Page 1: The Dallas IT Job Market from an IT Recruitment Perspective

The Dallas IT Job Market From an IT Recruitment Perspective

In the past few years, most of the country experienced layoffs and a depressed job market. Fortunately for those of us in Texas, and in particular the Dallas IT job market, we were one of the least affected nationwide.

Nationally, the economy is showing signs of recovery and, as a Dallas IT recruitment company, our hopes are high that things will be getting better in the near future. Several of our clients told us in client reviews that they expect to begin hiring again and restart project plans that were put on hold, but the vast majority told us they were still concerned about the economy and were in a “wait and see” mode.

What have we seen this year?

Various economic reports for Dallas have shown that business conditions continue to improve and that employment levels held steady with reports of hiring activity. Reports from staffing industry contacts also indicate demand remains strong and widespread across sectors.

What we have experienced as a Dallas staffing agency is in line with this report. We have had a increases in activity with more open job requests for Dallas IT jobs than in the past couple of years. Job offers to our candidates have gone up, several of our candidates are receiving multiple offers, and job offers are coming more quickly. In one case, a software developer was hired sight unseen and without an interview by one of our clients. He was only on the market for 3 hours!

What does this tell us?

From a Dallas IT recruitment perspective, the Dallas IT job market is definitely becoming more active as regional economic activity improves. Companies are gradually spending and hiring again, indicating an optimistic outlook. Competition for candidates is increasing, making securing top candidates more challenging.

What does this mean to our clients?

Despite a high unemployment rate, securing the top-notch candidates still requires companies to do all the right things to streamline the hiring process and make their open positions as attractive as possible. Smart hiring managers shouldn’t hesitate in reviewing resumes, scheduling interviews, and making hiring decisions. Besides a competitive salary, hiring managers need to ensure their companies offer stimulating jobs and positive work environments. They also need to have a formidable benefits package that includes health care and a 401K. With business improving, companies can’t afford to keep critical projects on hold and expect to remain competitive.

About The InSource Group

Page 2: The Dallas IT Job Market from an IT Recruitment Perspective

The InSource Group is a software-product development, technical consulting and IT staffing and recruitment company that provides a complete spectrum of flexible solutions for IT staffing needs, including contract, contract-to-hire and direct hire options. More information on Dallas IT recruitment and Dallas IT jobs can be found at

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