well as thousands of army personnel who had swapped to their side. Then the screen went off air.

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After this some jets bombed London, including as Robert could see the BBC. Also they bombed a huge crowd of revolutionaries in Trafalgar

Square. On roofs however some anti aircraft missiles were fired downing these jets and causing the others to fly off. Then the crowds rushed to

Buckingham Palace. They burnt it to the ground.

Robert went inside and was sad at all the great art that had been destroyed. People were talking about how the Queen had fled a few days earlier to

France. New reports or rather rumours came in however that in Paris similar things were happening. A second revolution had been proclaimed.

Then it was reliably reported that when the French revolutionaries found Prince Philip he was shot in public. Later the Queen was found dead of an overdose of pills. Her body was dragged along the streets by ropes until

she was thrown into the Seine with lots of other bodies. Then there was a huge atomic blast in Paris. The vision ended it seemed. Robert had an

impression that this vision was not to be taken literally- but then he heard a terrible scream. He could hear the screams of millions of dead and dying.

In a moment Robert jumped out of his visionary reverie and screeched a

shrill, piercing, scream that made everyone in the Medical Research Station jump with fright.

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Chapter SixApril 25

2 Peter 2:16

...A dumb donkey, speaking with a human voice, restrained the prophet’s madness. NET

An animal behaviourist had flown in from South Africa to see Robert. He was amazed that Robert seemed to be exhibiting human tendencies. Such

as whistling and watching carefully the scientists. So it seemed that he was observing them rather than they he.

As the behaviourist leant upon the glass of Robert's pen Robert came up to him and put his hand upon the glass. Looking deeply into his eyes Robert

wept. Then he sat down, cuddled his knees and seemed again to go off into a still, silent reverie:

Robert had this vision:He was standing again on Greenwich Park atop the hill by the observatory

and again he saw some of the scenes he had seen. This time an angel accompanied him and explained everything:

The angel said, “There will be no atomic blast in Paris since in your spirit you are grieved and so the God of Heaven has ordained that this shall not

come to pass. All else in the vision about London was merely like an episode of a TV show. Yet, this is the truth: As some TV shows have

parallels in real life so too this vision and those previous to it will have some parallels in life...

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...This year is 2013 and it will not be a great year of trauma for the world. By next year a menacing evil, represented by the plague, will enshroud the world in darkness. It is your duty to find out what this evil really is. To see the Lord face to face and speak to him ape to man. So that you may know

the secrets of the Most High.”

That was the end of that particular vision but Robert remained in a visionary trance. While he meditated on his vision the angel kept speaking

to him. He said:“The parable of the rich man and Lazarus was not a parable. These vision-

parables are not parables. The evil will be worse than this plague. What happened in Paris in the vision will give you a clue...

...As you have been thinking, if what happened in Paris is not to be and this is a clue then perhaps nothing is to be that is in these visions. Perhaps all is just your spirit exercising its increasing power over your soul?...Only

when the Lord appears to you will you know the truth.”

Robert woke up from his trance and made breakfast and then he realised that he was not in his jungle and therefore had not really woken up. The

angel appeared and said:

“Robert, tell no one: Robert, send these visions to no one: Robert, die.”

“I think I am beginning to understand”, Robert said. “All is possible; all are scenarios of a possible future. How much can I turn away?”

The angel replied, “I will reduce the number of the dead from 1000,000,000 down to 750,000,000. If you pray with all your heart I will

reduce the number further. The judgement can never be completely overthrown as it is the measure of Gods' wrath. The world is wicked and

God is making up his accounts. Payment will be made in children, in

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husbands and wives and in great suffering. Greater than the world has known since medieval times....

...Robert, what does it mean when I say you can tell no one?”Robert replied, “It means I can tell no carnal person but I may tell the


He said, “You see your visions coolly and cautiously and you do not believe in them. You view your fiery heart with your icy mind. Others who are not spiritual will be terrified by such visions. These are not revelations

or warnings. These are secrets and riddles only those who are truly spiritual can appreciate or cope with. Has it occurred to you that if people

believed such things they might commit suicide?”He answered, “The thought had not entered my mind – but of course this thought has entered my mind now in the darkness of this dark and awful

night.”The angel said, “Yes, we are one. Do you know who I am?”Robert answered, “Of course it is plain to me who you are...”

The angel then took Robert up to Heaven where he sat before God (like a child) upon the amethyst floor before his throne. After a while the Father spoke saying, “I am God almighty but on Earth I am a joke and a curse. You too have shared in my ignominy and so Robert I will tell you soon what is and is not metaphor. What is and what is not truth. What is and what is not to be. Love your wife and cherish your children. Soon many

will have no wives and no children. The world will wail and my vengeance will be satisfied.”

The angel brought Robert back to earth but not to his home. It was to where he lived in a zoo when he was small. He took Robert to the

playground that once was. Robert saw his younger self spinning around on the roundabout trying to pick up pop sticks.

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The angel asked, “Do you remember this day?”“Yes, I remember.”, Robert replied.

The angel said, “We are here in spirit. This is not merely a vision. God chose you when you were small and through you he will make the world spin! I will now return you home. These apocalyptic visions and riddles

will end and truth will begin to shine. When it does you will weep rivers of tears. I will comfort you. I will make you great and because of your words

many will believe in God and be eternally saved. Peace.”

In the Medical Research Station the Behaviourist was saying, “Robert must have an extraordinary I.Q.. We should test his genes to see if he is in

fact a variation of his species. This could be a great breakthrough.” Robert had come out of his visionary trance and there was a great

pounding on the glass. Robert Screamed, “Let me out! Let me out!”The behaviourist's jaw dropped and then he fell to the floor. He was sitting in the most abstract fashion and speechless. No one did anything – other than panic. So Robert exited the pen via the air conditioning vent, which

he ripped out and then smashed his way out of the roof.

He was in his own jungle and went about his business. His spirit had changed and his faith was growing. The peace of God was flowing around his soul like an ocean, amen. To Robert's great surprise he found he was

not like he was after the other visions when he returned to simply being an ordinary ape. He remained cognisant and was singing a song to God. He

could talk, he could sing and he could dance! He went straight away to the town and called a press conference.

By the Providence of God Robert as neither captured nor harmed. A great crowd gathered. Robert related his visions and claimed that he had not

only been baptised in the Holy Spirit but was now sinless. Not that he had

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ever really sinned since for his faults he was never considered accountable to God.

There were many people at the press conference screaming and crying as they heard the terrible things the ape had said about the coming plague. So the leaders among the people took it into their heads to calm things down. They would do this mainly by undermining Robert and what he had said.

An example to be followed in general later.

There was an outspoken journalist from Kenya who simply said, “If there are those who are planning to use biological weapons and perhaps extract billions of dollars from world governments then what better way than to

have a religious ape speaking to the gullible in apocalyptic terms? You are all so amazed that he speaks but have you examined him up close? Has his DNA been tested? This is an obvious fraud. It is a clever fraud I admit but

no rational person would believe it...”

He continued for some time in the same vein while Robert was silent. When the crowds looked at Robert to reply he said to the reporter with prophetic insight, “The fraud is you! You have been reporting for some time on the Medical Research Station where I lived. In glowing terms singing their praises. You know they have been experimenting on my family and I. You know they tested several viruses on me, ageing me

before my time... They could not with all their science make me talk. They have been manipulating the common cold virus-”

“So you seek revenge!” cried the reporter. It was the beginning of several theories regarding the ape hoax. Almost no one took Robert seriously.

There were priests of various kinds who claimed that it was an abomination to God for an ape to speak like a prophet. The owner of the Ritz Hotel allowed Robert to stay there and although Robert did not like

his lifeless rooms he was allowed in their gardens. Often he sat on the roof

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and climbed the giant satellite dish...

While atop the roof one dark and awesome night the voice of God spoke to Robert saying, “Do you believe in your own revelations?”

Robert pondered for a while and then answered, “Yes, I believe everything as metaphor and as moral tales.”

For some time God was silent and said, “Do not lie to me Robert.”Robert answered God, beating his chest and screeching, “You know in my

honesty I am a little – ambivalent. I admit I believe the metaphors of a great plague represent a great plague. I believe part of America will be

saved, meaning God will spare some of its saints and a large part of Bermuda's saints...Yet you never said to me to speak plainly only to speak

in riddles. Why is this?”Immediately God replied, “Because it is you Robert who are the cause of the plague. It was your hatred of Man and their treatment of your family that made your spirit cry out to me to find a way to take vengeance upon them all. All the time I limited myself by the limit of your fury. Without

you there would be no plague. You are the cause of death far more so than the dragon which is only an image of Man's irresponsibility. Irresponsibility that is ordained to judge itself via your fury.”

Robert asked, “Apart from you I can do nothing?”“That is right Robert. It is my Spirit in you that made you so furious and so

intelligent and so filled with faith. If there had been a man who I could have used as a prophet I would have done so. I seek to humble the pride of Man. I have taken the Theory of Evolution and turned it on its head. I will reduce the population of the earth by one third in the next 150 years. The plague is just the beginning and it began among Mankind after you called

the press conference and later were taken into the Medical Research Station by a haematologist. It is you that has the mutated virus that has

given to you no more than a slight sniffle. To them it is Cold Death. The serum they will make from your blood and tissue will kill multitudes. The

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disease will be contagious. At first they will simply believe they have a bad case of flu. Later they will die after three days of severe symptoms –

four if they are strong”, God replied.

“Is there a clear message you want me to convey my Father?” Asked Robert.

“Look at me Robert. What do you see?” asked God.Robert answered saying, “I see a Great Ape made of shining light. I have

been afraid, Father, to tell them what you really look like.”God said, “There is no need to fear Robert as I have decided to keep you alive for many years to come. Many of the first humans were ape like. I had given to Eve the beloved Mother so many genes that she could have given birth to another thousand variations of children. Yet, the Smooth Skins are the descendants of Noah who was almost completely hairless

and went bald too, later in life.”Robert grimaced at the sheer thought of the ugliness.

Robert asked, “Father, why did Abraham and Moses not say you were a Great Ape?”

God replied, “It was because I am more than an Image my beloved son. No one knows what I really look like Robert as I cannot be seen as I AM. To you I am an Ape, to men I am a Man and to angels I am an Angel. The

truth is I am no more an ape or a man or an angel than I am a pillar of fire or a burning bush or even a dove. Shall I show you what I look like to the

superior beings of this universe?”Robert beat his breast and screeched and so God transformed into a giant


Robert felt lonely. His wife was still just an ape, as wonderful as that might be in itself. His children had not changed. God knew what was in his

heart and said, “Later you will meet a people whom you will live among forever. I will raise your children and wife too to this higher state to be

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with you.”

God spoke in Ape with lots of visual clues and also added some Angelic and some English. The Halo changed colours, vibrated and darted off into the Multiverse. Then Robert simply heard a voice saying, “Tell them the

plague is real.”

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Chapter SevenApril 25 2013

At the Ritz Robert spent his time climbing the building and watching TV. At a latter press conference which was attended by the rulers of

the country and the army Robert said:

“After the apocalyptic visions I have been having I had this vision:I saw all of the visions from the one of the dragon until the one of

appearing in Heaven before God. Jesus gave me a commentary on each one with a brief summary of all. This is my brief summary of his brief


...The darkness and the plague represents a man made evil. It is not literally a natural plague but a man made disease that comes out of an

experiment. This is why I had to find out why the evil was worse than the plague and what the plague represented. It represented the irresponsibility

of Man and its consequences. It is literally a man made disease not a natural occurrence...America and Bermuda the lionesses represent a core of true saints to be preserved in America and Bermuda - and elsewhere as

the letters of the alphabet. A, B, C...

...The numbers of dead were notional. There will not be, and there never was going to be 1,000,000,000 souls killed if people obey these

revelations. As God's people, even today, have enough faith to avert such a disaster. All they need do is obey these visions and seek God most high

and most merciful. He will add mercy to mercy. When all the prayers have been prayed there could be roughly 400,000,000 dead: The figure is likely

to be higher than lower...

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...The timing is this year around June but the disease will not really take hold upon the world until next year. It will spread worldwide but not in

every place. The political elements were scenarios of possible outcomes if prayer is not applied faithfully. In other words the substance but not the

letter of the visions will be apparent. The details were examples of things to be prayed against that God would prevent if we are faithful... Also they

may be interpreted by those who have wisdom. There was a reason for instance why Prince Philip died in Paris and not London or Milan. So too

there are many elements yet to be interpreted by the wise...

...Altogether the punishment that comes by the evil of men is permissive in nature. God does not make the plague; rather scientists do. This in a sense is God's commentary on modern science that will kill millions but deny creation. Deny their parents the most holy and gracious Adam and Eve.

God simply allows, in fact prevents in answer to this revelation, many of the evils depicted in the visions...If Man is humble and repentant.”

A blonde, American reporter asked, “Are you the next stage in ape evolution?”

Robert replied, “I am not well studied or learned but obviously I have evolved. Yet I did so by an act of creation. Evolution though does have its

drawbacks – I really don't like wearing trousers.”

Another reporter from the BBC asked, “How can we take these things seriously? What evidence do you have? You could represent after all, the

first successful brain transplant of a man's brain into an ape's body!”

Robert replied, “I can best answer your assumptions regarding the superiority of Man by relating this incident from last night:

I was standing on top of the Ritz Hotel and I looked out toward the east. I saw clearly three huge flying saucers. One was bright red and two were

dull green – all emitting light. The first, the red one flew towards me and

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hovered above the roof, put down a ramp and I walked up it and into the spacecraft which then turned and flew off into the sky...

...I looked out from the craft over the houses and jungles and receding farms until I was out of the stratosphere. I passed the moon and the sun and looked out upon the radiant stars. A voice behind me spoke saying:

“Robert, this is the answered prayer that you would take a trip in an alien spacecraft. It will show you 'outer space'.”

...The stars receded into a blur and then there was utter darkness without. The astronauts that were with me were male and there were two of them. They were around 7 feet tall and they were covered in fur. However these aliens were very erect and their faces very human. For clothing they wore

shorts and short sleeved shirts. Their shoes were soft over the top with thick soles. One spoke to me saying:

“You have here to the right our homeworld – we are now at the centre of the universe and it has taken only a couple of minutes to reach here from


...Looking out I could see their homeworld was not a round planet but a conglomeration of huge structures and globes with each globe bigger than

the Earth. I could not see a natural planet. However they had natural terrain upon the globes that could be seen from the distance of hundreds of

thousands of miles out in space. Some of these globes were linked by bridges forming I suppose a kind of space station about half the size of our

solar system. There were also many smaller structures and globes and a large number of craft moving between them...

...We landed upon one of the smaller globes that was in size comparable to Earth. I was taken to a building that was very tall and slender. This seemed

rather strange to me, as if it were a giant, anorexic tower block... One of the aliens anticipated my questions by the look upon my face and said,

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“You will see that on the inside these rooms are far greater than on the outside. These are larger on the inside because the appearance of thinness

is an optical illusion.”...

...I looked even more quizzical and so the alien continued, “Nothing here will look quite right to you but to us everything looks very different. We

saw these buildings as quite large without, as they are. This is because the psychic energy that immerses these structures and this atmosphere is alien

to you and does not function correctly with your mind as the psychic energy of Earth does. You will see everything and hear everything a little

out of context and out of alignment with reality.”...

...I couldn't help thinking that the aliens that looked, from a distance at least, like Wookies, and dwelling places that looked bigger on the inside to

the outside as in the TARDIS I saw on television was a little more than coincidental. I mentioned this and the second alien replied, “It is not that

we have been influencing creative people on Earth to reflect these realities of our world. We are commenting firstly on those things that are similar to what mankind has imagined. That is why we are first showing you what is

familiar to your consciousness. Later you will see what no man has imagined.”...

...I met some other aliens and we ate. This is what the food was like: There were tall, to my mind, dishes and bowls filled with fruit and vegetable

salads. There were hard, colourful things of various shapes. There was no cooked food and no animal food. All was for herbivores. I ate a small bowl of salad and the vegetables all looked different to ours, of course. I did not

like the taste of any of them as they tasted rather bitter and dry to me. I was given a hard, red, glassy thing that looked a little like a sea urchin. It

tasted like Heaven. I regretted very much that I could not take some home...

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...The first alien, whose name I cannot pronounce or translate, said to me:“To us the food is exquisite, all of it, but to your senses much of it is

horrible and you have amused many of us with your facial contortions and dramatic acts of swallowing. This serves as a parable of communication:

Mankind is not ready to communicate fully with aliens as they are too primitive and unspiritual. It will take hundreds of years before we come to

your planet in the flesh and talk to your leaders.”...

...There is a big gap here I am not allowed to report. Then I went back into the spacecraft and flew to another planet, the original world of these

'humanoid aliens'. Hidden as it was behind one of the larger globes. It was twice the size of Earth and it had a sun off in the distance. The home world was barely inhabited and operated more as a kind of nursery for the other artificially created worlds around it. It was the source world for almost all

the flora and fauna of the newer worlds. A few life forms from our and other worlds were there. They had some of our snakes and beetles to

remind them of the predatory and deceptive nature of Man. I asked, “How old is your civilisation?”

The first alien replied, “There were two beings like us created, male and female, on this world. They lived there around 27,000 years ago. It is these

two I am taking you to see now.”...

...When we landed near a village, super advanced, we were met by two aliens, male and female. They gave me this message:

“Robert, of all the intelligent apes upon your planet you are considered the most stupid and ignorant for believing as you do in Adam and Eve. Men of half your knowledge and mental acuity are considered geniuses while you are considered as a moron for being able to do what none of them can even imagine. Your mind being so flexible and powerful. Here is the message

for you alone, but if you share it few will appreciate it: The world in which you live does not regard Adam and Eve as a myth because they are merely

rebellious against God. Or because they have created anti-biblical

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propaganda and pseudo science they proclaim as absolute fact: It is because they were cursed of God to live in ignorance and darkness. Unable

to think clearly or perceive what is before their own faces. We upon this planet regard such as animals. If they were here we would quarantine them

all in a prison. We would treat them as we would a plague of poisonous gnats or cockroaches. This is our opinion and it is most just and fair.

Compare this then to the opinion such ones have of themselves. Think of all the awards for science and much else they give to one another if they are first stupid and ignorant and of course evil enough to deserve them! I would destroy such a world gladly for your Jesus' sake. If it were not his

Father's will to save this poisonous Earth so highly regarded by your backward civilisation!”...

...I answered, “Yes, I agree but you have only echoed my own thoughts.”The woman said, “No, you have echoed ours since from the time you were small until now we have influenced you and moulded your mind. It was so

that you could communicate with us. Go in peace my beloved child and hope for a better tomorrow.”

The press conference ended in an up-roar.

The Next day Jesus appeared in the flesh to speak with Robert and he said:

“The miracles I perform will be greater than the visions I give.”Robert asked, “What am I to expect – is there anything I should do?”

Jesus replied, “Seek me with all your heart and soul and I will found of you- always.”

Robert prayed, “Dear lord, one thing I require of you; one thing I need: I need you to be with me and to speak to me face to face ... I need your

presence in my heart like the waters of the dam... Can you hear me or am I just a fool – a Wandering Fool?”

Jesus spoke quietly saying, “I could have destroyed you for your

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brutishness. I could have forsaken you for your dullness of mind. I chose to save you for your love. I could have used another but it was you who

loved me more fully than any other. This is why I have supported you all these years and kept you safe. Now however, you must support others in my name. From now on the miraculous life of the Spirit of God, who is

within you will flow from you. It will be as living waters to flood the land of Zaire and elsewhere.”

As Robert thought about it for a little while Jesus replied, “That is all.”

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Chapter EightJune 13 2013

After Robert had given firstly his visions to the world and secondly his interpretation of his visions to the world he called his third and last press

conference. In which for the first time he gave his prophecy to the world.

In front of the Ritz Hotel Robert stood and said, with great animation, ''When I spoke of my visions understandably there was some confusion.

Later I gave my interpretation of my visions and told you to take the threat of disease seriously. Even if the visions were warnings of things that could be. These words that should have been taken as a message from God were not obeyed. Around the world believers did not call upon God to avert the great disaster. Around the world conspiracy theorists put forward a number of common sense and a number of pseudo scientific refutations of the great

miracle of an ape speaking for Heaven. Did it not occur to you that God wanted you to seek his face to avert the greater part of this great disaster? Did it not occur to you, even when it was made obvious, that the blessing of lessening the wrath of God was conditional upon believing prayer and humility? Also upon changing your ways? Did you begin to respect God's holy Sabbaths? Did you end Sunday trading? Did you call the leaders of the world to meet in prayer? No! You mocked God. More ministers took

the side of science and said I was a fraud that could be bettered by the world's best magicians than respected The Message. The very Christian leaders who should have hallowed God's Sabbaths and called the whole

world to prayer were praying, “We bind this abomination of Satan in Jesus' name.''...

…“I now have no vision and no interpretation of parable or allegory. I have no general guidance. This time I have the Word of God. This is what

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God the Father said to me when he appeared to me and spoke. He said:“I looked for a man who could stand before me to avert this great disaster but I found no one. I looked for a man who would prophesy my words but I found none. Therefore I chose to speak through you, Son of the Jungle. If my people had humbled themselves and repented of all their sins; if they had sought my face; if they had mourned and lamented I would after all have averted this disaster so no one would die. All was conditional upon the response of those who believe. I opened my arms wide and called to

them by a great sign. Should they have gathered together on hilltops and in gardens and in their churches I would have not only prevented this great

disaster, I would have said, 'As you have moved the very heart of God so I will move heaven and earth to bless you abundantly.' …

...When I looked I saw few in repentance and sorrow and many in mockery and jest. I saw bonfires with effigies of an ape being burned. I listened to

ministers of the gospel preaching that the God of wrath belongs in the Old Testament and Jesus has shown that love covers all things. I listened to

them as they overthrew Justice, not with compassion or love as they claimed, but with sentimentality and moral cowardice. How I longed to

gather them all together and bless them all together and by them bless the world I have created. They would have none of it. They decided, almost all

together, that you were an abomination created by Satan or the world of science. When they cursed your spirit it was my Spirit they were cursing. Therefore Son of the Jungle they have brought a curse upon themselves.

Those whom I love I will love and those whom I destroy I will destroy. To those whom I show mercy they will have mercy. Those who will enter

Paradise will dwell with me. As for these ministers and their congregations, I swear I shall make bone fires of them. I shall wipe many of them from the face of the earth. I will send you to wander the earth and heal the sick and preach the gospel. Those who repent will be saved and

those who harden their hearts will be judged......Son of the Jungle. Did I not choose you to show mercy in the midst of wrath if my people would humble themselves and pray? Did I not make

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you a sign to the nations that they should repent and respect God? They have profaned my churches and they have betrayed my holy name.

Therefore I say to you Son of the Jungle, I will not lessen the punishment from one billion dead to four hundred million dead. I will increase the

punishment from one billion dead to two billion dead. I will drag the pride of the world through the dust – as they have dragged my holy name

through the dust. In pain and misery they will curse my name and still the punishment will not be averted. They can pray against Satan until they are blue in the face and still I will not avert punishment. You will see priests and pastors choking in their own blood and giving up the ghost. You will

see women carrying their dead babes in their arms and falling in the gutters to die. You will see infants searching for their mothers among a sea of dead. You will see grandfathers lamenting over all of their children and

grandchildren. You will hear sirens wailing but see no ambulances. You will see fire but see no fire brigade. You will see rivers turned to putrid, cessflows of disease and death. I will break London that wicked city. I

will crucify New York City. I will devastate in Asia and I will lay waste in Europe. I will make the Americas vomit out their dead. I will make India

choke on the smoke of her funeral pyres. Still my wrath will not be averted. I have raised you up Ape from your humble Station that I may

bring down the pride of Man to be humbled in the dust. I will crush and I will destroy. I will winnow and I will reap. My wrath is kindled. Only

when the wailing of the living is turned into the gasps of the dead will my wrath be averted. Then, says your God Almighty, I will raise up a pure

people that fear and honour my great and holy name! Then I will have my name honoured among the nations and you will know that I AM God.”

...“I asked the good Lord if there were any specific evils for which this punishment will come and he replied:

“Many will say that this disease is not a punishment from God as so many evil people will live and so many good people will die. Death will not

discriminate between Christian and heathen, Buddhist and atheist,

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religious or rationalist. Death will take babes and so they will say, “What sin have they committed? There is therefore no judgement.” …

...Tell them all flesh is corrupt. Those who are young will come to Paradise and those who I hold accountable will face damnation. Be

thankful I do not destroy the whole world. For these sins the wrath of God comes: For forsaking just and holy laws and profaning my holy day. For

making virtues of vices. For religious hypocrisy and for atheism. For murder and for theft. For adultery and fornication. For all the evil

committed under the sun every day, everywhere. Including faithlessness among believers and the preaching of the false gospel. Above them all is this abomination: The madness of the false prophets. For this judgement I

could not use the voice of Man. I swore by my great and holy Name I would speak by a voice that would provoke Man.”

With these words the earth shook and the crowd ran in panic.

Suddenly there appeared in the midst of the people a Great Ape with a human-like face made of light. He said, “Robert is my prophet. Why then

did you not listen to the words of my prophet? After I send disease to consume two billion of you I will send a shower of meteorites. If then you do not listen to my prophet Robert I will increase the ratio of the dead to

half of this world's population at the time of that judgement.”

Robert when giving his message had been very animated as I have said previously, almost comical at times: Beating his breast, shaking his fists,

running up and down and climbing on a pole. At one point doing a somersault. God as the Light was very still but his voice was so loud it was

like great claps of thunder.

When the television cameras were checked neither the sound nor the image of the vision of God was upon them. It had all been in their minds.

So there was soon speculation about psychotropic gas and crowd

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manipulation. In fact the revelations of seeing God as an Ape and of hearing about a great meteor shower were so absurd and ridiculous faith in Robert and his visions waned, for a short while. Yet God had honoured the simians at the centre of the multiverse who were of a higher creation than

Mankind when he had appeared as a simian...

Robert returned to the Medical Research Station so that two scientists could take some of his body tissue for- research. He farewelled his family and went to preach and to heal. The two scientists got a bad case of flu.

They remained in their rooms at the Station for two weeks until they had started coughing puss and blood. By the time the ambulance arrived to

take them to the intensive care unit at the hospital they had declined quickly. They shook with cold chills. The two took their last gasp of breath

as they were being carried out through the gates.

Robert had been thinking of all he had learned and about how the human race had fought wars continually without ceasing. Everyday since the Great Darwinian War or WWII. In which the 'survival of the fittest'

capitalistic America; the 'capitalism will evolve into socialism will evolve into communism' Soviets; and the 'Aryans are a higher stage of evolution than the Jews' Nazis - had mass murdered one another and blamed it on

religion. There had been at least one war somewhere in the world and wars stretched back to the beginning of time. He realised that trillions and

trillions of dollars were spent on arms and war so that tax payer's money could be diverted to share holders and the super rich. (In the defense of

freedom and democracy and other imaginary systems.) It could have been spent on people. Not to destroy people but to save. There could have been paradise on earth... What the humans had done to him and his family was

nothing in comparison to what they had done to their own kind.

Robert had his first crisis of faith and he asked God, “I am just a humble ape and I have never gone to war with Man even if they think so. You

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Lord, are fought against every single day without ceasing. Everywhere in the world in every single moment people are blaspheming your name.

How then can you justify letting them live?”

It was Jesus who appeared in the flesh and said, “Look at me Robert. What do you see?”

Robert answered, “I see what some scientists used to call a sub human Jew. You are a man but I am an ape. Why do you not choose to look like

me?”Jesus replied, “I am also ICTHUS a fish! There was once a boy for whom

the fishes danced and sang for joy. It is I and I alone who can create paradise on Earth and I will do so - until the final rebellion. Then I will

destroy all the wicked. Let me have my Day Robert as you will have yours at the centre of the universe. On that planet there is a manifestation of my infinite Spirit in the body and covered in fur. I am in fact manifest in an infinite number and variety of forms throughout the multiverse. I have

made you a little more intelligent than a man. Before you leave this world I will make you a little more intelligent, and powerful, than an angel. For

you all that happens here is just a prelude to prophecy.”

Jesus waited a long time and said, “See my tears, cried over the years. See my wounds, wounded in my flesh so long ago. Hear my cries and feel my pleas. Who has been waiting such a long time? You or me? If I were you

and you were me would you have waited so long for your perfection? Would you have endured so long for your love? I AM that I AM and you are merely like a reflection in a pool on the road, left by the summer rain. If therefore a dark cloud passes over the sky will it not block out the glory

of the sky? I am here and you are there. So close to God and yet you cannot see, hear or feel me, as more than a vague impression of my true self. For if I flooded you with my light would you not become light and

ascend to Heaven – never to return? I AM. Do you hear me my son? Look now deeply into my eyes and tell me what you see?”

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The Ape stepped forward and without saying anything looked deeply into the eyes of the Lord. Robert said, “You are just as your Father. You are LOVE, as gracious as the oceans should they be filled with grace. As mournful as the moon should it be made of sorrow: As great as the

universe could it but reveal your greatness. I am as the dust beneath your feet and you are the Light above the sun. How can I see what no mind can

see? Or perceive what even makes the angels shudder and tremble and avow their ignorance?”

Robert went to the Aborigines of Australia after leaving Africa. He went to a place called Esperance. He preferred the life among those

aborigines that still lived in the bush as they slept in the open. With just a couple of small fires to keep warm, and not even a tent. There were no

lifeless boxes of hotel rooms that were worse than the zoo. He said, “In a vision I saw a great rock fall from the sky to this place. It is an omen most

awesome and strange.” Then when he slept he dreamt he began to laugh. He laughed so long and so loud he cried. His tears were drops of light that ascended and formed

stars in the night sky.

It just so happened that I was visiting Esperance at the time and I went to see the ape. When he awoke I asked him, “Do you know how much

trouble you have caused me?”The ape replied, “On the contrary it was you who dreamed me up not I

who dreamed you.”

I decided to stay in the bush for a while and study the brilliant night sky through my telescope. The stars are brilliant away from civilisation and its pervasive light. I saw a meteor fall and chased it to the spot it crashed in. I

had dreams of putting it in a truck and selling it to a museum. However when I arrived I found the meteor was just the size of a tangerine. I put it

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in my pocket and walked home – all three hundred kilometres.

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Chapter Nine20th August

Being exhausted I slept when I arrived home for a couple of months. I had this dream: Dream of a Great Wave

I was at the beach with a group of people and there were some unexpected big waves moving in toward shore. Needing to escape we ran up the beach

toward the rocks by the time the second wave was coming. Up on the rocks I climbed and a large rock I pulled up on fell back. Behind it were roof tiles and bricks in rows that were likely to come tumbling down as I grasped them. We were therefore forced to get off these rocks that might

fall on us back onto the sand and run. As I looked behind me I saw a Great Wave growing higher and higher. It was so gigantic it would cover

everything, including the town and its tall buildings. At that point and in that moment I took note of our situation; the greatness and speed of the

wave; our difficulty of even getting off the beach. I was saying to myself, “There is...” but awoke saying, “No where to run, no where to hide and no


The End

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