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January 1818




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On the 5th day of July, 1842, the Consociation of

Hartford South, came together, and proceeded to

form a new church ;—to be called the South Con-

gregational Church of New Britain. The one hun-

dred and twenty persons, whose names stand hrst in

the Catalogue, were, by request, organized and con-

stittued, according to records of Consociation, a


Rev. Samuel Rockwell, was installed Pastor of

this Church, January 4th, 1843.


Elijah Francis, July 15, 1842, Nov. 1, 18-4G, ^87.

Chauncey Cornwell, " "

Orson H. Seymour, Jan. 22, 1847.

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Article I. We, as a church, behove in one only

hving and true God ; infinite and eternal ; and exist-

ing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy

Ghost, who possess the same nature, and are equal in

every divine perfection.

1 Cor. 8 ; 4. There is none other God but one,

Dcut. 6; 4. Hear, 0 Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord.

Deut. 4; 35, 39. Isa. 45

; 5, G, H, 21 , 22. Deut 32 ; 39. Isa. 44;

6. Jer. 10; 10. The Lord is the true God, he is the living God,

and an everlasting king. Ps. 90; 2. From everlasting to everlast-

ing thou art God. 1 Thess. 1; 9. John 17; 3. Hab. 1; 12. Job

11; 7. Isa. 40; 13, 14, 20, 2S. Math. 5; 48. Heb. G; 18.

Deut. 32 ; 4. Ps. 145 ; 3.

Mat. 28; 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing

them in the name of the p-athcr, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Ghost. 2 Cor. 13 ; 14. John 1; 1,3. Phil. 2

; 1, G, 11, Heb. 1


2, 3, G, 8. Acts 5; 3,4. Do. 13; 4. 1 John 5 ; 7, Col. 1 ;


Article II. We ])eheve that the Scriptures of the

Old and New Testament, were given by inspiration of

God, and are our only perfect rule of Christian faith

and practice.

2 Tim. 3 ; 15-17. All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruc-

tion in righteousness. Gal. 1 ; 8. 2 Pet. 1 : 21. Mat. 22; 29. Ps.

119; 97, 105. Luke 24 ; 27, 44, 45. John 5 ; 39. Rev. 22; IS,



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Article III. We believe that God created all

things for his own glory ; and that he governs all

thino^s accordin*? to the counsel of his own will, in

perfect consistency \\itli man's free-agency and ac-


Rev, 4 ; 11. For thou hast created all things, and for thy pleas-

ure they are and wave created, Kom. ll ; 30, Prov. 10; 4. Neh.

9; G,

Isa. 40 : 10. Declaring the end from the beginning, saying, Mycounsel shall stand, and I will do all my i)leasure. Eph. 1 ; 11,

Job 23; 13, 11. Kom. S; 2S. Isa. M; 24. 1 Peter 1 ; 20. Ps,

145; 15, 16.

Acts 2 ; 23< Him being delivered by the determinate counsel

and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and with wicked hands,

have crucified and slain. Acts 4; 27,28. Ps. 33; 11. Ileb. 6;

17. Gen. 45; 5-8. Do. 50; 20. Isa. 10; 0,7. Luke 22; 22.

Article IV. We believe that in consequence of

the apostacy of Adam, sin and misery have been intro-

duced into the world ; and that all men, unless re-

newed by the Holy Spirit, are destitute of holiness,

and under tlie curse of the Divine law.

Rom. 5; 12, I'J. Wlierefore as by orie man sin entered into the

world, and death by sin ; and so death passed upon all men, for that

all have sinned. Gen. 1; 20,27. Do. 3

; 10, 19 1 Cor. 15; 21, 22.

Ecc. 7 ; 20. For there is not a just man uj)on earih that doeth

good and sinncth not. Ecc. 7: 29. Rom. 7; IS. Do. '3; 9-18,20,

23. Ecc. 9; 3. Rom. 8; 7, S. Gen. 0 ; 5. Do. 8; 21. Jor. 17


0. John 3; 0, 7.

Eph. 2; 3. And wave by nature the children of wrath, even as

others. John 3; 30. Gal. 3 ; 10. Rom. 2; 5.

Article V. We believe that Jesus Christ is both

God and man ; that by his sufferings and death, he

has made atonement for the sins of the world ; and

that on the ground of this atonement, all who repent

and believe in him, are freely pardoned and justified.

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Jolin 1; ], M. In the baginiiin;^ was the Word, and thu Word

was God. And the Word was made rtesh,and dwelt anion;^- us.


1 Tim. 3; IG. Ilcb. 1 ; S. Gal. 4; 1,5. Hub. 2; M, 10. Rom. 5;

8. Mat. 26 ; 28. 1 Pot. 1 ; 10. 1 John 2 ; 2. And he is the pro-

pitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of

the whole world. Uom. 1 ; 25. Rov. 5 ; 'J. 1 Tim. ] ; 15. Do.

2; 5, G. Ileb. 2 ; 'J. Rev. 5 ; 9.

John 3 ; 15. That wliosoever beliovcth in him should not perish,

but have eternal life— IS. Acts 2; 38. Rom. 3 ; 21-2G. Acts

4; 12.

Article VI. We believe, tliat all who are renewed

by the Holy Spirit, will be kept by the power of God,

through faith, unto salvation ; and that they will owe

their salvation to the mere sovereign mercy and eternal

purpose of God in Christ Jesus, through repentance

and faith in him, and not to any works of righteous-

ness which they have done.

1 Pet. 1 ; 5. Who are kei)t by the power of God through faith

unto salvation. Phil. 1; G. John 10; 26, 29. 1 Cor. 1 ; 8. 1

John 2; 19. Rom. S;3J-39. Prov. 4 ; 18. John C ; 37. Do. 15;

IG. Do. 17; 2, G, 9.

Ezek. 30 ; 32. Not for your sakes, do I this, saith the Lord God,

be it known unto you.—2G. Rom. 9 ;IS, 21. 2 Tim. 1 . 9. Rom.

8; 29.

Eph. 1 ; 4, 5. According as he hath chosen us in him before the

foundation of the world. 1 Peter 1 ; 2. Acts 13 ; 48. 2 Thess.

2; 13.

Tit. 3 ; 5. Not by works of righteousness which we have done,

but according to his mercy, he .-aved us. Acts 15; 11. Gal. 2 ; IG.

Eph. 3; 8, 9.

Article VII. We beUeve that the law of God, de-

manding perfect holiness of heart and life, is binding

on all men ; and that the fruits of regeneration will

be exhibited hi acts of practical obedience to that


Mat. 5 ; 17. Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the

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prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.— 18, 19. Luke

10; 25-28. Gal. 5 ; 13-22. 1 Tim. 1; 8-11. Ps. 119; 90. Josh.

1 ; 8. Mic. 6 ; 8.

John 15; 14. Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I commandyou.~S, 12. Mat. 10; 37, 38. Luke 0; 40. James I; 27. Do.

3; 17. 2 Cor. 7; 1.

Article VIII. We believe that any number of

Christians, duly organized, constitute a Church of

Christ ; the special ordinances of which are Baptism

and the Lord's Supper.

Rom. 10; 4, 5. Unto whom not only I give tlianks, but also all

the churches of the Gentiles. Likewise greet the chuvch that is in

thine house. Mat. 18; 17. Acts 14; 27. 1 Cor. IG ; 19, Col.

4; 15.

Mat. 28; 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising

them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy

Ghost. Acts 10; 15, 33. 1 Cor. 1 ; 10. See also Gen. 17; 7, 9,

10. Gal. 3; 29. Rom. 11 ; 10-21. Luke 22 ; 19, 20. 1 Cor. 11;


Article IX, We believe that all mankind must

hereafter appear before the judgment-seat of Christ,

to receive a just and final retribution, according to the

deeds done in the body : and that the wicked will be

sent away into everlasting punishment, and the right-

eous received into life eternal.

2 Cor. 5 ; 10. For we must all appear before the judgment seat

of Christ, tliat every one may receive the things done in his body,

according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Acts

17; 31. iThes. 4; 10. Rom. 14; 10. Jude 15. Rev. 20 ; 12,

15. Do. 22; 11.

Mat. 25; 40. And these shall go away into everlasting punish-

ment, but the righteous into hfe eternal. Mat. 13; 40-45. 2 Pet.

2; 4, 9. 2 Thess. 1 ;0-10. Rev. 21 ; S. Mat. 25 ;

31-46. Dan.

12 ; 2. Mark 8 ; 38.

Do you cordially assent to these articles of faith?

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In the presence of God and this assembly, you do

now seriously, deliberately and forever, avouch the

Lord Jehovah to bti your God, Jesus Christ to be your

Saviour, the Holy Ghost to be your sanclificr, and the

Holy Scri})tures to be the rule of your Chri^stian faith

and practice :—and do solemnly give yourselves up to

God, to be wholly his, to be governed by his laws, to

be guided by his Spirit, to be disposed of by his prov-

idence, and to be saved by his grace, in the way of the

gospel. You promise to receive in meekness and love,

the pure doctrines of the gospel, anil by the aids of

divine grace, to lead a life of piety towards (j!od, and

benevolence towards your fellow men.

You also submit yourselves to the government of

Christ in his church, and to the regular administration

of it, in this church;attending the worship of (jlod,

and the ordinances of the gospel;

living in Christian

charity and connnunion with its members ; conscien-

tiously endeavoring to promote its peace, purity and

edification ; and to discharge all those duties, by

which God may be glorified, and the religion of the

Bible extended and established among men.

You enter into these solenm engagements in hum-

ble dependence on the grace of God, and with a full

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belief that your vows are recorded on high, and will

be reviewed in the day of final judgment.

Thus you covenant and promise ? .

[Members of the Church will rise.]

We, then, as a Church, do cordially receive you

into our fellowship and communion, and give thanks

to God, who, we trust, has inclined your heart to fear

his name. We promise to treat you with Christian

affection ; to watch over you with tenderness ; and to

offer our prayers to the great Head of the Church, to

enable you to fulfill the solemn covenant which you

have now made.

Now we commend you to God, and the word of his

grace, which is able to build you up in the most holy

faith, and to present you faultless before the throne of

his glory with exceeding great joy.

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I. Annual Meeting and choice of Officers.

1. There shall be a meeting of the Church ctnnii-

ally, in the month of January, for devotional services

and the transaction of annual business.

2. At c.ich annual meeting, a clerk shall be chosen

to act for the ensuing year ; and also a standing

committee consisting of the deacons and five other


3. It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee,

to assist the pastor in examining the qualifications of

persons who may offer themselves as candidates for

admission into the church. Also to aid in matters of

discipline, and especially to bring before the church

such cases, as in their opinion, may require its con-


II. Admission of IMembers.

1. Candidates for admission to the church by ^ro-

fession^ shall be examined by the pastor and church

committee, and publicly propounded tiuo weeks pre-

vious to their admission, except in special cases, when

they maybe received on shorter notice.

2. Persons may be received by letter from other

churches, by publicly reading their letter of recom-

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mendation, and stating that vuilcss objection be made

to the pastor or church committee, within one iveck,

the person shall he considered a mem})er in regular

standing :—their letters having been previously sub-

mitted to the pastor and committee, and approved by


3. Members from other cJnirchcs not in communion

with us, (and Avho decline to give letters of recom-

mendation,) may be received as in other cases, on a

certificate of their regular standing, and by assenting

to our confession of faith and covenant ; their certifi-

cate having been first a])proved by the church com-


4. No member of a sister church shall be statedly

invited to unite in our communion, for a longer period

than one year, without transferring his or her relation

to this church ; unless good reasons shall be assigned

for a longer delay, which reasons shall be approved

by the pastor and cliurch committee.

HI. Dis:\i[ssioN OF Members.

1. Members of this church may be dismissed to

other churches, by publicly stating to the church their

application ; and that if no objection be made to the

pastor or church committee ioilhin one iceek, thry will

receive their letter of dismission and recommendation;

which letter, however, shall be valid, for only o/ie

year from its date.

2. This church, adopting fully the principle of open

or free communion, is ready, on due application, to

dismiss its members to any evangelical church that

adopts the same principle.

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3. If any member of this church shall leave its fel-

lowship to unite with another, of a different denom-

ination, and does not seek the advice of the pastor, and

ask a letter of dismission, it shall be regarded as a

breach of covenant, and such a disorder as requires

our discipline.

4. If any member of this church wishes to unite

w^ith any other Christian church that rejects our

communion, or denies our existence as a church, and

cannot be dissuaded, we are not able consistently with

our principle of open communion, to give a dismission

and recommendation in. the ordinary form ; but will

give a certificate of regular .•>tanding, and record his

dismission ;—it being understood, as in other cases,

that the dismission take effect when the person receiv-

ing it is admitted as a member of the church, with which

he proposes to unite.

5. Members of this church who remove their resi-

dence from this place, are expected to transfer their

relation to some other church, within one year after

their absence ; and absent members shall be reminded

of this rule, by the pastor or clerk of the church.

IV. Sabbath School.

1. The church shall have the general oversight of

the Sabbath School, and appoint all the officers of the


2. The officers shall be appointed annually by bal-

lot, on the day of the annual State fast.


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One hundred and twenty persons whose names stand first

in this Catalogue, were originally members of the Second

Church in BerUn, or what is now tlie First Church in NewBritain.

NAMES. Time of original admission.

*Dea. Elijah Francis, Aug., 1S17.Dea. Chauncey Cornvvell, March, ISIG.

Seth J. North, Aug., 18-21.

Alvin North, Oct., 18U9.

Samuel Hart, Oct., 160*2.

Norman WoodrufT, Feb., 1823.

Henry North, Dec, 1831.

*Ozias Hart, June, J 797.

Denis Sweet, 1841.Letter.Andrew P. Potter, 1811.

Josiah Dewey, Aug., 1821.

Elijah Hart, Aug., 1831.

John Judd, Jan., 1829.

*Abijah Flagg, 1840. Letter.

Alonzo Stanley, April, 1830.

*Aaron C. Andrews, Jan., 1829.

George Hart, Aug., 1837.

AVilliam Bassett, April, 1812.

WiUam H. Smith, Jan., 1829,

Aug., 1821.Chester Hart,George L. Tibbals, 1841.Edmund Steel, Jan., 1829.

Theodore A. Belknap, 1841.


t Dismissed.

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NAMES Tune of original admission.

Charles A. Warner,fSarnuel W. Hart,

Salmon Hart,

Horace Butler,

Joshua Carpenter,

tRobert G. Williams,James Judd,

fEliza A. Marshall,Ezekiel Andrews Jr.

Elnathan PeckHenry Stanley,

Catharine A. Stanley, wife of Llenry,

Curtis Whaples,Esther L. Lee,Abigail Seymour,fMary A. Seymour, [Palmer.]

Dorothy F'rancis, \v. of Edwin,Edmund W^arner,

Elizabeth W. Warner, w. of Edm'd.*Francis Hart,

William B. Stanley,

Charles M. Lewis,Polly Clark,Romeo Francis,

Catharine Francis, w, of Romeo,Catharine A. Francis,

Nancy M. Eddy, w. of Lorenzo,Matilda Slater, w. of Elam,Dolly S. Hart,

Nathan R. Cook.Lucy B. Cook, w. of Nathan,Jane Francis,

*Orpha Hart,

Lauretta S. North, wife of Henry,Amelia S. Williams,Orpha H. Butler, w. of Horace,Charlotte N. Rockwell, w. of Sam'l,

Sarah B. North,Georgiana M. North,Louisa B. Nor h,

Lucinda IL Smith, w. of William H.Lydia S. Dewey, w. of Josiah,

Clarissa B. North, w. of Alvin,

Betsey North, w. of Seth J.

Sarah North, w. of Orrin S.

Ann W. Burrit,

Mary G. Cornwell, w. of Chauncey,SarahG. Cornwell,Maria Seymour, w. of Orson,


Aug. 1837.

Aug. 1821.

Aug., 1S21.

Jan., 1829.1840.

Jan., 1829.


March, 1829.

Feb., 1827.

Aug., 1837.

Feb., 1838. Letter.

June, 1819.

Jan., 1829,

Aug., 1829.

184U. Letter.Aug., 1837.

Aug., 1811.

Jan., 1829.


Jan., 1829.

Aug., 1S21.

Aug., 1821.


Aug., 1831.

Feb., 1827.

Jan., 1811.

1841. Letter.


Aug., 1785.

Feb., 1812.

Dec, 1831.


Aug., 1821.

Feb., 1827.

Jan., 1829.



Dec, 1835.

Aug., 1821.

June, 1817.

March, 1816,

Aug., 1829.

June, 1833. Letter.

Jan., 1817.


Jan., 1S29.

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NAMES. Time of original adiuisaion.

Julia A. North,Mary Peck, w. of Elnathan,Esther Dewey,Caroliise U. Sweet, \v. of Denis,

Mary Cordelia Nt)rth,

Sarah K. Brace, w. of Samuel,Abigail Woodruff, vv. of Norman,fLouisa H. Flagg, w. of Jarcd ]i.

Lois E. Bassett, w. of William,JNIary S. Bassett,

Lucretia M. Smith,Sarah M. Loornis, wife of Grove,Harriet S. Brown, vv. of Horace,Elizabeth A. Smith,Betsey Judd, wife of John,Betsey H, Carpenter,Alma Woodruff,Honor Flagg,

*MelviniaC. Stanley,

Chloe A. Stanley,

Abigail L. Stanley,

Maria N. Erwin, w. of Cornelius,

Electa Andrews,Harriet A. Stanley,

Elizabeth F, Hart, \v. of George,Hannah Hoot,

*Selina Churchill,Elvey W. Hart, w. of Chester,

Lucy N. Steele, w. of Edmund,Marilla C. Callender, w. of Ira,

Matilda C. Warner, vv. of Charles,

Almira W. Warren,Rosette Hart, vv. of Salmon,INIaria Steele, vv. of Ira.

Mehetabel Hart, vv. of Edmund,Louisa Hart, vv. of Elijah,

fEliza Judd, vv. of Richard,

Gunilda Judd, w. of James,Sarah E. Andrews, vv. of Ezekiel, Jr.

Sarah Whiting, vv. of Henry,Sarah Hart,Mary Gridley, w. of Eben,Lucy Winchell,Mary Curtiss,

Julia Curtiss,

Lucy Wright,Sylvia Hart,Olive Wright,



Feb., lS-27.

Aug., 1S25.

Feb., 1S27,

IS 11.

Aug., 1837.

Feb., 1823.



Aug., 1821.

Aug., 1837.

Aug., 1837.


Oct., 1827.

Jan., 1829.

Aug., 1837.



Feb., 1827.

June, 1819.

Aug., 1837.

Dec, 1831.


Aug., 1837.

Aug., 1821.






Aug., 1821.

Jan., 1829.

1837. Letter.

March, 1829.


April, 1818.

Aug., 1831.

Aug., 1837.

Dec, 1825.

Aug., 1837.

Aug., 1829.

Jan., 1829.

Nov., 1817.

Oct., 1819.

Feb., 1812.

March, 1829.

Oct., 1809.

Dec, 1821.

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NAMES, Admitted. From what Church.

Gad Stanley, Nov. ISIQ.

Thomas l'\ Griswold, *' "

Henry W. Whitin-, March 1813.

Arabella D. Gaylovd, w. ol William, " "

Henrietta Clarissa North, " "

Elam Slater, May, "

flsaac n. Potter, " "

J. W. Humphrey, *' "

fLegter Buel, " "

Oliver Stanley, " "

Lydia Kelsey, vv. of Samuel, " "

Mary A. Eddy, v^. of Walter, " "

Henrietta H. Francis, w. of Darwin, " "

Julia A. Cornvvell, " "

Dea. Orson H. Seymour. " "

Elizabeth C. Whaples, w. of Curtis, " "

Catharine Landers, w. of George, " "

Eliza N. S. Langdon, w. of l''red'k, " "

Polly Eno,fJane Eno Lewis, w. of Horatio, " "

fStephen T. Ford, July, "

Jane B. Strickland, w. of George, " "

tElizabeth Post, w. of Peter B.

fFranklin Woodruff,fAmzi Stanley, " "

Betsey C. Porter, w. of Kichard, " "

E. A. Andrews, "

Lucy C. Andrews, w. of E, A. " "

George W. Strickland,

tV. C. Taylor,Horace Clapp,*Sarah W. Clapp, w. of HoraceWilliam F. Raymond,Mary Andrews,Cynthia Hart,

Elizabeth Meigs,Horatio Waldo,Ozias B. Bassett,

Emeline E. Bassett,

Abigail Clark,

Russel Upson, "

Adeline Upson, vv. of Russel, "

fSamuel Upson, April,

Lydia D, Parker, May,Dorothy Wright, Aug.Sarah C. Hart, Nov.Harriet Hendrick, w. of Abel, "

Jane M. Hendrick, "

2d ch. Hartford.

West Hartford.

Aug., "

Nov., "

March 18M.<( <(

July» "

Aug. "

Nov. "

Jan. 1815.


2d ch. Hartford.

Granby.( Bowdoin, St,

( Boston.

S. Glastonbury.

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Columbus, Ga.


Istch.N, Britain.

Griswold.Istch.N. Britain.



Kensington.1st ch. Coventry.1st ch. N. Britain.

1st ch. Troy N. Y.

Saratoga Springs.


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N A M E 3


Admiltod. From what Church.

William Gaylord, Jan. 181G.

Selah Steel,

Phebe Steel, w. of Seluh,Lucy P. Lewis, Murch, "

Frederick W. Hart,Harriet A. Finch, w. of Anion,George Hooker,Sully Hooker, w. of George,Jane A. Hooker,Elizabetli C. K. 13ro\vn, \v. of Martin,Roswell Smith,Mariva K. Smith, w. of RoswelljSidney Smith,J. Henry Hart,Edward Doen,Charles S. Andrews,Ellen A. Andrews,Eliza Ann Hart,


Julia Ann Smith,"

Viana Hart,Cordelia M. Smith, May.Hubert F. North, July,


Nov.Jan; lbl7.

March, "

Burnham Slater,

Mary Elumphrey,William S. Booth,

Lucius S. Booth,Henry C. Bowers,James B. Merwin,Frank Corbin,Charles Peck,Samuel Carpenter,James P. Brainard,

Elizabeth L. Whaples,Augusta C. Hart,

Sarah B. Stowe,Sarah H. Judd,Cordelia H. Peck,Abigail B. Peck,Caroline E. Hart,

Elizabeth A. CornwallEllen S. Cornwell,Julia W. Burritt,

Lucy W. Seymour,Emeline Judd,Hellen J. Bassett,

Caroline North,Elizabeth Butler,

of William,

Sdch.Middlet'n.Istch. N. Britain.

1st ch. N. Haven.Istch. N. Britain.




2d ch. .Hartford




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NAMES. Adniitted. From what Churclu

Augusta M. North, July, 1817.Mary E. North, " "

Adelade J. Francis, k <i

Louisa B. Waldo, '< «<

Elizabeth C. Andrews, Sept. "

Clara Hudson, " "

Ann E. Burritt, an. •

Elizabeth S. W. Smith, w. of Levi, "

Jane Smith, " <<

Philip Corbin, <' «< West Hartford.Harriet Robinson, Nov. " N. London, N. H.F.H. North, Jan. 1818. Yale Colletre.

Whole number of Members, . . . 227.

Number in January, 184S, . , . . 199,

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OF riiK



FOR THE YEAR 188^. . •


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South Congregational -Church^



II Y K T S 0 F ¥ H y V H n 1<


TllK year ISSl opened with i-cjoieini; over the lenioval of all indebteti

ness on church and i>aisona'j,e. It liaf^ been a year of unusual alilic

tiou, many and valued members ofour ehiuch liavingbeen ealleil froi

the earthly work to tlie ]iea\cidy reg ard ; but it has al^o been a yeai-


blessing and of spiritual .urowth.

Since March 1st, Dea. John AViard, Suiteiintcndent of the Suuda

School, has devoted his whole tinif lo the duties of Ids otlice and t

assisting tlie pastor in iiusloral .Nork. Our parish now nund)ei's uj

wafds of live hundred fannlies, including over two thousand souls.

ADDi i'i()N> ro i iir: cm ju ii.

1.. Kmma d. (Covell) Abl>e, 12SS l^li/abctli A. (iiindey.

wife of 1 leiuy \\. I2S1I Kmma L. Haw

Anna J>arrelt. 121 to Jjcssie S. Jiooth.

William 11. Uuntley. )

J.aiua P. (Kllsworth)[

I2<>1 Alice JNl. Doeii.

L, J2U2 Mary J*]. BasstUt.

Huntley. ) VI\):\ .Vnna L. Smith.I,. Thomas \\. \\Mll)or. 12! U Jjucy .M. JJoehme.

rjso L. Charles 11 ummel. 121).-- riara L. Carleton.12S1 L. dohn 11. liast ian. 121)0 Mary W. Eyon.

L. Annie 1>. (Milesj Heard, 121)7 IJiMlha Fannie JMontague.wife of Sanuiel 11. 121)S (Jrace (J. {{ohbins.

John Uoyle ) 121)1) riiarles K. Wetmore,.Mai-garet ( \'oung)

^lioyle. )

i;!0() Faniue (^Nloon') Learned,wife of K. (\

i2sr) Nettie (Konold) SaniloAV,

wife of Gustave.latn Letty U. Learned. . . :

i;;()2 Mary ('. 15oW( fs.

IL'SC. Endly ( llaaga) Emcu y.wid. 1.•;().•} Carolyn Peck.of Sanuiel. l:]()4 Elizabeth Rockwell.

Kllen L. Marsh. 1 :;():) Martin riarnion.

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ADDITIONS TO TlIK ClirKCIl— ( ( ( )MlM ' K D ).

mH> Nt'llio M. H:irmo)i.

];>07 Faimio (\ (Jridlev.

];jOS I',(M-tlia Schmidt.'

Carl A. Molcmlcr.1:510 Schiia A. Joliansoii.

loll .lost'iiliiiit^ Jolianson.1:J12 Alula J, .Joliaiison.

lolo L. Louisa M. (liai-ucs) Mosi

widow of hut her.

i;il4 L. Allies ,). Mosos.1:51.") ]5iirf A. .lolinson.

i;51(> .It'iuiic 1*]. ( ('11 ), lolin-


|:51T Anna S. Hart.i;5lS William A. IIouso.|;Sll) I'jnina (. Schciblin.l;52() Au-;iista" ii. Seliciblin.

1:521 v"hi-istine N. dohanson,1:522 Lillio (\ r.i'own.

i;;2;5 Lillian \V. llait.

1:524 ( aiTic 1>. ropley.1:525 Mary L. (Rounds) Welles,

wife of ( reo. M.|;;2(i Amv 1 5i'idirinan.

i,()ssi;s i;v dismission ro (>i'iii;i; < iir lu ii i;s.

(ids Mai'tha K. (Stanley) (N)rn\V(di, wife of (diaries II.

1010 (\destia 1). ( IJi'ownin,!;) Coniins, wife of d. S.

112."'> Mary K. (Porter) l>uruhani, wife of Arthui'.

802 Clarissa (( )i"vis) Andivws, widow of Thoniiison.112(1 Jennie (Torter) .Mitcdudl, wife of Kdwin K.

4r>:l Ad.daide 1*. (( 'anii)l)(dl ) Ives, wife of Nelson 11.

S44 Knnaa 1). (Murray) .Muniier, wife of Wallaee, d\

(527 dolin L. Dowd.124:5 David (J. (Joidon.


1244 Ihden (llazen) (Jordon.\

124.") Fannie L. ((Jrant) Ha/en, w idow of -lames A.1()!)0 Lista W. (Lineoln) Dnidiam. wife of Mai'iin K.

1:510 S(dnia A. dolianson.


(i2S Julius Fenn—^lareh :5, as^'ed ();5.

121:5 Frederi(dv 11. ( dmrehill—Man li 4, auvd :5:5.

20(; (;ord(dia 11. (Peek) Staid<'y—Martdi (i, aged .">0.

SiK) Ellen \V. ilart—.>Iay II, ai;ed 24.

000 llattie F. Judd—May 2:5, a-cd 24.

1115 Uiwy ((dilf) JNIatlier—June ;50, a<,aMl :50.

1144 Edwai'd Sandow—July 2(5, as^ed 2:5.

.")04 J(\ssie (Muir) Wilson—September 2-"), a.g'ed '>].

422 Cordelia li. Xorth—September :50, a.i^ed :5S.

042 Sarah Loiuse ( Jladdeu—October (i, aj^cd 40.

;].") Catharine A. (Stanley) Stanley— November 20, aged 70.

.";:5('> Hai-riet E. ((,^amp) Chipnian.


Mendx'rs, January 1. ISSI. ----- (j(35

Additions by confession 4:5, letter 0. total, - - .52

Losses by death 12, dismissions 1:5, - - - 25

Gain durin;;- the year, - - - - - - 27

Menibei-s. rlannary I, 1SS2. _ _ - - - ();)2

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A 1)11, I S, ON COM i;s>|t)N oi" FAi ril.

Anna lianvtl. , Jciiiiit' Kliza .loliiisoii.

Elizabeth Aim (Jriiiilcy. Anna Sarah Hart,( liarlcs K(l\\ai'(l AVft iiioic. ^Vi]lialll AusTiii llait.

Faiuiu' Lcai'iKMl. Kiiiiiia ("lai-a Schcibliu.Li'ttic Harriet l>eariieil. Aiiuiista Hattie Schcililiii.

Fannie Celia (iridlev. ^laiy Louise ^\'ell(

l>iiri' Alison Johnson.

('iiii,!u:i:n h

Ai^nes Cordelia, child ot MrAnnie Louisa.Halph llazen,

(ieor-e Nobl.'.

!>essie llod^cs,

William Kllery.

Mary Jane.( iraee 1 la/.- n.

I'm: ( iiri;( 11.

:id Mrs. William .Middlemas.Frederick 11. IJassett.

David (J, (ioidon.( ieori^c 1 ).

( '(»])ley.

Jay S. Stone.William L Fielding.

Thomas Tayloi'.

John ii. I'alcott.

M A i;i;i A*. i;s.

John Williams and Mary F. l'aii\ter.

>rai-tin \l. Dunham and Lista W. Lincoln.

V JI 1< I S T I n ]V I J K \ K V 0 L H y V K .

<''o.N i i;i i;i I IONS.

^Veekly olt'erin,i;s, .")() Snndays. ----- s^

Snnda\ Scltool, ------- 4l^'<,().')

Societ ics in till' Church. - - - - - - L(>7-'J.12

Special contributions by individuals. - - . - - .*),'.it)LO<)

Total, ------- .•^;;),T!»L'.')S


American r.oard of ( 'onnnissioncrs for Foreign M issions. - .sl.lil.|<>

\\'omairs Hoard of ^Missions, - - - - 'IST.l?.")

American Home ^Missionary Society, - - - - l

Connecticut Missionary Society, - - _ - 100. (10

lioxes to Home ]\rissionarif'S, ----- 54:;. (;2

Special gifts to Home .Mission work, - - - ^ I')."). 00American Missionary Association. - _ _ _ ;>10.:;o

Boxes and cash to A. M. A. Missionaries, - - - Illi.T--)

SjM'cial gifts to the work among t\ui Fieedmeii, - - ."j4(i.00

College and Fducatioii Socii'ty,----- OlS. 1,">

Additional gifts for Christian Fducalion, - - - oOO.OO

!American Congregational I'nion, - - _ - '>'J:'>.11

SiH'cial gifts fo'r Chuindi Building, - - - - C.lo.oo

Connecticut Bil)le Society (through New liritain auxiliary), ."jO.S!)

American Tract Socit'ty, _ - . _ - :J)1.14

Congi-egational I'ublishing Socivty, for Tract AVork, - - 41.70

Connecticut Temperance rnion for tract work), - S.').O0

' American Seameirs Friemrs Society, - - - - ;!2.oo' Anu'rican Sumhiy School Fnion, - - . _ loo.oo

i New W<'st Education Commission, - - - . 7").0t)

Fund for Disabled Ministers. - - - - - 2"). 00

Sufferers in Michigan lire, boxes s:;so, cash siso. - - .'HJo.oo


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The Nuiulay iiioiiiiujj; olfcriiii^s (luiiiii; the coining' year. Avlicn not

otliei-\\ ise drsignatcd by tlic donors, attci- t he deduct ion of s;JO() for mis-

sionary work in our own parisli, w ill be a[)port ioneit among the ureat

mission causes ;i.s follows:

Foridgn Missions. - - '.V2 [wv cent.

Home Missions, - - 'S*

Church liuilding Society, - 0

iVmerican M issionaiy Association, 12

Chi-istian iMlucation. - - '>

liihle and Tiact cause. -

M isccllaneous objects, - 1")

'I'his miscellaneous, fund uill be dn idcil by the Standing Comiuiltee

among \ ari()us \\ (»r(hy objects of benc\ ol<'nce and church adminisi rat ion,

such as 11i(^ sui4>ly of the commtniion table, tlie conference, tax, the

Seamen's cause. Temperance cause, New \\'est lOducation Conuuission,

Fund for I)isal)led Ministers, iVc. (Jibs may l<e made in the Suuvlay

nuji'ning olfei'ing for any christian charily w bat soe\cr. by [(lacing the

same in an eu\t'loiie and designating llu wish of llu' donor uiion it.

MuNcdopes are placed in each pew for this imiiiose.

,1. \VAi:i;i;.\ i tck. ri;i si i;i;.

J'^xpendit ures from ( 'huicb J-'und. h>i- t be poor and churcli

incidenlals, - - - - - - - .s;;,s(*,.t;ii

Mxpendil urcs fi-om Sunday School l.ibrai'\ Fund. - - -l^U.Cii


John >Viard, lSnpcri>ift'iideht. iJas. Jl. Hj'own, ^,s.s/.s/. Librarian.

( duirles I'eck, vl.s.s/.s7, S'/^/>/. 1 Cieorge A. (Jonklin,

Mrs. John Wiard, L(i<h/ Snj't. Sanuud 11. Taylor, "

Edward \. Stanley, .Sccyc^a///. Orrin M. Otis, "

Mai-tin S. \Viard, l')-eastirn\ .h'red M. (Joodj'ich,


Kilward L. Trior. Librarian.;

diaries (>. Collins, "

Chai'les 1'-. Hart, Assist. Lihraria)i.

Mrs. Charles W'ck. SuperiiiU ndcrit Primary fHass.

Miss Emma L. Conklin, .4.s.s<\s^aj;^

.Miss Sarah 11. r>ro\\n, " •'

Miss Annie \\. Conkiin, *'

Executive ('onnuittce — Pastor. SuperinlencK'Ut, Assistant Superin-ti'iideid. J(din 11. Peck, Phineas M. Pronson, M rs. James AV. Coopei,Miss Kli/aheth P. Ivistman.

Librari/ dnnmittee—David X. Camp. Mrs. William TI. Sndth, Mr-.

J. Warren Tu(d<, Mrs. Charles Pec k.

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MKMi{i:i;siii 1*.

OtliiHM's, - - - - 17;

Average attoudant'c, - - 501

TearluM-s, - - - - «;•_> Deaths, _ _ _ _ 5

Scholars over IC) years of a<j;t', ;>5C) llnite<l witli Church, - - 'S4

Schohirs uudei' Ki •* " " 5:54 ' '

Total, - - - - ',)(•,«)i

Benevolent eontributions, _ _ _ _ >s-}2S.(>5

( "ollectioiis for Quarterlies, _ _ _ . 75.70

Total, ------ s:,04.44

;s 0 c I y: i h .

LAi)ii;s' j{i:M<:vt)i,i:NT sociktv.

]SLrs. James W. Cooper, President; Miss l^huiua L. ( 'onklin . Secre-

tary and Treasnrei-; Mrs. (leorge .M. Landeis, .Mrs. WilUain 11. Hart,Mrs. Philij) Lee, Directresses.

Mrs. II. Dayton lluinphrey, Mrs. (Jeoi'^c 1). (;oi)ley, Mrs. Harvey G.Brown, Committee on Entertainment.

Meetinii;s alternate Thursday aftei-noons.

Iioxes and cash sent to Home Missionaries valued at s54:}.02's M ISSIO.XA liV so('II-:tv.

Mrs. William H. Smith, Pi-esident; Mrs. Charles Petdv, Cori'espond-

iiiij, Secretary; Mrs. J. \\''arren Tuck, St'cretary and Ti'easurei'.

Meetings first Saturday afternoon in <>a(di month.Contributions to Woman's l)oard of Missions, >^2()2.0()

YorN(i LAi)ii;s skwi-Nm; soci i:i'Y.

Misses Alice C. Tuck, Julia L, Si)rint;-, Kate M. I^ro^\ Ji, Diret-t Jesses


Miss ( 'arrie M. Lewis, Secretai y and Treasui-ei'.

Box for Mission Home at Maeon, ( Ja., and work for S. S. children, S142.25


Walter Carleton, Seci-etary; Earnest Cooper, Tivasui-er.

Donations, 7 illustrated scraj) books; 10 lai'ge ])ictures; 5S picturecards sent to Alaska and S])ain.

Cash donations, $25.25


Carrie Peck, Secictaiy, Carrie C(,)pley, Ti'easurei'.

Money paid for Missions, $lt)().0()


Mrs. Samuel Rockwell, DirectiH'ss; Mrs. E. B. J^yon, Secretai-y.

Met'tings lirst Wednesday aftei'noon in each month.

YOi N<i i'koi'I-k's socials.

Misses Ludella PcM'k, Kmma L. Conklin, Mary E. Binejham, Messrs.J(dni P. Bartlett, 'JUiomas W. Wilbor, Dr. fieo. K. Welch,^Conmnttee.

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Hartford County Temperance Union—February <.); Dca. I. X. ( arlc-

toii, .J. j}. Smith, Mrs. S. J. Cham't', Miss M. I), Kastinan, Dclegari's.

Council—S(M'()ii(l ( 'oui^rcgat ioual ('lunch. Kockvrllc, Marcli .">(): l)<'a.

(r. r. [{ockwell. Delegate.

Hartford Count// Teinjicrancc Union—May -<<: J)eu, and Mrs. JohnAViard, Mr. aii.IMi's. J. 11 Sniith, Delegates."

Council—Second ( ongregat ional Church, ]Manchester, .liine l.*>; Dea.John N. Uaitlett. Delegate,

Uarij'ord Sonfh (Anifirencc—>;e\\ iniiion. <)ciobei' Jl; auvl Mr'-.

J Iar\ ey ( IJrow u, I )ea, and Mi s, ( 'harJ< s Ted . I )r. and Mrs. K. I>. Lvon,Mr. and Mrs. ,1. W . Stotigliton, Delegates.

(Jouncil—Second ( 'ongregat ional ('linrch, W'aleihnry, .\o\ endter !»;

IMiiUi) ( 'orhin, 1 )tdi\gate.

(Jouncil— llaniniond Street ( 'ongregat ional Church. IJanuor. Maine,Deeejuher L^S; John II. I'eck. Delegate.

OFF I CI /I It IilSl^S.

J'li.slor—James W. Coopei-. l'arM>nage. \o. Souili Main Nlrcei.

JJ((icons—\>.[\\i\ N, Camii. Charles Peck. ,)olm Wiaid. (Jeorgc ]'.

ho(d<\\ell, .lolni \, liartlelt. Isaac N. ('arleton.

C/pr/.- and Tr^'a.sarcr—AV^illiam 11.' Hart.

Standinc/ Coinmittce— I'oi- oni' yeai-. ilcniy C. Howers. Daniel (), K'ou--

ers; for two years, I'liiliji ('orbin. John l>, Sudlh: for three vears, ,1.

Warren Tii<d</( harles K. Hart.

Board of Ladies for Jlonte Worh-—]Mrs A. l\ Collins, Mrs, H. II.

lirown, Mrs, '1'. s. Hall. Mrs. \V. S. IJooth. Mis. J. V\'. 'l uck. Mrs. W. H.Smith. Mrs. H. C. Kowcrs, Mrs. (J. 1'. Ifockwell, Mrs. C. Lewis. Mrs.11. J. Hawkins. Mrs. T, li, Hoii^ie. Miss K, K'. Ka^tman.

K (' h K S I /I S Y I (' /I L S 0 e I K Y .

Soricli/s Couiiiiittec— ( )li\cr Stanl<'\ . A. 1'. Collins, K, IJ. Lyon,

Tri^asurrr— ( Hiver Stanley;Collector and Sexton— !>, H I'illard.

Chorister and Onjanist—A, W. Kibbe.


Sund(ri/— I'ublie worship at 10. b"> a. m. and 7 p. m.;Sunday School

at 12 m.;Young Men's l*ra>«'r Meeting, (>.;'.0 [i. m.

S((cran/euts of I}ai)tism and the Lord's Su[)per on the tirst Sundayill January. March, May, July, September, and Novembei-,

Week 7>(///—Church meeting for prayer and conference, Friday eve-

ning: Voung People's Meeting, Moiulay evening; 'J'eaehei's' Class, Tues-day ev«'ning; Children's Meeting, on Monday afternoons.

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