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Volume 48 - Issue 6October 8, 2014

Since 1967


No fear, no loathing

we spent friday night in residence.

we REALLY should’ve stayed home.

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Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014 NEWS 3

CESAR executives were too busy for a photo shoot, so we shot their sign instead.


Ryerson’s Continuing Educationtudents’ Association (CESAR) is

nally getting back on its feet afteryear of lawsuits, lockouts and low

unds.Last year, CESAR’s executive

oard resigned following an illegalockout of two full-time CESARmployees. After rst appointingn interim executive last winter,

CESAR elected a new leadershipeam, tasked with patching up allhe problems from last year.

CESAR’s nancial woes were stilln the spotlight at the end of last se-

mester, according to the interim ex-cutive report from April 2. But thenion has addressed these problems

ead-on and is starting fresh.CESAR’s prior president failed toeposit thousands of dollars into anion chequing account, the reportaid, which had left the associationash-strapped.

Former president Shinae Kimwas given the rst installment ofealth and dental fees paid to thenion by the university.Kim did not deposit the cheque,

the report said, and as a resultthe union was forced to transfer$241,000 from its chequing ac-count into the health and dental ac-count. CESAR then owed outstand-ing fees to the Canadian Federationof Students.

There has been no response fromKim despite multiple attempts atcontacting her by CESAR’s legalteam, according to Denise Ham-mond, CESAR’s current president.

“[We] have contacted Shinae anumber of times requesting every-thing from passwords, property,documents, you name it, to be re-turned to the students’ union ofce.And she has never returned a singlecorrespondence,” she said.

“It’s been like recreating an en-

tirely new students union,” Ham-mond said. She said they’ve beenputting the union back together “byresolving the labour dispute, hiringstaff and ensuring services wereabove, or at least meeting the stan-dards student members deserve.”

A large portion of the moneyin the account — $55,106 — wasused for legal fees in negotiating anend to the labour dispute last year.

By Ramisha Farooqnd Sierra Bein

CESAR slowly getting back on trackAfter surviving mass resignations, monetary troubles and more than one kind of lockout, CESAR is back in action

The conict between the union andits staff, who are unionized with theCanadian Union of Public Employ-ees local 1281, lasted 16 weeks.

The lockout, initiated Sept. 30,was legally resolved Jan. 31 whena new collective bargaining agree-ment was put into place.

In April, the university also heldfall and winter fees and would notprocess them due to the mass res-ignation of CESAR staff and theunion’s unstable structure.

“[The school] indicated and ex-pressed that if the student unionwasn’t operating to their likingthat they wouldn’t stop withhold-ing our fees, which obviously is agreat concern and we view that asan encroachment on student union

autonomy,” Hammond said.Vice-Provost Students HeatherLane Vetere said, upon speakingwith Ryerson’s legal counsel, thatonce CESAR held a general electionand proved that it services the stu-dent body, fees would be releasedto them in compliance with the On-tario Corporations Act, accordingto Hammond.

Now that CESAR has regrouped,

Ryerson has released all fees to theexecutives, but are continuing tomonitor the situation and building

of the union.The executive report also statedthat there was an overpayment of$13,000 in bursary money to vari-ous accounts within the CESARadministration along with “missingdata” in the form of payroll entries,credit card information and photo-copying expenses, among others.

Hammond said record keepingstopped, which created a backlog

of work during last year’s lockout.“Whether they were additional

individuals or applicants we have

no idea because when the last ex-ecutive left they left no transitiondocuments, no passwords,” Ham-mond said.

“We essentially had to negotiateto get access to our website. Like ev-erything was running from groundzero. It’s been a bit of a rebuilding,but I think our execs are doing theirbest to service students.”

With les from Jake Scott

Facebook ame war ignites RSU pageSome Ryerson students were outraged after the RSU began deleting comments and banning users from its page

By Brennan Doherty

Ryerson students took to the Ry-rson Students’ Union (RSU) Face-ook page last Friday to voice theirispleasure at the union’s repeatedemoval of a video that was postedn its page. The video was createdy pro-Israeli group Hamas On

Campus. Its repeated removal byage administrators sparked out-age from students on social me-ia, with one student threateningo le a lawsuit against the RSU.

Ryerson student Hailey Nicoleosted a response to the Facebookroup Saturday night, frustrated

with the repeated deletion of com-ments written by her and othertudents.

“You’re discriminating againstme based on my country of originnd I’m taking this straight to cam-us security, administration andveryone else until you’re nothingut dust. This is not a threat, it’s aucking promise,” she commentedn the RSU Facebook post.The Eyeopener made several at-

empts to contact Nicole but sheid not respond.The video was originally shared

o the RSU Facebook page onFriday by Ryerson student OferZiberman. Page administrators

removed the video but it was re-posted by other students as manyas 10 times. That night, the RSUposted a response on its Facebookpage saying that it had removedthe video because it was “racistand Islamophobic.”

The RSU’s response in the Face-book thread reads, “We would liketo take this opportunity to remindfolks that we have a zero-tolerancepolicy for hate speech both onlineand ofine ... we will continue todelete videos posted on our page

that promoted hate speech rootedin, but not limited to, anti-Muslim,anti-Arab and/or anti-Semitic sen-timents and/or remarks.”

But a number of other studentsposting in the comment thread, aswell as Facebook group ‘DROPRSU,’ complained that the RSUdeleted the video from its pageand still maintains an open stanceagainst the Israeli government’spolicies.

“The RSU tends to marginalizegroups that do not agree with themor vote for them,” said ‘DROPRSU’ in a statement posted toFacebook. The group says the cen-sorship of its comments violatestheir right to freedom of speech.The RSU’s president disagrees.

“We ended the comments sec-

tion on our page over the course ofthe weekend because it’s importantfor us to be working towards cre-ating safer, more inclusive spacesand we’re responsible for the con-tent that gets posted on our page,”Rajean Hoilett said.

“I think it’s very important forpeople to know the difference be-tween freedom of speech and hatespeech.” He added that the RSUhas not received any notices oflawsuits.

Ziberman said that he shared the

video in response to, he claims, thefunding of Palestinian demonstra-tions by the RSU. “You want totell me as a proud Canadian-Israeli[that] I should feel safe on campuswhen the one student union that issupposed to keep these things offcampus is spreading their propa-ganda and inviting the entire stu-dent body to an anti Israeli protest... the RSU did not even condemnit ... they sponsored it,” Zibermansaid.

Hamas On Campus is an pro-Israel organization set up by agroup of university students incampuses across Canada and theUnited States. Its chief concern is“the activities of the MSA (Mus-lim Students Association)and SJP(Students for Justice in Palestine).

Both share anti-Israel and anti-democratic values,” according totheir website.

Its four-minute video asserts thatseveral current members of al-Qa-eda (including a co-founder) wereformer members of MSA or SJP

groups in the United States.Any students who wish to ask

questions, comment, or share con-cerns about the post are asked bythe RSU to contact [email protected].

With les from Jake Scott

RSU President Rajean Hoilett.PHOTO: FARNIA FEKRI

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Editor-in-Chief Mohamed “Sentimental” Omar

News Jackie “Pedicure” Hong

Sierra “Lives In Rez” Bein Jake “Blisters” Scott

FeaturesSean “Wall-E” Wetselaar

Biz & TechLaura “Chi-Pot-Le” Woodward

Arts and LifeLeah “1 Million Sources” Hansen

Sports Josh “2-Page Master” Beneteau

CommunitiesNatalia “Aquariums” Balcerzak

PhotoFarnia “Adorable” Fekri Jess “Infallible” Tsang

Rob “Chips And Salsa” Foreman

FunKeith “Shit Turkey” Capstick


Behdad “Wait, Who?” Mahichi

OnlineNicole “Hotkeys” Schmidt John “Corporeal” Shmuel

Web DeveloperKerry “Master Coder” Wall

CopyeditorBecca “Anti-Chipotle?” Goss

General ManagerLiane “Spirit Animal” McLarty

Advertising ManagerChris “Jon Hamm” Roberts

Design Director J.D. “A MAN” Mowat

ContributorsLaura “Clay” Hensley

Vivian “Sage” TabarEmma “Kafr Lime” McIntosh Jake “Pepper Trufes” Kivanc

Olivia “Red Chai” McLeodBadri “Barborygymus” Murali

Sunday “Monday” AkenAndrea “Tuesday” Vacl

Igor “Wednesday” Magun Julia “Thursday” KnapeMitch “Careful” Bowmile

Charles “Old Fart” VanegasDevin “Puck Bunny” JonesEmma “Gonzo” CosgroveSalmaan “Fixer” Farooqui

Amy “Oh Justin” FruehBrennan “Meowth” DohertyNitish “Psyduck” Bissonauth

Erika “Clefairy” DreherAidan “Slowbro” Hamelin

Stefanie “Jigglypuff” PhillipsRamisha “Charizard” Farooq

Kanwal “Wobbuffet” RaqLeaura “Patient One” Katelyn

Super Awesome Interns Julia “FIRST STORY” Tomasone

Anika “Eloquent” SyedaHayley “The Transcriber” Adam

Playing the part of the AnnoyingTalking Coffee Mug this week isNuit Blanche. Remember when youused to be cool, NB? When youweren’t infested with drunk and/orhigh teenagers roaming all aroundyour face, fucking shit up for every-one else? Remember when you hadactual art? Well I don’t and I’m oneof those high school kids. I had a

great time. See you next year.

The Eyeopener is Ryerson’s largestand only independent student news-

paper. It is owned and operated byRye Eye Publishing Inc., a non-

prot corporation owned by thestudents of Ryerson. Our ofces areon the second oor of the StudentCampus Centre. You can reach us at416-979-5262, at theeyeopener.comor on Twitter at @theeyeopener.

4 EDITORIAL Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014

correction noticeThe Eyeopener would like tomake its readers aware of a cor-rection to a story.

On Wednesday, Oct. 1, wepublished the story “The Youngand the Political” by RamishaFarooq in the Features section.

That story incorrectly statedthat Giulia Ilacqua is a memberof the Ontario Young LiberalsBoard.

This is incorrect. She is in fact

a member of the Toronto-CentreFederal Liberal Association.

The story also stated that whileworking in her constituency of-ce, she spoke to citizens aboutthe Liberal Party. This is also in-correct. While Ilacqua redirecteda number of calls involving theparty, she never directly spokeabout it with callers.

The Eyeopener regrets these er-rors. A lot.

RSU president Rajean Hoilett tries to listen to political opposition but his ears are met with silence.PHOTO: JESS TSANG

Angry with the RSU? Run for it

’ve seen more opposition to theRyerson Students’ Union (RSU)n the past week than I have sinceoming to this bottled-water-freeasis in 2010.And, funnily enough, I saw it inFacebook comment thread.The RSU deleted a video that

was posted on its Facebook page— which, as the administrator ofhat account, it has full right to —nd posted a message to “remindolks that we have a zero toleranceolicy for hate speech both onlinend in person.”Then all kinds of e-hell broke

oose.I have not seen the video, which

he RSU described as “Islamapho-ic and highly racist.” But it’s clearo see — based on the volcano of

comments that erupted later — thatit has to do with Palestine, Israel

and the union’s work around both.A second message said “folks thatcontinue to [post] the video on thispage will be blocked from postingon the page to ensure that we areworking towards providing spacesfree from oppression.” The userwould be notied before the block-ing happened, the message added.

Two massive threads, with al-most 420 comments combined,saw the RSU getting called “big-ots” and “discriminatory,” amongother things. Some defended theunion. The whole thing was sand-wiched between an online debateon Israel and Palestine, but it wasthe criticism of the RSU that stuckout to me the most.

Seeing that much anti-RSU sen-timent, even if it was just online,made me wonder: if there are stu-dents on campus that do care andhave a problem with the way the

union is working, then why — bySheldon Levy’s silver beard —

don’t we have an opposition party?Every election a few people willrun against the reigning slate —whether it’s called Unite Ryerson,Students United or Party In TheU.S.A. — but they fail to get anykind of traction. That’s because theygo up against an organized, well-oiled machine that uses the experi-ence of past student governments.

Voter turnout has never beenlower. The RSU’s last general elec-tion saw only 5 per cent of thecampus voting. Of the ve execu-tive positions, only Rajean Hoilett,the president, had living, breathinghuman beings challenge him. TheRSU did not make itself a one-partygovernment. The lack of organizedpolitical opposition did that.

If those pissed-off commentersare genuinely ready for a differ-ent RSU government, they shouldstart preparing to run.


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Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014 NEWS 5

Got banned for what?Rumours that Ryerson was banned from Toronto Island prove to be untrue

ettle down, everyone: Ryerson’snnual Parade and Picnic is not anned from Toronto Island.On Oct. 1, The Ryersonian re-

orted that Ryerson’s frosh-weekradition, which has run for overalf a century, was banned from

Toronto Island after this year’svent. However, none of the cityfcials that The Eyeopener spokeo said the ban exists.

The current situation has beenblown way out of proportion,”

Toronto Parks Customer Serviceupervisor Cathy Hargreaves said.

Customer service handles permitsor special events in Toronto parksnd Hargreaves represents the To-

onto and East York District.“My knowledge is that noth-ng of the sort has happened,” sheaid.

Toronto Island Supervisor War-en Hoselton was not aware ofny bans against Ryerson either.“We haven’t even received an

pplication for a ban,” Hoseltonaid.

This year’s Parade and Picnicarnered about a dozen noiseomplaints from Toronto Islandesidents and Ryerson wouldeed to review its event to makeure it’s “fully compliant with allarks and noise by-laws,” Toron-o Parks Waterfront District Man-ger James Dann said in an email.However, he added that Ryer-

on has yet to even submit a pro-osal for the 2015 Parade and Pic-ic that can be denied or accepted.

“There’s nothing in place rightnow,” Dann said in an interview.

“[The Parade and Picnic] is un-der review, but all events go underreview at the end of the year.”

Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU)President Rajean Hoilett said hehas not been notied of any bans.

“To my knowledge we haven’treceived any complaints. We’vehad folks try to nd out what thesituation is. It seems that therehaven’t actually been any ofcialsteps taken ... To my knowledgeright now it’s not a super seriousissue that we’re afraid of,” Hoilettsaid. The RSU’s Vice-President Eq-uity Pascale Diverlus also said shehad no knowledge of a ban.

Ryerson President Sheldon Levysaid he wasn’t aware of any banseither until campus media started

asking him about it.“I have not received a letter on

this from anyone, so it was allnews to me,” Levy said. He addedthat the university “heard a coupleof complaints but nothing terriblyunusual.”

The Parade and Picnic has hadits share wild stories in the past,none of which have resulted in aban from Toronto Island. In 1999,a 20-year-old student got alcoholpoisoning on the island and had tobe transported by a Toronto Po-lice Marine Unit boat back to themainland before taken to hospital.

The most serious incident hap-pened during the 1982 iterationof the picnic, a friend of a Ryer-son student dove off the ferry intoLake Ontario. He broke his neckand died.

Students celebrate as they arrive at Toronto Island for the 2014 Parade and Picnic.PHOTO: JESS TSANG

By Sierra Bein

Hanigsberg stepping downRye’s vice-president of administration and nance will leave in December

Ryerson’s Vice President of Ad-

ministration and Finance, JuliaHanigsberg will be accepting anew position as president andCEO at Holland Bloorview KidsRehabilitation Hospital.

Hanigsberg has been a volun-erer with the hospital for the past

ve years.“As a parent I’ve been involved

or a much longer period of timeecause my eldest daughter, who is8 years old, has a developmental

disability,” Hanigsberg said.The offer was only made on

Sept. 30, which was short noticeor both Hanigsberg and the uni-

veristy. “I think they made a great ap-

ointment,” said Ryerson Presi-dent, Sheldon Levy.

He described Julia’s leave as “a

loss to the university.”“That’s what happens to great

people, there’s something for themin a variety of different roles, likethis, but Julia’s exceptionally qual-ied for it,” he said.

Effective Dec. 1, Janice Win-ton will be taking over as interimvice president. Winton is currently

Chief Financial Ofcer of the uni-versity and will maintain the po-sition when she begins as interimvice president.

Hanigsberg said this experienceis “incredibly bitter sweet.”

“I know I will be having to car-ry around Kleenex for the last fewweeks I’m here,” Hanigsberg said.

Julia Hanigsberg has been with Ryerson since 2006.PHOTO: JESS TSANG

Floor 11 is the only kitchen in Pitman without stovetops. PHOTO: SIERRA BEIN

The microwave lifePitman Hall’s new 11th-oor kitchen has no stoves

By Aidan Hamelin

The beginning of this year markedthe opening of Pitman Hall’s new-ly renovated 11th-oor communalkitchen, which is fully equippedwith an industrial sized refrig-erator, two commercial ovens and

three microwaves—all chrome.But there’s no stovetops, making itIkea-showroom pretty but lackinga key function.

“The fact that there’s no cook-tops is denitely annoying, be-cause most of the time whenyou’re making something like ameal you’re going to be using acooktop. For example, if I wereto use the kitchen more regular-ly I would denitely make eggsthere, but I can’t do that becausethey don’t have a cooktop,” said

Jay Ferguson, a rst-year graphiccommunications management stu-dent. He said the kitchen is verypretty but isn’t quite as functionalas it should be, a typical opin-ion among 11th-oor residents.“If they don’t want to do it thisyear I can understand that, but atleast eventually putting in a cook-top wood be good, just because

it doesn’t make sense practical-ity wise, it’s not practical at all tohave no cooktops,” Ferguson said.

The decision to omit a stovetopfrom the kitchen was not a con-scious one on the part of Ryerson’sStudent Housing Services (RSHS),said Ian Crookshank, Director of

Housing and Residence Life.According to Crookshank, theoriginal design included a stovetopbut the instillation proved prob-lematic.

“We were told by the city thatwithout venting to the outsidewe couldn’t have stovetops,” saidCrookshank.

Solving the ventilation prob-lem wasn’t impossible but wouldinvolve restructuring the buildingthat would have made the renova-tion too expensive, Crookshankexplained.

“It was going to take what wasa reasonably affordable projectand make it the most expensivekitchen ever built,” Crookshanksaid.

The kitchen required a renova-tion after a suspected electrical rethat spread from the 10th oor de-stroyed it in 2012.

By Jackie Hong

CostumesStartingat just

$15TORONTO • 239 Yonge St • 532 Church St

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6 NEWS Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014

Storage wars: locked upWith tripods, portfolios, laptops and cameras, personal space is at a premium

By Kanwal Raq

Students in the Image Arts building nd themselves battling for lockers every year.PHOTO: SIERRA BEIN

Students at Ryerson University inthe image arts programs are un-happy about having to scavengefor lockers.

Large lockers occupy a shorthallway in the basement at the Im-age Arts building, but the lockerson the third oor are half the size.

Students nd it unfair that theselockers aren’t built to accommo-date everyone and run on a rst-come-rst-serve basis.

Third-year new media studentTess Sutherland said most peoplewho go to Ryerson are commutersand have to lug equipment to andfrom school if they don’t have alocker. But if you’re lucky enoughto nd one, your big camera caseand tripod probably won’t t in it.

Sutherland ended up taking alocker in another building acrosscampus, to which she travels backand forth, dragging her heavyequipment along. It’s time con-suming and inconvenient, she said,but she was happy to nd one.

Third-year photography stu-dent Layah Glassman had no luck

at all in nding a locker. She saidshe has no choice but to share onewith two other friends.

The battle for the lockers istaken quite seriously, Glassmansaid, adding that students come toclaim their own as early as mid-August.

Ryerson Vice-Provost StudentsHeather Lane Vetere said her teamdistributes lockers to the different

departments based on their re-quests but these requests are notalways met due to the shortage.She said she’s open to trying to ad-dress the issue but has never beenapproached about it.

“It’s certainly something I canexplore but it’s not somethinganyone has ever come to me andsaid, ‘we need more lockers,’”Vetere said.

After months of renovations that cost a total $840,000, Ryerson’s Hub cafeteria hadits soft launch on Oct. 6. For the full story go


Eye got your back Rajean respondsThe taps in the SCC could causethird-degree burns if you’re notcareful. The Eyeopener measuredthe temperatures of the hot watercoming out of the taps, ndingthey maxed out at 89 C.

After bringing up the issue withCampus Facilities and Sustainabil-ity, they submitted a work order tox the taps.

Next time you wash your handswithout scalding yourself, thankThe Eyeopener.

Controversial speaker Ezra Le-vant commented on the RyersonStudents’ Union (RSU) and its de-cision to join the Boycott Divest-ment and Sanctions movement lastweek. RSU president Rajean Hoi-lett responds:

“He tore up the equity state-ment as part of his act and thingslike that don’t help to create saferspaces on campus. [These] aren’tthe ways we hope to form theseconversations,” said Hoilett.

The Hub gets a $840,000 facelift

By Stefanie Phillips

Ryerson President Sheldon Levywelcomed the community to aonference aimed at solving onef Canada’s biggest problems —reating good jobs now and inhe future — during the openingemarks of the national Good Jobsummit at the MAC on Oct. 3.“We need bold and innovative

deas,” said Levy.The Good Jobs Summit sought

o create national dialogue be-ween students, workers, employ-rs, governments and community

rganizations to nd solutionsnd new approaches to jobs andhe economy.

Ryerson Students’ Union Presi-ent Rajean Hoilett also spokeuring the opening remarks.“Students are concerned about

nemployment for youth ... abouthe increasing cost of education,overty wages, being forced intohe position of unpaid work inhe form of internships and place-

ments and ... about accessing af-ordable housing and transporta-ion across the city,” he said.

By Nitish Bissonauth By Erika Dreher

Got jobs? Good jobs?The Eyeopener sent three reporters to the Good Jobs Summit at the MattamyAthletic Centre (MAC). The summit, from Oct. 3 to 5, focused on what couldcreate better employment in Canada. Visit for full articles.

A debate featuring economists andCBC regulars Jim Stanford, ToddHirsh, Preet Banerjee and Kay-lie Tiessen tackled what makes agood job in Canada following thewelcoming ceremony of the Good

Jobs Summit on Oct. 3.The panelists’ answers ranged

from raising minimum wage togaining more world experiencethrough international and localtravel to choosing better industriesto study.

Around a thousand people at-

tended the event, including Unifor(Canada’s largest private sectorunion) National President JerryDias and federal Liberal partyleader Justin Trudeau.

Trudeau said before the debatethat if he is elected prime minister,he will focus on fostering partner-ships to create a “path of success”for students.

Dias said the debate couldn’thappen at a better time.

“We are in a crisis here in Can-ada when it comes to unemploy-ment,” Dias said.

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynnespoke on the second day for theGood Jobs Summit on Oct. 4about how the provincial govern-ment plans to improve the jobmarket.

“Infrastructure renewal is so im-portant to this province’s future. Itstands as a pillar in our economicplan,” Wynne said.

She reminded the crowd of the$130 billion the provincial gov-ernment is putting into infrastruc-ture over the next 10 years, which

she said creates 110,000 “goodjobs” every year.Another focus of Wynne’s speech

was jobs for students.“I understand that is it our col-

lective responsibility to make surethat young people have access tothe post-secondary system and sowe will continue to work to makeour post-secondary system moreaccessible,” she said.

“We are making sure that youngpeople have accurate informationabout the job market as they makedecisions about their future.”

_ . - - :

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Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014 ARTS & LIFE 7

Breaking in Looking for a job in theatre production ? Be prepared to battle the busi-ness to make a name for yourself. This three-part series will explore what it’slike to nd your way in Toronto’s cultural industry.

Finding a job in theatre production can be an exercise in frustration for many.PHOTO: JESS TSANG

For recent grad Tia Teeft, theworld outside school wasa bit of a disappointment.

After spending four years in Ryer-on’s theatre production program,

Teeft works as a restaurant hostessmaking money to cover her OSAP

ayments.“I worked at a few theatres do-

ng some stage management jobsor about two months and thens those started to dwindle off, Iad to start doing more restaurant

work,” Teeft said.For theatre production students

nd grads alike, the arts indus-ry in Toronto is a tough one tourvive in. According to the To-

onto Arts Foundation, Toronto’sreative workforce has grown 34er cent since 2001, which is morehan twice the rate of growth inhe general labour force. In an age

where graduating with a ne artsegree generates more scoffs thanongratulations, some studentsre nding it hard to break inton industry that is so difcult to

make a name in.“We do tell our students in the

ery rst year, the very rst dayhey show up, that the business

will not take you all,” said PeterFleming, production coordinatort the Ryerson Theatre School. “Itakes a lot of commitment, a lotf dedication, being an incrediblyood people-person and keepingour reputation clean, that will ac-ually get you work. The business

will not take 70 graduates out ofhe technical program.”

According to Ryerson’s 2009tats, 78 per cent of production stu-ents made it to fourth year. This isbig jump from the 2001 numbers,

which indicate a 50 per cent drop-ut or transfer rate before fourth-ear. In terms of where the jobs are,bout 85 per cent of graduates aremployed in their eld in the rst

ix months after graduation.When it comes to nding workn the industry, there are two dif-erent routes you can go, said

Fleming. The non-union route isery freelance-based, while joiningunion gets you higher pay but

may be more work in the long run.t takes a different kind of personor each, he said.

The International Alliance ofTheatrical Stage Employees (IA-TSE) is the union some productiontudents opt to join. IATSE Local8 is the chapter that representshe jurisdiction in downtown To-onto. If students do opt to join

the union, they submit their resu-més and start out as permit hold-ers. After a few years of making animpression on the higher-ups, theycan become an apprentice, whichis another three years of takingstage calls. A vote is held after thisin order for the apprentice to jointhe union as a full member.

At rst glance, the benetsof being with a union areobvious — the pay is bet-

ter than striking out on your ownand depending on your seniority,the calls to work production jobscould be coming pretty regularly.But therein lies the catch — senior-ity. The union works by maintain-ing contracts with venues. Whenthose venues have production

needs to be lled, they let IATSEknow. The union then offers thoseproduction jobs to its membersbased on seniority. The most ex-perienced and longstanding mem-bers are offered calls rst — thepermit workers, sometimes stu-

dents or recent grads, are the last.Aaron Dell, a second-year theatre

production student, is already apermit worker with IATSE and hasbeen for more than two years now.

“I take a lot of calls, I skip alot of class to take calls,” he said.“I’m pretty serious about it.”

For permit workers, a call couldbe anything from loading propsinto a truck for a few hours to set-ting up lighting for a show. Whileit can be difcult to make a livingwage as a permit worker with IA-

TSE, Dell said the calls he gets payfor school. There are busy timesand slow times, he said — he’sreally busy taking calls now butcome February, he might not workfor a month.

“If you have a lot of different spe-cialties and you’re available all thetime, I’d say that you could live offit as a permit [worker],” he said.

The most recognizable venuesin the city, such as the Air CanadaCentre, Massey Hall, the Ed Mir-vish Theatre and Roy ThomsonHall, all have contracts with IA-TSE, said Fleming.

It’s not unheard of for unionized

workers to make $40 an hour, hesaid — even up to $100 an hour forovernight work. If you’re not withthe union, it’s realistic to expect tostart at $18 to $20 an hour. Re-gardless of your union status, theamount of work is rarely constant.

“You cannot work backstage atany theatre that’s bigger than theTarragon and make a living wageif you’re not union,” Fleming said.Despite this, only a few gradsfrom each graduating class choosethe union route, he said.

While large-scale venues are whatmakes Toronto’s theatre scene rec-ognizable, the majority of the workis found in the smaller venues andproduction companies that makeup the remainder of the industry.

“You can have a very greatarts career never going nearthe union,” Fleming said. Eventhough there’s less money to behad, many grads are comfort-able with the trade-off betweenincome and job satisfaction.“They’re prepared to live withless money if they get work that’sself-actualizing,” he said.

For those who decide not to joinIATSE, nding work in the indus-try turns into a freelance game,where word of mouth and reputa-tion are vital in getting jobs. Stand-ing out from the hundreds of otherscompeting for the same job can bedaunting, said LJ Savage, directorof production at Soulpepper The-atre Company.

Teeft said she’s never thoughtabout joining IATSE because herinterest within the industry liesspecically in stage management,not behind-the-scenes set building.

“Because I’ve only been out ofschool for six months or so, I’ve

By Leah Hansen

only worked on about two orthree different jobs mostly throughpeople that I knew,” she said. “Forstage management jobs, there areso few jobs and so many peoplewant them.”

W hether you’re going italone or opting to join aunion, the ratio of jobs

to recent grads may be off simplybecause of the number of theatreprograms in the Greater TorontoArea, said Savage — Ryerson isone of six major programs.

“I personally believe there aretoo many theatre production pro-grams out there for the amount ofwork that’s available,” said Sav-age. “There are too many schoolstrying to fulll this part of a rela-

tively narrow profession.”Even though there may not be

enough work to go around, Sav-age said there seems to be a bal-ance between what’s out there andthose who go into other careers,tradework or choose to continuetheir education.

This is certainly the case forTeeft, who is considering apply-ing to nursing programs across theGTA in January.

“I’m excited to be able to startworking in the eld that I wentto school for but I denitely don’tthink that it’s going to be my pri-mary source of income any timesoon,” she said. “I love theatre,but in the long run, I think I needto work on other things as well.”

I personally believe there aretoo many theatre produc-tion programs out there forthe amount of work that’savailable

Visit for Sierra Bein’s Q&A with Ryerson’s Tony Bur-man, who introduced the World Press Photo exhibition on Bay Street.

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8 Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014FEATURES

The common room dooropens like a oodgate,releasing a wave of deep

bass and the stench ofrappy cologne. Lights are low.Every surface is covered in bot-les and cans. The kitchenetten the corner is a mess. Chairsnd people are scattered around.ome of them squeal in greetingpon our entry (the people, nothe chairs).

Thankfully, none of the 15 peo-le in here are squealing at me. I doome quick mental math to deter-

mine the total dollar value of the al-ohol in the room, coming up witht least $400. These kids don’t fuck

with cheap beer. I see bottles ofKraken, Jägermeister, Grey Goose.They have the grandiose taste of a5-year-old corporate lawyer. Restssured, folks — OSAP money isuying quality liquor.

Two Eyeopener writers inltrated Pitman Hall for the purpose of journnight. There were no ghts. No one railed coke off the kitchen counter.and no one passed out. It was just a whole lot of dancing and confusionfectly mediocre night at Pitman.

Music is blar-ing. I learn it’scalled trap.“It’s like elec-

tronic music, but with rap over

it,” someone explains to me.The names Chief Keef and WakaFlocka Flame are tossed around.Delightful.

The female-to-male ratio hereis signicantly skewed — forevery girl there are at least 3.5dudes. Two guys sit on the couch,wearing sober expressions. Theybob their heads absentmindedly.Neither are drinking nor talking.A guy in a bright red shirt boundsaround the room, dancing furi-ously and ricocheting betweenhuddles of people. He introduceshimself. “You look like a Holly!”He tries to guess my name, go-ing off the rst letter. He spewsout two guesses. (“That’s all theE names I know!”) He’s visitingfrom Brock and is visibly wasted.

He springs away, dancing andmouthing Kanye West lyrics.

A girl pleasantly tells me tostop leaning against the fridge be-cause it might tip over and squash

the couple making out next to it.What a way to die.The word magnets on the

fridge spell out “always give gor-geous blonde super bed.” I ammildly surprised, but what wasI expecting, haikus? A politicalmanifesto?

Someone prances around withan LCBO bag on his head and around face cut-out like Finn fromAdventure Time . He, too, dances.I ask someone what the dancemove, which incorporates a fairbit of elbow jabbing, is called. Wesettle on “cooking.” These people

cook up a storm. They cook onthe couch and the oor and sittingin chairs and while conversing andby the stove. It’s like Hell’s Kitch-en in here.

A game of beer pong commenc-es. Utilizing the limited resources,a gaggle of boys align two roundtables of different sizes and set upcups. I wonder about the com-petitive advantages of the dispro-portionate tables. The guys don’tseem concerned — they’re toobusy saying words like “whoop”and “swag.”

A guy and a girl stand in a se-cluded doorway. He tries to kissher. “You’re drunk,” she mouths.He bows his head in frustrationand walks away.

I ask her about it. “That’smy bestf r i e n d , ”she says.“In termsof party

situations, teenage hormones areat their most innite.” We’ll callher Alice. She is very wise.

The party is still feeble,and nearly everyone

present is extremely in-toxicated.Three people are lined up in

a row, doing wall sits. They’rewaving their arms in the air, onegirl holding a bottle of Jäger.The three of them robustly chant“bitches love sosa.”

A girl asks Wasted Brock Guyif he wants to take a shot. A col-lective “NO” escapes from themouths of everyone in the room.Someone brings him a mug of wa-ter.

Next to him, a guy is giving afoot rub to a girl. A spontaneousgame of limbo ensues. People eatchips.

Meanwhile, my xer SalmaanFarooqui is having a hell of a timeat another party.


9 p . m .

9:30 p . m .

10p . m .

have the taste ofa 45-year-old corporate lawyer

They grandiose

L a s t

FridayBy Emma Cosgrove andSalmaan Farooqui

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but I don’t turn down,” he says.I tell him I’m going to quote him.He says, “Can you quote this?”and lunges for my cheek. “Nope,probably not,” I say, effectivelydodging his face.

He tells me he’s going to “turndown soon’” and walks away.

About as fastas they en-tered, nearlyeveryone has

cleared out. “Where did they allgo?” someone says, exasperated.“To a better party that we don’tknow about,” someone replies,heading for the door.

I realize at once that this wholenight is a sequence of seeking outwhere the party is happening, tothe point where people scatterthemselves around. I wonder ifthey might consider the strategythat lost people use — stay whereyou are and surely someone willcome and nd you.

I follow some people out intothe hallway. It’s like walking into azoo with animal sounds bouncingaround the conned space.

“Why are you so pully? I havea bubble, get out of it,” one girlsnaps at another.

“Party’s bumping tonight!”I ask Alice why everyone has

amalgamated out here in this nar-row corridor.

“It allows for more social explo-ration,” she says eloquently. Twodrunk girls come by and ask mewhere the party is — a second lat-er we are hugging. The social ex-ploration theory has been proven.No one is off-limits for drunkenembraces.

A few of us end up back in thedeserted room. I use this momentof tranquility to reect on the cu-mulative events of the night andbegin to realize that within theconnes of residence is a climate

of pandemonium.People spend their entire nighttrying desperately to nd variousthings. Friends, phones, shoes,food, their dignity.

But most of all, the zealousyouth of Pitman Hall are insearch of “the party.” The elu-sive “party” holds promises offun and perhaps even someone toswap saliva with.

In the pursuit of “the party” theytoil for hours upon hours with noavail, exhausting their sleep-de-prived, caffeinated and liquored-upbodies.

Will they ever really nd it? Does“the party” even exist?

Thanks to Jake Kivanc for hiswork as a xer and his help inl-trating Pitman.

guys. The entire hall cringes col-lectively.

She tries to double back to therst guy she kissed. He isn’t into it.

With that, me and my frienddecide to leave the madness andregroup at my room.

He texts me the next morning.“She kissed more people in veminutes than I have in my entirelife…” he says. “I don’t usually re-gret drunk things, but that I regret.”

And if you were wondering, no,I didn’t kiss her.

The door opens andsomeone crawls intothe room on his handsand knees. Groups of

guys intermittently ow in, stayfor several minutes, and leave.

“Last year was way better thanthis year,” says a second-yearbusiness student. She shows mea video on her phone of a Pit-

man party, telling me the secret islights and a DJ.“Everyone’s just kind of nd-

ing out what works, getting toknow each other. Our rst bigparty [last year] was Hallow-een,” she says.

I realize someone has stolen mylast beer so she offers me one. It’sBud Light Platinum. I accept, in-wardly bafed at the phenomenonof a beer that is simultaneously“strong” and “light.”

A guy we’ll call Nick, a stu-dent from Metalworks in Missis-sauga, has been building housesof cards for the last hour. “It’s myrst party in four months and I’mfucking hammered,” he says. I askhim about his tattoo — writtenon his inner forearm — that says,“Change the game, don’t let thegame change you.” He tells me it’sa Macklemore quote.

He also wants a beach-themed

sleeve — because he loves thebeach — that incorporates To-ronto Maple Leafs symbolism. Be-cause he loves the Leafs.

A mass ofpeople — girlsand boys —has entered

and for several minutes the roomis so lled to the brim that it feelslike a party is beginning to occur.The pair continues to make outviolently next to the fridge. TheirPDA level has surpassed PG and ishurtling toward R.

Someone plops down on thecouch next to me. He shows me hisbloodied knuckles from punchinga wall. “Everyone’s messed up, Ilove it. It’s so good,” he says. I askhim if he’s a party animal. “No,

Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014 9FEATURES

and had a pretty averageles were punched in wallsis an account of their per-

One of the odd thingsabout parties at Pitmanis how little time is ac-tually spent partying.

At least half of the night consistsf groups of people traversing Pit-

man Hall’s 14 oors as if it weremaze. If anything, most of the

runken encounters and insanevents happen in the craze of thealls and elevators.At 10 p.m., a friend and I head

o the elevator after hearing manyntoxicated people shout about aarty below. There’s a mass exo-us as almost the entire party onur oor leaves to see what all theuzz is about. This is partly thankso some guy who excitedly tells us,

“Dude. (It’s) lled with entirely.Hot. Girls.”The moment the elevator doors

open on party night is alwaysexciting. You never know whatyou’re going to see inside the littlecube. That night we’d seen thedoor open to reveal puke, a couplesavagely making out with eachother and this time, a group of 10testosterone-lled male engineer-ing students yelling about a party.

Seems like they heard about thegirls-only party too.

The magic doors open and wend out that what our guy ne-glected to mention was that theparty wasn’t in a room. It was justa congregation of 20 to 30 ham-mered kids standing around theelevator. At least they didn’t lie

about the all-girls thing.One exceptionally intoxicated

girl starts yelling at people tokiss her. My friend, in a momentof bad judgement, decides to gofor it. What he doesn’t expect isa chain reaction of jumpy guysin the elevator. One by one, shestarts macking on every singleone. It isn’t pretty. They hit walls,almost fall over and bump intoother people.

People stare for the rst oneor two guys, but eventually theyawkwardly carry on with conver-sation while Kiss-Me Girl contin-ues through a line of guys.

Eventually, she stops. But onelast engineering kid stomps intothe middle of the group, spreadshis arms out in protest and yells,“You made out with all of myfriends, but didn’t even make outwith me?”

The entire room (or… hall Iguess) falls silent. For a momentI wonder if the entire group willburst out laughing at what canonly be described as an act of des-peration.

But then Kiss-Me Girl lungesat him with the same intensity asshe did with the last handful of


10p . m .


11p . m .

11:20p . m .

11:45p . m .

People stare for the first one or twoguys but eventually they awkwardlycarry on with conversation

He also wants a beach-themed sleeve, because he loves the beach, thatincorporates Toronto Maple Leafs

symbolism. Because he loves the



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10 BIZ & TECH Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014

She’s got it in the bagBy Julia Tomasone

Victoria Bunn is breaking the fash-ion mold with her line of tote bags.

The part-time Ryerson studentlaunched Breaking Bags this pastsummer and has been selling themcommercially on her website eversince.

“Regular tote bags are singular

and at but these tote bags havedimension and pockets for betterusage,” Bunn said.

Each bag takes up to six hoursto make and there are only one ortwo bags that are identical.

She creates each unique bag inher bedroom by cutting out thefabric, interfacing each piece, sew-ing them together and then addingcustomization like buttons andpockets.

She channels her creative spiritby blasting her music full volume.“My mom hates it so I usually doit when she is out of the house or inthe middle of the night,” Bunn said.

Bunn nds juggling being a stu-dent and an entrepreneur difcultbut she’s determined to nish herbiology degree at Ryerson while

managing her business.Her business launched after her

involvement with the SummerCompany, a program run by thegovernment providing grants andmentorship to student entrepre-neurs under 30.

A Breaking Bag tote bag costsbetween $60 and $70, dependingon customization.

Along with her tote bags, Bunnis working on wallets and smallpurses — currently in the designstages.

One of Bunn’s favourite bags is covered in sock monkeys.PHOTO: JULIA TOMASONE

High school students got a taste ofhe business world at Ryerson.

The Make a Change eventicked off on Oct. 4, hosted bytudents for the Advancement of

Global Entrepreneurship (SAGE).AGE is an international non-rot organization that linkseams of secondary school stu-ents to nearby universities.“This is where you really build

onnections that last a long time,”aid David Kwok, a fourth-year

business management student andpresident of SAGE Canada.

Held at the interior designbuilding, the conference informedhigh school students about the en-trepreneurship industry and gavethem the opportunity to practicepresentation skills in front of in-dustry professionals.

“SAGE works with high school[students] because they see poten-tial in them,” said Kathryn Gamis,a second-year business manage-ment student and vice president ofevents for SAGE.

By Sunday Aken Teams of high school studentscame up with business ideas thatthey pitched to a panel of judges— all industry professionals — forfeedback.

“This event gave me a newoutlook on business,” said JamalPinnace, a student participatingin the event from Georges VanierSecondary.

Arjune Gupta, a judge at theevent, believes that “events like thisgive young entrepreneurs the con-dence and support they need to taketheir ideas to the next level.”

Ryerson’s Ted Rogers School ofManagement (TRSM) rankedlast place in a recent listing of thecountry’s top business schools.

Canadian Business listed the topbusiness schools on Oct. 2 — withTRSM ranked tenth out of 10schools — even in spite of a newreal estate program and the schoolof accounting and nance.

Kimberley Bates, Ryerson’sMBA director, nds pride in Ry-erson’s ranking. “As an eight-year-old MBA program we are proud

By Laura Woodward

High comes to Rye

to be on the top 10 list. There areover 45 MBA programs in Canadaand being in the top 10 is great,”Bates said.

Last year Ryerson ranked fourthon the list.

“Last year was the rst year ofthis ranking and there may havebeen more participants this year,”Bates said.

Rankings were based on criterialike reputation, post-degree salary,tuition (lower is better), work expe-rience (more is better) and programlength (shorter is better).

“Twenty-ve per cent of this

ranking is based on reputation andas a new program with fewer alum-ni, [Ryerson’s] scores in this areaprobably vary more than programswith thousands of graduates in theworkforce,” Bates said.

Queen’s University schooled thelist coming out on top, with HECMontreal landing second andYork in third.

“We will continue to focus onexcellence and believe that as morepeople in key stakeholder commu-nities come to know our program,our ranking will steadily improve,”said Bates.

Started fourth place, now we hereRyerson’s ranking in a list of top Canadian business schools goes down

Ryerson hosts event to connect high school students with business knowledge

Kathryn Gamis, vice president of events for SAGE, introduces the conference.PHOTO COURTESY MELINDA TSE



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OCTOBER 9, 2014

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11COMMUNITIESWednesday, Oct. 8, 2014

National sorority comes to campus

People of Ryerson

By Olivia McLeod

Posters were plastered aroundampus, inviting the women of

Ryerson to “go Greek” and joinDelta Psi Delta, one of very fewororities that cater to the school

— and the only national one.The sorority was founded in

991 at Carleton University. Fromhere, members have started newhapters at ve different schoolscross Ontario and Newfoundland

— three of which were founded inhe last three years. The Torontoranch, known as the Gammahapter, accepts students from allniversities in the Toronto area.Brittany Jung, president of Del-

a Psi Delta’s Toronto chapter andfourth-year student at York Uni-

ersity, said that being a part of aational sorority is a way to haveonnections across Canada.“Even though we have our

wn separate chapters through-ut Canada, we’re all still sisters,

we’re all the same sorority,” Jungaid. “We’ll always reach out tour sisters [across Canada], spendome time with them and sendhem some Toronto love.”

Jung said that theirs is unlike oth-r sororities in the region. “Manyf the downtown sororities caternly to U of T ... the benet of useing national is that we can accept

and build these friendships withgirls from all different schools.”

Out of the sorority’s 40 activemembers, between 10 and 15 areRyerson students, with a few onthe administration board.

Charlotte Huang, sorority trea-surer and a third-year accountingand law student, is one of them.

She said that she would like forRyerson to recognize sororities.

“I know Ryerson’s all about di-versity and I feel like our sororityis very diverse … we have so manydifferent types of girls, different re-ligions, different cultures,” she said.“I feel like Ryerson should be moreopen to the Greek community ...hopefully in the future they are.”

Last Friday marked the end oftheir recruitment period, which

Ryerson women are being asked to join Toronto’s chapter of Greek life

means their social calendar is nowin full swing. Many of their festivi-ties include helping charities suchas the MS society, women’s sheltersand the Daily Bread Food Bank.

Their next plan is the “Trick orEat” food drive, where they willspend their Halloween collectingitems for the food bank.

“I know there’s a lot of stereo-types about sororities and howthey’re portrayed in movies, buthonestly it’s nothing like that,”Huang said.

“Half my friends are from asorority [and] half aren’t ... andthey’re just the exact same girls.It’s not like sorority girls act anydifferent, I know there’s a stereo-type for that but it’s completelyincorrect.” Home is a word that brings com-

fort to many, but for Nick Vidasit’s always been a dispensable one.Born to a Chilean mother and

Australian father, Vidas has livedeverywhere from Venezuela toEgypt, South Africa to Australia.Now, he resides on the third oorof Pitman Hall.

Spending most of his childhoodand elementary education in astate of constant relocation, Vidasnever found a real foothold forhimself until moving to Vancou-ver during high school. That allchanged when he ran into delin-quency issues with the law.

“I was facing [deportation] backto Australia or to go to a schoolthey had chosen for me,” Vidassaid.

He said that he didn’t want toput pressure on his family to leavethe country and agreed to n-ish his high school education at amilitary-based boarding school in

Wellandport, Ont.Reecting on his time at the

academy, Vidas said he doesn’t re-

sent his experience.“What they always say aboutthe school is that you hate theprocess but love the product,” hesaid. “You deal with a lot ... thatcould be handled in another way,but it taught me a lot of valuablethings that gave me a new perspec-tive on life.”

That train of thought broughthim to Ryerson, where he has be-gun his rst year of business tech-nology management.

Vidas said that it was hard forhim to adjust after attending a mil-itary boarding school in contrastto the more relaxed atmosphere atRyerson.

“I still have some things to g-ure [out] because it’s a big tran-sition,” he said. “I just have togure out what to do with all thisfree time. The nice thing is that I’mlearning something that I actuallycare about every day.”

By Jake Kivanc


Charlotte Huang, Samantha Anastacio and Mari Suzuki are a part of Delta Psi Delta.


Nick Vidas said that he is adjusting to life after attending a military boarding school.

Undeterred by the brisk appear-nce of cold weather, Ryersontudents suited up and stretchedn pink tracksuits for the 23rd an-ual CIBC Run for the Cure.At the starting line at the Uni-

ersity of Toronto’s St. Georgeampus, approximately 30 stu-

ents from various Ryerson pro-rams participated in this year’sun on Sunday.

But beyond the adrenaline rushesnd music, the run holds a bigger

meaning than an average race.Katie Raskina is a third-year

ournalism student that has beenelping organize Ryerson’s run-ing group for the past threeears. She said that it was her fam-ly’s battle with breast cancer thatushed her to run.“I decided to run because my

randmother died from breastancer,” Raskina said. “When Iot back from the rst time I ran,learned that my great aunt wasiagnosed with brain and breastancer. She passed away and now’m running for her.”

The race, which consists of a 5kilometre, a 10 kilometre and a 15kilometre run or walk, has been anannual event that brings togethermore than 125,000 participantsand volunteers across the country.

A newcomer to this year’s runwas Thomas Disbrove, a businessmanagement student. He said hemade a commitment to supporthis aunt who was recently diag-nosed with the disease.

“Everyone is doing their bestto support her right now and Ithought it would be a good idea,”Disbrove said.

October is Breast Cancer Aware-ness month in Canada. Throughoutthe month, the Canadian Breast

Cancer Foundation hosts events toincrease awareness. The supportof the participants and volunteers,along with generous donations,helps raise funds for research.

“I’ve never been touched by can-cer,” said Andrew Shick, a fth-yearaccounting student. He said he wasmotivated because other people heknew joined. “It’s different here— you see all of the people on thesidelines supporting you and evensome of the survivors of cancer. Itmotivates you to keep running.”

The Ryerson team was able toraise $3,580 for this year’s race. Inthe last three years, the studentshave managed to donate almost$20,000 to cancer research.

Ryerson runs for the cureBy Jake Kivanc

Students participate in the annual event to raise funds for breast cancer research

PHOTO: JAKE KIVANCThe Ryerson running group took part in the race on Oct. 5.

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12 SPORTS Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014

Q&A with capt.

Michael FineBy Josh Beneteau

We talked to the new men’s hock-ey captain Michael Fine about hisleadership style and the state ofthe team.

JB: What was your rst reactionwhen you found out you were thenew captain?

MF: Anytime you’re chosen towear the C and be the captain ofany organized team, I think youhave to be honoured. At the sametime you have to understand thatit comes with a lot of responsibil-ity, but for the most part I’m excit-ed and looking forward to what’sahead.

JB: How would you describeyour leadership style?

MF: For me, I wouldn’t say I’mthe most vocal guy. We have agood core of leaders on our team.A few of them are louder thanothers. I’m a guy [who] will saythings when they need to be saidbut at the same time I’m the typeof guy who likes to lead by exam-ple on the ice.

JB: There was a big turnoverin players this year. Can you talk

about how the big turnover willaffect the team?MF: Yeah there are a lot of new

faces on our team this year. I’mstill working on some of the guys’last names and only know them bytheir nicknames.

But for the most part I think ev-eryone has come in since day oneof camp and worked hard to showcoach [Graham Wise] and every-one else on the team that they de-serve a spot.

Having so many new faces in thelineup, [Wise] is going to have togo over our systems more than ifit was a veteran team with a lot ofreturning guys. But the new guyslook really good, they are tting inwell and we are meshing very well.

JB: Can you talk about your

three new assistants, Brian Birk-hoff, Mitch Gallant and LucasFroese and what they’re going tobring to the team?

MF: They’re all great guys. Weget along well as a leadershipgroup. A guy like Birkhoff workshard on the ice, works hard off theice. He helps a lot of guys, wheth-er it be with school or just withwhatever they need.

A guy like Mitch Gallant istalkative, very vocal, which youneed on a hockey team like ours.Especially with so many youngguys, you need a guy to step up.And Froese is a workhorse, he’llsay a few things, not as vocal asmost guys but I think he will as helearns. That comes with the role ofassistant captain.

JB: Can you talk about yourpersonal expectations for thisyear?

MF: As far as this year I thinkthe coaches [will] lean on me toplay a lot of minutes this seasonand when I’m out there playingthose minutes I have to be held ac-countable and make the best of myopportunities.

JB: Lastly, what are your expec-tations for the team this year?MF: I think last year we caught

a lot of people off guard with theway we came out of the gate withall of those wins and how manygoals we were scoring.

But at the same time it’s goingto be a little more difcult becausewe lost some key players. There’sdenitely a lot of places whereguys can now step up and take ad-vantage of that and I think withthe guys that were brought in, theexpectations should be similar ifnot to do better.

Without a doubt I think every-one in our dressing room believeswe can make the playoffs again.This interview was edited forclarity.

Producing on and off the iceEmma Rutherford returns to Canada from the NCAA to become a TV producer

By Devin Jones

The dream of being a TV producerrought Emma Rutherford fromhe National Collegiate Athletic

Association (NCAA) to the Ryer-on women’s hockey team.

“Throughout school, growingp, I would always put togethernd edit the end-of-year slide-hows or videos, which is wherehe dream of becoming a producertarted,” the 21-year-old said.

Rutherford spent the last twoears playing hockey for the Platts-urgh Cardinals, a Division III

NCAA team at the State Universityf New York in Plattsburgh, N.Y.

After deciding to stay in the U.S.or school, the Kanata, Ont. nativehose Plattsburgh after being im-

ressed by a campus tour.She had two successful seasonswith the Cardinals, racking up 52oints in 60 games and winningwo national bronze medals. It

was only after being accepted tohe media production program didhe left-winger approach Ryersonead coach Lisa Haley with theope of playing for the Rams.“Once I got in, I talked to coach

Haley] and she said she’d love toave me.”Before Plattsburgh, Ruther-

ord spent the last two years of

high school at the North Ameri-can Hockey Academy in Stowe,Vermont, playing in the JuniorWomen’s Hockey League, whereshe won the league championshiptwice.

Rutherford describes herselfas having a huge personality that“likes to get everyone going.” Shealso expects to bring some offensiveskills to the ice. That scoring touchis what Haley is excited to see.

“After looking at what she’s ca-pable of, we expect she can bringsome scoring ability to the team,”Haley said. “We’re also going tobe relying on her experience.”

Rutherford said that while thedifference in hockey between theNCAA and Canadian Interuniver-sity Sport is minimal, she was sur-

prised with all the services avail-able to athletes at Ryerson.

“There was no help, it was justa study hall and that’s it,” she saidof Plattsburgh. “Here they haveorganizational tips for you at ev-ery turn, I love it.”

A huge sports fan growing up,Rutherford played both hockeyand soccer competitively up un-til the middle of high school. Sheopted for the former because “theteam aspect of hockey was a lotbetter than what I found in soc-cer. There were no dressing roomsin soccer, it was just show up andplay.”

You can see Rutherford and theRams play their home opener Oct.15 against the Brock Badgers atthe Mattamy Athletic Centre.

Rutherford joins Ryerson after two years in the NCAA. PHOTO: ROB FOREMAN

The men’s volleyball team captured the silver medal at theNational Bank Invitational. Full story


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Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014 SPORTS 13

A (varsity) link

of their ownBy Farnia Fekri

Ryerson women’s basketballlayer Keneca Pingue-Giles hasecome the rst ever varsity link,position created to help athletes

iving on campus.Her job combines the work of

esidence advisors, who provideocial support, and academic links

who assist students in each faculty,o help the 21 student athletes liv-ng in Ryerson’s three residenceuildings.

“As athletes, we never want tosk for help but there are timeswhen we do just need it,” saidPingue-Giles, a fourth-year crimi-

al justice student. “I’m just some-ody in residence who’s been inheir position before, who under-tands what it’s like to be a studentthlete.”Pingue-Giles applied to be an

cademic link in January, buter limited schedule as an athlete

made Brandon Smith, ResidenceLife and Education Co-ordinator,

esitant about giving her the job.nstead, he saw a chance to createnew position.“We knew we had the right

erson, we had the right skills,”mith said. “What we want to do

s to really create ... support for

our athletes living in residence butalso provide them individual andgroup support academically.”

One of the athletes who hasbeneted from talking to Pingue-Gilies is rst-year nursing studentMorgan Seaman, a goalkeeper onthe women’s soccer team.

“She just kind of asks me ques-tions about how soccer is going,how my grades are, in general ifI’m doing ok,” she said.

Working 10 to 15 hours a week,Pingue-Giles is paid the same

amount as other residence lead-ers. She will receive $5,000 forher work this year, according toSmith. All 34 staff members work-ing in residence get a room, whichthey pay for. Residence in PitmanHall starts at just under $11,000,according to Ryerson’s website.

Though the varsity link role isnew, it is already a success, ac-cording to Smith. One of the waysPingue-Giles can work with newathletes is by helping them with is-sues such as studying while on theroad for games, he said.

“I’m hoping [athletes] take ad-vantage of the opportunity to learnfrom [Pingue-Giles] because hercapabilities are just exemplary,”Smith said. “I don’t know how shedoes everything to be honest.”

Basketball family affairAdika Peter-McNeilly is the latest from his decorated family to star at Ryerson

By Charles Vanegas

Whether it was in a front yard,backyard, on the street or insidewith a mini-hoop, Adika Peter-McNeilly was always gettingroughed-up or dunked on as a kid– either by one of his three olderbrothers or several older cousins.

“He was unfortunately thesmallest, so he was always the vic-tim,” says cousin Ryan McNeilly,26, who played for the Rams from2006-11.

To say Peter-McNeilly comesfrom a basketball family would bean understatement. His brother Ja-mie McNeilly was an all-star at theUniversity of New Orleans in theNational Collegiate Athletics As-

sociation (NCAA), played profes-sionally in Germany and is now anassistant coach with Virginia Techand the Canadian Junior NationalTeam. Another brother, Jay Mc-Neilly, played one season with theRams, led Blessed Mother TeresaC.H.S. to two provincial champi-onships as a head coach before be-coming an assistant coach at YorkUniversity, while his uncle was anOntario University Athletics (OUA)all-star, also at York in 1976-77.

So it wasn’t a surprise that Pe-ter-McNeilly became a star him-

self. But coming to Ryerson wasnot always a guarantee as he washighly sought after.

“Obviously I tried to put a littleplug in for Ryerson. I told him ‘theOUA is a great place to play,’”says Ryan, who was also an assis-tant head coach at Ryerson. “Andyou’re not always guaranteed toget playing time in the States, but Isaid do what is best for you.”

Peter-McNeilly spent a year atClarendon College in Texas withhopes of an NCAA scholarshipafter high school. But he quicklyrealized the U.S. route wasn’t forhim as he missed his support sys-tem in Toronto.

“I’d be playing games andno one could watch me. Games

weren’t streamed so all they couldgo to were box scores,” he says.“It hurts you as a player becauseyou want to play for your family.”

In April 2013, Peter-McNeillysent Ryerson head coach RoyRana a text message, “I don’t re-ally like it out here, I’m thinkingof transferring home.” Havingmissed out on him the year before,Rana says he “was all over that.”

Within a month, Peter-McNeillywas playing in preseason gamesfor Ryerson. He t in right awaywith the Rams game plan and he

consistently started throughoutthe season.

But it wasn’t until a game againstCarleton — winners of 10 of thelast 12 national championships —late last season that he truly beganliving up to the family name.

That night he posted 26 pointsand shot 5-for-7 from the 3-pointline in a 71-68 loss.

“It certainly showed everybodythat he can be an elite guard in ourleague, there’s no question aboutthat,” says Rana. “It was a littlebit of a coming out party, for peo-ple who maybe hadn’t seen ... howgood he really was.”

Peter-McNeilly went on to benamed to the OUA all-star secondteam and was later chosen as the

team representative on the newRyerson-branded team bus.With Ryerson already earning a

berth as hosts of this season’s na-tional championships, the second-year sociology student looks for-ward to being able to chase a titlein front of the family who madehim the player he is — in a recentpreseason game vs. Dalhousie, Pe-ter-McNeilly says at least 10 familymembers came to support him.

“Coming home and seeing yourmom, dad, cousins [and] brothersin the stands, it motivates you.”

You can read more about Adika Peter-McNeilly


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14 FUN & PIKACHU Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014

Turkey dinner and mild depressionThomas Rye, a ctional Ryerson student, has Thanksgiving dinner at home

By Keith Capstick

Twenty-one-year-old Thomas Ryewent home for Thanksgiving this

ast weekend to a house lledwith repetitive, nauseating conver-ation, only matched by the sick-ning smell of his mother’s famousquash soup.

Rye, like many other students,was looking forward to going

ome for the weekend to “sitround and not give a fuck what Imell like.” But he was met with a

whirlwind of family bonding andre-Thanksgiving chores. Amongst the conversations

bout school, Rye’s childhood andow tall he’s magically become,t is estimated that 85 per cent ofis family members who boasted

bout the quality of his mom’sumpkin pie actually spit outheir rst bite into a napkin andromptly fed the rest to the dog.“This tastes nothing like the

tuff you buy from Costco. I can’txplain it, it’s just better,” said

Rye’s uncle, who is a liar.What bafed Rye most were the

plates. He couldn’t seem to under-stand why this holiday made ev-eryone feel like they could eat sobarbarically.

Mountains of food were stackedhigh atop the plates at the table,20 miserable messes of cranberrysauce, gravy and starches.

“Cranberry sauce and potatoesdon’t mix. I don’t know if I canbe a part of this family anymore,”said Rye.

After dinner, Rye’s family gath-ered in the living room for shallowconversation and collectively triedto hide how much they were actu-ally drinking.

Their shifty eyes bounced be-tween their collection of emptybeer bottles and sad pools of melt-ed ice cream. They looked around

the room just enough to seem likethey actually gave a fuck about theconversation.

“So, how’s school? Have youmet any nice new friends? Are younding it difcult? I bet all the par-ties are a lot of fun,” said his aun t.

These conversations were animportant part of Thanksgiving

for Rye and they helped to createlasting memories that he believedhelped him get through the rsthalf of the fall semester.

“So, how’s school? Have youmet any nice new friends? Are younding it difcult? I bet all theparties are a lot of fun,” said hisother aunt.

As Rye sat in his old family arm-chair listening to his uncle babbleon about how much golf he’s go-ing to play in Florida this winter,his eyes kept opening and closingas his body was taken over by the“turkey-itis.”

Visions of the overly messy andvisually unappealing mounds ofpotatoes and stufng and gravy dis-tracted Rye from the not-so-stim-ulating conversations around the

room. He watched a small whitedrip of vanilla ice cream fall fromhis second aunt’s lip to the oor.

“I just don’t know what to do.Between the half-cooked carrotsand the way the whipped creamatop the pumpkin pie wilts like myspirit, I’d rather be doing home-work,” said Rye.

Mink battles thanksgivingThis week Rosencrantz takes onhis most terrifying opponent yet,the Thanksgiving turkey.

Between the terrible sleepy eyesit causes and the bountiful spreadof liquors and beers that usually

accompany it, Rosencrantz mustbattle to stay awake and sober.Rosencrantz has brought along

his minstrel minks for this particu-lar battle as he believes their level-headedness and light melodies canhelp prevent him from becomingabsolutely fucking wasted.

The minks will be setting out onFriday with the rest of Ryerson’sstudents to battle through moundsof stufng and heaps of pie to tryand nd the true meaning of whatThanksgiving is.

Can Rosencrantz conquer theweekend and refrain from collaps-ing into a drunken turkey coma?Or will he fall victim to the samefate as your crazy uncle? (Drunkand asleep before 9 p.m.)

Thanksgiving Sudoku(Someone Please Fire Me...)

Bring your completed Sudoku with your name and phone number toThe Eyeopener ofce (SCC 207) and you’ll be entered for a chance towin a $25 Metro gift card.



PIKACHU SAYS, “NO MORE MIDTERMS”Ryerson rejoice, Pikachu has had just about enough of these goddammidterms. It was reported around midnight on Friday that Pikachu hastaken a stand to rid the world of midterms. When asked about hisstance and why he wanted to get rid of the tests he said, “pika-pi!”

The Eyeopener asked his trainer, Ash, about how he managed to get ridof midterms. “Well, its quite simple,” Ash said. “He used thunderbolt.It was super effective.”PHOTO COURTESY CREATIVE COMMONS


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