Page 1: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

The  Defini)ve  Guide  to  Avoiding  Ex)nc)on  

 Chris  Boos  (@boosc)  

arago  AG  –  the  Automa)on  Experts  

Page 2: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

 Do  I  hear  you  say,  talking  about  the  ex)nc)on  of  enterprise  IT  is  just  marke)ng!    So  how  many  of  you  would  say  their  IT  environment  at  home  is  beKer  that  the  one  they  have  to  use  in  the  office?        

Page 3: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

How  come  none  of  the  new  giants  are  using  enterprise  standards  in  their  IT?    


Page 4: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

And  why  are  the  classics  figh)ng  hard  to  change  the  way  they  are  doing  things?      

Page 5: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

Only  40  Companies  >1bn$  revenue  ever  aged  beyond  100  

Page 6: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

Are  we  too  big  to  swim?  

Page 7: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

All  major  cultures  appreciate  change:  India:  aniccam,  China:  tao,  Europe:  panta  rhei    

Page 8: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG


What  is  killing  you?  And  how  can  you  counter  that?  

Page 9: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

You  should  focus  on  innova)on    not  just  execu)on!  

Innova)on   Execu)on  

Page 10: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

Make  failure  part  of    your  corporate  culture!  

Page 11: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

Stop  ra)onalizing  bad  behavior,    start  doing  what  your  customers  want!  

Page 12: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

Or  you  have  to  be  willing  to  disappear  for  your  belief!  

Page 13: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

Evolu)on  is  about    NEW  THING  !  

Page 14: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG


Good  new  things  need  input  from  experienced  people  

Page 15: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Extinction, Chris Boos, Arago AG

Drive  change!  Stop  preven)ng  it!!!  

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