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THE ANCIENT OF DAYSThe title Ancient of Days first appears in Daniel 7:9, where Daniel is describing his vision of heaven. There an ancient, or venerable, Person sits on a flaming throne with wheels of fire, His hair and clothing white as snow. The flaming throne is symbolic of judgment, while the white hair and title Ancient indicate that God existed before time began. In Isaiah 43:13, we find that God refers to Himself existing from ancient of days (literally, before days were). That means God existed before days were even created. We read in Genesis 1 that God created time, days and nights, so God existed from before the beginning of time. God is often represented as ancient, as He that is from everlasting to everlasting (Psalm 90:2) and as the first and the last in Isaiah 44:6.

It refers both to God the Father in Daniel 7:13 and also to the son of Man in Daniel 7:22 who, in the prophetic sense, will pronounce judgment on the world.GODs relationship to time.Space referring to length, width, height (or depth) otherwise knows as 3D and - dito conscious ang tao every after holiday season (its not what you eat between Christmas and New Year.. but what you eat between New year and Christmas)Time-referring to duration where there may be change in space. However, God dwells in a different dimensionthe spirit realmbeyond the perception of our physical senses.Hindi ko sinasabing hindi totoo ang Diyos; pero ang ibig sabihin nito ay hindi sya limitado ng physical laws and dimensions that govern our world. Pwede nyang ma violate yung mga theories such as nothing can occupy the same space at the same time GOD is timeless. His perspective on time is different from mankinds temporality. He is above and outside of the sphere of time. God sees all of eternitys past and eternitys future.Sa ganitong view ng relationship ng Diyos sa oras, God is 'outside' time, and indeed 'surrounds' it. All events in history are both 'foreknown' (from the left) and 'postknown' (from the right). Kunwari nasa event A ka, hindi mo pa alam kung ano mangyayari sa event B.. Pero pag nasa Event B ka na, tsaka mo lang malalaman yung mga bagay na mangyayare from Event A.For example, andito tayo sa event A tapos assuming na may nagugustuhang girl ang top student ko pero hindi nya alam kung sya na ba yung the one? Pano mo malalaman kung sya na nga? Sagot kelangan mo ng passage of time, kasi malalaman mo lang ang sagot from EVENT A to EVENT B kapag nasa EVENT B ka na Otherwise known as POST KNOWLEDGE if from A pa lang alam mo na kung ano mangyayare to Event B, ang tawag na dun ay FOREKNOWLDGE(eto ang gusto ko kung sakaling bibigyan ako ng super-powers, hehe.)it is irrelevant to Him because he Transcends it. The time that passes on earth is of no consequence from Gods timeless perspective. A second is no different from an eon; a billion years pass like seconds to the eternal God.

WE CANNOT CONFINE AND INFINITIE GOD TO OUR TIME SCHEDULE. He is the High and Lofty One . . . who lives forever (Isaiah 57:15). God is far removed from mans condition: The length of our days is seventy yearsor eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away (Psalm 90:10).

Again, because of our finite minds, we can only grasp the concept of Gods timeless existence in part. And in so doing, we describe Him as a God without a beginning or end, eternal, infinite, everlasting, etc. Psalm 90:2 declares, From everlasting to everlasting You are God (see also Psalm 93:2). He always was and always will be.

ETERNITYSo, ano ba ang oras?Our clocks mark change or, more precisely, our timepieces are benchmarks of change that indicate the passage of time. In other words, whenever theres change of any kind we know that time has passed. We see this as we go through life, as we age. And we cannot recover the minutes that have passed by.

time exists when matter exists(Time exists when matter is in motion, measurable motion.)But God is not matter; God, in fact, created matter. The bottom line is this: time began when God created the universe. Before that, God was simply existing. Since there was no matter, and because God does not change, time had no existence and therefore no meaning, no relation to Him.

And this brings us to the meaning of the word eternity. Eternity is a term used to express the concept of something that has no end and/or no beginning. God has no beginning or end. He is outside the realm of time. Eternity is not something that can be absolutely related to God. God is even beyond eternity.

God is spirit (John 4:24), and, correspondingly, God is timeless rather than being eternally in time or being beyond time. Time was simply created by God as a limited part of His creation for accommodating the workings of His purpose in His disposable universe (see 2 Peter 3:10-12).

God is spirit in the realm of timelessness, rather than flesh in the sphere of time.

As believers, we have a deep sense of comfort knowing that God, though timeless and eternal, is in time with us right now; He is not unreachably transcendent, but right here in this moment with us. And because Hes in this moment, He can respond to our needs and prayers.

The God of JusticeThere can also be no doubt that the reference in Daniel 7 is to God as Judge. A similar description occurs in Revelation 1:14-15, wherein Christ is described as having snow-white hair and blazing eyes. In Revelation, God the Son is depicted with the same power of judgment over His church as the Ancient of Days is described as having in judging Israel. In fact, His sharp gaze judges all seven of the churches in Revelation 13 with complete clarity of the reality of all there is to know.Justice is a term used for what is right or as it should be. Justice is one of Gods attributes and flows out of His holiness. Justice and righteousness are often used synonymously in the Bible. Since righteousness is the quality or character of being right or just, it is another attribute of God and incorporates both His justice and holiness.

We cannot begin to understand Gods justice unless we first understand sin. Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4) and iniquity (Daniel 9:4-5; Micah 2:1; James 3:6). It embodies everything contrary to Gods holy nature and is offensive to Him. Thus, sin is a crime against God and justice demands a penalty of death and separation from Him for it (Romans 1:18-32; 2:5; 3:23). But God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to pay that penalty for us (Romans 5:8-11; 6:23) and made salvation available to all who believe in His name (John 1:12; 3:15-17; 20:31).

Gods own righteousness is provided as a gift to sinners who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and is based upon His grace and mercy in response to our faith (Romans 3:23-26; Ephesians 2:3-7). His mercy and grace are not in spite of His justice, but because of it. He loved us so much that despite the fact that our sin demands our death, He sent His Son to be our substitute upon the cross, thus demonstrating that His justice was not violated, but instead satisfied (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 5:9).

Having been made in His image (Genesis 1:26-27), we humans long for moral justice to prevail upon the earth and are outraged when we see injustice happening around us. Why do we seek justice for crimes? Its in our DNA. King Davids outrage when the poor mans lamb was taken away by the rich man resonates within us (2 Samuel 12:1-14). That is why Nathan told the story to David in the first place because it revealed Davids own injustice in taking Uriahs wife from him. Davids immediate repentant prayer was effective because by admitting his sin against God, he acknowledged the righteousness of God. The Lord told David through the prophet Nathan that even though his sin was forgiven, the child resulting from the adulterous affair would die, demonstrating the fact that his sin still had to be judged.

As for the future, the book of Revelation reveals the justice of God in all its glory during the end times. When the saints watch the destruction of the earth, their song will be of Gods righteous judgment upon the inhabitants for their ultimate sin of rejecting Him (Revelation 11:16-18; 15:3-4; 16:7; 19:1-4). And as 2 Peter 3:13 says, we are promised that someday, when Christ physically reigns on earth, Gods righteous justice will finally be on full display.

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