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Dear Friends,

Growing up in Hawai’i, a lot of my friends were

military. There were several differences among those families and non-military families. A lot of the time their dads were gone. Also, we had to get on base to go their houses. The hard part was that they were always moving away: hard on them and hard on us. You made a friend and then you lost a friend.

It feels a little like that with Pastor Ray leaving: we’ve made a friend and now we’re losing a friend. It is hard for Ray and for the church. We’ve become close these past four years, and he will be missed! I want to take this opportunity to thank Pastor Ray for the many ministries in which he participated and for those he led, for his pastoral care, preaching, teaching, planning and organizing and providing us with a strong social media presence.

It is usual for assistant/curate clergy to stay from 2-4 years in their first call. Pastor Ray has been with us four years. I know we have gained a good deal from his ministry and leadership, and I believe he has learned from us as well. I ask you to join me in praying for Pastor Ray and for his new parish church, Creator Lutheran in Clackamas, Oregon. Clackamas is about 11 miles south of Portland.

The vestry has planned a barbecue farewell party at the new pavilion on Sunday August 27. All are welcome! Please come and say goodbye. If you can’t make it, Pastor Ray will be with us for one more week; his last Sunday with us is September 4th.

“For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven”. (Ecc 3:1) As Pastor Ray leaves, we will enter a new season at St. Matthew’s, as we seek a new assistant/curate and move into Fall with the Soul Shop suicide prevention seminar, the Spirit of the Valley 5K, the Fall Kick Off, and Diocesan Convention. School will be in full swing and the days will begin to get shorter and cooler. Justin Day will lead Youth Ministry, Deacon


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Assoc. Pastor Letter

Youth & Family

Deacon Letter

Spirit of the Valley 5k

Summer Camp

Ministry schedule

Missionary Letter

Church Vehicle Usage

July 2nd Picnic

Ministry News

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Treasurer’s Report













August 2017

Inside this issue:

Rich Paul will continue his ministry in the areas of outreach and pastoral care, and I am in talks right now with a retired priest to lead a spiritual retreat for us in early November. And I will be here, along with Becky Vroman, Children’s Ministry Director, Desiree Bougeaux, Administrative Assistant, Beth Fisher, Finance Officer and our Music Director, Richard Morgan plus our musicians as well as nursery staff.

I know that those of you who have been part of this or other churches for quite some time will take this change in stride. For others, there will be a sense of loss: loss of pastoral connection and loss of a spiritual friend. For all of us, let’s remember the source of our spiritual strength as expressed in Psalm 18:

1 I love you, O Lord my strength, O Lord my stronghold, my crag, and my haven. 2 My God, my rock in whom I put my trust, my shield, the horn of my salvation, and my refuge; you are worthy of praise.


Pastor Hollis

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Associate Pastor Letter

My dearest St. Matthew's beloved,

By now you have heard the news that I am soon to be leaving St. Matthew's for a new call. Undoubtedly, this news comes as both a shock and also as no surprise. Most assuredly this news comes with a sense of loss and grief (and this is mutual). But as Pastor Hollis has said, this news is also occasion for joy at new possibilities and for all that we have done in Christ's name, together, for the life of St. Matthew's.

I have accepted a call to Creator Lutheran Church in Clackamas, Oregon (an outer suburb of the Portland metro area). This wonderful community of faith is a lot like all of you at St. Matthew's; though smaller in size, they are big in faith. They desire to use their gifts to serve their community. They are committed to social justice issues that impact them locally as well as issues that impact our brothers and sisters globally. (And there are a few Episcopalians in their midst!) This new call also comes at the right tine, as my mother (who lives with me) needs to live at a lower elevation to prolong her quality of life.

Working with Pastor Hollis and serving among all of you has shaped me into the type of servant-leader they are looking for, and it has truly been a joy and a privilege to be here among you. St. Matthew's is truly a place where the Spirit is pleased to dwell. My final Sunday here will be September 3. Even though we are preparing to say our good-byes, there is still a lot of work to do between now and then, and plenty of opportunities to continue our fellowship and service together. (I certainly would not be averse to any help with packing if it's offered!) Thank you for your faith in me, for how you have helped shape my pastoral identity, for your trust as I've worked and built relationships with your children, as we've explored together what our discipleship looks like in our time and place. You all are deeply loved and will be deeply missed. I hope that if any of you ever come through the Portland area, you will look me up (it is a big coffee and beer town, after all).

Grace, peace, and love, Pastor Ray

Youth and Family

Our kids are learning the parables from the animals and plants of the rainforest. They are concentrating on these five parables: The Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Lost Sheep, Parable of the Good Samaritan, Parable of the Friend at Midnight. We spend two to three weeks on each parable, and are currently finishing up with the Good Samaritan.

It is with both sadness and congratulations that we are saying goodbye to Jada Snow, one of our great nursery workers. Jada will be leaving us this month to attend Black Hills State. Madelyn Vroman will be joining our nursery staff! She has already been volunteering with the kids for some time now to help the kids transition.

Pastor Ray’s Farewell Party

You are invited

Sunday, August 27

5 PM

At the Pavilion

Barbecue Party to Say Goodbye

bring a side dish or dessert to share -- if you can

Becky Vroman

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One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World Then the King will say to those on his right, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you

looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, “Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25.34-40)

I was going to write on homeless in the Grand Valley but as I began to put words on paper I was led to write about the life changing impact that Catholic Outreach is having in our community. I was invited to tour Catholic Outreach by one of our parishioners. Since moving here in 2009 I have heard about Catholic Outreach but the tour totally overwhelmed me and moved me to tears with the kindness that the volunteers and staff reach out to the “least of these”.

Grand Valley Catholic Outreach is the collaborative effort of many churches and individuals offering emergency services to people in need with the help of over 500 volunteers. It began more than 40 years ago when two Franciscan sisters, Marguerite and Claudine, offered bag lunches from their back door to the homeless and hungry. Recognizing one’s right to food, clothing, and shelter, the valley’s four Catholic parishes – St. Joseph, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Sacred Heart, and St. Ann – entered into a collaborative agreement in 1988 and formally established Grand Valley Catholic Outreach. Today, with the support from interfaith and civic communities, the organization offers dignity and hope to those in distress.

As I walked through the main building I met smiling volunteers all a-buzz preparing for the day ahead. Cooks and food preparers that started gathering around 7 am to serve a nutritionally balanced noon meal to the hungry. They do this every day providing on average 260 meals a day to those in need. I met five sisters sorting clothing; their friendly sister banter filling the space with humor and joy. Last year the clothing bank assisted over 32,000 individuals with clothing, shoes and bedding.

I saw a volunteer scooting about with a broken leg stocking and organizing the food pantry. The food pantry last year provided groceries to over 7,000 people. This is a resource that is always in high demand. My guide told me that the pantry when full used to last three months but these days can be emptied in three weeks as the long-term effects of generational poverty take its toll.

I then left the main building and took a short walk to see the Day Center and three housing projects managed by Catholic Outreach. At the Day Center I met a barber and stylist who volunteer their services and many others who try to provide the amenities of home to the homeless: a warm shower, laundry, telephone, a mail box, job search support, health care services, and counselling. The housing units are tidy and welcoming and Catholic Outreach manages 60+ apartments for short term, transitional, and permanent (individuals with mental or physical impairments) use.

Everyone I saw greeted us warmly. It felt like one big family; volunteers, staff, and clients all looking out for each other. All sharing in the hope that through community each of their lives are made better.

Please pray for those involved in this essential community outreach program. Pray for those who are homeless, or in poverty and in need. And, if so led, donate your time (as little as ½ day per week as a volunteer in a variety of positions), talents, or gifts to Catholic Outreach.

Deacon Rich Paul

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The VA Recreational Therapy program used last year’s race proceeds to play hockey, rock climb, fish, and more!





The Spirit of the Valley brings together able-bodied and disabled racers of all ages and abilities for fellowship, competition, and fun. This special fundraiser benefits our physical rehabilitation work in the Dominican Republic by our missionary, Cathy Donahoe and the work of The Grand Junction Veterans Health Care Services Recreational Therapy Program, Ride2Recovery, and veteran’s outreach. These programs help to restore hope and purpose by getting veterans back into the community enjoying recreational activities in our beautiful valley. The event begins and ends at St. Matt’s.

We are excited to announce that we have added a 1k (a little over ½ mile) to our race this year for those who are not quite up to a full 5k. Participants check-in from 8:00 to 8:30. The 1k race begins at 9:00 and the 5k begins at 9:30, and is followed by one of the features of our race that makes it stand out from any other in the Grand Valley: our Hearty Buffet Brunch accompanied by live entertainment, and an awards ceremony. It is called Run, Walk ‘N Roll” because some runners are looking competitively at their time, while others are walking just for fun and some are even using assistive-devices.

Behind the scenes our planning team is working hard to organize everything, soliciting sponsors, working on publicity, and registrations are starting to come. But we need more. You can help by signing up to run, by sponsoring: para-athletes, or by recruiting and signing up participants. Pre- Registration fees are: Kids under 12- Free; Students $20; Adults $35; Returning Adults $25; Veterans $25; and Teams $100 for up to 5 participants plus $15 per each additional racer. Participants receive a T-shirt (if registered no later than August 19th), an awesome swag bag, and a great brunch in addition to the race.

Come and be part of a wonderful event, help out our local disabled veterans who gave so much for us all. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, just call the Church office and/or visit our website at Many thanks to Bill Shannon, Lizard Analytical Laboratories, for being this year’s premier sponsor.

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INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION FORM Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________________________________Email: _____________________________

Shirt Size (Circle One ) : Youth: S M L Adult: S M L XL XXL

Male ______ Female ______ Age ______ Para-athlete ______ I will: walk ___ run ___ roll ___

Brunch will be served to all participants; additional meal tickets are $7 each.

Childcare is available at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church on a donation basis. Entry fees are non-refundable.

Waiver: I hereby for myself, my heirs, my executor and administrators, waive all claims for damages I may have against St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, all sponsors, volunteers, officials and organizers of this event. I attest and verify that I understand the normal risks associated with this type of event and that I am physically able to safely participate.

Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _______________

Team Registration and Sponsorship forms are available at the church or emailed upon request.


Race Sponsor Form

Name(s) _____________________________________

I/We would like to sponsor a disabled athlete at the Spirit of the Valley 5k run on September 10, 2016. The cost is $30 per athlete.

I/We would like to sponsor ____ athlete(s).

___ Check attached (tax deductible sponsorship

payable to St. Matthew’s with “5k” on the memo line)

___ Payment coming

Proceeds will go directly to Veterans Affairs to benefit disabled veterans.

Lizard Analytical Laboratories is the primary sponsor of the Spirit Of the Valley 5k together with St. Matthew’s and several other sponsors.

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Pursue Peace & Build Each Other Up

Mark your calendars for our summer family camp! We will be heading back to

Camp Cedaredge August 18-20th

for an all ages Church Family Camp Out. Join us in games, painting, archery, rope courses, campfire songs, s’mores, and more. Thanks to the youth car wash, the pancake supper, and Cinco de Mayo we were able to bring down the cost for families. Base costs per individual for camp & retreat (includes boarding, meals, and use of facilities and staff at Camp Cedaredge): $80.00 ages 18 and up, $30.00 ages 3-17, $0 ages 0-2 . Additional boarding options are available for those looking for more privacy. You may also choose to stay in the lodge, cabin, or RV space for an additional cost.


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A complete registration form must be completed for each individual attending, including children of parents/guardians.

NAME: _____________________________________ AGE:_______________________

ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________ PHONE:_______________________________ EMAIL:_________________________________________ Are you attending as a family unit? (i.e. Couple, with or without kids) _______________________________

Is there another family unit you would prefer to be assigned boarding with? (If yes, please name:) ________________________________________________________________________________________

Base costs per individual for camp & retreat (includes boarding, meals, and use of facilities and staff at Camp Cedaredge):

$80.00 ages 18 and up, $30.00 ages 3-17, $0 ages 0-2

If you prefer other boarding options, these fees are in addition to the base cost:

• Lodge (2 rooms with 2 double beds; 3 rooms with 1 double bed)—add $20 per bed (indicate room preference: __________________________________________________) >

• Cedar cabins (2 cabins, each with king size bed and queen size pull-out couch)—$90 per cabin

• RV space—$80 per space

The following activities are directed by Camp Cedaredge staff and require a minimum of 15 participants pre-enrolled and pre-paid:

Do you plan to sign up for archery? Circle YES, add $15

Do you plan to sign up for high ropes course? Circle YES, add $20

Do you plan to sign up for low ropes course? Circle YES, add $15

TOTAL: ____________________

All meals are prepared by Camp Cedaredge staff. Unfortunately, they are unable to accommodate some dietary restrictions. A salad bar is provided for those who are vegetarian. There are no gluten free options.

Do you have any medical conditions we need to be aware of________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________Do you have any physical limitations___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________Some scholarship assistance will be available. Are you in need of a scholarship to attend? ________

Please make checks payable to St. Matthew's Episcopal Church. Payment can be sent to

Rich Paul, 2073 Stagecoach Ct., Grand Junction, CO 81507. Registration is due by August 4.

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Ministry Schedule - August 2017


If you have dates between September 1 and December 1, that you cannot serve, please let the church office know at 242-3293 or [email protected].

August 6 August 13 August 20 August 27 September 3

8:00 Altar Minister Altar Minister Acolyte Lector OT/PS Lector NT/PP Usher Usher

K. Roy Jones Laurie Kadrich Carol Jones Laurie Kadrich Marilyn Ruland Laura Mockler Marilyn Ruland

Terry Farina Jim Paronto Jan Smith Terry Farina Laura Mockler Dave Farny Sherry Farny

K. Roy Jones Sherry Farny Carol Jones Marilyn Ruland Sherry Farny George Dunham Lynn Dunham

Terry Farina Jim Paronto Jan Smith Terry Farina Marilyn Ruland Bud Smock Lucia Webster

K. Roy Jones Laurie Kadrich Carol Jones K. Roy Jones Carol Jones Debbie McLaughlin Laura Mockler

9:30 Altar Minister Altar Minister Acolyte Acolyte Acolyte Lector OT/PS Lector NT Lector PP Usher Usher

Allan Conrad Eli Paul Cade Bickham Sean Gustafson Sharon Conrad Justin Day Linda Jameson Merrilyn Simpkins Brian Turco

Cora Galbasini Sharon Conrad Jim Sidwell Collin Blanchard Reese Blanchard Elise Forte Ann Hayes Lee Wyman Norm Fillinger Margery Fillinger

Barclay Jameson Gustafsons Ron Kupinski Brian Turco Elise Forte Brian Turco Jim Campbell

Tonya Wren Jim Sidwell Payton Levine Chris Parsons Ann Hayes Casey Wren Chip Newton Merrilyn Simpkins

Jeanette Benson Rebecka Plank Collin Blanchard Reese Blanchard Becky Vroman Youth Youth Gary Bird Lynne Bird

Coffee A-Fi Fo-L M-Pa Pe-Z A-Fi

EVs Commons

Jeanette Benson Kathy Morgan

Barclay Jameson Linda Jameson

Rocco DeBona Sugar Rabel

K. Roy Jones Carol Jones

Deb Feeley Anna Crickmer

Evs Home Jim Campbell Laura Mockler

Barclay Jameson Linda Jameson

Mary Mills Anna Crickmer

Cynthia Mill Laura Mockler

Jeanette Benson Rich Paul

Tellers Jason Hughes Nancy Groenert

Don Schneider Barb Schaak

Sharon Conrad Con Litz

Sue Emerson Justin Day

Jason Hughes Barb Schaak

Altar Guild

Debbie McLaughlin Jeanette Benson Joan Karp Jean Koizumi Joan Wright

Marjorie Brown Margery Fillinger Joyce Grove Carol Jones

Merrilyn Simpkins Lynne Bird Peggy Pretti Sue Sidwell Marjorie Suedekum

Mary Mills Beve Farina Dorothy Stevenson M. K. Carlson

Debbie McLaughlin Jeanette Benson Joan Karp Jean Koizumi Joan Wright

Saturday Celebrant Officiant Acolyte Ps OT NT Gospel Meditation Usher Usher

August 5 Pastor Hollis Barb Schaak Deb Feeley Pastor Hollis Pastor Hollis Rocco DeBona Sugar Rabel

August 12

Pastor Ray Barb Schaak Lori Howard Pastor Ray Spike Howard Spike Howard Lori Howard

August 19


August 26 Marjorie Suedekum Barb Schaak Spike Howard Rich Paul Marjorie Suedekum Spike Howard Lori Howard

September 2

Pastor Ray Barb Schaak Don Aust Pastor Ray Pastor Ray Don Aust Buzzie Aust

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Letter from St. Matt’s Missionary in the Dominican Republic

When I moved to the Dominican Republic 10 years ago, I didn’t know how long I would be here, and I still don’t know. Throughout these 10 years, the ministry has morphed from primarily treating patients needing physical therapy, to primarily teaching Dominican physical therapy students, which certainly has a greater impact on how Dominicans are treating their patients. God has been very active throughout these years here, preparing me all along through relationships established and experience gained for each phase of the ministry. In addition to the physical therapy aspect of the ministry, God has been using me in my

congregation and community in various service ministry roles.

This edition will have fewer words and more pictures, in a recap of these years of ministry. More photos are available on my website. Thank you for joining this ministry! Please continue to pray for the students, the Dominican therapists, the community of Santa Fe and for God’s love to reach all corners of this island!

Consolation ministry (2008-now): Juan who suffered a spinal cord injury and returned home without hope.

Clinic work (2007-2012 patient care, 2012-now ancillary role): Therapy staff with students from Regis University at my house.

Las Chicas Nices (2008-now): We are singing at the Encuentro en Mision 2013 in the cathedral. (Photo courtesy of Julius Ariail)

University ministry (2010-now) Some of my students learning wheelchair mobility.

Construction ministry (2017): Maria is in her new, indoor kitchen.

Thank you for your support for this ministry! May God bless and keep you as you bless those you meet.

In Christ, Cathy

Cathy Donahoe is a missionary with SAMS, the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders. She is serving in the Dominican Republic as a physical therapist in San Pedro de Macorís and Santo Domingo.

E-mail: [email protected] Donations (checks made to SAMS with Cathy’s name in the memo line): PO Box 399, Ambridge, PA 15003. Snail mail: Apartado 587, San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic 21000 website:

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Church Vehicle Usage Policy The following guidelines have been established to be in strict compliance with the church insurance policy, to provide consistency in the administration of the use of church vehicles, and to avoid damage, injury or abuse to the vehicles and its users.

1. Purpose of the church vehicles

The church vehicle has been provided to help facilitate the ministries of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. This is the primary purpose for the vehicle. All requests for activities not sponsored by St. Matthew’s need to be approved in advance by the Jr. Warden.

2. Administration

The church office/staff will have the oversight of the church vehicle. Questions or needs not specified in this policy must be directed to the Jr. Warden or his/her designee. Routine maintenance on the vehicles will be performed by pre-approved church members or a professional mechanic approved by the Jr. Warden. Fuel costs for the vehicles will either be taken out of a specific ministries budget or the “general vehicle” budget.

3. Reservation procedure

All requests to use the church vehicle must be scheduled through the church office. Contact the church office at least one week prior to the date needed for the vehicle. Requests for use of the vehicle will be honored on a first come, first serve basis.

4. Driver requirements and responsibility

For liability purposes, only licensed drivers between the ages of 26-75 who have been approved by the church may operate the vehicle.

a. To drive the St. Matthew’s vehicle, you must be on the approved driver’s list which is maintained by the Jr. Warden.

b. Persons outside of St. Matthew’s who wish to participate and support this ministry may do so per the application guidelines.

c. To be on the approved driver’s list you must complete a form for church passenger van driver’s and include a copy of your driver’s license. After securing clearance you will be informed by the Jr. Warden or his/her designee.

5. Prior to trip departure please:

a. Come to the designated location to secure the vehicle keys, transportation clip board, phone and gas credit card. If trip departure time is during non- office hours, arrangements must be made with the church administrator or his/her designee to pick up these items during office hours.

b. Do a pre-trip inspection of the vehicle to make sure all lights, brakes, mirrors, seatbelts, etc. are in order. Effective 7/11/17

c. All drivers should feel free to decide not to drive because of unsafe driving or road conditions. The safety of our volunteers and our passengers always has top priority. When such a decision is made, please let the Shelter (256-9424) and the Day Center (628-4303, ext. 142) know that the bus is not in service.

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6. Upon returning the vehicle:

a. Fill up the gas tank using the gas credit card provided. Turn in the gas receipt to the church office.

b. Remove trash and belongings from the interior.

c. Report any maintenance needs or accident/damage to the church office via the vehicle maintenance report form attached to the clip board.

d. Overall the vehicle is to be returned in the condition it was taken. This may involve washing and vacuuming the vehicle.

e. Drivers may not answer, talk, or text on their cell phones while operating the church vehicles.

f. Drivers are required to obey the speed limit and traffic laws. Any violation of these laws that results in a fine will be paid by the driver.

g. In case of an emergency, contact the church office. h. Please remember to treat the church vehicles with respect and be considerate of other groups, staff, etc. who will be using them.

7. Passenger responsibility

a. Children younger than four years of age or under three feet tall, must ride in child safety seats.

b. Assist the driver in keeping the vehicle clean.

8. St. Matthew’s Driver and Rider Discretion

a. Passengers need to be under control, respectful of the driver and one another. The driver and/or St. Matthew’s rider has the right to ask any passenger to exit the vehicle at his or her discretion. An incident report should be filed with the Jr. Warden.

b. Priority will be given to the homeless and those with disabilities, including the homeless that have recently been placed in temporary or even permanent housing. Rides to social services and for medical and job-related purposes have priority.

c. Travel within Grand Junction has priority.

d. The driver and rider have discretion as to whether they will service any non- priority riders and travel.

e. Absolutely no alcohol, drugs or weapons are allowed onboard. The driver/rider may choose to have the above items locked in the rear of the vehicle or may refuse passage.

This usage policy is not inclusive. Please refer to the St. Matthew’s Junction Shuttle Rules and Regulations.

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Study of the Bible Fr. Nick Mayer’s current Bible Study class of the Old Testament will wrap soon and then class will be taking a break for the summer, resuming on September 12th with a new study of Matthew. Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM. All are welcome, no need to sign up.


Wednesdays 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM. Yoga helps with flexibility, balance and overall health. Open to men and women, a donation of $2 - $5 is recommended. Both floor and chair

St. Matthew's Shuttle

This ministry still needs a few good men or women to drive the bus. Please contact Linda Jameson (255-1679) about joining this community outreach ministry.

Mark Your Calendars….

August 18th-20th – Summer Camp at Camp Cedaredge

August 27th - Pastor Ray Farewell BBQ

September 9th – Spirit of the Valley 5K

September 24th - Fall Kick-Off

October 12th - 14th - Convention

July 2nd Picnic at St. Matt’s New Pavilion!

Christmas in August?

We'll be meeting to plan Advent and Christmas on August 8th at 6 pm. Please come and add your input! We'll be talking about worship, the Advent study, plans for children, decorating the church, etc. If you can't make it, please send an email with you thoughts by August 7th to [email protected]

Thank You, Down Right Floors! The new flooring throughout the church is in, and it looks beautiful and clean. We are so thankful to Jason Vroman and his company Down Right Floors! They did a wonderful job and gave the church an amazing discount. If you see Jason or his wife Becky, please thank them. Without Jason, we could not have done this.

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especially for youth leaders, counselors, teachers, coaches

open to everyone

From 8:30 AM to 4 PM, with a break for lunch, the people from Soul Shop will offer a special seminar on engaging youth in life-saving conversation. The workshop will be held at American Lutheran Church and is open to everyone. The cost is underwritten by St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, American Lutheran Church, Nativity Episcopal Church and Shepherd of the Valley ELCA Church. The cost for attendance is $25, to cover individual materials and lunch. Use the form below to register.

Thursday, September 14, 8:30 am—4:00 pm

American Lutheran Church 631 26½ Road · Grand Junction, CO 81506

$25 Registration Fee Late Registration Fee after September 7 is $35. Payment via the link on ALC’s website ( or by check (payable to St. Matthew’s or ALC, memo line “Soul Shop for Youth Leaders”) or use the ipad at church to pay by credit card. Name __________________________________________________________________

Email _________________________________________________________

Phone ____________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________


Organization you represent


Continental breakfast and lunch will be served to all participants. Do you have any dietary restrictions we should be aware of as we plan our menu? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Would you like someone from Soul Shop to contact you about earning CEUs? _______________

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St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church

3888 27-1/2 Road

Grand Junction, CO 81506 Phone: 970-242-3293

Email: [email protected]

Rector: Hollis Wright Email: [email protected]

Associate Pastor: Ray McKechnie Email: [email protected]

Deacon: Rich Paul

Assisting Clergy: Nancy Angle, Bob Engels, Vern Hill, Nick Mayer, Judy Schneider & Lee Wyman

Church Office Hours

Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, and meetings with staff are available by appointment.

Finance Office Hours

Monday - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tuesday - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Thursday - 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm



Sharon Conrad Justin Day Janette Deagle

Debra Feeley Bard Schaak Nancy Groenert

Jason Hughes Con Litz Don Schneider

Parish Administrators Beth Fisher

Desiree Bougeaux

Youth Minister Pastor Ray McKechnie

Director of Children’s Ministry Becky Vroman

Music Director Richard Morgan

Contemporary Music Shannon Castañeda

Nursery Supervisor Jaymee Galbasini

Sexton Toni Green

The Evangel Editor Desiree Bougeaux

August Birthdays

















Rosemary Litz

Lynne Bird

Fran Ellinwood

David Plank

Margery Fillinger

Sue Orloff

Bill Shannon

Polly Bloom

Amy Paul

Cora Galbasini

Ed Groenert

Ken Brownlee

Kent Knavel

Karel Watson

Tanner Kissner

Sherry Farny

Sr. Warden Ann Hayes Treasurer Cody Moore

Jr. Wardens Ron Kupinski

Sue Emerson

Clerk Linda Morehouse












Walter & Sue Orloff

Dick & Karel Watson

Joel & Deborah Robinson

The Rev. Nancy Angle & Marshall Martin

Frank & Helen Ligon

Jim & Rita Paronto

Don & Buzzie Aust

Jamie & Cora Galbasini

Bud & Harriet Smock

Dave & Sue Emerson

Roger & Jeanette Benson




Other Income

Expanded Ministry Giving

Total Income

Operating Expenses

Expanded Ministry Expense

Total Expense

Net Income

Treasurer’s Report June 2017

June YTD

















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