





J. J. Jenldn, M.Sc.

D. E. Thomas, D.Sc., Director of Geological Survey Issued by E. Condon, LL.B., Secretary for Mines, under the direction of the

Hon. W. J. Mibus, M.L.A., Minister of Mines






introduction ..


Geology and Underground Water—




A. Quaternary .. 3 (a) Mangrove Swamps 3

(b) Salt Marsh 3

(c) Swamp Deposits .. 4

(d) Wind-blown Sands • . 4

(e) Deltaic Sands .. 4

B. Sands and Clays of ?Pliocene Age 5

C. Upper Tertiary Marine Sands 5

D. Miocene Ferruginous Sandstones 5

E. Miocene Marine Sands and Limestones 5

F. Lower Tertiary Volcanics 5

G. Silurian Rocks 6

4. Conclusions .. • • 6

5. References • • 6

6. Appendices : Appendix 1—Summary of Bores 7

Appendix 2—Water Analyses 16

Appendix 3—Bore Logs 24

7. Geological Map of the Parish of Sherwood At Back

315 /62.



1. Introduction. The results of a survey of the underground

water resources of the Tooradin area are set out in the following report. The area covered comprises the whole of the parish of Sherwood and adjoining parts of the parishes of Koo-Wee-Rup and Cranbourne.

The geological formations are briefly described and an account of underground water occurrences in each parish is given.

It is difficult, in the case of many of the bores and wells, to say with certainty from which formation the water is coming. Logs or other Ethological data are lacking for the majority of bores, although occasionally complete logs (of varying reliability), and sometimes data on the aquifer only, are available. The bore logs are set-out in Appendix 3. Other lithological data are given in the Summary of Bores (Appendix 1).

2. Physiography. The physiography of the area has been described

in some detail by Hills (1942) so that a brief outline only will be necessary here.

The area under consideration is situated in the south-western portion of the Koo-Wee-Rup Basin. This basin comprises the northern part of the Western Port Sunkland and is bounded on the east by the Health Hill Scarp, on the north by the foothills of the Eastern Highlands, on the west by the undulating to hilly country of the Cranbourne—Tyabb area, and on the south by the tidal mud-flats at the head of Western Port Bay.

The western part of the area, in the parish of Sherwood, is undulating and consists of Silurian and Tertiary rocks overlain in part by Pleistocene dune sands.

East of Clyde and Five Ways the country is quite flat except for occasional sand ridges. The flat country is swampy, the soils gradually becoming less sandy towards the east and merging into the black friable clays of the Dalmore area.

The general direction of drainage is from north-west to south-east, i.e., in the same direction as the main sand-ridge trends. However, drainage has been retarded by the sands at many places and, as a result, swampy areas occur between the dunes. The more extensive of these have now been drained artificially.

In the Koo-Wee-Rup swamp itself no well-defined natural drainage courses of any extent exist and it is probable that, before it was artificially drained, the area was a more or less continuous body of water.

Several inlets occur along the coast (" The Inlets ", Sawtell Creek and Rutherford Creek) and these are probably drainage features of several different origins, owing their present well-defined condition to tidal scour.

3. Geology and Underground Water.

A. Quaternary : (a) Mangrove Swamps (Qa).

Just below high-tide mark in the northern part of Western Port Bay is a well-defined zone of mangroves (Avicenna officinalis). The zone is almost continuous and averages about 100 yards in width. Its inner margin generally marks the limit of high tide, only unusually high seas coming further inland and inundating the salt marsh behind the mangroves.

The mangroves are growing in grey foetid sand and clayey sand. Occasionally there is a very narrow beach between the mangroves and the salt marsh, and this generally consists of a thin veneer of yellow sand over the grey sand of the mangrove swamps.

(b) Salt Marsh (Qb).

Landward of the mangroves is another well-defined zone—the salt marsh. It is as continuous as the mangrove zone but of more variable width (0-1 mile).

The salt marsh may be divided into two sub-zones-

1. A strip consisting of an association of salt-tolerant shrubs immediately adjacent to the mangroves.

2. An association of salt-tolerant herbaceous plants behind this strip. Some bare areas also occur here.

The inner margin of the salt marsh is marked by a narrow belt of Swamp tea-tree (Melaleuca ericifolia) except in the far east of the area where the marsh gives way to grassland.

Behind the belt of Melaleuca, on deposits of wind-blown sand, is an association of Eucalyptus, Banksia, &c.

The deposits of the Salt Marsh zone consist at the top of 5-12 ins. of brown peat and peaty clays with a high water-holding capacity (92-421 per cent. of the dry weight : Patton, 1942). The salt content of the soil moisture is high, generally ranging from 40,000 to 90,000 ppm. of sodium chloride.

The peats overlie grey sandy clays and sand which are wet, most of the water lying just on top of the sandy clays.

Near and parallel to the seaward margin of the salt marsh low sandy beach ridges sometimes occur ; they are less than a foot above the general level of marsh but support an association of Melaleuca and composites.

(c) Swamp Deposits (Qc). In the eastern part of the area there were once

extensive swamps but these have now been drained. Originally the swamps carried reeds and rushes with Swamp tea-tree in the slightly elevated and marginal areas. Little of the original type of vegetation remains now being confined to drains and isolated patches here and there.

The swamp deposits consist of peat, peaty clays, grey clays and sandy clays, the latter often with yellow and red mottling. The peaty deposits are dark grey to black and contain about 15 per cent. organic matter. Some of the more sandy swamp fringe deposits contain about 7 per cent. organic matter (Goudie, 1942).

As far as can be judged from the available bore logs, the swamp deposits have a maximum thickness of about 40 feet. It is not known if any underground water is being drawn from these deposits but it is thought that this is unlikely since, in recent boring near Dalmore, no water was encountered in them. It is probable that shallow producing wells in this area reach the older, more sandy beds, underneath (e.g., Quaternary aeolian or deltaic sands).

Various agricultural pursuits are now followed on the reclaimed area, including dairying, beef cattle and sheep. Market gardening has also been carried on for some time and is expanding.

(d) Wind-blown Sands (Qd). Deposits of wind-blown sands are extensively

developed in the area, often in the form of north-west—south-east trending dunes. The dune ridges become less distinct near the coast, for example, on the Warneet peninsula, where their jumbled appearance may be due to re-working.

At Blind Bight there is a series of dune ridges parallel to the shore. The dunes behind them, which they intersect, are younger and show no soil profile as do the dunes further inland (see below).

Towards the east, the dunes become partly buried by the younger swamp deposits, some of their crests remaining as ridges above the general level of the swamp.

West of the swamp, and adjacent to the main dune deposits, are sandy areas in which no distinct dune features are discernible. These are probably in part low dunes modified by erosion, and in part redistributed sands derived from the dunes.

Several shallow wells have been sunk in the dune sands, particularly near Tooradin, where the water found is at the base of the dune overlying clayey beds beneath. Supplies from this source are small and liable to seasonal fluctuation but the quality is good—usually less than 1,000 ppm. total solids.

A distinct soil profile has developed on the older dunes. The A—horizon is light grey in colour with an accumulation of organic matter on the top few inches. The B—horizon consists of a brown layer with iron oxides and organic matter under which is found a reddish-yellow clayey sand. The parent material is yellow sand.

There is no distinct profile on the younger coastal dunes, only a slight accumulation of organic matter in the surface layer. The sand is light grey with a pinkish tinge, and is finer than the sand of the older dunes.

The dune sands carry a tree cover of Eucalyptus and Banksia, with a tall-shrub layer mainly composed of Leptospermum, and a low-shrub and herb layer with a great variety of plants.

Some pastures have been developed on the sands to carry dairy cattle and sheep. They also support a developing market garden industry.

(e) Deltaic Sands (Qe). In the north-east of the area, in the vicinity of

Cardinia, are several smoothly-curving ridges of coarse sand projecting southwards from a more continuous sheet of similar sand to the north. The sand is thought to have been deposited by streams flowing from the highlands in the north, in a northwards extension of Western Port Bay. The sand is coarse, consisting mainly of rounded quartz grains, but with some felspar and occasional small fragments of granitic rock.

The sand ridges project from a few feet to about 20 feet above the surrounding carbonaceous swamp deposits and appear to rest on grey mottled sandy clays.

It is not known whether water is being drawn from these sands but it is possible that they contain limited supplies near the base of the ridges or beneath the swamp deposits, where they are buried.


These ridges, because of their elevation, have been selected as sites for settlement, e.g., at Cardinia, as well as individual farm houses.

Pastures, mainly carrying dairy cattle and sheep, have been established on the sandy soils.

The sand at Cardinia is washed and used for cement tiles and general building purposes.

B. Sands and Clays of ?Pliocene Age (?P).

Deposits of mottled yellow and orange clayey sands and sandy clays with occasional lenses of grey clay are exposed in cliffs along Rutherford Inlet, in several small outcrops to the north and south, and in the main contour drain near Blind Bight.

These beds have been penetrated by bores (Nos. 17-18, parish of Sherwood), some of the lower beds being carbonaceous and resting on dark fossiliferous marine sandy silts. The upper surface of the beds is undulating and unconformably overlain by Quaternary sand dunes.

It is possible that several bores are drawing water from this formation (e.g., P113, P115, P119), but it is not certain. Water struck at 31 feet in bore 18 at Warneet contained 13,480 ppm. total solids, this high figure probably being due to infiltration of sea water.

C. Upper Tertiary Marine Sands (UT).

Fossiliferous sands and silty sands of Upper Tertiary age have been encountered in a number of bores in the area. The fauna has not been examined in detail but preliminary examination suggests an Upper Miocene or Lower Pliocene age.

These sands are overlain by the ?Pliocene beds described in the preceding section, but drilling has shown no distinct break between the two series, the division being made on the presence or absence of fossils.

The fossiliferous sands which have been encountered in Mines Department bores 17, 18 and 19, and fossiliferous sands in P93, parish of Sherwood, may belong to the same formation. The sands overlie foraminiferal limestone of Miocene age in bore P93.

The only bore known to be drawing water from these sands exclusively is Mines Department bore 19 at Warneet. Two analyses of water from different depth ranges gave 6,110 ppm. and 5,520 ppm. total solids (see appendix 2).

D. Miocene Ferruginous Sandstone (M). Miocene ferruginous sediments occur in a belt

extending from Clyde in the north of the area, through Devon Meadows to the south-west corner

of the parish of Sherwood. The outcrops flank the Silurian rocks in the western part of the area, although very thin remnants occur within the area of the main Silurian outcrop.

The best exposure of these rocks is found in the railway cutting at Clyde. There they may be seen to consist of ferruginous red, brown and yellow fine-grained gravels and conglomerates, sandstones, clayey sandstones and sandy clays. The more clayey rocks are generally mottled. At Five Ways, about a mile north of Devon Meadows, mottled sandy clays and clayey sands are exposed in a pit, while similar beds are to be seen in road cuttings on the Five Ways—Clyde-road.

This formation is continuous with the Baxter Sandstone to the west and is probably equivalent to the Brighton Sandstone of the Melbourne area.

The water obtained from these beds is of good quality, being suitable for irrigation, particularly on the well-drained sandy soils derived from this formation or the younger sandy deposits overlying it. Analyses range from about 300 ppm. to 1,340 ppm. total solids.

The water is used for irrigation of market gardens, for household purposes and stock.

The soils formed on these rocks are sandy podzols with a eucalypt and tea-tree cover. Most of this country has now been cleared and i_astures or market gardens have been established.

E. Miocene Marine Sands and Limestones (Mm).

Miocene shelly sands and limestones containing abundant foraminifera, bryozoa and mollusca underlie the whole area east of Five Ways.

In general, the quality of the water in these beds improves towards the south-east and varies from just over 3,000 ppm. in the north and west to about 1,100 ppm. in the south-east.

Yields up to 7,000 g.p.h. have been reported but they are exceptional—the usual is about 1,000-2,000 g.p.h.

The better quality water is used for irrigation of vegetables and lucerne and in every case the water is used for stock.

F. Lower Tertiary Volcanics (LT).

At the surface Lower Tertiary Volcanics extend from Cranbourne to just over the northern boundary of the parish of Sherwood, about 1+ miles west of Clyde. No rock outcrops occur, but in railway cuttings near Cranbourne black soils derived from basalt, and some weathering cotes of basalt, may be seen.


Grey and white basaltic clay is exposed beneath ferruginous sandstones in the Clyde railway cutting. At Clyde a well (P148, 42 feet deep) finished in decomposed basalt, and a bore (P146, 80 feet deep) probably reached basalt. Mines Department bore 4, Sherwood, encountered hard basalt at 74 feet.

Basalt has also been recorded from bore P23 in Koo-Wee-Rup and P2 and P3 in Sherwood. It therefore appears that the volcanics underlie the whole of the eastern two-thirds of the area.

The analyses of water from P146 and P148 show 2,700 ppm. and 3,770 ppm. total solids respectively. In both cases it is possible that the water is a mixture of that from the basalt with that from the overlying ferruginous sandstones. The water from P146 is used for poultry and that from P148 for dairy cattle.

G. Silurian Rocks (S).

The Silurian rocks consist of shales, micaceous siltstones and fine-grained micaceous sandstones. They occur in the western part of the parish of Sherwood, and outcrop to about two miles east of the western boundary of the parish. These rocks have been encountered in bores in a fringe which extends up to two miles in width around the outcrop.

The soils developed on the Silurian rocks are podzols, usually grey silty loams with yellow to red mottled B horizons. Most of the Silurian area " has been cleared and on it pastures have been established, the main agricultural pursuits there being dairying, beef cattle and sheep.

Only small supplies of water have been obtained from these rocks. The depths of bores vary from 60 to 160 feet and it is probable that most of the water occurs near the base of the weathered zone just above the fresh rock.

Water analyses vary from 4,300 ppm. to 7,580 ppm. total solids. In all cases the water is used for cattle and/or sheep. In several cases the water (e.g., one with 7,580 ppm.) was found to have a deleterious effect on fowls.

4. Conclusions.

(a) Water suitable for stock can be readily obtained at shallow depths over the whole area. In a few cases, water from the Silurian rocks was found to be unsuitable for fowls.

(b) Water suitable for irrigation has been obtained from Tertiary sandstones in the Five Ways—Clyde—Cranbourne area. Here however, numerous bores are being put down close together and there is therefore a danger of over-pumping.

Irrigation water has also been obtained from Tertiary marine beds between Tooradin and Dalmore. The quality and quantity of this water improves towards the east and south-east.

(c) There are other minor occurrences of good quality water such as soaks at the base of sand dunes and sand lenses in beds overlying the marine formations.

(d) More use could be made of underground water for irrigation in the eastern part of the area but the possibilities west of Tooradin are very limited.

(e) There is a serious lack of information about the majority of bores and one only has been drilled deep enough to determine the complete sequence in the Tooradin—Dalmore—Cardinia area.

(f) The determination of the underground water potentialities of the area with certainty depends upon information from further drilling. Bores drilled to bedrock at Dalmore and Cardinia would therefore be of considerable assistance in this regard and should provide a reliable guide to the stratigraphy and structure of the area. The average depth of the bores would probably be about 250 feet. Further bore sites could then be selected to fill in the detail where required.

5. References.

GOUDIE, A. G., 1942, Soil and Land Utilization Survey of the Parishes of Koo-Wee-Rup and Koo-Wee-Rup East. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic. n.s. 54 (1), pp. 93-130.

HILLS, E. S., 1942, The Physiography of the Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic. n.s. 54 (1), pp. 79-91.

PATTON, R. T., 1942, Ecological Studies in Victoria—Part VI.—Salt Marsh. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic. n.s. 54 (1), pp. 131-144.


Sub-surface Water.

Remarks on Strata.

Quality: References

and Remarks.


Position of Bore. Allotment No.

Military Co-ords. 415



al D





P.1 72-431968 16 136 Limestone . . 3,040 M806 /57 Electric pump

P.2 71-433972 18 136 Limestone 3,310 M807 /57 Mill, stock

P.3 71A-441966 14 84 Marine sands with shells at bottom of bore

Shell sand 4,350 M810/57 Mill, stock

P.4 71A-442972 16 63 3 P.750 3,520 M808 /57 Electric pump, garden, stock


P.1 7-420893 6 7 • - 4,920 M176/56 Mill, stock Shallow

P.2 Great Swamp 6 6,290 M177/56 Mill, stock P.R.-421894 Shallow

8-427892 P.3 6 22w 58B

16 2,820 M178/56 Well and bore abandoned

P.4 8-431887 10 10-1- 1,970 M179 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.5 Great Swamp 6 3,400 M180 /56 Mill, dairy, stock P.R.-43387

8-431885 P.6 6 8 5 485 M181 /56 Well, stock

P.7 9-439884 6 72 Very fine sand 1,950 M182/56 Bore in 18-ft. well, mill, fruit trees, fowls

P.8 12A-441883 6 72 Very fine sand 1,580 M183 /56 Bore in 18-ft. well, mill, garden including french beans

P.9 3-423876 7 68 142- 3,700 M184/56 Mill, stock

P.10 6 /109883 10 60 13.850 Coarse sand 6,180 M185 /56 Mill, septic tanks

P.11 6-408883 10 214? 2,180 M186/56 Mill, garden, but probably dele- terious effects

P.12 5-406882 6 6 Sand 5i ft. on black clay

840 M187 /56 Well, hand pump, garden

P.13 5-406882 6 6 Sand 5i ft. on black clay

Water brown with humic acid

from bracken

600 M188 /56 Well, hand pump, garden

Quality. References

and Remarks.

Position of Bore. Allotment No.

Military Co-ords.


al D




Remarks on Strata.


Aw ao

Sub-surface Water.

Summary of Bores—continued.


P.R.-438894 7 106 Clays and sandy

clays to 70 ft. Very fine sand 70-106 ft.

Very fine sand Bore abandoned

P.15 13-445903 7 73 3 1,170 M218/56 Well, mill, stock

P.16 13-445902 7 165 A.N.S. F.160 Very fine sand 1,060 M219 /56 Flowing, not used

P.17 12-451898 6 A.N.S. F. 1,080 M220/56 Trickling at surface mill, stock

P.18 118-455892 5 122 A.N.S. F.60 2,840 M221 /56 Stock

P.19 Great Swamp 8 45 5 3,660 M189 /56 Well, mill, stock P.R.-435889

P.20 13c-458903 7 113 +4 1,060 M222 /56 Dairy, cooling, stock

P.21 13A-459904 7 21 7 1,620 M223 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.22 25-451934 10 157 " Brown coal " 145 A.N.S. P.7,000 Limestone . . 1,130 M224 /56 Irrigation 50-97 ft.

Limestone 145- 157 ft.

See log P.23 25-454934 10 200 Fine sand ca.

180 ft. 180 +N.S. P.6-7,000 S. fine sand

Ca. 180 ft. 1,130 M225 /56 Stock. Flows in

winter Basalt at 200 ft.

P.24 8-431880 5 12 Sand over clay 6 1,210 M226/56 Well, stock P.25 8-424879 5 ca. 86 . . 4,390 M227 /56 Mill, stock P.26 P.27

7-419883 7 6

ca. 120 17 • • 7

4,080 3,910

M228 /56 M229 /56

Mill, stock Well, mill, stock 8-425884

P.28 Great Swamp 7 50 See Log 47 3 B.480 Coarse sand 2,100 M267/56 Mill, stock P.R.-438895

32-461952 P.29 12 56 1,080 M753 /57 Mill, stock

P.30 31-452950 11 24 1,240 M754/57 Well, mill, stock

P.31 32-455960 13 56 4,530 M811 /57 Mill, stock

PARISH . SHERWOOD—MILITARY SHEET : CRANBOURNE. P.2 Balla Balla 20 100 Clay 1-57 ft. 97 40 500

P.R. Basalt 57-100 ft. P.3 A.1 of A .. 12 218 See Log 12 60 220 4,230 M806 /55

I (Estimated)

P.4 Tooradin P.R. 9 Ca. 30 2,110 M193 /56 Well, mill, stock —416907

Tooradin P.R. P.5 9 58 6 1,650 M194/56 Electric pump, —411901 stock

Tooradin P.R. P.6 9 Ca. 60 5 2,050 M195 /56 Electric pump, all —408896 vegetables

P.7 Tooradin P.R. 9 167 Lignitic sands, 4 20 B.350 Limestone . . 1,860 M196/56 Mill, pumpkins, —406892 &c., to 141 ft. lawns, showers

Limestone 141- 167 ft.

P.8 Tooradin P.R. 9 18 2,290 M197/56 Mill, well, stock —409892

P.9 6, Sec. 1- 8 85 4,290 M198 /56 Abandoned 403888

P.10 5, Sec. 1- 10 17 4,690 M199 /56 Well, mill, septic 400886 tanks, stock

P.11 7, Sec. 1- 8 91 34 14+ B.360 6,280 M200 /56 Hand pump, stock -404885

109A- P.12 7 1,530 M201 /56 Electric pump, 439899 dairy purposes

P.16 109-433905 7 20 8 1,140 M216/56 Well, mill, stock

P.17 441906 Bore abandoned. No details

P.18 109A- 7 111 1,130 M217 /56 Spray irrigation of 433902 vegetables

P.24 68A-419914 9 70 15 P.1,000 1,690 M250/56 Electric pump, garden, stock

P.25 68A-419912 8 Water at


1,400 M251 /56 Bore in well, hand pump, stock

P.26 65A-422918 10 90 4 1,200 M252 /56 Mill, dairy purpose

P.27 65A-422926 8 10 5 1,190 M253 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.28 100A- 11 36 7 1,080 M254 /56 Well 16 ft. plus 422933 bore 20 ft., mill

irrigation (except beans and toma-toes)

P.29 100s- 11 164 7 13 P.850 4,690 M256/56 Stock 424936

P.30 68c-442910 9 79 11 1,110 M257/56

Electric pump,

dairy purposes, stock

P.31 68c-442910 9 75 12 1,010 M258 /56 Mill, garden, drink-ing, fowls, stock

P.32 68c-440911 7 68 +2 1,060 M259 /56 Stock

P.33 68c-389925 7 14 13 2,360 M260 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.34 54-388930 13 35 Very fine sand 9 300 M261 /56 Petrol motor, stock, well 15 ft. plus bore 20 ft.

P.35 55-393925 12 30 9 1,760 M262/56 Mill, stock, well 16 ft. plus bore 14 ft.

P.36 56-394929 12 36 10 1,740 1\4263 /56 Mill, stock, well 17 ft. plus bore 19 ft.

References and



tal D




Sub-surface Water.

Position of Bore. Allotment No.

Military Co-ords. Remarks on Strata.

Summary of Bores—continued.

PARISH : SFIERWOOD—MILITARY SHEET : CRANBOURNE—continued. P.37 55-395936 13 17 9 1,770 M264/56 Well, mill, stock

P.38 54-391936 13 15 9 990 M265 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.39 668-416932 11 60 8 2,720 M274 /56 Mill, stock

P.40 66c-408933 12 36 6 3,100 M275 /56 Mill, stock

P.41 66c-412928 11 30? 8 2,870 M276 /56 Mill, stock, well 13 ft. plus bore 17 ft.

P.42 64-404936 12 37 5 1,760 M277/56 Mill, stock

P.43 64-404940 12 48 4 2,950 1V1278 /56 Mill, stock

P.44 63-405943 12 17 8 3,650 M279 /56 Mill, stock

P.45 66-412922 11 18 14 2,920 M280 /56 Mill, stock

P.46 66-408922 15 41 3 1,920 M281 /56 Mill, stock

P.47 67-411918 11 16 6 1,250 M282 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.48 P.49

68-411913 68-407914

10 12

17 43

12 2,550 1,520

M283 /56 M284/56

Well, mill, stock Mill, stock

P.50 67-402918 12 41 11 2,360 M285 /56 Mill, stock

P.51 66-403925 15 17 10 3,360 M286/56 Mill, stock

P.52 Tooradin P.R. 15 12 5 20 M291 /56 Mill, house, well —405907 (underground,

and tank) P.53 Tooradin P.R. 10 18 10 720 M292 /56 Well, mill, garden

—404906 Tooradin P.R. P.54 12 63 7 1,860 M293/56 Mill, stock

—406902 P.55 Tooradin P.R. 9 13 6 3,500 M294/56 Well, mill, stock

410905 P.56 Tooradin P.R. 9 15 8 Odour of 2,090 M295 /56 Well, mill, stock

—401895 H2S P.57 49-372940 20 85 Foraminiferal

limestone . . 350 M416/56 Not equipped.

Sample may be diluted

P.58 49-371937 25 97 Foraminiferal limestone

1,050 M417 /56 Mill, stock

P.59 71-388914 10 Shallow 2,910 M418 /56 Well plus ? bore,

P.60 72-384912 12 9

25 8 2,350 M419 /56 mill, stock

Mill, stock

P.61 73-381915 15 Ca. 160 Limestone .. 950 M420/56 Mill, garden, stock

P.62 50-375921 12 20 8 900 M421 /56 Mill, stock

P.63 50-376917 12 27 8 840 M422 /56 Mill, stock

P.64 91-365907 20 42 Sand 3,190 M423 /56 Mill, stock

P.65 91-370908 20 95 Sand 1,950 M424/56 Mill, stock

P.66 70-395919 12 200 6 Limestone, 165-200 ft.

2,830 M458 /56 Mill, stock

P.67 40-318929 100 148 Silurian sedi- ments

7,580 M459 /56 Mill, cattle, sheep, not fowls

P.69 53-384933 14 20 1,610 M460 /56 Well, mill, dairy, stock

P.70 53-384937 15 50 1,470 M461 /56 Mill, stock

P.71 52-376939 25 23 720 M462 /56 Mill, house, well, garden, stock

P.72 52-376937 25 25 1,340 M463 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.73 52-377938 20 25 1,950 M464 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.75 51-374933 20 16 10 2,300 M465 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.76 64A-415936 11 3,320 M273 /56 Mill, stock

P.77 9-351963 100 45 Ferruginous sandy clays and sand- stone

23 20 P.1,250 1,320 M707 /56 Electric pump, vegetables

P.78 8-356959 60 57 Fossiliferous sand at about

14 P.1,000 880 M708 /56 Power pump for garden

50 ft. P.79 48-364942 60 62 7 P.350 560 M709-56 Mill, lawn, shrubs,

vegetables P.80 19-366947 55 15 5 2,280 M710 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.81 45-356932 50 32 12 1,220 M711 /12 Well, mill, fowls

P.82 44-349939 60 60 1,880 M712/56 Mill, stock

P.83 47-355940 60 20 3,470 M713 /56 Mill, stock

P.84 47-356940 60 20 1,440 M714/56 Mill, stock, diluted by surface run-off

P.85 19-352947 90 70 21 570 M715 /56 Mill, stock, H.W.S., dairy, garden

P.86 44-351933 60 50 15 P.350 1,330 M716 /56 Mill, stock

P.87 /14 347935 60 50 I 15 P.1,000 1,620 M717 /56 Mill, stock, garden, dairy, washing


tal D




Sub-surface Water.

Position of Bore. Allotment No.

Military Co-ords. Remarks on Strata.

References and





M719 /56

M720 /56

M712 /56

M722 /56

M723 /56

M724 /56

M725 /56

M726 /56

M727 /56

M728 /56

M729 /56

M 730-56

M731 /56

M190 /56

M191 /56

M192 /56

M621 /57

M622 /57

M623 /57

Mill, stock, septic tank, garden

Well, mill, stock

Mill, stock, occa- sional garden use

Electric pump, use as above

Power pump, stock

Power pump, stock

Mill, stock, garden by flooding only

Mill, garden

Well, mill, stock

Mill, rapidly cor-rodes tanks, &c.

Mill, vegetables, and fowls

Petrol motor, jack-pump, septics

Motor pump, washing, garden, stock, fowls

Mill, domestic, fowls

Mill, stock

Well and 30 ft. bore, mill, stock

Mill, stock


Mill, stock

Mill, stock

Summary of Bores—continued.


P.88 I 44-346927 50 112 20 2,630 P.89 81-347912 25 30 Organic

matter 2,640

P.90 83-341921 40 66 30 P.300 present

4,050 P.91 83-341921 40 59 30 P.750+ 4,210 P.92 84-338922 40 52 Sandy clays .. 25 P.400 Gravel 4,870 P.93 83-341915 30 123 25 P.1,400 Shell sand

over lime- 3,080

P.94 43-343925 50 50 stone . . 1,450

P.95 43-344939 65 1,970 P.96 42-336938 60 26

Tertiary ferru-

ginous sand-

stones and sandy clays

24 530

P.97 42-334927 50 ? Silurian beneath sands

6,440 P.98 31-346944 90 46 21 480 P.99 31-347947 100 I 68 1,030

P.100 31-346946 100 70 490

P.101 42-332934 90 40 • • 900 P.102 109-423905 9 84 14 1,290 P.103 109-422904 8 60 1. 1,450 P.104 109-425903 9 60 6 1,420 P.105 95A-310889 30 33 18 960 P.106 95A-309887 20 10 4,520 P.107 95A-307880 10 10 1,720

P.108 95G-312888 15 9 4 3,880 M624/57 Mill, stock

P.109 Balla Balla 30 27 22 640 M625/57 Mill, stock P.R.-

316900 P.110 94-310907 60 80 4,660 M626/57 Mill, stock

P.111 88B1- 110 102 2,380 M627/57 Mill, fowls, stock, 304928 not suitable for

garden P.112 88c-302929 115 Shallow 290 M628 /57 Mill, stock

P.113 93c-332889 20 45 1,700 M629 /57 Stock, washing, dairy, but too hard for washing utensils

P.114 93G-333890 20 45 5 370 M630 /57 Natural rise to waterhole, stock

P.115 93A-334896 20 45 3,820 M631 /57 Mill, stock

P.116 107-363903 10 1,880 M632/57 Well, mill, stock

P.117 1 of B- 10 520 M633 /57 Well, mill, stock 350894

P.118 92A-347896 15 5,920 M634/57 Mill, stock

P.119 1 of B- 15 2,160 M635 /57 Mill, stock 348901

P.120 89-291916 95 160 Silurian sedi- ments

P.120 5,920 M636/57 Mill, stock

P.121 89-295916 105 120 Silurian sedi- ments

6,960 M637 /57 Mill, stock

P.122 17c-298909 80 60 Silurian sedi- ments

5,540 M638 /57 Mill, stock

P.123 89-302915 100 100-120 Silurian sedi- ments

4,300 M639 /57 Mill, stock

P.124 33-322950 120 100 Silurian sedi- ments

5,700 M640 /57 Mill, stock, washing, dairy

P.125 32-331948 85 80 980 M641 /57 Mill, well 30 ft. plus bore 50 ft. Not suitable for fowls

P.126 30-330954 125 1,680 M642 /57 Electric pump cattle

P.127 31-340950 100 160-200 40 40 P.1,000 200 M704 /57 Mill, all household purposes

P.128 31-341950 80 75 190 M705/57 Mill, stock, all household pur- poses

P.129 31-336944 80 56 3,520 M706/57 Petrol engine, flowers, overhead sprinkler system

P.130 31-337945 80 40 Ferrugi nous sandy clays

1,230 , M707 /57 Well, hand-pump

0-8 ft., then Silurian sand- stones and siltstones

Summary of Bores—continued.

Sub-surface Water.

Remarks on Strata.



Position of Bore. Allotment No.

Military Co-ords.


tal D




> 0 $7. Z 0) II

>g1 • *4'•,•°:'•

u O P •

O'A Ha

Quality. References

and Remarks.


F .131




















41-329935 80 6,750 M708 /57 Mill, poultry stock

29A-330958 130 55 P.300 1,220 M709 /57 Mill, stock, fowls,

household pur- poses

30-331958 140 80 P.300 210 M710 /57 Mill, household purposes

30-331960 140 75 P.300 160 M711 /57 Petrol engine, fowls, all house-hold purposes

27-315963 155 85

Silurian silt-

stones and shales

Small 5,340 M712 /57 Mill, stock

26-311962 180 85

Silurian silt-

stones and shales

6,960 M713 /57 Mill, stock

25-304963 205 65+ 5,250 M714/57 Mill, stock, well 65 ft. plus bore

24-297964 240 95 4,600 M715 /57 Mill, stock

28-319958 120 60 5,740 M716/57 Well, mill, stock

20G-325971 170 33 190 M717 /57 Mill, all household purposes

20E-326978 170 50 P.350 250 M718 /57 Electric pump, market garden

1-328978 160 6 140 M719 /57 Well, mill, stock

2-337979 145 370 1s/1720 /57 Mill, stock

2-338975 120 25 300 M721 /57 Well, mill, stock

3-345974 115 29 1,020 M722/57 Well, mill, stock

10-356978 100 80 2,700 M723 /57 Mill, poultry, garden at times

11-368970 50 75 1,390 M724/57 Mill, garden, stock

11-362976 85 42 3,770 M725 /57 Well, mill, stock

12-374968 30 60+ 1,580 M726/57 Mill, stock

12-371972 50 20 2,500 M727 /57 Well, mill, stock

1,400 M728 /57

3,280 M729 /57

3,400 M730 /57

3,620 M731 /5:7

2,920 M732 /57

1,950 M798 /57

4,060 M799 /57













6,110 5,520

M800 /57

M801 /57

M802 /57

M803 /57

M804 /57

M805 /57

Dept. of Agricul-

ture Dept. of Agricul-

ture Dept. of Agricul-

tu re Dept. of Agricul-

ture M806 /57

M941 /56

M118/56 M119/56












Township of Warneet-


Township of Warneet-



12 45

12 62

12 30

14 ? 60

13 ? 60

13 20

15 17



14 78

10 71


Marine sands and lime- stone near bottom of bore

Marine sands and lime- stone near bottom of bore


" Sandy clay "


14 Marine sands

Marine sands


13.900 54-72



Shallow 28




Approx. 110

P.151 17-389957 20

P.152 13-387967 20

P.153 13-379968 30

P.154 14-394972 27

P.155 14-392971 25

P.156 14-391973 28

P.157 59 419968 22












M.D. 18

M.D. 19


Mill, stock

Well, mill, stock

Mill, stock, well plus bore

Well, electric pump, vege- tables (except beans) on deep, sandy soil

Well, mill, stock

Well, mill, stock

Electric pump, stock

Mill, stock

Well, mill, stock

Mill, garden, stock

Well, mill, stock

Mill, stock, harm- ful to vegetables after one crop

Mill, stock

Well, mill, stock

Well, mill, stock

Mill, stock


Mill, stock


Mill, public con-veniences



Depth (it.)

Total Solids Ca Mg Na, K CI CO, HCO3 SO.

Allotment No.

Military Co-orris

Total Hardness


(as Ca CO,)


Bore No.

Nature of Aquifer

Analysis No.


PARISH : CRANBOURNE-MILITARY SHEET : CRANBOURNE P.1 71-431968 136 Limestone 3,040 1,439 544 7.5 M806/57 Electric pump

P.2 P.3

71-433972 71A-441966

136 84

Limestone Shell sand

3,310 4,350

1,651 2,185

519 482

7.4 7.5

M807/57 1v1810/57

Mill, stock Mill, stock

P.4 71A-442972 63 3,520 1,797 295 6.7 M808 /57 Power pump, stock, garden

PARISH : KOO-WEE RUP-MILITARY SHEET : CRANBOURNE P.1 7-420893 4,920 2,550 7 439 7.4 M176/56 Stock

Shallow P.2 Great Swamp 6,920 3,640 11 354 7 . 4 M177/56 Stock

P.R. 421894 Shallow P.3 8-427892 22 W,

58 B 2,820 1,360 15 368 7.7 M178/56 Abandoned

P.4 8-431887 104 1,970 715 7 61 8.7 M179/56 Stock

P.5 Great Swamp 3,400 1,750 13 273 7.4 M180/56 Dairy, stock P.R. 43387

P.6 8-431885 8 485 152 1v1181 /56 Stock

P.7 9-439884 72 Very fine sand 1,950 910 9 325 7.4 M182/56 Fruit trees, fowls

P.8 12A-441883 72 Very fine sand 1,580 700 343 7.2 M183/56 Garden, incl. French beans

P.9 3-423876 68 3,700 1,990 11 215 7.6 M184 /56 Stock

P.10 6-409883 60 Coarse sand .. 6,180 3,320 354 6.8 M185/56 Septic tanks

P.11 6-408883 ? 214 2,180 1,090 373 7.4 M186/56 Garden, but thought to be harmful over long period

P.12 5-406882 6 Sand 840 232 4 - 1 M187 /56 Garden

P.13 5-406882 6 Sand 600 144 23 3.6 M188/56 Garden

P.15 13-445903 73 1,170 522 372 7.6 M218/56 Stock

P.16 13-445902 165 Very fine sand 1,060 443 367 7.2 M219 /56 Not used

P.17 12-451898 1,080 460 386 .. 7 . 3 M220 /56 Stock

P.18 11B-455892 122 2,840 1,540 289 6.7 M221 /56 Stock

P.19 Great Swamp 45 3,660 1,830 321 7.4 M189/56 Stock P.R. 435889

P.20 13c-458903 113 1,060 • • 423 352 .. 7.3 . M222 /56 Dairy cooling, stock

P.21 13c-459904 21 1,620 87 93 786 182 54 7.1 M223 /56 Stock

P.22 25-451934 157 Limestone 1,130 439 403 7 . 5 M224 /56 Irrigation

P.23 25-454934 200 Fine sand 1,130 468 391 7 . 6 M225/56 Stock

P.24 8-431880 12 Sand 1,210 289 6 116 8 . 2 M226/56 'Stock

P.25 8-424879 Ca. 86 4,390 2,370 384 7 . 8 M227 /56 Stock

P.26 7-419883 Ca. 120 4,080 2,150 381 7.4 M228 /56 Stock

P.27 8-425884 17 3,910 1,560 134 6 . 4 M229 /56 Stock

P.28 Great Swamp 50 Coarse sand . . 2,100 1,061 346 7.1 M267 /56 Stock P.R. 438895

P.29 32-461952 56 1,080 455 386 8.1 M753 /57 Mill, stock

P.30 31-452950 24 1,240 473 486 8 . 2 M754 /57 Mill, stock

P.31 32-455960 56 4,530 2,403 343 7 . 2 M701 /57 Mill, stock


P.3 1 of A 218 4,230 M806 /55

P.4 Tooradin P.R. 30 2,110 1,067 238 7 2 M193 /56 Stock -416907

Tooradin P.R. P.5 58 1,650 820 392 7 . 2 M194/56 Stock -411901

Tooradin P.R. P.6 60 2,050 1,052 374 7.1 M195 /56 All vegetables -408896

Tooradin P.R. P.7 167 Limestone 1,860 842 8 449 7 . 7 M196/56 Pumpkins, lawns, -406892 showers

Tooradin P.R. P.8 18 2,290 1,023 150 6 . 6 M197 /56 Stock -409892

P.9 6 Sec. 1- 85 4,290 2,390 126 7 . 2 M198/56 Abandoned 403888

P.10 5 Sec. 1- 17 4,690 2,450 220 7 - 2 M199 /56 Stock, septic tanks 400886

P.11 7 Sec. 1- 91 6,280 3,500 193 6.3 M200 /56 Stock 404885

P.12 109A- 1,530 730 377 7 . 2 M201 /56 Dairy purposes 439899

P.16 109-433905 20 1,140 481 384 7.4 M216/56 Stock

P.18 109A- 111 1,130 467 364 7.5 M217/56 Spray, irrigation of 433902 vegetables

P.24 68A-419914 70 1,690 85 82 798 465 6 7 . 6 M250/56 Stock, garden

P.25 68A-419912 7 • • 1,400 615 481 7.3 M251 /56 Stock

P.26 65A-422918 90 • • 1,200 497 450 7 . 4 M252-56 Dairy purposes

P.27 65A-422926 10 1,190 484 448 7.8 M253 /56 Stock

P.28 100A- 36 1,080 40 57 254 221 283 7.0 M254 /56 Irrigation, except 422933 beans and tomatoes

P.29 100B- 164 • • 4,690 2,600 17 326 8 . 0 . M256/56 Stock 424936

Remarks SO, HCO, pH Analysis No.

Total Hardness

(as Ca COA)



CI Bore No. Mg Na, K Ca COA

Allotment No.

Military Co-ords

Nature of Aquifer

Total Solids

Depth (ft.)

Water Analyses-continued.

P.30 68c-442910 79 1,110 459 391 7 . 6 M257 /56 Dairy purposes, stock

P.31 68c-442910 75 1,010 426 360 7.5 M258/56 Garden, drinking, fowls, stock

P.32 68c-440911 68 1,060 456 381 7 . 8 M259 /56 Stock

P.33 68c-389925 14 2,360 1,312 185 6 . 8 M260/56 Stock

P.34 54-388930 35 Very fine sand 300 35 187 6.8 M261 /56 Stock

P.35 55-393925 30 1,760 940 252 7.2 M262/56 Stock

P.36 56-394929 36 1,740 887 288 7.1 M263 /56 Stock

P.37 55-395936 17 1,770 897 241 7.2 M264 /56 Stock

P.38 54-391936 15 990 481 92 6 . 5 M265 /56 Stock

P.39 66B-416932 60 2,720 1,330 9 393 7 . 7 M274 /56 Stock

P.40 66c-408933 36 3,100 1,573 404 7.2 M275 /56 Stock

P.41 66c-412928 ? 30 2,780 1,410 458 7.2 M276 /56 Stock

P.42 64-404936 37 1,760 776 440 7 . 3 M277 /56 Stock

P.43 6/1 /104940 48 2,950 1,580 124 7.5 M278 /56 Stock

P.44 63-405943 17 3,650 1,860 320 7 . 6 M279 /56 Stock

P.45 66-412922 18 2,920 1,140 309 6 . 9 M280 /56 Stock

P.46 66-408922 41 1,920 89 81 933 420 24 7 . 5 M281 /56 Stock

P.47 67-4111918 16 1,250 558 415 7 . 7 M282 /56 Stock

P.48 68-411913 17 2,550 1,228 178 6 . 9 M283 /56 Stock

P.49 68-407914 43 1,520 704 399 7 . 3 M284 /56 Stock

P.50 67-402918 41 2,360 1,160 381 7 . 0 M285 /56 Stock

P.51 66-403925 17 3,360 1,860 176 6 - 4 M286 /56 Stock

P.52 Tooradin P.R. 12 20 13 6 . 8 M291 /56 Underground tank -405907





Tooradin P.R. -404906

Tooradin P.R. -405902

Tooradin P.R. -410905

















6 . 7

7 • 4

6 . 1

6 . 9

M292 /56

M293 /56

M294 /56

M295 /56




Stock, H2S present Tooradin P.R. -401895

P.57 49-372940 85 Foraminiferal limestone

350 120 150 7 . 5 M416/56 Sample may be diluted

P.58 49-371937 97 Foraminiferal limestone

1,050 83 46 420 367 6 7 • 4 M417 /56 Stock

P.59 71-388914 2,910 1,487 164 6 . 7 M418 /56 Stock Shallow

P.60 72-384912 25 2,350 1,233 150 6.4 M419/56 Stock

P.61 73-381915 160 Limestone 950 104 32 424 11 209 16 7 . 9 M420/56 Garden, stock

P.62 50-375921 20 900 386 235 7 . 5 M421 /56 Stock

P.63 50-376917 27 840 357 263 .. 7 • 6 M422 /56 Stock

P.64 91-365907 42 Sand 3,190 71 114 1,620 353 164 6 . 6 M423/56 Stock

P.65 91-370908 95 Sand 1,950 173 61 894 197 41 7 . 1 M424 /56 Stock

P.66 70-395919 200 Limestone 2,830 213 115 1,390 336 86 7 . 8 M458 /56 Stock

P.67 40-318929 148 Silurian sediments

7,580 4,070 442 6 . 9 M459 /56 Cattle, sheep, not fowls

P.69 53-384933 20 1,610 822 97 6.7 M460 /56 Dairy purposes, stock

P.70 53-384937 50 1,470 742 128 6.7 M461 /56 Stock

P.71 52-376939 23 720 333 31 6 . 4 M462/56 Well, mill, stuck, garden

P.72 52-376937 25 1,340 260 272 7 . 7 M463 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.73 52-377938 25 1,950 1,100 51 7 . 0 M464/56 Well, mill, stock

P.75 51-374933 16 2,300 1,310 19 5 . 6 M465 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.76 64A-415936

P.77 9-351963 45 Ferruginous sandstone

1,320 40 85 610 284 21 6.7 450 M707 /56 Elec. pump,vegetables

P.78 8-356959 57 Fossiliferous sand

880 52 44 337 292 11 7.5 310 M708 /56 Power pump, garden

P.79 48-364942 62 560 38 22 212 224 15 7 . 7 188 M709/56 Mill, vegetables, lawns, &c.

P.80 19-366947 15 1,100 359 6 - 8 M710/56 Well, mill, stock

P.81 45-356932 32 1,220 396 90 7 . 0 M7 I 1 /56 Well, mill, fowls

P.82 44-349939 60 1,880 980 99 7 . 6 M712 /56 Mill, stock

P.83 47-355940 Ca 20 3,470 1,670 343 8 - 0 M713 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.84 47-356940 Ca. 20 1,440 720 127 7 . 4 M7I4 /56 Well, mill, stock


Total Hardness

(as Ca COB)


Ca Na, K Mg

Water Analyses-continued.

CI COB HCOB SO, Analysis

No. Remarks

Allotment No.

Military Co-ords

Bore No.

Depth (ft.)

Nature of Aquifer Solids


PARISH : SHERWOOD-MILITARY SHEET : CRANBOURNE-continued. P.85 . . 19-352947 70 570 41 17 197 245 34 7.6 173 M715 /56 Mill, H.W.S., dairy,

garden P.86 . 44-351933 50 Shelly sand . . 1,330 94 47 577 393 22 7.5 429 M716/56 Mill, stock

P.87 . 44-347935 50 Shelly sand . . 1,620 125 61 700 467 35 7 . 8 562 M717/56 Mill, stock, washing dairy, garden

P.88 . . 44-346927 112 2,630 239 76 1,200 498 59 7.3 912 M718 /56 Mill, stock, septic tank, garden

P.89 . 81-347912 30 2,640 910 232 7.0 M719 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.90 . . 83-341921 66 4,050 2,120 511 8.0 M720/56 Mill, stock, vegetables

P.91 . . 82-341921 59 4,210 253 173 2,150 456 75 7.0 1,343 M721 /56 Elec. pump, stock, vegetables

P.92 . . 83-338922 53 Gravel 4,870 2,760 361 M722 /56 Petrol pump, stock

P.93 . . 83-341915 123 Shell, sand and limestone

3,080 111 110 1,860 21 25 8.1 730 M723 /56 Petrol pump, stock

P.94 . . 43-343925 54 1,450 773 87 6.8 M724 /56 Mill, stock, garden (by flooding)

P.95 .. 43-344939 1,970 1,010 101 7 . 4 M725 /56 Mill, garden, &c.

P.96 . . 42-336938 26 Ferruginous sandstone

530 172 34 6.9 M726 /56 Well, mill, stock

P.97 . . 42-334927 6,440 3,410 238 7.6 M727 /56 Mill, stock

P.98 . . 31-346944 46 480 200 184 7.1 M728/56 Mill, vegetables and fowls

P,99 . . 31-347947 68 1,030 41 63 550 66 9 7.2 362 M729 /56 Petrol pump, septic tank

P.100. . 31-346946 Ca. 70 490 266 56 7.1 M730 /56 Mill, washing, garden, cattle, fowls

P.101.. 42-332934 40 900 470 63 6.9 M731 /56 Mill, domestic uses, poultry

P.102.. 109-423905 84 1,290 587 15 398 7.5 M190/56 Mill, stock

P.103.. 109-422904 60 1,450 657 17 416 7.5 M191 /56 Mill, stock, well 30ft. and bore 30 ft.

P.104.. 109-425903 60 1,520 708 443 7.3 M192 /56 Mill, stock

P.105.. 95A-310889 23 960 409 48 6.9 M621 /57 Mill, stock, garden

P.106.. 95A-309887 10 4,520 2,320 145 7.3 M622 /57 Mill, stock

P.107.. 95A-307880 10 1,720 834 124 7.7 M623 /57 Mill, stock

P.108.. 95G-312888 9 3,880 2,185 25 5 • 8 M624 /57 Mill, stock

P.109.. Balla Balla 27 640 318 31 6.0 M625 /57 Mill, stock P.R.-316900

P.110.. 94-310907 80 4,660 2,570 299 6.9 M626 /57 Mill, stock

P.111 . . 88131- 102 2,380 1,260 215 7.3 M627 /57 Mill, fowls, stock 304928

P.112.. 88c-302929 290 89 146 7.8 M628 /57 , Mill, stock Shallow

P.113 . . 93c-332889 45 1,700 826 232 7.2 M629 /57 Power pump, stock, washing dairy, too hard for washing utensils

P.114. . 93G-333890 45 370 49 6 190 8.7 M630/57 Stock, sample diluted by surface seepage

P.115 . . 93A-334896 45 3,820 2,130 35 6.4 M631 /57 Mill, stock

P.116. . 107-363903 Shallow 1,880 960 217 7.3 M632 /57 Mill, stock

P.117 . . 1 of B- 520 114 142 7.7 M633 /57 Well, mill, stock 350894

P.118. . 92A-347896 5,920 3,280 250 8.0 M634 /57 Mill, stock

P.119 . . 1 of B- 2,160 990 396 7.7 M635 /57 Petrol pump, stock 348901

P.120.. 89-291916 160 Silurian sediments

5,920 3,220 20 175 8 - 6 M636 /57 Mill, stock

P.121 . . 89-295916 120 Silurian sediments

6,960 4,020 85 6.8 M637 /57 Mill, stock

P.122 . . 1 of C— 60 Silurian 5,540 3,290 72 6' 8 M638 /57 Mill, stock 298909 sediments

P.123 . . 89-302915 100-120 Silurian sediments

4,300 2,570 135 7.2 M639 /57 Mill, stock

P.124 . . 33-322950 100 5,700 3,230 256 7.1 M640 /57 Mill, cattle, washing dairy

P.125 . . 32-331948 80 Silurian sediments

980 256 83 7.1 M641 /57 Well 30 ft., bore 50 ft. Not suitable for fowls, sample diluted by seepage

P.126 . . 30-330954 1,680 917 5 163 7 • 8 M642 /57 Elec. pump, cattle

P.127 . . 31-340950 160-200 200 77 53 6.3 M704/57 Mill, all household purposes

P.128 . . 31-341950 75 190 72 35 6.8 M705 /57 Mill, all purposes

P.129 . . 31-336944 56 Silurian sed- iments over- lain by Baxter sandstone

3,520 1,920 305 7.5 M706/57 Petrol pump, com- mercial flower gardens

P.130. . 31-337945 40 Silurian sed- iments over- lain by Baxter sandstone

1,230 543 224 7.0 1v1707 /57 Hand pump, use as for P.129

P.131 . . 41-329935 6,750 3,800 243 7.5 M708 /57 Mill, stock

P.132. . 29A-330958 55 1,220 655 226 7.4 M709/57 Mill, household pur-poses, fowls, stock

P.133 . . 30-331958 80 210 68 71 7 - 3 M710 /57 Mill, household pur-poses

Water Analyses continued.

Bore No.

Allotment No.

Military Co-ords

Depth (ft.)

Nature of Aquifer

Total Solids

Ca Mg Na, K CI


Total Hardness

(as Ca CO3


Analysis No.



P.134.. 30-331960 75 160 46 56 6 . 7 M711/57 Petrol pump, all purposes

P.135.. 27-315963 85 Silurian 5,340 2,680 50 7.2 M712/57 Mill, stock

P.136.. 26-311962 85 Silurian 6,960 4,100 230 7 . 6 M713 /57 Mill, stock

P.137.. 25-304963 65+ Silurian 5,250 2,860 24 340 8 . 3 M714/57 Mill, stock

P.138.. 24-297964 95 Silurian 4,600 2,500 498 7.7 M715/57 Mill, stock

P.139.. 28-319958 60 Silurian 5,740 3,125 16 444 7.9 M716/57 Mill, stock

P.140.. 20G-325971 33 190 65 129 6.0 M717/57 Mill, all household purposes

P.141.. 20E-326978 50 250 76 126 7.0 1v1718 /57 Electric pump, market garden

P.142.. 1-328978 6 140 30 12 5.5 M719/57 Mill, stock

P.143.. 2-337979 370 149 147 7 . 2 M720 /57 Mill, stock

P.144.. 2-338975 25 300 115 89 6 . 6 M721 /57 Well, mill, stock

P.145.. 3-345974 29 1,020 409 5 257 7 . 9 M722 /57 Well, mill, stock

P.146.. 10-356978 80 2,700 1,435 12 309 8 . 2 M723 /57 Mill, fowls, garden at times

P.147.. 11-368970 75 1,390 564 544 7 . 8 M724 /57 Mill, garden, stock

P.148.. 11-362976 42 3,770 1,925 359 7.2 M725 /57 Mill, stock

P.149.. 12-374968 60+ 1,580 670 552 8 . 0 M726 /57 Mill, stock

P.150.. 12-371972 20 2,500 1,275 515 7 - 2 M727 /57 Well, mill, stock

P.151.. 17-389957 80 1,400 581 32 455 7 - 9 M728 /57 Mill, stock

P.152.. 13-387967 30 3,280 1,710 439 8.5 M729 /57 Well, mill, stock

P.153.. 13-379968 3,400 1,750 510 7.8 M730/57 Well and bore, stock Shallow

P.154.. 14-394972 28 3,620 1,790 542 7.2 M731 /57 Well, electric pump, vegetables except beans

P.155. . 14-392971 20 2,920 1,595 263 6 . 9 M732/57 Well, mill, stock

P.1 56 . . 14-391973 20 1,950 1,062 288 6 . 5 M798 /57 Well, mill, stock


P.157 . . 59-419968 110 Shell, sand and limestone

4,060 179 174 2,038 505 139 7 . 3 1,116 M799 /57 Electric pump, stock

P.158. . 58-418969 Ca 110 Shell, sand and limestone

4,270 2,442 421 7 . 9 M800 /57 Mill, stock

P.159. . 98G 119949 45 1,930 890 517 7 • 8 M801 /57 Mill, stock

P.160.. 99D-422946 62 4,010 2,144 337 7.4 M802 /57 Mill, garden, stock

P.161 . . 99D-430945 30 4,540 2,290 385 7 . 5 M803 /57 Well, mill, stock

P.162.. 98r-423955 Ca 60 3,770 1,967 391 7 1 M804 /57 Mill, stock vegetables, for first crop only

P.163 . . 98r-435951 Ca 60 3,520 1,725 429 8 0 M805 /57 Mill, stock

P.164 . . 18-393939 20 2,100 1,039 189 Agric. Well, mill, stock Dept.

P.165.. 18-389948 17 920 418 165 Agric. Well, mill, stock Dept.

P.166.. 18-383945 9 4,080 85 158 2,305 60 Agric. Mill, stock Dept.

P.167. . 17-380956 9 1,240 550 315 Agric. Dept.

Power pump, dairy purposes, stock

P.168. . 16A-397947 78 1,470 617 464 7.9 M806 /57 Mill, stock

M.D.18 Township of 31 Sandy clay . 13,480 7,010 21 56 M941 /56 Abandoned Warneet- 340873

M.D.19 Township of 70-78 Marine sands . . 6,110 1v111 8 /56 Mill, public con- Warneet- 54-72 5,520 2,822 255 7.4 M119 /56 veniences 340873

Strata. Thickness. Depth Struck.

ft. in. ft. in.

f Peaty clay Clay . . Sandy clay Brown coal

?P A Coarse and fine sand Cemented sand .. Fine sand . . Cemented sand ..


U Cemented sand and shells. . Limestone Hard limestone . .

Depth drilled

0 0 3 0

3 0 23 0

26 0 49 0

75 0 25 0

90 0 28 0

118 0 3 0

121 0 5 0

126 0 18 0

144 0 9 0

153 0 1 0

154 0 3 0

167 0


Surface Level : 7

• •

• .

• •

• •

• -

• •

1,207 Nil 388 38

167 113 19 1.1


. 244

. 884

Chloride (Cl) Carbonate (CO3) Bicarbonate (HCO,) Sulphate (SO4) Calcium (Ca) .. Magnesium (Mg) Iron—Total (Fe) Iron—Soluble (Fe) . . Silica—Soluble (Si02) • •

Turbidity . . Total Hardness (as CaCO3)


Position : Cranbourne M.S.438895, Great Swamp P.R.

Depth Struck. Strata. Thickness.

Qc {Black clay Grey clay

'Yellow clay .. ?P Yellow sandy clay

Coarse sand ..

ft. in. ft. in.

0 0 15 0

15 0 10 0

25 0 20 0

45 0 2 0

47 0 3 0

Depth drilled . . 50 0

Water struck at 47 feet. Standing at 3 feet.



Position : Cranbourne M.S.451934, Allotment 25

Surface Level : 10



Situation : In the public purposes reserve, Tooradin ; from the westernmost corner of allotment 5, parish of Koo-wee-rup, 87 feet on a bearing of 121' then 74 feet on a bearing of 211°.

Surface Level : 2 feet

Summary of Log : Feet

Sands and clays

0- 70 Black sand

70-128 Fine grey sand .. 128-177 Grey sand with shells

177-218 Grey sandy clay . . 218-304 Grey gravelly clay . . 304-318 Basalt .. 318-341 Grey clay

341-3461Lower Palaeozoic Grey mudstone

346-393 J bedrock

Casing : 305 feet of 5-inch casing was left in the hole.

Water : Water was struck at the following depths :-

35-50 feet, bailed at 300 g.p.h. , total solids solids 2,770 p.p.m.

300-320 feet, bailed at 2,500 g.p.h., total solids 2,456 p.p.m., with a pumping level 40 feet.

A detailed analysis of the water from 300-320 feet follows :—

p.p .177.

Water struck at 127 feet. Standing at 1 foot.

BORE P14 Position : Cranbourne M.S.438894, Great Swamp

P.R. Surface Level : 7

Thickness. Depth Struck. Strata.

Qc f Peaty clay . . . .

1 Dark grey clay and sandy clay 9P

1 f Yellow sandy clay

Fine sand ..

Depth drilled 106 0

ft. in. ft. in.

0 0 3 0

3 0 35 0

38 0 32 0

70 0 36 0


Surface Level : 258 feet


Qd Yellow and grey sand r Grey clayey sand M -{ Grey sand . .

Yellow sandy clay S f Yellow mottled clay


Depth drilled . .

Depth Struck. Thickness.

ft. in. ft. in.

0 0 15 0

15 0 2 0

17 0 9 0

26 0 11 0

37 0 3 0

40 0 3 0

43 0

Water struck at 9 feet.

Surface soil


Sandy clay . . Sandy brown coal . . Sand with traces of brown

coal . . Sand . . Limestone

Depth drilled . .





Position : Allotment 1, section A, Warneet

Surface Level : 12 feet (aneroid)



township of Position : On magnetic meridian, from north-west corner of allotment 23A, 703 feet south, then 440 ft. east

Strata. Depth Struck.


ft. in. ft. in.

Qd Sand . . 0 0 4 0 Sandy clay • . 4 0 13 0

?P Cemented sand

• •

{ 17 0 18 0

Drift sand 35 0 15 0 Cemented sand • • 50 0 16 0

I Drift sand UT I Cemented sand • • 66 71

0 0

5 46

0 0

sandstone 117 0 24 0

[Soft Hard sandstone • • 141 0 2 0 Soft sandstone 143 0 10 0

-{ Hard sandstone • . 153 0 6 0 I Soft sandstone • • 159 0 4 0 L Hard sandstone . • 163 0 5 0

f Brown coal 168 0 33 0 I Gravelly clay 201 0 4 0

LT Basalt . . 205 0 13 0

Depth drilled . . 218 0

Water standing at 12 feet.


Position : Cranbourne M.S.406892, Tooradin P.R.

Surface Level : 9 feet


Position : On magnetic meridian, from north-west corner of allotment 23A, 478 feet south, then 503 feet east

Surface Level : 261 feet Strata.

Depth Struck. Thickness.

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

ft. in. ft. in. Qd Yellow sand . . 0 0 27 0

M f Grey mottled sandy clay . . Grey sandy clay . .

27 29

0 0

2 6

0 0

S Yellow mottled clay 35 0 10 0

Depth drilled . . 45 0

ft. in. ft. in.

0 0 1 6

1 6 59 6

61 0 13 0

74 0 37 0

111 0 30 0

141 0 26 0

167 0

Water standing at 4 feet. Water struck at 17 feet.




Position : On true meridian, from north-west corner of allotment 20E, 305 feet south, then 486 feet east

Surface Level : 169 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

ft. in. ft. in.

Surface Soil 0 0 2 0 sand 2 0 2 0 {Grey

Qd Yellow sand 4 0 4 0 Grey sand 8 0 11 0 Grey clayey sand 19 0 2 0 Yellow mottled clay 21 0 20 0 White sandy clay 41 0 4 0 Grey sand 45 0 5 0

M Grey clay 50 0 5 0 Coarse grey sand 55 0 3 0 Brown drift sand 58 0 6 0 Ligneous sandy clay 64 0 3 0 Brown drift sand 67 0 1 0

S f Grey clay 68 0 12 0 Sandstone 80 0 1 0

Depth drilled .. 81 0

Water struck at 45 feet.



Position : On true meridian, from north-west corner of allotment 19, 89 feet north, then 883 feet west

Surface Level : 99 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

ft. in. ft. in.

Yellow sand 0 0 2 0 Red mottled clay 2 0 9 0 Yellow mottled sandy clay 11 0 5 0

M Grey mottled sandy clay .. 16 0 3 0 Yellow mottled sandy clay .. 19 0 6 0 Grey clayey sand 25 0 20 0

S Sandstone 45 0 1 0

Depth drilled .. 46 0



Position : On true meridian, from south-east corner of allotment 5, 770 feet north, then 969 feet west

Surface Level : 142 feet

Strata. Depth Struck.


ft. in. ft. in.

Qd Yellow sand .. (Yellow sandy clay

0 3

0 0

3 8

0 0

M Red mottled clay Yellow mottled clay

11 29

0 0

18 45

0 0

LT Basalt .. 74 0 1 0

Depth drilled .. 75 0

Position : On true meridian from south-east corner of allotment 6A, 770 feet north, then 254 feet. west

Surface Level : 93 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

Surface Soil .. Grey clayey sand

ft. in.

0 0 2 0


2 2


0 0

M Yellow sandy clay 4 0 16 0 Yellow mottled clay 20 0 18 0 Soft sandstone .. 38 0 6 0

S Grey clay Sandstone • •

44 62

0 0

18 2

0 0

Depth drilled 64 0




Position: On true meridian from north-west corner of allotment 19, 1,490 feet south, then 543 feet west

Surface Level : 81 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

Surface Soil





ft. in.

2 0 Qd Grey sand . . 2 0 6 0

M Grey mottled sandy clay . . { Yellow clayey sand

8 10

0 0

2 40

0 0

S Sandstone 50 0 2 0

Depth drilled .. 52 0


Position : On true meridian, from north-west corner of allotment 19, 609 feet south, then 1,275 feet west.

Surface Level : 104 feet.

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

ft. in. ft. in.

Surface Soil 0 0 1 0 Qd Grey sand

. . Yellow sand . . 1 5

0 0

4 7

0 0

Yellow mottled sandy clay . . 12 0 4 0 M Red and yellow mottled sandy


clay .. .. . . 16 0 14 0

S Yellow mottled sandy clay .. Sandstone . . ..

30 58

0 0

28 2

0 0

Depth drilled .. 60 0



Position : On true meridian from north-west corner of allotment 19, 213 feet north, then 1,395 feet west

Surface Level : 91 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

Qd Surface Soil Grey sand Yellow sand

ft. in.

0 0 1 0 5 0


1 4 3


0 0 0

M Yellow clayey sand Yellow sandy clay

8 20

0 0

12 28

0 0

Grey mottled clay 48 0 10 0 Sandstone 58 0 2 0

Depth drilled 60 0


Position : On true meridian, from north-west corner of allotment 19, 191 feet south, then 1,315 feet west.

Surface Level : 101 feet


Depth Struck.

ft. in.


5 7

11 12 36 47

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


ft. in.

1 0 4 0 2 0 4 0 1 0

24 0 11 0 3 0

50 0


Surface Soil


1 Grey sand Yellow sand ..

M Yellow sandy clay Red clayey sand . . Yellow clayey sand Yellow sandy clay

S Sandstone . .

Depth drilled



Position : On true meridian, from north-west corner of allotment 19, 874 feet south, then 1,785 feet west

Surface Level : 84 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

Surface Soil





ft. in.

1 0 Qd Grey sand . . 1 0 5 0

Yellow clayey sand 6 0 14 0 Grey clayey sand 20 0 10 0 Yellow sandy clay 30 0 15 0

S Sandstone . . 45 0 5 0

Depth drilled . . 50 0



Position : On true meridan, from north-west corner of allotment 19, 361 feet south, then 3,130 feet west

Surface Level : 104 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

ft. in. ft. in.

Surface Soil 0 0 1 0 J. Grey sand Qd Yellow sand . .

1 5

0 0

4 7

0 0

Red mottled sandy clay . . 12 0 3 0 M Yellow mottled sandy clay 15 0 7 0

Yellow clayey sand 1

22 0 18 0 Yellow sandy clay 40 0 17 0

S Sandstone . . 57 0 3 0

Depth drilled . . 60 0


Position : On true meridan, from north-west corner of allotment 19, 432 feet south, then 2,099 feet west

Surface Level : 99 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

Surface Soil








0 Qd


Yellow sand . •

{ Red mottled clayey sand . . Yellow mottled clayey sand

1 8


0 0 0

7 6


0 0 0

S Sandstone . . 50 0 3 0

Depth drilled . . 53 0


Position : On true meridian, from south-west corner of allotment 20G, 191 feet north, then 16 feet east

Surface Level : 167 feet

Strata. Depth Struck.


ft. in. ft. in.

Qd Yellow sand . . 0 0 17 0 r Yellow mottled clay 17 0 13 0

M Yellow clay . . 30 0 20 0 S Blue clay 50 0 15 0

Depth drilled .. 65 0


Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

\ Qd

Surface Soil Grey sand . . Yellow sand . .

ft. in.

0 0 1 0 5 0


1 4 2


0 0 0

M Yellow mottled clay 7 0 43 0 S Sandstone 50 0 5 0

Depth drilled . . 55 0

Water struck at 50 feet.


Surface Soil Qd f Yellow sand . .

1 Yellow clayey sand T Yellow clay . .

Blue mottled clay . . ?P Yellow clay . .

Blue sandy clay . . . Brown lignitic clayey sand

L Grey clayey sand UT Sandstone with shells . .

Depth drilled . .

Depth Struck. Thickness.

ft. in. ft. in.

0 0 1 0 1 0 9 0

10 0 15 0 25 0 6 0 31 0 9 0 40 0 11 0 51 0 9 0 60 0 10 0 70 0 35 0

105 0 10 0

115 0



Position : On true meridian, from south-west corner of allotment 130, 214 feet south, then 1,010 feet east

Surface Level : 126 feet



Position : On true meridian, from north-west corner of allotment 92A, 1,865 feet south, then 447 feet west

Surface Level : 39 feet

Water struck at 50 feet.


Position : On true meridian, from north-east corner of allotment 36, 103 feet north, then 467 feet west

Surface Level : 187 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

ft. in. ft. in.

Surface Soil . . 0 0 1 0 Qd Grey and yellow sand 1 0 3 0

"Red mottled clay 4 0 3 0 Yellow sandy clay 7 0 12 0

S Grey sandy clay . . 19 0 5 0 Yellow mottled clay 24 0 24 0 Blue mottled clay . . 48 0 7 0 Sandstone . . 55 0 2 0

Depth drilled . . 57 0


Position : From the northernmost corner of allotment 13, section B, township of Warneet, 78 feet north, then 64 feet west

Surface Level : 10 feet

Strata. Depth Struck. Thickness.

ft. in. ft. in.

Qd Surface sand . . . . 0 0 3 0 Brownish yellow clayey sand 3 0 17 0 Yellow and grey mottled

?P sandy clay . . . . 20 0 20 0 Yellowish brown silt . . 40 0 10 0 Yellowish brown sandy clay 50 0 10 0

UT Grey brown very fine fossiliferous sand 60 0 11 0

Depth drilled . . 71 0

Water struck at 55 feet. Water struck at 31 feet. Standing at 14 feet.






;- BA Y PORT ,

0 20 40 20

Swamp or marsh _IL


Prominent dune ridges



143 0



138 0




Tooradin P. R.


• d

rl; I •

1 •—•-•


Warneet 3



Contour Interval 25 Feet a



Mangrove swamp

Salt marsh

Qc Peaty clays, clays, etc. (Mainly swamp deposits)

Qd Wind-blown sands,dunes etc. and undifferentiated sandy soils

-A4 Coarse deltaic sands

Clayey sands and sandy clays

(Miocene Ferruginous sandstones and clayey sands Tertiary

LT Basalt and basaltic clays LOligocene

Silurian Sandstones, siltstones and shales

Mines Department bore '45, Private bore g Drain

High water mark H.W.M. Low water mark L.W.M.

Geology by J. J. lenkin. B.Sc.

D. E. Thomas. D.Sc.. Chief Government Geologist

Base adapted from Lands Department cadastral surveys

Drawn for reproduction in the Department of Mines, Melbourne.

Vittoria. by G. M. Papp, 1960, under the direction of D. W. McInnes.

M.A.I.C.. Chief Draughtsman

Issued by 1. B. Tilley. Secretary for Mines. under the authority of the

Hon. W. J. Mibus, M.L.A., Minister of Mines

A. C. Brooks, Government Printer


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