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Dear reader, welcome back to the Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures. This is chapter nineteen.

So, it would seem that our generation B heir, Baudolino, has returned home from college, and is ready to start a life of is own. First order of business, Baudolino...

"Invite Marylena over?"


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"Hi honey. Umm... Don't mind George there... He's just upping his aspiration."

"Pleasure sim?"

"Yeah, that's George. Anyway, Marylena. Would you like to move in with me?"

"Of course I would!"

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"So, now that you're part of the family, I'd like you to meet my parents. I'll introduce you to Mom first, she's a fortune sim too, so you'll have a lot in common. Come on, I think they're in the kitchen."

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"Mrs. Bookacy? Nice to meet you, I am Marylena Hamilton, your son's girlfriend."

"Ah, Marylena! Baudolino has told us so much about you. Nice to meet you too. Oh, and you can call me Nicole."

"Alright then, mrs. ... umm... Nicole."

"And the man over there with the grilled cheese sandwiches is my husband, Adrian. You'll see him cooking those a lot, I believe. By the way, where did my son go? I haven't seen him yet."

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"Oh, Baudolino just chose a less than optimal route to the kitchen, that's all. I think he'll be here, well, kind of soon I hope."

"Ah. Well, let's not wait for him, then. Let's sit down and eat some grilled cheese sandwiches à la Adrian."

"Thank you, Nicole."

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"It's nice to finally meet you in person, Marylena. So, Baudolino said that you are... well, used to be a groceries delivery person."

"That's right, that's where I come from. I quit that job only moments ago – as you can see, I'm still wearing the uniform. But what about you, mrs. ... Nicole? What did you do before you joined the Legacy family?"

"Oh, I used to be the cash register girl Downtown."

"Really? So what was that like?"

And so Marylena got to know Baudolino's parents. She and Nicole seem to get along famously. Which makes me happy, especially considering Nicole's nice point deficiency. They made friends fast, much faster than Marylena made with Adrian – and he's got seven nice points!

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So. May I present: the to-be generation B spouse, Marylena Hamilton. She used to be the groceries delivery person, until Baudolino invited her to live with the Legacy family, of course. She is, like both Nicole and Baudolino, a fortune sim, and her statistics are 4/10/6/4/4.

Her lifetime want is to earn 100,000 simoleans. That is definately a way to be in my good books, as it gives me some change even within all those fortune sims around the house now, and it counts for an impossible want. So, good job, Marylena!

"Thanks, I guess."

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Time for adult makeovers! Baudolino grew up in decent clothes, but I think he needs something new. He seems to like turtlenecks, he always grows up in those. But I gave him something nicer, and gave Nicole's makeover badges a workout, too.

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So, here he is, all grown up. I gave him a little bit more of beard, thought he looked more adult that way.

"Hey, C?"

Yes, Adrian?

"Would you come to the kitchen with me? I've got something to show you."

Show me? What can that possibly be? Okay, I'm coming.

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You're... You're permanent platinum!

"Yup. This was my final sandwich of the 200."

Wow. Well, congrats, then! How does it feel?

"Pretty platinum. Yeah, platinum that never ends."

Thanks for clarifying that. Wouldn't have guessed.

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Both Baudolino and Marylena got jobs in the medical careers. It was the best available, and neither have career related LTWs, so I took it. At least they'll have similar schedules for now.

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"Thank you, Creator! I approve of this car!"

You're welcome, Nicole. It was actually Marylena who wanted it, but anyway. I'm glad you like it. Now you won't be all carless if someone misses their carpool and needs to take the minivan to work.

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So, here is Marylena after her makeover. I had to try a couple of styles before I was happy, hence the late picture. So, what are we thinking of our new looks, Marylena?

"I think I like this look. I've never had long hair before, and I think the clothes suit me nicely."

Well, I'm glad you are liking it. I am, too.

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And now that everyone is made over and all, it's time to pop the question, finally!

"Marylena, honey. I have a question for you."

"Okay, go ahead, hun."

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"Marylena Hamilton, will you marry me?"


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"Oh Baudolino, you shouldn't scare me like that! It's beautiful."

"... would you please answer, okay? I'm getting nervous here."

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"But of course I will, silly! Let me put it on."

"Thank you! I've had the want locked forever, so for a moment I feared maybe you you wouldn't feel the same."

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"But of course I do! I'm the happiest girl in Alphabetia right now!"

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"And I must be the happiest guy here, I'm sure. Hey listen, would you like to go on a date to celebrate?"

"I'd love to! That is a wonderful idea."

"I hate to admit it, but the idea is C's, really. But I do like it, too."

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"Hey, Dad. Would you, umm... go upstairs to sleep or something? I'm trying to have a date with my fiancee here."

"Don't mind me. I'm just napping to have some pleasant grilled cheese dreams."


"Okay, okay, I'm going!"

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"C, guess what?"


"We rolled it. Both of us."

You did?

"Yeah. We want to get married."

Excellent, Baudolino! Thanks. The locks are in place. How about I make this a dream date, just as a way of saying thank you?

"Sounds good to me."

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So, George is still around too, of course. Even though he may not get terribly much face time. Generally he spends his time cleaning, socializing with the family, and going back and forth between the bubble blower and the computer to keep his aspiration up.

"I would like to remind you of my lifetime want, miss Creator."

I will get to it, George, I promise. I will find you someone to date, but not right now. The family is in too much fuss with the upcoming birthdays, weddings and babies. But I will get to it.

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"Adrian, honey? I appreciate that you are trying to get back in shape, but I'd like to step out of the shower if you don't mind."

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"Hooray, I'm not fat anymore!"

Indeed. I wish I could get rid of my big belly in a couple of days like you.

"Well you should do some yoga, then, C. Or maybe take a ride on the dance sphere. That's fun, too!"

Oh Adrian. Let's just say that I don't have that many body points. And I skill really slow on that area. Falling off the thing is no fun.

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"There goes my beautiful, perfect sandwich... straight to the dishwasher. *sigh*"

I'm sorry Adrian, I just wasn't quick enough. Don't worry, we'll make you a new one. And Lucy, that sandwich was still perfectly good!

"But it was half-eaten! Who wants to eat a half-eaten sandwich?"

*points at Adrian*

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I figured it was time to continue working on Baudolino's LTW a bit more. So, he purchased and opened a second business. Welcome to The Furniture Heaven! As you might guess, this business attempts to fill everybody's inventories with furniture.

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First order of business for Baudolino is to go to the back room and make some snapdragons for the store, now that he has the badges. We want some happy customers, please!

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Here we go. Adrian wants a sales badge, so he gets to sell. Nicole still has her lock on that silver makeover badge, so she works on that while she can, and helps with the cash register. Baudolino himself does everything that is needed.

Townies with endless funds are good sales targets.

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Not that most of the relatives are exactly poor, either.

"Come on, Abraham! You know you need a coffee table! Coffee tables are essential for any house!"

"Please let me think, Adrian!"

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"Excellent decision, brother!"

"Wait, I made a decision?"

I love the hard sell interaction.

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"Adrian Bookacy, what did you just do?"

"I livened our relationship up a little!"

"And I thought you didn't have the nice point deficiency for a good goose!"

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"Oh yeah? Well, I guess I gotta remind you that I'm not deficient in any area, then!"

Aww. Yes, all autonomous. And to think these two can't be given more than one bolt even by tweaking.

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So, back at home. It's time for a big party and family gathering. Adrian Nicole are having a birthday, you see.

Note to self: do something about the basement door. The sillies all go to the basement entrance to ring the doorbell, or if they're outgoing enough to invite themselves in, they stomp their feet because this particular door is locked. The front door is for guests, silly sims!

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Regardless of how the guests get inside the house, or whether they do at all, there is a party. And parties include dancing...

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... playing video games...

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... banging away at the instruments, often until multiple motive failure...

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... chatting with new sims...

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... and well, in the case of birthday parties, cake. This is two birthday parties combined, so two cakes. Even better.

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"We're getting old together."

"Yes, Adrian, we are indeed. And there is no one I'd rather get old with."

"Do you have a wish yet?"

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"Because, I think I do."

"Alright. Let's get you out of the way first, then. See you on the other side!"

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"I think I have a wish, too. Wrinkles, here we come."

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"Hey, Nicole, I think it's starting! You're missing it!"

"But I'm still making my wish!"

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"Hooray! My father-in-law is sparkling!"

"Go Dad!"

"Excellent, indeed, mr. Bookacy."

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"Hey, I look good. Being an elder is not bad really."

Yes, you indeed look pretty cool as an elder, Adrian.

"Glad to hear that, honey. Because now it's my turn."

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All of the family were excited over the two birthdays. Most cheered, and the rest walked around in the kitchen trying to find a vacant spot for cheering.

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Nicole got to sparkle, too.

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"Well, except for the mrs. Santa dress, I suppose I did a good job."

Yes, you did, Nicole. Don't worry, I'll dress you in something more reasonable as soon as I can.

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And the party goes on. Abraham and Kendra always pillow fight in parties. Or dance together. Or both. Usually both. I love these two.

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And there was kicky bag, too. Aurora and Andrew are pretty sweet, too.

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So, the party was a success. Congrats for hosting the birthday party, George.

"No, thank you, miss Creator, for fulfilling the want."

The least I could do. You haven't been in gold for a while, you know, and I felt guilty.

"Being in gold is nice, miss Creator."

I bet. And Adrian and Nicole had a great time, too.

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So, life goes back to normal for a while in the Legacy house. Soon it is time for the big wedding, but there are things to do before that. Marylena here probably has the least to do, as she is like Nicole in not only aspiration, but also another aspect: she joined the family loaded with skill points. So she doesn't need to skill at all to reach the top of the Medical career, though even Baudolino, who's had time to skill since childhood, has to bag a skill point or two.

I think when Marylena joined the household, she had everything but creativity maxed, and in creativity she had something like two points. It's a little funny: playing the piano is one of the things she has least skill in, and yet it's one of her favorite activities. I know it's probably because the piano calls sims to it so loudly in general, but I like to think of it so that Marylena just likes to learn new things.

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So, let me introduce to you: Nicole, after her elderhood makeover.

"Thank you, Creator. I was feeling slightly embarrassed in that dress already."

No problem. I think you look good.

"Thank you. I think I do, too."

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So, this is one of those things that need to be taken care of.

"Hello, Real Estate?"


"Yes, I'd like to purchase a vacation home, please."


"Well, Creator here tells me that there is a very nice beach lot on Twikkii Island, very recently built."


"Yes, that is the one. I take it that you accept instant disappearence of money from the family bank account? Very well, yes, the name is Baudolino Bookacy."


"Thank you, goodbye."

Excellent, Baudolino.

"I purchased a vacation home, +5,000!"

Yes indeed. And spent more than 100,000 simoleans on it. Well, one of the points of new expansions that you get new things your family can spend their money on, right?

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It's also time to form a working relationship with one's in-laws Nicole and Marylena really do come along well.

"... and then I got to go to college together with Adrian, and that completely changed my life."

"I can believe that, mrs. Bookacy, I mean, Nicole. Getting to know Baudolino was a life altering experience for me, too. I mean, here I am, a simple girl, and suddenly I'm a Legacy spouse. Wow."

"Well, that is not always so glorious, you'll find out soon. But I do understand what you mean."

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"There's really no magic in being part of a Legacy family, Marylena. Sure, those families tend to gather some power an prestige along the years, and especially heirs and spouses are sometimes looked up on. But really, what we are is just another family."

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"I understand. But I have to admit it does feel a little magical to me."

"So I take it that you've liked the experience so far?"

"I have. It totally beats being the groceries delivery girl for the rest of eternity."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now there's something I have to take up with you, Marylena."

"Yes, Adrian?"

"Has Baudolino talked to you about the possible... ehm, negative sides of being part of this family? I hope he has."

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"You mean the guy who used to be in love with his grandmother and then went crazy? Yeah, he did mention that some time."

"Yes, him. I'm talking to you about this because even though we haven't heard from him lately, he might still be dangerous."

"I understand. But when I'm with Baudolino, I'm not scared of anything."

"That's a good attitude, my girl. And we all hope that you'll never have to. There are precautions, this house is well protected and so is the vacation home that Baudolino purchased, and the cops are still keeping an eye on things – especially as we have quite a few of those in the family. But there is always a risk."

"I understand. Baudolino was at first a little worried about possibly putting me in danger, but I told him not to worry. You can't live in fear."

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"That's great to hear. And it's good to see that you know the basic facts of the situation already. Yes, Baudolino?"

"I was just about to say that it's getting late. We should head to bed, tomorrow is an important day."

"Yes, I guess it's time. Marylena, I'm glad you're not too worried, but are aware of the situation. Me and Nicole will have a proper chat with you later, about the specifics. It's good to know."

Marylena nodded. "That's true."

"But for now, let things be. Let's go to bed, we don't want to be all tired on your wedding day. Good night, kids."

"Good night, Adrian."

"Night, Dad."

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Nicole starts the next morning in a very Nicole-like way.

"Do you have to embarrass me like this, Creator?"

Hey, it's just good fun, right?

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And George gets to fix things so that we're ready for the big day. Carefully with the splashing water there, okay? We don't want anybody running amok here today.

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That morning breakfast is a pretty quiet occasion. Today is the big day, and the young couple is quite understandably a bit nervous. Some yet have to go to work today before the celebration can take place, and some tidying up needs to be done as well.

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Finally Adrian decides to break the ice.

"I think Creator is letting you two go on a honeymoon. It must be that she wants you to try out the new vacation home. You must be pretty excited, right? I know I would be!"

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Everything is set and ready for the evening. But now that everyone is either going to work or getting ready for the evening, let us check on someone we haven't seen for a while, shall we?

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So, what's up, Sal?

"Hello? Alphabetia City Council?"

This is what he's been doing recently. He's called the local Exorcist Association, the Paranormal Happenings registry, at least a dozen different lobbyists and...

"Yes, good evening. This is mister Smith speaking. I would like to inquire about the current situation of Paranormal positions in Alphabetia."


"Yes, I am aware there are none open currently. I would like to know why that is."

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"But sir, it was your lobbyist, mr. Ryan, who advised to call you in the first place! He was certain he did not know anything about the matter. He seemed convinced that you, as their superior, would know something that would be helpful to me."


"This is a mysterious matter, mr. Ryan. I have made close to two dozen phone calls about it, and always it seems that no one knows anything."

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"Yet another phone call? No, you must be kidding me, mr. Ryan! I have made quite enough of those by now. Certainly a man in your position..."


"Yes, do give me the number to your superior, please. I think I may have a word for him or her about how things are taken care in Alphabetia."


"Senator... GilsGarbo... And the number?"

I guess we've seen enough around around here, have we not? Let's leave "mr. Smith" to his plottings and get back to the more interesting events.

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Oh, we were almost late! Adrian is already phoning those who didn't fit the actual party invitation. And the food is served and all. So, the wedding is on!

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So, here comes the fingergunning clan. Let me introduce them:

First is Beth, Baudolino's sister, who may not look very familiar without the Beth hair. Next is Bailey, Baudolino's cousin, alien child of generation A spare Arthur. Next comes Bill, Baudolino's alien half brother.

Second to last is Bianca, another generation B cousin. She is the only child of Abraham and Kendra. And last but not least, Marsha, friend of all the generation B siblings, especially close to Beth, and Bailey's fiancee. I'm sorry about that kimono, Marsha! I was sure I had forgotten to give someone acceptable formalwear, but didn't remember who that could be.

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But at least you were not the only one. This is Bonnie, daughter of Arthur and Meadow, and yes, a generation B cousin.

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So, let us meet the bride.

"You look absolutely stunning, Marylena! The dress looks fabulous on you. Are you nervous?"

"You look good, too, mrs. ... Nicole. Well, I'm a little bit nervous, but I guess that's part of the deal."

"But of course. Don't worry, it'll go just fine."

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"Beth! So glad you could make it!"

"Hi there, brother! You'd think I'd miss the biggest party in Alphabetia in, like, this generation?"

"Well, not really."

"Good. You look handsome in that suit."

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"So, Beth, what is a party without a proper pillow fight?"

"Not a party at all!"

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Alright, George. You may serve juice for the guests. It is a party and all.

"Thank you, miss Creator. I do like serving drinks for everyone."

I know. I have to watch you, or otherwise you'd do it all the time, and we'd have bladder failures all around.

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So, it is indeed time to gather in the kitchen to have a drink, so everyone feels nice and talkative during the party. And so that George's drinks don't go to waste.

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And then, the sun has set and all is ready. It's time for the big occasion. Baudolino is there early, eagerly waiting for his beautiful bride to arrive.

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"There you are. I thought you'd maybe sneaked through the back... err front door and ran."

"Not a chance, mister. I'll be getting a ring on my finger tonight, that's for sure."

"So you're ready, then?"

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"I am. But I don't think your relatives are quite yet."

"Oh yeah. Those. Well, let's wait a while as they stomp their feet at the door and try to sit in the same chairs and all that."

"They're not really that bad."

"No, not really. They're behaving themselves reasonably well tonight."

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"It seems everyone who's coming is just about there. Should we start?"

"Yes please!"

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"Baudolino, I think I just have one thing to say. Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even if it includes potential threats from a crazy person from a few generations ago. I love you, and I'm not afraid of anything when I'm with you."

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"Marylena. I think I only have one thing to say, too. I'm an extremely lucky man to have found someone like you, who's great company, lots of fun, willing to face threats if needed, and of course, of the best aspiration there is. I'm sure we'll be happy for the rest of our lives going to work, earning insane amounts of money, building thriving businesses and buying expensive things. I love you, Marylena."

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Hey, Adrian, Thomas!

"Yep, C?"

Don't you think you two are missing something?

"Missing? No, why? We're having a heated debate about crime here."

Well, your son is kind of getting married, umm... right about now.

"What? They started without us? Oh dear, Nicole will eat me alive! Come on, Thomas, let's go!"

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So, you made it pretty fast, didn't you, Adrian?

"I'm in good shape again, remember?"

Yes, yes you are. Not everybody is paying attention, though. Ahem, Abraham!


You can tell the dirty joke later, now is not the time!

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"With this ring, I take you..."

"And then there was this thing they test your eyes with and..."


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And, now, I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride.

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Well, congratulations, you two. How does it feel?

"Kind of... platinum?"

"Yes, I'd say so."

Somehow I guessed that would be what you'd say.

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And, as per usual, family and friends were there to applaud on the new heir and spouse.

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After the vows, it was time for less formal pastimes.

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Alongside with cake. Which was showed down the groom's gullet. The groom did not mind.

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For others, there was apparently pillow fighting. Honestly, I love these two.

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There was lively discussion to be had with the cake.

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There were hungry brides.

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And there was entertainment provided by the alien cousin.

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There was heart farting, of the appropriate kind. And also the inappropriate kind in some cases.

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And for the young couple, there was dancing the night away.

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This all took care that the party was a successful one. So, it was time for the newlyweds to get changed, quickly say their goodbyes...

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... and carry their things into the honeymoon cab that was already waiting for them in front of the house.

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Later, when Baudolino and Marylena were already on their honeymoon, elsewhere. Aadam was just collecting the dinner dishes, as he heard the outdoor open and close. He assumed it would be Salahuddin, that he'd been outside after getting up from his coffin.

But instead, he heard a familiar voice calling: "Hello? Mr. Chamcha? Are you here?"

Aadam was about to hurry into the hall, but changed his mind when he heard a second set of footsteps. He went on gathering the dishes, and listened intently.

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"Marsha dear! It is wonderful to see you! My compliments on growing up well. When did you come back from campus?"

"Oh, just a couple of days ago, mr. Chamcha. Me and my boyfriend Bailey got settled into our own house and - oh, and we're engaged, too."

"Congratulations, Marsha! May I ask who this lucky young man is?"

"Well, his name is Bailey, Bailey Thayer, and he's an alien, or half alien and..."

In mid-movement, Aadam paused. He knew who the boy was.

"Thayer? Bailey Thayer? I do believe I have heard of him. Only good things, my dear!"

"You really know everyone, mr. Chamcha! So, yeah, we got engaged and now we've moved into this nice house and..."

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"So yeah, I hope you don't mind that I'll not be living here anymore. It was a kind of a surprise for me, too."

"No, no, not at all, Marsha dear. Of course I knew that one day the little bird would leave the nest. But do keep in touch, will you?"

"But of course, mr. Chamcha! Actually, I was going to ask you to come to my wedding. I don't know the exact date yet, it'll be some time after my friend Beth has had her, but we haven't decided yet."

"Thank you for the invitation, Marsha. I will see if I can be present. It would, of course, be a pleasure. But as you know, I am a busy man."

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"Oh, it would be wonderful if you could make it, sir! I know you're a busy man – always with the work business, but it really has been a long time."

"Indeed it has. Do remember to call me when you know the wedding day, and I will see what I can do."

Aadam had finished the dishes, and waited for the sink to empty, his mind wandering.

"Oh, by the way, mr. Chamcha, is Aadam home?"

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Aadam started walking towards the door, ready to be called.

"Oh, I am not sure. I only woke up a few moments ago, as the sun set. Shall I go look for him?"

"Oh, no need to. I guess I should be going anyway, so I'll call him later myself, and invite him to the wedding of course."

"Of course. Very well, as you wish, Marsha dear."

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"Now tell me, Marsha... This young man, this Bailey, how did you two meet?"

Aadam had stopped in his tracks. He was not going to be called in, and he liked it that way. He would have liked a chance to talk to Marsha without his father, but eavesdropping would have to do for now.

"Well, he's a cousin of my friends Beth and Baudolino, and actually both a cousin and a half brother of Bill, so it was that he visited our Greek House pretty often and..."

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"... but, I think I should be going now, mr. Chamcha. I have to go shopping for a wedding dress!"

"But of course! Do not let me keep you. I will give Aadam your regards. Please do keep in touch, will you, Marsha?"

"But sure, mr. Chamcha! I'll call you soon. See you, mr. Chamcha, bye!"

"Goodbye, Marsha."

Aadam heard the door shut behind Marsha, and Salahuddin's footsteps fade away. He was not happy. He didn't know what his father was planning, but he didn't want Marsha to have to be involved in it, whatever it was. He knew why Salahuddin was so delighted of Marsha marrying Bailey: that way, she would be even closer to the family, and could have more valuable information. And, he understood why his father was using Marsha for an information source. It was the ease - all he needed to do was to act interested and listen. Unfortunately, Aadam had the feeling that Marsha would not be just an informant forever, no matter what Salahuddin said.

Poor, innocent Marsha, who had no idea what was really going on.

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Aadam was slipping into numb worry again. He shook the feeling off. Panicking and dwelling in worry would not help. He would do the best he could to keep Marsha, and his whole family, safe.

He would warn Marsha, if he ever got the chance. Living together with Salahuddin would not help, nor the fact that poor innocent Marsha was raised by the man who was now entangling her in his plots. Even if Aadam got to talk to Marsha in private long enough to warn her, would she believe a word he said?

Aadam was not ready to give up, but right then there was nothing to do. His father was up and on the move. Aadam went to fetch the newspaper from the yard, and see if there was, per chance, an opening position in Paranormal.

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Now, let us leave villa de villain for a while, and visit a new location instead. Welcome to the Bookacy family Twikkii residence! It is the new vacation home Baudolino recently purchased for the family. Nicole, of course, made sure that the house was equipped with the best protection technology available. Not that the family really expected a vampire like Salahuddin to show up in a sunny location like Twikkii Island, but one can never be too cautious.

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So, I finally remembered to buy an aquarium. It's been on my list for a long time - I've played the game for ages, and no one's ever had an aquarium! Well, now the Bookacies have one in their Twikkii home. And well, as you can see, it's already being enjoyed.

But really, how can anyone ever be cruel to a creature that does this? Yes, it is a widely known fact that many of us can. But look at him now. How can we?

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Baudolino and Marylena had a very relaxing honeymoon. Evenings they sat by the fire, just relaxing, enjoying the ocean.

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And well, enjoying each other.

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During the days, they had fun. In many different ways.

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Of course, they had to visit some local sights. The old Pirate Ship was lots of fun to explore.

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Baudolino even got to try steering the ship. Of course, it was only allowed because the thing no longer moved in any direction.

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The Captain's cabin was an interesting place to look into, too, Marylena thought. But there was a slight problem with that.

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Namely, the Captain had not, after all, left the premises.

In all actuality, though, he turned out to be quite a pleasant fellow. And one who likes to sing, too.

And since then, everybody else has loved to sing as well. Only Baudolino and Marylena have visited the Island in my game to this day, and I believe there is not a single grown-up in the neighborhood, who does not know the Sea Chantey by now.

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Also the scenery from the topmost mast was quite stunning.

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In the midst of sightseeing, some relaxation was to be had, too. Baudolino unfortunately managed to burn himself in the sun. Even the darkest of skins can get burned, it seems.

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Marylena went for a way of relaxation that included less danger of going red. She enjoyed it so much that she decided to learn hot stone massage herself.

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Other kinds of fun was also had. After all, it was their honeymoon.

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Swimming in the ocean was a new experience.

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As was digging for seashells.

"Eeeeeeaaauuuwwwwchh! Eek, honey! A crab! It pinched me!"

"Ummmm... What is it, darling? Please don't yell so hard, I'm trying to concentrate on my tan."

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"That looks cool. What do you think, Marylena, should I learn fire dancing?"

"Well, if you feel like that, maybe you should. But be careful, don't hurt yourself. And the hamburgers are ready if you want to eat first. All that swimming and sunbathing really makes you hungry!"

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Baudolino did learn fire dancing. But still...

"If only I'd be that good at it!"

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Eventually, all holidays come to an end, and so do all chapters. So, as it is time for our reigning couple to return home and get started on generation C, it's time for me to leave you once again.

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter of The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, and will join me again for the next one. Thanks for reading, and until then, happy simming!

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