Page 1: The Benefits of Learning Japanese Languages UBI1032

Assalamualaikum and good morning especially to our lecturer, Puan Mazyani

binti Mat and my beloved friends. Today, I want to share with you all about something

that I believe can make you all interested. All of us have known that English language

was the most useable and important languages. But, did you know that there are lots of

language that we not discover yet? How about Chinese languages? Spanish languages?

Or mybe Japanese languages itself? So, the thing that I argue about was “The Benefits of

Learning Japanese Languages”. Why? This is because I think this topic may give me

some opportunity to introduce how beautiful and important this language is.

“Ohayo gozaimasu! Watashi wa Ai desu!”

This is my introductions about this language. Like English, this language also

have it pronouns and verb. But, to be skilled in this language, you must always talk with

it and study how to speak it clearly. This is because some of its sentence when be speak

up will heard like the same. For example, kitte kudasai and itte kudasai. The sound look

same, but the meaning of each word is different. Kitte kudasai was to ‘hear’, while itte

kudasai was to ‘say’. So, learner must be elert with this sentence to minimize the error

mistakes. This always happens to foreign people that not master this language yet.

Japenese languages are unique, stable and easy to say. This is because if we

seriously learning it, we can communicating with another people, especially Japanese

people. Did you know that in Japan, they are not allow to speak in English especially

when doing some important business. The foreign also unforgivable to speak another

language while in their country. So its not weird when we meet some Japanese tourist

that unable to speak English and only look for someone that know their languages. Then,

why not we take these advantage to learn Japanese? Mybe someday we can help some

Japanese tourist to know more about our beloved country and introduce them how

harmony we are. As addiction, we also easy to get more foreign friend from this

“Country of Emerge Sun” and exchange our knowledge with them.

Furthermore, the Japanese people are expert about Technology, Science and

Digital Frame. Their technology advancement are approve by around the world and

Page 2: The Benefits of Learning Japanese Languages UBI1032

known as the second of success country in the world. Could you imagine how fastened

they manage to grow up after the tragic incident from disposal the atomic bomb at

Hiroshima and Nagasaki by British? Only take for twenty years to stand up back and now

stand in same standard like United States of America (USA). So, by learning their

languages, we have the opportunity to know more about their excellent knowledge and

hard encountered in technology. Even our ex-Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir

Mohamad sometimes mention our people to imitate their work skill and their tendency in

excellent life. Did you all remember his principle, known as “Dasar Pandang Ke Timur”?

So, this shown how he respect the Japanese above then another country and make them as

the example in his reign. Eventhough, half of our gadgets such as Nokia, Ogawa,

Panasonic and another things was imported from this country. So, why shouldn’t we try?

Like English languages, we can get opportunity to add more skilled languages we

have. Then, why not try to learn it? Our government have given us a lot of advantage to

learn another languages not only to adult, but also for the kindergarten student. While

enhance our language skill, especially in Japanese, we can easily get job opportunity.

This is because some of company especially private firm such as Japan company, Spanish

company was urge to search the employee that known some bacis in other languages. The

employer may think about many times before dismiss us because we have more excess

from the other candidate. Even in teaching institution, instructor of interview may look us

as special case and then give us fully pass. That’s worth, isn’t it?

So, by learn Japanese languages, I just can conclude that it will give us more

benefit that we can imagine. After that, why not you make a step and learn easy Japanese

sentence now? Do not to worry, this will give you some enjoyable time. I can just say

that learning Japanese languages may give us benefit to know more people, more culture,

more technology advanced searches and wider your own knowledge about the world you

stay. That’s all for now. Thank you.

“ Domo arigatougozaimasu, sensei-sama wo mina-san”

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