
In this Australian Issue: V — Jan. 15th 2020

The “unsearchable riches of” the Man in linen—


7NL (Pt. 5)

The Masterpiece of Deception—

The Masterpiece of deviltry—

Australia’s Bush Fires

Our sincerest and deepest sympathies, condolences and prayers go out to those who have lost loved ones, property and livestock in the recent bush fires. In our experience—my family and I have been offering thanksgivings to our loving Heavenly Father and to Christ our merciful and faithful Great High Priest for their protecting hands during this time of catastrophic fires. Especially - when on the morning of Tuesday December 31st, I was in Corryong (Victoria) when the Walwa fire came towards Corryong, having been unable to get home the night before after work due to the road back to Tallangatta being closed. Thankfully - I was graciously provided a place to stay that night in town by one of my colleagues and her Mother, who were both very kind, and who at the time was housesitting another families home. Which family without any further thought gave permission and so opened it up for me to stay, so that I did not have to drive back home in all the smoke - as this was all before we knew the road was closed. I watched the fire that whole night get closer and closer - keeping my eyes and ears tuned to the news and the VicEmergency app. When Tuesday morning finally came, and when I could see the fire within bowshot, it was then I had the decision to either drive East and leave Corryong or stay and help. I chose to go to the relief centre at the High School. But not wanting to just stand around and do nothing, thankful I am that I was able to go up to the hospital and help out with those who were either asthmatic or having trouble breathing from all the smoke. From there we watched through an East window the spot fires. The Firefighting crews did an incredible job putting them out and protecting the town. You see—it was early that morning when I saw the fire, that I remembered when the Apostle Paul was on his way to Rome - and before the shipwreck was told by the Angel of God “God hath given thee all them that sail with thee” – it was for this that I prayed. It was a soul-searching experience. Later that morning we lost all phone and internet communication. Then as the day drew to a close, one of the Paramedics advised me of the Convoy that was being organised escorting people through to Tallangatta. I arrived just in time to register. In driving back through the burn zone (which entailed driving under a low hanging powerline) I have never before seen such devastation. My family were so glad to see me and I them. My heart truly goes out to those who have suffered loss. Truly, it is during this time (and the times we are going to have to face just ahead that) we all need to keep our eyes on and “consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus” (Heb. 3:1) so that we can “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by

prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto

God.” (Phil. 4:6) This consideration and the ‘traditions of the elders’ are not compatible! The Book of Hebrews summarises the

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“Everlasting Gospel”—which means the Bible and the Bible only = safety—and It’s time that we know it!


Strange Occult origins (See Appendix)

The First Angel’s warning—

The doctrine of God pronounced by the first Angel has to

be upheld - because the 7NL strikes at the heart of John 1:1

when the 7NL states God has no partners. When the Arians

or Trinitarians bring up the issue of Sons being equal to the

Father and that this was the reason why Christ was crucified

back then, the problem is that back then, the theology was

not as developed as it is today; since evil and truth have come

to fruition and now we must all choose which way we will

go on the subject matter.

God presented advanced warning which commenced in 1844

(Dan. 8:14) regarding the implications as well as what it

takes to violate the true Divine Partnership of the First

Angels message revealed in John 1:1.

In reality a Son does not equal the Father since the Angels

being Beni Elohim do not equal the Father nor do they equal

the Word.

Missing factor—

The missing factor in both the Arian and the Trinitarian

doctrine lays in the fact that they both assume that by some sort of decree Christ was an emanation from the Father as in

Begotten in eternity or created at some point in time and the

rest of the universe which includes the angels were told that

he as a begotten son, or emanation, or as a created son, has

to be worshiped as God.

The problem is that this statement is made when the Father

introduces the Firstborn into the world and the first born is

not an emanation from the universe its pre-eminence in all


The Omega of deadly heresy teaches this same concept just

as the Arians or Trinitarians. There is basically no difference.

The introduction of the firstborn into the world is in reference to this planet and the order is given to the Angels to worship

Him in the human form considering the fact that in the Alpha

status He was equal to God [John 1:1-3] and in the Omega

scenario He is made like unto his brethren. [Heb. 2:17]

What bothers the devil so much is the fact that humans which

were created being inferior to Angels will have this same

status by way of God's true matrix which comes in the form

of Acceptance that the WORD was God en arche [in

beginning] – “He who made(s)” has an eternal Identity as

God and that this then includes the Acceptance of His

incarnation of the root of David as Jesus Christ. Just as Paul

defined the Gospel of God (Rom 1:1-4) and later the Acceptance of the bodily resurrection or physical

transformation at Jesus Christ’s second coming.

This Acceptance includes Christ’s Ministration after the

Order of Melchizedek, and Paul confirms His Eternal

Identity, He was without generation. [c.f. Heb. 7:1-3]

7NL, Trinitarianism and Arianism—

So, these teachings fly in the face of the evidence which is

presented in John 1:1 as well as Revelation 22 's alpha and

omega scenarios of root of David and offspring of David.

He, Christ, could only be equal to the Father in the Alpha

scenario of Divine Eternal equality and not the Omega

scenario of Sonship - which theoretically speaking without

the Alpha would be the slave form which was later restored

to its Melchizedek status which is actually the original

Alpha - but without the Alpha this would make him more like

angels since He would be pre-existent. But as the Trinitarians

and Arians make an addition to the words of Revelation [see

warning here] (Rev. 22:18-19) by teaching He was created or emanated and not His own being meaning that His life

would be borrowed and derived from the Father.

Psalms 110:1-4 and Hebrews 7:3 (last portion) "made like

unto the Son of God" bring about the total picture of the

Alpha and Omega scenarios in eternity and later on earth.

The initial equality of Alpha in relation to Christ in eternity

as "in beginning" brings about the true equality of Sonship in

the Omega scenario since there is a restoration of eternal Melchizedek Alpha scenario in Hebrews 6:20 - but the

difference being Melchizedek now being in the form of

perfected man = the ultimate purpose of God as in John 10.

John 10:34-36 RSV

Fact that the main difference between the Omega of deadly

heresy and the Truth lays in the fact that in the Alpha of

apostasy the belief was that all sons in the form of souls

emanated from the universe whereas in the Truth of God,

we humans were never emanated from the universe, we were

born in this world and the only way of escaping the matrix of

death was by way of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when

we made the decision to serve Jesus Christ.

It is not our so-called pre-existence which is false that makes

us ‘gods.’ It is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit Himself,

"Christ in you" that takes our non-pre-existence as well as

mortal nature in fulfilment of what Christ wrote in John 10

which was quoted from Psalm 82:6-8.

Fact is that Christ in you the hope of glory is the pre-existent

Alpha which = Revelation 4 in us, the hope of glory. This is

clearly stated in Revelation 5 where the 7 Spirits are sent out

to all the earth.

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It is the Alpha of God which = Christ in us.

It is called partaking of the divine nature. What a choice!

Whereas if the emanation begotten concept of Christ in

eternity is accepted as fact then this means that we also

proceed from this same emanated logos as taught by Philo

the Jewish mystical theologian.

o This subtle detail the messengers of 1888 never

saw nor understood.

o They rightly presented the light of the message of

righteousness by faith and Christ and His

righteousness. Nothing more. But both

messengers applied the Arian error.

Final result of the Arian teaching?

The final result is the underlying deception an incredible

occult deception of being sons from an emanated logos =

humans with souls that emanated and return in a cycle of

descent from the so-called “ONE”, who was then life in dark

world of matter - which in the Omega heresy fosters the

belief that the dark world of matter hides the Christ in us in

the form of souls that don't know their true identity.

Why is this, the case?

Since they are in the tomb of the material universe and then

the soul's self-judgment by Karmic law in a cycle of life

death and rebirth and then the eventual return to the universe

thus fulfilling what the devil told Eve in the garden that she

and Adam would not die that they would be as gods knowing

good and evil.

The only way back from the world of the spirit of the occult

realm according to them is by the infusion of false

righteousness, and the crucifying of material things by a

program of works righteousness as seen in the other systems

which have perfected in these Omega of apostasy concepts

for more than 5,000 years.

After this has been completed in the form of a living human

being then comes the next chapter of the deception which

is known in occult circles as Unity Consciousness - which

will be the chief opponent of the true Gospel at the end of the

age as stated in 1 Timothy 4:1-4 - in the latter days many will

give heed to doctrines of demons. This teaching of Arian

theology will be also the chief opponent to the Three Angels Messages and why it is essential to know He who made, that

He was, that He was Eternal, that He was also God and that He was known in beginning as Ho Logos – The WORD. Not

the Son of God.

John never stated in beginning that the Elohim held the status

of Father and Son.

It should be obvious with the occult problem it’s for a very

good reason!

The Final abomination—

How can the True Elohim – the Eternal Two Identities of

John 1 (& the 1st Angel’s msg) who were Associates in the

pictures in Revelation 4 & 5 even begin to resolve the sin problem in sinful flesh - when They are appropriated upon

Themselves a false version of the Godhead about an

emanated Son in eternity is to be believed? It is an


Here lies the deception - the One God – yes, the Arian

Father/ and the begotten Son from prior to the Incarnation

is in fact a god that cannot resolve the sin problem in sinful

flesh. This is the ultimate mystery of iniquity concerning

the Omega of deadly heresies.

This Luciferian matrix of the begotten Son in “eternity” doctrine holds a very basic and easy to know concept – which

is that a One God that precedes a Son who emanated presents

the same problem Eve believed – ye shall not surely die.

Quite a problem.

Since the True Elohim are not believed but are substituted with the Arian theory, which is denying Christ had no

beginning of days Hebrews 7 this false worship ensures the

occult holds sway and therefore a false Elohim cannot

resolve the sin problem under any circumstances. How can

one be sealed unto righteousness in this set of circumstances?

Christ after the Order of Melchizedek cannot do this sealing

because of disbelief of who He was eternally - Heb. 7.

7NL and the last moments of time—


o The rule of law [7NL] is pronounced from

Jerusalem [Micah 4, Isaiah 2].

o The last moment of time presents the horrors of

the final Beast systems.

o The ultimate confrontation ‘one hour’ is delivered

personally by the Red Dragon [c.f. Rev 12:17].

Legal basis—

The legal basis for ‘peace’ and the good moral behaviour of the nations is given under the One God doctrine of the 7NL.

Their basis of the legal theological application is the false

Shema and it gets applied by the rule of law. The ‘oppressive

law’ pronounced for the statutory punishment for

transgressing any one of the Seven Laws and it = death.

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Behind this ‘law’ from the Third Temple is an epic abomination of desolation. It needs to be kept in mind that

the Tabernacle of the Congregation involved the people of

the Prince that shall come and will destroy the city and the

Sanctuary. Although what took place with General Cestius was a sign to flee, the deeper meaning is found in relation

to the statement "the people of the Prince that shall come

shall destroy the city and the Sanctuary".

Some have tried to analyse this statement and cannot find the answer as pertaining to the Romans and others will say that

there were ethnic groups of such as Arabs among the Roman

contingent that hated the Jews. This rule of law is an

abomination as spoken by Daniel the prophet. It is to remove

He who made from worship. The connection is Rev 13:6.

If peradventure you choose to refuse to bow to the One God and that ‘one god’ has in its two main components Trinitarian

and Arian teachings and the variations that exist because you

know the True Elohim - watch the ‘testimony of Jesus’ it is

surely clear that that testimony has nothing to do with the

One Father Son God in eternity because this belief is to deny

the eternal Identity of the WORD.

You cannot make such a testimony and defy the Scriptures at the same time!

The Beast of Revelation 13’s warning

The Beast who uses the 7NL has its warning

o as to what it insists = ‘true’ worship - See vs 13-17

Concerning Rev. 13 and the Beasts warning - we should take

pains to understand what it means to acknowledge our Great

High Priest as having neither beginning of days, nor end of

life; but made like unto the Son of God [Heb. 7:1-3]

The issue at the end is worship of He who made had no eternal origins.

The only available alternative is a false Godhead of monotheism – the One God of the false Shema.

Therefore, if we make the wrong decision about the principles of Christ’s testimony about Himself in Revelation

22:16 and what He said in fact defines Himself as being the

Alpha and Omega that He was the root and seed of David we

literally would tremble like Sr White said would happen.

Yes, only two options –

We either worship the True Elohim of Revelation 14 or the worship of the dragon = Rev 13:4

The One God version is fully imposed and backed by the rule of law!

It is hoped this information will begin to assist you to determine the seriousness of what the rule of law means in

respect to the 7NL and the doctrine of God and especially

its sub plot - the Arian disaster – the masterpiece of deviltry

in respect to Christ who is the Alpha and Omega. There is no other way to make sense of the Alpha and the Omega of

Deadly heresies.


Swift Messenger


Click on underscored

Luciferian doctrine – Hans Wilhelm video and its

adoption in Germany 8 mins here

Gnosticism, Arian doctrine of God and the occult ?

o Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

- Hermetic_Order_of_the_Golden_Dawn

o Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn 2

o Commenced 1888

o “one of the greatest influences of western occultism of the

twentieth century.”

o Rose Cross – the emanation doctrine = begotten woven

into this teaching

The Australian Edition of "Watchman, what of the night?" is published

(temporarily) semi-monthly by the Adventist Laymen's Foundation of

Mississippi (Australia).

Email: [email protected]

In-depth pictorial analysis & back issues of WWN (Aust. Edition):

Man in Linen videos: 5 Agendas Channel

Any portion of WWN—Aust. Edition may be reproduced without further permission by

adding the credit line — “Reprinted from ‘Watchman, what of the night?’ Australian edition,

Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Mississippi (Australia)”.

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