
May 19, 2012

PASTOR - Rev. Msgr. M. J. Corona, PA, KCHS

Parochial Vicar - Rev. James E. De Fillipps

Permanent Deacons - J. Pacifico / C. Paulus

Weekend Clergy - Rev. Msgr. James Cafone

Parish Trustees - Martin Carrara / Lori Albanese

Superior / Pastoral Assoc - Sr D. Toscano, MPF

School Principal - Sr. Mary Klersey, MPF

Altar Servers - Rev. James E. De Fillipps

Atlantic City Bus Trip - Marge Corona

Baby Gift Drive - Maddy Swartz

Baptism PREP - Deacon Conrad Paulus

Bereavement - Dorothy Pacifico

Bingo - D. McNulty / J. Szeman / T. Miller

Blood Drive - Theresa Mayewski

Card Connections - Edwina Schurick

Columbiettes - Mia Sena

Cub Scouts - Susan Baker

C.Y.M. Basketball - Tom Ellis

Eucharistic Ministers - James Fidacaro

Finance Committee - James Wilson

Food Drive - Carol Rittman

Golden Age - Marge Corona

Holy Name Society - Ken Swartz

Knights of Columbus - Joseph Steigerwald

Liturgy Committee - Cathy Stevens

Lunch Bunch - Marge Corona

Marriage Prep - Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brown

Music Ministry - Carolyn Thomas

Natural Family Planning - Mr. & Mrs. Ken Swartz

Parish Council - James Fidacaro

Parish Nurses - Irene Roglieri

Parish Providers - Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stevens

Parish Visitors - Dottie Pacifico

Pro Life - Maddy Swartz

R.C.I.A. - Deacon John R. Pacifico

Readers - James Fidacaro

Religious Education, Director - C. Esposito

Rosary Altar Society - Laura Sullivan

School Advisory Council - Aldo Martinez

Social Ministry - Dorothy Pacifico

The Catholic Church of St. Ann 45 Anderson Street , Raritan, New Jersey 08869

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we the Catholic Parish of Saint Ann embrace all as family

and continue Christ’s mission by exemplifying the love of God and neighbor

as stewards of God’s gifts to us .

May 19, 2013

Peter Peter Albright

Mariana Faith Arango

Thomas Francis Bartocci

Mark Basil Basilone

Alexandra Elizabeth Baumbusch

John Damien Boyda

Benjamin Gennaro Brennan

Sara Anastasia Caballer

Rayden Christopher Canuel

Jennifer Sebastian Condo

Ian Sebastian Creelman

Mitchell Joseph D’Elia

Melanie Felicity De Simone

Megan Elizabeth Eberhardt

Samantha Isabel Fama

Daniela Giulia Fame

Andrew John Fontanetta

Giovanna Theresa Foti

Emma Elizabeth Gara

Taylor Rose Geiger

Kelly Rose Greco

Melissa Mary Hawkins

Maranda Catherine Kania

Corey Anthony Karnila

Daniel Paul Kaschak

Jonathan Andrew Konopka

Seth Anthony Krupa

Sophia Marie Leone

Alexander Anthony Lleva

Brianna Theresa LiBrizzi

Danielle Theresa Licht

Jonah Pio Lyons

Robert Michael Melillo

Jacob Anthony Meyer

Robert Joseph Monaghan

Kacper Francis Niewiadomski

Andreia Mary Nunes

Shawn Francis O’Kane

Maxine Therese Opida

Lindsey Rita Papcun

Nicolas Gregario Pannia

Joseph William Pellegrino

Liz Theresa Perez

John Maximilian Rech

Armando Patrick Sciortino

Sydney Catherine Solon

Patryk Patryk Stankiewicz

Alexandra Therese Stanton

Peter Patrick Stein

Timothy Michael Stein

Olivia Jane Tobia

Danielle Anne White

Bridget Mary Wyllie


Monday, May 20, 2013 ~ Saint Bernardine of Siena

7am: Marco Cugliari Req. by Caterina Fusca

7pm: Confirmation Candidates & Families

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 ~ Saint Christopher of Magallanes

7am: Carmelo Sciortino Req. by Mom, Dad, Angela, Olympia,


7pm: Rose Pacifico Req. by Joe & Lena Iannetta

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 ~ Saint Rita of Cascia

7am: Vincenzo & Domenica Ruffa Req, by Raffaele & Lena


7pm: Paul Trotta Req. by Parronchi Family

Thursday, May 23, 2013

7am: Anthony Marasia Req. by Wife, Rosina & Family

7pm: Chester S. Biedrzycki Req. by Wife, Irene

Friday, May 24, 2013

7am: Deceased members of the Scarpone Family Req. by

Deborah Scarpone

7pm: No Mass

Saturday, May 25, 2013 ~ Sts. Bede the Venerable, Gregory VII,

Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi

9am: No Mass—Ordination of new priests at St. Francis

Cathedral, Metuchen NJ

4pm: For all mothers for whom requests have been made

Sunday, May 26, 2013 ~ The Most Holy Trinity

7:30am / 9am / 10:30am / 12pm: For all mothers for whom

requests have been made

For the week of May 18th - May 24th, the Altar Candles

will burn in the memory (honor) of:

Altar Candle 1. Anthony Marasia Req. by Wife, Rosina

Altar Candle 2. Antonio Gasparro Req. by Family

For the week of May 18th - May 24th, the Sanctuary

Lamps will burn in the memory (honor) of:

Tabernacle: Ann & Peter Bagaloni Req. by Rosemary Forte

St. Joseph: Carmelo Sciortino Req. by Lena & Anthony Massa

Blessed Mother: Pasquale Armenio Req. by Family



Victoria Andrews

Luzmanda Anthony

Herb Arnold Gary Atchey

Amity Bryson

Joanmarie Carlone

Jaden Chambres

Albert Charles

Kathy Ciociola

Dominic Comandol

Carolyn Curcio

Leonides Dalida

Matthew De Castro Frank De Fina

Corazon Delacerna

Audrey De Luca

Mary Ann De Maio

Michael De Maio

Grace Ann Dettra

Vincent Facciolo

Linda Farah

Mary & Richard Felice

Patrick Ferrara

Kathleen C. Filardi

Frank Forte Sr.

Marie Forte

Ann Frezza

Shirley Frodelly

Teresa Galaini

Elizabeth Gecik

Frank Giordano

Gregorio Grande

Margaret Grasso

Bruno Grigoletti

David Groza Jr.

Ruth Gulick

Casey Hnasko

Doris Kelco

Robert Koeckert

Linda Krajewski

Bernadette Laggini

Barbara Langon Brianna Larson

Marie Locascio

Antonino Lo Piccolo

Carmela Loschiavo

Mary Mangiaracina

Mark Marshall

Bridget Marshall

Giovanna Martini

Victoria Melitsky

Marilyn Monger Olga Morella

Anna Moretti

Luke Adams Myers

Ava Rose Navarro

Ann Olivero

Thomas Orecchio

Mary lou Orlando

Olga Orlando

Yolanda Polidoro

Frances Peebles

Raymond Peters

Lorraine Raia

Frank Ratkowski

Teresa Riga

Patrick Riley

Adam Romano

Alfred Ruggini

Eleanor Ruggini

Cosette Ruh

Divina Sandig

Dr. Eric Jose Santos

Marianne San Filippo

Josephine Guide Sapp

Mary Sawidzial

Nancy Schiavi

Edwina Schurick

Raymond Shallanberger

Cindy Sonnier

David Snedegar Nancy Spencer

Sean Stein

Matthew Stevens

Dolores Talamini

Patricia Teague

Richard Teague

Michael Tereman

Anna Teresak

Anthony Tomaro

Frank Tropiano Rena Turchi

Allison Valverde

Carol Vetack

Richard Vetack

Vincent Viscariello

Joan Wirzman

Lisa Yoder

Margaret ZanGrando

Joseph Zingariello

Please remember to pray for our sick of our parish

Our Pre-K classroom and program is in need of some new

equipment for the upcoming school year. The book shelves

and storage units are very old and rundown. $1,000 would

cover the cost to purchase 4 new units for the

children. Whatever you can afford to donate towards this

will be greatly appreciated.


St. Rita of Cascia

St. Rita of Cascia was a model wife, Mother, Widow & Nun. After

the death of her husband & twin sons, St. Rita joined the Order of

St. Augustine nuns in the town of Cascia. St. Rita was especially

devoted to the mysteries of the cross and Christ's sufferings. She

received a mysterious wound on her forehead, said to have been

inflicted by a thorn from Christ's crown of thorns.

One very cold day in January, a cousin of St. Rita's came to visit

her at the convent. St. Rita was very ill. Upon leaving, her relative

asked St. Rita if she could do any favor for her. "Yes, Cousin," said

the Saint; "bring me a rose from the garden of my home in Rocca

Porrena." Despite the weather, her cousin told her that she would

try to fulfill the errand, though she thought it would be impossible

to find what she asked for. St. Rita responded: "My dear cousin,

there is nothing impossible to God." To the cousin's great

amazement, on entering the garden she saw, on a sapless and

leafless rosebush, a beautiful red rose in full bloom. She plucked

the rose, returned quickly and gave the rose to St. Rita. The Saint

received the rose with great joy. She kissed it reverently, and

contemplated her sweet Jesus crowned with thorns. This showed

how dear St. Rita was to her Divine Spouse and to manifest the

fact that St. Rita can obtain even the impossible from God, if she

asks it. To commemorate this miraculous event, roses are blessed

each year on the feast of St. Rita and distributed to the faithful.

“The Counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in

my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all

that I told you.” JOHN 14:26

The materialism of our society lures us to concentrate more on

what we want than on what God wants for us and from us. It

is good to know that when we are confused by our steward-

ship responsibilities, we can call on the Holy Spirit to show us

the way.


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I have been told by a priest friend of mine that it is a

wonderful experience to participate in one of the international

Masses celebrated in Lourdes each Wednesday and Sunday. He

says it is a glorious pageant of sound and color as pilgrims from all

over the world process with their various national and diocesan

flags and banners. They are welcomed, if possible, in their own

language. The Gospel is proclaimed in three languages, while

translations in other languages are displayed on big screens visible

throughout the underground basilica to perhaps twenty thousand

people. Hymns and chants are sung in six modern languages as

well as in Latin. It is an attempt to give people an experience of

Pentecost, to enable them to hear the Good News in their own


In a similar way, pilgrims gather in the Holy Land and

Rome, to experience places associated with Jesus and the apostles.

When pilgrims join in prayer and worship in such sacred places

with fellow Christians from around the world, they have a real

sense of belonging. In spite of their obvious differences, they

belong to the one family of God on earth, sharing in the life of the

one Holy Spirit.

Experiences like this remind me that when we are at home

in our local community, we are united by the same Holy Spirit

with our brothers and sisters wherever they may be in the world.

We hear the same Gospel. We celebrate the same sacraments. We

believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

To belong to the Church, however, is not simply to be part

of a worldwide club or organisation. We are “born again” into a

new family, with new relationships and new responsibilities.

Today in our Gospel Lesson, we are promised that the Holy Spirit

will continue to teach us and remind us of all that Jesus has taught,

and the essence of his teaching is that God loves us; God our

Father loves us so much that he sent his only Son to show us how

valuable we really are: we are redeemed by the death of Christ.

There is even more good news. When Jesus rose from the

dead and ascended into heaven, he shared his risen life with us

through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so that now we can dare

to call God, “Abba, Father!” All that is required is that we respond

with love. “If you love me you will keep my commandments,”

which means that we are called to love God above all else and our

neighbor as ourselves. Even though we owe this debt of love to

God, we are not slaves; we are free. We are God’s children. We

are brothers and sisters of Jesus. We belong to the family of God.

Such a sense of belonging is essential for the well-being and

development of every human person. From the time of our birth,

each of us needs to experience the warmth of love. We need to be

told how important we are. We need to know that we belong; and

we need to develop a sense of our own individuality, our

uniqueness, our freedom. These four basic needs are not just for

the healthy development of children. They endure throughout our

lives, especially into our declining years. T he good news is that

even where these are lacking in our human relationships, God


The Church, born through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

at Pentecost, is our home where we are constantly affirmed in the

love of God. The sacraments of the Church are the ongoing signs

of God’s love for each one of us. But this love of God for us is not a

love to smother us, to oppress us, to bind us. It is a love that sets

us free to love in return.

Because we know that we are loved by God, we can love

one another. Because we know that we are worthy in the sight of

God, we can affirm others. Because we know that we belong to the

family of God, we can welcome others. Because we have a sense of

our own uniqueness, we can respect that of everyone else. “Love

one another just as I have loved you,” Jesus tells his disciples. This

is the deal. We experience life to the full because of the love God

has for us. Now we are called to make that life possible for others.

We must “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.”

My congratulations to our First Communion Children. Last

Sunday and the Sunday before, our children participated in the

Noon Mass and received their First Holy Communion. Please pray

for them and especially their parents and families. My special

thanks to our 2nd grade teachers, Susan Menendez, who will retire

this year after many years teaching in our Religious Education

Program, and Roseann Paladino, who works with our school

children in the 2nd grade. Thank you, too, to Christine Esposito

who gives leadership to all our religious education programs.

In your charity, pray for the sick and the lonely—visit them

if you can. Also, please remember to pray for all who have

wandered from the faith, and all who have died. May God always

be pleased with us!

Monsignor Michael

“Take this all of you and eat of it…

Take this all of you and drink from it…”

A command given by Christ over 2 millennia ago;

a command given by Christ still

celebrated today!

As part of our Year of Faith celebrations you are invited to:

“The Mass: Jesus in our midst”

A lecture series presented by

Fr. James E. De Fillipps


the Wednesdays of

May 8th , May 18th and May 29th at 7:45 p.m. in

the Church Meeting Room

MAY 19, 2013

May 11/12, 2013 Collection……………….……$9,395.25

Poor Box……………………………….…………..$337.60

March & April Net Charge:

Thank you for being as generous as you are able.

For those who wish to donate electronically please visit our

website at and click on the


Baptisms: Baptisms are celebrated each month on the First

Sunday at the Noon Mass as well as the second, third, and

fourth Sundays at 1:30pm. There will be no baptisms during

Lent. Arrangements must be made in advance and new parents

are required to take a Baptism Preparation class held on the

second Saturday of each month at 10:00am with Deacon Conrad

in the CMR.

Sponsors & Godparents: If you are 18 years or older, you must

register as an adult and be Confirmed in the Catholic Church. If

you are married, your marriage must be recognized by the

Church. This is especially important if you wish to be a

Sponsor for Confirmation or Godparent. It takes 6 months of

attending Mass to be eligible for both of these privileges.

Marriages: The common policy of marriage requires that

arrangements be made at least One Year before the date of

marriage and before any social plans are made. Either the bride

or groom must be a registered parishioner. Nuptial Masses /

Ceremony may be scheduled on Friday afternoon, Saturday

morning or afternoon; Sunday afternoon Nuptial ceremony


R.C.I.A.: We welcome all individuals who wish to become

members of the Catholic Church as well as baptized Catholics

who never received their 1st Communion or Confirmation and are

interested in becoming full participants in the Catholic faith to

contact Deacon J. Pacifico at the Parish Office at (908) 725-1008.

Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated

every Saturday at 9:30 am & 3:00 pm.

Ministry to the Sick: Our parish shut-in’s are visited on the first

Friday of each month by our Deacons, Religious Sisters,

Eucharistic ministers. If you know of a parishioner that is

seriously ill or hospitalized, please let the parish office know.

Padre Pio League: Please join us on the first Monday of each

month for prayer and devotion immediately after the 7am Mass.

Dear Friends of St. Ann School,

Another totally wonderful part of the Month of May is the

opportunity to introduce some of the new and exciting aspects of the

school that will be developed over the summer.

I am pleased to share with you that next year, we will

introduce a Safety Patrol Program into the school. I have been

working with one of our students who will be the captain of the

program. Together we are sharing our concerns regarding safety and

areas of the school in which a student patrol could help us improve

the safety of all students. We have discussed the role of the Safety

Patrol Program within the school, the type of students who could

best fulfill this role, the areas of the school that need attention, and

the reporting process that we would use to be sure areas in need of

attention were expediently and effectively conveyed to the proper

adult personnel. We are currently formulating and defining the list

of student posts for the Safety Patrol Handbook. The overall

program invites students to be more safety conscience, to think of

the needs of others, and to be responsible.

The teachers and I have finished the evaluation of the

Catholic identity of our school using the criteria provided by the

National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools

and the online tools available through AdvancEd, our new

accreditation agency. The results were overwhelmingly positive and

indicate ways in which we can enhance the Catholic Identity of our

school. These involved providing more faith building opportunities

for our parents. To date, we share with parents the many

opportunities that are available through St. Ann Parish. We also

send out information about diocesan activities. To be sure families

recognize that this is happening, we will mark all such as faith

development opportunities. Further, the teachers have available to

them faith formation classes that they participate in via distance

learning. We are currently working on extending these classes to

our school family members.

Curriculum wise, the school is adopting the Common Core

Standards that the State of New Jersey and the Diocese of Metuchen

are adopting. Teachers have and will continue to participate in

workshops, webinars, and learning circles regarding the Common

Core. This in no way hinders us from delivering the finest Catholic

education possible. It helps us refine our skills and focus as

professional educators. It should deepen student knowledge and

help us to assist students in applying acquired skills and

understanding in broader terms and in real-life areas.

The 2013-2014 academic year is shaping up nicely. What

has been shared are some of the highlights of the adjustments

planned for the school. I do not like to call them additions because

to add can fragment us, giving us so much to think about, that

nothing is accomplished. I do not like to call them changes because

the root, core, and traditions that make us uniquely St. Ann School

remains the same. Excuse the cliché but the truth is; God is not

finished with us yet. St. Ann School can celebrate with certainty

that it is one of God’s favored and special schools.

God bless you,

Sr. Mary Klersey, MPF - Principal


St. Ann Catechists Needed We are currently seeking volunteers to be catechist for our

faith formation (PREP) program. Openings are for Monday

& Thursday nights. Please contact Christine at the rectory

908-725-1008 ext.114.

Our Lady of Fatima Church, Piscataway

Music Ministry Concert—Sunday, June 2, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.

Featuring the Adult and Children’s Choirs

Suggested donation $15/person—(any amt. gratefully accepted)

For further information, please contact Mrs. Jean Lyons,

Director of Sacred Music, 732-642-6747; [email protected]

MAY 19, 2013


Sunday, May 19, 2013 ~ Pentecost Sunday

Sunday Mass: 7:30 am. • 9 am. • 10:30 am. • 12 pm.

Baby Gift Drive

10:30am: St. Peter’s University Hospital Community

Mobile Health Service (sc)

2pm: Confirmation practice with sponsors (c)

7 pm: BINGO

Monday, May 20, 2013

Daily Mass: 7 am • No Mass

7pm: Confirmation liturgy

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Daily Mass: 7 am • 7 pm

7pm: Den meeting (cmr)

7:30 pm: Bingo (sc)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Daily Mass: 7 am • 7 pm

5 pm: Choir practices (cl)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Daily Mass: 7 am • 7 pm

Friday, May 24, 2013

Daily Mass: 7 am • No evening Mass

Saturday, May 25, 2013

No 9am morning Mass

9:30am and 3pm: Confession

4pm: Sunday Vigil


All are invited to FREE health screening services from Saint

Peter's University Hospital, Community Mobile Health

Services on May 19th from 10:30a.m. to 1:30p.m. at St. Ann

School Cafeteria.

WHY: To offer the following FREE health screenings:

blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol & bone density

height, weight, body mass index & nutritional


bone density, vision & audiology screenings

dermascan screening, which is a test to detect skin damage

from the sun.

All screenings will be done on a 1st come, 1st serve basis.

Fasting is not required for sugar testing.

Information stations will be available to provide educational

literature on stress, stroke awareness, breast & prostate cancer

and sun safety. A physician will be present to answer your

health questions. Representatives will be available from The

Cancer Support Community of New Jersey, Regional Chronic

Disease Coalition (RCDC) of Morris & Somerset Counties and

First Step Counseling Services.

St. Ann 108th Festa ~ June 11th - 15th, 2013

Calling all bakers!

St. Ann’s Festa Committee is asking for volunteers to bake

for our Cake Wheel. Cakes, cookies, brownies, or sweet

breads are welcomed but should not contain any icing or

creams since they will be outside on the evenings that they

are on display. Please call the rectory if you are interested

in baking or have questions at 908-725-1008.

Our next bus trip to Atlantic City will take place on July 11th

Please contact Marge at 908-725-1198 for info.

There will not be a June bus trip in due to our FESTA on

June 11th - June 15th; Please come and see us there.


Why people don’t sing in church … Carolyn Thomas, Director of Music, will be holding an open

forum for the Parish in June on this topic. All congregants –

both musicians and non-musicians – are invited to share

comments and suggestions to increase congregational

singing. (Date/time TBD; check the bulletin for updates.)

Let Us Remember.... In our prayers, the men and women serving in our Nation’s

Armed Forces. Major Michael A. De Cicco, U.S. Army

LCpl. William A. De Santis, U.S. Marine Corps.

Victor Dulay, Jr. U.S. Marine Corps

Sgt. John J. Houser III, U.S. Marine Corps

PFC. Matthew John U.S. Marine Corps

CW4 Michael Lopez, Jr.

Staff Sgt. Jeffrey Morella, U.S. Marine Corps

Major Michael Morella, U.S. Army

Sgt. Dan Neville, U.S. Marine Corps

PFC Daniel J. Salvo, U.S. Marine Corps

Corp. Jonathan Schultes, US Marine Corps

Major. Louis P. Simon, U.S. Marine Corps

PFC Jerome C. Sunga, US Army

Jack Vara, U.S. Marine Corps

LTJG Robert Wilson, U.S. Navy

What's the Shore Thing this Memorial Weekend? Father

Alphonse's Cabaret Music! Treat yourself to a memorable

experience at Algonquin Arts Theatre, Manasquan on Sat,

May 25, 8:00pm… SEE Father Alphonse Stephenson, as

pianist, not conductor; Broadway’s Phantom of the Opera

William Michals; cabaret singer Chris Pinella; sopranos Mariz

Zito-Kaufman and Victoria Cannizzo. All of this, and your

ticket cost is a tax deductible donation to Father Alphonse’s

Cecelia Foundation, giving professional instruments to

students throughout NJ. For tickets call the Box Office 732-

528-9211 M-F noon-5; Sat noon-4, or on-line

Memorial Day - Monday, May 27th

A Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. in honor of

all Veterans living and deceased. This will be the

only Mass celebrated on this day.

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