  • Slide 1

The Early Years Foundation Stage Principles and Practice EYFS Slide 2 The Principles of EYFS The unique child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments Learning and Development Slide 3 Learning and Development Playing and exploring Active Learning Creating and thinking critically Slide 4 The Areas of Learning and Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive arts and design Physical Development Slide 5 The Importance of Play Slide 6 Ethans Aquarium Slide 7 Charlottes ice rink Slide 8 Victorias church- note the wedding taking place! Slide 9 The Playground Slide 10 The Airport Slide 11 Our garage, farm, hospital, zoo, swimming pool, stable! Slide 12 What are the key ways young children learn? playing being with other people being active exploring new things and having new experiences talking to themselves communicating about what they are doing representing ideas and experiences meeting physical and mental challenges being shown how to do things practising, repeating, applying skills HAVING FUN!!! Slide 13 Learning and teaching through play Play is invaluable in helping children to develop positive ways to learn finding out what they are interested in being willing to explore, experiment, try things out knowing how and where to seek help being inventive creating problems and finding solutions being flexible- testing things out being engaged and involved- concentrating, persevering with challenging tasks making choices and decisions playing and working collaboratively managing self and others, developing independence developing alternative strategies understanding the emotions and points of view of others

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