Page 1: The Electronic Newsletter of Gulf College Volume 7, Issue 2February 2018 The Electronic Newsletter of Gulf College Volume 7, Issue 2 Gulf College (GC) has sent Mr. Mohammed bin Suwailmeen

February 2018 The Electronic Newsletter of Gulf College Volume 7, Issue 2

Gulf College (GC) has sent Mr. Mohammed bin Suwailmeen Al Khusaibi, Chairman of

the Student Advisory Council in the Annual Student Representative Training (ASRT)

event organised by Cardiff Metropolitan (CMet) University.

The momentous event was

participated by twelve (12) stu-

dents from several countries

around the globe which include

Egypt, Bulgaria, India, Singa-

pore, Morocco, and other Euro-

pean Nations. A workshop was

conducted which was focused

on how the students used their

communication skills. The par-

ticipants were equipped with

the skills they need to be great

Mr. Raviraj Shetty, Ac-ademic Registrar con-ducted staff develop-ment workshop on ex-amination procedures, marking and script submission for the three faculties (FFS, FCS, FBMS). The workshop has the following objectives: En-sure that good practices

Mr. Mohammed bin Suwailmeen Al Khu-

saibi, Chairman of the Student Advisory

Council, Gulf College at CMet University

student representative and

were provided the information

to take back and share with

other students .They gave

each representative a taste of

student life at CMet . Funding

was made available by CMet

to subsidise the attendance of

the students during the

event.The students’ union or-

ganised the fund for accom-

modation ,food and travel of

each representative.They

toured each campus and

had a chance to meet the

students and staff and

also explored the city of

Cardiff ,the capital of Wales.

be shared with the other faculties, Ensure that the mechanisms are in place to prevent, detect and address all forms of aca-demic misconduct by stu-dents or staff, Corrective and preventive action all ensured fair treatment across the faculty for both staff and students in case of any breach of academic

integrity, whether minor or

gross and instill an insti-tutional culture of aca-demic integrity. Mr. Ravi-raj made mentioned that during examinations, spot checks may be con-ducted by the Academic Registrar, QA Coordina-tors, CB coordinators, and Heads of the Facul-ties to ensure that the systems are in line with the partner universities’

Dean, Prof. Taqi Al Abduwani has taken sincere initiative as GC management launched

the MBA induction session at the GC Conference Hall.

Gulf College will deliver the MBA programme on a full time and part time ba-sis through franchise ar-rangement where the stu-dents get their rights and benefits similar to those students who are enrolled on-campus at the Univer-sity. The GC Dean wel-comed the students and organisations and pin-pointed some salient points

on the MBA programme,

aside from his presenta-tion on how Gulf College started and progressed. The Dean added that, teaching materials, assessment methods and quality assurance proce-dures for the MBA pro-gramme would be the same as that of the affili-ate universities in UK. The main feature of the MBA programme is consisted of practical oriented mo-

dules assisted by rigorous quality assess-ment procedures. The Head of the Postgradu-

ate Centre discussed the academic regulations,

extenuating circumstances, academic dishon-esty appeal procedures including as-

sessment and feedback . Notable attendees were the Deputy Deans, Heads of the Faculties, Centre Managers, programme leaders , other key officials , FBMS students and stakeholders.

requirements and stipulated in the ISA criterion 2.9 wherein invigilations are con-sistently implemented across the college.

Gulf College’s Academic Registrar, Mr. Raviraj Shetty initiating a work-shop about staff development for the faculties of FFS, FBMS and FCS.

During the MBA Induction Session in the GC Conference Hall

Prof. Taqi Al Abduwani, Dean, Gulf


Page 2: The Electronic Newsletter of Gulf College Volume 7, Issue 2February 2018 The Electronic Newsletter of Gulf College Volume 7, Issue 2 Gulf College (GC) has sent Mr. Mohammed bin Suwailmeen

February 2018 Page 2 Volume 7, Issue 2

In the Military Technical Col-lege, GC students were introduced to the rules on how to receive new batch of stu-dents and to learn the system of teaching and training. The stu-dents also visited the Engineering faculty were they

The trip began with a visit at the Royal Opera House, the first opera house in the Arabian Gulf region. It was the most prominent ven-ue for presenting the

musicale and cultural arts of the world includ-ing the international

Music of the Arab

At the Royal Opera House with GC staff and students

Gulf College organised an educational trip for GC students and staff to know about the Royal Opera House (ROH) and Military Tech-nical College (MTC).

those with hear-ing and visual disabilities. This year’s camp translated the depth and the objectives which brought the mes-sage that mobile communities have always reached the pri-vate and govern-ment entities that the scouts were united with-out distinction under one roof.

Under the banner of "Scout for All", the Jawla clan partici-pated in the sixth (6th) camp organised by the tribes of Al-Sayeb Club in the state of Qaryat "Vince", which is an

Nations as well as famous musicians from different coun-tries of the globe. The students walked through the corridors of the ROH and search the halls and all the musical instruments

of ancient origin of

the past centuries.

attended work-shops about the quality of military and civil aircraft. They learned also the performance of the military duties on emergency situ-ations. They toured around the college facilities such as laboratories, equip-ment and systems used for sports.

opportunity. to gath-er the tribes of Mus-cat Governorate in one place.

The clans that joined were Mobile Club Oman, the Mobile Clan College of

Technology, Muscat; a mo-bile family club Ahli Sdab, clans of Gulf College, mobile commu-nity of Middle East College, mobile commu-nity of Quriyat and the mobile community youth of Qurayat. The sixth brother-hood camp came

this year to bring together 60 partici-

pants, including

The Faculty of Computing Sciences (FCS) headed by Mr. Abubucker Samsudeen Shaffi was visited by Mr. Jonathan Westlake, Link Tutor, SU for staff develop-ment and review.

try to affiliate to BCS as student chapter. He talked also about the issue on second marking. There must be consistency in marking emphasis for model answer, he added. And on inter-nal moderation mark-ing form should be implemented next semester. Mr. Abu-bucker, HoF, is seri-ously taking steps to improve its teaching strategy and proce-dures that will mani-

He met Dr. Shameena Mehtab, DD-QA&P; Key Staff, HoF and pro-gramme leaders to review the progress of FCS in relation to the previous recom-mendations and ensures if quality standards are met. Mr. Westlake dis-cussed the British Computing Society (BCS) which is a chartered institute

for IT and committed to making IT good for society using the power of network to bring a positive and tangible change. The institute fosters links between experts from industry, academe and business, pro-moting new thinking, education and knowledge sharing. (

According to Mr. Westlake, FCS must

fest their ability to undertake and pre-sent quality reports that will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field of study. Indeed, the Faculty of Com-puting Sciences (FCS) was very fortu-nate to have a dy-namic and well-rounded link tutor who was very enthu-siastic on sharing his academic and tech-nical expertise.

Military Technical College tour by GC staff and students A SCHOLASTIC VENTURE joined by GC students in the 6th Brotherhoond camp

A glimpse to one of the activi-ties dur-ing the camp events

BY THE BOOK. Mr. Jonathan Westlake, Link Tutor, gave Workshop to the FCS staff

Page 3: The Electronic Newsletter of Gulf College Volume 7, Issue 2February 2018 The Electronic Newsletter of Gulf College Volume 7, Issue 2 Gulf College (GC) has sent Mr. Mohammed bin Suwailmeen

February 2018 Page 3 Volume 7, Issue 2

STUDY UPGRADE. FCS faculty in the middle of discussing about Mobile

Application Skills to the students of GC.

With the aim of getting the latest skills and keeping abreast with the global

instructional resources in the field of computing, the Faculty of Computing

Sciences (FCS) under the leadership of Mr. Abubucker Samsudeen Shaffi,

opened its door to the cutting edge technologies.

engaged in the Mobile Computing modules, those who learned Mobile Computing (MC) and Computing Sciences (CTS). The Centre is funded by ITA (Information Technology Authority) Oman, so they are

aligned to commit with the regulations of ITA to pro-vide training to the Omani youth to build better mobile applications. They ex-plained their types of train-ing as per the directions is-

sued by the ITA. They provid-ed mobile application

Waljat College of Applied Sciences Asst. Prof.

and Acting Department Head, Mr. Roby

Varhgese together with Ms. Aarti Vats, Asst.

Prof., English Department worked closely with

the key officials of the Faculty of Foundation

Studies (FFS) headed by Mr. Masood Ahmad

Khan along with Ms. Aisha Ghazi Haider, PTE

Manager and other programme leaders in their

recent campus visit.

on how GC-GFP could be benchmarked at par with the Oman standards. Mr. Masood unveiled the potential of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Waljat College

They zeroed in pushing some action plans and pedagogic framework for curriculum devel-opment, GFP structures and content, extra-curricular feats, teaching and learning resources,

curriculum programme and some usual scholarly issues. The es-sential development of General Foundation Programme (GFP) of Waljat College was commended noting that this is in consonance

and Gulf College for their con-tinuous efforts in providing an extremely well-organised con-sensus to forge an unwaver-ing solid team towards aca-demic excellence.


RUN. Mr. Masood

Ahmad Khan and

Ms. Aisha Ghazi

Haider of FFS, GC

along with Mr.

Roby Varhgese

and Ms. Aarti

Vats, from Waljat


Corollary to this, FCS con-

ducted a workshop on de-

veloping mobile applica-

tions with one of the indus-

try leaders at the Centre

for Mobile Applications. It

was conducted for the stu-

dents who were

training on three (3) different platforms such as Android, iOS and Hybrid where the pro-fessionals would never succeed without the latest technical details.

Faculty of Business Manage-

ment and Studies (FBMS) stu-

dents and staff visited Muscat

Securities Market in Ru-

wi .They were twenty– five (25)

students with one Programme

Leader Ms. Sonia Shibila Allen

and two lecturers Ms. Fatima

Amin and Ms. Omaima.

One hour session was conduct-

ed by Mr. Omar Al-Busaidi,

Head of Listing and Indices Divi-

sion. The session kicked off on

understanding the need for set-

ting up the Muscat Securities

Market. He explained that it was

established by the Royal Decree

53/88 issued on 21st June, 1988, to

regulate and control the Omani

market and to participate,

effectively with other organi-

sations for setting up the in-

frastructure of the Sultanate’s

financial sector. Mr. Omar Al

Busaidi also briefed the stu-

dents on common technologies

to stock trading such as

financial derivatives, risk

management, trading,

clearing and settlements. It

was well presented in set

categories that allowed the

students to gain through

operations that took place at the

stock exchange of the world. Dur-

ing the session, Mr. Al Busaidi

focused on the history and evolu-

tion of stock trading and emer-

gence of MSM, its facts, trading

system and its technology.

On the other hand, Mr. Kamal Bin

Rashid Al Hani, Awareness Spe-

cialist, MSM, showed online trad-

ing screen of MSM and how

trades carries out in an order driv-

en system. He gave a live

demonstration to the students on

how stock market works, shared

his experience and knowledge on

dealing with the shares.

GC’s FBMS faculty along with twenty five selected students while on tour in the Muscat Securities

Market, Ruwi.

Page 4: The Electronic Newsletter of Gulf College Volume 7, Issue 2February 2018 The Electronic Newsletter of Gulf College Volume 7, Issue 2 Gulf College (GC) has sent Mr. Mohammed bin Suwailmeen

Editorial Board:

Dr. Issa Al Bulushi and Prof. Taqi Al Abduwani (Chairmen and Publishers),

Dr. Shameena Mehtab (Critic),

Dr. Romeo C. Castillo (Editor in Chief)

February 2018 Page 4 Volume 7, Issue 2

Gulf College proved their might in marathon as GC team went head to head with other aspiring national teams in a bid for the coveted marathon championship title at Muscat Wave and Surf-side. GC players surpassed the skills of the opponents winning second and fourth spots in the race.

Gulf College partici-pated in the Muscat Wave 2018, which was held for two days, Thursday and Friday, at the Wave Muscat project. The College was ranked second and fourth

What’s up in GC?

The ceremony was held at the headquarters of the Omani Women's Association in Rustaq under the patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal al-Maawali, Speaker of the Shura Council. The event

was attended by members of the Shura Council, members of the Municipal Council, the sheikhs and

dignitaries of the state.

among international participants represent-ing 86 nationalities with 6094 participants.

In the charity race with a distance of 5 km, participated by 1099 contestants supported the efforts and initia-


tives of the Omani Diabetes Society. Mazen Al Riyami and Hamad Al Mazroui of GC won second and fourth places re-spectively in the said marathon.

GO THE EXTRA MILE. GC students managed to bagged 2nd and 4th

places during the 2018 Wave and Surfside Marathon

The Centre for Research and entrepreneurship recognised the excellent works demonstrat-ed by Dr. Ariel San Jose, Dr. Leovigildo Mallillin and Dr. Ruel Ancheta of the Faculty of Foundation Studies (FFS) during their presentation in the recently conducted conference held at the English Language Centre in Al Musanna College of Technology.

The Head of CELC Al Musanna CoT, Dr. Nihad Abdalla Mohamed Al Zadjali sent an invitation to Gulf College and requested the presence of Dr. Ariel San Jose to be one of the speakers in the conference which was focused on the new perspectives and trends in English Language Teaching.(ELT).

to an information- based statusqou on a rapid pace. He also added that these perspectives and trends were essential but some educators forgot the importance of research. The conference was participated by differ- rent colleges

In his presentation, he zeroed in on the impact of globalisation and electronic age that brought a blistering ad-vancement in communi-cation and technology. This is the reason why a lot of students and teachers had shifted to a unique roles of chang-ing education from in-dustrialisation outlook

and universities around the Sultanate which gave them the chance to review and upgrade English lan-guage teaching using the new trends.

Dr. Ariel San Jose, Lecturer, FFS

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