Page 1: The ancient greece project by Marketta and Temekia

The Ancient Greece Project

By Marketta Gilchrist ,Temekia Toomer

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Leadership Of Ancient Greece

• Athenian leadership successfully repelling the military threat of Precision invasion.

• Athenian Golden Age ends with the defeat of Athens at the hands of Sparta in Peloponnesian war in 404BC.

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Ancient Greece Civilization

• Belonging the period of Greek history lasting from archaic period of the 8th to 6th centimes b.c to 146 b.c and the roman conquest of Greece after battle of Corinth.

































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Ancient Greece Culture

• They worshipped many gods whom they believed appeared in human form and yet were endowed with superhuman strength and ageless beauty.

• Men ran the government, and spent a great deal of their time away from home.

• Greek women had very limited freedom outside the home.

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More About Culture

• Most Greek women did not do housework themselves. Most Greek households had slaves. Female slaves cooked, cleaned, and worked in the fields. Male slaves watched the door .

• The ancient Greeks considered their children to be 'youths' until they reached the age of 30!

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Ancient Greece Clothing

• Men and women wore linen in the summer and wool in the winter.

• Most families made their own clothes, which were simple tunics and warm cloaks, made of linen or wool, dyed a bright color, or bleached white. Clothes were made by the mother, her daughters, and female slaves.

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More About Ancient Greece Clothing…..

• Now and then, they might buy jewelry from a traveling peddler, hairpins, rings, and earrings, but only the rich could afford much jewelry.

• men and women in ancient Athens, and in most of the other city-states, used perfume, made by boiling flowers and herbs.

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How Ancient Greece Keep There Hair!!!!!

• Women kept their hair long, in braids, arranged on top of their head, or wore their hair in ponytails. Headbands, made of ribbon or metal, were very popular.

• Blond hair was rare. Greek admired the blonde look and many tried bleaching their hair. Men cut their hair short and, unless they were soldiers, wore beards.

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Ancient Greece Marriages….

• In ancient Athens, wedding ceremonies started after dark. The veiled bride traveled from her home to the home of the groom while standing in a chariot. Her family followed the chariot on foot, carrying the gifts. Friends of the bride and groom lit the way, carrying torches and playing music to scare away evil spirits.

• During the wedding ceremony, the bride would eat an apple, or another piece of fruit, to show that food and other basic needs would now come from her husband.

• the ceremony was very simple. After a tussle, to prove his superior strength, the groom would toss his bride over his shoulder and carried her off.

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Greece Slavery

• Slavery played a major role in ancient Greek civilization.

Slaves could be found everywhere. • They worked not only as domestic servants, but as factory

workers, shopkeepers, mineworkers, farm workers and as ship's crew members.

• There were many different ways in which a person could have become a slave in ancient Greece.

• Slaves were always supervised by the woman of the house who was responsible for making sure that all the slaves were kept busy and didn't get out of line. This could be quite a task as most wealthy Greek households had as many as 10-20 slaves.

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Greece Languages

• Modern Greek is spoken on the mainland, on most of the surrounding islands, in the Greek community of Istanbul, in most of Cyprus, and in some villages of Calabria in southern Italy.

• The most frequently used other languages are Turkish, Slavic Macedonian, Vlach (a Romanian dialect), Albanian, and Pomak (a Bulgarian dialect). Greek is a direct descendant of an Indo-European language spoken by civilizations in the northeastern Mediterranean for centuries before Christ.

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Everyday In Ancient Greece

Men if they were not training in military, or discussing politics went to the Theatre for entertainment. To watch dramas that they could relate to, including tragedies and comedies. These often involved current politics and gods in some form.

It is thought that women were not allowed to watch theatre or perform at the theatre, although male actors did play women roles.

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More Everyday Ancient Greece

• Lives of Women in Ancient Greece were closely tied to domestic work, spinning, weaving and other domestic duties.

• They were not involved in public life or in politics. The live were normally quite confined to the house although one public duty was acting as a priestess at a temple.

• And the children just spend there time playing with the toys and games.

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Ancient Greece Food And Farming

• The majority of Ancient Greek people made their living from farming. Citizens often had land outside the city which provided their income. The Greek landscape and climate was difficult to farm.Grapes were usually picked around September and either kept for eating or made into wine. Making wine was done by treading and kept in jars to ferment.

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More Ancient Food And Farming

• Ancient Greeks usually ate bread (barley or wheat) and porridge, accompanied with food such as cheese, vegetables, fish, eggs and fruit. Animal such as deer, hare and boars were hunted only as addition to the food supply.

• Seasoning usually involved coriander and sesame seeds. Honey was probably the only sweetening that existed at the time, importance this is shown as the beehives were kept in terracotta.

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Ancient Greece Games

• The mans played hockey which was not part of Olympic games.

• The Ancient Greeks also played games that did not involve much physical activity also, such as marbles, dice, checkers and knucklebones. The Ancient Greek version of checkers was similar to what the current game of backgammon is where the Game backgammon is derived from. The Ancient Greek version of Checkers involved a board, stones and dice.

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Ancient Greece babies

• Babies born in ancient Greece often had a difficult time surviving. Many died in the first couple days of life; therefore, babies did not receive names until the seventh or tenth day of life.

• If a baby was born deformed, it might have been abandoned on a mountain (female babies were abandoned more often than males). Sometimes abandoned babies were rescued and brought up as slaves by another family.

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More about Greece children

• children were wrapped up in cloths until they were about two years old to insure straight and strong limbs.

• While they were being raised, girls would receive their entire education and training in the home with their mothers. Boys, on the other hand, might learn their father’s trade or go to school around the age of seven.

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Ancient Greece Flag

• The Flag of Greece consists of nine blue and white alternating horizontal stripes with a blue square on the top left that contains a white cross.

• According to another popular belief, the stripes of the Greek flag represent the syllables in the phrase "leatherier h thanatos" (Freedom or Death) which became the sound bite of the Greek war of independence against the Ottoman empire. The cross represents the country's deeply rooted tradition in orthodox Christianity.



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When The Ancient Greece Ended

• Greek school books, "ancient times" is a period of about 900 years, from the catastrophe of Mycenae until the conquest of the country by the Romans, divided into four periods based on styles of art and culture and politics.

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