
The Ballad of Billy Magee

The Ballad of Billy Magee

Billy was born on a windy nightIn a town called Santa F.But his parents werent in love for longAnd his father didnt stay.

Life was hard when Billy was young. He didnt go to school.He played in the streets with his brother, Frank. But Frank was cold and cruel.

In town one day Frank stole a horse.It belonged to Judge John Lee.When the sheriff came, Frank shot him dead.It was Billy, he said. Not me!

I didnt kill him! poor Billy said.I wasnt even there!But the judge didnt want to listen.And Frank? He didnt care.

Billy went to prison for a long, long time.He died in a prison bed.And the town heard a voice in the wind that night.I didnt do it! Billy said.

Choose the right words and make true sentences

The judge ___________________Billy.

believeddidnt believe

Billy __________________ a bad man.


His mother and father _____________together for long.


The horse __________________to Frank.

belongeddidnt belong

Frank ________________the sheriff.

killeddidnt kill

Frank __________________to prison.

wentdidnt go

The judge __________________to Billy.listeneddidnt listen

Past simple negative form of to beBillywasnt there.His parentswerenttogether for long.Negative form of lexical verbs with didBillydidntkill the sheriffgo to schoolBilly was born on a windy nightIn a town called Santa F.But his parents werent in love for longAnd his father didnt stay.

Life was hard when Billy was young. He didnt go to school.He played in the streets with his brother, Frank. But Frank was cold and cruel.

In town one day Frank stole a horse.It belonged to Judge John Lee.When the sheriff came, Frank shot him dead.It was Billy, he said. Not me!

I didnt kill him! poor Billy said.I wasnt even there!But the judge didnt want to listen.And Frank? He didnt care.

Billy went to prison for a long, long time.He died in a prison bed.And the town heard a voice in the wind that night.I didnt do it! Billy said.


Word workWrite the words

1.s _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.h_ _ _ 3. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. i_ l_ _ _ 5. d_ _ _ 6. s_ _ _ _ 7. c_ _ _

Regular verbs

Irregular verbs

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