Page 1: THE DOVER LUMBER left at WilliamH. fiakei'* storu mil rooelip earofal and prompt attention . The Seneca Falls Yeast

J RW;Hialtlr



The Dover Printing Company,D PKOOIETOltS.

Office on Blasbwell Straet'next door to. The HatioaF.; Union Bank,

O H O Y e a r , - - - - - - - $ 2 . 0 0

S i x M o u t h s , - - - - - - -

T J i r . e e m o n t h s , - - - - - - - C O



7r1 25

1 7fi2 252 75

3 fit)4 60


• i




25OO7Jifil)2/>2 li


8 WJI8.

$ 12;j






J* 1 7fi3 60

B 001 ID 2!i| 1 L ' 6 "l"i ()i)| 19 «')[ 2a (HI

1 1 TO."

51 4 liltlfc (i 01 tf r.iii 10 0

i> 0(11 14 on I

16 001 lit 0(i| 20 nil18 no1 25 Oil SS7 fift82 m\ 41 001 <)5 W











Corner of J.l&ekwolUno' Bnaiei MB.


I. B. JOLLEY, ProprietorHuraca ami Carriitffi'B to Lot.





'DOVF.ll, K. J.

r*EO. 0. CUMMINS, M. D.,






T 0. meinviifrii .E, M.

DOVJili, N. 3.






DOVEB, N. 3.Special office lionra on Hatur<lavH !wm 8 A.

a . t r a u H . 17-ir


Stj-liBb Suits mailolourncr fn-m 115 t" Panta ' " 4 '" O?ercoaln nmdi> In order trum 115 tu f.ld

Purchasers aro under n» oldipitimi to lakiHie ciraonte ordoreil i( not. hitialst'tory.

Oleininir hml tirrshinj; promptly ilniie,Gall and sto ELY, tliu working tailor.


711 & 713 BROAD St.

OPES ALL THE YEA It.Till! Nrlloul »r S r l i o u b !

T i n |,|,»n „, , , ! , ! „ , l i r i u , . , „ . , , „ ; in .,1

Wu h:ivt. II,,, h.- L Vi.i.nn, lliV b.M huH, , -^

COLKMAN A I'AL.llH, Proprietor*



OH ' I O C I J , . gt l^-I lu[<r I.ui.jl.r-rCninlnriv'Hinill. Ciuitriu-IM lake i i jphi i i

aiimlimi» and u M i r i i l , I , I » I T V klnil Inr,R'<1 for luiiiaiii-rt. JdhbliiK :, Ki^cmlti.

SLATE'ROOFING.lite from Iho \>M .iiiarrle* tvBinftlhttismtiiyitrcftr toiul.aiii: l,iM,if ded, by ex]ieriu!K!»'tl workmen at )o-v ratoit.


duller la DIlY GOODS, GUOOEniES ANDl'BOYI8ION9, LK&.THEB AND PINDIHGSBOOTS AND SU02M tu order; cigara, toba<(•0H,;inliu fa^teTorrtliiiiB wbicli In gene rilllop: iuacnuntrj store, I sell all my lim (imirog. Cull and HCO iuy stuck nod boconvinced. «-Iy


UNION HALL BUILDING,Iilack!\-i..l!tstrei:t, Duvcr,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of Iho iHl.el and imiBl impruvid ntykn, f<n• inning pnl.Ui- anil priniio builduiiil. 'A lar|ii

UOOK, 1'AllLOK, llli.VTI.N'U



."D A, BKKHETr, M. D.


Diseases of women nnil children, nnd or tbee*o anil ear, speeUltien.

OFFICE! BtoOA. II.HotHB. (1 to 8 anil 7 to 8 P. SI.

On and after A|>rll IBI will L»VB liia ofllco on

Nlgkl callB at rcBitlEDce.

fflt. T. ALLEfT iTj . PAIMHI.


BUILDERS,X>oTr<©r , 3ST. «r.


County Collector's Notice!

I »ll> b« i t tlio (iBeo of tire Samvatc. Km-rutmni, lor tho tramotion nt Oiuniy Inn-nrBB. on Thursday or each weeli, am! at lire

Of Oaor«o Itfcliatil», bq . , Donr, oc



Contracts lor liniUinB" l"««» f'»m '.''J "CivBtinE or the dellar.ntld inatprtals furWHlml,

Roolini! Ki t ao.l Ma»i»B( MattriaU con<l»»tly


ami JobbinR promptly »lt«rd«d to. Orl.rsleft at WilliamH. fiakei'* storu mil rooelipearofal and prompt attention.

The Seneca Falls Yeast Co.,(LlUITHl.)









bar ter BbopiccouUGCtinnnitli tlio pool romi


Carpenter andjBuilder,

"arot tb«Oo»l»l IUil.oal ilia" I""* ' .BEAU THE 0ANAL BASIN.

. » - Jobbmj ana npmae pcomplljatt.ndrfto. AlragMp.ri.noo •» 10 toB.-neB8 will.IboliDT., enable mo to Klve fiatis-ftotloli to all cnBtornern. Contracts taken andlaatoriala faralttiftd. :




aid tantil ?ffl

P.O.*>Tl88.- •• A«pod*lt7 ni.KABIIH.

da o[ Btencil cnttmg.» » A . H D O I I .


Cotters in



Oan oflor tlio Uht m l DIUBI libciftl indncmtulB lo dsiltra.







Joseph York,Ifl-U PIORRI8TOWN. S. «


TIN & JAPAN WARE,FliUl ' i ' CASH, * c ,


taken in cii-liiins

ll V»J(iIITON.

DRESS GOODSIlcst line of Dress Hoods)

mid i rlniiniiiLrs at


Ill.Ai:itWKI.I, Bl., K1VEII.


SUSSEX St. GROCER<[ilk{iutitiu(?B io kacp a fall tvi freelr qui

tily or

(ilroceries und Provision:

SEASONABLE FRUITS.'orelffH and donifMin, the bost gmfltWCANNED GOODS, mid all Huppliea of IVniKclmlil in hiM liiiu.

<'nrc will nlwHj-d be taken lo secure gw>t tho best .jiuilily iiuri L-tjiial pains t o .lifin at Ilift ninul roasotiablG uiftrKiDB ciiHt«Ll with lli.i iMrt'liiuina prioo. BOSS!Sr., n<.iir lliu cornel (if Hack well, Do»er



Queenstown, Liverpool,

Norway, Sweden, Sc,

While Star Line,

rniiiaii Line,

Ciinard Line,

National Lino,

State Linta MlAPra lutnl >t lo«cil ratot. p '• iiii\wlinT lu ].:iiHl:in.l, Irdiiml, Hsu"":iv in- Kucthri. InfurmutiDn OIMIIII at miv limn ji. rctjartl to movi'iiiL1


E, Lindsley ASon, Agents,

MRS, S, TREWARTHASussex St., Dover,






PURE CONFECTIONERY,I Hue fpri'ial iiidiistii)eiitH.aroofrt;r.oil





Seeds, Fertilizers,eTCiythius for FARM AND GAltDEX.





clx.n.-%xrtfy, INT.\I1E AOENTD FOll

FLtit Btoel cliiiu mm ^«u»^» u , , . - ^.(IIIRII it taftcltm. TlieyRlre Ilio boitof Mtin-factifin Tiiry also keep in Block " THE HEREBII'lllE" Iloi-AIr, Oan and Hise-BummRCuokinc blovc, tlio bt>Bt liikinp ttovo In tliu

M. Also, a large sasorlmL'tst oroLhcrfllyleaoiuooWDH8tavcH,!{aiiKni< V«rlor Stoves,&c,

'"'^Sfot^WKSl"^™^, „, Wooden, Coiiper, t'lain »nd JipanuDitTINWARE, UH Ulotti. Cari»ctn, Lsrapa,PUuta Rii.lOili'.birdCriRtB, Feathw*. Prart'iAstral Oil (nnnoxp.oi.vp.) Aim, IICKIITS fitCOAL. Hooiliip, rinnibinp nml Jul) Terk

, pruiii.j»,v attnuVjil. to. r.nrlinnl.'H Bcslcf 3!f Uio elinv-t! tcilcs in front of their placo t>rriHinoEH lor imblic wciKhinp. Old Iron, Op-it, BrnBii, Lead, lU.cra BIH! OrticublclB ttketii nscIiaiiKO ror K°«I1

l'I-tUEN k D f f N N E L L

[go mftnnfiofiiriTi of Uuinicllrj Soir-Tigtl-cninfi Wire Bprlmt Btd Bottom.

1883! SPRING. 1883!

Openimi o! MILLINERY GOODSof every description at


All wrson/t w!*liiii(! miytlitaj in lur.llnsrill iTiiiitiiy Ijuyiiifiuflior.HOnKS, PAPEH8, NOTIONS,

CANDIES, JJUTB, PIPE9, TOBACCOB,be. Dim be foauil nt lier (tore in large qtun*


FAMILY GROCERIES!cDitttitlng ' of the Beat P«tt»t ITJanr,FrMh Bmokrtl Trenton n«Mi»naHhoaldcri, Pin* II utter, Chq«ie aWd Lardbeat griulei of Canned doodi, and »Uinppllr* of tlie liOfMehold line i t

WJH. II. IUKEK'8,Dover, N.J.


BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,D o v e r , 3>J. JT.

Tli0 best work at lowest pricM. Hcpairinarhesplj and promplly diino. Neil la oM Ptue-Wtcrian C'harch, l!!avtw.-=!l SO-ly



•(anfiiiidSpcciacatioiiprorbuiMmEfl.OtKitraotitoken *cd rantoilelafuroisbed.

Slate Roofing"With b.;ttsr fncililiea I am on nbled tu put

m SLATE UOOFri chenjior tbiin cvor usingoouo lint the livut quality of ulittu uiid cm-ploying Srstcli^ss meclmnica. I enn giiar-

We mat^riil mid work in oi'erj particu-r. Tur Sbcntbing Felt always on hand.Duted October 13th. 1880.




snooEssoii TO a. r. SANDEHSON,


..always on hand a fu!! «• . fresh stack ofataudard goode at

RBASOXABUK I'ltlCKS.lldocna't pay lo cipcriment witlillour, Aeli

your grocer [or tbo hravm

VIOLA BRAND,id take no other. II in always RMd-cnn tielied npnn over; time. HanrterRDii on tliiale bnuii iccrciBcd hte floor trails 500 tier

eent. B-tr

EDUNN&BEO.Improved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus—rur.—

Stores, S e t t Chrttas,inJ nil mantxir of pritalo »nJ pullio Liailtlings,


Notice ol Settlement.Xollao i> l lcnl;ultra tint the atcomiliiil

tlie BnbBorilMr, AdiniQlBtritnr with tba Willd 1I9 bonlB noa. of Riobutl Thaatafl,

i l e c c , will ba adiled and iiUtod hy tbeSjrrarfatB, aad nporled for Bctllernuot to tbeOrf baoB'Cimn oC HI Onoolj or Xortla. o»Uptida; tha tblri iliy or Soplembor, nail.

' ' QHE8TBB Q, BtTDDIHOTOH,''.i' '•:•••• •• D b r a . S . J .. 18IU,18B3. . .. - » " «

ff. S. BAliDITT.We liave been receiving from the Inrfc

tiado auctintr) of lliin lost month Invoices <<BUTTINGS and GAUPETB, Wu hav.Ingrain C'urptt for twenty-five oent«, whiolicoinpnro fuvorably wltli gomlH ut twice (but-irito in oilier placei*. M'e bavu Bcvei 'iQcea nt tlifo prior, all dltfi-rptit tntteriVfl ne\\ Ibfj llrtriford aud Ltnvi-ll e i t u suj .

RfKida, wliiub all nckiiowkdgu tu ba the bestin carpet imde, tu all thB.r hnud'iomeiit•n> nt thu lowest flgutoi. Wo nre ei-DR a largo lino D( allgtoftw of CiNPmliully is tbli true in TnpefitrieN an I

„ Ilrussek Tits best tiiabes of BUOII Inllwir best patterns are to bo found fa cmcarpeland 11

it rtioiiB at lite \mxeai prioaa,Kc(ft tojnatott'^rpBt^ ~ '"

d d to l y reoetll* tnlroliiwiei In anolioiirootDB Uauy ddolded barfiairiB ar« lo baUnd. All made up Oulico Qowoa tnt fifty(rents atfi being letallea by m, nnd nlnwdy" W t a w bw» dlmmrt ot A large 1»-

l l f ^ S"i6 olwn


The Kotrig . . . s i ; Sivii^s Bali,( . .VClHtl ' l lUATKI) A l . l l t r i l :iil, IS7I . )


1SSIIY W. Ml l J J i l l , IVHidotil.

II. T. HULL, Hro'j »«iici Tn-as


*MI:I N. C(iU:M.*K, Aim. C. OANi'in nAMITU.N II. MAH-H, P H I U P H. H u m u s ,ESiix W. Mn.Li:n, C. Y. BWAH, M. U.

ODPII daily froin i> A. M. to 1•*. M. ftml 011 Hiilurdny evenincsroni 7 to !) o'clock.Deposits mudi'oii orheforc (lie

TKNTI1 WAY OP JAXtlAltV,ml if in ui ui ng in .tank on (lie'IKST DAY OP JULY, will benlitteri toO IUOIIIIIH' iiileixnt.UioflitB made on or before 1 lie


Always a com-plete stock of E.0. EUETS cele-brated fine shoesfor ladies wearat the old relia-ble boot and shoehouse of Heagan& Co, opp. a , L.AW. RE. Depot,Dover, N, J,

parrel & Byram,Real Estate, Life and Fire Insurance Agents,


%lu Unit rl»fc< aflTorul lit tltu lufeHl etunimtiiti* tot* life itiid fln fittntnnri-, creal vHntu, tnliirrnl t»inU, und iiinKtitilti orm littittllt-d OK

the limit uilvnntM|[ea(ai ILTIIU.

•ennUnlUal Lifo. iu cur porn ted Fun Ins. Oo.,-Hartford, I't. Cusli cnpiliil $4,000,000.:; - ; Bijn Fire Office, LoDiItiu, Eag.DQii. Orgcuizml 3710.

loa and;Ptovenclnl, London, E n c h n l . Casli capital $5110,000.Agriouititial Fii-ii IIH. Co., Wntnitoivo, K. I . Cksb cipilal 3300.000.

. ;; : : tieeu Firo Ins. On.. Liverpool, Etigkud. EskblMio'l 1853.

T H E DOVER LUMBER COiffers to buildei-8 tho best opportunities in I ho imrchaso o{ LUMEElli every grade nud dosoriptiau iudadiug LOW TBICES and the greatdvfuitage of having

.Lumber Worked to Orderf niftohinery at the jilnco where it is pavehiisBd, Ki'Q&tly lessoning tho

cost of building by tlio great Having iu miuiuiU luuor, Ourstock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsid LUMBER of ovoiy description, und especial pains are taken

to give tiiitmiactioii in every particular,G t B O E K l O n A U U H I ' S i l U t


Ma. Hwroa:—A* by proper adviocs ,vo'lia-ye sent me aorou t te conntry in B curriag^«ad as I bave fallctl to aoeomplluli tho featdriving to New London, Conu^ I think tlmt

I lisa bottet1 expUtn mywlf in a letter and tliuihplp or iiiuderotliers |tt & ilmllar imi

Sot j-eamitiuw lieeoapctjtlflnofiniooiaka anab » journey but norer lisve lucn

enablod to start -wltb groat expectation* (ItW*y«sr, Perliep* a itraiig toieo to in

&u now f w laaud la tlie foot ofpoMtWiion of one uf tlio but horsoi la

'_.' wA ono'wltli wilcli I was nonfliilAnuldnnlLaa&Tomblpimpreulon uponstyle of tlio oelobraied PtMjoot*, New Lond

All " tho Btgti* bolnff rigl)t,".wlt:h bnggjwell Ia4«n -mitU Inxnrlta, m -well on neWfoi, we two, (formywKo AceooiiiaiiUdleft our lioiue Tuowlay niurulnfr with fljsqlon. Jfcaoh pnd ovqry poraou wo met wuMJitU'eili'iptfft'Tiniro going onoliundnulOxty iiiiloc i d d tight here, lent J fur«e[ ought to/giro thi.traTol.Dg by cairtngiItutillotlielencntofaurGzpDrioacotn outfit fur such a trip. In luMttina totlujuocmnry olotliiiig, yciu nliould proimio anAinilili a box with tools ouoitgli to imilco

or harnesri or fastflu on any looijoar IIOFM, • Tile yon will nut net

l/i opoh, l.iit it will bo a Imtkly thlug to mp-]i]y u olmngo of eiwolno an you leiuutowin tlio nutriago nt oaoh fltepping j»l.«jt!. 1urn ta take u lmmiuook-ro liiuidy to otretiiDtwoeo the item na you plo-uiu Rtiuld-da'Ills jou will not iiroboblyba iaduced f»1al

from thoarrfage, but it will outnnglo «ll yoiitber artlnloB «nd tliim servo &, jmvpo.w.

la alio. au otoalJoDt plan to stow away[oo<lly-iiiimhur of books nud maguuuog j tiomiftlioiowlll lifilDok(iilfnto,butbythUiiioDiir)•oa ui)I W enabled' to toat tho nuii'Hy olilndlng. If you mm prootuo a ilft.l.v paperako It hy ull mcaiii. for it will Hio|i aoiue•ftvko aud wllllie found eutV wLoii you

jutiiiieyj w for loading it tliatuewl uut Lit expuoted. Ho wHLauohdlrootii~ rofor you to tlio poqiry aud piotto of BUL-IIpnmcy ua wan uudwUikeu by tho w.-iter.Our Duui'HO wu us nourly onat *s jraasible

iittd waftwlflaviig Dover wo toucliod Den-" i, PoWErville, lluouUm luidafc H X J f . a f

tlio firnt diy Laltod nt tbo onsteru oxtreraityofMontvllle. llomwbwbra eimtilud to toittmew tho proverbial bwiiltiilHy ol New Jet-ny 'peonle, fur at the itabki of Mr. A. XiDoltv.wu bl.ililcl. (Dm of ooit,) our hiiwe,hf lu wu n|o>iddtcd boneuth ibe tipos of hi.iivu.. Hero wuBpunttuXue hours _.ii wlugn-lii ii lenutiful piece with tho Dooii-mirauch, Slums CIIURI iu ths back auil

[iliro Atdcruey utouk in the foragi'ui'nil. AHsoon tlm hour ciiiiio for our omillnuerfmoy ami with iuvltftt'cns tw oitll ngnin. wiii on our way, raulilng Patonmu tltrongh

beautiful eouittry at S I*. Mi By iidvlob, wu

iiillouIioQGOiiudibuuditmodlous, with good luoJt

•gc«. A serious ilrawluck to thti•aiuicut guoito I BU>I ooticciyom^ht biid iu tlio henvy touoa of tlio bell iipqn, then- a. oliiek or so dhtwt iii'the oiookH I tlio hoitrs. I lertniGd Hmt )i all that

lify there Vroro but few i-enlly good boWUidiliat-'Hlift Inmt itliki" of Pidia "is aooncatDtnluil.'" Wo obtained itu curly Hturt theirtmora%ondfolkm!'iff y m that le&d

awavi tho win tfe pmisad thnragh Awoln,lanttM vlllngo at ttuoodof a loig Htrehbaand.•••Hum w« noro iliwitcdto ttnoten-

Back uid toward tlmt town we jauruied, liov->ng fuuiiadtlie weadowa w-o»>'cd( UiAhoue

thopDstafrUiiitop»it8«fJeraoy. Uuttbeaoil Iticd thciuBolTtia away to fairer u>ld» orTO so aiuptiaml ut tbo spwxl of our stoodit thuy wore ftlillged to liolt. iWx lunflfngftHatlslkuti uotnHongtlid theyslug

ilvll^htiiil drlvo oan iio famnd than

IT, Heu'y aud Treas

I, W. BI&SINO, Otn'l Uanager.

Preeman Wood,

n a f i i i i i i i i f t unkoml i c I IUSTDAY O F J t LY, Hi l l be entit ledo 3 Hictiidis' interest.DeiinsifH nuifU'oiior before theK\TU ISAV OiMULY.HiHlre-

mniitiiig in ItiFik un the I 'lllSTDAY Of JANUARY, wi l l bentitlt-ri to (J inoutliH1 interi 'st.DcixiHitH iii.ttU> on or before 1 h<>

FIKTII O A Y O P IK'nilti;K,iii».lemaiiiiii!; in Hunk on I hoPIKsT DAY OPJAiMTAKY wil l'(><i.ti.l<-.. to . , nioiKlis* inK-nsf

icy UiKtnciloii Ut>n<! anil Murl r,..,pt.

OLIVER CHILLED PLOWSD:st iu the market. 500 sol.! by tin.

icme Harrow,

Eagle Wheel (Jnltitatur,

Casudni Sulky Pioiv,

rain and Garden Seed Drills,

Walter A. Wood's Mowers,


'homas & Field Wheel flay Rakes,


Lyon's Fan Mills,Lever and Tread Powers,

ThrcRliers, Cleaners, &c,

id all other fint-claBS farming Implcmtutd,!




TriTeling Ageot.



;allyauthorized a^cat of the rollcninRaml



GLO11E. Capitol 120,000,000.


Capita! S10,aon,ODO.


Capital 810,000,000.


Lnpital 85,000,000.

HUDSON COUNTY, .leraoy Citj,Cnpital S300,llD0:

Knrlh IlritUh nml MorcatiUle tnaaranoe Co,or Lorulnii irml RJoulmrflli; capitit SHl.OOO.OOH.

(li-rniairia t'in, Iustiranco Cu. ol Now York;

The London AfiBumucG Corpomtioii ofLorrdou, capital S5,SOO,000.

HpringflcM Firo Insuranae Co., Uaasacliifittfl, capital $1,600,000.Westcliestoi Firo Inwrance Oompany fo

Kmv York, capital *I«.O0O.OEHUAH AuEaiaiN Sl.OOO.000F1I1E ASSOCIATION Off PBILAMLPniA.Muna, B,B)0,0«OAma 600,0«

tow open fat biurineia in hM sew Keitait-

mat and can ncoontuodato a nuuihcr. of

r tj goo4 nuala,ii( .all lioun, at lo^fll8iWK«<!l«iVijkB)it;

Freeman Wood.ce of ttia reico and folloc Mfgi.trBtp

THE BEST PUCEol in Uln.Hor enjoyment in llih iftlion Is


UOVKK, N . J .Just rccDiTcJ BIH] iilnped in position TIMEE



Pool Tablesrrnm the ciilcliraicil mimifuctiirj of J. II.


OEOHESTEIONbse alfojnst been Bnpp!iod with new niailcu d will delight DID {tattoQi or ilia house mure

-, furnishing mmiia cqiul to t brtBl


LAGER BEERl l n y i on Jianfitl tad tlio beit of


•Ivajl proviiku' for ilia patrom of

H0LLEu"S OPERA norSE urn


Uiuner nnil Ten Sets In Decor-iilc'.l White Urnnlle anil C. O.(Vnrc, Dccoraled nnil PlainToilet Wnre, Mnjollca Ware,llockintlmm Wnrc, \ e l l o wWnre, Slonf tVnre, mid ovcri-Ililiis In Hie Crockely line nttlie loweet possible prices at

Will. II. BAKER'S,Dorer, X. J.


BEEMER & PALMERwill pant.niio (tic ]»n»lucsi at tlio old'at ami.itail entlfitror tu teep a iarpu aiBunmont ofRoods In Ills Una or trade, cunsiitiiig of . ;

COAL AND WOOD!floranlon BI,.1 lebifjli nl all liesa; ilia Bi-

lunnnoQs Ooal fur Uacbsniitli.ticr. Ojnl wood^Btrei] and fipllt rcaJy for mo *\\hjA oo Iiaiid/

Flag Stones r Curbing,

PHOSPHATES!A tarioty of lirbcda of alurJird torfflzm.



MASONS' MATERIALS!H«rd nnd PAa Brick, Lime, OomGOt, OBI-!

clncil Plaster, Htlr, Firo ID>1 Vtantflrlck, Firoaiif. HrdenffilHio

promptly filled s t tho '


Saw ••inn.for hard wood. Iain bar cat to any aim uul

„ length dejired.

400 conif toitotiod trdoil for «lt>,

' _ ArliirtH


THGS. JOHNSON,-: nuporBCinrortni] dealer la

k i t o l s , Beidstsass, lintels,ma KII worX inTTirbla tni Qnnitas. All ytoxiof Uio btst order indprlcei renonable.


nt Ii•ok ami untslilTtri of Engltjwood. IiTapartit IIH you rldo over inncutUmind WKMIII youi!ni to bo pBABiug thronsl. a piu-K, ' " " ""it and bcRUtilied wltU plunk aad flcwore,: Tcunily w« vera.! <iQumd fli tbo hstd OwltcrtitluiiMint uonlil uot lie'proviilodiiiiioSKilvrmtlu advance, and so as va were offlit guard and tliem w»8 no bno to oomo iiftor3 were unddr tha accosalty of pnB*ibgbn.plug to reach AlplDD eioaiiiiitf'oBtlieHui.-ii by nnac. TJita v* did, but olftfl for ottfIHwtiif om, for wo-were (loomed to dttap-intmcut! After leariig Tcnafly wo coott

l>cgHti to luoeiid Uio Palbjttdei, tuid era vanaoliedthceuuuiit TO wondered at tho UJ>uraod ri'lgoi of New Jetwy. Tlia asocnt Is[radunl/Jtiplaooi, but voiy abrupt lu othoralid thcro oro, iiiany portions'newly eororod.rith tho BtoiiB-cfTJahtMl for future rood both}.Tiero is natlilng. vhntover to broulc tlielonotony of, tl)'e.h«d pull nnil the atrongull, but tha drlvQwity at tho siunmtt styled' bauloyard pxpelloat. that -the ascent

rorgoltenlu tlie now BUiprlBo, The descent' ."" .j, for, In order to iimba tt poari-

<\a, tha road rigaigt, to tho vor.r h&sa of theiff. Thcso IBW, tooth, ronda are oxooodlBgiy

HO U> oiioh othoc,&aii )<wl with irainoDRCilden nml,Ordered with trees through

hlob jou look dawn to'dangerous depths,it tho tru»ty, hone tool* tho deMont naif j

fflwlitmld-day.wo weieupouthetare of, tho fniaoua pfyer., There wo woreiforinodthntoily porg^ni,notorsctjoroar-gbs could qroH,tn(l t int the nearest Jepiyvchioles was twelve tnlloB further uorta.

iuoh information hod lu itbutnttltofsRtis-:tion for tlio woarygou1, Throagh,d.l.nt<ii*joeaalul inanojuvrtog, wt won onnbloA to

teed mi.l r^ t uwLilo. Hut n[Uir tlio ilntdgo of diaipiwlatmont Mitt.worn.awsjnro!>ro rcpitiil for tlie dlfSottU riilo liy tho wild-;

lens of tho loooory, liotamed <n as wo Werethe livorbofaru and the rooky UufflioWnd^

Hero ftlno wu had an opportunity of find-;IJ> out how out meal nnd hominy lire iuade,)'' thn Alpluc ltiilbt, that aeud out TMt quoti-los of oaoh dally, BIO hew. In.proparlng

oat moal the groin is fed to tha b u m a* luord'>iorv mill*, but those stonoa are about-hnlfinohnvart. l&therevolutton,which

at high Qnoed, the matiou of Hir oausta theliit to etuntl on and, very much liko tlio

Ird on auratandard dollnr, and thus tho hulltorn off ind tho berry loft wliolo. Thd

iroductUtbeuonrriodtoothor parts of tlio'»•whore tho obaffiinddiiatanitlown awayfans and lo and behold you have oat ineali

itu Iwrry 1» thau p&tmtl through mllh tfaitnpqrtof It awnj and soon It coraes ont

rtjnu'ne Ainorlean, Scotch or Irbh importediwil. After roating mtpolontly wo began tlio-cent of tho bluff and. turned*irdthBnorUien, Nyaofc. :A lnrgo

part of this rldo wus romantlo enough fiehad sowrftl Bileitrom Hormout towa» upon nwieadsnuiod roiwla ot tho

[voraide. InallthisilLstnnaDtterohihArVltyipot thut •woi'M not bo worthy of cl6»o

Peraons ofwoalth haviigly vied with cnoh othor to nroduoa glndjrprtwa • fn- ltndioapn' gardening Bid tho•liolel«i»ftgBrdoiiorbaduty, Boforoe^oii.

were in pleasant quarters atafghtof the ferry, at ttio RooWond Cuuntj

[ouse, and BO tat us we oonld teo wereitthehotal. Wefonud the enter-

Inmetit fair, but when wa rodall- tho trip) cannot Tall fn thaulwg.Wng booivuio wo

i«le thin tho.onulniii of the ridoeutwaVitind that we did not yenturo upon that ferryo»t^ And allwni agtw With un -whoa theylira tlwt wo wore toJd nt thathousa that tho

or tltoroatTnppan buy woa fifteen milesIdo BIIII thntihouoatorosiwiHii flflfenmin-

Of course wo were not tbtre to ill*pirtoi on their own ground and could only

dd "rtther fa*t sdllng." But who couldiiamo ue for notwMdng to rink our valuaulcj

a ferry boat entlino; at thn nitu of a inlle aiiutol Jlswo roonll tho poaltlonofTairy.

DWU, ou opponltfl bank, the dlstanoo did militn MI ftrcat, but that might hnvo 1KM*D

lecnusoof tho inrilT of tlie fttaioflphere, fi>r" i gcnerntly eoniwdcd that fln thin li1

atnoMiijTery dWIuei. But tho moreikofit we luiflglnQ a flight mbtako wiu

udo—«ay of tliltusou and one-half lutlea.8ati«fied wltb otireiperienDe thenext morn-

Ing ire revenied onr dtnstlon or travel andang1it the fond whence we fcnditsrtod. TlielUttncd between Nyaok and Nhnoet througUTinrksvlllo was upon „ woll kept -tiirnplkaond graoetl at one ptuoe with a toll gate, but

tliB wliule jonmey to Itani'ftor 9! "" "M over execrable roads, a t ltha hnd placed that I may eafoly dealg-

ito them thus i Tho hluVweroQtig and ntcep and Dearly all of them with

of loDte stonei, maWng;ttpm eiec'cd-lugly dlfflonlt for borscfi, and evendangeroun,

Itliln a mils of Rnnwoy we irto-tdoked agalu \

upon the ground* of Mr. Winter*, a bl&ek-swltli, of luoit gonfal nature, and atevening we were at OaltUnd, a atotfon iMidland B. B. ParU of the scenery betweuthese pUoea was M fine o» auy other in tlwhole journey. Oakland, iu a name, latrautlve, as a placo, not §o. It hoiuts of i

in>, threa or four good tioueos and a thiirate hotel, Tho highoat praise of that hiIs illennc. Tbe proprietor h u probably lotsome of the arts of liot&l Ueopfug, but retailthe puc of ohai'giug for entertainment, FroiOakland wo pasacd through Pompton with'boautiful laho and Pompton Plain* celebratedon a manufactory of steel car ipHngs om"beautified by weiltb. Upon a bluff thai

ii almost to iinpDtid tha boundariei itof tbo most beautiful roaidencos In nevei

litatfons of tho SWUB Chateau thut I h&'evonoen. A drlTU of » few ulka brought uitsok to Iincuiu Park through whioli

poBand iu going out and tlieuec the jouiWUM thu naino na befuro. Upou tlit: afternoon

thD funiLU d»r wo re-«ntvroil ourKroundn, having driven about one hundredand Q.ty miloB, mid sJtliougb we enjoyed wluiiith, mw MO nimif plucou liooi new puiUion*aud BtmliDd wuu geography, wo dodde thatBlush tiavelfug when tbmo ai« earn uud rail-

i 1M almost too prosak. He who vau fi1

ml v iiooti'f iu n'oh u juuriiey mutt huvo l>obfiruf tuft, "not iniido." IJ. W. P.

PORT MORRIS.'. Mr., Doolittle prouoliiid last Sundnj

morning und uiadfl a escollent twitnon, oulif tho to.:t, "At for mo and my hoiiso wo will

tho Lord,' Homo of h's points were"Man ia a religions fcaiuK. If he don't aeireG&d ho most SOi-vo some thlig. Hohelp it, Tho heathen of Iudfa are en f«.

ely religious |ieoyle, They do uot knowtrua God. bonco tliuy wor*h.D .Idols,

Hell in anoo6«aJty. tfamunu and bell 1B tlwcoiisoquejiuti, Mwi duoi sot sin; or ratherinn la ri^tiUiouti. and huiico, Jluuveu.Tlioio WUJ nouert-ipe iu ihe L'ftubylliurub, cansiHiueutly a good many of tberoiibyterlanBwero at tho MeUiodiat ohurob,should think whoso evei:n boalno** it Inoilld liavo tho pnlplt supplied ovory Bun-ay liy eomebody. 1 should tbu Pres-yteryof Newton, or Modetaior Jvnglt,'aabiujtou, pr»oniQ,bodjr, would look ailera ikUo. 1 don't Lbijk the

ohucoli at Wutli'ugiou would gu to tbo doiu-*'ion liow-wowu If its' paator were to fledmoouo to Bnj>u,y bis pulpit and Iio shouldaio tu Siinbuiio aomo Snqduy. He ig Mod-

iratur of tliu fi.anhajie Cliiifcbj add l a s norerr thara ifuoo Eov. J. W.Poitor loft,

UitijlrciioutthatthB"B«v. Mr. Clacton-P.itoinon, nocompnuleil by the Ter.

iUt)crson,-of Port Movrti, will addr«s» thetafbrui Club of StuoUpxie on Sunday, Aug.[l)th,18S3.

ifrjmiv/mdil that Mr, Whltosolli whosatrui woe wouudod on tUft railroud last weak,r-111 not hnvo to hiivo UU inn taken off.Don Harriot ouo of thu biakoinen' ou tbeIght dri'1, got one of Ms legs hndly mi

Fvtdoy night n o t e rre "tbiuV,butttiBfleBhyiwutof Ida log bulow

wu caught between tlio bompei-ri of10 "bobtail- uii J tupie of u ooul gondola. II':oiitto8t.lU<)hiwr«.BoapltAl. fTewtuk, oiIO, a, Saturday, nihirnoon. Doctors Noldeaid Cook deeming that tho befit dlsposltioi

t could iieiomlo of him.would liko to kuow huff tuuuh ttuth thereQTKCTu'aehflvguthfttO. A. Danft told

lung lady ou the Seawanalu. when ihe m ilira, und the young lady aaked him for a*

sUtwioe, "firtrrbody for h)m«lf," ai beuwped overboard l*»y!ugUie yuuuglady to

itiheoonid. JfJtUtint)Uiatthet«ULR order iu tho Bun offioo to tbe

^oottliftt anjeoiployaoftJ..' office oanghtilh « copy of tlio Tnoni on htm filiall be.omptly dlioborgod. If it is iron that the

totems at-llclfl '-Ho Hinolng UatUn** wasl ^ n lit Hr/fildcm'ri hoots, at Sir. Tlldei'i

llotaiion j nnd Hot CUaHw A. Dana gat 8.""••-Vavoheok for WMO for publUb'Dff

BistOcudaysbefoit) Oatfleld's eloo-Ion. Idou;toaieaitythiDg about it, but I'ould Ilka to knew. • party, said to

lous'et of tome fottv people, ooutilit'ug ofHjrti, Guninn and Fronoh joumallatH,'WIVCB anil some otlief peop o Hurtodtbe D.I* & W. R. H, for vlie lund of

iBcottiusiunthoothei-dBy. When Uncle'ufufl woutto see Mi, Stona about maVo ar-

igetnont^fortoo train lo was askeu bowhe wanted to go. "I want to gu t"l tbe

Jos melt off," said Uuolo Buftu."Theu you boil better go by BCDJQ otherLt«," sulil Mr, Sloan. But tho nranugouioats tniido .-.'id tha pnrlj- ban gmin, nnd I mip-

pow, will foteh up at ''Yo'Iowstono Pork,"ifore tlicy come haok.*aoo n oonule of men of Delvldere aiio thot. k W., H. B. for «,O0J each, beoBuae

lioir homos did not know anyTwtler than toi away when the oompaay'i onglno Wowedsteam. DoVt yon with they may get it 1

lon't tloy know that an engino 1B only a ma-ihine, iind ooo S( tl-o t b ^ a ft ia made for

to Wow off steam! •",Don't tliejr ktoV that almost every loooroo-

ivo on tho road has a onrd ou It Bav'ig thatas itcam preuais aa tWi e^ino bust not

exceed 180 lbs. to the square tnoh, i;gned by™falterDa<wson,orW.H.Lo»!«I muter me-

'tjcmalo il'ie.crtlie J I . t E . Di-^ialons* tba case may bol What 1B on on-

going to do Then shogets agi-oaterprevii-eoathanthatl. Some of them are bu"t

>,"a8 Jop Gorguiy engine, for ,h-tnnoe, which the momont the steam oxeooda

lbs. to tho sqiiaro ino!i pops of with oindthatjoa can hoar tjrfte' nwayB, The

igino don't know any bettei-.' Thnt'soaeoflthlnRR abo woa built for, aud if tbe teaub

ong the rood wore to run away every timeIs oa 78 aid 77 there would be loU of Uw

•s. ', . , . . " • • . . . ,

Sneaking Dftuiatliingremluds me ULatwino'earn ago oomlig thfongh. Stanhope out,Mob is a incityaHff grade, tloboya thought1

could not pull 15 ours will 130 lbs.: ofn, hnd nied to blow W up to, shy 100,

l.andBomenfthom got the lieuJe on thegugo going'around the Becona time;

iw 130 lba, of steam pulls DO coal oara eaBllyaugbi and tboj nerer tlink of getUig up n

itcr proisure, and the gnulo 1B about thoo M It was then.

Mr. Win. Freeman was married ou.Satur-iy owning tu Minn Mamie VneArsdale, of|inhopo. Mr. Proeman Is engaged on anpapcr In Sew York, I understand,

Georgo Hurt was leader of tlio Stanhopeiefotm CiaV moetiDg last Sunday. W. 8.

inn toads it noxt Sunday.The FroBbyterkuifl of StanhopD hare theJr

' -HID on the lflth. The Port Horria talkdid to postpone theifs until the Hilb us they>th go to the flame place and tho oanal com-my have only two icows. Eycrjbodyand

wife, exoept me, went to the plo-nto; iia n day made on purpose for plo-niokere.

3ool,:eloudyand tlireatfrnlhgraln, whiol diditcorao. Tbetwosebwllwonfillodt«ove^

lowing, and I have to congratulate Mr. A. B.~>pe. Suporinteatlont of tbo FreabytcrianindayBchool, on itenuoccM. IoanuotBaymob of the tmprovemonti on the Lnle anding it as I was not then with tba plo-nlek'

B. but they do Bay that they hare a veryB hoime oa Uortrand's bland, Bndltwaabad thatjtut about tbo time Mr, 8t«pncni

it ready to enjoy lUo he hnd to die. but he11 not die on Thursday—it was Friday worn-iK befuro tho brcnthlbtt him.They are boring a well at "• Liberty Corner"Stmilinpe right in front of Isaac Klnnlout's

are. I gtiow tiny don't bare to pay «1Oroyalty for a hols In the ground any more

Amni StnltU liu had a well drivrn on hllliremiBCB, too, and I asked tho well driver

tow much WAtac he got for him MId ''All ho wanta. I guon."A family of Italians has moved into Btan*ipo,and it-takes tho ouu^dmt over then)

ittletlmo ta learn tlmt nn ItaUaii h u ' wmob right to a ahare of tbla oonntry at any

' clap, it Iio behave* hiniseir) but Uioy111 leant It after awhds.The colored pcopla from umaewhere bad a

iio at Booth Stanhope oa Wednesday andant homo oa No. 3.Conductor UtSermnn eamo neatna fun with a, pawenjor tho other nightyabout t ie paswager's fnro from Hopntaonjjition lo SUnbone. There la no better fol*v tliau Conductor nefformau, bnt I •wouldit like to "rl lo" him. Ho would rather

a ftdlnw teu ocnta, I gueu, t h u havflany fellow heat him ont of tint stun.

I guess it must have been a mistake aboutpaintiug the " Matilda's" mnokeatack, I sawit tho other day onl it did not look M thoughit hod bevu palatod in two or threc^eara. Itis suld there are Iota of cuupera at the Lake.

A good many of the Stanhope folks havoboon to camp meeting and no rain at tld*•rittng, though It IDOIU very lanelt like rain.Rev, Mr. Miller waa in Sunliopo the other

night nud tho HctuoiUsU and someHothorfolks wtrii gliid to «oo him.

It la not decided yet, I believe, vbo ut to be_ natural1 tho Presbyterian Clureb of 8tuu-hopc. Ituv. Mr, LlvingHtoao is yet consider-i g tliHjilmmli'n uill.

1 am surry U< say Ura. UagUl, of StouhopR,very sink. Slio is uae uf the nolorod wumuu

hom uverybody rc#peot« that knows her.There ia auld to be a Koutlomnn at Mr. Caiu't

lioU L la that town, who in very sick also.I think he found that a icerot society wuiijt u very bad thing to bnloug to—after nil

they suy ubuut the steret euoictiea. I uiuoisuadqd that a good many pooplo use wonn*without knoH-Ittdga.Sow I will uhut down, or ahut up juat mou like. " •'-

Down the Valiey.The hidppeudout Qarturly, publialuil byJee ii Stephens, ofQuruiau Vulley, coinosBaeulartiudaudgroatljr improved. Frum

- we tuko VIID followltig itcnii of intercut;L, It. Buhoonheit oftliis place haa Bevernl

'ity bourJers.T\xoti\ wtjl be uo inoro evening aorvkes fu

tha oliuruhoK Ju the vUlage until Sept. 1.' Un WiUardApgarls' iniiliJiuganev reel-

e un lila form, about a mile above our

Mr. j , C. Welsh is building mi addition tahis dwollitig, giving him a front aewind to

crno i-i tho town.Mr. 1. 8- Hull ia building a now realdoucuear tho JjtHliwaa pursooago. Ho expeetti toive it ready tu move Into by enrly fall.Sir. J. V. Welsh, of thia pltuo, iuformei tUat be will bavu 5,000 banket* of poaobe»i ia Somerset oouuty, ueur Pot

Lersville,Tho truateoa of our public eolool huvo

omployvd m toaohert for tho anaubig year"" UcnirKloo.ofliarUerville, a» prlndnalind UiwJU)uui» Bartley, of this village, aa

ilitaiit taoohcr.Mr. O. Lateuretto. the miller at tils place,eonuuplatiag putting " New Process"k i M i U

Mr. John Snydor. wUlo onttiug grats furr. Elijah DiHTorf. of Middle Valley with a

mowing maollno, a .few days nnce, out a"ilttok itiitka in turoo pieces. Each picco

icwured oror two feetThere are three §t*am aaw mills within aiinflof twoniHMownedtMeYJllage, Oner J. tH.DeMlBg, near the Tillage oa theirtu. another lrtlow u* id thoDnffbrd woodsideptlio hiansgement of Hager Trimmer,id Ur. Hugh Bartleywith hiamUl at Onion-|le,runntngln the employ of K M. Bortles,[ofvlitohBToujinguptbetlmucrota fast

•ato." Bealdos there a n two water mills,icbdoconiildBraileworklntLe conne of'your. It's a plain fact tha timber in thla

vloliiity will soon bo coBiunwd. .• • ' - . , " . . » : » • ' • •.'—'J.

BUDD'SLAKE-fiov. Dr. Crane* of llorrbtowj), proacliedthe Lake Chapel Sunday morning and

•ouJng. His flrat dJBDOurBO WBB from Isaiah,:rv, 1, tho subject bslag the beaotj of FOHCB

:r«wniu desert plaoait—how fragrant theyi. Itwaaveryfluo. In tho afternoon bo(?r«Baed the Sunday Sabool, giving a historypa.U of tbe Holy l«ud b« had vbited.itch was Tory line indeed. In tho morn^g.TioQ ha (poke of iomo Kiug who placedirlVmetybiawaillta erected ia tlio years" to ESS, orl.KQyeuttja&o. Now, when tbo

U a'e diaturbod the odor arising U verywant. He discoursed In tho evening uponDlrinity of Chr'at to a large audience.

A pic-nio party f>mu Haoketlatovn ontnar, and tlitre waa a large Sunday

ibovl pio-uio from Jliao Hill on Tuesday,iporiBtendent • Jenktaa was wUli tliom.'orewfcio twenty wagon loads, containingtout 300 pooplu. They all Beciued to hove itly good, time and I hope they will visit tho

Lnke again.A Hits. fchni'Doii an old lady ut thu Forest

''MHO is very*1, nudtuit expected, to rccuver.biaokbnrir) are beiugtnkon from tba

ile.The Forest Honshu full of guosts. I uotlcamoag them Mr. Voorliecs, tlio proprietor of

' year, who U atoppliig there a few dayu-Mr. Joeo ih H. ScbatTer and fiiinily rvtumed.their home in Newark an Monday. Tlioy

welrpleiuod with tbo placo and acicni-io<latloi)B at the Fon-st House, aad expect ta

ttno.iieryen*.Our concert is BUII ta'kr.d of.Camp meeting is in p> ogrciu, uut tlioro hi no

nti to time of writing. It Is getting dryid very dusty.Tbo oats birreet is about gotlie.-od and ia aT fjood oio.

Mr.Wm.Haunts budding a now rood tneunimor i-oaldcnoo, wbioli wi1! moke it

leheivJer of BOOTHS tbun by the old improving his piopo- ty very muob.

Tho potato crop h) a very lino one but tboIces ai« vory low.At tho Foicst IlonsQ on Monday tbo ther-nmetor rose io eighty degrees. D.

MOUNT OLIVE-the oats Held of Ira B. Stephens was ex-

tlted aBelf-b'udlig mach'ie, dmwa by oneirse. It wns liu"t nt NorrtBtown, Pa-, ond

Frederick Chilcls, of Cheater, had it iaoiarge. It waa quite a ciWoaity hero, a« they

i uot so plentiful na <i the West ThoItcr being a lover of floo maontuery wentiee it ond followed It aroirad the field (notich fii'i either on a lot day), to see how itthend, houid and thivw aside the sheaf,ran dona so quick tliat it was not possible

receive much benefit from oat tramp, hutCbilds being a Tery pleasant gentleman

lly explained nil the (Jeta*1* and we cameway folly BatisBBd with its work. Ur.~ ~'ds Informed us he would take up grain

ilerthanamaob'ie could out H-thot it,Icr tbe field la out down, be oonld go tn and

it up in lets tfrae ttian it took to r«ap it,mato tbe last lemnrV. lout somo madaM

(ht think itwBB l'ke the corn Jropperefiin who lived iu ttifo neighborhood. Ho

Bald ho planted a field of cou ami was dose"ireeor.fiiurfo'rbwB ahead of the sled, bothimmeaciug at tue same time. I understandilsey Wolfe purohased one of the machinesUr. Childi, tbep^ice be?ug «1GO.

Boevca and yr'te> UUs Willlvns andlisa Watcrbury, of Eliisbata, ore taking 'i10 mountain air Bi the placo of.Mrs. Johnirftke,8r.' Hr. Corland Caskey h u a fewbarders and Mr. Kohion Caskey cipeets a>lumber nozt week.' ' Wif will content onr-

TM without any etty fnllu, or rUiting thes«a sliorc.

We BTO glad to note that Ur. Deyo occupiedIs pnlplt last Sabbath, looking mod. fn.

i r o v e d . " : " •'••'' ' . - • • •''•' • I ••

Tho BantistmJn'stoi w"l move bato t!ie pa^•onago on Tuesday, tiie 3Sth and begin i ts fe.• ittofintSuudayfaBeptember. Wawlslt

wooaaa in hla now field of labor.Iloar'i mind our fa'r and festival on Wed*

The'small boy's racntlon f» nearly at an- • ] . are pleased

state, tBkei charge of tlw school attain.

• ' " ' : ' B B > ' ' . . 8 i > 1 1 1 0 '

, .. STANHOPE. •This week is a lively on« In Stanhope aa alt

Ho holfils ru* filled with Summer boarders.The Presbyterian Sunday School hard theirinal BflntsBl ple-nie oa^Wcdnuday of this•ook. They go to take Bqpnloonit in twoDab and hava sold eoougt tickets to date to11 both of them.Atnoi Huiltli h u nd<le4 to Iba value M well

renlence ot hk brick block prop*vhia ar well -fHerMa. Ho bnd toity-Wnbt feet before bo came to)

WBtor.vThB)WiQtk,,,ini»;done(hy Mr.eon, oi narron vionqiy, -Patrick II. Keynoldis nf Port Vorrb. earns-—to. Stanhope, one sight last week with

atting borae and soaopeil in b' of thel-lwqwrters badly, ;Thti reudtwl in alagB rase whtolf will b« trotted. oat «n

Saturday Bfternoon, Augnrt 18th. The said-ace will take place at HeCalnRTllle, near'ortmao'B hotel, I undentand.8omo woo havo coninieaMa to work on thew powder works at Shlppinspart have quittlioy ate required to do an unreMonablo

i v ' s w o r k . • . • • - ' • • ' • • : - ; • " ' • ' ' -"

"" OUvcr has sold out hlB bakorya gQQtlenian by tbo name of

jyder, of Clinton, Hmttttaon OBtthtrTlt lagood stand and a good bnaltuw vngai to bo

great deal of ga^Ung folks.

Page 2: THE DOVER LUMBER left at WilliamH. fiakei'* storu mil rooelip earofal and prompt attention . The Seneca Falls Yeast

THE IRON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,

Saturday, Aug. IS, 188:1.

Oscar Wilde has returned to thin count rv

Heaves beip us.

The Republican part; id B good deal likettu Kealey motor -it won't go.

Mr. OnUar'a QobBrcalorinl boom looks u?if it h r i onooantarwi n cyclone.

Wall street came Tory new tevioga *3issatrotu fipudftl panic tbii week.

Tha Virginia Republicans hute a l » pottbenuelvei on r:cord for protective twill,

Mr. Caller's bwm sboula not bare besnatarted till later. It vai too tender for thefirst frort, _____

Dennis Kearney bis a Bore throat, whlcbia DO wonder, when we consider what passesthrongh i t

gome crank prognosticates two calaulti^fortbii country neit year—.ocurts and nDemocratic viator;.

The San't insistence that journalist nrew l qualified for the PMsiaoaoy shown thaiDana Is •till a candidate.

There is a well grounded stuplcion th»ithe anppowtd Noah'a ark is only a ati-ayTCBHI ot the American navy.

Egypt has found a worse enemy than Eng-land ID the cholera wbloh has already oar-tied off about 20,000 vlctitm.

INCIDENTAL PROTECTION.Our Democmlio friend of the Haatecdon

Democrat, in (o our tjaery ai to th«

Our ji

Ilia party at Ailury Park, which MrPotter attended last week, is called "tbeconvention of nondescript*."

It Is'apparent that the Jerseymaa desiresto obriate the necessity of holding A R epublican county convention.

The Democratic tariff policy will be clearlydefined if they can sneak inlo office nextyear by evading tbe question.

It is said Mr. Potter had a mental crampwhen his party gave the cold shoulder totbe temperance folks last week.

One would suppose that after nearly 20,000deaths from cholera Egypt would begin tothink about cleaning tip a'little.

The Democratic) fight against the charac-ter of Oarfleld is another version of tbeflgbt of tbe Jackals against tbe dead lion.

No one seems willing to rink his reputa-tion by running for Governor on the freetrade platform of tbe Minnesota Democrats,

The champion display of check U that ofthe British Government disputing the rightof the United States to return pauper emi-grants.

Brother Garrison has announced hia in-tention to wlthold for a time his opinionsconcerning " Hotrlt County Politics." Un-til then things political will remain in a cha-otic state.

Then were several election riots in Ken-tucky and three colored Republicans were-killed. The Democratic gunners, as usual,escaped unhurt.

Done;, the Star Route scoundrel, havingbeen kicked out of the Republican party,has found a haven of refuge in the bosomof the Democracy.

The Democrats are quarreling as to whichof their factions defeat*! Tilden. The pub -Ho at large have had a suspicion that theBepttblican party did it.

Tbe Democracy, witu tbe aid of Dorsey,Ii lighting the late President Qarfield. Hotbeing able to fight anything living It is jnstlike them to attack the dead.

Democratic sentiment seems to havecrystallized in favor of Holloway W. Huntfor Senator. We hate to beat aa good a manaa "Holly," but we'll have to do it.

Joel Parker annonncon that La will notrun for Governor. Joel is of tbe opinionthat a (ndiolal legar in tbe hand it worthtwo Gubernatorial oberooU in the box,

of incidental protection, says :ir nem-ral Boverotnent in one or limited•ra. Wr fall to set- mir vamat uu4crutistiliitioa wluwli.v thin (lavfrninoiit

nici- «UH> eeut ftir arij ntlirr jiurpnw thus

rnisiujf th.» rrv.-i.ue we l«liecp (liaf ahropirtliiHTimiiiutiiiti gliouM 1w uwJ, ttomto

weak iiKiiiMtH^mnhirtnonnx'titiimfrom anyNiurw-. IftliUn.-vennmut .liil nut nn'ila

lav a tariff nr tax. uurcly for protection. Butthis £«««ntliim will never « e ilie time whena heavy tax in not n coded, nnil liMBUM iart in inch n fix our prndiiFtfnus will receVall tlie fostf ring care under a revenue titbal in neriftil.

We dn tint Imlievn iu niUltuc a tax for indi-vidual Iwrn-flf. Imt forOnvemment tw-

If tb* individual lienrfit* tln-wliv. nil wril,bnt be bus DO right* in tbat direction nt the

wtiMof the rommiinity We cau try tiIglitou onr ueinUbnr, ami lio)n» IIP fnn «<-at i« l-iulu <n 11.; vf t. WP roneinlior (lint

there is no otic *<i btind a* bo wlio don't vaata nee. Some mi-ii omntc a foe suit thnu anythey cannot aw tbrongb it." Don't yuueelThe tint argument, aa to the ODOOistita-

ODtlitjr of protection, 1B eavify dispnsed of.If we cannot levy duties eiocpt for revonne.(ben tbe frequent legislation for protaodiever niece the foundation of the governmentit unlawful, and Washington, Jeffarun,Hamilton, Jackson, Clay, Wrlgbt and fltnereUteraian bare never anderstood the Con-stitution, and oar powers as being so limi-ted tbat wa could not protect oar own In.duBtriea. Then again, if this be BO, how IsBrother Ktllgore going beyond a reveatietariff to secure incidental protection F, It was only a abort time since that tbeClerk of the V. 8. Supreme Court, one ofthe best authorities in Constitutional few,in answer to a question, said there wa?nothing In the Constitution to prevent theGovernment from legislating in what way itliked for the protection or its industries.

Ia the next place Bro. Killgore wants toIncidentally favor or p»olect the weak in-dustries. Why not incidentally favor orprotect ths strong in well? Remove theprotection nor given to steel, iron, silk,manufactured woolen goods, or other great~ idustrieg of tho country, and what wouldbecome of them in competition witb foreigncheap l&horF They grew to be great byreason of protection to both weak and greatalike, and as a matter of policy we mightbetter let tha weak ones die out than tbegreat ones.

The statement that " our productionswill receive all .the fostering care uader arevenue tax that is needful" is a glitteringgenerality not warranted by facts. A reve-nue tariff is alow tariff, so adjusted tbatths Imports may be large and tbe revenueproportionally great In this country, whichcan manufacture for auont all Its needs thsimportation of foreign good, def rives laborIn this country of the privilege of in.uufao-turing just the amount of such imports. Aprotective tariff ie a high tariff, designed torestrict importations, on the theory tbatwith plenty nf buBtness and labor we will bsable to meet our own expanses,

Tlie latter part of the artiole quoted con-veys the idea so prevalent with the modernDemocracy that the protection of our In-dustries Is nt the expenie of tha tights ofInaivldualf. Can Brother Killgore name nprotected industry la this country that baanotcbeapened the pries of tho artiole it pro-daces? Before the silk Industry was putupon Eta feet—not many year* BRO—wehail to pay $8.75 per yard for an article ofdlk which Ia admitted to be inferior to thef 2 silks now made by American loomsFifteen years ago, before oar steel industrywas protected, England nude us pay $104

ir too for steel rails. When we began to ex-clude Eogligh steel by a high tariff tbe crywas raised that we were creating a monopolyat the expense of the people. Bat Ameri-can steel nils, the beat in tha world, artselling to-day In our markets for $38.60 perton. Remote our protection in this respect,

SOUND REPUBLICAN DOCTRINE.Tbat solid Uapublicu organization, the

Union League, of New York Oily, has tonedan address which dearly seta forth the faithand the .wlioy of the Republican party onthe question of the tariff. It aajs:

ll.v its IfgUltttiv,, flimcfmeiata ""tl I'.vurumu orit« eonn»tln»i »nd thi> is™1"1 IH"

of tliB D"ulf>*"1"'f* ""IV «iwn the indu*lrl£"fitMrViff onl


miiilou *lint dojrmnb t... , , r , , ii.niitwn tried, bun finwrrnten nun

<Wtn»wl tbe intenwU of free !«W. HIPRnpnbuVan iwrtv la thfl rmlr sixfold t-vday

inta>11ttn>nt miw-c*of American l«Unrer» fromthe tiHehUnir influence of tlie elu>iin Inhnr andi.eert<M nnbita of the pauper millions ofin r firn land it.

On tills tnwfit Igaua thf Heiinitlfaiui tinrtv«an weli offnnl tn ask iurltment of tlw Amer-ican neonl*1. while thf Dfimwran- In th»frpi-funnnd ttiHr nonrentlnnii ii niter in ndonnleWHM, noil (>'•'"' to rt.allfli.prr tlie notmlar VT-A\et Itv a candid nvmrnl of tbeir free inH(\AntMnrt. In 'inline with the tariff tlir

Iran party champion* tlw lntcrt*»tiof evflrr grent nitlrninl lmlimtry, and itsbon<"flc*nt pnlicv Miief it* noviMinn tnpower 1ttv> united capital and Iniiorin thobar-mnnion* dprelopmpnt of a urtwpflritv nnpar-IIIRW In it* jfrnudenr nml in ltd diffusionimnne nil the peopin. Asainar tbetliiwrliiniiif doctrinnrinns nndtlic sonliUtrr of demn-

the Bepniilican nnrtr holdsiin thownt awnn. of th« last two decades..n

wblnh thflf(.•ti.wd and protected Industrr andnltlM of the TJnitAi StAteo barellft«<l nnrt bornethe bitrfcn of ii mlnlitT civil war with hardlyn darkening-fn itn ertnt utrliliinf progrew-until to-dav tlie aivernltv of onr resonrcee nndtheirMiflrnl weir«w> of our fifty mtllbnn nf]>eortlft arp tlifi ndrnlratlou nnd envy nf f»"world. With inch a record of th« pant annBiiehate«Hmrinr(iftliflTtr*»entt1iBRepubHe«iinartv la 1 nsftflod In ntokins confident apnealto tlie Intotlit(eiit auffraxu cif tbe workingpeople of ihe country.

This will command the endorsement oflinety-nlne oat of every one hundred Be-

pablioatui in Ibe oonntry, and if there beany who cannot atand snob orthodoxy asthis they bad better go where they belong-to tbe Democratic party.

CHESTERThe return game between tlio Uarrii siue

ofMurrUtowu and tho polka DoU of tibiaplace wo* to have bees played on the ground*of tlie latter on Tuesday afternoon, Imt t ieSlurri* Imjs falling hi appear at tbe timeucrwd iipou forfritiil tbo g»me, according totiiimif tbu league rules by wldoli all games

Important to School Teachen-County flttperintea4finta of aehoola dires

the attention of «aoffidate* for teachor'a eer-tificatM to the following WKnhttiun* rcoeatiIwuud by Slate Superintendent Apgar t

Every applicant foraocrtificaii1 la gqwto pom BTawipitH^n In the comity la whlehhefateachlng, or In whfchhe baa made an

After the arrival of the Morris nine a ao-oial game was arranged which proved one ofthruioit exciting nud liotif contested everplayed in Clieater. Boaroely as error wasmade by either party. See'a pltoblng wassuperb, be delivered the bull with a grftce-i*ul hat deceptive curve, and Hitler-, catsbingis too well known w require any fiirtlier ob-

l»lfly«l while oompeting for the County engagement t«™A I" Every opplieant irfa* hat not Mcni-ed

poaitiou, If a roltlentof the State, is expected:• pretunt Llmwlf for euinhiBtiou ia tlie

county iu which he resides j if not a residthen In the county neatest hii place of idenoe.

If, •» a matter of convenience, a tencbeituArtm fo prewnt himself for examixution

some other county than the one in which heIa teaching, or expects to teacli. lie rany da sowife tbe content of tbo SuperintendenU "tlie two eountlea. Inauelicue tbe examinivttonpanenarctobe sent to flic Superinten-

nf tlw connty tn wMoli tbe iip|il!, or In itliicu lie pxprctf* to tcavb, bj

"whfltn they are to be graded, and the certifl-«ate-it Usiud-U to be Rraiited.

A teacher, eliitnglnji from one countyanother in wblob lie ban never taught, ftiustrhen he nppiiea for a oertiBcnta |tre»eiit

tl.e Biinerintenueut ot t ie enmity It) wlilob be-proposes to teoah, ft rcoomnipndation fromthe Superintendent of the county in whleu

lout taught This rule is to npply to uppllcanta for each of the three grade*.

tervution tlutn that it «ns simply iDun. WeKell ou firet base nevor anffowd1>»1I to pats him, anil tbe urUHant playing ofPliil.Jobnthy nf meitliR ficliler.1 In picking tbe

son ou Mooud 1»MC is also w<«-wliilo <hf nklll «liN|)liiycd by

« was a feature

A SET SACK-Few will have any sympathy at

The BeWIdere Apollo asks respectingJohn Blmenon, of tbe Journal, "Has here-turned lo his vomit ?" A more pertinent in-quiry would be, "Did ho ever get away from


Mr. Ohapln, the late Democratic speakerof the K. V. Legislature, stole his desk andchair when Uleft Albany, saying he thoughtIt was ona of the perquisites of hia office.Great is reform.

The Democratio Governor of Miry laudha* shown publicly that the DemocraticLegislature of thai State has been greenlyeitraregant. The Democratic " reform"howl Is now In order.

The supposed discovery of Noah's arkleads to the belief tbat the old patriarchpuked hit ship away in ice lo confute Lbsskeptics of the present who claim tbat henever was a navigator.

The only hope ef the free traders is tocrash the Bepubtloaii party. This they can-not do by a fair, open fight Bgalnst the tariff,so they hedge it about with different quali-flcaUona in every State.

The Jeneyman Bays E. E. Potter hasbeen lo tforrifiiown to talk over the politi-cal situation with Mr. Ontler. Mr. Pott!ought to hare bees warned by the way Mr,Cutler took tha prohibitionists in low lastfall.

The convention of Iron workers of Penn-sylvania and Ohio Btroogty denounced the"rovoaue tariff "declarations inUuDemo.cratlo platforms of those States. TheAmerican workingman is too intelligent totie caught with ehafl.

In Its oontrovery with Judge Biidull theSun offers proof that Tilden gave 925,000toward a corruption fund to elect Hancockand then professes unbounded horror thatairfield's election was helped by tho use ofmoney.' Tbe San is bMOmfag dementedand should be'tonted out

The Democrats in Ohio a n trying to con-vince the fanners of that State that they arein favor of a high tariff on wool, hut theBuckeye farmer turns to the record andflnda that the whole body of Democraticmembers in the last Oongiesfl struggled ear-nestly lo reduce the tariff on that article.

Tbe British Government is making ar-rangement* to send 200,000 deslltnto familiesto Canada. This means that tbe great ma-jority of them will eventually find theirway lo thia country, where they will becomebnrdeni on the State. If free trade la snoha good thing for England, what is the causeof this destitution?

If Urequired $432,000 to secure* Be-pablican majority in Indiana, and the prloeof votes was two dollars each, Republicansjnnst have bean alarmingly scarce in tbatStale at'iho beginning of the campaign.—Washington Star, And Democrat* whocould be bought for $2 per head moat havebeen alarmingly plentiful

During tbe first mi months of this yearthere waa shipped from Bllboa 1,710,707torn of Spanish ore, or about fin times umodi at m i prdnoed In Morris Countyduring tbat time. Of course tbe gnaUrpact of it was'shipped to th is" tariff rid-den" oonstrv to illustrate tow tbe Banner'sIda* of a revenue tariff will benefit Ameri-

and England would undersell us in oar mar-ket until by tbe closing of our mills and fur-naces ah© obtained control of it, and wouldthen pat up the price again. So we mightgo through the whole gamut of our Indus-tries. Shutout competition from foreignchflap labor and American enterprise andfugenaitywill be found sufficient to bringthe co*t of our products to the lowest limitoonslBtentwitb well paid labor. Incidentalprotection won't do; wa want protection foeverything we can produce.

Incidental protection is a phantom. WhatBro. KiUgore might think needed incidentalprotection fn tho North bia Southern Demo-cratic friend might think unworthy of a n ;protection. For instance, hb party in Con-gress tart winter voted almost solidly againstany incidental protection on iron ore, inwhich bis own conntyls becoming InterestedFor lack of snuloienl protection Iron ore ianow being imjwrted into this oonntry thisyear at the rate of S, 200.000 toDiperannam.New Jersey produces ten per cent, of theproduct fn thit ooantry, oontequeoUy weare deprived of the privilege of mining 820,-ooo tons of this amoant, wbioh would canse allonr mines to be worked to the f allsst extantinstead of many of them ujing idle as theynow are, to say nothing of wages beinggronnd down to the lowest point.

Bat we are glad ona Democratic paper inthis section has tbe courage to defend thedoctrines of IU party, and we trust theHncterdon Democrat will prolong the die-ansfdan which has been begun, and we hopewill be continued, in tbe right spirit

for the Prohibition people on account oftheir compute set back in the QreenbaekConvention at Asbary Park last week.With an overweening desire to get intopolities they went thero to seek help andwere willing to swallow any political creedwhether they endorsed it or not, thai theymight obtain votes, The same may also besaid of that portion of the Greenback parlywho were willing to fuss with anything forthe Bnke of power. Neither were aotuattdby honest motives, else the; would neverhave consented to Buuh mcrincee. Theysimply showed an inordinate desire to getinto office, no matter what tbe means.Perhaps the most chagrined of all were theworkers in this section who have labored GOarduously for a " fuse " for soma yean past.Mr. Potter, in particular, has been actionsto capture the Prohibition vote, and hasbeen tickling tbat element with speechesand specious promises. Any one whoindentcod Mr. Potter knew him to be a

politician capable of any twist or turn toobtain votes. Those who know the fewProhibition furioniats hereabouts know thsttbeir object waa to beat somebody theydidn't like, and make for themselves con-

They have met thewho try tq ride twi

slderable notoriety,usual fate of peoplehorses—having fallen between them andbroken their political necks. Before Mr.Potter and his friends atUIr to eminence inpolitics, or official preferment, they havea great deal to learn, as this alap in the faoufrom the hand ot their own parly will showthem.

toe flolden in picking the flynot to lie forgotten. Hewn. Dowd anil Con-nor—tie pitcher nnd catcher of the Morri*nine—were gcntlcmiuily In tlielr d^portinontand played with cnnwinmnle skill; Dowddelivered t ie l»nlt with grtnt awiftnees and

iHlan. (Weribing tlie vnrinii. nirrcs uintt-only liy experts, ami Conner in his po-

eitimi ae fBtciher vaa equal to every emer-gency ; evidently they are itiayen of a •«-parlor order, thoroughly nmlerrtnnillne eachotiicr, nnd the eneccu of the Hcrrli nine "wniiluo entirely to tbera an all tbe otliem wereplarcra of very i»rdinnr,v mftrit, sneh n» tbePolka Dots only think It ]>!»>• to defeat nt

nr time.The first two innings no runs were ecoreil;

in the third tbe Rfnrrls got one man lienw ;nthefiiurrltnoltliercliih cot a run; in 1he

fifth the Polkn Dot* wored four and blankedthe Morri*; ID thn sixth. tbo'Polka Dots ed-ded two more to tholr score, and the Morris

to nil In favor of tbe PoltiBlood fl'

VoUi. The aev-

A NUT FOR THE BANNER TO CRACK*Tbe credit of the nation was never so high

aa it is now. The government could borrowa hundred millions to-morrow at four percent Twenty-three years ago it wanted toborrow six millions, and only had offers ofabout half that sum at a heavy discount.For eighteen years ihe nation baa been pay-ing off Its debt at the rate or about a hun-dred millions a year. Daring the term ofthe last Democratic free trade President tbenational debt was doubled, and the treasurywaa bankrupted. As wo had no credit underfrofrfcnde,orrevenus tariff, we should beobliged U some free trader would explainwuy we have had higher credit and generalprosperity under a protective tariff. Cer-tainly tha country WAS not prosperous at anytime from 1857 to IBflt, jot we had tariff

1 for revenue only " all the time. If we hadthe revenue, what became of it? It wasnot devoted to paying either funded or float-ing debts. We maj know that, became thefunded debt increased from f 28,C99,881 onJuly 1,1B57, to upward of seventy millionson the 1st of March, 1881. Besides thisthere wai a large Boating debt, wbioh, addedto this voJnniB, carried the total up to eigh-ty millions. If a revenue tariff was the bestfor the country, why was the public debttrebled in four ;ean ? Can the Banner gayanything In favor of ita revenue tariff thatwill controvert these faots r

The latest plaint of the Banner to oarchallenge, calling upon it to demonstratetbe truth ot its own proposition tbat a tarifffor revenue will benefit labor, is a weak :rythat the EBA has been misquoting it. Toprove that we hnve not one has only to lookat ths head of the Banner's editorial page,where It keeps Btandlng in bold type tbeplank of the Ohio Democracy, which favc" a tariff for revenue,1' so adjusted amongother things as to "afford jast compunsa-Uon to labor." Now all we ask of the Ban-ner is to give us one single argument inproof of its endorsement of the DemocraticIdea that a revenue tariff will " afford justcompensation to labor." This fa all wo haveinsisted upon, and if it cannot show It thenit shonld take down the fake doctrine of itsparty, and admit that this modern Democratic idea is not in cousonanoe with juBtcompensation to labor. We leave it to tbeDemocrats If tbe Banner's self-assumedposition on this question Is not cowardly.

nth .unfair both nlnea were blanked; threighth raised tbe Morris' wore two; and tbnninth gave tlie Polka Dots one additionalrue, thus they stood 7 to 7—a tic. Excite-ment now ran up to fever beat, and Rome"blood" fullerliyfnrof mm tban urnse ~came boisterous and wonted Jo -wnfferdolnr. .Hided dol. fimideml <loll»m, fee.,'tlieSIorrMown l)oy». No otic ]>tiid nnjtentlon to him nnd tlio same wont on. Thetunth Inning was played without any clubeing matte in tho score, Imt in tho elevenththe Morris succeeded fn getting in truns nnd blanking the Polka Dots. Tliiivictory was obtained through aa unforttiBlip which Dee made on Brd linse, injuringhiiEBfllf. Tlie scare cow stood:

in. 0 0 1 ( 1 ( 1 4 0 2 0 0 3—10Polkn Dotfl, 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 1 0 4

It in claimed however tbat Btessrs Dowdanil Conner dn not properly belong to theMorrintown nine, bnt BFD profeaslnnala em-ployed by tlietn and arc uon-resMouts; tliero-fare t a re no legitimate right to ]>lay withitoy cluli comjiotinff for tlio county ckmupioi»lilp, aoh UouljojHJu forbonaflderenidcDtiWbotlior this b« true or not I don't know, Imtthe more fact of (heir being elected, "regulitr"memherB of the club at n meeting held JulyMi ns etntcd In tbo Clironlclo wont holdcotcr nt nil, for tbey could elect auy uno,

wero tbey to disposed, provided tboir by'lows did not pniHoribo It, uu matter wbfreliis home uilglit be; but when competing inthe field for n eonditionil priie $\ey uttistcomply with tbe condltiona or otherwise theirplaying will be ruled out.

Again, If these two genllotneii nronou-dBntB, with all thu wealth of tnotcrial tliat•alorristown affords t« draw from, tlie cltleeuof Morris county are not so blind, foollih oridiotic as not to see the puny tueanneaB of tbeMorris uino, nud wilt nil agree tiioy deaerreno better uniue lhnn cringing nlnkotupoojia,Last week the Mount Hone club pretestedagainst Duwil uml Conner. Ulue Hill nudDover clulis followed suit, and now tbcPolknDots say If no other elubs will plnytbeu theywon't; uotbecausetLey four them—for)heyfoar uothiug ilorris comity can produce—butas a matter of principle. Tlio l'ollta Dots arewilling to measure skill with anything In tlie

unty, but they don't' propose to play niltbe United States aim ply bec i It wnychance to ho within tbe geographical bounda-ries ot the county.

Thelluddsdidnot bloaiom tcnlay (Thurs-day,) o int of tbe rain; to-morrow (Fri-

FLOCKTOWN-Mrs. Geo. Schuyler, of this place, hns (*en

quite alck with inflammation of the l i o ,but Is now improving under tbe cnrcfnl aiiin-ogcinent of Dr. Hunn, who give* good satis-faction for n youug practitioner. Dr. II. hainot located hi auy place ns yet, hut Cdmtimi-

8t(».loBDnow»M.n. We whh lilm niltbe success that bii profcisiou -will give binand hone tbat people will not avoid patron-izing him because he la Homeopathic.

I leurn tbat John A.Parker will toko chargeof the Hilt's school next year.

MIBI tdnio Parker hat goao to Dolawnron a visit- We mite her at the organ 1B SOUday sohool—but the vacancy Is filled uyUllsa Lydii Runyon, who mil please acceptour sincere thanks for her kindness.

M. H. Fnirehild and wife, of Morrirtown,are now stopping with Mr. Wm. Flock, ofthis place.

Mrs. Robert Eldon, ber s«u anil daughter,of Newark, are now boarding with Mr. C.Bw&ckhamnter, at whioh place Mrs. L. J.Smith Is nlao boarding, and enjoy the talu-briou* atuotpbere of them famous mouu-

klns.I had the pleasure of attending on Tnesdny,

4th, a picnic nf Sunday schools from Ger-man Valley and other neighboring nchools,and of the good time that all enjoyed I caunot find room to tell you, but hope that yourGerman Valley correspondent will not forgetyour columns in regard to tho pie-uiri. -

Floektown school Trill have a pic-nlc soon.A good time is anticipated.

A prominent yonng man of Drakrttown,carelessly loft bis vest hanging on the ja abort time since, In which I undervtand waston ilollan, but-wbonbe came fcrhin vest Uwas gone He Immediately borrowed a buckboard of aided friend, and neenrod (I learn)a couitahle and was about to lie off in a fewminutes after an old man and his wife, whohonestly get a living by mending umbrellas.Bnt about the time they were ready to speed,a relative who la n visitor, let out tbe sequel,and told them she -would find the vest-ahewent and got ft from where she Ud It.

The papers state that tbfl Cambria IronOo., which faa* been using New Jersey ore,ia now Importing r u t quantities of Spanishand African orea. The Iron cm tariff isnotbhag more than a revenue tariff. W1UtheUannarshowhowitbeoafllf tbe minenof aforrii Couotyf Bat we forget, the Ban-

,' aa doean'* seam oopable of explaining Mgr.thing regarding its position on this a.owUoa.

THE SENATORIAL NOMINATION-A complimentary notice of Senator Young-

blood in tbe Eai of two weeki ago Beema tohare afforded the Jeraeyman an opportunityfor making a vigorous attack upon that gen-tleman as a candidate. A few weeks before,when we learned that Hr. J. Beward WJ1Uwas a candidate, we complimented him In •elmltar way, and It would give ui pleaiureto notice favorably the claims and qualifica-tions of any honorable and competent lie-publican who m»y be named in connectionwilh the offioe. It waa far from our purposeto forestall the action of tbe nominatingconvention and we think the Jeruymanmakei a mistake in trying to do BO, unlessit can demonstrate that the candidate lowhom It ii opposed hat been nnfaithrul tothe principles of hi* party, or'the Interestsof bii constituents, which In thia instanie Ithas not even attempted to do. We thinkthis nomination may witb safety and pro-priety be left to ihe judgment of the parlyin convention assembled, and that the wkeatand best thing we oma do, aa newspapersand Individual*, is to reaolva to supportany candidate the convention may presentto aa, providing ho Is a good Republican,in honorable man, and qualified to fiU thepodtion. . . •

In boating matters Courtney doe* all thetalking andHanlan all tbe rowing.

HIBERNIA.Our iriand, Hr. Win. Davy, has removed to

Boonton. \V« detire that raooes* may attendhim in bia new home.

Tbe return game of tbe Walkers anil Uo-lect was played, here at Lower .HlberaU,

Saturday, Aug. 11th, and molted in the de-feat of the Walkers by a Booro of 15 to la.The game was the finest played bore this sea-son, both eloba sboving an improvement ontheir former playing.

Our M.E. Sabbath Bckool are to have anexcursion lo Lake Ilopatoang, via, CeutralB. It. nme time thU prrwnt month. Theywill take Inncbeoa aud refrenhmentj to regaletbe Inner-person and a band to furnish musicfor ti.eoce.ulon. .Agood time la anticipated.Do not fail tt> accompany them,

Ura. Henry Lumsden baa startol fur bernew home at Johnson City, Teen., near Cran-berry, North Carolina. Bbe will travel indi-rectly, first visiting Mends In Newark andvicinity. TliebestwUbeaofhermanjfrieadigo with nor.

day) possibly some of tbcm will bloom if thelunriifnoa. Tho Cheiter Cornet Baud willfurnish tho niualc.

Prof. Abbey is making great preparationforoueofhiapntoiit concerts next Tucadny

l n ; ery afternoon ami orening liodrills tbe rouiic in tho Biu^ors by a copyrightprocess. Thnse who have never nttcniol oneof tlie Professor's concert A ought surely to nt-

ml. The nJmlgsion in only 26 cents, and Itl» worth more than twice tliat amount to read

of his programmes—It will inaie yourliHlrnUiiil on end and your check remainblnnobed for a week. This it the iray It be-gins ; "Yobo,Yobo,Yobol Serious troubleinClie*ter! TrcinendiDiw Cyclono of Song,Noab'fl Unfl on tlio way I " Well If anjbo.lywants any more let them come next Tuesdaynight and pay 25 cents ior It. I can't affordto give it for nothing, especially at tho ex-]MJHSO of the Professor.

Tim new side walk whleli is to extend fromtbe Congrcgalionnl Cbureb to the C«IHBItoada, ftdI*tancoofi,S50 foot or nhont S(Myurds short of D mile, it to be constructed »ftbe liest cheatnut plank one nnd one-halfinches thick, laid lengthwise over 4x0 client-

it joists three foot apart, It will require31,M00 feet of planking, and 5,600 foot of joists.The walk Is to be fonr foot In width. Tbecontract lins been given ITr. S. H. Hapkiiioto eupply the material.

A new cinder walk Is now being constructedalong Academy Btwet; His completed frouiMainstrcetto Jiiaplc avenue, and itiapro-posed to citend it ona* f a r u Cherry street.

Itwould be nwiae thing to take tbo beatplank that now constate the old walk nndWith It construct a walk from Main streetdown Perry street, and tbence an Maple ave-nue to Academy Btreot. There will probablyie enough good plonk to do tills.

Mr*. Jamea llattison of Flemington, Mrs.John Bwnyxc of Pbillipguurg, MiM Bell8wayie and herlittlo brother Prod from K«wYork City, nro at Samuel Svayie'*. Jtr. andMr.. O. A. Burkhart have returned from theirweek's sojourn in the immntniiis of Pcnnnyl-" aula." " '

Mrs. IV. J. Tnylor has bteu quite 111, butwe are happy to tay Is now Improving.

Weekly Iron ReportThe Engineering ond Htniiif! Journal •

Saturday aaya:AMBBICAH PIO.—The dullnoM vbicli we hftd

occasion to not« in onr joat Issue has conrhvncd, and tlie outlook Is at jiirscnt certainlynot as bright nt many would have tbe puhlibelieve. The plji-lron tratln Is not ou<adapt iUelf rnpidly to auy clmnges, endwhile the known ncasurea taken during thefirst pnrt or the year have done muoh towardpreventing a very serious overproduction,and bare brought about a hoaltliler sUtenffalra, they hove not effected u cure. WhiKo.l is certainly not in uvur-8H]>ply andIrmly held, other grades arc avnlinitle In fn

quantity, and in some caws enn only Iw movedbyiuukinicDouocaslanfl. We cuntluua toquotff23 nnd #23.50 for atandnrd to clioicc No.ordinary brand* boing olitalunblo nt a enccsslun of 80c.; »10.60auil $20.50 fur ordinalto choice No. 9; uiiJ «1« and WJ for inferiito clolue Gray Yorge, Begsetner Fig h dullat «20.6O nuclei at tldevntor. Sjiiegolhas sold Inconsiderable quuntitiei, theblgtiergrades a. «30.60, and the lower itt #25.75 «i


Toe week has been an exceedingly <julet oiattboEiohauge, tbo only transaction beingtboRnlenfSOOtutuofNa, 1, December

Fifteenth Regiment History-Tbe History of tbe Fiflecoth Nr. J. Regi-

ment is now ready. TUG Executive Coiuitee directed iU Increase by GO [ingee, toilude tho entire company rolls awl fixed tin

price BtfS to cover expenses. SOIUD subscrip-tion a weretakeaat«.60t but nouetliuseub-•eribing need feel otllge.1 to take tbc book.Tbo bUtory will be mailed post-free to isending «J, tlio Bubtcription price, to Cbnlain nnlnes, liamburg, SIISSPI CO., N.After Sept. 1st. tbe remainder of the edlti.will bo giv«n Tar mtia and ilfstrilmtlon to IIGeorge Tbomjwon, (late of Co. E) tbe ageiof tbo Hegtnieut, Trenton, N.J.

VICINITY NEW5.The Huekettstowu Pru*ljjttriaii Bundcliool will go to Coney Idnud next Tbu

day. .

Jlr. anil Mrs. Arobibald Price, or Huoketts-town, celebrate their goldeu wedding to-day—Friday.

The Hookcttstown Otuctto Is certainly ex-cutaiile for the exaberancc with which Itcelubriites tbo firat anniversnry of t ie newlnnnRRuieint. It nas been a good pnjier.Joliu I. Blair lias recouUy udtlcd #100,000 ti

tis enduwinont of the school fouudodby himt Blolratown. Dr. 8. H. Ebuniokor, well

knuwn for his educational Inbon in ]sylvania, baa accepted the Frineiimlsbip ofthe auhool.

A. U. Titus aud wife, Mrs. B uid a HD-vnnt, of Irvlngton, who are visiting Ilacketts-town. were all urionsly poisoned by eatingiuu«k nielous eoutotnlug Paris green.It was only by prompt and bard efTorta thattbeir lives wero saved.

Il Is Mid that John Sttnersoii, of the War-baptised in n mill pond and

that particular pomh f d

MOUNT FREEDOM-Vieltnrs from the oltie« are plenty. Hi

turaett's and George Pool'i families bavrecently enjoyed t ie company of friends fromabroad. Hr. Job Wolfe ia receiving a viritfrom lib daughter, H K . Dobblni, nnd herfamOy. And olio from his i , Amil, ofDeckertown, Mr. B. P. Allen nnd wife orevisited by her daughter from Newark, fttrs.Hutbcrt S. D. Young* and family, by PeterYoungsand family. Mm. Ellbon Coe by hermother and niece,. Oata arc harvested and threshing luu eom-menceit - '.

reaches are ripening, and being marketed,hut are rather small hi site.

Potatoes a n troubled witb the rot, nnd m»fear manyfleids will not be dug.

The Methodists are arranging for a fair andfestival, tofae held some time In September.

Tbe Sunday achool lo t ie Wolfe flistrictare tn have a pto-nle to Lako llopntoong nextweek Wednesday.

Kev. Hr. Honey man ocenplea tlie Preiby-crlan pnlplt next Snndny, Mr. Smith going

to Moms Plains.

STANHOPE.Lait Sunday was a plcaunt day In the

Methodist Ctinrcb. Tbe Presbyterian belldid not ring and a number from that churchvialted ua. In the morning the sermon waaabout" Serving God" and In the evening on" Laurua," The Snnday school has a goodinpply of choice singing hooks, and will noiloultt show flppreciatian by hearty iinglog.Tbe fanner peator, Bnt. Miller, has been Intown. We ufldentondbe in pleasantly situ-ated and onjoya bis work. ALPHA,

The personal property of the late Robert L.Oarruon, oflluketUtown, amounta to about$15,000. Thepenonwboflledacavcatagalutlila trill U HlMFannle ¥.. Lannlng, nf Denvflle,Korrii oonnty, a maiden aunt of the deceased,and who U ninety-one yean of age. The onlybeneficiary under tbe will i» Mm. Sarab 7. Bex-ton, m >e«end eenstn who baa long been a

ifaer ottae housenoid ef the

TheOldest Clock In Sussex.In all the records thus far published con-

cerning old clocks, there are none that alowan age equal to tbe one owned by 8. II. Sti-

M,cfBranohvil]e. It Is probably the old-est time-koencr in the. State, if not in t iecountry. ThU clock was roads by AnthonyWant, In Germany, who b noorded a* hav-ing died, old and blind, about the year 1850.Tbo dif k waa brought to tils country byJohn Kanuff, who landed on UanaUaii I*-and (now New York city)lnin2L Kotmff,

dh Bee-

ren Journal,«tlint Ihe Dish inwouldn't bite for tiirue months afterward.Wo now understand Hint the tielvfdcrcBoard of Health line order him to disinfectbis month before lliey prosecute him furmaintaining n nnlgnm

Haury Stevens, of Dttkortowu, van nmst-edin Jersey City on Wcilucsdny for btntiiif!bis liltlo dnughtcr in the street. Stcvimt)hns left home ou Momlny tn mako some inir-climeainNcw York. He got drunk ami lowtbis money ami din return ticket*. Fit.her

lid daughter paused the ulglit In tbe strcot«.g p

Wben the child s

child was Bent Lo

a gvt lilmiiiiii iftojilo uoiilitm Ie hmt hoi-. 'iu an nfturntmn ti

iicknl up to get snlicr.



GEO, McCRAGKEN'S,Blackwell St., Dover.

Prospect Hill School.I J U G E T H rear will oommenoe SoptGinl'er IB.Jit Term. I n uulon of llilrteeu netif.tollou In Ensll.b, UUll u d ?'»•'<• or Oar-n»n,«10. FiinunclftHln BMdinff mil Of»cunitof ts. Ho eKtru ucept mn.lo tnd

A fcir jom« Udia. rooslved MAMrim, by mall aatil B«plent)erlul dun V»«« «<°

WATERGAPEXGURSfONnnderlhe anspioes of the fleooad H.E.fiun-

diy School, of Dover, if, J.,

WEDNESDAY, Ang. 23d.


r Tlie fare from Bcckaffiy to Dover antret cm mil be dedncled from the priiticka.t, io accommodate all wbo vish to gofrom Boi-kiwiY, S74r

NOTIOH.Estate of William J. LeFevre,

deceased,>OBa0ANT fo tbe orlor of lbs

f th O U f U l1 of the Oonutv of Uorrlfl, made on thefnnrteontii day or Angnul, A. D. one llonmndeifilit Imnilrcil ond riahty-three, notion IberrliT (riven to all pprsnn" baling o'aini.aitaintt Ilie eitite of William J. LeFevre. Utenf

mtvof UmTli,deoe^sed, topwsent ill, jnder oatb or affirms lion, to tbe <uL

briber, on or before tbe fourteenth diy ofrilier, onHay next.d t f M

ore tbe fouren ynine months from

d dlt lHay next. beiDfl nine monthdite ofMM order] ind anr Aredltnr nefrlctittR to brlna ia and ezblnlt bis or ber claim,nutferrather iffirmatiOD. within tbe time BOlimited, will be forever birred of M< or berRCtiontberaroruraiDflt the Administrator.Dated ibe fonrteenlb day or Angost A.D.IBSS

HAItLAK W. COHTRIOHT,Administrator.

All chlmB to bo preicnlcO to Kelfiiibnnr kSmitti, Dover, N.J. 87-10r

SMITH & ECKHART,(Successors to I n 0. Ooopor,)


Costrtola l&kea and materiala furui.bed f )r

B U I L D I N G S , B B I U U E S .

nbelberolBBlOS oi STONE.


NOTICE TO PARTIESGOING WEST.rpioHErs rot no HEW TOBK. L»KK EHIE1 AND WESlEilKKlILIlOiDCOUPiMYmil Ijo aold hcrrafte, at ILo office or

H. P. SANDERSON'SMltBIAQ£ UEl'OglTORY. Pdraopa llviogmtln Ilieconutrycao vrrito forratoii tooverylolnt W«at. SaoLi Infarmatha nill Le farnislied prorapil?.


(Reap RlBliard'a Store,)33-lf Borer, S. J.

DRY GOODS!Both Si.|.k ana p.ner. Dr«,. «llk>,

Dreai Qoodi, Trimming Bilk. Hud Sniln.,Ooraeli, lleikrr »»d Kotloa., nnd trrrr-thing pertaining to a complete drv*---*. ita«fc at prtee. .are to aultat

ft M. II. BAKER'S .Dover , N. J .

S0,O0O Cheal. of new uaaonTcai Tla. 8eezC»n«larriY«tla»Hew York lu l WedMidaranlwai Impeded I>r Cmtom B M I BoOnai >D4 found to be



f i 1 .1. k Ctii Tea Co.HAS PURCHASED

6OO CHESTSof Ibe nbore oargo thronflb ft Naw York

Tat Broker ot 40 j e i n eiperienoa,

and are DOIT reaty to anpfl;ilelr onttomers at

their store,

Blackwell St., Dover, N.J.


iS* Never before ainoe they opened

tbeir branob stare at Dover tiave tbe;

offered better baigains ia TEAS AND


Tbe N. Y. & Cbtnit Tea Oo. will give

you Imlf a dozen tea cups and Baucera

witb 8 lbs, tea or 8 lbs, coffee.

Tbe N. Y. & Obi on Tea Oo. will give

yon 1 one-half gallon glass pitcher worlb

80o. for i lbs. tea or 6 lba. coffee.

Tlie N. Y. £ China Tea 0o. will give

you half a dozen goblets with 8 lba. tea

or 6 lbs. coffee.

Tbe N. Y. k Oliioa Tea Oo. will give

you one fancy lamp worth 81.50 witb 8

lbs. tea or 10 lba coffee.

Tbo X, Y, & China Tea On. will giveyon French china tea sets IQ pieces;porcelain fen setB ii pieces ; moss rosetea seta U pieces ; atone obina tea sets14 pieces; English willow tea nets 86pieces; Stviss cottage tea sels 86 pieces,Also toilet sets, maroon nod pi ah, 10pieces each; all Vino's of vegetabledishes, 500 pairs of Bne vases, nnd otberarticles for household use.


We again call your attention to thequality ot oar coffees and teas; posi-tively they are tbe best imported.

Summer Boarding Houses:

It will be lo tbe interest of tho owners


give us a call before purobusipg else

where, We will Bell them cheaper I linn

my New York House.

H&'Any of the above wares con be

oapbl at New York prices.





VMtlick i Lewis'

- O P -







M0HDJ.Uiig.27fll.'• Tim Omt Iut».(k'r.n Imi firmly rilal


la s«inaro by. 8. COLtARD,

UplioisterrDmcr, N. ,T.

Letters remainins unclaimedIn tbePoitOffice n< Dover,N.J.

Dover, N. J., Angnat 171U, 1883.Elixibctli AcVemi.n. Awetia Jncl.mii.,Klijtlt AodersQa, Uitj J. Laiiuiui:,Uimia Back, M*rT A. Mr.oro,Un. Edwtra Bannel, Yttv'i ltejrnaltls,E O t r l Wm. Stickcli,

H A T b d> Oollina,• W. Ficlito U s i U r c n ,

7aatn*ek,Eliubctli WbiteItiohmril Willinnia. I). Wirmon.

H YToobtainany ofthetboveletters lay "ail-

vertlwd" and give date of tbli hit." <J. 0. IUKCHMAN, P. Jr.

FUNERAIiS!•\TY*Titem of Sniill Profits spproei ¥ L QulitTAtKlworlmubiprth

M th¥ L QulitTAtKlworlmuubiporthcbt.My thanks Tor liberal patronage In tlio past.Orden by telegnpb meuenger or lelcplionetteoied to.

JOBS JONES, Uodertrter,Uoeka*i5, N. J,


Hover, AnjMt 19th, by Bov. W,ray, Jr.,.Edwin C, Baker, ofnntl Sarah Frances Fordyce, oi

Kgmer, who was among tbe first scttlert ofFrankrard township. WlliUni Bctmer diedabout thirty yean ago, and the clock waswldattlial time. Tbe dock Is one of theold-fashioned high ones, with a plain walnuto«*e. The face » made from solid lirura,witn the flirare* and ornaments all carvedout In addition to marking toe

. Hev, E. W. LOBR, Daniel FlenifnB, of Fafrtnonnt, and Carrie PliBhower, of Middle

ralnntei and boon, It also tell* tbe day ofthe raontl lleniil.

Ttm Poital NolBl-The HBV pMtal note*, which aro to be wed

after Bepteniber 3 In the tranimlaaloD of unall•tuna or n»u«y throngh tha United 8t»t«-alia, nre bnlnzprlnted and will bemady for_ jipratmt to alflne poat offio« in ths countryIblaveek. Anetec»nb«fllledoi)tbj-ap«traast«r for an; amannt not (acceding IB, at a Icortto the Mndw of three ecoUforeMh note,'Th t d bl t " th b "cortto the Mndw of three ecoUforeMh note,Tha note* are madi) uiyable to " the bearer,"mid they can beuwtd aa fraotidnal ottmuuinanvplaMtavlilcB ttny mn acnt Rotvi l l fe t faawtof wladom for tha public•l UMir aae in tlU wajr.


LIGHTING STREET LAMPS!Sealed pnipoaala «IU on TmtttS bjlbono-

ilerjignnl rm Ujl.tltg . D J kteplif Ito atnei

lampa io onier. Alia for anpplr or oil, wioka,

cLIanjji, t c SpsrUcllont lo be lain .1

the Clerk', offlce. EH. «IU be op.o<M Aii.


Taos.n., Otalrauiodjl.




TVY> IV n'ifvivi) l i I ' v r i ' i i I 'BIIP J -iTrilACTIVENEKS AND UNRIVAL-JJLU IN ULNfcKAL £.\CLIJIJ1',KCE. lttiiiiitiiig for its iraiiBportalion






WHITE AND LINEN VESTS,Ahh SIXES, In Jiict every tiling in tlio




ft ~» ft »



New York for r»ver-7;3O; 7.M* ; an0.W)- .10.10A.M. 13-00; 1.00'i 3.30; I.UO

i.10; 5.20; 7.00* ; anil T.)B F. M.

, mil bailed ami bciring I(B barden, renrencutii!creatcr variely, and more flur|iriBeB, JCIlSRliOE!





MILLIE CRISTINE, the Two-Headed Lady!

irpe <]im,tilien atiJ null aa Ii


i E a « » 3 ™ EVERY BEPAKXMENT! AGENT" 8 ™ 1 S 0 F U ! L D WATCHES. U, tad. ™.bl. m l» In, I.

w as tlie lowoM BEfflftp op IMITATrnK m n PBAIinn


NEWARK, N. J.«e»,,cclri,lli '•»"««'•« citizen, ot Dover and vicinity <» .Lilt

new nml elegant itock of



m1*. Two In.

fled b.T Mr. l)oririo»!lj, but is i


SUPERB DOUBLE RING CIRCUS!Containing a auDerb coDilclhtion or 1(10


WILLUM SHOWLES,Tbe riienotneni.. Itidbr. Tie UtiampioD or ill

tho CliftmpioD Barebick Wiler. r,a EiriU.CoqiiKstionablj Ibe grMleit Jlder tbat

OUT Blood apon a bone.


io either Enrope or America. ^


„„„,., ,,„,.„, J a ^ |

Prof, j , ! , , , W l n g a , ;Ten Cun'.na Uarrfli. Tin

Tbe pleubg. popalar, peliie ptomtrr nf tL.

l,,Ml a ) , , , . „ , ,mamtt r .Mn. .


Th»Earil«.-froin (JliW. friah Hnranri.iOomarulKiDUt ami ffll. I t a i l i ? Simoal ori^n.1 nk.«n . n .11 .u

CENTENNUL BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market St.,med Cliurcli,




Shop on Clinton Bt, Dover.

M. MUIWEY.'A. M.. PrtaolpJ.W. W. WINNER, SWetarf.


LAGER BEEBIoo Up at nElLLra, Boaaia BI, Dorer, S. J-,

opp. Uollot1. Op«» Donu.

Page 3: THE DOVER LUMBER left at WilliamH. fiakei'* storu mil rooelip earofal and prompt attention . The Seneca Falls Yeast



Morris coatrtj peaches are MUIDJ for #1 pei

U-Jwt.Tbe Dover rolling mill v u itarted up Bgata

on Monday. >The circus -will «UUt on Surrogate Mo-

Dnvif s property.Dr. B. A. Bennett has had a telephone

f-lftcedin his office.Mr. "Gun" Vnnnein 1* having a home

creotwl on Fair View Hill.Tbd rnizp for hot water before lirefiMiuit is

ftBsuminR liirRi- iirojjnrtionn.It is now the fitrrert t MIIK to marry in haste

nun i-o|«>iit lit your fiitiu-r-iii-law'a.Mt.Tnbnrwiwoounectv.rt -wiili the ontslde

world l\r toli'plume luft Saturday.JIKIUP Clili'l lifttil 11 «lx innniil piek.

from Klumguni like the otl cr day.Number*, of ]».inr i-1illilr«H nf Ntwnik

bring iT.trrtnliifd :it HnAmcrMiie.Mr. ,1. K. Html liun i.tinhn....! fnnn Hu-

a. lot o •ct.

hl C lilt 1

killed urn

i J.UOOIiiiaiieUdfpeucln!

S. ]Io«tinj.'B Omilt, tlNaw Yiffk i iiy. fnniiiT

Tl!cr]linuiiM>f CulmMr. II, 0. Hlitckivrll, f

We bay* heard meta l remarks about tliegut thUvt tk . ' ._ , >

The State Fairut Wavwly will behold fromtie 17tli to t ie Mrt of Boptonrtwr.

Heavy Traps have Uean neeasury *t ttievening aervio&sat Mfc Tabor thU week.

pt«£t1»tpatat<iumnnttlDIt 1* tlwsp the way Whip tUcwfowp. •-= . - ^

Tfae htdiH of the Iroolft' C&ptf VIS 161$f e t i l t h h l d l l d

Her. W. W. Hriloway, 8r., wtU pnwti fathe Presbyterian Church at Stanhope nextSunday.

The raw pleasing ontkok for many year,is found in the Urge number of grain i tuksin the Mdi.

A festival for the benefit of tlio InmtoUlajH-l will beheld hytheladlMatthatpluce,iext Thursday.

MiJ. J. P. Parley, nfllio Government pow-IIT works, niovod yesterday to a residenceIiidiaon Are,, Morris town.HOY. Halter Smith, of Mt. Freedom, occu-

'!e» tin! Prusbyferinu pulpit ut Morrla Plainsi'\t Sunday morning nnd evening.MinsKiituVn E. Tuttlc, of Hunt!, CliouUu-

un On., N. V., linn l«:oii engaged as tlic addi-immlliulytmtlitriitnif DUVIT [mltlicmliciol.

ilIt'MM[,T:iWr passed tbrniipli Dover this

BoyCitvFwfllMiut.MIU lliu lutnibrcnstufin

I hut nnsl iviiiih'j

i l i l . K. Sun.vooil I.iilte i

nml will not be opiuicd fur KITlmtli.

T!-oTelBl»J,00«Siini1iiy HdnNew J iTSf j , 'if wliimi 4(),(HK) iiu

31M-. W. \Y. HIIUIM

Kailrokd i* duiuB a bi« I

'flu; Fluiidttn depot WIIdny utjjiit t<> tliu 0J<<-

undotiierni-IU-lwi.Her. Mr. Uritlitli, Lit l'liiIi

eonsiilerntbiiiifuU ta tlm.l.ilm'aChmh, Dover.

Wiltoinlmrg CI.HI^II:, Otbt> tlifRfeo i>fl>. !>., on Kiiiurly of«c«iiiiiViiHu.T.

At High HrldR

ii W. (.'lift, i.fllh- Bill


ktx r* iiw

IVt,uud iHJaclie* for fifty cent it.

Tlic denth h IUIMOUIIPRII at Kingston, I'u.,of the wife uf Bldianl CoHtletl mid duughu-pof Mr. Enoch WilliauiR, of Mino Hill.

Samuel It: DoMott, of l'nnipimiy, hn«hpcnarrested lor olitniiiing ft horso in Ncwjuk miunloumleil rcprcsontatioiifi CI'UKIIUH,

SenJ. U. Vogt, fonntriy of the ERA, hnt= hi-.DJinotlie oditor nf Urn Altoona Arj;im, juib-littLed at Altoonu, OnuiRu Co., FlorWii.

Tbe ladles «ff thu M. E. t'hurdi of KlmidtwWill bold their animal fmtivil mi Wi-dm-adio",tboaiith lost. 1'rocuiHlit for thu Oim^li.

Tlio Sntbntli Bcluiol oft in: Swouil Itcf»niu'd

to Lako Hoimtcong, Wi-.hicMlny, Aug. 2».The-whuliiig ilest willlit in town next wt h t i h l ti f t l—that ia, the

tukosplace iu Doye

EpJgoopiilinn HervMr. Dawnd. nf WaUuloii Chaiwl, Roliul

The now poftal order will In- nnoyiuieo to niimy jiooplo who wlneven *5. Tlie limit of nny one

ext Ftiday uuA Siitn

COMMON COUNCIL PROCEEDING?!'The Anjcust meeting oftbi Common COW-

CM m haJU en Monday evontajr, viih »3 (hewemlter, rir*»*nt The mlnutei of As lastm»tinK wen read and anproYed.

a^UdJeJ l ey reported no arrerts for themonth. . '.' '

d H: Cnrnnmdns par n i l tar July. M02.08

Wop4, inearadM, « i » t J. B. Pal.per, «5lJM>r$**.> P. KoVan MiMlal, «0)

Pardwfc CUrk, | U ; P. J. Coworan, Janitor,

A oommniileation w« wooived from M. H.Dlokmon,MklnK permUdon to repair nMplatikthewalwiu front of M. sUre. Eo-

rred to Strwt Coramitt« with never.A bill va i pnientod by H. L nibble, nf

Orchard atreet.fDT (3i, whinh bth f d lthi, nraount of damage lone his garden anilp r t \ t f tb t h di ih

gproperty \>y water from tbo street, trnnoinit throng* tho oeiaetery not harintrbeen eleumdla teveni wan. On motion ItWAS rafiimod to a ipeelal oomnlttee, ptM WtheMiTor. coDBlitingof Msun. Smith,

The GimniHtee an Officers and Salaries pre-fint«d a majority report* tMoamaidliift theblowing as tie sainriei of tlie officers of tUa

town, tb bojrfn with the promt municipal'cm: Clerk, MM; Treasurer, «1W; Bacorder•f Vital Statistic*, flOO; Oollaotor, 4160 f Hat-lini, 9000; Attorney, »3M; Janitor, *130;

8rwet Oommisalonor, 13 .pur nay for eightiitliinndlSperday for torn months j thee and lighting £ the stiwtt limipi to ho•traded to the lowwt xetyoaslble Ui&er.

This was tbe Kiino report as prencnMd fit thelust meeting, with tho exoeptlon that tho ro-ooninicmlotiDU fur the executive office of theBonrd of Ilcnlth was omitted,

Recorder Crltteouen said he WM not presentt tUn insL meeting and wauld llko to lieariu pros line) conn of tho subject.C'ouuoiluuui Lindsloy inovodto amend hyilintitiitiug tlio mnoiiiits paid, last year.Citumsllmim WlittWk c*i>!iiiiiod lib votn nt

lie but meeting. He liolioved tlio towu hadi>d oilmen* und thought they had bocn wellill, lnit it illicit bo that lie did unt knowly thu amount of work tlioy had performed.Jnuiidlmaii Liudalry's iiumidnient was puta vote and'i'iinl.T ('riltcmien mild if tlm gentlemen

iwHw ID pivii Iiu would like to hear them.^uiieiliunn Smilh suld lio hm\ aetoO «ou-rntiiiiiHly find [lint thorp Wns n fooling'•ia<! tlmt HKTI- HIIUIIM br, nu itiDrunuo. Iiu

lidtlmtillllllitli'l! II Offin


CorOjaidt Pftiketand'amny1 #M to I

Rov. Mr. BurrjOfHwk<>tUtuTn,liatliUiid

Ber.Ur. Dt.rant. of Hom.ta»n,U t ^ l«gthroe w«k#' TUWtiOQ. ; • ' ' .. '. ;

Cblef EnfctuMf Smnett and hunt!? areOeeao Orore fora week.

Mr*. B. C.-Oaorin MA kW&m, of Morrlftown, an at Ooean Beaolt,

Tie UtOft vflUge of Sparta aM orer 'Irottdrtdboarden tbU teaMD.

Mr. John W. Hnrd and family are nwndtQg•ererat week, irt Aabur Park. .

Mr. T W I4n4alay ha* been TiiitdmtMendi and relative* In Dorer.

P.W. H«11,QfHorrlePlaini,ii •nmmerlogat tin OrUjDtal. Manhattan Beaeli,

A number of Boanton yonng men will <ntut take Hopstconjt mat week,

Ur. and Mm. E. L. Dlokenon hare retufrom • tt-to Hart£>rd, Oomi.

A Brooklyn •Mtor at Korirbtovn ORUght4vo pound eateA la SpeodweQ Uke,

Chancellor Riinyoa trod »»ophew of 6. J.TiMeii have been vieltlng Warri^WQ.

Edvranl LUtlRJobo, of CTiatiain. Is makingttoyolejourniiy M •Waahington, D. C.

Bar. B, B. Collin* and fanny, of Geminiral!eyt have hten vacating In Ponmyl1

Ber. V. 'A: Johnson and wife, of Chfiitor,^ea jo | ing tlielr vM.tlon at WelUrllle, N. Y.

Re'.-, a B. EmmayhwliMwin town tliliweolc, Hepteocluid at Mt, Tahor yaatcrdaj

SOT. Dr. HUlar wUI ravlsit Qnnnan the time of the Synod meeting, in Sep

lier.P.MoCwtliywai ra tcwu tiiia and waa heartily greeted hy his old pa

Hov. Dr. J. F. Tuttle, Pmidont oCollege, is vlslUug hU old friondi in tbii


Our old lriend llr. lanao YuagUdor, la uiberod unioug the welcoino vieltorg to townthl» week.

Mr. Ohn Woodruff, of tlio Newark Ad'Her, null family aru amoiig the steady pa-•OUH (if Lake Hoimtooug.

A ooiitiuuanuo uf tho wonthor of tbie weenld flooa reduco the, number o£ Bam-

nj Hniar

iorily Imil |rqiort n-n

iimtii m, l a H olnylo mid Win.HllL'f^'(K) tllllltt

'I'lMlMtJlTHhl^ u Fireis f«ll«winj;: rrt'Hiili>]it, M. A.

orciniiii, Win. 1*. Montii-iir ; .Un't F. S, VtmrliM>ft; Clorli, N. It. Urimit

tivis Coiiitiiiltci', C. V. Ailrll, IVin.

;H "enllpd IIJI. i t va*iitK m,.l ad.i]t|ii»i »r 11,itrcctrt of Dover, for 11:Ki-iule, ftc. It hud lu><>et-t Cuiiiiiiitloe, but lui

for lialitiiiR mid ki-of bi

i'tl tn tlie Sliri-t I'm

lor viaitors in tlibi section.

Tito shures of Lake Hopatoong nre dotted>f i with tha tents of dozens of camping parties

from nil part* of thla aud adjoining States.Sir. F. N. dove, who Iiu* been quite severely

ill, 1« inijirovlUK bin htulth by flutitugotlinrwiflc (Jiijoyiug hiiiuclt iu tlm Bod go UituiiiL-f|;Uborliood.

Mr. Ed. A. Taylor utnrtti on his vooatioii to-dti.v, ami isxpuctH to Ukfl iu ltiolineld(huTlioiisiiiiillHlumls, tlio rim of tlie Simice uud Moutruul.

The giiiiNla of llcliuont 1I»U nud tlio HeathUoimc, Schoolny's Mountnfn, partk-i|iDtcd iiII Kraml uxliliiitlnnof Mrs. Jarkjr's wax workn,nl thu Ili'utb, lust Siitiirdu; ovouing,

Thr dm trul llotol ut Huykiiiviiy hint bm-iili.iug a litige Smiiiiicr iniHiucxH, nnd Uun luxf-ir gui'sl^ immy pruminvnt city puopk-. TinHHthfactluu L'iprusaiil by thu BiuKtH will HtlUfurtiifr Lncroii4u iti* bnuiiKi ^ Liuotlmr ycur.

Ainouii thu Tisiturs at (Jump Tubur U Mr.CnlviiiTompkhiB.ofToniiikhHCovo, mi tlHiKls(in,wlio, although tivfi- ninuty yoHrttuli

Htill un active liueiiiewrt nmii, and oxpuciifcwiIiiyH to lt'iivi* fur ilio HrttiuU jmr

Tlio l.u tk« il l i n y •

l 1>ynt uf pram,ytstonliiy


Mius Feliciu, (Itwjbtor of Rev. DrButti, Pmldent ofDmw Seminary,ried on Wedniiddfiy to R«v. NiilhiClark,

Tbe sudlcu unil entirely unL'Sjiiictof Mr. Jaincii Wood, of l'oapack, ia iGd. Hie ilcntb re^nltod from mi i.ltw

Prof. o Kintbo South Stiinhopo public HCIIBuingycar, ivilh WIHII Ford nscaotiuues from litnt ycur.

A tnblot inserted in its walltliat "The Dutch Bofomietl Cli

will bo tint prinnipnl of

(L-rrildy t

Th« bit


1)1 far tlicMhtMit, M

sordd tlic fiictmil nf l'otnp-

ttPliiinswas founded in tin. yrar 1771, nudrobuUtJu the year 18H."

Johu Bone, who for a tiuiiilier nf yoars bushcenvidoly known in this section, ilfcd onSuuday moniiiig ut Us licrniu in Ihin i.Vicr,-wliorohio lafl resided Bintse liutt ttpritig.

Mr. John B. Kregor han taken the hnrhwsliop on SUBBOI etreot recently m:cupitid byW. H.Luko. J«hui8 a ROOB fdl.iw, und.i-HUnds his busiueen nud aiiKht to d» w.-ll.

Rev. 3. Walter Lowrie, fonm-rly l'liiiilpaloftho Uadleon Bcloct BCIH.UI, l.iu K"'1niitc.lfrom Princeton TlicolofiicM Hem imtry, uudwill go to China on n mlsdonr.ry Bopt. Int.

made n pic-uio exe»r»lnn to Iluild'a Lnktinn TuoBdoy anil hail a Rniiid time, ronrk'onInrge wugnuH were rffljuirud to convey tlieparty.

A man asked his friend what bo Hbould doto keep the I>ug8 iiwoy from tins ciuiitinlicrn.Tbo friend, v l u was jiiHtnrsTcrint; fti»ui unnttnokofoholcr»morl>iish«dvbfd him to li-ttho Iniga go abend.

Mr. Qeo. W. Gamblo, of Illoouifii'ld, N. J.,bus bcon engaged Jor I'rincipiil of tlie UtivwrPiiblio Soliool the ooniiug year. Jin U mi in-structor or expericnoe nnd enmeii bore viUitlm hfuhest commciidutioiia.

Wo learn tliiit tlie tickets Tor tin- l'rrnby-tcrltvn Sundny School exciinlnii to AilimtluWgaianda, Aug. 2»tli, aru sdlliif,' rapidly. AHthoy aro limited to about 300. th<we wl» iutenilg'ting filioiild spntiro tlitni ut imrc*. I A uj;. 1J1

The OMiawell Iron Coin puny urClimlernre School.Toaatlng the ntlphnr from tliolr iron w* ' 'li'lii-kiunilDod at that plnoo by iniiliig almnt 50 vm\*of wood and a niinntity of eonl dirt thruiifili npile of 1.000 tons uf ore mul linming it.

During tlie pant jour tlic flnmd Army P«st*linve IICPII miiltiplyhiE with rcnmrknbli- m-ptdlty. In twulro moiitlis 1,572 itnw l'nntw

' have been inntitut«l in th« ULiti-d XUWVH, *mlthe mombersliip iDtrcased 8fi,7B5 in tbo mum-tlma

KeT. John Timbrell, wlillooiihlswny to SitTabor lost week, was struck on tlio bund byast*no thrownthrouj;li tlio cur window u.nrFuilllpsblirg. He reeclved a Tory HITVCICwound, Tlie person wlio threw tbo nlnnc i :i-oaped.

A fulthfal copy nf nu 1'qiiinp study, i"craynn, ia to lie aoea with olliur sjiccinictiH ofarttatlo -work, nt W. H. Onodalc'a Am* Mm.They dfarplay tlio talont of Mrs. A. L. Slicrer,of noekottfitairn, who piui«"*ee giving Ifl.i-lonstnBoror.

As m inducement to this jiractiro of ccujm-my h the'uao of <ioi»l upon imsneneor niKim'n.tho Delawaro, Lackawtiumi mul WwteniJlalltqs4 Company will givy oue-half of tb«>cost'qf coal aated, to thP oiifiinrcra whom11«-


•sciirHioii of thu SuiHlar Ki-hiinhi.f Mlildlu Valley, Gcrniun Vallpy mid Xmish-

illc, -went tu Lukn HII[IUUHHIK ,IUuy. liioy filled itli curs nud in I-VPFV:I Imil an enjnynlflc duy. The tinin vanI ich Bridge.

iifii Stokus, E M I , uf New York C'ily, who.• Hii.nmoring nt his iwwly «.in]iU-tcil.« on Sclnuilcy'rt Mnmilitiii nmi;p. will•oinniom-e liiiililiiig one nr morn bnml-

ulithlHitul isiiiHuni-

inleml-l fur trout, itl.,yAnKiH(,iu ord.[lOiMlHlLIIK'.l 10 till.

tig in tlio full.

The bert Hmicr, bntiiByti

is l«vt to lmllmt tin- IIHII

o n|m

aniirars Hint llic Su«m;\ Ititilniud In .t]iiirt (i: -)>c ]>.. L. k W, ThtH fuct I

!>., I,. AoW. for diniiitu'1 tlone «[ion tlio HMr.Ar\

romln liiid

i'tp. H. VHfreight, w


fttcd hy Hr, W, K. Dnry

Mllllmmk M. K. ('bur

•hiireli KmitiulH, Wi-dncHil«•v.nin^, Aug. £.M. All waMmd iTfn^limnitii wilt hi: p'iirly Icii will lie ccvvi-d t« tl

of Mm Hctutrcot, MIHTL


im incniidlnry. Urn*,

Tb<: iiighth miiiunl re-union (if tho Sinilh filll.v nnd friendrt will be held nn t ie fiirm.Vii-rZ. Smith, one mile cant of Pcn»iii'k, iVcdncs.lny, Aug. 29th. ltcv. ¥. A. hlnm.f HcrnanliiviHe, will drtivur tbe aildn^H ai»(I»T niMrt'KMw will Mow. Ilio CIH-KI.luud will (avwuU iki- nntsir.

A fi-sttval for tLeWimlil nftb" T'nrt Oi-;iK nivr ,

P1UV iiHrl

nd will fiiriii'dMiiimlc. I

The Young PauphV* Union, uf RlrhnnlMinn, will give aa ontcrialimient in Suturiluvoveiilnit, AUR. 2Blh. The i)r««miinuc willcnaaUt of vocnl ujusle-wloa, duels, and <iunr-

AdmlMlon30 c»nt«i ofaiidrcn 10 oonUThe operators in the tnijilny of tho Now

York and Now Jersey Telqitiunn Compnnywill he troatcil tn it monulight sail on tlii<NoHk and Enst Rlrerrt, from Jeriiey City, tn-raorrow urenlug. Wo nckiiowJedHO withthanks the compliment of an invitation.

TLemembon of Miy. Anderson Poet, Q. A.H-, of Dover, have received & hearty inviU-

wion tn attvnd tlic miuitie reterana of tho Fifteenth N. J. BcgUueutIn that place ou Wtdncuday, Sept. lOtk, TheyWjll dqaittleaa maka every effort to aeeept.

Tlie U. 8. Mineral Wool Company, nt Stan-hope, ore now turning out about 6,000 poundsof wool j«r day, The hurt quality Mile fortlirea renUperpound, and the aeoond gradofur one cent. It ooly nquirci about iix mento do tlie wholt vork of the eitabllahment.

\Ri.iidRU|iii<r,ln:hin^Kfthcoi'KXo;y h invited tontdiceiiitfintH »f Win.w Ilitvoit in ittSl,nil' inCnunrctluii

ywith iiiiiU'lici nbout. the liny

! Suudiiy111)1 Oi 11

Tnttlf, win wiw invited in

in hert;ick>..,! 1

mil 11« iindbceiui

mv bn

ulmiitir lirernisd.

r Nti'i

d it


eck. loft Bonni q'oloek ntlit) II1H.UI, tei

linril work i

n linr•iiBi,i

i bun


ni ii



Willium Wnlter I'll el pi comes out for Joli;Hill for New Jersey's Eepublicnn candidatefur Oiivertior. It in nn iipliili joh fnlicmiH tn cnriy New .Ttrnej, liut'Jolmwinild offer a Hill tliut the Denioaratavonld flml it aard U get ovor. Thb U the>PKt wo CBII do to-dny. IM John HUlbc theiDininee.-Plaiiifidd Times.Tbo following promotions unions the truck

D*»is on tbo Ili-li Ilrldjic Dratich took plnco:, A^I .HJUI , , ; / . . ; l^lumlWuliL.ofD.tis Ml oliargB iwi'l onntrol of the traclthanda

liL'tnren Itoo)"»wiiy and Qsnn.iHenry O'Seal, of Ucnnnn Valloy,tor to ilis^h midge, amUohij Qeoq, of IPoint, IA oBHignntl tlm rond fromJuuotioa to Oflden. , . • . ; , . ' (

Some wocknnf;o, nt Peapaok, AS Mr. FahsrLiiuct wut polug to tlte bouas lie saw his oowaolimilinR nnder a iron. Ho took a brush anddrove thorn out, and uytha time he got .oat>f tbe field tho ligbtning struck the itto.During another shqwor, a. faw diyi aft«rr tholightning struck a tree BOAT t ie hops*. QqBatnrdny night a week, ^nrlna; a Biower,iigLtiiingitrdoktlietlhkvBS. y ,Ut

Krs. Amelia VMuan^wifia of Bur. N. Van-s*nt, died at Mow; Providence Monday morn-

pwbnbly a Mf tHaaK . . _(vjogeitito ehllU, ?av. Mr, Vajuant haa beenaa aottve member of tho M, %• Uoqferonoo for.forty yewi - He,l»ainiaeU«i InralW, and hli

lit bbreeatlywppUBd

I fllur.v'H Church. T IHU

walk.Aldfcnnun Smith culled iittniiti-m to II

inliiiy tuiedforprotjutiou ulong tbo rantlio ttirminut) of Warren street. It wuaMatciltlmttlio innlterhadheou lironglit to tlic nctici1 or the Ctiuiifiil hefoiv, but tbnt nomo dllieiilly, wiiiuliciililnut nuw bo roineiubi-reiJiud lieoii enr.mut.ircd. Oniimlioiithe matteW(IH referred to the Street ('ouiinitteu wiipr>wcr tn remedy Hie mitttur if It h found yossililo.

llceorder Critteuden «aid tlm Street Conlitten would liko tomato n recoiiiumiidutini

to the etl'ect that it b tiino to make nomo iircplooking toward the putting of tb

ul strcistg of tlio town in eouio kind niiinl nhitpe. rim propur innturinl fn•; tho (tret til uiukr tho pros out jiluining bntli eouroo anil costly, Tlio cointhought it nbnut time to begin the


Major fiiiilianla offered na a resolutiontlio Cimimittoo obtuln al! tlioInfnruintiimiblo nn tlio subject und rejiort, and in

I'd that tliey visit Mt

•ably iitti-ntinlUttflnut iiihjirct IJjo <>rk d o

ami V

itmigbtliijiniVnvd 11

L'U, tin-- Cbiiinnitii, IIMII

t-n. Mr. MpDavIl.•• present, 1ml Menmet. At them' im

1 iu rclittion to tlic iimtt<itood. Mi-. LimlMl.-y. M IV

il th« 110

HH Ihcii' ri^lit, iti'i'ideil inivime, imil r.wilveil to pr• tln\v found Mr.

Tho Peach Crop.

rdnrilla U jm

'o t'i)r<|Uulit.v tliint

nt thiiy with n pii

E l a , I'lTiii.-cii

ugh Uoi'i-r luf diHtiiiguirtlu-d ]>

t Fri-





fifty |ici'M>iiMiii thoimrty. iiiohi'l-VT« uf tlu> Lumloii I'ont, Londun

i, PUIIH t'i^nru und Vionua Imperial

', 1840, nIu June, 1840, n di«tingubiliod parly,licriue over a eiww, madti n canal boat trip

r tli« JtiHTln Ctinul, mid Hiienl n «vaHfiiith HOIIHO, Kcbuiilny'B Meuntnii

tlio number thuro iiro only two survivors—LewinC. 0 rover uud ex-Chn uoo) lor Will Iain-son, buth of v!iom uro now stopping at t l oHeath llonao, •

The moauBrs of (lie Dover Camping ABSO-elation nr rived homo in good almpo on Mon-day evening from tlmit two wocka' camp ntMiinnsqimn. Their fine bund discoursed ox-collent niusio BB they nuiruted through tlic

d vm preceded by Mr. J. J. Hnoltotr,u> Rili-m- -HI[i xviilrh tlio AsHiK-ii.ii.m

won with (i ynoht they entered in a rcgatln.Iicoplewbiiurolorrvcrtiilking nboui

•» luiving mifh nn eiiey timu and Ret-.uiith'M vacation uvory Suuinmr neu-

orally gnmi l)ei?auno they onn't got uwiiyi^si'lvcs. And tliunu peoplo who nre for-r lu-ntitip itbout tint Lnnl being nt tbo

iv il tul

Korrlatowfi hM^t baae hall elnbi.

Tbe Honrls club vWtcd Spriugflcld ou lion-day Md took t ie etub«ftaatplaoe Into samp,UtoS.

Tbe Aotiro* of UwrMowit beat the Hock-vny club at Bockaway, lwt Friday eftar-aeon, 23 tol&

A fame Iwtween the Mine Hill and man*hope data trill ne played at Ulna Hill to-morrow—Sutowlajr—fiWnoon.

A tam* between Swolote Hook rod Ladderaud Humana Engine eonpantes. of Korrl.-town, resulted In favor of tha Beaolntet, 28

A picked nine from Dover went to HimBill last Saturday afternoon tn phi; the olnhat tbat plaoe. The Mine Hill fcoya won tbegame, 17 to 11.

The. Lawn Tennla Club nnd the Colambiw,both of HnrrUtoini. nlayod <m Wednesday•fteraoira, the Coluraldiwwiiininftly tho lilgband olo*e aoon ef 29 to 91.

Preparations ore befog mnda tor a game tobenlayeil at MorrUtowa between ihe law-yer* of Harris eoitutr and the legal ftaternityin E«ei coutftr, •whloh ia eipootod to be agrand Ntelal affair.

The Mine Hill and Inndaln elnbs played AtVine mil on Wednesday nfternoon. Fromtlio start It waa evident that Mine Hill hadan easy thing and they won as they pleased

AnothsrManufaoturng Project.

from A

One of our larac ei«e# anOne of our larac ei«e# an oTertnrlooktax toward the <nteb!l«hment of anothormaanfarturin(( Indastry in DOTIT. In Uiletter tlegratlemaniaTa: "lam Intonated In


in improved woodhih


by tbo following Baore:Uino Hill, 4 0 3 0 2Irondale, 0 0 3 0 1

The Jerseyman shows that i

1 7 » 1-W0 4 U 3 - 0

iibor of tlioyUorrhtown betting fraternity who havo beenhetline; agaimt the homo team I B badlytaken in by the Mt.'Hopo gaino last wook.Others i»y tlie now jiltotier and eatohor from

browl were proonrod for this purpose, linttills will not make up for tlie iiijutstico tlonnthe team of mining buys who wont to Morris-towu with only naidenta of thuir village toplay m houoat gome with midouts of tlieconnty neat.

A frieudly game between u iiino composedtliomomlcnuifibjVoimn Um'e Cntbolb

LJniuu, Dover, and tho Columbian, comprisedif members of tho' Young Jleu'n CatbolloLTnlon. of Morriatown, was played at tholut-^rplaeo on Thursday afternoon. Tim Co-

IU))IM are a regularly orguuimd oluli, unitivo played a nutubsr of matches tab season,

wullo of the Dover ulna six bod nut playedgame this aeasDii, Conseu,tiontly their

friends expected a «oi-e defeat autl wore agreo-My disappointed that It was not HI, Fromicglnuiug to coil tho game wiw no oluw thut

oaceould tollnlio would win, and tho low-M of thu Booro \» ijultu urodltuble, Tlie

olumbia* alarted with a lead of one hi thoseuuud inuing, but tlio Dover lioys xeveracd

in thu next, and maluttdued it to the BOY->ntb, when tho Colutabiaa took it autl held it

a close Culgh. The Culninlilus were unabledo muck batting ngniuat Citllt U htoutpUyod the Dover boya iu tlio

i can be eonrMeted wltli a lane sew-Inx TUAcMao company In N«w Tork tc the tx-tentofSUto4(MaeU|>«r day, I hare hwnin tie bnahteu durlnjt the ptrt three jmrt,uin am felly informed on the mthject, tho A*.tails of whloh I will Rive at an intiTTlfw. Oftliirtr-flv* amrinir ra»hii» eompsnlea in thl»ootuitry bnt three erfonr manufacture theirawn wood wotkj the uaUnca depend uponmanufaetuttra In the Wart, flt Indianapolis.CMCBSA Cleraland, ete. There is no faototrIn tba East for this work and tha field la aninvltinjr one.1' The gentleman thftii coea onto detail the proJlw of thshmlness, tbe cap-ital Beaded, etc. Hereinaybe an oi»]iortun-Ityfor seenruiK another Induatrr that willgive employment to Ubnr iu thin town. Allsneh offer* aliould certainly he looked Into,and If any ofoarroon of means are auffloient-ly Interested tn the snbjent to investigate Ittherono obtain snob pnrtlenkra as -we haveIn our poaioeilon by sailing at tbe office of

Evangelical Lutharan Synod.TIIB twelfth annual ooaventton of the ETI...

(leKealLiitheranRynodofNewfurkaiidNowJereey, wUlboheldinZbii'BLutiieran Oburohflf Oerurnn Valley, oonnnenolug Thuradnyvenlng, September 20t!i, and will continuemtll Monday evoulng, Scptomber 34tfa. Tills

body is <iuM|ioiied of Joity-aovou ulorical midtlrfrty Uy memuore.

The exorcise* will cuusist of proaotlng ontlm sulijocr of Onllnation, Homo nud ForeignMiulnna, and Education; IISHI.I.M geneml

ir»M, pertaining to the welfare of theLutheran Chnnsh eiubmeed withlu the limitsof Ntm-Jersey und part of tho State of Now•York.

Tlio eynoUiejU coin iu union will lie adtniiilit-torcd ut the regular Sundcy muiumg wirvloc,6opt.iBd. Ckrviuo propurat«ry to voininuiiloiiwill ho held on Saturday ovoniuu previous.

Thore will doubtless bo a children's tneot-tog hold on Sunday aftoruoon, at whichvarious nddmaaea will bo made.

These mecUnea will bo conducted wltliopen doors, and will he instiuotivc us veil a*luttiresting. AH are invited,


Tho world projrjeweg and the aolderemwuof science multiply. The theory of <_

ea are degenerattnK phydoally, ii allM«n dorelop pbysiotlly to tven t>

greater degree of perfeetka than they have lathopact,indfeatiofatKtiKth nod ikill anoomtsntlr •urpaMfng prerloua effort Beat

*a are oonstantly being beaten i oham.plomofall klnda of sports are continuallyyielding titeir belt* to new men. Tbe moat•triklngiauatnitlon of thli iaot at prciaatarethe wondsrfnl feats at ltorumanship aeoom-ptiihtdbyWlHlamSboirlea. Dnriagthepaatfew yoars, whmeTei die matter of riding andridericomM up for diJCKMioa, two or three

i have Inrolnntarily raggeated them*M being those of tho champion riders.

For seversl j ean (new men bava held nodla>putedawayin the eatlmation of the public,although manager! of shows always «lalm to

SVO the Rteatoat rid«n. Bnt tticme nlalcihave had but littlo efftot npoa tlio public, towell-known wtll-llked w«re these two or three.Now, however, a new star haa arisen, andwhen tlie champion rider la spoken of," tlienew man, SUowlos,1' la tbe nume adrnneed byall wko have ever seen liim. Reports fa thenewspapers oonoernf ag hlewonderful perforra-aocM wherever ho hAd boon ueu on ao cnthu-

in praise that they acem really exag-\ but information of a private ohnraeter

gives the oasuraiien that newspapers do tbe• • • • • • • - - - , j , u

id so fltiirtlhg

old.>]umbi(t,......0 1 H O ; S 0 8—10

Tbo return gamo between tho Morris uliib,MurrUtown, nad thu Polka l>*its, of Oltee-

il wile a oioae mid inolunged contest. ATCBpoiiduut writes: "Tlio gnnm wan In bn

layud ut 3 o'clock, a linn', iiid ae tho JJ»r)inib failed tit put in uu ui>iit>atuiiec ut 'lintle it was forfeited to ua under tho Lengtht.% \) lo 0, tliey exiling nu agreoinent to

mt pffBiit. They brought up tholr piofo*oiml jiitchcr nud ontclicr ami nuotber «1«H1;

. Wo pluyeil them vury oloac, tho gaiuodingr cai;b ill Mm cloao of tlio Oth nnd

lutko eleventh the Morris clubdo three NIB, which is accoimtod for hyfact of Doo, our pi tuber, being hurt iu theth inning. Their terrible jiitohur hud fiveii given bases un uulled bulls. Thb gmnoi« uot count for tbe chompiouship, na thoy

rfoiUid tlio rpguhtr game. They Bald weoroiifrnid to play them with their profog-

and ao wo guvo them un oihlbltloiamo." On the other linud luouibcm of thoEorrlstown club oomplnin to us of tli« unfair*

i of tlie umpire. Wo give both versions;takes your c&olco.

Sports at M t Hope.Tho plo-nlo of St. Bernard'e Church, of Mt.

lope, was held on the grounds, adjoining theoaidonoo of Father Hiokio, on Wedneadny(ernoou and oveulug, nnd w«a ottcuded liInrgo couoourso of peopln. Numbem i

aotlia for the unle of delloacioB nnd rofresh-ils were -well pntrotiiEml, three new ant[HBWingH wore fill«d wltli pooplo taottatime, audn«piw3iiiu8dmioiugi»liitfomi conmlly resounded to tlio meneured of seorci

m . In mlditiijrunnno of athliMioeh tunny iiarliciiint

tlicre was n largemd other sports iud, Tlie fallowing

ing jump, Tlioiiiun CWvUf<]lll ith tho lrf>rd lit s

I till' ll.Tllli.dg.s Hr.uuvfltr I'lillm

Vnlh>.v Htutlmiuf tl»> N. ,1.

i I'nbier ,;ix fo

The Camp Meeting.M< prriiHier i>f liiHt Sntimlny iin.riii. K. S. lYrry, (if Vcrmiii'; in tilliKi-v. Ali'r.dVnuH,'iisen,I1f Veriii10 evening Itev. €!. It. Buriirs.i Suiiilii,v it WIH •'Miiiimti'il ther

] m'n|

il in Hi.-tininiiutf, i

mid ](i!V. J)r. T...1.1 i

i Uuliokr

thf Urn

llirnlty. Tin HUn

fiiiiilllnr hi tliiMim


i to rankfRluU iu tI'riMii'R enough tu |'iiflnoprnflt in Kpil

•hunt, tbo on«» v^rtoi

laoli the llenven tolonfUleut they am lr

nrket iirobnbk, bti

of Ihe cmiiithu Mnrrlfi

The New Canal Bridge.The Committee of the Board or FteoholriVn

ppointed to cmjuidertho proposition to buildanotber bridge over tho canal Iu Dover, met

ero with Director Hathor un Wednesday.Lfter Bgain eonsiileriug the varloue sites pro-

posed, they finally, decided to,eroat a- bridgeacrou the canal at the foot of Hudson street,provided OTeh a bridgAoaa bo pttUiora t i aolt not eiccedlog *8,000. The brliigo !a to

ag^ spaij, foet Iqng intte0lo»r lie.n the abntuienU, |tirlU bo thirty foot

ftPMj Wfj feetm i tb,s stOtiwalk an aaoh/44* Rieet,; On tha<mtaia° of (he walk; wiU t>a UtUce-work sldps.Tliepattormrilllwa low, square troai, andwlllbeelaTatodtanftal abovr the w»t«r," It

to M W M ^ . ^ N N ^pill be fi flnt-elaMfttrnoture inpill be fi flntelaMfttrnoture in every riiipect,ttbolaatnuwtlnrof tbe. Board a petition

was presented wUngfar the.ereoUon of thehtldgoatihe foot.of Bargen street,'but:theCommittee decided that it wonld cost ;toomnok to pot tbe bridge' aoroas die bnidn, andthat'Hoh a project wbdtd prbbaijly eanse

i eompltoatiotui with the canal company.

Howto Keep Cool> ,, 'Qeta-Riag6waydry.air KeiHgemtor, and

an Adama &"Wettl*k» oil atore, aold only byA l f c J I l t ' ' '

Wax Flower Basketsanil W a x Fluw<r materials of i l l Vimls at t heB r l o k D r a g B t o n . . ; , . - , «-» : - . : r . ' **•

M(iiiiltiy'M]ivriiehfiv-ivero Kcvrt.J. F. DV. King mid Uonrgo Hughes.

At tin- jilut owners meeting Minulny (ift-r-•rPMW. I);.vid riuniibell, Win. h. Sirit, J. S. Iticliiinlrtoii ami Hcv. IE. Vmrtfi-ii re-i'li'iili-d TrtiHtciiH, undlti-v.,1

imii'ry wna Klcrted tn lilt the imexpiivif Id'v. J. M, Fitujji'i-nM, rc«inucd. Tingn-ipu'Kli-d Ihe TriiMii>n In iuensuNitL-rsiipi.ty nfthi'grrtiuMls. Only fim•ere unld nt the siili- for nrri'iit« n

•rffnrTuSlilk-r, ti.'ii. Vn

fief). K. ItiiniiMr, Wiu. K. Hu

•ILitgril but U vnu'ii . »r iti'Kitni

•e Uv\-». Urn. \Y, Nuiitli.

s.luy, tlic UI-V

n Tiiiirsilny U<-\\ S. II.

1'itri'ii'ii Mi«»i«iini-y ji!MI 1

OtlUT II rciicbhiK fuTviiT*l-'riduy, lOilW A. M., Kovrt. S. X.

IlelKiut.itnd nt 7-:M) V11. Siitunluy, Kcv. Mr. I'nrki r, u pnmiiiieir

il prcwbiT from Wilisiju^trtn, Del,, *,„itev. H. i), Ojnlykf, rfHjK'aiv.O.v, riinruiiiiiiud uficnimiii. Kiuuluy. the Rev. l>r. lieuilmon ut 10::n) A. M., mid U,\. JJUDCH I1.I-IBrady ut I1. M., the ovciibig pn'iwber nayet uiinoinioeil. On Moudny u (jfiirrul l»rt;ul;ing up inrvicr, whith will ymbalily conwhof a general lovi! feust or niiuiuuninu scrviaethin in tiim to be followed by further wo,,k'i•en ice for tbe Prumntiou of HOIIIIBSW, imdeidifferent miBpices tluu tho meetings now [|progreBs,

Fire Department Elections.Tbo different comnanlcs of tho Davcr fire

department held theic an.imnl eleotiuiisMomlny eveqing, if HU tl|o fuLlowins KonH

City tt flover ^vaaicT OqnjniQ : Foie-ian, qeoigo Maw j Assistant, J , H. Btiunpf;

Clerk, I*. U. TDlyar | Tronsnrep, .1. J . VMB-land J Steward, Frock Mousckor i Engineer,A. H. Smith, AssUtAnt, Wm. H. Maaei Sto-ker, Chu , Vrwland 1 Assistant, Chaa Sohern.

VlgUaot B O M Company: Foreman, Wm.H. I^mlwrt 1 AssLttent, J, T, Egan ; Clerk,John V.CBJD. ; Treasurer, J. J. Backoff (Btoward, P. J. Corooran; Auditing Committee,John F. Wood, J M . fl. Jioach, Inv^tigntingCommltt«, fThos,- Hoagan, Wm. Armltago,

Thos.F, Jphnso_»tl_. - '.— .,..^ Prot««tiounook~aa'd Ladder Company :—Foreman, WnuW, Sickles; Asfliatant, A. 1).Byram; Clerk, 8. II. Hroeae; Troamuer, J.B,Hnrdj Llbmrian, J ^ F r a a t Kasa(.Stew-

Thrrc jumps, tied by I'. McDonald nud E,Duroy 'r <11K1U]IC4% JI3 feet, 34 inohotii

Ififjii jump, i'ricc Evans ( height, i ieot, 0

Two bundled yiiicU ruee, E. Uuroy; time,

Out und u bftlf mill! horse rnoe, won hyDimii'l Ficliter'H corrol borso, JHB, SullivAn,ji)fl;i!v; time, three iiilimtos. Ilorrignn HOC-mul iu a niinuteu and 1 Btconda.

Tin- lurpiKt Buuru in tho rfilo shoothigof thoprim WM made l.y Joseph

til tliirty points out of a pos-

n bull Hlinnliug tbtiro waa a tlomen Murray and J[noo, of Hurdtown,h breaking Bunt of 10 balls.Im lip,Ht of tinier nnd good ftseliug pw-i-d tliriittgiioiit thn dny, abowiug that the


y, gnt iiiHtrnotioiiR pertaining twere uliocvfully and fuithfully

Tlieiiie-uie will boSaturday—when tin- will also bo re-

ong ntlmr contest* will ho 11rnce; hup, flkip end leap ; throw-

H! Iciivy HIOIIIS liK1it etouo and smootli-ran; jig und hiim-plpa eompctiiione;bull Hhonliiij-. mul n cbnllongo horsoit 0 P. H. Tltcro will UIHO bo an oihibi.u the liorij;untfil h»r by Mr. Ohaa. JIallot.

A Bicycle Trip." Kail Kron," a Toteniii rider liaa jiuabocj

his wheel over 5,000 miles in fifteen St*te»,id tlion advises hloyollsts in tbe June num-

ber of Thu Wheelman concerning this neiHli-boriwod i " J was nn hour riding Irow(WUippany) to the Mansion House iu Morrls-town, not qulLo llvo tulles, over an excellenttraok, which might bo made without dismowaud which I did ao mako In retumlug, wlutho, wind favorod wo. In loaviug \Vlilpuauyfur ibrriiUfwn ono mult turn loft at thu mill'poiitl aiid journey' towarde tho «outn,Jlouroe Is tho iionio of ou intoiwdlato vll-lnge, if it ouu U culled ouo; and nearthUisthelonghlllwhieli I failed to ride up. Ifouudgund wheeling for a mile westward,aiwoUaaiutusprJuoipalBtreotsor the town.1

Tliis gouUcimui also adviieB 'ojoliBts to avoidtho mute through Dloirstown, Jolmsouhu ip,Alamuohy, Waterloo, Stanhope, DrakegvUlo,MuCabisvillo, Dover, Bookaway, DcuvUlend Paralppauy", and mcomuiouds that tio

bent track botweeu Newark and this eity isvia of Buringfiold aVenue, hui tno m y l>yBloomfield avenue, Pko Brook, Hanover tuidVhlppauy U good BI part of a round trip,

singular Recovery of B Watoh.itev, Edwin O. Beatley, when palter of tlo

Morristowu Baptist Cburoh soiao yean ago,WHS «ro8ouUd by thedeaoons und trustees oftlio chureli with n, haudaonto gold wiitoti nndclinin valued at faOO, A few dnys »go,iw lowan removing f/roia a UOUMS IU Brooklyn, itludy called tu look at tlio promiaeu. Shu wnsHbuwu through tho bouiw, and SOUII oftor elehnd left It was found that I bin wntoli audehalu had bceu abstracted with u vest ef Mr,Itsutly'a vlitch WHH bunging In ono of thurooms. Two daya afterwiird a Indy calledupon tho clergyman, and said she would re.veal to Mm a plane whore he oould obtain tliowitob, provided that ho would promts notto rovcai whore lie gut it- Ho did »o, wont to.tha place indloatoi). nnd tho tiuo piece irestored to him. The singular part, of tlioaffair is that ho was not asked for a cent ofreward, and only had to give tho promiseiinmod

. . A.Fish Story-.tfo aivper is roully anil truly auoeptod. aa a

nowspnper until it has offered to aoonfldingl'tibiin its own, original, il*h itory. The lostono wo road aboni related to nn eel that ell.lso Bwlftlyovortlie ground it waa oooked byUs own friction, liiat is a tough itory, butwe offer ours without a blush. In the largeaud lovoly Bjiriug toot feeds'the Mount Taborreservoir are two superb troutj placed thereby Mr. Cooibaugh, ta»t Juno the spring

-orflowed its banks and ono of the troutwent out at flood tide and was United highmddryon the gross. Here It was found bytbo ubiquitous oat, wliioh up amicarried it to the farm house, intent on a troutdinner., It ww.howeTer, reioned, and, show-ing signs of life, reploogd in, Ita, nnUvo elo-meiit, where it llviw torofleut on'ite prefer-encos for sporting sutler the> puss; willowirather thai with the willowy pUMy,-Mt,Tohor Rooord.

groat artiitjiutioe. Imlmthe Great I liter-Ocean Shoi

as the sonsatlou ho created, than Kir. Joliu>< Doris, tlio proprietor, who baa forced reoog-

nitluu aa tho most cnterpEiaing uf all mowngera, ra-eugnged Sliowfc* at an ouurmous

r, and tbenuoploofour eity will havean opportunity to MD him whan tUo Oreitt

u Show is hero, ou Sinudtiy, .

A Ride Through Morris Count/.A gi;itth,'»ina wlin IIHS junt tiikuu u rid

tbruiigb pm-t of HnrrtH County Bvnik tliNuwnrk AdvurlUcr the following:

At ClmUmm wo niet.Wm. C. Wullnec, <your city, wbono ulogant moiiBlon und spleidid furiu mlnlBter to bin pleasures nnd lurelilui uway from your noighliorhood ia thoSummer. He seems alive to ovary Improve-ment, ami uiimoBtly desires the carrying outof one of tho projected lines of railway,that tbo prosout cirouitoua rauta to Morrtown mny bo avoidud. Contluuiug our rideto Now Providimcc wo had tho ploiinure ofiiupeotifig tha HUB oroturdi, gurdeus andfarm of ci-As«eronlymfln Win. C. JOIIUBOII.l ion ii nn lusUnco or what mny he accoiu-ilinLed hy Iu telligones aud niodurnappllauoea.

As uuriwuitics vo WDro eliuwn suvcrul cases ofstuffed birds und <|Uu>lruuuds, the work uf Mi.Julinsan's Tnthcr, the oruumootB couslBtini;of walnut shollH Bawod iuto alioci nud i-ol-Isled. Wo were must lio»pitably entertaineduy Jfra. Jnhusnii, and among other dlabcswas one uot gouorally known, viz., friedouomnbers. As some inoy not know how toprepare this exoullent diiC, nud do not knowwbntto (lowlththdrovergrowu nueimibero,we will toll theiii-how these were prepared.Slloe the ouounibors, ilour them, poi^icr imriealtr and fry Iu butter to a uloo biowu. lUd-iog along Long Hill is soon tho natural rcaur

h In prupoaod an a storage fcii waterto supply K«wark, Ornnge, eto. Peach oreh-

' i are juwseil ooutaitilug heavily ladentiee», somoof tho fruit uearly ripe, ltetum-lag by Madison uud llanoror ono VOMCH hnckimpressed by t i e thought, that if thogo whogo so fur from homo b) sen tbo country wouldonly visit tbo lofty mountnius and smilingvolleys in tholr own nolgUborluod, tliuywould find much to interest, bonoflt Ibeirhealth, and Imvu uiuro dollars in jiovkot nttho cud of their Sumiuur vuoatlou.

Ouo ia particularly etruck by tbo groat agoliioh BOWUB lo lie nttittncd in thin part of the

country. Coming toward Hanover wotopped to cmrano with a Hr. Pattiu wbtirus pitohlng a loitd of oatit with nil tlio ngil-;ynfaywutii> umu. lie was delighted will

tho abundant hnn-eat nud spoke of tha won-derful itnpiDveiiientB in funu luiplciuuut* tiuuohis boyhood. Ho iufonimd im lio was eevoutyoovnu yearn uf ago. 8ovenU otUcri woroniet,Itnlo and lienrty, oonHldornbly over seventy,nnd looking as If thoj- wore good for eouic










THE VIlLOnoH O? Tlliillt BUCCtiSOU,

ROBERT KILLGORE,ono or the old flrin, contiuuo an ot obi, with lull linos or




t5th Regiment Re-uilon,Thcittiannunl ro-unlon of tho 15tl»IlegM.

K. J. VoU. iflll ho hold at Nowton, on Wod*n d S t llllb 18S3 h l, i llllb, 18S3, the aiinlroranrv ofthoLatrtoofOiujqHnn. The visitors will boreceived at tbe railway atutloii hy o. depntn<

I h l ltion,ofelt«0D9,l

y pountetl aanlty. At

UDMI a eoltflUen will ho provided hy tlio olti-ieii». Tbe adtlroas of welootno wBl bo dsliv-oroilbyHon. li. (Joalimn. Tlie omtion willbo delivered by Jolin It. Bmery, Esq., lat«Lleutfltiant Co. A.p said Bvu't., to bit followedby short addnsios by Gcu. E. L. Cauiplmll,Chaplain Hnlnoe, Una. Johu Hill, Hon. II. C.Pitney, and otliora. CaptainUniley'sIlattory•will bn present nnd a numlor of 1'oats of thoG.'A. R, Ait ln?ltnt]ou IB extended to imli-vidual t mbora of other N. 3.

The Happleit of our Summer Viiitori,On Friday ef t u t week t ie whole nursery

of tha Home of tho Friendless in Newark,comprising twenty children under five year*of ago, with two caretakers, was transferredto tho Cuildren'g Sanitarium, on BandolphAvonuo, under the care of tbe ladles of Dover,together with threo littlo ones from the Wil-aou Industrial wboot of Now York itlty.Thnro tho littln folks, released from tlmirnecessnrily limited ijuartera is tho oity, areenjoying themselves immensely, romping andplaying utwn tho lawn and under the trees,their acUvltles qLtioltoned by thefrcjbbreoiea that blow acrosa tbo Wll upon

• • • • ' - - Attheeamo

Permanent Work on Street!•Wo killove thnt most uf tho people of the

own will emlornu tliu reooramendatlon ol'tliojtnwt t'uiiiinitUi, mndeln tho Common Coivn-•il, 011 Monday evening, that tlio thne line•mul! tu bi'ni 11 the iiuionilmiiuiingorour streets,iriiinko Homo iirepnration to nut them inirmnmeut oniidltlou. Aa tlioy say, tbe ma-eriulM for uiiikhiR HtrccU under t i e prcaontvVHtimiiiTOliMoiiihig cimtly nud hanl to got.nuking the yearly rvuuwnl of our sheets inbi I'xjicnsivc, ]ir»vliluig wo can

l thb outlny ug

j - to bsgln tho workif making iicnnnucnt road licils. Tlint we

i ilo this h evidenced hy the coiidltion of- ilnnuccfl. Our debts are nil naid, nud

liroujjb HID economy ol our Common Caunolli* bow n goodly snriiluB in bank. Unlessi- iimlitrtuke somo iicrmanent work of tillsInil Ihi'miniglitboft great reduction In thoixIH. t.r tlie levy <if another year mlgbt boitirely omitted, lint with our prosouivy, wbluli k low in comparison to that of<)Ht towm of this BIIO, WO can aocoinjillBh ar.:il iliral every yeiir In tho mnoudamiJiationrntre«tsandmvua viwt amount of futurei|iinHo in molting cnntlnnal repnin.tlkvothnt under tho ciroumstaueoa it will•ruilnly Iiu wino to oouiiDoneo a ponnnnantorb nf this kind, nml mnkcthe ultimute cost•kcq.[iigour etreeta in condition a gwat•ill ICBH tLnn it ia now.


An Obitlnale Man.Wo uotiwil BouiG tlmo ago how ThO8. Trig-ion nni! Win. Tonkin von 'food for mn!n-lining a nuinailoe, vlilcli they waultl uu(iate >t Hie n fnn t of Hie Bonn] of Honltli.

Tin-mil.»ii1.|,ilniiilBlii,:d|1j-Toiililnlirau obviated In no Uoar, ta t Be

'rofinod to. do i(. TU{ \ t l l a t oppaat tbo triul, and let Judgment get against Mmby < Next Ma hone aud Taion wen

lral for Ilio Jiuginiiiit, and to allowed It to> nold, aHnongli It la Miupooled lie got an-

•tlep pBtaon.j^-.lnij_lt.ll|ibl I t a . 'AlterMuntlnn from tie aam nialla'ed br the aalo

«ni<i»nl of tlie nne and o«ate, tlopo re-nninri «S »™r, wbl,* T ™ : Wnilirod Mr.Fonklntiini henfoacd to tnbs'l^ and ltltnsinn placid In tba tana to 111 omdlt.

Th» Trial of the Liquor CaulTho trlali of the caioa of the town of Dotnr

egaina^ Samuel Trowarthn for Illegal aalUnB.-.Uoiirer. to iomd of hefor. Jujge^WnodciUrday, were auJQqru«l anothorwookonoeonut of the abanooe bt aomo of tUo wtt-

™forthejtown, Slnco the.laat adjenm-at, 8ie w««Uer having been dcliglitfnUy

ool, Mr. Qeo. Verta, noioiel b r Ht, Tf»,»artha, hai exerted Mnmlf, and haa n e .(pejUd ig !Mtjiiri%t*'W> ">?'>» "objteUona«n law pohita, wMoh he took oteaalon to lie

aiierda;, making elghty<lxohjo«tbna In allwhlchto haa thna far la|eetod Into th« aaae.» ' wHd.,lithaj are aUarguadthrmgh Ihe

'T tS52sriS t I I* I t o t o

tath»t llir.u Dhildron oanie to Davor a

party ofuino little girls from tlioanwo jilooewent on to Btillwater, Buswx County, -whorothoy will bo oared for by tho ladle* there,

•» • »A Handioma Train of Can.

There oronownt tlia Dover car shopi, re-ceiving tho flnishlng touches, n train of ArepasBonsor coaohen, for mo on the D.p U andW. rood, whioh will OXOODII In l>etuty andoonifort anything now running snthat line.Tho Interior wtml work la of hnrd flnlsb,OKOouted in hjmdwmo Eaatlftke ilonlgnf. Thescats arq low and rlohly upiolatorod in gnwet,tUo raekiforo o r the;newest p»tt«rn anduioklo i>Utod, handBDine eootidollera ofololoeworkniflushlp are snapcuiled ovorhoad, andthe winaows KM provided with roller slindca.Theconchos-tini hciTier thonoiiy now run-ning, nod will ride with iflMjar on that ac-count. It is notlmownto'Whioh train theyWIIITJB uslujned, but tbe oonduotor vim getatlieu will hove to havo nla buttODH biirniihodnnd his boot* ]>olUI.«l often to keep up to hii•iirrouniliagft. ','.' ,,-;

and to soldiers geuorally, nud to nil tlie oiti-aens of this and adjoining oouutioa. Tho vet-etnna'aad \-lsitoi J may be Msnred of a lenrtywotoomo.

Tha Oldest Women In tho Land.lire. Mary Ijynoli, who died in Soranton,

Pft.,onTliUMdajofJiist week, at the age oflid years, Is supposed to bo the oldest jKinaiiIn tho United Stntoa of whoso age then wasan eraot reoord. Ska was born in SUBBOXoountj, W, J., in Mirob, 1774. Her f«tU«r,JMO'J Hnnioh, servod iu tho Revolution, andher husoanil, James Lynch, to whom aha wasmarried In 1600, served in tho War of 1813.Her parents wero amonjt the early Germanscttlori cf New Jorscy. Mrs. Lynoh and fam-ily moved to Ponneylvnnia In 1830. She wastho mother of eight ohildren, four of whomaro living, the youngest being about 75 yearsof age, Herhealtttuptoafow days lias nl-wpys been oxoellent, and her fiwultiaa uiomedunimpaired to the last MOWING MACHINES,WAGNER'S GRAIN CRADLES,



BARB WIRE FENCING.a n d t h e b e s t CIRK* of A C I t i r U L T U K A L

C U A N I C H ' T O O L S a i u l I t l l l L D K I t S ' III I A K I I W Vl t i : a H . 1 U t O . \ NTOKK, S I U N ' O P T H E *

P A U L O U K , D O V E R , W! 4 . ^

(tit1i *

Where to Find a Pocket Book.The Brick Drug Store luu th« best a^


HATTERS AND CLOTHIERSare now dosing out their SPBINGandSUMMER 8T0CK and are offering ex-traordinary bargains in the followinggoods:


A Terrlila Kick by a Mule-Johniiy Hawkins, a llttto boy ivlwnt twolve

years of ago, stepson of Wm. Been, of thisplace, was badljr kicked>'y a mulo nttocliedtohisfiither'roanalljoiit, last Friday oftor-noon. neat 1'ntcwan.' Ho t u driving tHo an-imal, and to hairy him up, struck him a alightblow with a Btiok, when tlie ranlc, wLioh hadalwayi been gentlo, gave tbe boy a terriblekiokinthe&o&,l)roak!ng his nme, sliveringtliebaneoffai*ji,w,.uia-ciitttagadcop gash.Mr. Doora took the fcoyto i-ft.t«raw V^S^-oian wh a ^ b i d d hoian, whob h t hi

bin,: w tutds mid thenA l t b o h h hbrought him htuno. AHnonsh ha boa htm

very ill iq, aotueqaenpe lie isnaw dotnflbetUsrBn(lwUUDqbUAiar86qver, "Ox* nwlo waakilled in order to provout any farther conso-qncuoo of hla vicioiunoai,

Excunlon to Lako Hopitcong.Tho Hibornla M. E. Sunday School will

mako an excursion to Luko Hopntcoag nextW«dnoidny. The train leaves Hlbernia it 8A. N.; Itoakaway, I Dover, &«; PortOram, 9:03; arrtring at tlio Lako at 9i38. AllWho doiire to go will be token, aud the Corofor tho round trip will be 60 oents;SOoonta. Confeotlonery and toe, oreom »U1' i provided" pn tho Braird !

:peet«l nnd \lfi piibllobe providedOE the mvtfa 'A gm\ t i m l -

Educational,V/o direct attention to tho new advertise-

ment of tbe Newark Buiineu College, on theopposite page. Its course is ontfralr madeup oftbe best principles ofht^tuMS hu^rao,tlons, and nhqi Id command tha attention attb,iye wh« proposa edaoatliio; thetrsana tu

Perfumery.Finest BMortnwtit In town at the IHck

Teeth Ettneted for 25 Cantoat Dr. UoDsvitV Dental Parlon, Dover, X. J ,

SUMMER GOODS,White Uood«. Lawm, Uiiul-

nej, Parasols, Fan), etc., atWM. U. BAKER'S,

Dover, N. J.







Hosiery, Suspenders ,NECK-WEAR,



STRAW GOODS!wo will offer at a sacrifice us we donot want to carry one of them over.

CAMPING GOODS!As this is the season when camping

equipments are In demand, we harelaid In a full stock of


Onr prices on them will be foundas low as the same quality of goodscan be bought for in the cities. Wealso carry a very large assortment of

TRUNKS, SATCHELS,Traveling Bags,1&c.

notwithstanding tbe low prioes at which wo are nowoffering onr goods, we wish to say to the boys we are iiillgoing to mako them a present of a BALL AND BAT witheaohsuit



Page 4: THE DOVER LUMBER left at WilliamH. fiakei'* storu mil rooelip earofal and prompt attention . The Seneca Falls Yeast


The Dover Printing Company,

(Saturday, Aug. 18, 18S;t

Oscar Wilde bats rulurood to thin countryHeaven lieip us.

The Bepubtioaa parly is a goofl deal likethe Keoley motor—it won't go.

Mr. Guller1* Gubernatorial boom looks BPif it hud encountered n eyclona.

Wall Btraet <umc wry nur having a dis-astrous flpaooUt ptaio this week.

The Virginia Republicans hare also puton rrcord for protective tariff.

Mr. Cutler's bioni should not have beenetarttd liU later. It wai too tender for tbeflrrt frost.

Dennis Kearney hus a sor« throat, whichU no wonder, when we conrider wbatpofut*through it. __

Bone or*nk prognosticates twooalauEtioflfor Ibis country tiejt year—locusts and B

Democratic victory.

• The Sun's Insistence that jonrnaUata nrewell qualified for the Presidency shows tfaaDana is still a candidate.

There 1B a well grounded suspicion tfantthe Bnppoied Koah'a ark is only a strayvessel of tbe Amerioan navy.

Egypt his found a worse enemy than Eng-land fn the cholera which has already onr-rled off ahont 20,000 victims.

INCIDENTAL PROTECTION.Our Democratic friend of the Hnutetdon

Democrat, in r query as to themeauiug of incidental promotion, i

Ourfifliiirij Bovernioenl U oue of limitediniworH. ^efuUto ten any warrant underiiir<!nii4tilt)M(iu -wliuml)_v tliU (lovanuiMtnti-aniiiii'o imp ucut fur anv wilier liorposc thanr.itri'vinue.

In ruMiig thlx mriiun wi- balkw tW a" • shoulil Iw uml, tbuitti.

The patty at Asbnry. Park, wbloh Mr.Pottar attended tat week, is called " theconvention of nondescript*."

It Is apparent that the Jereeyman desiresto obviate the necessity of holding a Re-publican county convention.

The Democratic tariff policy will be dearlydefined if they can Bneak into oGQae neityear by evading the question.

It is said Mr. Potter bad a mental crampwhen his parly gave the cold shoulder totbe temperance folks last week.

One would suppose that aftetoearly 20,000deaths from cholera Egypt would begin lothink about cleaning up a little.

The Democratic flght againBt the charac-ter of Garfleld Is another Teraion of thefight of the jackals agftlnal the dead lion.

No one seems willing to risk his reputa-tion by tunolng for Governor on the freotrade platform of the Minnesota Damoorats.

Tho champion display of cheek is that ofthe British Government dfepuUng tbe rightof the United States to return pauper emi-

Brother Garrison baa announced bia in-tention to withold for a lime bis opinionscWHwrning " Morris County Politics." Un-til then things political will remain in n oha-olio elate.

irilii«n<)t-iTiiin>'nt itiii uot IIMMU•. fi wniil.l \m <WnrUM nwriillry to

Iitv ii tariff or fii%. nnrt'ly for ]irotflctian. But(iii»s«ueretira will uewr see tin- time wlieoibi-nvy tin in not nw*<M, nnd Iwomise weirf ia mirli a fW our proilutitlon* will reocivpill me. fontaring care under a revenue tuxtlmt is needful.

We <ln nut l.ellev* In rnMxtg a t « for Imll-vianitl bennflt. but forfloromiHvnt nee.

If tbn inillvidnnl IIMIMHR tli»wl)Y. all we\\.bnthehfutin rlgfat* in tlmt direction at theitMTue of tin* community. We can trynllg}it<>n niir neltflilifir, nnd liope bo ran .'hut In plain to n«: vft, we remember tlmt

there in no one no blind to he who don't wautl««ee. 8uine men ntfato a iW awl then nay"tbey ennnot see throngh it." Don't you

The first argument, as to the tmoonstttn.ttoiullty of protMtion, ie eailly dlBpnsed of.If we cannot levy duties except for revenue,Ihen the frequent legislation for proteotiever since the foundation of the governmentIs unlawful, and Washington, Jefferson,Hamilton, Jaoison, Clay, Wright and otherstatesmen have never understood the Oonstitutiou, and oar rowers as being so limi-ted that we could not protect our own in-dustries. Then again, if thta be so, how IsBrother Killgore going beyond a revenuetariff to Becure Incidental protection ? F i eally, It was only a short time sines that theOlerk of the TF. B. Sapreme Court, one ofIhe best authorities in Constitutional law,in answer to a question, said! there vninothing in the Constitution to provent theGovernment from legislating In what way itliked for the protection of Its industries.

In the next place Bra Killgore wants toincidentally favor or protect tbe weak in-dustries. Why not inoIdenUlly favor orprotect the strong ft' well? Bomove theprotection now given to steel, Iron, silk,manufactured woolen goods, or other greatindustries of tho country, and whit wouldbecome ot them la competition with foreigncheap labor P They greur to bo greet byreason of protection to both weak and greatalike, and as a matter of policy we mighthotter let tho weak oueg die out than the

SOUND REPUBLICAN DOCTRlKf,That " l id Uepublicau organintiDa, the

Uuign L«gae, of New York City, h u issuedan addrai which clatrly seU fortn tbe faitband the policy at the Republican party onthe question of toe tariff. Itaayi:

U.v itHl.^UlHtivp auieliucnto «"•' Iff «'"•f n t t f jt b l

CHESTERThe return game between the Murrit :

ofMnrrintowu Mid tho fttllut Dot* ofliliu!e wiu toJinve been flayed ou the gttnufthu latter im Titonday afternoon, hutMum* Imja fulling to appear at tho 1IIJJIWII upou forfeited tbe game, ncconlluguui! of the league r.'iea by whloh alluiu jilnyed while competing for tlio Counl

There « i several election riots ia Kentncky aad three colored Republicans wereitUlsd. The Democratic gunners, as usual,escaped unhurt.

Dorsey, the Star Boute scoundrel, havingbeen kicked out of the Bepubllcsn party,baa found a haven of refuge in tha bosomof the Democracy.

The Democrats are quarreling as to whichof thalr factious d*featndTlldBn. The pub-Ho at large have had a suspicion that theliepnblican party did it.

The Democracy, with the aid of Dorsey,Is fighting the late PwldontGUrfield. Notbeing able to fight anything Hilng it ia jnatlike them to attack the dead.

Democratic sentiment deems to havectystalliEed in favor of Holloway W. Hunttor Senator. We bate to beat as good a manas " Holly," bat WB'11 have to do it.

Joel Parker announces that Le will notrun for Governor. Joel la of the opinionthat aludloial aegarin the hand ia worthtwo Gubernatorial oherootB In the box.

The Belvtdere Apollo asks renpeolingJohn Blmcrsoti, of tbe Journal, "Has here,turned to his vomit?" A more pertinent Inquiry would be, "Did hooter get a, way from

i t ? "

Mr. Ohaplo, the late Demooratio speakerof the N. Y. LoglBlatare, ntole his desk andchair when ha left Albany, saying ha thoughtIt was ouo of tbe perquisites of Ms office.Great ia reform.

. Tbo Detnocralia Governor of Mar;landhas shown publicly that the DemocraticLegislature of that State haa been greatlyextravagant. The Demooratiohowl !• now in order.

1 reform'

The supposed discovery of Nosh's arkleads to the belief tbat the old patriarchpacked his ship away fa Ice to confute theBkeptfcs of the present who claim tbat benever was a navigator.

The Oflly hope «f the free traders Is tocrush the Sepublleanparty. This they can-not do by • fair, open fight against the tariff,sotheyhBdgeitftbfint with diffsront quail-fieattons in every State.

: The Jeneyman says E. £. Potter haabeen to Morristown to talk over the potM-calaituation with Mr. Cutler. Mr. Potterought to hare been warned by the way Mr.Cutler took tbe prohibitionists in tow lastfall. .

great ones,Thp statement that "our productions

will receive all,the fostering oura under atax that is needful" Is a glittering

generality not warranted by facts. A reve-nue tariff Is a low tariff, so adjusted thatthe Imports may be large and the revenueproportionally great In this country, whichcan manufacture for about all its needs theimportation of foreign goods deprives laborin this country of the privilege of manufac-turing just the amount oF auoh importe. Aprotective tariff is a high tariff, designed torestrict importations, on the theory thatwith plenty of business and labor we will b9able to meet our own expenses.

The latter part of tho tirliclo quoted con-veys tho idea no prevalent with tho modernDemocracy tltat the protection otnw in'dustriea ia at the expense of tha rights of'.ndlviduals. Can Brother Killgore nama itprotected induatry in this oountry that hatnotahoapened the pries of Ihe article it prodaces? Before tho silk Industry was putupon its feet—not many years aeo—wihad to pay $8.75 per yard for an article ofaiikwbioh ia admitted to be inferior to the#2 Bilks now made by American loomsFifteen years ngo, before our eteol indnstrjwas pretested, England mads us pay |1O4per ton for steel rails. When we began to ex.olude English atecl by it high tariff the crywas raised that we wore creating a monopolyat tbe expense of the people. Bat Amerl-oan Bteel rails, the beat in tha world, art.selling to-day In our markets for $88.60 perton. HemovB our protection in this reapaot,and England would undersell ua ia oar mar-ket until by the closing of oar mills and fur-naces abe obtained control pf it, an3 wouldthen put up the price again. Bo we mightgo through the whole gamut of our iodas-tried. Shutout competition from foreigncheap labor and American enterprise andIngenuity will ba found sufficient to bringtho ooit of our pradaols to the lowest limitconsistent with wall paid labor. Incidentalprotection won't do; we want protection foreverything we nan produoe.

Incidental protection 1B a phantom. WhatBro. Killgore might thluk needed Incidentalprotection in tbe North bis Bouthern Demo-cratic friend might think unworthy of anyprotection. For luatanoe, hla party in Con-gress but winter voted almost solidly aplnstany incidental protection on Iron ore. IDrhlob hie own oonnty Is becoming interested.

For lack of sufficient protection iron ore i snow being imported into this country thinyear at tha rate of 0,200.000 touiper annum.Kew Jeniey produoBs ten per cent, of theproduct In tbls oountry, conseqnently weare deprived of tbe privilege ot mining 320,-0O0 tons of tblsamount,whloh would cauBBallour mines to be worked to the fullest extentInstead of many of them being idle as theynow are, to say nothing of wages beingground down to the lowest point.

But we are glad one Demooratio paper IDthis section has the courage toJefend thedoctrines of its party, • and we trust theHnnterdon Democrat will prolong the dis-cussion whloh has been begun, and we bopsrill be ooatinued. In the right spirit

•iff for rcvpiuiR oulv." Hint dnffwn wbfohm>i-or itlinsWti Mod. hwnrontrated ondrovml tbe I mere* t« of froe Inlmr. Timnblinnn mrtv h th« r>ulv sliinld t wlnv

lUdPnt i>ia»»fit of AmcrJcnn laborers fromtlie l.lliiitiinf inRuoncK of tho cheap UUr midflesrm<ti"l linlttte of the pan per mill lu us nfforclcn IHU'IM.

On tMs mint Uann tlm Beintlillran nnrtr(inn well nfford tn n*k fiiilnimuit of tbf Amrr-lean pMinK while thf Dfimo^rnfc in thnlrnrntH Mill tiinlr ornirenttnnx imlUr io n ilouiiicM>IIM, nod font- to plmlieneo tlio DOimlnt- TOT-Hlet hrflcnmUil nvnwal of tiiitir frpe imAndofltrinf*. In dealing vlth ilio tariff tbnllnptililloitn pnr+y phampion* the intercut*of ernry prent imtinnnl imtuntrv, ncd llaiHincflcMit polior cinofi Its noc^sninn topnwerhnM united mnUa\ nmllnliorintliclinr-BintiSniw ilprelnnmptitof o nrotpnritv unnnr-•Itaifidln It* vrrati'lmir nml In H* diffusion

of (inotrinarinnfl nuilthe aophlBtrv nf flortm-KomiPH tlip Senublicnii tmrty holds tin tlinmmrniflofiit record of tlift la»t two ileendirnifl

nli thell f l

wo deendes. inil Inriutfrrandl f l d b

wWnli thetntArBdHodpmtnct^il Inriutfrrandfkill of tlifi Unitml State* hnvellftcil mid bornethp burden of a miglity civil wnr with hnrdly(i tfnekeninn In It* urent Rtriiln of prourem.until to-dnv the dfverattv of OUT renoiircea *nfltbe sennral velfnre of our nfl? ailllonn of

• l t l d f the of our nfl? ailllonilratlon and envy nf thpn record of thn pant andenrsentthelteTratiiioan

I'ihe admitWith auoli n

pnrtv in ftmtifled In ronklne confident „,to thn intpllljioiit suffrages of the worklnipeople of tbe conntry.

This will command tbe endorsement ofninety-nine on! of every one bundled Re-publicans Is the oountry, and if there beny who cannot nUud each orthodoxy as

this they had better go where they belong-to the Democratic jiarty.

The convention of Iron workers of Penn-sylvania and Ohio strongly denounced the.'•revenue tariff" declarations In tha Demo,malic platforms of those Slates. TheAmerican worklngman is too Intelligent to4M caught wtlh chaff.

In Its oontrovery with Judge Blrdull thaSan offers proof that Tildeo gave (25,000toward a corruption fund to eleot Hancockand then professes unbounded horror tbatairfield's election was helped by the use ofmoney. The Sun ia becoming dementednod should bo'turned out.

Tbe Democrats In Ohio a n trying to con-vince the farmera of that State that theyIn favor of B 1 i tariff on wool, but thoUuckeyfl farmer tarns to the record andfinds that the whole body of Democraticmembers in the hut Ctmgteas straggled ear-ne*Uy to reduoe the tariff on that article.

The British Qovernffient is making ar-. nutgementa to Bend 200,000 destitute familiesto Canada, This means that the great ma-jority of them will eventually find their«ay to tub ooantry, when they will becomehardens on theBtato. If free trade is incha good thing for England, what ia the cause


A NUT FOR THE BANNER TO CRACK-The credit or the nation was never so high

as It la now. Thegoveramentoonldborrotra hundred millions to-morrow at four percent. Twenty-three yean ago it wanted toborrow six millions, and cnljr had offers ofabout half that Bum at a heavy discount.For eighteen yean tha nation has been pay-lug off its debt at the rate of about a hun-dred millions a year. During the tens ofthe last Democratic free trade Preeidant tbenational debt WM doubled, and the treasurywas bankrupted. As we had no credit ucderfree-trade, or revenue tariff, we should beobliged if some free trader would explainwby wo havo had higher credit and generalprosperity under a protective tariff. Cer-tainly the country wan notptosperoujat auytuna from 18S7 to 18(11, yet we had tariff"for revenue only " all (he time. If we badthe revenue, what beoatue of it? It wasnot devoted to paying either funded or float-ing debta. We may know that, because thefunded debt increased from 928,009,831 onJuly 1, 1867, to upward of seventy millionson thB lBt of March, 1861. Besides thisthere wai a Urge floating debt, which, addedto tali volume, carried the total up to eigh-

A SET BACK-Few will have any sympathy at ai]

for the Prohibition people on account oftheir oamplete set back In tha GreenbackConvention at Aslmry Park last week.With an overweening dealre to get intopolitics they wont there to seek help andwere willing to swallow any political areedwhatbor they endorsed it or not, that theymight obtain votes. The sam-3 may also besaid of that portion of tbe Greenback partywbo were willing to fuse with anvthing fithe Bake of power. Neither were actuatedby honest motives, else they would neverhave consented to such Biorifices. Theysimply showed an Inordinate desire to getInto office, no matter what the meana.Perhaps the moat chagrined of all were theworkers in this section who have labored iarduously for a "faas" for some years past.Mr. Potter, In particular, haa been anilonsto capture the Prohibition vole, and hasbeen tickling that element with speechesand spBolouB promises, Any one wlicunderstood Mr. Potter knew him to be apolitician capable of any twist or turn toobtain votes. Those who know the fowProhibition fusloniats hereabouts know thattholr object was to beat somebody tbeydidn't like, and make for themselves con-siderable notoriety. Tbey have met theaaaal fate of peoplo who try to, rido twohorses—baviag fallen between tUetu andbroken their political nocks. Before Mr.Potter and his friends attain to eminenoe Inpolitics, or official preferment, tbey havaa great deal to learn, as this Blap In the faasfrom the hand of their OWL party will showthem.

THE LATEST,The latest plaint of the Banner to our

challenge, calling upon it to demonstratethe truth of Its own proposition that a tarifffor revenue will benefit labor, is a weak srythat the EBA has been misquoting it. Toprovo that we have cot one has only to lookat the bead of the Banner's editorial page,where It keeps Btanding in bold type tbeplank of the Ohio Ddmoaraoy, whiah favors" a tariff for revenue," so adjnBted amongother things K to "afford justcompunsa-tion to labor," Now all we ask of the Ban-ner la to give us one ringle argument IDproof of Its endorsement of tbo Democraticidea that a revenue tariff will "afford justcompensation to labor." This is all wo haveinsisted upon, and if it onnnot show it thenit Bhould take down the false doctrine of itsparty, and admit that Ihis modern Demo-oratio ideals not in consonance with justomnensntion to labor. We leave It to tin

Democrats If tbe Banner's self-assumedposition on this question is uot cowardly.

Aftct the arrival uf the Mtirrla ulielal game was arranged which iirorcd oue <tbe moit exciting aud hotly contested ev<jilnyed in Chester. Scarcely on error

\iy clthor party. Dw'» pitwbliiissuperb; he dellramft the hall with a graciful but deceptive curve, nud Miller'sin too well kuowntflrmjuiro auy furthiserration than tbat It vm aim ply fauPnu. HeNdl ou flr«t bnae never sufaradball to pnw him, nud the brilliant plnjli

necond I""" i* a l i 0

thy ormeuttan.n-hlli! tin "kill mipln.v«tbcfloblcrslniik-kiuirthoflyBwaa a fwnot to be forgotten. Meatrs. Dowd and Ciurn—the pitcher anil catcher of the Moline—wore gentleman! v in their ilpportiiiml plnvftl vrlrli Dnpmnnninlfl skill i He

dcllvorcd tlm bnll with gwnt vwiftnoai ;

tflred ouly by experts, nnd Conner lu hitsltion na oalchor irne c.qnnl to tvery cvgenoy; evMontly th*y nre ulnynrs of nperior order. tlmroiiEhly understniiiHnc oother, nnd tlie HUCCWS of the Morris nino'due entirely to tliem as all the otiiora vplarers of very ordinary innrit, sucl* as tlPnlkaDotB only think It ploy to flefentan.v time.

Tlie first two inniuze no runs wore snorclin the tlilrdtlieilrtrriii (tot oue tnnn linmoIn the fourth neithorclnb sot a ran; tififth the Folkn Dots worml four and blnnkfithe Morris; In llio M.lli, thn'Polkn Doh added two more to their score, and the Ikgained four nine. Tli* jramo nnw utoodto ofxln fnvor of thfl Tolkn Dote. Tlin «»'ontii Inninji hoth nlnon were blanked ieiglifh rniaed tlie Morriu' acorc two i amininth RDTO tbo Polkn Dota OHO ndaIIitrun, thus they utood 7 to 7—a tie. K Hrnont now ran up tn fnvcr bent, and t<"Moon" fullerliy fur of nun than BODSOcame bolftt roHe mid nontnl to wnuor •ilnlar, umicil diil, fiumiorcd dollan, Sec,"tiieMorrJHtown IIOVH. NO one pnlil anyt*ntlon to him nud tlio RHIIH* wont on. T!tenth inniDfl wm played •without «nybaitiR iiuHle in the score, but in tho olovciiithe Morris auccoeded in ucttln« In tlirims and MmildiiR tbo Polka Dote. Tlivictory WIIH ohtnintxl thnnigTi tinillp whioli Dec niiuie on Srd base, injuriiilmoolf. Tim score now stood:tlorri*. 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 ft—1

Polltii Dotti, CO 0 0 4 2 0 0 1 0It is claimed however tbat Messrs Do'

and Conner ilo not properly belong toriittowu nine, b

by tliotnro professionals

)n-rceiclaiitn; ifere Lavo no legitimate right to play winay olub competing fur tho oounty chntupic

LS it In only open for boiin fldo reslilo*icr this IK* Ima or not I don't know, 1

tlio mom fact of their being ejected "regul•s of llio oluli at ft mooting hold .It

2Gth aa stated in tho Chronicle won't )•water nt nil, for tboy ootild oleot auy ay/em tbey «o disposed, provided tholrlawn did not pruBoribe it, no matter wlioihis home mlglttbe; but wheutlio flold for n conditional prleocomply witli the conditions or otherwise tinplajing will be ruled out.

Agalu, iftbosotvofsentlenicn arcnou-reidonts, with nil thu wealth of material tlMorristown nffoide to draw from, the cltlneiof Morris oouutynrts uot BO blind, foolish iidiotic as not to ion the pimy meanness vfUorri« wine, aud will nil ngrco tliDj dcieino better mitno thun cringing ninkomponpLast wook tbo Mount Hope olub protests

und Conner. Hiuo Hill nn<Dover clubs fallowed suit, aud now tlieDots say ifiiootiiorolubB will pluytbom tin


Jii't; not leoousc they fonr tbeui—foifear nothing Morris county can produe

willing touf [iriucijilo

skillTlio Tolka Dotsith anything in

iuty, but they don't- propose to playthe United Btutcfl simply because It rnn;ibauo« to bo witliin tlio gcograpuloal liouuJo•Ins ol t ie oountj.

The lludilH (lid not blossom to-day (Tlimy (t of tie ratu; to-morrow (

of them will 1)1 oom Ifday,) on aecouduy) possibly *

Tho ChuHtor Comet Bund wilfumlflh the muiid.

Prof. Abbey fs innltlnit groatfor unc tiflila pntetit ooucurtfi next Tucmli

ifk'riioon utid eveningJBora by a eopyrjtfh9 never attended

FLOCKTOWM-lira. Goo. Bohuvlcr.oftliisplnoo, ln» been

quite BiakwitulnflQUunntbiL of tlio hovels,but IB now improving under tho tnreful nmu-ftganiontofDr. llann, who gives good Biitla-footlou for a yoimg praotitlouer. Dr. II. hinot located iu any plaoe OB yet, but cnnitom-plat«B to do so now HOOD. We wish him alltbo aucccut> that liln profession will give llnhud hope tbat pooitle will uot nvoid jmtnnlelng lilin bocauBo bo is IIumeo])uthie.

I learu that John A. Parker will tnko cliamof the Ullt'n school licit,ye v .

MIBO liczle Parker bos gono to DolnwntOD a visit We roiu her at tho organ in Bun-day ichotil—but the vacancy is filled byMia« Lydle Runyon, who will please aeoejitour slnoerfl tbanki for hei"; H.H, FftirchUd nnd wife, of Horriiitcvra,aw now stopping with Mr. Wm. Flook, ofthis piece

Mrs. Itohert Eliton, her son and dimgliter,of Newark, an now boarding with Mr. 0.frnackharoiuer, nt which place M B . h. 3.Smltli is also boarding, and enjoy the Salu-hriouB atinospiien of these famous itains,

I had the iilenanro of nttorn! Ing nn Titft«rtny,Htli.uplo-nioof Sunday nchooli from Oer-taanVallny and other neighboring solioots,and of the good time that all enjoyed 1 cannot flutl room to toll you, hut hope Hi at yourGerman Valley correspondent will Lot forgetyour columnB In regard to tho ole-nin,

rioolttovrn school -will have a pie-iileA good time h tintioiiialcil.

A prominent young man of DroVcatown,caroleasly loft hl» vest hauglug on the porcha Bhort time since, Jn wbioh I uiulonfUad wanton <lallnr», but wbenho ooinp for Ms vest It

« gono. He imm^iiiabilv liorranod abuok-kind friond, anil a rod (I lonrn)

ty milliiiom. If a revenue tariff was the beafor the country, wby was the publlo d«bttrebled In four years? Can the Banner sayanything in favor of Its roveaue tariff thatwill controvert thwofMU'f .

If Itreqaired S4S2,000 to secure a Ue-poblican majorHjr In Indiana, and the prlooof votes was two dollars each, Republicansn u t have been alarmingly searoe la thatState at the beginning of the umpalgn.-•Washiugton Star. And Demoorata whoceuld ba bonght for $2 par head moit havebees alarmingly plentiful.

' During the first six months of this yearthere waa shipped from Bilboa lt74G,7u7tons of Spanish ore, or about five times asmuch i s was produced ID Morris Countyduring that time. Of course tbe greaterpart of it was'shipped to thia "tariff rid.dan" country to [UnatraU how the Banner'sidea of a revenue tariff will benefit Ameri-

The papers state that tho Cambria IronQo., which has been uiiog Naw Jersey on,Is now importing vast qoantltlee of Spanishu d Airioaa one. ThB iron on tariff isnothing more than a revenue tariff. Willthe Burner show how It bentfltl Uia minara

, of Honls County? Bat we forget, the Ban-nardooant sanaflajpable at eiptainlng Roy-thlcg Mgarding iU position on tbiaquortion.

THE SENATORIAL NOMINATIONA complimentary soiled of Senator Yonug-

blood in the E u of two weeks ago seems tohave afforded Ihe Jerwyman an opportunityfor making a vigorous attack ttpou that gen-tleman as a oandidtte. A few weeks before,when we learned tbat Mr. J. Beward Willswas a candidate, we complimented him In asimilar way, aod it would give ua pleasureto DDtloe favorably tbe claims and qualifloa-Uoos of any honorable and competent tte-pnbllcaa who may bo named In connectionwith the office. I t was far from onr purposeto forestall the action of the comlnslinp;contention and we think the Jerwymanmakes a mlatake In trjlnytodo so, unionit can demoiutrato that the candidate towhom It Is opposed has bean unfaithful totha principles or hi* party, or'the interutsof his constituents, which in this instaDce itbaa not Bven attempted to do. We thinkthis nomination nay with safety and pro-priety be left to the judgment of the partyin convention assembled, and that the wisestand best thing wo can do, as newspaperstnd Individual*, is to resolve to Bupportany candidate the convention mar presentto us, proriifing he Is a good Bepuhlican,sta honorable man, and ooaliSedtofiU the

In boating mitten Courtney does all the

;omt»hle and wna about to 1w off In a fewminutes after wi old nirtn and hit wife, irliohoceitly get n livlag by landing umbrellas.Dnt about the time they were rendy to speed,a relative who 2B a visitor, let out thn sequel,and told them B]IO -would nnd tlio VOBI—ahcwent and got it from where she bid it.

• : - AKOX.

HIBERNIA.Our irieod, Mr. Wm. Davy, ha* removed toDonton. We dealro tkat auooeu may attend

nino In his us w borne.e return gniue of the Walkers aud Mo-

tloc* WM played,hen at Lower,Hlbenda,Saturday, Aug. 11th, aud resulted in. tbo tto-fcatof the Walkers by a h*ro of 15 to 12.The game was the Aneat plnjctl bare tills tea-BOD, bath clubs ahowhift an improvement onh i MOur M.E-8nbl»oth School are tn haro nn

xcnnlon to I ahfl llopntcong, via, CentralB. It. some time this present month. Theywill take luncheon and refreshment tn regalethe inner-person and a band to furnish luuilcfor tbe ODOUIOS. A good time it •ntlcipiited.Do not fail to accompany them.

Mrs. Honry Lumsden has lUrted lor hernow >. une at Johnson City, Tenu., near Crnn-borry, Nortu Cnraliua. She wiU travel Uiili-notly, flnt visiting friends In Newark andvicinity, 'fbelwst wishes of bar many friends

drills the music in the sprocess. Those who liaiof the Profowior's coneerla ought unruly to nitend. Tlie adniisaion is only 25 ccnis, nndto worth more than twice tlmt amount to ren«one cf his progrniRmofi—it wilt make joinliairstaml on end and your check tenblanched for a week. This is tlie way il hegiiisi "Yoke, Ynlio, Yohol Serloiis troiilrfn Chester! Trenioiidlotia Cyclone uf SonjNoah's Enft ou tbo way I" Well if nuybod:wants any moro lot them come next TuesdayIglit nnd puy2o cents ior it. I nan't nffonln give it for nothing, especially nt tbo ex-ICIIKO of the I'mfuBflor.Tliu now sido walk which Is to oxfcmil froi

tho Coiigragatloniil Church to ihe Crow"a, mliatanco of 4,350 feet-or about SODi Bliort of» mile, is to be constructed

the lent chCHtnut plank oue nnd otic-lmifiiiohea thick, bild lcugtliu-igQ over 4x0 ohent-imtjoiHtB thrfto feot npart. It will rcciuiiSl,m feet of planking, and 6,(100 feet of jointThon-nlkls to bo four foot in width. Tlcontract has Wen given Mr. 8. H. HopWi

to supply tlio material.A new cinder wnlkienow being con«truct

BlouftAciuloiiiy street} it 1B completed frouiUnln street to llnplo aveuue, HQII It la proposed to extend It on an far m Cherry street

It would lie a wise tiling to tako tho be«iplnnkthntnowcon8atute tho old walkwith it construct a walk from Main Bdown Pcrrj- utrect, find thonoe wji Maploniio to Academy atreet. There willnrohnW;ho enough good plonk to do this.

Urs. Jamas MatUson of Kleiningtan, HIJolin Snayto of PhllliiiBliiirK, Miss l)»lSwayie and bsriHtie Irothor Fred from HiYork City, nrc ut Samuel Swnyio'o. Mr. ntSirs. a. A, Durkliart have returned from tlioweok'ii sojourn in tho mountains of Fnminyvnnin.

Mrs. Vf. J. Taylor linn l»cen quite 111, Inwe nre linppy to sny i* now Imprnviug.


MOUNT FREEDOM.Visitors Iroin tho oltien nro gilonly. M

Burnett's mid Oeorge Fool'a families havrecently enjoyod tlia company ofirlmuls fromabroad. Mr. Job Wolfo is rocnlring n visifrom his daughter, Mrs. Dobbins, nnd hcifamily. And nlut from ola *OB, Anul, IDookortown, Mr. U. P. Allon nnfl vlte mvisited by her daughter from Kowark, Mi-a.Uulbert. 8. D. Toungn and family, by PctiYoungaand family., lira. Ellison Coo by hermolber ami l\ Oats are liarv€«tcd and thrcslilngiwi'. cm-tueneed.' ; : " '. '

Peaches nre ripening, and being mnrlcoteil,but nre rather Bmall insiEe,

Potatoes are troubled with tho rot, and wfear many floliU will not be dug.

The HothodisU nre arranging for a fair amfestival, to be held Mine timeiu Seplotnler.

The Sunday school in the Wolfe ilintriotore to hove n iilc-nio to Imko Uopateoug nexiweek Wcilneaday.

Itev. Mr. Honeynian weupiei ttic Presliy-terianpuliiltnext Snnilay, Mr. Smith goingto Moms Plaina.

Loit fiunlay wot a pleasant day In tlieHettitxliat Church. The Prahyterian IMIIdid sot ring itnd n number fnioi that obnruhviittedui. In tho morning the sermon wasabout" Serving God " and In the evening on" Latarus." The Sunday school ha* a good•apply of choice singing books, and will nodoulit show appreciation by buorty singing.The former pester, Bro, Miller, has been Intown. We understand he 1H pleasantly «itu-atod ami enjoy* his work. ALFHA.

talking and Hatilan all the rowing.

Tho jieraonal property uf the late Bobert L.Qarruon, of Hacksttatown, nmonnU to about415,000. ThoporsonwboflloilacavcnUffulsitIiliwillI*UiBiFaanleE.Unnlng,ofSenville,Morrli county, a maiden aunt of the deceased,and wbo Is ninety-one yarn of age, ThB onlylenefioburj under U>« will i* Nn. B»r»h J. Bex-ton, a wcond eouaia who has long been atnember of th« household of the ilaceaaed.

Ths Oldeit Clock in Sutisx.In all tlio reronl* thin fhr published

Dernlng olil cloeka, there a n none that showin ace equal to thetono owned by 8. H. 811-eni,orSrauobv]Ue. Itisfrobohlj tbo old-

est tlme-kocpor in the Btato, If uot in theoountry. Thla olook wos made by AnthonyWard, in Qarnmny, who li aviorfed an linv-Ing died, old and blind, about tbo year 1880.Tlio clack -VM brought to this rouutry IjyJohn Konuff, who landed on Jtanattanli

tl (now Now YorL city) In lffiH. KanufF,h f t f W

iner, wbo viu amosg the Brat wttlers ofFraukfonl tewnshi]i. William Bceraer diodabout thirty ytta* ago, and tbo olook n usold at that time. The clock is cue of thoold-fasliionedhlgb ones, with a plain walnutCOM. The fnee is made from solid bran,wltn the figures mid ornaments all curvedrut. In addition to marking the senonih,minutes and hoqn, it also tells the duy ofthe month.—Suuex Herald.

The Postal Notei.The new postal note*, whieh arc to ba ««d

aft-sr Eeptemlier 8 in the tratumiuion of smallaum.< d money thnmgii the United flute*moil*, HK boingprinted and will be really for•btputent to an thn pn*t office* In tin omintwtliiWeck, Anotecanheulledoutbynpoi^maater far any aaioiint not exceeding 46, at acost to tbe Bender nf three cent* for eachnnte.The notes are made payable to V the hearer,Vand they eaa he used M fractional onrreneya anv pUee to wbicli they ore sent. Bnt it

wUl be the part of wUdom far the public inI'Ueaunge&iirnscinUilsway. I

Important to School Teachers.County Superintendent* of schoola dirt'.

the nttenUoa of e&a&datm for toachtifluutcs to the fallowing regulations reoentiHMiied Uy State Bupcrhlteudent Apgar

Every applicant fora oertiflonte is expectcto JIWB oKaoiination la tbo oouuty in waiclie ttt teaching, or in wliicb lie lias made

Every applicant wlio hu, not securedpetition, if a reddeotof the State, h expftto present bbuulf far exarainatiou iucomity In which lw reetdes; ifnotaiealdthen iu the iHiunty nearest hla plaoe of •dene*.

If, ns o matter of convenience, a teaebidesires to present binuelf for examiuatli•ome other county than tbe one inwblabIs teaching, or expects t« teach, be may dowith tbe coiiHcatof tho SiiperiutendeuUthe two enunttc*. Iniuohcase tlieexamiition papers nro to be sent to the Snporinident of tbu county in which the applicanttitles, or in which he expfwts to teach,-whim tbey aro fat be graded, and the oei«ate~-Uiasued-isto be granted.

A tenohor, ahnnghlg from one eounty 1iixitler iu wliloh he lias never taught, fbm

when lie applies for a eertificnte pruBeut 1tbe Superintendent ot tho oouiity lu whloh heproposes to teach, a recommendation from-tha Superintendent of tbe county in whtehlie lout taught. This rule is to apply tojllcantfl fnr ouch of the three grades.

Weekly Iron RpportThe Engineering and Mining Journal cf

Saturday gayjiAMBBICAX Pro.—The dullness whloh wo

occasion to note In our just issue hoseonitied, snd the outlooJc is at present eertatnot at bright as many would bnve the puhlhcllem The plg-iron trtide is not outadopt itself rapidly in any changes,

ethe known measures taken duringfirst ]mrt of the year have done muoh towarlirerentinjt a very serlonit uverproduotioiand have brought about a hualtlilor state i

iffnin, tbey have not effectud ncure. Wb!No.] Ueertainly not lu ovor-ntijiply anilllrmly held, other gradea arc nvallalilo In fiquantity, nud in some canes Dan only beby making couccBttio&B. We continue to qua«8and*23,»>for standard to choice Noordinary brands being ol)t*luiil>le at a closBien of Me.; «19.t» anil «20.50 far ordiui

tii oliolca No. 2; mid *18 and $30 for inferioto olio I BO Gray Forge. Demouier Plit is du'at *20.60 and $21 at tidewatniliut sold in considerable <iumitJtlOB, tbe blghigrade* at (30.50, aud tlie lower at 925.79

2(1.Tho week has been an exceedingly iiuic"

at the Exchange, the only I rmisitotlon 1tlioHnloofaOOt— - " " ~ 1 " ~ ' • " J

cry, al*2a.

the only Irmisitotlon lieofKo, 1, December d

Fifteenth Regiment History.Tbelliatory of tbe Fiftu'iith -V. J. Hi

niont Ii now ready, The Exeoutlv-e Coniitee directed iti iucrcfue hj CO pageB, toJIIIUO tbo cutlro cntnpany rolls slid iiiedprice at ¥3 to cover cxiKsuaen. Some subsoiduns wore token at (1.50; but none tbue suscribing uood foel obllgoil to tnkc tbo liouTlio liUtory will bo malleil post-frco toseuiT.Bg $3, the subscription price, to Chiluin llniuQB, Hamburg, SIIBBCX CO., N.After Sept. 1st. the remainder of tbe udltltwill bo given for sale und distribution t

jiio TbouijiHon, (lutoofCo. 13) the ag<eRBghnciit,TrciitJ»n, N.J.

VICINITY NEWS.Tho HuoketUtown Proubyterlaii Suiid

School will go to Conoy Island next Tbuday.

Mr. and Mm. Archibald Prluo, of Hucfcotbtown, celebrate their goldeu wedding to-da;-Friday.

'liiellaekcttstowuaazettc in certainly <oiisalile for the exuberance with whicheetobrntos tlie first flnulvetsnry of the lie'iinnuUdiaeiit. It luu bBwi i goud pajicr.Julin I. BUir lug recently ndduil 9100,0001

b«eutluwnicutoflliesoboul funudcdbyhliat BUlrsMnn. Dr. 8. II. Sbumakcr,known for Ills educational labors in Penn-sylvania, lia« accepted thn lViiicipiilsUintho aolioal.

A. SI. Titut and wife, Wr«, Illuir, und a siwit, otlrvlngtoo, who am visiting llucketown, were all oerionsly pnkmied by untiluusk molona contaluiii)! Paris green,t WM only by prompt ami Iwrd efforts tlmt

their lives were snveu.

It 1H said that John Htnmm, of tbu Wiren Journal, wMbnplisod In a null pond nthnt llio fifth Iu Ihtt jiartiuuliir ]>uwouldn't Lite for thrco montlii afterwiinl.Wo now UiiderstaiKi tlmt tbo ItolvlderoBoard of Health kiH order him to diBlufect

noiitli before tlioy prosecuto hinnintaltilug a uiiiinni'o.

lloury StcvcuB, uf Detkcrlowii, was nrratcdlp Jersey Clfy on Wuiluemlnj- for beatlnhfs litllo dnughtcr in the street. Steveihn» left lioine on Monilnj- tn make eomc jm

ics iu Now York. lie got drunk ami lotmoney and his return tickets. Faibei

nud dnngutor pasted tlio uigbt In tbe street*When the ohild sought to get Win to tbe atr

>n to BCO if 1ho rnilruad peojilo would nuee Iliem to thnlr linmo be bent hoi-. Tli

child was scut homo In nu afternoon truiand Stercus woe locked up to get nobor.



GEO. McCRACKEN'S,Blackwell St., Dover.

AWNINGS»r nlorrB otid print a IIOUBCS ni.ido. AIHIIDREN'S TEXT;! for aslc, 7i7 feel

;liea tniiaro byVf. S. OOI.LARD,U|lio]ntorr.,

Dover, N. J,

•Gutters r e m a i n i n g u n c l n i n ntntbePostOfflce nt Dover.N.J

Dover, H. J., August 11th, 1883UiKtbeih Ai-kermiti, ArocHii Jackson,!Hjali iodersou, Uirv J, Lauiifii^,amto BocU, Mary A. lloorfl,rt. Edwird Osnticl, ?rnu!i lteyiolds,

\. Carlion, Fm. atioiele,

IR ff. Flolitor, Marietta Urcn,lI<tf'aettinjj, JoDts Wab»ek,

lellioOilbcn, SlleabctbWhita,:iU0. flordop, Hiohtnl Williams,ItlU Hnglieii. O. B. WarniOD,

BllzibelbW. YounS.Tn oblnln tuv of Ihe above letters say " ><1'- " d" and S!VB date of this Itit.

' (J. 0. UINCHHAN, I1. II,


_ r tbinfas for liberal patronsge In tho past.3rderibr Iclcgripb tnoieenjcerortolcnhonc

' JOH^ JONES. U-uUrUkcr,Roctiwij, N.J.

MARRIED.AKEE-rOBDYCE—At the Prealijtorliinparstniace, Dover, AngiiBt ldtli, l>y licv. W.iV. HnlTowoy, .Ir., Edwiu tf llaker,Slliabetn, and 8»rali Frances Fonlyoc,Onion.

JE»—BEST—At Tmnquilltv M. K. I'nr-;o, AnKtmt 5th, tij B2v. J. II. Egbert,

. _.iing F. Staples and Bertha MajTall of Stanhope, , .

'LEUINO—PinLnOWEH-AnguBt Int. nyR«v. E. W. Ivnng, Dun III FIRIHW, of Fair-inount, and Canto riillhowcr, of Middle

DIED.IPHKELL-At Bookaway, Anc. lflth, Albert

*, infant son of Wflllatn E. and PhmboBtmnell, nged 6 month*. Funeml Bervieeaa.t ludfpiwt two o'olook ou Huturday, Aug.


IGHTING STREET LAMPS !Sealed pruponli Hill bo meshed bj tho on-

il for lighlinj i«a keeping llio ilrosl

>pl In order. Alto for anppl; or oil, wioki.

latOE.j», ftu. SpecUpstlDnl ID bo uun al

U:otk'icfflot. Bill will bBopenri Aug.

TDO0. n . CnnTENDEH,

Oti l ra .nors t . CommlllM.

Prospect Hill School.

Termi lor iesilon of thirteen woekiJon in EBRllih, Litln and frenob or Ger-i, 110- Primary CIMS lo Bendinir •»« Oralrelies, IS. No extras except mniio andliitiff. A few jounx l»die» rfleeived urdera. kd&teu. bv mall nntil September

A few joung IKaiea rsoaivcu •. „ AddreM, by null until Beplembe8d; after tbat date by null or in perton,

«T-8wp MI8B t . a BU01E, Doror.

WATERGAPEXCURSIDNunder the anaplnei or tbe Swond K E, San*

daySobaol, of rover, N. J.,

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 22d.

I I I jlli

HSr The fire from Bocktff^y to Dover andreturn mil be dednolcJ from the nrlae oftickois, to secemmodato all nuo wish to sa

from Bocknwir. 87-1

3VOTXOE3.Estate of William J. LeFevre,

deceased,"QOftFUTANT to the ordar of the SurrogateU of the Oonnty or Morris, nude on tharnnrteentli duy or Angnnt. A. I>. one Iliununil

berpbr clren to tlf penman Utlng olalniiagsinBt the enti te or William J. LeFevre, Utenfthe8onnt»ofMorrl«,deoe«sed, to present theRtmo, lindar oath nr affirmiHan, io the sub-norlber, on or uefore tbe fourteenth dty ofW»T nest, being nine months from tbedtte of Bilfl order i and any creditor negleot-ing to bring in anil exhibit hli or bar olslm,nuderoith or affirmation, within tbe time solimited, will be forever barred nf bli or hernciion therefor atrainit the Adminlslrator.Dated the fourteenth day of Auguit *. v. 1883.


AH clnfms to bo presented to NeiRhbmir &Smith, Dover,N.J. 87-10w


60,000 Ctiesll 0t neir WMTeai Tla. Suez D u l l arrlrcd INew Vork lait Wedncidar snaiinipecred bf Custom Houoflleen and found to




6OO OHB8T!ol tbe above cargo tbroajtb a N e * Tor

Tea Broker of 40 jean experience,sad me now ready to supply

tbelr customers attheir store,

Blackwell St., Dover, N,

SMITH & EOKHART,(Saoceaaors to Ira O. Cooper,)


Coatraola t&ken an<l m&tcrlAla fiiruiibei] fir


Ofilee on UorriB Ututt. naxt to farmer titoMEB» bolldini. Dover, N. 3.



H. P. SANDERSON'SC.UHIAOE HEP03IT0BY. l'srtooa ]|Hngout in the country oau tvrito Tor ntm to orcrypoiut West. Suoli InformAlian will bB far*Qlalieil promptly.


(Htst Hfoliarrl'ii8tor9,85-tf Dover, H. J.

DRY GOODS!Both Staple und Fancy, Dre,, Sllkj,

Drew Qoaili,Trlinmliig 8IIIM Blidl Snltni,Corteti, rfoilnrpnudlVotloft*, and errry-Ihlng lieMalulng lo a complete drygood* tlock at prleci in re to lult nt

H M . H. BAKER'S ,D o v e r , N. J.

&• Never before Btnoe ( ley openi

tbeir bra neb store nt Dover bave tli<

offered better bargains ia TEAS AN


The N. Y. & China Tea Oo. will fii

you half a dozen tea cups uDd sauce

with S lbs. too or 6 lbs. coffee.

Tbe N.Y. & OhiDD Tea Oo. will gi'

yon 1 one-half gallon glass pitclier worl

80c. fur I lbs. tea or 6 lbs. coffee.

The K. Y. k China Tea Oo. will giv

jou lmlf a dozen gobietB witli 3 ibs. tc

or 6 lbs. coffee.

Tbe N. Y. & China Tea Oo. will

you one funcy lamp worth $1.50 nitli

lbs. tea or 10 lbs coffee.

Tbe N. Y. & China Ten C>. will giyou Preoob obioa tea SQtB 4C piece;poioeliiin ten sets 44 pieces; moss rotea sets 44 pieces; B.tone china tea GOU pieoos; English willow tea sets 8(pieces; Biriss cottage tea sets 86 pieces.Also toilet sets, maroon and pink, 1(pieces eaoh; nil kinds of vegetnbdisbes, COO pairs of fine vases, unit othiarticles for bousebota use.

WB again call your attention tolanlity of our coffees and teas; poiirely tbey are the beat imported,

Summer Boarding Houses:It will be l o l t o interest of tbe ownei


give ns n call before purcbosing else-

wbere. We will Bell them cheaper llin;

uy New York House.

B&* Any of tlio above wares can bi

bocglil at NBW York prices.



MONDiT.Aug.27th.1 Tlie qrrst In ter-Oecnn \m firmly fglaMislint itself as n cf»r,srit niious slow nuti PArrIadVLTtist'iimiiiM oiu lo tho lettur."—IIAUTKILU (Coim.) OIHUUST.






LED IN QESEI1AL KXCEU,lWi:E, II«niii,»B , „ , i i liimmlti&n


Im than liavoci'or bu'foru betu t-unflued unrlfirouti'maiiaEiimout.1'1'1'B°a| 3°nB* °'


MILLIE ORISTINE, the Two-Headed Lady I


SUPERB DOUBLE RING CIRCUS!JonUlnlng • snDerb cooBtollilioa of 100

AHESIC 8TA1U, led by

WILLIAM SHOWLES,© riicLomenil Ridor. Tho (Jlumpion or ill

th*Chiinip1f)DBsrB!Mclt Rider* "o KirtU.CnqucHllonatiU ihe urea teat rider that

over stood upon & lioreo,

ELLA STOKES.orWs Pride. Tlio tcknotrlcdgeil moitonllfnl Hid l>o>t Otrobick Eqanalionna

In either Earope or Ameriu.

SALLIE MARKS,io pktilDff, popnlir, polite premier of Iho


«•"'• Aim WIBJUUJ.. u . , ejUTin C.n.n. Tli. l,nl Vjuei^


SUMMER 8T©(0K- O F -


WtitlockS Lewis'WILL BE SOLD AT











ALL SIZES, In f.d tvrrjliiiiiB iu tlo




D O V H H , KT. iT.

tLJUUrOTff § M




/ j ;3fl i 6:18*; T:N i 7:31 j 8.31 I 8 i'.d 11.18 A. M. l,H7*;a,J4:

o.Wi (.D7*i *ndB,8C P. U.


i New York for Dover—T:W; 7.80* ; s.00- ilfl.ID A, V. 13.00; 1.00* { B.30 j t.SD ;j

i.10 ; 9,10; 7.00*1 andT.*BP.M.\ * V I * Booctou Brineb.

^LuTs Dover for Troutou «nd Pyilelptiii, «fUO. O. B. at (1.3) j

A.. U., and S.aiJ P. K , .




' 0 B W M ™ » r T n f » E ° L M 8 E a ' B ™ " 1 ™ IN EfERI DEPARTMENT.' AOF.NTI n S ' ? ? N B I ™ " I M WATCHES. My en.ll, r.. lo ta, toENT'wiS»'™ »n» U . i ° V "'" '"""'• mWi&1 0 P IMITATION AKD FBAUBU-


NEWARK, N. J.c»,.ec.t.,nr invlle the cili,,,,, o t , ) o T ( , r ttnfl T i c l n i t , 0 , l u l r

»<i» ami elegant Hock of



LADIE3'AND C H I l S " ObODB, N DOmMIO 'DEPAnTMENT "™, r t i"B a » o d " . Oourl.nW. be» Black Or.po.00LESB, UBENS ADD COTTON G D I l r a . i , " ' " ' " 1 ' ' " " medM '"' bOMefcetper. 1B(•a-SEW YOBK PHICES-ti) ,1 ' * " " ' "'° BOOC1" «1»™ i««»llo»ea .r..»U

CENTENNIAL BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market fit,nmfng Flrit Befnrtaail Clui rclifiollre aTorage soul of Pull CoiiPHo IOBIH i n i, NEWARK, N. J-

'BO*. tM09 JL10WK,


3ARRIA0E PAINTER,Shop on OlintonBfc, Dover.

i i i

M. MCLVEY, A. M.. Principal.W. W. WINNER, S.«



LAGER BEElt!on lip >t BKSlLrs. Bums BI., DOTO, S. 1 .

opp. Uoiin1! Opor» num..

Page 5: THE DOVER LUMBER left at WilliamH. fiakei'* storu mil rooelip earofal and prompt attention . The Seneca Falls Yeast



IRONi»*v. An;.

A T , "NT ims.

Morrii county peachw o» wiling far |1 perbasket,

Tbo Dover rolling mill w » started up againon Monday.

TUe olrcns will mchlbtt on Burrogata, Ho-Davit's property.

Pr. R, A, Bennett has bud a telephoneplHoed Is Ids office.

Mr. t'Bu«" Vannes* it having a bouseerected on Fair View Hill.

Tbe omEO for lint water before limakfuiit IB

iiHsiiniing large proporiionR,

II ifmnw thp correct tliini; tomnrry in haute

ami rejwnt a t your fntliiT-in-lnw'H.

Mt. Tnbor vats connected -witli tho oiiUlde

world by telephone Biitur-lny.

Jii(lt!fi Child HiV.1 n Hi* pnuiil picki

from SliinifrHin;e. tin' ..tlifr dtt\\

NiiiuhiTK of iHHtr i-liihiroB nf Newark

fil »t l

Mv. i". E. Hiird I d fru i t h e S f r -


killt'il urntl

Jin will lmri

Mr. I). H.

" P u t t y It in

«lo ilollu

'.V 'J'llll

•'Bt 4,000 lmBl«'tpU»f|Jf'U(>lll'H.

We luvo licard wvenil nnurki about flw

TUeState FatrattUfc 17th to the 3Ut of September.

Heavy wraps have Wen moeaurr at theevening services st Mt Tabor this wek .

Itli rcporUil thatpoUtcM a n rotting had) j .Xt ii nlffujB the way when tiiert'a a

Tbe ladle* of tha Iroala Qnapel will loMa festival oa the euapel ground* on Thursday

Y.-W, W, Halloiray, Br., wU pwwh inthe Presbyterian Church at Stanhope nextSunday.

The mort pleasing outlook for many yearsla found In tha large number ot grata stacksin the fields.

A festival for tho benefit of the IronUJUapei will ho held by the Uulfe* at that place,iext Thursday,

MaJ. J. P. Farley, of the Government pow-der works, moved ypstordny to a rutlduncc onMadison Ave., Murrintown.

r. linker Smith, nf Jit Freedom, oeea-hr- Prosbyti'i-liin pulpit at Morris


Tho Afliturtmeerfnr of the Coalman Con:oil ww hold on HoDdfly ftrening, with «U

The mlsatfl* of to* ]pmeeting were q n d .

Hanhal Kelley reportei no arrerta totnonth. ; / r;RlHiagfoUowi ^ere Biulttei andM i Onrnirft nn im nit for Jnlv, «P».O

Freema Wo«lrIii.t1*flBee,«tMjX fl, PaOt JM. P. Hnli M « h l «

k * i?ardee it Clark, *M; P. 3. CoMWan; Janitor,"B.

A eotninnnieation was naArtA from H.D]okerson,asHn|t permission to repair irephrak tha scales in front of Me •tore, j

m d to Street Committee with power.A blTl WM p i w n W hj W. L Ribble,

Orchard street, for «4 ( ^hich U alkies, ( K

the amount of diunime done hb gardenproperty hv water from tbe street, tbo ditchrunnimt tbraaga tha oemotary not hivabeen elcAretl In agreral yean. On motionWM rflfnrred to a fipeoUl comnittoe, nnrnlwl bv the tbror, eosdating of Mown. SmiiIfunee i L t h l


imC'n., M.Y., Imslici

(i Mt.'f'iilKirpiii

. Tiittk-, of UuMti,

•niiBl Hover tills

i packed full


tiieh «.-nn«.- Ki-v. 11 r. (iil.l. 1m« K-< ,

i!'V KuuU ximiHioti, on the Mtnilhiu

S. llastlnKsOnnit, the nrw Comj>

ew York oily, formerly rerf.Vd at

Tlie clitmituof Culm dm-* not i ^

II. G. Maekwri), and he him l.e

• tinirrh '

hiirjjltirof u In. of l<-

Thu New Fmiiullaiid M. E.

will ui«-bio u t Urccnwooil I.i


Tlio Prohytar inu Cliuroh U

mid will not IID opined fur m


Them ia 180,000 Sunday He'

N«JW Jersey, cf whom 40,0001


Itev. W. W. HnlUiwny, Jr., will |i

Cnldwcllnml Newark the coming I


Tho Delaware, Lacknwaiina ami

Eiailrood IB doing a big oxturdiuii

this Glimmer.

Thn Plunders ilq

Sntuiday night to tli

nud other uiticles.

Itov. Mr. Grillith, of l'Mludelirtiin, Ini* iimlei

consideration a i»ll to Iko re».'H»wh!ji »f Si

J.ihn's Church, Dover.

Wiltctnbnrg College, Ohio, IMIH (ioiifcrtvil

t l iedugreeofD. D., on Kov. A. I I H U T , lor

uicrly of Qcriuau Valley.

At High BrWfiO ldfttskiierrien lira ni-lling fm

five uuiits a quart, lucklebBrrioa fur (cii I'I-IIIH

und iicnohosfor fifty ceiitn.

The death la onnonnoail nt KiuB<iton, PH.,

of the wlfopf Itichard CoHtl.itt ami iliui^hlui

of Mr. Kuocli WilliuHiB, of Mino I1IIL

Samuel It: DoMott, of Pamlpvauy, him hrei.

orrested ior obtiiiuing a liurwo Iu Ncwjrlt mi

nuloundotl reprcBontutioiiH of inutittH.

Bonj. II, Vogt, formerly of the CHA, hn» If .

come the editor o f t h o Altoona ArRiw, i»tib-

UBIIOII nt Altooua, Omnjj" Co,, J'loridit,

The iBdlea of the II, E. Church of Flundci-h

will hold thoir annual fi-itlval ou W.-dnemlny,

the 20th tliut. I'rocoada for tlie cburcb.

The Sabbath School of tho fecund Informed

Chureh of Somcrvillo will i;o un an exciiwioii

to Lake Hopntciniit, Wpdutwlay, Aug. 2».

Tlio whaling tteot will Lo in town next wei k

—thnt is, tlio minimi einiiiinaticm uf tuiit'hrrs

tiikos pluco 111 Dover next Friday nml S a t u r

Ej.Uocpalliai HTVIMR, condnclod b j Kcv..

Mr. Uunind, of Wnahiugton, were held in tin- j

Union Chapel, 8C1IMI<?'« Mouuiaiu, la«t Sun- ;


ThoiicwpOHtAl order will be n HiPiuifl ofau-

noyunce to many people who wish to send mi

eren«5. Tlio limit of any one order being

Mine Felicia, d a u b e r of Her. Dr. II. A.

llulta, President nf Drow Seminar)', win vmr-

ried on Wcdnwiny to Uev. Mmhnilel W.


The Btuldeu nud entirely uiiExpcrU'd dtiitli

o fMr . James Wood.ef Venpack, Is aniouue

e l Hia d ta th rcmiltcd from an nl lack »f par

Prof, Ianao Ki»u will be tlio pritiolpnl ol

t to South Btaulono public scliool for tho en

Ming JOM, witli Urn Ford n« nfwtatant, wht

eantiiiuoH from lust jour.

A tablet Inberted in its wall rcoordu tlio fact

t i n t "Tho Dutch Bebmiod Clinrch of l'.nnp

ton Pluins won founded iu tho year 1771, timl

rebuilt in the year 1814."

John Bona, who for a number of yfutn IKIK

been Widely kni>wn in M s nection, diod on

8nuday morning nt hia home iu tliw [ilnn1.

wlierohe has resided ainoe last upriug.

Mr. John B. Kregcr has tnVen Hie barber

s lop on Suisex Btrnct recently occupied by

W . H . L a k o . John is a good fellow, under-

nlandH his buiiueBS nnd ou^bt to do well.

Rav . J , Walter Lowrie, fonuprlj I'riucipnl

of tbo Madison select solionl,linH grudnn

from Princeton Thcologianl Bcuiiniiry, :

will go to China a* a missionary Sopt. Int.

The Mine Hill F m h y t c r l a n Sumlay DGII»DI

uindu a pio-nio u

dm «|M-iiiiig for ib


in IV nun I inn nifty be

1 Hill Kclio

tnincd rcjuita-

Toldt W. ('lift, oftho Dunnoro

MmliAon Eartle, and we belh e tbatoetlcnt

a lad iimncd Culinrt

nriri (Hen (innllll

ml liiri I.-).' oninln-d hclow thu kneti. He died

made with tlioiiiili-a liy which

Sunday Svlioolllk<-l>ll

B thirty-fivv, U nVlorf:

mt hiiyn Mayor Ho

our,; old at tilt minutes

mt Jlmitlny DiKlit. It is

Mt. Tulmi.iidWin,

tliiiiu-I'atrick• hern iilr and am

Tlie Cotnnlttoo aa Offiaonand Salnrlei pre<sented it raajorlty report, nwAmnudfttK tiiefollowing tie the nalnrtni of the offloera oftown, to bfljrtn with the prewmt mnoloipiyour: C!orl[,*t50; Tmwurer.nW; Raoonlof Vital BtfttlHtieii, flIOD; C^leewr. *1W j Hi•hil, tm; Attflraey, M90; .Tanitor, «UStreet Oommtmttonur, *3 per ftsy tor otiihtnii'rith«ond*3perdi*T far four montbi; thecure anil lighting of tluMihreet-lampi too»Qtmet«d to the lowwrt rwponiilhle biadTins wu8 the same report &t preiontod at thihint meethiR, with the exueption that theoonimcudation for tlio executive ofHoo of theUonrd of Health woa ondtted.

Recorder Crittonden wid lie WM not IWCBOUIat tli- l:1,l meeting nnd would liko lo hooitho jirug and cons of the subject,

Couiioiliuan Ldndaloy moved to amend-b;instituting tbo tmoiuita paid last year.CouuLlltniui Whitlock Diplnitied Ills vote nl

thu laat meeting Uu believed tho town hadgooil ofHoora and thought thoy had boonpaid, but it might bo that he did not knowfully tho tunotuit of work thoy hod performed

Councilman Lindalcy'a amendment vat puti it vote and lostRocordor Crittondon said if the gontlomoi

opposed to the nroposed iiiDreiue hud anraasooa to giva he would Uketq hoar Uiem.

Cotmeilinan pndth «nid ho^-lud aetodeon-eoiontlouBly and that' there TOO'a foelliibroad that there should be no Isereaae, 1

aUosaid that then hadbeen no meotlng

tive ('(i

- 1 ' i rk . »itti

ivuKiru Wniiluiia hnvo e

Prettident, E. A. Qi


; Clerk, N. IJ. Ilrimit;

•v, (J. P. Axt.dl, Win. Lewi,

(s imri'iieltH nud bay titatka helotigiiijf

Mi-..)i>lni Doi-eiuiM, lit Lower Montnlle, t

i-r witli n large amount of ^niin, IVIIH e

tirclytlL'Hlroyedijy (Ire, yesterday moniin

110 o'oloek. SupjiOBCil to lie tlie wui

iif utt inooixliary.

union exuumlon of lliei Sunday Sclioo

i.ldli, Valley, Qerman Valley and NimB

!viU(», went to Laku Ilojiatcimji i

ihiy, They flllcid »ix unra and in rvei

•il hud nu oiijojable duy. Thu train rn

llinh Uridge.

•MM et.Tkea, Esq., of New York City, wli

'W nimmering nt liis newly oinniiUtc

.K.i un HchiMik-j'M Miniiilniii mim* wl

i'i-H In i' lu-r l.mro li

lty to (Le

tim Fourt.cvey ttilorgo wagons wore reyuirtd to con

pnrty.A man naked life friend what bu Hhotild

to keep ttiahug* away Urom the nii'iimhTho friend,-who wnHJufltrouoFurint: fromutlookof ololem morbus, nthUcd him totlifl hngs go alioail.

Mr. Geo. W. Qtunblo, of UlnoinficlJ, N. J.,fau been engaged for Principal of the Dovnrl'ublio Bolipoltlio oomiiif! year. IU is au in-Btntetor of experience and point's hci* withtlio hlghcfit conimtiKliititiim.

Welenrn that tbo tlckctn fi>r tlw JV»b.v-lerian Bunilay Sclionl oxcursioii to AtlanticHighlands, Aug. S8th, an. aclluif! rnpWly. Attlioy are limited Io»l»ut300, tlmw wbiiisitrnnpolng ehonlil eecuns them at ome.

i'be Uramwcll Iron Company of (Hunter HKmantlng tlio nulplmr fixim their Inm ornmined nt that pine.- by mixing iiiiuwt r>ft<'<mlu

pile afl.m tons of ore ntid bitmiiiK It.

Uiiritif! tin past your (ho Onmd Ariny 1'ost*liavo liecw roultil'lyiiiK vllli rrmnrknhli' ra-pidity. In twelve montl» 1.5TC new I'mUlinve hren itiHtitutcd in tli* United State*, nmlthe membership iucrcnoed t*6.7ffi> in t ie NIIUICtime,

KCT. John Tiinhrcll, wbile OH his way to MtTabor liwt week, wan struck on tins hand bya utouc thrown through Ilic car window iifarPliillipsbnrg. He received n very KL-Tr-rpwound, Tlio person who throw tbo Ht»nL> «*coped.

A fnlthful copy r.f an equine Htud.y, incrayon, ia to he wicn with othor niiccimcnn ofartieticwork, at W. II. Ooo.lnle'» AraR store.They display tho talent oi Mrs. A. L. fiherer,of HaokattBtown, whi> purponee jiiTiug lcn-oona In Dover.

in an Inducement to tho proctieo of cemio-n y intheuBoofconlupon pnRJtengprnijrineit,til? DoUware, Laekftwannn and Wcnter*JUIlroad Company irill give ono-hali of tlmcaii'qf W»l'uT«d, to tho ongineora wbese lo-liCiijqtiTOS cqijmimi! Jim

Tlie Yotmg Peopio's Union, of RlrhirdMinn, will jiTonaeutertalnini-nt on SntnrdnyfTenlrig; /MR'. iHtb. Th« praeramnifl willecin&Ut of Tooal mnslo^i'dlai, iluetR, nndiiuar-tettM-r^jfatioDfl, Ulil«*aniandpsnti>iniaiea.AJmiiulon 30 cent* ; children 10 oentd.

Tha operators in th« bmplny of the NowYork and New Joreoy Telophono Compniiywill he treated to a moonlight mil on tbeNorth and East I H W B , from Jcntny City, to-nwrrow evening. Wo acknowledge withtlanki tbo Dompllmeut of on tnvitntion.

ThBmembon of Msj. Anderson Post. ft. A.B., of Dover, have received a hearty invita-tion from Newton to attend tho ro-union oftbe veternu of the Fifteenth V. 3. BegtmentIn that plaon on Wedinwdiiy, Sopt 19th. TheyWlU dqnbtltu mrto irery effort to Mkjept

Tlie D. (L Hinwal Wool Company, at Stan-hope, are now tnrains out *bout 6,000 ponodiofTool p^rday. Tha bcU qnalitj Mills fortbreee6nt*p«rpaiirnit BDdOwieeond gwdafurbneobnt,' It onlT>»qnirMEb<rat dzmeaUdathewhoUwerlofthewUbliihmcnL

The !>PH! timo to wtock u tUh jioml i« in mm

it-r, but imy time will do when the gromi

in ho workoil. If it is iiitcmlod fat-tnidt,

n licr.1 to Inivn it Htockul hy August, in nidi

lial (ho iihli may l.ctmmi afLMlntumi'd to tlir

ew lidinu btifoni spawning in tho full.

It ii]i{H ;irs thnt the SUING* llnilrond U nn

Ftap»rt<>rther>.,L.Ar W. Th1« fimt vnutliiMt w

W. fi)rdiiiuag.Mloiu> ui

titlvA thiit tint

i tbe

n tbo itounlou freight, wliilcat tlie f in Uii« plfi

iii^li! l.rtwrdn.v, In

irribly urimliiiiK tb.- fiwt and wcond fliifji

hich wrniftniimtiili'd by H r . W . K . Dcrr

Tlu'lmllcsnf Iliii Milllno.ik M. U. Clm

ill lioid ti fcHtivul in ii lava" t<'»t ii]ion

iiiivb KTOIIILIH, Wedm-mlny itlb'ii..»on

i'iiiii):, Aug. 22d. All ncaMiuubld dilk 'ar

mi n-f i^luunits will 1m ]<i'i>vid<d nt;ii

irlj- ttii wilM)(i FITVOII Iu llnifi- who tit-


F.. Omloj-,Tlie barn uf M M

V'nahiiiKton Htm>t, Morri-tttiwu, wiw ik'tttro

il by tin nlmiit!) u'doek on Wpdncwky cvi>

id, with n Intof hay, wagon andH|p|Rli, tool

Ii-. Thu lire IH Ui'lieveil to litive been ram,,

I..V ;m incendiary. L»BB, f500; iuriiitunc


Tlit'ciRlith annual re-union of tbo Smith fm

il.v and friends will bo held on tho fiirm

Peter Z. SmitU, onu ntUo east of Pi-apnek, i

WfilurHday, Aug. 29th. Rov. P. A. Mnam

of Henmrdfjvillc, will deliver the aildrea* mi

i.lhrr addrcdsca will follow. Tim Chedt.

llimil T. ill furnish I hi- IDIIKIC.

A festival for tbe bctinfit uf tU» Port Om

and will be given in the i>iuo u-niv.', opp

Ifi thd O u t nil dpput, oi| Saturdny nftt<niu<

ml evciiinf,', Aitp. liSlh. Ice eroum, ponohi

ml oilier ivfrfHliuiiinti. will bo niitimli-mly

ijilillcd :un! the Imml will fnrainb nnific. If

i.nny, tln-ii tlicni'sl fiiinl/iy.

A feslivnl will be IIMM in tliu (jrim* upat

ii' Wclrth Prfsbytfriiiii ClmreH at tliu Hich-

-[1 mine, on Saturday iiflcriHion ami cvrriins,

iig. lBtb. f»r thu bdiinflt of tliu Sunday

•liiiol. A fiimd Hiipfior, ien nroam, and oilier

'liuiuiiM iliinj;>t <'f thpfw'imou will lio jirovidpil,

vervlimlv I" Invltetl to attend.

llut i nlft'W, woro Invited tn


i ill KHNUX, Murrii

to ninke up i\ ief l

ii trace tlicir liiienj;e buck to thu i

Will i urn.

hant Sin

l H

ROIHI buy Ii

iitolicn about thu hay fltneks on the

i. Matcio on thu nmd between Wlilji-

over Neck, luft somo lmniinK

xmt ten o'tinck nt uiglit the

liri'd noil about ten toim nl

ml. B j bnnl werk a barn ml-

Willinni Walter Phclpt. oonwa out for JohnHill lor New Jemy's Itepublican can did i'OP (Jovnrnor. It in an uphill job for Repub-lican* to curry New .Tnreey, but "Honest''John would offer a Hill tliutwould dud it hard to get ovor. Thhf ii the

we can do to-day. Lot John Hill be thenominee.—Plalnucld Tiun

The following pronuiHoittMH on the High Bridge

B njnong tbo track

IlrnuoU took place

full oliarge ni)d enntrnl of thetnt«l(1uuidj|veen Roojtnway and fltrqnw Y ^ W lry O'Nenl, of Gorman Valley, fromOhon,

jo High Uridge, andJolm 0*eja, of ^ o l W

Pulnl, l« asalgnoii the roadJaaotiou to Ogd«n. .

Some woeW tigu, at Peapaob, as Hr. PetorLnnee was going ta the houae ha taw hit pawaituniiing under a tree. He took a brush anddrove them out, an! by tha time he got on*of tho field tho lightning struck the tree.During another >hqw«r> a few days afl*rf the,lightniBg struck a tree near t ie .hraw. "" irday lUght, a week, daring >^«ao

tning lirdok thft l U U q r . . •* . ?"lightning'

Mn. Amelia Vi•ant, died at Kov Pro

Wife of Rev. N. Van-dence Monday morn-

Sha WM talttg wrlouUjt4M<m I*

ranUK%*ifa«w ProTldenoe

o o r oOODgDitiTe cbilla, Rev. Mr, V«n«nt h « Wan MttVB mambar of the Mi B. ConfdMUoe fmforty ysart. He UbUuwlfau invalid, MdhijpnlplthM been rooonUjr «nppU»d

Tho Mayor aaiil ho didn't undeniand tuostntoineut that thoro had boon no meeting ofthe Conimittoe, The majority had presentedo report, and a minority report would

ow lie iu order.There being no further dUcttselon of tin

matter tho notion upon tho adoption of tinlajority report was put and aarrlod by tinil lowing vote i

Ayes—Mayor Biohanli, Recorder Crltten-

on, Coiiuoiiinon BIcDaTit, Bonoett av


Noen—Alitnrmnn Manoo nnd Smith, Com

•Inu-ii W hlllonk nml Lli idaloy-1.

A [lotilion ronjiuctlng Spring stroot, pre-

tntcd a year ago, was oittled up. I t wns i

»iiuo«t for tlio ojiuuiug nml adoption of tin

inio as ono of tho stn'cta of Dorer, for tin

itiibligbiiiont of Its frriide, etc. I t liatl heel

iferred to the Street Coininitteo, but Inn

cen overlooked.

I t wns resolved thnt the receiving of bkli

I fur lighting and keeping Iu order tlio fltri'c

Inni|iit he referred to tlio Btrcet Committee

witli power to nrnke a contract.

AldoriiiniilliiiiouMiiliUlioi-u wero nmnj emu

pluiutu about tbn BI.IO walk loi-liiiff to St

Marr'it Church. Tho mnttei1 «-IM refcrrml ti

this Ordinance Cimimilteo with initlruclimit

to prepnru an oidiuiintu providing for n «Ld<>


Alderman Smith called n t l en tbn to an ex

istiug need for protection along tho caunl al

tonuinua of Warren slrcot. I t WHH stated

that tlie mutter had been hrout;ht to tlie

tiofl oftho Council before, but tliut some dif-

ficulty, vLicli uuuid nut now be rcmei

md been encountered. On miitiou thu matter

KM referred to tlie Street CouiuiitUin

tower to remedy tho mutter if i t U fouud \mt-


Ueoorder Critteudea said the Street Com-

aittee would liko to make a reooiimniiKlatloi

o tlio offact that it is timo to mako gomo pnt[i

iration looking towanl the putting of th

innci[inl streotH of tlio town in BO mo kind of

lermauenl Hhnpe. Tlifl iirupur umteriiil for

forking tliu streeffl under tha prog tint

B bccoinlng botli senrro and costly. The

inittco llioiight it nhont timo to begin tho

Mayor kiuhunla offer od an a rcaulutioii thul

i« Coinmltteo obtnln nil theinforinnttiin i<i*

l i leonthu subject anil report, and iu thi«

nnii>otioi) stiujroMril tlmt they visit Morrii-

nvii, where the mutter haw rereivrd consul-

iTiihlyntti'iitiiin, nnd iiiBjiect tlio wurk done

'K; resolution wns adoptod nud the


In coiiixTtiou with the report of ilio Cdiu-

lit trenu Ollic.-rfl nnd Salnricn RWM *{tv«»

us liccii luiil ii|iiui tlie Klntcinciit Uiuttlirn.

IIH no inr.'tiiig of Ilia cunimitlw, Iroin wliu-ii

mi(tlit tin infctTU.1 (lint nu intentiiiitnl niight

nd bei'ii given. It ti true (hut them was m>

cctin^iitl.'ii.Iod liyull tlicMiiembpi-H ut <mi<

me, but Mr. lieimttt, this rhairuian, lia

.. LIIKIMIUIT tnul »oUuvit.^ KlnVill

CortUmdt Parker Mid' famOy »rt i

Rer.Mr.H e l g h t o . K . J . . . • " • . - • - * ; •

Her. UT. Durant, of Moirl.U.wn.U Uklnj athree »«la'Taxation. | _ . •', ;•. : : "-i

Chief EaElnecr Bennett and ftmily a n afOcean Grove tor a week.

H n . B , CGoerin and ehfldreo, »f HorrU-town, a n atlOooan Buehl '

Tha llttis village of Sparta boa over twohundred tandem thU aeaaon.

Mr. John W. Hurd and family are H»renlv«e]u»tA«btiryPark. ;.

Hr Thos. Undatey has baea ytiidng oldMends and relativea In Dorer.

V. W. Hall, of Horrii PUfns, It ennmerlagat the OHenW, Manhattan Beach.

A number of tioontcn young men will camponVat Jpak'e Hepatwng n u t week.

Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Slflker«m have returnedfrom a wsek't riiUVUi Hartford, Conn.

A Brooklyn rf'ttor at Monigtown onught iAre pound eatflsii in SpeedweU Lake.' \

Chuuellor Eapyoa and » nephew of S. 7.Tildes hare been yiiittag Horrbtewn/

EAwnxd LlttlfljohQ. of Chatham. U makinga bioyole Journey,to T^aihlngton, D. O.

Ber. i B. ColUni and famllr, ofGermnnValley, have been yawtUift in Ponnnylrnnla.

Eev, P. A. Johnson and wife, of Cheater,^^loying th^rTtspatta} •» ffelhivillo, V. Y.

Eev, U, B.JtoondyWi beeTt lt> town thisweek. He preached at Mt. Tabor yoaterday.

Eov. Dr, Hlllorwill revisit German Valtoyat the time of the Synod meeting, in Soptem-er.Kov. P. McOarth.v wa- in town tliii

utl wae heartily grouted by hia old parish-m e n . - ••,- -•-• — •-- •. - • - - •

Itev. Dr. J. F. Tuttlc, President of WabaehConcur, is visiting bis old friend* in tblasection,

Our old friend Mr. Isaac Vungilder, Is num-bered among tlie weloomo visitors to towniii week.Mr. Oba Woodruff, of tha Kewark Advor-sor, nud family ore among the steady pa-

trona of LftbiA eontinuanoo oftho weather of ttbi week

would won reditee tho nuuflier 6f Sum-


Morrlfltown haa t l i base hall clubs.The Vorrli club visited Springfield on »

day and took the elub of that plaoe Into a»

a us.The Active* at Morrlttown beat the Rock-

away dub at Boekaway, k - t PrUay after-HMn,98tol3.

A game, oetirMs tlie Mine Hfli and fitan-aope clubs will be played nt Wine Bill to-morrow—flaturday-Bfteraoon.

A gatne between Ke«o1ut« Rook and Ladderand Humana Engine eompaniei. of Morris-town, nanlted In favor of the Besolutei, 25to 22.. A plAea nine from Porer -went to MineHill laid Satnrdar afternoon to pin; tha clubat that place. The Mine HiU boya wan thegame, 17 t o l l .

The.Lawn Teanbj Club and the Oulutnhtaa.both of MorrirtowD, playnd nn WednetdoyafUrnoon, the Coluroliin* winning by tbo highand close score of 23 to 21.

Preparations o n bolnu mods for a gtme tohe played at MorHslowa lietween tho law-yert of Horrla aounty and the legal fraternityIn Buses cuurfir, which is e jected to be agrand social affair,

The Mlno Hill and Inndaln clubs piayei atMine Hill on Wednesday afternoon. Fromthoatnrt It v u nvlilent tkat Mino Hill hadan easy thing nnd tliey won tm thoy pleasedby the following toon:


Mavor EloBanl, ha* received from a ffen-«laii hj am of eur large dtiM an overtureOkimr toward the MtaMhhment of anoih^r

tOoDnrartnHiiK indn-tir la D<wr. In hi*letter the gtmtteronn a»« i "I a n interests in

i (mprored wood work for tewing isocline*,wfaten can be contraeteii wUh a large iew*Ing machine company In New Tnrk to the f x-tentofffiObiMOKtiper day. I have fceeoin the bnslneis during the part three y«ars,andsmfttUjinformsdon theauWwrt, the ite-taUs of wnfoHwMgire at an interview. Ofthirtj-flve uving machine w m p ' ^ (n thtacountry but three or ftnr iD&anfaAtnnii theirown wood work; the balance depend nponmnaufaetitrm In the West, at Indfsnapolls.Cliloago, Cleveland, et«. There hi no fiwrtorrIn tho Ewt for thU work tin,! the Hold U on

ft one." The (rontlernan theu noes onto detail the profit* of the business, the cap-ital needed, etc. Here may be sn onportun-ityfor wmirlnK another indnntry that willgive emplorment to labor in tuli town. AllMich offers should eertntnly he looked into,nndlfanyofonrniea of moans are eufflolent-

y!y inkrctk-Un th«h

to investigate itl h

y jeflt to investigatethey can obtain snoh purticitlars as we hain our possession by calling at the office ofthe Eiu.

The shores of Lake Hopfttoong aro dottedif itli tlie tents of downs of camping parties'rom allrFirU ofihU nudaiJobUig States, 1:

ilr. P.^N.Oove,who kas'boeu <idlio eoveriilyill, ia improving bis health by fishing andotborwUc o«joyiag himself In tho Dodge Mineneighborhood. -,

Mr. Ed. A. Taylor atnrt« en hia vacation to-day, aud oipoota to take iu Rioliilold Springs,thi' Thousand Islands, tho run of the St. Law--cnoo and Uoutrcal.

Tho gucsU of Bolmont Hall and the Heath[ousc, Sulioolcy'a Moontain, partltipatcd ingrand oxliibltlonofSIra. Jarloy'ewux work*,the Heath, lost Saturday CTOuing.

The Central Hotel ut Koeknway lint[oliig n large Siiinuier bunlnestt, mid has haili)r guentB many prominent city people. Thentiflfnctlun csproased by tlie gucsta wilt stillirtber inoruase its buniuoas tuiother year..

AraouK the visitors at Oump Tubor Is Mr.tlviu ToinpkiDs, ofTonipkiosCove, on thetidBon,wlo, althougli ovor ninety yoarB olil,still un autlve busincim man, and expects

3 for the British prov-

Mine Hill, _ . _Irondale, 0 0 2

Tho Jorseymatt Bhowi thut a miuiber of thoIIorrhtownr betting fraternity who have heoutotting against the homo team were baillytaken IB by the lit. Hopo game lust woek.Others say the new pitolier and eotchur fromabroad were procured for this purpcau. Butthis will not maka up for tho lujnadoe donetho town of mining boya who went to Morris-towu with only residents of their village toplay an liouest jamo wltli rosidouts of thocounty aeat.

A fticudly game hetweou a ufno coftbeinomhcrsofthaVuiuitt Uou'8 Cutliuli.'UntDD, Dover, and tlio Colninbias, comprisedof members of the' Young Muu's CatbolioUnion, of Horristown, was pltyod at the lat-ter plaoe on Thursday afternoon. Tlio Co-lumbios am a regularly organized club, midJjave played a number of iiintobcs this BCOBOII,while of the Cover miio eli had not playeda game tula season. Cuuectjtueutly tboh-frionds expected n Bore defcitt nnd weru ugrtie-ably dhuppolnted that i t was not BU. Frombeginning to end tho gouo was en close thutno ono could toll who would win, audtliDlow-neaii of tho souro U quite oteditablc. TheColumbia iUrUjJ witli a lead of ono in thusecond inning, but tho Dovor hoyi reversedit in the uoxt, anil utalntalaod it to tho sev-enth, when the Columbtus took it aud held itto aolose flulih,,. The Columbine were unableto do uiucb butting ngainst CBDBH'B ourvopitoliing, but outplayed the Dover buys in LUQfield. .

Columbia, . . . . . .0 I 'JDover Y.M.O.U.0 0 i

> 8-10> a - 8

Will ' to K

Itafim Hutcl

of his business iwent tlirougb Doi

ay with n party of dint ing uinhcil porsonsl Fmtici

ny ti) tlw fa tn

•re were fifty i

i\w editors of tin

md OnriunnT, on tbeii-

YullowBtono eouutry.

us lu tho putty, inolud-

London Poet, London

ill. P a r k t'ignro nud Vienna Imperial


In Juno, 1816, a distinguished party, mim-

ing ovor a ecoro, mado; a tano! hoal li-lp

r tlio Uoiria Canal, mid'spent a season at

Heath HmiBO, Sohouloy'a MounUin. Of

number Ihcre uro only two sturirore—

iwia C. Grovcr imd ex-Chnncollor WilUsm-

hnth of whom are now stopping at tbe

[ D a t h l l o n j o . - ,*•-•* »'•"',. -•'. "• •,;• _•"•.

Tho members of the Dover Camping Ai

Tho return game between tUe Morris club,of Morrlntoffji, and tho Valka Dots, uf Clius-tor, was playod at' Cliestei-Tucadny afternoonand was a plow'and'vvokngad oontont. Acorrosposdeut writom '• Tlio game was to b«played at 8 o'olook, sharp, and ua tho Uairiaclub fallod to put In an appcainnoc nt turnthnoitWMftirfoitfld to us under the Leaguerules, 8 to 0, t tey signing an agreomeut tothat offeot ThDy brongnt «]> their profos-alonal pitcliar and tjntohor &nd another sbortatop, >Ve played them very tioso, t ie gamstanding 7 each at toe olase of the Oth nndM b innings. Intke eloventbtbo MorriM clubuiiulQ three rum, which is aooountou for bytho loot of Deo. our pitcher, being liurt in thutenth inning, Tholr terrible pitchor had fivemen given bates tia oalled balls. ThUgnmodoes not count for tho ohflmiiloiiahil", aa theyforfeited tho regular game. Thoy laid we

o&ald to nlay thpm with their proleg-

Evangelical Lutheran Synod,ThotwBlftn annual oonrention of tbe Evan-

geUaal Lutheran Byitod of New York nnd SowJ y , will 1Mheld In Zian'aLutleran Church


Tl« world progresani and the,of science multiply. The theory o i _ ., .that men are degenerating physically, t iW i . Men derelop physloally to evengreater degree of perfection than they have

eonitantly •nrpaislns prevbns effort- Beitrecords are eorutmtly being beaten; ohara-pIociofBll kinds of tparti are aontfndallfyielding their belts to new men. Toe noilstriving Illustration of this fact at present aretlm wonderful feat* of horumoiuhlp aecoro-pllaaed by Wftltam Snowies. Dnringflie potttew years, whenever t ie matter of riding andriders cornea np for dlstuuum, two or threenauea have involuntarily suggested them-selves as being those of the champion riders,For several years these men bavs held uodh).pnbidsvayin the estimation of the public,although manager! of ihnwi always claim tonave the greatest riders. But these claimshare bad hut little effect uptm tbo public, sowell-known well-liked were the^etwoar three.Now, however, a new star has arisen, ami

a the champion rider is spoken of." tlieman, Showlea," b tha name advanced by

all who have ever seen him. Reports in thenfiwapftpersccnoerninRbiswonderful perform-ftEoflg wherever ho hod bean scan ure BO enthu-siastie in pruiso thnt thoy seem realty exag-ftrattve, hut information ofaprivate character

if (teruiiui Valley,ovonlng, September Hltli,

Tiuirailaymd will tiontiuuo

Mouday ovoiilug, Sp|iteinber 24tli. Thinbody is oompoHeil of torty-aoven clerical eudthirty lay members.

Tbe oxoreisoa will coiulst of preathingonClio auiiject of Ordination, Homo and ForeignAlisnions, and Kdueatlon; haBldiM Keuerar

huHiuoBH, pertauiiug to tha wolfure af th<LutEioriui Chureh cuibruced wittiu tlo limit!of Mow Jersey aud part of the Stiito of WowYork.

Tlio *ynodknl uominiiulon will \te ndmiuiH-torcd nt the tvgalor Sunday morning survloe,6ept. 23d. fckrviou jircjiunitory to UDtnmuuIonWill he bold on Saturday tivoninj previous.

Thoro will doubtless bo a ohildrou'a muct-ing hold on Sunday afternoon, at which

addresses will bo made,i meetings will bu conducted with

open thim, und will be instructive iw well i

give* tlio DM ! that newspaper* do thi

aionata nnd

•w, Hriw


.-ciiiujt lus

of tlio (A lttco for

wpelt, nml

iiu'iubm. Mr. MrDavIt foimil

lo bo preHciit, but McNHrs. Ilci

uott nml I,iiid»li>yiui'i. At ihc«u i-onA.rctit'f

th.- mutter wan fredy iIb>Fru*«-d nud the ]in»

im oreiieh in relation to tbe matter wi

illyundrrritood. Mt1- Liiulitloy, u» WIM II

•H-H, uttit Mt>^r4. Di'iiiK'tt nnd MclVivit,!

an thrir H«1it, dpi-idoil in favor nf tlir ii

tune, nnd ri'Hdh'Hl to i>riM<mt a nuijm!!

port whnii tin'? f'Hind Mr. Mndni.-y ili.I i><

incur with them.

Tho Peach Crcp.Morris county gained n rrpntntiw for tinu'lir n lu' • yei ago, when Moiri.

oimty Whiten wcro In nnivcmil diniaml for

inning purixiHei. HurnanlRvillei^just ovi

ic eauuty line, lint tho noil « priTkoly tli

tine and Morris and So me r not could mako

line cnuteitt il one should bo n t t n n u k d . Tli

ew Jersey growerH of pcaofaeH in tlila n%\[>

uvote tholr wopktD lnt« iwaiheH, M fur n

ussible, nndoiironium fur<|iiulity tlinii(]Uiii

ty. Tlio HliiiiiiiMi|M from t h b point b^Kit

la»t wook and ure beginning tu iittnin ROIII

importance. When tho nenmm rouohe* it

elglit ft dally " peiiub train" la run thonuo t

Tow York, and when It n a e h » Haboks

lerenre nomctimOB from 1,200 to 2,000 lu s t

its, representing nn equal iiuinhor of iiullur

it least. Tho variety nowgointt into tnarkt'l

N tbo Mountain Rone, o» guod it peneli

omid" aa they niiso )u*rciihoiit. The OM

ItxoiiH, afiivorito vntlely oonie iu Inter nml

ill HOII tUU floason for *1M n lm«kot lviilnnil

itlloulty. TheStumi i rof theWur ld in .i fu


famliinr in tins ninrk.'tK. Tlie Mnlneatnimi.

n much liked nud Hell reiaiirkubly will.

It h u good [iL'iich ycitr; not ^ITIII , hut full

of promise There ure not MO many ii<.m-hi

as to make gluU In tbn market probnhle, hi

Ih oro aro enough to glvo the grower a'Riiriiui

' n fine profit in Hpltcol tlie coniiuiurtioii inn

mnt, tho one person tho Morris and Home

it fnrnierH never expect to see when they

jnch t l o Heaven tn whfrh moat uf them nro

nnndont they aro travelling.

The New Canal Bridge.The Committee of the Board of Kreokoltlers)pointcd to c<m<lder the proposition to build

another bridge over too canal in Dover, mothero with Director Mather on Wednesday.After Bj[ain eonaldering tiie various sites pro-

l l d i d d t t b M^od, t h e y y . , o . t M gacross the canal at the foot of Hudson street,provided «nch a bridge, can be put t iere 'a t a

i t not acceding ^OOO-'Tlie bridge' ia to"Mngle span,, fee^ long in. the clear lio-

;weeit the abutments, jtiril! bo (birtr featd qTap air, fte M w i f IfflJ twoijfy feei

t l d a k t i a l f f O hi qTp , f ^ J jfy

andtt|e>ldBV>akUD«*otiaiaalffeet, On theside of tba walk will be latticework sides,

pfcttara ^Hlbea low. «inarc truss, and1 be aloYalnd fen feet above the water. Ito l e v e r e w t t M l g j t t

rm l«fa flrsl-clasirtracture In every tha last meotlng-'of the Hoard it petitionas presented asking for tlie, erection of the

bridge'atthe fi»t;o( Bergen:it»et;bntHne:

ommittee deoided tb&t it /would ooit.toomuch to pat tba bridge" acrois tie baaliirinii'dihai'snoba project would'probably oVusesame complications with tba canal company.

How la Keep Cool*o t\ a Wdgcwfty drj air BefrJgerator, and

uf Ad*ms"&."We«tlaki oa rtove, sold only by* M o n i D g t o n ' s . • • - ' • . . . '

» > • • • . - • - , . r :

Wax Flowar Suka t iand Wax Flower materials of all MndM at tlioSriok Drug Store, . . . - - • -: • •••

ntion arrived homo in good ahapa on Mnu-d»y evBulugfrom thoir two wooks' enmp ntMnnasqunii.. Their Ano hand discoursed oxuellcnt nuislo as they tnanhed througli the

sets and was preceded by Mr. J. 3. llaokoll,irhiK tho Hilver aup which tho AsHOclnliuu

ouwith ayaoh t they entered in u rcgattn.

'hoso pcoplo wba oro forerortalking nbuul

linters hnvlng «uoh un easy time and get-

; n moiith'H vacation every Sumiiior guu-

•ally growl beonueo thoy can't get away

tiisclves. And thoso people who are for-

r iirntinR about tho Lord being nt the :

re while the devil takes oluirgo uf the eit>

mrely aFquaintod with tho Lord nt any

urn iifthti your.

ylvt'sti'i' (.'lienbiirnngh, of CliiofiKO, an em-

it Civ»l Kngliifier, tho projector of the

ibruted Chicu^o water works, the DoRton

cr works, and nn engiiu'ev eonmiltcd in

iTt'tt iuii of the Hntuklyn Uridpe, stopping

k'linolc.v'rt Mountitin, and but lately r o

led from nn Euioiteiiii t«nr of vhruii yenrii,

theOtTinnn Valley Htutum ou tho HI^li

Ifif. Hrauoli of the N. J. Centra!, iu n

pHviik-l'iillniiin PnlnM eiir for his western

hn,,u- tlie ot lur .Uy. Mr. Choaborcngb i*

nbout 70 yearn of ago nnd i" afflicted with


The Cami) Meeting.Tho tireneher of ls»t Hntunlny morning wan

Htiv. !•:. S. F . r ry , of Verona i in tho after-

we guvo them uu exhibitiongame." On the other hand members of tlieHorristown club oompinin to us of the unfair-ness of tlio nmplre. Wo give both versions;you takes your choice.

Sports at Mt. Hope,Tip pio-nlo of 8 t Bernard's Church, of Mt.

Hope, was hold on tho grounds, adjoining thoresidence of Father Illoklo, on WednesdayafMrnoou and evening, and was attended bya largo ooiiccurao of poopln. Niunuors ofbootlm for tho anto of delicacies and refrcsli

lents were well patronteod, three now andlarge awingu were tlllod i«ith people -most aftho tiine.andftgpMiouBdnndngplBtformoon-tdnually rcaonuded to tlio meaaurofl of eeoreHof dniiflcrs. In nddiiiou there waa a Urge•rogramnie of athletic and other sporta inililcli many partloipatod. The following

thO BU0(

ills eveuts

ening lte

mliiy It

/ . C. li. BarueH.

»-U4 i'xtiinnted there

t oompetitora in tbo vari-

Rtmtilugjmiip.ThoniBHConwayt digtauce.i r ^ O l hThree jumps, tied by P. McDonald and K.

Daroy; distanoe, 33 feet, Si inches.IIIj{h jump, Prici

inohes.Evans; height, 4 feet, 0

Two hundred yards race; E. Doreyj timo,

, half mile horse race, won by

ttud the

. W. P.

Corbit pn-ue

n In tbi' ii und Itev. Dr. ToiMiu

i were Keva. J. P . Dodd,

E. V. Kuig uud Uourge Hughes.

At the ]ilot owners' meeting Hominy nftcr-

(iiiii SIf.»nr«. Unvid Cuiuiibell, Wm. L. Jln-

i.-rimit, .1. S. Kii-lmrilwiii und ltcv. It. Vuu

loriw were re-elctiled TrimtftsH, and Her. J .

[ontKflitifiry was eli-nleil to Jill ilio uiioxpirod

srm [ifltov. J . M, ntiKeruld, rcsigaed. Tho

urtingr.'iniCHtfil thu TniMlreH to iucroaso

ic water mipply of the j;ruiin<lH. Only four

it« were wold nt {he n»le for arrears of

Tlie i.iTHcfiei* forTuemliiy wore Rcvn, Qeo.

Miller, (Ii-... \'nnn1«l.vii« nnd (Icit, YV. flmith.

Geo. E. ltuiHicll, iiRed but 14 yenrn, «on uf

Mr. Wm. K. Dminell, u r Hoekuwiiy, nun

enpino Umt nivplli's tlit: gnntnds with wntcr,

l pr IH lildwurk in tliuiniwt


(Iu Thu

On Wirinrmlay, ttif Iiev». P . A. Uasou, E.

. .THmlrmin nnd .1. It. Thompson, D. D., dls-

jHpcctivdy, morn lug, afternoon nud

nwlny Itov. S. B. Kooney ]i ih>- ihoruing uud ltcv. J. II. Dally in themiiuir, white in tho afternoon the Won'oMiign Misaionary Society of the ponftf-^--clil iu tinnivoraary wltl} a uumbecofpti>m-:icnt Bpcakorg.Other preiiclihig aervicoa ure announced M

folluwat Priday, Wt30 A. M.» Keys, S. K.Unbont, nud at 7^0 P. K , J. M.^Bockloy, » .D. Sntunlay, Itovl Mr. Parker, a prominentcolored preacher front Wilmington, Del., audItor. H. D. Opdyko, respectively, morning

nl afternoon Sunday, the Rov Dr Hen:rgon at 10-80 A H, nnd Rev JamcK Boyd

Brad; at iiSOV.U, Ibe tvfnjbg preacher notot announced On Monday a general breakig up «ervloo, whidb will probably consistr a general love feast or cotnmnnlon aervias,iU in torn to he iollawod hy ferther wmVs

serrica lot the Fromotipn of Hojtne*., underdlfTorent ausplooa tlan the neetingi now Inprogress . ' * r x> r

Fire Deptrtmont Elections.djffiifi

department hold tb.oiB an.nun.1 aleotions onMonday evening, wife the following retull i

Cit f p q i ^ P

land t Steward, Frank Uaaukeri E n M ,A. II. Smith| AKristwt, Wm, U. H u e , 8U>-k C h « 7 V r l d A M i O h B h

g i t rroan, Wm.H. Lambert ;Aailst»nt, J . P M g n n , Clerk,John V. Cain; Treasnrnr, J. J. Baokofl* {Stew-ard, P, J., Corcoran; AudituiK Canunlttee,JotoPrWoo^W'tf-RoMnritti-flstigiitirigr g gConunitloOf.ThM.'Iloagtn, Wm. Armltage,ThoiP,Johnson.';._^_^. , . . , „ „ „

Froteotion Ilook and Ladder Company:—oremaii,Wm.W. Blckles; Asaiitant, A. B.

Byram} Cleri,8. H. Urocso; Troastuer, J.R H ^ U b r i J 1-

Daulel Fiohter's soml hone; Jas. Hullivan,jockey; timo, threo inlnutoV HorrlgauBCC-md iu 9 minutes and 4 sewmda, .-•Tho largest score Iu the rifle shooting of tha

day for t te $10 prlwi wn« luada hy JosephBurke, wlo aoorod thirty pbmta out of a pos-sible thirty-six.

In tho glasN hall shooting there was a tiebetween Murray and ' Mooo, of Hurdtown,each breaking 8 out of lfl bnlla.

The beat of order and good feeling pre-vailed throughout tho day, showing that Hiellisbop's recent Instructions pertaining tomien affairs were oheorfully and faithfullycompiled with.

Tho pio-nlo will bo continued to-morrow—Sitturday-whon tlio gports will ro-nowed. Among other conte«U will be nthree-legged raw; top, ski|i audleap;,throw-ing tho heavy etono, light stone and smooth:ing iron; jig and haru-pipo OompotlUonB;glass ball shooting, nml a ohallonge homomoo nt 01>. M. Thcro will also 1M nil oxullri.tion on the lioriWntfil bar by Mr. Cha*. Ballot.

Permanent Work on Streets-We believe tkat moat uf tho people of the

town will endorse (to reoororaetidation of theBtreet Committc, made to tho Common Conn*ill, on Monday evening, that the tine Itnscome to begin tha macadamising of our streets,r make some preparation to put thorn in

I>crmancnt condition. As they say, the ma-terials far waking streets under tbe presentsystem arc becoming costly anil hard to getmaking the yearly renewal of our streets in

A Blcjcla Trip-/'a'veWron rider liaa puahnd

hb whoel ovor 6,000 miles lu fifteen State*,and theu advlacs bioyoliats iu tho Juuo uiim-her of Tho Wheelman concerning thhi neigh-borhood ; " I was nu hour riding Irom there(Whippany) to the Mnusiou HUIUQ In Morrin-town, uot qulta fire mlleg, over ou cxecUfeuttrack, which mlglitbo mode without dismotmtaud whluli I did ao uiuku in rcturuinBt wlioutho,wind favored mo. . In leaving Wlifppauyfor MurrUtown one must turn left at tlio mill-pond and joiirney towards tho south,Monroe Is the name of nu intermediate vil-Inge, If It can bo called ona; nod nonr tillsIs the luiig hill which I fallod to ride up. Ifouud good wheeling for n mile wcitirurd,nsweUaaiu thupriuoipalstteete of tlio town."ThUgcuticuiua also advisee 'cyollata to avoidtins routn through llluirslown, JoliuaouburR,Alamuohy, Waterloo, Stanhope, Drakesvlllo,MuCaimivlllo, Dover, Rookaway, Cenvilleliud I'araippany, and rcoonuiioiiils tJiut tliobest truck between Newark and this city Isvia of Sprlngflold rfvcnuo, lint tlio way byilloomfloli! nveitue, Pino Brook, Hanover nndWhippany Is good ns part of n rouud trip.

Singular Recovery of a Watoti,Bev. Edwhi D. Bontiey, wton pastor of tlio

Morriitowii Sajitist CJJiuroh lomo youra ago,was prosouted by the deaooui and tniste«a oftho church witli a humlnoiiio gold watoh nmlfbala valued nt (300, A few dnya ago, as h«TUB wuioving from a hou«o iu Brooklyn, aludy Oftllcd to look at the prcmiscv. Him vnsshowu through tko house, and noun after alielad left it wiw found that thin wntdi undnhulu had been abstracted with u vcat of Wr.Bojitly's which was bunging hi one of tliumoms. Two daya afterwurd a lady calledupon the nlergyimui, and said Mho would re-

.1 to aim s ptnoo where he ooitld obtain tlio

grunt artist justice. Laat season ho WUH witlithe (treat Iutflr-Ooean Show, und uu sturtlluwas tha sensation ho oroateil, tltnn Mr. JobB. Doris, thu proprietor, who has forced recog-nition as the moat eiitornriniiig of all man-ngors, re-engaged Sltowles at mi unormomsalary, and tho pouplo of our city will havan opportunity to sea hltu wkan tho GreatIntep-Occan Sliow in licre, on Mundny, Aug.

A R!cta Through Morris County-A gentleman wlin lino jiiat tnkitu a

through inu-t of Morrin County Miids

Ktswwk Advertiser tbe following:

At Chntham wo met Win. C. Wallace, of

your city, whoso olognnt mnnalou unil splen-

did furiu mliitstcr to bis pleasures aud lure

hi away from your ncighharkood in the

Summer. He seems alivo to every iniprov

l, end ettriictitly dunires tho cnrryitig oi

of one of the projected Hues of railway, so

that tbe present circuitous route to Mortia-

iwn may ho avoided. Continuing our rida

> Now Providence wo had tho pleasure u t

inflpectluif tho Una orchards, gardens nnd

ftirm of e semblymaa Win. C, Jchnsou.

) an instance of vlrnt nmy bo u

lilltthodbyinU'lUgciicuandniodcruapplianaes.As onriositica wo were shown sovoriil cat sofstuffed birds and quadrupeds, tbe work of Mr.

H fnttier, tho oniuuieuta t iislsting

if wuluut sliolla siiwod into slloos and pol-

ity Mrs. Johnson,j not gun

c moat liDnpttably entertainednud among othor dishesfilly known, via., fried

p oitd obtain tlioatch, provided that he would promlso nut

to reveal wharolio got i t Huadso , went tothe place indicated, and the timo piece irturestored to htm. Tho singular parfc of tlionnoiriathntuowaauotasked for a cent ofreward, and only had to give tho promln

this tab expensive, providing wo canafford tbe outlay neoossary to begin thq workof making pannanent road beds. That wocan do thUIe evidenced by tho condition (ifour fltthnoes.' Onr debts are all paid, andthrough the eeouomy of our Common Conaollwe bare a goodly surplus in bank. Unleatwo undertake some iiertnanent work oftliiakind there might be n, groat reduetioti in thotaxes, or t ie lirvT'of nnotber joar night boentirely omitted. Dut with our prowut taxlevy.-whioh is low in ootupariaon to that ofmoBttownVof tbii also, wo can aoopmplish agreat deal every year In tbe maoadauliationof streets and aare a vast;amonnt of fnbirooxponse In iriakin'g ddntinual rctialrs.' Wo'bolloya flint nndet the clreunutanoes it willcertainly be wi*o to oommenco a> penuanentwork of tills kind, and make tlie ultimate coatof keeping our Htneta In condition a greatdeal leas than U la now.

An Gbitlnate Man•• We noticed seme time ago bow Thoa Trigenon and Wm Tonkin wore flood for maintoining a ntdaonco, whiob they would notaaateatthb leanest of tlie Board of HealthThannisonce mauitalnod by Tonkin coitldhnvcbeen obviated in an hour, bat be sjnbbarnlyrefused tadqH Then ho rofwtcU toappoarat tb« trial aRd let juilgmejit an against himby default. X u t hit hone auiliragon wcroaekod for tho judgmont, and lw allowed It tohesolil, alUiounh it Is siupected bo got an-other peiwigittt.bny It la inr him. AfterOcdnctlng rrom the sum nwlUnl by the salothe amount of the fine mi oostn, there re-mained m ever, wWeh -was- tonderod Mr.Tonkin; bat he refuted to tako1^ a&d It baabeen placed In the bank to his credit.

The Trial of the Liquor Caiei-Tho trials of tbo ooacJi of the town of Dover

a^ainatSamuelTTGwarthii for illegals.g jtha for Illogal eftlllpg,whionwen to borne off bofow Jrudgtf Woodyesterday, were adjanrnod another week onncoount of the absence ot seme cf the wit-

fth Sinoo the last adjonrn-, ivinit beon delightfully

cool, Mr. Geo, Woria, eonusol for M6 '1rcl

wattba, has exerted hiinaolf, 01^ baa snoraeetled ift'ftn^jj *»rtr&-ane more objoctioniKB law IKIIUIA wlilcb be took oooaJnn to BILyesterday, making elghty-sk objections in all

^ ™ » • »tlohiie baa thus far mfeoted into the case,AfUr the efections, the rarlona eompanktf »nd •which, jfthny or* aU argued through tbe

wen entortalnod at different places about 3—- ' * •- - -- •town by fte offloers eleoted.

.. • , . ,A Fish Story-,.! No fioper is really and truly acoeptod a« a

nowflnapcr until itbas offered to a confidingpublie its own, original, JUli itory, Tlie lastone.wo rend abont minted to anoel th.u slidBO swiftly ovortha ground it was cooked byits awn Motion, .That Is n tough atoiy, hutwe offer ours without a blush, In the largoaud lovely spring that feeds tlio Mount Taboreservoir are two superb trout, placed thereby Sir. Coolhnugb. Lost Juno tho springoverflowed its banks and ono of tbo troutwent ant at flood tide ami was landed biglianditryanthegrug. Here It wua found bytlio itUquIloiM «at, which picked it u{, amicarried it to the form houso, latent on a trouttllnner.1. It wnB,howover, rescued, and, show-ing algus cf life, replooed in Its native eU-nout, where it llvofl to reflect oa'its prefer.noes for sporting uudor the pussy willows

rather thai with the willowy pussy.—Mt.TftborHuoord.

The Happiest cf our Summer Vltltcn,On Friday of lost week tlie whole nunerr

oftho Home of,tho Priendleu in Newark,comprising twenty children under five yearsof age, witb two enrotnkora, was transferred1

to the Children'* Sanitarium, on RanilolphAvenue, under theoare of tho ladies of Dover,together with tltreo littlo onci from the Wil-son Industrial school of K«w York city.Tbiwo tlie littlo folks, roloiucd from their

irily limited quartors ia the city, oreenjoying themselves Immensoty, romping andplaying upon the lawn and undoi the trees,their youthful aotivMoa quiokoned by thefresh breeiea that blow ocnus the hjll uponwhich thoSaritarium is located. Atthosumotitno that; these children oame to Oarer apuiyofntne littlo girls iromtheaame plaoswont on bo BtUlwater, Biuscx Count)-, wheroOiey will he eared for by tlio Mica there.

A HanrJiome Train of Can.There are now at tho Dorei ear shops, i

eclving the finishing touches, tv train of fivepassenger obaobBS, for use on tho D., L. andW, road, which will exceed in beauty andcomfort anything now running en that line.The interior wood work is of hard finish,executed in handsome EaatlakB designs. Theseat* ore low and richly upholstered m garnet^tlie - racks /are of tho newest pattern andnloklo pitted, tandaomo chandeliers of choiceworkmanship are suspended overhand, audtho windows ow provided with roller shades,Tlio conohci-'arG heavier than any now run-ning, and will ridowith less jar outbut ac-count. Hia not known to-which train theywill be assigned, but tha conductor who getsthem will hnve to liave his buttons buhiiahed

nd his boots polished ofU'n to keep up to hlisurroundings. .':', :.

euounibi>ra. Aa aouio may uat know how toprepare tliis execllcut dlsu, and do not know'hat to do with tlitir ovcrgrowu euctuuiicra,

we Will tell limn hnw these were pri>imrt>d.Slice tlie oucunibare, flour tboui, pojipur und«alt, and fry In butter to a uloo brown. Hid-ing along Uug 1H11 is snen tho natural rotter-voir which is i>ropo>od us a storage for waterio iiupply Newark, Orange, cto. Poaok orcli-itrds nre passed uoLtdulng heavily ladentrees, Boiiio uf tbe fruit nearly ripa. Iloturu-iug by MutUflou aud Ilanovor ono oonies unakImpmaedby the tUonght tliot if those wkogo ao rnr from Iionio to aco the country wouldonly vkit tho lofty mountains and smilingrallejB in tliuir own neighborkuod, thuy

linattli, aud linih to Interest, benefit tiiuli

dollars in packet nttho cud of tholr Sumtuor vauath

On« is particularly atruok by the great agnwbloli Hoiwa to bo nttidnod in tliln p fcountry. Coming dtd

wus pltehliiK a loud of oatu with all the aglityofayoiiug num. He was dollguted wiltlio nlundimt harvest anil Hjioko of tho











ROBERT KILLGORE,one of Ibe old firm, continue an of old, with iull linos of




S. H. BERRYI S ( V U U \ T K O U T I I K

rd Ilanovorwith a 3Ir. Pattie t

^ a n u i u i d e i i i G i i t a i i i u

Ma boyhood. Ho infeniiBd IIB ho wnu sevou

eii years of iign. Several othiTH wore in?

lmle und hearty, oonitiderably over nevcnt.

mid liioking as if (hoy were good for eon

yeura lo cnnie.

15th Regiment Reunion,The 4th itnuuiil tv-nnion of tlio 15th Bog1

V. J. Vola. will bo liei'l nt Nowtou, on Weircaduy, Sopt IBth, 18SI, tbo anniversary «tliohattleufOpetiunn. Tho visitoro will h<rceuiv(MlatthoroliW8T station hy a doputation.of oittoaa, with, mounted cavalry. A\noon & collation will bo provided by tlio oittaona. Tbo otldrciB of woleotno will ho deliered by Han. h. Voahrnn. The oration wllbo duliverod by John B. Emory, Eaq., lattLloutoaant Co. A., said Bojj't., to ho followedby aliort aildre»Mi by Oon. B. U Campholl,Oii.plMu Halnus, Hou. Johu Hill, Ucn. H. C.Wtuoj, anduthon. Captainllalloy'iiBnttcrywill be praiont and a number of I'Qdta of thoO.'A. R, An iuvltatiou in extended to ladvidunl niorabei'n of other N. J. BoKlmenttand to soldiers generally, and to nil the dti-»us of thU aud adjoining oonntios. Tho vet-etans aud vislton may be assured of a heart.?


The Oidost Women In the Land.Wn. Mary Lynoh, who dlod la Surauton,

X1*., on Thursday of lost wook, at tho age of110 years, U supposed to lio tbo oidost ponmiiin the United BtatoB of wlioao ago thore was

exoot rooord. She was horn in SIISBO:oounty, S, J., in March, 1771. Her father,Jsoob Btinloh, sorvoaia tho Bovolution.her husband, James Lytick, to whom she wanmarried in 1800, served in the Wat of 1813.Hor parent* wore among tho early Germansettlers of Now Jersey. Urs. Lynoa aud fam-ily movod to Pennsylvania hi 1830. She vnithe mother of eight children, (our af Thornoro living, the youngest being about 76 yeanofaso. HerltflaUhiu>to.»fev days basal-woys luou oxoallent, and her iiwulties seemeduninipnlredtotheloat

Where to Find a Pocket Book.The Hriuk Drug Store hiu tie beat asuort-

A Terrible Kick by a Mule-Johnny Hawkins, a littlo boy about twelve

years of ago, stepson of Wra. Deen, of thisplaoe, was badly kicked by a mule attachedtohis&tnerVoaualhont, last Friday after-noon, near Paterson. He was driving the an-itnal, and to hurry him up, ttruokhitn a alightblow with a stick, when the malot whioli hudalways been g&ntlc, gavo too boy a terriblekick in the face, hraakisg his noje, dU h f l i J dJW^ndcttingadeep gp*h,M . DcBrs took the boy to a Person, phyal-eUa, tvho dfMie<\. bis, i<wu.ds and thenbrought Mm lunne. Aithongli he has boeqvery ill in c-uis^ucmoe. ke Is now do&«c betU-iand will doubl T! land will doubletskilld

T!io mnlo •*l aw \ !io mnlo *&killed nt order tcproTA&t any further consquence of bli Tlo't

Eiouriion to Lake HopUcong.Tho Hlhorain M. E. Sunday School will

mako an exoumlou to Lnko Ilopatcang nextWedncwltty. The train leave* HtbtruU at 6A. «.; fiookawny, &2C; Dover, 8:40; PortOram, B;(U) arriving at tboLalo at 8:28, AllVbodosIietoEowllI bo taken, aud the farofor the round trip will be 50 cents; cb.{14fonBOeenU. Confectionery aod (oo,l>eprovUlBd'oiith&dexpected and \hfi |tu

Educational,We dinot attention to tiio now idvertUc-

ment nf tbo Newark Ituslnnss College, OQ Oapposite pagf. IU aonrao is nntf^up of tbe beit principles tfhqtmes'i ttionn, and should tojnmand the attention of

who. propaso «luc*Mni{ their sono In

Parfumsry.?ine«t OMortment In town i t the llrick


Teeth Eitnctid for 29 Cantsat Dr. MoDivit'* Dental Farlon, Dovor, N. J.

SUMMER GOODS,White Goodi. Lawu, Bunt,

lngi, Parasoli, Fana, etc., atWJU.II. BAKER'S,

Dover, N, 1.










BARB WIRE FENCING.and the best elms of ACiDICUl.TUIt A L

I'HAMWnnii .s iu i:AN1CS IOOI.S III IIII-OKKS llAli lSwAltK «1 J.ij "llARim'.VItr. nit.l IIIO.M STOKB, BIUN OP THP

PAU1.OHK, UOVKIt, X. .1.


BATTERS AND CLOTHIERSare now olosineout their SPRING andSDMMEE STOCK and are offering ex-traordinary bargains in the followinggoods:

Readymade CLOTHING,

SOFT AND STIFF HATS,Hosiery, Suspenders ,



STRAW GOODS!we will offer at a sacrifice as wo donot want to carry one of them over.

CAMPING GOODS!As this is tho season when camping

equipments are In demand, we havelaid in a Ml stock of


Onr prices on them will be foundas low as the same quality of goodscan be bought for in the cities. Wealso carry a very large assortment of

TRUNKS, SATCHELS,Traveling Bags,1&c.

Notwithstanding the low prices at whioh we are nowoffering onr goods, we wish to Bay to tae boys we are Milgoing to make them a present of a BAIL AND BAT witheaoh suit. ' ' . -



Page 6: THE DOVER LUMBER left at WilliamH. fiakei'* storu mil rooelip earofal and prompt attention . The Seneca Falls Yeast

tt imt

0 | l.l«< J II l«*1-tll iMll'llJl Wi Wi iUnlBIT« i t t m ml im\ < .-.-I mi'l mill n»«*'* West -

) t III till filial UK

Ami homtlpd left, r full of !K>IKWnnd gilou1 |IVHlh<llll)\ I (JllieOJlPt limiQ t» H«H!

In [iilnl Anyt miur

Id all Mil m« « fi'im rin^nittrn yearsJt'-i tin »«tWi ' I , M< v l u t t«uilirtdir«j)n>{i mi till i ul Ion h> * « IM Nufl mill «hi»\I jituj tutnc [iiilmlj uf long fl|to

Itov atmnge it WK-MB 1Tin. tbln, wwk uotei tlmt mice wore rid

ami utmngGlr« only now tbr- sundew of a Mag—llio djiUjaclioortlK fuller ntrulnThat I ilull ijevOT, uct or Lt&r again,

Uulcw la dreams.

Want liuidi Have touched it! Finger* tuniand white,

Stooc Itiff uml weary with Ilfr'« toll mill flgliDimr clinging hand* that loug have been

rest.Folded serenely as a quiet breast.

Only tc tliiuk,O itXA\», sari »otes, ul nil tlm p\M\»ant dapTlio happy SOUKS, tlie hymns of holy prulscTIIB dreiuns uf love nnd youtU Hint round yo

ringlDo thny not tunko ctioh sigking, trw

airingA mighty link ,

All Ha nmukiftus f!DtiD lippinl lentil.Tlie lieniHfu., 1HT< d, iriiere itre tlii-y nil

To thoughts (if tiutliy union tux! ilcain-HWtl i wUkjieriiiK fluipn.

All UN silent now, tlie famrull miiii,TIiolMtaong sung, tlie last h-ur Badly eliedVet IOTC hai f lmn It ninny ilreaiim lo keepIn tUiri tone roiHD whin? oul.v BIUMIOWS froi1

And eilunce linger*.

Tim old piano a n i w m to my «>nll,Ami fruui uiy iiugiirn lot** tho lost notes full0 sonJ that f linvo low! , with hetivfiily lilrt!Wilt tliou not keep tue nioturirj of earth,

It* HlllllCit Illlll »l«IlM fSltail wwwl and itielaifliHlwliilMvoryAiiswer tins toueli (if lovo with muloily,And tlicu forget! Ih'tir «tw, nut *u.1 mure Mice yet (though linw tmuy uotki

* Jicyimil ttiu Mm.


After luiviofi been married Hdino woeit cacao ialo tbe head cf a young tuis-baud Clio Sunday wlieu be hud but littlelo occupy liis mi lid lo suggest lo his wifHint tiicj' should {iluiDly nnd Iioticstl;si ale tlio faults tLiil enclt bud <liscuvcriin tlie oilier since tliey luul been ininut) wife. After some hesitation tbc wingfoed fo tttu iirapoailiou, Imtattjuilatectlmt 11)0 tvlienraal all on M be raiulo innincerUy, and with an koncBt viewibe bettering of enoli other, an otbnrsvit would ba of uo uso la speak of tb< to ubirliniarriiigii lnul openiItieir eyes. Tlio IIUSIXIIKI was of tin

•V mire inlud, uud bis witn ticked liim* -*,I«!gin- lie vas aoioe^liut rclnulnut, ii- _ *-iia uife insisted I hat lie was first to prii ijSose thorontlei1, nn:1,at ha was the Iiem

"uf ibo bnnst', it wns bis plitea to tike tinfloat). Tbm nrpetl, lie began tlie reciti

He ml) :'•My dew, one of tlie flrat fuutU tli:

I observed in yonnfter webegiiu ki'epiilioubo wus tlmt ,voa n good tleul ueglccdtlie tlDffare, Mj mother nlwiya toogreat.pride In bei I in ware, ami kept itWight as a dollar."

" IumglnJ you bave incnlioiioj ildear," said Use wife, blunbiug a Little" lieroafler you sbnH tec uo spot oil cujor pan. Pmj procecj.1

111 liavo also-ousei-vc I," aatJ tlio uuiMail, '* Itiat jonlixfto TvHhoul nnsliiuR tliom, nnd flnnll;Ilirow tbcia away. Now, wben at homeI remember tunt my mothei" nlwajauaedto waBb out her dislinigB when ebe waa(.oqo using.tlieia,^nnJ tbeu liung tbeup wberetliey could dry ready fur Hinext tiiuc abt1 noiilil ucod Ibem.

B'.iial.irtg, n» before, tlio young wiipromised to nmeuij lliis fault.

Ttie^nsbamJ eoutinuei, witli a moitformlilable list of Miaihu' iuults, mauymare (bun Wu liave space to enumerate,wlien be\ieolnrod ttmt bo oouM Iliiuk oluutliiug raoro vvuitby of tueutioa.

" Now, mj ilenr," sniil lip, >lyou bc-ttlu and tell mo nil l ie faults yon Iiavodiscovered in uic siuco vo htuo beetmnrrlcd-

Tlie wife sat in silence. Hot faceflnslioil lo tlif idinph's and a great lumpc.imo in lior throat, wbieb sbo socincd toItc B(living hiinl to swallow.

"Procciid, uiy dear; tell me all tbefaults you have discovered tu mo ; spacenone."

Arisiug'Suddenly frooi bcr seat tlittle wife Vii^Molo loars. and Itiroiyinlotli armV bbont tier Inmlmnd'a neck.

"Mjtfcnr ljimband, jon linvc notfault in lliu world. If you tiavo QIIQ moyes linvcbgotiio blind by my love forjou IbatsoloDg ns we limu innrr'eiTneveroncoob30ivedit. In niyc^csynro P0i|c?f, aud nil that you Jo seems ube iyab W tlje best tttmiiBr and juewliataloalil he iloue.1'

"But, m,r dear," »a;d tto liuslnailbis faco rediicning ncd liis voice growiulaishy with emo:iou, "just lliink, I Lavgone and fonod nil inauuer of fault wit.Vou^'^KowtlolcU mis some of my faults;I know I bnve rainy—icn timoa ns mans yon ever bad or uill bare. Let ihear them." •..•,, -

"Iudcetl.'liasbfluiJ, it is as I tell yon;yon Itave not a "sioglo fault that I canK'c. 'Wlialcveryou do necaa vigbt intuy eyes, and now that I know «tmCiOOit-tot-uolUiug littlo wtelcl. X nit,Bbftll fttouoebenin tbo ivork of refoimunit {fy]lo ttiike mj-salf irortliy ot you,

loar, you kuotv Ihi— n _ y htfS Ion v c you *i[L

_ wood cot, I slny (lowu townwhen r onglit to be tit bo mo, I spentmoney fur dirinkanO cigars vltca louglito Ijriup it Iiouie tit joii, I—1'

"No, yon don't," erieil bis viL"you ilonoltiiogof Ihe kind. I iifcr UHtoyon ei-j'iy jtniiseif j Itbonldbo uuV>»ppy Ttere yoo to /.do plberniM' tliatj isl (T;.c!Iy Jiayun t o . "

"God Wcs you, littlawitc, criednow Eiibjiigiiteil luislniid, "fram tbismotD eat you linVe not a fjiilt i'u tUcw irld. In Jcoi1, you ntver Imd a fault;I tvas jtiking ; doii'^ remember a wHaidl" Aud lie fc.»«ei\ flmij |lie,.fetntbat Htili trembled FD tin; Vy.tlu womauV

Mefer %ain Jiil Ibo1 bnstaml serdtl-nizellio liuware nor tximine lliodtshrng—never so macii at mentioned onoofthe fuuMa lie b»d,eunmornted—bntioobalter tlie ueiglibar womeu wciij, wont to

" I t i a voDilerftii bow neat Mrs.

• Met

... s, , _ .anflI do believ? a te not only wjsbfa butirons bcr disbrags." Aud tbe neighbormen wore beard (qjsay*; V " " - ; : •**'men wore beard (qjaay; Wbitat twd/ellow baa got to be of late; ho

doa't Bpeml B dime where be nBed tospeniljjollara, and can never be keptfromiiomtitiBMon hoarVhenhe ia aatat worl!.1 yH6 seeihato wonliiptbot wife

»»-When a married maa Soils himself

looked out at 3 o'otoalc A. H,i lifora boy to (licsitnntion.


jtiift IjuuU'pjily iutfi't-jtetl uifiuber o!i:'fi'iil) f«r llio [»asl tiroycire, nilvanceil;• tlio tlevk, ainl Uiotlicr GiirJuer coniuneJ ;

M MIIBC. I i'ntn you PID ou do pirnof retnoviu' lo Oliio?"'

i. Y,^ s i\\ "

" Ymi «ili inks your certificate 'longid yuii, uu' you will keep your tuenieidUip vid m jist do same; an' an;

lime yon kirn raise uiouoy 'nuff to lakefrelgbtIriin au1 oouio up and nee asyoiwill find a boatile welcome."

"Yes, 8aU—Tae mucli otileegeJ, auh,"replied Moses m bo wiped a (car fromhie eye.

" An' now I vjnt to say a few furdeiwords to you," resumed tba Preside!niter & solomn pause, " "Von am gwineto cut loose an'sail iu tie company ofntrangers, nn' der am a few tbiugs youwould do well to remember,

"Remember, data lawyer will fflorlharder to ol'ar D murderer dan he will t(

convict ft lliiof.

Bemembor, Oat n myhnt wlio offerByon de lonn of liis hoe nm llghin1 aroandto secure Ibo loan of your wlicrtliarror.

"Remember, dat you cnii't judge oido homo happiness of n man an' wife hyHeiiu' 'em at a 8(indtiy akuto picuic.

"Bcmenibcr, ilnt while <k> oiveragiman will rcturu you di; k'i'ect clmogt ita luisiuiBS Iriinsaoksuo, h^'il water hmilk nn' mix beiina md his caffce.

" Remember, dat all do negative* oldo best pliolngmplis nia retouched, au'Oc wrinltles an' freezes worked out.

"Remember, dat society am Diadeuof good clothes, luusgrj stotnaclie, tl(ception, lieaitaiilita au' mixed gramiaa

"Itememlier, dot people will netbeiitup to quusbuu de Irnf i>f any riiuior

scandal affect!n1 your clmructer, buttakes y'nra to satisfy 'em dat join* greagiau(Ifmliler wasn't a pirate and yoigreat grnuduiudder tic lettdiu' gal in15c. ballet. You kin now sot down au:

close your eyes an' reflect an' digest, amde rest ul HB will purcued to catty out diusual proginmtno of tbe tnoctia1,"-Iroit Free Prees.

What a Newspaper Costs.Mr, Clmrlos A. Dana tins been giving

liis views on New York city journalism.Se Hiiys n grtat improvement is notlooabto. Uctfer tnlt'ot is now euiployet"A competent writer of leaders will bopnid from S10O to $150 per week ; nnno niao fit to supervise them awl poi Jonthe functions of editor in-ebief cau ha

Ikid for less tlino from $150 lo 8200 peweek. The reporters aru of two olsssca.Those ol tlio regular staff nro pnid by ibeweek at rates varying from $30 to SOD.These purform not only tlio routineduties o{ if pttvtiug, but ato olwnja pto-pmed to be ncnt off upon special service,in wtiicb cuse tlieii* rnilroad furop, car-dngo hire, bold bills and otbcrcxpenmitra pnid by tie office. Tbcn tliero nrouumber ul reporters tvbo are nltnolied ticacb popcr wlio nro paid nccordiug titlie Kiovk Uioj perlurm fiml witboul btog any ]>ri'&ciibod functious, aud eliobe iu roodineas to do TvJjatcvei' may bonecessary.

" I know sevciiil men wbo, witbonlliovicg l'ogulitr salaries, will avorage fromfifty to soveoty-five dollars a week, Otlicao two cUisstH of rupovtcts n first ialopaper must employ about fifty, ItWasiiinRtou eneb nowapaper lins need oicgiilur oonespoodeula or reporters antoccasion al contribntorj, nnd tlie diffecut tinpers differ as to the respeetinumber of tbeso . wo clsises. In Albanyeacli New York paper mast have itsalur Btsff devoted to tbis eeivice, InEurope every leading paper has its reg-ular stuff of correspondents. Theremat bo a correspondent in London and

one in Van* who report constantly eitherby poet or cable" I t will be eeen bytliis esUtnate that maticg a newspaperIB noobild's play. Tbe day is past wbeua great daily ooald'bii gotten oat witbone man whose Imt was lila desk', and

wroteboavy "leaders" wbilo seatedon an old flour barrel.

•N cinders in the Ejc.Many people know nil aboa t t t ee i

eellenee of ojidumon seeds (noO n Unset

other (Lings) nro iguoi-aut in a mat lor olfm- more cqiisequenco—a good antidotefor cinders In the aye, It will pay travelors to Iry tbe eimple rccipo given bo-

low, aw! puts [twHeedaol anotbev kinalong nith tbe turdumon wlien staitingOD a journey. PeraonB trav^lliDg byailwuy nio aobject to coatiDaed a n ;mce by llyiog cinders. Oa gottlng^to

the eyes these me not ooly palnfttliomomeat, but ara often tbe caose olong euffariDg tbat entla in a total loss ol

bt. A very simple and effective curwithin tbo reach or every one", au

would prevent much suffering and ex-Q with it generally known.4 It ia

simp*]; one oi two grains of Ufa-p

These may bo placed in the eye vitbotilinjmy or potn to that delioaio organ,nnd euortly they bognu to swell nnd disolva A ({lutmoua eubstaoco that covers

tbo ball of the eyo enveloping any for-eign sabatanoo that way be in lt,L TU

irrimtiou of cutting tbo membrane isthus prevented, and tha annoyancesoon be washed out A. dozen ot tbeaeatoned anay ia tho rest pocket nayprove in an emergence worth their nunueriugold.

* • • • •

Anecdote ot Gmiiuudarft VunrieibHt.riiis anecdote is told of tbo laic Com

modnre Vjndeibilt: At 8d»ifapgi; oole occasion, when sillinjf on t t i c ' p l ^

of i liotcl, o somewhat oTbrdteseed %if

oDclied act) olalmod his acqntaoce. Tliecommo'Jorcacoaoand tnlkcdfftility uttb tier, wliile his trifo nu

UnRhter snlffet] Ibo ait witli scorn."F<itlter,"sai[| the yoiiug Imly, ns tinoommodore resumed his scat " don't yonrememberthatvnlgar airs. B — as tbowoman Trtii'.u^a io'tell poultry to tu atcime ?'* v'OartaiDlj\"" wspbncled "Ih

old gautleiaan. promptly, "and I remem-ber 'four mother when Bhe used lo sellroot besr over in Jeney wben I went uptliero from Sfaten Island, peddling oyitors out of my boat," As this homelyreply woi loan} by a grasp inrronndiagthe family, tliere was nb farther attempt»t orlatootalic.oic« oo lUe partol the la-les dariog tbataeaion;

Statement of County Collector for three months,ending AUg; 7th; 1883.

1BS9. fttiBatttb* •':'V -:-

(k ih tnb*nkl»«Vnm«t . C ; - . kJl*y 10. From prccw li of uotv n"i-

ooncMd thl|d*TfortSO

' _ HfltiiO(Smiinftl«o;O 8 . 3 . U. Oarrell, fur old


aHSSaaHSSaaiSsr . .Samie] TipMtL old brtdga


Mtt 10. J , S L . O « V P , •MSI

21- Or V. »• Avrta, MM» . J.A.VauOrdvu, 27 88

J U 3. A.. Drake, 8519July *1. li. V. O. Vauflatw, 21 tli

Jolyll. P^tcrl-Gnuh.Zemi H amiib,

' State* tt.Outelt,

W.W Cook,

Jul j 18. EogeoeTauiJi.rpooT, Ti


431067 20

m no8,106 73

Asvxrnianro AKDPWHTIKO.HujlO. TjuusABUka, *IM7»

Tit- Duvtr Prlutlng Co. I860Juui! 13. Fii'd. B. Birdnii

U ^'iisiniaDroxnSin. L. C. T«wi

25 OO

(12 50

16. TltuDovcrPrliiliaeCo. OS7521. Vance i Stilos 18410S3. HuimnuiltTlllyer

lHo inesTALi .

M»j lft. IS. S. Gonuii, OounlyClerk,

J. A. DrakeDr. I), a. Ayri'i

JnnDlS.O.F.HopkioiU. 3. A.Drata

July 13. Wm. H. EuniceW. H.Lambet , tal tr j

25 005HO7

•607 83IS 75


— ' - U6S2COUfcil' JktL ASD COUflT UOUHC.

Mny 10. WlMtviEarkBJobiiDoDtnuiJohn HunVV, H. Ho<vdl,8Ltr]ffDr. Jan, DOU|;UBJob WriglitVuorlinc-i Bros.Jonopli Vork

0 . 0 . Lyncli

17. W.B. UrtlibitlMurri* AqncJuctOo.MortUtovu Q. L, Oo.Go, IV. Smith

81. Wni.P. JohntwnTumkfas k Wvlah

Day Jt Mnclimoro0 .H, DalrvniploAdama t Fnircliild

Juno 19. W. W. Hitldlo

H.Q iaunullMatlbias Plum

J. Ii. ItunyonJos. York

July 12. U h, AlluuWm. Becker, Jr.John IlufT

HoiTlstnivti O.L. Ou.

Jo*'. Ywii *Vunrlicea Bro?.

105 6725 IU)14 Oil

121 SS1U3S&

3 1 SOaijo

377 0042S

10451070025 no7 78

75 3S130 4815iiO32 00421015 8327100 1 0!J8')

21 OS07 JS2760

702 SIXI8 7TIHO 811160(13

10 D51U802 40

40 TO25(102] 001 1 4 0

uoo16(1 SB3,085 fiO

StH>'TOF«CU0OLS.May 10, W. L It. RavestTuno 2, L. W. Thurbor

76. E. M.Vr.nn-Jjly M. J. M. Van BvcUo


May 0. A. B. Hlfth 'ODD, W. BqulresAmoi O. Bslbban

10. JaaohBochlGW. 11. Uoffel), SlieiltTJ. It. WillhniH

N. V ButtonIt- A. HagcrtyJIIUCB P. Rolluy

lfl. Jus. It. WilliamsJ. W. Fanober

17. 0. R. VauVoorlieoflJames U.FrostJ.H.A'lameon

V,i. n . N . Utdp l icns23. Daniel Murgiu

I^nac B. GemingAtnidro B. HlfiU

24. VioturH.Qny81. Pranols Olitlil

J . W, Babbitt

W.H, ao«cll , HhcnttJoliuW. JHlibittW. W. Been

21. W.E.Bi»rti.. HierilTJnlj 8. Frauds Child,

11. Ufili.r H . Coil12. It. 8. VanOjho20. Fret mau Wood

Aug. S. Krancia Obild


Maj 0. B.O.VuDOnyne

10. Bratrn k WliltliejJuno 13. Ramuol Hum mo ml

W,H.T"nipttuaJ. D, MaokrnlRQTlico. Bitiffliol)Cyrus BUnclurdJoitnh BavidsonH Pinttcrton

July 11. HifiB Tudd


15 00800 00




53461 OO

£85 00293

S4 607 DO

S3 40111283 0080 00soon30 0030 OO80 0030 OO15 004100aooo

lOGOO80 OO14 00


75417 02ma OD

1 90100 00100(10


p .S7 5410 50


8 7220 25

.87 8071898 45675


Uny D. HI. Ittan10. IV.B| ft JlcOnrtl

June 13. Wm. A.Bcnj*min

July 11. JoWDoHarl

Msytt. A.B.UoplerJm.ea.]. E , F o i , t nrollior

JEFfBCBON TOBKBUMay 10. W. F , Unrritt

80 003015


E207 00



US 00'

May 10. JoiopUJauson HO60. OeorgoA. Pool 1001)

June 18, Frsnlt Oiea 70 (JOOco.H.Wulfo U 0 0i . J. Tnolamt 01CHM. V. B, Bearing 3 77

30. T.J.^oonBs 1300'July 18. Aaron fi. Tmrlon 8125

14. Birnucl D. Young* 18 0021. George H. ffoiro 1500

* tmu-V&BfUC TOlTHiHIP,

13 SO*»T. OUTE TOffN^niP,

JHQ813. R, n . tUcplieus 122 46SosW\ ftrari 27 50

Jnly 11. John B. Btiber 2170I n B. SteiilieDi 700


Juno 18. Henry Mandcrrllio tOSOfrD n l l p . Qonlon . 700'

" *10200<OYKH •romoBtn1.

June 13. Biolut'l Corbcly *12S0»B. a.OannBii 1203

July 11. IHcbard Oorbcly 4000


JolinJ.Biaaa 1500y IS .Toiin F .Po i t 37 60

J o t y l l JplitiT.arr.son, £1725cniiTXn

Jol* 11. San.aql 3 HolTaianTatil Brtagoi, , ,. t6,0C5(U


A Zabrl^lo 0100A. O. Htdlencor 15 00

10. M. e .OwlU 07 87J.R.WiHmii SCOQro. W. Joukinr. Tr,

OtilKlrtn'i HOBM> 281 Gt. . . S . P . i l v n a . , - - ,"••• B4O

Homy HqliWur ., • D00^A. W.Nfliighrifihb •: -WOO;,

"Oeo; WiVreelmnd , J 1500 :iol3.J.H.Aa1m8Qft •'• 8 00'

. Ii. SttllcBRCr : ' ;• . 55 85? ": Putriok Ooonlnfflitm M TO -

H. L. Hnpltni 33 Ol)>JOTB, Htllci 10 40femm-l Divis n SOTuincH O»ywocd ' BOOOr*ne Urotlicra 101 H5P. V. k H. HalmoD 100 00J. D. Mdclinrieo , ](UCOVTilHam Bfpwn > ; , (fflll


IS, J-ilm O. RjcrtonJuly H.JJati!i fT^Aitanwdli'; \

Tlieo. ning\kbN-trn StilrtVm. ltrntvn


13. ABP—, -

M'-L-uenAHlok i

16. JjSEpll J i ; Willia&il

20. Oie. V. VricLni

Toll! cipcurfilurn.JiiUnco r ^ l i In Hal Upio-J Bank,, 7,177 VJ

,'-- --.'•! Jii ;{.:'iffiitBEOAPITDLATION.

^ r , tffin^ i vAdrenli iugind IViliting, &U 87Inci<,cnt«l«, " „ _ ? « ? ?

flni'VorVnbllVSBiioplB, , , IUM

Tula) cxpendUitref. 11B,6ffi 94

' . : « • . • • , « • ,

Conniy Collectof



H, P, SANDERSON.E. LIND8LBT 4 80S, Daver, N. J .A W. THKILEtt, Dover, N.J .OKOROE COE. Walnut Grove, N. J.OBN8. DICKER80N, Dov«,N.J .

EUOEHfS TAGE, Nuwark, N. J.SUflLOM tUIITa, Like Hopatoong.N. J.JtEV. MB. CRAMPEULAtN. Denvillo.N.J.0 . BOLLY, Washington, N. J .WniTLOOK h. LEWIS, Dowr.M.J.DR. SriGEit. MeDiiliara.N. J.MS. PETEftBOS, BUnhopc.S.J.itIOHABD 4 TIPPBTr, Bockanray.N. J.H. 8LATEB, Snug brig lit, N. J.A.J . CRiBE, 8Unliopc,H.J,B. VAN UOltS, BtanliDpo, N. J.H.J . F0B0B, BtaDlioi», N. J.STEPHEN LINDSLEtf, MUlon, » . J-


EO. £. BOtmSES, Cheater, N. J.\ O. KOCKEFEtiLlsIt, Dover, N. J.

O. H. HDNSON, Dovi!t,N.J,ESSE M. eilAUP, Bndd'0 Iftke, H, J,

TOHN D. EVAN8, OboHer, N. J.J E W I S HBUD, HnitltowD, S. 3.. K. COOPBlt, Duver, N. J.

E. B- HRELLEKGEfl, Olifliter.N. J.EHKINH & CO., MlnoHiH.K. 3.

DK. HENnY WIQOIHS, BuBCtaDUna.N. J.NATHAN MoDAVir, Dover, K.J.'AMEH DUKFO11D, FoMplon Plain*, N.J,

WILHINBO.V, OiDDiaAOO., Keffarb.N. JE0QEKE n. COIiy, 8p»rta,N. J

,. O. BIBBVIBT0, Dover, N.J.LEWIS BPI0EB, Dover, N. J.

AMES TURNEB, CaUfou,N. J,SSIIL VAN N IE 11, Soccasuona, N. J.

N. D. STEHIENS, Ut. Olive, N.J .COBBETT I1BOS. Dovar.N.J.'. B WrzOEHALD, K^vfttb, N. J.

MKH. HEV. BAKEti RMITH^ Bit. Freedom.

trtloB, to t«ke efloot(, 1883.'

1R New TORE, foot orXiilutySt., Nortb river.iHBEonKLiBJ^elPiffbarfJootofFul.CDSt

Ol-lWUai) •tsnvtl ; . . . . . . . , . , ;'ortOnm

Dorer ,Bookimy



>nkpivUla . . . . . . .

Isaac N, Doty & Go.IfEWABK, N. .T.

IXAIXKO nova* von

DRY GOODS s CARPETSt get asaoTtmentand lower

rates than any other house.Extra special bargains inSilks i great deolinein prices.Faaoy Gheok 8Uka at 60 ets.Reliable Blank Bilks at 75 cts.Colored Dress HilTcs at 55 ota.all Bilks roduced from 10 tc15 per cent, DEESS GOODSriohest collection in Newarkeverything new to oolora an<materials. The superiority olour Dress Goods Departmenover that of any other in thecity is manifest to the mostcasual obserrar. Our NEWC&RPET DEPARTMENT hasleaped into immediate popu-larity and has already gainedthe confidence and patronageof many families in this vicin-ity. We are selling S0YALWILTONS, MOGUETTES, VEL-VETS, BRUSSELS, three plysand Ingrains at the lowesprices ever quoted.


159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark. If. J,


Live inado Important reiliclion.i in prices o


Seersuckers, Ginghams,Ao. Tlioson-un fnranr caiiso nrp In wi .tlicso socrf) wiUHnAa coi)8»ittrabi:ir«iluat.ttn

eloamp out bplfliice or stock. IVnaro npt... .CBo.1 wok JOB LOTd IN PAllASOTiS ANDSUN UMBRELLAS «t Rfeally rniiiccd pnctn.

Jllst TPOelvOi] Knlbrntil«reil Wool Tub ItCovert, Silk: Dllxol nml J u l o Tnlile Cnv"r» ID nil akof ; Inrfta Htock ul P i a n o Cover*All lllfifle sooiti At nmr rein Italy low nrii:-^Housekeepers will Hi-d tliin n goctt liin« nyoar tf» bnv TABLE U S E S 8 , NAl'KIN.lTOWELS, SHEETINGS fee, .Vf,, tm fnim HiilnllneBs or the teison Jobbers arocliapogoil tmake oonccsgioui in prince and wo always uivunroutlnmors tlio benefit or any burgaiaswicome terow. Bilanco of 175 piece*






The Old Reliable Millinerand Dress-maker!

M B S . GEO. F A R R ,

POUT 0RA.M, N. J.,

r UeADqClRTEBB for Mill iu>v ol >1klDils mdalvkf . SIIQ k « p i orerytuioff ol

Hie htes l doilh-n, nnj t o l l x a cheap u thedioipett. Her aroii.mikiQR aGJiarlmeDt jtlvel

Pennine fit, iwl nevetfr t l i to gWBUtiiliKi'. OITB h e r » e»ll.




• lwp . ,•- Morrlitoirl], H. I .

LOST—«!5from Ottap t t Wm. iDgrtm1*, I*io

o P B , * * ' '"•*•

WmTEBtLL 3WTT DOO. ! -aaioa relaraei to WnH»m inffrtto tta

e nnnni will be )>>>td. Sff-lw p




iA.denold1 AIi u d Berks Sis.Greoa, and


A. M. I. U. F. H.Jievrtork.. . . 9.00 a .»

NEW JimSl LEOll IEST,» • MA0HINEBY OIlS.-We Ufa) ptaunte In InlroJmmB to Ite Irada onr rtridoi jradel

or BMhiatrjandotluc Hoatj-Oll*. TtM" joodaaM mMoJUUtsd by Uia toar»™,»o»-iiitly »iI «i»e H«m tbe IJOHBH or o t parsodil inpiirinon and gianntes Ihgm to «»a

UiLillEUOfA.Oor.SthaadQretnBti. 8 SO 8.15

J.OS tW9J9-U!

10.09 fi.2»7.0! 10.B 0.108.M1I.0B CM8.0911.1'J fl-W8.U11.17 «.M8.2111.33 tM

e,Dor ..,,Wdle V.llor


l l l f i j . . . . . i 7458.8D 11.15UB S.itiTire 7J08.«11JO4.«8 IM

A. • . f. H. P. H.."Xiene B.391IAD 6.t»

I.1SU.U «.!», 8.(1 l l . « «.««; 8.4111.M 6.SS

J.5DU.10 7.M; 6.6811.68 7.07..„ I'.onaoa 7.17. . . - , . ; . . 8.0712.07 7.21., Atrite fl 1513.15 7.S0

' " " " • l , , . ,A.S . V .« . P'K6.90 3,30 fi.EtOfl.28 fl,i» B.B9

; . . . . 8.88 8.88 fl.«6.43 MS 5.646.44 B.44 0.B7

; 6A9 S.48 6.09fi.52 8,61 6.MS.H 8.C6 6007.00 *.tO 0.14

leqneotly we give tbnB tbe baneflt of our P«reodilperfect latlibalioa, both ID qoailtj nod price, or n

Briok P r e ^ J Of),W. B. Bpertn Oil,W. B. Wbste Oil,Prime Nefttsloot Oil,No. 1 NenUfoot Oil.B. Eendligbt Oil, 150s,No . lLaK.0 iVW. PnreSiiaii Oil,Prime WMte, 115*.

Dark Oar Oil,Spain Packing Oil,Extra Packing Oil,

Extra Engine Oil.Tallow Engine Oil,

Dark Engine Otl>Sperm Macliioerr Oil.No. 1 MDcliinerT OH,Dark Lubricating Oil,Railroad Imbrlattor,Shafting huhrionior,WutYiiRiDia Oil," O i W 7 Wool OU,Sfftinlesa Spindle QilNo. 1 Bniijaie OB,8tmm_ Eoflnod FaB8aIo_OjJiqder Oil,

"^Kpop^iifciriai.", o x c « , _ . — ~ _ . _ . o±± •


TBS MoKIBOAN OH. On '. ffaiiw roor or TnW AvK.,HKirAtK.H.3.

A. B. A. K. A.M. V.M. P . IIChester Q.D3 8.05 11.008.63 0.00flcrmaa Vallry 7.05 8.20 11.154.06 6.15

A. K. P, K. P.M.Oertnto'VBlle; LsRve 7.07 4.07 0.31MlddloVftUey.. , 7.14 4.14 0-&9Vornoy, 7.10 4.18 6.89omtoa ; . . . . . i T.aa 6,48l i l B d jlrri»B 7.38 4.88 6.68^undBroolt " 8.80 6.83 8.36Bllzfibctb « 9.18 6.17 fl.07Sewart » 9.M B.« 850Trentun " 9.89 6 .«

P h U d l l Un

PhiUdelnliUOor.a.l and Berk!" [ U d a

10.18 8,94[Uiacdaroea 10.07 B.Q5

New York " P.uao.W 9.87OouT0j«ncei can be procured &t QoraaD

Ctllev (o tod froni tiolsMley'ti Monntito; t.<FlnDiiorB to aiid from Dadil'e Lake; at Eecrllto and from Lako Raoatcnnir.

Now York Urn* is tlio aUndard, «i Imllcsteibj tlieolookIDfiishBridfiBBtsiion. Ttie Com-paiiy regorvoe tha right to varr tlic mnDlDg oftrtlns (rota tbl* time table M ofrcuraBtinceimjy require.,

B*JTOH CmrMKmoNB,—CoQPMJlloii ii made•t Hlgli SndRO to ana from Eaetan.

H. P.B.»J,PffIN, GOE'I PaiH. AWWftTEilllia


Depot, in Weir York; root of Barclay Bl. andftIOltt tUpUota(

Domineadust U 0 B 0 A 1 , JUXE 18tb, 1883.

A t r u t O A . U . (Kauioi) Mail 'J)ra[n),cDjooUug witli tli« fioontou Uroach at Ounvillfur UaKiiUm; tUo UliMter Ucmali u Doverluiduocaaunuti uud Ulioslcr; lUu duancx Itaiiruaili t Waterloo, lor AttduV<!r,Newtuu aail nil ma-tloux; tiiu li., h.A Vt. H. U. at Wa^hiugtunrorMauuakaOuaub/NftU'rGaMtfoaUijbnrB

urautuu, BJutfliaiiitfla, Ulica, Jticljlloli4|>rluxp, tfutuor, UorUaatJ, ttyracaeo, Oiwtguil \>v[uia uu (tit t tcl tau MUIIB stitl Cloaaiturfr *ud Dolawaremiii Huiliscm UailroniiwiiUHU'liilUpabars withlithlgl, Vallty lUil

foatiaadL#Ulgl. «a4 Suiiiueliaiint Jtxilroi.irur BoVUlBliein, Maueii CliunV, Abadius andi l b

At Ji3« A . i l . BingbamlLD Mail (DrawingBoom QarautuciieUJirqiulS.}* iu rk r ia . l'at-tsnoQ aud Boooton, rnoa tbrougli tu Watera»p, Hiroadgborg, aoranton, Urcat CBDJ

OnuHteT l i i i .mi i i , a t AVrtMlov) wui, BDIBCIilailroiil tor Anqover, Kcston aQd all sta-tions ; n i Uilaffaiu ttllb Ulafrstowu Rp,, sdiiauton, m i l uluomaburg Dlfluluu lur i'llta

-2,Kju^ato(j, tflltieitiiu'iti, Daiivilte, Northiburiaud, &c. i'saaflueerb tabiug tnl

tram ttw\t Hew iatk, Patemon aud lloattoican conuooi %i WMuiagton «Ub t n i o fof hillipsliurg, E«lton, itetlilBliem, Ulentoi n,aarriitbiirftiudnoioti on the Letiil i Valley,iioil LtililKlJ and SuBqQObaiina IlftllrjaOa ; atl'limipBlmrft trltb Uelftacre Uindou of P i . It,H.forLarabortvUle,TTOntouan<l Philadelphia

At O.UD A. U , B B 0 I 1 I I a n d Oiivefio EijirrtDrtKiQg ttiKim O u t ) W'ulet Qap, bltuutlaur^jScmntup, UingLnniluii, O\rt'so,ltli«ca,I'avcrly.Elinlri, Houut Morris a id Uulkli

Also 8jracn«o si ml OJWCK", ouuapciiiig i"ivifiliainWu farVnoaauil lliclScklSpriuua.

AVluaoA. i l . Dover iccouimoilattui).At VM0O H, Jiaatou KxproHB.At 1:00 P. M. Slmltk Exptwi, Drtirlug

__ __ Junmtbn wiili Uck. & Bioonnbun. it. for J-ltt.ton, Ws-omlng, Klogilon IDU Wlliet-lurre. fuieugera Liking this trtln from Me*York. Patarmon and tloctun can connect »t Waah-Ington with tr*ln No, S.

LwtvcNeiT Yort a t3 .30 P, U (Eaitoa Ex-reas) cunnotriinK at Waterloo for Andavtcu'tou and llranclivillj, noil at i'liilLtuHnuithLcliffrb Valley Railroad and Lehlgh ai

.I'auiuH ami llari'isburg.l . i o i'. M. Scram on Special conncoling

lovimi t l i ClitBlcr It. Ji.; HL Waterluu willj

•»'•« V. k., L . ' o r E*presa fur Su(BeruanlBvilJe, Uaskiugridgi and »U poii,.. v"naBaia DelBAvaru Hal l roai ) OLiktliata

[aihsun, MorriBtown, Itornn Plalui, Doavillcoctawa) au.l Dovur.At BIUEI P.M. (llaokottatown EinrcBaJatop

piii},- HI Jdlbiirii, Bunimlt, Cliallaaiu, SI ad it ODHorrialownanil nil stations ncKt to Backet Isioiv:),co:]iieclinfr at Waterloo witli train

»:«l> P.M. Ogntigoami Dnff4li> E i . tromN'

Uuuiiton thronBli tVwnter flap, StrondBbur^^r&uioi,, DitiBliaiuton,Lisle,U&rftt.)on,Cort'' • ' "uaior.^vMciKieand OHWTRO.

;lian)li>n wiilitraiu fur (1roL-no,'0*iu.ti,liictifle1.1 Hprlos", Uticn. .to- Tlii

iritui runs tliroO^li to Oewrdo UnfTitlo inItichliuld Spr.ii^'3 (Out n-)t ID Iiluca) Bnrdi

AtTi l3 I1. 51. Dover Ac«omraoil»hou Itliatliati), Morris lonn anil Dover.For ikTmirJrtvilUi, Dasklnundgc, Lvon

:illingtoi>. SlirlitiK, Gillrtts, torkoloj HtlfrLmill til statioiiB on Pasaaic and Delaware Itit. (N. J . Wnst Uao natlroad) 7:90,10:10 AH, a3d4;a0a


DOVEIt TI»JC TABLE.Truing arriva and doyirt team tbli statlo

ua fotlitws:C19T BOUND 1. U. KBIT

.joEipreBB* 5 . : ur ExpresR 7:00

tun epeclal* 8:91

E*alnn Mail

. . .a. . . , EipresaDover Acoom.

Elmira Eip.*Uialon Mail


RulWo Eiptata* S-.07*£istou Ace m. 8:S0

•Via. Boonton Branch.

0:25Uimtli'ion Unit* 6:5UBorTjto EiprcoB 10:27

DOTEI Atocm. 13i2&EsatOD EiproBB 9:00Blniira Kipresa* 3:20Canton Eipreaa S:2US^rtnloii^. d«l*e:12DuvcrEipreBR 6:20H'k*tt»toirnEip.7:SaOtwcg E i p ' 8Otwcgo Eip . 8:8Dover Accom. 10:00


A.M. P.M. A, SI. r.SI10,97 6.2!1 Cheator 7.85. 3.6010.17 8.10 Horhin 7.12 4.0O10,07 tM Irani* 7.17 4,109.67 6.04 Saocaauana 7.83 4.209.17 6.00 HoOttniTilli. 7.55 * "8.5S S.G2 PortOram &.D3 4.L3.30 6.17 Sorer 8.10 5.0O




rrns1 OONTJUlirons', HIKING ANP


Seeds and Fertilizers,



Nursery and GreenhousesS10EBW 6r., MOBtUSlDVtK, l i , J .



FLOWER GARDENSt i n ) OTJT lira oasib Ton.


TJiorturn's Flower Seeds

ITTELEPHOSE 0411,19^ « • ! ,



aM mMoJUUtsd by Uiatoar»™,»o»l inpiirinon, and gianntes Ihgm to «»a


" Cnnro" Ughl Oomjpjna."PosBalo'VDnrl Oompoand,Boiling Mill O M M ,Axle ureaae,Bwrm Signal Oil,W.StMlued FrtoelisraOll,

»• if B«Saillin Conns, Je»ued, »lll MilPo°ll» Tmdne, «B tin promlaBl, to tta

mnMptf fMMjvSo *«« C«u>tF ot»tot«p«8tafcii(»8»I«nej,i»iTH0ESD4I, Ibe ISA daj ol SspUmter,

i. D. «88, btlmtll tlie oou" "f " * i ™?{olook P. B., tliat U lo aiy it ° o'otook n [b eruniooo of iald day, Ihe folluwlng JeaonMO

' tat. o! wlilah tl»B laid dB'easea aiea jwaeil, In tba folbnliiff minuerjb f i ! r £ i ' r i d or lot or I.B.liltoiM od tonzirarKdTni.ii.iiiporp.B..iol.oaoo}t»i»:

log M«iMbiw aoi W0 ao«. or linl. artmore wrtloilatlj deaoHbaa ' - - «—"'"»

' iV.KonluiiaondoUe

„ . Hea4Hf*iO!I.lP.W»larWlllteOII,J20«,W. While Cotton Seea Oil,W. leHon Oottoii 866S OU,Oaaolliie, 88".Cteollte, 88«,

. raiotore'Oil,Deodorized Nopthas, all Ornvitiea.


£ S i ! S feii"V of !••>» fto aUMton i l Towmblp of Pinalo, and oontiljilog

relre u d MO lorM of land, and i> morelirttailarJj dnorlbed in a tad torn ijM,.1IIT W. Kcrelionu and «Ue lo tbe nil dj-

««..«1, btarlm, late l a ; . »tb, A. p . 1950,id rraonted In aild Beeorui of Dneil, In

BooVVi, iH« H. OBTM1N, Bi

I J I 1 8 S 8

CARPET WEAVING AND M I N G !Tbe nndonlBieii rtll hmar te r d«rot« all He tlmoaoa .ttenltoli to Ibo n iBPBT bnelieaL

P!rNt4liiiitrork!oillklndaorweif!t!it4Qa Iho aaklnft of felt ffarpata. Hlslieatoash prlocpaid for old r ise . I Img and esteDSlre kDOffled^e of tbe bDil&eea Aoablea me tc do too bBatwork and sitiify atl otutcmara.


Administrator's Sale


2Stb, Ja8«. at Public Ven3OB, at —o'clock P . H., en the pwmljes, ttie

HOUSE AND LOT OP LAND,jontilnlnz tiro noro«, formerly bslondnjr tontnei O, Moore, now foamed, ana lnte of

" }, nl(DktB oppoilte Van Aradale'e r—A feaainu from Cbuatei



Poiillve niociDg poppet valres. No toss from frfottOQ, no waste l a pottt bair li:.)Bctloii VIIVCB. Higliert powlbleper cent orireo air. Economical anloguc oa application. (Fall/ ieoared by patents.)

751 BROAD St. NEWARK, N. 1,


lor all kloda of bnlldlligi, and Ibo oonalrnotioi

if bilMlom aiDirlniendol.

ill be at Ills oftce ID Dover, 8(1 Floor o1

boa I u Building, on FBIDAV OF EACH

WEBK, from tSM A.«. lo f :8» r. «.


bavo arrauged tbeir basiuesH iu tlirao tlcimttaients, oompiising

Three Large StoresII tUlai wit'i lha a.Lijlii of tr,ili iu tin vari) an brandies. The first dt-pari


CROCKERY AND PROVISIONS,in each branch are new and replete blocks of Roods. Tlie ucoond departmett

just opened, baa n largo stock of

BOOTS AND SHOESfor e^ery kind of wear, embracing Ml that JH now in pattern nnd durable in flervii

Tbo third deportment is devoted to


MINING SUPPLIES,anil wi l l a lways curry comprcl iens i re stocks or lluilclcr'n Hard,

wa re , Black iml th i l u rdwnre , Plumlier i ' MaleriRls, OPille, Mechanics' Tcioli, Steam s i t t ings , Stfiim Drills,

Hhovels, Picks, IlnmtnerB, FIIEC, ami cvcrytliingcontaitietl in the l ine of htinlivftrc.


r. jr.moke h Bpcolaity of the m&Dtir&clure of





REPAIRING IN ALL BRANCHES.Wf*A I!?ni*«iS«*d ' l^i t o ° " f l l l I 9 i l" '"» **>e sale 0/ RBADY-MAJJE

olc-S itUtl HrldnU »VAGOIVS. %vhich we offer nt ucjt




The cheapest and best steel wire fencing in the mnrkct. At mannfacturcj'B prices.


Prnbrtarliii Ohnnh.


OFrii^mdJff^AffaTfcSand hnvo r«U "->tO |br „ ] • nt to.m 1 U ^ | " :lars to twenty uoiuimd dofliut. • . . .


3, - . . . - .

AdmiDiitrato,N,X, July 7th, 1883. 826*






lihl Dm /. Tsars.

GEO. MANNiurttea & call (ram &U bte rrioudu to Us pli

OLINTOS STBEET, whero for their am a<nt lie bai a

PINE POOL TABLE,nd a well fitted and complete

DOUBLE BOWLING new and in pork'tt order. Alsn, ilie IJjAGEHHainJ f>11Ior (litukri, itud tlie cliuiclEOAIIH. All wlic favor mu witli a call iiiid tltt'iUHelvca ftfiroenblv eutcrUi&ed sn-ll trcaU'tl. GEO. MANN.



Musical Instruments


a Wilting town wilblne a taneit nf iDT btT.a llt«7a DO accommodated at Eaoi j ' 8 .

BAI.ODH D E P A R T M E N Ti at all tlmei well ...looked *|tb B m AI•orter/Olto, Baliaparilla, Soda w!ter uBtrui ot tlie b '


619 & 62! BROUD St.,










fl^- fipiii^ for caittloguc and oircnlarB, coil-imiiij. cuurao of Btudy, MtoH of tuitinn, Ac.

O. T. MILLEE,ly Principal ami Proprietor.

TVOTTIOE.Estate or Malilon I).


PBJ\3UASf to ilif onier of tno Hnrrogatoot tlio Comity orilorrie, mailo on ilio

Miitcfiilli fhy of July, A. v. otio liioasainl riglttliiiiiiiri-il anil cii»ltty-lhrco, ootico la licvclijcivmi to nil |ior«nii8 linving claim« agftliiRt HIDentnio or MiUilmi P . Ford, Jatc or tlie Countyuf MorriH, tlti'i'iiBcd, to prfisnnt thoeurae, un-iliT'mih HT nlurmation, tn ttiti pnliaoribur, onorbtfun-'iluj Bistcfritlnliiy of April licit, beinj;mini iiniiilliH f'-mii liio ilnti* or «a!<J onlpr; willauyt ertditiif npRleotlns to In ait;i « -

tioii, vvitliin tlio tiiito BO limited, wllllio firmerIMII'I'I) uf liin or lior naUdJX tht^refur a^ninst

Duti'illlitrtIxtcciill»(layoUolyA.D.l!»3.A. JUDHO1N COK,

Send for catalogue of n ve ceminutile. New organs BOIA lor 8Ccents per week.

WM. S, WRIGHT,Biackwell St., Dover, N. J.









Spilt nami]no, Lsnccnaoi l . I laral ia m i (lomntoii T rou t , n iuck B u n

a n d Pickerel HODS.

ncs, Hies, Hoots, flaskets, etcA fill assortment ennsUnity on Imnd of beet

Breech and U n n l e Loading Gnus,

and all tueirGiturco.




Another Solid and Very Interesting Fact About

PLOUR!Aslrannerin NtirEs.vnt wan r<irtnnato in

gottlnc a birtel of " COMMEECE" wtiiclicaustif Urn to " ctitlmsa" MfoUam:

FKHH EASK, NewE-jpt , N. J., Jane 13,1353O a m L ! MiLLinn Co.:

OEHTa:_Dnrln? the paEt 27 teara I l.avcnseil oil the prorainont ti rands of FLODit butcave never before found BO ntnrnrai a qnalilyaa (lie "Comrjaetcc," t^ vierftctly adapted tany iloct or pastry and cansins our ucigbunrarurtooiol»im l lwtiatljcantllulcrcflinvwliifbQecnit ni tread yon alwayii IUTO ttn'i BUCIt o agreeable taste.

I»m now Heine my Btcond barrel and wafrarrul it wonTct not prove an good a? tlio oilieruai ftflttinatba«icftHc.V Our morctiaiit didto t know lTUero it was niido tint a circular»n r a r o r u h " ill home." B n r r ouuuti or it^ II alike. In tlio flrat rffusiana on. yonn-Beri'aafftottoiia "It 'a Juatloeely."

We are stranger, t i yoo bat ntanncli friende-ryoor "Oomraorob" Flour. It U a miBfor-tunDlor any hmll j u be withont it.

JOHN 8. MALLOBV,Gon'l llan'g'r Oalifofd I ' « k .











Wi DOVCB. ». j .

IVOTIOJE.Estate of William A, Vought,


PURSUANT to flic order of llio S n r gat the UOUDIJ OT Morris, uindo on the

thin, dny of July, A; D, one thouesndeicbt hundred and eighty .brer, noticeIs hereby Riven l» nil pnrion* Ii»*inR rklmaBfiafunt the estate iii Willuiu A.TuiiKhl, hie (ifthii County ol Slnrne, <lec?BM>(J, to piucfol ilmBime, QDilorontli or Hfllrmaflan, to Iho fiil"Bciibet, on or before Hit} third rtjy t-IApril ncit, hclnc nine motitlix from Di<:daKJofguiilonlrr j nnr] any creditor Deaiict-irg io bring in ami exhibit his or her emit",under oath or aftirmntiorv within ti.o limi^olimilcf], will be rorrver barred ot hia or teractimi there lor Hjilnal tbc Riccntrli. tut tlilra day of Jnly A. P . 1B?3.KUJIA T. VOUOHT,

Execulrii,31.10v P .O. DoTer.N.J.

SHERIFFS SALE!In Cliancery ot Now Maey-Betwcen Darid I).

r,eraon,Eiocutoc or 8 u « h Piorson, de«Vl,complflinant, and Mnry Colcman Sweeney,pjrecnallj' nnd an admfniatratrit vltli thewill auncied t i DinicI Brrecney, decfased,dcfoiiilnnt. F i . fa. lor Biilo uF mortgaficilprtmiacB. JlcturmbtB lo October Term, A,D. 1883. EOMCKD D. H.U.SEY, Bol'r.

BY \ t t tua of ttio tihovo Bta-led writ ot fierifaolBB in my hunilB, Iflkall expose for «ale

it public tbe Conrt Hon&e, iuMor-

BIONDAY, tlio aath day til AUGUST celt,A. D. 1B83, holwoeD tba lmnrs or ID Si. nnd 5o'clock I'. M-, t in t in to BAY at 3 o'clook in tlio

"-rnoon or naid day. all that lot of la ml ail-j i u tbo township <if Morrip, in tlio County

of Morris aud State ol Now Jareoy.Bvt»inning aV a nlono in top m.i3fl.»' of tuc

rcml tending irom HorrlBto»-n lo New Vornnu,at tbc iDicrfieatiun tticro of tho nii'dlo Iiuo oftbo road Icttdinfr tliance by what VM formerly1). Brans' plaro, sod ran nine ihoaca 11} almiRllio ini<lrl!» or tlio naid fiffit muiitioncd madnorth, tlirrfl tiegteta east leu cliiiw and r.irtvlitika to nutate ia tho ruitliltci oI*a(B»l.bciuKiUftj links ID (IIB Itftof a lirgc elm trefl ou Hit)easterly Bidi- uf vnt.1 road.niarKedoulli HOUIII-rrlv siilp, and belntr n corner of land ot MaryS. Vkbltnoy J tlience (2) wilh tlio Wh.taoy linonnd loncliing Haiti marlioil elm treo gaottitliirly-.t.iYcn ilfftrccn east eiRlileen cliains Htnl(liirly-icvci: I fuka toaskko; thence (11 srtutlithirty.ffc»en dupreea and thirty mlnuteH wentalong paid WbiiEe.y Ifnoone clialn and nimlylinke to a RUIEP in tbo middle of the roiwl Jeart-inq jinsi B. BTBUB': fioaco (il along tno mi d-illutif tho l»Bt nnnied road norlb diity-ImirICRreu and twenty minntes vett twelveJliaiBs and twenty liuttB to tlio placo of becin-aliiff, i-iiataininR ICTOC ecroS *ofl ail liun*Jrcdtlia or an ncro of land, bo tho ta-rac niuroirJcjB; Iiofn/Jtho wuiorrcrnlBuaconvoyed t ihe p&ul Dtmcl fclvf??utty by ti^iiiB MGOHTK^^md wife, by deed (tntud July 19tli, 1685.

WILLIAM ii. BQVtELU, Sue/iff.Duted Jano 1U, 1B63. W



OB Ml tho priDClpal linei of Bteatniklpijfrom How fork to Liverpool *t LOWEST



WHOLESALE TRADEisdiilyinanaaing, wliicl. shows LefifiiWoffalleiwtion lo all his cmtomorfl. HI*

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSi of iho bcBt,'.Mi3 lie irUlieg UIB flpalfir*ronnlioBt ttaii «rontf weald (ffTfl biro »oail

[vfhicli will pay then"]) beroro bnrinfj elfie-wntrfi. All ord , i (out br n t l l rfll rcceicapron.uta.ticiil.on.

J. J . BADKOPF,DoTer, S . J-

Notice of Seitlement.

•leinors, iriu DO anaitrd kai «MI*a oj IHB)orrcjiato,»nilrepcrt4dtot ntUcBHitt to tlioJrpljim' Oonrt of tba Coaaty of Vom$, OD

Horidty tbe Brifdiy of OBtoW aeltC

Dkt«d July 93d. 1883.

Top Related