





B.Sc., The American University in Cairo, 1992

M.Sc., The American University in Cairo, 1997






(Mining Engineering)



October 2011

© Reem Adel Roufail, 2011



Stirred milling is a grinding tool that is used extensively for mineral liberation, in order to

achieve successful downstream processing such as flotation or leaching. The focus of this

research is to understand the effect of different operating parameters on particle breakage

mechanism. Operating parameters could be summarized as stress intensity on the particles which

are varied by changing the mill’s agitator speed, and different ground material properties such as

extreme hard/low density minerals like quartz versus soft/high density minerals like galena.

Grinding performance is assessed by analysing particle size reduction and energy consumption.

Breakage mechanism is evaluated using the state of the art morphological analysis and liberation.

Finally, theoretical evaluation of particles flow, types of forces and energy distribution across the

mill are investigated using Discrete Element Modelling (DEM).

It is observed that breakage mechanisms are affected by the type of mineral and stress intensities

(agitator speed) in the mill. For example, galena, the soft/high density mineral, reaches its

grinding limit very fast at high agitator speed and specific energy consumption increases

exponentially with the increase of the agitator speed. On the other hand, for quartz, the hard/low

density mineral, the breakage rate is very slow at low agitator speed and the specific energy

consumption increases linearly with the increase of the agitator speed. Fracture mechanism of the

particles is also function of the agitator speed and type of mineral. At high agitator speed, galena

fractures mostly along the grain boundaries, whereas quartz breaks across the grains, which is

abrasion. The morphology observation is confirmed by the DEM model, which conveyed that at

higher agitator speed, the normal forces were higher than tangential forces on the galena particles

compared to the ceramic grinding media particles.

The core of this research is the morphology analysis, which is a novel approach to studying

particle breakage mechanisms. More work is recommended in the field of morphology with other

types of minerals to confirm the findings of this research. 3D liberation analysis was introduced

in this research; a correlation to the conventional liberation methodology would be a major

addition to the industry.



The research results presented in this thesis represent work conducted by the author with input

and advice from the supervisory committee.

Thus far the research has generated two publications. The first publication titled ―Mineral

Liberation and Particle Breakage in Stirred Mills‖ was presented at the 43rd

Conference of

Metallurgists in Sudbury in 2009. It was then re-published by the Canadian Metallurgical

Quarterly (Vol. 49, No4, pp 419-428, 2010). This publication was coauthored by Professor B.

Klein. I was responsible for developing the methodology to analyse the morphological features

and their parameters from Scanning Electron Microscope images. I was responsible for

developing the concepts and writing the paper, with advice of the coauthor.

The second publication titled, ―Effect of Grinding Operation and Product Morphology in Stirred

Mill‖ was coauthored by B. Klein and R. Blaskovich and was presented and published at the

43rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processor in Ottawa, 2011. I was responsible for

performing the experiments, defining the morphological features to be analysed, compiling the

data and writing the publication. B. Klein advised on and reviewed this publication and R.

Blaskovich acquired the SEM images and generated the fundamental data for analysis. The

results presented in the publication were included in chapters 2, 3 and 4 of this document.


Table of Contents

Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... ii

Preface ...................................................................................................................................... iii

Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... iv

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................... viii

List of Symbols ....................................................................................................................... xiii

Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................xvi

Dedication .............................................................................................................................. xvii

1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................1

1.1 Stirred Mills ..................................................................................................................1

1.2 Research Objective .......................................................................................................4

1.3 Thesis Outline ...............................................................................................................5

2. Literature Review ................................................................................................................7

2.1 Mill Operation and Particle Size Distribution ................................................................7

2.2 Failure Analysis – Brittle and Fatigue Fractures ............................................................9

2.3 Morphology ................................................................................................................ 14

2.3.1 Morphological Features of Fractured Surfaces ..................................................... 14

2.3.2 Morphological Features and Comminution ........................................................... 17

2.4 Computer Model and Mill Simulation ......................................................................... 20

2.4.1 Power Model ....................................................................................................... 25

2.5 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 26

3. Grinding Studies ................................................................................................................ 28

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 28

3.2 Grinding Test Material ................................................................................................ 28

3.3 Procedures .................................................................................................................. 30

3.3.1 Material Preparation Procedure ............................................................................ 31

3.3.2 Grinding Procedure .............................................................................................. 33

3.3.3 Particle Size Analysis Procedure .......................................................................... 35

3.3.4 Preparation of Test Products ................................................................................ 36

3.4 Grinding Results ......................................................................................................... 38

3.4.1 Particle Size Distribution ..................................................................................... 38

3.4.2 Breakage Rate ...................................................................................................... 47

v Initial Breakage Rate..................................................................................... 54 Average Breakage Rate ................................................................................. 55

3.4.3 Energy Consumption............................................................................................ 56

3.4.4 Effective Energy .................................................................................................. 62

3.4.5 Specific Breakage Energy .................................................................................... 65

3.5 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 66

4. Morphology and Liberation ............................................................................................... 69

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 69

4.1.1 Morphology Definition ........................................................................................ 69

4.1.2 Morphology Evaluation ....................................................................................... 69

4.1.3 Sample Description for Morphology .................................................................... 71

4.2 Clemex Method .......................................................................................................... 72

4.3 Manual Point Counting Method .................................................................................. 74

4.3.1 Point Counting Sensitivity Analysis ..................................................................... 76

4.4 Liberation Methodology .............................................................................................. 76

4.5 Morphology and Liberation Results ............................................................................ 77

4.5.1 Manual Point Counting Results ............................................................................ 78

4.5.2 Pearson’s Correlation ........................................................................................... 79

4.5.3 Stacked Charts Analysis ....................................................................................... 90

4.5.4 Shattered Particles Feature ................................................................................. 104

4.5.5 Automated Quantitative Morphological Analysis ............................................... 105

4.5.6 Liberation Analysis Results ................................................................................ 110

4.5.7 Liberation versus Agitator Speed ....................................................................... 111

4.5.8 Particle Mount versus Polished Samples ............................................................ 117

4.6 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 120

5. Computer Modeling and Simulation of Stirred Mill ......................................................... 123

5.1 EDEM Software ........................................................................................................ 125

5.2 DEM Simulation Limitations .................................................................................... 129

5.3 IsaMill Model Geometry ........................................................................................... 131

5.3.1 Number of Particles ........................................................................................... 134

5.3.2 Triangular versus Circular Discs ........................................................................ 135

5.3.3 Effect of Drag Forces ......................................................................................... 138

5.3.4 Material Properties ............................................................................................. 144


5.3.5 Model Parameters .............................................................................................. 147 Fixed Parameters ........................................................................................ 147 Variable Parameters .................................................................................... 149

5.4 Computer Model Results ........................................................................................... 150

5.4.1 Media Particles Runs ......................................................................................... 150 Particle Distribution .................................................................................... 150 Energy Distribution ..................................................................................... 153 Forces Distribution ..................................................................................... 159 Average Force Distribution ......................................................................... 160

5.4.2 Galena and Media Particles Runs ....................................................................... 166 Particle Distribution .................................................................................... 166 Maximum Forces Distribution .................................................................... 170 Average Force Distribution ......................................................................... 171

5.5 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 172

6. Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................................. 175

6.1 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 175

6.1.2 Experimental Work ............................................................................................ 176

6.1.3 Morphology ....................................................................................................... 178

6.1.4 Computer Model ................................................................................................ 180

6.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 183

6.2.1 Experimental and Morphology ........................................................................... 183

6.2.2 Computer Modeling ........................................................................................... 184

References .............................................................................................................................. 185

Appendix A: Experimental Data...................................................................................................... 199

Appendix A1: MSDS Sheets ............................................................................................ 199

Appendix A2: Assay Analysis .......................................................................................... 213

Appendix A3: Measured Specific Gravity, SG ................................................................. 214

Appendix A4: Experimental Data ..................................................................................... 215

Appendix A5: Cyclone Correlation Factor ........................................................................ 226

Appendix B: Experimental Results ................................................................................................. 227

Appendix B1: Mass of Solids Calculations Based on Volume Percent .............................. 227

Appendix B2: Rosin Rammler Fit and Parameters ............................................................ 228


Appendix B3: Correlation between Measured and Calculated P80 .................................... 239

Appendix B4: Energy Breakage vs. Particle Size P80 (m) .............................................. 243

Appendix C: Morphology ................................................................................................................ 245

Appendix C1: Manual Point Counting Sub-Routine ......................................................... 245

Appendix C2: Snap Shot of the Manual Point Counting Screen ........................................ 246

Appendix C3: Manual Point Counting Sensitivity Analysis .............................................. 247

Appendix C4: Clemex Routine ......................................................................................... 248

Appendix C5: Morphology Point Counting Data .............................................................. 250

Appendix C6: List of Morphology Samples ...................................................................... 265


List of Tables

Table 3-1: Properties of Material Tested and Percent Solid by Mass ...................................................... 30

Table 3-2: Percent Solids by Volume and Weight for the Experimental Samples Tested......................... 33

Table 3-3: Morphology Sample Size Fractions and Geometric Mean Size .............................................. 37

Table 3-4: Size Distribution of the Samples as Received ........................................................................ 39

Table 3-5: R-Squared Values for Linear and Exponential Data Fit ......................................................... 52

Table 3-6: Initial and Average Breakage at Different Agitator Speed ..................................................... 54

Table 3-7: R2 Values for Specific Energy vs. Size Reduction Using Power and Exponential Equations ... 57

Table 3-8: Specific Breakage Energy (kJ/m) ........................................................................................ 66

Table 4-1: Morphology Roughness Level Definitions and Illustration .................................................... 75

Table 4-2: Breakage Mode versus Roughness Level .............................................................................. 78

Table 4-3: Morphological Statistical Analysis of Galena Concentrate Sample ..................................... 108

Table 4-4: Morphological Statistical Analysis of Quartz ...................................................................... 109

Table 4-5: Morphological Statistical Analysis of Mixed Quartz and Galena Concentrate Sample ......... 110

Table 4-6: Feed Sample – Difference in Distribution Between Polished and Particle Mount Samples ... 119

Table 4-7: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample 1500-P1 Sample – Difference in Distribution Between Polished and

Particle Mount Samples ....................................................................................................................... 119

Table 4-8: Lead-zinc ore sample 1500-P2 Sample – Difference in Distribution between Polished and

Particle Mount Samples ....................................................................................................................... 119

Table 4-9: Lead-zinc ore sample 1500-P3 Sample – Difference in Distribution between Polished and Particle Mount Samples ....................................................................................................................... 119

Table 5-1: Benchmark Material Properties ........................................................................................... 144

Table 5-2: Effect of Material Properties on Run Time, Forces and Energy Efficiency .......................... 147

Table 5-3: Material Properties - Fixed Parameters ................................................................................ 148

Table 5-4: Particles and Mill Component Interactions .......................................................................... 149

Table 5-5 : Maximum Normal and Tangential Forces .......................................................................... 160

Table 5-6: Normal Forces Distribution Across the Mill at 1000, 1500 and 2000 rpm Agitator Speed .... 165

Table 5-7: Mixed Media and Galena Particles Distribution at 1500 rpm ............................................... 169

Table 5-8: Mixed Media and Galena Particles Distribution at 2000 rpm ............................................... 170

Table 5-9: Maximum Normal and Tangential Forces Distribution ........................................................ 171

Table A4-1: Quartz Experimental Data at 1000 rpm............................................................................. 215

Table A4-2: Quartz Experimental Data at 1500 rpm............................................................................. 216

Table A4-3: Quartz Experimental Data at 2000 rpm............................................................................. 217

Table A4-4: Galena Concentrate Experimental Data at 1000 rpm ......................................................... 218


Table A4-5: Galena Concentrate Experimental Data 1500 rpm ............................................................ 219

Table A4-6: Galena Concentrate Experimental Data at 2000 rpm ......................................................... 220

Table A4-7: Mix Quartz and Galena Concentrate Experimental Data at 1000 rpm ................................ 221

Table A4-8: Mix Quartz and Galena Concentrate Experimental Data at 2000 rpm ................................ 222

Table A4-9: Lead-Zinc Ore Experimental Data at 1000 rpm ................................................................ 223

Table A4-10: Lead-Zinc Ore Experimental Data at 1500 rpm .............................................................. 224

Table A4-11: Lead-Zinc Ore Experimental Data at 2000 rpm .............................................................. 225

Table C5-66-12C: Morphology Counts for Mixed quartz and galena Concentrate Sample (Quartz +

Galena Counts), ................................................................................................................................... 261


List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Reported Specific Energy per Mill Type, (Wang and Forssberg, 2007) .................................. 2

Figure 1-2: Verti Mill and SMD Mill, (Metso, 2010 [Brochure]) .............................................................. 3

Figure 1-3: IsaMill, (Gao, and Holmes, 2007) .......................................................................................... 3

Figure 2-1: Fracture Toughness Versus Material Thickness; After Farag (1989)..................................... 11

Figure 2-2: Fracture Toughness of Ductile and Brittle Material .............................................................. 11

Figure 2-3: (a) Typical Particle Shapes; (b) Perfect Circle Particle ......................................................... 13

Figure 2-4: Schematic Diagram Subjected to Compressive Force P, a) flaw inclined at angle with

respect to loading axis, b) flaw parallel to loading axis =0); After Tromans and Meech (2001).......13

Figure 2-5: Cleavage in a Low Carbon Steel Impact Fractured at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature. ............ 15

Figure 2-6: Fatigue Striation in a Low Carbon Steel Fractured Sample (Zone II). ................................... 16

Figure 2-7: Intergranular Fracture and Grain Boundary Separation for Low Alloy Steel. ........................ 16

Figure 2-8: SEM Image - 53 m Fraction; (a) BM; (b) HPGR. ............................................................... 19

Figure 2-9: SEM Image of Dense Packed Sand Grain Subjected ............................................................ 19

Figure 2-10: (a) Ball Mill, (b) Rod Mill, (c) SEM Micrograph of Ball Mill, .......................................... 19

Figure 2-11: Morphology of Gold Particles Generated by (a) Hammer Milling, (b) Disc Milling, ........... 20

Figure 3-1: Sample Preparation Flow Diagram ...................................................................................... 32

Figure 3-2: Schematic Diagram of Experimental Flow ........................................................................... 35

Figure 3-3: Correlation Coefficient versus Size Reduction ..................................................................... 40

Figure 3-4: Correlation Coefficient versus Modulus of Distribution ....................................................... 40

Figure 3-5: Rosin Rammler Modulus of Distribution versus Size Reduction .......................................... 41

Figure 3-6: Quartz Passing Percent for (a) 1000, (b) 1500 and (c) 2000 rpm ........................................... 43

Figure 3-7: Galena Concentrate Passing Percent for (a) 1000, (b) 1500 and (c) 2000 rpm ....................... 44

Figure 3-8: Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample Passing Percent for ......................................................... 45

Figure 3-9: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample Passing Percent for (a) 1000, (b) 1500 and (c) 2000 rpm .................. 46

Figure 3-10: Quartz (a) Linear and (b) Linearized Exponential Fitting Data ........................................... 48

Figure 3-11: Galena Concentrate (a) Linear and (b) Linearized Exponential Fitting Data ....................... 49

Figure 3-12: Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample (a) Linear and ............................................................... 50

Figure 3-13: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample (a) Linear and ................................................................................ 51

Figure 3-14: Correlation Between Measured and Calculated P80 for ...................................................... 53

Figure 3-15: Quartz Signature Plot – (a) Exponential and (b) Power Fit ................................................. 58

Figure 3-16: Galena Concentrate Signature Plot – (a) Exponential and (b) Power Fit ............................. 59

Figure 3-17: Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample Signature Plot ............................................................... 60

Figure 3-18: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample Signature Plot – (a) Exponential and (b) Power Fit ......................... 61


Figure 3-19: Grinding Effective Energy for (a) Quartz, (b) Galena Concentrate, .................................... 64

Figure 4-1 Particle Perimeter and Hull Perimeter ................................................................................... 70

Figure 4-2: (a) Particle ID 39 Roughness value was 0.9; ........................................................................ 73

Figure 4-3: Pearson’s Time Correlation vs. Roughness Level Count ...................................................... 81

Figure 4-4: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Quartz, ................................... 83

Figure 4-5: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Quartz in................................. 85

Figure 4-6: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Galena in ................................ 86

Figure 4-7: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Cumulative ............................. 87

Figure 4-8: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Lead-Zinc Ore Sample ............ 89

Figure 4-9: Quartz Stacked Chart of Cumulative Roughness Percent Point Count vs. Grinding Passes

1000rpm, (b) 1500rpm, (c) 2000rpm ...................................................................................................... 94

Figure 4-10: Roughness Trend of Quartz for (a) Coarse, (b) Medium (c) Fine Fractions ......................... 95

Figure 4-11: Galena Stacked Chart of Cumulative Roughness Percent Point Count vs. Grinding Passes

1000rpm, (b) 1500 rpm, (c) 2000rpm ..................................................................................................... 96

Figure 4-12: Roughness Trend of Galena Concentrate for (a) Coarse, (b) Medium (c) Fine Fractions ..... 97

Figure 4-13: Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample Stacked Chart of Cumulative Roughness Percent Point Count vs. Grinding Passes (a) 1000rpm, (b) 2000rpm ............................................................................ 98

Figure 4-14: Roughness Trend of Mixed Quartz and Galena Concentrate ............................................... 99

Figure 4-15: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample Stacked Chart of Cumulative Roughness Percent Point Count vs. Grinding Passes (a) 1000rpm, (b) 1500rpm, (c) 2000rpm ..................................................................... 100

Figure 4-16: Roughness Trend of Lead-Zinc Ore for (a) Coarse, (b) Medium (c) Fine Fractions........... 101

Figure 4-17: Overall Roughness Trend for Quartz Sample ................................................................... 102

Figure 4-18: Overall Roughness Trend for Galena Concentrate Sample ............................................... 102

Figure 4-19: Overall Roughness Trend for the Mixed Quartz and Galena Concentrate Sample ............. 103

Figure 4-20: Overall Roughness Trend for Lead – Zinc Ore Sample.................................................... 103

Figure 4-21: Individual Quartz Particles Broken, Shattered .................................................................. 105

Figure 4-22: Individual Galena Particles Broken, Shattered ................................................................. 105

Figure 4-23: Feed Liberation ............................................................................................................... 111

Figure 4-24: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample 1000 rpm - Pass1 Liberation ........................................................ 112

Figure 4-25: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample 1500 rpm - Pass1 Liberation ........................................................ 113

Figure 4-26: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample 2000 rpm - Pass1 Liberation ........................................................ 114

Figure 5-1: Schematic Diagram of Hertz Mindlin Contact Model, EDEM Training Manual, 2009 ........ 126

Figure 5-2: Schematic Diagram of Circular Agitator, Dimensions were mm ......................................... 132

Figure 5-3: Schematic Diagram of Triangular Discs Agitator ............................................................... 132

Figure 5-4: Cross Section of Particles Factory Surrounding 3 Discs ..................................................... 133

Figure 5-5: Initial Setting of the Particles in the 3 Sections at Time Zero .............................................. 135


Figure 5-6: Particle Distribution in 3 Sections for Circular and Triangular Discs .................................. 137

Figure 5-7: Fluid Flow Effect with No Drag Flow at 1500 rpm Agitator Speed .................................... 140

Figure 5-8: Drag Flow Force Effect on Particle Distribution Across the Mill ........................................ 142

Figure 5-9: Particle Distribution Across the Mill: ................................................................................. 143

Figure 5-10: Particle Distribution vs. Simulation Time ........................................................................ 152

Figure 5-11: Output vs. Input Energies for Media Runs ....................................................................... 154

Figure 5-12: Media Effective Energy Ratio vs. Simulation Time .......................................................... 156

Figure 5-13: Torque vs. Simulation Time............................................................................................. 158

Figure 5-14: Instantaneous Energy vs. Time Simulation, a) Input Energy, b) Output Energy ................ 158

Figure 5-15: Mill Cross Section .......................................................................................................... 161

Figure 5-16: (a) Normal and (b) Tangential Forces Distribution in Section A-A for 1000 rpm run ........ 162

Figure 5-17: (a) Normal and (b) Tangential Forces Distribution in Section B-B for 1000 rpm .............. 163

Figure 5-18: Number of Particles Distribution Across the Mill: ............................................................ 167

Figure 5-19: Initial Particle Distribution at Time Zero: (a) Radial Direction, section B-B; (b) Linear

Direction, section A-A, (c) Isometric corss section............................................................................... 168

Figure 5-20: Normal Forces Distribution at 1500 rpm (a) Section A-A; (b) Section B-B ...................... 172

Figure 5-21: Normal Forces Distribution at 2000 rpm (a) Section A-A; (b) Section B-B ...................... 172


List of Symbols

K fracture toughness, when the sample has a thickness less than B

KI stress intensity factor

KC critical intensity factor

KIC fracture toughness value of the material

Y constant related to crack geometry

a crack length (surface crack), one half crack length (internal crack) (m)

B material/particle thickness facing the crack

σ stress applied to the material (MPa)

i, j particles interacting

Vi transitional velocity

ωi angular velocity

Ii moment of inertia

Ri particle radius (vector starting at center of particle)

normal contact force

tangential contact force

µr coefficient of rolling friction

Fn normal force

E* equivalent Young’s modulus

R* equivalent radius

δ overlap particles on contact

Ei, Ej Young’s modulus for particles i and j

Vi, Vj Poisson ratio for particles i and j

Ri, Rj radius of each particle i and j

P80 80% passing

c specific breakage rate (min-1


tr residence time

Wr weight % retained

X particle size

a : represents the size at which 36.79% of the weight was retained

b: distribution modulus

R2 correlation coefficient

S size P80 (µm)

A size P80 at residence time zero, which was feed size

C specific breakage rate (min-1


c’ breakage rate (m/min)

tr residence time

Psp specific power (KWhr/ton)

Po specific power at size zero; hypothetical

S size P80 (m)


D specific power per size reduction

Xi residence time

Yi number of particles counted per degree of roughness

X, Y mean values for residence time and number of particles

L length

W width

A area

P perimeter

HP hull perimeter

AR aspect ratio

S sphericity

Vs settling velocity

g gravity

dp particle diameter

ρp particle density

ρw water density


SEn surface energy per unit mass

Fr surface roughness

surface energy (1/2 crack energy)

Df particle final diameter

Di particle initial diameter

Fn normal force

Y* equivalent Young’s modulus

R* equivalent radius

δn normal overlay

normal damping forces

M* equivalent mass

relative normal velocity

β , Sn normal stiffness

e coefficient of restitution

Ft tangential force

G* equivalent shear modulus

tangential damping force

St tangential stiffness

relative tangential velocity

i rolling friction

µr coefficient of rolling friction

Ri distance of contact point from object center mass

ωi angular velocity at contact point


Ks linear spring stiffness

C dashpot coefficient

δn overlap

overlap velocity

E* equivalent Modulus of elasticity

rpm revolution per minute

EI input energy

T torque

t time

PSD particle size distribution

SEM scanning electron microscope

BM ball mill

HPGR high pressure grinding roll

DEM discrete element modeling method

CFD computer fluid dynamics

PEPT positron emission particles tomography

MSDS material safety data sheet

SG specific gravity

HP hull perimeter

MLA mineral liberation analysis

CAD computer aided design

CFD computational fluid dynamics

API application programming interface



I would like to express my gratitude to the following people who without them, this work would

have been impossible to achieve.

First, I would like to thank professor, Bern Klein for his support and guidance throughout this

research. I have immensely learned from your knowledge in the field of comminution and

mineral processing and gave me the freedom and confidence to try and learn new things.

I would like to extend my thankfulness to my co-advisors, professor, Peter Radziszewski for his

valuable support and technical advice in the modeling segment of this work. Your patience and

advice was highly appreciated. Also Dr. Andy Stradling, my industrial advisor and committee

member, I really appreciate your guidance and assistance that helped me to stay on track.

Professor, Marek Pawlik, committee member, your input added depth and value to my work,

thank you.

I would also like to thank Teck Cominco Ltd., ART staff for their enthusiastic support in

capturing the SEM images, Clemex data and their technical input.

I am also grateful for the support of G&T Metallurgical Services Ltd. and High Way Technical

Engineering Services Ltd. for allowing me to use their labs for sample preparation.

I would like to thank the mining engineering department’s staff and my colleagues for all the

support they’ve given me throughout the experimental process.

I can’t forget my family, especially my beloved husband and lovely children who were holding

on and gave me an enormous tangible and emotional support all through the 5 years. I couldn’t

have done it without you.

Finally, the first man in my life, my father, who believed in me, more than I believed in myself,

wished you were here to witness this.



To My Family


1. Introduction

Ultra fine grinding and stirred mills are widely considered in mining operations since the

mineralogical complexity of the available ore bodies is increasing. In many cases, particles need

to be ground to 10m to liberate minerals. Over the past couple decades studies were performed

to investigate the relationship between energy, stress intensity and product particle size (Blecher

et al., 1996). Several studies focused on mill design and/or stress intensity distribution in the

grinding mill (Kwade et al., 1996; Jie et al., 1996; Kwade, 1999a). Other studies considered the

effect of the mechanical properties of the grinding media and ground material on the

comminution process (Peukert, 2004; Becker et al., 2001; Kwade and Schwedes, 2002)

1.1 Stirred Mills

Grinding is the largest energy consuming operation in mineral processing. About 50% of the

energy consumed in mining operation is consumed in comminution operation (Botin, 2009).

High speed stirred milling is the only technology that is employed in metal mining to grind

particles down to ultrafine particle sizes (below 10m). The ability to grind to this particle size

range relates to the power intensity in stirred mills which is about 300 kW/m3, compared to ball

mills and tower mills that are 20 kW/m3 and 40 kW/m

3, respectively (Pease et al., 2006). Despite

the high power intensity, the overall power consumption of high speed stirred mills is lower due

to their high specific throughput reflected by short retention times. Figure 1-1 compares the

specific energy input and particle size reduction for different types of mills. Stirred mills have

the highest specific energy input, but are the only mills that have the capability to grind particles

below 5 microns.


Figure 1-1: Reported Specific Energy per Mill Type, (Wang and Forssberg, 2007)

The main types of stirred mills used in the mining industry are the IsaMill, the Stirred Media

Detritor (SMD) and the Verti mill. The IsaMill and SMD are high speed mills and the Verti mill

is a low speed mill. The IsaMill is horizontally oriented and the latter two mills are vertically

oriented. Another difference is the agitator type. The SMD uses pin agitator; the Verti mill uses a

helical agitator (Figure 1-2) and the IsaMill employs discs (Figure 1-3). The power intensity of

the IsaMill is 400 kW/m3 compared to 150 kW/m

3 of the SMD mill, 19 kW/m

3 of the ball mill

and 4 kW/m3

for the Verti-Tower mill (Xstrata Technology 2010).


Figure 1-2: Verti Mill and SMD Mill, (Metso, 2010 [Brochure])

Figure 1-3: IsaMill, (Gao, and Holmes, 2007)

Another difference between high speed mills and both the Verti mills and ball mills is that high

speed mills are typically run in open circuit (no size classification). Over the past few decades

research studies, such as those by Kwade and Becker (2001), were performed to relate different


forms of energy (input energy, specific energy, volume / mass specific energies), stress intensity

and the final product particle size. Other studies focused on mill design and/or stress intensity

distribution in the grinding mill (Becker et al., 1996, Kwade, 1999, 1996, Blecher et al, 1996,

Partyka and Yan, 2007, Stender et al., 2004). The mechanical properties of the grinding media

and ground material on the comminution process were also considered (Peukert, 2004).

Stress intensity and energy in stirred mills were extensively researched. Attrition was considered

to be the main breakage mechanism; however the actual breakage mechanisms encountered in

the stirred mills are not well understood.

1.2 Research Objective

The primary objective of this research is to gain an understanding of how operating parameters

affect breakage mechanism. The objective is achieved via theoretical and experimental work.

The secondary objective is to develop an understanding of the grinding mechanism of stirred

mills via studying the state of the art researches performed on stirred mills using different tools

including particle breakage analysis, morphology and computer modeling techniques.

Specific objectives of the research were:

To study the effect of different operating conditions and different material properties on

grinding performance via analysing particle size reduction and energy consumption.

To develop an understanding of the effect of breakage mechanism under varying mill

operating conditions as well as mechanical material properties on particle morphology

and liberation.

To create a computer model that simulates particle flow, forces and energy distribution

across the mill under different operating conditions.


1.3 Thesis Outline

The state of the art literature is reviewed in chapter 2. The published literature reviews

information about stirred mill operation and summarises the topics of failure analysis, types of

fracture, morphology analysis, Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) and simulation.

The results of the research are presented in three chapters, relating to grinding studies,

morphological analysis and DEM.

In chapter 3, test procedures and results of grinding studies are presented. Criteria for selecting

material are reviewed. Material preparation and grinding procedures are outlined. Grinding

results such as particle size distribution, breakage rates, Rosin Rammler fit and energy

consumptions are summarized.

In chapter 4, morphology definitions and analysis procedures are validated. Morphological

analysis procedures are performed via manual point counting and pre-programmed image

analysis software. The effect of residence time on the degree of roughness is analysed both

statistically and cumulatively. Manual point count data are statistically analysed using Pearson’s

Correlation, and cumulatively analyzed using stacked charts and degree of roughness trends.

Whereas, the pre-programmed data, acquired via image analysis software, are analysed using

general descriptive statistics. Liberation analysis of a lead-zinc ore sample, at three agitator

speeds, is also addressed in chapter 4.

In chapter 5, the discrete element modeling technique (DEM), the software utilizing (EDEM),

the equations employed and the operating parameters are summarized. The simulation runs are

analysed across the mill based on three criteria; number of particles, energy distribution and

types and magnitude of forces the particles generated.


Finally chapter 6 presents the main findings and conclusions of the research. Recommendations

for future research are also presented in the same chapter.


2. Literature Review

The Literature review covers three main areas, the relationship between mill operation and size

reduction, morphology analysis and discrete element modeling (DEM).

Despite all the researches and studies performed on stirred mills, the operation and performance

of these mills were only empirically understood. Particle breakage mechanism versus operating

conditions of the mill was rarely studied. In this research, a comprehensive understanding of the

fundamental mill operation and its products (ground particles) were explored, focusing on

particle breakage mechanisms.

The use of morphological analysis to understand the breakage mode of the particles under

different grinding mechanisms represents a novel approach. The literature was reviewed to

summarize the relationship between breakage mode and surface texture (morphology features).

In order to simulate breakage in stirred mills, the modeling should accurately simulate particle

motion and forces in the mill. However, it was recognised that limitations to modeling existed,

which leads to oversimplification of the system. A summary of computer modeling (DEM) of

stirred mills was included in this chapter.

2.1 Mill Operation and Particle Size Distribution

Stirred mills, by definition, are mills that stir particles which are usually in slurry form and need

to be ground. Grinding media could be natural sand, steel slag or ceramic beads. The stirred mills

are classified according to their orientation i.e. vertical or horizontal. Examples of vertical mills

are tower mills, pin mills and the stirred media detritor (SMD), whereas the IsaMill is a

horizontal mill. A vast number of researchers (Gao and Forssberg, 1993, Blecher et al., 1996,

Kwade et al, 1996, Zheng, et al., 1996 , Gao et. al, 1996, Varinot et. al, 1999, Kwade, 1999,


2004, Wang and Forssberg, 2000, Becker et al., 2001, Kwade and Schwededs, 2002, Jankovic,

2003, Stender, et al., 2004, Yue, and Klein, 2005, Parry, 2006, Gao and Holmes, 2007, Shi, et al.,

2009, Ye, et al., 2010, Pease, et al., 2010, Vizcarra et al., 2010, Celep et al., 2011, and others)

investigated different types of stirred mills operation, stress energy distribution, stress types,

energy consumption, breakage kinetics, mineral liberation, product size distribution, mineral

flotation performance and other parameters.

Particle size distribution (PSD) is one of the initial parameters to be checked after a grinding

operation which is essential in mineral processing. PSD affects the behaviour of the particles in

subsequent operations, such as flotation or leaching that require adequate mineral liberation.

Furthermore, dewatering processes such as thickening and filtering are affected by the PSD. In

general, a narrow PSD is preferred over a wide PSD.

Jankovic and Sinclair (2006) investigated the role of media size and the mechanical properties of

the minerals using different types of stirred mills. They concluded that grinding hard minerals

produced a narrower particle size distribution compared to soft minerals; whereas the media size

had no significant effect on PSD. Parry (2006) investigated the behaviour of different material

properties at different mill stress intensities and concluded that softer minerals were ground

faster at lower stress intensities than harder minerals.

Jankovic and Sinclair (2006) agreed with Yue and Klein (2004) and Tromans and Meech (2004)

that below a specific particle size, the breakage behaviour would change. Yue and Klein (2004)

when reduction ratio reached 1, no grinding would take place i.e. grinding limit was reached.

Close to the grinding limit, the breakage mechanism would change from massive fracture to

attrition (abrasion). On the other hand, Jankovic and Sinclair (2006) speculated that the size limit


below which the PSD gets narrower due to particles hardening was below P80 20 m. Tromans

and Meech (2004) based their suggestions on a mathematical model, where they stated that there

was a limiting size beyond which grinding would not reduce the particle size any further. They

claimed that the limiting size was associated with the critical stress intensity factor of the

particle. Smaller particles would exhibit fewer and smaller flaw sizes and cracks, therefore

would require a high stress intensity to exceed the critical stress intensity and propagate the


In an attempt to build a more comprehensive picture of stirred mill grinding operation with

respect to particle breakage, it was important to understand the basics of failure analysis and

particularly brittle and fatigue failure fractures. Brittle and fatigue fractures are most relevant

because rocks and minerals are brittle. During comminution, such minerals and rocks are

exposed to multiple impacts, compressive and shear loadings which would lead to a typical

fatigue fracture.

2.2 Failure Analysis – Brittle and Fatigue Fractures

The science of failure analysis has emerged to study different mechanisms of failure or fracture

(breakage) of a work piece that was made of metal, ceramic, rubber, polymer and other materials

(Farag, 1989). The information can be used to improve design and thereby prevent failure. On

the other hand, particle breakage is the objective of comminution in mineral processing.

Comminution involves mechanical loading of particles either by impact, compression or abrasion

until the target particles break (fail). According to Farag (1989), failure results when a

component does not perform its intended function. Failure that would lead to fracture is due to

static overloading that could be either ductile or brittle. Fatigue fractures are usually sudden

without visual signs and due to multiple impact loadings. In order to quantitatively predict the


fracture strength of a component, the fracture stress can be calculated. Fracture stress according

to Griffith’s (1921) equation for glass (Farag, 1989), is a function of crack length for edge cracks

or half crack length for center cracks, Young’s modulus of the material, and energy required to

extend the crack by unit area. The energy required to propagate a crack in a component needs to

exceed its plastic deformation energy. Therefore, fracture toughness of a material is proportional

to energy consumed in plastic deformation i.e. stress intensity factor KI. The stress intensity

factor value is the level of stress at the tip of the crack. It is a function of crack geometry and is

material independent. When the stress intensity (KI) exceeds the limits for the material, unstable

fracture occurs. This is called the critical intensity factor value Kc, which is a thickness

dependent value. As the material thickness increases, the Kc decreases until it reaches a

minimum value which is the fracture toughness value of the material (KIc) as shown in Figure

2-1 . Fracture toughness of a material is the total energy required to fracture the material. It is the

area under the curve of a stress-strain plot as shown in Figure 2-2. The value of fracture

toughness is a function of applied stress, geometry factor of the crack (thickness and width), and

crack size (2a for center crack and a for edge crack), Equation 2-1 (Farag, 1989) below:

aYK Equation 2-1


K = fracture toughness, when the sample has a thickness less than B (MPa √m)

Y = constant related to crack geometry (-)

a = crack length (surface crack), one half crack length (internal crack) (m)

= stress applied to the material (MPa)


Figure 2-1: Fracture Toughness versus Material Thickness; After Farag (1989)

Figure 2-2: Fracture Toughness of Ductile and Brittle Material

A higher fracture toughness value signifies more energy absorbed by the material before fracture.

A comparison of the area under the stress strain curve of brittle and ductile materials in Figure

2-2 shows that ductile material absorbs more energy before fracture compared to brittle material.

Another definition for ductile and brittle fracture is the extent of macroscopic or microscopic


plastic deformation which precedes fracture. By analysing fracture surface texture (morphology),

the mode of breakage can be identified.

In the grinding process, breakage is the intentional fracture of the particles. Accordingly,

parameters such as particle shape and means of loading directly affect the grinding performance.

For example, if the particles are not perfectly round in shape i.e. have sharp edges or corners as

highlighted in Figure 2-3(a), then high stress concentration zones are present and the particles

might also have internal hair cracks. At such stress concentration zones, the (KI) stress intensity

factor reaches its critical value which will ultimately propagate the fracture with minimum

loading. The smaller the particle thickness facing the propagation direction of the crack, the

higher the critical stress factor value (Kc). In other words, less energy is required for the fracture

to propagate. The fracture toughness of the minerals (KIc) is a material property, which is

determined based on the largest particle size facing crack propagation direction. Whitney, Broz,

& Cook (2007) studied the effect of hardness values, toughness and modulus of some common

metamorphic minerals (mohs and Vickers hardness). Particles that are perfectly circular as in

Figure 2-3(b) will possess a lower stress intensity factor due to the absence of stress raisers.

However, they posses inherent flaws that via fatigue loading through multi impact or multi

compression loading would cause the micro cracks to either initiate or propagate and eventually

fracture. Particle size has a major effect on the type of stress that causes fracture initiation and

propagation. The larger the particle beyond a certain thickness threshold (B: material/particle

thickness facing the crack), fracture toughness (KIc) which is a mineral property, will be the

cause of fracture initiation and/or propagation. The smaller the particle size than the thickness

(B) threshold, the critical stress intensity factor (Kc) which is inversely proportional to the

thickness, will be the cause of fracture initiation and/or propagation, (Figure 2-1).


Figure 2-3: (a) Typical Particle Shapes; (b) Perfect Circle Particle

Fracture toughness of minerals was studied by Tromans & Meech (2001). Fracture toughness of

48 minerals (oxides, sulphides, and silicates) was theoretically modeled based on their ionic

crystal bonding. Tromans and Meech (2001) concluded that transgranular fracture toughness for

pure single phase minerals was about 10-14% higher than the intergranular fracture toughness.

Tromans and Meech (2001) stated that in a ball or rod mill, the impact efficiency was directly

related to the loading force on the particles as well as the flaw size and orientation relative to the

loading axis and critical stress intensity factor, as shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4: Schematic Diagram Subjected to Compressive Force P,

a) flaw inclined at angle with respect to loading axis, b) flaw parallel to loading axis =0);

After Tromans & Meech (2001).

(a) (b)


The material science discipline and physical metallurgy relates the microstructure of the material

to its physical and mechanical properties. Metallography is a tool used in material science to

evaluate the material microstructure using optical and electronic microscopes by which images

could be captured and analyzed. The failure analysis is a branched discipline from the material

science where metallography is further developed and morphological analyses of fractured

surfaces have emerged. Fracture morphology is an expression that emerged about three decades

ago as per researches published by the American Society of Testing and Materials, (Srauss and

Cullen, 1978). Fracture types are either brittle or ductile depending on the type of material.

Morphology is a powerful tool that is often used to recognise the different types of fractured

surfaces. Ductile fracture morphology is not addressed in this review since the focus of this

research is on grinding minerals which are brittle by nature. A particle could be exposed to

multiple impacts until it fractures open, which if morphologically examined, would possess

features of fatigue fracture.

2.3 Morphology

2.3.1 Morphological Features of Fractured Surfaces

Typical brittle fracture occurs at low plastic deformation at low energy absorption. The pre-

existing crack propagates very fast when exposed to a constant stress that could be less than the

yield strength of the material. Brittle fracture usually initiates at stress raisers such as defects,

fatigue cracks, inclusions, notches and sharp corners or cleavage faces as in mineral crystal

structure boundaries. Breakage surface and its morphology are indications of the type of fracture.

For example, brittle fracture surface shows bright granular appearance. Brittle fracture

mechanisms are either transgranular (cleavage) or intergranular.


Transgranular fracture mode propagates the crack through the grains and they are typically along

cleavage planes. Visual characteristics of the fracture are bright, reflecting facets. SEM images

of the transgranular fracture appear as flat surface and river patterns which are identified at

higher magnification as shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5: Cleavage in a Low Carbon Steel Impact Fractured at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature.

After Gabriel (1985)

Fatigue fracture is usually categorized as brittle fracture with cyclic loading, which is usually due

to stress cycles. A fracture possesses three zones. Zone I is the initiation zone which is usually

near or at the surface where the cyclic load is high and is usually brittle transgranular fracture.

Zone II is the propagation zone which appears as parallel plateaus separated by longitudinal

ridges which are called clamshell marks and fatigue striations. The clamshell marks and

striations are very significant in the case of a uniformly applied load. If the loading is not

uniform, at very high magnifications, clamshells and striation features can show up at different

angles due to the multi angle loading, as shown in Figure 2-6. Zone III is the unstable fast

fracture zone. This zone is the smallest cross sectional area of the component that cannot

withstand the applied load. Unstable fracture can exhibit a coalescence-ductile feature or brittle



Figure 2-6: Fatigue Striation in a Low Carbon Steel Fractured Sample (Zone II).

After Gabriel (1985)

Intergranular fracture mode propagates along grain boundaries. Its visual appearance is rock-

candy or faceted. Intergranular fracture arises when there are significant differences between the

grain properties. It also occurs when the intergranular matrix is environmentally attacked via

corrosion, or grain boundary embrittlement. Creep loading could also lead to intergranular

fracture mode. Typical intergranular fracture is shown in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7: Intergranular Fracture and Grain Boundary Separation for Low Alloy Steel.

After Gabriel (1985)


Fracture analysis methodology starts by examining the fractured surface for basic morphological

features, such as brightness or dullness, roughness or smoothness, striation lines and their

direction. In order to detect the type of failure, the fractured surfaces are examined at different

levels of magnification. The particles broken via grinding have more than one fracture surface.

The type and number of fractured surfaces depend on the mode of loading that the particles are

subjected to. Other morphological features such as sphericity, elongation and convexity which

are indications of particle elongation and surface roughness are employed to identify the

breakage mode of the particles. Image analysis software follows standard mathematical

principals for measuring these parameters. To determine sphericity, the circumference of the

equivalent area of the circle is divided by the actual perimeter of the particle. Particle elongation

is the inverse of the aspect ratio (length divided by width). Convexity reflects particle roughness

and is mathematically calculated by dividing the convex hull perimeter by the actual particle

perimeter. The values for each parameter are between 0 and 1. The value closer to 1 indicates

that the particle is almost perfectly circular or equiaxed (not elongated) or the surface is

extremely smooth.

2.3.2 Morphological Features and Comminution

Morphological features of rocks agree with the general material science concepts and failure

analysis as revealed in the study performed by Celik and Oner (2006) where the ball mill (BM)

and high pressure grinding roll mill (HPGR) were compared. Celik and Oner (2006) observed

from the surface texture images captured by SEM that the BM consistently produced smooth

surfaces compared to the HPGR as shown in Figure 2-8. They concluded that HPGR produced

intergranular breakage due to its compression loading mechanism, whereas the BM produced

transgranular breakage due to the impact and shear loading. Guimaraes, et al., (2007) deduced


conclusions on breakage mechanism versus particle packing (loose and dense packing) under one

dimensional compression loading using morphological texture analysis. Their results showed

that loose packing of particles exhibited splitting and massive breakage, rougher surfaces, which

implied crushing and intergranular breakage. On the other hand, the dense packing experienced

local damage at contact with multiple fresh faces as shown in Figure 2-9. They also observed

that sphericity and roundness decreased as the particle size decreased. The type of grinding mill

dictates the roundness and elongation shapes of the fractured particles as per the research

performed by Hiçyilmaz, et al., (2004) on ball and rod mills (Figure 2-10). Ahmed (2010)

compared dry versus wet grinding. He concluded that dry grinding produced rough surfaces

compared to wet grinding and added that impact crushing produced rougher, fragmented

particles compared to the particles produced via rotary mills. Frances, et. al., (2001), also studied

the effect of wet and dry grinding using four different types of mills, which are tumble mills,

shaker mills, air jet mills and stirred bead mills on gibbsite’s morphology. They concluded that

in comminution, the characteristics of the ground material and type of mill dictated the particle

shape and fracture features. Similar conclusions were earlier reached by Lecoq, et al., (1999)

who found that under similar grinding conditions the type of ground material would determine

the type of breakage. They added that the higher the particles complexity, the more resistant it

will be to breakage via attrition. Alex, et al., (2008) studied the effect of residence time on the

morphological features of gibbsite in a stirred mill. Their observations were visually analysed

where they concluded that the particles started to break at grain boundaries, producing platelet

like particles. On the other hand, if the same particles were exposed to longer grinding, the

produced particles would have a more complex shape and the platelet shaped particles would



Figure 2-8: SEM Image - 53 m Fraction; (a) BM; (b) HPGR.

After Celik & Oner (2006)

Figure 2-9: SEM Image of Dense Packed Sand Grain Subjected

to One Dimensional Compression Load. After Guimaraes et al. (2007).

Figure 2-10: (a) Ball Mill, (b) Rod Mill, (c) SEM Micrograph of Ball Mill,

(d) SEM Micrograph of Rod Mill. After Hiçyilmaz et al. (2004).

Ofori-Sarpong and Amankway (2011), agreed with Frances, et al., (2001), that the type of

grinding machine would dictate the shape of the particles produced as shown in Figure 2-11.

(a) (b)


Ofori-Sarpong and Amankway (2011) focused on gold particle morphology on gravity

concentration performance. They concluded that fine spherical particles settle faster than coarser

flaky cigar-shaped particles. Accordingly, they recommended choosing a grinding mill which

would produce coarse round gold particles for gravity concentration.

Figure 2-11: Morphology of Gold Particles Generated by (a) Hammer Milling, (b) Disc Milling,

(c) Pulverising (d) Ball Milling, After Ofori-Sarpong and Amankway (2011)

The effect of particle morphology on flotation was studied by Ahmed, (2010). He concluded that

the particle’s roughness had more influence on flotation than the particle’s shape. He added that

the rough surface had faster flotation kinetics than smooth surfaces.

2.4 Computer Model and Mill Simulation

To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the grinding operation after physically analysing its

products, a mathematical quantitative analysis was essential. Accordingly, part of this research

was dedicated to creating a Discrete Element Model (DEM) of the IsaMill that would address

some of the questions raised by the objectives of the study. DEM was used to help assess the

effect of different operating conditions of the mill on the flow of the material and distribution of

different types of forces across the mill chamber.


Computer simulation is a technique used to model a real life machine or situation, so that it can

be further understood. Simulation assists in understanding how a system works and how

variables would affect its performance. A model was described by a set of equations and

variables that are controlled by their inputs. The outputs are further analyzed in order to optimize

the system. Comminution modeling has been extensively studied for different grinding mills

including SAG mills, ball mills, vertical and horizontal stirred mills. Various approaches exist in

implementing a model such as mathematical models or computer simulation models.

Radziszewski and Morrell (1998) developed a mathematical model for ball mills, Datta and

Rajamani (2002) also modeled ball mills but used two dimensional Discrete Element Modeling

(DEM). Govender and Powell (2006), empirically modeled the power derived from three

dimensional particle tracking experiments. Zhao et al., (2006) modeled granular material in three

dimension via discrete simulation. Gui and Fan (2009), studied the motion of rigid spherical

particles in a rotating tumbling mill. Gers et al., (2010), numerically modeled stirred media mills

and studied grinding operation and hydrodynamics and collision characteristics. Mannheim

(2011) recently used an empirical mathematical modeling procedure to scale up stirred ball mills.

Modelling of stirred mills were performed by Cleary et al., (2006a), and Sinnott et al., (2006b)

on tower and pin vertical stirred mills using DEM. They studied the media flow, mixing and

force network in the mill. Positron Emission Particles Tomography (PEPT) technology was used

to visualize the motion of particles in the mill. The PEPT was used as a research tool on a

vertical stirred mill by Conway-Baker et al., (2002) and Barley et al., (2004) and on horizontal

stirred mill by Jayasundara, et al., (2011). In literature, the IsaMill has been modeled mostly

using DEM; however, most of the models were developed on an over simplified version of the

mill. Typical simplified models included only 3 agitator discs, oversized particles and no fluid


dynamics for slurry flow in the mill. Examples of the first DEM models of the IsaMill were

developed by Jayasundara et al., (2006 and 2008). In an attempt to take the DEM modelling of

the IsaMill closer to a real case scenario, a computer fluid dynamics (CFD) was coupled with the

standard DEM modeling by Jayasundara et al., (2009) and Jayasundara et al. (2010). Almost all

modelling researches assessed the particle velocity pattern in the mill and they agreed that high

velocity patterns were close to the discs and the highest velocities were observed at the discs


Jayasundara, et al., (2006) DEM simulation results agreed with Westhuizen, et al., (2011),

tracking the media particles using the Positron Emission Particles Tomography (PEPT)

technology. They found that the discs have a major effect on the particles flow pattern in the

mill. There were fewer particles within the discs region, but the particle distribution was packed

between discs and near the chamber wall. However, Westhuizen et al., (2010) studies

contradicted the findings by Jayasundara et al., (2008) on the effect of particle density on

velocity. Jayasundara, et al., (2008) stated that particle density did not affect velocities, but

particles would exhibit a high number of collisions, higher collision energies and would require a

higher input power. Conversely, Westhuizen et al., (2010) concluded, through using the PEPT

tracking experiments, that the denser the particles, the lower their acceleration.

Other parameters investigated included the effect of media loading and agitator speed.

Jayasundara et al., (2010) and Yang et al., (2006 and 2008) concluded that increasing agitator tip

speed increased particle velocity, which in turn increased impact energies, compressive forces

and power draw. On the other hand, by increasing media loading, particle agitation became more

vigorous as the collision frequency increased. However, by increasing media loading, the

collision energy decreased and impact energy and compressive loading increased, which in turn


increased power draw. Jayasundara et. al, (2011) investigated the effect of fluid flow on a

simplified ISAMill using a coupling of DEM and Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software.

Jayasundara et al., (2011) concluded that the flow pattern and media velocities in the mill were

similar to the model with no fluid dynamics effect, with minor change in velocity between the tip

of the disc and mill’s chamber.

In spite of the vast number of studies performed on the IsaMill, which contributed to the

knowledge of the mill operation, there is still a gap in the understanding of the mill operation and

stress intensity distributions. The effects of different types of particles, with different material

properties, on each other in the mill have not been investigated. A simulation that would include

more features of a real mill needs to be investigated. The IsaMill classifier should be included to

assist in understanding the actual flow dynamics of the particles throughout the mill length. As

well as, careful choice of material properties for the different parts of the mill and the particles

would bring the DEM model closer to a real mill performance.

Discrete Element modeling, according to DEM Solutions, is a computer program that treats the

particles as discrete bodies. DEM allows the particles to be displaced, rotate and detach. The

interactions between the particles and their surroundings before and after contacts are calculated.

Each particle movement is modeled. The basic mechanics of discrete element modeling is

founded on Newton’s second law of motion as per Equation 2-2.



i and j were particles interacting

vi : transitional velocity

i: angular velocity

Ii: moment of inertia

Ri: particle radius (vector starting at center of particle)


ij: normal contact force

Ftij: tangential contact force

r: coefficient of rolling friction


software has multiple built in contact stress models to choose from. The closest

model to the comminution application is the Hertz Mindlin contact model. Hertz Mindlin

calculates localized stresses that develop at two curved surfaces that come in contact. The

contact stress is a function of the normal contact force, the radii of curvature of both bodies and

the modulus of elasticity of both bodies, as per Equation 2-3.

Equation 2-2

Rolling friction torque arising from elastic hysteresis

loss or viscous dissipation

torque due to tangential forces


Equation 2-3


Fn = normal force

E* = equivalent Young’s modulus

R* = equivalent radius

= overlap particles in contact

Equation 2-4

Equation 2-5


Ei, Ej = Young’s modulus for particles i and j

vi, vj = Poisson ratio for particles i and j

Ri, Rj = radius of each particle i and j

DEM is limited due to its intensive computation requirement. Accordingly, simulating a mill

with actual number of particles, actual particle size and imperfect shapes rather than perfect

spheres, is not achievable with the available computing tools used in this research.

2.4.1 Power Model

Most computer models have focused on the stirred mill’s qualitative performance such as the

distribution of particles and their velocities across the mill at different operating conditions.

Quantitative analysis is addressed in this research to understand the type of forces (normal and

tangential), power and energy distributions under different operating conditions, such as different


agitator speeds. Quantitative analysis was performed via mathematical and empirical

methodologies (Herbst and Sepulveda, 1978). A recent mathematical model that empirically

relates the power to agitator speed and other parameters was the model developed by Gao et al.,

(1996) as per Equation 2-6

Equation 2-6


P: power (kW)

N: stirrer speed (rpm)

ρs: slurry density (% solids)

ρb: media density (gm/cm3)

d: dispersant dosage (%)

Gao et. al (1996) concluded that the mill’s stirrer speed was a leading factor affecting the power

consumption and the relationship between stirrer speed and power was significantly non linear.

They also added that the higher the power input, the size reduction process would accelerate

significantly with minimum change in energy efficiency.

2.5 Conclusion

Stirred mills are used by mineral industry to liberate valuable minerals for downstream

operations. In many cases, this is not achievable unless the particles are ground to below 10 m.

The only mills that can accomplish such fine grinding are high speed stirred mills such as the

IsaMill. Many studies and researches on stirred mills state that stirred mills grind via attrition

(abrasion). There is a gap in the existing researches that points to particle breakage in stirred mill

under different operating conditions, particularly from the morphology and surface texture point

of view. Furthermore, the interaction between particles with different mechanical properties


versus mill operating conditions needs further investigation. There is a relationship between

particle breakage mechanism and their morphology features which if understood, will provide an

insight onto how mill performance can be improved. In this study, such relationship is

quantitatively evaluated rather than qualitative analysis as per literature.

Discrete element modeling has been applied on stirred mills in general and particularly on the

IsaMill. The DEM assists in understanding the effect of the different media types, agitator speed,

media loading and fluid dynamics on mill performance and operation. However, none of the

models performed to date could relate the effect of different particle mechanical properties on

each other. Also, all the models developed for the IsaMill were over simplified. The effect of the

media classifier on the particles flow and distribution has not been investigated.

The research in this thesis attempts to bridge some of the knowledge gaps. In particular, DEM is

used to better understand the relationship between the mill operating parameters and possible

breakage methodology from the force distribution standpoint in the mill. A correlation between

predicted particle breakage mechanism which are acquired via DEM model and actual ground

particle morphology are addressed. In this study, The IsaMill was chosen as a tool for stirred mill



3. Grinding Studies

3.1 Introduction

The objective of the experimental work was to understand the effect of varying mill operating

parameters and different material properties on breakage mechanism. To meet the objective, the

experimental work was conducted on four samples. Two samples contain pure minerals with

distinct mechanical properties, the third sample is a mixture of the two pure minerals and the

fourth sample is an ore sample which is similar in mineralogical composition to the mixed

sample. The variable parameters tested were material type, agitator speed and residence time and

results were analysed based on:

- Particle size distribution (PSD)

- Particle breakage rate

- Energy consumption

3.2 Grinding Test Material

Four different samples were selected for the test program:

- Quartz (silica sand Target Industrial Minerals)

- Galena concentrate (supplied by Pend Oreille mine)

- Mixed galena concentrate and quartz (ratio of 1 to 6 by volume)

- Lead-Zinc Ore (Red Dog SAG mill discharge).

The quartz and galena concentrate samples were selected based on their mechanical and physical

properties. The Mohs hardness value for the galena is about 2.5 (very soft) while quartz is close

to 7.0 (very hard) according to literature. The galena concentrate has a high specific gravity (SG)

compared to quartz. The measured SG of the galena concentrate is 7.19, while quartz is 2.63.


Fracture surfaces are different. The mineral galena has distinct cubical cleavage planes whereas

quartz has a conchoidal fracture surface. In addition, galena is a sulphide mineral and quartz is an

oxide mineral.

According to the assay analysis (Appendix A2), the quartz sample consists of mainly silica, 92%

silicon dioxide. The average chemical composition of the galena concentrate sample is 83% lead,

1.5% zinc, 0.26% iron, and 0.34% silicon dioxide. The average chemical composition of the lead

zinc ore sample is 20% zinc, 9.3% lead, 32% silicon dioxide and 7% iron. The modal mineralogy

distribution of the feed was performed on one size fraction with a geometric means size of 63m.

This size fraction is used for liberation analysis as discussed in section 4.5.7. The minerals modal

distribution included galena, sphalerite, pyrite and quartz minerals, which were 6%, 33%, 15%

and 31%, respectively for the of 63m size fraction.

Since ores are composed of mixtures of minerals, that can possess extreme mechanical and

physical properties, it was important to understand the impact of these mixtures on grinding.

Accordingly, a mixture of galena and quartz (concentrate) was prepared for testing. The mixture

was based on 1:6 volume ratio of galena to quartz concentrate. The mixture was prepared on a

volume basis rather than a weight basis because the pulp rheology is directly affected by volume

solids content, (Yue and Klein, 2004). Since the two materials tested were liberated, it was

reasonable to take the experimental work to the next level and study the effect of similar

operating parameters on an ore sample similar to the mixed sample. The lead-zinc concentrate

sample was selected because it consisted of a mixture of non-liberated quartz and galena

minerals with a similar ratio to the mixed quartz-galena concentrate sample. The response of

locked particles under similar operating conditions would give a real representation of the effect

of the different operating conditions on mineral breakage behaviour.


Based on typical stirred mill grinding operation recommendation, the mixed mineral slurry

suspension with an average solids SG between 3.0 and 4.0, pulp densities should be between 40

and 50% by weight. This corresponds to an average volume solids content of 14.3%.

Accordingly the percent solid by volume was chosen as 14.3% for the experimental work. The

SG of the four samples used in the study was determined as per ASTM D854-06 procedures.

Detailed calculations of the mass for each material tested and operating parameter are found in

Appendix A-3. The Mohs hardness values, measured specific gravity, and calculated percent

solids by mass for the materials used in the experimental work are presented in Table 3-1. For

the mixed sample, the ratio of galena to quartz was selected to be 1:6 by volume to be

comparable to the lead-zinc ore sample.

Table 3-1: Properties of Material Tested and Percent Solid by Mass








% Solids

by mass

Quartz 7.0 2.63 30.5

Galena 2.5 7.19 54.4


(Galena : Quartz;


-- 3.30 36.0

Lead-Zinc Ore

SAG Discharge – -- 3.66 37.9

3.3 Procedures

A systematic procedure was followed in preparing the four materials for the series of

experiments conducted in this study. Similar grinding procedure and mill operating conditions

were followed for the four materials to guarantee comparability of results. The same size

analysis and sample preparation procedures were also applied.


3.3.1 Material Preparation Procedure

The four materials chosen for this research showed a wide variation of particle size distribution

and top size. For the sake of comparison, it was important to bring the four materials top size and

PSD close to similar.

Specific surface area (size per mass) is an ideal measurement and indication of particle size

reduction for the entire sample. However, typical industrial practice reports size reduction as

80% pass (P80). Therefore, in this research, particle size and its reduction are reported as P80.

The 80% pass (P80) sizes of galena concentrate, quartz and lead-zinc ore were 234.4, 134.1 and

326.3 m respectively. The distribution modulus according to the Rosin Rammler equation for

the galena concentrate, quartz and lead-zinc ore were 2.14, 2.4 and 0.7, respectively. Quartz had

the narrowest size distribution and as expected the SAG discharge of the ore had the widest size

distribution. In order to bring the three materials close to similar top size and PSD, they were

screened on a 150 mesh (106 m) sieve. The +106 m quartz and galena concentrate were

ground in a laboratory rod mill and wet screened on the same 150 mesh sieve. The -106 m rod

mill products were dried, and then mixed with the pre-screened -106m material and riffled into

5 kg charges for stirred mill grinding tests. A sample preparation flow chart is shown in Figure

3-1. As mentioned in section 3.2, the galena concentrate and quartz (-106m size fraction) were

mixed with a ratio of 1:6 by volume to create the mix product for testing. The lead-zinc ore

sample (SAG discharge; -106m size fraction) was assayed for chemical composition. The

detailed assay analysis is presented in Appendix A2. The major elements were 20% zinc, 9.3%

lead, 32% silicon dioxide and 10.4% iron III oxide. The particle size distribution of the feed

product from the -106m size fraction are presented in section 3.4.


Figure 3-1: Sample Preparation Flow Diagram

The specific gravity (SG) for each material prepared was tested according to ASTM D854-06

procedures. The SG’s of quartz, galena concentrate, mixed quartz and galena sample and lead-

zinc ore sample were measured to be 2.63, 7.19, 3.30 and 3.66, respectively. Since the minerals

chosen have a wide range of SG’s, grinding tests were conducted at solid content based on

volume rather than weight to guarantee similar pulp flow behaviour in the mill. In industrial

operations, pulp densities refer to solid concentrations by mass, which range between 35% and

65%, depending on the SG’s of the mineral constituents. The solid content chosen for the

research test program was 14.3% solids by volume, based on a typical specific gravity of 4.00.

Accordingly, the percent solids by mass for quartz, galena concentrate, mixed quartz and galena

concentrate sample and lead-zinc ore sample were 30.5%, and 54.4%, 36% and 38%,

respectively as shown in Table 3-2.

+106 m







5 kg sample 5 kg sample







+106 m




Rod Mill


Table 3-2: Percent Solids by Volume and Weight for the Experimental Samples Tested

Sample Specific


% Solids

by Volume

% Solids

by Weight

Quartz 2.63 14.3 30.5


Concentrate 7.19 14.3 54.5

Mixed Quartz

& Galena 3.30 14.3 37.9


Ore 3.66 14.3 35.5

3.3.2 Grinding Procedure

A 4 litre Netzsch (ISA) Mill was used for the grinding tests. The 4 litre mills are commonly used

for pilot scale testing. Figure 3-2 is a schematic diagram showing the ISA mill, feed tank and

product tank and illustrates the pulp flow of a 5 pass test run. Three grinding tests were

performed for each material using grinding speeds of 1000, 1500 and 2000 rpm. The pulp flow

rate was set at the highest possible setting, 3.5L/min. A high flow rate was chosen to estimate the

initial breakage of the particles. The effect of residence time was studied by running the material

through the mill 5 times (5 passes) in order to study the secondary breakage behaviour of the

particles when given more time and to determine the energy usage and product size relationship.

For each test run, five samples were produced for PSD and morphology analysis. The grinding

media used was the MT1 ceramic beads single size ( 2mm).


The detailed testing procedure was as follows:

Turn on the mill agitator at 1000, 1500 and 2000 rpm, empty (no media or slurry), and

record the power consumed at no load.

Turn off the mill agitator.

Pre-fill the mill with the required amount of grinding media, which was set at 80% by

volume of the effective grinding mill volume. The effective grinding volume is the inner

chamber volume minus classifier section, agitator and discs volume.

Fill Tank 1 with the required amount of water then turn on the pump to circulate the water

within the same tank. Add solids slowly to the desired pulp density.

Change valve positions so that pulp flows through the mill with no agitation.

Once the pulp filled the mill and started to discharge, turn on the mill agitator to the desired

speed e.g. 1000, 1500 or 2000 rpm.

Operate the mill until a steady state was achieved (first 60 seconds). Product generated

during the first 60 seconds was rejected from the circuit.

Change valve position such that the product was sent to Tank 2.

Check flow rate using a graduated cylinder and stopwatch. The flow rate of the pulp was

initially set at the highest possible rate which was 3.5 L/min.

Once approximately half of the feed had passed through mill, collect about 300 mL samples

for analyses.

Once Tank 1 was empty, change valve positions such that Tank 2 would be the feed tank

and Tank 1 would be the collection tank.

Repeat the above cycle 5 times and collect 5 products for analysis.


Note: The test run for the quartz and galena mixed material was performed only at two

agitator speeds (1000 and 2000 rpm) due to the shortage of available material.

In Figure 3-2, the white arrows show the flow direction for passes 1, 3 and 5 and the blue arrows

indicate direction for passes 2 and 4. Detailed data collected for each test run are presented in

Appendix A4.

3.3.3 Particle Size Analysis Procedure

Particle size analysis was performed using sieve analysis/cyclosizing and laser sizing. Both

particle size analysis methods were used in this study. Laser sizing was used to study the effect

of different operating conditions on PSD and sieve screening was used to create particles for

morphology analysis.

For sieve analysis, a representative sample was collected, dried, weighed and then screened using

sieve series. Weights retained on each screen were recorded and size versus percent passing

or retained was plotted. The PSD’s were also determined by using laser sizing. The laser sizing

Figure 3-2: Schematic Diagram of Experimental Flow


1 Tank


Passes 1, 3, 5


2, 4


technology was based on the physics of light scattering (Malvern Instruments, 2009). According

to Malvern innovative solution in material characterization website (2010), Rodrı´guez and

Uriarte (2009), Dishman et al., (1993), laser diffraction technology measures the particle

equivalent spherical size based on the particle’s volume, whereas, sieve screens allow the

elongated particles to pass through the screens and report to the smaller size fraction. Therefore,

results from laser sizing would be biased to upper size values compared to sieve screens.

3.3.4 Preparation of Test Products

Five samples were collected for each test run, totalling 55 samples. Power consumption was

recorded for each test and the 55 samples were prepared for size distribution analysis, breakage

rate calculations and morphology analysis.

Samples collected in slurry form were sized using a Malvern Laser Sizer. However, galena

concentrate and quartz samples were sized using dry sieving. Then the -53 m fraction was

cyclosized and finally the –C6 fraction was laser sized and weighted size fractions were added to

the distribution to get a complete size distribution spectrum. This procedure was changed for the

mixed quartz and galena sample and lead-zinc ore sample to a laser sizing of the slurry product

before dry screening. Sizing results were used for particle size distribution analysis and energy

analysis. The remaining of the samples was dried and screened into size fractions (+106m),

(-106 +75 m), (-75 +53m) and (-53 m). The -53 m portions were cyclosized to produce the

finer fractions.

The fractions chosen for morphology analysis were defined as coarse, medium and fine. The

coarse fractions were (-75 +53m) for all materials tested, which was equivalent to geometric

mean size of 63m. The other products were created using the cyclosizer. Cyclosizer technology


is based on particles specific gravity and their free falling velocities in a given fluid. Therefore,

the particle size of the four materials, measured using the cyclosizer, varied based on their SG

values. The medium and fine cyclone product size fractions and their equivalent geometric mean

size are chosen based on the actual measured particle size rather than a specific cyclosizer.

Product particle size and their cyclone are listed in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3: Morphology Sample Size Fractions and Geometric Mean Size



Quartz Galena Concentrate Mixed Quartz and

Galena Concentrate Lead Zinc Ore





Mean Size






Mean Size






Mean Size






Mean Size


Coarse -75 +53 63 -75 +53 63 -75 +53 63 -75 +53 63

Medium -42 +27

(C3) 34

-53 +26

(C2) 37

-42 +31

(C2) 36

-38 +28

(C2) 33

Fine -17 +13

(C5) 15

-20 +14

(C1) 17

-22 +14

(C4) 18

-20 +13

(C4) 16

To obtain sub sample for morphology analysis, each size fraction was spread out onto a glass

sheet to produce a monolayer of particles. The particles were captured on double graphite sticky

paper, and placed on a scanning electron microscope (SEM) stub mount. Scanning Electron

Microscope (SEM) in Secondary Emission Mode was used to capture high resolution 3D images.

Images were analysed for roughness values using manual point count based on roughness level

as explained in details in chapter 4: Morphology and Liberation.


3.4 Grinding Results

3.4.1 Particle Size Distribution

The materials chosen for this study were significantly different in chemical, physical and

mechanical aspects as well as breakage behaviour. The particle size distribution versus stress

intensity and energy input relationship was determined by varying the agitator speed (rpm).

Product particle size was characterized according to the Rosin Rammler equation (Rosin, and

Rammler, 1933, Harriz, 1971) and the 80 percent passing size (P80). The results of the particle

size analyses of each sample and the grinding test products are presented in Figures 3.3, 3.4, 3.5

and 3.6. Equation 3.1 is the Rosin Rammler equation.

Equation 3-1


Wr : weight % retained

X : particle size

a : represents the size at which 36.79% of the weight was retained.

b: distribution modulus.

Applying the Rosin-Rammler equation to the feed showed that the distribution modulus

coefficient for the quartz, galena concentrate, mixed quartz and galena concentrate sample and

lead-zinc ore sample were 4.42, 1.34, 1.46 and 1.12 respectively. This reflected the fact that

quartz started with a narrower size distribution than other materials and the lead-zinc ore sample

had the widest size distribution of the four materials tested. However, the 80% passing (P80) sizes

were close, 97.4 m for the quartz, 96.6m for the galena concentrate, 122.8 m for the mixed

quartz and galena concentrate sample and 96.2 m for the lead-zinc ore sample as shown in


Table 3-4. As mentioned in section 3.3.2, the sizing procedure followed for the mixed sample

and lead-zinc ore sample was by laser sizing (Malvern); accordingly data were biased to an

upper size limit due to difference in sizing technology.

Table 3-4: Size Distribution of the Samples as Received


Rosin Rammler


Modulus (b)

Rosin Rammler

Size Coefficient



80% pass size



Quartz 4.42 75 97.4

Galena Concentrate 1.34 60 96.6

Mixed Quartz &

Galena 1.46 109 122.8

Lead-Zinc Ore 1.12 60 96.2

The Rosin Rammler equation was also fit to all grinding test products. The complete Rosin

Rammler data for all test products are presented in Appendix B2. The correlation coefficient R2,

which related the best data fit to a fitted regression line, was calculated for the PSD and Rosin

Rammler fit. A plot of R2 against P80 showed that the equation fited the coarser products better

than the fine products as shown in Figure 3-3.


Figure 3-3: Correlation Coefficient versus Size Reduction

Fitting correlation coefficient (R2) to modulus of distribution (b), as in Figure 3-4, showed that

the narrower the size distribution, the better the fit to Rosin Rammler equation.

Figure 3-4: Correlation Coefficient versus Modulus of Distribution


The minerals used for this research was received with a wide range of modulus values. Quartz

had the highest modulus value 4.42 which indicated a narrow size distribution. The other three

minerals, galena concentrate, mixed quartz and galena concentrate and the lead-zinc ore, had

wider size distributions with modulus values of 1.34, 1.46 and 1.12, respectively. Decreasing

particle size via grinding had decreased the modulus of distribution minimally as shown in

Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5: Rosin Rammler Modulus of Distribution versus Size Reduction

Comparison of Figure 3-6 (a) and Figure 3-8 (a) showed that for grinding tests at 1000 rpm, the

particle size distribution for the quartz and the mixed quartz and galena samples are similar. The

mixed sample contained mostly quartz (86% quartz), therefore, it was not surprising that the two

samples responded in a similar manner. At higher stirrer speeds, the plots showed greater size

reduction. While it was intuitive that at low energy input hard minerals would grind slower, the

relatively small changes in particle size following each pass of grinding implied that there was a

minimum grinding energy input required to initiate breakage. The plots showed that particle size


reduction increased as the stirrer speed (energy input) increased which indicated that the

threshold energy for breakage was exceeded by increasing the stirrer speed.

Grinding tests on the galena concentrate (Figure 3-7) showed that after the first pass through the

mill, there was a large reduction in particle size. However in subsequent passes through the mill,

the size reduction was small indicating that a grinding limit was approached. This response was

most pronounced at high stirrer speeds where following the first pass there was almost no change

in the product particle size with each subsequent pass.

For the quartz (Figure 3-6), mixed quartz and galena (Figure 3-8) and lead-zinc ore sample

(Figure 3-9), the product particle size decreased after each stage of grinding at all stirrer speeds

indicating that the grinding limit was not reached for these samples. PSD analysis is performed

on the entire sample.

It is well known that the grinding limit depends on the size of grinding media such that finer

media will grind to a smaller particle size. For hard minerals, such as quartz, a low speed did not

result in significant size reduction which implied that the grinding limit would be quite coarse.

However, at high speed, there was significant size reduction. These results suggested that the

grinding limit did not only depend on bead size but also on stirrer speed and mineral type.


Figure 3-6: Quartz Passing Percent for (a) 1000, (b) 1500 and (c) 2000 rpm





Figure 3-7: Galena Concentrate Passing Percent for (a) 1000, (b) 1500 and (c) 2000 rpm





Figure 3-8: Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample Passing Percent for

(a) 1000 and (b) 2000 rpm




Figure 3-9: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample Passing Percent for (a) 1000, (b) 1500 and (c) 2000 rpm





3.4.2 Breakage Rate

Breakage rate was analysed for the four materials tested via relating residence time to the 80%

pass in size. Residence time was calculated based on the flow rate and mill volume. For the

purpose of this study, the ―initial breakage rate‖ was defined as the change in the 80% passing

size divided by the residence time from the first pass through the mill. Further breakage was

defined as the change in the 80% passing size beyond the first pass through the mill; that was

between pass 1 and 5 (P1-P5) and is referred to in this study as the ―average breakage rate‖. The

―overall breakage rate‖ was also determined based on the change in the 80% passing size divided

by the total residence time of all passes through the mill. Specific breakage rate can be expressed

in units of inverse seconds (Yue and Klein, 2004) as well as inverse minutes (Hogg, 1999). In

this study, the specific breakage rates were expressed in units of inverse minutes. Plots of 80%

passing size versus residence time are presented in Figure 3-10 to Figure 3-13 for the four

materials tested. Linear (Equation 3.2) and exponential (Equation 3.3) functions were fit to the

results in order to characterize the size reduction responses. The fits were compared based on

the coefficient of determination (R2) as summarized in Table 3-5.

Equation 3-2

Equation 3-3


S: size P80 (m),

A: size P80 at residence time zero, which was feed size,

c: specific breakage rate (min-1


c’: breakage rate (m/min)

tr: residence time


The overall coefficient of determination (average) was higher for the linear model than the

exponential model for quartz and mixed quartz and galena sample. On the other hand, the R2

value for exponential model was higher than the linear model for the galena concentrate sample

and slightly higher for lead-zinc ore sample. This implied that the type of mineral had an effect

on the breakage rate trend, linear versus exponential.

Figure 3-10: Quartz (a) Linear and (b) Linearized Exponential Fitting Data







0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 (


Residence Time (min)

Linear Quartz











0 1 2 3 4 5 6



0 (


Residence Time (min)

Linearized Quartz








Figure 3-11: Galena Concentrate (a) Linear and (b) Linearized Exponential Fitting Data







0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 (


Reidence Time (min)

Linear Galena Concentrate











0 1 2 3 4 5 6



0 (


Residence Time (min)

Linearized Galena Concentrate








Figure 3-12: Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample (a) Linear and

(b) Linearized Exponential Fitting Data









0 1 2 3 4 5 6


0 (


Residence Time (min)

Linear Mixed Sample











0 1 2 3 4 5 6




Residence Time (min)

Linearized Mixed Sample







Figure 3-13: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample (a) Linear and

(b) Linearized Exponential Fitting Data







0 2 4 6


0 (


Residnece Time (min)

Linear Lead-Zinc Ore











0 1 2 3 4 5 6



0 (


Residence Time (min)

Linearized Lead-Zinc Ore








Table 3-5: R-Squared Values for Linear and Exponential Data Fit

Experimental Data Linear

Fitting – R2


Fitting – R2


1000 rpm 0.948 0.819


1500 rpm 0.987 0.903


2000 rpm 0.959 0.995

Quartz – Average 0.964 0.906

Galena Concentrate*

1000 rpm 0.873 0.977

Galena Concentrate

1500 rpm 0.966 0.937

Galena Concentrate*

2000 rpm 0.824 0.921

Galena – Average 0.888 0.945

Mixed Quartz and


1000 rpm

0.945 0.850

Mixed Quartz and


2000 rpm

0.895 0.984

Mixed Quartz & Galena

Average 0.920 0.917

Lead-Zinc Ore

1000 rpm 0.976 0.793

Lead-Zinc Ore*

1500 rpm 0.947 0.976

Lead-Zinc Ore*

2000 rpm 0.814 0.991

Lead-Zinc Ore

Average 0.912 0.920

Note: * Exponential fitting is better than the Linear fitting


Data correlation charts for overall breakage rate are presented in Figure 3.14. Initial breakage fit

equally well for both linear and exponential. The average breakage fitted reasonably well with

both the linear and exponential equations, (Appendix B3). Analysis of the overall breakage

showed a better exponential rate fit compared to the linear fit. The galena concentrate and the

lead-zinc ore had the poorest fit, particularly at higher agitator speeds. The reason for the poor

data fit was that the product reached its grinding limit faster than the other material tested.

Therefore, the calculated data points don’t have a matching experimental, measured value.

Figure 3-14: Correlation Between Measured and Calculated P80 for

Overall Breakage Rate Data; (a) Quartz, (b) Galena Concentrate,

(c) Mixed Quartz and Galena Concentrate Sample and (d) Lead-Zinc Ore Sample

Note: The initial and average breakage rate correlation plots are presented on Appendix B3

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

54 Initial Breakage Rate

Since initial breakage showed a different trend than the average breakage, breakage rate values

were calculated for both, and presented in Table 3-6. The trend showed that quartz, galena

concentrate, mixed quartz and galena sample and lead-zinc ore sample initial breakage rates

increased linearly with the increase of input energy (agitator speed). Softer mineral breakage rate

values were higher than the harder ones by approximately one order of magnitude. For example,

the galena concentrate breakage rate at 1000 rpm was 0.78min-1

compared to the quartz which

was only 0.07min-1

. It was also observed that the mixed quartz and galena sample breakage rate

was closer to the pure quartz than the pure galena concentrate samples. Also, at the lowest stirrer

speed (1000 rpm) the breakage rate for both the quartz and the mixed quartz and galena samples

was low which reflected that the energy input was not sufficient to promote breakage. The initial

breakage rate for softer minerals was faster than for the harder minerals at the three agitator

speeds tested.

Table 3-6: Initial and Average Breakage at Different Agitator Speed


Specific Breakage Rate


Quartz Galena

Concentrate Mixed Sample Lead-Zinc Ore

Initial Average

Breakage Initial


Breakage Initial


Breakage Initial



1000 0.07 0.05 0.78 0.25 0.02 0.05 0.63 0.22

1500 0.18 0.22 1.34 0.16 --- --- 0.90 0.34

2000 0.35 0.32 1.82 0.02 0.36 0.37 1.34 0.32

55 Average Breakage Rate

The effect of the increasing grinding residence time on breakage rate was represented by the

average breakage rate. Increasing the grinding residence time had a minimal effect on breakage

rate for quartz and mixed quartz and galena sample, but decreased for the galena concentrate

sample and the lead-zinc ore sample. Residence time and agitator speed were directly

proportional to the average breakage rate for the quartz and mixed sample, but inversely

proportional for the galena concentrate sample. For the lead-zinc ore sample, average breakage

rate increased with the increase of the agitator speed from 1000 to 1500 rpm and then decreased

slightly at the 2000 rpm agitator speed. The average breakage rate was affected by the grinding

limits for the materials and test conditions. The softer samples (galena concentrate and to some

extent the lead-zinc ore samples) had high initial breakage rates and therefore approached their

grinding limit faster than harder minerals. Parry (2006) stated that soft minerals broke faster at

lower agitator speeds than hard minerals, but the breakage rates for hard and soft minerals

converge at very high agitator speed. Similar conclusions could be deduced from the data

obtained from this set of experiments.

For the quartz sample, the breakage rate curve changed from linear to exponential when

increasing the stirrer speed from 1500 rpm to 2000 rpm. For the galena, the breakage rate data

fit the non-linear breakage equation at a lower agitator speed of 1000 rpm. Therefore, both the

hard and soft minerals responded in a similar manner, but at different stirrer speeds. The

breakage rate values could lead to a preliminary conclusion that if the target was to grind the

softer mineral in a mix of hard and soft minerals, then the choices would either be to operate the

mill at a low agitator speed, such that, the soft mineral would break and the hard mineral would

not, or operate the mill at a higher agitator speed for a shorter residence time. Similar conclusion


is observed by Parry (2006), who tested quartz and magnetite as hard minerals and calcite as soft

mineral, and concluded that soft minerals do break faster as lower agitator speeds than hard


3.4.3 Energy Consumption

The grinding mechanism in the stirred mill is through agitating the slurry material in the mill

using agitator discs. Accordingly, energy is transmitted from the agitator to the grinding media

and the slurry. Then abrasion, compression and impact loadings are applied to the particles. In

other words, kinetic energy was transmitted from the shaft to the particles in the mill (media and

minerals). Thus increasing or decreasing the agitator speed (kinetic energy input) directly affects

the amount and type of loading applied on the particles which would consequently lead to

particle breakage and size reduction. Specific energy is calculated by subtracting the power of

the mill with no load from the power of the mill with load, multiplied by the residence time per

mill volume. The powers used in the calculations are read from the agitator panel, which is the

input power direct to the agitator with and without load. This is a typical industrial practice to

scale up stirred mills based on energy versus size reduction. The log-log plot of the specific

energy input versus size reduction (P80) produces linearized data which fit a power equation that

is called a signature plot. Signature plots are used for scaling up stirred mill machines from a lab

scale to an industrial scale. Most of the data have a curve trend which could fit either to a power

or exponential fit equation as per equation 3-4 or equation 3-5, respectively. For the power

function, a variable base is raised to a fixed exponent, whereas for the exponential function, a

fixed base is raised to a variable exponent.


Equation 3-4

Equation 3-5


Psp: specific power (KWhr/ton)

Po: specific power at size zero; hypothetical

S: size P80 (m),

d: specific power per size reduction

Experimental data did not fit the power equation as well as expected for all test runs. Therefore,

data were also fit to the exponential equation for comparison. As presented in Table 3-7, when

comparing the coefficient of determination (R2 values) for both types of equation fittings, it

showed that the exponential equations fit better than the power equation for the four materials

tested at low and medium agitator speeds, 1000 and 1500 rpm, respectively. At a higher agitator

speed of 2000 rpm, the power equation fit the data slightly better.

Table 3-7: R2 Values for Specific Energy vs. Size Reduction Using Power

and Exponential Equations

Power and exponential equation fits were plotted for quartz, galena concentrate, mixed quartz

and galena concentrate sample, and lead-zinc ore sample, as shown in Figure 3-15, Figure 3-16,

Power Exponential Power Exponential Power Exponential Power Exponential

1000 RPM 0.821 0.835 0.978 0.988 0.879 0.883 0.796 0.851

1500 RPM 0.880 0.937 0.940 0.965 --- --- 0.972 1.000

2000 RPM 0.996 0.986 0.920 0.918 0.978 0.994 0.990 0.954

Combined 0.829 0.915 0.897 0.805 0.900 0.971 0.939 0.963

Agitator Speed


Quartz Galena Mix Ore


Figure 3-17 and Figure 3-18, respectively. The cumulative data trend combined for the three

agitator speeds per each material type were also plotted.

Figure 3-15: Quartz Signature Plot – (a) Exponential and (b) Power Fit

The quartz signature plot results supported the interpretation of PSD plot for the 1000 rpm test. It

indicated that the agitator speed had a limiting grinding ability, as shown in Figure 3-6(a) no

matter how much more input power was given to the material. The exponential equations for all

cumulative data from the three agitator speeds fit the data better than the power equations. This

was identified by a higher R2 value (0.915) for the exponential equation, compared to the power

equation R2 value, which was 0.829, as illustrated in Figure 3-15. It was also noticed that the

specific energy required to target a certain size reduction (P80) was overlapping among the three

agitator speeds. The 1500 rpm initial breakage (1st pass) overlapped with the 1000 rpm at the 4


pass. The 2nd

pass of the 1500 rpm was overlapping with the 2000 rpm at the 1st pass. The

overlap between data at the three agitator speeds indicated that the effect of the agitator speed on

the signature plot was insignificant, compared to the breakage rate effect.

Data Overlap

(a) (b)


Figure 3-16: Galena Concentrate Signature Plot – (a) Exponential and (b) Power Fit

The galena concentrate signature plot also helped to explain the PSD results at 2000 rpm, where

the grinding limit was reached immediately after the first pass (54 seconds residence time).

Increasing power input, in the form of increasing residence time, did not significantly affect

particle size reduction at the high agitator speed (2000 rpm). For the low agitator speed (1000

rpm), the last two passes (4th

and 5th

) showed similar size values, with minor increase in energy

input. This implied that grinding limit had been reached using a low agitator speed. However, if

additional runs were done, it would have confirmed the grinding limit of the galena; it is

expected that the energy consumption would have increased without a reduction in product

particle size.

The galena concentrate (soft) responded in an opposite manner to that of quartz (hard). The

combined R2

value for galena concentrate fitted the power equation better than the exponential

equation while for quartz the combined R2

values fitted the exponential equation better than the

power equation. It was also noticed that the combined R2 value for both the power and

exponential equations for galena concentrate were consistently lower than the individual R2 for

y = 11238x-2.459

R² = 0.8966

y = 3657.7x-2.124

R² = 0.9547




10 100



ic E


y (





Size P80 (m)

Galena Concentrate - Power

G1000 G1500 G2000 Power (Cumulative) Power (Cumulative 1000 & 1500)

(a) (b)


each agitator speed. Similarly, the quartz followed the same trend as the galena concentrate

except for the low agitator speed (1000 rpm), which had a lower R2 value compared to the

combined values as per Table 3-7. Such results would imply that the individual set of data for

each agitator speed created a different trend. Such an observation was graphically confirmed in

Figure 3-16. The high speed (2000 rpm) data were excluded from the combined analysis because

the grinding limit was reached almost immediately after the first pass. The results showed that

changing the stirrer speed shifted the signature plot. For example, at about 5kwhr/t specific

energy, the lower agitator speed (1000 rpm) created finer product than the same specific energy

for the intermediate agitator speed (1500 rpm). If the grinding process was targeting a certain

size fraction, such as 13m, the high agitator speed (2000 rpm) would consume more specific

energy (19 kwhr/t) compared to the intermediate agitator speed, which consumed 15 kwhr/t. The

agitator speed had a significant effect on the signature plot and breakage rates of the galena

concentrate material.

Figure 3-17: Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample Signature Plot

(a) Exponential and (b) Power Fit

(a) (b)


Due to a shortage in material availability, the mixed quartz and galena sample test runs were

executed on only the extreme agitator speeds, 1000 and 2000 rpm. The exponential equation fit

the data slightly better than the power equation in terms of their R2

values, 0.971 and 0.900,

respectively. The cumulative trend, as in Figure 3-17, showed that there was a potential for

continuity between the two agitator speeds, despite the gap between them. This gap could have

been covered by increasing the residence time of the particles in the mill, especially for the 1000

rpm test run. The mixed quartz and galena concentrate sample trend was similar to the trend for

the quartz material.

Figure 3-18: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample Signature Plot – (a) Exponential and (b) Power Fit

For the lead-zinc ore sample, specific energy versus size reduction followed a continuous

pattern, except for the fifth pass for the 1000 and 1500 rpm test runs. The exponential equation

fit the data slightly better than the power equation, as shown by the R2 values, which were

0.9634 and 0.9393, respectively. The combined R2 values for power and exponential equations

were higher than the individual R2

values for the low agitator speed (1000 rpm), which indicated

a trend for low agitator speeds that deviated from the other two agitator speeds. The plots

Data Overlap

Target size ~ 17m Data Overlap

(a) (b)


showed that there was a minor overlap between the data at the three agitator speeds. The

overlaps were identified at the initial breakage (1st pass) of the intermediate agitator speed (1500

rpm), and the 4th

pass of the lower agitator speed (1000 rpm), as shown in Figure 3-18(a).

Similar overlap was noticed at the initial breakage (1st pass) of the high agitator speed (2000

rpm), and the 2nd

pass of the intermediate agitator speed (1500 rpm). Overlap was also noticed at

the 2nd

pass and the 4th pass of the high agitator speed (2000 rpm), and intermediate agitator

speed (1500 rpm), as shown in Figure 3-18(b), respectively. The lower agitator speed reached a

similar size at a lower specific energy input, as with the 17m target size shown in Figure 3-


The specific energy analysis showed that there was overlapping in the energy required versus

targeted size reduction between the different agitator speeds; however, the overlap was not

consistent. The analysis also demonstrated that the data fit differently to the power and

exponential equations, based on the type of material and agitator speed selected for grinding. The

effect of the agitator speed on the signature plot was a function of the material type. It was

believed that the grinding limit was not reached for all the test runs carried out on the 4 materials

tested and at the agitator speeds chosen. If more passes were performed, a complete analysis

could have been achieved. However, reaching the grinding limit was not the scope of this

research. The amount of samples collected were enough for the scope and focus of this study

which is the morphology analysis.

3.4.4 Effective Energy

Energy usage that is transmitted from the agitator discs into stirring of the slurry is the effective

energy which creates the particles dynamics in the mill. The particles dynamics in the mill

generates the forces that are translated into stresses. When the stresses exceed the critical stress


intensity values, breakage initiates or propagates. The net energy is the total energy consumed

by the mill with-load minus the energy consumed with no-load. The ―no load‖ energy is the

energy required to rotate the agitator of the mill with no media or slurry. The net energy is the

energy needed to agitate the slurry and break particles. The ratio of the net energy to the total

energy input to the system is an indication of the effective energy applied to the slurry. The unit

of the effective energy was reported in this study as Joules. Similar comparison was attempted

using a DEM computer model of the IsaMill, which is described in details in chapter 5. The net

energy from the experimental work was equivalent to the total kinetic plus rotational kinetic

energies of the particles captured at each time step of the simulation runs. In the computer model,

such energy was referred to as the output energy. The total energy from the experiments was

equivalent to the input energy to the mill from the computer model, which was the cumulative

agitator torque for all time steps. Section further describes the energy distribution in the

mill using DEM. The net energies versus total energies are plotted in Figure 3-19. The slopes

signified the effective energy ratio.


Figure 3-19: Grinding Effective Energy for (a) Quartz, (b) Galena Concentrate,

(c) Mixed Sample and (d) Lead-Zinc Ore Sample

According to the plots in Figure 3-19, the agitator speed had a more considerable effect on the

energy ratio than type of material being ground. It was observed that the higher the agitator

speed, the higher the effective energy ratio. The average effective energy ratio values for the four

materials tested were 0.3, 0.5 and 0.6 for agitator speeds 1000, 1500 and 2000 rpm, respectively.

The higher the agitator speed, the better use of the energy input to the mill during the grinding

process. The effective energy analysis indicated that it is a function of agitator speed rather than

material being ground.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


3.4.5 Specific Breakage Energy

For the purpose of this study, specific breakage energy is presented as the amount of energy

required to reduce a particle size by one micron. The net energy was plotted versus particle size

(P80) for each material tested at different agitator speeds (Appendix B4). The slope is the ratio of

the net energy input per particle breakage. The specific breakage energy values are listed in

Table 3-8. The initial breakage energy for quartz, a hard mineral, increased linearly with the

increase of the agitator speed. On the other hand, the initial breakage energy for galena, a soft

mineral, increased exponentially with the increase of the agitator speed. Comparing the same

agitator speeds showed that galena consumed about 5.5 times less energy per particle breakage

than the quartz at low agitator speed (1000 rpm). At intermediate agitator speed (1500 rpm),

galena consumed about 3 times less energy per particle than quartz and at the high agitator speed

(2000 rpm), galena consumed 2 times less energy per particle breakage than quartz. This implied

that for initial breakage, the galena consumed less energy to break at all agitator speeds.

The average specific breakage energy is the specific energy after 5 passes, which corresponds to

a longer residence time of the material in the mill. The average specific breakage energy showed

that galena consumed about 2.3 times less energy per particle breakage than quartz. Whereas at

intermediate agitator speed (1500 rpm), galena consumed 4.4 times more energy per particle

breakage than quartz, and at high agitator speed (2000 rpm) galena consumed 52 times more

energy per particle breakage than quartz. The reason for the increase of energy consumption per

particle by galena was that it reached its grinding limit early in the grinding process, mostly

during the initial breakage. If the particles were exposed to more grinding by increasing their

residence time in the mill, after reaching their grinding limit, it would lead to useless energy



The mixed quartz and galena sample responded in similar manner to the quartz at a high agitator

speed (2000 rpm) for both initial and average breakage. At a low agitator speed (1000 rpm), the

initial breakage seemed to consume higher energy than both galena and quartz, which implied

that there was hardly any breakage occurring. The specific breakage energy of the lead-zinc ore

sample was increasing with the increase of the agitator speed, but showed lower values than the

galena concentrate sample. This implied that the effect of the mix of minerals in the ore had a

significant effect on the amount of energy required per unit micron breakage.

Table 3-8: Specific Breakage Energy (kJ/m)









Mixed sample


Lead-Zinc Ore



Initial Average Initial Average Initial Average Initial Average

1000 1.83 2.79 0.33 1.18 6.82 1.74 0.24 1.08

1500 2.94 3.47 0.96 15.3 --- --- 0.78 3.93

2000 3.40 6.05 1.85 314.0 3.11 5.06 1.42 11.4

3.5 Conclusion

The effect of the material properties, mill input energy in the form of agitator speeds, and

residence time was investigated through a series of experiments.

Results showed that the material type had a major effect on particle size distribution and size

reduction at the three agitator speeds evaluated. Quartz did not break efficiently at the 1000 rpm

agitator speed, which indicated that there was a minimum energy input required to initiate the

breakage. On the other hand, 1000 rpm was enough for the galena concentrate to break. The

extreme agitator speed, 2000 rpm, broke the galena concentrate particles down to its grinding

limit after the first pass through the mill. For the mixed sample, the quartz breakage mechanism


effect was dominant over the galena due to the higher content of quartz in the mix compared to

galena, 6:1 ratio.

Initial breakage rates of the 4 materials tested increased linearly with the increase of the agitator

speed. However, breakage rates were almost one order of magnitude higher for the soft minerals

than the hard minerals. Average breakage values were directly affected by how close the particle

sizes were from their grinding limit. Breakage rate decreased once it reached the grinding limit

of the material.

The breakage rate was linear for most of the grinds except for quartz at 2000 rpm, galena

concentrate at 1000 rpm, mixed quartz and galena sample at 2000 rpm and lead-zinc ore sample

at 1500 and 2000 rpm. The aforementioned test runs and material exhibited a nonlinear breakage

rate. This observation indicated that breakage rate trend is non-linear when it approaches the

grinding limit of the material.

Energy consumption was evaluated using typical signature plots, which are specific energy

versus size reduction (P80). It was observed that there was some overlapping in the energy

required versus targeted size between the different agitator speeds; however, the overlapping was

not consistent. The analysis also revealed that the data fit differently to the power and

exponential equations, based on the type of material and agitator speed selected for grinding. It

was also observed that the effective energy ratio of the mill was not affected by the type of

material as much as it was affected by the agitator speed. The highest effective energy ratio was

observed at the highest agitator speed. On the other hand, the amount of energy required to break

one micron was directly affected by the type of material being ground. Soft minerals required


less energy per micron at all agitator speeds. Thus, the softer minerals would break faster at

lower agitator speed than harder minerals and vice versa.


4. Morphology and Liberation

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Morphology Definition

Morphology is the study of particle shape and texture. Particle shape is a factor of equivalent

diameter, sphericity, convexity, aspect ratio and roughness. Morphology analysis software

measures basic parameters such as particle length, width, perimeter from pre-captured images,

either through optical microscopes or scanning electron microscopes (SEM). Software such as

Clemex uses standard mathematical equations to deduce more complex morphological

parameters, such as sphericity, elongation, aspect ratio, roughness and others.

4.1.2 Morphology Evaluation

Studies performed on particle morphology analysis for different grinding processes have been

addressed by Gabriel (1985), Pons et. al. (1999), Hiçyilmaz et al. (2004), Yekler et. al. (2004),

Ulusoy and Yekeler (2005), Celik & Oner (2006); Kursun and Ulusoy (2006), Guimaraes et al.

(2007), Tavares and Das Neves (2008), Hasanpour and Choupani (2009). These analyses were

either qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative analysis is a visual comparison of captured high

resolution images via SEM, such as the stirred bead mill of gibbsite research performed by Alex,

et. al. (2008), and a study on aggregate production during rock crushing by Guimaraes, et.

al.(2007). For quantitative analysis, morphological parameters are measured such as elongation,

sphericity, and roughness as those performed by Lecoq et. al (1999) and Donskoi et al. (2007).


Typical equations used for quantitative morphology analysis are as follows, Clemex

Technologies Inc. (2009):

Elongation = 1 / AR

Note: Sphericity is the circularity squared, which is the equivalent circumference squared

(perimeter squared) of a measured surface area, divided by the actual perimeter.

Convexity is a parameter used to evaluate particle roughness. Convexity is the ratio between the

hull perimeter and the actual measured perimeter. The hull perimeter (HP) is the measure of the

contour of the extrude edges of the particle as shown in Figure 4-1

Figure 4-1 Particle Perimeter and Hull Perimeter


L: length

W: width

A: area

S: sphericity

P: perimeter

HP: hull perimeter

AR: aspect ratio

Equation 4-1

Equation 4-2

Equation 4-4

Equation 4-3

Equation 4-5

Equation 4-6




The major parameters of interest for this research were roughness, sphericity and elongation

values. The values of such parameters range from zero to one. For roughness, a value of one

reflects a perfectly smooth particle, since the hull perimeter would coincide with the actual

perimeter. Similarly, if the sphericity value is one, then the calculated perimeter from the surface

area would be equivalent to the actual measured perimeter. For elongation, a value of one

reflects an equiaxed particle since the particle’s width would be equal to its length. Values close

to zero, for all three parameters, means that the particles are rougher, less circular and more


The roughness level assessed using pre-programmed morphology software (Clemex) was not

precise enough for 3D images captured via SEM when compared to 2D images. The software

evaluated the outer contour of the particles, ignoring the surface texture. Accordingly, the values

were biased towards smooth particles rather than rough particles. Therefore, the manual point

count methodology was developed. Since roughness was the major parameter to be assessed in

this research, both methodologies were evaluated and compared.

4.1.3 Sample Description for Morphology

The samples used for morphology analysis were classified according to their size fraction, as

coarse, medium and fine. The coarse fraction was a product of screening, and the geometric

mean particle size was 63m for the four materials analysed: quartz, galena concentrate, mixed

quartz and galena concentrate, and lead-zinc ore. The medium and fine fractions were produced

via Cyclosizer, which resulted in different size fractions based on the mineral density. For the

sake of comparison, the size fraction for each material was chosen based on the particle size,

rather than the Cyclosizer cyclone number. Therefore, the geometric mean size for quartz, galena

concentrate, mixed quartz and galena sample, and lead-zinc ore samples were 34, 37, 36 and


33m for the medium size fraction and 15, 17, 18 and 16m for the fine size fraction,

respectively. Details on sample preparation of size fractions are presented in chapter 3, section


4.2 Clemex Method

The roughness of the particles suggests the mode of particle breakage. It could be due to impact,

abrasion or compression loading. If the particles are exposed to abrasion, they would exhibit

smoother and more rounded surfaces. On the other hand, if they are exposed to compression or

impact loading, they would reveal rougher and less round surfaces. The theory is that if the

particles are exposed to enough impact or compression forces, they would break along their

weakest planes, that is their grain boundaries, and show intergranular breakage. Abrasion, on the

other hand, would cause a polishing effect, creating smooth particles with breakage across the

grains – transgranular breakage.

The procedure followed to evaluate the particles’ morphology features started by capturing high

resolution 3D images via SEM - back scatter beam. Images were then imported into the Clemex

software, followed by running a routine that recognizes the particles, and calculates their main

morphology parameters (sphericity, elongation and roughness). Measured and calculated data

were then exported to an excel format for further analysis. The detailed Clemex routine is

provided in Appendix C4.

By assessing the values of roughness, it was noticed that the Clemex results were biased towards

higher values, indicating smoother particles, as compared to visual observation. For example, the

particles that were given a roughness value of 0.9 (closer to a smooth value) were visually

identified to have exhibited extremely rough surfaces. An example of this observation is


presented in Figure 4-2. The particles in this figure are from the +53m fraction of the quartz

sample prior to stirred milling. The Clemex identified their roughness values as 0.9 and 1.0,

which would be categorized as smooth particles, whereas visual examination would identify their

roughness values as 5 and 4, which would categorize them as very rough particles. There could

be two possible reasons for this observation. Either the Clemex recognised the particles in 2-D

(outer contour of the particles), and ignored their actual surface texture, or the software over-

iterated the convex perimeter (Feret Iteration), which ended up very close to the particles’ actual


Figure 4-2: (a) Particle ID 39 Roughness value was 0.9;

(b) Particle ID 14 Roughness value was 1.0

Feret is a measure of the distance between two parallel tangent lines at a defined angle. The

convex perimeter is the measure of a rubber band around all the ferets. The greater the number of

ferets measured at multiple angles, the closer the hull perimeter value would be to the actual

perimeter. This measurement would return a roughness value closer to 1 (smooth particle).

Therefore, a manual point counting methodology was introduced and tested in this study.

a b


4.3 Manual Point Counting Method

As an alternative to the Clemex software, manual point counting was tested. The roughness

values were set to 5 levels: R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5. The roughest particle was given a value of 5,

where as the smoothest particle was given a value of 2. The degree of roughness increased from

2 to 5. Roughness level 1 was given to surfaces that were round, with no sharp edges, but had a

hammered surface. It was speculated that the same particle was exposed to some type of

compressive loading. Detailed definitions and illustrations of roughness levels for quartz and

galena are presented in Table 4-1. An excel macro subroutine was built using visual basic to

assist in the counting process, and its details are given in Appendix C1 and C2. The subroutine

accumulated the counts for the roughness values between 1 and 5. After the counter was

familiarized with the definitions of the roughness levels for the particles, a grid was placed on

the SEM printed images in order to assist in tracing and counting the particles’ degree of



Table 4-1: Morphology Roughness Level Definitions and Illustration


Level Definition


Quartz Galena



Round but hammered




Round and less rough




Partially round, partially

angled and partially rough




- For quartz: partially

round and rougher


- For Galena: square




Rough and sharp angled



4.3.1 Point Counting Sensitivity Analysis

To assess sensitivity, three counters were trained on evaluating the particles’ degree of

roughness. Each performed the counting procedure on the same sample, and results were then

compared. The first counting attempt showed that the degree of roughness definition for R2, R3

and R4 was not adequately identified by the counters. The roughness level definitions were fine

tuned and re-defined, as per Table 4-1, and the counting procedure was repeated. Results were

compared among the three counters, and results showed that a very close match between the

three individuals was achieved, with a maximum difference of 6%. The process was repeated on

different size fractions in order to verify the results (53m and 14m particles). Detailed

counting results of the sensitivity analysis are presented in Appendix C3.

4.4 Liberation Methodology

The fourth material tested was the lead-zinc ore sample, which was a complex ore that has

similar mineral composition to that of the synthesised mixed quartz and galena sample.

However, it contained un-liberated composite particles. The objective of this part of the study

was to understand the liberation behaviour of the minerals under different stress intensity input

(i.e. different agitator speeds). The Mineral Liberation Analyser (MLA) is a conventional tool

used for liberation analysis. A representative sample is placed in an epoxy resin, which is then

ground and polished, in order to expose a monolayer of the particles in a 2D format. This process

creates a cross section surface through the particles. The samples are then placed in an SEM,

which is equipped with Mineral Liberation Analysis software (MLA) that scans and analyses the

identified mineral particles and their associations.

The MLA process was costly and time consuming. Furthermore, this research was focused on

analysing the particles as fractured, without sectioning them, since morphology was the core of


this study. Accordingly, liberation analysis was performed on a stud sample where the particles

were first spread on a glass sheet in order to create a monolayer. The particles were then picked-

up on a double graphite sticky sheet on a stud. The sampling type was called ―as mount‖

samples. The same analysis procedure using the SEM-MLA was performed. Analysis was

performed following the first stage of grinding for the lead-zinc ore samples from the three

agitator speed grinds (O1000-P1, O1500-P1 and O2000-P1). The size fraction tested was -75m


Since the ―as mount‖ procedure was not a conventional method, it was important to compare the

conventional, resin mount polished sample with the ―as mount‖ procedures. Samples used for

comparison were the -75m +53m size fraction, which has a geometric mean size of 63m

from the 1500 rpm stirrer speed test run. Sample from 3 passes through the mill were enough to

compare the trend of the ―as mount‖ to the conventional method.

4.5 Morphology and Liberation Results

The effect of mineral properties and mill operation on breakage mechanisms could be identified

by analysing the product morphology. Due to the biased results of the pre-programmed image

analysis software, explained in section 4.2, manual point counting and automated (pre-

programmed) morphology analysis were both performed, for the sake of comparison and

confirmation of the outcome results. Manual point counting was executed on 3 size fractions for

each material (coarse, medium and fine), and the automated morphology analysis was executed

on the coarse size fraction (geometric mean size is 63m).


4.5.1 Manual Point Counting Results

Manual point counting was based on five levels of roughness as described in section 4.3.

Roughness levels start with R1 as a round and hammered surface, R2 as the smoothest, round

particles, R3 as the bridge between the smooth and rough particles which was labelled as semi-

rough particles, R4 as a rough particle with few round surfaces, and R5 as the roughest particle

with all sharp and angled surfaces. Detailed roughness levels and their descriptions are presented

in Table 4-1. Relationships between the roughness level and mode of breakage were predicted

such that the rougher the particles, the higher the potential for intergranular breakage was to

occur. One could reasonably suggest that for smoother particles, the breakage mode was abrasion

(transgranular), whereas for rougher particles, the breakage mode could be fracture via impact or

compression loading (intergranular – along grain boundaries). Detailed breakage modes versus

roughness levels are outlined in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2: Breakage Mode versus Roughness Level


Level Breakage Mode



- Started Abrasion


- Then Exposed to Impact

(Indents on Surface)







Exposed to both Abrasion and Fracture

(Transgranular and Intergranular)










4.5.2 Pearson’s Correlation

Correlation coefficient measures the strength of the linear association between two variables,

relative to their standard deviation. This is also known as Pearson’s correlation, as per Equation

4-7, (Freedman, D., Pisani, R and Purves, R, 1998). The correlation returns a unitless value (r)

between -1 and +1. If the correlation value is positive, it indicates that the two variables are

increasing together. A negative correlation signifies that as one variable increases, the other

variable decreases. A correlation magnitude (r) close to zero indicates that the strength of the

correlation between the variables is weak.

The effect of grinding time (residence time) on the product roughness level were the two

variables that were statistically correlated using Pearson’s correlation (r) as per Equation 4-7;

where Xi is the residence time, and Yi is the number of particles counted per degree of

roughness, R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5. X and Y are the mean values for residence time and number

of particles, respectively.

Equation 4-7

If Pearson’s correlation value (r) is close to -1, this indicates that the number of particles counted

for a specific roughness level is decreasing with time. It is indicated on the charts as

disappearing. On the other hand, if the correlation is closer to +1, it signifies that the number of

particles counted for a specific roughness level is increasing with time. It is indicated on the

charts as appearing. Correlation values between -0.5 and +0.5 reflect no significant effect of time

on the appearance or disappearance of a particular level of roughness. Charts which correlate

time versus roughness were plotted, in order to visualise their relationships. Error bars were


presented on the cumulative data, in order to demonstrate the statistical confidence of the results.

However, the objective of the time correlation charts was to illustrate the trend, rather than

present discrete values.


Pearson’s correlation for galena concentrate sample as in Figure 4-3 showed that at a higher

agitator speed, the smoothest particles (R2), and hammered particles (R1), increased and

appeared more in the count as the residence time increased. Whereas the rougher particles (R4),

and roughest particles (R5) were less counted and disappeared as the residence time increased.

Although the correlation was similar for the three agitator speeds tested, the trend was more

evident for the highest agitator speed of 2000 rpm. The disappearance of rough particles and the

appearance of smooth and hammered particles would imply that the breakage mode in the mill

was abrasion rather than fracture. An exception was the fine fraction, with a geometric mean size

of 17m, where higher roughness level of R4 appeared more often as the agitator speed

increased. A similar exception was noted for the quartz fine fraction, with a geometric mean size

of 15m at the highest roughness level of R5, (Figure 4-4). This implied that the smaller size

fraction could be exposed to a different breakage mode, compared to the coarser size fraction for

both soft and hard minerals.


Figure 4-3: Pearson’s Time Correlation vs. Roughness Level Count

for Galena Concentrate Sample, (a) 1000rpm, (b) 1500rpm, (c) 2000rpm







R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C





Galena Concentrate - 1000 rpm

63 um 37um 17um Cumulative




r --









R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Galena Concentrate - 1500 rpm

63 um 37um 17um Cumulative




r --










R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Galena Concentrate - 2000 rpm

63 um 37um 17um Cumulative




r --















Morphological fracture features of quartz were affected to a greater extent by the agitator speed

compared to galena, which coincided with the PSD results presented in Chapter 3. As shown in

Figure 4-4, the 1000 rpm test demonstrated that the hammered particles, R1, increased and

appeared more often as residence time increased, and rougher particles, R4, decreased and

disappeared more often with time. However, the roughest particles, R5, consistently existed in

the count and were not affected by the increase of the residence time of particles in the mill. This

implied that although the main fracture mode was speculated to be abrasion, other fracture

modes were taking place that generated the roughest particles.

Increasing the agitator speed to 1500 rpm generated a dominant abrasion breakage mode in the

mill. Smoother particles were increasing and appearing in the counts as residence time was

increasing, as presented by the R2 and R1 correlation values which were closer to +1. Rougher

particles were decreasing and disappearing in the counts with the increase of residence time, as

presented by the R4 and R5 correlation values which were closer to -1. Semi-rough particles, R3,

came into view, reflecting that there were quite a number of particles that were in the

intermediate phase between smooth and rough levels. Increasing the agitator speed to 2000 rpm

seemed to push the rougher, smooth and semi-rough, R4, R2 and R3, particles towards the weak

correlation zone (i.e. particle counts were not affected by the increase of the residence time).

Roughness levels that were dominantly on the ―appear‖ side of the chart, such as R2 and R3 at

the low input energy intensity (i.e. agitator speed 1000rpm), moved towards the ―disappear‖ side

of the chart, and the weak correlation, when the input energy intensity increased to 2000 rpm and

vice versa. This implied that particles were equally exposed to both abrasion and fracture loading

at the higher agitator speed.


Figure 4-4: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Quartz,

1000rpm, (b) 1500rpm, (c) 2000rpm






R1 R2 R3 R4 R5T

ime C




Quartz - 1000 rpm

63 um 34um 15um Cumulative




r --









R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Quartz - 1500 rpm

63 um 34um 15um Cumulative




r --










R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Quartz - 2000 rpm

63 um 34um 15um Cumulative




r --









Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample

The mixed quartz and galena sample were counted on two stages, where quartz and galena were

counted separately, since the difference in particle type and shape were easy to recognize. Quartz

was counted per image, followed by counting the galena particles. Data counts for both galena

and quartz were added in order to analyze the entire sample. Quartz had a similar pattern to that

of the pure quartz sample, (compare Figure 4-4 and Figure 4-5 for the 1000 and 2000 rpm). The

results indicated that the presence of galena in the mix had a negligible effect on the breakage

behaviour of the quartz. On the other hand, galena counts in the mix sample showed fewer

appearances of smoother particles than the pure galena, at both 1000 and 2000 rpm (Figure 4-6).

This result implied that galena was exposed to both modes of breakage, fracture and abrasion, in

the presence of quartz. In this case, quartz may have behaved as a grinding media for the galena.

The other obvious phenomena was the disappearance of galena particles from the (-75m

+53m) fraction.


Figure 4-5: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Quartz in

Mixed Sample (a) 1000rpm, (b) 2000rpm

The cumulative point count data for the mixed quartz and galena sample demonstrated that at a

low agitator speed (1000 rpm) the smoothest particles (R2) were increasing in counts and

appeared more often as residence time increased. On the other hand, the rougher and roughest

particles, R4 and R5, disappeared with the increase of the residence time at the higher agitator

speed (2000 rpm) when compared to the lower agitator speed (1000 rpm). This implied that both

breakage mechanisms existed at both agitator speeds, with different intensities. The intermediate

roughness, R3, at the low agitator speed (1000 rpm) was slightly lower in counts and disappeared






R1 R2 R3 R4 R5T

ime C




Mix Sample - Quartz - 1000 rpm

63um 36um 18um Cumulative




r --









R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Mix Sample - Quartz - 2000 rpm

63um 36um 18um Cumulative




r --








more often as residence time increased, although it increased in counts and appeared more often

for the higher agitator speed (2000 rpm). This indicated that grinding time was insufficient for

the rough particles to become smooth via abrasion; nevertheless, fracture breakage was taking

place simultaneously with abrasion breakage.

Figure 4-6: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Galena in

Mixed Sample (a) 1000rpm, (b) 2000rpm






R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Mix Sample - Galena - 1000 rpm

63um 36um 18um Cumulative




r --











R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Mix Sample - Galena - 2000 rpm

63um 36um 18um Cumulative




r --








Figure 4-7: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Cumulative

Mixed Sample (a) 1000rpm, (b) 2000rpm

Lead-Zinc Ore Sample

The quartz and galena concentrate samples contained liberated minerals with a single mineral in

the slurry in each test run. In order to understand the behaviour of a real ore with locked

minerals, a lead-zinc ore sample was chosen for analysis. The lead-zinc ore sample is a Red Dog

SAG mill discharge, which was the closest in composition to the synthesized minerals tested.

The average chemical composition of the feed, according to assay analysis (Appendix A2), was






R1 R2 R3 R4 R5T

ime C




Mix Sample - 1000 rpm

63 um 36um 18um Cumulative




r --









R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Mix Sample - 2000 rpm

63 um 36um 18um Cumulative




r --








as follows: lead was 9.3%, zinc was 20%, iron was 7.0% and silica was approximately 32%. The

ratio of the hard minerals, pyrite and silica, to soft the minerals, sphalerite and galena, was about

1.33:1. Breakage of the lead-zinc ore particles at higher agitator speeds revealed a similar

pattern with time as the mixed quartz and galena sample, except for the hammered particles, R1.

The R1 correlation was mostly between the -0.5 and +0.5 range, which meant that R1 was

consistently existing in the counts. The majority of the particles that appeared in the count were

the smoothest and intermediate rough particles, R2 and R3. The rough particles, R4 and R5, for

the 2000 rpm and 1500 rpm agitator speeds were disappearing at a slower rate than the pure

galena. On the other hand, at low agitator speed, 1000 rpm, the intermediate and rough particles,

R3, R4 and R5 were showing a weak correlation with residence time. This correlation could be

interpreted as constant existence of these types of roughness levels, with a minimum effect of

residence time on their appearance or disappearance. This implied that the intermediate agitator

speed was creating a breakage mode of fracture when compared to the higher agitator speed. At

1500 rpm, the breakage mode trend was inclined towards abrasion, whereas at 2000 rpm there

was a mixed mode of breakage, abrasion and fracture.


Figure 4-8: Pearson’s Time Correlation and Roughness Level Count for Lead-Zinc Ore Sample

1000rpm, (b) 1500rpm, (c) 2000rpm







R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Lead-Zinc Ore Sample - 1000 rpm

63 um 33um 16um Cumulative




r --









R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Lead-Zinc Ore Sample - 1500 rpm

63 um 33um 16um Cumulative




r --










R1 R2 R3 R4 R5


e C




Lead-Zinc Ore Sample - 2000 rpm

63 um 33um 16um Cumulative




r --









4.5.3 Stacked Charts Analysis

The general belief is that stirred mills predominantly break particles via attrition, which in

morphology analysis should be confirmed by the presence of mostly smooth particles.

Morphology results provided evidence to support some researchers’ speculations including those

by Jankovic and Sinclair (2006), Yue and Klein (2004) and Tromans and Meech (2004). They

agreed that the breakage mechanism changed below a specific size limit. The specific limit

could be either a specific particle size, such as 20m, or below the grinding limit of the material

with respect to a set of operating conditions (media size, stirrer speed).

During the manual point counting, it was observed that the high roughness levels (R4 and R5)

were dominant. This trend was opposite to the time correlation that showed a consistent increase

in the appearance of smooth particles. In order to quantify the results, particle roughness levels

per pass for each test run were presented in standard stacked charts. The stacked charts showed

the distribution of the different levels of roughness per pass for each test run. Each section in the

stack represented the distribution percentage of the roughness level counted for the cumulative of

the three size fractions prepared for morphology analysis, coarse, medium and fine fractions.

Stacked charts for quartz, galena, mixed quartz and galena sample as shown in Figure 4-9, Figure

4-11, and Figure 4-13 confirmed that the majority of the particle counts had high roughness

levels of R4 and R5, where their added percentages were between 80% and 43% of the total

particles counted. On the other hand, the distributions of the smooth particles R1 and R2 were

between 41% and 8%. This implied that the majority of the counted particles were rough.

A comparison of the overall trends between rough, R4+R5, and smooth, R1+R2, particles

showed that the number of rough particles decreased and the number of smooth particles


increased per pass through the mill. This comparison implied that attrition breakage was

increasing with time. Overall trends are presented in Figure 4-17, Figure 4-18, Figure 4-19 and

Figure 4-20. The trends showed that the number of rough particles were consistently higher than

the smooth particles at all agitator speeds. Also, there were more rough particles than smooth

particles, even after 5 passes through the mill. Such results implied that breakage via fracture

was also occurring after long residence time. The new particles generated per pass were new

particles that could be considered as the progeny of the coarser fractions from the previous pass.

The trends for the rough (R4+R5) and smooth (R1+R2) particles for the three size fractions used

for morphology analysis were plotted separately, against grinding passes, as shown in Figure

4-10, Figure 4-12, Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-16 for quartz, galena, mixed quartz and galena and

lead-zinc ore samples, respectively. The three fractions (coarse, medium and fine) had geometric

mean sizes of 63m, 34m and 15m for the quartz, 63m, 37m and 17m for the galena,

63m, 36m and 18m for the mixed quartz and galena concentrate sample, and 63m, 36m

and 18m for the lead-zinc ore sample. The trend showed that the fine products (15m, 17m

and 18m for quartz, galena and mix, respectively) had consistently higher numbers of rough

particles than smooth particles for the five passes. The rough particles were about 60% of the

total particles counted, whereas the smooth particles were about 30%. This observation indicated

that the finer products, which should contain a significant progeny from coarser fractions, were

consistently broken via fracture. The coarse and medium size fractions were also showing

significant amounts of coarse particles compared to the smooth particles. However, the trend

demonstrated that the smooth particles increased and the rough particles decreased with

increasing residence time. This trend implied that fracture breakage occurred and may be the


predominant breakage mechanism in stirred mills. For coarse particles, attrition was the main

type of breakage as residence time increased.

When comparing the distribution of the different roughness levels for the two pure mineral

samples, quartz and galena concentrate, at each agitator speed versus each pass, the data revealed

that the percentage of smooth particles of the galena concentrate sample increased per pass more

than the quartz sample, Figure 4-11, and Figure 4-9, respectively. This relationship implied that

as residence time increased, galena concentrate particles were increasingly breaking across their

grains via abrasion, transgranular. Whereas the quartz particles were consistently breaking along

their grain boundaries via fracture, intergranular, and residence time did not have an effect on the

type of breakage. The initial breakage (P1) of the galena concentrate sample at a high agitator

speed (2000 rpm) generated similar amounts of rough particles as at low agitator speed (1000

rpm). The galena concentrate sample generated 73% rough particles (R4, R5) at high agitator

speed (2000 rpm), compared to 71% at a low agitator speed (1000 rpm). Quartz, on the other

hand, showed an opposite trend to the galena concentrate. Quartz generated 61% rough particles

(R4, R5) at high agitator speed (2000 rpm), compared to 78% rough particles (R4, R5) at a low

agitator speed (1000 rpm). This result indicated that the initial breakage of galena concentrate

particles was via fracture at a high agitator speed, 2000 rpm, whereas for the quartz sample there

was less fracture. As shown in Figure 4-13, the mixed quartz and galena sample followed the

quartz breakage pattern more closely than that of the galena, which demonstrated that the quartz

had a more dominant effect on the breakage mode in the mill.

The lead-zinc ore sample had the same decreasing pattern of rough particles (R4 and R5)

percentage per pass, Figure 4-15. The hammered and smoothed particles, R1 and R2, increased

up to the 3rd

pass, and then decreased. It was speculated that the particles started to break via


fracture, and then turned to abrasion at later passes. Since the particles of the lead-zinc ore are

complex consisting of un-liberated composite particles with more than one mineral, at different

grinding stages, the type and amount of mineral particles liberated and locked would vary per

pass. Accordingly, it was presumed that the breakage mechanism would also vary according to

the grinding passes, agitator speeds and types of composite particles.


Figure 4-9: Quartz Stacked Chart of Cumulative Roughness Percent Point Count vs. Grinding

Passes 1000rpm, (b) 1500rpm, (c) 2000rpm







feed P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

6 9 10 8 10 106 5 6 8 5 118 8 5 7 8


59 57 58 53 50


21 21 21 24 27 20






s %

Grinding Passes

Q - 1000 RPM












feed P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

6 4 7 7 9 126 410 10 12 128 12

17 1720 15

59 55

54 53 45 50

21 2412 13 13 10






s %

Grinding Passes

Q - 1500 RPM












feed P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

6 6 10 13 16 176 109 11

15 138

23 1413

15 15



4439 41

21 19 23 18 16 14






s %

Grinding Passes

Q - 2000 RPM










Figure 4-10: Roughness Trend of Quartz for (a) Coarse, (b) Medium (c) Fine Fractions







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Coarse Fraction (63m)

Q1000 - R1+R2

Q1000 - R4+R5

Q1500 - R1+R2

Q1500 - R4+R5

Q2000 - R1+R2

Q2000 - R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Medium Fraction (34m)

Q1000 - R1+R2

Q1000 - R4+R5

Q1500 - R1+R2

Q1500 - R4+R5

Q2000 - R1+R2

Q2000 - R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Fine Fraction (15m)

Q1000 - R1+R2

Q1000 - R4_R5

Q1500 - R1+R2

Q1500 - R4+R5

Q2000 - R1+R2

Q2000 - R4+R5





Figure 4-11: Galena Stacked Chart of Cumulative Roughness Percent Point Count vs. Grinding

Passes 1000rpm, (b) 1500 rpm, (c) 2000rpm







feed P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

5 10 1324 31 24







99 1142


39 35 36

3524 21 15 14 14




ve R





Grinding Passes

G - 2000 RPM










Figure 4-12: Roughness Trend of Galena Concentrate for (a) Coarse, (b) Medium (c) Fine Fractions







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Coarse Fraction (63m)

G1000 0 R1+R2

G1000 - R4+R5

G1500 - R1+R2

G1500 - R4+R5

G2000 - R1+R2

G2000 - R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5




ss %

Grinding Passes

Medium Fraction (37m)

G1000 - R1+R2

G1000 - R4+R5

G1500 - R1+R2

G1500 - R4+R5

G2000 - R1+R2

G2000 - R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Fine Fraction (17m)

G1000 - R1+R2

G1000 - R4_R5

G1500 - R1+R2

G1500 - R4+R5

G2000 - R1+R2

G2000 - R4+R5





Figure 4-13: Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample Stacked Chart of Cumulative Roughness Percent

Point Count vs. Grinding Passes (a) 1000rpm, (b) 2000rpm







feed P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

2 3 5 9 9 1110 12 1012 14


1417 20




49 3738

24 21 2413

21 16










Grinding Passes

M - 1000 RPM












feed P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

29 12 12 12 1210

1720 20 19 23


2119 20 23


40 38 44 40 39

2413 11 5 6 5










Grinding Passes

M - 2000 RPM









Figure 4-14: Roughness Trend of Mixed Quartz and Galena Concentrate

for (a) Coarse, (b) Medium (c) Fine Fractions







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Coarse Fraction (63m)

M1000 - R1+R2

M1000 - R4+R5

M2000 - R1+R2

M2000 - R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Medium Fraction (36m)

M1000 - R1+R2

M1000 - R4+R5

M2000 - R1+R2

M2000 - R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Fine Fraction (18m)

M1000 - R1+R2

M1000 - R4+R5

M2000 - R1+R2

M2000 - R4+R5





Figure 4-15: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample Stacked Chart of Cumulative Roughness Percent Point Count

vs. Grinding Passes (a) 1000rpm, (b) 1500rpm, (c) 2000rpm







feed P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

20 1927 24

16 18

13 18


25 25


1619 24 23


32 34 34 33

12 5 3 4 1 2






s %

Grinding Passes

O - 1500 RPM












feed P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

20 24 26 25 26 28

1320 17 21

27 2015

18 20 1812



36 33 34 31 34

123 3 2 4 4






s %

Grinding Passes

O - 2000 RPM










Figure 4-16: Roughness Trend of Lead-Zinc Ore for (a) Coarse, (b) Medium (c) Fine Fractions







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Coarse Fraction (63m)

O1000 0 R1+R2

O1000 - R4+R5

O1500 - R1+R2

O1500 - R4+R5

O2000 - R1+R2

O2000 - R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Medium Fraction (33m)

O1000 - R1+R2

O1000 - R4+R5

O1500 - R1+R2

O1500 - R4+R5

O2000 - R1+R2

O2000 - R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5






Grinding Passes

Fine Fraction (16m)

O1000 - R1+R2

O1000 - R4_R5

O1500 - R1+R2

O1500 - R4+R5

O2000 - R1+R2

O2000 - R4+R5





Figure 4-17: Overall Roughness Trend for Quartz Sample

Figure 4-18: Overall Roughness Trend for Galena Concentrate Sample







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5




ss %

Grinding Passes

Quartz 1000 - R1+R2

Quartz 1000 - R4+R5

Quartz 1500- R1+R2

Quartz 1500- R4+R5

Quartz 2000- R1+R2

Quartz 2000- R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5




ss %

Grinding Passes

Galena 1000 - R1+R2

Galena 1000 - R4+R5

Galena 1500 - R1+R2

Galena 1500 - R4+R5

Galena 2000 - R1+R2

Galena 2000 R4+R5


Figure 4-19: Overall Roughness Trend for the Mixed Quartz and Galena Concentrate Sample

Figure 4-20: Overall Roughness Trend for Lead – Zinc Ore Sample







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5




ss %

Grinding Passes

Mix 1000- R1+R2

Mix 1000 - R4+R5

Mix 2000 - R1+R2

Mix 2000 - R4+R5







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5




ss %

Grinding Passes

Ore 1000 - R1+R2

Ore 1000 - R4+R5

Ore 1500 - R1+R2

Ore 1500 - R4+R5

Ore 2000 - R1+R2

Ore 2000- R4+R5


The time correlation for the 4 materials tested implied that the smoother particles were appearing

in the counts as the stress intensity increased by increasing the grinding residence time, which

would in turn imply that the breakage mode was more transgranular (abrasion). However, the

actual majority of the counts as presented in the stacked charts and breakage trend charts showed

that more than 50% of the counts had rough surfaces (R4 and R5), implying that fracture

breakage was also occurring

4.5.4 Shattered Particles Feature

The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images revealed that some particles had a fractured

and shattered appearance. It seemed that the particles were shattered in place while capturing the

SEM images. It could be presumed that some type of load was applied on the particles, during or

after mounting, that shattered those particles into smaller pieces. It should be noted that these

types of particles were excluded from point counting. The galena concentrate particles that

possessed this feature were mostly in the 63m fraction, from the 4th

and 5th

passes through the

mill, and at 1000 rpm agitator speed. The higher the agitator speed, the earlier this feature

appeared, as early as the 1st pass of the 2000 rpm test run. This feature also appeared at the 37m

size fraction, but only at the higher speed and at higher passes. For the quartz samples, the

shattering feature became visible only at the highest agitator speed, 2000 rpm, during the 4th and

5th passes. Examples of shattered particles are shown in Figure 4-21 for quartz and Figure 4-22

for galena. This phenomenon did not appear in the mixed quartz and galena sample or the lead-

zinc ore samples.

It was speculated that cracks were initiated during the grinding process, but did not fracture the

particles completely. The crack lengths were large enough to propagate with minimum stress


applied on the particles. Recall that critical stress intensity is a function of crack length and stress

applied on the particle.

Figure 4-21: Individual Quartz Particles Broken, Shattered

Figure 4-22: Individual Galena Particles Broken, Shattered

4.5.5 Automated Quantitative Morphological Analysis

Morphology analysis includes particle shape and texture analysis. The particles sphericity and

elongation are two other parameters that would provide further understanding of breakage

mechanisms. Sphericity determines the roundness of particles and is calculated by dividing the

circumference of an equivalent circular area by the actual measured particle perimeter. The

perfect circle should return a value of one and the less circular, the particle should return a value


closer to zero. The elongation is a measure of length to width relationship and is equal to the

inverse of the aspect ratio. An elongated particle will return a value close to zero, and an

equiaxed particle will return a value close to 1.0. Sphericity is inversely proportional to

elongation. It was speculated that an increase in abrasion breakage in the mill would result in

more circular, less elongated, and smoother particles. The Clemex readings are based on the

outer contour of the particles. Accordingly, the roughness readings were biased toward smoother

readings. Manual point counting has therefore been used to evaluate roughness. For the sake of

comparison between the manual point counting and the Clemex roughness evaluation, Clemex

roughness values were also generated and statistically analysed.

Statistical analysis was performed on the quartz, galena concentrate, and mixed quartz and

galena samples at the first and fifth passes, to assess the effect of residence time on

morphological features. Analyses were performed on the coarse fraction, 63m. The lead-zinc

ore sample was excluded from the analysis due to the existence of multiple minerals which

would require an advanced analyses procedure to identify each mineral separately.

The statistical analysis showed a small standard deviation, as well as a narrow 95% confidence

interval. The data were better represented by the most abundant response, rather than the mean

response, which depended on the data distribution. Skewness measures the degree to which the

statistical distribution is unbalanced around the mean. Positive skewness represents data that are

biased above the mean value. Negative skewness on the other hand, represents data that are

biased below the mean value. In other words, predominant parameters are better recognized

using skewness, rather than mean. For example, in the case of abrasion breakage, where the

particles were more circular, less elongated, and had smooth surface, the skewness values should

follow the following trend:


- Sphericity data would give a higher negative skewness which would mean that the majority of

the readings were skewed towards the round particles.

- Elongation data should be negatively skewed where the particles were more equiaxed than


- Roughness data would be negatively skewed which would reflect smoother surfaces.

The skewness trends of the data were predominantly negative for the three parameters in

question, which suggested that the particles were mostly smooth. This agreed with the Pearson’s

time correlation data. However, as mentioned earlier, actual visual point counting proved that

this was just a trend, and according to the stacked charts, there were consistently more rough

particles than smooth particles. The trend and intensity of the skewness versus the agitator speed

and retention time in the mill served to complete the morphology analysis.

Galena Concentrate Sample

Detailed statistical data for galena concentrate are shown in Table 4-3. For the low agitator

speed (G1000-P1), sphericity, elongation and roughness skewness values were -0.45, -0.77

and -1.29, respectively, compared to the higher agitator speed skewness values (G2000-P1),

of 0, -0.61 and -0.55 for sphericity, elongation and roughness, respectively.

The higher negative values at low speed imply that the lower agitator speed (1000 rpm)

created abrasion breakage more than the higher agitator speed (2000 rpm).

With increasing residence time, the abrasion breakage mode became more evident. For

example, sphericity, elongation and roughness values from pass 5 at low agitator speed (1000

rpm) were -0.69, -0.78 and -1.53, respectively as per G1000-P5 data, whereas the values

from pass 4 for 2000 rpm were -0.45, -1.22 and -1.06, respectively for G2000-P4 data.


Table 4-3: Morphological Statistical Analysis of Galena Concentrate Sample

Quartz Sample

The morphological statistical analysis for the quartz sample is presented in Table 4-4. The

quartz sample had a different breakage mode versus agitator speed than that of galena

concentrate. The initial quartz breakage, data from pass 1, showed an abrasion breakage mode

for the higher agitator speed (2000 rpm), with more spherical, less elongated and smoother

particles (-0.20, -0.61 and -2.0, respectively). On the other hand, the lower agitator speed (1000

rpm) showed less abrasion features (+0.79, -0.13 and -0.9 for sphericity, elongation and

roughness, respectively). Similar to the galena concentrate, a longer residence time promoted

abrasion breakage for the quartz sample. A comparison of the data from the 5th

pass at both low

agitator speed (1000 rpm) and high agitator speed (2000 rpm) for Q1000-P5 and Q2000-P5

samples are shown in Table 4-4.

Statistical Criteria Sample Sphericity Elongation Roughness Sample Sphericity Elongation Roughness

Mean 0.61 0.70 0.92 0.61 0.71 0.91

Standard Deviation 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.09

Skewness -0.45 -0.77 -1.26 -0.69 -0.78 -1.53

Minimum 0.30 0.31 0.59 0.09 0.25 0.47

Maximum 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Mean 0.57 0.71 0.77 0.56 0.71 0.88

Standard Deviation 0.13 0.12 0.17 0.12 0.12 0.11

Skewness 0.00 -0.61 -0.55 -0.43 -1.22 -1.06

Minimum 0.10 0.31 0.27 0.18 0.14 0.46

Maximum 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.82 0.90 1.00

Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01

G1000-P1 G1000-P5

G2000-P1 G2000-P4


Table 4-4: Morphological Statistical Analysis of Quartz

Mixed quartz and galena Concentrate Sample

The results of the morphological analysis for the mixed quartz and galena concentrate are

presented in Table 4-5. The agitator speed did not have an effect on the breakage mode of the

mixed quartz and galena sample. At both agitator speeds, abrasion was the main breakage mode

in the mill. This was demonstrated by similar negative skewness values for the sphericity,

elongation and roughness. It was speculated that the quartz in the mixed sample behaved as a

grinding media to the galena. Therefore, galena particles in the mixed sample showed abrasion

features at a high agitator speed, opposite to the breakage trend of the galena concentrate sample

at a similar agitator speed. Since the low agitator speed promoted abrasion for both types of

minerals with different intensities, the overall breakage mode at low speed for the mixed quartz

and galena was dominantly abrasion.

Statistical Criteria Sample Sphericity Elongation Roughness Sample Sphericity Elongation Roughness

Mean 0.60 0.69 0.94 0.59 0.69 0.94

Standard Deviation 0.15 0.14 0.05 0.10 0.11 0.04

Skewness 0.79 -0.13 -0.90 -0.18 -0.36 -1.49

Minimum 0.18 0.22 0.73 0.35 0.37 0.71

Maximum 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.81 0.93 1.00

Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00

Mean 0.59 0.69 0.96 0.61 0.71 0.94

Standard Deviation 0.11 0.11 0.05 0.12 0.13 0.09

Skewness -0.20 -0.61 -2.00 -0.61 -0.91 -3.06

Minimum 0.26 0.33 0.68 0.14 0.20 0.43

Maximum 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Q2000-P1 Q2000-P5

Q1000-P1 Q1000-P5


Table 4-5: Morphological Statistical Analysis of Mixed Quartz and Galena Concentrate Sample

4.5.6 Liberation Analysis Results

The objective of the morphology study was to identify operating conditions in the mill that

would enhance liberation via promoting breakage along grain boundaries, rather than across the

grains. It was important to relate breakage mode to liberation through studying the liberation of

the lead-zinc ore sample that was used for morphology analysis. The conventional sample

preparation for liberation analysis is to generate a 2 dimensional surface of the particle by

sectioning the particles through grinding and polishing. In order to study the mineral liberation of

particles in 3-dimension (3D), particles generated from grinding were mounted on a graphite

sticky paper, on a stud that could be placed in the SEM without grinding or polishing. In this

study such particles were referred to as ―particle mount‖ samples. Liberation analyses of the

―particle mount‖ samples were compared to the conventional samples, using the Mineral

Liberation Analyser (MLA).

Statistical Criteria Sample Sphericity Elongation Roughness Sample Sphericity Elongation Roughness

Mean 0.60 0.68 0.91 0.59 0.69 0.88

Standard Deviation 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.08

Skewness -0.14 -0.55 -1.33 -0.30 -0.60 -0.60

Minimum 0.16 0.27 0.47 0.09 0.23 0.53

Maximum 0.82 0.92 1.00 0.81 0.90 1.00

Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Mean 0.62 0.71 0.92 0.64 0.71 0.94

Standard Deviation 0.12 0.11 0.06 0.12 0.11 0.08

Skewness -0.14 -0.50 -1.36 -0.29 -0.77 -1.58

Minimum 0.24 0.26 0.67 0.22 0.31 0.63

Maximum 0.90 0.94 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01






4.5.7 Liberation versus Agitator Speed

Due to the high cost of such analysis using an expensive tool as the MLA, it was important to

carefully choose the minimum number of samples for liberation analyse that will give a

significant analytical trend. Therefore, the samples were chosen from the initial breakage (pass

1) for the three agitator speeds tested, 1000, 1500 and 2000 rpm, with a geometric mean size of

63m (coarse fraction). The main minerals in the lead-zinc ore sample that were analysed for

liberation included galena, sphalerite, pyrite and quartz. The modal mineralogy distribution of

the feed for the galena, sphalerite, pyrite and quartz were 6%, 33%, 15% and 31%, respectively.

Since the analysis was performed on only one size fraction, the distributions of the minerals

differed with respect to the agitator speed.

Figure 4-23: Feed Liberation






Galena - Feed







Liberation and locking analysis are presented in pie-charts where each sector color represents a

mineral. Each pi-chart represents a mineral type, its liberation and locking with the other

minerals associated with it. For example, the feed sample presented in Figure 4-23 shows four

pi-charts for galena, sphalerite, pyrite and quartz. The galena chart shows that 43% of the galena

was liberated, 27% was locked with sphalerite, 15% was locked with pyrite, 7% locked with

quartz and 8% locked with other types of minerals. Similar types of distribution were represented

for the sphalerite liberation and its locking with the minerals in question, as well as the pyrite and

quartz. Similar liberation/locking Pi-charts data for the 1000 rpm, 1500 rpm and 2000 rpm

agitator speeds were repeated, following the first grinding for each stirrer speed. These results

are presented in Figure 4-24, Figure 4-25 and Figure 4-26.

Figure 4-24: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample 1000 rpm - Pass1 Liberation






Galena - Feed







Mineral liberation trends were assessed and generally showed that the percentage of liberated

minerals decreased with the increase of agitator speed for galena, sphalerite and pyrite. On the

other hand, liberation of quartz increased slightly with the increase of the agitator speed. It was

also observed that the sulphide locking with quartz increased with stirrer speed. For example, the

percentage of galena-quartz composite particles was 9% in the feed, and increased to 22% after

grinding at a stirrer speed of 2000 rpm. The analysis was not comprehensive for the entire feed

sample, and is based on the analysis of one size fraction (63m -geometric mean size).

Therefore, the analysis did not balance the liberation and locking distribution of the minerals

across all size fractions. The percentage retained on the -75m +53m sieve (63m -geometric

mean size) accounted for 15% of the feed sample, 11% for the 1000 rpm-Pass 1 sample, 8% for

the 1500 rpm-Pass 1 sample and only 4% for the 2000 rpm–Pass 1 sample.

Figure 4-25: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample 1500 rpm - Pass1 Liberation






Galena - Feed







Figure 4-26: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample 2000 rpm - Pass1 Liberation

According to the PSD analysis, the higher the agitator speed, the finer the products. This

conclusion implied that the liberated particles were broken, and as a result passed the size

fraction under investigation (63m) to the next smaller fractions. The percentage of liberated

minerals on the -75m +53m size fraction sieve (63m – geometric mean size) therefore,

decreased with the increase of the agitator speed. On the other hand, quartz liberation increased

with the increase of the agitator speed, implying that quartz was being liberated and behaving

differently than the other three minerals in question. This result can be partly explained by the

relative hardness of the quartz, in comparison to the other minerals. The hard quartz would have

greater resistance to grinding in comparison to the softer sulphide minerals.






Galena - Feed







The minerals analysed could be classified according to two physical properties, either their

hardness or their specific gravities. Quartz and pyrite have similar Mohs hardness values of 7 and

6, respectively. Nevertheless, the pyrite followed similar liberation patterns as galena and

sphalerite. Specific gravity, on the other hand, differentiates quartz from the other three minerals

galena, sphalerite and pyrite. Quartz is the lightest mineral in the mix with an SG of 2.65.

However, this information was not enough to account for the increase of the percentage of quartz

on increasing the agitator speed. Looking back to the breakage rates of the quartz and galena

concentrate samples (Chapter 3), it was evident that quartz had a significantly lower breakage

rate, compared to galena. The initial breakage rate of quartz at 1000 rpm was 0.07 min-1


compared to 0.78 min-1

for the galena concentrate, and at 2000 rpm, the quartz initial breakage

rate was 0.35 min-1

, compared to 1.82 min-1

for galena concentrate. The breakage rate of both

minerals in the lead-zinc ore sample increased with the increase of the agitator speed. However,

the breakage rate for galena was significantly faster than for quartz. The percentage of quartz in

the size fraction increased with the increase of the agitator speed, which indicated that quartz

lagged in breakage when compared to galena.

The flow dynamics and breakage mechanism of different types of minerals in stirred mills, based

on their material properties, has not been investigated. Particles gain kinetic energy and

momentum from the agitator speed; the higher the speed, the higher the kinetic energy. The

kinetic energy and momentum relate to the particle velocities. Typical particle velocities in

slurry, under stationary conditions for settling, are a function of particle size, particle density and

slurry viscosity, as per Stoke’s equation (Equation 4-8). Since particle size and slurry viscosity

are similar for all types of mineral particles in the mill, density is then the only remaining


parameter that controls the effect of particle velocities. This would imply that the dynamics and

kinetics of mixed mineral particles in the mill would be a function of the density of the particles.

Equation 4-8


Vs: settling velocity

g: gravity

dp: particle diameter

ρp: particle density

ρw: water density

: viscosity

Particles’ fracture surface energy is function of particle properties as seen in the studies by

Tromans and Meech (2002, 2004). Tromans and Meech’s (2002) calculated the theoretical

fracture toughness and surface energies of minerals. They also calculated the energy required to

create new surfaces using ionic bond models as per Equation 4-9, where the surface energy per

unit mass (SEn) was a function of the surface energy (), surface roughness (Fr), and was

inversely proportional to mineral density (ρ) and final and initial particle size (Df, Di).

The mineral density would therefore have an effect on the behaviour of the particles in the mill

from the agitation and breakage energy point of views. For example, less dense particles would

agitate freely, relative to the agitator speed, since the settling velocity effect would have less

impact on the particle’s resulting velocity. The heavier minerals would settle faster, relative to

Equation 4-9


the agitator speed, and would be exposed to more complex types of forces, relative to the flow

dynamics of the slurry in the mill. Also, according to the surface energy per unit mass equation,

the less dense particles would require more surface energy per unit mass to create new surfaces,

compared to denser particles.

Since quartz has the lowest density value compared to the other minerals in the mill, it could be

deduced that the SG of the quartz was the main reason for its distinctive performance, as

compared to the other minerals. Similarly, the percentage of locked minerals with quartz

increased. As quartz was locked with another heavier mineral, depending on the relative size of

both minerals, it would decrease the overall SG of the particle. Hence, the flow dynamics of the

locked particles with quartz would be similar to that of the liberated quartz particles.

4.5.8 Particle Mount versus Polished Samples

Since this research focused primarily on the effect of particle morphology on liberation it was

important to investigate the particle liberation in a 3D format, without slicing the particles via

grinding and polishing. Samples available for this type of analysis were from the test runs

performed at an agitator speed of 1500 rpm, for the first three passes through the mill as well as

the feed. Samples were mounted in a resin, ground and polished. These samples were referred to

as ―Polished‖ samples. The polished sections represent a 2D plane cut through the particles.

They were compared to the same set of samples, but were mounted on the stud as 3D particles

with no grinding or polishing. They were referred to as ―Particle mount‖ samples. Similar

liberation analysis procedures were followed using the MLA-Analyzer.

As expected, liberation results were not identical. The difference between liberation results of the

―Particle Mount‖ and ―Polished‖ samples were calculated by subtracting the percentage of


―Polished‖ liberated/locked samples from the percentage of the ―Particle Mount‖

liberated/locked samples. Results are presented in Table 4-7, Table 4-8 and Figure 4-8. The

majority of the values were positive, which meant that the ―Polished‖ samples were over-

estimating the liberation compared to the ―Particle Mount‖ samples. The highest and lowest

difference between the ―Polished‖ and the ―Particle Mount‖ samples were -19.3% for sphalerite

locked with the other minerals in the feed sample, 21.6% for liberated sphalerite after the first

pass, 21.4% for pyrite locked with quartz after the second pass, and 25.1% for pyrite locked

with quartz after the third pass.


Table 4-6: Feed Sample – Difference in Distribution Between Polished and Particle Mount Samples

Table 4-7: Lead-Zinc Ore Sample 1500-P1 Sample – Difference in Distribution Between Polished

and Particle Mount Samples

Table 4-8: Lead-zinc ore sample 1500-P2 Sample – Difference in Distribution between Polished and

Particle Mount Samples

Table 4-9: Lead-zinc ore sample 1500-P3 Sample – Difference in Distribution between Polished and

Particle Mount Samples


The liberation differences ranged from 0.2% to 25%. This was a considerable difference in

values and would require further investigation. However, this study indicated that there is a

potential for analysing liberation in a short time with less cost if needed. It was understood that

the choice of liberation procedure performed in this study would have a large margin of error of

up to +/-25%, while using the ―Particle mount‖ methodology. However, the main objective of

the study was to understand trends, rather than create discrete liberation values.

4.6 Conclusion

Morphology analysis was the focus of this research, which assisted in understanding the

breakage behaviour of the different material properties at different stress intensity inputs. The

major morphology features analysed were the surface roughness, roundness and elongation of

the particles. Surface roughness dictated the type of breakage, whether it was along the grain

boundaries or across them. The breakage along the grain boundaries should create rougher

surfaces and less circular particles.

It would have been more convenient if the analysis was based on pre-programmed software and

would follow a standard procedure. However, pre-assessment of the results showed that the

morphology analysis software was biased toward smooth counts. As a result, a manual point

counting method was developed and tested. In spite of the fact that there was about 6%

difference between personnel counters based on their judgement of the degree of roughness of

the particles, the trend of the data of the manual point count and Clemex software were similar

and correlated.

Initial breakage results using Clemex roughness analysis and manual point counting, along with

stacked charts were coinciding. Galena concentrate had a trend of fracture breakage, along their


grain boundaries, at higher agitator speed, 2000 rpm, whereas quartz had a trend of abrasion

breakage, across the grains, at the same agitator speed. This suggested that if the target was to

break and liberate minerals similar to galena, then a higher agitator speed would be


The effect of residence time reflected the same trend for Clemex analysis and manual point

counting (Pearson’s time correlation). Both materials demonstrated a higher abrasion trend when

the particles were exposed to grinding for longer time. This indicated that increasing the

residence time of the mineral in the mill created smoother particles. Particles broke across their

grain boundaries.

The trends of rough (R4+R5) and smooth (R1+R2) particles versus grinding passes - as shown in

Figure 4-17, Figure 4-18, Figure 4-19, for quartz, galena concentrate and mixed quartz and

galena concentrate samples, respectively - demonstrated the stirred mill breakage patterns for the

different types of minerals. Visual observations and trends of counts showed that stirred mills

broke particles via both abrasion and fracture. Abrasion became more evident as residence time

increased. The trends showed that the longer the time the particles were exposed to grinding, the

amount of smooth particles (R1+R2) would increase, while the amount of rough (R4+R5)

particles would decrease. However, the overall trends for both types of materials (quartz, and

galena concentrate) demonstrated that the amount of rough particles was always higher than the

amount of smooth particles. The results suggested that fracture was the dominant breakage mode

in the grinding system. The hypothesis was built on the observation that the particles’ size

decreased during the grinding process, as per the PSD analysis. Therefore, it is safe to speculate

that the particles analyzed were the progeny created during the grinding process. The trends

demonstrated that abrasion is an important breakage mechanism and increases with residence


time, but that fracture is also important, if not dominant during the initial stage of breakage in the


Liberation analysis was performed on a single size fraction, which was considered to be

incomplete analysis; nevertheless, conclusions can be deduced from the results. Results

supported the theory that the flow dynamics of minerals in the mill are not dependent on their

hardness. For example, pyrite and quartz were close in hardness, but behaved quite differently.

Conversely, the flow dynamics seemed to be somewhat dependent on the mineral specific


Results from this research demonstrated that there was potential to understand grinding versus

liberation beyond the well-known relationship between liberation and particle size. The

morphology analysis revealed that minerals, with a high SG such as galena, would break faster at

lower agitator speed. However, breakage would be via abrasion. In order to impose intergranular

breakage on minerals similar to galena, a higher agitator speed and shorter residence time is

recommended. In other words, the mode of breakage should be a priority over the breakage rate

in order to promote liberation.

Further analysis of the performance of the different mineral properties, particularly their specific

gravity and surface energy versus breakage mode (intergranular-transgranular), should be



5. Computer Modeling and Simulation of Stirred Mill

The objective of this part of the research was to create a computer model that would simulate

particle flow, forces and energy distribution across the IsaMill under different operating

conditions. The experimental work performed on the IsaMill in this research shed some light on

the mill grinding operation and particle breakage behaviour. However, the distribution of

energies and types of stresses in the mill were quite ambiguous. Discrete Element Modeling

(DEM) is a numerical method that computes the motion and interaction of particles against each

other and their boundaries (Cundall and Stack, 1979). At every time step, the DEM software

searches for contacts (particle-particle or particle-boundaries), then it calculates all contact forces

and integrates equations of motion for each particle, which in turn identifies the resultant

velocities, directions and positions of those particles for the next time step. The theory of

discrete element modeling was founded on Newton’s laws of physics. The software used in this

study is EDEM.

The EDEM model has standard steps to set up the simulation model:

Configure and define the contact physics of the model, particle to particle and particle to

geometry interaction. If there is an external force applied on the particles, they can be further

defined as particle body forces, which are fluid drag forces, and typical gravity force effects

on the system.

Define the material properties for the different parts of the mill and their interactions.

Create the geometry of the system to be modeled, which includes the model boundaries and

input dynamics for the particles. In this research, the IsaMill agitator shaft, along with the

discs, separator/classifier, and the mill chamber surrounding the agitator account for the


geometry parts of the system. Assign the pre-defined materials to the mill parts and their

dynamics (rotational or translational).

Define the domain size, which is the volume where all simulation is taking place, and if

particles move outside the domain, they will not be tracked. In this simulation, the domain

included all the IsaMill geometry parts.

Define the particle properties, size, material properties and total number of particles to be


Create a particle factory, which is a virtual geometry that generates the particles and defines

whether to use a continuous particle generation, or a specific number of particles.

Set time step, simulation time, and divide the domain into grid cells with a size of 4 times the

minimum particle radius.

Run the simulation.

The analyst is a tool used to review the simulation and analyse the generated interaction

between the particles and their boundaries.

The important parameters for this research were the agitator speed and interaction between the

different types of materials, such as the grinding media and galena particles. The responses of

such parameters were summarized as the energies generated in the mill, and the types of forces

the particles were exposed to. Since breakage was the main focus of this research, and the model

could not simulate particle breakage, the types of forces would indicate the type of breakage the

particles could be exposed to during the grinding process.


5.1 EDEM Software

EDEM software was produced by DEM Solutions in 2005 (DEM Solutions, 2011). The EDEM

software is a simplified simulation of material flow. It analyses and tracks the interaction of

individual particles with each other and their boundaries by analyzing the individual contacts.

When two elements overlap, a contact is recognized, along with its properties, particle size,

material properties, and relative velocity, which is further used to calculate the contact forces. As

a result, particles and geometric elements are re-positioned. Contact data intervals are saved

based on the user choice. In EDEM the model geometry and particles are in a domain that has

geometrical limits in space, X, Y and Z directions. The domain is the region where EDEM

performs all the contact calculations. If the user defines a domain size smaller than the designed

system, the contact calculations beyond the domain zone are ignored. The domain is divided into

grids, from 2 to 6 times the minimum particle radius. It is the user’s choice to decide on the

number of grids created. The smaller the grid size, the larger the number of grids created which

would require a higher computing memory, and would therefore slow down the iteration speed.

EDEM has multiple pre-built integrated contact models. Typical contact models used by DEM

simulation for particles in motion are Hertz Mindlin or linear spring. Both contact models

calculate normal forces and tangential forces of particles colliding at an initial velocity. Both

models include the spring stiffness and damping coefficient (dashpot). However, the Hertz

Mindlin contact model is more detailed and complicated, when compared to the linear spring

model. A detailed schematic diagram of the Hertz Mindlin model is shown in Figure 5-1, and the

model equivalent normal forces, tangential forces and rolling friction equations are given in

Equations 5-1 to Equation 5-7, respectively. The force equations for the linear spring model are

given in Equation 5-8 to Equation 5-10. The Hertz Mindlin model includes the static friction and


rolling friction in its calculations, which is ignored by the linear spring model. Consequently,

according to the calculated forces, the Hertz Mindlin model represents a more realistic case

scenario than the linear spring model. However, Hertz Mindlin produces a default smaller time

step which slows the simulation speed.

Figure 5-1: Schematic Diagram of Hertz Mindlin Contact Model, EDEM Training Manual, 2009

Hertz Mindlin normal forces are a function of material properties, particle size, damping normal

forces, relative normal forces and stiffness as per Equation 5-1, Equation 5-2 and Equation 5-3,

(EDEM Training Manual, 2009).

Equation 5-1

Equation 5-2

Equation 5-3



Fn : normal force

Y*: equivalent Young’s modulus

R*: equivalent radius

n: normal overlap

m*: equivalent mass

and Sn: normal stiffness

e: coefficient of restitution

The Hertz Mindlin tangential forces are a function of shear modulus of the material, tangential

damping force, relative tangential velocities and tangential stiffness, but exclude the coefficient

of restitution as per Equation 5-4, Equation 5-5 and Equation 5-6 (EDEM Training Manual,



Ft : tangential force

G*: equivalent shear modulus

St: tangential stiffness

Hertz Mindlin has a rolling friction parameter, which is function of rolling friction and angular

velocities at contact, as per Equation 5-7 (EDEM Training Manual, 2009).

Equation 5-5

Equation 5-4

Equation 5-6



i : rolling friction

r: coefficient of rolling friction

Ri: distance of contact point from object center mass

i: angular velocity at contact point

Linear spring normal forces are simpler than the Hertz Mindlin normal forces. Linear spring

normal forces are function of the material properties, linear spring stiffness, dash pot coefficient

and overlap velocities, as shown in Equation 5-8, Equation 5-9 and Equation 5-10 as per EDEM

Training Manual (2009). Tangential force equations are similar to the normal force equations.


Fn : normal force

K: linear spring stiffness

C: dashpot coefficient

n: overlap

: overlap velocity

E*: equivalent modulus of elasticity

R*: equivalent radius

Equation 5-7

Equation 5-8

Equation 5-9

Equation 5-10


The Hertz Mindlin model was chosen to model the IsaMill because the quantitative analysis

would assist in understanding the particle breakage mechanism by analysing the forces that the

particles would be exposed to, at different agitator speeds.

5.2 DEM Simulation Limitations

It is almost impossible to model a complete mill with the actual number of grinding media and

mineral particles using DEM, since such modeling requires a high intensive computational

program. It requires some sort of compromise in either the number of particles or simulation

lengths in regard to speed simulation runs. Most of the model studies performed on the IsaMill

have compromised the mill design by simulating three discs instead of eight, and excluding the

classifier section. Consequently, the number of particles simulated were less, and the flow

pattern of the particles was also compromised (Jayasundara, Yang, Yu, and Curry, 2006, and

2008; Jayasundara, Yang, Guo, Yu and Rubenstein, 2009). Another method to increase the speed

of the simulation process is to limit the length of the simulation time. The majority of the

researchers have either run the simulation for a very short time or they neglected to mention the

simulation length. The model by Jayasundara et al. (2006) was simulated for only 1.5 seconds.

The assigned material property of the different parts of the mill has a direct effect on the

simulation iteration time, which will eventually affect total time required to run the simulation.

Typical media used in stirred mills are ceramic beads MT1, (accuratus, 2009), which are mainly

composed of aluminum oxide, zirconium oxide and silica. The density, Young’s modulus and

shear modulus of ceramic beads is about 3700kg/m, 290 GPa and 120 GPa, respectively. Actual

properties of ceramic media have not been used in simulations by DEM model researchers. The

highest Young’s modulus value for grinding media particles that has been researched is 0.2 GPa

(Yang et. al, 2006), which is three orders of magnitude less than the actual MT1 grinding media.


According to EDEM’s manual (2009), the higher the stiffness of the material, the higher the

forces and stresses which would lead to a lower time step to capture these high forces. Stiffness

of the material is directly proportional to its mechanical properties, Young’s modulus. The model

used in this research was compromised by limiting the number of particles in the mill, and

controlling the stiffness effect of the grinding media by assigning 2 orders of magnitude less for

its shear modulus (1.2 GPa). The number of particles was limited by modeling only three discs

and the classifier, instead of a full mill that consisted of eight discs and a classifier. The number

of particles simulated was also limited, by choosing a reasonable media size and similar galena

size (3mm each) that would occupy the mill’s empty volume, as per typical IsaMill operations.

Detailed simulation parameters and criteria are discussed in detail later in this chapter. The

computer for this research was a DELL Mobile Precision M6400 Quad Core; 2.53 GHz; 4GB

MEM-1066MHz; 64 bit operating system. Although this was the highest processor speed

available in a portable computing machine at the time, its computational capabilities were

limited. The above mentioned constraints would limit the ability to validate the model relative to

experimental full scale mill. However, it is a feasible tool that throws a shadow of knowledge on

particles flow and their forces in the mill when exposed to different agitator speeds. Qualitative

trends such as types of forces (tangential versus compressive) were used to validate the model

relative to the experimental morphological results (across versus along grain boundaries


All simulation models studied the effect of particle flow within the range of three discs,

excluding the classifier section. The classifier section in the mill was meant to keep the media in

the grinding zone of the mill, and to segregate the fine particles (Xstrata [IsaMill Brochure],

2009). In other words, no grinding action was to take place in the classifier zone. Since the main


objective of this part of the research was to bring the computer model as close as possible to real

case scenario, it was important to include the classifier section in order to simulate the actual

particle flow along the mill length. It was also noticed that the agitator design had changed in the

past decade, from triangular discs to circular discs. Running a preliminary model using circular

discs showed that the particles spread out along the mill, up to the classifier zone and eventually

became evenly distributed along the mill after about 10 seconds. The spread of the particles

along the mill did not agree with a video of a simulation of the IsaMill that was running with a

clear chamber that was provided by J. Rubenstein, 2010 (Rubenstein, J., personal

communication, March 04, 2010). When the video was carefully examined, it was noticed that

the agitator discs were triangular rather than circular. Therefore, it was essential to compare the

triangular discs versus circular discs in terms of their distribution of the particles along the mill’s


5.3 IsaMill Model Geometry

The model creates particles within boundaries of a system which can contain stationary and/or

moving parts. The system was geometrically designed similar to the structure of the actual

machine, and the moving parts were assigned the magnitude and direction of the dynamics of

motion, which could be rotational, translational or combined. If the geometry of the system were

composed of simple cylinders, cubes and cuboids, this system could then be created within

EDEM software. However, if the parts were more complicated, then they would need to be

imported from a computer aided design software (CAD), where the geometry were pre-drafted.

In this research, the mill geometry and dimensions were based on those of the M4-IsaMill. The

dimensions of the agitator shaft and discs are shown in Figure 5-2. The mill chamber was a


simple closed cylinder, with an inner diameter of 135 mm. An agitator was drawn with

triangular discs instead of circular discs, as shown in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-2: Schematic Diagram of Circular Agitator, Dimensions were mm

Figure 5-3: Schematic Diagram of Triangular Discs Agitator

Side View

Front View

Side View Front View


The geometry of the mill’s agitator was drafted using SolidWorks CAD software, which was

then imported in the EDEM as the agitator geometry component of the mill. The mill chamber

was drafted within the EDEM software, using a simple closed cylinder geometry that surrounded

the agitator.

The Particles factory was a virtual geometry which surrounded the three discs of the agitator. Its

function was to create the particles inside the mill chamber, at random positions around the

agitator and the three discs. The factory was pre-drafted using the same CAD software

(SolidWorks), which was a negative image of the 3 discs on the left of the agitator. A cross

section of the agitator and the factory surrounding the first three discs is shown in Figure 5-4.

The factory had no physical effect on particle interaction during simulation. The only force

applied on the particles as they were generating was the force due to gravity. The agitator was

stationary for 2 seconds of the simulation time, in order to allow the particles to settle under the

effect of gravity.

Figure 5-4: Cross Section of Particles Factory Surrounding 3 Discs

Particles Factory



5.3.1 Number of Particles

It is recommended by the manufacturers of the IsaMill to load the mill with the grinding media

to 80% of its effective volume. The definition of effective volume is the volume of the grinding

chamber, which includes the agitator and grinding discs, excluding the last disc and fingers zone

(classifier zone). The effective volume was calculated using the dimensions of the mill chamber

and subtracting the agitator volume. 80% of the net volume was then available to be filled with

grinding media. The packing of the grinding media particles was assumed to be 40% voids. If

the actual size of the grinding media particles were to be simulated, this would lead to generating

an enormous number of particles, in the order of millions (106). If mineral particles were to be

added to the grinding system, with an optimum size ration of 20:1 for media to minerals as

suggested by Mankosa et. al. (1986), then the number of particles to be generated would be in the

order of gega (109) particles. The realistic number of particles that can be modeled should be less

than (105) particles. Consequently, particle diameter is fixed to 3mm for both media and mineral

particles in order to minimize the number of particles simulated.

The total number of media particles, according to the above mentioned criteria, was 44,775.

Computer simulation runs were performed on pure media at three agitator speeds (1000, 1500

and 2000 rpm). Since it was not possible to simulate a real case, a simplified model was

implemented, in order to understand the interaction between two different types of particle in the

mill both on each other and their boundaries. Accordingly, simulation of the mill at two agitator

speeds (1500 and 2000 rpm) was executed, with material properties close to galena added to the

system. The number of galena particles was 19,407, which made the combined total of 64,191

particles simulated. The ratio of the number of galena to media particles in the mill was 1 to 2.3.


5.3.2 Triangular versus Circular Discs

The effect of triangular versus circular discs on particle distribution across the mill was studied.

Only media particles were used in the mill (total number of 44,785) for each model run. For the

sake of analysis, the model domain was split into 3 sections, in the x-direction, Section A,

Section B and Section C, as shown in Figure 5-5. Section A was the end part of the modeled

mill, which was close to where the actual feed of media particles was located in a real M4-

IsaMill. Section B was the middle section, which included the narrow gap between the two end

discs. Section C was the separator/classifier zone.

Figure 5-5: Initial Setting of the Particles in the 3 Sections at Time Zero

Similar sections were created for the triangular discs. The model was simulated for 120 seconds

for each disc type. Particle distribution across the mill was analysed and showed a similar pattern

to that of the circular discs. At time zero, after the particles had settled due to gravity, particle

distribution across the three sections was approximately 21,000 at section A, 17,600 at section B

and 6,000 at section C. Once the agitator started rotating at 1500 rpm, the particles spread out so

Section A Section B Section C


that the highest particle population, sections A and B, decreased, and the less populated section C

increased until stability was reached. Stability was reached when no more change in the

distribution of the number of particles across the mill was observed. The middle section, section

B, reached its stable conditions almost instantly, within about 2 seconds. The number of particles

increased by approximately 7 000 and stabilized at a total of 15 000 particles, for both circular

and triangular discs. The end sections, sections A and C, reached their stable conditions after

about 5 seconds for the triangular discs, whereas the circular discs took more than double the

time to get to the same stable conditions (11 seconds). The number of particles in section A

decreased by 8 000 particles, and stabilized at a total of 13 000 particles. Section C increased by

10 000 particles and stabilized at a total of 16 500 particles. The number of distributed particles

along the mill length was similar for both the circular and triangular discs. Particle distribution

patterns across the mill over the 120 second run are presented in Figure 5-6. The initial particle

distribution pattern before the agitator started rotating was 47% particles in section A, 39% in

section B and 14% in section C. At stable conditions, the particle distribution pattern across the

mill was 30% in section A, 33% in section B and 37% in section C. In other words, section C,

the classifier section, was occupied with more particles than sections A and B.


Figure 5-6: Particle Distribution in 3 Sections for Circular and Triangular Discs

Despite the fact that the triangular discs distributed the particles across the mill faster than the

circular discs, both types of discs reached a similar particle distribution pattern within a

reasonable time span. As a result, the circular discs were chosen for the model runs, since such

design is used in the current IsaMill.




5.3.3 Effect of Drag Forces

The actual IsaMill has a fluid flow effect on the particles, since the particles are pumped into the

mill in a slurry form. In order to analyse the effect of slurry flow on the particles, a coupling with

the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was required. There is a simpler Application

Programming Interface (API) body particle force module available in the EDEM software, which

would analyse the effect of drag forces on the particles. The equation that EDEM utilises for

drag force is a function of the particle coefficient of friction (CD), a particle’s cross section area

(A), fluid density (ρ), and velocity of the fluid flow past the particle (v), as shown in Equation


The input data required for the particle body drag forces routine were:

Stream input in X, Y and Z directions, end side of section A.

Stream outlet in X, Y and Z directions, end side of section C.

Stream diameter, which was the mill inner chamber diameter, 135 mm.

Fluid velocity, 0.00408 m/sec, which was equivalent to the 3.5 L/min was used in

experimental work.

Drag coefficient was based on particle shape. It was 0.47 for spheres.

Fluid density for water, which was 1000 kg/m3.

The fact that the particles spread throughout the mill, as explained earlier, required further

investigation of the effect of back drag force on the particles, in an opposite direction to the inlet

stream flow. The drag forces in the mill were classified as the fluid flow, due to the slurry being

pumped into the mill, and an opposite drag flow, which was due to the possible reverse fluid

Equation 5-11


dynamics at the exit end of the mill. The flow from the inlet to the exit direction of the mill was

called ―fluid flow‖, which was assigned a flow rate value of 0.00408 m/second, which is

equivalent to the experimental flow rate 3.5 L/min. The opposite flow, from the exit to the inlet

direction, from section C to section A in the x-direction, was called ―drag flow‖. The effect of

the drag flow on the particles distribution was tested at different percentages from the fluid flow:

0, 1.6%, 25%, 50%, 100% and 200%. Fluid flow created forces that prevented the particles from

flowing freely around the mill. An example of this behaviour is shown in the snap shot images of

100% drag flow in Figure 5-7. Particles behaved in a similar manner for all the drag flow

percentages modeled. Figure 5-7 and Figure 5-9 represent the grinding ceramic media particles

in the mill and the color codes represent the particles velocity (m/s) at the current simulation time

step. The particle distribution across the mill for each drag flow versus time is plotted in Figure



Figure 5-7: Fluid Flow Effect with No Drag Flow at 1500 rpm Agitator Speed

5 Seconds

11 Seconds


Drag flow had no effect on particle distribution across the mill. The particle distribution was

more affected with the presence or absence of fluid flow, as shown in Figure 5-8. The fluid flow

slowed down the distribution of the particles across the mill. However, the model did not

perform as expected where the particles did not rotate freely around the inner chamber walls

along with the agitator rotation. The drag forces did not properly represent the complex fluid

dynamics effect that was supposed to occur in the mill, such as vortex effects. Therefore, the y

and z components of the fluid forces on the particles were excluded, and only the x component of

the fluid forces was simulated. The effect of the pump on directing the particles through the mill

was speculated to emphasize the effect of the x component of the fluid forces more than the y

and z components. It is presumed that the y and z components of the fluid forces were over-

estimated, which led to the abnormal behaviour of the particles during agitation. It could be

concluded that the x-component of the drag forces had a more dominant effect over the y and z

components. Discarding the effect of the y and z component of drag forces gave the particles a

higher degree of freedom to flow while under the effect of the agitator rotation as presented in

Figure 5-8 and Figure 5-9.


Figure 5-8: Drag Flow Force Effect on Particle Distribution Across the Mill


Figure 5-9: Particle Distribution Across the Mill:

a) Initial Distribution at Time Zero

b) Drag Forces (fluid flow) in x, y and z Direction

c) Drag Forces (fluid flow) in x Direction





5.3.4 Material Properties

A series of simulation runs were performed in order to assess the effect of material properties on

the time iteration, particles behaviour, and their resultant forces, for the different components of

the mill. The different components of the mill including the agitator, chamber and most

importantly the particles, have unique mechanical properties that were pre-defined by the user.

The mechanical properties of the mill parts and particles have a direct effect on the behaviour of

the particles and their resultant forces. The goal was to create a model that was as close to the

real case as possible. The material properties of the IsaMill, presented in Table 5-1, were

considered as the benchmark properties. The material parameters that EDEM defines and utilises

are Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus and density, (Gercek, 2007).

Table 5-1: Benchmark Material Properties

Mill Parts Density




(Y) (Pa)



(G) (Pa)


Ratio (υ)

Mill Chamber

Steel 8000 19.24 x 1010 7.40 x 1010 0.30


Polyurethane 1250 25.80 x 106 8.60 x 106 0.50

Agitator (calculated)

Polyurethane+ Steel 4625 --- 8.60 x 108 0.4


Ceramic MT1 3700 2.90 x 1011 1.20 x 1011 0.21


Galena 7190 8.102 x 1010 3.19 x 1010 0.27


Iteration rate of the model was a main concern, since simulating a one second run, should not

require an enormous time to iterate. Iteration rate is defined as the number of iteration hours per

one second of simulation. The media particles were assigned the benchmark material properties

for the first simulation run, which produced a very slow run, with a very slow iteration rate (27.6

hours to simulate a one second run). A series of simulation runs were performed in order to

analyse the effect of material properties on particles behaviour and simulation iteration time. The

runs were simplified by excluding all drag forces. A simulation was performed with material

properties from the different parts of the mill, dropped to two orders of magnitude relative to

their benchmark values, where G value for media was 1.2x109, agitator was 8.6x10

4, and mill

chamber was 7.4x108

(simulation run a). The simulation iteration rate increased significantly to

8.78 hours for one second simulation. However, the particles did not agitate properly. Through

analysis of the forces created in the mill, it was noticed that the force values were relatively high,

compared to the other simulation runs (Table 5-2).

The next two simulation runs were performed using the material properties of the agitator and

mill chamber materials similar to the benchmark, as well as decreased the shear modulus for the

grinding media to one and two orders of magnitude, (simulation runs b, and c, consecutively).

The particle flow in the mill was closer to normal, but for simulation run b, the particles’ shear

modulus was not small enough to increase the iteration rate (20.8 hrs for each simulated second).

Simulation run c showed a better response in terms of speeding up the simulation run time. The

iteration rate of simulation run c was 7.1 hrs for each simulated second.

The fourth model run was performed with the agitator material properties defined as steel,

similar to the chamber property, which were two orders of magnitude less than the benchmark


values (simulation run d). The simulation iteration rate was close to that of simulation run c (6.9

hrs for each simulated second).

Other parameters that were affected by the material properties of the mill parts were the

maximum forces generated in the mill and the effective energy consumed by the particles. The

effective energy was calculated based on the ratio of output to input energy. The input energy

was calculated from the agitator torque values, and the output energy was the total kinetic and

rotational kinetic energies of the particles created in the simulation run by the agitator rotation.

As presented in Table 5-2, the steel agitator created a high value of maximum normal force,

especially in section A, and the effective energy was 7.9%, which was the highest compared to

the other simulation runs. At this point, it was noticed that the model deviated from the initial

objective, which was to create a computer model that was similar to the real case scenario. One

of the advantages of stirred mills is their inert environment for grinding, where the agitator is not

steel. The M4-IsaMill agitator used in the experiments carried out in this research was made of

steel, covered with a layer of polyurethane. The material properties of steel-covered polyurethane

were calculated. Simulation run e was then performed on an agitator shaft that was assigned the

calculated material properties of the mixed steel and polyurethane, and results were reasonable.

Finally, a similar run was conducted using the mixed steel-polyurethane agitator, and fluid drag

forces were included in the x-direction, using EDEM built-in particle body forces (simulation run

f). Simulation iteration rate was reasonable (8.3 hours for each simulated second), effective

energy percent ratio was 4%, and the force values were reasonable when compared to the

previous runs.


Table 5-2: Effect of Material Properties on Run Time, Forces and Energy Efficiency

Simulation Runs




Maximum Normal


Maximum Tangential

Forces Effective


(%) A B C A B C

(a) 2 Order Mag-All

parts 8.8 4.86 2.86 1.26 1.26 0.55 0.26 3.9

(b) 1 Order Mag-

Media 20.8 1.16 0.89 0.12 0.21 0.17 0.02 3.5

(c) 2 Order Mag –

Media 7.1 1.76 1.25 0.94 0.34 0.24 0.18 3.5

(d) Steel-Agitator 6.9 2.58 2.07 1.01 0.61 0.38 0.22 7.9

(e) Steel +Poly-

Agitator 7.2 1.50 2.23 1.96 0.27 0.34 0.36 2.9

(f) Steel + Poly

Agitator & Drag


8.3 2.04 1.95 1.69 0.40 0.36 0.32 4.0

5.3.5 Model Parameters

Since the model simulations were aimed at understanding the behaviour of the particles in the

mill at different operating conditions, as well as the effect of the different particle properties on

each other, the parameters were classified as fixed and variable. Fixed Parameters

The fixed parameters were mill design, material properties, contact forces model, number of

particles and external body forces acting on the particles. The fixed parameters had to be

compromised in order to achieve a realistic simulation based on reasonable values of the iterated



The fixed parameters were summarized as follows:

Mill agitator discs were circular.

Material properties input to the EDEM software are as listed in Table 5-3.

Particles and mill components interactions were coefficient of restitution, a coefficient of

static friction, and a coefficient of rolling friction. Table 5-4 lists coefficient values which

were based on similar values for similar material from the websites rocscience, 2010,

roymech, 2010, accuratus, 2010 and efunda, 2010.

Particle size was 3 mm for both media and galena.

Number of particles simulated was: media 44,775 and galena 19,407.

The contact force model was the Hertz Mindlin model.

An external body force was applied in the form of drag force (x-axis component) in the

direction of fluid flow from section A towards section C.

Table 5-3: Material Properties - Fixed Parameters

Mill Parts Density




(G) (Pa)


Ratio (υ)

Mill Chamber

Steel 8000 7.40 x 1010 0.30

Agitator (calculated)

Polyurethane+ Steel 4625 8.60 x 108 0.4


Ceramic MT1 3700 1.20 x 109 0.21


Galena 7190 3.19 x 1010 0.27


Table 5-4: Particles and Mill Component Interactions

Mill Component Media Galena


Agitator 0.4 0.2 0.01 0.35 0.35 0.01

Chamber 0.5 0.4 0.01 0.45 0.5 0.01

Media Particles 0.5 0.2 0.01 0.45 0.3 0.01

Note: COR : Coefficient of Restitution

COSF: Coefficient of Static Friction

CORF: Coefficient of Rolling Friction Variable Parameters

The main objective of the simulation was to visualize the behaviour of the particles across the

mill length, and to quantify the forces that the different types of particles were exposed to at

different agitator speeds. The variables tested were the agitator speed and material properties,

including ceramic media and galena like minerals. The effect of the agitator speed on a single

material type in the mill, namely the ceramic media particles, were tested via a series of

simulation runs at 3 agitator speeds, 1000, 1500 and 2000 rpm. Then the effect of galena

particles on the system performance was modeled at intermediate agitator speed (1500 rpm) and

high agitator speed (2000 rpm).

The responses were quantified by varying the agitator speed and analysing the responses. It was

possible to quantify the rate at which the particles spread across the mill, as well as the type

(normal/tangential) and magnitude of forces generated at different input energies.


5.4 Computer Model Results

The core objective of this research was to further understand the effect of different high speed

stirred mill operating conditions (energy input via agitator speed) and the interactions between

different material types. Experimental work tested three agitator speeds (1000, 1500 and 2000

rpm), and their effect on extreme material properties (quartz and galena). For the sake of

comparison, the model runs were chosen to simulate conditions close to actual grinding

operation. To understand the effect of different simulation parameters on the modeled system,

each parameter had to be tested individually before simulating a complex system. Therefore, it

was important to start the model runs with one type of particle in the system (media particles)

and study the effect of the different agitator speeds on particle behaviour and forces generated.

Then a more complex model was generated by adding galena particles to the system and the

effect of medium and high agitator speeds were investigated. Fixed parameters for the five runs

are presented in Table 5-3 and Table 5-4.

5.4.1 Media Particles Runs

According to the particle distribution analysis shown in Figure 5-8 and Figure 5-9, the mill

reached its stable state at about the 12th

second. As a result, the simulation was run for 15

seconds to assure stable conditions were reached. The particle, forces and energy distributions

were analysed. Particle Distribution

For the sake of comparison, the total number of particles was fixed for all simulation runs.

Particle distribution across the mill was an initial sign of system stability. Since agitator speed

dictated the energy input to the particles, it was important to evaluate the effect of the agitator

speed on stability. As shown in Figure 5-10, particle distribution across the mill was similar for


the three agitator speeds tested. By the 12th

second, the number of particles at the three sections

tended to approach the 15 000 particles in each section. Sections A and B started with a higher

number of particles at time zero. The number of particles decreased in section A by about 9%

and by 6% in section B, but increased by 14% in section C.


Figure 5-10: Particle Distribution vs. Simulation Time

(a)1000rpm, (b) 1500rpm, (c) 2000rpm





The initial particle distribution was 47% in section A, 39% in section B and 14% in section C. At

stable conditions (at the 12th second), the particle distribution was 38% in section A, 34% in

section B and 28% in section C. Section C had the least number of particles in the system. Fluid

flow slowed down the particle spread across the mill as shown in Figure 5-8 and Figure 5-10.

Therefore, fluid flow drag forces were incorporated in the simulation. The material properties

chosen and the number of particles distributed across the mill length were minimum at the

classifier section, bringing the model closer to the actual mill operation. Energy Distribution

The stirred mill dynamics can be summarized as an input energy to the system via rotation of an

agitator (torque), which in turn transmits the energy to the particles in contact with the agitator.

Such particles gain kinetic and rotational kinetic energies, which are in turn transmitted to the

neighbouring particles via contacts and impacts. Hence, the energies can be summarized as input

energy via the agitator’s torque, and output energies which are the particles’ kinetic energies plus

rotational kinetic energies. Although the agitator rotation speed was pre-defined to be 1000 rpm

(5m/s), 1500 rpm (8m/s) and 2000 rpm (10m/s), the lifting and agitation of the particles created

resistance, which in turn changed the agitator’s torque values per time step. In order to trace the

effect of lifting and agitation on torque values, the agitator torque value was saved after every

iteration interval, as well as total kinetic energies and rotational kinetic energies of all the

particles for each section in the mill (A, B and C). Energy values were exported to a spread sheet

for analysis. Input energy from the agitator was calculated using the torque values, as per

Equation 5-12. Output energies were the sum of all the kinetic and rotational kinetic energies for

all the particles, as per sections A, B and C. Output versus input energies were plotted, and the

slopes of the lines were the effective energy ratio in the mill, as shown in Figure 5-11.



EI: input energy

T: torque

rpm: revolution per minute

t: time

Figure 5-11: Output vs. Input Energies for Media Runs

(a)1000rpm, (b) 1500rpm, (c) 2000rpm, (d) Full Mill

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Equation 5-12


The energy distribution differed in the three sections of the mill according to the agitator speed.

Section C was exposed to the least energy for the three agitator speeds. Section A and B had

similar energy distribution throughout the simulation time at 1500 rpm, Figure 5-11(b). The

sections also had similar energy distributions up to an input energy of 400 J for the 2000 rpm

(Figure 5-11(c)). Beyond an input energy of 400 J at 2000 rpm, section B showed a steeper slope

than section A (Figure 5-11(c)), which implied that the same input energy in section B was better

utilized by the particles than that in section A. The commencement of the run showed similar

particle behaviour in sections A and B at 1000 rpm (Figure 5-11(a)). The overall effective energy

percent ratio (ratio of output to input) for the three agitator speeds were 4.9% for 1000 rpm, 4%

for 1500 rpm and 4.4% for 2000 rpm as in Figure 5-11(d). The experimental and theoretical

(computer model) effective energies could not be compared directly, since the energies

encountered in the actual mill had complex parameters that were not addressed by the computer

model. The dynamics of a continuous flow of slurry through the mill, the actual particle breakage

versus time, the particle size distribution in the slurry mix, were all parameters that were not

considered in this research.

To evaluate the energy balance across the mill, effective energy ratio was plotted versus

simulation time Figure 5-12. The effective energy ratio consistently increased in section C at a

higher rate for the higher agitator speed. For sections A and B during the first two seconds of the

run, the mill experienced a disturbance at the three agitator speeds. Then the effective energy

ratio stabilized according to the agitator speed. The effective energy ratio stabilized when it did

not change with time, which implied that the particles gained their inertia relative to the mill

agitator rotation, and that the effect of lifting and falling of the particles versus energy

consumption during the agitation was not changing with time. The effective energy ratio in


sections A and B coincided after the first 2 seconds at 2000 rpm, they converged at the 8th second

at 1500 rpm, and they were almost parallel at 1000 rpm.

The effective energy ratio was highest at the lowest agitator speed (1000 rpm), followed by the

2000 rpm, and the lowest effective energy ratio was at the 1500 rpm. The results could be

explained by particles dynamic in the mill relative to the agitator torque and individual particles’

kinetic flow. The agitator torque was directly affected by the number of particles resting on the

agitator, which in turn affected the center of mass of the particles that the agitator was lifting.

Cumulative energy trends were further evaluated.

Figure 5-12: Media Effective Energy Ratio vs. Simulation Time









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


e E


y R


Time (sec)

1000 RPM

Section A

Section B

Section C









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


e E




Time (sec)

1500 RPM

Section A

Section B

Section C









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


ve E


y R



Time (sec)

2000 RPM

Section A

Section B

Section C









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


ve E


y R



Time (sec)

Full Mill Energy Efficiency




(a) (b)

(c) (d)


The cumulative energy trends did not follow the agitator speed. The intermediate agitator speed,

1500 rpm, had the lowest effective energy ratio, and the lowest agitator speed had the highest as

shown in Figure 5-12 (d). Therefore, instantaneous torque, input and output energies were further

investigated. The torque trend showed similarity for the three agitator speeds as presented in

Figure 5-13. The standard deviation of the average torque among the three agitator speeds was

only 0.0081, which showed that the torque was quite constant for the three agitator speeds. This

observation contradicted the expected torque values relative to the agitator speed. The simple

equation for torque was the tangential force multiplied by the radius on which the force was

acting. The torque on the agitator, calculated by EDEM, was the tangential contact force,

multiplied by the distance from the center of mass of the particles resting on the agitator, to the

contact point. Therefore, the amount of stationary particles on the agitator dictated the distance to

be multiplied by the tangential contact force, which in turn affected the torque value during

agitation. The average number of particles in contact with the agitator was inversely proportional

to the agitator speeds. The number of particles in contact with the agitator was 508, 412 and 387

at agitator speeds 1000, 1500 and 2000 rpm, respectively. This implied that the torque values

should have an order similar to the number of contact particles, where the lowest agitator speed

should posses the highest torque value and the highest agitator speed should have the highest

torque values.

In order to translate the torque into input energy, the torque values were multiplied by the

agitator speed, which created the proportional differences of the input energy curves, relative to

the agitator speeds as shown in Figure 5-14(a). On the other hand, the output energies, kinetic

and rotational energies were individually calculated by EDEM based on the particle velocities

and rotational velocities. The proportional differences of the output energy curves, relative to the


agitator speeds, as shown in Figure 5-14(b) were similar to the input energy, Figure 5-14(a). The

results agreed with the empirical power equation of Gao’s et al. (1996), (Equation 2-4). This

equation related the mill power consumption to the agitator speed to the power of 1.429,

where . Since power is the product of torque and agitator speed ( ), then with

direct substitution, ( , the torque would be directly proportional to the power of

0.429 ( ). This implied that the effect of the agitator speed (N) on the power/energy

was more significant when compared to its effect on torque, which explained the insignificant

response of the torque to the agitator speed when compared to the power.

Figure 5-13: Torque vs. Simulation Time

Figure 5-14: Instantaneous Energy vs. Time Simulation, a) Input Energy, b) Output Energy










0 5 10 15



e (



Time (sec)

15 per. Mov. Avg. (1000) 15 per. Mov. Avg. (1500) 15 per. Mov. Avg. (2000)










0 5 10 15


t E



Time (sec)

15 per. Mov. Avg. (1000) 15 per. Mov. Avg. (1500) 15 per. Mov. Avg. (2000)







0 5 10 15





Time (sec)

15 per. Mov. Avg. (1000) 15 per. Mov. Avg. (1500) 15 per. Mov. Avg. (2000)

(a) (b)


Despite the fact that the model agreed with other empirical mathematical models that related the

power to agitator speed (Gao’s et al., 1996), the relationship between energy utilization and types

of forces was not entirely understood. Energy input was utilised as friction, impact, linear and

rolling velocities, tangential forces and normal forces. From the effective energy percent ratio

plots for the three agitator speeds in Figure 5-11(d), it could be deduced that at a speed of 1500

rpm, the energy input was used differently than at other agitator speeds. EDEM would track and

save the tangential and normal forces, which were then exported for further analysis. Forces Distribution

Stirred milling exposes the particles to both fracture and attrition. Fracture is due to impact and

compressive forces, which could be translated using a computer model into the normal

component of the forces applied on the particles. Attrition breakage is due to abrasion, which

could be identified in a computer model as the tangential component of the forces applied on the

particles. Maximum normal and tangential forces, for each time step, and at each section in the

mill (sections A, B and C) were exported, and their averages were calculated over the total

simulation time. The highest normal and tangential forces occurred primarily in section A, due to

the highest number of particles in this section. A higher agitator speed generated consistent

higher normal forces in all three sections of the mill. Tangential force values were not

significantly different between the three agitator speeds; however, there was a trend where the

agitator speed of 1500 rpm produced higher tangential forces than the 1000 and 2000 rpm. The

magnitude of the average normal forces were approximately 6.8 and 7.3 times more than the

tangential forces for 1000 and 2000 rpm, respectively, while normal forces for the 1500 rpm

were 5.2 times more than the tangential forces. Detailed force values are shown in Table 5-5.


Table 5-5 : Maximum Normal and Tangential Forces

The results indicated that an agitator speed of 1500 rpm would expose the particles to about 26%

more tangential forces than normal forces, compared to the 1000 and 2000 rpm. This indicated

that more abrasion was likely occurring at 1500 rpm than the lower or higher agitator speeds.

Since the energy input to the mill was not fully utilized by the particles at 1500 rpm (less energy

efficiency), the particle dynamics at 1500 rpm were different than at the other agitator speeds. As

for the 1000 and 2000 rpm, the dominant forces were the compressive forces, which would be

translated to fracture breakages rather than abrasion in actual grinding operation. Average Force Distribution

The force distribution across the mill was assessed qualitatively via snap shot images at

instantaneous times. The images were along section A-A of the mill or across the center between

the discs, section B-B, as shown in Figure 5-15(a) and (b).


1000 2.0 1.6 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.1

1500 2.3 1.9 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.2

2000 2.7 2.3 1.7 0.4 0.3 0.2

Maximum Normal Forces (N) Maximum Tangential Forces (N)RPM


Figure 5-15: Mill Cross Section

(a) Along the Mill A-A (b) Across the Center Between the Discs B-B

As shown in Figure 5-12, the effective energy ratio versus residence time response stabilized at

the 8th

second, at an agitator speed of 1000 rpm, and at the 5th second at the agitator speeds of

1500 rpm and 2000 rpm. The normal and tangential forces were similarly distributed across the

mill, but the magnitude of the maximum normal forces was five times more than the tangential

forces. An example of the normal and tangential forces distribution, both along and across the

mill, are shown in Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17.





(a) (b)


Figure 5-16: (a) Normal and (b) Tangential Forces Distribution in Section A-A for 1000 rpm run




Figure 5-17: (a) Normal and (b) Tangential Forces Distribution in Section B-B for 1000 rpm






The effect of the agitator speed on normal force distribution is presented in Table 5-6. The higher

agitator speed would drive the particles out and away from the agitator towards the inner wall of

the mill chamber, via centrifugal acceleration forces, as shown in section A-A. The forces were

higher in the middle section between the discs at the medium agitator speed, 1500 rpm. The

radial distribution of the normal forces, section B-B, was similar for the three agitator speeds.

The forces in the lifting section possessed average values of 3x10-3

N normal forces and 6x10-4


tangential force, whereas the highest force values were closer to the inner chamber wall, with

different intensities according to the agitator speed. The force distribution dissipated at the

classifier section, but did not completely disappear. In other words, grinding occurred throughout

the mill, but the highest grinding forces were between the discs.


Table 5-6: Normal Forces Distribution Across the Mill at 1000, 1500 and 2000 rpm Agitator Speed

1000 rpm 1500 rpm 2000 rpm






5.4.2 Galena and Media Particles Runs

Since this study incorporated the effect of different material properties on the mill performance,

19,407 particles similar to galena properties were added to the system. The total number of

media plus galena particles in the system totalled 64,182 particles. Accordingly, the iteration

time of the simulation run increased drastically, due to the increased number of particles in the

system. Therefore, the simulation runs were shortened to 5 seconds instead of 15 seconds, and

only 2 agitator speeds were tested, 1500 and 2000 rpm. Particle Distribution

The particle distribution across the mill was evaluated separately, based on the type of particles.

After running the model on the mixed media plus galena, the media particles were distributed

across the three sections of the mill with the same distribution as the run with only media. The

spread of the particles across the three sections was faster with the presence of galena in the

system compared to media-only runs (Figure 5-18, a, c). For the galena run at 1500 rpm, the

number of particles in section A did not change much by the 5th

second. The number of galena

particles at the same agitator speed in sections B and C were equal by the 2nd

second, with

60 000 particles in each section, (Figure 5-18 b). At 2000 rpm (Figure 5-18d), the number of

galena particles in section C was greater than in section B.


Figure 5-18: Number of Particles Distribution Across the Mill:

(a) Media distribution at 1500 rpm;

(b) Galena distribution at 1500 rpm;

(c) Media distribution at 2000 rpm;

(d) Galena distribution at 2000 rpm







0 1 2 3 4 5



er o

f P




Time (sec)

G1500 RPM - Media










0 1 2 3 4 5



er o

f P




Time (sec)

G1500 RPM - Galena










0 1 2 3 4 5



er o

f P




Time (sec)

G2000 RPM - Media










0 1 2 3 4 5



er o

f P




Time (sec)

G2000 RPM - Galena




(a) (b)

(c) (d)



Figure 5-19: Initial Particle Distribution at Time Zero: (a) Radial Direction, section B-B; (b) Linear

Direction, section A-A, (c) Isometric corss section

Visual evaluation of the galena particle mixing showed that the distribution became more

homogenous by the end of the 5th

second. It was presumed that 5 seconds were not enough for

complete homogenization and proper mixing of the galena and media particles. Agitator speed

did not show a major effect on mixing and homogenizing the two types of particles (Table 5-7

and Table 5-8).

(a) (b)



Media Media


Table 5-7: Mixed Media and Galena Particles Distribution at 1500 rpm




Section B-B


Section A-A Isometric



1500 rpm

2.5th Second

1500 rpm

5th Second

1500 rpm


Table 5-8: Mixed Media and Galena Particles Distribution at 2000 rpm


Time 1

st Second 2.5

th Second 5

th Second

2000 rpm Maximum Forces Distribution

The maximum normal and tangential forces over the 5 second simulation run were exported for

media and galena particles for agitator speeds tested, 1500 and 2000 rpm. Galena particles

possessed the highest force values for both speeds. The detailed force distribution is shown in

Table 5-9. Both the tangential and normal forces on the galena particles were higher than on the

media particles. The average tangential forces of the galena particles were 24% and 31% higher

than media particles for the agitator speeds 1500 and 2000 rpm, respectively. The average

normal forces of the galena particles were 4% and 8% higher than the media particles for the

agitator speeds 1500 and 2000 rpm, respectively.

The agitator speed had a direct effect on the forces encountered by the particles, based on the

particle type. By increasing the agitator speed, the average increase of the tangential forces of the

galena particles, relative to the media particles, was 24%. On the other hand, the average

increase of the normal forces of the galena particles, relative to the media particles, was 50%.

The data implied that the major breakage mode of galena particles was abrasion, since tangential

forces were dominant. By increasing the agitator speed, the average increase of the normal forces


on the galena particles relative to the media particles was almost double. The data agreed with

the morphology results, where the galena concentrate breakage mode was dominantly abrasion at

low agitator speed, and turned into fracture at a higher agitator speed.

Table 5-9: Maximum Normal and Tangential Forces Distribution Average Force Distribution

Quantitative analysis of the force distribution across the mill showed that grinding occurred

throughout the mill, and that it increased at the classifier section. The media-only runs showed

no grinding occurring at the classifier section for both agitator speeds (1500 and 2000 rpm), as

shown in Figure 5-20 and Figure 5-21. The classifier section was populated by a higher number

of particles, especially galena, by the 2nd

second, which in turn created more interaction between

the particles. The galena particles were heavier than the media, which created a higher inertia

once the particles were put in motion. The inertia was in addition to the overall higher number of

particles in the mill that affected the particle kinematics within the same volume of the mill

chamber. At high agitator speed (2000 rpm) the particles spread towards the inner walls of the

mill chamber with high values of normal forces, (Figure 5-21 a). The highest values of normal

forces were under the agitator discs, and the particles were cascading closer to the agitator shaft


1500 Media 4.4 3.5 4.7 1.1 0.9 1.1

1500 Galena 4.7 4.1 4.3 1.6 1.4 1.2

2000 Media 4.5 4.4 4.1 1.0 1.1 1.0

2000 Galena 5.4 3.7 5.0 1.8 1.1 1.5

Maximum Normal Forces (N) Maximum Tangential Forces (N)RPM


than was the case with media runs, as shown in Figure 5-20b, Figure 5-21b and section B-B in

Table 5-6.

Figure 5-20: Normal Forces Distribution at 1500 rpm (a) Section A-A; (b) Section B-B

Figure 5-21: Normal Forces Distribution at 2000 rpm (a) Section A-A; (b) Section B-B

5.5 Conclusion

A computer simulation of the Isa-Mill was included in this research in order to further

understand the forces, energies and particle distribution across the mill at different operating

conditions, as well as the interaction of the particles relative to each other using the Discrete

Element Method.






Almost all computer models require a degree of compromise and deviation from an actual

system, due to the intensive computational requirements of such models. It was believed that the

parameters chosen for the basic simulation runs were the most appropriate based on the

computational abilities of the computer. The parameters chosen were based on a series of

simulation runs which evaluated each parameter individually. The parameter levels selected

brought the model close to a real IsaMill operation.

The simulation runs had very good association with the particle breakage mechanisms observed

in the morphology study. The types of forces encountered in the model were correlated to the

type of particle breakages presented by the morphology analysis.

It was observed that the agitator speed 1500 rpm exposed the media particles to 26% more

tangential forces than normal forces when compared to agitator speeds of 1000 and 2000 rpm.

This observation was similar to morphology results for quartz, where abrasion was dominant at

the medium agitator speed of 1500 rpm. On the other hand, the dominant forces at 1000 and

2000 rpm agitator speeds were normal, compressive forces, which were equivalent to fracture

breakage in an actual grinding process. It was also concluded that the media particle dynamics at

1500 rpm were different, as the effective energy ratio was the lowest at this agitator speed, when

compared with 1000 and 2000 rpm.

In order to understand the effect of the different particle properties on the forces generated and

their dynamics in the mill, particles whose properties were similar to galena properties were

added to the system. However, due to the vast number of particles in the system which were

drastically hindering the simulation time iteration, media and galena runs were limited to 5

seconds. It was observed that the media particle distribution across the mill over the 5 seconds


was similar to the runs with only media particles in the system. The galena particles behaved

differently. The number of galena particles in the first section of the mill, section A, slightly

decreased as time elapsed. Whereas for the medium agitator speed (1500 rpm) the particles in the

middle and classifier sections, sections B and C, increased up to an equal number of particles,

60 000, by the 2nd

second. At the high agitator speed (2000 rpm), the number of particles in

section C was slightly more than the number of particles in section B. Visual examination of

media and galena particles mixing and homogenizing showed that five seconds were not quite

enough time in order to reach a stable, homogenized system.

On the other hand, quantitative analysis of the media and galena particle forces provided some

insight into the type of breakage that the different types of particles were exposed to in the mill at

different agitator speeds. The data agreed with the morphology results, that the major breakage

mode of galena particles was abrasion, since tangential forces were dominant. Morphology

results also showed that by increasing the agitator speed, a fracture breakage mode started to

show, and this breakage along grain boundaries. Those results complied with the model findings,

which demonstrated that at the higher agitator speed, the normal forces of the galena particles,

relative to the media particles, increased by 50%. Normal forces were translated into

compressive forces that would consequently impose fracture breakage along the grain


The coherent findings of the DEM model, with the equivalent observations of the morphology

analysis, contributed to the understanding of the particle breakage mode and mechanism. Thus, a

DEM model could be used to predict types of particle breakages in stirred milling, based on the

material properties of the particles and mill operating conditions.


6. Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusions

The major objective of this research was to gain a comprehensive understanding of how

operating parameters would affect particle breakage mechanisms in stirred mills. In order to

achieve the objective, state of the art researches performed on stirred mills were reviewed. It was

recognised that the operation and performance of these mills was only empirically understood.

Breakage modes of the particles under different grinding mechanisms were morphologically

analysed. The literature was reviewed in order to summarize the relationship between breakage

mode and surface texture (morphology features). The effect of different operating conditions and

different material properties on grinding performance was analysed via particle size reduction

analysis and energy consumption.

Experimental results were supported by discrete element modeling (DEM). None of the models

performed to date related the effect of different particle properties on each other. The computer

simulation models performed on the IsaMill were over simplified. The effect of the media

classifier, and the classifier on the particle flow and distribution were not investigated. The

computer model in this study was designed to be as close as possible to the real case scenario, so

that the forces and energy distributions across the mill were quantitatively analysed.


The conclusions of the experimental work can be summarized as follows:

6.1.1 Experimental Work

The parameters addressed in the experimental work were material properties, machine

input energy, in the form of different agitator speeds, and residence time effect on

breakage behaviour.

The materials chosen for the set of experiments were quartz and galena concentrate that

were extreme in their hardness values as well as their specific gravity. The other two

materials chosen were a mixed sample of galena and quartz with a ratio of 1:6, and a

similar but locked lead-zinc ore sample from the SAG discharge of Red Dog mine.

The machine input energy was defined by three agitator speeds which were 1000, 1500

and 2000 rpm.

The residence time effect on grinding was studied by circulating the material into the

mill five times, so that the same particles would be exposed to the same grinding

mechanism for a longer time. The flow rate was set at 3.5 L/min, which was the highest

flow rate the machine could handle.

Material type had a major effect on particle size distribution and size reduction at the

three agitator speeds evaluated.

Quartz did not break efficiently at the 1000 rpm agitator speed, which indicated that

there was a minimum energy input required to initiate and break the quartz particles.

On the other hand, the 1000 rpm was enough for the galena to break. The extreme

agitator speed of 2000 rpm, broke the galena particles down to their grinding limit after

the first pass through the mill.


The effect of the quartz breakage mechanism was dominant over the galena, due to the

higher content of quartz compared to galena, ratio of 6:1.

The initial breakage rate of the 4 materials tested increased linearly with the increase of

the agitator speed. However, breakage rates were almost one order of magnitude higher

for the soft minerals than the hard minerals. Average breakages were directly affected

by how close the particle sizes were to their grinding limit. Breakage rate decreased

once it reached the grinding limit of the material.

The breakage rate was linear for most of the grinds, except for the quartz at 2000 rpm,

the galena concentrate at 1000 rpm, the mix at 2000 rpm and the lead-zinc ore sample at

1500 and 2000 rpm. At these agitator speeds an exponential breakage rate trend was

revealed. This observation indicated that quartz, the harder mineral would break faster

at the higher agitator speed, whereas galena, the soft mineral, would break faster at a

lower agitator speed. The breakage mechanism of the mix quartz and galena sample

followed the harder mineral mechanism rather than the softer mineral. As for the lead-

zinc ore sample breakage rate, it was faster at the 1500 and 2000 rpm, which indicated

that it had a high content of hard minerals, as well as a reasonable amount of soft

minerals. The hard minerals lead to fast breakage rate at high agitator speed and the soft

minerals lead to fast breakage rate at intermediate agitator speed.

Energy consumption was evaluated using the typical signature plots. There was some

overlap in the energy required versus targeted size between the different agitator speeds;

however, the overlap was not consistent. The analysis also revealed that the data fit

differently to the power and exponential equations, based on the type of material and

agitator speed selected for grinding.


The agitator speed has a higher effect on the mill’s effective energy ratio than the type

of mineral it is grinding. The higher the agitator speed, the better use of the energy

input to the mill during the grinding process.

The amount of energy required to break one micron was directly affected by the type of

material being ground. Soft minerals required less energy per micron at all agitator

speeds. Thus, the softer minerals would break faster at lower agitator speed than harder

minerals and vice versa.

6.1.2 Morphology

Morphology analysis assists in understanding the breakage behaviour of the different material

properties at different stress intensity inputs, in the form of the agitator speeds. Results from this

research demonstrated that there was a potential to understand grinding versus liberation, beyond

the obvious fact that the smaller the particles, the more the minerals will be liberated.

The major morphological features analysed were the surface roughness, roundness and

elongation of the particles. Surface roughness dictates the type of breakage, whether it is

along the grain boundaries or across them. The breakage along the grain boundaries

should create rougher surfaces and less circular particles.

Roughness values were assessed using Clemex software, and results were biased to

smooth counts. Accordingly, a manual point count method was developed and tested.

Despite the fact that there was about 6% difference between counters, based on their

judgement of the degree of roughness of the particles, the trends of the data of the

manual point count and Clemex software results were similar and correlated.

Initial breakage results according to the Clemex analysis coincided with the manual

point counting and stacked charts. The galena concentrate had a trend of fracture


breakage along grain boundaries, at the higher agitator speed of 2000 rpm, whereas

quartz had a trend of abrasion breakage, across grain boundaries, at the same agitator

speed. This suggested that if the target was to liberate minerals similar to galena, then a

higher agitator speed would be recommended.

The effect of residence time reflected a similar trend for Clemex analysis and manual

point counting, using Pearson’s time correlation. Increasing residence time promoted

abrasion breakage (transgranular breakage) for both galena concentrate and quartz.

Visual observations and trends counts of rough (R4+R5) and smooth (R1+R2)

particles showed that stirred mills broke the particles via both abrasion and fracture.

The overall trends for both types of materials (quartz, and galena concentrate)

demonstrated that the amount of rough particles was always higher than smooth

particles. This observation could be interpreted as fracture being the breakage

mechanism that was dominant in the grinding system, along with some abrasion. This

hypothesis was built on the observation that the particles size decreased during the

grinding process, as per the PSD analysis. Therefore, in spite of the fact that the size

fractions counted were similar, they were the progeny of coarser fractions. The trends

proved that an abrasion breakage mechanism increased with time and existed in the

stirred milling process, but that fracture was equally present, if not dominant during

initial breakages, and for fine fractions.

If the target was to liberate, soft mineral such as galena, then higher agitator speed as

well as short residence time in the mill would be recommended and vice versa for hard



Flow dynamics in the mill were not exclusively dependent on the hardness of the

mineral. Liberation analysis of the lead-zinc ore sample showed that pyrite and quartz

were close in hardness values. Mohs hardness values were 6.5 and 7, respectively.

Liberation dependent on the specific gravity of the minerals, which dictated the flow

dynamics in the mill and surface energy per unit mass.

It was learned from the morphology analysis that minerals, similar to galena properties,

would break faster at lower agitator speeds. However, breakage would be achieved via

abrasion. In order to impose intergranular breakage on minerals similar to galena

properties, a higher agitator speed and shorter residence time would be recommended.

In other words, mode of breakage should be a priority over breakage rate in order to

produce liberated particles.

6.1.3 Computer Model

Discrete Element Modeling was utilized in this study to further understand the forces, energies

and particle distributions across the mill at different operating conditions.

Computer modeling is a data intensive computing system which demands compromise

and deviation from the parameters of an actual system. To create a model close to a real

IsaMill, a series of simulation runs were performed in order to evaluate each parameter

individually. The parameters were:

- The number of particles,

- Material properties of the mill and of the particles,

- Presence versus absence of fluid flow.


The computer model simulation runs produced a very good association between the

particle breakage mechanisms observed by the morphology results, and the types of

forces encountered in the model.

A summary of the observations from the simulation runs were as follows:

- The medium agitator speed, 1500 rpm, exposed the media particles to 26% more

tangential forces than normal forces, when compared to agitator speeds of 1000

and 2000 rpm. This observation was similar to morphology results for quartz,

where abrasion was dominant at the medium agitator speed, 1500 rpm. On the

other hand, the agitator speeds of 1000 and 2000 rpm as dominant forces were

normal, compressive forces.

- It was also concluded that the dynamics of the media particles in the mill at 1500

rpm were different than that of the 1000 and 2000 rpm agitator speeds, since the

effective energy ratio was the lowest at 1500 rpm agitator speed.

Particles with properties similar to galena were added to the system to understand the

effect of the different particle properties on the forces generated, and their dynamics in

the mill. However, due to the increased number of particles in the system which

drastically hindered the simulation time iteration, the mixed particles, media and galena,

runs were limited to 5 seconds. The galena and media particle simulation results can be

summarized as follows:

- Media particle distributions across the mill over the 5 seconds were similar to the

runs with only media particles in the system. Galena particle distributions

behaved differently. The number of Galena particles in the first section of the mill,

section A, slightly decreased as time elapsed for the both agitator speeds, 1500


and 2000 rpm. The middle and classifier sections (B and C) both had 60 000

particles at 1500 rpm agitator speed by the 2nd

second, but the number of particles

increased in section C, compared to section B at the 2000 rpm agitator speed.

- Visual examination of media and galena particles mixing and homogenizing

showed that the five seconds were not enough to reach a stable, homogenized


- The quantitative analysis of the type of forces generated by the media and galena

particles agreed with the morphology results. The major breakage mode for galena

was abrasion, since tangential forces were dominant. Morphology results also

showed that by increasing the agitator speed, fracture breakage mode, that is

breakage along grain boundaries, started to come into view. Those results

complied with the model findings, which demonstrated that the higher agitator

speeds increased the average increase of the normal forces of the galena particles

relative to the media particles, by 50%. Normal forces were translated into

compressive forces that would consequently impose fracture breakage, along the

grain boundaries.

- The coherent findings of the DEM model, along with the equivalent observations

of the morphology analysis, contributed to the understanding of the particle

breakage mode and mechanism. Thus, a DEM model could be used to predict

types of particle breakages in stirred milling, based on the particle material

properties and mill operating conditions.


6.2 Recommendations

This work was a comprehensive study on the stirred mill operation and particle breakage. Some

of the tools utilized in this study were new to the industry, such as the morphology analysis, and

other tools were extensively used, such as the computer modeling. However, most of the

computer models were analysed qualitatively, rather than quantitatively. Also, the correlation

between the experimental and the computer models were rarely addressed in literature.

Nevertheless, more work still needs to be performed on morphology, as well as the quantitative

computing models is needed in order to fully understand the mill performance and operation so

that knowledgeable operating conditions could be employed rather than applying empirical data.

Recommendations for further work are summarized as follows:

6.2.1 Experimental and Morphology

Perform a similar series of grinding experiments using multi-size grinding media to

reach a real grinding limit of the material in question.

Further investigation on the actual material properties that cause different types of

breakage, fracture, or abrasion, such as hardness, specific gravity and crystal structure

of the mineral.

A complete, detailed liberation/morphology analysis for all size fractions, so that a

proper liberation balance may be performed.

Additional work on the 3D liberation analysis versus the conventional method, in order

to generate a correlation that can be used for a quick, and inexpensive, preliminary ore



6.2.2 Computer Modeling

Invest in a more powerful computer that can handle larger number of particles and

longer simulation times, in order to bring the model closer to a real stirred mill


Couple the model to CFD (Computer Fluid Dynamics) software and run a similar set of

models, in order to understand and visualize the performance of the particles in the mill

quantitatively as well as qualitatively.

Add irregular shaped particles to the system and trace them through the mill at different

agitator speeds.



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Appendix A: Experimental Data

Appendix A1: MSDS Sheets

A1-1: Lead Concentrate Sample






A1-2: Quartz Sample







A1-3: SAG Discharge, Lead-Zinc Ore Sample




Appendix A2: Assay Analysis

Sample Elements

Pb Zn Fe Al2O3 BaO CaO Cr2O3 Fe2O3 K2O MgO MnO

Silica Sample - - - 0.54 <0.01 0.11 0.05 0.52 0.18 0.03 <0.01

Galena Concentrate 82.7 1.49 0.26 0.07 - 0.03 <0.01 0.36 0.02 0.01 <0.01

Lead Zinc Ore 9.30 19.8 7.00 0.83 - 0.87 0.02 10.35 0.11 0.08 0.02

Na2O P2O5 SiO2 TiO2

Silica Sample 0.19 0.05 92.1 0.06

Galena Concentrate 0.17 - 0.34 <0.01

Lead Zinc Ore 0.10 - 31.7 0.02

% % % % % % % % % % %

Analytical Laboratory Manager

ISO 9001:2008Certificate No. FS63170

Date: April 15th, 2011

University of British Columbia - KM3009

Certificate of Analysis


Appendix A3: Measured Specific Gravity, SG


Appendix A4: Experimental Data

Table A4-1: Quartz Experimental Data at 1000 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: Jan 29, '10

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: Q1000

Target RPM 1000

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5

Starting Flow Rate: 77.10% 860 mL 15.03 sec ===> 3.433 L/min

Pass Number Start RPM


Test Time


Test Time



Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read







d Power


1 1000 6.82 6.82 1.04 21 0.4 0.7 3.43 92.09 0.11 0.023 0.2

2 1000 13.35 6.53 2.03 22 0.35 0.7 3.52 92.19 0.10 0.022 0.2

3 1000 19.88 6.53 3.02 22.5 0.4 0.7 3.51 92.29 0.10 0.022 0.2

4 1000 26.30 6.42 4.00 24 0.4 0.7 3.44 92.38 0.09 0.021 0.2

5 1000 32.68 6.38 4.97 25 0.4 0.7 3.34 92.47 0.09 0.021 0.2

Silica: 30.8% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 22.5L Galena: 54.5% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 8.3L Initial Energy @ T0 = 91.98 KWhr

14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 33.7L 14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 12.5L

Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 11.2L Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 4.17L

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank,

since what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-2: Quartz Experimental Data at 1500 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: Jan 29, '10

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: Q1500

Target RPM 1500

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 77.10% 870 mL 15.06 sec ===> 3.466 L/min

Pass Number Start RPMCummlative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read









1 1490 6.97 6.97 1.06 19.00 0.45 1.6 3.43 92.94 0.22 0.093 0.8

2 1490 13.87 6.90 2.11 22.50 0.45 1.7 3.45 93.15 0.21 0.104 0.9

3 1490 20.55 6.68 3.13 26.00 0.45 1.7 3.39 93.36 0.21 0.100 0.9

4 1490 27.02 6.47 4.11 28.00 0.45 1.6 3.41 93.55 0.19 0.086 0.8

5 1490 33.52 6.50 5.10 30.00 0.45 1.5 3.44 93.74 0.18 0.076 0.7

Silica: 30.8% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 22.5L Galena: 54.5% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 8.3L Initial Energy @ T0 = 92.71 KWhr

14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 33.7L 14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 12.5L

Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 11.2L Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 4.17L

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank,

since what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-3: Quartz Experimental Data at 2000 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: Jan 29, '10

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: Q2000

Target RPM 2000

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 77.00% 965 mL 16.94 sec ===> 3.418 L/min

Pass Number start RPMCummlative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read









1 1940 6.92 6.92 1.05 23.00 0.50 2.7 3.46 95.42 0.34 0.18 1.6

2 1950 13.17 6.25 2.00 29.00 0.50 2.5 3.51 95.70 0.28 0.15 1.4

3 1950 19.42 6.25 2.95 31.00 0.55 2.5 3.37 95.98 0.28 0.15 1.4

4 1950 25.58 6.17 3.89 35.00 0.55 2.5 3.40 96.25 0.27 0.14 1.4

5 1950 32.10 6.52 4.88 37.00 0.55 2.5 3.52 96.55 0.30 0.15 1.4

Silica: 30.8% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 22.5L Galena: 54.5% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 8.3L Initial Energy @ T0 = 95.08 KWhr

14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 33.7L 14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 12.5L

Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 11.2L Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 4.17L

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank,

since what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-4: Galena Concentrate Experimental Data at 1000 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: Jan 30, '10

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: G1000

Target RPM 1000

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 77.00% 870 mL 14.81 sec ===> 3.525 L/min

Pass Number start RPMCummlative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read









1 1000 3.30 3.30 0.90 23.00 0.4 0.8 3.51 98.30 0.06 0.02 0.3

2 1000 6.73 3.43 1.85 23.50 0.4 0.8 3.53 98.36 0.05 0.02 0.3

3 1000 9.73 3.00 2.67 24.00 0.4 0.8 3.35 98.40 0.05 0.02 0.3

4 1000 12.68 2.95 3.48 24.00 0.5 0.7 3.52 98.44 0.04 0.01 0.2

5 1000 15.55 2.87 4.26 24.50 0.5 0.7 3.39 98.49 0.04 0.01 0.2

Silica: 30.8% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 22.5L Galena: 54.5% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 8.3L Initial Energy @ T0 = 98.24 KWhr

14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 33.7L 14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 12.5L

Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 11.2L Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 4.17L

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank, since what is left

in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-5: Galena Concentrate Experimental Data 1500 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: Jan 30, '10

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: G1500

Target RPM 1500

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 77.00% 870 mL 14.69 sec ===> 3.553 L/min

Pass Number start RPMCummlative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read









1 1500 3.87 3.87 1.06 21.00 0.70 1.9 3.50 99.61 0.13 0.07 1.10

2 1500 7.73 3.87 2.12 23.00 0.80 1.55 3.46 99.72 0.11 0.05 0.75

3 1500 11.50 3.77 3.15 25.50 0.80 1.8 3.48 99.84 0.12 0.06 1.00

4 1500 15.35 3.85 4.21 27.00 0.60 1.6 3.63 99.95 0.12 0.05 0.80

5 1500 18.87 3.52 5.17 30.00 0.70 1.6 3.44 100.06 0.11 0.05 0.80

Silica: 30.8% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 22.5L Galena: 54.5% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 8.3L Initial Energy @ T0 = 99.48 KWhr

14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 33.7L 14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 12.5L

Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 11.2L Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 4.17L

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank,

since what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-6: Galena Concentrate Experimental Data at 2000 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: Jan 30, '10

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: G2000

Target RPM 2000

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 77.00% 880 mL 15.09 sec ===> 3.499 L/min

Pass Number start RPMCumulative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cumulative Energy


Energy Read









1 2070 * 3.88 3.88 1.06 22.00 1.4/2.3 3.50 3.58 101.09 0.22 0.16 2.40

2 1980 7.48 3.60 2.05 31.00 1.30 3.20 3.46 101.30 0.21 0.13 2.10

3 1980 10.93 3.45 3.00 34.00 1.10 3.10 -- 101.49 0.19 0.12 2.00

4 1980 14.52 3.58 3.98 38.00 1.10 3.10 -- 101.68 0.20 0.12 2.00

5 1980 17.73 3.22 4.86 42.00 1.00 3.10 3.47 101.87 0.18 0.11 2.00

* The pressure during pass1 was approaching the threshold of the machine (2.6 bar), accordingly the rpm was reduced from 2070 to 1980 to avoid tripping off the machine.

Silica: 30.8% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 22.5L Galena: 54.5% solids wt Solid Mass 10kg + Liquid 8.3L Initial Energy @ T0 = 100.872 KWhr

14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 33.7L 14.29% solids vol Solid Mass 15kg+Liquid 12.5L

Solid Mass 5kg+Liquid 4.17L

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear before second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank,

since what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-7: Mix Quartz and Galena Concentrate Experimental Data at 1000 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: April 5, 2010

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: M1000

Target RPM 1000

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 77.10% 910 mL 15.28 sec ===> 3.573 L/min

Pass Number start RPMCummlative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read









1 1000 6.97 6.97 1.09 16.00 0.40 0.80 3.49 141.08 0.11 0.03 0.30

2 1000 13.17 6.20 2.06 18.00 0.35 0.70 3.35 141.16 0.09 0.02 0.20

3 1000 18.73 5.57 2.93 19.00 0.40 0.70 April, 05, '10 141.24 0.08 0.02 0.20

4 1000 24.20 5.47 3.79 20.00 0.40 0.70 3.55 141.32 0.08 0.02 0.20

5 1000 29.55 5.35 4.63 20.00 0.40 0.70 3.57 141.40 0.08 0.02 0.20

Mix: 36% solids wt Solid Mass 12.5kg + Liquid 22.5L Initial Energy @ T0 = 140.96 KWhr

14.29% solids vol

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank, since

what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-8: Mix Quartz and Galena Concentrate Experimental Data at 2000 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: April 5, 2010

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: M2000

Target RPM 2000

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 77.30% 900 mL 15.14 sec ===> 3.567 L/min

Pass Number start RPMCummlative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read









1 1950 7.30 7.30 1.11 21.00 0.70 3.00 3.57 142.62 0.40 0.23 1.90

2 1950 13.87 6.57 2.11 22.00 0.70 3.00 3.51 142.96 0.34 0.21 1.90

3 1950 20.30 6.43 3.09 22.50 0.70 2.70 3.43 143.28 0.31 0.17 1.60

4 1950 27.47 7.17 4.18 24.00 0.70 2.70 3.61 143.61 0.34 0.19 1.60

5 1950 33.43 5.97 5.08 25.00 0.70 2.60 3.51 143.89 0.28 0.15 1.50

Mix: 36% solids wt Solid Mass 12.5kg + Liquid 22.5L Initial Energy @ T0 = 142.22 KWhr

14.29% solids vol

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank,

since what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-9: Lead-Zinc Ore Experimental Data at 1000 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: April 5, 2010

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: O1000

Target RPM 1000

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 78.00% 900 mL 15.54 sec ===> 3.475 L/min

Pass Number start RPMCummlative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read









1 980 4.38 4.38 0.67 16.00 0.40 0.70 3.55 144.06 0.07 0.01 0.20

2 980 8.87 4.48 1.35 17.00 0.40 0.70 --- 144.12 0.07 0.01 0.20

3 980 12.95 4.08 1.97 19.00 0.40 0.70 3.43 144.18 0.06 0.01 0.20

4 980 16.98 4.03 2.58 20.00 0.40 0.70 --- 144.24 0.06 0.01 0.20

5 980 20.68 3.70 3.15 21.00 0.40 0.70 3.56 144.30 0.05 0.01 0.20

Mix: 36% solids wt Solid Mass 12.5kg + Liquid 22.5L Initial Energy @ T0 = 143.99 KWhr

14.29% solids vol

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank,

since what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-10: Lead-Zinc Ore Experimental Data at 1500 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: April 5, 2010

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: O1500

Target RPM 1500

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 78.00% 840 mL 15.47 sec ===> 3.468 L/min

Pass Number start RPMCummlative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read









1 1500 5.32 5.32 0.81 18.00 0.50 1.60 3.49 144.77 0.16 0.07 0.80

2 1510 11.00 5.68 1.67 18.00 0.50 1.60 --- 144.94 0.17 0.08 0.80

3 1510 15.73 4.73 2.39 24.00 0.50 1.50 3.58 145.07 0.14 0.06 0.70

4 1510 20.88 5.15 3.18 26.00 0.50 1.50 --- 145.22 0.14 0.06 0.70

5 1510 25.40 4.52 3.86 27.00 0.50 1.50 3.24 145.34 0.13 0.05 0.70

Mix: 36% solids wt Solid Mass 12.5kg + Liquid 22.5L Initial Energy @ T0 = 144.61 KWhr

14.29% solids vol

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank,

since what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Table A4-11: Lead-Zinc Ore Experimental Data at 2000 rpm

ISA-Mill Grind Tests Data Sheet

Feed material type: Quartz Galena Ore Mix Date: April 5, 2010

SG 2.629 7.19 3.662 3.296 Test No: O2000

Target RPM 2000

Set Flow rate (L/min): ~ 3.5 max

Starting Flow Rate: 77.20% 920 mL 15.59 sec ===> 3.541 L/min

Pass Number start RPMCummlative

Test TimeTest Time


Time/4L mill

volume (min)

Temp (oC)





Flow Rate


Cummulative Energy


Energy Read









1 1980 5.08 5.08 0.77 23.00 0.60 3.00 3.67 146.09 0.27 0.16 1.90

2 1980 10.38 5.30 1.58 26.00 0.70 2.80 --- 146.35 0.27 0.15 1.70

3 1990 15.22 4.83 2.31 31.00 0.70 2.70 --- 146.59 0.23 0.13 1.60

4 1990 20.05 4.83 3.05 33.00 0.70 2.70 --- 146.92 0.33 0.13 1.60

5 1990 26.42 6.37 4.02 41.00 0.70 2.70 3.50 147.12 0.21 0.17 1.60

Mix: 36% solids wt Solid Mass 12.5kg + Liquid 22.5L Initial Energy @ T0 = 145.82 KWhr

14.29% solids vol

Discarded first 40 seconds of the first Run. Flush mill with water until water comes out clear beore second Test. Non-stop between passes, consistent flow pattern in the mill. First 30 seconds are in the feed tank,

since what is left in the mill is from previous pass.


Appendix A5: Cyclone Correlation Factor

Table A5: Cyclone Correlation Factor for Quartz, Galena Concentra, Mixed Quartz and Galena, Lead-Zinc Ore Samples


Temp (oC) Flow Rate (mm/min) Elutriation Time (min) SG



Factor Measure


Factor Measure


Factor Measure


Factor Measure



Quartz 5.3 1.225 181 0.992 20 0.995 2.629 1.00 1.161


Concentrate 5.2 1.225 180 0.992 20 0.995 7.19 0.51 0.592

Mixed Quartz

and Galena 7.7 1.180 180 0.992 20 0.955 3.296 0.85 0.950

Lead-Zinc Ore 7.8 1.180 180 0.992 20 0.995 3.662 0.77 0.861


Appendix B: Experimental Results

Appendix B1: Mass of Solids Calculations Based on Volume Percent

Target % Solids by Volume = 14.29 %

SG = gm/cm3


SG-Galena = 7.19 kg/L

SG-Silica = 2.63 kg/L

SG-Ore = 3.662 kg/L

SG-Mix = 3.296 kg/L

Mass Solids Galena = 27.0 kg ====> % Solids by weight : 54.5 for 15 kg solids => 12.5 Liter of water

Mass Solids Silica = 9.9 kg 30.5 for 10 kg solids => 22.5 Liter of water

MassSolids Ore = 13.7 kg 37.9 for 10 kg solids => 16.4 Liter of water

Mass Solid Mix = 12.4 kg 35.5 for 10 kg solids => 18.2 Liter of water


Appendix B2: Rosin Rammler Fit and Parameters

Table B2-1: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Quartz at 1000 rpm

Figure B2-1: Rosin Rammler Fit superimposed on PSD for Quartz at 1000 rpm

Quartz - 1000 RPM

Pass Slope (b) (a) P80 R2

Feed 4.42 74.52 97.38 0.98

Q1000-P1 2.26 78.28 90.57 0.94

Q1000-P2 2.20 73.12 87.68 0.94

Q1000-P3 2.13 68.09 86.12 0.94

Q1000-P4 2.08 62.94 78.72 0.95

Q1000-P5 2.05 56.79 74.95 0.93












0.1 1 10 100 1000

% P



Size (m)

Quartz - 1000 RPM - Pass














Table B2-2: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Quartz at 1500 rpm

Figure B2-2: Rosin Rammler Fit superimposed on PSD for Quartz at 1500 rpm

Quartz - 1500 RPM

Pass Slope (b) (a) P80 R2

Q1500-P1 2.06 58.89 80.10 0.93

Q1500-P2 1.86 46.21 67.81 0.95

Q1500-P3 1.82 38.21 55.94 0.95

Q1500-P4 1.80 30.35 40.39 0.93

Q1500-P5 1.67 28.15 34.71 0.93












0.1 1 10 100 1000

% P



Size (m)

Quartz - 1500 RPM - Pass














Table B2-3: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Quartz at 2000 rpm

Figure B2-3: Rosin Rammler Fit superimposed on PSD for Quartz at 2000 rpm

Quartz - 2000 RPM

Pass Slope (b) (a) P80 R2

Q2000-P1 1.86 46.66 67.66 0.96

Q2000-P2 1.81 33.36 43.41 0.94

Q2000-P3 1.69 28.09 32.39 0.93

Q2000-P4 1.66 23.56 24.18 0.91

Q2000-P5 1.65 19.80 20.04 0.91












0.1 1 10 100 1000

% P



Size (m)

Quartz - 2000 RPM - Pass














Table B2-4: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Galena at 1000 rpm

Figure B2-4: Rosin Rammler Fit superimposed on PSD for Galena at 1000 rpm

Galena - 1000 RPM

Pass Slope (b) (a) P80 R2

Feed 1.34 60 96.6 0.96

G1000-P1 2.01 32 47.7 0.92

G1000-P2 1.69 33 33.8 0.92

G1000-P3 2.07 28 25.3 0.90

G1000-P4-2 2.08 21 21.1 0.91

G1000-P5-2 1.53 22 21.3 0.96












1 10 100 1000

% P



size (m)

Galena - 1000 RPM














Table B2-5: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Galena at 1500 rpm

Figure B2-5: Rosin Rammler Fit superimposed on PSD for Galena at 1500 rpm

Galena - 1500 RPM

Pass Slope (b) (a) P80 R2

G1500-P1 2.02 22 23.4 0.89

G1500-P2 1.95 22 18.7 0.89

G1500-P3 1.99 21 17.2 0.89

G1500-P4 1.84 18 13.1 0.85

G1500-P5 1.75 16 11.9 0.82












1 10 100 1000

% P



size (m)

Galena - 1500 RPM














Table B2-6: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Galena at 2000 rpm

Figure B2-6: Rosin Rammler Fit superimposed on PSD for Galena at 2000 rpm

Galena - 2000 RPM

Pass Slope (b) (a) P80 R2

G2000-P1 1.62 20 14.0 0.82

G2000-P2 1.69 17 13.2 0.89

G2000-P3-2 1.30 23 13.2 0.84

G2000-P4 1.20 18 12.7 0.84

G2000-P5 1.05 18 12.8 0.84












1 10 100 1000

% P



size (m)

Galena - 2000 RPM Feed













Table B2-7: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Mixed quartz and galena Sample at 1000 rpm

Figure B2-7: Rosin Rammler Fit superimposed on PSD

for Mixed quartz and galena Sample at 1000 rpm

Mix - 1000

Pass Slope (b) (a) P80 R2

Feed 1.46 109.1 122.8 0.92

M1000-P1 1.47 109.5 119.9 0.95

M1000-P2 1.36 110.8 119.4 0.95

M1000-P3 1.32 88.39 109.8 0.97

M1000-P5 1.30 80.09 105.8 0.97

M1000-P4-2 1.35 72.66 100.9 0.96












1 10 100 1000

% P



size (m)

Mix - 1000 RPM














Table B2-8: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Mixed quartz and galena Sample at 2000 rpm

Figure B2-8: Rosin Rammler Parameters

for Mixed quartz and galena Sample at 2000 rpm

Mix - 2000

Pass Slope (b) (a) P80 R2

M2000-P1 1.22 53.93 82.7 0.98

M2000-P2 1.19 29.94 47.3 0.99

M2000-P3 0.98 27.11 33.9 0.95

M2000-P4 0.85 20.66 22.5 0.89

M2000-P5 1.00 14.99 17.2 0.94












1 10 100 1000

% P



size (m)

Mix - 2000 RPM














Table B2-9: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Lead-Zinc Ore at 1000 rpm

Figure B2-9: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Lead-Zinc Ore at 1000 rpm

Ore - 1000

Pass Slope (b) a P80 R2

Feed 1.12 59.52 96.2 0.97

O1000-P1 1.20 37.40 63.0 0.97

O1000-P2 1.20 34.30 56.2 0.97

O1000-P3 1.23 33.99 54.1 0.98

O1000-P4 1.20 29.75 44.5 0.98

O1000-P5 1.24 25.44 35.9 0.98












1 10 100 1000

% P



size (mm)

Ore - 1000 RPM














Table B2-10: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Lead-Zinc Ore at 1500 rpm

Figure B2-10: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Lead-Zinc Ore at 1500 rpm

Ore - 1500

Pass Slope (b) a P80 R2

O1500-P1 1.23 30.33 46.5 0.98

O1500-P2 1.22 24.92 31.9 0.97

O1500-P3 1.00 24.74 25.9 0.92

O1500-P4 0.89 21.03 20.0 0.86

O1500-P5 1.23 14.97 16.3 0.96












1 10 100 1000

% P



size (mm)

Ore - 1500 RPM














Table B2-11: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Lead-Zinc Ore at 2000 rpm

Figure B2-11: Rosin Rammler Parameters for Lead-Zinc Ore at 2000 rpm

Ore - 2000

Pass Slope (b) a P80 R2

O2000-P1 1.02 29.39 34.2 0.93

O2000-P2 0.90 21.16 20.0 0.86

O2000-P3 0.90 17.48 16.8 0.85

O2000-P4 0.82 13.90 13.0 0.80

O2000-P5 0.74 13.70 11.7 0.75












1 10 100 1000

% P



size (mm)

Ore - 2000 RPM














Appendix B3: Correlation between Measured and Calculated P80

(Initial and Post Initial) Data

Figure B3-1: Quartz Correlation; (a) Initial Breakage; (b) Average breakage






60 70 80 90 100




d P




Measured P80 (m)

Quartz - Initial

Exponential 1000

Linear 1000

Exponenial 1500

Linear 1500

Exponential 2000

Linear 2000











10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




d P




Measured P80 (m)

Quartz - Average Berakage (P1-P5)

Exponential 1000

Linear 1000

Exponential 1500

Linear 1500

Exponential 2000

Linear 2000




Figure B3-2: Galena Concentrate Correlation; (a) Initial Breakage; (b) Average breakage











10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




d P




Measured P80 (m)

Galena Concentrate - Initial

Exponential 1000

Linear 1000

Exponential 1500


Exponential 2000











10 20 30 40 50






0 (


Measured P80 (m)

Galena Concentrate

Average Berakage (P1-P5)

Exponential 1000

Linear 1000

Exponential 1500

Linear 1500

Exponential 2000

Linear 2000




Figure B3-3: Mixed Quartz and Galena Correlation;

(a) Initial Breakage; (b) Average Breakage









60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130




d P




Measured P80 (m)

Mixed Sample - Initial

Exponential 1000

Linear 1000

Exponential 2000

Linear 2000








10 30 50 70 90 110 130




d P




Measured P80 (m)

Mixed Sample

Average Berakage (P1-P5)

Exponential 1000

Linear 1000

Exponential 2000

Linear 2000

(b) (a)



Figure B3-4: Lead-Zinc Ore Correlation; (a) Initial Breakage; (b) Average breakage









30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




d P




Measured P80 (mm)

Lead-Zinc Ore - Initial

Exponential 1000

Linear 1000

Exponential 1500

Linear 1500

Exponential 2000

Linear 2000










30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70




d P




Measured P80 (m)

Lead-Zinc Ore Sample

Average Berakage (P1-P5)

Exponential 1000

Linear 1000

Exponential 1500

Linear 1500

Exponential 2000

Linear 2000




Appendix B4: Energy Breakage vs. Particle Size P80 (m)

Figure B4-1: Net Energy vs. Particle Size for Quartz

Figure B4-2: Net Energy vs. Particle Size for Galena Concentrate

y = 44285e-0.087x

R² = 0.8328

y = 675.09e-0.029x

R² = 0.8681

y = 660.33e-0.029x

R² = 0.9748







1 10 100




y (



Particle Size P80 (m)

Quartz Sample




y = 115.99e-0.04x

R² = 0.927

y = 932.29e-0.111x

R² = 0.8726

y = 2E+08e-1.028x

R² = 0.9067









1 10 100




y (



Particle Size P80 (m)

Galena Concentrate Sample





Figure B4-3: Net Energy vs. Particle Size for Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample

Figure B4-4: Net Energy vs. Particle Size for Lead-Zinc Ore Sample

y = 9027.2e-0.05x

R² = 0.9695

y = 640.78e-0.02x

R² = 0.9948







1 10 100 1000




y (



Particle Size P80 (m)

Mixed Quartz and Galena Sample



y = 303.88e-0.053x

R² = 0.8482

y = 345.42e-0.047x

R² = 0.9982

y = 661.48e-0.061x

R² = 0.9419







1 10 100




y (



Particle Size P80 (m)

Lead-Zinc Ore Sample





Appendix C: Morphology

Appendix C1: Manual Point Counting Sub-Routine

Sub Morphology()

Dim Roughness As Integer

R1 = 0

R2 = 0

R3 = 0

R4 = 0

R5 = 0


Roughness = Application.InputBox("Enter Roughness Per Particle-Between 1 and 5",

"Roughness Value", "")

If Roughness <> False Then

If Roughness = 1 Then

R1 = R1 + 1

ActiveSheet.Range("rough1").Value = R1

ElseIf Roughness = 2 Then

R2 = R2 + 1

ActiveSheet.Range("C3").Value = R2

ElseIf Roughness = 3 Then

R3 = R3 + 1

ActiveSheet.Range("D3").Value = R3

ElseIf Roughness = 4 Then

R4 = R4 + 1

ActiveSheet.Range("E3").Value = R4

ElseIf Roughness = 5 Then

R5 = R5 + 1

ActiveSheet.Range("F3").Value = R5

Else: MsgBox ("Wrong Value")

End If

End If

Loop Until Roughness = False

End Sub


Appendix C2: Snap Shot of the Manual Point Counting Screen

Figure C2-1: Screen Snap Shot of Manual Point Counting and Definition


Appendix C3: Manual Point Counting Sensitivity Analysis

Table C3-1: Initial Count of 53m Quartz Sample-Feed

Roughness level

Count %

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total

Counter 1 1 3 20 43 34 100

Counter 2 2 8 22 50 20 100

Table C3--2: After Fine Tuning Roughness Definition Count of 53m Quartz Sample-Feed

Roughness level

Count %

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total

Counter 1 2 7 34 41 18 100

Counter 2 2 7 31 41 21 100

Counter 3 1 5 35 37 23 100

Table C3-3: Count of 13m Quartz Sample-Feed

Roughness level

Count %

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total

Counter 1 0 12 20 62 6 100

Counter 2 0 9 26 61 4 100


Appendix C4: Clemex Routine

001 ' Morphology - UBC-Reem

002 Set Guard Frame to 0,0 1385x1276 µm

Set Guard Frame to 0,0 1000x921 pixels

003 Edit Analysis Property <<Sample>>

004 ' Change stage pattern based on number of images from SEM

005 Load Stage Pattern (should be used in Prolog only)

File: UBC Morphology 10 images.stg

Path: C:\IaFiles\Pattern

End of Prolog

001 Clear => All

002 ' Calibrate Scale. Choose "Edit"

003 ' Drag the Red Scale line to match the Scale from SEM image

004 ' Type Scale from SEM image in the "Caliper Width"

005 ' Image location needs to be changed for each set of samples

006 Load Image '*.jpg'

File: *.jpg

Path: C:\Documents and Settings\cpollock\Desktop\15 July 2010 UBC Morphology

933540 SEM 15kV CLP\Q1500_P5_53um

Use Default Calibration:No

007 ' Save Mosaic to Sample Folder

008 Build Mosaic

Max Mosaic Size: 2000

Destination: File "Z:\Clemex\933540 UBC Morphology\25 June


Overwrite Protection: Yes

009 Gray Threshold

BPL1 range 86..247

010 Delineation x2

011 Chord Size, diameter = 10, BPL1 -> None

012 Object Transfer BPL1 -> BPL2

Roughness less than 0.96

013 Copy BPL2 -> BPL3

014 Opening SQR x1 => BPL3 Extend

015 (BPL2 AND BPL3) -> BPL2

016 Combine (BPL1, BPL2) -> BPL1

017 Separate Manually BPL1

Marking plane : BPL4

Editing tool : Line

Clear marking bitplane on entry : True

Outline thickness : 2


seperate your particles

018 Border Transfer BPL1 (All) -> None

019 Object Measures (BPL1) -> OBJM1

Aspect Ratio










Convex Perimeter


ASTM E112-96

Angular Position

Volume : Spherical

Volume : Cylindrical

Volume : Ellipsoidal

Volume : Tetragonal

020 ' Change "FldNo" based on number of images from SEM

021 IF FldNo = 20 THEN Next Section

Action: Step out to the Next Section

Display Condition in a Message-Box: No

End of Field

001 ' Save Data to sample folder

002 Export Data OBJM1

File: Q_1500_P5_53um.xls

Path: C:\Documents and Settings\cpollock\Desktop\Q1500

Info Header: Yes

Overwrite Protection: Yes

End of Epilog


Appendix C5: Morphology Point Counting Data

Table C5-1A: Morphology Counts for Quartz Sample, Test Run at Agitator Speed 1000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #








R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



Qfeed 0.0 13 14 28 162 96 313 Qfeed 0.0 4 4 9 52 31 100

P1 1.0 55 15 41 224 118 453 P1 1.0 12 3 9 49 26 100

P2 2.0 47 14 7 115 73 256 P2 2.0 18 5 3 45 29 100

P3 3.0 42 34 29 132 131 368 P3 3.0 11 9 8 36 36 100

P4 4.0 58 24 32 213 150 477 P4 4.0 12 5 7 45 31 100

P5 5.0 52 30 27 136 102 347 P5 5.0 15 9 8 39 29 100

34 microns Size Fraction 34 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 25 32 43 297 91 488 Qfeed 0.0 5 7 9 61 19 100

P1 1.0 13 14 15 119 28 189 P1 1.0 7 7 8 63 15 100

P2 2.0 31 26 23 239 79 398 P2 2.0 8 7 6 60 20 100

P3 3.0 31 15 27 191 68 332 P3 3.0 9 5 8 58 20 100

P4 4.0 45 20 35 237 127 464 P4 4.0 10 4 8 51 27 100

P5 5.0 15 28 38 59 13 153 P5 5.0 10 18 25 39 8 100

15 microns Size Fraction 15 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 19 17 14 139 31 220 Qfeed 0.0 9 8 6 63 14 100

P1 1.0 16 19 21 180 45 281 P1 1.0 6 7 7 64 16 100

P2 2.0 12 11 16 167 33 239 P2 2.0 5 5 7 70 14 100

P3 3.0 24 42 30 298 76 470 P3 3.0 5 9 6 63 16 100

P4 4.0 15 19 23 150 46 253 P4 4.0 6 8 9 59 18 100

P5 5.0 6 19 45 114 24 208 P5 5.0 3 9 22 55 12 100


Table C5-2A: Morphology Counts for Quartz Sample, Test Run at Agitator Speed 1500 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #








R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



Qfeed 0.0 13 14 28 162 96 313 Qfeed 0.0 4 4 9 52 31 100

P1 1.1 35 34 64 280 180 593 P1 1.1 6 6 11 47 30 100

P2 2.1 18 27 33 107 41 226 P2 2.1 8 12 15 47 18 100

P3 3.1 25 34 57 209 80 405 P3 3.1 6 8 14 52 20 100

P4 4.1 29 44 61 108 57 299 P4 4.1 10 15 20 36 19 100

P5 5.1 29 32 50 136 31 278 P5 5.1 10 12 18 49 11 100

34 microns Size Fraction 34 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 25 32 43 297 91 488 Qfeed 0.0 5 7 9 61 19 100

P1 1.1 17 12 66 305 112 512 P1 1.1 3 2 13 60 22 100

P2 2.1 41 48 94 239 55 477 P2 2.1 9 10 20 50 12 100

P3 3.1 46 62 93 169 21 391 P3 3.1 12 16 24 43 5 100

P4 4.1 48 57 97 141 15 358 P4 4.1 13 16 27 39 4 100

P5 5.1 61 55 63 101 16 296 P5 5.1 21 19 21 34 5 100

15 microns Size Fraction 15 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 19 17 14 139 31 220 Qfeed 0.0 9 8 6 63 14 100

P1 1.1 0 6 16 96 10 128 P1 1.1 0 5 13 75 8 100

P2 2.1 3 17 33 156 17 226 P2 2.1 1 8 15 69 8 100

P3 3.1 4 13 27 181 35 260 P3 3.1 2 5 10 70 13 100

P4 4.1 8 7 21 157 48 241 P4 4.1 4 3 9 65 20 100

P5 5.1 19 21 20 202 40 302 P5 5.1 6 7 7 67 13 100


Table C5-3A: Morphology Counts for Quartz Sample, Test Run at Agitator Speed 2000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #

of Particles




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



Qfeed 0.0 13 14 28 162 96 313 Qfeed 0.0 4 4 9 52 31 100

P1 1.1 29 39 67 97 72 304 P1 1.1 10 13 22 32 24 100

P2 2.0 39 29 47 88 50 253 P2 2.0 15 11 19 35 20 100

P3 3.0 51 39 34 76 32 232 P3 3.0 22 17 15 33 14 100

P4 3.9 46 50 50 111 5 262 P4 3.9 18 19 19 42 2 100

P5 4.9 78 55 47 115 8 303 P5 4.9 26 18 16 38 3 100

34 microns Size Fraction 34 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 25 32 43 297 91 488 Qfeed 0.0 5 7 9 61 19 100

P1 1.1 14 34 82 129 52 311 P1 1.1 5 11 26 41 17 100

P2 2.0 39 37 54 145 84 359 P2 2.0 11 10 15 40 23 100

P3 3.0 35 32 39 143 55 304 P3 3.0 12 11 13 47 18 100

P4 3.9 50 50 43 119 43 305 P4 3.9 16 16 14 39 14 100

P5 4.9 21 12 22 75 34 164 P5 4.9 13 7 13 46 21 100

15 microns Size Fraction 15 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 19 17 14 139 31 220 Qfeed 0.0 9 8 6 63 14 100

P1 1.1 6 11 50 131 41 239 P1 1.1 3 5 21 55 17 100

P2 2.0 24 27 36 210 93 390 P2 2.0 6 7 9 54 24 100

P3 3.0 22 18 39 150 66 295 P3 3.0 7 6 13 51 22 100

P4 3.9 28 17 26 75 79 225 P4 3.9 12 8 12 33 35 100

P5 4.9 2 10 18 49 42 121 P5 4.9 2 8 15 40 35 100


Table C5-1B Morphology Counts for Galena Concentrate Sample, Test Run at Agitator Speed 1000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #








R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



Qfeed 0.00 6 5 22 85 55 173 Qfeed 0.00 3 3 13 49 32 100

P1 0.90 29 8 35 127 74 273 P1 0.90 11 3 13 47 27 100

P2 1.85 14 27 35 85 62 223 P2 1.85 6 12 16 38 28 100

P3 2.67 34 29 35 76 32 206 P3 2.67 17 14 17 37 16 100

P4* 3.48 22 19 20 57 36 154 P4* 3.48 14 12 13 37 23 100

P5 4.26 33 29 20 82 37 201 P5 4.26 16 14 10 41 18 100

* Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted * Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted

37 microns Size Fraction 37 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.00 25 17 65 207 162 476 Qfeed 0.00 5 4 14 43 34 100

P1 0.90 47 44 66 239 159 555 P1 0.90 8 8 12 43 29 100

P2 1.85 39 47 72 241 120 519 P2 1.85 8 9 14 46 23 100

P3 2.67 56 78 68 239 87 528 P3 2.67 11 15 13 45 16 100

P4 3.48 43 52 64 226 116 501 P4 3.48 9 10 13 45 23 100

P5 4.26 46 44 30 107 44 271 P5 4.26 17 16 11 39 16 100

17 microns Size Fraction 17 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.00 30 16 71 192 181 490 Qfeed 0.00 6 3 14 39 37 100

P1 0.90 24 28 35 119 67 273 P1 0.90 9 10 13 44 25 100

P2 1.85 52 53 61 222 137 525 P2 1.85 10 10 12 42 26 100

P3 2.67 58 77 80 261 114 590 P3 2.67 10 13 14 44 19 100

P4 3.48 38 20 34 112 63 267 P4 3.48 14 7 13 42 24 100

P5 4.26 68 76 69 244 113 570 P5 4.26 12 13 12 43 20 100


Table C5-2B: Morphology Counts for Galena Concentrate Sample, Test Run at Agitator Speed 1500 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #








R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



Qfeed 0.0 6 5 22 85 55 173 Qfeed 0.0 3 3 13 49 32 100

P1 1.1 29 28 33 67 52 209 P1 1.1 14 13 16 32 25 100

P2 2.1 12 16 12 33 24 97 P2 2.1 12 16 12 34 25 100

P3* 3.2 41 9 6 21 7 84 P3* 3.2 49 11 7 25 8 100

P4 4.2 87 22 10 58 27 204 P4 4.2 43 11 5 28 13 100

P5 5.2 All Smashed particles 0 P5 5.2 All Smashed particles 0

* mostly broken pieces

37 microns Size Fraction 37 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0 25 17 65 207 162 476 Qfeed 0 5 4 14 43 34 100

P1 1.1 34 25 39 159 97 354 P1 1.1 10 7 11 45 27 100

P2 2.1 54 66 63 252 90 525 P2 2.1 10 13 12 48 17 100

P3 3.2 92 63 68 191 61 475 P3 3.2 19 13 14 40 13 100

P4 4.2 67 64 33 171 89 424 P4 4.2 16 15 8 40 21 100

P5 5.2 181 106 65 308 95 755 P5 5.2 24 14 9 41 13 100

17 microns Size Fraction 17 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0 30 16 71 192 181 490 Qfeed 0 6 3 14 39 37 100

P1 1.1 46 38 41 173 114 412 P1 1.1 11 9 10 42 28 100

P2 2.1 47 47 49 213 164 520 P2 2.1 9 9 9 41 32 100

P3 3.2 63 56 40 193 99 451 P3 3.2 14 12 9 43 22 100

P4 4.2 53 39 23 132 77 324 P4 4.2 16 12 7 41 24 100

P5 5.2 30 31 27 94 36 218 P5 5.2 14 14 12 43 17 100


Table C5-3B: Morphology Counts for Galena Concentrate Sample, Test Run at Agitator Speed 2000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #








R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



Qfeed 0.0 6 5 22 85 55 173 Qfeed 0.0 3 3 13 49 32 100

P1* 1.1 21 13 7 51 10 102 P1* 1.1 21 13 7 50 10 100

P2 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 P2 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0

P3 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P3 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P4 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P4 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P5 4.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 P5 4.9 0 0 0 0 0 0

* mostly broken pieces

37 microns Size Fraction 37 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 25 17 65 207 162 476 Qfeed 0.0 5 4 14 43 34 100

P1 1.1 32 33 28 191 79 363 P1 1.1 9 9 8 53 22 100

P2 2.1 56 52 27 161 61 357 P2 2.1 16 15 8 45 17 100

P3 3.0 131 41 30 141 27 370 P3 3.0 35 11 8 38 7 100

P4 4.0 155 50 36 109 36 386 P4 4.0 40 13 9 28 9 100

P5 4.9 95 40 25 85 27 272 P5 4.9 35 15 9 31 10 100

17 microns Size Fraction 17 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 30 16 71 192 181 490 Qfeed 0.0 6 3 14 39 37 100

P1 1.1 18 14 26 103 85 246 P1 1.1 7 6 11 42 35 100

P2 2.1 31 37 30 129 74 301 P2 2.1 10 12 10 43 25 100

P3 3.0 24 39 30 112 68 273 P3 3.0 9 14 11 41 25 100

P4 4.0 21 12 18 91 46 188 P4 4.0 11 6 10 48 24 100

P5 4.9 60 60 49 151 62 382 P5 4.9 16 16 13 40 16 100


Table C5-1C: Morphology Counts for Mixed quartz and galena Concentrate Sample (Quartz Counts),

Test Run at Agitator Speed 1000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #








R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



Qfeed 0 4 29 45 61 15 154 Qfeed 0.00 3 19 29 40 10 100

P1 1.1 1 37 64 87 18 207 P1 1.09 0 18 31 42 9 100

P2 2.1 7 24 28 51 28 138 P2 2.06 5 17 20 37 20 100

P3 2.9 37 63 52 113 265 P3 2.93 14 24 20 43 0 100

P4* 3.8 26 49 60 87 39 261 P4* 3.79 10 19 23 33 15 100

P5 4.6 30 67 45 69 25 236 P5 4.63 13 28 19 29 11 100

* Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted * Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted

36 microns Size Fraction 36 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 0 2 3 8 3 16 Qfeed 0.00 0 13 19 50 19 100

P1 1.1 3 7 14 32 15 71 P1 1.09 4 10 20 45 21 100

P2 2.1 1 15 10 36 16 78 P2 2.06 1 19 13 46 21 100

P3 2.9 4 13 26 45 14 102 P3 2.93 4 13 25 44 14 100

P4 3.8 11 31 29 52 35 158 P4 3.79 7 20 18 33 22 100

P5 4.6 18 46 24 55 30 173 P5 4.63 10 27 14 32 17 100

18 microns Size Fraction 18 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 0 13 17 55 24 109 Qfeed 0.00 0 12 16 50 22 100

P1 1.1 0 3 7 23 11 44 P1 1.09 0 7 16 52 25 100

P2 2.1 0 5 8 22 9 44 P2 2.06 0 11 18 50 20 100

P3 2.9 0 5 9 30 8 52 P3 2.93 0 10 17 58 15 100

P4 3.8 0 3 5 7 4 19 P4 3.79 0 16 26 37 21 100

P5 4.6 5 19 15 49 17 105 P5 4.63 5 18 14 47 16 100


Table C5-2C: Morphology Counts for Mixed quartz and galena Concentrate Sample (Galena Counts),

Test Run at Agitator Speed 1000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #








R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



Qfeed 0.0 2 1 3 7 5 18 Qfeed 0.00 11 6 17 39 28 100

P1 1.1 0 1 3 5 3 12 P1 1.09 0 8 25 42 25 100

P2 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 P2 2.06 0 0 0 0 0 0

P3 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 P3 2.93 0 0 0 0 0 0

P4* 3.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 P4* 3.79 0 0 0 0 0 0

P5 4.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 P5 4.63 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted * Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted

316microns Size Fraction 36 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 3 8 20 95 76 202 Qfeed 0.00 1 4 10 47 38 100

P1 1.1 6 15 27 79 44 171 P1 1.09 4 9 16 46 26 100

P2 2.1 15 8 21 96 60 200 P2 2.06 8 4 11 48 30 100

P3 2.9 5 7 26 73 35 146 P3 2.93 3 5 18 50 24 100

P4 3.8 11 12 19 35 14 91 P4 3.79 12 13 21 38 15 100

P5 4.6 14 7 8 29 9 67 P5 4.63 21 10 12 43 13 100

18 microns Size Fraction 18 microns Size Fraction

Qfeed 0.0 5 21 34 137 62 259 Qfeed 0.00 2 8 13 53 24 100

P1 1.1 8 22 21 78 51 180 P1 1.09 4 12 12 43 28 100

P2 2.1 13 21 38 158 74 304 P2 2.06 4 7 13 52 24 100

P3 2.9 22 8 23 126 48 227 P3 2.93 10 4 10 56 21 100

P4 3.8 24 20 52 130 89 315 P4 3.79 8 6 17 41 28 100

P5 4.6 11 15 16 80 35 157 P5 4.63 7 10 10 51 22 100


Table C5-3C: Morphology Counts for Mixed quartz and galena Concentrate Sample (Quartz + Galena Counts),

Test Run at Agitator Speed 1000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #

of Particles




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



feed 0.0 6 30 48 68 20 172 feed 0.00 3 17 28 40 12 100

P1 1.1 1 38 67 92 21 219 P1 1.09 0 17 31 42 10 100

P2 2.1 7 24 28 51 28 138 P2 2.06 5 17 20 37 20 100

P3 2.9 37 63 52 113 0 265 P3 2.93 14 24 20 43 0 100

P4* 3.8 26 49 60 87 39 261 P4* 3.79 10 19 23 33 15 100

P5 4.6 30 67 45 69 25 236 P5 4.63 13 28 19 29 11 100

* Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted * Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted

36 microns Size Fraction 36 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 3 10 23 103 79 218 feed 0.00 1 5 11 47 36 100

P1 1.1 9 22 41 111 59 242 P1 1.09 4 9 17 46 24 100

P2 2.1 16 23 31 132 76 278 P2 2.06 6 8 11 47 27 100

P3 2.9 9 20 52 118 49 248 P3 2.93 4 8 21 48 20 100

P4 3.8 22 43 48 87 49 249 P4 3.79 9 17 19 35 20 100

P5 4.6 32 53 32 84 39 240 P5 4.63 13 22 13 35 16 100

18 microns Size Fraction 18 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 5 34 51 192 86 368 feed 0.00 1 9 14 52 23 100

P1 1.1 8 25 28 101 62 224 P1 1.09 4 11 13 45 28 100

P2 2.1 13 26 46 180 83 348 P2 2.06 4 7 13 52 24 100

P3 2.9 22 13 32 156 56 279 P3 2.93 8 5 11 56 20 100

P4 3.8 24 23 57 137 93 334 P4 3.79 7 7 17 41 28 100

P5 4.6 16 34 31 129 52 262 P5 4.63 6 13 12 49 20 100


Table C5-4C: Morphology Counts for Mixed quartz and galena Concentrate Sample (Quartz Counts),

Test Run at Agitator Speed 2000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #








R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



feed 0.0 4 29 45 61 15 154 feed 0.0 3 19 29 40 10 100

P1 1.1 41 52 55 81 40 269 P1 1.1 15 19 20 30 15 100

P2 2.1 37 52 52 61 11 213 P2 2.1 17 24 24 29 5 100

P3 3.1 41 70 45 77 2 235 P3 3.1 17 30 19 33 1 100

P4 4.2 45 66 64 79 1 255 P4 4.2 18 26 25 31 0 100

P5 5.1 41 67 62 58 1 229 P5 5.1 18 29 27 25 0 100

* mostly broken pieces

36 microns Size Fraction 36 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 0 2 3 8 3 16 feed 0.0 0 13 19 50 19 100

P1 1.1 9 38 51 65 12 175 P1 1.1 5 22 29 37 7 100

P2 2.1 10 42 37 54 15 158 P2 2.1 6 27 23 34 9 100

P3 3.1 10 42 57 104 9 222 P3 3.1 5 19 26 47 4 100

P4 4.2 6 31 30 61 6 134 P4 4.2 4 23 22 46 4 100

P5 5.1 11 66 47 93 6 223 P5 5.1 5 30 21 42 3 100

18 microns Size Fraction 18 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 0 13 17 55 24 109 feed 0.0 0 12 16 50 22 100

P1 1.1 0 7 16 42 14 79 P1 1.1 0 9 20 53 18 100

P2 2.1 2 15 21 70 21 129 P2 2.1 2 12 16 54 16 100

P3 3.1 4 12 20 60 13 109 P3 3.1 4 11 18 55 12 100

P4 4.2 1 17 39 80 21 158 P4 4.2 1 11 25 51 13 100

P5 5.1 4 12 15 44 14 89 P5 5.1 4 13 17 49 16 100


Table C5-5C: Morphology Counts for Mixed quartz and galena Concentrate Sample (Galena Counts),

Test Run at Agitator Speed 2000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction

Roughness LevelResidence

Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



Roughness LevelResidence Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



feed 0.0 2 1 3 7 5 18 feed 0.0 11 6 17 39 28 100

P1* 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 P1* 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0

P2 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 P2 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0

P3 3.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 P3 3.1 0 0 0 0 0 0

P4 4.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 P4 4.2 0 0 0 0 0 0

P5 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 P5 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 0

* mostly broken pieces

36 microns Size Fraction 36 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 3 8 20 95 76 202 feed 0.0 1 4 10 47 38 100

P1 1.1 3 12 10 30 8 63 P1 1.1 5 19 16 48 13 100

P2 2.1 17 11 18 27 13 86 P2 2.1 20 13 21 31 15 100

P3 3.1 10 6 8 15 2 41 P3 3.1 24 15 20 37 5 100

P4 4.2 21 14 20 34 4 93 P4 4.2 23 15 22 37 4 100

P5 5.1 12 8 7 15 4 46 P5 5.1 26 17 15 33 9 100

18 microns Size Fraction 18 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 5 21 34 137 62 259 feed 0.0 2 8 13 53 24 100

P1 1.1 19 19 29 84 23 174 P1 1.1 11 11 17 48 13 100

P2 2.1 27 29 18 73 25 172 P2 2.1 16 17 10 42 15 100

P3 3.1 21 16 20 66 10 133 P3 3.1 16 12 15 50 8 100

P4 4.2 25 19 29 63 14 150 P4 4.2 17 13 19 42 9 100

P5 5.1 22 16 25 73 9 145 P5 5.1 15 11 17 50 6 100


Table C5-66-12C: Morphology Counts for Mixed quartz and galena Concentrate Sample (Quartz + Galena Counts),

Test Run at Agitator Speed 2000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #






Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



feed 0.0 6 30 48 68 20 172 feed 0.00 3 17 28 40 12 100

P1 1.1 41 52 55 81 40 269 P1 1.11 15 19 20 30 15 100

P2 2.1 37 52 52 61 11 213 P2 2.11 17 24 24 29 5 100

P3 3.1 41 70 45 77 2 235 P3 3.09 17 30 19 33 1 100

P4* 4.2 45 66 64 79 1 255 P4* 4.18 18 26 25 31 0.4 100

P5 5.1 41 67 62 58 1 229 P5 5.08 18 29 27 25 0.4 100

* Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted * Majority is Sphalerite particles - not counted

36 microns Size Fraction 36 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 3 10 23 103 79 218 feed 0.00 1 5 11 47 36 100

P1 1.1 12 50 61 95 20 238 P1 1.11 5 21 26 40 8 100

P2 2.1 27 53 55 81 28 244 P2 2.11 11 22 23 33 11 100

P3 3.1 20 48 65 119 11 263 P3 3.09 8 18 25 45 4 100

P4 4.2 27 45 50 95 10 227 P4 4.18 12 20 22 42 4 100

P5 5.1 23 74 54 108 10 269 P5 5.08 9 28 20 40 4 100

18 microns Size Fraction 18 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 5 34 51 192 86 368 feed 0.00 1 9 14 52 23 100

P1 1.1 19 26 45 126 37 253 P1 1.11 8 10 18 50 15 100

P2 2.1 29 44 39 143 46 301 P2 2.11 10 15 13 48 15 100

P3 3.1 25 28 40 126 23 242 P3 3.09 10 12 17 52 10 100

P4 4.2 26 36 68 143 35 308 P4 4.18 8 12 22 46 11 100

P5 5.1 26 28 40 117 23 234 P5 5.08 11 12 17 50 10 100


Table C5-1D: Morphology Counts for Lead-Zinc Ore Sample, Test Run at Agitator Speed 1000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #






Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



feed 0.0 36 34 35 86 18 209 feed 0.0 17 16 17 41 9 100

P1 0.7 55 37 46 70 10 218 P1 0.7 25 17 21 32 5 100

P2 1.3 50 67 68 66 5 256 P2 1.3 20 26 27 26 2 100

P3 2.0 74 70 54 80 15 293 P3 2.0 25 24 18 27 5 100

P4 2.6 40 67 44 118 9 278 P4 2.6 14 24 16 42 3 100

P5 3.1 49 96 90 139 10 384 P5 3.1 13 25 23 36 3 100

33 microns Size Fraction 33 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 63 40 43 107 22 275 feed 0.0 23 15 16 39 8 100

P1 0.7 53 39 49 73 35 249 P1 0.7 21 16 20 29 14 100

P2 1.3 48 52 40 93 11 244 P2 1.3 20 21 16 38 5 100

P3 2.0 52 61 43 102 14 272 P3 2.0 19 22 16 38 5 100

P4 2.6 56 55 32 88 23 254 P4 2.6 22 22 13 35 9 100

P5 3.1 56 61 39 89 10 255 P5 3.1 22 24 15 35 4 100

16microns Size Fraction 16 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 47 21 31 99 48 246 feed 0.0 19 9 13 40 20 100

P1 0.7 57 39 43 106 18 263 P1 0.7 22 15 16 40 7 100

P2 1.3 49 48 30 98 12 237 P2 1.3 21 20 13 41 5 100

P3 2.0 57 46 23 95 6 227 P3 2.0 25 20 10 42 3 100

P4 2.6 65 44 43 101 23 276 P4 2.6 24 16 16 37 8 100

P5 3.1 67 57 41 95 15 275 P5 3.1 24 21 15 35 5 100


Table C5-2D: Morphology Counts for Lead-Zinc Ore Sample, Test Run at Agitator Speed 1500 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #






Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



feed 0.0 36 34 35 86 18 209 feed 0.0 17 16 17 41 9 100

P1 0.8 19 51 51 88 10 219 P1 0.8 9 23 23 40 5 100

P2 1.7 89 80 44 80 3 296 P2 1.7 30 27 15 27 1 100

P3* 2.4 34 45 41 69 4 193 P3* 2.4 18 23 21 36 2 100

P4 3.2 32 77 92 105 2 308 P4 3.2 10 25 30 34 1 100

P5 3.9 49 85 69 83 2 288 P5 3.9 17 30 24 29 1 100

* mostly broken pieces

33 microns Size Fraction 33 microns Size Fraction

feed 0 63 40 43 107 22 275 feed 0 23 15 16 39 8 100

P1 0.8 69 44 37 92 12 254 P1 0.8 27 17 15 36 5 100

P2 1.7 63 54 42 85 4 248 P2 1.7 25 22 17 34 2 100

P3 2.4 78 54 44 85 7 268 P3 2.4 29 20 16 32 3 100

P4 3.2 45 93 77 113 1 329 P4 3.2 14 28 23 34 0 100

P5 3.9 37 39 48 71 7 202 P5 3.9 18 19 24 35 3 100

* mostly broken pieces

16 microns Size Fraction 16 microns Size Fraction

feed 0 47 21 31 99 48 246 feed 0 19 9 13 40 20 100

P1 0.8 78 62 60 164 25 389 P1 0.8 20 16 15 42 6 100

P2 1.7 58 42 37 80 16 233 P2 1.7 25 18 16 34 7 100

P3 2.4 55 38 51 83 15 242 P3 2.4 23 16 21 34 6 100

P4 3.2 56 42 38 74 6 216 P4 3.2 26 19 18 34 3 100

P5 3.9 39 50 41 77 3 210 P5 3.9 19 24 20 37 1 100


Table C5-3D: Morphology Counts for Lead-Zinc Ore Sample, Test Run at Agitator Speed 2000 rpm

Particle Counts % Roughness

63 microns Size Fraction 63 microns Size Fraction




Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #






Time (min)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total #



feed 0.0 36 34 35 86 18 209 feed 0.0 17 16 17 41 9 100

P1 0.8 60 67 59 86 0 272 P1 0.8 22 25 22 32 0 100

P2 1.6 70 53 44 120 4 291 P2 1.6 24 18 15 41 1 100

P3 2.3 60 81 58 97 3 299 P3 2.3 20 27 19 32 1 100

P4 3.0 73 93 30 79 4 279 P4 3.0 26 33 11 28 1 100

P5 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P5 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 microns Size Fraction 33 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 63 40 43 107 22 275 feed 0.0 23 15 16 39 8 100

P1 0.8 45 37 33 66 2 183 P1 0.8 25 20 18 36 1 100

P2 1.6 75 44 60 77 5 261 P2 1.6 29 17 23 30 2 100

P3 2.3 59 50 43 75 7 234 P3 2.3 25 21 18 32 3 100

P4 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P4 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P5 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P5 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 microns Size Fraction 16 microns Size Fraction

feed 0.0 47 21 31 99 48 246 feed 0.0 19 9 13 40 20 100

P1 0.8 71 42 42 111 17 283 P1 0.8 25 15 15 39 6 100

P2 1.6 106 69 92 119 23 409 P2 1.6 26 17 22 29 6 100

P3 2.3 80 38 40 95 6 259 P3 2.3 31 15 15 37 2 100

P4 3.0 66 52 35 84 15 252 P4 3.0 26 21 14 33 6 100

P5 4.0 88 61 44 106 13 312 P5 4.0 28 20 14 34 4 100


Appendix C6: List of Morphology Samples

UBC Morpholgy Study - Samples

Reem Roufail (PhD candidate)Q = Quartz

G = Galena

M = Mixed Sample of Silica and Galena

O = Ore Sample from Red SAG Discharge (Pb-Zn circuit)

Sample Size Fraction Availability Sample Size Fraction Availability Sample Size Fraction Availability Sample Size Fraction Availability

Q-feed 53 micron G-feed 53 micron M-feed 53 micron O-feed 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 micron) C2 (31 micron) C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 micron) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1000-P1 53 mircon G1000-P1 C2 (31 micron) M1000-P1 53 mircon O1000-P1 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon) C2 (31 micron) C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1000-P2 53 mircon G1000-P2 53 mircon M1000-P2 53 mircon O1000-P2 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon) C2 (31 micron) C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1000-P3 53 mircon G1000-P3 53 mircon M1000-P3 53 mircon O1000-P3 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon) C2 (31 micron) C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1000-P4 53 mircon G1000-P4 53 mircon M1000-P4 53 mircon O1000-P4 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon) C2 (31 micron) C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1000-5 53 mircon G1000-5 53 mircon M1000-5 53 mircon O1000-5 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon) C2 (31 micron) C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1500-P1 53 mircon G1500-P1 53 mircon M2000-P1 53 mircon O1500-P1 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)* C2 (31 micron) C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1500-P2 53 mircon G1500-P2 53 mircon M2000-P2 53 mircon * O1500-P2 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)* C2 (31 micron) C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1500-P3 53 mircon G1500-P3 53 mircon M2000-P3 53 mircon * O1500-P3 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)* C2 (31 micron)* C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1500-P4 53 mircon G1500-P4 53 mircon M2000-P4 53 mircon * O1500-P4 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)combined

with C2 C2 (31 micron)* C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q1500-5 53 mircon G1500-5 53 mircon M2000-5 53 mircon * O1500-P5 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)*combined

with C2 C2 (31 micron)* C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)


Sample Size Fraction Availability Sample Size Fraction Availability Sample Size Fraction Availability Sample Size Fraction Availability

Q2000-P1 53 mircon G2000-P1 53 mircon O2000-P1 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)* C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q2000-P2 53 mircon G2000-P2 53 mircon O2000-P2 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)* C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q2000-P3 53 mircon G2000-P3 53 mircon O2000-P3 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)combined

with C2 C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)

Q2000-P4 53 mircon G2000-P4 53 mircon O2000-P4 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)combined

with C2 C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)*

Q2000-5 53 mircon G2000-5 53 mircon O2000-P5 53 micron

C3 (27 micron) C1 (26 mircon)combined

with C2 C2 (28 micron)

C5 (13 micron) C3 (14 mircon) C4 (13 micron)*


* Total Number of Samples are 169 that need Morphology Analysis

* Orange Stars and ALL Ore samples are all that we have i.e. No more Samples

: Not generated

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