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strategy execution platform

Executive Strategy Manager



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Page 2: The Executive Strategy Manager™ (ESM)

Over 70% of businesses forecast performance they will never attain. Only 1 in 10 companies will achieve sustained, profi table growth. And while those 10% realize dramatic benefi ts, typically in the billions of dollars, the rest continue to underperform.

Chris Zook, Beyond The Core: Expand Your Market Without Abandoning Your Roots, 2004

Are YouNo organization plans on disappointing shareholders. But over 70% of companies forecast

performance they will never attain. To make things worse, only one in ten companies will ever achieve

sustained, profi table growth.

Does your organization exhibit any of these warning signs?

• Misaligned incentives and metrics driving non-strategic behavior

• Inability for anyone outside of the executive suite to articulate the strategy

• Unfocused and unproductive meetings focused on tactical issues

• Confused and convoluted organizational structure

• Siloed organizations fi ghting for turn

• Lack of focus on the customer

If so, your organization is at risk—at risk of not executing strategy—and of disappointing shareholders.

Executing Strategy?

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Leading organizations (like those in the Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame for Strategy Execution™) have

realized that strategy execution can be a signifi cant and lasting source of strategic advantage. Returns

in the billions of dollars are not uncommon in the Hall of Fame.

But strategy execution does not just happen by magic—it requires a formal strategic management

process. Palladium research has identifi ed six key areas of focus in the Balanced Scorecard strategic

management process:

• Strategic measurement

• Strategy refresh

• Strategy review meetings

• Communications

• Business and support unit alignment

• Best practice sharing

Organizations that have these six formal processes in place perform twice as effectively as those

without formalized strategy management processes.

Strategy Execution Advantage

As early as 1994, Hilton Hotels recognized the power of the Balanced Scorecard strategy execution process. Using this process we reversed declining guest satisfaction and loyalty and became the number one hotelier worldwide.

Dennis Koci, Retired Senior Vice President Operations Support, Hilton Hotels Corporation

Making A Competitive

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Optimized for the Balanced Scorecard Strategic Management Process

The Executive Strategy Manager (ESM) allows for better strategy management by enabling you to have

personalized dashboards with the critical information you need to manage your job. The ESM helps

you to both facilitate effective and effi cient strategy review meetings and communicate your strategy

throughout the organization. You are able to identify the key performance drivers and manage the

individual responsibilities at all levels of your organization.

It is designed to help your organization quickly get started with building Balanced Scorecards through

structured coaching, templates, and processes, and then grow with your organization as you cascade

and align the Balanced Scorecard program across the organization.

Integrated meeting management, enterprise alignment, performance management, and initiative

management functionality ensures that the ESM will meet your needs as they evolve. ESM quickly

and easily scales from one to one thousand scorecards, and creates a climate of corporate and

individual responsibility.

Sharing Information with Executive Strategy Manager

More often than not, few people know what information is available, where to fi nd it, and how to

analyze it. ESM makes your reporting processes dynamic by sharing information among all relevant

stakeholders, and presenting this information in an understandable format.

By inviting these stakeholders to review, comment and analyze the information, static performance

data is transformed into actionable knowledge. Information can be shared effectively and employees

will truly understand the cause-and-effect linkages between strategy and everyday work.


Madison Paper Company-Alsip, a subsidiary of Myllykoski, has been using software from Palladium for over two years to manage its strategy. We found that the Executive Strategy Manager provided an excellent way for us to manage our monthly reporting meetings.

We currently have our North American operations all using the reporting software, and we have recently begun linking personal development plans to our scorecard using the Personal Scorecard application offered by Palladium. We are very pleased with our choice of software and professional services to help us manage our strategy.

A. Joseph Ostmann, Director of Finance, Madison Paper Company-Alsip

Strategy Manager

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Up and Running Fast

The unique Executive Strategy Manager (ESM) on-demand software model enables organizations to

take advantage of powerful performance management functionality without requiring months of

implementation. Your business will be able to quickly begin reporting on your Balanced Scorecard

using an intuitive Web 2.0 interface. By using Palladium’s secure servers, you can save on hardware

expenditure and operational overhead, while freeing your IT staff to focus on other critical projects.

Developed by the Creators of the Balanced Scorecard Concept

Designed and managed by the creators of the Balanced Scorecard, Drs. Kaplan and Norton, the ESM

ensures alignment with the latest BSC best practice methodology to drive breakthrough results.

With integrated technical and methodology help, plus acclaimed support from Palladium experts, the

ESM will help you accelerate time to strategic results. ESM is a proven, scalable solution, designed to

give organizations of any size access to the world’s best combination of performance management

software and expertise.


We had our fi rst Balanced Scorecard meeting with the full Strategic Planning team a couple of weeks ago and it went very well. The information was easier to present and understand than the method we were using before. The members really liked the comments we added to the specifi c measures. The team members were able to obtain a clearer picture of how all our action items and initiatives link to and impact our measures and goals.

Cindy Highbarger, Controller, Mid-Continent Instruments

Management Simple

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Strategy Execution is about growth and innovation. It creates a new corporate synergy around

shared, customer-directed objectives. Driven through all levels of the organization, strategy execution

generates a new cross-functional, integrated, management agreement that aligns people, leadership,

and culture.

If you are motivated to make innovative change, realign the vision of your organization, and rise to

new levels of success, Executive Strategy Manager (ESM) is the tool to make it a reality. Results are

immediate and measurable—the change is permanent and profound. Intensely focusing on strategy

execution is revolutionary.

Contact Us Today

Contact us today for more information on how ESM can help you accelerate your time to results.

[email protected]


Are You ReadyStrategy Execution

to Make a Core Competency?

Page 7: The Executive Strategy Manager™ (ESM)

Simple “Meeting View” optimized for online strategy reviewsThe Meeting View allows for one-click access to strategic

performance analysis and recommendations in a format that

is optimized for projecting during a strategy review meeting.

Online strategy map design ESM allows you to create and edit your strategy map online

and export to PowerPoint.

Quick update interface to simplify navigation for executive teamsExecutive time is limited. Ensure success and buy-in for

the Balanced Scorecard program by making the update

process painless.

Integrate your business intelligence applicationsSeamlessly pull your measure data from Hyperion, Cognos,

Microsoft, SAP, and other BI platforms, automatically into

the ESM to streamline the reporting process. Also,

automatically roll up data from cascaded scorecards to an

enterprise scorecard.

Flexible charting engine that allows creation of almost any graphVisualizations should not be limited to simply line, bar, or pie charts. ESM allows you to create any chart that you can create in Excel.

Built-in or custom measure, objective, and chart librariesOrganization-wide objective, measure, and initiative

templates ensure common language and vocabulary and

facilitate objective and measure alignment throughout the

scorecard cascade.

Combining the fl exibility of PowerPoint and Excel with the scalability of a Dashboard application

Key Features and Benefi tsCascade from Enterprise to Business Unit to Personal BSCLink and align your organization to make strategy everyone’s

job and utilize alignment reports to view performance across

the enterprise.

Export reports exactly as you see them on screen to Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe PDFCustom Excel reports can also be created utilizing

Webservices, which enable one click export from the ESM,

offl ine updating, and one click upload back in to the ESM.

Extensive customization of user interfaceESM can be extensively customized—activities modifi ed, fi eld

names changed or suppressed. Reporting periods, status

indicators, and even screen layouts can be modifi ed on a

scorecard by scorecard basis.

Integrated initiative management and milestone trackingCheck on key strategic initiative status by reviewing associated

initiatives and drilling down to milestone status in Meeting

View. Automatically generate an Initiative Gantt Chart based

on the Initiative and Milestone start and end dates.

Capture of in-depth qualitative performance reviews and recommendationsWYSIWYG editors allow objective, measure, and initiative

owners to enter rich qualitative information. Understand the

why, and what—not just the number.

Personal Dashboard/Meeting AgendaEasily create a custom view for the upcoming meeting

that shows the information for review. Alternatively, create

your own personal dashboard that contains the specifi c

information relevant to you.

Flexible and Scalable


Strategy ManagerDashboardApplication


Simple executive “Meeting View”

PowerPoint or PDF Export

Online Strategy Map Design

In-Depth Qualitative Comments

Quick update interface

Extensive customization

Flexible charting engine

Measure, objective, and chart libraries

Alignment reports

Enterprise to personal scorecards

Simple SQL integration

Integrated initiative management

Low cost per scorecard pricing

Partially SupportsFully Supports

Theme reporting

Integrated Strategy Execution Library

Low total cost of ownership

Professional support from Palladium

The ESM is really the single most breakthrough aid we had during our development phase. It stepped us through development, and with support from Palladium when we needed, I think we really produced a strategy map and fi rst report that focused the company on the strategy and not the process.

Tim MacEwen, Irving Group

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Initiative and Milestone Gantt Charts

Advanced Solutions

Agility Logistics

American College of Cardiology

AMSA – Mining



Australia Defense Ind.


Bismarck Public Schools

Blue Cross Blue Shield



Bristol-Myers Squibb

Capital One

Casella Waste

Cest Senat

Ciba Vision



Daimler Chrysler

Delta Dental

Defense Logistics Agency

Downer – EDI


Employers Insurance of Nevada


Excela Health

Federal Bureau of Investigation


Freddie Mac

Fulton County Schools


Grupo Acir

Grupo Gondi



Hospital Moinho

Hu Friedy

Idaho National Labs



KRM Information Systems

Lofthouse Brass

Mater Health




Mid-Continent Instruments

Midwest Eye Care


Minera Alumbrera






New Zealand Defence

Option One Mortgage

Payless Shoestores Worldwide





Pfi zer

Project Management Institute




R&M Energy


Rio Tinto

Securities and Exchange Commission



Skagit Valley Hospital

Society Hipotecaria Federal



Southern California Edison

Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR)

State Farm


Tauck Worldwide

Team Limited




US Offi ce of Personnel Management

US Navy

US Patent and Trademark Offi ce

Victoria Cool Aid Society

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals

Executive Strategy Manager is in use by over 4000 people in over 125 companies to manage over 800 scorecards

With extensive coaching, process support, best practices, and templates built into the solution, you can start building

your scorecard this morning and managing your strategy this afternoon.

Online Strategy Mapping Tool

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Personal Dashboard/Meeting Agenda

Manage Alignment and Cascades

Up and Running Today Representative Clients

Theme-Based Reporting

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Contact a representative today for more information on how to successfully execute strategy and man-age tomorrow’s performance today. 1.781.402.1104 or visit

Lincoln, MA • Atlanta • Barcelona • Boston • Chicago • Dallas • Detroit • Houston • Kansas City • Lisbon • London • Madrid • Munich • New York • Sydney • Washington, D.C.

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