Page 1: THE CONNECTION - St. John Cathedral · st.john’s ukrainian orthodox cathedral 10611-110 avenuephone: 780.425.9692 fax: 780.425.3991 edmonton, alberta uarterly newsletter april 2011



10611-110 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta

Phone: 780.425.9692 Fax: 780.425.3991












Singers Needed 4






Senior CYMK 8

























Colouring Page 18

Page 2: THE CONNECTION - St. John Cathedral · st.john’s ukrainian orthodox cathedral 10611-110 avenuephone: 780.425.9692 fax: 780.425.3991 edmonton, alberta uarterly newsletter april 2011

Возлюблені у Христі браття й сестри!

Вельмишановні прихожани нашої

катедральної громади!

Beloved Brothers & Sis-ters in Christ!

Friends of our cathedral community!


Зустрічаємо й ще раз, “урочистий і святий день, всім суботам Цар і Господь, свято над святами і торжество із торжеств...” (Пісня 8 Пасхального Канону).

Обнімаю вас усіх з великою Пасхальною радістю! Наш дім постійно молиться за вас усіх – щоб ви були обгорнуті сяйвом “неприступного світла Воскресення” (Пісня 1 Пасхального Канону) об’яленим Христом, Господом.

Perhaps in this 2011 year, more than in recent years in our memory, the words, “O come, all ye faithful, let us worship Christ’s holy Resurrection, for be-

hold, through the Cross joy hath come to all the world,” (Resurrectional Matins hymn) suggest a distinct and poignant point to consider.

We have been witness to rev-olution, serious unrest, strife, hardship, death and abuse in various corners of the globe in the past several months. Shocking and moving images of the Japan earthquake and tsunami are still fresh in our minds and worry about nu-clear disaster still lingers. We are watching politicians act-ing uncharitably and disre-spectfully to one another as they campaign for the up-coming federal election… None of these inspire great amounts of hope or confi-dence that humanity, God’s beloved creation, is progress-ing at all toward holiness and salvation. The shadow of the Cross of seems very deep and dark, indeed.

However! We are the faithful people of God who under-stand and are reminded with the Holiest of Feasts – Pascha – that the joy of the Resurrection is exceedingly great because it has indeed come ―through the Cross;‖ it is a victory of life over death, one that is fought and won not by force or conflict, but by the unsurpassed great love and self-sacrifice that has ever been offered by any one person, that is, by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for the entirety of hu-

manity. We, His faithful, must have hope that the world and its people will cast off the ways of death and humiliation and will embrace the life of love, humility and mutual re-spect and struggle toward sal-vation and divine, eternal ex-istence, because we are the images of Him Who has shown this way by His very own actions on the Cross and by His descent into Hades. The world cannot hope to change for the better each of us individual faithful Chris-tians do not answer the call to shout out joyfully as the one mystical Body of Christ, “Jesus, having risen from the grave as He foretold, hath given us life eternal and great mercy.” As living icons of Christ, let us also be the instruments of His great love and mercy – for only the-se can soften hearts and bring peace and life to the world which so desperately desires them!

I embrace and great all of you with the joy of Holy Pascha! Our household prays continu-ously for all of you – that you may be enveloped fully in the radiance of the “unapproachable light of the Resurrection” (1st Ode of the Paschal Canon) which is manifested by Christ, the Lord.






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The photo to the left was taken on the occasion of First Holy Confession of St. John’s church school chil-dren. We congratulate our children in reaching this important mile-stone. They are (from left to right) Aa-ron Harrison, Ostap Krynytsky, Bryce McEwan, and Pavlo Tsisar. May God Bless and Grant you many years of health and happiness.

Page 4: THE CONNECTION - St. John Cathedral · st.john’s ukrainian orthodox cathedral 10611-110 avenuephone: 780.425.9692 fax: 780.425.3991 edmonton, alberta uarterly newsletter april 2011

Зі Світлим Святом Воскресіння Христовоґо сердечно вітаємо Високопреос-вященнішого ЮРІЯ, Архиєпскопа Вінніпеґу і Середньої Єпархії, Митрополита Канади, Первоієрарха Української Православної Церкви в Каналі; Преосвященніщого Владку нашого ІЛАРІОНА, Єпископа Едмонтону і Західної Єпархії; митр. прот. Степана Семотюка та ієрея Корнилій Зубрицького з їхніми родинами; Членів та прхильиків Катедральної Громади бажаємо усім Вам веселих Великодніх Свят.

ХРИСТОС ВОСКРЕС! ВОІСТИНУ ВОСКРЕС! On the glorious occasion of the bright feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we warmly greet His Eminence YURI, Archbishop of Winnipeg and the Central Eparchy, Metropolitan of Canada, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada; His Grace Bishop ILARION, Bishop of Edmonton and the Western Eparchy; Rt. Rev. Mitred Archpriest Stephan Semotiuk and Rev. Fr. Cornell Zubritsky and their families; all our Cathedral members and adherents. May the RISEN CHRIST and the joy of Pascha bring you peace, hope and spiritual contentment.

CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN Eugene Topolnisky, President


Greetings from the Church Council

SINGERS NEEDED! If you sing TENOR, BASS, or ALTO, the Cathedral Choir invites

you to JOIN. Sopranos, of course, are also welcome.

Rehearsals: Thursdays at 7:30 pm

For more information: Lesia Chumer 780 418 1025 or Olesia Talpash 780 436 8801

ПОТРІБНО СПІВАКІВ! Якщо співаєте ТЕНОРОМ, БАСОМ, або АЛЬТОМ, просимо Вас

вступити до Катедрального Хору. Очевидно, приймаємо і сопранів! Проби кожного четверга о 7:30 год. веч.

По дальші інформації: Леся Чумер, дириґент – 780 418 1025 Олеся Талпаш, гол. хору – 780 436 8801

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There have been much up-grading and renovations to our Cathedral and Cultural Centre.

New site signs for both have been erected and the electri-cal and brickwork will be completed soon. These signs will not only identify our buildings but also publicize our events.

The Cathedral front and back steps have undergone struc-tural repairs and refinishing, and once the snow is melted and the temperature is warm enough this work will be completed. The auditorium in the Cultural Centre has been upgraded with a new ceiling, lights, sound system, stage lighting, and stage cur-tains.

With the addition of a pro-jection screen and video pro-jector, we have the capability of video and power point presentations, as was wit-nessed at the reception fol-lowing the Sunday of Ortho-doxy Vesper service. The stage and other areas are be-ing cleared and tided up of unwanted items.

A maintenance schedule is being developed to ensure that our facilities will be con-stantly in proper condition. Thanks to Paul Garrick, Tom Ewanchuk and Marshall

Kachmar for all their ef-forts in having this work done. Any future projects will have to be delayed un-til there is sufficient fund-ing.

While the physical aspects of our facilities are being attended to, we must not forget the human aspect of our Cathedral and Cultural Centre. How can we im-prove, rejuvenate and revi-talize our parish? We can start by being more proac-tive and work in harmony.

Meet everyone with a smile and a Christian greeting – make them feel welcomed as you your-self would like to be wel-comed into the House of God. If you do not know the person next to you, in-troduce yourself and make them feel glad that they came to church.

Volunteer to be a part of the service as greeter, usher, candle holder, tithe collector, or singer in the choir.

Are your member-ship dues up to date? Remember that our parish has to remit the levies of $73.00 to the Consistory and $15.00 to the Western Eparchy for each member. Should anyone have finan-

cial concerns in paying the membership, please see our treasurer in confi-dence as to what could be arranged.

Do missionary work by encouraging family members, friends or ac-quaintances to come to church.

Become more active in the affiliated organ-izations, such as U.W.A.C. or T.Y.C. If you are not a member, become one.

Volunteer in the ac-tivities at the Cultural Centre. At the present time we need help in con-tinuing our Sunday fellow-ships by having a roster of people that would look af-ter fellowships.

Remember that this is your parish. We can have a beautiful building but what good is it if we are fewer in number and can-not cooperate with one an-other. What can you do to make it better?

With Christian Greeting,

Eugene Topolnisky, Presi-dent

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Stephan and Halya Newediuk are long time faith-ful members and participants of St. John’s Cathedral.

Stephan is the senior elder and has been for the last 26 years. He has served long and faithfully to our parish and clergy. He joined the Metropolitan Cathedral in Winnipeg in 1955 as a young adult and eventually, after selling his business, moved to Edmonton and joined Cela-nese Canada, in 1969.

This year Stephan and Halya will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. They have one daughter Falka and two grandchildren, Julian and Marysa of Winnipeg, and one sister and one brother in Winnipeg.

Halya is a life time member of St. John’s Church and the Cathedral. Her par-ents Nicholas and Paraskevia Malycky were active and long time members of our first church at Half Moon Lake, Alberta, in 1929, then at St. John’s Cathedral. Nicholas and Paraskevia were in busi-ness (grocery) which afforded Nicholas time to be more ac-tive in the Executive of St. John’s Church as well as Pres-ident of St. John’s Institute, St. John’s Fraternal, Sa-mostiynyky and other organi-zations and pursuits, as well as assistant cantor when needed, which he enjoyed tre-mendously. Nicholas and Paaskevia were honorary

church members and present-ed a hramota for their years of service.

Paraskevia managed their business as well as vol-unteering in the Cathedral when needed and was a very active church goer, as well as raising her family.

Stephan has enjoyed his position as senior elder very much over the last 26 years but as the years go by, time with family is scarce, and 26 years of devoted ser-vice is eventually coming to an end as soon as a replace-ment is found. He will be guiding the new elder and helping where needed.

He has volunteered with Halya in the Cultural Centre on many occasions and conintues to do so for the Pyrohy Suppers and on pyro-hy making days and other oc-casions as needed, which he enjoys,. The people that he has met and worked with have treated him with respect by and large making his time in the Cathedral a pleasure.

Halya has followed her parents lead in service and volunteering in our church and cathedral, attending Sun-day school, Ukrainian school, CYMK—seniors and junion, singing in the church choir for many years, greeter in the cathedral for several years, working on committees in the UWAC, St. John’s Branch, at present is chair for almost 10 years of the cathedral com-

mittee, pyrohy duties at the suppers along with Stephan and in the kitchen when called. She is a talented and gifted artist, singer, piano and violin player, among her many talents. Halya trained and worked as medical sup-port staff at the Cancer Clinic, among other places.

Their work continues on as their parents and prede-cessors have done. Stephan and Halya, we thank you for all that you have done and the service to us and our parish.

We wish you many long years of health and happiness and continued success in your lives.

Mnoha I blahi lita Stephan and Halya. May God bless you both in your future journey.

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St. John’s Junior CYMK has been up to many things and here is a quick over view of what we have been up to.

Our advisors and exec-utive have been busy plan-ning functions that keep our youth active in our communi-ty and a part of the church.

We have 14 members who continually find time in their busy schedules to take part in many activities

The first Sunday of each month we hold our meetings where we learn how to run a meeting, present re-ports, make motions and pre-sent ideas of what they would like the group to do. Father Cornell has attending each meeting opening up the floor discussing various religious topics that relate to the sea-son and the church’s role in them.

In January we attend-ed the University of Alberta watching both the men and women play basketball. Both programs were successful and it was enjoyable to watch such high end sports. Towards the end of January, our CYMKivsti also enjoyed an evening of snowtubing at Sunridge Ski Hill followed by some steaming hot cocoa.

We were fortunate in February to find a day when the weather cooperated and went skating. It was great to be outdoors enjoying the fresh air and getting some ex-ercise. Following the skating we went to the Kruhlak’s house for a movie and some snacks. February also took a number of us to Vegreville where we participated in the Winter Jamboree. We were put into groups and designed a pysanka which acted as our mascot after which we went on a scavenger hunt around town. Travelling through Vegreville the hints took us places where we had to take pictures of our mascot. Once we returned we participated in a religious discussion lead by Father Marunchak. Fol-lowing this we were given mashed potatoes to build a creative island where our pysanka could live. We played some games after which awards were given out for our creative ideas. Is was great to see other CYMKivsti and to support each other. We thank Vegreville CYMK for organizing such a fun event.

March was highlighted with the much anticipated ―Lenten Tenten‖, which had to be modified slightly. After getting everyone there on a Friday night we had a meal followed by an inspirational movie and discussion. I think



we were the first group to watch a movie on the large screen in the auditorium which added a lot to the night. After the movie we headed next door to the Ca-thedral for a short prayer ser-vice where we took turns reading prayers. It was mov-ing to be in the church late at night participating in the prayers. Father Cornell fol-lowed the service with a dis-cussion about Lent and how the movie related to this spe-cial season.

Jr. CYMK would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Alber-ta Ukrainian Self Reliance League (AUSRL) who recent-ly made a donation to our program. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to all mem-bers for their commitment and we will always welcome new members between grades 3 and 8. You can contact me at 780-468-9148 for more in-formation about Jr CYMK.

Lukian Kruhlak


Junior CYMK- St. John’s

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Since the end of the Ukrainian Christmas season, St. John’s Senior CYMK members have been keeping active and busy with the following activities:

January 28- an enthusiastic group of CYMKivsti hit the hills at Sunridge Ski Hill for an excit-ing evening of snowtubing!! A bit chilly it was but we were hav-ing too much fun to even notice the temperature. And the hot cocoa afterwards just hit the spot!!

February 6- we held our monthly meeting after the fel-lowship hour.

February 12- we started out with some skating at Hawrelak Park and then over to the Kruhlaks we all went for some pizza followed by the making of Valentine hearts which has be-come quite the tradition for our group.

February 13- at the English and Ukrainian Divine Liturgies some of our CYMKivsit handed out the hearts we made with spe-cial warm greetings and a small chocolate treat. We hope every-one enjoyed receiving these gifts.

February 19-20- a group of our Sr. CYMKivsti travelled to Vegre-ville to attend their second annu-al Jambouree with this year’s theme being ―Pysanka Survivor‖. From an exciting scavenger hunt around Vegreville to building survivor islands for our pysanky mascots to interesting religious discussions with Father Marunchak, it was a great week-end. We thank Vegreville CYMK for hosting this event and look forward to the next Jamboree.

February 27- some of our Sr.

CYMK members assisted with the preparation and serving of lunch before the Parish Annual General Meeting.

March 6- we held our monthly meeting after the fellowship lunch.

March 18- Sr. CYMK held a Lenten Event to get youth of our church together to discuss the Lenten Season. We started the evening with a pizza dinner followed by a Lenten film after which we discussed its signifi-cance with Father Cornell. The evening ended with a beautiful evening prayer service, which reminded us all of the evening prayer services at Camp BarVNok. We all took a turn in reading part of the prayers and it was so beautiful to be in the church so late at night. We would like to thank Father Cor-nell for leading us in this event and also a special thank you to the Ukrainian Self Reliance As-sociation- Edmonton Branch for their financial support of this event. It was very much appreciated.

Watch for the following excit-ing events soon to happen:

1) April 8- 7:00 p.m.- Sr. CYMK is sponsoring the annual Pysanky Bingo once again

This event promises to be very EGG-citing…so come on out and have some fun!!

Proceeds made from the Pysanky Bingo will go towards the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.

May 6- is our second annual ―May Meltdown‖ Zabava at St.

John’s Cultural Centre. Tickets are only $20 each and include a late lunch. For tickets please contact Christina (465-4634), Ivanna (468-9148) or Tanya (457-3127). Don’t miss this fun zabava!!! We will be donating a portion of our proceeds to char-ity.

May 8- Sr. CYMK is forming a team to participate in the annu-al Mother’s Day

Walk in support of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Founda-tion. If you are interested in making a donation towards this worthy cause please contact Christina Ferbey @ 465-4634. Tax receipts can be requested.

May 27- Sr. CYMK members are helping out at a Mustard Seed Movie Night for disadvan-taged youth. This includes providing and making the pop-corn for that night. We all en-joy supporting various charities and are always willing to help.

Sr. CYMK would like to thank the Alberta Ukrainian Self Reli-ance League for their donation to help us run our program at St. John’s. Your support is greatly appreciated.

We have other events in the planning so there is never a dull moment when you are in CYMK. For further infor-mation on our group or to join (grades 9 and up), please con-tact Ivanna @ 780-468-9148.

CYMK is fun……CYMK is where you want to be….come join our CYMK family.

Yours in Christ,

Ivanna Kruhlak



Page 9: THE CONNECTION - St. John Cathedral · st.john’s ukrainian orthodox cathedral 10611-110 avenuephone: 780.425.9692 fax: 780.425.3991 edmonton, alberta uarterly newsletter april 2011

Notice of

Special Event

The plans for the Anniversary Celebration honouring Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter George Turzansky have been resched-uled to 2012, at which time we will be celebrating his 70th year of ordination into the priesthood.

Some of the photos of Fr.

George serving the Ukrainian

Orthodox Church have al-

ready been received. Anyone

with historical photos please

submit to the parish office.

For more information please

contact the parish office at


St. John’s church school continues to partici-pate in Youth Sundays on the first Sunday of each month. In addition to holding can-dles, our children also take turns reading the Epistle readings. The church school students also enjoy the monthly Priest visitations. On January 23, Rev. Zu-britsky visited Church school and blessed the classrooms and students. Each class-room had a kolach which the children shared and each church school student re-ceived an icon. On February 20, Deacon Anton Lakusta visited the church school chil-dren and spoke on the topic of Lent and on March 20th,, Rt. Reverend Semotiuk also presented a lecture on Lent to the church school students. He stressed the importance of Great Lent and what each of us should be doing during this period. Church school appreciates the continued support of our clergy.

On March 20th, Church School celebrated the occa-sion of First Confession for 4 of our students: Aaron Harri-son, Ostap Krynytsky, Bryce McEwan, and Pavlo Tsisar. The four boys and their fami-lies participated in 2 prepara-tory sessions with Father Cor-nell in the weeks leading up to receiving First Holy Con-fession. On Sunday, March 20th, they were all honored in

church and with a Celebratory Luncheon after the Divine Liturgy where they were pre-sented with small gifts from Church School.

For the remainder of the year, we are looking for-ward to visiting 2 other Or-thodox parishes in Edmon-ton.

Respectfully submitted,

Vivianne Kruhlak

Susan Jereniuk

Church School Co-Directors




April 22 & 25 — Church Office Closed. Open on Tuesday, April 26.

April 29—Pyrohy Sup-per, Auditorium, 5:00pm to 7:00pm

May 1 — 12:30pm Easter Dinner, Auditorium (Tickets available in the Church Office)

May 6 — ―May Melt-down‖ Tickets $20 each and include a late lunch. For tickets please contact Christina (465-4634), Ivanna (468-9148) or Tanya (457-3127).

May 27 —Pyrohy Supper Auditorium, 5:00pm to 7:00pm

June 5 — Bishops Tea at St. Andrews. Tea at 12:30pm and program at 1:00pm.

June 24 — Pyrohy Sup-per, Auditorium, 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Page 10: THE CONNECTION - St. John Cathedral · st.john’s ukrainian orthodox cathedral 10611-110 avenuephone: 780.425.9692 fax: 780.425.3991 edmonton, alberta uarterly newsletter april 2011

Over the last few years the focus has been on general culling as per archival guide-lines from ―Managing Your Congregation’s Records Handbook‖ Oct.’2002.

The storage area in the west side of the church basement is not conducive to main-taining paper records or to comfortably working for any length of time. Newsprint is particularly vulnerable.

Some specific actions that have been taken over the past year include:

Archival information, Managing Your Congrega-tion’s Records Handbook‖, Oct. 2002 has been shared with the administrator

Duplicate records and many records/receipts from the 1900’s, 2000/2001 and 2002 boxes have been recy-cled or shredded because they needed to only be kept for seven years. As a result, a fair number of shelves have been cleared in this storage area.

Administration office record boxes from the last 8 years have been grouped by year

Documents such as minutes from various years,

financial statements, parish newsletters and general reli-gious and church information have been put into a ―deal with later cupboard‖. These require more detailed culling, organization and acid free storage

Some interesting and rele-vant documents have been passed on to Sunday School, church administrative office and the Church Choir

Records from affiliated organizations such as CYMK and UWAC are being grouped and the organizations will be advised of their location.

Non-acidic pens for label-ing and storage paper/folders are being used

Older books/texts have been saved or recycled in con-sultation with Father Cornell

Multiple publication cop-ies of 70 anniversary and CYMK have been put out into the lobby for membership dis-tribution

A few deceased member records have been been exam-ined and relevant documents integrated with other parish documents

Three trips were made to AMA’s free shredding events

and it is planned to continue to take advantage of these oppor-tunities. Personal limits are about 6 boxes a time.

The following have been culled, sorted, single copies of relevant archival information put into sheet protectors and organized into labeled binders

50, 70 and 75 anniversary (one binder)

window project

’94 reno records

Photographs from past years are emerging from within the records. These are being placed into sheet protectors into one album. Consultation with seniors to identify parish-ioners is planned.

A 2010 volunteer album is in the work.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Elaschuk

St. John’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Archivist Report 2010


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UWAC — Easter


Here are a few photos of the members of UWAC baking paskas, babkas, and cinnamon buns for the Easter Bake Sale.

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The Cathedral Church committee is responsible for the beautification needs of the cathedral. We are fortunate to have a few individuals who have taken this work on during the year. Our committee members are Halya Newediuk—chair, Melvina Ozipko, Irene Cepin, Olha Logvyneno, Elaine V. Hara-symiw, Donna Kowalishin, Julia Elaschuk, Irene and Paul Garrick, Leona Bridges, Lakeria Babych, Oryssia Lennie, Chrystyna Chase, Zonia Ewanchuk, Oksana Ensellen, and our chef who looks after us all, Maxine Zakordonski. The above were our committee members for Christmas 2011. The senior elder, Stephan Newediuk, Ken Ozipko, and Richard Fyk guided us with whatever needed to be done with instructions from the clergy and doing their work as well as helping us. Our duties are many from dusting, cleaning icons, frames, votives, votive candle stands, removing large amounts of wax from altars, crosses, candle holders, brocades and embroidery, some mending, ironing, vacuuming, cutting plastic to cover our brocades and embroidery, foil of candle stands and flower pots, washing pews, removing left over papers, wax, etc. As well as doing the same for the choir loft. During Christmas and Easter ordering and distributing floral tributes in the church, watering and looking after the plants as they slowly finish blooming, replacing them with donated floral arrange-ments by our members as needed with the yearly donation collected during Palm Sunday. Tables are set and prepared for blessing of Easter baskets and decorated for this occasion by the chair Halya, Maxine and any other member that is available. In previous years Joanne Melnychuk and Maxine Zakordonski got the hall ready for the Cathedral Committee for which we thank them. There is always much to be done but somehow with Gods blessing we manage to get it all done. The, parish members, is what the Cathedral Com-mittee does during the year, for which we owe them our eternal and grateful thanks.

The following pictures are from Christmas 2011.

- Submitted by Halya Newediuk

Cathedral Committee—Church Cleaning

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On March 21, 2011 members of St. John’s Seniors Group volunteered at Hope Mis-sion to teach staff and volunteers how to make cabbage rolls. The kitchen staff at Hope Mission intend on making up to 5000 cabbage rolls for an event they have planned for this spring. Hope Mission has a soup kitchen, among many other services, to help feed those in need.

This was a part of our Cathedral’s out-reach to the community.

Featured in photos:

Eileen Yewchuk, Irene Cepin, Geraldine Nakonechny, Pauline Mudry. Kitchen Staff at Hope Mission.

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Description of Work: Status:

Auditorium Ceiling and Lighting. Completed.

Refinishing Auditorium, Solarium & Stage Floor.


Replacement of Stage drapes. Completed.

Replacement of stage lighting control system.


Replacement of auditorium sound sys-tem.


Installation of video projector and screen.


Repairs to radiation cover in Pedway. Completed.

Fire sprinkler system upgraded to meet code.


New cabinet and shelving in kitchen. Completed.

New built-in freezer in kitchen. Completed.

New ice machine. Completed.

Upgrade main entrance doors. Completed.

Install card access system to three en-trances.


Balance and clean air systems. Completed.

Painting of numerous areas. In progress.

Cultural Centre site sign. Completed.

Cathedral site sign. In progress.

Miscellaneous Volunteer labour. In progress.



Above: Brick work to be done on Cathedral sign in spring/summer of 2011.

Above: Finished ceiling & projector. Below: Finished curtains & screen.

Above: Completed Cultural Centre Sign.

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Page 17: THE CONNECTION - St. John Cathedral · st.john’s ukrainian orthodox cathedral 10611-110 avenuephone: 780.425.9692 fax: 780.425.3991 edmonton, alberta uarterly newsletter april 2011

The Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of St. John the

Baptist, founded in the year 1923, has served for

over eight decades as a beacon of Christ’s Eternal

Light in the city of Edmonton, Alberta. By celebrat-

ing the Truth of the Orthodox Christian faith in it’s

Ukrainian expression, the Cathedral extends a warm

welcome to all who seek to grow closer to God

through worship, fellowship and service to others.

The St. John’s Cathedral Parish Family would like to remember the following individuals who have reposed to the Lord over the past months. - Helena Sas - Jennie Stogre - Lesia Petriw We pray that the Lord God will establish their souls where the righteous repose.



Phone: 780.425.9692 Fax: 780.425.3991

Email: [email protected]

10611-110 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta

T5H 1H7

Office Hours Monday to Friday

10:00am to 4:30pm


In memoriam

Page 18: THE CONNECTION - St. John Cathedral · st.john’s ukrainian orthodox cathedral 10611-110 avenuephone: 780.425.9692 fax: 780.425.3991 edmonton, alberta uarterly newsletter april 2011


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