Page 1: The Accordion Shop - · The Accordion Shop by Cush Jumbo Synopsis Mister Ellody has quietly kept his accordion shop going

The Accordion Shop

by Cush Jumbo Synopsis Mister Ellody has quietly kept his accordion shop going on his local high street for generations. One day, he steps out of his door and witnesses an extraordinary incident: hundreds of young people are surging onto the street, and they've all received the same text message on their phones which simply says "RIOT. THE ROAD. 7pm TONIGHT."

Cush Jumbo

Cush Jumbo is an award-winning actress and writer. Cush was nominated for an Olivier Award in 2014 for Outstanding Achievement in Affiliate Theatre for Josephine and I which she wrote and performed to rave reviews at the Bush Theatre.

Cush won the award for Best Actress at The Manchester Theatre Awards 2014 for her performance as Nora in A Doll's House at The Royal Exchange. Prior to this Cush was nominated for an Olivier Award for her performance as Mark Antony in Julius Caesar at The Donmar Warehouse, and was awarded the prestigious Ian Charleson Award 2012 for her performance as the Shakespearean heroine Rosalind in Greg Hersov’s production of As You Like It at the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester.

Age suitability 15+ An ensemble piece

This script is only available to National Theatre Connections 2015 companies between October 2014 and July 2015. Any performances outside this period will need to be negotiated with the writer’s agent: Amanda Davis, Curtis Brown, Haymarket House, 28 – 29 Haymarket, London, SW1Y 4SP

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The Accordion Shop by Cush Jumbo – FINAL


Notes for performance:

Directors can use as much set and costume as they require but should be aware that

this play can be done very effectively in a black box space with very minimal set and


The play is written to be performed at pace. This doesn’t mean it needs to be rushed

or gabbled or that certain moments can’t be allowed to breath but the key is to make

sure actors pick up their cues very promptly.

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Character List

Boy: Can be played by multiple actors.

Police Officer: Should be played by one actor.

Older Lady: Should be played by one actor.

Mister Ellody: Should be played by one actor.

News Reporter: Should be played by one actor

Girl: Can be played by multiple actors.

Teacher: Should be played by one actor.

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Everybody knows ‘The Road’. If you’re from round here you know it and if you’re

not from round here you still know it. It’s one of those roads where the sign always

gets stolen so no one really knows what it’s actually called. It’s always busy and-


Like an A road-


Yeah…wait, nah, it’s not an A road-


Yeah it is-


Nah it ain’t- it’s just like a busy high street-


It don’t really have enough shops to be a high street-


And precisely how many shops does a road need to have to be a high street?


I dunno!


Police Officer

Yes I suppose you are trained to expect it…but that doesn’t mean it’s ever something

you get used to. If you got used to it you’d become completely desensitized. It’s hard

sometimes of course. Part of you wants to be numb, to feel nothing, it would make

the job easier…but I’ve never wanted to be that kind of officer. I grew up round here,

I’ve lived here my whole life, I know The Road like the back of my hand, I know the

people by name.



It’s not a high street.


Then it’s an A road-


Shut up, you’re ruining the interview.

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You’re ruining the interview.


If you don’t shut up they won’t show it on TV.




Anyway. Whatever ‘The Road’ is, people just know it, it’s just a road everyone

knows but no one ever knows the name so we always just called it- ‘The Road’.




Older Lady

Butcher, baker, candlestick maker…that used to be the rhyme when I was a child

although I don’t think I ever saw a candle stick maker’s shop on The Road… but

there was definitely always a butcher and a baker…


Police Officer

Some people are part of the fabric of The Road, they’ve been here forever like Mister

Ellody. I can’t remember Mister Ellody’s shop ever not being there. It was run by his

dad originally, a lovely old geezer, used to give us pear drops on Saturdays and play

his accordian outside the shop for us in the afternoon. Then his son, Mister Ellody

Junior, took over and he was a nice bloke too. Quieter than his Dad but he loved

those accordians just as much.


Older Lady

Do you know I can’t think for the life of me what it’s real name is to be honest, it’s

been ‘The Road’ for as long as I can remember- people say the signs keep getting

stolen but I don’t remember it ever having one in the first place, not even when I was

a girl. The Road just stuck. It was nice…a nice road. I don’t mean posh, oh it was

never posh, but it was nice, you know, nice people, nice shops.


Mister Ellody

When my father came here from Italy seventy years ago and moved to The Road the

local people had never seen or heard anything like him before. He was the only

Italian living round here and he was a very likable man. My father could play the

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accordian like no one else, he was the most skilled accordian player in the whole

country. My father took all the money he made from playing the accordian, married

my mother who lived in the next street along and opened the very first accordian shop

for miles around. Everybody knew ‘Ellody’s Accordians’. My father bought them

and sold them and mended them for fifty years. He sent me to a good school and put

me through university and when I graduated he taught me everything he knew about

the magic of accordians…and then he died. I took over the shop and I’ve been here

ever since.


News Reporter

When? Now? How long? 5?

(The reporter counts down 4, 3, 2, 1 in silence).

Thanks John, I’m here on the street known affectionately by it’s nickname of ‘The

Road’ in the aftermath of what has been the most disturbingly violent scenes that this

area has seen in years. The police are still trying to piece together what happened

here and many are asking the question why? Why at 7pm last night over five hundred

school children aged between 12 and 18 descended on this road and wreaked havoc

for the next six hours. Businesses have been destroyed, cars have been set on fire,

homes have been broken into. This is a community shaken to it’s core and still in

shock. I’ve been speaking to local people to find out what exactly happened here and

why. Marilyn Belvoir for Eye Witness News.



I got the text at like two in the morning and it was like proper loud so it like woke me

up didn’t it?


Yeah- I was staying over so I was there and it was like proper loud-


Yeah she was staying over and I get this text and I’m like, what? Who is like texting

me at like two in the morning?


Yeah- she was like what? Cause we are really not those kind of girls that receive texts

at like two in the morning do you know what I mean?


Yeah, we are really not. So I wasn’t gonna answer it cause I thought it was gonna be

like the wrong number or something but then I started thinking-


Then she started thinking what if it’s an emergency-

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Yeah like what if it’s my mum and like she’s lost her phone or got locked out-


Or been kidnapped and the kidnappers are only giving her like ONE text to contact



Yeah and I ignore it? So I get out of bed and get my phone and look at it-


And it weren’t her mum-


Nah, it was a number I didn’t know which I thought might be like dodgy? but then I



What if that’s the kidnapper’s phone number-


In which case it would be fair enough-




Older Lady

Are the kids different now? Well they’re not nasty or scary despite what all the news

reports say on the telly, I’m certainly not scared of them. I sit on my bench and watch

them everyday. They see things in a different way from how we did. They live in a

different world. It’s all Tweeting a bit of this and Face Booking a bit of that but

they’re not bad kids…just very loud and very over-excited and we all remember what

that was like don’t we…but our energy had somewhere to escape to, they just seem to

carry it round with them like fully charged batteries. If I had grandchildren I’d plug

them into my flat, electricity is so expensive now, that’s why I spend so much of my

time outside on the bench.



So I open this text and it ain’t my mum, it’s just this weird message that I don’t get, so

I read it again-


And then I read it twice-


But neither of us understand it? And then her phone gets a text-

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Mine was proper loud too-


And the message said exactly the same thing,






It was so weird.


Yeah and we didn’t know what it meant-




So we forwarded it to everyone in our phone books to see if they knew what it meant?


And that’s when we found out that everyone we knew had got the same message.




Yeah. But at least your mum hadn’t been kidnapped.




Will this go on i-player?


News Reporter

Marilyn Belvoir for Eye Witness News.

(The reporter holds her position for a few moments and then relaxes.)

Now? Are we out? Great.

Really? The community is ‘shocked’ are you kidding me? My God have you seen

this street? Boarded up shops, crazy people, overflowing bins, it’s not exactly

‘shocking’ is it? I don’t even feel comfortable standing here and we’re yards from the

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car. My husband told me this morning that the children round here can steal your

watch without you even realizing. It’s like Oliver Twist. This would never happen in

Ramsbottom Park. What? Yep Ok. How long? 4?

(The reporter counts down 3,2,1 in silence)

Hello again John, yes I’m still here in on the ‘The Road’ right in the heart of what can

only be described as utter devastation. Looking around at these warm-hearted people

it’s difficult to imagine how such an act could have possibly been committed. Earlier

I spoke to one such warm-hearted resident, a teacher at the local secondary school.



Three years I’ve been teaching here. Three years and I won’t lie to you, I had friends

who laughed at me when I told them I’d decided to stay on here after qualifying.

‘Now’s your chance to get out!’ they said. Most of my university friends went into

other careers, Finance, Advertising, jobs that make money and buy houses in the

suburbs. Sometimes I think I should have done that too.






Everyone got the same text.


Everyone- the year sevens, the year eights-


And sixth form, I heard sixth form got it-


Yeah they did, my cousin’s in sixth form-


Everyone got it-


And then everyone was like, who sent it??


Everyone was asking- the year nines, the year tens-


My cousin said it was someone in sixth form-


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Someone in year eleven said it was someone from another school-


But in the end it didn’t actually matter who sent it because everyone was going-


Everyone- the year sevens-





The first year was hard and I felt frustrated. I went home in utter depression on

Friday feeling like I’d achieved nothing and ended the weekend sick with anxiety at

the thought of returning on Monday. But slowly, very slowly, things began to change.

The students, even the difficult ones, began to listen to me. They began to respect

me. I found out that I was the longest serving member of the faculty that the school

had ever had. Can you believe that? I began to enjoy it actually, I looked forward to

Mondays, I liked the kids. They all have potential, every single one of them, they’re

just easily lead. Very easily lead.



We weren’t going down there to start trouble, it’s The Road, you don’t start trouble in

your own area-


We just wanted to know what was gonna happen-


We didn’t wanna miss it even if we didn’t know what ‘it’ was.


What if it was the biggest flash mob in history, or Ant and Dec were down there…or

it was a secret Beyonce concert?


There was no way we were missing it.


No way.


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Mister Ellody

Children used to be so excited by the mystery of things, I know I was. Watching my

Dad build an accordian was like watching a wizard cast a spell. He’d make the

bellows by intricately pleating layer after layer of cloth and cardboard, cloth and

cardboard. I’d never take my eyes off his hands as he closed up the wooden body for

the last time because I knew I’d probably never see the inside of that accordian again.

What I’d seen was a one off. It made me feel special. It wanted to pass that on to

someone else but unfortunately I don’t have any children.



Yeah we know Mister Ellody, he’s across the road from the chicken shop-


He’s always cleaning his windows-


Which is jokes because no-one ever goes in there, no-one from ‘The Road’ anyway-


He cleans them at lunchtime, we’ve seen him cause we sit on that bench opposite-


Where the old lady sits-


She’s alright


She’s funny


One time she gave me 20p cause I didn’t have enough for the bus-


Did she?


What does he sell?


Who? Oh Mister Ellody? I dunno-


I think it’s hoovers.


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Mister Ellody

It’s not the money, I make enough of that. I repair accordians from all over the world,

I have a waiting list of two years. But sometimes…when my Dad was alive the shop

was full of life. People would come in just to see and touch and hear the music,

otherwise what’s the point? The only person that seems to show any interest now is

the lady across the road, she brings me a cup of tea everyday and I don’t even know

her name. I’d never leave The Road but sometimes when those kids chuck their

chicken boxes in my doorway, or graffiti on my window, or pass by without even

noticing the beautiful instruments inside, yes I do feel like leaving. I feel like giving

up. I get angry and this hot scratchy air fills up my throat until I can’t breathe and it’s

trapped in there and I don’t know what to do.



It started pretty much as soon as school finished. All of them were completely

buzzing with it. They’d been like that all day but none of us had known what it was

all about, we had no warning. It was only when we saw them all walking off down

the street in the same direction, all heading for The Road that we realized what was

going on.


Older Lady

I sit on the bench outside my flat and watch Mister Ellody come out of his accordian

shop three times a day. Once in the morning to give his window a wipe- that’s when

he usually turns and gives me a wave, you know, to say good morning. Once in the

afternoon when he comes out to eat his sandwiches- that’s when I sometimes take him

across a mug of tea. I’m usually making myself one anyway so it’s a waste of the

kettle otherwise and I think he’s quite lonely so I always think it’s nice to pop over

and say hello.



It was the strangest thing to look at. You see we find it impossible to get the kids to

walk in the same direction within the school building and yet here they were doing it

all by themselves.


Older Lady

The last time I usually see Mister Ellody is in the evening just before he locks up

around six forty-five. I’m always just about finishing my magazine at that time

before I head into my flat so he usually gives me another wave, you know, just to say

good-night and that’s what we do that every day.


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The thing is it was after 3.30pm and they’d left the school premises. We couldn’t have

stopped them but it was more than that. Trying to stop them would have been like

trying to stop the sea from flooding a coastal town. We all would have drowned.







And we’re all walking down towards The Road from school and there are more and

more and more of us joining, there are so many of us, it’s like an army. Like I’ve

never been in the army but I bet this is what it’s like.




News Reporter

Some say it was five hundred, some say a thousand, what we know for sure is that this

time yesterday The Road was completely over run, private property was destroyed

and one local resident tragically lost their life.







We got to the top of The Road and nobody could see anything. Everything looked the

same. Nothing looked any different, the only difference was us-


We filled up the whole of The Road. The traffic had to stop. The cars starting

beeping at us, people were looking out of their windows at us, everybody was




Yes we have a responsibility as teachers to our students and to the community. Yes

we should have done something. Yes we shouldn’t have cared if we drowned or not.

But that’s easier said than done, that day even I was scared, even I didn’t want to

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leave the safety of the school because this had never happened before. But now I

know we should have. I should have.


Older Lady

When Mister Ellody gives me that last wave of the day I know it’s time to go in. I

can set my watch by it, I like that, the regularity…but he just stood there, he didn’t

wave, he didn’t smile. He was staring down the road at something and he had the

strangest look on his face-


Mister Ellody

They were organized and enthusiastic and full of energy and that’s how I knew

something was wrong. Why can’t they be like that about the right things instead of

the wrong ones? If they showed that much dedication to the right things can you

imagine how wonderful our world would be?


News Reporter

The police are at a loss as to what happened here last night, some say they reacted too

late, others say they were always five steps behind because of mobile phone

messaging networks that the children were using, is this a case of technology

committing murder?


Police Officer

It’s like banging your head against a brick wall! I’ve been telling my superiors for

years that we need to engage, that we need to stay on the beat, that we need to get to

know the kids. How else are we supposed to know what’s going on? That thousands

of dangerous messages are flying around on a network that we know nothing about?

We need to win back their respect, the respect we lost from their parents but my

superiors don’t listen. My superiors didn’t grow up around here, my superiors don’t

know The Road and they don’t respect the people…I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said

that…but they don’t.







And we’re walking faster, we’re all walking faster down The Road, swarming down


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Covering everything, the road, the pavement, some people start climbing lampposts

so they can see what’s going on-


And people keep yelling that ‘it’s over there!’ or ‘it’s over there!’ and we’re all saying

‘what is?!’-


And there’s more and more and more of us, some of the kids I don’t even recognize

from our school and it’s getting packed and everyone’s moving in different directions

cause no-one knows what’s going on-


But then suddenly people start running-


Cause there’s something going on down the other end of The Road and we’re gonna

miss it if we don’t hurry up and it’s exciting-


We’re gonna miss it! Hurry up!




Down that way I can see something next to the electronics shop!




Next to the sports shop!


I can’t see!


Next to that shop with the erm- the erm- you know the shop with that old guy-


What shop? What old guy?


The shop with all them old shitty instruments in the window!



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Get out my fucking way! I don’t wanna miss it!




Mister Ellody

They had bricks and stones and sticks. I don’t even know where they got sticks

from…there are barely any trees around here-


Older Lady

The kids came from nowhere so fast, running and yelling and suddenly they were

kicking in the windows of the shops either side of Mister Ellody’s shop and they were

climbing inside and actually taking things away, trainers and TVs. But they weren’t

touching his shop, they didn’t even seem interested in it. Poor Mister Ellody was

frozen with this look on his face, but he wasn’t scared or angry, he was…well he was



Mister Ellody

Do you have any idea what an accordian is worth? I sell the most expensive items on

the whole of The Road. Beautiful, hand-made, antique, one of a kind instruments and

they weren’t even looking twice, they didn’t care. I saw one boy running away with a

nmis-matched pair of Adidas trainers. Idiot I thought. You bloody idiot. One of

these accordians would buy you five hundred pairs of those.


Police Officer

We couldn’t get the squad car down the street and when we got out we could barely

move there were so many people. Further down the road Mister Ellody surrounded

by kids running in every direction but I couldn’t get to him. We’d come un-prepared,

there were only four of us so we called for back up-


Older Lady

I could see in Mister Ellody’s eyes that he was getting angry, very, very angry. The

more kids that ran past him and bashed into him and ignored him, the angrier he got-


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Of course We discussed going down there! Well I tried to but the other teachers

weren’t keen, they said it was out of our hands now-


Older Lady

Mister Ellody! Mister Ellody!

Mister Ellody

Stupid bloody kids!

Police Officer

What do you mean the request wasn’t received? Hello?

Older Lady

Mister Ellody!


Run! Just run! Do what you want!


Smash it up! Smash it up!


Oh my God!


Fucking hell!


Kick it in!


Smash it up!



Older Lady

Mister Ellody! Come over here! Come to this side!

Police Officer

We requested back up twenty minutes ago! Hello? We need it now! Can you hear me?

This is a riot! A RIOT!


We can’t be expected to do everything. We aren’t jailers. We couldn’t have locked

them in, who’d get it in the neck then? Us, it’s always us, I mean where are their


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Oh my God!




Kick it!

Police Officer

Mister Ellody! Put that brick down! Put it down!

Mister Ellody

Idiot kids! Idiots!


Dudes nuts!



Police Officer

Mister Ellody! Put it down! Can you hear me!

Older Lady

Mister Ellody! I’m coming over! I’m coming over to you!

Police Officer

Madam! Stay where you are! Madam! Hello? Base? I’m too far away I can’t get down

there! Madam!

Older Lady

I’m coming Mister Ellody don’t you worry! Mister-



There were so many people, the whole of our school-


And other schools, people I’d never seen before-


And we were all proper crushed in and we didn’t…see her-


…we just didn’t see her.


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News Reporter

The death of Mrs Rosemary Greaves has hit this close-knit community incredibly

hard. The seventy-five year old was a resident known well to the people who lived

here. The cause of her death still remains to be ascertained but early reports suggest

Mrs Greaves was trying to make her way across The Road during the riot to aid

another resident and shopkeeper Mister Ellody. It’s believed she was knocked to the

ground by a crowd of children and crushed to death. A collection has been taken up

in her memory and residents hope to install a plaque on the bench where she enjoyed

sitting every day. Marilyn Belvoir, Eye Witness News.

(She pauses for a couple of seconds)

Yes? Are we done? Great, let’s get out of here.


Older Lady

Becoming invisible is something you get used to as you get older. You begin to

watch others instead. Families moving in, families moving out, the area changes but

other things never do. The world we live in might be different but kids don’t change,

not really. People like to pretend that the things they do now weren’t the things we did

then but they just don’t want to admit the truth. The kids today still need the same

things we needed then- someone to cross the road and help them.






I wish I’d never read it in the first place.



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