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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirement to get undergraduate Degree

(S.1) in English Education



TE 151594







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Ups and downs, jokes and laughter, sweet and bitter I have traveled in this life. But I

remain strong despite the many obstacles I had to face in order to achieve a noble goal.

In the name of Allah SWT for his blessing and merciful with deep thanks and

proud, I dedicate this thesis especially to My beloved parents, “Mr.Untung.S and Mrs.Jarmi”.

May God always love them as they love me, who had been patient, sincere, and willing to

raise, educate and guide me with loving affection and understanding. Hopefully this thesis

can carve a smile and happiness to Mom and Dad.

To my beloved brother “Wahyu Kurniawan” and my sweety sister “Aqila Shidqia” thanks for

your love, support, and pray. So I am better than before.

To my future “Mr. Mukholid, S.Pd.I” who always give me support and positive energy in my

life, thanks for everything.

To my beloved classmate in C class of English Department, I thank them for the spirit,

loves, togetherness and sweet memories in my life. And all of my friends in English

Department 2015.

For all people who keep supporting me wherever you are.

May Allah SWT bless us. Aamiin

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“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction,

and argue with them in a way that is best”.

(Q.S An-Nahl : 125)

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Alhamdulillah, firstly, the researcher expresses to Allah SWT the greatest gratefulness

for all the blessing and chances given so that I could finally finish this thesis as one of the

requirements to get undergraduate degree (S.1). Secondly, sholawat and salam always be

given to my prophet Muhammad SAW.

The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed without the help,

advice and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this opportunity the researcher would

like to express thanks and gratitude the following paties and their contribution:

1. Prof. Dr. H Su’aidi Asy’ari, MA, Ph.D as the Rector of the State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj.Armida, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the

State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd. as The Vice of Academic Affair, Dr. Zawaqi Afdhal Jamil,

M. Pd.I as The Vice of General Administration, and Dr. H. Kemas Imron Rosadi, M.

Pd.,asThe Vice of Students Affair Dean of Faculty Education and Teacher Training.

4. Amalia Nurhasanah, M.Hum as the Chairwoman of English Education Program.

5. All lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. All lecturers of the English Department for teaching precious knowledge, sharing

philosophy of live and giving wonderful experience.

It is expected that this thesis will give contribution to the Students of English Education

Program especially in learning process. Then, the researcher realized that this thesis is still far

from being perfect

For that reason, the researcher hopes constructive critics and suggestion from readers

for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing to us.

Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Jambi, 2019


Mesy Lestari Apriliyani


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Nama : Mesy Lestari Apriliyani

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul :Pengaruh Menggunakan Strategi Direct Reading Thinking Activity

(DRTA) Pada Pemahaman Membaca di Madrasah Tsanawiyah.

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang keefektifitasan strategi

kegiatan berfikir membaca langsung (direct reading thinking activity) dalam pemahaman

bacaan teks deskripsi siswa kelas delapan MTsN 2 Batanghari Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 dan

untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh tingkat keefektifitasan strategi direct reading thinking

activity terhadap pemahaman bacaan teks deskripsi siswa. Teknik yang digunakan dalam

penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan desain kuasi-ekperimental. Teknik sampel

yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Melalui teknik sampel tersebut, dua kelas

dipilih sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol yang setiap kelasnya terdiri dari 24 siswa.

Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes yang dilaksanakan dua kali yaitu pre-

test dan post-test. Jumlah setiap soal adalah 20 soal pilihan ganda. Teknik data analisis yang

digunakan adalah t-test. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan

yang signifikan terhadap hasil pemahaman membaca teks deskripsi siswa setelah

menggunakan strategi direct reading thinking activity. Peneliti melihat bahwa nilai siswa

dalam deskriptif teks sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan strategi direct reading thinking

activity adalah 51.04 dan 78.75. Ada pengaruh siswa dalam pemahaman membaca pada

deskriptif teks karena hasil t-test yaitu 14.043 lebih besar daripada t-table yaitu 1.714. Dan

signifikan (2-tailed) = 0.000 dimana lebih rendah dari 0.05. Dalam hal tersebut, (Ha)

diterima dan (Ho) ditolak. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa direct reading thinking activity

efektif dan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pemahaman membaca teks deskripsi

siswa kelas delapan MTsN 2 Batanghari.

Kata Kunci : Direct Reading Thinking Activity, Pemahaman Bacaan, Teks Deskriptif

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Name : Mesy Lestari Apriliyani

Study Program : English Education Program

Title : The Effect of Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) to

Students’ Reading Comprehension at State Islamic Junior High School

The objective of this research is to obtain the empirical evidence about the

effectiveness of Direct Reading Thinking Activity strategy toward students’ reading

comprehension of descriptive text to the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High School

2 Batanghari and to find out to what extent the Direct Reading Thinking Activity strategy is

effective toward students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text. The method used in

this study was a quantitative method and the design used in this study was a quasi-

experimental design. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. In

this strategy, two classes were chosen as experimental class and control class, in which each

class consisting of 24 students. The technique of data collection used in this study was test

which conducted twice as pre-test and post-test. The total number of each test was 20

multiple choice items. The technique of data analysis used in this study was t-test. The result

of this study showed that there was significant effect toward students’ reading

comprehension achievement of descriptive text after using Direct Reading Thinking Activity

strategy. The researcher found that, the profile of students reading comprehension score in

descriptive text before and after they are taught by using Direct Reading Thinking Activity

was 51.04 and 78.75. It means, there was an effectiveness of students reading

comprehension in descriptive text because the t-test of this research is 14.043 higher than t-

table 1.714; and the significant (2-tailed) is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05. For that reason,

alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Thus, it can

be concluded that Direct Reading Thinking Activity strategy was effective and had

significant effect on students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text at the eighth grade

students of Junior High School 2 Batanghari.

Keyword: Direct Reading Thinking Activity, Descriptive Text, Reading Comprehension

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PAGE TITLE ........................................................................................ i

OFFICIAL NOTE ................................................................................... iii

THESIS APPROVAL .............................................................................. iv

ORIGINALITY THESIS STATEMENT .............................................. v

DEDICATION ......................................................................................... vi

MOTTO .................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................... viii

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................ x

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................. xi

LIST OF CONTENT ............................................................................... xii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................... xv


A. The Background of the Research ............................................................. 1 B. The Identification of the Problem ............................................................ 3 C. The Limitation of the Research ............................................................... 3 D. The Formulation of the Problem .............................................................. 3

E. The Objectives of the Research ................................................................ 4

F. The Significance of the Research .............................................................. 4


A. The Theoritical Framework ...................................................................... 5

B. Relevant Studies ......................................................................................... 14

C. Hypotheses .................................................................................................. 17


A. Place and Time of the Research .............................................................. 18

B. Research Design ......................................................................................... 18

C. Population and Sample .............................................................................. 19

D. Variable of the Research ........................................................................... 20

E. The Instrument of the Research ................................................................ 21

F. Technique of Data Analysis....................................................................... 22

G.Statistical Hypothesis .................................................................................. 24

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A. Finding of the Study ................................................................................. 25

B. Interpretasion ............................................................................................. 41


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 44

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................... 45




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Table 3.1 Research Design ........................................................................ 19

Table 3.2 Population ................................................................................. 19

Table 3.3 Sample ....................................................................................... 20

Table 4.1 Scoring Grade ............................................................................ 25

Table 4.2 The Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score in Experimental

Class ......................................................................................... 26

Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Experimental Class ........ 27

Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Experimental Class ...... 28

Table 4.5 The Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score in Control Class ..... 30

Table 4.6 Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Control Class ................. 31

Table 4.7 Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Control Class ................ 33

Table 4.8 Descriptive Statistics ................................................................ 34

Table 4.9 Paired Sample Statistics ............................................................ 35

Table 4.10 Normality Results of Experimental and Control Class ........... 36

Table 4.11 Homogeneity of Pre-test Results between Experimental and

Control class .......................................................................... 36

Table 4.12 Homogeneity of Post-test Results between Experimental and

Control class ........................................................................... 37

Table 4.13 Paired Sample Test ................................................................. 38

Table 4.14 Independent Sample Test......................................................... 39

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Appendix 1 The Result of Score in Pre-test Experimental - Control


and Post test Experimental – Control Class ........................ 46

Appendix 2 The Result of Validity ........................................................... 47

Appendix 3 The Result of Reliability ...................................................... 50

Appendix 4 Syllabus ................................................................................. 51

Appendix 5 Lesson Plan of Control Class ............................................... 60

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan of Experimental Class ...................................... 67

Appendix 7 Table-tf .................................................................................. 73

Appendix 8 Pre-Test and Post-Test .......................................................... 76

Appendix 9 Try Out .................................................................................. 81

Appendix 10 Documentation ................................................................... 91

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A. The Background of The Research

Reading is one of the language skills besides speaking, listening and

writing that must be mastered by English learners. It builds a process of

understanding the text that is written, to get new information from the

reading. Brassell (2007:15) state that “reading refers to the ability to

comprehend or make meaning from written text”. According to Pang et al

(2003:6), reading is a kind of activity that deals with perception and thought.

Furthermore, Reading must always relate to the process of getting meaning

called comprehension.

Comprehension is the process of deriving meaning from connected

text (Pang et al, 2003:6). Therefore, reading comprehension is aimed to get

information from the text of the reading material. According to Snow

(2002:11), “Reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously

extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement

with written language”. In addition, reading comprehension is very important

to improve the effectiveness and pleasure of reading and help in the other

entire subject in the personal and professional lives. It also can help the

students to understand the meaning of the text.

Based on the Curriculum K13, reading comprehension is one of the

skills that be mastered and learned in Islamic Junior High School. In the

eighth grade, the students must comprehend types of texts, such as Recount

text, Descriptive text, Narrative text, Procedure text and etc. The basic

competence of comprehension is shown by answering some questions after

reading the text.

Unfortunately, many students of Junior High School have some

difficulties with reading comprehension. The students have some problems in

English especially to comprehend the English reading material. They believe

English reading are bored and not interesting to learn since they do not have


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enough vocabularies and cannot find an interesting book (Sudarmanto,

2018:77). Furthermore, Indonesia students reading achievement is still at the

lower level. According to research conducted by Program for International

Student Assessment PISA, 2018 in reading showed that get 397, which makes

Indonesia, is one of the lowest among PISA participating countries with an

average ranking of 62 out of 69 countries.

Moreover, based on the observation that the researcher conducted at

Junior High School 2 Batanghari, the researcher found that the english

teacher stated that she still uses old method, focus in teaching and learning

process. The teaching process just focuses on teacher, they are not giving the

students chance to give the idea. The result is students feel boring when they

study english, because of the teacher is not creative in using teaching method.

Then, the students had difficulties in reading class. They lacked vocabularies

in reading. In addition, they had difficulties to comprehend the text and have

low motivation to learn reading.

Using some strategies or techniques are the solutions to solve this

problem. One of the strategies that could be used to improve the student

reading comprehension is Direct Reading Thinking Activity. Direct Reading

Thinking Activity is one of innovative strategies that can be used by the

teacher to teach reading comprehension. This strategy is developed by

Russell Stauffer in 1969. Therefore, Direct Reading thinking Activity

is developed to promote active reading comprehension and engage students to

think critically to understand a text. In Directed Reading Thinking Activity

students are guided through the process of making predictions, silent reading,

and confirming or refuting their predictions. Through those processes,

students are expected to be active, critical and thoughtful readers.

Based the explanation above, the researcher would like to solve the

problem in reading comprehension by using direct reading thinking activity

and conduct a research entitled “The Effect of Direct Reading Thinking

Activity (DRTA) to Students’ Reading Comperehension at State Islamic

Junior High School”

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B. The Identification of The Problem

Based on the explanation above the researcher identified the problem as


1. The students feel difficult to comprehend the reading text.

2. The students have a lack of vocabularies.

3. The students cannot understand the reading materials.

4. The strategies used by the teacher was not effective to improve students’

reading comprehension.

C. The Limitation of The Research

The scope of this research is about reading the text. There are many

kinds of text that can be learned by the students, such as description text,

report text, narrative text, expository text, review text, procedure text, spoof

text, anecdote text, explanation text, and news item text.

This research has a limitation in the description text. The reason that

makes the researcher chooses the texts because it is included in the

curriculum of Junior High School 2 Batang Hari in the first semester of

eighth grade. Another reason is that the texts are more interesting for the

students than another kind of texts, and it can attract the students’ motivation

in the class.

D. The Formulation of The Problem

Based on the background of the research, the researcher formulates the

problem, as follows:

1. Is there any significant effect after using direct reading thinking

activity in teaching reading comprehension?

2. Is there any significant difference between the students’ taught by

direct reading thinking activity and those who are taught by teacher’s


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E. The Objectives of The Research

The objectives of the research are to find out whether or not:

1. To get a significant effect after using direct reading thinking activity in

teaching reading comprehension.

2. To get a significant difference between the students’ taught by direct

reading thinking activity and those who are taught by teacher’s


F. The Significance of The Research

The result of this research are expected to provide useful information

and suggestion for three people, they are:

1. For Student

The result of this research can help the student learn about

reading comprehension and improved their quality to comprehend the


2. For teacher

This research also helps teachers get new teaching strategies to

improve students’ reading comprehension.

3. For researcher

The researcher do this research to fulfill graduation requirements

for getting undergraduated degree at Islamic States University Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Last, the researcher hopes this research as a

point in teaching and learning activity in the classroom.

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A. Theoretical Framework

1. Definition of Reading

In the reading activity, a reader sees the printed words and

identifies them as a system of spelling and symbols of language. The

reader attempts to comprehend and understand the printed message.

Reading means the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and

interpret this information appropriately. According to Pang et al

(2003: p.6), reading is a kind of activity that deals with perception and

thought. It means the readers will use their ability to comprehend the

text to get some information from the text. Therefore, in line with

Pang, Urquhart,and Weir (1998) as cited in Grabe (2009: p. 14) said

that “reading is the process of receiving and interpreting information

encoded in language form via the medium of print.”

Moreover, the reader needs to combine the information and

their own background knowledge in reading. Anderson et al. (1985) as

cited in Gilakjaniand Sabouri (2016: p.230) state that reading is the

process of making meaning from written texts. In reading practice,

there is a process of creating new meaning. If there is no meaning

being created, there is no reading taking place.

In line with Anderson, Linsen (2005) as cited in Yusuf et al.

(2016: p.184) claiming that reading is set of skills that requires

making sense and interpreting meaning from the printed words. The

reader needs to involve an individual’s entire life experience and

thinking the power to understand what the writer has encoded. It

might be said that reading processes to get message extended by the

writer about has been written.

Moreover, reading also can define as a comprehending

process. We read to understand what the writer intended to convey in

writing, though we also do more. One reason to point out that reading


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assumes comprehension is to be clear that all cognitive processing

involved in reading is related to this fundamental goal. A second

reason to highlight comprehension is to point out that reading is not

the only comprehending process. (Grabe: 2009, p. 15)

Based from the various explanations and definitions above, the

researcher concluded the definition of reading as the way to get

understanding from the printed text, that absolutely through some

process and relate to the reading ability to pronounce the words and

the ability to make means from something. It requires and brings

readers’ own knowledge to the printed page, to recognize that print

meaning bearing words, sentence, and paragraph and finally to

interpret the author’s message.

a. Stages of Reading

According to DekaDestiara (2013: p. 12), there are three stages

of phases of reading activity as follow:

1. Pre-reading Activities

Pre-reading activities are often intended to active students’

schemata related to the subject or type of the text to read to

enhance comprehension of the material. These activities are

given before the students read the text in order to prepare the

students to focuson the text.

The first stage in classroom reading is pre-reading. The

teacher prepares the class for reading a certain passage by


The purpose of pre-reading activitiesas follows:

1. To introduce and arouse interest in the topic

2. To motivate learners by giving a reason for reading

3. To provide some language preparation for the text.

The activity is done before reading to focus attention and

interest on the text before it.

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2. Whilst-reading activities.

The activity is done while reading the text in order to make

it more accessible and to engage to a student in purposeful and

active interaction with the text.

After the preparation is done in the pre-reading stage, the

student read the text silently for comprehension; some

technique can be used in this process.

The purpose of whilst activities are:

1. To help to understand the text purpose

2. To help to understand the text structure

3. To clarify text content.

3. Post-reading activities

After whilst reading, in these activities, the teacher

evaluate of check students’ comprehension through the

question. The purposes of post reading activity are:

1. To consolidate or reflect what has been read

2. To relate the text to students’ own knowledge, interest, or


b. Types of Reading

Grellet (1981: p. 4) state that there are four main ways of

reading as follow:

1. Skimming

Skimming means readquickly by running one's eyes over a

text to get the gist of it.

2. Scanning

The scanning means reading quickly by going through a text

to find a particular piece of information.

3. Extensive reading

Extensive reading means reading longer texts, usually for

one's own pleasure. This is a fluency activity, mainly

involving global understanding.

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4. Intensive reading

Intensive reading means reading shorter texts, to extract

specific information. This is more an accuracy activity

involving reading for detail.

These different ways of reading are not mutually exclusive.

For instance, one often skims through a passage to see what it is

about before deciding whether it is worth scanning a particular

paragraph for the information one is looking for.

c. The Purpose of Reading

Rivers and Temperley (1978) as cited in Nunan (1989: p. 34)

said that second language learners will want to read for the

following purposes:

a) To obtain information for some purposes or because we are

curious about some topic.

b) To obtain instruction on how to perform some task for our

work or daily life (e.g. knowing how an appliance works).

c) To act in a play, play a game, do a puzzle.

d) To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or to

understand the business letter.

e) To know when or where something will take place or what

is available.

f) To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in

newspapers, magazines, reports).

g) For enjoyment or excitement.

2. Definition of Comprehension

Comprehension simply can be defined as understanding. It is

used in reading to get the meaning of the text. Comprehension is the

process of deriving meaning from the connected text. By this means,

comprehension is not a passive process but an active one. This gives

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the reader a chance to develop their knowledge to engage the text into

their words by some ideas and viewpoints to be good information.

Pang et al. (2003: p.6) claim that “comprehension is the process of

making sense of words, sentences and connected text. Readers

typically make use of background knowledge, vocabulary,

grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other strategies to

help them understand written text.”

Therefore, according to Snow (2002: p.11), comprehension

entails three elements:

a. The reader who is doing the comprehending

b. The text that is to be comprehended

c. The activity in which comprehension is a part.

In considering the reader, we include all the capacities, abilities,

knowledge, and experiences that a person brings to the act of reading.

The text is broadly construed to include any printed text or electronic

text. In considering activity, we include the purposes, processes, and

consequences associated with the act of reading.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that

comprehension is a thinking activity to understand the content of the

text that is read. By using comprehension in reading, it will give a

benefit to the reader which can understand what the content of the text


3. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading cannot be separated from the comprehension. The

reader should have the ability to understand or comprehend the text to

help the reader get more information and the message from the written

text. Reading comprehension can be defined simply as the way to get

information from the text of the reading material. Snow (2002: p.11)

said the definition of reading comprehension is “the process of

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simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through

interaction and involvement with written language”. It helps the reader

to find the information that the writer wants to inform in the text.

Moreover, reading comprehension can also define as the

strategy to process the information from the text. Thus, Kendeou &

Trevors (2012) as cited in Kendeou et. al. (2014) state that “reading

comprehension depends on the execution and integration of many

cognitive processes.” It can be said that reading comprehension is the

capability to understand or grasp it ideas of one passage. Reading

comprehension refers to reading with comprehension, anditis a

complex process which comprises the successful or unsuccessful use

of many abilities.

Dicky (2009) as cited in Handayani (2012: p. 7) state that there

are five components of reading comprehension.

1. Identifying the main idea and topic of the paragraph

The topic of the paragraph is a paragraph which is develop by

exposure to small parts so that the sentence of a general nature

becoming apparent. Whereas, the main idea is the author’s idea

about the topic it is stated in the topic sentence. In the

writtenparagraph well, most of the sentence support, describe or

explain the main idea.

2. Inference

The inference is those question that asks the students to draw

a conclusion through some details are not stated explicitly. So

they can understand from the other details that are stated. For

example, the teacher gives a short story for students.

3. Factual information

Factual information questions are questioned about what is

true according to the information and those about what is not true

this question-based fact.

4. Checking the referring words

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Checking the referring words question require the students to

find out the concepts (words and phrase) mentioned earlier in the


5. Checking vocabulary in teaching

Checking vocabulary is the meaning of words because same

need vocabulary to guess the meaning of words based on the

context which the words are found.

4. Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

a. Definition of Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) is one of

innovative strategies that can be used by the teacher to teach reading

comprehension. This strategy is developed by Russell Stauffer in 1969.

Therefore, DRTA is developed to promote active reading

comprehension and engage students to think critically to understand a

text. In Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA), students are

guided through the process of making predictions, silent reading, and

confirming or refuting their predictions. Through those processes,

students are expected to be active, critical and thoughtful readers.

Tierney at al (1995) as cited in ElKoumy (2006:5) states that

DRTA is a strategy that can be used to build independent readers and

learners. Besides, DRTA strategy also involves students in using higher

critical thinking skills. This skill includes making connection between

related elements of the text, confirming the predictions and creating

logical conclusion. Since reading involves students to understand and

construct their own interpretation to a text, Directed Reading Thinking

Activity (DRTA) will be an appropriate strategy to be used in teaching

reading comprehension.

Meanwhile according to Hojnacki (2001:15) DRTA is

designed to help students ask question to aid themselves in reading

comprehension instead of just answering a teacher’s questions. He

furtherstates that this strategy encourages students to devolop their own

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reading andthinking processes by setting their own purpose reading.

DRTA has several purposes. According to Tierney,Readence and

Dishner in El-Koumy (2006), DRTA is a strategy/technique to build

independent readers because the readers are equipped with the abilities

to set reading purposes, examining reading material based on these

reading purposes, and making decisions based on the information from

the text. Moreover, Jennings and Shepherd in El-Koumy (2006) insert

that DRTA helps students become aware of the reading strategies,

understand the reading process, and develop prediction skills.

Likewise, Glass etal. (2006) state that DRTA engages

students in a step-by-step process that guides them not only to read but

also to understand and to think about the text they read. Also, Allen in

Odwan (2012: 141) states that: The value of directed reading thinking

activity is to make predictions before reading each section. Requiring

students to make predictions encourage use of context clues and

establishes a purpose for reading. This cycle requires students to use

their background knowledge to set purposes for reading and develop

their questioning ability.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

DRTA aims to have students employ reading strategies, to elicit their

prior knowledge related to the topic of the text, to set a purpose for

reading and to encourage them to monitor their comprehension while

they are reading. These steps later can make students an independent


b. The Procedure of Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

In relation to the procedure of DRTA, Gaith (2000) explains

that it consists of comprehension activities featuring making predictions

prior to reading and then reading to prove or to modify the predictions

made about the story events. Also, Corner (2006) describes that the

sequences of DRTA are: first, students make predictions before

reading; after they read a segment of a text, the students stop and

Page 27: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


confirm or revise the previous predictions; finally, the cycle continues

until they finish reading the whole text. In short, it can be concluded

that DRTA consists of three main stages, namely predicting before

reading, reading, and proving/disproving the prediction after reading.

Alan Crawford, (2005) state the procedure of DRTA

methods is as follows:

a). The teacher prepares the text by marking four or five good stopping


b). The teacher prepares DRTA chart and reminds them not to read

beyond the stopping points. They will be making predictions and

reading to confirm those predictions.

c). The teacher asks the students the little of the story; talks about the

genre author, shows the cover illustration, and reads the title. Then,

he asks for their prediction about what will happen in the story.

Write those predictions in the space labeled. Ask the students why

they think so.

d). The teacher asks the students to the first stopping point and considers

the prediction they made before, and say what actually happened.

e). The teacher reviews the prediction and asks which ones are coming

true so far. Then, the teacher asks them to read aloud to confirm or

disconfirm their predictions.

f). The teacher asks the students to predict the next block of text. Write

and read, then check their prediction against what did happen, make

new predictions, and dictate the evidence for those predictions.

g). Finally, the teacher asks the students to check the last predictions

against what actually happened in the story, and dictate their findings

about what happened, to be recorded in the space on the form The

DRTA method leads the students to be creative thinking,

imaginative, and joyful learning to achieve the objectives of the

lesson. Besides, teaching and learning process automatically

becomes a student-centered instruction with modern pedagogy

Page 28: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


through the integration of the strength of attitude, skill and


Based on the explanation above, it is known that in the

implementation of DRTA, readers should make predictions before

reading a text. To make predictions, they should use any hints they find

in the text and their background knowledge of the text as well. Then,

their reading purpose is to find whether their predictions about the text

are accurate or not. Having reading purposes is believed to help readers

comprehend a text better (Brown, 2001). These activities of predicting

and proving/disproving predictions help the students monitor their

comprehension before, while, and after reading. As a result, the

implementation of DRTA will help students comprehend a text.

B. Relevant Studies

Previous study is very important to the researcher as guide in

conducting this study. There are three previous that related to the present

study. The first research was conducted by Abdullah Hasan (2014)

entitled “The Effect of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

Method on Students’ Reading Comprehension for State Islamic Senior

High School”. This study aims to find out the effect of using Directed

Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Method on students’ reading

comprehension. A quasi-experimental design was used with pre-test and

post-test non-equivalent control group design. The number of participants

was 63 students divided into an experimental group (31) and a control

group (32) of the students of MAN 1 Pekanbaru. Two research questions

and four hypotheses were posed in this study. Before conducting the

treatment, pretest was administered, and posttest was administered after

the treatment. Independent and dependent (paired) sample t-tests were

used to analyze the data. The research finding showed a significant effect

of using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) method on

students’ reading comprehension. Using DRTA method contributed 72%

on students’ reading comprehension, meanwhile the control group using

Page 29: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


non-DRTA method contributed 49%. At last, it can be inferred that

DRTA method is suitable to apply in teaching reading comprehension at

State Islamic Senior High School (MAN) 1 Pekanbaru.

The next study was conduct by Sarona Maisarah (2017) entitled

“Using Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Technique to Teach

Reading Comprehension for Eleventh Grade Students”The purposes of

this research are to find out whether Direct Reading Thinking Activity

(DRTA) technique may increase reading comprehension for eleventh

grade students and to know the obstacles of the students in using Direct

Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Technique in reading

comprehension. The subject of this research was the students of the

second grade of SMAN 1 KutaBaro in the academic year of 2017/2018

which consisting of 18 students. The research was started on October

10th, 17th2017 until October 24th 2017. This is a quantitative research

with used two research instruments,namely test (pre-test and post-test)

and questionnaire.Finally, the researcher conclude gives suggestion that

English teachers can use DRTA technique as a good alternative method

in teaching reading. However, it’s helps for students in reading ability

and increase reading comprehension, because the students more easy to

understand with the prediction of the texts, students more interactive and

help students to more active and critical thinking.

The last study was conducted by Sri murti handayani (2014)

entitled “The Effects of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

Towards the Ability of the First Year Students of the First Year Students

of SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru in Comprehending Reasing Text. This

study answered the following research question:”is there any significant

effect DRTA method to reading comprehension achievement of the first

year students of SMA N 10 Pekanbaru in comprehending text?”The

participants were 36 students of the first year students of SMA Negeri 10

Pekanbaru. The time of this research was on academic 2014-2015, from

august - October at SMA N 10 Pekanbaru. This school is located on

Page 30: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


St.bukitbarisan, Pekanbaru. The data was collected by using pre-test and

post-test. The data was analyzed by using SPSS Aplication. The research

finding of this research showed that there is significant effect of Directed

Reading Thinking Activity towards the ability of the first year students of

SMA N 10 Pekanbaru in comprehending reading text.the finding also

proved that in the pre-test students’ average score was 6.82 and after the

treatment applied there is contribution in post-test score 0.74.

Based on the explanation above the researcher compares with her

reasearch entitled “The Effect of Direct Reading Thinking Activity to

Students’ Reading Comperehension at State Islamic Junior High School”

the design of the research is quasi-experimental research, in collecting

data the researcher used multiple choice form. The result of the study to

get the effect of direct reading thinking activity strategy whereas

previous research, resesarcher used direct reading thinking activity

strategy to help reading comprehension and to improve student


C. Hypotheses

There are two hypotheses to be tested in this research. There are one

null hypothesis ( Ho) and one alternative hypothesis ( Ha).

Ha = There is a significant effect after using direct reading thinking

activity strategy in teaching reading comprehension?

Ho = There is no significant effect after using direct reading thinking

activity strategy in teaching reading comprehension?

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A. Place and Time of Research

This research takes place at Islamic Junior High School 2

Batanghari. It is located on Jl. Jambi – Muara Bulian, Ma.Bulian, Kab.

Batanghari. The researcher chooses this school because the researcher has

known well about the condition of this school and most of the students had

problems with the reading comprehension. The researcher will conduct the

research to find the best way of teaching English that can assist students’

reading comprehension. The researcher choose the eighth grade of Islamic

Junior High School 2 Batanghari. This research will be conducted the first

semester in 2019.

B. Research Design

This research used quantitative – experimental approach. Frankel

and wallen states that experimental research is one of the most powerful

research methodologies that researchers can use(Frankel and wallen, 2012:

p.265). The design of this research is quasi-experimental research.quasi-

experimental design is used when the researcher keeps students in existing

classroom intact and the entire classrooms are assigned to treatments.( L.

R. Gay and Peter Airasian : 394). The kind of quasi experimental design of

this research was nonequivalent control group design. Itinvolves random

assignment of intact groups to treatments, not random assignment

ofindividuals(L. R. Gay and Peter Airasian : 395). In this research, the

writer usedtwo classes. The first classused as experimental class which

used RAPstrategy and another one as control class which used

conventional strategy.

The two classes got different treatment to measure the effect of

direct reading thinking activity to reading comprehension in descriptive

text. Both of the classes given the same pre-test and post-test, but without

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giving the same treatment with the control class and the experimental

class. It can be show on the following table:

Table 3.1

The Research Design









O1 X O2

Control O3 O4

Desain Penelitian ( Source :Sugiyono:2010)

The dashed line separating the parallel where :

O1 : Pre-test of experimental class

O2 : Post- test of experimental class

X : Treatment in the experimental class

O3 : Pre-test of control class

O4 : post-test of control class

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Sugiyono (2009, p. 117), “population is general area

consisting of object or subject who have quality and specific characteristic

that set in by the researcher to learned and take the conclusion from it.” The

population of Islamic Junior High School 2 Batanghari is 148 students

divided into 7 classes, VII A, VII B, VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, IX A and IX B.

Therefore, the target of the population is students of the eighth grade of

Islamic Junior High School 2 BatangHari.

Page 33: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Table 3. 2:Target population of students eighth Grade of Islamic

Junior High School 2 Batanghari

Class Number




Total 73

(Source: document of Islamic Junior High School 2 Batanghari 2017)

2. Sample

Sample is the group of individuals from whom data are collected

(McMillan and Schumacher, 2010, p.129). In this research, the researcher uses

a cluster random sampling. Cluster random sampling is similar to stratified

random sampling in that groups of individuals are identified from the

population and subjects are drawn from these groups (McMillan and

Schumacher, 2010, p.135).

In this occasion, the researcher took the samples by using random

sampling. The procedures of randomizing sample by lottery are as follows:

a. Making a list of all classes

b. Writing the name of each class on a piece of paper

c. Rolling the pieces of paper and then putting them into a can and shaking

the can well

d. Dropping the rolled pieces of paper one by one as many as needed.

By flapping a coin, class VIII A became experimental group and class

VIII B as control group. The experimental group consisted of 24 students,

while the control group consisted of 24 students. 48 students were representive

enough to sample of research.

Table 3. 3:Sample of the eighth grade students of Islamic Junior High

School 2 Batanghari.

Class Number



Page 34: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Total 48

D. Variable of The Research

This research consists of two variables, which are the independent

variable and dependent variable.

a. Independent variable

According to Sugiyono (2009, p. 61), the independent variable is the

variable which influences the dependent variable. In this research, the

independent variable is the Direct Reading Thinking Activity.

b. Dependent variable

According to Sugiyono (2009, p. 61), the dependent variable is the

variable that influences by the independent variable. In this research, the

dependent variable is students’ reading comprehension.

E. The Instrument of The Research

1. Test

In collecting the data, the researcher was used a reading

comprehension test. According to Brown (2004: p. 3) said that the test is “a

method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a

given domain.” Then, the kind of test that was be given is multiple-choice.

Brown (2004: p. 194) state that multiple-choice is a most popular method of

testing a reading knowledge because practically reasons; easy to administer

and can be scored quickly.

In this research, the researcher was given the test into pre-test and

post-test to both of the experimental and control group. The kind of test is

multiple choice with consist 20 items question. The test is ready made one

taken from “English Book for Junior High School” written by Drs. Bachtiar

Bima Mustriana, 2009. The pre-test was used to collect the data and to see the

students’ ability or knowledge about reading comprehension before

treatment. Therefore, the post-test was be given to the student to see either the

student have some improvement in reading comprehension by using the direct

reading thinking activity or not.

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2. Validity and reliability test

1. Validity

According to McMillan and Schumacher validity is a characteristic based

on the reasonableness of inferences drawn from a set of scores (McMillan and

Schumacher, 2010, p.185).The test is valid if it measures what is supposed to

be measured. The study concerns with how well the test measures the subject

matter andlearning outcomes covered during the treatment.The validity that

usedin this study is content validity. Content validity is the degree to which

the sample represents the content that the test is designed to measure. Thus,

by applying content validity, the researcher know whether the test items are

valid or not to the behavioral objectives. Before the tests were given to the

sample, both of tests were tried out to 23 students at eighth grade Junior High

School 2 Batanghari. The purpose of test was to obtain validity and reliability

of the test. In this research there are 30 items before validity and after the

researcher analyze the valid items, there are 20 Items that valid.

2. Reliability

According to Cresswell reliability means that scores from an instrument

are stable and consistent (Cresswell, 2012, p.159 ). Fraenkel and Wallen said

that reliability refers to the consistency of the scores obtained how consistent

they are for each individual from one administration of an instrument to

another and from one set of items to another. The value of reliability as

follows: Reliability is the degree to which a test consistency measures

whatever it is measuring.

Reliability Statistics


h's Alpha

N of


.910 20

Page 36: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Categories of Reliability

The researcher has done validity test, then performed reliability testing

on those instruments. Reliability test used to determine the level of

consistency in answer to the instrument.Based on the calculation point about

the reliability of tryout coefficient obtained by 0,910. Based on table above

showed the categories of reliability in this research very high. From the result

above it can be concluded that the instrument can be trusted to be used as a

data collection tool.

F. The Technique of Data Analysis

1. Prerequisite Test Analysis

Prerequisite test analysis is intended to determine the data collected

are eligible for technical analyzed statistically selected.

a. Normality test

The purpose of the normality test is to know whether the instrument

of the research that will use have normal distribution or not. In this

research, the researcher will use statistical computation by using SPSS

for normality.

The normality test that will use by the researcher is Kolmogorov

Smirnov formula. The hypotheses for the normality test will formulate as


Ho: The data are normally distributed.

Value Descriptio


0,8 - 1.000 Very High

0,6 –



0,4 –



0,2 –



Page 37: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Ha: The data are not normally distributed.

While the criteria for acceptance or rejection of hypotheses for

normality test are as below:

Ho is accepted if Sig. > α = 0.05

Ha is accepted if Sig. < α = 0.05

b. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is the test to know whether the two groups of

samples having variances homogeneous or not. In this research, the

researcher will use statistical computation by using SPSS (Statistical

Package for the Social Science) for the homogeneity of the test. The

researcher will use the Levene statistic test in SPSS.

The hypotheses for the homogeneity tests are formulated as follows:

Ho = the variances of the data are homogenous

Ha = the variances of the data are not homogenous.

While the criteria for acceptance or rejection of homogeneity test are

as follow:

Ho is accepted if Sig. > α = 0.05

Ha is accepted if Sig. < α = 0.05

c. T-test

The t-test is a type of statistical test that is used to compare the means

of two groups. There are two types of t-test employed in the study,

independent sample t-test and paired t-test sample. Independent sample t-

test is a test that used when the two groups under comparison are

independent of each other, and the paired t-test, which can be used when

the two groups under comparison are dependent on each other. (Kim,

2015: p. 1)

In this research, the researcher will use independent sample t-test and

paired t-test. The researcher will be employing SPSS (Statistical Package

for Social Science) program to calculating the independent sample t-test.

Page 38: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


G. Statistical Hypotheses

The researcher will use statistical computation by using SPSS

(Statistical Package for Social Science) for hypothetical of the test.

Statistic hypothesisis the following:

1. Ha1 : 1 > 2

Ho1 : 1 = 2

2. Ha2 : 1 > 2

Ho2 : 1 = 2

Where the hypothesis is:

Ha1 = Direct Reading Thinking Activity is given some effect studens’ reading


Ho1= Direct Reading Thinking Activity is not given some effect

students’reading comprehension.

Ha2 = There is a significant difference between the students’ taught by Direct

Reading Thinking Activity and those who are taught by teacher’s


Ho2 = There is no significant difference between the students’ taught by Direct

Reading Thinking Activity and those who are taught by teacher’s


While if the criteria of acceptance or rejection of hypothesis are

Ho is accepted if Sig. > α = 0.05

Ha is accepted if Sig. < α = 0.05

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A. Finding of the Study

The data of students’ reading test in pre-test at experimental and control

groups were scored by researcher, after the researcher got the data, the researcher

employed SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 22. In this case,

the data was analysed by using t-test. There are tow kinds of t-test, they are

Independent Sample t-test and Paired Sample t-test. The finding include:1).

Descriptive analysis of students’ reading test. 2). Stastitical analysis of students’

reading test.

1. Description of the Data

In this section, the researcher explained the frequencies, percentages,

mean and etc of the test, based on the result of the test before and after giving

the treatment in both experimental and control group. The scoring grade can be

seen in the table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Scoring Grade

Score Categor


86 –




76 – 85 Good

56 – 75 Fair

36 – 55 Poor

0 – 35 Very


(arikunto, 2015)

Below are the data of pre-test and post-test in experimental and control


a. The Data of Experimental Class

Page 40: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


The table 4.1 below showed the students’ pre-test and post-tets score

of experimental class. There were 24 students in experimental class

(variable X).

Table 4.2

The Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score in Experimental Class (X)


o Students

Experimental Class Gained

Score Pre-




1 A 65 90 25

2 B 60 90 30

3 C 50 60 10

4 D 40 75 35

5 E 45 85 40

6 F 50 70 20

7 G 40 65 25

8 H 60 90 30

9 I 45 85 40


0 J 50 75 25


1 K 55 80 25


2 L 55 90 35


3 M 60 65 5


4 N 50 75 25


5 O 45 85 40


Page 41: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



6 P 55 75 20


7 Q 50 75 25


8 R 65 80 15


9 S 35 75 40


0 T 45 75 30


1 U 50 85 35


2 V 50 80 30


3 W 45 85 40


4 X 60 80 20

∑ 1225 1890 665

Mean 51.04 78.75 27.7083

Based on the Table 4.2 above, it can be seen that the lowest score of

pre-test was 35 and the highest score was 65. Besides, the lowest score of

post-test was 60 and the highest was 90. The mean of pre-test was 51.04 and

post-test was 78.75. After conducting pre-test and post-test, the mean gained

score was 33.12. The mean of post-test after giving treatments using direct

reading thinking activity strategy is higher than the mean of pre-test before

giving treatments. It means that there was a significant difference between

the students’ achievement of pre-test and post-test.

Table 4.3

Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Result in Experimental Class

Page 42: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based









ve Percent




5 1 4.2 4.2 4.2


0 2 8.3 8.3 12.5


5 5 20.8 20.8 33.3


0 7 29.2 29.2 62.5


5 3 12.5 12.5 75.0


0 4 16.7 16.7 91.7


5 2 8.3 8.3 100.0


otal 24


0 100.0

The Table 4.3 above is a tool of presentation consisting serial numbers

of pre-test score and the frequency for each score in a table. According to

the table it can be known that the student who got 35 was 1 student (4.2%)

and based on the scoring grade it is categorized as a very poor, the students

who got 40 were 2 students (8.3%) and it is categorized as poor, the students

who got 45 were 5 students (20.8%) and it is categorized as poor, 7 students

got 50 (29.2%) and it is categorized as poor, 3 students got 55 (12.5%) and

it is categorized as poor, 4 students got 60 (16.7%) and it is categorized as

fair, 2 students got 65 (8.3%) and it is categorized as fair. The total number

of frequency are 24 data.

Page 43: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Based on the table frequency distribution above, it also can be

presented in a diagram as follow :

Diagram 4.1

Pre-test Result of Experimental Class

Table 4.4

Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Result in Experimental Class








ve Percent




0 1 4.2 4.2 4.2


5 2 8.3 8.3 12.5


0 1 4.2 4.2 16.7


5 7 29.2 29.2 45.8


0 4 16.7 16.7 62.5


5 5 20.8 20.8 83.3










35 40 45 50 55 60 65

Page 44: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



0 4 16.7 16.7 100.0


otal 24


0 100.0

The Table 4.4 above is a tool of presentation consisting serial numbers

of pre-test score and the frequency for each score in a table. According to

the table it can be known that the student who got 60 was 1 student (4.2%)

and based on the scoring grade it is categorized as a fair, the students who

got 65 were 2 students (8.3%) and it is categorized as fair, the student who

got 70 was 1 student (4.2%) and it is categorized as fair, 7 students got 75

(29.2%) and it is categorized as fair, 4 students got 80 (16.7%) and it is

categorized as good, 5 students got 85 (20.8%) and it is categorized as good,

4 students got 90 (16.7%) and it is categorized as very good. The total

number of frequency are 24 data.

Based on the table frequency distribution above, it also can be

presented in a diagram as follow:

Diagram 4.2

Post-test Result of Experimental Class

Based on result of pre-test and post-test of experimental class above

showed that there is significant difference on students’ reading

comprehension achievement between pre-test and post-test achievement.










60 65 70 75 80 85 90

Page 45: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Morever, in the post test score the highest score is 90 meanwhile in the pre-

test is only 65.

b. The Data of Control Class

The Table 4.5 below presented the students’ pre-test and post-test

score of control class. There were 24 students in control class (variable Y).

Table 4.5

The students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score of Control Class (Y)


o Students

Control Class Gai







1 A 30 45 15

2 B 60 65 5

3 C 50 65 15

4 D 70 75 5

5 E 40 60 20

6 F 55 60 5

7 G 35 50 15

8 H 50 60 10

9 I 60 80 20


0 J 55 65 10


1 K 55 75 20


2 L 50 60 10


3 M 50 70 20

Page 46: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



4 N 70 75 5


5 O 55 70 15


6 P 45 70 25


7 Q 45 60 15


8 R 50 65 15


9 S 60 80 20


0 T 70 75 5


1 U 50 55 5


2 V 40 40 0


3 W 65 80 15


4 X 70 80 10


0 1580 300



3 65,83 12,5

According to Table 4.5 above, it can be seen that the lowest score of

pre-test was 30 and the highest score was 70. Besides, the lowest score of

post-test was 40 and the highest was 80. After conducting pre-test and post-

test, the mean gained score was 12.5. The mean of pre-test was 53.33 and

post-test was 65.83. It showed that the students’ score of control class was

Page 47: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


also increased. Although the students’ score of controlled class was also

increased, it was not as significant as the students’ score of experimental

class which the mean of gained score was 33.12. It can be inferred that the

students’ score of experimental class which learning reading descriptive text

using direct reading thinking activity strategy was higher than the students’

score in controlled class which learning reading descriptive text without

direct reading thinking activity strategy.

Table 4.6

Frequency distribution of pre-test result in control class








ve Percent




0 1 4.2 4.2 4.2


5 1 4.2 4.2 8.3


0 2 8.3 8.3 16.7


5 2 8.3 8.3 25.0


0 6 25.0 25.0 50.0


5 4 16.7 16.7 66.7


0 3 12.5 12.5 79.2


5 1 4.2 4.2 83.3


0 4 16.7 16.7 100.0

Page 48: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



otal 24


0 100.0

According to the Table 4.6, it can be known that the student who got

30 was 1 student (4.2%) and based on the scoring grade it is categorized as a

very poor, the students who got 35 was 1 student (4.2%) and it is

categorized as very poor, the students who got 40 were 2 students (8.3%)

and it is categorized as poor, 2 students got 45 (8.3%) and it is categorized

as poor, 6 students got 50 (25.0%) and it is categorized as poor, 4 students

got 55 (16.7%) and it is categorized as poor, 3 students got 60 (12.5%) and

it is categorized as fair, 1 student got 65 (4.2%) and it is categorized as fair,

4 students got 70 (16.7%) and it is categorized as fair. The total number of

frequency are 24 data.

Based on the table of frequency distribution above, it also can be

presented in a diagram as follows:

Diagram 4.3

Pre-test Result of Control Class









30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

Page 49: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Table 4.7

Frequency Distribution of Post-test Result in Control Class











40 1 4.2 4.2 4.2

45 1 4.2 4.2 8.3

50 1 4.2 4.2 12.5

55 1 4.2 4.2 16.7

60 5 20.8 20.8 37.5

65 4 16.7 16.7 54.2

70 3 12.5 12.5 66.7

75 4 16.7 16.7 83.3

80 4 16.7 16.7 100.0


tal 24 100.0 100.0

According to the Table 4.7, it can be known that the student who got

40 was 1 student (4.2%) and based on the scoring grade it is categorized as a

poor, the students who got 45 was 1 student (4.2%) and it is categorized as

poor, the students who got 50 was 1student (4.2%) and it is categorized as

poor, 1 student got 55 (20.8%) and it is categorized as poor, 5 students got

60 (20.8%) and it is categorized as fair, 4 students got 65 (16.7%) and it is

categorized as fair, 3 students got 70 (12.5%) and it is categorized as fair, 4

students got 75 (16.7%) and it is categorized as fair, 4 students got 80

Page 50: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


(16.7%) and it is categorized as good. The total number of frequency are 24


Based on the table of frequency distribution above, it also can be

presented in a diagram as follows:

Diagram 4.4

Post-test Result of Control Class

Based on result of pre-test and post-test score in control class above

showed that there is difference on students’ reading comprehension

achievement between pre-test and post-test achievement although as not

significant as post-test in experimental class.

After scoring the frequency and percentage of score from pre-test and

post-test, the means, the standard deviations, the minimum and the

maximum of the pre-test and post-test scores of the sample were calculated

respectively by using IBM SPSS 22. Table 4.8 represented the result.

Table 4.8 Descriptive Statistics

















40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Page 51: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



Experimental 24 35 65


4 7.937


Experimental 24 60 90


5 8.373


Control 24 30 70


3 11.099


Control 24 40 80


3 11.099

Valid N

(listwise) 24

As Table 4.8 showed, the mean of post-test score of experimental

class (79.37). It indicated that on average, the use of Direct Reading

Thinking Activity has caused the improvement of students’ score, but it is

important to know that such a conclusion is only a descriptive conclusion. It

should be tested about being meaningful this progress.

Therefore, to investigate whether Direct Reading Thinking Activity is

effective to increase students’ skill in reading comprehension of descriptive

text, and whether Direct Reading Thinking Activity has a significant effect

of students’ reading comprehension skill, the researcher tested the result of

pre-test and post-test by using Paired Sample Test and Independent Sample

Test is used to compare the means of one variable for two groups of cases in

IBM SPSS Statistic 22.

4.9 Paired Samples Statistics


n N




Error Mean


air 1




4 24 7.937 1.620




5 24 8.373 1.709

Page 52: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


The data that presented above was the performance scores of the

group of students taken as sample, before and after taught by using Direct

Reading Thinking Activity as the treatment. The mean scores of pre-test

was 51.04, while the mean scores of post-test was 78.75. The number of

students (N) both in pre-test and post-test were 24 students. The standard

deviation of pre-test was 7.937 and the error mean was 1.620. On the post-

test, the standard deviation was 8.373 and the error mean was 1.709. Based

on the result of mean, it can be concluded that the mean score of pre-test

was different from the mean score of post-test. Thus, it can be concluded

that there was increased since the mean score of post-test was higher than


2. Statistical Analysis

a. Normality of the Data

Before analyzing the hypothesis. The researcher had to analyze the

normality of the data. This analysis is to measure that the data got in the

research was normally distributed or not. The researcher used SPSS v.22

for windows with criteria α >0.05.

The result of normality can be seen by comparing the value of Tmax

to Ttable. The criteria of hypothesis is:

H1 : T < Ttable

H0 : T ≥ Ttable

Table 4.10

Normality Results of Experimental and Control Class



stic df Sig.


Experimental .177 24 .050

Page 53: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



Experimental .160 24 .112

Pre-test Control .132 24




Control .133 24



b. Homogeneity of the Data

Table 4.11

Homogeneity of Pre-test Results between Experimental and

Control Class


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

2.218 1 46 .143

Table 4.12 showed that the significance of pre-test score between

experimental class and control class 0.143. Therefore, it can be inferred that

the pre-test data of both classes were homogenous since 0.143 is higher than

0.05 or 0.143 > 0.05.

After analyzing the homogeneity of pre-test class of experimental

class and control class, then, the writer looked for the homogeneity of post-

test class of experimental class and control class by using SPSS v.22. The

result of post-test homogeneity test was described in a table as follows:

Table 4.12

Homogeneity of Post-test Results between Experimental and

Control Class


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1.567 1 46 .217

Page 54: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Table 4.12 showed that the significance of post-test score between

experimental class and control class 0.217. Therefore, it can be concluded

that the post-test data of both classes were homogenous since 0.217 is

higher than 0.05

After knowing the data is normal and homogenous, the researcher

calculated the data to test the hypothesis that whether there is significant

different between students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text by

using Direct Reading Thinking Activity strategy in experimental class and

students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text without Direct Reading

Thinking Activity strategy in control class by using parametric test. The

researcher calculated the data using t-test formula. Two classes were

compared, the experiment class was X variable and the controlled class was

Y variable.

c. Paired Sample Test

4.13 Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences





ig. (2-














Interval of the







air 1



l - Post-test



















Ttable df 23 = 1.714

Page 55: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Based on the Table 4.13 The Output of Paired Sample Test, showed

that the result of the compare analysis with using t-test. The output showed

of mean of pre-test ad post-test (27.708), standard deviation (9.666), mean

standard error (1.973). The lower different (31.790), while the upper

different (23.627). The result of test t (14.043) with df = 23 and significance


We can see that the value of t was 14.043. The way to test whether

null hypothesis could be rejected by comparing the result of tcountand ttable. If

the result of tcountis higher than ttable at the level of significance 0.05, then the

null hypothesis can be rejected. In consulting to ttable, the researcher needed

to find out the degree of freedom, as can be seen in Table 4.13 that the

Degree of Freedom is 23, the researcher consulted to the ttable, at the level of

significance 0.05, the value of ttable is 1.714. Comparing to the value of

tcountand ttable (14.043>1.714), ttableas same as p-value. To determine whether

the null hypothesis can be rejected or not, we can comparing p-value with of

the obtained statistic that is less than 0.05.

As Table 4.13 showed, the p-value was less than 0.05 (0.000<0.05).

Thus, there was enough evidence indicating that the null hypothesis could

be rejected, and it could be concluded that using direct reading thinking

activity was effective on students’ achievement in reading descriptive text.

d. Independent sample test


e's Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

Page 56: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Table 4.14 Independent Sample Test

Based on the output SPSS above (Table. 4.14), Independent Sample

Test shows Levene’s Test for variance in this hypothesis examination:

1) If tcount<ttable, it means that H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected

2) If tcount>ttable, it means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted

tcount = 4.551 and df = 46. Based on the ttable, it can be analysed that

tcount is higher than ttable, (4.551>1.679). Based on the table the significant

value 0.000 and the significant level 0.05, it means that the significant level

is higher than significant value. In other words, the researcher concluded

that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. It means that there is significant effect

of using Direct Reading Thinking Activity on students’ reading

comprehension at eighth grade of Junior High School 2 Batanghari.

e. Testing Hypothesis

From the data analysis it could be identify that :

1) If the value of tcount> ttable in df= 23 with the signficant level 0.05. The

alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is



ig. T















Confidence Interval

of the Difference






dent sample












6 .000
















2.77 .000









Page 57: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


rejected. It means that there is significant different score of reading

comprehension achievement to eighth grade at Junior High School 2

Batanghari before and after taught by using Direct Reading Thinking


2) If the value of tcount< ttable in df= 23 with the signficant level 0.05. The

null hypothesis (H0) is accepted. It means that there is no significant

different score of reading comprehension achievement to eighth grade

at Junior High School 2 Batanghari before and after taught by using

Direct Reading Thinking Activity.

3) .The mean of total reading comprehension achievement test score of

24 students before using Direct Reading Thinking Activity is 51. After

getting the treatment, the mean score of students’ achievement is 79. It

means that the students’ score is improved. Based on the statistical

calculation using t-test, the researcher gives intepretation to tcount.

First, the researcher considered the df with df (24-1) = 23. The

researcher checked to the score of “t” at the significant level of 0.05.

In fact, with the df of (23) and the critical value 0.05 significant t table

was 1.714.

By comparing the “t” that the researcher got in calculation tcount =

14.043 and the value of “t” on ttable = t0.05 = 1.714, it is known that tcount is

bigger that ttable or 14.043 > 1.714, because the tcount is bigger than ttable the

null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

accepted. It means that there is significant effect and significant different

score of students’ achievement in reading comprehension of descriptive text

of eighth grade students of Junior High School 2 Batanghari before and after

taught by using Direct Reading Thinking Activity.

B. Interpretasion

The aims of this research were to find out whether or not there was a

significant effect and different score of eighth grade students’ achievement in

reading comprehension. The result showed that there was any significant effect of

group who are taught by using Direct Reading Thinking Activity and those who are

Page 58: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


not. This can be seen from the result of pre-test and post-test in both of groups.

The mean score of pre-test in experimental class was 51 and the mean score of

post-test was 79. Meanwhile, the mean score of pre-test of control groups was 53

and the mean score of post-test was 66. Both experimental and control class

learned English subject two meetings in a week and the students are asked to

comprehend the descriptive based on the kinds the descriptive text in the end of

each meeting.

Then result of this research also indicated that there was a significant

different after and before taught by using Direct Reading Thinking Activity. This

result showed that the students are more interested to read and share their idea by

using Direct Reading Thinking Activity. However, the students were motivated in

reading comprehension on descriptive text after using Direct Reading Thinking

Activity as media.

From the researcher’s finding in chapter IV, the output data of Paired

Samples Statistic showed that the mean of pre-test and post-test was increased

from 51.04 to be 78.75. The standard deviation is to measure how much the

variance of the sample, the standars deviation of pre-test is 7.937< 51.04 and the

post-test is 8.373<78.75, where if the standard deviation is getting higher than the

mean it means that the mean is not homogeny, while if the standard deviation is

getting smaller than the mean it means that the mean is homogeny. So, it can be

concluded that standard deviation of pre-test and post-test was homogeny. Means

that the sample of this research almost has the same mean.

Based on the output data of Paired Samples Test it was found that tcount =

14.043 ttable = 1.714. From this comparison, tcount = 14.043 is bigger than ttable =

1.714, which means the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, while the null

hypothesis (H0) is rejected. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was

significance different of the students’ achievement in reading comprehension on

Descriptive Text of the eighth grade students at Junior High School 2 Batanghari

in academic year 2019/2020 before and after using Direct Reading Thinking


Page 59: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


The data on the Independent Sample Test that the mean of experimental

class after taught by using Direct Reading Thinking Activity strategy is 78.75 and

mean of control class after taught without Direct Reading Thinking Activity strategy

is 65.83. the researcher used independent sample test, because to find out the

differences of students mean score between the experimental class and control

class. It means of the statements before, the mean after taught by Direct Reading

Thinking Activity strategy is higher than after taught without Direct Reading

Thinking Activity strategy. From the table 4.14 above, the mean difference between

both of those group are 12.92, the differences about the lower and upper 7.204

and 18.629. So, it can be concluding that there is significance effect of taught by

using Direct Reading Thinking Activity strategy.

Based on the researcher observing, another difference of students who are

taught by using Direct Reading Thinking Activity they were enjoy, enthusiasm, and

decrease their bored feeling in English class especially while they are reading.

Based on Jennings and Shepherd in El-Koumy (2006) Direct Reading Thinking

Activity helps students become aware of the reading strategies, understand the

reading process, and develop prediction skills. It is very contrast while the

researcher was observing students’ pre-test work before they got a treatment from

the researcher. They look a little bit bored because they have to read most of

question with a text by there is no strategy and concept. Likewise, Glass etal.

(2006) proved the statement DRTA engages students in a step-by-step process

that guides them not only to read but also to understand and to think about the text

they read. Besides, Hojnacki (2001:15) Direct Reading Thinking Activity is

designed to help students ask question to aid themselves in reading

comprehension instead of just answering a teacher’s questios. While, Tierney at al

(1995) as cited in ElKoumy (2006:5) states that DRTA is a strategy that can be

used to build independent readers and learners. Besides, DRTA strategy also

involves students in using higher critical thinking skills. This skill includes

making connection between related elements of the text, confirming the

predictions and creating logical conclusion. Since reading involves students to

understand and construct their own interpretation to a text, Directed Reading

Page 60: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Thinking Activity (DRTA) will be an appropriate strategy to be used in teaching

reading comprehension.

Shortly, Direct Reading Thinking Activity is effective for teaching reading

comprehension to students, because it made the learning more enjoyable and

makes students explore ideas and using their imagination with their creativities.

Direct Reading Thinking Activity has given positive effect for the students in

learning activity especially in their reading comprehension. They are not only get

a good skill in comprehending the text, but also their motivation. In this case,

Direct Reading Thinking Activity on descriptive text is effective to use in the class.

Page 61: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based




A. Conclusion

The result of the research indicated that using direct reading thinking

activity in teaching reading comprehension has a significant effect and significant

differences in reading achievement. Significance effect means that when the

researcher taught reading comprehension of descriptive text by using direct

reading thinking activity the students were is to be easier to understand the text. Based

on the data from quasi experimental at first year of eighth grade junior high school

2 batanghari. The experimental group students’ scores on post-test were better in

which the mean 78.75 than their scores on pre-test the mean 51.04. In addition,

the two tailed value of was 0.000 which was lower than 0.05 (0.000<0.05). It

means that there is significant effect of using Direct Reading Thinking Activity at

eighth grade of junior high school 2 batanghari. In line with it, the researcher

consulted to the ttable, at the level of significance 0.05, the value of ttable is 1.714.

Comparing to the value of tcountand ttable (14.043 >1.714). Thus, the null

hyphothesis was rejected ( Ho1 ) and alternative hypothesis is not rejected (Ha1)

because there was a significant effect between between pre-test and post-test in

experimental class.

The evidence also confirmed that teaching reading comprehension of

descriptive text by using direct reading thinking activity has a significant

differences in reading achievement between those who are taught by direct

reading thinking activity and those who are not of eighth grade students of junior

high school 2 batanghari. The tcount is compared to ttable either at 5%. At the level

of 5% ttable is 1.679. Based on the ttable, it can be analysed that tcount is higher than

ttable, either at the level of 5%. In other words, we can see that 4.551>1.679. Thus,

the researcher concluded that H02 is rejected and Ha2 is accepted. It means that

there is significant differences of using direct reading thinking activity at eighth

grade of junior high school 2 batanghari. In short, direct reading thinking activity

gives positive impact towards students’ reading comprehension achievement.


Page 62: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


There is significant difference and effect of students’ reading comprehension after

being taught through direct reading thinking activity.

B. Suggestion

The following suggestion are presented for those who are willing to

contribute to the present study by conducting studies on the effect Direct reading

thinking activity on students’ reading skill.

1. The teachers are suggested to use direct reading thinking activity

strategy in teaching reading comprehension of descriptive text because

it had been proven that direct reading thinking activity strategy is

effective on students’ reading comprehension.

2. The teachers should be more prepare in using the direct reading

thinking activity strategy including lesson planning, the descriptive

materials, and the media used. The teacher could find various materials

about descriptive text not only in guide text book but also in the

internet. The well-preparation is very needed to determine the

successful of the teaching and learning process.

3. The teacher should make students be ready before starting the teaching

and learning activity began, such as, giving questions in order students

have background knowledge about the material which will be studied

and they could actively involve in teaching and learning activity in the


4. The students should realize that they have main role in teaching and

learning activity especially in Kurikulum 2013 which uses student-

center approach. It means that the successful of teaching and learning

activity is based on them.

5. Further researchers who interested in doing similar study should

understand the problems deeply in order get better research result and

also should use the media or strategy that make students interested in

the material and understand easily.

Page 63: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



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Table IV.I The Result of Score in Pre test Experimental – Control Class

and Post test Experimental – Control Class






l Class Gain

ed Score





Control Class Ga


Score Pr








1 A 65 90 25 1 A 30 45 15

2 B 60 90 30 2 B 60 65 5

3 C 50 60 10 3 C 50 65 15

4 D 40 75 35 4 D 70 75 5

5 E 45 85 40 5 E 40 60 20

6 F 50 70 20 6 F 55 60 5

7 G 40 65 25 7 G 35 50 15

8 H 60 90 30 8 H 50 60 10

9 I 45 85 40 9 I 60 80 20


0 J 50 75 25


0 J 55 65 10


1 K 55 80 25


1 K 55 75 20


2 L 55 90 35


2 L 50 60 10


3 M 60 65 5


3 M 50 70 20


4 N 50 75 25


4 N 70 75 5


5 O 45 85 40


5 O 55 70 15


6 P 55 75 20


6 P 45 70 25


7 Q 50 75 25


7 Q 45 60 15


8 R 65 80 15


8 R 50 65 15


9 S 35 75 40


9 S 60 80 20


0 T 45 75 30


0 T 70 75 5


1 U 50 85 35


1 U 50 55 5


2 V 50 80 30


2 V 40 40 0


3 W 45 85 40


3 W 65 80 15

Page 66: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



4 X 60 80 20


4 X 70 80 10




0 665























The Result of Validity



Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed) 0

N 24



Correlation 0,263

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,215

N 24



Correlation ,470*

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,02

N 24



Correlation ,611**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,002

N 24


Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed) 0,009

N 24



Correlation ,579**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,003

N 24



Correlation ,710**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0

N 24



Correlation ,462*

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,023

N 24

Page 67: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed) 0,95

N 24



Correlation ,414*

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,044

N 24



Correlation ,775**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0

N 24



Correlation ,430*

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,036

N 24


Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed) 0,011

N 24



Correlation ,664**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0

N 24



Correlation 0,247

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,245

N 24



Correlation ,621**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,001

N 24


Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed) 0,033

N 24



Correlation ,747**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0

N 24

ITEM 19 Pearson

Correlation ,463*

Page 68: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Sig. (2-tailed) 0,023

N 24


Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed) 0,891

N 24



Correlation 0,075

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,728

N 24



Correlation 0,222

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,297

N 24



Correlation 0,141

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,511

N 24


Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed) 0,04

N 24



Correlation ,635**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,001

N 24



Correlation ,474*

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,019

N 24



Correlation 0,07

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,744

N 24


Pearson Correlation


Sig. (2-tailed) 0,03

N 24



Correlation 0,124

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,564

Page 69: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


N 24



Correlation 0,247

Sig. (2-tailed) 0,245

N 24

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The Result Of Reliability

Reliability Statistics



N of


,910 20

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP/MTs

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII (Delapan)

Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam

jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,

seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat)

dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain

yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


















3.10Mener Teks Mengamati 1 Buku

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n dan












deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda

Fungsi sosial

Membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb.

Struktur text

(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)

a. Menyebutkan nama orang, binatang, benda dan nama bagian-bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan

b. Menyebutkan sifat orang, binatang, benda dan bagiannya, dan

c. Menyebutkan tindakan dari atau terkait

Menyalin dengan tulisan tangan yang rapi beberapa teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana dari berbagai sumber, dengan menggunakan ejaan dan tanda baca dengan benar.

Membaca dan mendengarkan teks-teks tersebut untuk memahami isi pesannya.

Dengan bimbingan guru, mengidentifikasi fungsi sosialnya, struktur teks (termasuk a.l. gagasan utama dan informasi rinci), dan unsur kebahasaan dari setiap teks tersebut.


Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru,

Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi sosial teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, benda, pendek dan sederhana.

Tingkat kelengkapan dan keruntutan dalam menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang, binat

6 JP

Teks wajib

Keteladanan ucapan dan tindakan guru menggunakan setiap tindakan komunikasi interpersonal/ transaksional dengan benar dan akurat

Contoh teks dari sumber otentik

Sumber dari internet, seperti:


- http://ame

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k dan










nya .

4.11 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana.






tif lisan

dengan orang, binatang, benda yang semuanya sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang hendak dicapai.

Panjang teks: kurang lebih 6 (tiga) kalimat.

Unsur kebahasaan

(1) Penyebutan kata benda singular dengan a dan the,

dan plural (-s).

(2) Kata ganti it, they, she, we, dst.; our, my, your, their, dst.

(3) Kata sifat tentang orang, binatang, benda dalam kehidupan siswa di rumah, sekolah, dan sekitarnya,

menanyakan dan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari setiap teks tersebut.

Mengumpulkan Informasi

Secara kolaboratif, mencari dan mengumpulan beberapa teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana dari berbagai sumber, termasuk dari internet, film, koran, majalah, buku teks, dsb.

Membaca rujukan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk buku teks, untuk mengetahui fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif tentang orang,

ang, benda dalam teks derkriptif.

Tingkat ketepatan unsur kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa kata, ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, kerapihan tulisan tangan.

Sikap tanggung jawab, kerjasama, cinta



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g, dan




















dengan atau tanpa kata keterangan quite, very.

(4) Frasa nominal seperti dark brown, cute little cat, beautiful red flower

(5) Kata kerja untuk menyatakan keadaan dan tindakan rutin dalam simple present tense: be, have, go, play,get, take, dll.

(6) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara

binatang, dan benda.

Membaca semua teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang telah terkumpul tsb., secara lebih cermat dengan cara mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan:

- fungsi sosial setiap teks

- nama orang, binatang, benda yang dideskripsikan

- sifat orang, binatang, benda yang dideskripsikan

- tindakan orang, binatang, benda yang dideskripsikan

- kosa kata, tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata,

damai, dan percaya diri yang menyertai tindakan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang, binatang, benda, dalam teks deskriptif.







Observasi terhadap kesunggu

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tepat dalam frasa nominal

(7) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi

(8) Ejaan dan tanda baca


ejaan, tanda baca yang digunakan

Secara kolaboratif meniru contoh-contoh yang ada untuk membuat teks deskriptif sangat pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, binatang, dan benda untuk mencapai fungsi sosial yang berbeda-beda, dengan struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai konteks.


Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks (termasuk a.l. gagasan utama dan informasi rinci), dan unsur kebahasaan dari beberapa teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang,

han, tanggung jawab, dan kerja sama siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di setiap tahapan.

Observasi terhadap kepedulian dan kepercayaan diri dalam melaksanakan komunikasi, di dalam dan di luar kelas.


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benda yang telah dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber tersebut di atas.

Memperoleh balikan (feedback)

dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif yang mereka hasilkan.


Membuat beberapa teks deskriptif sangat pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, binatang, benda yang ada dalam kehidupan siswa di rumah, kelas, sekolah, dan sekitarnya dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai

an diri:

Pernyataan siswa secara tertulis dalam jurnal belajar sederhana berbahasa Indonesia tentang pengalaman belajar memahami dan menghasilkan teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, benda, termasuk kemudahan dan kesulitannya.


Tes tertulis


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dengan fungsi sosial nyata yang hendak dicapai (membanggakan, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, memuji, mengkritik, dsb).

Berupaya berbicara secara lancar dengan ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi yang benar dan menulis dengan ejaan dan tanda baca yang benar, serta tulisan yang jelas dan rapi.

Membicarakan permasalahan yang dialami dalam membuat teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, benda dan menuliskannya dalam jurnal belajar sederhana dalam bahasa Indonesia.

dan menulis teks deskriptif yang menuntut pemahaman dan pemaparan tentang deskripsi orang, binatang, benda.






















f sangat


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Unjuk kerja

Simulasi dan/atau bermain peran (role play) dalam bentuk interaksi dengan menyebutkan dan menanyakan deskripsi orang, binatang, benda


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Penilaian melalui karya-karya peserta didik dalam bentuk teks deskriptif sangat pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, binatang, benda yang telah dibuat melalui tahap draf, telaah, perbaikan sampai menghasilkan karya terbaik sesuai dengan fungsi sosialnya.



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yang bertujuan untuk memberikan balikan secara lebih cepat)






n siswa












i orang,







atan, di


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Nama Sekolah : MTsN 2 Batanghari

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII/2

Alokasi Waktu : 2x45 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait

fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut



1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi Internasional yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat


2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

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2.3. Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan

3.10. Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi

sosial teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks


4.11. Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan


4.12. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Siswa terampil memahami teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama,

dan cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

2. Siswa terampil menyatakan teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama,

dan cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

3. Siswa terampil menanyakan teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama,

dan cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

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D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa terampil memahami teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan

cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

2. Siswa terampil menyatakan teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan

cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

3. Siswa terampil menanyakan teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan

cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan


*) Descriptive text adalah suatu jenis text yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskanatau

mendeskripsikan orang, binatang,, tempat ataupun suatu benda. Umumnya

yang dideskripsikan adalah bentuk, ciri, ataupun sifatnya.

*) Generic Structure descriptive text

- Identification : pengenalan objek atau hall yang akan dideskripsikan.

- Description : penginformasian ciri-ciri objek, misalnya sifat-sifat psikologis

periaku, tampilan fisik, dan yang lainnya secara spesifik.

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Fungsi sosial

Membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb.

Struktur text

(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)

d. Menyebutkan nama orang, binatang, benda dan nama bagian-bagiannya yang

dipilih untuk dideskripsikan

e. Menyebutkan sifat orang, binatang, benda dan bagiannya, dan

f. Menyebutkan tindakan dari atau terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda yang

semuanya sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang hendak dicapai.

Panjang teks : kurang lebih 6 (tiga) kalimat.

Unsur kebahasaan

(9) kata benda singular dengan a dan the, dan plural (-s).

(10) Kata ganti it, they, she, we, dst.; our, my, your, their, dst.

(11) Kata sifat tentang orang, binatang, benda dalam kehidupan siswa di rumah,

sekolah, dan sekitarnya, dengan atau tanpa kata keterangan quite, very.

(12) Frasa nominal seperti dark brown, cute little cat, beautiful red flower

(13) Kata kerja untuk menyatakan keadaan dan tindakan rutin dalam simple

present tense: be, have, go, play,get, take, dll.

(14) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a,

the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal


Orang, binatang, benda di sekitar dan relevan dengan kehidupan siswa,

dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri,

kerjasama, dan bertanggung jawab.

F. Media/Sumber Belajar

Media/Alat : Powerpoint Presentation, papan tulis, marker, kertas bergambar,

spidol, lembar pertanyaan & contoh.

Sumber : Buku paket siswa, Internet.

G. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

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Strategi : Direct Reading Thinking Activity

Metode : Observe-Practice

H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran







1. Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung

menyapa siswa dengan menggunakan

bahasa inggris “Good morning,

students” agar English Environment

dapat langsung tercipta. Setelah

direspon, guru menanyakan keadaan


2. Guru menanyakan kehadiran siswa

dengan mengucapkan “Who is absent


3. Guru melakukan tanya jawab dengan

siswa mengenai materi pertemuan


4. Guru mengajak siswa untuk menebak

tentang topik yang akan dipelajari

15 Menit

Inti Mengamati

Guru menunjukkan sebuah gambar

pada siswa dan menggali pengetahuan

anak tentang text descriptive dengan

mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

(brainstorming) scenario pembelajaran


Guru meminta siswa mengeluarkan

pendapatnya ketika sudah mengamati

gambar, dan guru menuliskannya di

60 menit

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papan tulis membuatnya menjadi text

deskriptif simple

Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru,

siswa menanyakan dan

mempertanyakan tentang fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

dari setiap teks tersebut.

Mengumpulkan Informasi

Guru menjelaskan tentang teks

deskriptif (generic structure,

language feature) dari contoh yang

dibuat bersama.

Secara kolaboratif, siswa mencari

dan mengumpulkan beberapa teks

deskriptif tentang orang, binatang,

dan benda, sangat pendek dan

sederhana dari berbagai sumber,

termasuk dari internet, film, koran,

majalah, buku teks, dsb.

Siswa membaca rujukan dari

berbagai sumber, termasuk buku

teks, untuk mengetahui fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif

tentang orang, binatang, dan benda.

Siswa membaca semua teks

deskriptif tentang orang, binatang,

dan benda yang telah terkumpul

tsb., secara lebih cermat dengan

cara mengidentifikasi dan

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- fungsi sosial setiap teks

- nama orang, binatang, benda yang


- sifat orang, binatang, benda yang


- tindakan orang, binatang, benda

yang dideskripsikan

- kosa kata, tata bahasa, ucapan,

tekanan kata, ejaan, tanda baca

yang digunakan


Guru meminta siswa untuk

memprediksi berdasarkan petunjuk


Guru menunjukkan gambar pada


Guru membentuk siswa menjadi

beberapa kelompok

Guru meminta siswa untuk

membuat prediksi dari gambar

dalam bentuk text descriptive

Guru memberikan text asli pada

siswa dan menyuruh semua anggota

kelompok membacanya

Guru meminta siswa menilai

ketepatan prediksi dan

menyesuaikannya dengan cerita asli


Setiap kelompok secara bergiliran

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menyampaikan hasil jawaban di depan


masing-masing siswa memperhatikan

jawaban dari setiap kelompok jika ada

yang berbeda maka harus memberikan

komentar yang benar

Penutup Guru memberikan pertanyaan menguji

pemahaman siswa tentang teks


Peserta didik diminta membuat

kesimpulan pembelajaran pada

pertemuan ini.

Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah

kepada siswa

Guru menutup pelajaran

15 enit

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1. Penilaian Pengetahuan

TP Tekhnik


Indikator yang




2 Observasi &





text deskriptif


maksimal : 100

2. Penilaian Keterampilan

TP Teknik penilaian Indikator yang dinilai Kriteria Penilaian


Tes Lisan -Membacakan informasi yang

di dapat dari teks deskriptif di

depan kelas

Skor Maksimal


Sumber Belajar : Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris WHEN ENGLISH RINGS A

BELL, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014

Jambi, Agustus 2019


Guru Mata Pelajaran




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Nama Sekolah : MTsN 2 Batanghari

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII/2

Alokasi Waktu : 2x45 menit

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A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait

fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut



1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi Internasional yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat


2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3. Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan

3.10. Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi

sosial teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks


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4.11. Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan


4.12. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Siswa terampil memahami teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama,

dan cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

2. Siswa terampil menyatakan teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama,

dan cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

3. Siswa terampil menanyakan teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama,

dan cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa terampil memahami teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

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secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan

cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

2. Siswa terampil menyatakan teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan

cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

3. Siswa terampil menanyakan teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda untuk membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb, menggunakan ungkapan dengan struktur

teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks,

secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerja sama, dan

cinta damai (sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan).

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan


*) Descriptive text adalah suatu jenis text yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskanatau

mendeskripsikan orang, binatang,, tempat ataupun suatu benda. Umumnya

yang dideskripsikan adalah bentuk, ciri, ataupun sifatnya.

*) Generic Structure descriptive text

- Identification : pengenalan objek atau hall yang akan dideskripsikan.

- Description : penginformasian ciri-ciri objek, misalnya sifat-sifat psikologis

periaku, tampilan fisik, dan yang lainnya secara spesifik.

Fungsi sosial

Membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb.

Struktur text

(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)

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a. Menyebutkan nama orang, binatang, benda dan nama bagian-bagiannya yang

dipilih untuk dideskripsikan

b. Menyebutkan sifat orang, binatang, benda dan bagiannya, dan

c. Menyebutkan tindakan dari atau terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda yang

semuanya sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang hendak dicapai.

Panjang teks : kurang lebih 6 (tiga) kalimat.

Unsur kebahasaan

(1) kata benda singular dengan a dan the, dan plural (-s).

(2) Kata ganti it, they, she, we, dst.; our, my, your, their, dst.

(3) Kata sifat tentang orang, binatang, benda dalam kehidupan siswa di rumah,

sekolah, dan sekitarnya, dengan atau tanpa kata keterangan quite, very.

(4) Frasa nominal seperti dark brown, cute little cat, beautiful red flower

(5) Kata kerja untuk menyatakan keadaan dan tindakan rutin dalam simple

present tense: be, have, go, play,get, take, dll.

(6) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a,

the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal


Orang, binatang, benda di sekitar dan relevan dengan kehidupan siswa,

dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri,

kerjasama, dan bertanggung jawab.

F. Media/Sumber Belajar

Media/Alat : Powerpoint Presentation, papan tulis, marker, kertas bergambar,

spidol, lembar pertanyaan & contoh.

Sumber : Buku paket siswa, Internet.

G. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Strategi : Konvensional

Metode : Observe-Practice

H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

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1. Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung

menyapa siswa dengan

menggunakan bahasa inggris “Good

morning, students” agar English

Environment dapat langsung tercipta.

Setelah direspon, guru menanyakan

keadaan siswa

2. Guru menanyakan kehadiran siswa

dengan mengucapkan “Who is absent


3. Guru melakukan tanya jawab dengan

siswa mengenai materi pertemuan


15 Menit

Inti Mengamati

Guru menyampaikan indikator


Guru menjelaskan seluruh aspek

tentang deskriptif teks

Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan



Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru,

siswa menanyakan dan

mempertanyakan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari setiap teks tersebut.


Siswa secara mandiri membaca

text deskriptif yang telah diberikan

60 menit

Page 97: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Siswa mulai menentukan generic

structure deskriptif text dan



Guru membentuk siswa menjadi

beberapa kelompok

Guru memberikan tugas kepada

siswa untuk mengidentifikasi text

dan menjawab soal bersama


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama

mengkoreksi soal

Penutup Guru memberikan pertanyaan

menguji pemahaman siswa tentang

teks deskriptif

Peserta didik diminta membuat

kesimpulan pembelajaran pada

pertemuan ini.

Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah

kepada siswa

Guru menutup pelajaran

15 menit


1. Penilaian Pengetahuan

TP Tekhnik


Indikator yang




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2 Observasi &





text deskriptif


maksimal : 100

2. Penilaian Keterampilan

TP Teknik penilaian Indikator yang dinilai Kriteria Penilaian


Tes Lisan -Membacakan informasi yang

di dapat dari teks deskriptif di

depan kelas

Skor Maksimal


Sumber Belajar : Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris WHEN ENGLISH RINGS A

BELL, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014

Jambi, Agustus 2019


Guru Mata Pelajaran




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Tabel Nilai t

d.f 10.0t 05.0t 025.0t 01.0t 005.0t d.f

1 3,078 6,314 12,70







2 1,886 2,920 4,303 6,965 9,925 2

3 1,638 2,353 3,182 4,541 5,841 3

4 1,533 2,132 2,776 3,747 4,604 4

5 1,476 2,015 2,571 3,365 4,032 5

6 1,440 1,943 2,447 3,143 3,707 6

7 1,415 1,895 2,365 2,998 3,499 7

8 1,397 1,860 2,306 2,896 3,355 8

9 1,383 1,833 2,262 2,821 3,250 9

10 1,372 1,812 2,228 2,764 3,169 10

11 1,363 1,796 2,201 2,718 3,106 11

12 1,356 1,782 2,179 2,681 3,055 12

13 1,350 1,771 2,160 2,650 3,012 13

14 1,345 1,761 2,145 2,624 2,977 14

15 1,341 1,753 2,131 2,602 2,947 15

16 1,337 1,746 2,120 2,583 2,921 16

17 1,333 1,740 2,110 2,567 2,898 17

18 1,330 1,734 2,101 2,552 2,878 18

19 1,328 1,729 2,093 2,539 2,861 19

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20 1,325 1,725 2,086 2,528 2,845 20

21 1,323 1,721 2,080 2,518 2,831 21

22 1,321 1,717 2,074 2,508 2,819 22

23 1,319 1,714 2,069 2,500 2,807 23

24 1,318 1,711 2,064 2,492 2,797 24

25 1,316 1,708 2,060 2,485 2,787 25

26 1,315 1,706 2,056 2,479 2,779 26

27 1,314 1,703 2,052 2,473 2,771 27

28 1,313 1,701 2,048 2,467 2,763 28

29 1,311 1,699 2,045 2,462 2,756 29

30 1,310 1,697 2,042 2,457 2,750 30

31 1,309 1,696 2,040 2,453 2,744 31

32 1,309 1,694 2,037 2,449 2,738 32

33 1,308 1,692 2,035 2,445 2,733 33

34 1,307 1,691 2,032 2,441 2,728 34

35 1,306 1,690 2,030 2,438 2,724 35

36 1,306 1,688 2,028 2,434 2,719 36

37 1,305 1,687 2,026 2,431 2,715 37

38 1,304 1,686 2,024 2,429 2,712 38

39 1,303 1,685 2,023 2,426 2,708 39

Sumber: Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate Dengan Program SPSS (Dr. Imam Ghozali)

Tabel Nilai t

d.f 10.0t 05.0t 025.0t 01.0t 005.0t d.f

40 1,303 1,684 2,021 2,423 2,704 40

41 1,303 1,683 2,020 2,421 2,701 41

42 1,302 1,682 2,018 2,418 2,698 42

43 1,302 1,681 2,017 2,416 2,695 43

44 1,301 1,680 2,015 2,414 2,692 44

45 1,301 1,679 2,014 2,412 2,690 45

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46 1,300 1,679 2,013 2,410 2,687 46

47 1,300 1,678 2,012 2,408 2,685 47

48 1,299 1,677 2,011 2,407 2,682 48

49 1,299 1,677 2,010 2,405 2,680 49

50 1,299 1,676 2,009 2,403 2,678 50

51 1,298 1,675 2,008 2,402 2,676 51

52 1,298 1,675 2,007 2,400 2,674 52

53 1,298 1,674 2,006 2,399 2,672 53

54 1,297 1,674 2,005 2,397 2,670 54

55 1,297 1,673 2,004 2,396 2,668 55

56 1,297 1,673 2,003 2,395 2,667 56

57 1,297 1,672 2,002 2,394 2,665 57

58 1,296 1,672 2,002 2,392 2,663 58

59 1,296 1,671 2,001 2,391 2,662 59

60 1,296 1,671 2,000 2,390 2,660 60

61 1,296 1,670 2,000 2,389 2,659 61

62 1,295 1,670 1,999 2,388 2,657 62

63 1,295 1,669 1,998 2,387 2,656 63

64 1,295 1,669 1,998 2,386 2,655 64

65 1,295 1,669 1,997 2,385 2,654 65

66 1,295 1,668 1,997 2,384 2,652 66

67 1,294 1,668 1,996 2,383 2,651 67

68 1,294 1,668 1,995 2,382 2,650 68

69 1,294 1,667 1,995 2,382 2,649 69

70 1,294 1,667 1,994 2,381 2,648 70

71 1,294 1,667 1,994 2,380 2,647 71

72 1,293 1,666 1,993 2,379 2,646 72

73 1,293 1,666 1,993 2,379 2,645 73

74 1,293 1,666 1,993 2,378 2,644 74

75 1,293 1,665 1,992 2,377 2,643 75

76 1,293 1,665 1,992 2,376 2,642 76

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77 1,293 1,665 1,991 2,376 2,641 77

78 1,292 1,665 1,991 2,375 2,640 78

Sumber: Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate Dengan Program SPSS (Dr. Imam Ghozali)

Tabel Nilai t

d.f 10.0t 05.0t 025.0t 01.0t 005.0t d.f

79 1,292 1,664 1,990 2,374 2,640 79

80 1,292 1,664 1,990 2,374 2,639 80

81 1,292 1,664 1,990 2,373 2,638 81

82 1,292 1,664 1,989 2,373 2,637 82

83 1,292 1,663 1,989 2,372 2,636 83

84 1,292 1,663 1,989 2,372 2,636 84

85 1,292 1,663 1,988 2,371 2,635 85

86 1,291 1,663 1,988 2,370 2,634 86

87 1,291 1,663 1,988 2,370 2,634 87

88 1,291 1,662 1,987 2,369 2,633 88

89 1,291 1,662 1,987 2,369 2,632 89

90 1,291 1,662 1,987 2,368 2,632 90

91 1,291 1,662 1,986 2,368 2,631 91

92 1,291 1,662 1,986 2,368 2,630 92

93 1,291 1,661 1,986 2,367 2,630 93

94 1,291 1,661 1,986 2,367 2,629 94

95 1,291 1,661 1,985 2,366 2,629 95

96 1,290 1,661 1,985 2,366 2,628 96

97 1,290 1,661 1,985 2,365 2,627 97

98 1,290 1,661 1,984 2,365 2,627 98

99 1,290 1,660 1,984 2,365 2,626 99

Inf. 1,290 1,660 1,984 2,364 2,626 Inf.

Sumber: Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate Dengan Program SPSS (Dr. Imam Ghozali

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Select the best answer to each questions and cross the letter A, B, C or D.

The following text is for question 1 to 3.

The black window spider is an extremely poisonous spider of North and South

America. Only the female one is dangerous. The bite of the male is generally harmless.

Although it is greatly feared, it is not agressive and generally bites only to depend it self.

This kind of spider has long legs and smooth black bodies. The female spider is about

twice as big as the male. It has a round, shiny, black abdomen, with a distinctive mark shaped

like an hourglass on the underside. The male spider is only about half as the long as females

and has more slender body. It has four pairs of red dots along the sides of the abdomen. It is

rarely seen and is harmless.

Black window spiders primarily eat insects that they trap in their webs. They kill their

prey by biting and then inserting their venom Birds and other animals learn not to eat the spider

by identifying hourglass mark on their body. The venom makes the animal sick but usually

does not kill them.

1) What does the text mainly tell is about?

a. The black window spider’s enemy

b. The habitat of black window spiders

c. The black window spider in generally

d. The danger of black window spiders

2) What happens when an animal eats a black window spider?

a. The animal will soon die because of the venom

b. The animal will get sick becauseofthe venom

c. The spider show hourglass mark on its body

d. The aniffial will Become more apessive

3) The underlined word in “.... as long as female and have more slender bodies”. Is closest in

meaning to....

a. Huge c. Small

b. Slim d. Thick

This text is for questions 4 to 5

Mr. Tucker is my math teacher at school. He teaches us at class LX. He is a smart teacher.

He can teach us very well. He is a strict teacher. He doesn’t like his students came late at class.

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He will be very angry. Besides that he doesn’t like us cheating in the Test. He always tells us to

be honest. His students must pay attention to his explanation.

Besides that Mr. Tucker always does the same things everyday. Entering the

classroom, he will wash his hands in the basic in the corner of the class. After that he will walk

over to his desk. Sitting in her desk, he will look at and greet us formally. Then he will put on

his glasses, open his textbook and ask us what lesson we discussed the previous meeting. And

then he starts teaching. I was really amazed by his habit.

4) What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?

a. To show his dislike of his teacher

b. To get attention of his teacher

c. To make the readers know the character of his teacher

d. To make the readers impressed by

5) The writer can tell Mr. Tucker habit precisely because...

a. He always come to school early

b. He admires Mr. Tucker character

c. He sees Mr. Tucker does the same thing everyday

d. He pays attention to Mr.Tucker's explanation

The following text is for questions 6 to 8

Mr. Wahid is my grandfather who is also my best friend. My grandfather is sixty

four years old and he is retired how, so he has plenty of time to ! play with me. I love him

very much and as know he really loves me too. We spend a lot of time together.

My grandfather is a very tall and strong man. My grandfather is smart, patient, and

care.When I am sad, he can always make me laugh with jjiis funny faces. He puts me on his

shoulders and Tells me many stones.

Everyday my grandfather drives me to school and picks me up at the end of classes.

He also does sports and many other activities with me. He takes me to the swimming pool.

He plays chess • with me. During starry nights, we count the start together in our backyard.

I love my grandpa.

6) What is the text about ?

a. The writer's family.

b. The writer's grandfather.

c. A very tall and strong man

d. The writer's sports activities

7) What is shown by paragraph three?

a. The writer's activities.

b. The activities of Mr. Wahid

c. Mr. Wahid's characteristic

d. The description of the writer's family.

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8) "My grandfather is sixty four years old and he is retired now"The underlined word is

closest in meaning to ,...

a. Very weak

b. Not energetic

c. Having no money

d. No longer working

Read the following text for number 9-12

Gardenia plants are popular for the strong sweet scent of their flowers. Gardenia js the

thenational flower in Pakistan. In Japan and China, the flower is called Kuchinashi (Japanese)

and Zhi zi (Chinese).

Gardenia plants are evergreen shrubs. Their small trees can grow to 1-5 meters tall. The

leaves are 5-5- centimetres broad, dark green and glossy and with leathery texture. The

flowers are in small groups, white, or pale yellow, with 5-12 lobes (petals) from 5-12

centimeters diameter. They usually bloom in mid-spring to mid-summer. Many species have

strong aroma.

To cultivate gardenia as a house plant is not easy. This species can be difficult to grow

because it originated in warm humid tropical areas. It demands high humidity and bright (not

direct) light to thrive. It flourishes in acidic soil with good drainage and thrives on 20°-230C

during the day and 15°-16°C in the evening. Potting soils developed specifically for

gardenias are available. It grows no longer than 18 inches in height and width when grown

indoor. In climates where it can be grown outdoors, it can reach the height of 6 feet. If water hits the flowers, they will turn brown.

9) How tall is gardenia tree?

a. 3-25 cm c. 5-5 cm

b. 5-12 cm d. 1-5 cm

10) What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. It is easy to plant gardenia tree

b. A gardenia plant needs high humidity

c. It's not easy to plant gardenia as ahouse plant

d. A good drainage is important for gardenia plant

11) From the text we know that...

a. People don't like the strong scent of flower

b. GardenJa/is widespread jo Asia

c. The flower is easy to plant

d. The flower is expensive

12) ….because it originate in warm ..”(paragraph 3, Line 10). The underlined word refers


a. The flower

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b. The species

c. The soil

d. Leaf

The following text is for questiort 13 to 15

SMP Pohuwato celebrates Health Holiday j Bazzar, the .school promotes a. healthy,

.learning, 1 environment through a celebration that focuses on ; health and healthy food for


This bazaar also provides health and nutrition education by giving information about

school meals and nutritious food. The bazaar provides' healthy food'such as fruit: smoothies :

(miked-.of harries,- banana and 'pineapple),- dried j fruit (e.g raisins, apricots), fruit, Sow fat

pudding and yoghurt. There also specialy party games and activities for children. The

schedule of the health bazzar is from 8 a.m - 5 p.m from Monday to Saturday next week.

During the celebration of health holiday bazaar, parents and children' will get knowledge of

health and free medical consultation.

13) What time does the bazzar finish?

a. Five o'clock in the morning

b. Eight o'clock in the evening

c. Five o'clock in the afternoon

d. Eight o'clock in the morning

14) What is the purpose of the text?

a. To explain the healthy food for children

b. To inform about party games and activitiec for children

c. Todescribe the health holiday bazaar at SMP Pohuwato

d. To get information about healthy and nutrititious food at school

15) From the text, we understand that....

a. The health holiday bazaar is only for parents

b. Children should eat healthy food that Is provided at school

c. Bazaar only focuses'on heaithy food thatparents provide at home

d. Children and parents can get free medical consultation at the bazaar

The following text is for questiort 16 to 18


Giraffe is the tallest animal, I saw in Ragunan zoo. It is a male. It is about six meter tall. It

has big brown eyes. It has brown spots on its skin. It also has two short horns on its head. Its tail is

long with thick hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating leaves of tree.

16) The purpose of the text above is....

a. describe about giraffe

b. to tell about tall animal

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c. to describe Ragunan zoo

d. to tell about tall animals

17) How the eyes of the giraffe look like?

a. They are big and black

b. They are big and brown

c. They are small and brown

d. They are small and black

18) “Its tail is long with thick hair...” The antonym of the underlined word is....

a. Beauty

b. Strong

c. Short

d. Thin

The following text is for questiort 19 to 20

Hello! My name is Rob Fellow. I come from Dundee. A town on the east coast of Scotland, but

I’m a student at Durham University, in the north of England. I’m studying French and German, and I

can speak the languages quite well. I also know little Spanish, so I can speak four languages. I’m

enjoying the course a lot, but it’s very hard work

I live in Durham Castle, because the Castle is part of the University, with about thirty other

students. The course started two years ago, and I’m in my third year. After the course, I’m going to

work in France, but I don’t know where yet.

19) Mr Rob can speak these languages below except...

a. German

b. English

c. Spanish

d. Dutch

20) What’s Rob going to do after course?

a. To get a job in France

b. To study in England

c. To enjoy in Germany

d. To learn in Spanish

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Page 111: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based


Page 112: THE EFFECT OF DIRECT READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DRTA) … LESTARI APRILIYA… · students to understand the meaning of the text. Based



Personal Detail

Name : Mesy Lestari Apriliyani

Nim : TE 151594

Place, date of Birth : Tenam, April 10th, 1997

Sex : Female

Status : College Student

Adress : Tenam, Ma.Bulian, Batanghari, Jambi.

E-mail : [email protected]

Handphone : 0822 4575 1760

Educational Background

2003-2004 : Kindergarten of Darussalam Tenam

2004-2009 : Elementary School of 110/1 N Tenam

2009-2012 : Islamic Junior High School 2 Batanghari

2012-2015 : Islamic Senior High School of Muara Bulian

2016-2019 : State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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