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    The Design and Development of a Constructivist Multimedia Learning

    Environment (CMLE):

    The Universiti Sains Malaysia experience


    Associate Professor Dr. Toh Seong Chong

    Centre for Instructional Technology and Multimedia

    Universiti Sains Malaysia

    e-mail: [email protected]


    The paper proceeds in three stages. Firstly, it begins with a basic

    characterization of constructivism, identifying what is believed to be the central

    principles in learning and understanding. The philosophical assumptions of

    constructivism are contrasted alongside objectivism, which holds very different

    views and approaches to learning and knowing. Secondly, the discussion ensues

    to identify and elaborate on those instructional principles for the design of a

    constructivist learning environment based on the Jonassens (1999)

    Constructivist Learning Environment Model with particular reference to

    multimedia learning. Exemplars of a constructivist multimedia learning

    environment developed at the Centre for Instructional Technology and

    Multimedia, Universiti Sains Malaysia will be illustrated. Thirdly,

    constructivism is critically appraised to identify some of its problems and

    limitations imposed on teaching and learning.

    Introduction The Constructivist View of Learning

    Consider the following scenario in a Chemistry lesson. A teacher teaching the mole

    concept might begin the lesson by posing an ill-defined and ill-structured question to the

    class like this:

    A ship laden with 10,000 liters of crude oil was sailing along the Straits of

    Malacca where it suddenly suffers a collision and was spewing crude oil into the

    sea. The ship was 10 kilometers from the beaches Port Dickson where numerous

    beach hotels are located. Assuming the oil spreading on the surface of the sea is

    one molecule thick, device a project to determine how long does it take before the

    beaches of Port Dickson suffer major oil pollution?

    The above example illustrates how a teacher using the constructivist approach might

    begin his lesson. On the other hand, a teacher using the objectivist approach might begin

    a lesson on mole concept by teaching concepts like atomic mass, relative molecular

    mass, the Avogadros Number, molecular size and calculation of number moles of

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    various elements and compounds followed by a review of past examination questions

    with scant attention and merely cursory reference to real life or authentic situations.

    Which approach will challenge the students and foster greater active learning?

    It all depends on ones belief in what actual constitute active learning. Constructivists

    believe that knowledge and truth are constructed by people and do not exist outside thehuman mind (Duffy and Jonassen, 1991). This view is radically different from what

    objectivism conceives learning to be. To the objectivists, knowledge and truth exist

    outside the mind of the individual and are therefore objective (Runes, 1962). The role of

    education in the objectivist view is therefore to help students learn about the real world. It

    is asserted that there is a particular body of knowledge that needs to be transmitted to a

    learner. Learning is thus viewed as the acquisition and accumulation of a finite set of

    skills and facts.

    Contrary to these notions about learning and knowing is the constructivists view of

    learning being personal and not purely objective (Bodner, 1986). Von Glaserfeld

    (1984) has succinctly epitomized the constructivists view by saying,

    learners construct understanding. They do not simply mirror and reflect

    what they are told or what they read. Learners look for meaning and will try to

    find regularity and order in the events of the world even in the absence of full or

    complete information.

    Constructivism emphasizes the construction of knowledge while objectivism concerns

    mainly with the object of knowing. It is the fundamental difference about knowledge and

    learning that departs the two in terms of both philosophy and implications for the

    instructional design.

    What is the active learning?

    The central tenet of constructivism is that learning is an active process. Information may

    be imposed, but understanding cannot be, for it must come from within. During the

    process of learning, learners may conceive of the external reality somewhat differently,

    based on their unique set of experiences with the world and their beliefs about them

    (Jonassen, 1991). However, learners may discuss their understandings with others and

    thus develop shared understandings (Cognition and Technology Group, 1991). While

    different learners may arrive at different answers, it is not a matter of anything goes

    (Spiro et al., 1991). Learners must be able to justify their position to establish its viability

    (Cognition and Technology Group, 1991).

    Three characteristics seem to be central to these constructivist descriptions of the learning


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    a. Good problems

    Constructivist instruction asks learners to use their knowledge to solve problems that are

    meaningful and realistically complex. Good problems are required to stimulate the

    exploration and reflection necessary for knowledge construction. According to Brooks

    and Brooks (1993), a good problem is one that

    requires students to make and test a prediction

    can be solved with inexpensive equipment

    is realistically complex

    benefits from group effort

    is seen as relevant and interesting by students.

    b. Cognitive conflict is the stimulus for learning and determines the organization and

    nature of what is learned

    In a learning environment, there is some stimulus or goal for learning the learning has apurpose for being there. That goal is not only the stimulus for learning, but it is also the

    primary factor in determining what the learner attends to, what prior experience the

    learner brings to bear in constructing an understanding. In the Piagetian terms, it is the

    need for accommodation when current experience cannot be assimilated in existing

    schema (Piaget, 1977; von Glaserfield, 1989). In Deweys terms, it is the problematic

    that leads to and is the organizer for learning (Dewey, 1938). The important point,

    however, is that it is the goal of the learner that is central in considering what is learned.

    c. Collaboration

    The constructivist perspective supports that learners learn through interaction with others.Learners work together as peers, applying their combined knowledge to the solution of

    the problem. The dialogue that results from this combined effort provides learners with

    the opportunity to test and refine their understanding in an ongoing process. Savery &

    Duffy, 1996).

    Model for Designing a Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment

    In order to translate the philosophy of constructivism into actual practice, many

    instructional designers are working to develop more constructivistic environments and

    instructional prescriptions. Perhaps the most articulate and comprehensive model is

    provided by Jonassen (1999). This model represents an integration and crystallization of

    much work in the constructivist arena into a coherent instructional and prescriptive

    framework. At the Center for Instructional Technology and Multimedia, Universiti Sains

    Malaysia, the Jonassens model is adopted to design various constructivist learning

    environments (CLE) with particular reference to multimedia learning and examples of

    which will be described in this paper to highlight this model.

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    For the purpose of clarity, this model will be briefly described, and exemplars from the

    CITM, USM experience will be given. Basically, this model conceives a problem,

    question or project as the central focus of the environment. Cognizant to it, various

    interpretative and intellectual support systems were developed by the instructional

    designer to guide the learner to solve this problem. The goal of the learner is to interpret

    and solve the problem or complete the project. Five support tools/systems weredeveloped namely (1) related cases, (2) information resources, (3) cognitive tools, (4)

    conversation/collaboration tools and (5) social/contextual support tools. However, these

    tools are generic and are used only when and where necessary. See Figure 1.

    6. Social/Contextual Support

    5. Conversational/Collaboration Tools

    4. Cognitive tools

    3. Information Tools

    2. Related Cases

    A. Modeling


    1.1 Context


    1.2 Representation


    1.3 Manipulation


    C. Scaffolding

    B. Coaching

    Figure 1. Model for Designing Constructivist Learning Environments

    (CLE) by Jonassen (1999)

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    1. Question or Issue for CLEs

    The journey of a constructivist learning environment begins with a question or issue,

    which learners attempt to solve or resolve. It is this problem that drives the learningof a topic, rather than acting as example of the concepts and previously taught. The

    problems identified for a particular field in CLE should not be topical (as in

    textbooks) but what practitioners do. This can be found in newspapers and

    magazines. Problems in CLEs need to three components, namely, (1) the problem

    context, (2) the problem representation or simulation and (3) problem manipulation

    space. According to Jonassen (1999), in order to develop a CLE, one should try to

    represent each in the environment.

    1.1. Problem Context

    The problem context is a description of the context in which it occurs. It includes

    the physical, organizational and sociocultural context in which problems occur. Thesame problem in different social or work context is different. Firstly, the problem

    statement should include the physical, social-cultural and organizational climate

    surround the problem. This information should be made available to learners in order

    to understand the problem. Secondly, it should describe the community of

    practitioners, performers or stakeholders. What are the values, beliefs, social

    expectations and customs of the people involved? This information can be conveyed

    in stories or interview with key personnel in the form of audio or video clips.

    1.2. Problem Representation/Simulation

    The problem representation describes a set of events that leads up to the problem

    that needs to be resolved. It can be in the form of an interesting story or it can be in

    the form of high-quality video scenarios or even virtual reality. It must perturb the

    learner. The story may be presented in text, audio or video. An important point in

    this aspect is that it must be authentic. Authentic means that learners should engage

    in activities which present the same type of cognitive challenges as those in the real

    world (Savery and Duffy, 1996).

    1.3. Problem Manipulation Space

    The problem manipulation spaces are causal models that enable students to test the

    effects of their manipulations, receiving feedback through changes in the appearance

    of the physical objects they are manipulating. They include microworlds or

    phenomenaria (Perkins, 1991). These microworlds can be designed using Java

    applets, interactive virtual realities and Macromedia Flash files. They are necessary

    because a critical characteristic of meaning learning is mindful activity. In order for

    learner to be active, they must manipulate something (construct a product,

    manipulate parameters, make decisions) and affect the environment in some way.

    For example, Rieber (1993) created a microworld within which learners can

    manipulate Newtonian physics concepts such as mass and velocity while attempting

    to dock a virtual spacecraft.

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    According to Jonassen, 1997), in creating problem manipulation spaces, it is not

    always necessary for learners to manipulate physical objects or simulation of those

    objects. It may be sufficient merely to generate a hypothesis and then to argue for it.

    The argument is an excellent indicator of the quality of domain knowledge

    possessed by the learner. Scaffold or coach for the development of cogent arguments

    using templates or checklists will assist learners develop argument skills.To illustrate the above designs, we present a screen which we created at CITM,

    USM on the problem entitled Oil- spill at the Straits of Malacca. See Figure 2. Here

    a scenario was presented with the story unfolds, what-ifs simulation, related cases,

    information resources, cognitive tools, collaboration tools, social support tools.

    Figure 2. Problem Presentation screen in a Constructivist Learning

    Environment on Oil-spill at Straits of Malacca

    2. Related Cases

    It is important to provide learners access to a set of related

    experiences that novice students can refer. The primary purpose of

    describing related cases is to assist learners in understanding the

    issues implicit in the problem representation. Related cases support

    learning by (1) scaffolding student memory and (2) enhancing

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    cognitive flexibility. By scaffolding, we mean providing

    representations of experiences that learners have not had. They

    provide referents for comparison. By enhancing cognitive flexibility,

    we mean providing multiple perspectives, themes or interpretations on

    the problems or issues being examined by the learners.

    For example, on the issue of Oil-spill at the Straits of Malacca,related cases can be designed by listing an index of cases connected

    to the issue and when the learner clicks on the hot-text it is

    hyperlinked to the description of the case.

    3. Information Resources

    Rich sources of information are an essential part of CLEs. It provide

    learner with selectable information just-in-time. Information banks

    and repositories should be linked to the environment. This includes

    text documents, graphics, sound resources, video and animations that

    are appropriate for helping learners comprehend the problem and itsprinciples.

    The Word Wide Web is a powerful repository of information

    resources. Since novice learners do not possess sophisticated literacy

    skills to sieve through the information provided on the Web, the

    instruction designer should carefully pre-evaluate each Web site for

    its relevance and organize it for ready access to the learner.

    4. Cognitive Tools

    Cognitive tools are generic computer tools that are intended to engage

    and facilitate specific kinds of cognitive processing. They are

    intellectual devices that are used to visualize (represent), organize,

    automate and supplant thinking skills . They include (1) problem/task

    representation tools, such as MATHEMATICA and MATHLAB, (2)

    dynamic modeling tools, such as databases, spreadsheets, expert

    systems, (3) performance support tools, such as notepad, calculators,

    the Periodic Table and (4) information gathering tools such as meta-

    search engines for the Web.

    At USM, we designed a program GRAPHER to assist learner

    visually represent mathematical relationship between an equation and

    its graph. See Figure 3. In another instance, we designed a series ofvisuals to represents complex microchip assembly processes entitled

    AMD C4 technology. See Figure 4.

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    Figure 3. Cognitive Tool GRAPHER

    Figure 4. Visualization tool for complex microchip assembly

    processes (used with permission from Advance Micro Devices)

    As a instructional designer, one should always analyze the activity

    structures required to solve the problems and identify processes that

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    need to be represented visually and how the learner needs to

    manipulate those images to test their models of the phenomena.

    5. Conversation and Collaboration Tools

    Learning most naturally occurs not in isolation but by teams of people workingtogether to solve problems. CLEs should provide access to shared information and

    shared knowledge-building tools to help learners to collaboratively construct

    socially shared knowledge. Problems are solved when a group works towards

    developing a common conception of the problem, so that their energies can be

    focused on solving it.

    Given an appropriate instructional design, two or more learners working together

    via the WWW might accomplish more than a learner who learn alone by himself

    because the interactions among the learners may have more influence on their

    learning than the interactions between the learners and the Web-based content. See

    Figure 5 shows an example of a collaborative support tool to enable learners to

    explore further the Solar System.

    Figure 5. Collaborative Support Tool to enable learners explore further the Solar


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    6. Social/Contextual Support

    To ensure initial and continual success in the CLE, it is important to accommodate

    environmental and contextual factors affecting implementation. Due consideration

    should be given to important physical, organizational and cultural aspects of the

    environment in which the innovation is being implemented. They provide learners,teachers and experts a means to promote discourse, share ideas, review work, ask

    questions and support. These tools may be asynchronous such as e-mails, listservs,

    video and audio streaming or synchronous such as telephone, video conferencing,

    telementoring and Internet Relayed Chats.

    For example, at CITM, USM, during a Masters in Education Course entitled

    Advance Technologies in Education, course participants are provided with Web-

    based support with their personal photos, e-mails, contact numbers displayed so

    that questions can be posted by course participants which are answered by their

    peers or the course supervisor. At the same time the attendance and progress of the

    participants can be closely monitored so that they do not fall by the wayside.

    Events of Instruction and Learning Activities in CLE

    According to Jonassen (1999), in most CLEs, learners need to explore, articulate what

    they know and have learned, and reflect (hypothesize, test) on what they have learned

    from the activities. Therefore instructional activities should be provided to match these

    events. They include modeling, coaching and scaffolding. Modeling is focused on the

    experts performance. Coaching is focused on the learners performance. Scaffolding is

    to provide temporary frameworks to support learning and student performance beyond

    the learners capacities. See Table 1.

    Table 1. Relationship between Learning Events and Instructional Activities in CLE

    (adapted from Jonassen, 1999)

    Learning Events Instructional activities in CLE

    Exploration Modeling

    Articulation Coaching

    Reflection Scaffolding

    Hannafin, Land and Oliver (1999) provide a clear and systematic classification of

    scaffolding. They suggested that scaffolding is a process through which learning efforts

    are supported while engaging in an constructivist learning environment. They further

    suggest that scaffolding can be differentiated by mechanisms and functions. Mechanisms

    emphasize the methods through which scaffolding is provided while functions

    emphasize the purpose served. See Table 2.

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    Table 2. CLE Scaffolding Classifications (adapted from Hannafin et al., 1999)

    Scaffold Types and Functions


    Guides learner in what to consider;

    considerations when problem task is


    Related Methods & Mechanisms

    Providing students with explicit hints and

    prompts as needed (Vygotskian scaffolding) Recommending the use of certain tools at

    particular stages of problem solving

    Providing structure maps and content trees

    Suggesting students plan ahead, evaluate

    progress and determine needs

    Modeling cognitive strategies and milestones

    Providing pop-up help

    Tutoring on system functions and features

    Enabling intelligent responses to system use,

    suggest alternative methods and procedures

    Provided start-up questions to be considered

    Providing advice from experts


    Guides how to think during learning:

    ways to think about the problem under

    study and strategies to consider; finding

    and framing problems


    Guides how to utilize the available CLE

    features; on going help and advice on

    feature functions and usesStrategic

    Guides in analyzing and approaching

    learning tasks or problem; provided

    initially as macrostrategy or ongoing as

    needs or requests arise

    For instance in the example on the Oil-spill at the Straits of Malacca, conceptual

    scaffold are provided in the form of guiding questions as illustrated in Figure 6.

    Figure 6. Conceptual scaffolding in the form of guiding questions

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    Macro-Model and Micro-Model of Constructivist Multimedia Learning


    The Jonassen (1999) model described is a macro-model which conceptually described

    the components of a CMLE and the strategies for supporting learners performances in

    them. For a micro-model on multimedia learning which describes details of howmultimedia messages should be designed to promote active learning, the reader should

    refer to another paper by Toh (2002). Because of page limitations, I was unable to

    articulate the details here.

    Limitations of Constructivist Learning Environments

    In spite of the fact that a constructivist perspective makes perfect sense from a theoretical

    position, the notion of there not being right or wrong answers can easily cause

    apprehension and concern in the hearts of stakeholders in education responsible for

    demonstrating that his or her students are achieving world class standards, have attained

    specific performance based outcomes, or mastered activities prescribed by nationaleducation goal (Wagner & McCombs, 1995).

    Furthermore, the absence of specific learning objectives and outcomes has earned the

    criticism for constructivism as inefficient and ineffective (Dick, 1992). Its lack of

    concern for the entry behaviors of students is being criticized for ignoring the gap

    between what a student must know or be able to do before beginning instruction.

    Constructivists are concerned about context - but more for instruction than individual

    assessment. They have been accused of showing no concern for efficiency, and little

    apparent concern for certifying the competency level of individual students (Dick, 1992).

    The constructivist learning environments in general are being criticized mainly for threecounts: (1) They are costly to develop (because of the lack of efficiency); (2) they require

    technology to implement; and (3) they are very difficult to evaluate.

    Nevertheless, these allegations can be rectified by instructional designers who are

    innovative and enough to devise ways of measuring student learning and assessing

    individual progress. Constructivism can provide unique and exciting learning

    environments, it is the challenge for practitioners to engage the learners in authentic and

    meaningful tasks, and to evaluate learning using assessment methods that reflect the

    constructionist methods embedded in the learning environments.


    Like other instructional theories, constructivism cannot be the panacea for all

    instructional problems. Yet constructivism holds important lessons for how to interpret

    the results of learning and for how to design environments to support learning. While

    objectivism and constructivism are usually described as incompatible and mutually

    exclusive, that is not an assumption of the author. On the contrary, I believe that

    objectivism and constructivism offer different perspectives on the learning process.

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    Despite these criticisms, constructivism does present an alternative view of learning other

    than the objectivistic conception of learning, and provides a set of design principles and

    strategies to create learning environments wherein learners are engaged in negotiating

    meaning and in socially constructing reality. Nevertheless, this does not mean that all

    instructional designers should adopt constructivism as the only solution to all

    instructional problems. Rather they should reflect upon and articulate their conceptions ofknowing and learning and adapt their methodology as they see fit. The possibility of

    different conditions for different outcomes is completely consistent with the long-

    standing notion in instructional design that different types of outcomes require different

    instructional conditions (Gagn, 1965).


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    Authors Note

    Associate Professor Dr. Toh Seong Chong is a lecturer at the Centre for Instructional and

    Multimedia, USM. His research interests include Multimedia ,Web-based Design and

    Development, On-line Testing Systems and Rapid Prototyping of Courseware. He

    was one of the recipients of the Universiti Sains Malaysia Pioneer Excellent Educators

    Award for career achievement in education technology. Dr. Toh has authored more

    30 multimedia presentations and training courseware.

    He can be reached at [email protected]. URL:

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